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Every one of them. Just a short break from the program to share with you an amazing peptide to help you lose weight. It’s stronger than Ozempic and why it’s because it not only reduces your appetite but it, it also burns fat. These other GLP1s on the market, they do not burn fat, they just reduce your appetite. This one retatrutide is stronger. It’s considered a next generation peptide because of that. And man does this work. I’ve been using it for two and a half weeks and I’ve already lost 11 pounds and I cut my dose in half because I was losing weight too quickly and that kind of freaked me out to be honest.
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We’re seeing JP Morgan taking over the gold fund, which they have control over the silver fund, which is crazy. They had control over the silver fund. They got fined almost a billion dollars for fixing the prices on silver. And then after that they ended up getting control of the gold fund too. Now JP Morgan is the central bankers. So what’s going on there? And then they’re talking about taking the gold that we really have that’s currently at like 4250 or something like that. I can’t remember the exact amount. 42 something. And they are talking about reevaluating that to current market prices or higher.
So we could be talking like 6,000. I don’t know what that reevaluation is going to be. But it’s not just rumors anymore. You’re starting to hear that in mainstream media. Is talking about them. Them. Re evaluating the gold like Glenn Beck’s talking about. Usually once they get it to the point where some of these mainstream controlled people. I know Glenn Beck does some good stuff but I’m pretty sure he’s tied into the control structure then you know that it’s getting more serious. Okay. That they’re probably going to do it. Right. And what does that mean? What does that mean to the price of gold if you have it? What does that mean to your IRAs? What does.
I don’t know. But I think this is indicating it could be one of the best times in history to buy gold and silver. Silver moves with the gold market and I don’t know really, we don’t know. But the indications are pretty serious. And all the central banks, all the big investors, they’re all buying gold and silver. They are really upping their vaults of what they have. And it looks like the ETFs as we’ve been saying for years, could be in trouble. Your paper gold, which they have what, 10 to 1 they, they’re all asking for that and cashing in.
So what does that mean to the people that can’t get theirs? And we’re going to talk about that. Andy Schectman and I, all of that. He has all these dots he’s going to connect. He’s also going to talk about the Mar A Lago Accord which is starting to be thrown out there. What does that mean? How does it tie into tariffs? One thing I want to say is we don’t know who all. What’s really going on and how they’re aligning it. I personally believe I see four or five global financial systems at play. When we’re talking the bricks, we’re talking the central bankers, we’re talking cryptocurrency, we’re talking the gold, Global Gold Monetary fund.
Yeah, that’s a real thing too. And you’re seeing all these things. I actually think there’s going to be a mix of different stuff. I don’t think there’s going to be one. One thing that’s going to take over. I think there’s going to be a mix. And anybody that tells you they know for sure, unless they’re sitting in those board meetings behind the scenes and they have some kind of crystal ball, they’re full of crap, nobody really knows how this is going to end up. And why do I say that is because there’s always all these wild cards.
The other countries around the world, they want out from the dollar. Make no mistake about this. When we are sitting here in the United States thinking that, you know, weird things are rosy, the people around the world, other countries, other finance ministers, they’re not too happy with us and how the dollar has been weaponized against their country. And this has been going on for decades. These reckless policies, they are tired of it and they want to get out from underneath the dollar. So that’s the backdrop. And so some of these tariffs and this financial war that we’re seeing is because of that, they have to do some forcing and coercing to get people to play ball.
So that’s what you’re seeing as well. And we’re going to talk about that in this show. But if you are interested in getting gold, getting silver, or converting your ira, I highly recommend that you talk to Miles Franklin. I have a link below that you can send them a form and an email that will get right to them and get right to their top salespeople. You can use that or you can email them at infoilesfranklin.com and tell them that Sarah sent you. But if you do the form below, for sure you will have access to their private price list.
The price list that you see publicly is not as good as what you will see when you come for me. They give you the private price list. It’s more competitive and they will hold your hand. And I’m telling you, if you’re going to be buying builder bigger amounts, you want to make sure you’re getting the best prices and you want to make sure that you’re buying things that aren’t at huge premiums. I’m seeing A lot of these gold companies, really gouging people, even Costco and stuff, you’re getting paying premiums that you should not have to pay.
And I am really proud of the fact that that’s what I do for my listeners is I look for companies with all of my affiliates that I have vetted, I have looked into, and I stand behind what it is that I’m recommending because I’ve used it myself. Not every single product that I sell do I use myself, but for sure, some of their products, like I’m selling a lot of peptides, right? I’m not using every peptides from my affiliate, but I’m using some. And so I know that it is legit stuff. So anyways, you can use the link below.
It will get directly to Miles Franklin and it will get you the private price list. Or you can email them at infoilesfranklinklin.com and tell them that Sarah sent you. Okay. Don’t forget that part because that’s how you get to the private price list. Okay, let’s get into my really interesting conversation with Andy Shetman. Hi, Andy. Welcome back to the program. Sarah, it’s always a delight to see you. Thank you for having me. How you doing? I’m doing great and I have some. We have some amazing stuff to talk about. I got to tell you that I am ecstatic in some of the things that I’m seeing going on as far as exposing the crime and the crap that’s been going, you know, happening in our country.
It’s a start. It’s. Hopefully they take it the whole way, but I couldn’t be happier with some of the things that I’m seeing right now. Yeah, I would say as well, first of all, let me just address that for a moment. I’ve been very vocal and sometimes I think, you know, maybe I should tone it down a bit over the last several years. But then I’m like, no, you know, I come from nothing. My family comes from nothing. I am a product of outworking the competition, whether it be in athletics or. Or I had good luck or good success in athletics growing up.
I wasn’t the best athlete. I was the first one at the field and the last one to leave, the first one in the gym, the last one to leave. And the same thing is true here in, in finance. I come from nothing. Zero. We started in an office, I’ve told you before, the size of a closet in 1989, before the Internet. I’ve seen it all. I hung around. I have strong fingertips Never had any material customer complaints and I outworked the competition. And so I am a product of meritocracy, of the American dream. You put your, your head down, you work hard, you treat people right, good things will happen if you can stick around long enough.
The things that we saw over the last four years, the, you know, the denigration of the judicial system, electoral system, the immigration system, the lawlessness in the cities, the wokeness, the move away from merit based success to lifestyle, all of that stuff freaked me out far more than the irresponsibility of our fiscal policy and the brain dead monetary policy, which in and of itself was disturbing, but not as disturbing as the breakdown of what it meant to be proud to be an American, to be patriotic. All of a sudden you felt like you were all of a sudden racist and prejudiced and bigoted by being patriotic, by clinging to the ideals that made this country great.
