I did my first article on this about 15 years ago. But this problem has exploded, according to the Institute of Justice, who does great work. They are saying that over 31,000 people have been victims of unwarranted seizure of their cash in their personal possession. Adding up to about a little less than $3 billion. And I’m going to issue you a warning here, and then tell you a little bit about what you can do about it. The warning I’m going to issue this is I wouldn’t carry over $100 cash. And it’s not that, gee, I could get mugged and have it stolen.
That’s always the risk, of course, especially if it’s illegal immigrant released from a Venezuelan prison. But the thing that you really need to worry about, the biggest thieves, are government, from local to state to federal. The federal is the worst. And we’re going to walk you through this civilian asset forfeiture. And we’re going to tell you how they do it, how they get away with it. And it’s nothing but a criminal enterprise. It’s the mafia at work. They may have a badge, but they’re using mafia tactics and totally violating the Constitution. My name is Dave Hodges, I’m the host of the Common Sense Shows, you know, and we’re the show freeing America one enslaved mind at a time.
Please share this because we might be able to help people avoid this tragedy, some of the tragedies that we’re going to talk about here. We are brought to you by Noble Gold. Now, as a matter of point of reference, I have to give you a disclaimer. FTC wants me to tell you, well, there could be a risk here anytime you deal in money and precious metals or anything of value and there’s an investment if you call it investment, which I don’t. I call it protection, but you could take a risk. And past performance can’t be construed with future expectation.
We give that warning in good faith. Unfortunately, they don’t tell you that the banks can steal you blind. They get to keep your money if they want, because you’ve been declared under Dodd-Frank law 2010 to be an unsecured creditor. Well, I’ve asked bank officials this. You should see it real quiet. I’m not supposed to talk about that. Why? There’s a policy, let’s get it out in the open. You put your money in our bank, we own it. The only reason we let you have it back out is because we want to stay in business. But if we’re in trouble, we’ll steal from you to soften our fall.
This is how it works now. Criminal enterprise with the banks, criminal enterprise in Congress, criminal enterprise with law enforcement, with civilian asset forfeiture, and protect yourself. You need to get outside the system financially as much as you can. The banks are headed for a crash. The dollar is definitely going to crash. And you don’t want to be the victim. So if you have retirement in the bank, get it the hell out. Get it out and back it up with precious metals like gold that’s held its value for 6,000 years. Unlike backing it up with fiat cash, it could go kablunk anytime.
And then, of course, we can do the same thing for your bank account. Now, I’ll just say this. I gave the warning. But remember, I have been advertising for Noble Gold for eight years. I’ve been a customer for seven. I think I’ve put my money where my mouth is. If you have a nest egg to protect, whether it’s $5,000 or $5 million, doesn’t matter. Why would you hand it over to the banks? Keep operating capital of the banks and take and put your money in assets that are going to grow. Gold’s going nuts. He’s at 2,700.
Gold is going crazy right now. And silver ain’t far behind. So how do you get started with this? We can go one of two ways. You can send me a request. Dave Hodges Gold dot com. Dave Hodges Gold dot com. And just put your email in and I’ll send you a no obligation. Very simplified prospectus. And you can read it and say, oh, I see what Dave’s talking about here. And then the number to call Noble Gold is there. Or you can bypass all that and just call Noble Gold directly. 877-646-5347. 877-646-5347. And tell him Dave Hodges said the common sense show sent you.
And by the way, too, when you do a qualifying retirement conversion, you’ll get 10 of these one ounce Donald Trump’s silver coins. Pretty cool. All right. You don’t trust the banks for good reason. And you’ve never heard me do a commercial for Noble Gold. So you didn’t know the option existed. So you just kind of keep cash in the mattress. Well, you’re going to go and visit your son and daughter and they need some help financially. So you got about maybe say 80,000 in your mattress. You pull 40 out. You’re going to give it to them to try to get them over the hump.
Your kids and you’re driving. I don’t know. Just pick Arizona. You’re driving, leaving Arizona. You can go up and see one kid in Nevada and then go on to California. Well, when you enter into Nevada, you’re driving along and, you know, you get pulled over after you did a lane change. And they said, wait, you were driving on the speed limit, but we’re not sure that you signaled long enough to make the traffic lane change. Oh, okay, I’m sorry. And then, by the way, since I have you stopped, oh, see, that’s a protection stop, right? Do you have anything in the car we should know about? Do you have any guns, drugs, cash? Well, yeah, I don’t have any drugs or guns, but I have some cash I’m taking to my son and my daughter in Nevada and then California.
Oh, really? How much do you have? Well, carrying 40,000. Uh-huh. Well, sir, you’re going to have to wait here while I get the drug dog. Listen to what I’m going to tell you here, and this is how you recognize when you’re being had. Let’s parade the drug dog around the car, but the way they get the dog to show a false hit is they point or pull up on the leash. How do I know? Because cops have told me, and they can get false hits on this. Ah, the dog is hit on your car, we get to search it now, and then here’s the cash.
They’ll call the sergeant. In one case, a one man, this true story, Institute of Justice is representing him. It’s been a two-year case. He had $86,000. Okay? There’s nothing illegal about carrying cash. Nothing. That is not probable cause of a crime. But what they do is they come out and take it from you. In this one case, this man was driving to California, as a matter of fact. In fact, this was in Nevada, as my example was given. The cop was going to let him go. He says, well, he’s got receipts for everything here. It doesn’t matter.
