How they Use Mind Control Tactics to Undermine Ourselves w/ Cynthia Chung Matthew Ehret

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➡ The text discusses the importance of the United States’ Constitution in protecting individual liberties, despite some issues with the legal system. It highlights the country’s historical role as a leader in innovation and industry, which has been overshadowed by its status as an empire. The text also mentions the potential dangers of eroding the Constitution, leading to tyranny, and emphasizes the need for education and wisdom to prevent this. It ends with a discussion on a product called the Love Pod, which is seen as the future of telecom due to its potential to solve problems like grid down issues and EMF issues.
➡ The article discusses the existence of NATO’s secret armies, known as Gladio, which were established by Churchill and confirmed through a massive declassification act in the 1990s. These secret armies were initially presented as a defense against a potential invasion by Stalin, but were later used to attack people and even democratically elected government members. The article also mentions Operation Condor, a Latin American extension of Gladio, and the role of the Green Berets, who were not created by the Kennedy administration as commonly believed, but were already in existence during World War II. The article ends by questioning the motives of certain individuals involved in these operations, suggesting they may be part of a psychological operation against the American people.
➡ The text discusses a controversial theory and its creator who is accused of avoiding genuine discussion and criticism. It also introduces Lela’s quantum technology, which is backed by numerous studies and offers various health benefits. The text further explores the idea of societal overhaul, emphasizing the need for balance between change and preserving wisdom from the past. It warns against the dangers of total system destruction, suggesting that it could lead to the rise of powerful groups with hidden agendas.
➡ The discussion revolves around the ideological divide in the United States, with some wanting to return to a system resembling Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” while others advocate for freedom and constitutionalism. The speakers express concern over the influence of big tech companies and the need for individuals who understand these corporations but also uphold human rights and constitutional principles. They emphasize the importance of the sovereign nation state as a tool for defense and offense against oligarchy, and the need to reclaim it. They also criticize the portrayal of big tech leaders as patriotic heroes, arguing that these figures often overlook the importance of the nation state.
➡ The text discusses the idea that big tech organizations and the digital space have become a new form of warfare, manipulating people’s minds to push certain agendas. It also explores the concept of cultural warfare, where old tactics are used in new ways, such as the Jesuits influencing primitive cultures and religions. The text suggests that these tactics are being used to control and manipulate society, with the ultimate goal of serving certain agendas. It ends by questioning why these groups are so obsessed with control and power, rather than allowing people to live freely and reach their highest aspirations.
➡ The text discusses a belief system that views the universe as created by an evil entity, and promotes liberation from conventional morality and conscience. This belief system is practiced through secret rituals, which are seen as repulsive by many. The text also discusses the increasing visibility of these beliefs in popular culture, such as music videos and public displays. It concludes by questioning the concept of freedom, arguing that true freedom is not about trivial choices, but about having control over one’s life and community.
➡ The text discusses the idea that people who seem powerful, like tyrants, are actually the least free because they are controlled by their desires and are constantly trying to fill a void. It suggests that the root of evil is ignorance and that people often act in ways they believe will benefit them, even if it involves harming others. The text also emphasizes the importance of flourishing and improving the quality of life for all, and suggests that those in power fear this because it threatens their control. It concludes by expressing hope for the triumph of the human spirit, despite the challenges ahead.


Foreign. It’s not going to be some grassroots organic thing of like, oh, now it’s the time of the people. It’s like, no, we have like a huge technocratic system that’s waiting to have certain troubling things like the Constitution to get rid of these. There are a lot of like, very good things that are actually protecting the liberties of the American people right now. And even though the legal system isn’t fully, you know, respecting those things, it’s a big deal. There’s a reason why the United States is sort of like every, the whole world is watching to see where it’s going to go with the United States and sort of, you know, scramble in whatever direction based off of that.

And one of the reasons why the United States had become such a huge leader before it became an empire, because it became a powerhouse before it became an empire. And I think people have forgotten that because it became an industrial base, it became a scientific driver to a whole bunch of innovations that made slavery obsolete. It showcased that the wealth of the individual’s mind was much more powerful. Right. Than treating people like dumb brutes. Just a quick interruption from the show to share with you. Peptides. Peptides have been known to do amazing things for your health for decades, but they’ve been suppressed and it’s time for that to stop.

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I’m Sarah Westall. I have Matthew Ehrett and Cynthia Chung coming to the program. Matthew’s been on the program before, and Cynthia, this is her first time. Get ready to expand your brain. Your brain might hurt a little bit after this, but we dive into some important questions and topics about the rebirth of the United States and why it is being used to destroy us. And we are being our own worst enemies in a lot of ways. And they’re going to talk about the historical reference of this, how it was used in gladio in Vietnam, in the Tavistock Institute, and how they’re seeing it play out today with certain prominent members and how we have to be really careful that we aren’t our worst.

We aren’t our worst enemies by helping them destroy ourselves. And the lack of wisdom and knowledge from our education. I mean, our is really starting to dumb people down the entire Internet. These algorithms are. Are propagating mediocrity. Right? I mean, we are in this. I call it a hellscape, honestly, because I just. It’s like we’re propagating stupidity, but we’re also propagating ways to hurt ourselves and to be able to look past that. I mean, we don’t want to tear down the Constitution, you know, which is the best document the world has ever seen as far as giving us individual liberties and freedoms.

And that very thing is being eroded and is in jeopardy. And getting rid of that paves the way for absolute tyranny. And we have to be aware of this. And we’re not going to be aware of it unless people are more informed and educated. And I get to also what the. I have my philosophy on what the big idea is, and I’ll talk about that at the end. So I hope you listen to that and what the big idea of, of Christianity, I think, is of what Jesus’s message is on how we need to interact and be with each other versus getting involved in every little aspect, taking it out of context and then ended up using it against ourselves.

And so I hope you listen to the whole thing and have an open mind to question these things and be able to see it, see it for yourself as it’s occurring so that we can be wiser and smarter and we can guide our own destiny to something that’s better for humanity. Okay. With all I know that’s over the top. That being said, I want to talk about the love pod. Why do I care so much about this? I think it’s the future of telecom. I think this is where humanity needs to go because it solves so many problems.