And that couldn’t be further from the truth, of course. But what Trump has done to bring back those ideals I think is phenomenal and I think is if the previous administration had retained office we would be in a place and that’s my personal opinion. Yes. So I, I, I’m with you on that. The monetary and the fiscal side of things, I think we’re too far across the Rubicon for this to be something that should be cavalier. We should be cavalier about the, the Trump risk on trade. The hope springs eternal. Yes, he’s giving us back our culture and God bless him for that.
But there day lately there’s the, the two mile tube of you need to crawl through like Andy Dufresne did in the Shawshank Redemption. There is reason to be optimistic about what he’s reinstilling and, and his policies that ultimately could signal great things for the country. But you have to get through that tube first. But I’ll tell you the things that I am seeing right now. We talked a brief bit about this offline but the things that I am seeing right now and I want to just lay it out there, quantify it and say the things that I’m seeing right now in the metals market, largely on the LBMA in London and the COMEX here in New York, I’ve never seen before.
I’ve done this for 35 years to the point where the things that I’m seeing and the dots that I will show you, all factually based, we get to a point and then I’ll ask you do they connect? And when I started talking about the bricks and DE dollarization in 2019 when I started talking to you, no one was saying it, nobody except me. And now everyone acknowledges it. Yeah, everybody’s saying it now. And they’re saying what I remember you came on my program talking about the whole dollar being, or the gold being reevaluated as a tier one currency.
You also talked about the fact that there was this others group. Nobody talked about it. Rating the exchanges. Yeah. And so I want to talk to, I want you to address, and I know you will, the fact that the gold that we supposedly have, if we have, is currently still evaluated at $45 an ounce. They are 42.22 to be exact.4222. Okay. And they are talking about reevaluating it to at least market conditions, maybe even at 6,000 or more to deal with our debt and other things. Now there is a Mar a Lago accord that I’ve heard.
It’s, that’s like a made up term at this point. Maybe not. It might end up being something per. But they’re talking about how the tariffs are being used. Like Trump is actually taking us through some kind of bankruptcy re evaluation, you know, taking us, you know, taking our debt, moving it to a 50 year kind of situation. There is a lot going on. They’re also talking about gold coming into this country in substantial amounts. There is. I’ve always said for the last couple years that the number one goal or the number one priority of the Trump administration will be the financial system reset.
And I think that their actions are showing that. Can you talk about this gold reevaluation and start connecting these dots for us? I will do that and I’ll also connect the dots, throwing in the Mar a Lago rumor. And I will tell you, just like I had the stupidity or the courage, I don’t know which one it was to say the stuff I said about the de dollarization in brics five years ago. I’ll say the same thing about this when we get to the point of connecting the dots, if you’ll indulge me. So let’s, let’s go back a bit so that I can properly set the table.
As you mentioned, the most powerful bank in the world reclassified gold as a Tier 1 reserve asset in 2019. The bank of International Settlements and the way that these people of power work, and I want you to keep this point in mind, the people at the very high levels, in particular the central bankers, they foreshadow the moves that they’re making because they know the playbook. What I mean by that is that in 2017, after a couple years of asking the United States for their gold back, Germany, the Bundesbank said give us back our gold. There was an article in the Wall Street Journal and within a few months of that happening, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Poland, Czech National Bank, Dutch national bank, all of these banks in Eastern Europe said the same thing.
Give us back our gold. Not only from the Comex in New York, but also the bank of, the bank of the Federal Reserve bank in New York, but also the bank of England. Now these countries would hold their gold at the bank of England, the in the Federal Reserve bank of New York to give direct access to the Comax and to the lbma. They all said give us back our gold. Which they did. The next year in 2018, those same banks, and I’ve told you this before, those same central banks bought more gold as a group than they did in the 60 years previously combined.
In 2019 that number doubled. And then miraculously, after massive repatriation, remember before 2017 these all banks were all net sellers of gold. So now they start buying and repatriating and accumulating and well, what do you note? Gold’s tier one. They revalued gold. Let’s make this another point to remember. So first is foreshadowing. Second is gold is the only other tier 1 reserve asset in the world next to US treasuries, as reclassified by the most powerful bank on the planet, the Central Banker Central bank, the bank of International Settlements. So you’re right. I did come on your show the next year at 2020 and I said there’s this group out of nowhere called the Others.
Now the Others are thought to be sovereign wealth funds which have more anonymity in terms of gold acquisition than the central banks do. If a central bank buys gold and has it delivered to their holdings, they are supposed to report it to the imf. But if a sovereign wealth fund does it or a proxy bank like a commercial bank on behalf of the pboc, well that’s not reported. If gold and silver are accumulated that are not 995, that’s not reported. And we’ve seen all sorts of things about this lately. The Chinese misreporting, they’re now being accused of 10 times the amount of gold that purchasing.
10 times amount that they’re reporting. The bank of Saudi Arabia was caught, not reporting. They get caught by the import export numbers coming out of Switzerland in the uk. Hold on. So they’re buying more gold and then not reporting on it because they don’t want people to freak out and they, they want the prices to know how much they’re accumulating. And I’ll get to the reason why. For example, China has been flying all around Latin America. A lot in Peru and a lot in South America where they’re going directly to the miners and they’re buying what’s called dore and concentrate directly from the miners.
And dore is a bar that the miners will crudely refine at maybe 40% and then send it to the refiners for full refining or concentrate as a byproduct of that. It’s a sludge. So they’re buying all that stuff up, up, right from the miners, disintermediating the marketplace, paying double what the west will and shipping it home for refining. No one knows how much they ended up with, how much they bought. It’s invisible. China as an example, is the largest producer of gold in the world and the second largest of silver. And we have no idea how much they’re making.
Estimates are between 3 and 500 metric tons a year of gold for the last 25 years. Which would mean that they have way more than we do. But let me get back. So anyways, what we’ve seen is a massive amount of gold that has been accumulated and repatriated in 2020. The rise of the others. The others are sovereign wealth funds who have been standing for delivery. And just so people can understand what the others are on the commitment of traders report, that’s a report that the commodity exchange, the comex think trading places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd that exchange that would be like the Comex where there’s, they’re buying and selling futures every week they publish.
