Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations? Or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome to episode 17 of truth mafia news. And before you get going, guys, make sure you smash that, like, button. Share this video help it get out there into the algorithm. Leave a comment and down in the description there is a link to opt in to our daily newsletter over on truthmafia.com dot.
Make sure you go ahead, opt into that. That way you get updates and notifications every time we’re dropping a live or one of our team members drop alive. Like our special guest that we got on here today, my brother from another mother, Ani Asaru. What’s up, Ani? Sorry I muted you there. How you doing? What’s going on, bro? What’s up, man? And I got my pops with us, too, today. What’s up, everybody? How you all brothers and sisters doing today? And all on. These links are down in the description. I put your patreon down there, too, on you.
I know you’d be dropping some fire over there on your. So what’s up, man? What do you, what are you thinking about this? I mean, we’re getting smacked with, with a hurricane after hurricane after hurricane. It seems like. Yeah, this, this crazy man, I actually believe is connected to a lot of things. Some of the information on TikTok is valid, some of it is, you know, they kind of string it out. But there was a lithium, lithium harvesting in North Carolina. I have a woman who lives out there near the appalachian mountains. They call her the water lady.
She’s from the sacred water tribe. Her area was just wiped out. And she figured out around the same time that everyone else did, that that region in Mount Mitchell has the third largest lithium mining area in the world. Not in America in the whole entire world, because they try to act like America. Don’t have any minerals here, like other places, but we do. So they use this lithium for a lot of things, bro. Mainly AI chips. Isn’t that interesting? Wow. AI chips. Yeah. Computer chips are created through lithium car batteries. A lot of other things that we use day to day, very much needed with.
With lithium. Somebody was listing a whole lot of things that lithium is used for. But it’s just. It’s weird, because right after that whole Helene hurricane came through here, a big laboratory in Atlanta, a lithium laboratory, exploded a couple of days right after Helene. Isn’t that weird? That is weird. That’s pretty interesting. Yeah. And this happens on the 461st anniversary of the jesuit order, which we know it always goes back to these parks. Yeah, always. It always goes back to these punks. But I think the hurricane, first of all, hurricane, hurricane comes from the word hurricane.
Are you able to let me share screen? Yeah, yeah, go ahead, brother. Hold on. Let me pull this up because I didn’t have my photos up right. Okay, hold on. Probably these smart cities, they’re rolling out, brother. You know that, too. Yeah, that’s probably a big factor in the. But, yeah, just share your screen down there. And why he’s sharing the screen. Guys, don’t forget to get your energy wellness band. That link is down in the description promo code truth mafia, because with these heart weapons, we’re getting bombarded with EMF and electromagnetic frequencies. So this just helps to, you know, help your body from that and protect your DNA and stuff like that.
So let’s see what an he’s got here. All right, let me know when you can see my screen. I see your screen now. I’m gonna put it full screen so we can see what you’re looking at, brother. All right, I’m gonna help you out with that to make my photos larger. Okay, so the word hurricane, it actually originates from an. From a native american mayan story of popoval is called Horicon, and it’s an actual deity. I don’t know where that is. Oh, here it goes right here. So you see this horicon means the heart of the sky.
It was one of the. Horicon was one of the main characters of the pope of all, a religious text from the 16th century. His name probably originated in the Caribbean, where other cultures used it to destroy destructive power of storms. So you have this story of Horicon and the creation of the physical rim. Him, Quetzalcoatl, and one other deity had all a role to play in creating the physical realm. Now, you notice it says heart in the skydehe, right? Katie, you saying something, bro? No, no, go ahead. Katy Perry just performed at something called the grand final.
Isn’t that interesting of a name? It’s called hurricane symbol there a little bit, don’t it? Exactly. And it has the t rans colors, if you know what I mean. I know exactly what you mean, yeah. So you have that going on, and then you have these people wearing the orange, you know, the house of orange. We all know what that’s associated with death. You know, they’re reversing jupiterian energy whenever they’re wearing the saffron orange. Just like the buddhist priests. You’re trying to tame Venus in the same way planetarily, so they’re trapping that energy. But notice her new album, which is called 143, she has the hurricane in a heart behind her.
It just was released September 20. You see how they do that? Yeah, that’s crazy. And that hurricane God is what? The heart of the sky. The. It translates to heart of the sky, bro. The heart of the sky. It’s so funny how they mix this in with, you know, the music and the movies, and it’s subtle coding, so the uninitiated, they really don’t know what’s going on. But when you know how to read this stuff, symbols and, you know, it’s crazy, bro. It’s real crazy, man, because it’s. The significance of this is her last name is Perry in the first place.
Helene hit was Perry, Florida. Wow. And it was like, I think it was like, what was like 14, 1430 days after Matthew Perry’s birthday. You remember Matthew Perry? Yep. So you got Katy Perry, Perry, Florida. I can’t remember the exact days from Matthew Perry, but somebody sent it to me. So the name Perry. Now, 143 is her 7th album by. Yeah, by her. And it was released seven days before Helene. And I’ve been noticing the number 77 popping. Popping up a lot. Even with the 911 flight 77 on the 77th meridian crashing into building seven, you know, all these sevens.
Yeah, there was a lot of that. And then 143 is eleven times 13. And you know, they love them two numbers too. Yeah, good point, good point. The album is 33 minutes long, of course. Got the 33 and this. And I’m not gonna lie, bro, I told everybody on Patreon last night with my decode of this album and Katy Perry, I think it solidified in my mind that the Jesuits plan to make Kamala Harris the new president of America. And I hope I’m wrong. I hope you’re wrong too, but I don’t think you are, bro. I’m not that I like Trump, but I just know how much worse it can be.
And not saying that Trump is going to do the best, he works for them too. I got pictures of him taking. Yeah, he took pictures with his small hat buddies the other day. So we know. We know who they’re aligned with. But I just, you know, I just understand Kamala Harris might be a lot worse. So the 143rd day of the year is May 22. That leaves 222 days in the. In the year in Gematria, President Kamala Harris equals two two. So that’s why that’s connected. Also the 143. You ever watch maybe your father may have watched this Mister Rogers neighborhood? Well, I definitely did when I was younger.
I don’t know, that was probably after pops time. Dad, you. Oh, really? Yeah, no, I was watching lost in space and Audrey Magini and Gilligan’s island. Gilligan. Okay, cuz I didn’t. I didn’t never watch Mister Rogers. Of course, we were way younger, Tommy, but he went on 143rd date. First of all, Mister Rogers weighs 143 pounds. There’s an article you can look up. But on the 143rd day of the year, Mister Rogers will always tell his audience, I love you. Now, this connects to the hurricane, because we just said that the hurricane means hard in the sky, right? What’s in the middle of a hurricane? What is it? Right a I.
Heart in the sky, I love you. Now, what is the. The love is the heart. Heart in the sky. That is the. The toroidal field. Of course. They mix latent heat to. Through heart to induce these. These weapons. These energy weapons that, you know, whatever it could be. Whatever they did with Lahaina, that was an energy weapon. Hurricanes or energy weapons, all of these are energy weapons, as we know, military patented. But the U is interesting because this is hitting Florida, right? The main Florida team is called the U. Me. Let me show you guys. I’m finding a lot of crazy stuff in that 143 too, bro.
Yeah, there’s a lot of. Lot of crazy stuff. What did you find? Well, Caribbean’s in that 143 and it’s going through the Caribbean right now. Right. That’s also. Yeah, that gill I found in there, which we know that. Yeah, yeah, that’s all in Latin. Jewish. So I’ve been looking at that one a lot with this storm because I’ve been finding all these crazy connections like, bro, they said it’s gonna make landfall at 132 mph, which is NASA’s number in Latin, 132. And NASA’s the one controlling all these geoengineering technologies. Right. Like Harp and, you know. So.