It solves the grid down issue, because as you get more of these out there, they’re their own tower. They’re a distributed mesh network. You should read into that. It’s really powerful. But before there’s enough out there, let’s say there’s only a few out there in your area. It’s not enough to create that distributed mesh network. It works with the existing system. So it’s a dual, it works in a dual way until there’s enough and then it can be its own strong, powerful distributed mesh network. It solve, if enough of these get out there, it solves the problem of grid down.

It’s also a satellite phone, but for nine of your devices. It’s not a phone itself. It’s a router that can connect up to nine devices and it’s a lot less expensive than a satellite phone. It can also do video and everything that Internet can do. A satellite phone is very limited to what it can do and it’s a lot less expensive. At $200 for nine devices, it’s a lot less expensive than a satellite phone. It also solves the EMF issues because it use Radionics and so it takes the signals, transfers it to radionics so that it harmonizes with their bodies.

I mean there’s so many things this thing fixes. You really need to go look into this. It also works on data integrity. Your data is safe based on a treaty, international treaty, that they cann your data without violating sovereign treaty, treaty rights. So check this out. I have the link below. It’s only $200 and I highly recommend that you look into it. You get it, you get everybody. If we get enough in areas, then it’s powerful on its own. So the link is below or you can go to sarah under shop. Okay, let’s get into my really interesting conversation with math with Matthew et and Cynthia.

John. Hi Matt and Cynthia. Thank you so much for joining the program. Glad to be here. Yeah. Hey Sarah, you guys have an amazing body of work that you’ve been doing and I’ve had Matthew on the show before and I haven’t had you Cynthia, so I’m honored to have you with us as well. And because you work closely with him on putting these documentaries together and I know you’re, I don’t see you as much in the public, so it’s so great that you’re here. You did a recent documentary, a bunch of them. So I don’t, I can’t even explain you’re here to tell everybody, but, and I Don’t even want to try to encapsulate everything that you did in this.

But one of the things that you’re. You were talking about is the Phoenix. The idea of Phoenix and taking down society so they can rebuild it up to what they want. And it seems like there is this. We know that there’s a psyop to do this. Can you talk about that a little bit and how you’ve covered that and then we can dive into all sorts of other parts of your. Yeah. The video is the rebirth and destruction of America. Is that how we worded it, Matt? Which is basically it spurred off of Brett Weinstein’s speech at the Rescue the Republic this past September.

People can watch the video for free on the Canadian Patriot YouTube page or Rumble page. And it just so happens that Bretch is coming into my. My sphere of, like, awareness because he is. Is treading on things that I’m already looking into. And so there’s always these, like, alarm bells every time I hear Brett speaking at some of these, like, larger things are when he did his Tucker interview in like last winter on the whole Michael Yan tour of Panama. And this was like, you know, everybody was. Was talking about this interview and it was like right before Tucker went to Russia too.

So there was a little bit of like, piggybacking I found of attention already that was on Tucker. And I’m looking into Gladio already. I have a book out, the Empire in which the Black Sun Never Sets. And for people who don’t know, gladio was the NATO’s secret armies that were set up by Churchill, but they never went away. And in the late 1990s, there’s a huge declassification act. About 8.6 million pages were declassified in the United States on the subject of the Nazis and the Japanese fascists and so forth. It was the long. The biggest declassification act that has ever happened.

And it became certain there was already suspicion that Gladio existed. But these declassifications pretty much made it a confirmation that there were NATO secret armies that were installed within Europe, but also within the Middle East. Later on we would see them in Latin America under Operation Condor. And the. At the beginning, it was sold to the public after World War II as a means to defend Europe in case Stalin were to invade. And that never happened. And so they started to use these secret armies to attack the people and even democratically elected members of government. And Olof Palm is a big name in this.

Aldo Moro for Italy, you have de Gaulle in France who had over 30 assassination attempts against him. And I think all of those were Gladio. The OAS branch of the French intelligence, which is tied to Gladio and Kennedy’s assassination is also tied to these gladio networks. So it’s extremely serious. Well, yeah, Colonel Towner Watkins came on my program and talked deep about it. And I know she’s just, she just says your stuff is amazing too. Like it’s deeper than what she has gone is. Well, she’s a very knowledgeable person and I think that her knowledge of gladio in like Turkey and, and you know, that part of the world is still much more in depth than mine.

But she is an extremely knowledgeable person on the subject too. So I’m honored. She’s amazing. Yeah, she likes my work as well. And she also, also liked the Brett Weinstein video. She shared it on her platform. But Operation Condor is something that happened in Latin America of Gladio and a lot of the Nazis that, you know, had to go somewhere after World War II that were not arrested and most of them were not, they went to Latin America, especially Argentina. And so that’s where the next know phase happened. And Panama was the headquarters for Operation Condor during this time.

And the Green Berets are all over this. So the Green Berets were not made by the Kennedy administration. They already existed during World War II in service to the NATO’s secret armies. There’s a well respected historians like Daniela Ganser, who talks about this in his book on NATO secret armies. And they were installed in Vietnam, which we’re going to get into a bit more. And well, they were kind of reawakened under Allen Delos because they were, they were put, you know, in the basement, you could say. But then they were revived under Allen Dulles to service the CIA.

So they’ve never been like true US Military. They’ve always been more in service to, you know, the British intelligence and later on the American intelligence, which was in service to British intelligence. And in Panama it was the Green Berets who were largely there there to train all of the death squads that would later on go into, you know, like the, the native population would go to Panama, get trained and then they would continue those kinds of sidewar and terror tactics on the population in Chile, in Argentina, throughout Central America. The Panama was the main training ground.