On one end it would be the commercials, on the other end it’s the specs they point which are the hedge funds, the speculators, they, they publish the positioning of the very largest traders on the exchange. And it was only those two forever. One would buy, the other one would sell zero sum. The specs would sell, the commercials would go long, the commercial banks would sell and, and the, the hedge funds would go long. But these contracts that are issued on Comex, like a hundred ounce gold contract or a 5,000 ounce silver contract. My whole career no one stood for delivery.
Very, very, very few. 1%. Maybe to give you a context, this will be a good one. So here’s a one of my business cards with a silver dime on it. Here’s a regular one. So I’ll say this is real metal that I have in my warehouse and this is one that I don’t. This is paper on comex. So if I have this dime in my wareh called 1,000 ounces of gold if the price of gold goes down by $100, I’ve just lost $100,000. So I can’t do that. I can’t speculate on my inventory. So I’ll take this comex contract and I’ll sell the exact same amount, thousand ounces.
So if it goes down by a hundred, I’m down 100,000 in physical. I’m up 100,000 on my contract and vice versa. It’s a way for me to be market neutral at all times to with my inventory. So that’s what the exchange was originally designed for. A who plants a field in April can sell forward sellers production to a baker in September. The baker gets the wheat, he’s happy. The farmer de risks his the growing season. That’s what it’s designed for. But in 2020, all of a sudden we see the delivery mechanism where you can say no, I’ll take delivery, thank you being exploited.
And I want you to. I want you to expand on this because I’ve just been talking. I talk to people behind the scenes all the time. Right. And I’m hearing that there’s so much being called off of the comax. Oh, I’m going to get. The comax is at risk of collapsing because it’s like a bank run. It’s like a bank run. Right. Without. But they don’t have anybody to bail them out. Well, that’s. I think what. There are a lot of things that are somewhat in my mind. Maybe I’m looking at this and and maybe I’m not seeing it.
I’m not saying I know what I’m talking about completely. I’m saying I’m going to show you all the dots and you tell me and I’m going to get to that. We’ve been talking about. Yes, we’ve been talking about these things being risky and when this thing goes down you are going to be left with nothing. Yeah. And I’m going to show you all that. So anyways, in 2020 we start seeing this third group of reportables that shows up on the commitment to traders report called the others largely to be believed to be sovereign wealth funds and large family offices from around the world standing for delivery taking the delivery option.
And so I’ve talked about this since 2020 that our exchanges are being bled down because of the stupidity of the western system that Manipulates the gold and silver price and it’s beginning I think to reach a fever pitch. And let’s explain that a little bit. Hold on, let’s explain it. So by holding down the silver price at 25 or whatever when it should be at 70, people are buying, they know it’s a good buy so they’re buying it like crazy. And all we’re doing is helping all these other the bricks and everybody else get ahead of us.
That’s correct. And so originally the price of gold was held down to support the illusion of the western system. It’s called Gibson’s paradox. The inverse relationship between real interest rates and the price of gold. If you suppress interest rate for 30 years to make the economy seem stronger than it is, to make people feel wealthier than they are in your house and your 401k etc, etc, it creates massive distortions and assets and resources, misallocations of capital, etc. People go deeper into debt now, buy a bigger house and buy a more expensive car because money’s free and well, we’ll build another wing to our business, hire 80 more people, will expand, we’ll take on more debt because money’s cheap.
Well that event is inversely correlated to the price of gold. If you have 0 interest rates and gold doesn’t pay any interest, it’s a non interest asset, then gold should go higher as there’s no opportunity cost. If you have 10% interest rates, you can buy Treasuries and double your money every 7.2 years. So Gibson’s paradox is the inverse relationship between real interest rates and gold. Anyways, so they had to suppress the price of gold in terms of silver. The military industrial complex needs silver in order to build high tech weaponry. There’s 500 ounces of silver in the cone of a tomahawk.
I’ve had this validated by the Department of Defense. I have a client who’s a consultant. He’s told me to my face I helped design the Tomahawk. You’re right. There’s between 13 and 14 kg in the cone of this. And almost all these high tech weapons including aerospace and submarines and all of this high tech military equipment they used to, the military used to tell us how much silver that they they use and they don’t anymore. The Silver Institute pulled it out and they are holding down the price of silver and have been for a long time in order to be able to accumulate it cheaply and build weapons for the military industrial complex and sell them all around the world.
That is What I believe in my heart. But none of this matters. It’s indisputable and I’ll show you in one second. And that is, let’s look at silver for a moment on the LBMA in London where a lot of this stuff is happening. I’m going to get to that next. They have 800 million ounces of silver in the warehouse. That’s it. It’s the lowest amount they’ve had maybe since they started keeping records of that 800 million. 500 million belong to the ETFs. That leaves 300 million available every single day. They trade 290 million of the 300 million.
They trade the entire float vote. But they admit that Those numbers of 290 million are at least 10 times underreported because they only post the final settlement numbers, not all the trades throughout the day, just the final number. So which that would mean is it’s at least 2.9 billion with a B. Ounces of silver per day are traded with only a 300 million ounce float. That’s three and a half times annual global mine supply, of which 90% is paper. So the banks with all of their money can suppress the hell out of the price and create an illusion that silver is cheap and not keeping up with inflation.
And. But what they have created is about 8 Western banks are short about 5 billion ounces on paper in London and now in the United States those same banks have been short, you know, I don’t know, almost 200 million ounces. Somewhere in that neighborhood the silver is rehypothecated as much as 2000%. Where everyone has the same, same contract they reprinted over and over and over again. No one stands for delivery. How’s anyone going to know? That’s basically what. And it’s what the Hunt brothers noticed. And hunt brothers in 1980 notice there’s way more paper than there are bars behind it.
Okay, that’s. But that’s been. You know, we’ve been talking about this for a while at Pete. Right. This is going to be a bloody massacre. Bloody standpoint of economic standpoint, not physical. Correct. And now something’s happening and I want to. I want you to know that. I don’t know what I’m about to tell you is gospel, but I will tell you. You connect the dots. So we got all these dots connected. Now the last piece, I will say before. Well, let’s just. Let’s just do this. All right. So since November, what happened in November? The election.
Right. Since November, the United States for the first time that I can, can ever, ever remember has become a net importer of gold and silver. Well, we’re always been a net importer of silver, but let’s just say a net importer of gold. For the first time I can remember my entire. Think of the, think of the others. What were they doing? Draining the western exchanges stand for delivery on the contract and off it goes. So all of a sudden, since November, when Trump wins the election, the United States is a net importer of gold. What is gold the Only other tier one asset? Since November, about 12 and a half million ounces of gold and about 45 million ounces of silver have moved from London to the United States.
