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➡ A family managed to convince Child Protective Services (CPS) to allow them to use alternative treatments for their child’s illness, which led to a backlash from the government due to the potential financial loss. The speaker then discusses his personal experience with refusing to wear a mask in a grocery store, citing a law that allows him to refuse. He continued to film his experiences until the store dropped its mask mandate. The speaker also discusses the concept of sovereignty and the misinformation surrounding it, and the importance of being spiritually grounded and coming from a place of love. He also touches on the dangers of blindly rejecting all things associated with corporations, and the importance of keeping your family safe and understanding the current legal landscape.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s journey of understanding the connection between emotional healing and physical health, particularly in relation to cancer. The speaker shares his late wife’s struggle with cancer and her inability to overcome the emotional trauma from her past, which he believes contributed to her illness. He also discusses the concept of ‘spiritual bypass’, where people avoid dealing with their issues by focusing solely on spirituality. Lastly, he talks about the commercialization of personal identities, suggesting that individuals need to reclaim their identities from systems like the IRS and DMV to truly be free.
➡ The text discusses the benefits of operating under a private, irrevocable trust, which can protect your assets and land. It also talks about discharging debt by exposing banking fraud. The text then promotes a wellness brand, Root, and its Trinity Pack, which offers various health benefits. Lastly, it delves into the concept of tax credits, which can be used to offset tax liabilities or even purchase goods and services.
➡ The text discusses IRS forms 1099A, 1099B, and 1099C, which are related to abandoned property, getting money back, and discharging everything, respectively. The author suggests that these forms can be used to challenge the system, particularly in court cases, and even get money back that was taken from your account. However, the author warns against abusing this system for personal gain, as it could lead to negative consequences. The text also touches on the idea that corporations and governments may be exploiting individuals financially, and encourages people to educate themselves about these issues.
➡ The speaker discusses the complexities of setting up an irrevocable trust, including the challenges of finding the right trust company and dealing with banks. They also share their experiences in educating others about these processes through speaking engagements and articles on a platform called Substack. The speaker also touches on the topic of land patents and the process of obtaining them without the need for state approval. Lastly, they mention the concept of a four-star passport with a “do not detain” status, which used to be obtainable through the State Department but now requires a different application process through the post office.
➡ The text discusses the process of asserting personal sovereignty through legal documents, such as a passport application. It suggests that by filing a UCC commercial law document, one can claim ownership of their name and gain a passport with a ‘do not detain’ status. The text also mentions a website, coppermoonshinestills.com, which provides guidance on how to correctly fill out the passport application. Lastly, it mentions a product called X39 patches, which are said to help regenerate stem cells and rejuvenate life.
There’s zooms and there’s a 100% 90 day money back guarantee. T@catch the life wave.com the x39 there is nothing else like it. Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your life at catch the life wave.com welcome back to the sovereign soul show. You divine lions and lionesses. You know our ethos and creed is standing for love, levity and liberty right over here. It’s over my shoulder. As you know, right. As a reiki master, a decade practicing near the quarter of a century, I can tell you that love is the greatest power in the omniverse. Our great creator spirit, our greatest omnipresence of divinity.
God granted us from love. We were born from love and levity, as you know, like laughter’s best medicine. Not only with Reader’s Digest, but elevation of your vibration which gives us libertas freedom. And that’s where we’re all going as divine light beings. For those of you who are just joining, you’ve never seen the show before. Yes I have. The bling Buddha. He is our mascot. He’s firing you red pills from his 9 mil Sig 226 and he’s got the punisher’s tattoo over his left breast symbolizing save the children. And of course what’s important for us to move toward this ascension process of peace, love, harmony and prosperity.
Justice will also be brought forward though is the lotus flower and the dove of peace that are sitting on the blin Buddha’s shoulder. I’m delighted for the first time to be introduced through our mutual friend Lisa Schermerhorn, quantum healer extraordinaire, Jeff Weitzman. And Jeff not only is one of the most grounded people voices I’ve ever heard on conveying sovereignty, the strawman. How do you access your sestrivi trust? How is it that you can go and you can find your bond whom you can Go to and help set up your SESQV trust, or excuse me, it’s already there, but help you access that and work with the Monopoly pieces, which you’ve all heard me discuss a few times over the years.
And that’s what we want to have. Right? You might have a driver license, but listen, if your trust has to be in control of that driver’s license so that you can move forward, you’re not like, wrapped up in jail by some, you know, Timbuktu police officer because, remember, they’re doing, most of them are doing their best because they’re not taught this stuff either. In addition to that, Jeff also is about saving the children. And to be and to do and have it all comes down. So he is being the man who gets out there and is helping save the children from an educational standpoint.
Some of the revelatory information you’re going to hear from this guy and watch and his links right below the description on the show. Here is the flip the script film. As you know, we’ve had whistleblowers, cps, Children’s Aid service in Canada who are talking about how they want to kidnap your kids because you are a pair, man and woman, who are renting them from the state. Totally satanic. But Jeff’s information, what he’s going to share here, will prevent that from happening. Even better, maybe heal you from cancer, parasites. Right. Which is where it all comes from, ultimately.
Jeff, thank you so much for being on here in this time and appreciate that you’re joining us from your lovely spot down in SoCal. Yeah. Good to meet you, Brad. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. So I’ve done a little bit of a setup here for this incredible audience of lions and lionesses. About half of them are in America, the rest throughout the world. We typically have Norway, Australia, United Kingdom, South Africa, of course, Canada, my brothers and sisters there in New Zealand, online, a few, Singapore and whatnot. But what got you into this? How did you come to be being a filmmaker, to go out, save the children, to figure this out and leverage sovereignty? Because you’re literally living that right now.