And there’s a, a woman, Patrice McSherry, who’s done a really good job predatory states, going over a lot of the details. There was also a comp system that was headquartered in Panama to deal with all of the people who would have to go past borders because there were a lot of missing people during Operation Condor and they were keeping track of them, but like on a separate, you know, system. And Condor TEL was the system that they were using, which again was based in Panama. So when Brett was originally doing this interview with Tucker and knowing Brett’s history too, with the Smithsonian Institute, which he says even in that interview is very close to the U.

S. Military, that was the reason why the Smithsonian Institute was in Panama was by the invitation of the US Military. It’s not a small deal, that relationship. But he was talking about how all of these things are controlled in Panama and how weird it is. And it was like. And then he’s getting a tour from a former Green Beret and it’s like this is still the headquarters for a lot of the stuff under US southcom. It never went away. Even though they, they, they act like they did. You just go onto the US southcom site and they say it right there that it’s their prerogative to manage the security of all of Latin America.

But especially focusing on the Panama Canal Zone. And even Brett made references to this. So it was very strange to act like we don’t know what’s going on, who are crossing the borders, who. What is the sophistication over the border crossing where they knew who I was before I said my name and all this. And it’s like, like this is something that the Americans have had set up to deal with the illegal crossings for a really long time. And then when Eric’s name came up with the Johnny Bedmore piece where Johnny did a very good job showcasing that Eric Weinstein had actually put.

Had publicly available. I don’t know if it was 10 years ago, 12 years ago on his site that he was working for the United nations and he was looking for people to come on board to help them, you know, in this management of migration for the United Nations. And in his paper he even says that it’s acknowledged that this isn’t going to be beneficial to the native population. And it’s. So Eric Weinstein, who claims to be about freedom and joining this, this right movement about protecting our borders, actually was a huge instigator in creating this entire situation we’re in.

And that’s what you’ve uncovered with all these details. I just want to summarize it. Yeah, I mean, Johnny Vedmore exposed something that Eric Weinstein already had publicly available. But they. The way they do it is they, they think that everyone’s going to have like a two second memory. So this was like 12 years ago or something and. No, no, it was, it was 22 years ago. 2002 was when the, the UN paper. Because he wasn’t known back then. Right. So it was good that Johnny is able to find this because Brett goes down to Panama, says all of these things, gets a tour being connected already to the US Military through the Smithsonian by a former Green Beret about what’s going on in Panama.

And then his brother turns out to be directly involved with the United nations in encouraging weaponized migration tactics. It’s like there’s just too, too many coincidences. And then when you scratch a little bit more on the history of Gladio, you unco. More. But I don’t know if Matt wants to say something. Well, yeah, and this is what I want to ask you. Can you. How do we know? Because I’ve been asked this a lot. How do we know that the people who are coming out of the wood. But he came out of nowhere from a public standpoint.

Right. And so that always is a question, but how do we know that these guys that were involved in these, these operations, how do we know that they are like had a change of heart and they’re actually new a bunch and now wants to stop it versus giving you the indication that they’re playing a psyop against the American people, You know, you know what I’m saying? Because I think that the people who have, who question it are like, yeah, but they’re, look at, they’re doing all this good stuff and you know, I see patterns that tell me that there’s, there’s bigger problems here.

So how do people have that discernment that say, okay, these people have this knowledge, but they’re also playing against us and here’s why. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, that’s a really good question. And I think that, you know, in the case of Brett and Eric, they should be like, they should be forthcoming first of all and explain. Oh, I did. I was involved in these things and this is how I changed my mind on, on the situation. But the, they’re not bringing it up. And you know, there, there’s been other controversies around Eric Weinstein in terms of the, the, the everything theory that he has, where there is someone else who’s been challenging him on the, the validity because very few people can actually understand that the gauge mathematical language that Eric is using.

But there happened to be one person that wasn’t in academia anymore, Tim Nguyen, who, who now Works for Google, which is not great either. But who, who knew how to read gauge theory and was challenging Eric Singh? It didn’t make any sense. And you know, Eric had been publicly on the clubhouse saying, accusing him of like being a stalker of his and like you know, making threats on his security and things like this like really overblown and he’s never to this day actually addressed, you know, what Tim Million has said. So I think that that’s a more recent example of something that for me doesn’t seem like very honest.

And if you’re coming from the standpoint of like you don’t like academia because of that very thing that it censors discussion. Right. And that there needs to be discussion to get to the bottom of like well what really is something that’s fallacious versus something that’s truthful. You have to have that discussion. And from just a purely scientific, you know, discuss has refused that and just you know, accused this person of like very over the top things of like stalking and, and yada yada, which I’ve never, I’ve not seen any evidence of this and I’ve heard Tim Nan speak, speak and he makes some very good points as to what he’s, he’s bringing forward.

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So it’s sort of a, a way to try to model the entire universe, the mind, life, everything in, in a simple. But, but he can’t really quite. Whatever he’s pressed on it, he can’t ever justify when it. When somebody who’s an expert in the system that he’s trying to, to promote like a Tim Noyen comes out challenging some of the, the core assumptions. He can’t ever justify what he’s doing or defend himself. All he can do is go on a counter attack act to try to like shut down the entire debate. So it’s. That’s exactly what we’re.

Yeah, this was a theory that he said was going to revolutionize science. It was going to change everything. And he didn’t even have a paper out until like very recently. What is the point of it? What is the point, do you think? Showmanship. It’s showmanship. No, but what do you think of him? What is the point of this everything theory as far as changing science? And I mean, what is the. I mean, he’s just some guy coming up with some theory and who cares? Why is he suddenly on top of the world with this like freaking theory of something? You know, I think it would be good for people to understand from like the, the Brett Weinstein, because that’s something that I think we can have more of a conversation about that’s more tangible because, you know, when you’re getting into the quantum theory domain, it starts to become a little bit wackadoodle already.

But with Brett, he’s an evolutionary biologist and he has been quite clear in podcasts in the past of his view of where society needs to go. There’s the game B thing that he’s involved in where he has been quite transparent and open that there needs to be a huge overhaul in the system. And he’s often used, you know, evolutionary terms to describe like where the species needs to go or even, you know, being on a Christian podcast like five or six years ago, he was talking about how he’s not going to take the Richard Dawkins route, which is another.

