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I have Sheriff Matt coming back to the program. We had done quite a few interviews back in the day and actually during the early part of he’s the leading sheriff in the country fighting and trying to bring constitutional awareness to to your communities. And you gotta follow this guy. He’s part of cspoa. He actually during COVID he was working with the sheriffs to make sure that people have the right to go to church, that people have the right to do basic things. And he during early 90s he’s the reason he fought a case all the way to the Supreme Court where they were going to try take the second away amendment away from us.
And they got extremely close. It’s because of him that the second amendment is still around and now it’s stronger than ever as far as having a coalition to fight against it. I wouldn’t say it’s stronger than ever forever. I just say right now they at least have a coalition to fight against it. But he also is going to talk about a Trump appointee for a sheriff that was going to be in charge of the daea. But this guy is the example he’s been using for years is the worst of the worst that you don’t want to have involved in anything.
And next thing know Trump appoints him to the head the dea. And so he got all nervous and fought against it. He got with Steve Bannon and they got the guy to step down. And we talk about that whole conversation and how that is occurring. So it’s a good inside look at to what happened there. And then we talk about other issues about what’s going to be implemented going forward. And I challenge him on a couple topics so you’ll get that. But you can see that they’re really confident and they’re really focused on making a difference going forward as far as getting to the corruption at the very highest levels.
I just did an interview with Sean Taylor, who was a police chief in Arizona that as of the time I’m recording this, as of a week ago, his house was shot up multiple rounds and he had to flee to protect himself because he’s over the target of going after some of the worst criminals up to the highest levels in the country at the federal level and multinational level and, and Sheriff Mack lives in that county. So we’re going to talk a little bit about that as well. So I hope you watch this whole thing and I hope you support the cspoa.
They have this wallet that he shares and gives you actually a badge that you can show people of being a working for this organization and it brings you more credibility. If you’re pulled over for a speeding ticket, this might help you get out of it because the police that pull you over will have a lot more respect for you in, in some cases. So you never know. So there is a link below for that and hopefully they’re doing a big fundraising and it’s in a very important organization. Before I get into that, I want to talk to you about the Love Pod.
I’ve been sharing this with everyone I can. It solves the problem, many of the problems that we have. It solves the grid down situation because it does a distributed mesh network which you need to learn about and the more of these that you get, the stronger it is and the safer it is. It also works with the existing network so you it’s not like you have to all move to a different network. You. It works with the existing network in your area. 4G or satellite. It is a routing device. So it works for up to nine devices.
Your computer, your phone, mini. It also solves the EMF issue with health. It converts the signal through this router. And so what’s into your home and into your environment are frequencies that don’t hurt your body. It doesn’t hurt you at a cellular level. That’s important. We. I’ve been talking for a long time that we do not need to use frequencies that hurt us. There are frequencies that work well with our bodies. They solve that problem. It also solves the problem of privacy, data privacy, because they have essentially like a VPN service. But since it’s going through a sovereign country, the indigenous sovereign country, they have a treaty at the international level that you can’t touch their data.
And so it’ protected by treaty as well. This is an amazing device. I hope you look into it. If you get this before Christmas, they have a little bit of a coupon where you can save some money per device. It’s only 200 plus the data package. But for nine devices, that’s a pretty good deal. So you can go to the link below or you can go to sarah wessel.com under shop and you can get yours today. It makes a perfect Christmas present. Okay, let’s get into my conversation with Sheriff Mac. Hi, Richard. Welcome back to the program, Sarah.
It’s for being such good friends. We’ve never met in person. I don’t think so, but no. Yeah. And I thank you. And I gotta go watch one of your. You were here in Minnesota and I needed to go see you and I couldn’t get there. And so next time I gotta do it. But I really appreciate everything you’ve been doing. We’ve been talking for years, like pre Covid time. And it seems that since we started talking many years ago, the world is waking up to so many of these topics. In a good way. Yeah, yeah. It’s.
We’re. We’re finally getting some traction on this whole thing about returning to the Constitution. Yeah. You know, this weird concept, finally realizing that we’re not in trouble in America because we’re following the Constitution too strictly, you know. Yeah. It’s not that. Yeah. And you know, I’ve just stopped saying what party. I just say I’m a constitutionalist. That’s all I say. And I think that it can reach everyone. When you start speaking that language, I’m Just. Let’s just go back to some of these basics. Yeah, I. I just want government to leave me alone. I don’t want government to try to take care of me, take care of my health for me.