And you’re probably one of the few people I’ve heard say, let’s, let’s keep the irs. Yeah, that’s a nice hook for people to tune into. And the why, right? I mean, it’s an illusion how to, how to separate. Because in my experience, if you just go off in a mountain, on a mountain somewhere and try to live in solitude, it doesn’t solve the problem. What you want ultimately is you want nobody to have any power over you. That’s sovereignty to me. And, you know, there’s a universal law that we all live in, which is the law of consent.
And the bad guys know about this law of consent, and they use it. And what they do is they try to force you into situations and they tell you there’s no other options. And they’re banking on the fact that you don’t know that you can say, I do not consent. And the reason I don’t have to consent to what you do is because I have an inalienable connection to God. I’m a spiritual being. I’m not who you say I am, and therefore I actually live apart from your fictitious laws and codes. And so now I’m going to educate you.
This is me talking to the government, to whoever I’m going to. Yeah, I’m going to educate you, Mr. Government Official, Mr. Policeman. I’m going to educate you on who I am. I’m going to show you my paperwork, show you. So, you know, I’ve done the work to tell you who I am, and then I’m going to continue to do what I want to do because, you know, I don’t have to pay to live on a planet I was born on, basically. But. But let’s go back to the beginning of where this started, because in 2015, my wife was diagnosed with bladder cancer.
The doctor said, we’re going to have to cut your wife’s bladder out, followed by chemo and radiation, cut her vagina in half, and then you got a 50% chance of survival. And instead we went to Germany, treated it naturally with focused heat, IV nutrients and ozone, and her cancer was gone in 30 days. So, you know, what do you do with that information? It’s like that. That completely blows up so many things. You know, it blows up the media, it blows up the health care industry. It blows up the. The narrative, you know. So anyway, I wrote an article about it.
The article went viral, and then directors and filmmakers came to me and said, we’ve got to make a film about this. And then within 30 days, they all retreated because they realized you cannot go against Big Pharma or it’s the end of your film career. So one of the film directors who was an Academy Award nominated director, she said, I’ll mentor you. You make the film and I’ll mentor you. So I had already been through Hollywood as an actor, as a musician, singer, songwriter and writer, so I felt like, well, this isn’t very hard. You know, I’ve Already been a photographer all my life.
This is, I can do this. So I went ahead and made a film. The film was called Cancer Can Be Killed. And that film really took off and went. A lot of people saw it and people were getting healed. And that’s when parents came to me and said, hey, why, if my child’s in remission from cancer, why are they forced into two to four years of chemotherapy? No doctor or lawyer in the world will defend us. And if we say no, Child Protective services shows up at our door. And I mean, I couldn’t believe this. How does that sound to you? First of all, is that believable to you now? The five years we’ve just been through, 100%, you know, even before that, five or six years ago, going, really? Wait, your kid’s in remission and they want two to four more years of straight up chemotherapy injected in their veins.
That’s asinine, right? Yeah. So, you know, their argument is that if they don’t get the chemo, the kids will relapse. And argument also is that They’ve got over 90% success rate, but when you break it down, their success rate is keeping the child alive for five years. So if they, if they die at five years in a day, it was a success. Yeah. So anyway, I. I started making a new film called Flipping the Script When Parents Fight Back and. And basically found two groups of parents. One group of parents who had healed their children naturally without chemo, and then another set of parents who challenged the system.
And one set of parents went to Mexico, treated their child naturally, came back in a different state, and they fine. And then the other family met CPS at the door and gave him a notice of liability and said, you need to sign this document saying that you’ll pick up all the charges for any damages you do to our child, that you. Whatever you force them into. And that was enough for CPS to back off and go, whoa, what was it you wanted to do? And the parents were like, yeah, we want to do cannabis oil, use a chiropractor, use frequencies and whatever.
And CPS said, okay. And they, and they let him go. So we filmed that and, you know, got the information out there. And then, as usual, per usual, that’s when the heat comes down because the government realizes, oh my God, this is a huge threat, because every child’s worth a million dollars each to treat him with chemo in the system. And so that’s when I got banned on all the platforms, Amazon, Vimeo, writing platforms, and that’s when they clamped down on one of the families that tried to take their child out of the hospital, and they made a mockery of them, and they actually put the judge on YouTube, scolding these parents so that everybody could see that the government was in charge.
So that’s what led me down my path, Brad, because if, if parents don’t have the rights to protect their children and, and the state has the power to kill children, you know, that’s. There’s something wrong, there’s a disconnect somewhere. We. There’s a missing link that we haven’t found. So once Covid hit, you know, the next thing for me was looking for an answer to be able to buy organic fruits and vegetables without stopping breathing in the process. And so the thing that I hit upon was it doesn’t work for me to just rage and yell at the managers of the natural food stores that I go into.
And so I had to come up with another solution. And what I realized was I needed to find the love for these managers that were denying me the ability to buy food. And I know that sounds kind of weird and trippy, but I realized if the universe runs on love and love conquers all, we. Well, let’s try it. So first thing I did was I printed out the law which on emergency use devices says that they cannot be forced and that everybody has the option to refuse. In the United States, it’s 21 US Code360BBB3. Printed it out when I walked in, and they said, sir, you can’t be in here without a mask.
I said, actually, I can, and here’s the law. And so I gave it to them. And then I just went right through the store. And then they said, well, sir, we’re not going to check you out. I said, that’s okay, I’ll pay cash. So I put cash on the counter. Well, sir, we’re going to call the police. And I said, good, please do. So they called the police. So, you know, the police said, there’s nothing we can do. And they, and, and the police said, do you want us to press charges? And the, the manager said, yes, press it for trespassing.