He’s the guy who came up with the selfish gene, who basically said we’re like robots to our genes and like we can’t love and we can’t care about others. It’s all what our genes are telling us to do so that they can propagate themselves. And he was like vitriolic against anyone who is religious, but especially Christians. So Brett is saying like, oh, I’m not against religion but he comes out saying like he sees it as a tool to basically manip. Manipulate people in a behaviorist mannerism. So there’s a lot of this. He, he has also said if we leave it up to nature in this Christian podcast, he says if we leave it up to nature, we will have of, you know, a huge genocide.

So it’s up to humans to intervene on our evolutionary pathways. So he’s said things like this that are getting very uval Harari sounding he said, you know, that, you know, God is a hack again, very Yuval Harari sounding. And it’s all about yeah how to program people into doing what they need to do for the evolutionary benefit it and he’s he Genesis like well, yeah, he doesn’t go into details ever but that already is saying quite a bit about your orientation of how you’re thinking about things. Now he’s seeing at this Rescue the Republic rally recently that it’s not just that we need to overhaul the system because and people should be aware like obviously there should always be change.

Nothing is ever perfect and but there’s a difference between wanting to destroy something and tear it down, build something anew and is it really new or something with just a facelift, you know, sort of thing like things that are just different forms of control. So when he said in his speech that we need to Phoenix the Republic and he made reference in the speech that the Phoenix burns the nest down that you know, the younger generations are not going to really. They it’s up to them to actually kind of do things anew. So obviously there should be a healthy balance, right? There should be new things, there should be change.

But we should also have wisdom from the past. Like it’s, it’s not like everything is relative, right? Like the wisdom of the past is still the wisdom of today. It’s wisdom. Well, it seems. See this is. Is what has been really bothering me a lot is that there’s a lot of people out there talking about totally taking down the system. And it concerns me that there are alternative agendas that are going on. I don’t think we need to destroy the whole system while maybe some of the stuff, you know, we need to take it down and rebuild, but there’s good parts to it.

That’s what you’re getting at here. We need to be wise. And during that destruction, the people with the most resources, the people with the most power come in and just do what they want. And so it’s stupid for us to. This is what I mean. It’s stupid for us to make it easy for them to destroy us and to totally bring us into that globalist agenda. Yeah, that’s the thing is people have a very romantic idea of revolutions. And that’s the very thing that you said, is that when you have peak mayhem and peak chaos, there’s a grouping that’s been planning for this for a very long time.

It’s not going to be some grassroots organic thing of like, oh, now it’s the time of the people. It’s like, no, we have, like, a huge technocratic system that’s waiting to have certain troubling things like the Constitution to get rid of these. These. There are a lot of, like, very good things that are actually protecting the liberties of the American people right now. And even though the legal system isn’t fully, you know, respecting those things, it’s a big deal. There’s a reason why the United States is sort of like every. The whole world is watching to see where it’s going to go with the United States and sort of, you know, scramble in whatever direction based off of that.

And one of the reasons why the United States had become such a huge leader before it became an empire, because it became a powerhouse before it became an empire. And I think people have forgotten that because it became an industrial base. It became a scientific driver to a whole bunch of innovations that made slavery obsolete. It showcased that the wealth of the individual’s mind was much more powerful. Right. Than treating people like dumb brutes. But there’s this ideological system that wants to return to that. They want that system. So the United States is in a sort of Civil War 2.0 in whether it’s going to go in that outlook of people of, you know, even contented slavery, like the Aldous Huxley Brave New World type, or if we’re going to be like actual free citizens.

And Benjamin Franklin, who Bret Weinstein butchered it. Bret Weinstein in that speech also said, by the way, that it was a chance that the Republic happened. He doesn’t respect the work that went into what the republic became. And he’s very much like the Smithsonian School. That is how the Smithsonian School talks about the American history. The Lewis Henry Morgan is like The Bible for the Smithsonian that they were seeing that the American Republic was sort of like a chance mutation but ultimately the highest form of evolving was an imperialist species. Wow. And I, they didn’t realize that the challenges these people went through, the absolute persecution and horrific environment they went through to get to the point where they realized what we needed for humanity.

I mean that’s what they’re missing and that’s why I’ve become, I just say now I’m a constitutionalist. I’m just, I, I care about the Constitution because I think that’s a huge umbrella and we need to understand why you know the elements that you are articulating, you both are articulating so well, why this is so important to embrace. Matt, do you want to say something on that? You’re doing great. No, I, but no, I, I, I guess I would chime in and say yeah, I completely agree. And they, everyone tries to pigeonhole these types of discussions into pre existing categories and oh my table shaking a lot and, and it’s a big problem because you know this when you look at the, when you read the writings of those who made the, the, the American Republic happen.

You read Benjamin Franklin’s writings, you, you read the writings of these people who sacrificed so much. There, there’s, they have differences of opinion about mechanics of things but you can see that there was, this was a multi generational fight to prepare the groundwork through arduous like high quality thinking. Again sacrifice. And they have an understanding of natural law that there’s a law embedded in the universe that’s tied to morality. It’s not like you have cold mechanical laws that are, that are scientific and then you have moral philosophy as some, something separate operate. They didn’t even have the word scientists, they had natural philosophers and they were the ones making discoveries.

Benjamin Franklin was the one making discoveries into electricity. You had his allies in France who were like the best quality people who were artists and scientists and statesmen integrated as people whose personal freedom and sense of identity was so tuned to their sense of duty as human beings who are going to die, who are going to leave, leave, leave a legacy for future generations there. It was so harmonized in so many of these, these high quality people. And I think we, we’ve lost touch with that. So that when people hear a Brett Weinstein giving his theory of the, the origins of America as, as a Darwinian random mutation tied to sacred stories that were ruled because who’s controlling the sacred stories that he, he fixes, fixates on.

