How the Cabal shuts down access to cures for AIDS the Flu and other diseases w/ Dr. Fernandez

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➡ Lela’s quantum technology, backed by over 40 studies, improves blood health, neutralizes harmful electromagnetic fields, speeds up wound healing, and boosts ATP production in human cells. Dr. Dan Fernandez has developed a machine that destroys pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites in the body without side effects. He has approached Donald Trump about this technology, which uses light and heat to treat diseases. Dr. Dan is seeking funding for a trial and a ship to treat people on international waters.
➡ A scientist has developed a device that can potentially treat various diseases, including viruses. Despite setbacks from the government and failed investment deals, the scientist remains hopeful, especially with support from the Colombian government. However, there are concerns about the device being bought out and shelved by pharmaceutical companies. The scientist also discusses the rise in HIV cases and the potential link to recent medical developments, emphasizing the need for further research.
➡ The speaker discusses their struggle to introduce a new medical technology that could potentially treat various diseases. They claim that the technology can destroy disease mechanisms, but face opposition from established medical and pharmaceutical institutions. They argue that these institutions are more interested in maintaining their power and profits than in exploring potentially beneficial treatments. The speaker also mentions their attempts to conduct clinical trials in various countries, but alleges that these efforts were thwarted by pharmaceutical companies.
➡ The speaker, a doctor, was involved in a legal battle against the Dominican Republic government over human rights violations. He also conducted a trial on AIDS treatment, which had a 77% success rate. The treatment involved reducing the viral load in patients, which initially caused confusion as it appeared to increase the virus count due to fragmentation. However, this was later understood and the treatment was successful in stabilizing patients and eliminating opportunistic infections.
➡ The text discusses a doctor’s experience in treating HIV patients in Colombia. The doctor’s treatment method, which is administered once a week, significantly reduced the cost of keeping a patient alive by 94%, saving the government a lot of money. However, the doctor faced legal disputes with investors and potential issues with the U.S. State Department. Despite these challenges, the doctor is determined to continue his work and conduct clinical trials for his treatment method.
➡ The speaker is trying to raise $20 million for clinical trials of a new treatment, and is considering reaching out to wealthy individuals like Elon Musk. The treatment is currently not available in the U.S., leading to suggestions of administering it in international waters. The speaker has faced legal challenges and competition from others trying to replicate his work. Despite these obstacles, the speaker remains determined to bring the treatment to the public.
➡ The speaker has developed a treatment for autoimmune diseases and is seeking funding for clinical trials. They had a meeting with Rudy Giuliani, who promised to discuss the treatment with the president but later stopped responding. The speaker is now looking for investors or donations to fund the trials and someone who can provide a ship for treatments in international waters. They also want to help those adversely affected by injections and are willing to let investors manage the funds to ensure transparency.
➡ The text expresses gratitude towards those who are willing to help their loved ones in need, even anonymously. It also thanks a person named Doctor Dan and acknowledges the guidance of a deity. The speaker is determined to keep fighting and appreciates the support received.


Before we get into the details of how your machine works, let’s talk about what it does and what it does at a big picture level. Well, it fragments viruses, it destroys bacteria by basically punching a hole in the membranes, and the same with funguses and parasites. So it destroys pathogens in vivo in the body without causing any adverse effects. And that is due to the dosage that I give experience the groundbreaking advancements of Lela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide, this revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements, as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan.

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Welcome to business, game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have doctor Dan Fernandez coming to the program. He has an unbelievable story that needs to be heard, and it’s about his machine that he has that he uses the word cure when it comes to AIDS, colds, the flu, all sorts of anything that affects your immune system. And he has approached Donald Trump during his presidency, during COVID and they actually talked about it. And I’m going to play the video again here so you can see it twice. Here’s the video of him talking about what we believe was Doctor Dan’s machine, totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting.

So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that has him in check, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said, you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in 1 minute, that’s pretty powerful. I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way that you can apply light and heat to cure if you could.

And maybe you can, maybe you can’t. Again I say maybe you can, maybe you can’t. I’m not a doctor, but I’m like a person that has a good. You know what Deborah? Have you ever heard of that? The heat and the light? Relative to certain viruses, yes. But relative to this virus, that is a treatment. I mean certainly fever is a good thing. When you have a fever it helps your body respond. But not as I’ve not seen heat or. I think it’s a great thing to look at. I mean, you know, okay. And then you see good old Burke acting like she has no clue about anything other than what is in the standard of care and can’t think past a bureaucrat.

I mean she’s not really a scientist. I’m sorry. But those. Anyways, this is what we’re dealing with. And he has an amazing way to. He’s gonna explain what he has. And he’s looking for two things. I hope you watch this and I hope you share this. This is an underground railroad kind of thing and it’s important. We have a lot of people dying from the effects of the jab immune system deficiencies. And I believe he can help people and that’s what we’re looking for. So two things he’s looking for and there’s a link below and he’s going to explain the whole thing.

He needs money to help fund a trial of which he says you can manage the funds. So you know exactly where it’s going. He’s going to explain it and you can. If we have a big funder, you can remain anonymous. And he’s also looking for someone to help fund a ship on international waters to be able to treat people. And he’s going to explain that as well. So if you have a loved one that’s dying, maybe and you have some money, maybe this is worth your effort to get involved. And you know, this is underground railroad kind of situation.

And we need people to share and come together on helping people in our country and worldwide. And this is real guys. This is a real treatment that can really help people. So I hope you watch this entire thing. Before I get into it, I want to talk to you about another real treatment. And that’s masterpiece. I’ve been trying to share with people the benefits of masterpiece. It takes out graphene oxide, aluminum, heavy metals, microplastics. This is killing our immune system as well. It’s really bringing on every disease you can think, think of. It’s making our bodies ripe for being able to communicate with Wifi, it’s so bad.

We need to get this crap out of our systems. Masterpiece is one of the few out there. And this is why I like Doctor Dan as well. That’s proving that his stuff works. This stuff works. They’re proving it. They’re not just talking about it. And you can get a two month supply for $52.99. And I have the link below, or you can go to under shop. Okay, let’s get into this really important conversation that I have with Doctor Dan again. Please share this with your loved ones. Share this far and wide, share this with doctors, share this with everybody you know.