Yeah. Did you look into what I asked you about, what I told you about? It’s kind of north of where the hurricanes making landfall. But there’s this, there’s this plantation down there. Yes. John Milton owned and he was the civil war general. And then they, this hurricane Milton pops off on the anniversary of Israel and Hamas war. Right. And he’s the war general. And I mean, that’s what they’re doing, that we’re at war right now, bro. It’s like these silent weapons for quiet wars, bro. There’s videos going viral of black helicopters, unmarked helicopters, destroying all these donations that people are sending to these people down there.
Ani, don’t you live close to there, bro? Yeah, I just told you. I’m LinkedIn with the water lady of the sacred water tribe. She lives there. She has personal footage of the helicopters. We’re about to put a video together. We’re about to stream the videos that the footage she has. And I’m going to show people from, from. Not just from people on tick tock. I’m saying in her own backyard, the helicopters coming down there doing weird stuff. Wow. Unmarked to, with people, military personnel with, with guns and pops. Would you say you, you was hearing about down there from some of your people? No.
I mean, it’s a war zone. There’s a lot of dead people. A lot more than what they’re reporting. There’s some good people that are helping and there’s some people that are not so good trying to not help, trying to cause problems. Another thing that is big in North Carolina is silicon. So it has. With the largest silicon, I think, in the world. Wow. That’s the wafers for all the technology, all that. All the microprocessors. Right. So you, you know how they put the silicon, they make it into a big thing, then they slice it. I don’t know if you guys have ever seen that.
Well, that has the biggest mind in the, in the, I think in the world. I think they said in the world right there in North Carolina. So there’s also, you know, there’s some people that own, you know, rights in there that they’re saying, look, there’s a lot of misinformation going on. Right. But there’s a lot of crazy stuff going on in Carolina. North Carolina. They’re going to need clean water. I mean, this removed like 15ft of the soil so it took out the sewer systems, it took out the wells, it took out everything. So one of the things that one of our business partners lived there on a mountain, and everything below them got destroyed.
They actually were unscathed, except the electrics. No good. There’s another house above that mountain, and they seen a dead toddler in the tree that washed down 12 miles from its location. There’s people buried under ten foot, 14 foot of mud. And once that mud dries, it’s going to be toxic because it’s mixed with sewer and dead and rotting corpses and all of this stuff that’s going to be happening. So they’re worried about respiratory illness. They’re worried about all of that happening. But it’s pretty interesting. We’ve had, you know, weather weapons since the seventies. We’ve been playing around 70 years.
We’ve been playing with weather weapons. And they’re very sophisticated now, really sophisticated now where they can increase their strength and steer them right where they want them to go. And then, you know, the average culprits, Blackrock, Vanguard, State street. And I, you know, I’m hearing. I don’t know for sure even Kamala’s husband are big stockholders in one of the companies down there. Yes, with the lithium and this other mind that I’m talking about, the silicon. So, look, you know, one of our other business partners, TJ, that, you know, Joseph, brother Joseph, I mean, they’re loading trucks ups and getting them over there.
I mean, there’s a lot going on. I mean, they need help. You know, these people need help. And there’s people down there taking pictures and all of that, of dead people floating. And it’s just, you know, I mean, everybody’s arguing and fighting. Those people need help. And now here comes this other big hurricane on fire. It’s going to hit Florida. It’s pretty interesting how they’re taking out Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, all of those areas around there where if those people don’t get out to vote. And again, I’m with you, brother Ani, I don’t have any faith in the federal government.
It should go back to the constitution, which allows it to do five things, right, treason. Protect our seas from pirates. Pirates. Right. Our military to secure our border and to protect us against foreign aggression. Print the money. Print the money based on gold and silver and our assets, right, gold and silver. And then there was one other thing that they’re supposed to do. That’s it. Nothing else at all. Okay. They’re involved in 500 million things with all these three letter agencies that are basically communist agencies. I mean, you know, there’s some good people in them, but there’s more bad people.
And at the top, you got corrupt people at the top that want to bring America to its knees. I mean, what is that one statistic? Company starts with a d. Predicted by the end of 2025, there’d only be, there’d be under 60 million people in America. Eagle reports. Yeah. So, you know, they’re working damn hard. I’ve got, I’ve got, again, Joseph and other people that are, that are in the know about funeral homes and also crematoriums, and their numbers are off the chain. They’ve never made so much money. Of all the dead people that are coming in from, you know, what, 2020 young people, you know, I mean, and this has just started.
I mean, this has literally just started that situation that’s not even hit critical mass yet. Within the next few years, it’s going to hit critical mass. That’s why I tell people kind of kiddingly, but also not kidding about a great investment is crematoriums and funeral homes because of the fact that, you know, we could be burying and cremating billions of people. Billions of people. When it’s all said and done. Yeah. They could be doing that organically, too. You know, nothing we do is organically. Everything with, with the garbage, with burying people. You know what I mean? It’s like they want to destroy everything.
Right. It don’t make no sense to me. None of it. You know what, what he was talking about, there’s a movie in 2023 with Jamie Foxx in it. You know, Fox equals six six. But he’s in the movie playing this famous lawyer, and it’s called the burial with, with Tommy. Tommy Lee. Tommy Lee Jones. Tommy Lee Jones from men in black. Yeah, I started watching that. I didn’t finish it or I fall asleep during it. But how was that? Oh, you gotta finish it. You have to finish it. When you figure out what the government has been doing buying up these funerary homes, I mean, it’s mainly dealing with, like, the black community and taking advantage of them.
And they had to get this hot shot lawyer from Florida named Willie. Willie Gray or Willie Gary or something. Oh, yeah. That was a great movie, right? Yes, it’s good. Dad. You got to finish watching it, bro. It is very good. They were making billions off the funerary homes, and they took Tommy. Tommy Lee Jones business, his funerary home, because he signed a bad contract. I remember that. Yeah. It was a true story in the black lawyer got him all of that money. I think he won like a million, multi million dollar lawsuit against it. So it just shows what, what they’ve been, these, these big wigs been doing, you know, investing in that we don’t know about.
Yeah. They, again, we know the banker or the people that are printing the money out of nothing own most of the corporations, own the banks and they fund the banks, they fund their companies, they buy all the assets. But it’s pretty interesting where we’re at. And my son knows that. I’ve been talking about this for years about what’s going to be happening with the weather and all of the earthquakes in the hurricanes and all of. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. It’s going to get a lot worse. Right? Yeah. And, you know, so we don’t do anything about the electromagnetic pollution that’s eaten up our atmosphere and weakening the magnetic sphere.
We don’t do anything about what we’re doing to this planet. You know, everybody’s fighting, everybody’s arguing that negative energy is getting sucked up by the planet, by reality. And things are going to get, people are going to get shaken to their knees. You know, some will walk through an unstave, you know, a thousand people fall on my side and 10,000 at my right hand, but it does not affect me. Right, right. I mean, you know, it, depending on where you’re going, you know, what you’re working on, I mean, I don’t fear any of this stuff. You know, we’re gonna help.
We’re gonna, I’m gonna get with Joseph. We’re gonna try to help as much as we can in North Carolina. We as Americans need to help each other. But it’s gonna shake more, it’s gonna quake more, it’s gonna get really, really crazy. And everybody who’s thinking that, you know, Trump’s gonna come in with the white horse to save the day, or this other lady who’s my God, I can’t even believe that the other side doesn’t have better people to bring up to the plate. They’re all controlled. They’re all controlled opposition. It’s like the WWE. You know, I don’t, look, I don’t have anything against, you know, Trump or what’s going on with people that, you know, want to support either one of them.
