Friday Night Watch AFTER Party | Discussing The Real Events Which Inspired The Movie Thunderheart | With Special Guest Ghost

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âž¡ Ron Partain and Ghost, hosts of the Untold History Channel, discuss their experiences and observations about the living conditions on Native American reservations. They also talk about the impact of treaties signed by Native American nations without proper legal representation, and how these agreements still affect them today. They mention the rise of casinos on reservations as a way to assert sovereignty and generate income. Lastly, they touch on broader issues of foreign influence in the United States, suggesting that the country is still dealing with the same issues that Native American reservations have faced.
âž¡ The speaker criticizes FEMA, claiming it’s not there to help the people but to protect the government. They also discuss a document filed on July 12th, 2024, which they believe transferred executive powers to the Secretary of State, Department of Interior, and Department of Energy. The speaker also talks about the struggles of Native American reservations, their sovereignty, and their efforts to reclaim their rights. They emphasize the importance of understanding these issues and criticize mainstream media for not covering them adequately.
âž¡ The text discusses various topics, including the conditions of reservations, the role of the United Nations, and the influence of the International Court of Justice. It also touches on the issue of deportation, the threat of cartels, and the impact of the Department of Education. The speaker expresses skepticism towards international organizations and concern about the state of the country.
âž¡ This text discusses the political games and power dynamics within the U.S. government, focusing on the roles of the CIA, the presidency, and the vice presidency. It mentions the influence of the Bush family and the controversial actions of Reagan’s administration. The text also touches on the impact of these political maneuvers on drug use in the U.S. and the power of the Cabinet. It ends with a critique of capitalism and the role of large corporations in influencing government actions.
âž¡ The text discusses the importance of rules and regulations in society, referencing historical events like antitrust laws and monopolies. It criticizes the current economic system, suggesting it enslaves people through debt and taxes. The text also discusses the manipulation of wars for corporate interests and criticizes the lack of critical thinking in society. Lastly, it calls for a reevaluation of political leaders and their true intentions.
âž¡ The speaker discusses their recent challenges with broadcasting due to power outages and personal commitments. They express a desire to return to a regular schedule and possibly increase their broadcasting frequency. They also mention plans to discuss the Jason Bourne series and other films, hinting at the truth behind the Hollywood versions. Lastly, they touch on political matters, including a proposed amendment allowing President Trump to serve a third term.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the strategic thought behind seemingly offhand comments made by a public figure. They also delve into the recall election of Governor Newsom, expressing frustration over Larry Elder’s premature concession. The speaker ends by teasing future discussions and thanking their audience.


Here we go. We are live, everybody. Welcome to the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain and I am joined by my very good friend, Ghost. And tonight’s watch party is really in honor of him because he’s the one who talked or he was the one who. He’s the one who said something. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but I think he was talking about the Indian nations in the Navajo or something like that and how it was like the third World. And I pulled up the. The clip from. From Thunderheart and he’s like, oh, yeah, that’s a great movie.

Anyway, and then it just kind of spiraled downwards after that and here we are, we talking about Thunderheart. So how you doing there, brother? Good to see you bouncing back. Bouncing back from the flu and then the injections and all the other fun stuff. Yeah, well, I’ve. I’ve had some interesting. I’ve had an interesting week. Lost power twice. Lost power. Lost power last week, lost power twice this week. And I had to had the dentist thing done yesterday. It was gone all day. Didn’t get home till really, really late. And when the power didn’t come back on until about 4:00 this morning and by that time all my phone or my phone had died and I didn’t have an alarm.

So anyway, it was, it was. I didn’t get. I slept for a long time today. I don’t think I got up until about 11:30 this morning, which is extraordinarily rare for me. I normally am up early, but I guess my body needed the rest. So there it is. Hey, things creep up on us. We ain’t getting any younger. No, we’re not. No, we are not. You know, I think the conversation was. I don’t know how we got on it, but it was. Oh, I was talking about stuff to do with the political nonsense, which it always.

Right. And I was out west going through a number of states and we wound up. Yeah, driving through, you know, northwest area, northeast Arizona. Yeah. And then coming in and figured, hey, let’s backtrack to Flagstaff and that’ll actually get us to where we’re going faster, which would have been over in New Mexico. And it actually did. We saved all that time, then got to the border and there was a. An hour jam up for an accident and. Which destroyed that time. But the old thing was, you know, driving through the reservation and looking at, you know, the conditions in the home and then looking at.

I was navigating and looking at the map and I saw this rather, you know, just border and I said, well this is the border of the reservation. I turned to my friend driving and I said, watch how the landscape changes when we cross that line. And literally within a mile of crossing that line you had beautiful rolling hills, pine trees, everything. And you could, you could see in it that, you could see the, just the, the horseshit involved in all of that and what they had done since way back with the tribes. And that brings it up even to modern times.