That’s my job. Government is here to make sure that the playing field is even for everybody. It’s the same equality for everyone, special rights for no one, equal rights for everyone. And other than that, stay out of our lives, stay out of our way, and leave me alone and make sure. We got to make sure the justice system is truly the justice system. Right. I mean, wouldn’t that be nice? Yeah. If you’re hurting someone, leave me alone. Everybody stay in my life. You can do whatever the heck you want, but as soon as you cross that line and you hurt someone, the justice system needs to work.
Should interfere. Yeah, it needs to work. And all of that has broken down, and that’s what we’re trying to fix. But you. You don’t like this latest Trump appointment. In fact, it’s so bad. It’s the example that you’ve been using for years as who’s. And then suddenly the worst. It must be an utter nightmare to find the person you’ve been using as the best example of the worst is now being selected. So can you explain that? Yeah, I was shocked. But the good news is, about a week ago, he resigned and withdrew his name as a nominee.
And even Trump even said, then the Wall Street Journal called me and said, well, he withdrew. Why did he withdraw? He didn’t withdraw. I withdrew him. You know, Trump was a little bit on the opposite side of that, but we’re talking about Sheriff Chad Chronister from Tampa. And back during the COVID farce, he arrested Pastor Rodney Howard Brown for having church services in the United States of America. A sheriff arrests a pastor for having church. Okay. And Chronister took like he had the higher calling than the First Amendment and the freedom of religion principle that our country was founded upon, that he had to butt in and make sure that all his congregation was safe from this horrible pastor conducting church service.
All of those people were there on their own volition. They wanted to go to church. They think church and worship of God is essential. Okay? So it’s their right. There was no law, as you very well know, Sarah, there was no law on the books or statute saying you couldn’t have church service during the COVID crisis, which all of us in the freedom movement, those of us who believed in the Constitution and American ideals, said, even if it was real government has no Right to interfere to that extreme. You know, they can teach us and they can persuade us.
Said, oh, this, this vaccine is really good for you. You should all take it. That’s as far as they can go with any of that. Well, how about they can’t shut us down. Yes, how about forcing like my website, when they went to GoDaddy and said to their Federal Crimes Division and shut down my website, which was getting upwards of a million views a month, they never did anything with it. They just shut it down. They never told me what my crime was. What was my crime? That is not okay. Well, they literally confiscated your property without due process.
They confiscated your property. It’s property and it’s freedom of speech and it’s the right of others to hear what I have to say. So they, they violated many constitutional amendments. Right. So Chronister was all over that. And, and I would ever since then I would tell I, this is my backdrop of it. This is the tale of two sheriffs, a la Charles Dickens, the Tale of Two Cities. So I would share, I would show everyone what I would tell everyone on all my programs. And I think I’ve even written about it before all our conferences, all our training seminars.
The tale of two sheriffs. Sheriff Chronister arrested Pastor Rodney Howard Brown for having church. On the other hand, Sheriff Glenn Hamilton in New Mexico did just the opposite. Pastor Caleb Cooper went to him and said, I’m not shutting my church now and I want you to know why. And he’s told this to his sheriff and he said, the government does not run my church. Jesus Christ runs our church and I’m not closing down. And I want to know, Sheriff Hamilton, what you’re going to do to protect us. And Sheriff Hamilton responded, if it takes me having to go to jail myself, I will protect you and your church and keep you open for him.
Good for him. So then in came the state police from the governor’s office and they came to shut him down. And they were met by Sheriff Hamilton. He didn’t threaten to arrest him, he didn’t try to arrest him, he didn’t pull his gun on him, nothing like that. This is a peaceful interposition where he put himself in the way. And he said to the state police, just so you know, I have deputized every person in that church. They are under my authority and this church will remain open. The state police nodded, they shrugged and left and never have come back.