Now that metal has been moved under the auspice of threats of Trump’s tariffs. All right, he’s not going to tariff silver because we are in a structural deficit. We are net importers. We need it for industry. It’s a threat. He won’t do it. And I don’t think he’s going to tariff gold either. He’s saying that so that the countries send it all back. Just follow me, I’m going to get somewhere with this and you’ll be like, holy crap. So we’re going to tariff gold. So all of these contracts that the banks issue that are unbacked on the comex rehypothecated, the theory is they better get it back here before tariffs go up.
Making those trades underwater, it’s an existential threat. Everyone’s bringing it back, right? So check this out. The February gold contract that we just saw, there was a record 59,296 contracts that stood for delivery. That is the largest delivery in the history of the COMEX, surpassing the previous record of 47,132 in June of 2020 during the COVID QE to infinity period of time. That’s 12,164 contracts, more than the all time largest delivery. At 100 ounces a piece, that’s 5,929,600 ounces were delivered. Now try to multiply that times 2900. Your calculator will say e it’s too big. We also saw almost 14 million ounces of silver delivered in the the February contract.
JP Morgan is set to deliver $4 billion worth of gold into the COMEX in February. It’s one of the largest shipments ever. And Blythe masters who used to run their, their trading desk is on YouTube and you can google her name and, and she will say, you’ll hear it. J.P. morgan doesn’t buy it for themselves. They always have a customer. Who’s got $4 billion? Now, just follow me. Me. I’ll get. I’ll answer all your questions. Who’s got 4 billion? Now, let’s just stick with JP Morgan for a moment. We know they paid a $920 million fine to the Justice Department a few years ago for manipulating the metals market.
The largest fine the Justice Department ever had handed out to that point. And they. Yet their desk, that year, the trading desk, made 1 billion. They can find 920. They walk away 80 million. Up, up. And they’re still allowed to be the custodian of the world’s largest silver trust, slv. Now, HSBC bank has always been the custodian of gld. Guess who just took over for gld? That’s right. The fox guard in the hen House. Now, J.P. morgan and Blackrock, agents of the government, they are now the custodian of GLD and SLV in two vaults that JP Morgan owns, one in New York.
Back to blackrock. Because, you know, I’ve been hearing before, or in the chatter, you know, I talk to people all the time that all of this is going back to blackrock. I mean, a lot of it is. Yeah. And it makes sense if their biggest investor. And they’re bigger than anyone, they’re bigger than most, they’re bigger than the PBoC, they’re massive. So in those two vaults that JP Morgan owns, they own more gold in those two vaults, or they are in custody of more gold than half of the G20 countries. So people have always asked me, do you think gold will be confiscated? I said no.
And On a thousand YouTubes, I said, they’ll take it from the ETFs because you and I can’t take metal out of the ETFs. We can only be paid in cash. The big, big commercial banks that fund it can. Now, while I’m on the same subject, before I get to the really interesting stuff, hold on. So you think that they will take it off the ETFs and anybody that’s holding an ETF will be cash settled? Yes. They’re screwed, essentially, yes. And. And that’s going to be part of the end of all of this. But in the last few weeks, as the price of gold’s been going straight up, we see outflows to the tune of 16 tons.
Now, the, the talking heads on CNBC, 16 tons of gold left. That’s another way of saying shares were sold. And the talking heads on CNBC would say, well, that’s because of a, you know, interest rates are higher, strong dollar profit taking. They’re just making crap. They’re just making crap. They’ll just make stuff up to. That’s not what happened. What it is, it’s a deeper shift. It’s governments, central banks, the wealthy, wealthy elites who can take what’s called a basket. The commercial banks, they’re removing gold from the ETFs, what’s called share redemption. The big, big money at the top can take their shares and make it look like people are selling as gold’s going straight up.
Why would anyone do that? And they can give it back to the trust who destroys the shares and they pull the gold out. They’re getting it in their possession before the shit hits the fan. Okay, now it gets very interesting. So let’s just recap for a minute. Gold is the Only other Tier 1 asset the central banks have been buying and repatriating it. Since 2017. JP Morgan has taken over custodianship and not only of SLV, but also GLD. The United States has become net importers of gold since November. The largest inflows into the COMEX market, the COMEX eligible gold stack is up 75% or more since November.
Over 12 million ounces have come in. And it’s supposedly because of the Trump tariffs. JP Morgan is delivering 4 billion of gold in the February contract for a client. Who the hell’s got 4 billion? So all of this stuff, there are billionaires that do, right? And there are a lot of. But. And there are wealthy people who aren’t on the Forbes 100 list. I understand that. And that’s the sovereign funds that you’re talking, talking about. Okay, I understand that, but follow me on this. So we get to some very interesting things. For the last few years, the head of the Dutch national bank has been saying we need to revalue gold.
He’s been very vocal about it. On every European balance sheet across the the world world gold is valued at $35 an ounce. It’s the old Bretton woods price. In the United States, it’s 42.22. They valued it slightly after Nixon closed the gold window on our balance sheet. And there are members of the German Bundesbank publicly saying we need to revalue gold to offset our liabilities on the balance sheet. Cynthia Loomis, the senator for Wyoming who spoke at the Bitcoin conference in Tennessee a few months ago, right after Trump. Trump has already submitted a bill to revalue the gold held by the Federal Reserve on behalf of the treasury to a level sufficient enough to create money to buy Bitcoin for the Strategic Reserve.
What you can’t make up, believe it or not, can’t make this up. Gold is held on every central bank balance sheet in what do you think the name of it is? The gold revaluation account. That is the name of it on every central bank balance sheet. Now, Roosevelt did it in 33 when he confiscated gold and devalued the dollar by 40%. And gold went up 40% immediately. It was 20 bucks an ounce for the one, the 20 gold coin right there. He paid everyone $20.56. That was 56 cents was a lot of money. A dozen eggs were probably a nickel back then.
Everyone was happy. And then he devalued the dollar, and gold went way up and the dollar went way down. Happened in 71 when we closed the gold window. Only the market did at this time. It was 35 bucks an ounce in 71. Nixon closes the gold window and here we are at 2900. Now it gets even better. I did an interview a couple weeks ago with this lady, Judy Shelton, one of the smartest women human beings I’ve ever met in my life. Judy is an Austrian economist. Judy is bright and brilliant beyond belief. She was Trump’s nominee for the head of the Federal Reserve in 2016.