And let’s get this out there. This is an underground railroad kind of situation because we know that the establishment does not want this information out there. Okay, here’s Doctor Daniel. Hi, Doctor Dan. Welcome to the program. Thank you for having me, Sarah. We have an amazing story to tell, and actually, it’s an uplifting opportunity for mankind at what you have. It’s a breakthrough, and it’s not, you know, this technology has been around. I’ve been talking about frequency is the medicine of the future. You’re an MD, you get it. You’re seeing that this is a possibility and you’ve applied it.

So I want to ask you, what is this amazing technology that you have? And then we’re going to dive into just the incredible story behind it. Okay. Well, back in 95, I was introduced to what really is an old, old technology from the 18 hundreds. Okay. In fact, the first, um, clinical trial was performed by a danish doctor named Niels Finson in 1897 for lupus vulgaris, and he won the Nobel Prize in 1904. And then after that, it was like, you didn’t hear about this again until the twenties in Portland, Oregon, with the doctor Emmett Knott, who was a scientist, and he invented a machine that works on irradiation with ultraviolet light.

And I read, I mean, I’ve read so many journals. From 95 to 2000, I traveled the world and I looked for a machine because I didn’t want to have to reinvent the wheel. And the pros, I mean, the top notch, the pros of the pros in this were the Russians and the East Germans. So I got all the articles I could and just dove right in and I could not find a machine anywhere. So I was obligated to hire physicists, engineers in Huntsville, Alabama, which is the core stone of engineers for the armed forces. And it’s where the space center is for summer camps and all that.

For kids. So we went up to Huntsville and we developed our machine up there and our disposable kit. After five years of studying what this is all about. And basically what it is, is it’s very simple. We extract a certain amount of blood, 1.5 body weight. So if you weigh 200 pounds, we’re going to extract 300 blood, minimum. You can extract a little bit more, up to 450 I’ve gone up to with certain people. Then what we do is that that blood is passed through a pump, peristalsis pump, which pumps the blood at a certain speed because you can’t pump it too fast, because then you don’t have the right time or amount of exposure to the light.

So everything has to be timed perfectly. In fact, one of the reasons people haven’t been able to copy my machine is because you need eight parameters to be all in place in order to get my dosage. Well, wait a minute. Before we get into the details of how your machine works, let’s talk about what it does and what it does at a big picture level. Well, it fragments viruses. It destroys bacteria by basically punching a hole in the membranes. And the same with funguses and parasites. So it destroys pathogens in vivo in the body without causing any adverse effects.

And that is due to the dosage that I give. Okay, and so. And we’ll talk about that. And so we’re talking about a machine that can help somebody with the flu, essentially get rid of the flu, someone with AIDS, somebody virus, a common cold, and yes, any virus. Now, people argue what a virus is and whether it does. It gets rid of the mechanism of that disease that people are undergoing. And you have. You’ve went through clinical trials. You’ve shown this basically during COVID And I want to play a thing with Trump. During COVID you could have just.

This was a solution for people with COVID You know, you would have just solved all that. They can’t have a solution like yours. And he talked about us. He talked about it. Let me play that video totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said, that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.

And I think you said, you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in 1 minute. That’s. That’s pretty powerful. I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way that you can apply light and heat to cure. You know, if you could, and maybe you can, maybe you can’t. Again, I say maybe you can, maybe you can’t. I’m not a doctor, but I’m like a person that has a good. You know what, Deborah? Have you ever heard of that? The heat and the light? Relative to certain viruses, yes, but relative to this virus, not as a treatment.

I mean, certainly fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond, but not as. I’ve not seen heat or. I think it’s a great thing to look at. I mean. Okay, okay. So it went all the way up to Trump. You had, you had journalists that were getting it to him. He got it, talked to Burke. And she acted like an idiot and didn’t know about any. She doesn’t know about anything alternative. She could only speak about the vaccine and nothing else because she doesn’t know a thing about advanced science, obviously, and.

Or old science, for that matter. All she knows is what she’s told, and that’s what we gotta follow. I can’t be more angry with somebody like her, that she’s like standard of care. She is the prototypical bureaucrat that keeps, that causes everybody to die in bad situations. I’m sorry that is that on display, but Trump was trying to get through to something that was great. Now you. This device is, you’ve seen setback after setback from our government. They are after you. But you have the colombian government that are supporting you. Can you talk about that? Because that’s a big deal.

Well, I spent from 95 to 98, and then I developed my machine. And when I developed my machine, I spent part of 98, part of 99, and pitching anyone and everyone that would want to listen to us to see if anybody was interested in investing in the company. So from then until now, Sarah, every rich individual that I speak to, at first, everybody’s very enthusiastic. Everybody’s all in everybody. They even want to give me more money than what I need. Okay? And we’ve gone through deal after deal, giving up percentages of the company, all of that that you can think of.

And then all of a sudden, it’s like a switch goes off and they come back and they say, well, what’s your magic number, doctor? We want to buy you out. And in the last one, we were offered a billion dollars for our patent and then I find out the day before that I was going to sell it, because I was figuring that that’s it. What can I do? I can’t get any help, and I can’t get anybody to get involved in this, because at the end of the day, once someone reasons this logically, they realize that we’re going to go up against every pharmaceutical company on earth that produces any kind of antiviral, antibacterial vaccines and so forth down the line.

So it becomes very complicated for them. So what I find with the rich of the rich that I’ve gotten together with is that it’s easier for them to say, listen, doc, what do you want for your patent? And they made me an offer of a billion dollars. And then I found out that they were basically flipping it. Within 48 hours, they had Pfizer and Moderna in a bidding war between them, and they got up to $5 billion. I’m not sure from which company was the one that finally offered 5 billion, if it was Pfizer or Moderna.

But my main competitor for years, since 2000, has been Johnson and Johnson, because they have a machine that’s approved for t cell lymphoma only their treatment takes 5 hours. It costs between $2,500 and $6,000 per treatment, while our treatment takes 25 minutes and maybe cost $200. So I made it so that it’s inexpensive for third world countries and developing countries. Average person in the United States could afford it because the average person can’t afford things either. Okay, so what were they planning on doing it? Would they have put it out and just charge an astronomical rate that only the rich could make? Or they would have shelved it, which is what they do.