What I got my axe is with the federal government that we don’t need it. We need it to go back to where it was. And the only way we’re going to get it back to where it was is if the states do get together, I think they need two or three more of them and have a convention of the states, then they can reel in the federal government. But a lot of these state politicians are, you know, compromised too. I mean, you know, P. Diddy Epstein and, you know, all the other ones, the hundreds of other people that do the same thing that we don’t even know about.
If people think those were the only two people that do that, I got a bridge I’ll sell you in Brooklyn. Yeah, yeah. And dad, what I looked up while you guys were talking there. Blackrock is heavily invested in this firm, foundation Partners group, who are backed by, they’re the ones buying up a lot of these funeral homes and high cremations. And these are the highest cremation states are Florida and Arizona. Wow. Resting. So Florida is right there. One of them. Yeah. Blackrock’s always involved, ain’t they? Dude, it’s a $22,000 burial. Now when you want to do a funeral, it’s about a $22,000 ticket.
And, you know, the crematorium is a little bit less, but still, it’s five, six, 7000 with the vertical. And it don’t cost about a hundred, couple hundred bucks to burn that body up, so. Or even less maybe, who knows? $100, $50, I don’t know. They’re, they’re involved in everything. If you think about it, when I go to the Dominican Republic and I’m eating the fruit over there, it makes the fruit here taste like crap, right? Everything we got dye red, this greenness blue, this. Our food can’t even be, you know, sold. A lot of these foods can’t be sold the way that our ingredients are in any other countries.
You know, like Europe. Don’t take it dominican. I mean, there’s so much garbage. If you look at, you know, a box of something here in the United States, and you compare it to the same thing in Europe, well, there’s none of these dyes and all this other stuff. So they own the food companies. They poison our food, they poison our water, they poison everything. So they’re feeding their pharmaceutical and sick care companies. They making money everywhere. If you go look, they’re in everything. They’re involved in it all. Yeah, they are. They are cleaning up. I mean, these people are evil though, bro.
You got, you got to be completely evil to do some shit like that. Evil. That’s evil. 200%. You know, really, to be honest with you, the water should not be owned by a private company. It should be owned by the locality. Water, you know, water, same thing with electricity, should be owned by the locality, meaning the people should own their own. Electricity should be nonprofit. Water should be nonprofit. The main necessities to life should not be profitized. It should be nonprofit and transparent. Right? Then go make money on things that can be, you know, profit. Like, I don’t believe healthcare.
I believe health care should be rewarded based on wellness, not based on how many prescriptions you give out or how many vaccines you give to children and stuff. So we need to. We need to let this thing fall apart, crumble and die, okay? This whole evil, satanic, luciferian, babylonian, Nimrod, you go. Keep going back. I mean, you know, it’s the most corrupt, disgusting system, and we need to let it fall apart, and we need to let it, you know, crumble, and then we need to come up like, you know, the phoenix we’re from, we’re all going to, you know, all of us are going to face some fires.
You know, we’re gonna have to go through this all together and get to the other side and build something better for our children and our grandchildren. Because what, we’re leaving our children and grandchildren right now, anybody who’s a generation x or a baby boomer should be totally disgusted with all of us, ourselves. The fact that we’ve allowed this to get to this point without us standing up and doing something about it. And we’re leaving this crap to our. Our children and our grandchildren. We can’t do that. We cannot do that. So more people have to step up.
They step up. I don’t care if it’s financially in prayer, whatever. And I’m not religion. I’m relationship. Right. You know, I’m about the relationship with the creator, which, regardless of what you want to call the point of origin, that’s always been and always will be that nothing precedes it, nothing created it, right? It’s beyond the word God. Way beyond that, okay? Because a lot of people have put God labels on entities that were created, right? That were created. So, you know, it’s all about. It is a spiritual warfare like nobody has ever seen before. Politics divide.
Religion divides. Let’s just keep on division. Glorify these freaking actors, glorify these musicians, idolize these pieces of garbage that are out there doing what they’re doing to our children. You know, we have massive things that we’ve got to handle. I know at my 59 years young, I’ll spend the rest of my life working on leaving a better world for my son. TJ. My brothers and sisters out there, multimillionnials, you know, Z’s, alphas, all the younger generation, because right now, what we’re leaving them is. It’s sinful, it’s really terrible situation, what we’re leaving them. So we got to fight.
We got to do what’s right. We got to pray, we got to declare and decree, and we got to stop getting involved in the minutiae and start working on the problems. And, you know, we’re going to be talking about some of the solutions we’re bringing out and that we’ve been testing and bringing out to stop what these two hurricanes have done. Once these are deployed, we should minimize that almost to never happening. Okay. Never happening. By the way, it sucks the energy right out of them. It sucks the energy right out of them. So, you know, even though these people are crushing the whole, you know, Florida is going to be a mess.
Do we know where Florida is right now? Son, do you got anything on Florida right now, where it currently is? Ani, you know anything about what’s going on with that? Well, yeah, yeah, go ahead on. Well, before you guys go, guys down in the description, go check out my boy. Unmuzzled chat. He’s got a rumble channel. I’ll be doing a podcast with him in the future. I talked to him on the phone today. He’s got some really cool stuff. So go check him out. I threw his link in the description because I was going to do a podcast with him and it kind of fell through.
So as a little. Least I could do now. Yes. Hurricane Milton is supposed to make landfall, dad, tonight. I pay for that NOAA app. It’s like $9 a week, so I can track all this stuff. And right now it says it’ll make landfall at 132. Hmm. So it’s a. It’s. It’s going to be there short, though, on he like maybe 12 hours, bro. And then. Yeah, it’s. And you know what’s crazy, brother? It ends on the same day, October 14, which is George Floyd’s birthday. That’s the day of that eclipse we had over the four corners area member that you broke down, that.
Yeah. Eclipse. And maybe you could talk a little bit what that was tied to. But, um, it’s also that Phoenix project, the. Yeah. Simulation that the government ran that pretty much predicted this exact event. They ran it a couple years back. You know, it’s called the Phoenix Project. I seen you posted something on it. I did a video about it. It’s up on my facebook now. Yeah. And if you guys remember the halftime show of the Super Bowl, Usher had the Phoenix pin on. They. They’ve been promoting Phoenix stuff a lot after the, the Lahaina massacre, after they genocided them.
Poor people. What did Oprah say? Oh, they’re gonna have to rise up out of the ashes like a phoenix. They keep plugging that Phoenix, you know, so I don’t know what they’re programming everybody to understand. You know, you just heard me mention the Phoenix, right? Because they’re not going to give up easily. The other side’s not going to give up easily. It’s. It’s a battle between light and darkness in the spiritual realm. So, I mean, you know, a lot of different texts, a lot of different scriptures, a lot of different stuff, you know, talks about where we’re going.
I mean, also, like you were saying, brother Ani, you know, North Carolina, you know, it’s water, it’s energy. The mountains, there’s. There’s so much, uh, you know, a lot of people go there for spiritual growth and to, you know, relax and. And rejuvenate and all of that. And I hear all of these parks and stuff are wiped completely out. I mean, gone. Well, the Appalachian Mountains are one of the nine ancient mountain ranges, right? Arguably the oldest on the planet. And you could tell that by how low the mountain ranges are being that they wear down there with erosion over time.