She wasn’t confirmed, but she ended up being an advisor to Trump. And she said we discussed on numerous occasions him issuing treasuries backed by gold. And her idea is to issue 50 year treasuries, in fact, maybe even shorter denomination treasuries or duration treasuries, rather collared to or backed by gold. And I asked her a few questions, I said, judy, why has Fort Knox not been audited? And she says, damn good question. Their answers are ridiculous. They say it costs too much money, logistically, too challenging. And she says, where the United States, for God’s sake, spend a few million bucks, audit it.
That’s the first step to gaining credibility. I said, Judy, sorry, by the way, I hope I’m not talking too loud. I, I, I got a cold and my, no, it’s good. Ear is plugged. I can’t hear a thing. I’m on antibiotics. I can hear again. Came back from a trip and my ear has been plugged for seven days. It’s maddening. Oh, that’s. Anyway, so I said, judy, do you know that gold is held on every central bank balance sheet and what is called the gold revaluation account and all These people are screaming to revalue it. Do you think it’ll be revalued and not in so many words? She said, yes, you can listen to this interview I did with her on my YouTube channel.
And I said, judy, do you think that Trump will issue treasuries that are backed by gold to reestablish confidence? And she said, yes, I believe he will issue them on July 4, 2026, the 250th year anniversary of the country. You’ve heard him mention that date a few times. You’ve been listening to him. And I believe she will be on the board of governors of the Federal Reserve, maybe even be his nominee again to run it. She said, I also believe that there will be stablecoins issued off of these treasuries and instead of a cbdc, you’ll get tether, you’ll get usdc, you’ll get the ripple US based tether coins, I mean stable coins to issue stablecoins backed off the 50 year Treasury.
So if they do it on July 4, 2026, that gives us about another year plus to accumulate copious amounts of gold before we revalue it. But it gets even more interesting. Scott Besant, the Treasury Secretary whose largest holding is gold just came out the other day and you can Google this will pop right up. I want we are going to monetize the asset side of the United States government balance sheet. But if you google the United States government balance sheet, you’ll see something that you might want to grab a garbage can because you’ll puke. We have about 5 trillion in assets.
The largest asset is student debt of about 40 plus percent of that 5 plus trillion billion. Second, I can’t monetize that. And that is a receivable. And they passed a law. Even if you file bankruptcy with student debt, they’ll take your Social Security you can’t get out of it. To them it’s an asset. To us it’s a liability. The second largest item on their balance sheet is military bases, airplanes, bullets, et cetera. Can’t monetize that good monetized land. You could lease it, build on it. That takes time. But he mentioned liquid assets. So it’s not super liquid.
How about gold? Gold? What’s gold held in the gold revaluation account? Who’s all saying we should revalue it? Cynthia Loomis, the head of the Bundesbank, the head of the Dutch National Bank. What is everybody. Yep. But the only other tier 1 reserve asset. What have we become? Net importers what is flowing in all of the gold. Record amounts, record deliveries. What’s JP Morgan’s involvement of all this? Oh, yeah, they’re the custodian of GLD and slv, where they could come in on a Friday night and say, you know, now we’ve closed the fund. The prospectus gives us the right to do it.
If you have $10 million in each account, you now have 20 million in your money market account. What? We didn’t break any laws or infringe any civil liberties. The prospectus gives us the right to do it. You all can’t take possession of the gold. They’re now sitting on the largest stockpile of silver in the world. 3rd, 4th, 5th largest stockpile of gold in the world without going door to door on your house and mine. People who probably have NRA stickers on our door, they can now have all of it right there gobbled up. And how does Scott percent monetize the asset side of the balance sheet? What’s he going to do? Well, how about start by revaluing gold, which is in the gold revaluation account, which is a tier one asset which Judy Shelton wants to collar and peg to the treasury market and issue stablecoins off it to give us credibility.
But isn’t it because of the Trump tariffs? Or is the Trump tariffs just reason or a ruse? Now, we had talked about the LBMA. There they are, a T&1 settlement system you had mentioned. It seems like maybe the, the COMEX is about to blow up. Let’s talk to the LBMA for a moment. T +1 means I’d like my gold, please. I have a contract with you. You sold short. I went long. I took the other side. I’m gonna stand for delivery. Well, the exchange is supposed to do. If you, you fill out the paperwork, I’m standing.
That’s T. That’s your trade day plus one. So Monday’s trade plus one. Tuesday is a settlement day. Wednesday give me my gold. Should be there, right? They’re now T plus six to eight weeks. Well, how does that happen if it’s supposedly there? Because it ain’t there. They say it’s because. Oh, we have. It’s, it’s. We’re so backed up, really. Or. So I’ll tell you what, I’ll bring my own F150 and you can. I’ll load it myself. Now it’s going to be six to eight weeks. Weeks. So. So you think that they’re gonna. Summarizing. You think they’re gonna take what’s backing the ETFs.
They’re going to use that to prop up our entire financial system and people will be bought out. Not just that, not just that they’re sucking record amounts of gold from all of the exchanges becoming net importers since November so that you buy all of that gold. So you’re, you’re saying it’s coming from every place they can including the ETFs, including the Comax market. They’re just like including the LBMA market. They’re taking it like crazy and hoarding it and then they’re going to re evaluate it, peg it to some kind of crypto, you know, take it to U.S.
treasuries. Elon Musk Just say what did Elon say? Elon said we should put on a blockchain all the government debt and spending. Well how about you put the gold on there and then the stable coins on there so everyone. What I’m saying. Yes, so. So that’s what you think is going to have. That’s going to be what they’re planning as the future financial system for. That’s part of it. States and the world. What other. That’s part of it. And now let me just color into it the Mar A Lago plan. Okay. And if there is one.
So my thesis as well, you know every $4,000 increase in the price of gold, Sarah gives the Treasury General account 1,000,000,000 free and clear. So you know, you put it at 8,8,000, they get 2 trillion. What if you put it at 140,000? I know that sounds stupid. I’m not saying they’re going to do it. Reevaluated gold at 140,000. What would that do? If the Federal Reserve said we will buy or the US treasury said we will pay any sovereign nation 140,000 an ounce if they give us us their gold will pay it. Now who would that benefit? Every central banking massively.
The BRICs, all the European. All of these banks have been accumulating gold for the last five years. Every one of them. Because it’s the only other tier 1 asset. 40 banks have repatriated their gold from the bank of England and the New York Fed. Think of front running. Do they all know this? The central banks are one big team. They’re all accumulating gold have been nonstop and repaid. It’s unrefutable. Using the suppression of the western market to run cover for it. The stupidity of the banks. Or maybe they were told keep suppressing it. We need to get it and pull all of the Stuff off the shelves at these stupid prices.