But as soon as I got to the district attorney, he said, we’re not going to, we’re not going to file. We’re going to drop the charges. So I just kept going into the store with my camera and I filmed this process over and over and over again until finally the head of Sprouts grocery store in America said, no more mask mandates anywhere in any of our stores. And for me, that was the moment where I was like, oh, damn, we have power. And I never, I never. It’s, it’s counterintuitive. It’s not what we’ve been taught is power is because we’ve been taught on the television and on the news media.
We, you know, all these different ideas about this fake power that doesn’t work. And so that was my inroad. And from there I was like, okay, I’m hooked. Let me find the people out there that are doing sovereignty the right way. And that’s what led me to find the connections I did. And now I know how to protect children, and now I know how to protect myself, and now I know how to even access the birth certificate account. But it’s not what everybody’s saying out there. And the lack of humility by the people that are out there teaching this stuff is so mind blowing to me that it makes me think that it’s all controlled opposition, that these are people being paid by the government to again, feed the false information.
Yeah, I just want to stop there and get your thoughts and, and then I can proceed. Well, you’re right on point with that. We were talking in the pre chat about the fact there’s only been two people on sovereignty whom I’ve ever interviewed in nearly four years because they’re spiritually grounded and they are coming straight from the heart center, not from the mind center and from anger, like these. We don’t need a driver’s license. We don’t need to. We can. 16 years old. I. We could ride wagons and nobody had to give us a license on how to climb aboard a horse 200 years ago.
And that’s where I’ve raised my hand and I have been. And this was also part on the Truth Tour. I’m like, well, wait a second. In backroom conversations. I was a speaker on the Truth Tour with Lisa and like, well, hang on a second here. So using that logic, you’re saying it’s okay for a 14 or a 16 year old or a 30 year old or whomever who’s never driven a car before on average, weighs a thousand pounds on the average vehicle, whether it’s a Toyota Prius, right up to a freaking Ford F150 Raptor or Dodge Ram on typical North American highways can easily do 80 miles an hour.
And you don’t want to make sure that individual who is about to get behind the car, the seat of that, that driver’s seat behind the wheel and the gas pedal and the Brake doesn’t. They don’t need to have something, an exam that says, yeah, they know when to stop, when there’s a stop sign, when to go, when there’s a green light, when to signal, when to have situational wires and check your mirrors. Well, no, we’re not saying that don’t actually you are, you’re saying no driver’s license. Now. Yes, we’re very much aware of the structure of bonds.
Right. And that’s just one. However, the monopoly piece aspect is really key. Right. We’ve had people here who have been in the chats just about two months ago or so, Jeff. And you know, I had members of the Republic on and again, and they were like all sheriffs and all military right now they’re all part of the corporation. They should be hungry. It was literally I took a screenshot of the handle of the individual, you know, and that’s going to come back to haunt them. But here’s the thing, that mindset, it was like, wait a second.
So once again, if you or your loved ones are having a heart attack on the floor and a veterinarian is licensed to a corporate infrastructure, you’re saying anything corporate has to go away, then you’re not going to call a veterinarian to help them. And again, I’m not recommending people call veterinarian if you have a heart attack, but based on the fact that Canada right now, as well as the standard of care still today, even though Trump is in and everybody’s been installed, standard of care, American hospitals and the medical assistance and deaf youth. The nature program in Canada, which has been recorded already has murdered over 35,000 people as of October 2022.
And then they stopped recording it on purpose. You want to go to a good veterinarian, as far as I’m concerned, if you have an acute care issue, I would not trust any hospital, any doctors. You need to know them, know where they come from, make sure they’re still of the human species. They’re not part of the transport Genesis. Right, because now you’re dealing with a completely brand new species of an alien AI backed dark race which is bridged from Satanism, the devil, which is also a dark deep state, AI angel. But we’re not going there in full however you ask.
So folks, the monopoly piece is really key and you’re just looking at my community, keeping your kids safe, your family, eventually Nisara Gesara will come. But what you need to have before all that happens and you’re seeing the inklings of it because we’re in law of War Manual Section 11.3 right now. We are right there, 2023. I read it out on a live stream just, just a little bit ago before we recorded Jeff like this is where we all are. This is what everybody is seeing. There’s no way that you’re going to have Nasara or release the straw man and the bonds.
And you had mentioned, you know, a four star general worth $4 billion. I happen to do and work with from time to time a three star and a two star retired Major General Valley and Lieutenant General McInerney. So they’re likely worth billions of dollars. But until you get the trende araguas and the MS.13s and all the nefarious wrap up of the malevolent, doctors, nurses, pedophiles, those are, they’re all arrested, they’re gone, they’re investigated, they’ve had their own doge. Probably going to be another year or two until all that happens easily. And in the meantime you have incredible solutions for not only once again you just shared with your late wife.
I’m sorry to hear for her passing. But what was done though when he went to Germany and in. In German Czech border There was a time I was there living between Prague and Pilsen. Jeff and I witnessed at the springs there that people would drink the water in the hot springs. They would go to the hot spring spas, they would come in, they would have lesions, they would have cancer and they would actually spend five days or a week at a spa and they no longer have skin lesions, sores, psoriasis, canc cancers, other ailments, sore joints.
And they’re drinking the water that comes right out of the ground of those springs. And that’s where then I learned about cancer, parasites, oxygen and like you perfectly titled your first film, cancer can be killed. Yeah. And. And by the way, my, my wife that her cancer came roaring back after five years and then infiltrated her whole body and then took her life. And you know the, the trick for her was she could never figure out the emotional component to the healing. And since she was victimized as a child with among other things, you know, being sexually abused by a grandfather.