It’s the governing elite who create the stories for the national myths that are going to shape the behavior of the individuals in each generation. It’s these national myths. And I think Peter Thiel too. I was reading the Straussian moment piece and then I’ll stop talking. But Peter Thiel, who’s very much tied to Eric Weinstein right through Capital, the field, Capital management, which Weinstein’s a big player in, and he’s been involved since the late 90s. Peter Thiel, who is a Knight of Malta, has also wrote in his Straussian moment of the importance of national myths. The, the.

You know, and he, he has. They’re all obsessed with controlling the myths. So they actually don’t care about the reality of what made America happen, which had nothing to do with how they were thinking. It was a very opposite philosophy that made America possible in the first place. And, and they’re trying to hide that, I think. And when people are aware and have a direct relationship because they’ve read the works of Thomas Paine, they’ve read George Washington’s letters, they’ve read Lincoln, they could see the fight. And Lincoln is obviously later. But I mean it’s somebody who kept the, the Republic alive.

They, they can then detect where is the. In the argumentation that is being given to them by these intellectual dark Webers who were being, were packaged and sold and marketed to us today. You can, you can start seeing it, but if you don’t know it, you’re going to take it all in. You’re going to, you just don’t know. You don’t have a standard. Yeah, well, okay, here’s another thing that I want to ask you because this is something that I’ve been trying to think about and how do we frame how. Because this is. We have to deal with these things and we have to be smarter about it.

The entire structure of the world has changed. The top 10 biggest companies are big tech, except. Except Saudi Arabia Aramco, which is the big Saudi oil company that keeps moving down. Now they’re the sixth. This is in market cap. So the largest companies in the world. And these are larger companies than we’ve ever had in the history of the world. They’re international corporations. They’re all big tech, they’re all technology companies. So in order to manage the world and to start addressing these issues, we need people who understand this stuff. Stuff who are deeply in great. So we have to, we have to interact with these guys, we have to work with these guys.

But we need people who are pro humanity, pro Freedom Pro Constitution. Who can apply these principles while understanding these big corporate, you know, the, the role that these big tech companies have. Because it’s not going away, just because I want it to go away. So how do we, I mean these, nobody’s talking about this, that they’re putting these people up on a platter. It’s like, well, where are all the, the rational people talking about the Constitution and our freedoms who are also engaged in these big tech corporations that are not going away? You know what my question is? Does that make sense? Yeah, Matt, you can take that one.

Well, well, I, I think it, it. Your, your question is a, is a loaded question. I know there’s a lot to it. It’s, it. I just, and we’re, it’s a free flowing conversation and I probably should have given you this question before, but it’s something that’s really serious that we have to address. Right. Because they’re putting these people up on a platter. We are sitting ducks if we don’t start addressing things at that level with other people that can apply human oriented constitutional freedom principles at that level. What I would say to that deals with our need to very quickly appreciate the role and purpose of the sovereign nation state as an institution.

And especially the constitutional republican version of the sovereign nation state, which is I believe the most powerful tool that’s ever been created as a weapon in battle, in offense against the oligarchy which has been around for thousands of years. There’s been always an oligarchy of a continuity, of bloodlines, of associated institutions, of associated religious cults, mystery cults that have gone back to the ancient times. It’s been a continuous thing. Even though it’s changed its brand, it’s, it’s, it’s adapted, it’s very adaptive to situations. It has a constant MO and it’s cost and the thing that, that.

But creative moral human beings who have been able to draw from that deeper well of the universal, the natural law side of things have organized around certain ideas that gave birth to give rise to the modern nation state system. And so people today, when you listen to the words of many of the paragons of big tech who are being repackaged and rebranded and sold to us as our, are our great patriotic heroes. I’ve alluded to one of them already. But there’s never any discussion about taking back the sovereign nation state, using the sovereign nation state as an instrument for defense and offense, for the defense of the general welfare, offense against the oligarchy.

And that’s the only way it’s ever been done. Anytime I’ve ever seen in my research American presidents or leading people who, who were very powerful morally as well as politically in America die, get, get assassinated. It was when they were organizing for policies that involved recapturing the nation state. And if you, if you can get that type of constitutional orientation thinking the way John F. Kennedy was thinking about, you know, then, then you can, you can deal with this, this plague of hyper, you know, liber libertarian ideologies that have captured all the big tech complex that are saying, saying governments are, their logic is what governments are inefficient, corrupt, bureaucratic, obsolete and you know, for sure, for sure under globalization governments have been made.

All of those things however do their, their solution is well let’s just get rid of government involvement in things like gets. Let’s get rid of the nation state and let’s have more freedom to do a, volunteer to do what we want and Starlink to do what we want. And we’ll have little, little right wing 15 minute Bitcoin cities peppered all, all across the Americas as tax. You know like that’s going to be the solution. And it’s like no, that, that’s, that’s, that’s the, that’s more of the problem under a different branding and a different language that might accommodate.

That’s right, you have to look at the language. Yeah, well no, that’s, that’s excellent. You know, Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex. This really is because everything’s moving big tech is almost military has actually become obsolete in a lot of ways. You know, fifth generation warfare is really warfare against your mind. You’re going, you’re bypassing. I had a military expert who teaches this stuff, he’s like Sarah, he goes, it really makes the military obsolete. Fifth generation warfare, you’re bypassing the state, you’re bypassing military. Going directly to the people to control them and manipulate them to get your agendas across.

And so when Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex, it’s really what it’s morphed into is some of these big tech organizations, the propaganda. The digital space has really become the military war zone against us, the people. And I know it seems over the top, but it really is true. And how do we capture that and start to realize that this is the war space, this is the war zone. And a lot of the people that are telling you to just tear everything down, who seem like your best friend, you know, they seem like they’re the ones you need to follow, are giving you solutions that are actually helping to destroy your freedom.

You know what I’m saying? Yeah. Now, these are, are really great questions, and I think that there’s, there is a. I find that it’s somewhat good news in the sense that even though we’re living in a world today where technology is definitely a new form of weaponry and warfare, at the same time, these tactics are actually old tactics. And one very good example is again, what Brett is involved in with the Smithsonian Institute. If you look at the Smithsonian Institute logo, It is the 16 race Sun. The Jesuit order is the 32 race Sun. I think it’s not so subtle of a tipping of the hat to the Jesuits.