Maybe not. But the point of it is if they did that now all of a sudden your assets and your liabilities Forget about the 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities that are off balance sheet. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, et cetera. But your assets and your liabilities are even now. Could that happen? Maybe probably not. 24,000 James Rickard says or there are a lot of numbers out there. Jim Sinclair used to say 10,000, there are others saying 14,000. Whatever the number is, you start chipping away at it. But that’s maybe great. But you have to then sell your gold to monetize or to pay off the debt.
And they maybe don’t want to do that. Enter the Mar A Lago plan, if indeed they were. Because if you listen to the Mar A Lago plan, they do talk about revaluing gold gold in it. But they also talk about issuing no coupon 50 year treasuries to all of the countries. You know China is going to say pound sand. Russia would say pound sand. A lot of these countries say I’m not interested. But you have to take a 50 year treasury with no coupon, no interest paid on it. And for that we will continue to protect you.
The US Navy protects the seas and if it’s an Article 5, the United States military will come to your safety. Risky game. You’re on your own. It’s a risky game they’re playing. That’s how you get the revenue to pay down your debt and your balance sheet. Now assets and liabilities are matched the revenue for from being the global policeman. That’s what the whole Mar A lago plan is. 50 year treasuries. We protect you. We’ve been you, we’ve been protecting you for free forever. And if you don’t want it, good luck next time you get attacked we’re not going to be there is in essence what he’s saying.
So you have to pay protection action. So a lot of the BRICS nations will say we’re done, we’re out. Thanks. Sort of blackmail in a certain. It is blackmail. I mean well that’s the thing, we’re in a debt spiral. Let’s, let’s talk about central bankers though because I’m hearing you hear chatter which I don’t know is that I’ve heard different things. Martin Armstrong thinks that the central bankers are screwed. That’s what he said recently to Mike Adams. I’ve heard behind the scenes that the central bankers are not in the same power position they were but fighting to have a place at the table.
What are you, what is your view? Are they behind, I mean if BlackRock’s behind this, that’s the central bankers too, right? I mean is the central bankers and is this the central banking plan or is this another plan and the central bankers are at odds? Well that’s, I mean another way of saying that and I think it’s, and I’m going to say this, I voted for Trump. I thank God he’s here. I thank God for the changes he’s made. But if we don’t question everything then we learn nothing over the last four years because everything and if anyone knows this it’s you.
Virtually everything we were told was a lie. It’s shocking as it’s all coming out and that’s not conspiratorial. It was and just like you know, the Russian disinformation and, and the laptop being a Russian hoax and this and that, I mean and everything, the Wuhan lab, everything was a hoax non stop. Well the lies to cover up for the lies coming clean on the lies are still some lies but anyways keep going. Yes, well that’s what I mean, you got to question everything. So I guess another way of saying that and please forgive me for saying because I thank God and I voted for him but I think it’s wise to consider is he the Trojan horse or is he riding on the trojan horse? Is he going to make the central banks think he’s part of the game and then bang, flip the switch? I don’t know but what I do know is that what is happening right now in COMEX and LBMA is extraordinary.
This is stuff that doesn’t happen. What you have is the most well informed traders in the world forget about being the most well funded. The most well informed traders in the in the world are hoarding gold and they’re positioning ahead of something, maybe a market dislocation, a reset that. Do you think then, then I mean people should be buying if they’re really talking about re evaluating gold it could be a phenomenal opportunity, right? Better than ever from a gold standpoint, one in a lifetime. I still think silver is a once in a lifetime. If that’s the case do you think some of these other market plays where everybody’s focused on crypto and some of these other things is a distraction so that buys them time to accumulate their own.
What are the central banks buying? That’s what I mean, they’re buying gold. So I would. What are they not buying? They’re not buying crypto right now. Well, there you go. I mean, I’m not saying it is and I’m not a crypto basher. I think our two communities would be much stronger if we were more closely aligned and not adversaries. I actually think. I actually think that the end result of the global financial system is going to be a combination of a lot of things. Well, and that’s what Zoltan Poser said. A system it will be Bretton woods three commodities and transparency.
So what is Elon saying? Put everything on a blockchain. So if you were to take gold, revalue it and marry it to blockchain technology, which I’ve been saying since 2020, that, yes, they have to do that because a fiat based system where I promise you, Sarah, I’m not going to screw you. Really? So. So. Well, what if you do? How do I know? And I know that I’ve screwed everyone else for the past several years, but I won’t screw you. I mean, that’s the way that they’re looking at us. We’ve sanctioned the world. We’ve sanctioned all these countries.
We stole 5 billion in Russian money because we’re holier than they are. And we gave it to the Ukraine in the form of weapons. That’s a line you cannot cross as the world reserve currency. It’s not up to us to make that decision. And that’s what people don’t understand, Andy, is I’ve been talking to people from around the world. I have. I have sources in many different countries. And if you’re only talking to people in the United States, you have this illusion that we’re more. The dollar is more secure and more liked than people realize. You talk to people in other countries, they want the hell out of the dollar.
They are every way they possibly can. We’re not. We’re sitting on a powder keg. Really. Of course we are. And that’s why. Why you’ve seen central banks for the past several years shed Treasuries, not buy more and replace it with gold. For the past 25 years, gold has averaged 9.9%. Compounding the S&P 500 with dividends. Reinvested 9.6. The 10 year Treasury 1/2 the performance. Gold has doubled the performance of the 10 year treasury with no inflation risk, default risk or sanction risk. And what is it? Oh, that’s right. It’s the only other tier one reserve asset on par with US Treasuries.
So when Judy Shelton says if we don’t Issue Treasuries backed by gold. We’re screwed. No one will finance our debt. And how big of a problem is that? Well, check this out, Sarah. And it is a big problem, a bigger problem than people really think. Because in the next three years, just in the next three years, we have 20, 28 trillion dollars worth of government bonds that will mature by 2028. So we took in four and a half under 5 trillion in tax revenue last year. So in three years we have to come up with 28 trillion to pay the bonds that we owe, let alone the $1 to $2 trillion deficits.
If Doge gets a trillion off the deficit, that still leaves over a trillion deficit. We have to print bonds for that. That, so we’re 28 trillion in three years. We owe on maturing bonds plus the ones we’re writing right now. And we’re only taking in under 5 trillion in tax revenue. How do we pay for it? And, and that doesn’t take into account Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. We’re broke. Something big has to happen. Something really shake up the Apple card. That’s right. And that’s why it looks like we’re going through a bankruptcy, refinery debt, refinancing. It looks like a countrywide bankruptcy from so many people that know what the heck they’re doing.