It shrinks them. So they’re. The lower mountains are older when you’re. When you’re looking in that, that aspect. And there’s the dragon lines, the Chi lines. These energy points are based. Longitude, longitude and latitude based on the mountains. So the mountains are natural earth portals, you know, that. That open up energy. Yep. And the dragons, when they talk about dragons, it’s connected to mountains because people notice if you live in the mountains, it’s very high of spiritual, like radiation. Like you encounter ghosts or spirits living around mountains. So it’s a very charged area and how the waters are there.
I have five gallons of Appalachian mountain water from the water lady down there. The water is different there, out of the mountains. Right. Coming out of the mountain. So very, very much so. But, um, yeah, you’re right. You mentioned, um, the. The chakras, bro. And, you know, right there where that hurricane Milton came out of. Which, by the way, Ani, it’s kind of weird for hurricanes to come out of that location where it came out of. Never. It never happens. It never happens. We’ve had, like, maybe ten of them in the whole time. Ever since hurricanes have been happening.
I looked it up. It’s very, very rare. Never has somebody said that it never happens. No, it does happen, but only a few. A handful of times. Like, it’s not many. It’s, it’s. It almost never happens. Yeah. But, um. But I, you know, I wanted to check to make sure I, I seen that was going viral when people are saying it never happened. You know me, I’m going to look into it. And I, I found there was a couple incidents, instances where it did happen, but it was so rare. It’s like pretty much not even worth mentioning a handful of times.
And right there, bro, I’m going to show you guys a screenshot right now. Right in that location where that’s coming out of, there’s a major chakra point where we’re like, what an. He was just talking about these ley lines, these dragon points. So I found that pretty fascinating that, that there’s a major chakra point right there where we’re. Milton, you know, originated from. And it’s, it’s, it’s. You see, it’s by that, the. What’s that line called? Ani, the tropical of cancer or whatever. Yeah. And remember there was a whole cancer thing tied with like, what’s her name, the, the princess that went missing and she had cancer, allegedly.
And then all these people were getting cancer. There was like this whole cancer narrative there for a while. You remember that? Yeah, yeah. The cancer is connected to the. The top arch of the. Of the Mason, the masonic arch, the six and the nine is called the gates of men is in the stars is where cancer is. And you have the gates of the gods in Capricorn. Oh, yeah. Kate Middleton. Remember she had cancer and then who else had cancer? They said, um. Uh, the, the, the. I forget, did they say Kobe’s father died of cancer and he was a cancer and he died in the cancer.
Uh, yeah. There’s like this whole cancer narrative going on right now. It’s crazy. And cancer 69, which we. And he was 69. Kobe’s father was 69 years old. Yeah. In the six nines at the top of the Royal Archer Freemasonry. So, you know, and right there is where the. Where you see where this white one is, where it says gate a. That’s where it came out of. And that’s a major chakra point, so. Right. Ain’t that kind of interesting? Yeah, that’s amazing. And it is really is sine wave physics. All of is a sine wave physics.
And if you study sine waves, you can understand the, the electromagnetic half of it, because the physics is going to tell you how the spirituality works. They think is in the reverse. If you understand the physics, then you can see how it propagates from a spiritual sense, and it manifests in the physical. So when you see these ley lines, dragon paths, or these chakra points throughout the earth, they’re. They’re actually inside of us. If we. If you really understand, understand that, and they’re reflecting the stars and the constellations, the pulsations, and the. The areas up there that’s reflective of what’s inside of us as well.
So these people are just manipulating that and trying to take our attention so we. So we don’t have intention. Right? Pretty much what’s been happening for the longest. But, um, a lot of stuff connected to this stuff. Um, I don’t know if you. He was, uh. Your father brought up WWE. The rock is very much connected because he played for the Miami hurricanes. And the rock had a. Had a documentary called the Rocks Rock where it was about his best friend that started him in the career of wrestling. It wasn’t his best, best friend, but a good friend.
And his friend had down syndrome. And the documentary is about his journey of, you know, recovering from down syndrome. But his friend name is Milton. His friend name is Milton, you know, in the rock play for the hurricanes. Wow. See how they line that up? Yeah, yeah, it’s good. No, it’s just so funny, bro, how it all lines up. I would have never even caught that part, bro. Yeah, man, this is crazy because Florida’s birthday is on March 3. That’s three. Three, like 33. That was the day they did that whole Rodney King shit to remember.
And I think Trayvon Martin got buried that day. There’s a bunch of shit with that day. Yeah, 33. And he was talking about George Floyd. The word George means earth, and the word Floyd means flood. That’s the etymology. Wow. So it’s connected to earth and flood. You said it’s on the birthday of that. And today, ten slash nine is the. The skull and bones birthday. Well, it’s Yale University’s birthday. Yep. 323rd anniversary of Yale University, which created skull and bones, the secret society. Yes, sir. Right. So that. That’s exactly how I was going to say that.
It was definitely created through skull and. Or funded through skull and bones. But it was the German. The german half of it. Brotherhood of death was the original name, but that was what, the Russell’s. Right. And the Russell Trust. Yeah, the Russell’s, they with opium and shit. Now they’re poisoning us with fentanyl. You know, it was. It was Oxy’s. Then they. That was to get everybody ready for the fentanyl flood that they hit America with. Bro, if you can’t, like, people can’t see that these people are killing us. You’re blind. Oh. If you. If you don’t see it, you’re.
You’re trapped in the illusion if you don’t see it, like, a lot of people are using this conspiracy theory thing more than ever. These are the NPC’s? Yeah. In the reality, the NPC’s don’t think that the government or invested billionaires would never do in or have the ability to do anything to manipulate, whether it’s our health, the weather, any of this stuff. They’re just trapped in the illusion they’re trapped in Maya, is what the ancients would say. It’s crazy as you, you being a father, Ani, I know you got a young son and stuff. It’s scary, right, bro? Absolutely.
That’s why we have to raise this, this next generation with more information than even what our parents gave us. We have to constantly. It doesn’t matter if they don’t want to hear it. We have to bombard them. And maybe when they come into their Saturn return, that’s about 28, 29 years, then the information will fully absorb and they can remember what mother and father and grandfather and grandmother told them, and they’ll be better prepared for what’s happening in the world. And they can make. At least they can start the lattice field of consciousness to restoring or fighting against what was needed to fight against, because we kind of failed.
We came into this information later on, you know, 1960s, 1970s, there was an explosion of people understanding the esoteric side and secret societies and things of that aspect. So we’re returning now as we enter age of Aquarius. Yep. And that every time we’ve been in the age of Aquarius with the Pluto situation, if you go back and back and back, man, things have, you know, have really been shaken up. Right. I mean, you just go back and look at the past, you know, age of Aquarius with the Pluto, and you look at what’s happened, you know, 1779 or so.
I mean, it just, you know, then before that, the reformation. I mean, it’s always been something where there have been countries and, you know, invaded. I mean, there’s. It’s. It’s. It’s pretty. Pretty much exactly what’s going on right now. People think this is going to be over, you know, quickly. This is going to be lasting for quite a long time, you know, getting this to a point where we can get to the other side of this thing. It’s not going to be, you know, like, oh, overnight it’s fixed, or within a few years, it’s fixed. No, I mean, you know, unfunded liabilities of debt for the.
For the federal government of the United States is over $200 trillion. Hmm. So all these people talking about $35 trillion. Yeah. That’s what they’re showing you on the debt clock. But they’ve reaped everybody’s Social Security money. Right. I’m coming up with the next few years off to get Social Security. Will it even be in existence? I think it’s gone by the time we get old, Tommy. Oh, yeah, it’s going to be gone. They’re not planning on giving that to us at all, you know, and then they want our. Our kids to work to their 70. Who said that? It was somebody who said that was a biden.