And it wasn’t so much that that did it, it was then the family covering up for the grandfather and telling her that she had to forgive him, that victimization, she never fought back against it. And you know, she didn’t leave all the things in her life that reminded her of that victimization. So from her passing in 2020, you know that Helped me get to where I am today. And I honest believe that, honestly believe she’s still with me. For my children and myself to get to the place we needed to get to. She needed to leave the planet.
And now the revelation is clear. You know, now I’m able to help other people leave whatever victimized story they have about their childhood so that they can heal. And, you know, it’s so funny because I, I needed to spend time with Lisa Schermerhorn a couple weeks ago to process some fear issues I had. And it’s. It’s just weird that a lot of this stuff you can process so much. And then there’s. You’ll still find this other little corner where you have not, you know, unraveled the mystery or exposed the feeling that’s underneath it. And, you know, it was transformational for me to be with her and to release some of that fear that was causing pain in my kidneys and kidney stones.
And so anyway, just wanted to put a little plug in there for the emotional journey and how that relates to the healing. Well, and what’s also important, you started off this talking about going up on the mountain and just kind of like dismissing life. That is spiritual bypass, you know, where people kind of run out and go, you know what? I don’t want to be part of the system. I can’t, I can’t work on this. It’s huge with starseeds too. And I just want to anchor energy and pray and meditate and be on my own. That’s also a spiritual bypass to a degree.
Because once you go back, those issues are still cropping up and you haven’t put together, you haven’t worn a defensive armor. And then also you haven’t leveraged the offensive. All peaceful pen is always mightier than the sword. Sword backs of pen. Right. Capabilities that you’re all divined with and walking that path. And I, I find listening to you, you have a voice of reason and sincerity to help good people of America. And people from Canada can discover and learn about this too, anywhere in the world. Because the design, once again, everyone is Commonwealth system stole the wealth from the commoners.
They came in and they put this upon all of us. And as a result of that, remember Crown Corporation of Canada? I’ve shown it probably a hundred times in four years. Jeff registered on the securities Exchange Commission July 1, 1867, Washington D.C. people still can’t believe it. And I even have a few comments. People like, well, no, you have to register your country to sell securities. Well, the headquarters for the country. The corporation is in Pennsylvania Avenue at the Canadian Embassy. Right. And we do the templates all across the board. So that’s an aspect of where people then when they learned.
And I’ve done a show like, oh, this is fidelity. Here’s an individual now you can see how many times they’re traded. Like Lisa got to see hers, you know, a couple hundred million dollars worth. How many times that shoe is traded, like just pages and pages and pages worth. And then that really, I think, is the. As you know, psychologically, people make a decision based on one or two, only one of two tenets, fear, or they’re moving toward a fortuitous event, and they’re doing it out of love. Right. Because fear is the absence of love. So the fear also stems anger.
And there can be a loving justice, anger. But people see that and they get anger, and then they’re afraid. What could be done next to them? I think this is actually a lever that works to our advantage right now, between now and the next few years, when they go, all right, here’s what they’ve been doing to all of you. But in the meantime, for anybody listening or watching, not doing something, then you continue to participate as the victim in that mindset you’re discussing in the lawfare, and then the complete financial tyranny which they’re doing upon everyone.
Yeah. How many people would love to have a passport like you that says do not detain. Mentioned that earlier. Well, and so let’s start with just the situation with children that are being forced into anything by the government. So the con there, and the illusion is that the state owns the child. And the way they do this is when a child is born, the mother signs the birth certificate. And the mother doesn’t know that birth certificate is a security that is then traded on the bond market. And so they then define the child as a legal fiction, as a dead entity, as just this commodity that gets traded.
And so if you, the parent, were to say, yeah, no, I don’t want my child to go through four years of chemotherapy, if they were honest, they would say to you, well, you’re taking away our chance to make money off your child. Because, you know, your child can contribute over a million dollars for the medical system, which can in turn give us the money we need, because we don’t have souls. We just want to take everything we can. And we love hurting children. So, no, you can’t. You can’t speak up for your child. So what a parent needs to do is go, okay, well, then Evil state.
What do you listen to? Like what means, can I convey to you that I didn’t have informed consent when I gave away the right to my child? What would that method be? And so the evil state would say, oh well you would have to file a UCC document. That’s commercial law. Everything’s commercial law. All gets down to money trading. Yeah. It’s not morality, for God’s sakes. We’re not all in this because we have good hearts. It’s all commercial. So you know, you, the parent would have to file a commercial law state statement document where you take ownership of that business entity, the all caps name, be it of yourself, of your child, of whatever.
Then you know, the state would say we have no right to your kid because you own it now. And so that’s the missing information. And so when a lot of these people say yeah, just become a non citizen national and file this paperwork with the Secretary of State or this, they’re not getting to the heart of the matter. Right. Because the heart of the matter is commercial law. So that’s how they understand what we say to them. And then the other entity, you know, is the irs. So we’ve got to file the paperwork with the IRS to say this is who I am, you know, and I’m no longer a part of your system.
If I, if I want to engage with you IRS I can, but that’s my choice. And this is the same way with the DMV and with driver’s licenses and registrations. It’s like I see I interact with the irs. I have a driver’s license, I have registration. Why? Because I own my entity. They can’t tell me what I can or can’t do with my things because I own it all. And so you start with that level of taking back the soul and taking back the ownership and then you just move it on to further directions like a trust.
Because when you operate out of a trust, it’s completely private and it can’t be penetrated if it’s an irrevocable common law trust. And then you go the next stage and you file a land patent. So now you own your land so they can’t tell you what you can do on your land. Right. And so you know a lot. The final piece of the puzzle, if people want to do it, is discharging debt. And if all banking is fraud and you expose the fraud, then you can just discharge debts whenever they come up because you don’t actually owe the bank that loaned you the money because they didn’t give you anything.