They’re not going to call it that, but that’s what it looks like. I also want to reset the system with gold at, at way higher price, the system to reinstall confidence. And let me just add one other piece. You talk about a bankruptcy and a, and a failure. I bet people don’t really think about this. So, so $36 trillion debt. First of all, let’s quantify. I’ve said this on your show a million times, trillion seconds ago is 31,688 years ago, trillion seconds. So you know, it would take you 30, 32,000 years to count to a trillion.
Doesn’t work. And we’re spending in terms of indebtedness, a trillion dollars every hundred days so. It’s $100,000 of debt per second. And, and so this is a problem, of course, but this is a situation where really there is no way, none, zero to ever really to pay this debt off at all, ever. And unless you start to do some really, really, really creative things. But what if you reset? Well, you got 36 trillion. But what about the 200 trillion? Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, government military, pension. So that’s all us, right? It’s all owed to us. Medicare, Medicaid, government military pensions, the $36 trillion debt as China, India, Russia, Saudi, they’ve all been dumping bonds and buying commodities.
Oldham, Pozart, Bretton woods three commodities and transparency currency. Who’s been buying all the U.S. treasuries? That’s US7 trillion record in money markets. That’s almost entirely in U.S. treasuries. Pension funds, insurance companies, what are they buying? Treasuries. How about the crypto market that everyone thinks they’re leaving the legacy system to buy crypto. Why is Tether not in trouble anymore? Oh, that just kind of faded away, right? Look at their balance sheet now what it used to be be what it is now, it’s almost entirely U.S. treasuries. Look at USDC, U.S. treasury. That’s what I’m saying. I think it’s going to be a joint thing with these cryptos aren’t.
Yeah, no, go, go. But here’s the final point. We only owe $8 trillion to the rest of the world. All of it’s owed to us American people. All of it. So you reset the system. Trump is the master of the reorganization of bankruptcy. Right. This is what he’s known for, partially. Who are you resetting on us? Yeah. You work out a deal for the 8 trillion we’ll protect, what do you think is going to happen to us? What is your, what is your point? If they reset the system like you’re talking about, you’re resetting on us.
You issue a new system, a gold backed whatever tied to at much higher levels. The only other tier one asset at much higher levels pegged to, to the new dollar or whatever it may be. It’s much easier to reset if we do on the American people. And you bring in a cabinet that is trying their best to install culture and patriotism and unite the country and you have doge that says, look, we’ve tried the best we could, but for you moms and dads out there, if you would like your children to grow up in a world of opportunity, this is what we have to crawl through that tube of two miles of to get to the other end, just like Andy Dufresne did.
And then he stood and went like this with the rain pouring down on. He made it. Well, we got to do that too. There’s no way around it. Pull up your big boy and girl pants, buckle up, tighten your belt and we’re gonna have to suffer for a little bit high inflation or whatever it may be. Maybe you know, if he wants to reshore onshore all the, the manufacturing. Better way to do it would be to reset. Because why did all that stuff leave? All that stuff left because it’s too expensive labor in this country. So all of the manufacturing around the globe, if you bring it back, not only do you have to build the, the manufacturing facilities, the new equipment, train everyone and then the staffing, way more expensive than in Korea or China or Vietnam.
So you’re talking a depression. You’re talking. That’s why I’m saying that’s. Yeah, I’m saying there’s like a lot of risk that we have to do it. And it takes 10 years to, to build up our infrastructure, our, our, our security, our borders, our manufacturing. We install confidence in the government. All the spending is put on the blockchain. But you know what? We all need to do our part right now or our children will grow up in a world with no opportunity. And I’m telling you the only way to get that trust and confidence is to marry gold and blockchain and what not.
Maybe not blockchain. Maybe a hashgraph. My dogs are going crazy. A deal here. I don’t know if you can see them. I, I don’t, I know. I don’t think they’re jumping up on me. They want to go outside or something. I don’t think it’s going to be blockchain. I think it’s going to be like fixing the bitcoin issue. Bitcoin is not a coin that can be used because it can’t do the transactions fast enough. And like hashgraph, Hedera or something like that is what they are moving towards. It’s just a, it’s a data structure structure. Blockchain is.
And they’re going to use a better one essentially. Well, whatever. The blockchain is essentially the same thing. Yeah. Bitcoin will never be a currency. It’s too volatile. It’s, it’s an asset. But it will never be a. Use it quick enough and it’s too expensive. But there are other options that are just utility based that could be. There may be the utility based cryptos. I’m not saying that there isn’t. But what I am saying is that in order to peg it to a, to give it at legitimacy and trustworthiness and confidence. I think gold. What is gold? The only other tier one asset who’s buying it? All the central banks.
Now do you think? I do believe that gold will be pegged to a new system. Somehow, some way it’ll reach a level that is probably higher than anyone can Imagine by being revalued, which also devalues the dollar, which is what Trump wants. He wants a lower dollar. If you push gold up, the dollar falls, the assets go higher. This is how you begin. And then if you, if you install the Mar A Lago plan where these countries have to start paying for military protection, you start working down the debt with a level balance sheet. Well, and my point is that whatever is happening, I’ll just put it to you this way.
I don’t know what their plan is and I get to that point, I can just see all of these things happening at the same time. I don’t know, I go blank when I think how is he going to connect the dots? But what I will tell you is that what is happening on comex is far more than just responding to the Trump tariff threats. What they are doing as net importers and massive deliveries and messing with JP Morgan now as the custodian of GLD as well. All of these things are telling me that’s a big deal.
This is much bigger. What they have in store for gold is much bigger to me. JP Morgan being in charge of both that central bank bankers and, and so I’m not the, the Martin Armstrong saying central bankers are hosed. I’m. And they’re in trouble. I don’t. Or they’re fighting to have the just a place at the table. Or this is their plan. I, I don’t know. That’s. I don’t know either. Yeah, riding on it and only time. Okay, one last question. They’re floating out. Oh, Ron Paul editing or auditing the Fed? Which is. He’s been wanting to do that and I’ve been wanting him to do that for years.
You know, he’s had, he had his legislation when he was in Congress for years, audit the Fed out of it. And now they’re talking about him coming in and actually auditing the Fed. Do you think that could happen? I do. Christmas morning, all these things, half of the treasury, the gold. It would also audit Fort Knox and they need it now. If it comes out with nothing in Fort Knox. You know, I had, I had Dave Moy on my program who was the head of the US Mint. And I asked him on, on air, is there gold at Fort Knox? And he’s like, oh, if I tell you, I’d have to kill you.
