Spread the truth



âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, criticizes local media, particularly Dennis Welch, for spreading propaganda. He urges viewers to stop watching these sources and to question their credibility. Hodges also discusses his concerns about the future of the country, particularly for children, due to the actions of political figures. He ends by discussing issues with voting machines in Maricopa County, suggesting they were not properly validated before Election Day.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. And we are going to ask you to share this work far and wide. I’m going to focus on a local propaganda artist who is masquerading as an analyst and a journalist. Objective, of course, which this person is not. His name is Dennis Welch. And he does political consulting for Channel 3 in the Phoenix metro area. But all of you in all stations now at the local level have a Dennis Welch.

In fact, last night was interesting. I was talking to Doug Thornton on an unrelated issue. And his comment was, you know, there is not a county that is not infested with George Soros. He’s absolutely right about that. The propaganda is interesting. So I’m going to develop this for you, because number one, we need to spread the word stop watching these liars. Stop watching these liars, and then discredit them at every turn. So I don’t care what station, you’re watching in Pittsburgh, Oakland or Casper, Wyoming, or here in Arizona. Stop watching these liars now occasionally I got to go on there to see what the bad guys are up to so I can come back here and tell you but we have people probably about 60% of the country that’s on the fence they don’t know who to vote for because they don’t have time for politics in their life and I’m not judging them but I’m telling the ignorance is not bliss and they’re listening to this nonsense that’s being spewed by local markets I mean I think most people know ABC is full of shit they don’t CNN is full of shit but your local they’re full of shit and Dennis Welch is an example of all of them is full of shit and I’m gonna explain that right here on the common sense show hey ladies and gentlemen want to be the best version of yourself maybe you too could be a dream to the million years that was gonna happen to me but the reality is I had such remarkable and miraculous reaction to the magic die call products that they said Dave we want to tell your story but I don’t think my story is that unique because I’m getting testimonials and I want you to be the best version of yourself train prep and pray these difficult times well this is part of prepping you got chronic things wrong with you that’s gonna prevent you from being the best version of yourself you may have an answer it’s called magic die call go to I want my health back calm slash Dave Hodges I want my health back comm slash Dave Hodges okay I have been watching the local primary results focusing mostly on the Democratic Party I mean I don’t look too much at the Democrats I know what they are they’re open borders they’re baby killers they want to cut your kids genitals off that’s who they are and there’s a few Republicans that are redeemable not many and so we got a lot of things working against us as a nation to be a decent nation be a good place to raise kids in for your kids to grow up and have a decent life your kids future is screwed right now you need to understand that your kids future is screwed and what’s continuing to hurt your kids future is this is you get these political pundits on your local media that lie through their teeth so let me case and point here locally in my market and you can extrapolate that for if you live in Las Vegas Cheyenne Wyoming Lincoln Nebraska you have the same thing in some places it’s a lot worse so on the night of the election and we were watching the county clerk and recorder Steven Reacher go down to flaming defeat Jack Sellers go down to flaming defeat Bill Gates and Clint Hinton to chicken to run for reelection because they knew that they would go down to flaming defeat and what they all have in common they presided over an election where clearly they didn’t do their job which was to validate the machines each and every one before Election Day and when the polls open in Maricopa County only in heavy Republican areas did 56% of the motive voting machines fail this is not in dispute this was actually brought out in court testimony the judges accepted the evidence he said well why would they rule against voter fraud well basically they said that you didn’t have standing and that’s the 24 7 7-eleven excuse on why these lawsuits fail in other words you can run for election like Donald Trump have the election stolen from you can show all kinds of improprieties but it doesn’t matter you don’t have standing to bring this case whoa whoa wait a minute even when what was it 19 attorney generals brought a case for voter fraud the courts from court said the same thing you don’t have standing so you can have an election stolen from you you as a voter can be disenfranchised and the pat answer among our corrupt judiciary is you don’t have standing but there’s no disputing the facts Dennis so he’s crying in his milk on election night because it looks like these clowns are going down to defeat GOP that stole election from GOP GOP that even took out political action campaigns against other GOP that were America first like Kerry Lake a balm a day and Mark Finch and by the way all three of them won their primary isn’t that interesting so these four miss cretins and others went down to defeat I’m cheering I’m doing a happy dance it’s not the end of the battle people but at least I was thinking okay we’re moving in the right direction but this Dennis Welch here were some of the things he said poor little Stephen richer he conducted a fair election but the conspiracy theorists in the Republican Party blamed him for an unfair and rigged election these notions are baseless unfounded and the courts have ruled against him and here’s where he’s lying through his teeth the courts didn’t real rule against the facts they ruled on standing the facts are elections were stolen and everybody knows that regardless what the courts say when you go and in Republican areas in Maricopa County the machines are down and they’re not down in Democratic areas and people figure this out their conspiracy theorists their right-wing nut jobs I mean that’s the image he’s presenting I don’t know if you use those exact words but they’re unfounded conspiracy theories baseless and this entered into every statement he made about every election just constant propaganda baseless conspiracy theories already misproven I mean it was on and on and you could just see the anger seething through his liberal lips you have this in your area I guarantee you they’re all taking the same marching orders from the same people you know one of the things that Tucker used to do really well on Fox is he would play the tuck the talking points over and over and over and over and over and you could see they were all told to say the same thing from MSNBC to CNN to your local networks the same thing free and fair elections conspiracy theories free and fair elections conspiracy theories safe and effective vaccines conspiracy theories in fact in another race the Jack Sellers race who was China’s best friend and that was established by the Gateway Pundit yeah County supervisor yeah help come up with a fraudulent cover story about why the election codes were not in use by the heads of the election on election night we had them for safekeeping he and the sheriff now exactly they lied their butt off by the way state law that they had to have the election codes on the floor of the elections and they did not and so this Jack Sellers guy gets defeated and what does Dennis Welch say right wing and mentioned a man’s name in defeated Jack Sellers who tried to stand for the right things truth justice in the American way okay listen to me we have to undo the propaganda hold that national and local media have over the undecided because they’re gonna be bombarded with total bullshit from now to election day and this could swing a lot of votes we have an obligation you have an obligation you have an obligation to your country to your community to your families and what you need to do is discredit these local entities with anything they say politically I watched last night about climate change and tree bark same channel I just wanted to puke it’s such nonsense these people are so arrogant while they make up a way to take your resources away from you climate change but then they act like they’re smart enough to overcome mother nature and that anyone in the populace who would vote for someone other than what they want they’re a right-wing conspiracy nut and that’s the majority of the people because these guys got trounced help me discredit the propaganda artists in the media that’s it for the common sense show we’ll see you back here next time



Spread the truth

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