Guns N Shit Show | Episode 4 – With Ghost Armando Gonzalez

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➡ In this episode of the show, the host welcomes everyone and introduces his guest, Ron Partain from the Untold History Channel. They discuss various topics, including reading two newsletters from General Mike Flynn, which the host believes contain important information for the public. The host also plans to review a Colt King Cobra gun and discuss his preferred ammunition. Towards the end, they discuss the potential impact of funding cuts on unions, particularly the Teamsters and teachers unions, and speculate on the future of these organizations.
➡ A Supreme Court case a few years ago ruled that people can’t be forced to join a union, but employers found a way around this by refusing to hire non-union workers. This could potentially lead to a domino effect impacting many industries. There’s also a rumor that changes may trickle down to the local state level, affecting areas like education. The speaker also mentions their focus on educating their audience and their plans for future content, including a new book series.
➡ The text discusses a Colt .357 King Cobra revolver, highlighting its solid build, good shooting performance, and suitability for defense. The author recommends using .38 Special ammunition if .357 Magnum is too powerful, and praises the custom holster made by Bitterroot Gun Leather. The revolver is comfortable to carry and drive with, and the author uses speed loaders for quick reloading. The text also mentions the revolver’s price, which was around $700 a few years ago but may now be closer to $1000.
➡ The discussion revolves around various current events and issues. These include the Epstein list, protests in New York City related to the Palestinian deal, and a close call with airliners. The speakers also discuss the increase in helicopter flights and potential threats in March. They touch on food shortages, particularly eggs, and speculate on the reasons behind it. Lastly, they discuss the rise in gasoline prices and the possibility of developing refineries in America to reduce costs.
➡ The text discusses the need for the petroleum industry to upgrade its refining methods and machinery for efficiency. It also mentions the high gas prices and the potential for these to decrease if more drilling is done, especially in capped wells. The text also touches on the manipulation of the public through fear and misinformation, particularly in relation to the food industry. Lastly, it expresses optimism for the future of the country’s economy despite potential short-term price increases due to tariffs.
➡ The speaker discusses the challenges faced by the country, attributing some to the previous administration. They mention the significant changes brought by Trump, including a drop in gas prices, which they believe was due to a decrease in oil barrel prices. The speaker ends by thanking everyone for attending their event, mentioning an upcoming book discussion on common law, and wishing everyone well.
➡ The speaker is upset about a subscription price increase from $30 to $50 per month. They feel this is too expensive and have decided to stop using the service. They also discuss the high costs of running a production, including equipment and software, and express frustration about the financial challenges they face.
➡ The author claims that videos about China on YouTube are now predominantly pro-Chinese government and anti-American. He believes this is a strategic move by China to influence public opinion. He also mentions that his videos criticizing China are not appearing in search results, and he suspects this is due to a coordinated effort by Chinese bots. The author urges American leadership to be aware of this situation and take action.
➡ The text discusses concerns about a lab in China planning to experiment on a bat virus similar to COVID-19, using genetically modified mice with human characteristics. It also mentions the potential misuse of AI technology and the dangers it poses. The text further delves into political issues, including President Trump’s break with neocon ideology, and the history of conflicts involving Ukraine, Russia, and NATO.
➡ This text discusses the complex political situation in Ukraine, highlighting the involvement of various parties including the US, Russia, and Ukraine’s own government. It mentions the controversial actions of Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy, such as shutting down non-supportive press and banning opposition parties. The text also discusses the perspective of Russia not wanting NATO missiles in neighboring Ukraine, and the support of President Trump for Russia’s stance. Lastly, it criticizes the narrative presented by mainstream media and suggests that the truth can be found through independent research.
➡ The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has caused a stir by asking federal workers to report their weekly accomplishments. This move, initiated by Elon Musk and President Trump, is seen as a way to hold employees accountable and identify those who may not actually be working. The article suggests a second round of accountability, inspired by James R. Schlesinger’s approach at the CIA, where employees report any potentially illegal activities. This strategy, though likely to trigger lawsuits, is seen as a chance to expose fraud and illegality within the federal workforce.
➡ The speaker discusses the issues within the federal government, suggesting that it lacks accountability and transparency. They believe that the current administration is making progress in addressing these issues, but it will take time. They also discuss the misuse of funds and the need to find and stop this. The speaker criticizes the arguments made by mainstream media and defends the importance of certain rights and principles.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including being questioned by police for memes posted years ago, the hypocrisy of the government focusing on such matters while violent crimes occur nearby, and the perceived bias of mainstream media. They also mention the importance of public opinion and how it can influence the outcome of political battles. The speaker suggests using the Russian search engine Yandex for more unbiased search results compared to Google. They believe that Yandex provides more detailed and accurate information.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including a warning about a scam, a Supreme Court decision on firearm permits, and the differences in search results between Google and Yandex. They also recommend using libraries for research. The speaker then reviews the Colt King Cobra 3 inch barrel, 357 magnum, highlighting its features, modifications they’ve made, and how to handle it safely. They also mention their dislike for the Colt’s unique lever mechanism.


What’s up everybody? Welcome to the trick show episode four. How’s everybody doing tonight? Welcome in the chat S.M. grandel. Hello, hello. J.J. johnson out in Finland. Good morning brother. Hope you everything is going good. V. Walden 63. Hello. Hello. Welcome to the show. We’re gonna hang out here a little bit waiting for everybody to pop in here. Hope you guys had are having a great week so far. I am reason tonight we are joined by the ghost who is here also Mr. Ron Partain from Untold History Channel. Yes sir. Everybody here? I think so. I got a howdy so that we’re here in spirit maybe not so much in mind.

All right. Well at least we’re hearing something. I mean. Yeah, that’s all good. Well anyway guys, welcome to the show. The Guns and Show. Right. So it is the Guns and Show. That’s right. And guess what? Tonight I am. Let me just run this by you. So I’m going to be covering tonight two newsletters and I’m just going to pop this up here right now. So that way you guys have an idea? Yes, that’s right. General Mike Flynn, ladies and gentlemen. I’m going to be doing. I’m going to be doing reading two of his newsletters, the most current and the previous one.

From that I think in my opinion it’s information that everybody out there in the public needs to know. Again, quick disclosure, I’m not sponsored by him. I don’t make any money from him for reading his material. Okay. I am just a. A big fan of the general and I support him that you know the website. I subscribe obviously to his, to his newsletter. So I just enjoy sharing it and I suggest that if you guys want get value out of what I’m going to read to you guys, go over there and check them out. The link is up in the display right now.

You can see it. It’s General forward/general-flynn-store. He’s got a lot of cool books out there and he’s got some pretty good really cool merch if you will. Right? He does. I have some of it. Right. And. And I get value out of that. So anyway, after we do that, I’m pretty sure Ghost is going to fill us in with anything that is pertinent, you know, where he sees fit to talk about. Once I finish with the newsletter towards the last half hour of the show. Right. I’m going to do a gun review again today. Right.

And today, as you can see in the description down below, we’re gonna crack open this Bad boy right here. Sorry about the mic. That guy right there. This is the colt King Cobra. 3 inch barrel. 357 Magnum and stainless steel with some added features. Interesting. And I’m also going to talk about the ammo that I prefer using and why. Now, for those of you out there that enjoy a good wheel gun as I do, I’m going to tell you the reasons for it. I like, I like revolvers. Don’t know about you, but hey, I’m just gonna cover it and we’re gonna go with that once I, and then Ron, I’m sure he’s got, he’s always got something good or I got something.

I got something very tantalizing tonight. Very tantalizing. Yeah. So we’re gonna get to it, just to let you guys know. And I, and I made an announcement to our round table here this evening. I do have a very hard cut off at 9:15pm Eastern. Okay. So just know that. So I’m not going to be dragging this out tonight or anything like that. So we’re gonna kick it off here in a moment. You guys got any introduction comments or something like that before I kick off into the newsletter, guys? Well, I’m, I’m, you know, one of the things that I, I had Ghost and I actually had a pretty lengthy discussion about earlier and I don’t know if it’s going to touch upon what you did, but it’s, it’s actually, it’s, it’s kind of a big deal.

No, I have a good friend of mine who is a negotiator for like with the Teamsters and whatnot on, on the auto side and out here on the way. He goes up to, he goes up and he negotiates up in, up near Seattle for, he negotiates all over the country for port, for, for automotive stuff. Anyway, long story short, he goes up there generally about once a month. And last month, compared to this month, the tone of the auto, of the Teamsters union was extraordinarily different. Almost a sense of panic. And anyway, he was telling me all these things about how they didn’t want to consult a lawyer, they didn’t want to bring in an arbitrator, they didn’t want to do anything.

And actually in many respects they acquiesced to, to certain negotiations and a lot of the things that they were demanding to be put into the contract were already things that are actually in the law already. And they were, they, they were kind of confused. And what it really brought me back to was that thread that you And I. That I played from Jimmy Dore about a week and a half ago. We did that show on Monday night about how the government was going after all the corruption and whatnot. And I asked him, I said, well, is it possible that the Teamsters are actually funded by usaid? Oh, God.

And now their. Their money is being dried up, and now that’s why they’re panicking. And he paused for a second and he said, oh, my God, I’m embarrassed that I didn’t even consider that. And, And I’ve talked to a couple of other people, Ghost in particular, at another friend, and they both said essentially the same thing. It says, oh, yeah, I bet you anything their money is all tied to usaid. So that was. That’s one more thing. And I mean, that’s the only piece that fits. It’s like, why would they consult with their attorney? Because they couldn’t afford to pay them anymore.

I would pay them anymore. Yeah. Oh, my God. That’s freaking nuts, man. Well, I mean, so my conclusion to that is they are going to break the automotive union. What are. They’re going to break the Teamsters union? Because the Teamsters, you know, in my humble opinion, unions, at this point in time, because all the things that they’re demanding are already in the law. The, The Teamsters that the unions have essentially over overplayed themselves and they are no longer useful. What if they were. If they were being utilized as a conduit to take USAID money and funnel it back into the Democrat Party, and that money has been now been cut off.

The, the, the union dues that they were taking in are no longer substantial enough to cover the. Their, their costs. And now they’re, like, in a panic. So if that’s the case, these unions that have been living high off the hog off of this clandestine federal money, they’re in serious trouble. Oh, my God. Dude, that’s. That’s just to see what happens. Yeah, I’m curious to find out how that’s actually gonna. How that’s actually gonna play out, too. That’s. I mean, that, that, that is a. That is a monstrous, you know, development in my opinion, because the unions, in my opinion, you know, I, I look back at a time, you know, back in the late 1800s, early 1900s, when there really were no labor laws, and you and the unions actually served a purpose because the people would collectively get together and say, no, we’re not going to work for you if you’re gonna, if you’re gonna work us, you know, basically, in in crap labor conditions and pay us dog wages.

Well, you know, they actually served a purpose. But now almost everything that the union is supposed to protect the employers from is essentially mandated by law now. So the unions really don’t have a purpose except as a, as a funnel to redirect money back into the Democrat party because that’s what the unions are. The unions are essentially co opted by the Democrat party. So, and I mean, think about the ramifications if, if this goes into the federal employees unions, which in my humble opinion, no government employee should ever have the ability to unionize. I’m sorry, I, I absolutely, categorically disagree with that.

If you’re employed by the government, you should not be a union. If you’re, if, you know, if you’re a, a contractor or, and you’re trying to hire labor and stuff like that, you know, if the, if the, if, if those, if those policies are keeping those contractors in line, maybe, but still, again, the labor laws and whatnot should be sufficient. We don’t have it, we really don’t have a need for unions. And unions have been, have played a significant role in overpricing American jobs out of existence, thus sending that labor overseas. And now, and, and so they, they were then supplementing their money, if they were supplementing their money by USAID money then, and that’s been cut off now, they’re in dire straits.

Okay, so talk to me, talk to me then about what? About the teachers unions in the states that are. Right. What do you do with that? Well, they’re the worst ones. Yeah, they’re absolutely the worst ones ever. You know, I mean, you remember the Supreme Court case that came out a couple years ago, and I don’t remember what the case was, but they essentially said that you can’t. It was actually done by the California teachers unions, if I remember correctly. And they were, they filed a case saying that, you know, they didn’t want to be a part of the union and that they were sick and tired of having to pay the dues.