They shelve patents. Right? They stole. Was that they don’t want this out. Yeah. The 86% of patents are stolen when they want to bring it to market. The rest of them are purchased and shelved. So this is a purchase and shelved opportunity. And now you’ve had with stealing my patent. Excuse me for interrupting you, but it’s been like the eight parameters that I spoke of. If you don’t have those eight parameters of speed, the distance between the cuvette and the light, the amount of blood that you extract, the time of exposition of the. The wattage, the intensity of the bulb, all of these parameters have to be perfect.

So you figured it out. You figured it out. It took me four years to figure that out. And in my opinion, my humble opinion and guidance from the almighty, because, I mean, I prayed a lot that I would come up with something that was real. And then when we finally tested it on three HIV patients back in 97, we found out that it worked, that it lowered viral loads, that it disappeared. All the opportunistic infections, which is what a person with HIV dies from, not the actual virus, they die of an opportunistic infection because the virus destroys your immune system.

Right? So now that you don’t have an immune system, now you’re prone to these opportunistic infections to invade your body, and that’s what you actually die from, a pneumonia or some other kind of infection that they may get. But, and that’s what we’re dealing now with, side effects from the jab. A lot of people are having aid type symptoms, right. Their immune systems are really defective. So this could really help a lot of people. Since the introduction of the new injection, we have about a 500% increase in HIV cases. And that’s now being, in all fairness, okay, that’s now being argued by the medical community if it’s a false positive that’s coming out because of the injection and because of the gain of function on SARS CoV two.

But if we’re not seeing AIDS, what are we seeing? We’re still seeing an immune deficiency, right? We’re still seeing people getting sick. That that’s the question that we’re asking in medicine right now. In other words, it’s believed that in the gain of function studies, what ended up happening was that they cleaved a protein from SARS, from HIV, from malaria, and from tuberculosis, okay? So imagine they cleaved into the genetics of coronavirus. They cleaved in a protein from sars. That’s why it’s called SARs Cov two. It’s not called coronavirus. It’s actually the terminology of. It is SArs Cov two.

Right? So they cleaved in a SARS, which is another virus. Then they cleaved in HIV, which is another virus. Then they cleaved in malaria, which is a parasite, and then they cleaved in a protein from tuberculosis, which is a bacteria. So they have created a whole new monster. Yes, ma’am. So what’s being believed, and this is what we’re looking at, okay, is that you’re getting false positives, because when you do an HIV test, you’re getting antibodies being produced to you having been exposed to that injection or the actual virus itself. And now you’re presenting antibodies on the western blot and the ELISA test for HIV.

So what doctors are doing now is waiting. They’re saying, okay, well, if he has, if he tested positive, now we have to see where is the viral load? And that’s the information that none of us have yet to receive. We’re waiting to see if one of these patients actually develops a viral load. One of the most consequential lies of history is that Karl Marx put forth an economic theory or doctrine. He did not. He put forth a totalitarian religion. This was a rape of the body of Christ. He said the ultimate objective was to destroy Christianity.

Those were his words. And Khrushchev bragged about it. We’ll take America without firing a shot. Hi, I’m here to impoverish, enslave, and murder you. They were actual communists. The result, you can see, we have to say, hope. There are ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing all over the place. Okay, so. And there’s arguments. And I have people all the time talking about how viruses don’t exist. It doesn’t even. That debate doesn’t matter. What you’re able to do is destroy the mechanism of disease with this. And it’s so important that people understand that people are getting sick and you are, your machine is able to destroy that, that mechanism of disease.

And they’ve weaponized the cold, which is beyond infuriating. They, at the hospitals, they stopped treating the flu. They stopped treating all this stuff, but they’re starting to come back to that. Right? A lot of hospitals are, heck with that. We’re going back to treating a long time. Good. Years ago, a couple years ago, they’ve gotten back to it. Some were still holdouts, but this is something, a whole another level where they can take care of the immune system issues all at once. For all the pathogens, all the bacteria, all the viruses that are affecting your immune system.

Correct. And that’s why they don’t want me out there. The question I ask everyone is ask this question, if what I have isn’t true, then why are they so hell bent on stopping me? That’s right. Why don’t they just allow me to perform the clinical trials and crash and burn? Well, okay, let’s talk about that. Because the colombian government is allowing you to do the trials. What is happening in the United States that they’re not allowing you to? And talk about that? And then we’re going to talk about some other issues that you’ve had. Okay, well, when the coronavirus came out in 2020, in March of March 18, 2020, we made that five minute video that’s on YouTube to President Trump, called bring me home, mister President, okay? And it was basically because he was talking about all these american companies that had left the country to work outside of the United States to come back home.

He wanted us to manufacture here. He wanted us to produce employments here and so forth, jobs. So that’s why I titled the video. It’s a five minute video. Bring me home, mister president. And they reached out, the White House reached out, and they basically said, we’ll give the president the message through a investigative journalist from Columbia, which happens to be known in the United States as his number one Latina fan, called Miriam Witcher. So Miriam and her network of thousands of people, because she also works his campaign in Nevada, reached out to the president, and they were, like, really enthused.

And this is why on April 24, six weeks after that video, he comes out on that press conference, which we showed about the light to work. Exactly. So then what happened after that? And in all fairness, Sarah, 99% of the doctors do not know anything about this technology. The only doctors that I go to, that when I give a conference. Like in Colombia, right. I gave a conference to the military and to a slew of doctors in an auditorium filled with 500 people. And I demand it. I didn’t ask for it. I actually demanded it, okay? That I wanted all the oncologists, the radiologists and the hematologists up front in the first row.

So when I would talk about the technology to finite points in medicine and how it all works with the chemical reactions, so forth, okay, I would point to them in the first row. So then when they saw those five or ten heads saying, yes, you’re correct, doc, they weren’t believing the gringo up on the stage. They were believing their own doctors, you understand? Because the infection specialists, they don’t know about this. They’re trained, like you said. They’ve got, like the horse covers, you know, and just look forward and just do what’s. Yeah, they’re. Their schools are just a memorization camp.