They had. They just went to the treasury to go get the money. Ladies and gentlemen, our show will continue after these brief and important messages. If you are looking for groundbreaking nutritional products which revolutionize the way your body operates, you have to check out this cutting edge American made all natural wellness brand. Root. The Trinity pack from getrootnow.com is a game changer. Let me show you. Zero in is the world’s first quantumceutical, an all natural adaptogenic nootropic which skyrockets your clarity and creativity. Professional athletes have reported over a 40% increase in their performance in only 90 days.
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Trinity Pack even comes with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. So when you grab your trinity@getrootnow.com, you can feel good knowing it’s endorsed by tier one special operations warriors, two light workers, benevolent healthcare heroes, professional athletes and Olympians detoxing their systems and unleashing their greatest self from across the globe. You can also get rewarded for being part of the root community. See you there. And now back to our show to your Sesta KV Trust account. And then they have the gall to say here you pay us on top of that. Oh, and by the way, we’re going to sell this note on the bond on the mortgage securities market too.
We’re going to make our money 10 times over. So the point is once you expose the fraud, then you can, you can kind of dig in. But for me, I’m treading very slowly on this whole discharging debt, getting everything back from the irs. You know, I’m moving very slowly because I don’t. It’s not about that for me. It’s a, it’s, it’s not about making a million dollars and having a Maserati. It’s about me establishing that me and God are so connected that you have no power over me. And I’m going to keep this going as far as I can with as many people as I can to protect as many people as I can.
And this is going to be the greatest period in the history of mankind because we’re living in a time when we can do things that nobody else could do. So that’s it in a nutshell. Yeah, it’s truly amazing, the feeling of empowerment. One of the shows I did, it was specific amazing woman in Canada and Alberta, Susan Brierly. And just like you, she said, I’m gifting this away. Was born in 1964. We showed her bond. She said, here’s the bond they took out on me in 1964. She showed the date of birth, $97.4 million in Alberta, in Canada, 1964.
Y. Wow. And then trace it all the way up. And when we recorded that show, it was just around 940 million that she had been worth then. And then now since, you know, it’s over a billion. It was about a year ago. And then I did a follow on show because people are like, how do you access it? Right? You know, because some people want that instant gratification. I want to see it to believe it. That’s okay. I get it. So I did a live stream where I leveraged somebody else and their American Social Security number.
We showed right where here you are. Fidelity Investments holding that individual had traded them, made hundreds of millions of dollars off of them at Fidelity Investments. And then we found another one for John Hancock Financial. And then in Canada, you know, several are at Manulife Financial in Waterloo, Canada. So people are like, well, they’ve got it. And there you are. Now you’ve seen it. And now those are the steps. So I love how you broke it down. One of the shows, Lisa, you said, you know, you basically need four, four changes of underwear because you’re still going through this.
And it depends. And it’s a great, great levity too. And you’re like, you know, change of underwear. Number one, take control. Your birth certificate, right? They are no longer in control of it. You’ve taken it back. And then number two, you’re going out there and you’re forming the trust. And then you go for, hey, now you’ve got the trust. If you have an opportunity or you actually have a mortgage in, file the land patent and the loyal title. I’ve done separate shows of other people, including the amazing Chris Ripple in Alaska on land patents, loyal title.
How do you go and get that in the United States and in Canada right now, they. I don’t know if you know this, but October 2022 as well in Vancouver, Canada, the city council, Jeff, signed off onto the United nations under it, so the entire province and then every municipality in British Columbia, and then finally city council and. And not in a good way. Right. In city council in Vancouver, B.C. sold off. They literally assigned over all of the land and the patent rights to the United Nations. So when people are going to try and get it now in B.C.
there’s been some challenges. Right. But it can still happen. And then the final one is now you’ve got your irrevocable trust and you’re leveraging that with the IRS. And with the IRS, you’re actually, I’ve known about the 1099 OID. You mentioned the 1099 ABC, and I found that fascinating. Would you take a few moments and discuss what that means in the hypothetical scenarios? Yeah. So, first of all, one of the things that’s available to an irrevocable trust is something called tax credits. And if you read the IRS handbooks and literatures, they actually tell people about tax credits, but surprisingly, very few CPAs, if any, know about them.
So I purchased my farm for 1.3 million. I issued a 1099 form, which is basically an expense form, who. I purchased it with a loan or not. Just. So we’re. Yeah, I paid cash. Cash. And then I issued a 1099 form to the escrow company who I wrote the check to. And then the IRS gave me 1.3 million in tax credits and a tax credit. I can now use that to offset any liability that I have for taxes. I can sell them to other people if I want for 50 cents on the dollar or 70 cents on the dollar.
I already. A friend of mine needed $50,000 to offset his tax liability, so he paid me 25,000, and I did a distribution to give those tax credits to him. But there’s other people that, like I say, they’ll pay 70 cents on the dollar for those tax credits. So if I wanted to, I could sell them. Yeah. And then there’s. There’s a few other tricks where you can register your trust in a way that makes you equal to energy companies, and you can get what’s called energy credit. So now your tax credits are actually worth more than just a trust.
And so you can now walk into a car dealership with $75,000 in tax credits and say, could I buy a car with $75,000 in tax credits. And the CFO of the car dealership will be like, wait a minute, I don’t have to pay taxes. You’re just giving me tax credits. Yes, let’s do this. So, you know, the other thing about the trust and the tax credits is that when you. If I have $50,000 in expenses that I 1099 through my trust for 2024 and I deposited 50,000 into the bank to pay for the 50,000, I can now 1099 the bank for those deposits because I extended them my credit.