And Pastor Caleb Cooper never shut down one second of one Sunday. And he kept his church open the whole time because he had a constitutional sheriff who was creative and, and courageous and kept him open by. In a very simple, easy way that hurt no one. How. How’s the difference? And then I asked, first of all, I ask all the sheriffs, which sheriff are you? And people of America, sheriff your county. Yep. It’s all reflect. What are you. Are you going to hold up the Constitution or are you going to be a stooge for the government, for the state? Tyranny.
Right. Okay, so question. By corrupt government. Yeah, by tyranny. So question for you. How did this appointment of the worst, of the worst get to the point where Trump appointed him? Because that happened in the first administration and he’s just a human being. He’s getting in. In everybody. And as soon as he gets told and the information gets to him, it looks like he’ll correct it. But, you know, he’s like kind of a sitting duck on a lot of things. Okay, what happened? I know exactly how it came about. I’m not going to give the name of the other appointee nominee that Trump did, but he totally trusted this other person.
And this person told Trump, you definitely want to get Sheriff Chronister to be in charge of the dea. And instead of vetting, because he knew this person very well and trusted this person, he picked Chronister. And then we really got moving and we got all of our CSPA people. We, we’re very strong in Florida. I even called one of our sheriffs there, and he said, I can’t get involved, but do what you got to do. And so. Okay, great. And so we got our members there and our state director and our assistant state director to go after it.
And we got about one of our good members there by the name of Mike Cartwright. He went after it and started putting it out. Calls were made to Trump and his transition team. Steve Bannon asked me to be on his show about this. He said to me on the show, I’m going to get this clip and put it in front of Trump. Then two days later, Steve Bannon asked me back on and he. He said, I guess, you know what happened. I said, yes. And Steve Bannon’s quote was to me, sheriff Mack, good call on what you did to block this nominee for dea.
And he said, trump, thank you and really appreciates you and the cspoa. Well, that’s excellent. We got rid of Chronister. Thank goodness he donated to Barack Obama. He donated to the dnc and he called himself a Republican. He doesn’t care about the oath of office. He doesn’t care about the Constitution. We’ve tried to call his office and invite him to numerous events, numerous seminars that we’ve had in Florida and other places. He’s never even returned our calls. He has no room for the Constitution in his career or his life. He doesn’t care about the Constitution or his oath of office, and we didn’t want somebody like that in the Trump administration.
And thank goodness it worked. Okay, so question for you. This person who was one of Trump’s appointees that did this, what he. Obviously, Trump’s not going to trust them anymore, so. And I don’t. I know you don’t want to disclose who this person is, but is that person at risk for being removed? No, no, because, you know, when this person did it, she, he, he, he or she did it because they were good friends, and it was just a friend thing, and that’s be. I don’t even know. Yeah, it is a little bit. But, you know, I guess that’s the way things work there.
And obviously this person was wrong because a friendship doesn’t supersede, you know, the Constitution. I hope, I hope. I mean, I’m going to be honest here. I don’t know who it is. Okay. But I hope that that person changes their manner in which they operate and that they realize that when they do things like that, it undermines the trust of the people that you work for. And now you have just violated. You’re going to have a much bigger struggle getting your own work done because now a lot of people don’t trust you. So, yeah, you got to have.
And I felt the same way. Yeah, Yeah, I felt the same way. But I believe this person has learned a lesson. Well, I think at this point, if they’re that far up in a professional career, then they should know better. Right? I mean. Right. They should know better at this point if they’re in a position. I think that person does now. Well, they should have known before, because what other things. What other things don’t they know? That’s the question. I. Yeah, to me, that’s, That’s a game changer for that person. I don’t know. I have no idea who this is.
Okay. So I felt the same. Not a personal attack, because I don’t even know who you’re talking about. Yeah, right. You don’t even know who it is. But I felt the same way. But after I found out how the whole thing went down and, and the, and the person apologized and really went, wow, I, I was wrong. And this person knew. Knew that this person was wrong. And so I think it’s gonna be all right. Well, okay, somebody at that kind of level, you know, this person, this person got slapped around a little bit on that.
And so okay, yeah, I get it. I was wrong. So, you know, you can be okay with it, you can be wrong. But when you’re talking that I. There’s nominees there I still don’t feel very good about, but it’s going to be okay. A quick break from the program to share with you masterpiece. This is amazing. It’s gentle, you can use it every day. And it gets out microplastics, it gets out heavy metals, it gets out aluminum. And it works. They’re the only company I have found that actually are doing studies to prove that their stuff works.