And the Jesuits were very involved in the Americas in the creation myths and the sacred stories. And William Sargent, who wrote the book Battle for the Mind, who is one of the, you know, spiritual fathers of Tavistock Institute, which also has the reference to Operation Phoenix, which was used in Vietnam, which people can watch the video for more on, on that. But that’s when Tavistock went from the individual to society and they called that Operation Phoenix when they basically merged with the British military and psychiatry. So that, that is the world that we live in today.

As you were saying, that military is that the Green Berets are that as well. When they went into Vietnam, that was one big laboratory in terms of doing cyborg tactics on the people in various ways, using even superstition. Like, people believed in certain ghosts and phantoms and, and in the Philippines, they believed in like this vampire type creature. And they were using these myths to, to play on the, on the people. But that’s where the, the new form of warfare was, was really, you know, trained on. And the Green Berets are, are the, the leaders in this, where any place you go into your job is not to just militarily secure it anymore.

It’s a political, economic, cultural intervention that you’re putting onto the people and then you select the people, the natives that you want to select to uphold the, that system sort of thing, but this form of cultural warfare that even what Tavistock is referencing and all this, it’s all like old stuff that the, the Jesuits as well have been basically experts at in terms of not only taking these sacred stories, but, you know, integrating things within these stories to kind of nudge them, tweak them in ways that they, they want to. And as I was saying, William Sargent brought up the Jesuit saying that, you know, Haitian Voodoo religion, for instance.

There is no Haitian voodoo religion that is, that exists, that has not been influenced by The Jesuits, the Jesuits were so effective in going into these primitive cultures and religions and everything and inserting things into those religions that we don’t actually know. And like there’s, there’s not a written account oftentimes with these, with these tribal religious systems as well. We don’t know, know what was introduced and what it was before. And like they have introduced certain loa and gods in the Haitian voodoo thing that we now. It’s like, it’s integral. So that’s like ultimately where they want to go with the Judeo Christian religion as well.

And that’s why you have the Gnostic belief systems that’s been promoted for centuries is they want to get people to believe in an inversion of this, of the story in order to service their agenda. And it’s, it’s very real. And like the, the Jesuits are by far the most effective historically at this. And the Americas, their involvement in the Americas is, is extremely effective. What they did with the Native Americans that the Smithsonian Institute was directly involved in. I’ve recently published a book, book, the Shaping of a World Religion from Jesuits, Freemasons and anthropologists to the Ghost Dance religion, which goes over how these groupings played leading role in the genocide of the Native American people by actually manipulating their sacred myths and their, their, their, their creation myth stories.

And they had made a point in the Smithsonian Institute, we have to rush and get into these areas and get these stories from these people because they’re not going to exist for that much longer. And it wasn’t a natural occurrence. It was because they were set to go extinct on a timer kind of thing. And so when Brett brings this up again with Smithsonian Institute training, he brings up the creation myths and he brings up the need to have the belief in a phoenix, which is a belief in a form of, you know, destruction. Again, he says burn the nest down in order to recreate.

This is again going into gnostic occult stuff. It’s not for anyone who, who’s been looking into this. It’s, it’s very well known that like in the Jungian circles and so forth, there is a belief system that you need to go into the underworld sort of thing, confront death, and if you survive, you become a God. And it sounds crazy to the average person because it is crazy. However, it is a very prevalent belief system, especially in El circles. And Matt, Matt is more of an expert on that. I don’t know if you wanted to. And, and this will probably get into it.

I want, I have another question which ties into that, I think why are they not okay with just allowing human beings to be free? Why are they insanely obsessed with controlling, having this power and control over the world versus being able to live harmoniously? They always talk about the importance of nature. We’re nature too. Why can’t they live harmoniously, allowing us to be free and reach our highest aspirations? Why do they need to have power to put us down and to go against nature itself? That, you know, if you look at a lot of these groupings, they might look like they differ here and there on things like a Bret Weinstein and a Yuval Harari, but at the end of the day they all share very similar beliefs that are repeating itself, which is that you believe that if there is a God, this is a terrible God.

It’s, it’s not a loving God or you believe that we are in a dead universe. You know, it’s usually those two kinds of. So that already is a big thing for how you situate yourself in the world that you live in and you don’t have any relationship to that. And if anything you are at opposition in your relationship to that higher order. And there’s been a repeated theme whether it was eugenics, you know, phrenology, which was really big in the, the 18, the 19 1800s and then is now coming back, which is this idea of there is this evolution of the species.

And Brett also talks about this and that we need to help proceed. And if we just allow things to naturally, organically occur without controllers here and here and here, our natural course is towards destruction and not in the way that they want it. They think that we are going to really, you know, kind of ruin everything. As Brett said, if we leave evolution to its natural course, it will be mass genocide. So they feel that for whatever reason, you cannot leave things to these kinds of things. You need controllers. The way that they situate themselves in, in that kind of a universe tells them that we, we need to promote a certain controlled future being.

But Matt probably can talk about it better because it’s, yeah, more his, his area. No, I know you, you did a great job that I, I, I think that that, that hit it out of the park. And I mean at the end of the day they, they have their own religious view that the universe is made, like you said, evil from an evil creator. Like in the Gnostic texts, it’s Yal Jabba mouth, right? The, the, the, the ignorant archon or sub archon that was produced by Sophia who hated men and produced a mutant that was just animated by hate and Ignorance and ego that made the universe.

And that’s. That’s in their rewriting of cosmology in the Gnostic texts. That’s. That’s the God of the Old Testament that made everything in. In its image. So the body reality, the, the reality we were born into is like a tackle including the conventions of morality. Conscience are all shackles to inhibit our true God selves from, from being the. The. The. That is the pure God which is incapable of acting on creation because the true God is too wise to have even wanted creation. The true God, the God that created the. The archons that started having sex with each other other out of which Sophia and then her baby mutant were progeny.