It’s not a. It’s. That’s why you have to go to the scientists and engineers who are really understanding the technology to build this. The MDs. I’m sorry, that’s your profession. But the MDs are just getting a memorization camp, and then they’re regurgitating what they’re told. They don’t understand the technology. That’s how we’re going to get past this, is when they start to just understand it, instead of being robots that regurgitate what they’re told. Well, it’s called standard of care. Our attorneys are the first ones that tell you, listen, don’t get out of what is standard of care? So the pharmaceutical, it’s a bureaucracy.

Yes, ma’am. The pharmaceutical companies have lobbied the medical organizations to stabilize a standard of care. You understand? So then if you, the doctor leaves that standard of care and treats somebody with something that’s not the standard of care, then you can get suede or you can lose your license, or you can do whatever. And so they have weaponized an entire system for the sake of a business and saying, you can only use our products and services so that we can make a fortune. We don’t care if it helps people the best. We don’t care if whatever.

That’s secondary. Wait second. We want, we want to force this process onto the MDS. They’ll lose their license. They’ll be sued unless they do the business. And the products that make us the most amount of money, we have the most amount of power, and that’s what you have to do. And that’s what they’ve instilled in our system, and that’s what we’re stuck with. Unless we push back. Keep going. Yes, man. And that’s the weapon they use during COVID every doctor was threatened with losing their license, with being fined, and with even being charged with a crime, being a danger to your community because of your misinformation.

You’re a danger to a community because you’re not selling our products where we make the most amount of money. That’s what they’re doing, and that’s what people need to understand. Okay, so I’m just like, oh, these people. Look what they did with ivermectin. Because even in between the pharmaceutical companies, they’re knocking heads, right? Ivermectin works. Why? Because it disrupts the function of that cleaved protein of HIV. Because ivermectin is used for HIV. So it would disrupt that protein in the SARS CoV molecule. And what would happen is it would allow you to survive those five to seven days.

Turn the corner, and you survive. Same thing with hydroxychloroquine, which is a medication meant for malaria, the other protein that was cleaved in. So what did the pharmaceutical companies do? They fought and took it all the way to the Supreme Court so that the Supreme Court would not rule that these two medications could have a wider spectrum of use. That’s just so incredible. And they’re so safe. They were so safe. Okay, wait a minute. President Trump got treated with hydroxychloroquine so how much safer do you want it to be? Yeah. Zelenko, my friend Zelenko. We really miss him.

Okay, so let’s talk about the colombian government. You are able to do the trials there because the FDA isn’t allowed. They’re waiting for you to treat somebody here. They won’t let you until you have these trials and they want to take you down. So let’s talk about how the colombian government wants you to do these trials or was working with you, whereas, and you can’t, can’t do anything, especially in the United States, because the FDA is just waiting because they’re just a bunch of whores for the pharmaceuticals. Keep going. What’s going on with it? Back in 2000, I started to travel, okay.

After we had made our prototype machine. So we went to Venezuela, we went to Colombia, we went to Brazil, we went to Argentina, went to Chile, Spain, France. Goodness, Switzerland, Germany. And we pitched. I mean, I gave conference after conference after conference after conference. And finally the Dominican Republic came back and said, listen, we’re interested. And I had military contracts there. And those contacts basically said, listen, doc, we really need this. Again, HIV, okay? Because it’s huge in the military as well. Sure. They need this, people, they need this. Yeah, keep going. And then now you’re talking about a developing country that when you measure their peso against the dollar, it’s huge.

So, you know, I mean, you can live in the Dominican Republic, let’s say, with $2,500 a month, and it’s the equivalent of having ten to $15,000 a month here. Yeah. Yep. Okay. So you can imagine, right? So then they wanted our treatment, so finally they approved us, and we started our clinical trials. With HIV. It’s 144 patients. We had 36 in the trial, and which is all I really needed for a phase. 120 or more. And eight months into the trial, Abbott laboratories paid. Listen to this. The bioethics committee, $3 million to stop our trial. My God.

Was because the bioethics committee comes to me and says, doc, if you pay us $3 million, we’ll continue with the game. Oh, gosh. And I said, well, wait a minute. You know, I mean, I’m fighting against a monster company. So if I give you now $3 million, what’s going to end up happening is that they’re going to come back and offer you 10 million and I’m out of the game, and you’re going to make $16 million in a week. I go, so I’m going to do this. I’m going to act like an american, and I am going to put on my american hat here in the dominican republic, and I’m going to sue the government for violation of human rights, the only suit against the government of the dominican republic in its history, for violation of human rights.

You’re looking at the guy that placed that lawsuit. What happened with that? Well, the. The. They call them magistrates. They don’t call them judges. Okay? It’s french law. It actually, you’re guilty in the Dominican Republic until you’re proven innocent. Just remember that if you ever want to go to the doctor, okay? Because if you have an accident, car accident, everybody goes to jail. Prove who’s an innocent party, and then the other party stays in jail. It’s like really crazy. So the magistrate said, listen, doctor, take this to the Hague. And the Hague is the courts, you know, that prosecuted all the Nazis.

So she recommended that I take it to the Hague and that I put the lawsuit there against her own government, because she came out, she said, it’s very clear, the government can stop any trial for any reason it wants. And I would have had to prove that they got paid. And that was like a whole different story. I mean, that was like putting my life at risk, literally. Okay. Yes, it was. And so what happened was that the Colombians had their ear to the floor, and the moment they saw that the results came out that everything was real, they said, please, doctor, come here.

Because my investors was a goldminer from Columbia and the equivalent company of DHL or FedEx in Colombia called servientrega. Okay. They were my investors. Okay, can you. Can you talk about what was the outcome of the trial on AIDS? You got at least 77% success rate at the time of cut off. Okay. And the only reason we didn’t have that other 3% was because after we give you a treatment, I’m going to have to explain this to you really quick. Okay. There’s two types of PCR tests. The one that you know, which is called qualitative. Qualitative PCR gives you positive or negative exposed or not exposed, okay? But there’s another PCR test called quantitative, and that’s the one that gives you a viral load that’s very common for HIV.

Okay? So then let’s say you come in, we draw your blood, we do a PCR quantitative on you, we get a viral load of 10,000 copies per millimeter square of blood. So you have 10,000 copies of this virus and 1 blood. So how many millimeters of square of blood do you have? In the whole body. You follow me now? So if it’s less than a drop and you’ve got 10,000 copies, how many drops of blood do you have in your body in the whole five liters of blood? So you can imagine the trillions upon trillions of viruses.