And the Supreme Court ruled in favor of them and said, yeah, you can’t force people to be into a union. Now the way they got around it, if I remember correctly, is that the employers were then saying, well, if you don’t work for the union, then we’re not going to employ you. So essentially there was a backdoor around that. But if the unions are no longer being subsidized by USAID or the federal government to funnel money back into the Democrat Party, that is a significant. That’s going to be a significant step to breaking the unions. Thus, I mean.

I mean, the. The union bosses are making millions of dollars every year for what? Well, look, look at this, because I was just thinking the same thing. And John, our ranking one puts out. I wonder if UPS is also involved. Well, let’s. Let’s look at UPS. Let’s look at FedEx, if they’re even unionized. I know what UPS is. Right. I don’t know about FedEx. Whatever. This could be a domino effect to affect a lot of people, man, in a lot of industries. Just saying, right? Yeah, but I guess they’re more focused on federal right now than they are anywhere else.

And rightfully so. I mean, rightfully so. I’m gonna come right, and just say it before I kick this thing off here in my place of employment, which is county government. Okay? You guys know that they’re walking around like they got sticks up their ass because there is a rumor and it’s just a rumor, okay, that Doge may be trickling down to the local state level. We’re talking education. DOE is going to be looked at here coming soon. Well, how deep are they going to go federal? Because in my opinion, I think it’s very small at the state level, if any, because eventually that’s going to come back down to the state level.

So what happens then? Domino effect again? We don’t know. There’s a lot going on out there. There’s an awful lot going on out there, guys. It’s. It’s hard for even us to keep up, but we’ll do the best I can. But you know what? Let them do what they got to do. My focus is going to be here on stuff that I think is other than critical information that is pertinent, and that is to keep educating the audience out there and talk about subjects that are educational for the audience, especially like, you know, the book review that we’re doing, which, by the way, Sunday can’t wait to kick off part three.

Let me. Of our next book. Looking forward to that. That’s going to be a lot of fun. And then we’re currently working in the background right now to put together another book series. And it’s going to be a lengthy, ongoing one which has to do with consciousness, but that’s going to be for the Sunday shows only, not for this platform. This platform. I just keep it nice, fun, simple and just throw. You know, let me share something real quick. Let me. Let me share something on the screen here. This is. Sorry. There you go. Thank you.

This is the Department of Health and Human Services. From the recipient. International Brothers of Teamsters Primary assistance listings for NEI NIEHS Hazardous Waste Worker Health Safety Training Program. $33.6 million. Billy, don’t stick your hand in that socket. It might be shocking, right? Like, wow. So. And this is just. That’s just one thing. So, you know, I. I don’t. You find in so much garbage, it ain’t funny, right? Yeah. That’s crazy. This is from. This is from a good. A good buddy of mine, and he says you ought to see how much they get from the Pension Benefit Guarantee Group.

So I’m. So, anyway, it’s interesting, Interesting stuff, man. You know, I would love to see the Doge team start to come down and. And check the states. Would you believe me if I told you, Ron, Right. I. I have a cousin who lives in California. And I can say it here because they don’t watch me. They hate me. But anyway, I have a cousin that lives in California. Retired public school teacher, 30 years. You want to take a stab at what her retirement pension is? I have no idea. 100 grand. What? I don’t know, 10 grand.

You’re. You’re short by a buck 50. Oh, what, a quarter million a year. She gets 250 grand a year. Okay, okay. Full on teachers union. Full on teachers union. Public school teachers. And. And she. And her expertise area is foreign language, and it’s French. 250 grand a year. I’m. If I’m lying, I’m dying. So somebody. Somebody apparently loves you guys, but doesn’t like me. Thinks I talk too much. So Ghost and Armando are the. Ron, you talk too much. You love your voice too much. Ghost, you’re crazy. Smart bastard. Love you. So clearly. Clearly I’m not on his team.

Oh, well. Off. I don’t give a. You know, I. I’m smart, too, just like these guys. We’re all smart. We’re just collecting information. So this was. This was my segment, so. Off. Who said that? It’s the right segment, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, go start your own goddamn show. You like it so much. My goodness. Somebody brushed your hair the wrong way. Wrong way. All right, Ghoster, come on, give me your intro, brother. Let’s go. I’m letting you talk. There you go. How much crap can you pack into. Can you stack up at one time? I mean, this week has just been one thing after another after another after another.

And you’re like, I’m gonna go take a shower and get something to eat. By the time you come back, there’s three more things that would have taken six months to roll out, let’s say when the dead man walking was in office, as opposed to what we have now. And I think it’s fantastic. And no complaints other than the Chinese. Again, let’s just say that, you know, why don’t we. And I said this to one of you guys earlier. I don’t. I think it was you, Ron. Why don’t we shut the pipes off to the Chinese and as far as our Internet, yeah, they’re gonna, they’re gonna play their little games, but it’d make it a lot harder and a lot.

It would cost them a lot more money to go out there and to be dropping propaganda and horseshit to stir stuff up. And one of the biggest names they like to use is Ghost. Okay? So be careful of that. If you see Ghost out there, and this is for anyone, I don’t do social media. I just don’t care for it. It has no purpose. I think it brings out the worst in most people and they become, you know, 10 foot tall and bulletproof behind a keyboard a thousand miles away. Things they would never say or do to your face because they know they get their ass kicked in a, In a New York second.

And, you know, it’s all this kind of crap they, they, they censor us, they sent to their own people. Why don’t we censor their whole country? Just get rid. Just shut it off. Tell them you no longer have access and if you don’t like it, it’s going to cost you maybe 15 trillion. Can you do me a favor? Yes, sir. Can you go ahead. Can you go. Can you go ahead and post the link to the YouTube video that I sent you just momentarily, which is the one Ghost is talking about now. And the only reason I like to share that YouTube video with the audience is for one reason and one reason only.

So you guys can have an idea of people like Ron and myself on what happens to us and how we’re treated because of the platforms that we’re on and what we talk about. You’re going to get the nitty gritty on what’s really going on and the struggles that we are going through and have gone through. Okay. With the previous administration, with this administration right now, okay. Which hopefully will go away soon, but it has not and we’re still dealing with it. By the way, I almost forgot. I have another announcement, and this is geared for everybody out there in the audience, so listen up carefully.

Also the moderators. Okay? I Officially yesterday canceled my X account. It’s gone. Okay. From streaming to it for now until the billing cycle comes up in the month of March and there’s a reason for it. So I had current. Currently my subscription was for X Premium plus, which gave me access to Grok. Gave me access to be able to stream and a bunch of other bells and whistles and stuff like that. And I’m just going to publicly announcement I was paying 30 bucks a month to have that account. I just got an email yesterday, okay, from Apple Subscriptions that basically told me that as of March 1st, my subscription is going to be increased, okay, from 30 to 50 bucks a month.

Okay? That’s a 20 increase. I’m sorry, Mr. Musk, you’re doing a good job, but from me personally, you okay? I could understand four bucks, five bucks a month, you know, even $8 a month, but $20 more a month. Nope, don’t need you. So for you guys out there in the audience, it’s gone. No more, okay? Until the subscription ends. So it’ll be going. I even decided not to stream to X today. Piss me off that bad? Screw it. So it’ll be Rumble and whatever else I can figure out and conjure up and then share with you guys out there.

But X is done. Sorry, I can’t. I can’t do it. I can’t afford it, okay? Running a production like this, and I’m sure Ron can relate, is not cheap, okay? We. We got an overhead here just to keep this production up and going. It’s money, okay? And, and when, and when, you know, you get stretched to the point where you just can’t do anymore, okay? It sucks. It just sucks. And it’s, it does a disservice to you guys out there in the audience and I appreciate all your donations and your monthly follows and your, your five bucks a month and go you for that.

I really do. But guys, this is getting to the point where, you know, doing what we do here is getting just as bad as the egg situation, right? Yeah. Yeah. No, seriously, dude. Oh yeah. Look. Yes. If we have alien flu and we’re dying with eggs and chickens and like that, how come Mexico doesn’t have that problem? Okay, so just, just, just to back up what Armando’s saying, yes, we have to pay. We have to pay for. We have to pay for X. We have to pay for Rumble. There’s a fee for Rumble to, to share on their platform.

There’s also a fee for. For Stream Yard. And I mean that’s. Those are three Things. And that’s not including all of the stuff that we have to use for microphones and cameras and. And sound boards. And I mean, those are all upfront costs you have to pay. But I mean, that stuff gets expensive fast. If you guys go look up What a Rodecaster 2 Pro costs, it’s like a thousand dollars. I mean, it’s not. I mean, and the mic, the microphones are like 150 bucks, 200 bucks. Earphone, headphones are like 250 bucks. It’s like, yeah, this stuff gets expensive fast.

So. And I just completely redid my studio, just like you did. So, yeah, this stuff, it’s. It’s. It’s. It’s pricey. I mean. I mean, how about you necessarily need to do that, all that, but go ahead. Yeah, but when you want quality audio and you want quality video. Okay. Don’t forget to mention the tools that we also pay for, you know, your canvas and your Photoshops and your shit like that. Oh, yeah, I didn’t even think. Yeah, video conversions. Like my introduction. Okay, my intro. That introduction video was 60 bucks. Not gonna lie. It cost me 60 bucks to make that.

And it was it perfect. No, well. And see, what you could do is you can either buy the AI software and do a lot of this stuff yourself. And I did that on. On Black Friday. I saved up my money. And then when Black Friday and the. The Black Friday slash Cyber Monday sales came on, I spent. I. I spent probably. I think I spent almost a thousand dollars on AI tools. The other ways would have cost me probably double that. Just. So I got them on the Black Friday deals. But yeah, I mean, there’s. There’s.

There’s so many things out there that cost us money so that we can do a good product. Good. You know, put out a good product. And. And I’m not bitching about that, and I know Armando’s not bitching about that, but what we are bitching about is when was when, you know, I mean, look, listen, I got a lot of respect for Elon, and I got a lot of respect for. For X and all that stuff, but I mean, come on. I mean, they’re making hand money hand over fist. Why do they need an extra. You know, why do they need more than double the price of.

Of. Of the premium subscription? That’s kind of outrageous. And don’t come back in the chat up there, because I’ll delete you. No, I’m just kidding. But, But. But I mean, you know, you make a valid point and, you know, and and then there are a lot, there are people out there who do, who have much larger audiences and you know, they make a lot more money than what we make. So, you know, we’re just all channels. I don’t, you know, I make hardly anything on my channel, so. But, you know, there are, there are a lot of other people out there who do make, you know, a fair amount of money.

But then, you know, I hear a lot of people complaining about Nino a lot. And you know, it’s like, oh, you know, he’s charging three bucks a month for Nino’s corner. Well, yeah, but do you really understand what he has to pay on the back end? I mean, it’s, it’s quite substantial and people have no idea. And you know, obviously you have to spend money to make money. There is, there’s, there is that factor. But, you know, I don’t criticize people for trying to produce, for, to promote products and stuff on their channels to try to, you know, to try to, you know, mitigate the cost for this because it is, it can be expensive and it’s time consuming considering, you know, all the stuff that we have to research so that we can have, you know, that we can be knowledgeable about putting shows out.

So, you know, I mean, it’s not, it’s, it, it doesn’t, I mean, it. Whether, you know, time is money and, you know, it’s, especially if you’re working a full time job, you know, it can get expensive real fast. Yeah, someone gifted. I see someone gifted. Five subscriptions. Yep, that was our gal out in California, Sam Grandall. Thank you so much for that. Yeah, that’s awesome. Appreciate that. Big shout out to you as well. And somebody was asking about, hey, what is Ron’s channel? I just put it up in the chat. So make sure you guys go over to Untold History Channel here on Rumble.

And please give Ron a follow over there. Give him a sub also as well, because if you guys are history buffs as I am, that’s the place you want to be, man. Guy does an outstanding job with his. Thank you. I do. I, and I try to, I try to cover topics that a lot of people just kind of don’t talk about. I try to be unique and different. So. But I also, I also try to connect how stories from old are relevant to today. And so, you know, I try to be, like I said, I try to be unique and different.