The federal government shouldn’t be involved in retirement. I don’t. You know, if there’s. Right kind of. If there’s some kind of, like, agreement, like a certain percentage of someone’s paycheck has to go into a managed. A privately managed retirement account, and that’s just mandated so that people don’t go into poverty in their senior years, that’s one thing. But for the government to take over, you know, healthcare and, you know, retirement and. My God, go back to the five things that are in the constitution. Get real good at those. Let the states and the counties and the local.
Local, local, local, local, local, local, local, local, local, local communities handle everything else. We’re quite capable of doing it. All these people do is pay themselves. They’re crooked. The money they get sent out, part of that money comes back into these people through different ways. The whole thing is a big Ponzi scheme. It is, man. Yeah, it is on. Are you watching any, uh. Have you. Have you watched that new penguin yet? I haven’t. I’m about to start penguin. Already told my patreon we’re gonna do a review on Penguin. When you on there? I got to come on with you, bro.
Let’s do it. Let’s knock it out. I know. It’s, what, only two episodes in? That’s three right now, pops. You got to check it out. I’ve already been watching it. I’m way ahead of you. I’m already into there on it and do. There’s this. There’s, like, this flooding. You know, they talk about the flooding that happened in the last Batman. So, like, all these people were from this flood and I. And then, and bro, they’re passing out this new drug in penguin, which is this like, red stuff that grows on the mushroom. So they got the whole mushroom thing.
And remember we just had the zombie movie on HBO, the last bus with the mushrooms that take over the people. You know, there’s this whole mushroom archetype going on where it’s like tied to mind control and shit. And I think that gallon stuff that they spray over our head to chemtrails, however, whatever’s coming out of people, than fibers, they say it’s some type of fungal overload. So, you know, maybe that has something to do with that whole fungus thing. I don’t know. I’m still trying to find a shaman. Tell me that before, something which you just said, like, he was like real big into the fungus and he said something with this, but they’re spraying with.
With fungus. And so that’s interesting. I’m at to give him a phone call, but, um, I’d be interested to see what he said about that. But yeah, they say that more gallons, you know, people’s bodies push out fibers and stuff because they have allergic reaction from like, whatever they’re spraying over our head. And it’s some type of nanotechnology, but I think. There you go. It’s nano. Yeah, yeah, it’s nano, but it’s mixed with. They’re using some type of fungus with it. And, you know, these people have learned how to splice all kinds of shit together, brother.
Exactly. They probably re engineered or genetically engineered a fungus. We don’t know how far they’ll, they’ll go with it, but I need to check that out because, you know, we. Me and Donut did the Illuminati penguin, so this is perfect for us. Oh, yeah, yeah. Luminati penguin shout out to my brother Donut. Yeah, so, yeah, and we’re watching. I need to watch Agatha think. Agatha came out on Marvel. People sleeping on that. Don’t sleep on that. And Lord of the Rings. Rings of power. I just did that one last night. Yeah, they had the wall, you know, the whole wall.
And the immigrants. I think the immigrants are the orcs. Donut. Shout out to donut. And guys, donuts new video over on his YouTube. He just dropped one on Elon being connected to l the God lithe. I shared it in both of my channels on Facebook, so it was a pretty good short video. Eight minutes. Good, good little video. Check that out. Yeah, he was just in Butler with Trump. And I broke that down yesterday. The whole Elon musk thing with Elon and Butler, it was connected to 84. Trump returned to Butler 84 days after the shooting, 84 months after his calm before the storm speech.
You know, that’s what’s. We’re in the calm before the storm of the storm is going to hit. You know, tomorrow morning, there’s a town next to Butler called 84. Isn’t that a coincidence? And that’s Obama’s birthday, August 4. Yep. Eight four jesuit order equals 84 jesuit, 84 butler equals 84 dark maga. The hat he had on his name, Elon Reeve. Must is 84. The. The. The movie purge, the election year, it came out 3019 days ago. 433rd prime. 433 is the 84 prime number. So it was a big 84 ritual. And it connects to a lot of stuff that some.
There’s another guy once you guys are looking, named decode with Cody. He was speaking about the WWE and how bad blood brought in the rock. And Cody Rhodes and the other guy, Roman reigns. And the rock, his name, he’s taken on the role called the final boss in this new bad blood WWE thing. The rock equals 109 in Gematria. Milton equals 109 and is making landfall ten, nine. I gotta check on my son real quick. Is that in the english ordinal cipher? Oni. No, this front is Francis bacon simple. Okay. Francis Bacon simple. That’s interesting. That 109 cipher man, which is 19.
And we’re on a 19 year metonic moon cycle. And Covid-19 happened 19 years after 911. So AI is 19, too, maybe in the whole lithium connection to that. And AI. And then they’re destroying all this shit like they did with Lahaina, right? And they said, oh, no, we’re not. We’re not creating smart cities there. That’s a conspiracy. Well, now they’re building smart cities in Lahaina, just like they said in Chile. We had that crazy fire down in Chile. They said, no, we’re not creating smart cities. And now they are. So how much you want to bet wherever these.
Wherever these storms rip through on II, we eventually have smart cities there, bro. I guarantee it. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I think that is the big plan. They had already brought that out. They brought out the plans for it a couple years ago. So it’s coincidence that they got. They got hurricane after hurricane, the biggest in history. They said it’s gonna be a category six by the night. There’s articles coming out. Oh, I know. Looking at, um. I was looking at my boy, matrix code breaker. He did a post on Facebook about the category six and that tied to that 146 cipher.
We’ve been looking into that for a while now. That whole 146. Oh, the. The hurricane hint to today. Ten slash nine is 146 days from Florida’s birthday on three slash three. Oh, is it? Yeah, exactly. 146 days. Yeah. Yeah. That 146 code, bro, that’s been crazy lately, popping up. I’ve seen that in the 132 code. I’ve seen so much. Me, too. In other instances, too. I just be seeing it randomly. Yep. Me too. I. Because my people tell you in the comments, I. I couldn’t figure out what 132 was connected to at first. And I seen generation x is 132.
That’s my dad’s generation. So I’m like, something connected to their generation. And then I seen, um, Hurricane Milton was making landfall at 132 miles. And, you know, I’m like, okay, I got to look into this more. And I found NASA is tied to that number. So I’m like, oh, there’s the one year of the x today. This year is the year of the X. X’s 24th letter, 2024. Generation X. Yep. So, you know, to reach maturity before some type of major event or whatever they got going on here. So they definitely had it better than most of us.
We were the last ones, like, the middle child. We got to see, like, the technology come in, but they saw it all. They saw it before, and they’re seeing it after. Yeah. My dad’s generation. I mean, that was a way better time, you know? I mean, just think our kids, bro, they’re stuck on these phones all the time. You know, kids don’t really even play outside no more, bro. It’s sad, right, but. Right. It’s. It’s. It’s a crazy time to be alive, that’s for sure. But I appreciate it, brother. Have to get on the road. I had to get this boy settled in.
Yeah, I. You coming on, man. Thank you so much, bro. No, it’s no problem. And, yeah, we got to do a penguin. Let’s knock out penguin. I’m gonna watch it tonight. I’m gonna start watching that. And I know there’s another tv series I keep forgetting. Oh, chaos. You hear about chaos? I’ve already watched it also. Whenever you want to do that. How is it? How is it? It’s pretty good. It’s about Zeus and the gods. You’ll like it. I think you’ll like it. I can’t wait to see season two, to where it goes. And for anybody in the comments, you can watch that on Netflix or f movies is back up.