Okay? So you can reduce the viral load. And these people still had a higher viral load than you wanted them to have. But was it reduced? Well, because of the fragmentation. You see, we found. We gave. We did a test, got a viral load of 10,000, gave them a treatment, brought them back the next day and did another viral load, and the viral load was at 100,000. So all my colleagues went crazy. This is at the very, very beginning, at the late nineties, when we did the first test, and they went crazy. They said, oh, my God, this virus is now replicating crazy.

It’s gone nuts. What did you do? And then I’m, you know, I’m from a surgical background, not an internist background. An internist looks at the labs, and that’s what they’re looking at. You know, a surgeon, more than anything, looks at the symptoms of somebody. Yeah. And then. So I’m looking at my patient, and I’m saying, but look at her. I, you know, she’s hungry, she’s got energy. She’s not infected with anything. So it has to be something else. Think, guys. So then they said, let’s go back to the lab. Mercy Hospital here in Miami, and we call Roche, which is the owners of the PCR test for the viral load.

Right? It’s them and Abbott. Abbott does DNA and Roche does RNA, and they’re the leaders, actually, worldwide, they have over 90% of the market. So they go to Roche, and they say the scientist at Roche says, go to the hood, because, you know, the lab guy, the immunologist at the laboratory, explained that, you know, one day she had 10,000, the next day, 24 hours, she’s got 100,000. And, you know, that signifies in the whole body, you know, a whole tenfold, you know, amount. So what was really happening? Because obviously that she was getting. Her symptoms were healthier, so what was really happening? This is great because it takes somebody from a different person.

So Roche tells the immunologist, go to the hood. You know, that apparatus with a glass in front of it, and you put your hands underneath the glass, and that’s where you’re doing all the testing. It’s got a hep HEPA filter in, and it’s got a uv bulb inside. So you ask them did you take that uv bulb out of the hood? So, like, you know, the immunologist goes through the hood, he goes, I never thought about that. And no, there’s no bulb in here. So then he said, well, then we can’t understand. Did you expose the blood in any way? The uv? So then he turns to me, goes, what kind of irradiation are you using? I go, uv.

The problem comes that the PCR test cannot differentiate, check this out. Between a piece of the virus and a whole virus. Oh, so you fragment, you split the crap out of these things. And now you had that. Awesome. And they didn’t understand the difference. And this is why understanding and seeing it from a different perspective is so important. And that actually proved my theory. Yes, of fragmenting the virus. So then, of course, you see that uptake in virus, right? And now the immune system starts to clear it. And then a week or so, twelve to 15 days max, you see the viral load going down again.

I would have liked to see all the scientists when it went up to 100,000, because you. You essentially did a ten times, you chop those viruses, or there’s fragments in a ten, one to ten, and they freaked out. I would have liked to see them freak out and not understand what they’re looking at. That’s funny. I freaked out because at that time, you didn’t know either. Did I do something wrong here? But looking at the patient gave me the confidence to say, wait, wait, wait, wait. You know, something’s. Yeah, something’s off here. You know, she would be in a hospital right now.

She’d be sick, she’d had pneumonia. I mean, do you understand what I mean? So it just. It didn’t match up. And then Roche gave us the proof. So when we went to do the clinical trials, we saw that happen exactly that way in 36 patients. And then all their opportunistic infections disappeared within a week to four weeks, depending on what they were suffering from, okay? And after that, they didn’t come back throughout the next seven months. So every patient was stabilized, and that’s what they saw. The reason Columbia approves us, Sarah, it’s not because of the effectiveness of the treatment.

It was because of one comment that I made in one of my conferences, because a politician got up and said, well, how much is this going to cost? You gringos always come over here to our country. You want to use us as guinea pigs, and then you’re going to slap us with a whole huge bill. So that light bulb went off and I said, is there anybody here from Social Security, which is like Medicare, Medicaid in those countries, right? So then this lady lifts her hand. So I asked her, please listen to my question very carefully.

How much does it cost the government of Colombia to keep a person alive with HIV that is chronic HIV AIDS? Because you can get rid of the AIDS part and then it’ll come back and you can get rid of it again and it’ll come back, okay, but HIV, you don’t get rid of that test that you have, the virus is there. The AIDS part is that your immune system has come down. Cd four cells come down below 200 and you’re presenting all these opportunistic infections. You change the cocktail and back up go the cd four count, and now you don’t, you’re no longer AIDS.

Okay? So when they tell you somebody to a doctor, no, you know, he’s HIV AIDS. That’s telling me their cd four is below 200, they’re in a chronic state, they’re presenting opportunistic infection and they could be dying. But if they tell me, no, no, they’re just HIV positive, then that means to me as a doctor, they’re stable and you, yours gets rid of the HIV, you get rid of the source. Well, that’s the problem again. Why? Because you have to understand the lab works. Okay, well, that’s the, is that once your body produces an antibody, sweetie, to anything, that’s it for the rest of your life.

That antibody comes out in the test. They’re not testing for the virus. They’re testing for the antibodies that have been produced that will now forever come out positive. So I can get rid of the virus, eradicate it from your whole body, and for the rest of your life you’re still going to test positive? Well, because they’re not understanding. Again, this is getting back to the understanding. So what did you, that’s why it’s so important that science, that we start to understand this better and that we allow the debates, we allow the new tech, we allow all this stuff.

And the fact that the bureaucrats aren’t allowing it, it’s keeping people in this middle dark ages of ignorance. But anyway, so what did you say to the colombian government? So then what I said was that I could reduce cost to keep a person alive by 90%. So that’s when the politician got up, said, well, you know, how much is this going to cost us? Da da da da da. And then I asked the lady from like, Medicare Medicaid over there, say, well, socia, I said, how much does it cost to keep a person alive. So she said, let me round it off to dollars because they use pesos, right? So she goes, I’m going to round it off to dollars, doctor.

It’s $100,000 a year. And then the politician starts to argue with her because he couldn’t understand what he meant. The meds are costing this because the politicians only thinking meds. Yeah, but that’s not the only cost to keep a person alive. You have all the clinical visits that they got to have, all the visits to the specialist, all the ancillary care, all the medications, all the other medications for all the opportunistic infections that they get, plus the biggest cost of all, hospitalization. Yep. So your insurance company’s paying for the whole tab, you see? So then when she looks at the politician and then the pilot, and you’re gonna reduce that by 90%, now here comes the politician thinking, oh my God, I’m gonna have more money for us.