It gets out graphene oxide. It is amazing stuff. It’s only 52.99 and you get a two month supply. I buy this for my entire family. I get boxes of 10 and I send it out to all of my, my daughter, my son, my husband, even my parents. I give this to because I want everybody to be protected from the pollution that’s everywhere. Which makes this so amazing. Isn’t just it’s very small zeolite that takes that heavy metal or that pollution out of your cell, but it also has marine plasma which is the most nutritious, dense element on earth and it really gives you a dose of nutrition and you can feel it in your cells.
You can buy this with the link below or go to sarah wesall.com under shop. Okay, well I don’t have. We totally support, we totally support Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon what they’re doing. And quite frankly, they have got to do two things before they do anything else. One, defund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood gets half a billion dollars a year of taxpayer dollars, which is totally illegal, unconstitutional and totally improper. Corrupt spending. That one has to go first. It has nothing to do with pro life, pro choice. It has everything to do with constitutional and lawful expenditures of taxpayer dollars.
It is an ngo. It is a private club, private organization. And we have no business sending taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood or some other NGOs too. They all need to go. And the next one is abolish and cut and receive immediately a savings of $20 billion a year by getting rid of the IRS. Well, I wouldn’t mind that. Those two things have to go first. So the IRS, getting rid of the IRS, that would overnight. And so I want to hear your opinion. Okay. Getting rid of the IRS overnight would make it so that many people would probably just not pay their taxes.
Do you see that as a problem? No, not true. Not true. Don’t think so. You don’t think that’s true? Well, first of all, they need to get rid of. They need to get rid of the income tax, too. But let’s say it stays. I don’t know if that’s a problem or not, but I just want to know what you thought on that. No, it, it. It’s a simple one. But let’s see. Ted Cruz ran on this in his campaign for president. Ran. Paul ran on this for his campaign. He said no income tax should be more convoluted or confusing.
It should all be fit on the side of a postcard, the size of a postcard. I agree with that. This is what you made. This is your tax bracket. You pay 1%. So let’s say it’s 75,000 up to 75,000, you pay 0. 75,000 to 150, you pay 1. 150 to 225 or 250, you pay 2%. It graduates all up to the super rich, where they pay 10. Done. Okay. How simple is that? But all of these deductions and all of these loopholes and all of that, and you need to hire all these accountants to take care of it.
And they still can’t figure it out. You know, why they do that. I had the assistant tax secretary on my show that was under Bush. This was when? Years ago. Right. We talked about it. He said, sarah, and we met. We actually, he’s from Minnesota, and we met and we had lunch and stuff. He said the reason why the tax code is there is because they realize they can’t affect behavior any other way and that the tax is the number one way to affect behavior. So they will not exactly. This is. It’s about control. It’s their means of controlling people.
That’s what it’s turned into. Yeah. Yep. And what else? It’s also used, like the FBI and IRS are used, to attack political enemies. Nixon said it. Oh, let’s get these people audited. Hurry up. Get these people audited. FDR did it. Clintons did it. Well, Al Capone was taken down that way, which was not a. Sometimes you like. Well, the Mafia head was taken down by the tax evasion. They got somebody bad that way. But still, it’s not good when you ajanda. They tried to go after Dave Janda, who was impeccable, and they couldn’t get to him, but they audited Them every year for like 10 years trying to get to them.
Well they did. They, they did. My father in law, who made very little money, very. Never rich at all. They audited my father in law randomly, just random audits. 11 years in a row. Okay, so. And my father retired from the FBI and two years later they audit my father. We had a three bedroom home, one car, and that’s it. And then. Oh, I. Why your father exactly? Why is indeed because back in that, at that time, the commissions to the IRS and the IRS was fabricating evidence against people they knew could not afford to pay extra.
So they would just get it because people couldn’t afford it. They came to the wrong guy. My dad was a good investigator. He got his accountant and his lawyer and my father proved that he didn’t owe 6, 500. This is back in 78, 60 $500 was a lot of money back then. And they proved they were. He proved they lied, he proved they were wrong and that they actually owed my dad $600. They never paid my dad. They left him alone. But they changed my dad’s life forever. Two years out of his life that he fought this and, and his trust for the federal government just went completely south.