Just type in on your brave search engine, FDA movies, and it’s a free movie site that we all watch all of our stuff on. You know, he went to court on, he, they try to arrest him, but he’s back up and running now, brother. Oh, really? Shout out to f movies. That’s what I used shout out to him. Appreciate it, guys. Brother, nice meeting you. Hey, thanks for so pops, what else do you got? What else you looking at right now? No, I mean, I just, what I was saying about North Carolina, you know, there’s some good going on there, there’s some bad going on there.
There’s a lot of stuff flying all over the Internet. Some is true, some not true. Right. But at the end of the day, I’ll have some specifics, what we’re going to be doing. Joseph’s already helping with the church, getting, you know, supplies in there and everything. But, you know, now you got the hurricane hit in Florida. We’re going to see what kind of damage that’s done overnight and into tomorrow. It just seems like they don’t want those states going to. And again, I don’t have any faith in the federal government, regardless of who’s presidente. My mom said the same thing.
She thinks that too, that it’s all about. Well, if you look at the fact that, you know, all of the people that are, that are in the federal government, in the barack, or what do you call it, Barack basically not voted in, you know, they’re there and they’re, they’re in there. If Trump gets in there, still going to block him. He’s trying to get do good things. You can still do the same shit they did last time. You don’t think they’re gonna try to. What’s changed? You know what I mean? Like what’s changed since the last time? You know, what was, what, what was different? We did $8 trillion or $7 trillion because they did the pandemic because he was in office.
They want to make him look bad. I mean, all the agencies are corrupted. They’re all infiltrated. I mean, you know, what are we going to do here? The states have to have a convention of states. They have to real in the federal government. And probably the states and the federal government are going to have to go into some kind of conflict. Do you think, do you think our governors, and they’ll do that because they’re mostly paid off too. A lot of them are compromised, too. Right. That’s the problem. You know, I mean, I mean, that’s why I always go back to sheriff over at the CSPOA and, you know, here, I’ll put a couple of our links down here for, you know, the, both the EMF stuff and also the nanosoma that helps get rid of all that bad stuff in your body, but they’re all compromised.
That’s why we’ve been helping Sheriff Mac at the cspoa.org, you know, constitutional sheriff and Peace Officers association. We’re going to have to handle this in a county by county. And the great separation is going to happen because we’re not going to let them rule over us, and they’re not going to let us rule over them, even though they’re going to be fighting for rulership at the end of the day. There’s got to be a separation or there’s going to be some type of annihilation of one side or the other. It’s. So did you see the videos, pops, that were going viral of the unmarked black helicopters going in there and destroying all the stuff that was dropped off for these people? And then there was like, this one journalist that followed FEMA because so these people were going down there trying to, like, there’s this one lady, she’s a search and rescue person.
She was going to donate her time and her dog to go down there and try to help find people. They turned her around. They told her she didn’t leave. They were going to confiscate her dog and all of her stuff. She did a video on it went viral. So a lot, a lot of that’s going on. And this guy, this reporter, he follows FEMA because he sees them confiscating all the donations, right? And he follows them. And they freaking took it to one of the sanction cities and dropped it off. And there’s video evidence of it.
Like, if, if that’s really going on, bro, that is crazy. That’s gonna, that’s really gonna get some american people really angry. You know what I mean, bro? Well, I mean, we’re headed towards, you know, everybody better get prepared. You know, I got two refrigerators full and a freezer full with generators to keep them running. And I got, you know, two loads of bullets that I had to bring in my truck with guns and all of that. Got water filtration, got water machine. You just got to prepare yourself and then, you know, you know, you have it there and then move on.
Also, you know, who knows what’s going to happen with this fiat currency? We don’t know. You know, one of our sponsors is, you have down the link down there, you know, for bigger purchase of gold and silver, 10,000 or above or 401k, moving your 401k into precious method metals. The links down in the description too. But if you’re not going to buy big amounts, go to JB, GM bullion, JM bullion and get yourself a little bit of something, something like some scrap silver, you know, like dimes and stuff that were done before 1964. Just have some of that, you know, make sure you just, you know, you’ve got, your base is covered because I buy it off the crackheads around here, pops, when they’re selling the gold necklaces or gold rings and they turn black on your son or what, you know, they’re real.
I got a test, I got a tester, bro, I got a diamond tester and a gold tester. I don’t fuck around, you know, but I’ll buy it off them because hey, when, when the currency goes out, you know, I’m gonna be trading that shit because it’ll be back to the bargain system, right? Well I think they’re gonna, they’re gonna push hard to bring in, to bring in digital, you know, XRP, all of that. And what I would say is the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. So you know, I own XRP, I own gold and silver, more silver than gold.
And you know, I’ve got my, you know, survival supplies and I, you know, portable solar charges and big solar charges and a big, you know, generator, you know, to power it up. But look, we got to keep ourselves focused on being positive, get through this, you know, I would not live by the ocean, I know that before we moved here, Jennifer was talking about us moving back to Florida and I said no, no, because where I live in where I have my house in Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic, the mountains are huge, so no hurricane can make it over there, you know what I mean? Broken up, you got 10,000 foot mountains and so, you know, I have that place, I don’t need to have another place.
And you know, look man, there’s a lot going on, son, and it’s going to continue to intensify and people just need to prepare themselves mentally, spiritually, you know, for it and you know, we gotta handle it, we just gotta get, we gotta move through it, we gotta get, get to the other side of it and it’s gonna take time, it’s not gonna happen fast, it’s gonna take time and no one knows what tomorrow is gonna bring. There’s a lot of people out there telling you they know, but they don’t know. No one knows. Did we think another hurricane would start like that quick, and go right there? And there’s another one I heard right behind that one.
So they’re looking to Paul, pulverize those states so that no one’s out there on. On the fifth. And then your boy. I either said that, um, that. That whatever with Kamala, whatever. It doesn’t matter if she’s there or he’s there. The bureaucrats. That’s what I’m saying. The bureaucrats. Yeah, yeah. In the agencies, they control all this stuff, you know, the big money, Blackrock, you know, state street, vanguard, they control it. The Rothschilds, you know, the banking industry, they control it. And I know that people are talking about the white hats. You’re fighting against these people. I do see some good things happening.
I do see bad things happening. At the end of the day, again, the only thing I know 100% for sure that’s true when I say it is that time will tell, and we will find out what’s happening and what’s going on, and you got to prepare for it. You got to be ready for it. You know? You got to be ready for it. I was telling Jared today, you know, brother Jared, that, you know, we were talking about on the mastermind webinars today about how your mindset, your personal development, your spiritual development and connection and your growth.
You got the four pillars of your personal life, your personal being, right. Your mindset, your personal development, your spiritual connection, and your being able to be balanced, work balance, family balance, life balance. You got to work on those things. Last night, when I’m listening to Sister Becky, who’s right at ground zero in North Carolina, literally everybody wiped out underneath her on the mountain and finding dead bodies and all kinds of stuff. It’s horrible, you know, what she’s going through, feeling that coming from her. But she’s also, what do you call them? A something path. What is it called? Empath.
And she’s picking up everybody else, and I could feel it coming out in a big way. I would ask everybody to pray for Sister Becky in North Carolina. She’s part of the nano Soma magic dye call family. We actually, her and I, are, you know, basically running the company, and I’d ask everybody to pray for her and pray for all the people in North Carolina, because there’s some horrific stuff happening. I mean, horrific. And not all. FEMA is not helping. There’s a lot of FEMA, from what I’m hearing from her, that are actually helping and doing things.