So they call my bluff. And they said, go ahead, prove it to us. So I said, okay. They allowed me to set up a clinic in Colombia, Medellin, which is the city that we were in, because it had the oldest university. And I really didn’t. I didn’t like. Not that I didn’t like Bogota is that it’s higher in altitude. I live in Miami at ocean level. Okay. And the headaches and the high blood pressure was killing me. Yeah, yeah. So it takes a while to acclimate yourself. Okay. To that. Yeah, it was, you know, so in Medellin, I was in the valley.

So they had the university that was a nonprofit medical university, plus the oldest university in all of Latin America, all of South America, the autonomous university. And so we hit it off there. And what ended up happening was that we set up the clinic and it was supposed to be six months. It ended up being 29 months. They said, go out and get the pain. I go, no, I’m not going to get the patients. I’m not going to do, like Pata Rollo, the other scientist that they have over there, that he went on and picked out specific patients that were immune to the diseases that they were testing.

So he cheated. So I said, no, no, I’m not going to do that. I want you to send me the patients. So they sent me seven patients. They came into the clinic. I was supervised by the universities, and we started to treat them once a week because our treatment is just once a week, okay? And six months went by. Then they said, no, no, please give us another six months and another six months went by, and then another 629, 29 months. I said, that’s it. I spent over a million something dollars here. My investors are going crazy.

You know, we need to do these trials. Have I not proven to you that this is a stable treatment, that no one, that’s. Two of the seven patients got hospitalized seven or eight times a year in those 29 months, nobody was hospitalized, so all the costs came down. Right? So then the government saved them so much money, and while you spent your own money to save them money, so they should owe you, but keep going. Well, they, you know, that’s why they want me there. Yeah, well, if I go tomorrow, I have all the money for the trials.

But they own the product. They made it very clear. We pay for it. We own it, doctor. So if you show up like all the americans do, and you start creating jobs and you pay all the doctors for the clinical trials and the tests and this and the that and every, all the costs of then, you know, you own it. But we’re going to still want you to make a factory here, we’re going to want you to create jobs here, and we’re going to want. That’s fair. What we agreed on was first divvies on doing other trials.

That’s fair because they’re. At least they’re putting their butt on the line from a. Yes, of course. Are you kidding? And museums invite ministers of health for different symposiums so that those other countries would then participate in phase two and phase three, because now you need to do this worldwide, and you had to have a sample of Asians, Europeans, Africans, and so where are you right now with that? Where am I? Oh, well, if I had the money tomorrow to do the trials that were approved to do over there, which is hiv, leishmaniasis, the influenza virus, that we’ve increased it to include Covid and any virus or bacteria that can cause the flu.

Okay? Plus the last one is laminitis, founders disease, which is cattle and horses, the second leading cause of death in cattle and equin and horses. Okay, so it’s a big deal for the cat. It’s a big deal for the beef industry, too. Huge. Huge. But imagine this. When we treat a virus and we cure you of the virus, what happens ten to 15 days naturally in your body? If you have a cold now and you get over the cold within a week, what happens five to ten days after your body starts to produce antibodies, so you’re now naturally vaccinated.

So we come in, we treat you, we cure the disease, your immune system, then reads all the genetic material and produces antibodies. So we’re a double whammy. And that’s another reason why the pharmaceuticals would love for me to just not be out there trying every possible. Okay, so, so hang on, hang on so I can finish this. Okay. So they came into the clinic and said, doctor, you didn’t reduce the cost by 90% like you said. And I was like, I mean, I mean, my brain started, you know, like, well, wait a minute, nobody got hospitalized.

And I’m going through all of the numbers in my mind and they all started laughing. It was like twelve of them in the clinic. And they all started laughing. No, doctor, you don’t understand. You reduce cost by 94%. So here’s our FDA approval, here’s the university’s approval. You have everything you want. And I said, fantastic. And then my investors at that time grew weary. They wanted to sell out because they were getting offers now from everybody. And so then we got into a legal dispute. And in 2010, at the end of 2010, I came back home and I said, that’s it.

I’m not going to sell my company and I’m not going to let anybody take it over. So we came to an agreement that in the future I have to pay them so much for what they invested in what have you, and, and then that’s where I’m at. So I’ve got everything approved in Columbia. I could go over there now, but if I did that, I’d have to turn in my us citizenship, to be perfectly frank with you, because the state Department is going to come after me like they did in the Dominican Republic. Okay, so we here not only is the FDA, Sarah, the state Department will prohibit you if you have a technology that they deem is so special that they’ll tell you what countries you can actually do business with.

Jeez, is that not crazy? Well, when it comes to people’s lives, we’re talking about people’s lives here and they think that they are God. They’re playing God right now. So how do people, can people get this treatment now? Where are you at now? You want to do the clinical trials? I’m in Miami. I reside in Miami. But where are you at now with the clinical trials? What is your goal? Okay, my goal is to raise the money that we need in the campaign that we’re going to hopefully launch here on your show, as well as in my telegram channel that I just created.

And I haven’t even done a program there. But the idea is to raise the money unless I could find, I’ve been trying to reach Elon Musk, because I really feel that I wouldn’t have to pitch him more than ten minutes because he’s a physicist. So all this is physics, you understand? It’s like you as an engineer, you understand when I explain to you things really quick because you have that ability, that knowledge. Okay, so with Elon, $20 million to do all these trials is, what, a drop in his ocean of money? So. But I can’t reach them.

It’s almost impossible. Yeah. So there’s Elon Musk. There’s other big players who understand who could give you $20 million. They could do it even if they don’t want to be public. They could do it as a private investor. They could do these things quietly. So if you have $20 million, you can help mankind by bringing this forward and doing the clinical trials. Now, people in the United States. This is why it’s important that somebody comes forward. People in the United States cannot get this treatment at the moment unless you’re talking about maybe doing a ship in international waters.

