I have to give a shout out to my friend, Abi, who first got me back into this idea a while ago. I met him, and we were catching up, and he said, I’m going to the blood bank, and I’m like, what for? And he’s like, you know, you give blood, you actually feel better. My friend Maria is like, I want to get rid of the microplastics. And a friend of mine was like, yeah, you guys are going to go dump these microplastics. I’m like, I promise you that our blood is probably way better.
When I went to, I was in Austin, it was a year ago, donating blood, and I’m telling you what, God help you if you’re ever in a hospital, and you need blood from the blood bank. Oh my God, looking at those people who were in line to donate. I’m like, oh my goodness. Yeah, I mean, I guess if it’s a life or death situation, and you’re going to die, is better than dying, maybe. Yeah, but given blood, and you do feel better, and your own body can generate all those red blood and white blood and whatever cells, and it’s a real rejuvenating thing.
So there you go, and it’s free. Actually, some of these blood banks will give you a t-shirt, or something. It always makes me laugh, and they got their little room that you go in after you’ve donated blood, and they have this horrible concentrated orange juice and Oreo cookies. I’m like, are you kidding me? But, you know, that’s kind of the same as if you go to the hospital, and you try and eat any other food they got. Like, you’ve got to be kidding me. So anyway, that’s it. I mean, it just doesn’t cost you anything.
You actually really could help somebody. Yeah, and good health is free, and giving away blood really is a thing to bleeding, and having your body rebuild it. All right, smorgasbord, I’ll catch you on another video. Oh, by the way, the other really good thing that you can do for your health, start growing your own food. Another good idea is like, get off of the street when the cars are coming by. Try not to get killed on the roadside. Catch you later. Oh, that website, I’m always pitching it, you know,
Head over to All right, I’ll catch you on the next video, if I survive this. [tr:trw].