That he dedicated his life to his career was that he was an FBI agent. And so he. And, and, but yeah, but the, the IRS does what they make a living on random baseless audits. That is 100% a violation of the Fourth Amendment. They don’t have probable cause. Can any other law enforcement group just say, oh, I’m going to go audit that family? They look like they’re cooking meth. Oh, they look like they’re doing. I don’t care if they look like it or not. I can just go audit everyone, go in their home audit, check them out.
Well, they, that’s who they, they get more money doing that because they’re. Excuse me, they’re easier to go after. Right. Because the wealthy have their teams of accountants. They’re going to fight it. The people who are the low hanging fruit don’t have their teams of accountants and they don’t have it. Well that, that’s another thing. The FDA and the USDA are going after Amish farmers today. Why? Just what you said. They’re easy targets. They don’t fight back. You know, so now they have Amos Miller fighting back and he hired a very influential nationally renowned lawyer. All I remember, his last name is Barnes.
But they pretty much destroyed this man’s farm, their livelihood, his family. And, and all they, the, the Only trouble is they don’t pasteurize their milk. And that’s none of the FDA’s business. It’s none of the federal government’s business. They don’t. The federal government does not have the authority to monitor every farm and ranch in this country. That is absurd. And this is tyranny. And it’s abuse and it’s oppression. They use the IRS to go after competitors of big multinational corporations. That’s what’s happening, I believe, and to that’s it’s happened, and I think it’s happening quite a bit.
They use it to go after anybody that questions the medical system or the farming system or any kind of multinational control structure. That’s what’s happening. It’s eroding our basic freedom. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And American liberty and the IRS cannot coexist. And they. To be honest, they haven’t. And what did we do for money to fund our federal government before 1913 when the IRS was formed? We had plenty of money. Everything was fine. It was supposedly started to help fund World War I, and then they kept it. And it just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger ever since then.
And the abuse, the. The Congress never had the guts to get rid of them or to rein them in. And they now are the Gestapo of America. And this has got to stop. And I believe, I hope and pray that Vivek and Elon are going to stop it and get rid of them. Well, I hope so. I don’t think that we can count on any one person to save our country. I think they can maybe get us going, do some good things, and then it’s going in the right direction. I’ve said the same thing. We need the sheriffs involved.
We need we, the people involved with the sheriffs. How are we going to do deportation nationwide and local authorities are not involved in that. They have to be. And that’s another thing Steve Bannon and I spoke about. And I’ve. I’ve actually contacted Tom Hoban about this, and he and I know each other. And I said the sheriffs have got to be involved. They’re willing and ready to help. I’m willing ready to help. Just let me know Sheriff Mark Lamb is willing and ready to help. I hope Tom picks him as an assistant, or maybe Kash Patel could pick him as an assistant with the FBI.
But Sheriff Mark Lamb should be involved. He’s excellent. He knows the border, he knows drugs, he knows law. And he’s an honest man. I think the one area that’s missing and I would like to see the world catch up to it is in big tech. And I think we are all living in a world that’s, you know, people in politics are living about 20 years behind or two decades behind. They haven’t realized that the entire world has changed. Every large corporation in the world top 20 now, I think last time I looked top 15 all were big tech or supporting big tech except one, and that was Saudi Arabia.
Aramos that one. The whole world has changed. The structure of the world’s change, but we manage it as if we’re living 20 years ago because the people in politics and the people doing all this stuff just, it’s just not their world. So we’re watching the entire, our freedoms and everything being stripped by. Because there’s so people don’t even know how to fight back against that. Have you started to enter into any of those arenas and, and how do we reclaim some of our rights when it comes to this whole new world that is frankly, different than 20 years ago? Well, I think even, maybe, perhaps even a bigger issue that’s related to what you’re talking about and that’s the corruption of Washington D.C.
do any of these people ever get investigated for anything? Look at Hillary and, and the Clinton foundation and Bill and Hillary. Look at all they’ve gotten away with and all the crimes that they’ve committed. Let’s just talk about specific. Yeah. Raising money and how they took, not raising money. And look at the, look at the Biden family syndicate. You know, Hunter was the go between. He was the money man, funneling money to all, not just the big guy, his dad, but to the rest of the family. And this is all being defended, all that’s been defended by the Democrat Party, any Democrat in Washington and the national media.