So Now I’m getting 100,000 back in tax credits. So this is a little something that people can talk about with their CPAs and, you know, hopefully get their CPAs to do the research to go, oh, my God, this is brilliant. Let’s do this for everybody. But back to your. I just wanted to start there with the tax credit thing. Back to your question. Were you asking about what other aspect of the IRS were you asking about? I’m trying to remember. Well, I had mentioned there’s a 1099 OID I was familiar with. That’s it. The A, B and C.
Let’s talk about that. Yes. This is amazing. There are forms with the IRS called A1099A and A1099B and 1099C. Do you know what 1099Ameans? It means an expense report given for somebody who abandoned their property. Hmm. That’s not a phrase that we use very often in our language. What would that possibly mean, abandoned property? Well, it turns out, Brad, that’s what they call your Sesta KV Trust account, the account that was created from your birth certificate. They’re saying you abandoned it, and therefore they have access to it. And, oh, well, you don’t know about it, but they’re going to go ahead and take it.
So let’s say you go to a courtroom and a judge, of course, sells a bond on every single court case that comes through. Well, what happens if you sort of pull the curtain away and you go, hey, Judge, I know you’re selling a bond and I know you’re going to my account and you’re doing the 1099A form wrong because I didn’t abandon it. And you’re saying that I did. And so now, Judge, the other thing is, Judge, you’re not paying taxes on that money that you’re taking out of my Sista KV Trust account. And so that’s tax evasion.
And I’ve heard people walk into court and they just. They tell the judge Judge, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Okay, the easy way is you just dismiss the case, and I leave right now, and we’re good. The hard way is I have the IRS audit you for tax evasion, and then you go to prison, which do you want to do? And the judges all dismiss the cases that I’ve heard of. So that’s power right there. Right. But it gets even better because there’s a 1099B form which is available so that you can get the money back that they took out of your account.
So let’s say you took out a car loan for 75,000, you know, and. And they pulled that money out of your. Your bond, your birth certificate account. Well, you could file that 1099A and say, ha, ha, no, I didn’t abandon the property. They filled it out wrong. And then you can fill out the 1099B to get that money back. Right. That 75,000 back that they took. And then you can file a 1099C to discharge everything. So now it’s a closed loop. It’s like it was taken, it was given back, and now the loop has been closed.
And Again, how many CPAs know about the 1099 A, B, and C process? How many of them even know that. That people are taking money without paying taxes? And if you just expose that, you’ve already ex. You know, that’s. They can’t win because they know they’re guilty of tax evasion, and they have to stop at that point. So, you know, obviously, if you were a greedy sob, you’d go out there and you just do this constantly and just take all the money you want, which would never work, because then your life would go to shit, and the karma would be so horrible it wouldn’t work.
But for those of us that can use it to stand up against the tyranny of somebody who’s trying to oppress us, boom. This is, you know, this is powerful stuff, and it’s enough to at least know that it exists so that now we can get the right people to start looking into it. And, you know, getting all the CPAs doing this, getting all the attorneys doing this, get rid of the fake bar association, you know, really some British Rothschild entity that’s designed to enslave all of us. But that’s how close we are, Brad, to really blowing this whole thing wide open.
Yeah. Yeah. That would be absolutely fascinating, Jeff. And just imagine the CPAs, too, when we talk about the fear factor. Right? You’re Moving toward love and something fortuitous versus anger, fear. If you had a few CPAs and chartered accountants in Canada and throughout the Commonwealth, you’ve got a couple hundred of them. You go do realize each one of you and let me show you who would like to volunteer here at this conference, that you’re probably worth hundreds of millions of dollars and you’re being traded right now. And the banks and the governments that you file tax reports to, your own and pay them and your clients, they’re making tens of thousands of dollars off you every day.
And then all of a sudden you show them that and you got a room full of a couple hundred CPAs and CAs around world. Bookkeepers and lawyers like, what the great. Then they learn how to lean in, then they can turn around. And this is a monetization and a revenue stream for their clients. Now they’re also on the good side. Like this tyranny has been going on on us generations. I remember my dad lost such and such farm, you know, Great Depression, all this kind of stuff. It goes back so far. And it’s not just. Yeah, man.
And it’s not, it’s not just in the United States of America. This is happening in New Zealand. This is happening, I think in Canada. I’m not, but oh yeah, definitely happening in England. And yeah, we’ve exposed it. It’s hard to find the information, I know, for a lot of other countries, but it’s, it’s the same grift everywhere around the world. Because it’s all Rothschild banking. Yes. So it’s just a matter of finding those people in your country that have gone far enough, deep enough down the rabbit hole to know what’s really going on. Yeah. Yep. Well, that’s why I mentioned the Commonwealth countries stole the wealth from the commoners and it’s the same system.
So 1871, Ulysses S. Grant signed over and created the United States of America Incorporated in dc. So the, the Republic that was established by the founding Fathers was then replaced on top of it by a corporation. They ran a corporate structure in order to repay the world debt, the, the war debt to the monarchy, which really wasn’t the monarchy was the City of London and the Vatican and the Black Pope. And so now they owned the United States of America Incorporated and just four years that their test run was the Crown Corporation in Canada. So they registered the Crown Corp.
In Washington D.C. july 1, 1867. And then they came in with Ulysses s. Grant in 1871, four years later and registered the United States of America Incorporated and Then everything from that point on ran through the corporation, ran through that corporate structure in D.C. as a sovereign city, state. And as a result of that, the template that Jeff and I are. We’re talking about here, everybody. I’ve had Ricardo Bosi on. I’ve had Guru on. We’ve done this multiple times in nearly three years with those men, nearly four years on the show. Here’s Australia Corporation. There’s New Zealand Corporation.