You can’t think that every person in FEMA is compromised. That’s not true, right? Just like not every single person in the government is compromised or the military is compromised. You have your people that are compromised at the top. A lot of, you know, leadership, you know, when one regime comes in to run, they get rid of the leadership in these departments and they put new leadership in. And, you know, there’s a lot of good people that work under the leadership and a lot of bad people that work under the leadership. Just the way it is. Yeah, it’s just duality.
I mean, balance, you know, it’s in everything. Duality. You got light and dark, good and bad. So, yeah, I mean, I believe that. I really don’t trust FeMA, but I’m sure there are some good people in there that don’t know at the highest levels that they want to genocide us. But that’s the problem. It’s at the high levels that where the problems are, you know what I mean? Because you don’t even get to them levels unless you’re playing ball with these banker cartels and the people that’s really running shit, they’re not stupid. They’re not going to let people even get like, you’re not going to be the head of the CIA unless you’re down with their agenda.
You know what I’m saying, Bob? Yeah, well, yeah, most of that, even in the music industry and the actors, actresses, politicians. I mean, that goes for a lot of different, different pillars of society, that’s for sure. And yeah, I thank you all for praying for becky. I’m not going to get into personal details there, of course, but pray for everybody in that, that area down there in North Carolina. It’s the best. But then tomorrow, let’s see where we’re at with Florida. But again, focusing on solutions like we’re doing with body line, with all the energy, wellness to get people off of prescription medicine for sleep and pain, and to protect them against EMF, radiation and frequency warfare, you know, with the disc and the band, you know, now they got like a portable that they’re walking out with, coming out with the dpes that have already been sold for years, that work, and got massive amounts of testimonials for farmers, from engineers, from doctors, and then bringing the Zeds out.
The Zed. You want me to show a picture of the Zed real quick? Yeah, yeah, show the Zed what I told the people to. Dad, I did a video just a little bit ago before, um, me and you went live on like Project Phoenix. And it’s about a 15 minutes video you can find. I’m actually going to put it probably on my YouTube too because I couldn’t put too many of my hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene videos on YouTube because, you know, they’ll just ban me. So I got to be careful there. But, um, I’ll probably put this one up there.
And I told people, I showed people the map where, what are they steering these storms with? Electromagnetic frequencies. So we’re being bombarded right now with that type of energy. You know what I mean? They’re just blasting us with it, bro. It’s crazy. And yeah, yeah, it’s really bad. And you know, it’s even bad on the personal level. That’s what I love about what we’re doing with body line. And now I’ll be working with, with Richard, brother Joseph. And what now that I’ve taken back over the marketing and the it of body line, right. Since, you know, I’m transparent.
I’m one of the owners of the company working with Richard, with the DPEs and the Zeds. We’re going to be able to mitigate a lot of stuff and, you know, really help people in a big way. And we don’t need anyone to buy the Zeds. We got, we got people that we’re going to be bringing aboard that are very wealthy. So because these things are like 60, 65,000 to get them, get them and get them in the ground. This is a zen. Oh, wow. Okay. This will start smoking and humming. This grows out. Now it shouldn’t.
This guy don’t know why you put it in his backyard. But these units, we need 333 of them, at least around the planet. And nothing like what you’ve been seeing happening can happen because they suck the power out of it and ground it. These things are pretty, this thing goes more of its under the ground. That’s like maybe like a third of it. So a bunch of it’s underground. A bunch of it’s underground. A bunch of stuff. Yeah. Like there’s all these, uh, this, there’s a video going viral. This one dude, he put like these six foot copper pipes around his house, dude, on all the corners and he grounded that shit.
Grounded his whole house. And like, you’ll see chemtrails all around his neighborhood, but never. But not over his house, bro. Well, this is a site that will let me show you this site real quick. This is a site that we’re working on. It’s going to be called loving our planet. A.org it’s an organization and we’re not done with it yet. But there’s different. There’s different. A different. This is going to be coming out because we’ve got to get, within the next couple years, we got to get these zeds out and deployed. But they’re already selling the other ones.
And we’re going. We’re going to be rebuilding the site because, you know, that’s what my team and I do, TJ. That’s what we do in our business. And we’re going to be helping get them out. Out there. Let me right here. So this one here, this one is the backyard. This is for like, now. Mine’s different. Mine looks like it’s got blue and a yellow top. I actually just got it moved two days ago and I already feel the difference. This one here is for like someone in their back. And again, you know, body lines a lot less expensive than this.
But this is something that covers, by the way, you see, helps restore the local biosphere to that of a 1000, 10,000 years ago. Huh? I mean, you know, this is what we’re talking about. And geniuses are working on this thing. Okay? I mean, geniuses. And they. These are the new ones. These ones are ten times more powerful than the one that I got. Look, it went from a two kilometer radius to a 20 kilometer radius. And what are they, TJ, all copper on the outside now? Yeah. And that sticks up. And then if you go here to this one, this is the one that I bought that doesn’t look like this.
This is the one I bought the agricultural. And before it went 3 km, right, for protection, zone radius to 20, then the agricultural for better green growing. And all that was 1 km. Now it’s 5 km. So same price, but ten times the power. So imagine the farmers. This also cleans up the soil. And then if you have a really big farm, then it’s this big one right here. But imagine a farmer putting this in here. They make their money back tenfold the first year of crop when this covers 174 acres. Wow. With testimonials from farmers on the old ones.
The ones. This is the new version. On the old version, a bunch of testimonials. So we’re working on this site, we should have it done here within the next couple weeks. And we’re moving full steam ahead with trying to help, you know, save this planet, for God’s sakes. Because if we keep on. Remember when we talked about this before, about how these storms are going to keep on getting more intense and more intense and more intense and more intense and more intense. It’s going to keep happening. And, you know, these people have control the weather, but also the electromagnetic pollution and the weakening of the magnetic sphere.
And I’m saying that wrong, but, you know, all of that is also contributing to it. And, you know, it’s just a snowball effect of what’s happening, of what we’re going through right now will look like a picnic compared to what’s going to happen. 100%. Yeah, it’s. It’s definitely going to get worse. It’ll be interesting to see how everything unfolds. You know what? We got pretty much a month left until the election to see what happens and if that’s even going to happen. Right? Oh, yeah. If somebody’s talking about Crystal, I got a. I got a suge knife, little pyramid on top of my backup drive.
I got another crystal there. I got a salt lamp. I got the body line band on. I got discs on my cell phone. I got discs on my monitor. I mean, I’m surrounded by EMF radiation. It doesn’t affect me because I’m protected. Right. I’m protected because it is serious. Just like the farmer that was, was, you know, doing his soil, and he was, you know, going through the process to make his soil, um, organic, right. So he could grow organic stuff. And he went through a three year process of doing this. And then he ordered the wheat seed from Italy, brought the wheat seed and planted it.
And when he did, the genetics on the wheat, it had GMO. You know what they didn’t take care of? The frequency. The GMO wheat frequency was still there. So they got rid of everything else in the soil. It all tested. Right. But the frequency of the GMO wheat was still there. Those units I just show you, destroy it. That’s crazy. And everything is frequency. So everything’s frequency. More than it is real. Yep. Right. More than it is we real. It’s exactly. Manipulating these storms through frequencies. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they can kill you with frequencies. Yep.
They can. They can hit you right in the back of your brain stem with these heart weapons. Still. Yeah. Edward Stone had told us about. And then it makes it look like you died from a stroke or a heart attack, which a lot of people seem to be dying from lately. Young kids, very much young kids are having heart attacks and dying. Yeah. You know, again, these funeral homes and crematoriums are seeing bigger business than they’ve ever seen in the career of them. And it’s because of all the stuff you know, a lot of people didn’t want to take the jab.