So. All right, brother, go ahead and play that video there. You want to play, you want to play the whole thing? If you Feel it necessary? I’ve already seen it, but yeah, why not? Because the comment that Ghost was talking about comes up at the end and I just want to clear the air. Please do not mistake my friend for being something that he’s not. So let’s go ahead and play it. I made up with. With Mac, with Macho. He. He was. He said he was just talking, talking. And I’m. I’m a little under the weather.

Not really kind of able to interpret correctly because I’m not thinking. I’m about, like. I’m a little sharper than a marble today, but, you know, maybe more like a basketball. It’s all good, brother. But anyway. All right, here we go. Erica is if something doesn’t change, pardon my language, but in my research, things are not looking good. And I hope this hits the right eyes and ears, because something needs to be done immediately. Not just for the benefit of me, but for the benefit of the US and the rest of the world. You guys know surfshark, the best VPN in the world, but did you know they have a number? And I gotta tell, really, this guy lived in beauty salons or really work there? All right, so if you didn’t hear that.

I’m LA86 and I make content critical of the Chinese government, what I believe to be the most malicious force in the entire world. I recently made a video and wrote an article about how my views dropped over 70% after the US election. But not only mine, a good chunk of the YouTubers who are critical of the CCP, the Chinese government, we all experience the same thing. Not only did the views drop, but the majority of search results on China on YouTube are now overt Chinese propaganda and pro CCP anti America videos. We also found that unless we posted anti US content, or at least content that looks anti American, we didn’t come up once on search results.

If you search for China, despite me being one of the biggest voices in the game now, I don’t necessarily think this has anything to do with the US election, in my opinion, but I think China chose an opportune time for a very massive attack on public opinion of Americans at that time. Shout out to asmongold and China Insider with David Zhang for covering my story. Asmongold got a few things wrong here and there, like not identifying that there were massive strings of pro CCP videos on his screen. But I understand that he doesn’t have the experience in identifying Chinese propaganda as he covers all kinds of different things.

But I appreciate the exposure nonetheless. If you came over from his video then welcome. Welcome to the war of opinion. With only a few of us fighting one of the most powerful adversaries in the world, the Chinese government, which as you’ll find out in a little bit, is just a massive Karen. Anyway, now that I posted that video, I got attacked by the most overtly obvious bot army of the CCP government goons that I’ve ever seen. When China decides to spend a bunch of money on something like a bot army in the comments section, you know that you’ve struck gold with your topic.

It’s so funny if you put out a video about some critique about food safety or something in China, the government doesn’t usually care enough to attack you because you’re not actually bringing up something that’s relevant to them necessarily. But if you figure out something that they care about, they send thousands of these guys after you. I had my moderator harvest some of these to show you no more USAID in la. WAI shuts down within days. USAID money dried up. Your bullshit USAID funded propaganda doesn’t cut it bro. These comments are usaids. I’ll leave out the death threats because those guys don’t deserve any sort of attention.

The vast majority of comments were Chinese bots accusing me of being USAID somehow, which is the most NPC comment I’ve ever seen. Guys, you got to come up with something a little more unique. Winston on Serpentza experienced the exact same thing when he talked about Red Note and criticized that being a Chinese psyop, so it’s obvious they care about that one too. Anyway, we’ve never been paid by any organization to post content. It’s just you guys and our sponsors of the videos that pay us. We are completely independent. The funny thing is David Zhang and China Uncensored and even Russian youtubers got this attack.

One of my favorite channels on YouTube posts content critical of Russia as a Russian and he got hit with a bazillion US aid accusation comments too. This was clearly a coordinated effort to discredit all of us anyway. Why would they care about a video so much where it’s just me complaining that my videos don’t show up anymore. It’s because I’m onto something. In fact, hundreds of you guys reached out as well and reading your comments only solidified my suspicions. I don’t even remember the last time your videos were recommended to me. I wondered if you and Winston had retired.

I recently was wondering what happened to you. This is the first time I’ve seen your videos pop up for me in ages despite being subscribed. Nice to hear that you’re still making content. He’s back. I didn’t go anywhere. I’ve been making videos the whole time. I have been subscribed for a while now and this is the first time his videos have been on my feed in a long time. Wtf? This is the first time in a while your video actually popped up in my feed and I’ve been subbed for three years plus. Yeah, I have to look for you guys to get your videos though today this video was in my feed.

Family members even reached out because people who not only watch every single one of my videos, sometimes more than once, they said that my last video was the first time I have popped up in their feed since the election. These are people that have every notification on the bell button and watch every single piece of content that I put out. They thought I had stopped posting. The bot army then accused me of lying because everyone seems to be seeing my last video. They fell for my trap. What do you notice about my last video? Does it say China anywhere? It doesn’t.

You’re seeing my content because I didn’t make it about China and I got five times the views. Then I saw this article by the Guardian. This one sent chills down my spine. Google has cooperated with autocratic regimes around the world, including the Kremlin, Russia and the Chinese Communist Party, to facilitate censorship requests, an observer investigation can reveal. In China, at the request of the Ministry of Public Security, which oversees the police and domestic political spying network, Google took down more than 200 videos. The ministry had requested removals of 412, of which 346 contained allegations about corruption within the political system of the People’s Republic of China or stories about top government officials.

Google also assisted in China’s crackdown on free speech, removing profiles that impersonated the country’s president, Xi Jinping. Online impersonation accounts were banned in 2015 after Chinese citizens used them to covertly criticize Xi and to circumvent censorship laws which are some of the world’s most prohibitive. As I said in my the Hill article, if Google is actively removing YouTube videos at the request of Russia and China, is it a stretch to think that it’s suppressing, suppressing anti Chinese government content and boosting pro Chinese government content? Now, this might not even be Google or YouTube itself, though, because I think that its system could be potentially being maliciously targeted and manipulated by China.

Because it turns out that China just got caught using an AI system to find people like me and then do something about it. OpenAI said on Friday that it had uncovered evidence that a Chinese security operation had built an artificial intelligence powered surveillance tool to gather real time reports about anti Chinese posts on social media services in Western countries. In a detailed report on the use of AI for malicious and deceptive purposes, OpenAI said that it had uncovered a separate Chinese campaign called Sponsor discontent that used OpenAI’s technology to generate English language posts that criticized Chinese dissidents.

The same group, OpenAI said, had used the company’s technologies to translate the articles into Spanish before distributing them in Latin America. The articles criticized US society and politics. It’s all coming together in a perfect storm and it’s all making sense. China’s aggressively protecting TikTok, an app that is the home of over 100 million Americans, an app that is ultimately beholden to the Chinese government. And then it corralled countless Americans into a fully CCP controlled app called RedNote or Xiaohongshu, and ran a psyop about how the US is lying to you and doesn’t want you to see how amazing the Chinese government is.

Simultaneously, it pays and incentivizes people around the world, including Americans, to post Chinese propaganda on YouTube and X, and it’s flooding the world in every language about how bad the US is and how China is a savior of the world. At the same time, China’s hacking our infrastructure and telecoms and now in real time, trying to destroy the U.S. in fact, China just hacked the U.S. again. A joint security advisor published on February 19 by the FBI and the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency AA 25050A has warned organizations around the world of a dangerous ransomware group known as Ghost, which is carrying out ongoing attacks targeting multiple industries.

The threat actors working out of China, according to the FBI, go by many different names, although Ghost appears to be the most common we’re seeing right now is China in real time unleashing a war of opinion in the greatest capacity the world has ever seen, so that when they invade Taiwan or inevitably end up in some sort of global conflict, they have a direct megaphone to the American and global public to pump their message to them and swing everything in their favor. We’re just seeing inklings of this unfolding now, but it’s about to get so much worse unless something is done about it.

The American leadership and the leadership of our allies need to be very, very aware that this is happening right now and something needs to be done about it before it’s too late. If you Guys want to support me in this horrible ongoing effort, Please head over to advpodcasts not only will you be supporting me, but you get my secret show which is called Xiaban Ho or After Hours. It is a fantastic show. There’s over 100 episodes you can look at. It’s deep dives into every aspect about China, Chinese culture, what’s happening, everything that’s important. It’s fantastic.

Also, don’t forget to go follow or subscribe at the China show which is my weekly podcast about China’s current events. It’s the best place you’re going to want to see everything happening in China. It’s the only place you need to be. Go check it out. Thank you very much and I’ll catch you on the next one. Well, go. Since now we’ve identified you as a Chinese operative, I think that we should also share, we should share this screen. Elon Musk we treated re exed this earlier today. What is this? Is this definitely real? If so very concerning.

And this Mario Nafal I think is like, I think this is like his. Elon’s right hand guy. The Wuhan Institute of Virology. Yes, that lab is gearing up for new experiments on lab or on a bat virus eerily similar to COVID 19 HKU 5 Kov 2 can already infect human cells and is related to a virus with a 30% fatality rate. Now researchers want to test on humanized mice. Because that worked out so well last time, Dr. Alina Chan, a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard called the plan ominous warning that the, the Wuhan biosafety measures are a joke.

Yet here they are playing with fire again. What could possibly go wrong? So yeah, wonderful. So here, here they go. And this might be on them this time. I’m thinking it’s a hundred percent this. If this happens, it would be a hundred percent Chinese. And this is the way these bastards do things. And you know, they should know better with all the that’s happened to them over the years. It wasn’t, you know, this kind of animus between states. Hey, what do I expect though? I can’t stand the either and it’s the ccp, MSS and pla all, all of it rolled into one.

They, they can’t take any criticism. Yeah, because you got 1.3 billion.3 billion people to her. But if they’re that damn sensitive, this is why I say shut the, shut the, shut the pipelines off. Make them pay. Because I I can’t in my life remember going to a Chinese site for what? And anybody that was using tick tock, I’m sorry. But you need to tighten up. Because if when you go on to something like that and you start throwing video after video, your voice, your image, your, your mannerisms out there, you are giving today ammunition that these sons of bitches can use literally tomorrow.

And what do I mean by that? Well, if you’re somebody in a position that can be, they want to embarrass or compromise, it doesn’t have to be that you’re well known, but they could put any kind of video out there, you know, like those people in Colombia or over in Afghanistan like the bang donkeys, they could do the same with anyone. That’s why this technology, I’ve said it’s so dangerous, the AI being let out there for a bunch, a bunch of people to play with. And if there’s one thing that has been unleashed onto the world that should have never been, it is AI, not yet, not now.

Because we have a history of. Look at the experimentation in the past. Not just us, but everybody in the world look at how human beings take something new and they run with it. How many nuclear bomb tests, which point where we had to stop because the bottom line wasn’t. Well, it’s about weapons non proliferation. No, they didn’t want to tell you the atmosphere was actually a little bit more radiated than it should be. There’s a question about what, what are humanized mice? They’re the same. There’s the humanized mice are the same thing of the, of the cp.

Like, like, like there’s no birds, right? The seagulls out in California that have GPS tracking device and every time they shit, it permeates and it goes into your paint. And now you got GPS on your car. Okay, so I, I did a search for what humanized mice are. Humanized mice are genetically modified mice that have been altered to contain human cells, tissues, genes or immune system components. They are commonly used in medical and biological research to study human diseases, immune response and drug development. They are. Wait a minute, hold, you hold, hold that right there. Do you see what that can be used for right away.

And I guarantee you anything goes over there when it comes to human and animal experimentation. They have a mouse that has human characteristics. Well, that means. Okay, I’m not a microbiologist and I’d like to talk to one about this, but doesn’t that mean that it would be probably easier to make a carrier of disease and mice will spread everywhere in no time. And I mean, within a couple of years, they’d be all over the country. So this is the kind of crap that these are. It might sound, you know, a little out there, but I guarantee you this kind of thing, this kind of threat is on somebody’s table to be looked at.

And this is how dangerous what your reading is. But continue on. All right, let’s go ahead. Thanks for that, Ron Ghost, by the way, but for the sake of time here, let’s go ahead and carry on with, with the general’s newsletter. Okay, so let me go ahead and cue this up here real quick. All right, so basically, here we go. Okay, so basically the first newsletter has to do with President Trump’s final break with neocon ideology. This is dated February 22nd of 2025. Praise Jesus. What? He’s breaking with the neocon ideology? Yes. So with his comments about Zelensky being a dictator and Ukraine having started the war, President Trump broke the final vestiges of long standing neocon military industrial complex.