This is, this is crazy stuff, but this is what they believe, that God is so wise that it’s above good and evil and it would never want to create the universe. That’s for one of its mutants to create by accident. And so they’re. They. They have created these intensely absurd but rituals which is why they have to keep it secret because, you know, people would organically be disgusted and repulsed by these types of rituals. Yeah. To liberate the self from conscience, from basic senses of right and wrong. And you know, there’s a variety of techniques that have been done in these initiatory cults going back to the Isis and Mithra cults of ancient times, throughout the, the different incarnations or rebrandings that involves, you know, the, the.

The. The convergence of the sacred and the profane. You got to do things that are both maximum profane, maximum sacred and unify. Get rid of duality. Y’all just unify, you know, and so if you, you might in one night have a sacred orgy of pleasure at the same time as during that orgy, you’ve. You’ve done some mass sacrifice. You might have done something horrific before the sacrifice. And, and you do these things enough, maybe aided by some psychedelic drugs that they’ve been doing even in ancient times that also help helps get people into altered states where they become detached from their normal self.

And there, you know, there’s a variety of things and, and that helps them not have a conscience when they realize because they’re moral just naturally they, they know that it’s wrong. And so it detaches them from those natural things that we’re all born with. Right. Right and wrong is something we’re. Most people believe we’re born with with. And that detaches them from that. Yeah. And I think that there is right now, you know, like this whole idea of bringing on the Age of Aquarius, you know, thing. That’s a very real thing that there are people who are, are, are planning for.

And I think the whole technocratic thing is totally. That’s what they’re. That’s their religion. But this idea that you have this ritualization for the elites, but we are also in for like the average person, the masses. We’re also in a form of ritual because if you look at, like the music videos, for instance, that are going on right now, Holy crap. Like, it’s getting super weird and satanic. Like outright satanic. Like you’re having outright satanic ritual depictions in music videos. Or at the Grammys, the Olympics. At the Olympics. Like it’s, it’s not subtle. Like they’re really announcing it from the, the hilltops.

And it’s not art, like Maria Abramovic, you know, type stuff. Well, there’s a Satanic. There’s a satanic Christmas display first in the country, apparently, at the capital of Minnesota, where I’m at. In the road. Yeah. And from the, from the, from the Church of Satan. Yes, it’s a satanic display and they were all happy because it’s the first one in the country where they actually have their own display. It’s in the centerpiece in our state capitol. Yeah. So the. Yeah, the average person is getting very confused, but also corrupted because it’s like if you can’t judge anything, because that’s one of the things they push on us, you know, nowadays is you can’t judge anything or as long as it’s not hurting someone else.

But, but this line is getting more and more blurred in terms of, like, not infringing on another person’s will. Like to infringe on another person’s will has become like the most evil thing you could possibly do. But. But they censor us for us to get vaccines and put us in masks. Yes, but anyways, you don’t agree with it. You don’t get to talk. But what, what kind of a world would we live in? You know, think about it. If everyone really were, first of all educated to have a very dark outlook on humanity and then, you know, say there’s not enough to go around that kind of stuff.

And then you’re saying, and everyone should be able to do what they want to do. That’s not going to be a very uplifted, free society. I agree that, you know, in an ideal society you would have the least amount of constraints because in, in a, A society where people have more, with more access to wisdom and reason and love. They. I do believe that they would act their best selves. And you don’t need laws to threaten to punish people like a behaviorist, because people will understand what’s in their best interest. But when people are, you know, when they’re going through what they’re going through right now, which is a lack of education, there’s a lack of, you know, knowledge of true wisdom or even history of what was wisdom in the past so that you can think about how does wisdom take shape, you know, today in terms of making decisions.

Like, you said that big question of, like, how does, how do we move forward with government and technology and the civil rights of an individual? These kinds of big questions. If people don’t have the foundation for that, then obviously it’s, it’s, it’s going to. It’s. This is where the slavery is, is at. It’s not your ability to do whatever you want, whether you want to wear a dress or not, whether you want to grow a beard or not, whatever. That’s not what true freedom is. True freedom is to have control over where your life is going and where your, Your com.

The fate of your community is going. And people don’t have choices over that. They have choices over, like, what kind of avatar, like they’re in some kind of video game trivial, like what kind of like colored hair do you want today kind of thing. It’s like, oh, wow, the. Yeah, so that’s exactly right. That’s what I. The. The. They give you freedom over all the trivial. But the really important stuff. Stuff is what they’re. They’re controlling. So I’m hearing that there’s a. Because I, you know, I’m libertarian minded, but I’ve moved more to being a constitutionalist because I thought they kind of went wacky during COVID and I’m like, okay, there’s something I got to get just more at an abstract level of what I believe in.

And, and so what I’m hearing is, you know, because you should be able to do whatever you want without hurting people. But, but where is it that the hurting people is inform. Educating kids, educating society in ways that hurt them, that teaches them hurtful ways of thinking, hurtful ways of, you know, the propaganda, the, the mind control stuff that hurts them and. Yeah, I mean, exactly. I think that it’s a gray area. Right, because when you’re saying as long as it’s not hurting anyone, that’s part of the argument for pedophilia. Right? So if the child says yes, and the adult also says yes.

And you can argue, is it hurting someone then. Right. So it starts to get into a gray area for even, you know, these kinds of topics. I would say that, you know, Plato, he has this dialogue, Gorgias, which is really short and I would recommend people read it. I know that that kind of came out of left field, but it really, I think is the best, best explanation for where we’re at today in terms of this confusion of like how to even be truly free. Because he makes the point that there’s like a tyrant in this story and there are people who are having an argument with Socrates and they’re saying the most free person is a person who’s able to do whatever they want.

So obviously a tyrant, all powerful tyrant is the most free person and a slave is the most sinful person. Because they actually would use these kinds of terms that if you were least free, you, you, it was a sin. It was not just oh, you were, you were caught in that situation, which is maybe shameful or you know, dehumanizing, but it was sinful to be weak. Which is also interesting because I think that that is a viewpoint that has continued forward and Socrates is making the point the tyrant is the least free because he has, he has become so confused on his path, path to acquiring this power that he is at, has lost sight of what is the best for himself and he is actually hurting himself.