Guess what? They’re all traded on the sec. They’re all registered on the securities and Exchange Commission. They have their files. They’re traded on the American stock exchanges, the United Kingdom, the Bank of England, Anywhere there’s a central bank. It’s a template that’s exact. It’s an exact template. So in Canada, it’s a cra. Cain Revenue Agency, which even also in Jeff, Just like subsection 601.602, all income taxes are voluntary in the IRS code. Canada’s income Tax Revenue Agency, whatever they call that whole thing, are voluntary. Wow. Hey, look at that. And I think most recently, people are finally realizing that the 1913 act, when they established the IRS, the FBI, the ADL and the federal Reserve, that Webster’s Dictionary started coming up with the term income.
But it was income was brought about by the irs, which is a term that never existed before for taxation purposes. It was compensation. Interesting. And the tax system was brought in as levies to pay for the war efforts in World War I in Canada, America and the United Kingdom and Australia and New Zealand. Well, now that you talk about corporations, it all makes sense to me that that’s the vehicle for doing the grift. Ucc. Yeah. Backed up by the bar. Right. Their gestapo is the British Accreditation Registry, which the courts, like you mentioned, with the man or the woman dressing up as a judge, creating, conducting criminal malfeasance, depending on the situation.
And if it’s criminal malfeasance, by the way, it’s a minimum in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland, a 20 year prison sentence without parole, minimum criminal malfeasance. Wow. That also includes, you know, officers or those who consider themselves law enforcement, if they’re doing that, depending on the circumstances. Yeah. Pretty powerful. Yeah, powerful. Yeah. Yeah. So it’s pretty amazing. Now, let’s discuss Arlington Institute and how you help people. Because one of the things that I find additionally valuable is having a sounding board and somebody to kind of be a guide for this, because this is revelatory for many, many people still and necessary as far as I’m concerned, for People to wake up to and actually leverage.
And I’ve spoken with many different trust companies that say they’ll set up this trust and do it this way. Right. And it can be very challenging because also there’s a lot of minutiae involved depending on it. And your irrevocable trust continues to come up. And that’s what you, you discussed. So would you mind sharing with people a little bit about that background, how people might work with you and, and be that guide or that coach, so to speak, and help. I spoke at the Arlington Institute, which is a group of people in West Virginia this last weekend, and I just shared my journey to try to help them understand what’s real and what’s not real.
And I also write on a platform called Substack. And so if they just do a search on Substack from my name, they’ll find me. And I publish articles every Monday and in today’s, I’m sorry, yesterday’s article, I posted three different groups that people can work with to create trusts and they can then, you know, head down the road of getting tax credits, of using that trust to, to be protected. And it’s not like a hard, it’s, I mean, it’s not like a transactional thing where you find these groups and you hire somebody and then you get your trust and you’re good to go.
It’s really like a trip to the hardware store where you got a home improvement project. But you can never get everything the first time. And you always come back with some stuff and then you have more questions after you come back with things than you did first time. Now you know the right questions to ask, right? So you go back to the hardware store, you get the right stuff. But then there’s some unforeseen thing happens and you have to go to a third time to the hardware store. You know, if you’re lucky, it might be four or five times.
But it’s like this situation too where you work with these groups. You find somebody who can create an irrevocable trust for you and then you just share information with other people to fill in the missing pieces. Like how do you open a bank account with that trust and what does the bank try to do to stop you? Well, they try to give you an interest bearing checking account. So now you have to pay taxes on that trust. That’s no good. We want a non interest bearing checking account. But then this bank says, oh no, we don’t do any non interest bearing checking accounts.
Okay, well I have to find Another bank. Then you find another bank and this bank says, sorry, this is a common law trust and unless an attorney signs off on it, we’re not even going to do it. Yeah, common law attorney. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh. So you know the hurdles that you have to go through just to open a bank account. My God. That’s why it’s so useful to have these groups to work with because you can share information. And so, you know, that’s, that’s what I did this last weekend, sharing this stuff. And then I put that all in the substack and I just keep updating folks every week on the new things I learn.
The prior week I addressed land patents and I, I addressed, you know, I thought I had to sue the state of California because they wouldn’t record my land patent. Turns out I don’t even need the state of California to get my land patent. All I need is the Bureau of Land Management, BLM and Interior. Right? Yeah. They issue it and then I just make public notice. And if the county recorder doesn’t want to record it, I, I get their reason why they won’t. I hold on to that and then I make public notice in a post office or in a newspaper.
And after 60 days, if nobody says anything, counter, it’s now mine. I own a lodial title to the land. So I try to update every week in my substack article all the information people need. And they can ask me questions there. They can ask me questions on my film website, which is jwfilms.org and they can contact me and say, hey Jeff, I’m running into this little problem. What’s, you know, what’s going on? And I can direct them to either who they can hire or what they can do themselves to fix the problem. Amazing. Amazing. I would encourage everyone watching this take it to good attorneys, you know, and good accountants, you know, Chartered Accountants Canada is what you call them.
CPAs, charter public accountants in the United States and barristers and solicitors outside of Canada. The United States. Right. And attorneys, again, the benevolent, the good ones, you know, to wake them up to this stuff, to show them to get it going. Because the more of them who come on board, the faster this goes for everybody’s benefit everywhere. And they can’t keep this rig system running for much, much longer these next few years. And there are a number of attorneys and barristers like you say, who, they already know this in the back of their mind. They’re just looking for an excuse to come over to the good side.