Deep state control over the presidency. President Trump spoke truth after truth and drove it wild. The foreign policy think tanks, the establishment media and those in the intelligence community who thrive on lives and graft. Until yesterday, the dark forces had still hoped they could manipulate this leader of the free world to serve the interests of the war machine. All that ended yesterday when President Trump slaughtered every sacred cow in sight with his series of truthful assertions. Bravo, Mr. President. Still smarting from Elon Musk’s public disclosure that it was among the media outlets subsidized by USAID routers or Reuters asserted, quote, Trump blames Ukraine Zelensky for starting war with Russia.

CNN shouted Trump falsely calls Zelensky a dictator. Rolling Stone claimed Trump sides with Putin. So who started the war? The neocons want you to believe the war started three years ago on February 24, 2022 when Russia sent troops into Ukraine. The neocons are hoping. The neocons are hoping that the American people have a short memory of world events. But if you look back a decade or two, you will come to a very different conclusion about who started the war and and when. The part of the world not saturated by USAID funded independent journalists realized that the hands of Ukraine and the west are anything but clean.

Let’s discuss just a couple of factors that led to this war. Broken promises. The Berlin wall fell on November 9, 1989 and the Iron Curtain began to dissolve. Numerous US and Western leaders promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Is that the dude with the Bird on his forehead. Yes. Yeah, thank you. I think he passed away. Oh, yeah. Okay. Anyway, on February 9, 1990, if the Soviet officials would allow the USSR to break apart, NATO would not extend one inch eastward. NATO broke that promise repeatedly. In 1999, NATO added the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. In 2004, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

In 2009, Albania and Croatia. In 2017, Montenegro. In 2020, North Macedonia. After Russia’s invasion of 2022, NATO added in 2023, Finland and finally 2024, Sweden. Yet Zelensky has charged it is Russian leaders who are pathological liars, who cannot be trusted. Coup d’Etat. In February 2010, Ukrainians elected Victor as president. The United States foreign policy apparatus thought he was too neutral, particularly for not wanting to be tied to the European Union that initiated the Euromaidan protests in Kyiv in November of 2013, destabilizing the duly elected Ukrainian government. Though rioting in violence and culminating in February 18, 23, 2014, Revolution of Dignity, which led to Yunukovych being removed as president on February 22, 2014.

US involvement could not be denied after the leak of the February 2014 conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victor Nuland and U.S. ambassador Jeffrey Pyatt, where Nuland was heard dictating the composition of the new government. Thus, it came as no surprise that Russia annexed Crimea. Warm water port, home of much of the Soviet fleet, which had long been Russian. Later in 2014, an acting president was appointed until Petro Poroshenko was elected on May 25. Poroshenko held the presidency until 2019, when Volodymyr Zelensky, the Dancing Zorba, a comedian and actor in a TV show, Servant of the People, playing the President of Ukraine, actually became president in 2019.

Making the events even stranger, Zelensky was the candidate of the newly formed Servant of the People Party. That would be a lot like Martin Sheen becoming President of the United States, running as the candidate of the West. Very, very, very good example. Zelensky was also famous for playing Havanaglia on a piano with his genitals on stage in one of the great curiosities of the war. Zelensky, who is Jewish, worked with and relied on the Azov Brigade, a neo Nazi paramilitary group which displayed insignia featuring neo Nazi symbols. The wolf’s angel, a runic double hook and Serenrad sunwheel.

Russian self preservation. Is Russia’s desire for a neutral Ukraine really that remarkable? In October 1962, the world suffered through the Cuban Missile crisis when Russia was caught placing offensive missiles In Cuba, we were willing to risk World War III to prevent Russian missiles from being placed 90 miles off the Florida coastline. Is it unreasonable to consider the perspective of Russia not wanting NATO missiles being installed in neighboring Ukraine under President Biden? The United States provided missiles used for attacks deep into Russian territory, and President Elect Trump criticized that action. Almost one fifth of Ukrainians are ethnic Russians.

Two large oblast or provinces of Ukraine, Luhansk and Donsk, are primarily Russian. Yet despite the millions of Russian speaking persons in much of eastern Ukraine, in 2019, Poroshenko signed a law that mandated use of of the Ukrainian language for civil servants, soldiers, doctors and teachers. In September 2022, Russia conducted referendums in the Luan Don and Zaporizhz oblast. Sorry, where the vote supporting annexation by Russia was in the high 90 percentiles. Such numbers appear to be shockingly high, but one must consider that Ukrainian forces had shelled and assaulted these Russian majority oblasts for years, and citizens had appealed to President Putin to protect them.

Finally, he did. There we go. By the way, if you want to read the opposite side of everything in this article, just look it up on Wikipedia. When President Trump and Elon Musk are finished exposing how US Money is expended, we just might learn that Wikipedia’s lavish repetition of the deep state narrative on every subject is not accidental. Is Zelensky a dictator? In November 2023, Zelenskyy canceled Ukraine’s elections with the comment I believe that now is not the right time for elections. Zelenskyy’s five year term expired in March 2024, but Ukraine’s constitution prohibits elections for president, parliament or local offices while martial law is in effect.

Zelenskyy has shut down non supportive press, threatened to conscript opposition journalists, consolidated all media under government control, signed a law banning 11 opposition political parties, and worked to destroy the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Ukrainian government displayed no respect for freedom of the press or the lives of Americans as American Chilean Chilean Gonzalo Lira, a journalist and filmmaker, was tortured and eventually died in custody on January 11, 2024. Lita had traveled to Ukraine to report on the Russia Ukrainian war, but his videos and posts often ran counter to the official narrative pushed by the American and Ukrainian governments.

He was arrested by the Ukrainian secret police, the Security Service of Ukraine, the sbu, or the fabricated crime of producing Russian propaganda. Siding with Putin President Trump said that he certainly understands why Putin would not want an armed NATO on his border. President Trump wants to work with Putin to end the war, even though Zelensky as the Nominal head of what is arguably the most corrupt government on the face of the earth wants to keep it going. If being accused of siding with Putin is the price of achieving peace by ending a stupid and unwinnable war, then so be it.

As I said, Bravo, Mr. President. Any comments? Yeah, I think, you know, the world public at large has been acting like a bunch of freaking children with regard to this whole Ukrainian debacle. And, you know, there was a lot of talk as it was building up and there was a lot of things said and they all bore out. True in the end. And this is what people need. You know, this is what. When you have a population that is largely, by no means all, but largely susceptible to all of this nonsensical propaganda that’s being popped out, these narratives that if you sit down and do about 30 minutes of just basic dusting through search results, you will find the reality of it.

Back in 14, he was, he was, you know, where there was already fighting going, actively going on Zielinski, and he was trying to talk to, you know, have a dialogue with them, saying he was running on a platform of peace, you know, why are you doing this? And he was just an actor. He was. What did he do for a living before this? He was an actor. So tell him to, tell him to, you know, to wing it. But here’s your, here’s your talking points. And they put him out there in front of the camera. People bought it.

And the next thing you know, there was the instigated coup. We all know who did that. And there he is, complete opposite of those days. Complete opposite, opposite of everything he was saying, everything he was doing and, and making like he was attempting to do. So this little week has got his day coming and I can’t wait till they take his properties away from him. Is how many homes does he have now? A bunch. And I know one Florida is worth 40 million alone, let alone his yachts. So I think, what did he spend, 270 million for those boats? Something like that.

It was a ridiculous amount, or 40 million, I can’t remember, but somewhere in there. But you know, this, this guy’s people died young. Men, women didn’t have to die, both on the front lines and in the population of both countries. And the whole thing is pointless. So it’s just time to do what needs to be done. And we knew what was going to be done as soon, as soon as he was elected even. And you knew he was going to be elected, so you knew this was coming. So all of these people who want to cheer this on.

Yeah, these are the very same people who were mouthing off in every which way always opposite to what they’re doing now, cheering on war. So they just need to shut up at this point and the right thing needs to be done ended. Any comments on, on that Ron, from you briefly. So I, well, you know, I’m, I just, Zielinski’s been a tool all along. Go back to, you know, go back to, to the tooth, to the might on coup in 2014. The, was it the Orange Revolution? I mean it’s, it’s, it’s all staged. It’s all staged.

It’s all, it’s, it’s. He is a tool of the deep state put there deliberately to, I mean what was the first thing that happened? He won a Javelin missiles from the United States. And that was one of the calls that, you know that, that, that was the call that everybody was like, oh well he said this and then it’s just, it’s all, you know, I mean it was just more set up against Trump and then the media ran with it. Oh, he’s, he’s not giving him his missiles, he’s not doing this. He’s, he’s hurting our ally.

And Trump’s like, well, you know, I mean, and this is on the heels of when you know, Biden was caught on camera, the real Biden anyway caught on frickin camera at the CFR saying that I told them they weren’t going to get their money. And he’s like, you don’t have, and this, of course this wasn’t, I don’t think this was to Zielinski, but it was to the, it was to the Ukrainian president at the time. And it’s like, yeah, go, go call him. He’s like, you’re not, you’re not the president. You don’t have the authorities all go call him.

I’m. If I don’t, if you don’t drop this, if you don’t drop this prosecutor, I’m out of here. And well, he wasn’t going to give him the money. He said I wasn’t. You’re not going to get the. I think it was several billion dollars. Yeah, it was like, it was like, it’s like it’s like $6 billion or something. And that wasn’t, that was again, that wasn’t Zelinsky. But that just goes to the tone of, you know, who they were controlling at the time. It was to have, it was to have their Attorney general stop investigating some things that he Did Biden.

It was. Yeah. Because. Because these guys were investigating the Biden connection to Barisma. So. Yeah. And they said, he said, well, son of a. What do you know? He was the guy got fired that day. Yeah. Yeah. And. And you know, and just, you can’t make this up. You can’t rewrite it. No. And, and to finish it off, I mean, let’s not forget early on, okay, under the previous administration, for every 10 convoy trucks that we sent over there in small arms, okay, two or three went missing. And of course, we all know now that all that got rerouted where.

Well, what’s happening on south of the border Exactly. Let that sink. Middle East, Africa, everywhere. Places. All right, very good. All right, great, great. Panel rebuttal on that. All right, so let’s carry on and let’s go over now to email or newsletter. Sorry, newsletter number two from the general, which basically starts off with this is. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Expose the fraud exposed. Illegality. Expose the truth. Dated February 25, 2025 on so Elon Musk in the Office of Personnel Management, OPM, which I thought really stood for other people’s money, but I digress, really have touched the nerve.

How dare they ask federal workers to report on what they do. These public servants are used to making the American people dance. Come on. Why is this doing. Look what came out right after that what happened was kind of warranted, you think, to make the American people. Yeah, let me see. All right, so how dare they ask federal workers to report on what they do. These public servants are used to making the American people dance their tune. How dare OPM make them report to the President of the United. Of the United States. What is wrong with this thing? Looks like accountability is the dirtiest word in the lexicon of the federal workforce.

Let’s brief, briefly review what set off this particular firestorm. And then I want to offer a suggestion for how to. How to where the what. And then I want to offer my suggestion for how to begin Round two. Sorry, Accountability Round one. Why is this thing not doing what it’s supposed to do? All right, accountability round one. At 2:46pm on Saturday, February 22, 2025, Elon Musk posted on X. Consistent with President at real Donald Trump’s instructions, all federal employees will shortly receive an email requesting to understand what they got done last week. Failure to respond will be taken as a resignation.

I love that. Later in that. Later in the day this email was sent to was sent from OPM to employees. Please reply to this email with approximate 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week. I apologize. This thing is not scrolling the way that I want it to, so I’m going to have to manually do this. Sorry about that. With approximately five bullets of what you accomplished last week. And CC your manager, please do. Please do not send any classified information, links or attachments. Deadline was this past Monday at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time. Accountability resisted Watching CNN and MSNBC coverage of this story, my personal favorite response from several federal workers was that these emails were disrespectful.