And there is also this problem of like chasing, you know, satiate, like to, to chase desires, to be, you know, someone who’s totally controlled by your desires. So arguably you’re the most free to do whatever you want if you can, can embellish and meet any desire. But it’s as Socrates says, it’s akin to trying to fill a vessel that has a bunch of holes because everyone knows that when you’re at your worst in terms of letting that sort of like you’re not intervening on yourself, that’s not something that you will ever feel full. You’ll need to do it again and again and again and feel actually emptier and emptier as you pursue that.

So these are the bad lessons, right, of what it is to do whatever you want. And that’s what they’re trying to do to people is, is get them confused. The, the biggest problem, the biggest evil, even for like the, the bad people that we’re talking about right now, the most villainous who have control and power, they, the, the, the, the root of evil, I believe is ignorance. And so they do believe that they need to do what they need to do. They might believe that they need to hurt people in order to gain certain powers. You know, and this sort of all coming from a belief system that you think you need to do this in order to, for it to benefit you the greatest.

Like nobody does things if, if they had the choice, right? No one does something to harm themselves. Typically like obviously there are cases where people commit suicide and self harm which is another department. But I let’s to keep it simplistic. Most people fit in a category of you. You try to do things that you think are going to benefit you. And so these people, even for suicide cases they want to end the pain. So they want something better for themselves. It’s true. And people who self harm, it’s their way of feeling a lot of times is what I’ve heard, right.

You do self harm because you make to feel it’s a catharsis. So yeah, so that was actually. It tidied it up more quickly than I realized. So everyone does this thinking that they’re going to benefit. And the problem is how did you get that ideology? And that’s where the root of this evil has propagated itself is this idea of where does the greatest self liberty come from? And this is the root of the whole, you know, fight that we’re, we’re in is that there are those who think that you need to enslave others in order to have the, the highest, you know, the, the priest cast of society, the scientific caste system.

They miss the point that you can’t hurt others. Enslaving somebody else is hurting others. I don’t, I get to the point. I’ve asked, you know, people ask me what my basic philosophy is and I say my goal is to maximize the flourishing of every human being on the planet. And if it does not maximize their ability to flourish then it’s not moral. And so your actions have to look at are you causing somebody else not to flourish and not to have the best opportunities for themselves then it’s just not moral. And I think that’s the, that’s what from a Christian standpoint I think that’s the over the big idea, right? Get caught up in the little stuff.

And I think that’s the big idea of Christian Jesus, you know, Christianity and I think they get sidetracked and all these other little issues. But well also the idea of the, the Old Testament too to be fruitful and multiply like that, that, that idea to be fruitful and to multiply say. And I’m not saying that everything should be taken, you know, but that that concept is an important one. And I know in my readings of oligarchical grand strategists over the centuries, they despise that concept because it, it combines both a, an increase of the quantitative potential of sustaining human beings.

But it says to be fruit, that’s the multiply. But the be fruitful part is qualitative. So you got to do both together. You have to constantly make discoveries, improve things for the next generation as a way of being a dao. And when you do that, you tap into your deeper, better self. You situate your identity in a greater whole in the past and into the future. You’re able to tap into greater creativity, you make greater art, greater music, greater architecture. That’s going to endure. You’re going to make more discoveries in science that’s going to let you leap over the limits to growth of finite resources.

Every time that human beings do that, regardless of, of what cultural matrix they come out or are born into, the result is increased potential for goodness, which as a byproduct can involve the sustaining of more people at a higher quality of life than their grandparents had. And the oligarchy is petrified of those consequences because they kind of know, I think deep down inside that if that is permitted to go unbounded, then the system that they have been groomed by, because they themselves are groomed, they’re born into a system system. Not many of them are recruited from the lower families.

Some of them are like HQLs, but most of them are, are born into it, they’re groomed into it. It’s a, it’s a huge force multi generationally of habit and, and belief. And so they kind of know that there’s a, an incompatibility of this other thing being permitted to blossom. And their, their system, they’re addicted to coexisting. It can’t coexist, exist. It’ll have to, you know, so they, they, they have to come up with all of these, these tools and tricks to light things on fire. I think they’re going to lose. I think of the human spirit is going to win, but there’s going to be a lot of pain in the process.

I think it’s not going to be easy and it’s not going to be fun and it could take a long time, but maybe it won’t take as long as I think maybe I’ll be optimistically surprised, but we’re in for a lot. So you guys, thank you so much for joining the program. This is a conversation I wasn’t even aware of some of the com the questions I was going to ask but I did because it just felt right and it was kind of big ones. So thank you for entertaining that and answering them and doing your best.

Where can people find you? For me it’s my substack cynthia chung subs sorry. Through a glass Darkly is the best way. Yeah don’t forget Rising tide foundation. The is also a big place non profit that Matt and myself started and we also have a docu series there. We do weekly lectures where we have presenters of various topics, science, history, culture. That’s excellent. And Matt, people want. Oh yeah, I’m sorry I just jumped in. But if. If people want to buy Cynthia’s book the the new either either the the one on Gladio the Empire in which the blacks have never set or her newest one the Shaping of a World Religion.

Thank you. The Shaping of a World Religion. Jesuits, Freemasons and anthropologists that those are more easily findable either on her substack or canadian as is her new documentary on Phoenixing the Republic with the story of of Brett Eric in the broader Rosicrucian Freemasonic Burn it down to create something out of chaos story. That thing as a as a full length documentary is easy to find on canadian and where can they find you? Same place Rising Tide. Yeah those places. I have my own substack too so yeah, people want Matthew Eric substack okay excellent.

Thank you so much. Everybody should go watch these documentaries. They’re just excellent. It gives you a different frame of mind some information. I like the history of Vietnam really showing more de you know gladio stuff. It’s just important that people understand our history. So thank you so much for joining the program. Thank you so much for having us sa.



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