He was joking around. But he told me that there was he. And I mean, I don’t know if it’s true or not. I respect him because he said a lot of stuff that I was surprised we would hear come out of a former head of the, the mint. But he would, I mean, I think he’d get. Can’t tell the truth. He’d be looking over his shoulder. That’s something that would destabilize national security. I think he’d be looking over his shoulder if he admitted there wasn’t. Yeah. So my question is, if they audit it and it’s not there, are they going to be truthful about it? I don’t know.
You tell me that. I don’t know. But, you know, or they’re bringing all this gold in then and they’re going to audit that and say. Yeah. I mean, is that part of it? Is that part of why they’re. That’s what I’m thinking maybe. You know, there’s rumor that when the Bundes bank asked for all their gold back, the bars that they got back were of, were of different purity and were not the original bars that they had sent in. So, you know, who knows why did it take five years for the, for the U.S. government to send Germany back their gold? Gold? If it’s just there, why is, why is the lbma, which is a function of the bank of England, why are they now t + 8 weeks instead of t + 1? If the gold is there? It should just be questions.
Yeah, no, there’s more questions than there’s answers right now. And I think the moves that we’re seeing, which you just explained so well is, is showing that. I mean, I, I don’t think, and I, I know you’re going to say this, we don’t know all that’s going on, but we sure can see amazing moves. And I think the most incredible thing that you, you said is the fact that gold could be revalued. I think it will be and I’ve been hearing it everywhere. I mean, even Glenn Beck had it on his show a few days ago.
Okay, that, that’s going to happen. Once it gets out to that kind of mainstream media outlet, that means it’s, they’re talking, I mean, you just can’t make it up though, that it’s held in the gold revaluation account. That’s the name of it. Yeah. So as if they’ve always planned all along to revalue the price of gold when, when debt got away from them. I mean, it’s, it’s crazy. So if they’re interested in getting gold, I think this is an important time to reevaluate what you have in your IRAs. What’s going on in your own portfolio and at least have some silver.
If that’s all you can purchase, where can they. I mean they can just contact you. I’ll have the link below. Can you share a little bit about your program? I like working with you because people can trust you and I appreciate that. And go ahead. We’ve never had a complaint in 35 years. If there’s one drawback to our model, it’s that I don’t list all of our prices above a very small amount and I do it for various reasons. But they can send us an email at info at Miles Franklin and just request, say Sarah sent me.
That’s very important. Request our prices list which will be as good or better than anyone in America. And we even have the ability to negotiate lower if, if prices come in lower. We try and be as competitive as anyone in the United States or more so because we publish this and some websites have the ability to change right away. We will always take that into consideration. But our prices should be in the upper 1% of everyone in North America and, and that’s a lot though because. Because there are a lot of companies out there that are gouging people and I just, I just talked to somebody yesterday that bought silver at 80 and so they have to wait for silver to get up to $80 an ounce in order to make and they get sold it because they’re supposedly collectible or some rare deal or whatever it may be.
It’s silver really. Yeah. But our prices will be as good or better than anyone in North America. If you have questions on anything you’ve heard here. If you have questions on precious metals IRAs give us your phone number. If you want to be contacted, let us know. Check your spam. If you don’t get a response right away, sometimes they can end up in your spam filter info miles franklin.com I will say this regarding gold. Normally I wouldn’t say this. You’ve never heard me say this on your show. But I would say for those people who understand what pre1933 numismatic coins are like this here Ms.
64 Saint Gauden. We have in stock thousands of ounces. I took part in a very large buyback thousands of ounces. I will tell you that in my career year, which is 35 years, I have never ever, ever, ever seen prices on numismatics where they are right now. How much would it be for an ounce of that? You can get them for less than in many cases American eagles. I’ve never Seen that before? Never. In fact, if you have American eagles or gold buffaloes, you can trade them straight up for 62 liberties 63 Saint God buttons 1 to 1 in 2008 I would have paid you 6,7 $800 premiums above a thousand dollar gold spot for those same coins, as many as you would sell me.
Because the threat of confiscation was so high and just like that was too high. This is the lowest I’ve ever seen. It might be the best opportunity I’ve ever seen in gold in my entire career. Now no one has heard me say that in, since I started doing YouTubes because the world that we are in to me it’s about number of ounces that matter. And I, I think the American eagles and buffaloes are, are the best way to do that. But if you can get these coins which are supposedly who knows what desperate governments do, safe from confiscation, pieces of Americana 100 plus years old, better upside potential for less than or on par with a gold eagle.
I’ve never seen that in 35 years. So. So there’s a million things you can buy. For those people who understand pre 33 numismax, I will tell you, God is my witness, never seen this before, never ask us about that. But whatever you want, gold bullion, silver bullion, junk silver. I mean the premiums after what we saw the last four years where premiums were parabolic, it’s the opposite of that right now. And that’s the craziest part of all of this, is that as the biggest, most sophisticated, well, well informed traders in the globe are freaking out trying to get delivery and possession and draining the world’s exchanges, the people in this country for the past year have been going the opposite direction, buying Nvidia, Bitcoin, Apple.
The Trump risk on trade. Hope springs eternal. And to a degree I get it because we lived in bizarro world. But that feeling towards assets and investments is irrational. And I think there will be something that jars people because what I see happening right now, no matter what it really truly is, is, is so far outside the norm of anything I’ve ever seen. It makes you wonder. Could all of these dots, which in and of himself are impressive, you put them together. Holy. Could it really be that they’re going to revalue gold to a much higher level? They’re going to possess the ETFs and say you can still buy physical but cash, settle it and close those accounts.
Could it really be that we’re a net importer and all of these deliveries, record deliveries are coming in to help bolster the gold that Judy Shelton wants to peg behind the US treasury that Scott Bent says he wants to remonetize the liquid assets of the US Government’s balance sheet which has virtually no assets that you could monetize but gold or land. I’m saying these things are all coming together and I’ll let you all decide could this be But I will tell you no matter what it is, it is so far outside the the realm of, of what is normal that I, it’s a coin flip to me whether it is just the Trump tariffs, which I don’t believe, or it’s something much, much bigger.
So you know, you decide for yourself but these are anything but normal times. Sarah, that I can agree with you 100%. Well, thank you so much, Andy. You’re going to have to come back even sooner next time. I love coming back. We love working with your people as well. Okay, thank you so much, Andy. Stay well.