Imagine that. Accountability within the federal workforce is so unusual that it is seen as disrespectful. Congressional reaction was intense, including lame duck U.S. senator Tina Smith, Democrat of Minnesota. This former Planned Parenthood official showed multiple parent or obsessions as she posted on X. This is the ultimate dick boss move from Musk. Except he isn’t even the boss, he’s just a dick. I bet a lot of people have had an experience like this with a bad boss. There’s an email in your inbox on Saturday night saying quote, prove me. Prove to me your worthiness by Monday or else I’m on the side of workers, not the billionaire.

Did she call him, did she call him a. A dick? Yep. And she called him an too. I’m sure she was familiar with both. Huh? So much of much for elevating the disclosure. The lines are now firmly drawn between those who feel entitled to a government job and the rest of Americans who feel abused by being forced to pay for so many entitled bureaucrats. Okay, next part here. So they filed suit. Of course they did. On Sunday, the American Federation of Government Employees, the AFL CIO filed an amendment complaining complaint in existing case in federal court in San Francisco.

Where better Arguing that the threat of mass firings one of the most massive employment frauds in the history of this country. The genius behind the strategy, President Trump responded Monday revealing perhaps the main reason for these emails. We have people that don’t show up to work and nobody even knows if they work for the government. So by asking the question, tell us what you did this week. What he’s doing is saying are you actually working? And then if you don’t answer like you’re sort of semi fired or you’re fired, a lot of people are not answering because they don’t even exist.

You imagine that they don’t even exist. So where the hell is the paycheck going to, right? So there really is a touch of genius in this strategy as it will expose employees who have may have died or moved to another country, or never even existed. But for those employees. Sorry, this thing is just not doing what it’s supposed to do. Another country. Okay. But for those employees who do exist, I have yet another strategy to propose. I wrote about this last month and I want to bring the idea back today. Accountability Round 2 All right. I suggest that each agency head borough a technique from the Hon.

James. This is lagging. My apologies from the Honorable James R. Schlesinger. Schlesinger, a Ph.D. economist who served in both Republican Democrat administrations, he too demonstrated a touch of genius. He reasoned if you want to find out there has been illegal activity going on, ask the bureaucrats. Which is exactly what he did at the CIA. Providing fascinating bit of forgotten history. James Schlesinger served as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, CIA Director, Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Energy. His tenure at the CIA was brief only five months from February 2, 1973 to July 2, 1973, at which time he was moved on to be Secretary of Defense.

However, during the brief time at the CIA he faced the challenge of running an agency that had been badly politicized, much like now. George Washington University’s National Security Archive explains that upon arriving at the CIA, Schlesinger learned that Watergate burglars E. Howard hunt and James McCord, both veteran CIA officers, had cooperation from the agency as they carried out dirty tricks for President Nixon. In response, on May 9, 1973, Director Schlesinger issued a directive which ordered all senior operating officials to report to me immediately on any activities now going on or that have gone on in the past which might be construed to be outside the legislative charter of this agency.

Anyone who has such information should call my secretary and say that he wishes to talk to me about activities outside CIA’s charter. All of these employees had taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. And Schlesinger believed that it was entirely reasonable to ask those employees to help clean up the agency by reporting to him about violations of the law. And directive went even further to address future activities as well. Ordering any CIA employee who believes that he has received instructions which in any way appear inconsistent with the CIA’s legislative charter shall inform the Director of Central Intelligence immediately.

By any standard, this is a man who was serious about his responsibilities. He took a hands on approach within the agency. He directed employees to report on past activities. He offered to meet with every person with knowledge of violations of the CIA’s charter. He ordered employees to report unquestionable activities and he provided a means for those employees to air their concerns at a highest level with him personally. The Schlesinger directive eventually led to the collection of much information of wrongdoing and the collection of documents detailing illegal CIA activities. Many of these documents, which were later released by the CIA are now posted on a CIA website widely known as the Family Jewels.

This document consists of almost 700 pages of responsible of responses from CIA employees to a 1973 directive from Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger. Applying to Schlesinger directive if there is a better strategy to find out quickly about illegal activities in the federal workforce under Biden Harris, I don’t know what is. The Trump administration doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel here. Director Schlesinger paved the way. But the strategy he developed need not be limited to the CIA. I would only suggest two modifications to the Schlesinger directive. First, I would not make reporting voluntary but would require each senior appointee to file a report detailing any knowledge of potentially illegal activities.

Second, I would mandate that the report be filed under oath. If there are those who would prefer to hide illegal activities, I suspect the country could get along very nicely without them. Would hit. Would this trigger litigation? Of course, everything triggers a lawsuit by the left. These suits are being cataloged here. But litigation is no reason to stop. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Expose the fraud, expose the illegality, expose the truth. End Thoughts and comments no, it’s, you know, it’s on. It’s in US Code that if you’re in a position and it doesn’t matter if you’re federal or state, that if you’re in a position of responsibility and you know of wrongdoing and you can do something about it and choose not to, you’re supposed to be taken to account and you can be fined a few hundred thousand dollars and I think it’s up to three years imprisonment if you don’t.

Isn’t that, isn’t that basically the. Is the akin to accessory after the fact? That’s exactly what it is. If you are looking the other way or you are in any way involved in communications or anything that made you fully aware that there was, let’s say illegal or criminal or you know, well, I can’t say immoral because they didn’t take that very seriously at one agency recently until it was pointed out. But these, this is never enforced. It’s never, it’s never, you know, I don’t think it’s probably even part of the briefing for the new Incomers, say into the legislative, the House or the Senate.

So there’s, there is, I think it’s, it’s a systemic issue and problem and it’s, it’s created its own cultural acceptance in these, in the, in the federal government. And it’s simply, if, if it were, it is a corporation, all right, being the world’s largest corporation, do you think if it had to be accountable to public stockholders, that would be in this condition? Absolutely not. But the private stockholders, their stake in truth is their plans for you. That’s the globalist. They’re minions of the deep state. And this is cleaning this up at, at the outrageous and wonderful speed it’s going is, is a magnificent thing because it’s only going to strengthen our country.

And I think people, you know, some people are like, oh, I’m still holding, you know, holding my breath a little bit. It’s understandable. I, I feel the same way. Let’s see the results. Let’s see, you know, the Epstein list, when they’re done. She just got into office. Give her a little time. They probably got to do a little, you know, let’s say editing, because people may be working with them that are on that list. People may be others that they may want to think, might not be having to worry about anything. They might delete a few of those names.

All kinds of games can be being played. But you can’t do that, something that comprehensive in the first week or two of you being in that office. It’s great that Pam Bondi is there, fantastic lady. And I, I can’t wait until they’re finished doing what they have to do. It’s one step, one thing among thousands that have to be addressed. But at the rate they’re going and with new technology and he’s right, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but you’re not going to get a lot of these people, I don’t think, coming to the forefront, not with the behavior that’s been exhibited over the last four years in particular, that has always been there to some degree or another.

It was just let off, off the chain these last four years. Well, now the, the dog’s back on its chain and it’s, it’s going to learn a few new tricks. So technology, yeah, A.I. that’s where I, I, I say it works great because it will trace and it will give you the results for the most part of finding out people that would take you months or even years to find out that I’m never going to fess. Up until you hold that evidence in front of them and say, what do you got to say about this? That’s with a warrant.

100. I agree with that. Yeah. You know, I, you know, I look at what, of what’s happening there at does and all that stuff, and, you know, I think it’s, I think it’s fabulous to go in and try to find the, you know, where, where money is just being, you know, you know, put down into the, into the memory hole. It’s, you know, it’s, it’s, or a circular file, whatever you want to call it, or actually more, more more accurately, probably grifted into lining pockets of bureaucrats. So I’m all in favor of finding that money. I mean, you know, we haven’t even, this is like the tip of, the tip of the tip of the iceberg.

We’re only one month into this administration. And you, if you go back and you recall that tweet thread that, you know, that I shared, I think it was in the, the show that we did a couple weeks ago about, you know, how Trump is overwhelming the media apparatus there. He’s kind of doing the same thing to the governmental apparatus. They, they can’t, you know, they, they don’t know how to respond. And whenever they do, they’re making mistakes. And you know, if you look at the, at the Democrat establishment and the things that they are defending that, the, that, you know, like the Doge and, and Musk and all these people, the things that they’re finding.

I saw a really interesting clip last night where Clayton Morris was responding to a monologue of, of Rachel Maddow. And it was, I mean, to see the arguments that the mainstream media is making, you know, you know, talking about cutting usaid, talking about cutting some of these employees and then, oh, oh, well, there’s extra long lines at the Grand Canyon now who gives a, you know, it’s like, oh, there’s extra long lines of the Grand Canyon, but yet we’re losing like billions of dollars to fraud, waste and abuse. You know, I mean, you brought up the point that it’s spring training.

Yeah, exactly. It’s spring training in Arizona. Of course you’re going to have extra people who’ve come in from all over the country that are going to go see baseball games and piggyback a trip to the Grand Canyon at the same time. Okay, yeah, it’s, it’s an, it’s, it’s like a four and a half hour drive to the Grand Canyon from Phoenix. Okay. Big deal. People are People are there, they want to see it. They’re in there in the neighborhood. They’re going to go, right, Big deal. So there’s extra people going. That means there’s an extra. There’s, there’s a little bit longer wait than normal.

That happens every time this time of year in Arizona. So, you know, using that as a, as an argument against Doge, it’s just, it’s, it’s ludicrous. I, I think the. And another thing is, is that if you see the things that they are defending, it’s like, how can you defend that? I mean, I don’t, I just, you know, I was actually having, I, I was this. Was it you that I was talking to this with Ghost, it’s like, you know, look, I can get behind defending, you know, the second Amendment. I could get behind that. But getting behind.

Oh no, it was, it was Nino. It was last night on Nino show. I, I could get behind, you know, defending the second Amendment as a, as, you know, as a flag that I’m going to plant my, plant my flag on and, you know, die on that hill. But if it’s the, if it’s the abortion issue or you know, giving extra money to USAID to fund anti American things, from what I understand, the. All these people who, who allegedly are now protesting or anti, you know, that were regretting their vote for Trump. That was all apparently it was like a.

So or it was a Soros funded operation where they were dressing people up in maggot gear and protesting musk. Okay, whatever. Or protesting to say they regretted their vote for Trump. Okay, yeah, that won’t last long. Nice try, nice try. Then you have ass hats, right? Then you have ass hats like Michael Moore, right. Who comes out and makes a statement like, you know, with the kids and the illegal kids and stuff like that, you know, go ahead and let them in. Keep them here. Because you know what that one kid in the year 2048, you know, May find the discovery for curing cancer and somebody else million we lost in this country because of the drugs from down there.

Yeah. And, and then you have, then you have other kids that could find, you know, advancements in technology. And he just kept rambling on and on and on and on and on on. That made no sense. And then the White House responds with a comment back to him after he finished his freaking communist word salad and basically said, hey, here’s a thought. How come they just can’t find all those discoveries in their home country? I’m gonna play it. I want to Play. They don’t have to be. They don’t have to be here to have that. Find them in your own country.

I want to play a 10 second clip that shows how. I mean this. This is not about Doge. But it’s. I mean, it’s this. It’s a similar principle, right? No, no, listen. Oh, come on now. Where’d you go? Ah, dang it. Did I. God dang it. I. You know what? Twitter or X drives me freaking crazy. I lost it, but it’s actually close to the top. I mean, damn it, this makes me. This frustrates me. Take your time. Don’t worry about was a. It’s a ten second. Damn, this is annoying. I’m sorry, guys. Nah, take your time.

It’s all good. What happened to the comments? You guys still there? Yeah, I’m here. No, not you. I’m talking to the people in the chat. I don’t see anything. There it was. Wow. All right, let me do this way it does media and I bet I’ll find it faster until you find that. Has there any in the chat? This is probably for the chat or maybe you guys might notice. Have you guys heard anything about. About the death of the. Gosh. Popeye Doyle is the only thing that comes to mind. Gene Hackman. Gene Hackman man and his wife.