What are you talking. Because, I mean, this is how bad it is. I mean, for God’s sake, our lawyers, you know how lawyers are. You know, they’re, like, always trying to figure a way around things and how to, you know, to save lives. It’s the underground railroad. I mean, for God’s sake, go ahead. So then somebody said, you know, doc, maybe we can get a boat. Like those casino boats. They go out for, like, 4 hours, you know, 100 footer or something like that, or something that’s, you know, pretty stable. And then he suggested that we go out 12 miles into international waters and do the treatment out there.

So that’s one possibility of. And so somebody who’s wealthy, who has a family member who’s dying of AIDS, you can step up, too, or you can get a boat out there, and you can. Yeah, so we need people to step forward. Yeah, well, we need people. Hopefully, people will share this, get this out there. You have a family member who’s dying. Or we can get people together, even, just help fund the boat. Help fund the international. The boat, so that you can get treatment. And we could do that and then also work on getting the treatment to get the clinical trial so that we can eventually bring it into this country.

Yes, ma’am. Because if you treat somebody right, if you treat somebody here in the United States and the FDA finds out about it, they’re ready to destroy you, aren’t they? Oh, you can’t imagine. They’re just they’re just. I had a visit from them back in 97, and they thought that I was using a german machine that came in through New York. I check out. Check out how it is that they bust you, all right? They don’t bust you for doing the treatment, okay? This machine from, called the Emma Tron comes from New York, from. From Germany, comes in through New York.

And then it would get to Miami, right? So they’re sitting in my office in Miami back in 97, and they asked us, we hear that you’re doing uv treatments here. Those are the first three trials that I did on three patients. And I said, well, I don’t know how you found out anything, because I haven’t announced anything. According to the law, a doctor and a patient can agree to do anything that’s even experimental. But we can’t talk about it, we can’t publicize it, we can’t market it, and we can’t in any form, fashion, or manner, get it out there unless it’s by voice, word of mouth.

In other words, you got a treatment from me, and I treated you for a cold, and it worked. And now you told your mom or you told your sister, you understand? And it’s getting out by word of mouth. So there’s nothing public out there, no claims are being made of, so they can’t bust you for giving a treatment. But check this out. So they come back and they say, we hear that you’re doing uv treatment and that you have a humitron machine. I said, no, sir, I don’t, but I’d like to know. And so please let me put my camera.

So I had a little tripod on my desk, and I brought out my little camera that I had at that time. I call my lawyer right there. I got the FDA here in my office. What do I do? And he says, I’m on my way. So the two agents were sitting there, and I said to my nurse, bring me the machine that I had made in Miami. Okay? So she brought in the machine, and then one agent looks at the other agents, well, that’s not the humatron. Where did you get that? I go, I built that here in Dade county.

Do you think that they said, I’m sorry, doctor, we made a mistake. They didn’t say anything, Sarah. They looked at each other, they got up, and they walked out, and I was like, what’s. Yeah. Then what? So then my lawyer comes back and says, doc, is that they don’t bust you for doing the treatment. They bust you because you violate intercommerce interstate law, violate another, you’re getting a machine that’s not approved, and every state line that that machine crosses to reach you, it’s five years and $10,000 fine. But because it’s your own machine, they couldn’t do anything.

But because it was my own machine and it didn’t cross any state lines, and I wasn’t marketing my machine. They couldn’t touch me. But they’re just waiting. So is there a God or not? Because, I mean, that’s like that. That to me was like, I was being like, you know, it watched over. It was like, it should not be this hard to. We should. We got the approval in 2020. We had the approval from the Irban. It should not be this hard. And then in 2020, finally in July, we get the approval. Okay? So we had a hospital here in Miami that we were ready to do the clinical trials and called Westchester at the time.

Now it’s called Carol T. And we had everything set up with it for four months. So we get the approval from the IRB ad Vera, one of the leading nation, one of the leading irbs in the nation, and we want to go. We take the contract to the hospital, and the CEO, an ex senator, wouldn’t sign the contract. So then we start finding out, well, why he’s getting paid now by the pharmaceuticals not to sign your contract. So I said, my God, you know, but what else do I have to do? Lord, you know, it’s like every door that’s open, all of a sudden, it’s like, you know, it would shut.

So after that, we. That was July. We basically were back and forth with their lawyers, our lawyers, the whole nine yards for a month, month and a half. And there was no way he was going to sign the contract. The hospital was selling the hospital at the time to a colombian company whose bioethics committee approves us because of all my history in Columbia. So they had known about us, and they knew that I had approval from their FDA in Columbia. So they were trying to get me called. Sanita is the name of the company, to go to Columbia.

And I’m saying, but I already have everything approved here. We do this here. I’m in Colombia tomorrow. So they tried to get the CEO to sign. No way. So they ended up firing the CEO when they took over later on. And the CEO is now in Tallahassee, but he wouldn’t sign it. So we regrouped, went to another hospital that we had contacts with, and I had privilege of that one time. And that hospital got ahold of a medical university here, a small little medical university here, Russ University, and literally tried to copy everything that I had done.

And I was like, doctor, Michelle, what are you doing? We have everything approved, and you’re now redoing all the protocols you’re read. Why? Why are you doing all this? And it was because he thought that by him doing a protocol and having a machine from Fenwolf Baxter, like the one from Johnson and Johnson, that he could use that protocol and then use the machine that they had there at the hospital, and he could make money because it’s all about. But he could also. It’s all about the money. But he also, to be fair to him, did he think that he could use it legally? Well, he wasn’t going to use my machine, so now he’s using Fenwolf Baxter’s machine.

So all it is is money. But no, what I’m trying to get at is, does that machine do what yours does? And did he see think that we don’t, you know what I’m saying? Like, is used for lupus and autoimmune diseases. Then it’s like Johnson’s and Johnson’s machine, it takes 5 hours to do a treatment, and it’s. It’s hectic. Okay. It’s not as good, but did he think that inefficient. Yes, yours is better, but from his standpoint with the FDA, and you’re not legal yet, could he use that or could he use your. We had the.

We had the IRB approval, so he could. Right. We could have done the trials with him. But again, it’s about the money. Understand? So then, you know, he started to see, well, how do I make money now? I don’t want to wait for Dan to do the trials here at my hospital. I want money now. So again, you know, they started bidding war with the pharmaceutical companies to pay him not to allow us to do the trials. There’s so much money. September came around 2020. And who do we sit down with in September? None other than Rudy Giuliani, the attorney for the president, and this man.