And you can get away with murder if the national media are on your side. Barack Obama got away with all sorts of crimes and, and, and yet Trump gets charged with a fabricated, literally fabricated charge that he misled lenders when there’s no victim. Even the, the banks that said they loaned him money, they said they would do it again. He’s fine. He paid back his loan. We have no problem. And all of this corruption and going after Penny, the former Marine, for saving people, saving people’s lives on a subway and they go after him and look, I don’t like it that the suspect died.
I never like stuff like that. But it was an accident. And there was no men’s rea. There was no criminal intent by this man. He was. Adrenaline started flowing. He kept the hold There even a doctor testified, pathologist testified. They didn’t think that that was what cause that was the cause of death, his chokehold. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. But this man was just trying. It was, it should have been the good Samaritan rule and law right there that, that keeps him protected. But no, they go after him and they got embarrassed and it’s just all politics now in the justice system and we’ve got to get rid of that.
So I actually suggested to all sheriffs nationwide about six months ago that they start investigating all public officials, corrupt public officials in Washington, D.C. let’s start getting them investigated. Investigate the president. I’m talking about Biden. Investigate Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas, anyone else in Washington, D.C. or the states that anything to do with bringing illegal aliens into the country or aiding and abetting illegal immigration, which has brought us Paris into the to America, gangs from Latin America all over are now set up shop here, as we saw in Aurora, Colorado. And the fentanyl and drug abuse and the crimes committed against police and citizens Lake and Riley and others that this administration right now completely ignores.
All, all the collateral damage they’ve done and collateral victims they caused. Nothing is happening. So I said, sheriffs, we’re going to have to do this. Washington, D.C. is not going to wipe its own nose. We’ve got to do it. I talked to Sheriff Mark Lamb about that and he goes, I totally agree. He said, I finished criminal investigation on Alejandro Mayorkas several months ago and it’s sitting on the county attorney’s desk awaiting charges. That county attorney lost. So we’re hoping that the new one will still follow through when he takes office January 1st, folks. Sheriff Mark Lamb has already done.
He’s already done the investigation on Alejandro Mayorkas. That needs to be used. Well, okay, but let’s, let’s talk about the Smith Mutt act for propaganda, propaganda that nobody’s talking about reversing, that they want this. Why are we not talking about that? And you just got done saying that the. They can get away, literally get away with murder when the media is on their side. And I got to tell you, they can also create and frame anything and smear anybody. And that’s why I’m saying this. This technology and the big tech is important because they’re moving to take over, that if we do not right.
They can frame and do whatever they want. I knew people who were so upset that Trump won because he was a convicted felon. They only listen to the propaganda media. So to them, and it’s framed really well and they never hear anything else. That was their whole reality. And so until we take care of that, how do we go ahead? I actually got this to Trump’s people, and I don’t know if they ever got it to him. But before he went on the debate with Biden and then before he went on the debate with Kamala, I said, he’s got to use this when they accuse him of being a felon.
And this is, this is what I, I wanted him to do so badly because the left really believe in Martin Luther King. I do, too. And I quote Martin Luther King in my presentations. But this is the thing. Martin Luther King was also arrested over 30 times, just as Trump. I don’t know for sure if Martin Luther King was ever charged with a felony. It wouldn’t surprise me. He probably was. But it was all government corruption that went after Martin Luther King, and it was all government corruption that went after Donald J. Trump. And he should have drawn the comparison.
Yeah, I got illegally convicted and Martin Luther King was illegally convicted of numerous crimes, just like I was. And both of us were innocent and both of us were victims of corrupt government. That needs to stop. And the American people need to wake up to that because I’m going to protect him. And he said this a few times, I’m going to protect the American people from this corruption. And that has to happen. And if, if, if now they start these criminal investigations against the most ardent criminals in American history, and that’s the politicians of Washington, D.C.
then we’re going to get somewhere. And then I believe that will have a ripple effect to corrupt NGOs and to corrupt businesses, and they better start flying straight. I agree with that. We need to get to the bottom of this corruption, the human trafficking circles. You are in Maricopa County, Arizona, from what I understand. I just had, I just had an interview with Shawn Taylor and Mark Finum and Sean Taylor. His house was shot up. He’s now, he had to resign as the chief of police in the town that he was in and just for his safety.