And the dog, latest one that I got on that was. They were in separate rooms. The dog was locked in the closet. They supposedly found some prescription pill bottles that were spilled all over the floor where they found the WI fi. That’s convenient, isn’t it? Yeah. And him, I don’t know. Yeah. Locked in the closet. And then they mysteriously also detailed that there was no carbon monoxide. There was no bad gas or any fumes or anything like that. And apparently the cleaning people are the ones that found them. And they had not seen them like for a few days prior to that.

So I don’t know. I don’t know whatever came of that or if there’s any late breaking news. All right, here we go. I was just interrogated by police for a criminal investigation into a meme that was posted four years ago. And if you think that’s crazy, in two days, I must appear in front of the court of appeals for another case about memes that were posted 8 years ago by others in a private group chat. I face multiple years in jail for racist memes that I didn’t even post myself. And to know that 10 km from here in Brussels, migrant gangs shoot and kill people with weapons of war on a Daily basis, but literally none of them get arrested or jailed.

I was just in. So talk about hypocrisy. It’s, you know, there. The hypocrisy knows no bounds. And to me, well, but, but what the point I’m making there is, is like he’s being questioned for memes while people are shooting and killing others in, you know, 10, 10 kilometers away. And it’s like the, the focus of their outrage is totally inward. And that shows actually that there, if this guy’s posting memes that are anti government or, or, you know, of a conservative nature that tend to go against the general tenor of what the government is trying to push, that is ex.

It’s. I mean, it’s, it’s exactly the same theme that the Democrats are feigning. It’s like, oh, well, you know, how dare they go after this? How dare they stop, you know, how dare they fire the only locksmith at Yosemite or Yellowstone? Do they know that if somebody gets locked into a bathroom, they’re going to have to be there for hours until somebody could come and rescue them? Really? That’s your argument against Doge? Really? Well, is their in the woods? Maybe in the woods? Come on. This shows their true motive. They’re what they’re truly concerned about in that country, in Belgium.

They’re concerned about the truth. Because you know what? You, you, you can’t argue with the truth. You can’t wrestle with it, but you can with the life of somebody who’s putting it out there, who respects it, and that morally, right, there should be everything anybody needs to know about. And that’s, that’s the seat of your, your globalism, their, let’s say, their, their administrative arm in that country. So people need to really take a good look at that. That 10 seconds was extremely powerful. I thought. So. The, you know, and it, and it shows, again, it just shows the, it shows where their focus is.

Their focus is on information and swaying public opinion. That is where their primary focus is, because they cannot have public opinion going against them. If public opinion goes against them, they completely lose the battle. And right now, they are losing the battle. You know, again, I hearken back to the, to the movie Miracle when the Russian team had never been behind and they failed to pull the goalie with one minute left in the game to try to tie the score. And because they’ve never played from behind, and it’s exactly the same thing that’s going on right now.

They’ve never played from behind. They’ve always had the Media as their, as, as their watchdog or, or, or, or gatekeeper or whatever you want to call it, you know, fronting the stories out there. Trump, Trump is now bringing the, you know, he’s, he’s now going to allow new and, and he’s, he’s going to decrease the amount of mainstream media in the press, in the press corps or in the press room and open it up to others so that they can actually have a seat at the table and asking questions of the administration. I think that’s a fabulous idea, especially from the, from the sense that mainstream media is losing its, its grip on authority.

And now, and now you have, and now you got, you know, USAID cutting funding. I was listening to something today where they said that a, a large chunk of views that Joy Reid was getting were actually fake numbers. And if you, you know, if you look at how many televisions have CNN and MSNBC on in airports and doctor’s offices and whatever, what have you, it’s like those numbers are, even the numbers that they have are grossly inflated and they’re dropping like a freaking anvil from a sky. Yeah. So, so Lean puts it here on Hackman says Hackman owned two islands, right? And then MP20 says very private island off of British Columbia.

Now somewhere in the comment here I also said that Hollywood takes insurance policies out on all actors. So I don’t know, a lot of weird stuff going on. A lot of weird stuff going on. You know. And I would suggest if you guys really want to start searching and getting good results when you use a search, a search engine, you’ve, if you have, if you can start using Yandex more because Yandex is out of, Yandex is out of Russia. And I. How do you spell that, Ron? Y, A, N, D, A, X, Yankee, Alpha, November, delta, echo, x ray, and you go to Yandex and, and sometimes if you’re, wherever you are in the United States, if you try to, if you try to access Yandex on like Google Chrome or, or some of the other more popular browsers, they’ll actually stop you.

I can get it on Brave, but that’s the only one you can actually download the app on. On iOS. I don’t know if you can download the app on, I don’t know if there’s an app for it in the Google Play store. But you know, if I, I defy anybody to go to, don’t go search Yandex. Go, go take a hot topic that, where Google is going to Give you, like, extraordinarily, you know, skewed results. Put the same results in or search something like 911 truth or Oklahoma City bombing or something like that. Go put it in the Yandex and then put it into Google and see what results you get.

Compare the two. Or even Yahoo or Bing or even DuckDuckGo. I know a lot of people say DuckDuckGo is superior. DuckDuckGo is just as, as corrupted as Google. Gives you 450 results if you’re lucky. And is, is Yanda. I, I don’t think I’ve ever used Yandex. Does that let, does that give you more results also? Oh, well, here, let’s, let’s, here, let’s, let’s try it. Let’s, let’s just do it because they, at about 450, it’s like, wait a minute, let’s run a test here. Let’s run a test. All right, let’s go to. All right, I’m gonna do a Google search here.

You guys. Give me, give me something to search on Google training, huh? Spring training. No, give me something. Let’s see here. I spelled it wrong. Epstein flight logs. Okay. USA Today, Axios, New York Times, msnbc, Reuters. Okay, I’m gonna copy and I’m gonna go into Yandex and I’m gonna paste and search Epstein’s full flight logs unredacted from archive. The Gateway, Pundit, t me, telegram, medium, the Hill, the Sun, New York Post. These are way better search results. Look at the, look at the images. And some of this is in Russian, but you go, you know, if you know what you’re looking for.

Here’s the images. Okay, let’s go to Google and I’ll go to Images, and there’s a few things there. But you see, it’s, it’s, you know, it’s, it’s not nearly as robust as that. Interesting. The reason this is in Russian is I actually created an account, but I mean, it’s. Yandex is far superior. Oh, wait a second. I’m sorry. I’m not even sharing my dang screen. My apologies. All right, so this is the Epstein flight logs for images on Google, and this is the Epstein flight logs on Yandex. Wow. I’d say there’s a difference. Yeah, there is a huge difference.

No doubt. Okay, yeah. So, I mean, you’re getting way more detailed information on Yandex compared to Google. Like, as I go down and scroll down, you see, it’s like, it’s, it’s it’s very soft. Yeah, as expected. So anyway, I, you know, just, just, you know, word for the wise. It’s like there’s some really good things out there. They Yandex is absolutely secure, but they’re going to tell you it’s not secure. Some of the browsers are going to say, wow, this is not secure. Every, every text I get from, you know, President Trump’s the, not, not the one for the rnc, but his, every one of them I get a, from the security software I use.

It’s the only one by the way. I’ll get crap spam text all the time like everyone else, but that one brings up a warning so I don’t even go to look the message if I see the number is from them, I just dismiss it. But okay, so I got garbage, subtle garbage that’s being used against a lot of people by the way. There’s breaking news just came in from me, for me, I should say. And if, I’m just gonna put this out there. If you guys ever want to tap into Second amendment stuff and from a legal standpoint, make sure you go out and you just browse or just check out armed scholar on YouTube.

Armed scholar, okay. Breaking Supreme Court emergency decision to end all firearm permits nationwide put in motion. We’ll see where that goes. Yeah, so they’re, they’re, they’re, they’re clamping down on that and speaking the second Amendment. You guys want to wrap up? I, I, I’m gonna do a review. Okay. Tonight and that I put here, I put down in the description. I’m going to be reviewing the go ahead real quick, real quick. So Zanivar asked to search the borax conspiracy. I think this is a good thing because it’s something that’s not that something, nothing that we discussed.

And I think it would be good to show this. Okay, so here is the borax conspiracy in Google. All right, so Michigan medicine, NBC News consensus convoros. You know, this is the, this is the Google. All right, this is the Yandex, the Borax conspiracy. How arthritis cure has been stopped. The Borax conspiracy. The how arthritis has been stopped. Big Pharma’s latest ploy to outlaw Borax. So you see the, you see the difference in results that you’re getting. You’re getting a whole, I’m not, not that you’re not getting anything from mainstream, but you’re getting a lot more fair minded things probably more inclined to what you’re looking for about, about the Borax conspiracy.

So I have one word. Yeah. If you’re serious about. If you’re serious about really researching something, especially if you’re going into historical concept, it’s called a library. Take the time you need to access a computer. They’ll have one there. But they’ve got something that’s even better than all these search results. Books. Yeah. The problem with that is, is that the books you have to go through and actually read, people don’t want to. Oh, my God. Yeah, I know. You have to do. Yeah. Oh, I. Forget it. Never mind. MP20. I’m gonna. I’ll let you. I’ll let you do that.

Go ahead and search Antarctica, because I’m. There’s. That’s not a topic for discussion here. Yeah, this is. I. I mean, not that I don’t want to, but, you know, I just wanted to kind of show a comparison and contrast between Yandex and, and Google and some of the other common browsers. They’re just, you know, it’s just not even close. And a lot of people are unaware of Yandex. So I just want to make people aware. Yandex is a. Is a very good browser for searching and researching things. Okay. Not as good as reading. No, reading is good.

Right. So let’s read out the microfiche. Break out the microfiche. All right, here we go. Ladies and gentlemen, as stated in the beginning, this is the colt King Cobra 3 inch barrel, 357 magnum in standard stainless. For any of you out there that like wheel guns, as yours truly does, okay? This is probably one of my favorites. Not because, you know, it’s here, but because it just is. There was a while where Colt basically had to rebrand and retool, if you will, from the product, the very good product they used to use back in the day.

And they’ve done some improvements in some areas and whatnot. I know that the older models are very collectible, very sought after, and they’re very pricey, but their new revised versions now are more affordable. Okay. They are for those that, like, you know, are into revolvers a lot. So what comes with a newer version of the Python? No, no, this is. This is the King Cobra. The Python. The difference between the King Cobra and the Python is, as demonstrated here, the Python will have a ribbed rail that runs along the top. Okay. It looks a little. It looks a little bigger.

This is just a King Cobra. Now what? Originally this one came with a Hogue rubber grip. Okay. Which I have nothing negative to say about the Hogue rubber grip. It feels very good in the hand. It is grippy, okay. And some will argue that, oh, I would never change out the Hogue rubber grip on my revolver, especially in that caliber because it doesn’t hurt as bad. If you go with something else that’s solid, well, grow a pair, okay? But anyway, so I decided being me, being Cuban, I always like to upgrade whatever it is that I got because it’s just me, right? So I made a couple changes on this particular one right here.

First change that I did is I went with American walnut grips. Okay. I figured I wanted to change them. I like how they look. They’re very nice and they’re full wraparounds. Okay. Fit very, very good in my, in my hand. As you can see right here. It’s just a good grip on there. And no, if my hands are sweaty and stuff like that, I don’t have a problem with it. And no, when I shoot it, it doesn’t sting me in the hand because it’s not rubber or padded or anything like that. It’s actually very good. The next thing I did is the front sight on this thing, okay.

Was a brass dot, okay. And I decided to change it out with a factory Colt fiber optic front sight. As you can tell right there. Why? Well, it just looks a lot better, right. Even though it is red. But actually this one doesn’t bother me that much. As you can tell right there, right from the. I have done zero modifications to this revolver. Nothing done. The trigger in single action is extremely, extremely light. Very, very smooth. Double action also as well. Okay. So I will just show this for safety. It is unloaded, okay? Single action hammer, that’s all you get right there.

As you can tell, that’s how far it goes. Sorry about that. All right. Pulling on it in single, in, in single is just that easy. No effort whatsoever. No creep, no take up double action. That, that, just that, that smooth. It’s butter. There’s no grit. There’s no take up. There’s nothing on here, right? Very, very good Revolver. You can use.357 Magnum for your ammunition or you can use.38 Special. It’ll run both. I like running both. Okay. So I love this revolver for a lot of reasons. But there is one thing that I do not care for.