So what they do, they just put it into the meat and put it into the food and put it in everywhere. The lettuce growing lettuce. Now that can freaking, you know, vaccinate you. That’s crazy when you think about it. Like, what the hell? And they don’t even got to tell you. I’ll tell you what, pops. I’ve been doing this, this water cleanse where I’m trying to drink like a gallon of water every day. And I’m doing the ph. D. Water, right, the 9.5 ph water. And, bro, that, that really helps your body a lot, too, man.
Like, all my swelling went down in my legs. So, you know, we definitely got to make sure we’re pushing a lot of these toxins out because we’re getting hit with them every day. And then I take my nanosoma, my spray under the tongue. But I. Yeah, we got a, we got a, you know, we got to take care of ourselves. Everybody go to patriots club.com. forward slash truth mafia. Again, patriots club.com. truth mafia. I’m going to put it in the, you know, the banner next time. Join that. Join the community. And let’s get you in the prayer group.
If you have any prayers that you want to, you know, get prayers for, put them in there. The prayer people that pray, like me, declare and decree, we’ll pray over you. We’ll pray over your family for your specific needs. Go do that. It’s built there for you all to do it. We want you to do it. And then if you see other people that need help and they’re requesting prayer, pray for them, too. Because what you give, you get what you give, you get. End of story. It’s the way it works. So you give love, you get love, you give prayers, you get prayers, right? So good seed.
So join us over there. Are we able to put that in here? Is that going to be a spam thing, DJ? Um, I see, I see you put some stuff at the beginning. No, I didn’t. Links in there? No, but you can try. I mean, no, I don’t want to. I don’t want to do it. So anybody else out there, huh? The links in the description. Oh, the description links in the description for the Patriots club. Click on that link. It tracks it to. For truth mafia. Stamps you that you came from truth mafia. That’s what we wanted to do.
It’s about integrity, right? It’s free to join, by the way. Free to join and then the community’s free to join. So what’s holding you back? Get in there. I want to see some prayer requests. Read the prayer that God gave me to give you all. Yeah, give me what your thoughts are about it. I think dad just like praying, like if we could get a thousand, a couple thousand people, right. Real powerful first player characters. Yes. Focus their intent. I believe we could even steer that storm. We can do a lot of things when before the llama went to the, to the dark side of the forest.
Okay. Where he was trying to raise, you know, capital from people that are our members for his own company, you know, we had the circle of life, prayer circle and there was miracles happening, there was financial blessings happening, there was amazing things happening. I was so upset. I actually, you know, I’m a tough son of a bitch son know this and I was crying about it, you know, because of all these people that, you know, when, when they took down the frequency music, just shut it down off of YouTube and we had it all over there, you know, and I had people commenting and where’d it go? It was helping me, you know, but healingfrequency music.com has that on there and you know, we have the, you know, the Patriot Club link below with the community.
Get in the prayer group, get your prayer requests in there. Start praying for other people. We’ll start praying for you. You know, let’s all work together. Let’s prayer. We’ll have special missions in there, prayer missions for each other. We’re going to be bringing in expert people that know how to do community gardens, that know how to do household gardens. We’re going to have experts in self sufficiency. We’re going to have experts in things that are solutions to turn this planet back to the light. We are here to help the creator, father. We need to do it.
It is sad how the dark side can grab ahold of the people, you know, they dangle that money in front of them, bro. And it gets the best of them, you know, gets the best of them. Well and again though TJ, like you said, we have a 1000, 2000 people and we’ve got hundreds of people watching this. Go over. Join for free. Free means cost you no money. Join for free. Sign in and create your username and password for the community. Get in there, add your prayers. I’ll pray over you. I promise you. I’ll go in there five days a week and I’ll do prayers.
And I’m a pretty powerful being on this planet, you know that son. I usually manifest what God wants me to manifest quickly. Yeah. Pray for the llama. He’s in trouble. Absolutely. Pray for the lama. We don’t want to see anybody go to the dark side, you know, based on greed or money or anything. Right. We don’t want that. You know, we want, you know, before that happened with the llama, um, you know, we were doing a lot of good for people and, you know, it was unfortunate that they, they, that happened. Okay. It was very unfortunate.
But please, you know, patriots, the Patriots club link for truth mafia is down there in the description. Join it for free. Get in the community and let’s go. Let’s get going and moving here. All right. I’ve got a couple things that I’m finishing up a couple of, like the DPE site and all of that with the team. But as soon as those are off my plate, I’m going like, warp speed, Scotty. That’s what I’m going. I’m going warp speed. Okay. Warp speed. Right. And not Operation Warp speed. No, not Operation Warp speed, but I’m talking about quick.
We’re going to go quick again. You know, somebody’s asking about the llama, but it, unfortunately, the llama was doing things that he shouldn’t have been doing. I’m gonna leave it at that. And when I confronted him about it after I heard it from brother Joseph, he felt that he was doing nothing wrong. And I decided that I didn’t want to be involved with that type of situation. And, you know, did some things with my lawyer to try to stop him from doing it and he didn’t want to stop doing it. And that was the end of that.
I could have sued him. I could have destroyed him. But I’m not about destroying people. I’m about lifting people up. And, you know, that’s why I just walked away from it. But it was sad because a lot of people’s lives were being blessed, a lot of healings, a lot of financial blessings. And I want that to be recreated in what we’re doing with the Patriots club. So help us. Join us. It takes time. That’s it. No money. Yep. Amen to that. And, you know, guys, the link is down below in the description. And make sure you check out the, the new video I just put out that’s up on Facebook.
I’ll probably put it up on YouTube for you guys, too. There’s a ton of new content up on truth mafia.com. so much about Hurricane Milton. All of the content creators have, you know, done their own thing. And this episode today was sponsored through body align in the energy wellness band. Use promo code, truth mafia. Use the link down below. Oh, TJ, one thing is, it’s a buy one. Get 50% off right now, too. So if you buy a band, you get 50% off another band. So you’ll be able to buy two bands if you want it for your family and yourself and these bands.
I wouldn’t be without my band. You notice the difference? In a big way. Even with Ishmael, he’s got his band on. You see him wearing his band is Mel, we got to get brother Perez back on and get an update for him. TJ, reach out to him. Let’s get him back on the show. I’ll get him on. Me and him. Me, him and V Dell did a show together. It did really good. Yeah, get him on. I want to get his perspective of what, you know, what he’s got going on and let the people here again, you know, hey, yeah, it’s cool.
Christmas gifts, for sure. Give the Christmas gift of wellness and protect your family from EMF radiation. And, you know, from 5g, it’s only going to increase with more satellites in the sky. And they’re going to six g, then seven g, then eight g. They need it for. They need it for AI. And they’re smart. They need it for robotics. They need it for the smart cities. They’re going to bake us. That’s what. They don’t care, dude, because they plan on uploading their consciousness to the cloud so they don’t care about if it destroys the physical body, you know.
You know what, TJ? We were supposed to get back with brother Ishmael about the AI God. Let’s do that. Let’s have that AI God episode with Ishmael Perez. Set that up, my son. I will. I’ll hit him up. Maybe we’ll get that for next week. Yeah, if he’s available next week. Whenever he’s available. Let’s get into that because we really need to talk about that and really lay that out for the folks because that’s happening and this electromagnetic pollution is a byproduct of it. And, you know, and you were right. You hit it on the head when we talked about that.
But we’ll get into that in another episode. Really going to be awesome, brother. Yep. Thank you. And thank you, pops, for coming on today, guys. Please don’t forget to go opt into the daily newsletter over on Truth Mafia.com. it’s 100% free. Thank you for rocking out with us today. Share this video leave your comments and feedback down below. We’re out. Love you all. Love you all. Bye.