And now he’s in a safer location as he’s investigating these crime rings that go all the way up to the, they’re in their multinational crime rings that go all the way up to our, to Washington D.C. and beyond. Are you in contact with, with them? And I mean, they claim that Maricopa, Copa county is one of the centers of this whole crime ring. Well, Phoenix Police Department has had their fair share of investigations and oversight that has said that lately that they’re they’ve been out of line. The good news is, and Mark Finch will tell you the same thing because he knows him very well.
We just got a constitutional sheriff elected in Maricopa County. His name is Jerry Sheridan. I helped in his campaign a great deal. I’ve never worked so hard on a campaign since I ran for office myself. Jerry Sheridan is for real. I think he’s going to clean up the county. Well, I know he is. He wants to help with deportation. He want. He knows Tom Holman. They’re good friends. Tom Holman came out and did a fundraiser for Jerry Sheridan. I was actually at our CSPOA seminar at the same time in Vegas because, Matt, I should have checked with Jerry before I did that.
So I didn’t have him at the same time. But Jerry Sheridan is a breath of fresh air, and he’s spent 40 years at Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. He’s ready to get rid of the corruption in Maricopa County. It’s the fourth largest sheriff’s office in the country. I don’t know if you heard this yesterday, but the sheriff of San Diego County, Kelly Martinez. Sheriff Kelly Martinez just came out publicly against her own county board of Supervisors, county commissioners. They said they passed a resolution that 3 to 1, or was it 4 to 1? Anyway, there was only one person on the county commissioner said, no, we should be cooperating with deportation.
We want to stop all these crimes. Why are you inviting more crime into our county and being on the side of criminals? So they said, no resources, no personnel can be used to help with deportation. We want these criminals here. We want to keep them here. They didn’t say it that way, but that’s what they were doing. Why did they say it? They said they wanted the. The immigrants. They said that we will not cooperate with any deportation or anything at all to get rid of illegal aliens or they. To get rid of migrants. We will protect the people that are here.
Well, the. The difference is they. Because there are good people that come here for a better life. Those are the difference. And so doesn’t matter if they want to come in. They have to. I’m just saying that’s what they’re using as well. Some people think about the people that came. Well, first of all, that’s the language they use to convince people. But what do you think about people who have come when they were babies and they were. They don’t know any better. They’re the DACA kids. You know, they’re the additional victims that are caused by the Illegal immigration.
You know, I’m sorry for that. It wasn’t those kids fault. But we certainly don’t want to divide families. But that’s not going to happen very often. Right now they want to go after the low lying fruit of the worst ones. Perfect. They want to go after the cartels, they want to go after the terrorists, they want to go after the fentanyl distributors, they want to go after the human trafficking that should, if that involves any of those, then they go too. But it, that’s so minuscule compared to the 35 million people that are here illegally that have brought in every enemy of our of Americas.
They now have set up shop in America. That’s what we should focus on. We need to focus on the true criminals and not get. Yeah, exactly, exactly. But now the sheriff came out and said the board of supervisors don’t run my office. I run the sheriff’s office. And we will cooperate with deportation because we need these criminals out. And so I already left a message for Sheriff Martinez. She’s wonderful. She was absolutely correct. The sheriff does not take orders or answer to the county commissioners. She is independent and she works and answers to, she works for and answers to the people of her county.
And she knows that these people want to be protected and they want this criminal element and the increase of crime and fentanyl and human trafficking out of their county. She’s doing her job and she told the truth. Good for her. She’s exposed a lot of what a true sheriff is all about. Yeah, the fentanyl needs to stop and it’s on purpose. I had somebody that had some insight from China and the, from high level people in China and asked why they’re doing this. Because China’s behind the, the big fentanyl thing and they say it’s revenge for the opium wars.