It’s not a negative. I just personally don’t like it. Okay. Because of how it’s set up. And what is that? Well, when you open up, when you open it up, you’re going to notice the lever here. If you can see that I’m trying to focus the camera as best I can. Your typical standard Smith and Wesson’s, your Kimber revolvers, like your K6X which I love. You always have to push this forward to be able to open it up, right. Colts are different cults. You have to pull back on it to open it up. Right. Mondo real quick, don’t I.

Sorry to interrupt you. I’m duck out of here for a second. I’m going to leave my screen on, but I’m going to duck out. I’ve got something I got to go deal with, so. Okay. I’m just going to stop my cam. No worries. So this is the only negative that I have about this revolver. Is that why? Well, I find this to be a little bit sharp on the hand. Okay. When you pull back to open it up. But other than that it’s flawless. It shoots great. It’s very concealable. The spindle on this thing is just butter smooth.

One thing I can tell you about this, don’t do the Hollywood like you see in Hollywood. Well, when it’s open like this and they snap their hand and they force this thing to pop back in place, that will take this out of alignment and it could screw it up. Always, always close it with your hands, you know, nice and smooth and just let it fall into place. Right. There’s no, there’s no forward play with that. With that hammer. Nothing at all. It is totally solid. This thing does not rattle in the hand. Nothing. Not even the spindle on here at all.

Okay. You don’t have to worry about keeping all chambers loaded. That’s my point. Because I always. With most, if there was any forward play whatsoever, you leave that one chamber empty. When you pull that trigger, it’s going to roll into the next round. The first round when you use it, you have one less bullet. But so it’s, you know, like that, right. It just goes. Every single time now spending at home putting it away safely and securely. I just demonstrated that. Okay. Just keep a good, good pressure on the hammer itself. And the hammer is serrated also as well.

So there’s not going to be any slipping or anything like that on here. Very well done. Very well built. Okay. It is solid as a rock. It’s a great shooter. It. It’s attack driver because it’s just. It’s just a great, great piece to own and to shoot also as well. And it’s a very, very good defensive pistol. Again, if 357 Magnum is too much for you, okay, go with 38 Special.38 is also made in the Plus P round. Okay. I use both now holsters. It does not come with one, obviously, so you get the lock that you typically get from the.

In the factory case. It’s a good factory case. I went ahead and had a holster made, a custom holster made by my, my holster, my custom holster maker, which is Bitterroot gun leather and Bitterroot Valley in Montana. Okay. Caleb Kohler does a great, great job. I have like about eight pieces that he’s done this one since. This is a King cobra, right? This is alligator. Let me put this down for a second. It is alligator here, rattlesnake here. Okay. And then the insides, the linings are also very soft leather. What I love about this is that it fits perfectly in there and it is a heavy piece, right? And it’s technically, it ain’t going anywhere, right? So it’s a great, great holster.

Double stitched, excellent piece. And it looks really good with the American walnut grip on here with the color of this, right. So it’s a great, great firearm. Now let’s go on because I want to show you something here. So the question I always get sometimes from people is, well, Armando, what kind of ammunition do you use? Good question. I went ahead and have this also. Right. No magazines. These are speed loaders. All right. So these speed loaders basically look like this, all right, where you can actually just take this, drop it in, twist it, take it out and you’re fully loaded, right? These right here are 357 rounds.

And they are from Hornady, as you can tell by the polymer inserts that they have in the hollow points. All right, Very, very good round. I have two speed loaders that I carry on my belt also as well when I carry the revolver. And believe it or not, it does conceal very, very well. Surprisingly so outside the waistband. You know, just wear. Depending on the weather, season, whatever it is, you know, you wear a loose shirt or jacket or whatever, but it’s a great, great piece to carry. I found it to be not extremely heavy for being stainless steel either.

That’s another thing. When I get inside my truck and I have it, I don’t, I don’t take it out. It’s there and it’s actually comfortable to drive with also as well. That’s just me. Some other, some people could have some negative, negative effects on that, but you just have to try it and see what works best for you. So over here on the side I like using, there is two manufacturer. Well, actually it’s only one manufacturer, but there are two good ones out there that I like to use. When it comes to ammunition, Hornady, like I demonstrated here in Speed Loaders, is one.

But my go to is this guy right here. Okay. This right here is.357 Magnum. Okay. And it is. See if I can get better focus on the camera. There you go. It is hollow point also as well. Okay. And this one right here is Upman. All right. I love their ammunition. Nickel plated, not brass. All right. So it’s a lot smoother going in and out. And to eject also as well, you can also use Nosler. Nosler is another good manufacturer that make very, very good ammunition. But for the revolver, I really, really love using this brand because it is just very good, very reliable.

All made in the usa. Just an overall great, great revolver, if you’re into revolvers. All right, so if you guys have any questions on the Colt.357, this one will probably. Last time I looked, they are going up a little bit in value. But I picked this up, I’m gonna say three or four years ago. And I believe at the time at my local gun store, who looks after me very, very well. I believe it was like seven and change. Seven and change for this revolver, which was a great, great deal. Black Friday, by the way, also as well.

But they usually retail. MSRP is anywhere. Now today, they’re probably hovering around a thousand bucks. Okay. Great price point, in my opinion, for the quality of firearm that you’re getting, if you’re into revolvers. Okay. So any questions? Drop it down in the chat. But again, let me see. Yeah, I read slippery here in the comment, but no, I’ve shot this with the American walnut grip on here and somewhat moist hands. Not really full sweat. I have no issues with the grip. It just works. It’s just good. Now you can use the Hogue rubber ones that you get from factory.

I have no issues with it. I basically swapped out the rubber grip that Hogue makes. It’s a great grip, very comfortable. It’s got some nice texture on it too. So you get a good, good purchase on it. I chose to go with the walnut grip just because of the holster and just because I just aesthetically, I just like the way it looks. That that’s it. Again, no negatives. My only negative, like I said, which is really not that bad, is just the way this opens up instead of pushing forward. Okay. To open your chamber up. This, you have to pull back to get it to open, but it just comes open right Away.

And this is just butter, butter smooth. And to get rid of your rounds, very smooth, no creep up, no take up. There’s no binding, there’s nothing. It’s just a very, very well made revolver. Okay, so for concealed carry, this is great. Home defense also. Very, very good. It’s just, I just love it. My other favorite revolver that I like is I like the Kimber K6s with an internal hammer. I like the internal hammer and snub nose also as well for a couple of reasons. You can conceal it better. It’s been debarred, so it’s not going to hang up on clothing or snag on anything.

Second thing is with an internal hammer, you don’t have to worry about this hammer hanging up on clothing or getting caught where it’s going to create a problem where you can’t draw and use it. And the reason why I like that Kimber is again, that one, in my opinion, for up close and personal situations, you can basically just shove it up into somebody, let them have it and you’re fine. That’s it. You don’t have to sit there and you know, point shoot. Oh, is he in touch? No, you can just take care of business that way.

But anybody out there that has any questions on the Colt 357, just drop them in the comment, let me know. Hope you enjoyed the review. Would that one cost again? At the time? I got it for 7. 7 and change on Black Friday. Currently right now, without the walnut grip, without the fiber optic front sight, you’re gonna get a brass dot is all it is. All right, you can pick it up right now. Last time that I happened to glance and check, they’re ranging anywhere between mid 8 to 9, depending on where you shop for it.

I have seen some that are hovering around a thousand bucks like on then you got to pay your fees and you know, transport to your ffl, you know, and then your transfer fees and all that other garbage. But again, is it for everybody? No. But there are people out there, especially your old timers, that love revolvers because that’s what they grew up with. I like, you know, revolvers. I think they’re just for me, they’re just very classic and they’re just fun to shoot and they’re. And they’re fun to carry. They just are. And that’s just my opinion.

All right. Other people have different opinions. That’s fine, that’s great. But the Colt 357 King Cobra in a three inch barrel, okay, they do make him the four or five and a six. You can get these things that are like. I call them Tackleberries. Right. If you ever watch the movie where the guy just starts taking guns out of. Off his body all over the place, and he takes out a Tackleberry, which is that long. 500 Magnum. Yeah. That basically you can. You can shoot inside your house. It’ll go through the wall. It’ll hit your neighbor’s house, go through that wall, and then hit the person hiding behind the refrigerator.

It’s just a cannon, but it’s a great firearm. So if you guys have any comments out there on this, just let me know and I’ll answer your questions. All right, so we’re coming up now on 852. I got a hard cut off at 9:15. If you guys got any suggestions or any comments on other reviews. If I happen to have one available or maybe I can get one on loan, drop it in the comment, let me know. I’m probably gonna go through all my pistols here on the gun and show, and then I’m gonna transition and go into shotguns and go into rifles also as well.

So that should be fun. That’ll be for future episodes. And that’s it. Where’s Ron? I don’t know. I think he said he had some. Something came up. Oh, okay. All right, Ghost, can you fill us or give us an update on any. That you can talk about, any pressing or current developments that are happening. I know that I. I noticed a little bit earlier today there were three things that were happening, obviously. One is the. The Epstein list, which is already out there. And there’s all kinds of, you know, chatter going on back and forth on that.

We’ll find out the real story soon enough. I’m sure. The other thing was. And maybe Joe G. Man who’s in here in the chat, can probably comment on this. I know that there’s protests going on once again in New York City with the Palestinian deal and Gaza and Israel. I know that that’s going on and it’s flaring up. I think last report that I saw, there was like 500 people that probably was this morning, and it was growing. I don’t know how if that’s intensified or if it’s gone away already. Don’t know. You know, another close call with airliners today.

Another Delta deal, hydraulic leak or something like that where a flight had to turn around and land. There’s all kinds of stuff, guys that are going. That’s going on right now. All I can tell you is Just keep your head on a swivel, man. And just be aware that we are coming up on a new month. Okay. Metrics are starting to increase data points also as well. Just be aware we’re not out of the woods yet. This is just ramping up. So I’ll digress over to Ghost. If he can share anything that’s reasonable, have at it.

You got the floor. Rather than go into detail yet, I, I would say just be vigilant come March. Vigilant. I think. Well, people have noticed that, you know, there’s a lot of. And this is out there, it’s nothing. A lot of helicopter flights. I’ve talked to a number of people with regard to that and they’ve been noticing that quite a bit. I know you had some over there. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely. So in the same, you know, when you look at what’s going on in reference to the border and, and the cartels and all of that, had a lot of developments with that.

But, and I say it from a cautionary point of view is be ready come March, because we don’t know what will and what won’t happen. As far as all these, these telegraphed potential threats. You’ve got to look at them and, and kind of track them and see what kind, what makes it out there and, and then what do you hear in your own networks? That some things you just don’t want to say publicly. And I’d rather get a lot of, a lot more clarification on a few things before, but I, as far as the probability, I, I can’t, I couldn’t give anybody a number on it, but I do think a prudent individual would be very mindful of March going into April and April, because we still, we’ve seen a little bit of, you know, out there.

Everybody’s seen, seen their ridiculous pushback with these demonstrations. So many different things. And always the threat, oh, what did I hear today? I just haven’t been looking at this issue, but oh, Covid 2.0 they’re talking about. It’s, it’s pathetic when it comes right down to it. Can you comment, can you comment if you have any, any, any updates? And of course everybody knows about this because it’s already been out there and I hate to keep beating a dead horse with this, but shortages with regards to food, eggs especially, everybody knows that because there was commentary, and I mentioned this earlier in the broadcast about how, you know, it’s weird that Mexico does not have avion.

It’s weird that Mexico doesn’t have issues with the chickens. They’re not killing their chickens in the hundreds of thousands. They’re trying to smuggle eggs in from Mexico into the country. And of course, border patrol is clamping down on that, and they’re being confiscated. Is there anything out there that maybe the public doesn’t know? It’s like this temporary. Is this going to go away? Is the administration countering this to be able to bring some stability? And the only reason why I bring it up is my better half went to Publix today just to grab a few odds and ends.