This could have been used in commission of a crime. But they don’t arrest the guy. They just steal his life savings. Civilian, asset, forfeiture. And you get around it. Never carry more than $100. You know, some people can’t afford to lose $100. A lot of people can. I’d say only carry what you can afford to lose. Now, two-year case with the Institute of Justice on this. But most people don’t even try. They don’t know about the Institute of Justice. They don’t know about public interest law firms. And they start looking into a lawyer to say, let’s get 20, 30, 50, $80,000 back.
And gee, I’m going to eat that up very quickly in legal expenses. So I give up. And then these thieving bastards will even try to make a deal with you sometimes. Well, we’ll give half of it back if you don’t pursue it any further. I’m not joking, folks. This is happening all the time. 31,000 cases, almost $3 billion. So where’s your biggest risk? TSA, they like to play the little Karen snitch, right? And they’ll call DEA who’s there. And I went through this at DIA last year. You know, you’re standing in the long, inefficient TSA line.
They have a DIA. It’s the worst airport to go to. I absolutely hate traveling through there. And so we’re in his line and the drug dogs are marching back and forth. And by the way, too, let me tell you this. You may never have even smoked marijuana. You don’t even know what fentanyl looks like. You know anything, first thing about drugs. You don’t even drink. But you got any level of cash in your wallet. OK, it’s passed so frequently that it’s going to have drug residue on it. I remember about 20 years I did a test on this and they found that 80% of the money that they scanned had drug residue on it.
Exactly. Is that the basis for stealing your money? It’s ridiculous. And because it’s so omnipresent, I don’t believe a court, given that data, would ever uphold any kind of seizure. The problem is, is we were paying $500 for an overpriced attorney and you now are going to rack up about $200,000 in legal fees to get $50,000 back. Yeah, I think you see the problem there. And so this is called civilian asset forfeiture. First of all, I’m going to tell you this. You’re pulled over in a car. You know, if I was violating the law, then I accept my apology and please write me a ticket.
Beyond that, Fifth Amendment, I’m not answering your questions. And you have no probable cause to search my car. That may not stop it, but you start the basis of giving you a legal defense. But if you are the victim of this, you’re going to have to find the goodness of the heart of a group like the Institute of Justice or the Goldwater Institute that will defend you. Goldwater Institute defended us with regard to our property rights being stolen from us and diminishing the value of our homes. But it’s hard to do. It’s hard to do. Most cases that apply, they’re rejected just because they don’t have the manpower of the funds.
And they go out and they solicit memberships. I think it’s for $20 a month. You can belong to IJ, for example. I don’t remember what it is for Goldwater. But the reality is this people, civilian asset forfeiture is stealing money. Now, here’s what happens to the money. You’re probably wondering. As far as we know, for the most part, it probably doesn’t go in law enforcement’s pockets. If it’s taken at the state and local level, it goes to the federal government and they take their cut, which is 20%. And then they give 80% back. But where it goes is in the operating budget.
You get a nicer chair to sit in, a new computer, maybe a cooler. Whatever you need, you now have the budget to do it. And they did a research study in 2019 and they found that when communities are in distress, civilian asset forfeitures go up. So community revenue is down. Civilian asset forfeiture goes up. It’s just stealing from the people. Don’t travel with your money. But here’s the bottom line. The more you come here, the more you’re real. And by the way, you can go check this out. Just go do a search and you’ll find a multitude of stories.
And you’ll see how right I am. In fact, some of you will come back and say, Dave, you understated the problem. I know. It’s a problem. It’s a problem. Our whole government is weaponized against the people. And like I said, not everybody in it, but all the federal agencies are against you. Law enforcement is being increasingly trained that you’re the enemy. That’s why you’re polite to them. You better be polite to them because you’re inviting harassment that you don’t want to spend the funds to undo. And fortunately, most cops, the local level are not that way.
Federal officials are there to put you in jail. That is their mission. That’s why you never speak to them. Fifth Amendment, because even they don’t find a crime. Oh, he lied to us. Fifth Amendment, they can’t make that claim. And what I’m telling you right now is we’re looking at getting a GoPro for our dash cams and we’re looking at getting the service called Legal Shield. So if we ever have to deal with that, we have an attorney there right away on your phone. I don’t represent Legal Shield. I don’t. I’m just telling you, these are good ideas because this government and its various levels of government are broker than a joke.
And civilian asset forfeitures are going up and you’ve done nothing wrong. They’re not a drug dealer. They have no probable cause that might makes right. They’re the ones carrying the guns and they can do what they want. And it’s really bad when TSA calls DEA. We have on tape using counters. You can even see them on YouTube. Well, I don’t consent to a search and you have no probable cause. So I need to be on my way. We don’t care about your rights. Your rights are what we say they are. It’s on tape. So I would say this.
Don’t put yourself in a position where you’re going to have to litigate. So what you have to do is just avoid the whole problem. Don’t carry cash. If you don’t trust your bank, no, no more gold. Get gold coins. Get silver coins, but don’t carry large amounts of cash because there are a lot of agencies out there looking to steal it from you. That’s it for the Common Sense Show. We’ll see you back here again next time. [tr:trw].