That’s how they think. That’s what I was told. And it’s like, well why? And I made the comment, why would they go after innocent civilians who had absolutely weren’t even alive? You know, I mean they weren’t had anything, children. Why would this happen? And they just don’t care. It’s a means for taking down our country and destabilizing our country. So there’s more going on here, but it’s real and we, we can’t allow this to continue. I applaud your efforts. I know we’ve been, I’ve been talking to you for years and I, and I helped you raise some money.
Not enough, but I did the best I could and so I’M hoping people. Well, let’s get all your listeners to support us financially. We’re in a big fundraiser right now. We have a lot of different things on our website. Look, this is going to be a fundraiser for ours. Look at the beautiful. This, this. This is our beautiful CSPA badge wallet. Oh, awesome. And do I get the badge with it? Of course. Oh, yeah, it says Constitutional Posse, CSP away. Okay. Yes. This all comes with it. And this so I can flash it like I’m. I’m a legit.
Although you keep your license right here next to it. It. When you get stopped. And the. And so the cop, of course, will see that and you show it on purpose. You don’t say, look at me. You just go, oh, here’s my license. And you hold this in your lap. And he goes, oh, who do you work for? And you tell them, I work for the Constitutional Sheriff’s organization. And what does that do? What, it just gives them a little more respect for you or does it provide? Yeah, exactly. Of course it does. Yeah. Excellent. He still might write you a ticket if he does.
Fine. Take it to court later or go pay it. But yeah, this is great identification. It’s great to have and it’s credibility. And you really, do you work for one of the most important constitutional organizations in America that includes sheriffs and peace officers, the cspoa. That’s what it says here. Cspoa. Constitutional Posse. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So that’s awesome. So we’re just so Everybody knows it’s $499. That’s what I was wondering. I don’t even think we have the. The banner up yet on our website. Go to CSPOA. If you make a donation of 499, we’ll know what it is.
It’s for this badge. Make sure you give us your email address and your mailing address so we can get this to you before Christmas. If you want to get a couple of them, go ahead. Make sure you put on there. I’m purchasing the CSP WA badge. Okay. Again, we just started this yesterday. I don’t think the banner’s up yet. So if you want to be ahead of the curve and get these. Get moving, folks, because these won’t last very long. 499. And we will pay the shipping. How many do you have? Okay. Limited edition. It’s. It’s limited, but we have about 80 right now.
We have about 80. You only have 80. Okay. So hopefully you’ll do more and you’ll keep. That’s not very Many folks, so. Okay, well, hopefully there’ll be some left over. Get them all you can because. Yeah, yeah. And hopefully you’ll order more. If this works, you’ll. We can get more. Yeah, we can get more. Okay. Because I. I have a feeling you’ll sell more than 80, so. Well, thank you so much for joining the program. It’s always a pleasure to have you on. That’s okay. Thank you so much. And I really appreciate the work you’re doing.
And I’ve been talking to Ron Banster. He got me to Minnesota the first time. He said he. That we need to. He needs to have me back. So I will let you know because I really want you to see it for yourself. Yeah, let me know Nationwide to do. Yeah, I will. I want to watch it. Other people need to watch. And speaking of that, do you have. First of all, every person needs to get this book. Every one of you. Every American should have this book in their home, their pocket, in their car. This is the most powerful state sovereignty decision in the history of the Supreme Court, folks.
You will be amazed by what Scalia said in here. Use it. Pass it around to other officials and pass it around to your friends and. And fellow patriots. This. This is. Was an absolute miracle. Well, now, do you have on your website. Do you have a list of events and your speaking events so people can go watch you? Yes, but we don’t really have anything really soon. I think the next one’s January some. Then we don’t have anything until then. That’s soon. And that’s soon. And it’s hard to. It’s. I can’t remember what it is. And I have another one in March.
Okay. But we could get them going. I mean, there’s people asking for them all the time. But right now I’ve been doing hundreds a month of webinars and podcasts at. Which has kind of taken the place to travel. So it saves me time and wear and tear on my tennis shoes and. And so. But they’ll be there. Yes. Okay. Excellent. Thank you so much, Sheriff Mack. I really appreciate it. Thank you, Sarah. Thank you. Appreciate it.