And she called me from there, and she’s looking over in the egg counter, right in the. In the fridged area, and there was only three little containers that had four eggs in it. You know, the brown organic type, blah, blah, blah, marketing, whatever it is. That’s all there was. Everything else was just bare, empty, nothing there at all. So immediately I start thinking, well, if they’re really controlling this, because everybody uses eggs for what? It’s a good source of protein, right? So are they just trying to take protein out of our diet? You know, what. What the hell’s going on with this? Well, they.

You saw Mural those years, they were beating the egg to death. Cholesterol. Well, you know, you’ll see if RFK does his job well, you’re going to see things come out in the future. And, you know, regarding things like why, you have to ask why. There’s a lot of acids and enzymes in eggs that are crucial for brain function, body function. The protein, of course, is another one. And you have people that say cholesterol. Well, you know, I think what you’re going to see is the reality come out about cholesterol. It’s not. It’s not a so much what you ingest.

It’s your liver and how it handles those triglycerides and fats and cholesterol in your system. No one ever says, oh, go get a lipoprotein A test. Your cholesterol could be 270 consistently. But if your lipoprotein A levels are in line, cholesterol is not going to be an issue. You’re not going to have coronary artery diseases from that issue specifically. And there’s just a lot of things like that that really need to. To finally make it out there so they stop using, demonizing something for two decades and then saying, oh, it’s good. And now what you’re seeing, because in.

In poor nations where it’s readily measurable with children’s health, those that stop Using processed foods and went back to eggs, one or two a day per child. They tried to implement it. There was a dramatic increase in their health. And I just think it’s. I just think it’s theater and fear porn, to be honest with you. And yeah, for right now, I’ll leave it at that, you know. No, no, no, that’s. That’s good information from a health standpoint. You know, another topic that I wanted to ask about was. Was, and I heard this on a morning show broadcast on the way into the office this morning, you know, Bergam, you know, our energy guy, you know, just answering some questions.

He was taking some questions from people calling into the show and. And gasoline came up, right? Fuel energy, Right. Just gasoline. Well, recently here, locally, to me, prices have increased a lot. I mean, like regular price, a gallon. I checked the morning, and it’s hovering around 325 for regular per gallon at a quick trip, right. Everybody who lives in the south is familiar with quick trip, right. And road. What is it called? Racetrack. Sorry, my apologies. And they’re all pretty much equal when it comes to regular. I mean, diesel or premium, I’m not even going to touch.

That’s like above four bucks. Right. So how long, based on where we’re at. And I know guys, I know what you guys are going to say, Gee, Armando, you know, the new administration has only been in for four weeks. I get it. But people ask the questions, why? Because we are just programmed, if you will, as an instant society. We need it now. We want it fast and forget waiting. Right. Well, I get it. But how long do you think it’s going to take for us to start seeing energy prices coming down when it comes to fuel, has there been talk about maybe developing refineries here in America instead of exporting our stuff overseas to have it refined and then imported again and then pay through the butt, you know, on taxes and all that.

Good jazz. What about pipelines? You know, is that. Is there anything ramping up, fracking, anything that. And how long will it take for us to start seeing prices trickle down? My best guesstimate is probably, I don’t know, maybe six months, eight months before we start. Yeah, six months. Right. So that’s fair to. Yeah, it’s fair to say because they’ve got. You’ve got a lot of infrastructure that are. A lot of our refineries are getting old and yes, there you go. But they do, you know, they do. They’re very good at maintaining them, but they are. Bottom line is they’re Getting old.

That means steel ages just like anything any other material when it’s being put through the ringer and something is intensive as refining, but and the various, you know, machinery, it’s got to be, it’s got to be upgraded or there’s more efficient and newer refining methods and, and techniques being put in place around the world. So I think, you know, that you’re talking about that’s a little bit longer of a time span before we see the industry rerouting dollars for that. And they need to, because this is, gas prices are still artificially high to begin with and you know, especially when they get things flowing again and start, you know, tapping into a lot of the capped wells both on land and on the Gulf and they start fracking again to take a load off for plastics rather than the refineries.

Carrying that load load, you’re gonna see, you’re gonna see a lot of gas won’t have to go up. We’ve always been getting screwed with petroleum to begin with. Oh, we’re going to run out. We’re going to run out. It’s more oil on this planet than anything else. And now it’s accessible with the drilling techniques, sideways drilling, you name it. And they can go down further than, further than ever and you know, with two miles of ocean in between. So it’s a matter of getting those rigs back out there that they need to, the exploration. They already know where it is.

It’s a matter of drilling for it. But there are so many wells that are capped, as I said before, both in the, in the Gulf, for example, and on land and throughout the Texas, Oklahoma and other places around the country. I, I, you know, I would like to see a responsible petroleum industry for a change while it, while it still has its day. And that’s what I think a lot of this is, the eggs. It’s a way of profit taking and instilling fear. They were ordered to kill those chickens by the last administration. Those chickens weren’t sick.

They were doing it supposedly as a precaution. Well, that won’t stop it at all. Yeah, but you know, in the, in the eye of the public, they go, oh, well, they killed him. And that stopped it. Well, no, that’s not what is going to stop something like that. So it’s a lie to begin with. Yeah. And then you, and then you look at the cattle industry also as well. I said, well, we don’t want, we don’t want you eating beef. Beef is for the elite. I mean, how do I know that to be a connection. Well, Cuban, right? Because when I lived over there under the system, okay, the only people that had access to state was tourists that came out of the country into the very popular and very elegant hotels in the center of Havana.

You could, yeah, if you’re a tourist, you could have it all day long and pay with dollars, by the way. Okay? But the general public, no, you didn’t have access to any beef whatsoever, nor pork. Then they hit that, okay? That was only for the elite, in other words, the people in charge. And the only reason why I brought the energy question up was because, if memory serves me correct, and I could be wrong, okay? I remember in Trump’s first term, you know, when gas prices under Barry were way like 450 a gallon, at least here in my area.

I remember going to California while he was in and oh my God, that was like damn near five and a half dollars outside of Disneyland, almost six bucks. And if you paid with a credit card at that gas station, like an a.m. p.m. Holy cow, they would tack on another 50 cents if you use the credit card. Actually, let me. So it’s. So the, the AMPMs used to, they would not accept credit. They would only accept debt debit. And what they did was they charged you a 35 cent fee to accept the debit, but you got the cash prices, which actually translated to a cheaper price than if you used a credit card or a debit card at a, at a, at a different gas station.

So it was a little bit better. But to your point, they did charge that extra fee. Now arco, which is a, which ampm, which is arco, they actually accept credit cards now. But yeah, to your point, you know, they’re, they’re, they, they need to be, they need to start drilling and start drilling immediately and, and start to, you know, that is going to drastically lower the price of, of everything because energy, energy costs everything. And you know, there’s, there’s like a, there’s a gas station on Highway 1 in California. It’s about halfway between Monterey and like San Luis Obispo or Morro Bay.

It’s the only gas station on the route. And it’s literally the gas is almost like double, if not two and a half times what it, what it normally is. I remember gas prices there. They were, they were up to like almost $10 a gallon. It’s not. Yeah, but I mean it’s, it’s supply and demand. If the only game in town, you’re, you’re low on gas, you got to pay. But, but still, you know, it’s, you know, gas out here right now is like they just imposed another tax on gas. And I think gas is like, you know, I mean, I haven’t filled up in about a week or so, but last time I did, it was gas for me.

And I use, you know, the. Either the premium or the 89. And it’s like, you know, it’s. It’s like a little over five bucks. 525, 30, something like that. Wow. Yeah, I know because the wife’s car can only take premium. And here we have. Our Premium here is 93 octane. Then you have middle grade, which is 89, and then of course, 87 for regular. Fortunately, my pickup truck, you. You can put. You can piss in the tank and it’ll run on that. It just runs on anything. And diesel, don’t even get me started. Diesel is. Forget about it, man.

Diesel is just like freaking damn near almost five bucks. It’s just very high. But. All right, so it’s the cheapest too, because it’s actually takes much less energy to refine. Yeah, diesel, that’s more of a lower end or heavy, heavier product. Oil. I mean, it’s an oil. Rather. It’s sort of near, you know, in the middle range, near the. Headed towards the bottoms, depending on what, what they use. But even that, that tar kind of stuff that they power a lot of the ships with, that’s so thick it has to be heated before pumped into the engines.

That’s, you know, dirt cheap. But they’ve been. They kind of did a little switch on that because that’s bottoms. That’s the next thing before, you know, tar, it’s far less. It takes far less refining, far less refining. So traditionally, Diesel was always 99 cents, $50 at the most. And you know, and when they made that switch a few years back and diesel was, I think it was during the Obama regime, diesel, why are they. Okay, this is just more profit taking and, and raping the public that will not question it. And those who do won’t be enough.

And they won’t. It won’t be a news item because these are the kinds of things they don’t want you talking about. It does not. There’s anything, you know, oh, we can’t talk about that. But they just don’t want you talking about it because it’s common sense. Fortunately for us here in Georgia, you know, our governor here sometimes puts a halt on fuel taxes and it does bring down the price by about, I’m going to say, 10 to 12 cents, depending on what station you. You use to fuel up at. But, you know, they only last for a very short time, like maybe 30 days or maybe 60 days.

You know, I could be wrong about that. But, man, when those things go back to normal, it’s like, holy, man. You just really feel it, you know. And, you know, my truck loves gas, right? It just loves it. Right? So it’s like, you know, and when I get. I’m to the point now that when I get to half a tank, I go and top it off, I don’t let it run under half a tank because if not, man, you’re talking like 80 bucks just to fill up your tank with regular gas, by the way. And I’m like, no, can’t do it.

But very interesting, man. I’m. Look, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m excited. I’m pumped. I really am. I know that good things are coming for, for the country, you know, as far as, you know, pricing and stuff like that. And I’m not really buying into this whole tariff. Yes. Will it affect pricing? Okay, so if it does affect pricing a little bit, you know what? Suck it up. Get used to it. But eventually, in the long run, I think it’s going to pan out very well for everybody. Definitely. You know, we just have to suck it up a little bit more and just know that.

And excuse my French, it’s going to take a lot of work and a lot of commitment to basically unfuck what was in the country. It’s just the best way that I can put it, you know, 100. But I, I absolutely agree with you, Mondo. It’s, you know, I think, I think people, you know, under the first administration in 45, you know, there was, There was so many things that people wanted to have done, but they didn’t understand that it was really going to take. Well, if you take into consideration that we, that, that the Obama administration was in many ways almost a clandestine second Trump administration with the, with the notion that it was actually somebody else in control giving blame to them.

They needed to have that to create the, the, the, the huge differential in what Trump brought to the table compared to what the. A Democrat politician brought to the table as leader of the country. And without that, without that, you know, big difference to, to show, you know, I don’t think that we would be in the position that we are today. We had that. We had to have that. And to your point, the only reason why I brought it up is I remember in his first term. You know, like I said earlier, you know, gas prices were extremely, extremely high.

And he seemed to turn it around like man. Within 90 to 120 days, prices just started coming down. And I guess that is the reason that I say that is probably because of what happened with the barrel of oil where it was negative a dollar. You guys remember that? You know, where it was, the prices just tanked. You know, maybe it was because of that, but now that’s not the case anymore. And now it’s going to be going cheaper, but it’s going to take a little bit more time to get to that point. So I get it.

All right, guys, listen, it’s 9:14. I got a hard cut off in one minute. Just wanted to thank everybody for coming out today and enjoying the guns and show. Hope you guys had fun. Hope you guys had an educational moment, you know, with the general Flynn newsletters commentary from our round table here and you enjoyed the gun review. Just a quick note, this coming Sunday, we’re gonna kick off, you know, book number three, all right, of our next book of covering, you know, common law. And it’s going to be for jurors, sheriffs, Bayless and justices. All right? So we’re going to be covering that.

We’re going to be kicking that off. So I hope to see you guys here for the kickoff of that live. So with that Ron Ghost, thank you very much for being here today, guys. Thank you for participating. Glad you guys can make it out. Appreciate the support. Thank you for that also, by the way. So as always, you know, when I sign off, keep your head on a swivel, keep your powder dry and above all, God bless and we will catch you guys on the next one. Have a great rest of your week. We’ll see you later.

Amen. Have a good day. God bless.



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