We had a conversation through Zoom for an hour and a half, and he promised us that he would talk to the president about our treatment. We told him everything, and we told him about the conference that, you know, the press conference that he had had. He had mentioned us everything. So he goes, well, what. What can I do for you? I said, I would love to give a presentation at Walter Reed. Being a veteran myself, I thought, you know, yeah, maybe they can open the doors and I would offer this to my country. I didn’t need to make money.

I even told them, I don’t care about the money. Just let me do this for my country, because we need it. So he promised, and then within two weeks, he wouldn’t answer any of our calls. Oh, I’m sorry. And then it came back to the same thing. Well, you know, Rudy doesn’t do anything for free. Is that what they said? Okay. Nobody. Who sent that? Who said that to you? His lawyer here in Miami. Okay. My lawyer got a hold of his lawyer. That’s how we had the meeting with him. Then after we had all the meeting, two weeks later, his lawyer told my lawyer, Rudy doesn’t do anything for free.

What can you offer him? And I said, well, give me a number, let me know what it is. And no, you have to make an offer. Did you make an offer? Okay. Well, no. Why am I going to do that? Okay. You know, it’s like I don’t even know what you want. I mean, do you understand what I mean? I do. I get it. It’s just. Just incredible. Okay, so what is it right now, so that people who are listening know what it is that you need and what they can do to help their own loved ones? There’s two things right now.

You have a fundraising campaign, and we. We have the link for that below. And then we also need somebody that can get a ship or have contacts so that you can start maybe doing treatments in international waters. So we need somebody who has that kind of ability to make that happen. Those are the two things. Yes, ma’am. The only thing I’m lacking is money. And if any investor that’s hearing this or in the. They want to come in. Okay, one of the things that I. Again, and I hate to use this word, but I demand, okay.

Is that they manage the money. It’s your money. So if you. Sarah, let’s say you had the money and you wanted to come in, I would say, sarah, you have to bring in your administrative people to manage the money. I don’t want to cut a check for anything. It’s your money. Okay. I just want to agree on the budget, and you manage it so that you don’t think that I’m gonna grab 20 million and run off to some island somewhere. Okay? Do you understand? So. So you have. You have a mechanism in place to make sure that their money is protected is the bottom line, and you’ll.

And. Right. And the accountant. And so they manage the money, and, of course, 20 million isn’t going to go out the window in one day or one month for sure. It goes out throughout a year to a year and a half. Well, we’ll see what comes back here. Hopefully somebody that, you know, people are pretty motivated when their loved ones are dying. So we’ll see if some. And again, we can keep it secret who the money is coming from. That can be anonymous. It doesn’t have to be known. And we just need this to go move forward for people.

I really thank you for coming to the show, to having the courage to do this. And it’s time. It’s time for humanity to move past this bureaucratic middle ages that we’re in. Yes, ma’am. And I want to make this one little point doing this phase one trial in Colombia. Then comes phase two and phase three. The only difference between one phase and the other phase is the number of participants in the study. So, in phase one, you need a minimum of 25 to 30 people and up. Okay. Phase two, you need at least two to 300 or more.

Phase three, you’re talking thousands upon thousands and multiple countries. So what would we do if we did the trial, let’s say, in Colombia for HIV as well as the flu. Okay. Then phase two. I don’t publish. I don’t perform the clinical trial. The government of Columbia and the doctors in Columbia and the university, they’re the ones that perform the trials. We train them in our machine. We provide the kids, and what we get is we get the right to have a monitor present to make sure they turn on the machine and that they function everything properly, because imagine your competitors can come back and ask one of these nurses, that makes $20,000 a year.

Here’s 100 grand. Don’t turn on the machine. That’s right. And you’re sabotaged. And that’s happening all the time. Yes, ma’am. So you have monitors that stand there with each machine, make sure that they’re doing their job. So that’s what we get. But the ones that publish is the university and the government of Columbia. So now I take that information, all that publishing from our peers, okay. And I come to the FDA and I present it. I say, I want to do phase two now in the United States, and they can’t say no. So within four to six months of me starting the trial for all of the influenza, the common flu, plus HIV and leishmaniasis, I could literally be back in the United States now, providing this not only for people that are sick.

My other main interest is in the adverse effects that have been caused by these injections. That’s right. All of the myocarditis, all of the dermatological, all of the tremors that you see. I mean, we’re looking at over 500,000 people that are permanently disabled in the United States since 2021 that they rolled out these. But you don’t hear the media talking about, it’s only people like you and us that are willing to bring out this information, and they don’t want to talk about it. That’s because literally, and those are the people that I want to help here in our country.

Apart from providing this to America. I mean, how can I provide this to the rest of the free world and then not provide it in my own country? That’s like, there’s a point where if you have any kind of decency and morals, you need to support this to help people who are suffering. I just don’t. There’s a point where you need to ask yourself, take a pause, ask yourself what kind of a person I am. Okay, so two things you need. We need money for your trials, and we’ll have a link below somebody. Ideally, if we get a large investor who’s willing to fund it all, that would be perfect.

Otherwise, we also have the ability to take in smaller donations. And then if you are somebody who is willing to or has the ability to put out a ship in international waters so that we can start treating people immediately, we can do that as well. I would love that, to be honest with you, because I can start treating Americans 12 miles out specifically for those Americans that have been hurt by the injections. That’s right. You understand? And then we can have somebody like you in your program, document it and put it out to the world. And that’s where now people get informed, you understand? Because the infrastructure that you have, I don’t have.

I just set up a little telegram channel so that I can communicate with people and have them ask me any questions that they would like and so forth. Because the campaign revolves around finding a million Americans that would be willing to pitch in $20 each. And that’s how we raise the 20 million. Or a big anonymous funder who can work with us. We don’t. We don’t care. We want somebody who has. And there’s a lot of people with that kind of money that have loved ones who are dying. And, you know, if you care about your wife, your husband or whatever, and your daughter, your son, and you want to step forward, even in an anonymous way, we can make that happen.

So thank you. Thank you so much. Doctor Dan. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being guided by Goddesse. And we will just keep fighting. Thank you. Thank you for having me. God bless.



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