And I I just think what’s happening in the world right now, there is some heavy exposure that’s going to come down over the next couple months and every one of these attorneys is going to be like, oh my God, I’m with the wrong crowd. I want to be right crowd. How do I get involved? So I think we’re at a real turning point here. Oh, and do like I can add it from a military standpoint. The Jags have been in the last two years, three years now, 2022, retrained on common law. Interesting. So in order to be a jag, you would have to come in.
Right. Judge Advocate General for any branch of the US Military. The five branches, right. Coast Guard and military time is under Navy. Right now. The Coast Guard’s been under Navy since 2018. That’s a comm, everybody. The only time that the Coast Guard is under the Navy are in times of war. 2018 was 45’s presidency. The Coast Guard’s under the Navy. So you have the Judge Advocate division of the U.S. marine Corps and the rest are JAGs for Air Force, Space Force. Now it’s a department, right. In Air Force. And they’ve all been retrained on common law.
Why isn’t that interesting? Right? And you also have the UCMJ and quick speedy trials now to that point as well. National passports with four stars. Why don’t we end there? And a do not detain. Because other people are out there. And I see that as a hook on the state national stuff. And I think that’s a great hook. It’s very compelling because at the end of the day, folks, when we look at our soul, our sound of unlimited love or uniform love, depending on how you want to take that download I got a few years ago.
We really do not need borders. In times of peace and harmony and prosperity, where we have divine law and law of the land guiding us, we don’t need to have borders. And yes, it’s necessary. We have some type of paperwork to say who we are, but that’s kind of it, right? You’re a criminal or you’re not? If you’re a criminal, yeah, you probably don’t want to. They don’t want you traveling. But beyond that, our sovereignty is compelling us to move forward as a diplomat for mankind. Each one of us expressed in our divine unique aspects of creation and this life walk we’re doing on this earth plane.
So the. To me, the four star passport with the do not detain is the equivalent of a diplomatic status, Jeff. And for many of us who don’t have that as of yet. What are the steps also then people would take or maybe be guided by you to realize that capability. Yeah. So 10 years ago, you used to be able to go to your State Department and say, I don’t want to take on the liability anymore for the corporation. I want to, I want to separate from that and I want to be a state citizen or national.
And they would sit you down and they would grill you and they would find out if you really knew what you were talking about. And then they would issue you one of these passports that had do not detain status on it. And you’d be a non citizen national or a state citizen. Yeah. No TSA checks. Yeah, well, and, and they, they eventually realized that it was catching on and so they took away any avenue for us to go to the State Department and apply for these passports. And they said, up, you have to go through the post office.
That’s the only way you can do it. And you have to fill out a form. And at first we were confused. We were like, oh, damn, well now what are we going to do? But then somebody figured out, will you just fill out the form correctly to reflect the fact that you’re not a citizen of the corporation. Your parents weren’t citizens of the corporation. None of us consented to this bs, right? No consent. Like you mentioned in the beginning, no consent. So now I am identifying who I truly am and I’m going to reflect that on the passport application.
If you’ve done any of the work of filing the UCC documents and they have those on record, when the State Department gets your application and they look at your background and your history and they see that, oh, sure enough, you have filed a UCC commercial law document saying that you own your all business, all caps name. Then they, there’s nothing they can do except give you a passport that reflects that with four stars that has do not detain status on it. Now there’s a website for Americans to fill out the passport correctly. It’s www.coppermoonshinestills.com coppermoonshinestills.com and there’s a patriot there who has listed out, you know, column for column how you fill out that application.
That passport application. Yeah, so, and you know, you’re gonna couple of these, you’ll do double takes. Like, wait, what, why, why would I say that? Nobody in my family has ever been a federal citizen. And you know, you just, you think about it a little bit more and you research a little more and you realize, oh, wait, everything I’ve been told is a lie. I now have the opportunity to set the record straight. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to set the record straight. This is who I am. This is what I want you to reflect in the paperwork that I now interact with you with.
If I get a driver’s license, I’m going to sign it. All rights reserve, UCC 1 308, which again, taps into that commercial law which says I’m preserving all my rights. Just because I’m getting a driver’s license from me doesn’t mean you own me. So this is. This is the process of, of, you know, getting back our status so that some rogue cop, you know, if he doesn’t understand things, all he has to do is take this passport, scan it and go. Okay, you’re free to go. Yeah. Fascinating. And that last part, everybody is reserved for doing the work first.
And this is. That’s the final step after the work, as you heard Jeff say. Right. But all this is available for people to go ahead and the link again for Jeff, everything to connect with him is below the description here. If you’re watching the broadcast or if you’re listening to this on the podcast on Apple or other platforms, you know, please definitely drop us a like comment and share this around. And you’ll also see the links for Jeff in the description right below. So, Jeff. Yeah, it’s an honor. I appreciate that. I’m putting together a planetary council on sovereignty from some of those individuals I mentioned.
I’ve interviewed here before in the. Mentioned to you in the pre chat. Would that be something you might be interested in coming convening on and every, you know, 90 days, we do a roundtable together from different sovereigns around. Different. Yeah, I’d love to hear how other people are approaching things. I’ve got some people coming over this weekend to my farm. Similar thing. Three people in one guy does trust, one guy does property taxes and IRS stuff. Nice. And we’re just going to get together for a weekend and just share all the information. So that is forward.
I’d love to be a part of that. Yep. Perfect. Yeah. Because that knowledge transfer and share works for everybody. And getting it out. I appreciate it. Cool. So, yeah, I’ll be pulling back together for springtime and we’ll let you know. Thank you. And everybody, thank you very much for watching the Sovereign Soul Show. Sovereign Jeff Weitzman, do not detain this man. If you see him out and around, give him a handshake and a hug though, because of what he’s been through and what he’s doing and getting out there for all of us, for mankind. God bless everybody and we’ll see you next time.
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