Because what most people don’t understand is we are still the, the states in a sense are in a reservation status. And this is what is more that’s going to come out on that and I’ll be cutting, covering that on different things and Armando yourself. And it’s more, it’s, it’s, there’s more to this film than even the filmmakers realized. I can tell you that right now. I think I saw some of the executive producers. One was Robert De Niro. I guess this is before he had his TDS and everything, right. Obviously probably back in the days when he loved to have a picture taken with him.

But regardless of that, it’s, it’s the subject matter and how it was handled. And I thought it was handled very well. And you know, it, it showed you the, you see the problem is when a lot of the nation signed treaties, they didn’t have any lawyers, they didn’t have any shysters to come in and, and, and fight for their behalf. They would, they would get a half assed explanation of what they were dealing with and then they would sign these treaties. And these treaties have lasted to this day. Well, treaty’s only as good as each side willing to hold it up.

So what you are seeing is a lot of these, a lot of the reservations across the country, no matter what state they’re in, they’ve wised up, they’ve sent their, their, their brighter young to learn the ways of the bar, which is a foreign infiltration organization that has taken this country apart and done enough damage to this country administered out of the city of London. It’s a whole five hour lecture right there. But suffice it to say we are still dealing. We’re dealing with issues that the reservations have had to deal with with the so called federal government.

Now the federal government, if it intends on remaining intact and ever restoring itself, has to deal with these same issues on a larger scale with again the forces out of the city of London which are closely aligned with Vatican and several other. You, you can tie it all into the Black nobility and the central banking system, it all ties together. There is nothing here that is not connected. So what people saw was a good drama regarding a murder because of uranium. But what you were seeing was the transgression of the rights of these, of native original Americans.

That’s not call them native, let’s call them original. Because if anyone was original to this land, it was them. And how they have been on time and time and time again. No, they didn’t have to put up with that kind of jurisdictional thuggery when the FBI guys came in. Being the one that Sam Shepard played so well. Right. You know, who was basically, yeah, you gotta learn how. He’s basically just trying to tell him how to get along in one environment. It could have been an inner city, it could have been anything. But that happened to be this environment and that environment today.

If you notice all over the South, I can tell you there’s reservation casinos, why they can do it. And they realize they could do these things without, without too much. Let’s say, you know, corporation, federal corporation oversight out of D.C. and you know, they know, heck, if I had a piece of sovereign land, I throw a casino up on it too. Because people are that stupid, they don’t realize you never win gambling. It’s. The odds will always be against you. Well, you will never win. If you accept it as a past time and spend what you can lose, that’s fine.

But most people don’t do that. Turns out to be an addiction. It’s a dopamine high just as much as, well, worse than Facebook or even things like that. But there’s, there’s volumes of important information to be gleaned from what they have dealt with. And what they have dealt with has been basically an extension of what this country has dealt with with foreign actors that do not have the best interest of this country at heart. Nope. They’re fighting and now they’re sending all kinds of troops into Ukraine thinking it’s going to drag to Zielinski, that little bastard saying he wants 200 000American troops.

You know, Zielinski, if you’re, if you ever hear this, hold your hands out, wish in one hand and in the other and see which fills up fast, fastest. You’re not getting that. So we’re dealing with, you know, the colonization in a sense of this country and then the true nature of, of the states and, and the federal government. People don’t realize that every state seal has been registered out of Canada. Why would that be? Remember, I’ve spoken of the governor general of Canada, which is in effect the governor general of North America. We are, as long as the bar association is a part of this country, we are a colony.

We are part of the commonwealth to a degree, a lesser degree than Canada or Australia or New Zealand. But nevertheless, we are in that position. And no one in Washington understands this. And those who do are few and far between. And they’re not going to say anything about it, nor will they ever act in the capacity that would actually repel that one out of many foreign organizations who have been waging war against this country in particular since post World War II, immediately following World War II, because we. Well, I would argue, I’d argue that World War II was part of the war against the United States.

Well, legally speaking, the laws that that took further effect that sealed it in happened after World War II. Yes, obviously it goes back World War I and prior, far prior to that. But that was the time period when you had a number of laws passed in 1948 that further sealed our position in what we, what we’re dealing with today. And I’m very, I got a call in the middle of it, a quick report of what President Trump said when he was addressing the people with the fires in California. And basically he’s saying FEMA’s useless. Yes, it is, it is not there for the reasons people think it is.

I have said this many times, having dealt with them several times because of natural disasters, that they are nothing more. You see the difference between the Bush administration and, and what happened in the last one. And I’m going to drop something on people that I’m going to be covering again with you and then various other shows in the next few days. There was a document filed on July 12th of 2024. Let’s all remember what happened again on July 13th. This is why I’m not letting it go. When I have discussions, I’m always going to mention that.

Now, what was this document? It’s a 900 page document. I’ll send you the link to it if you want to make it available to your listeners. I think it’s a good thing to do because it’s, it’s a public document, but no one has spoken of it. And what this did as of the 12th of July, that’s when the name Biden, even though he was not running anything prior to that, the name Biden officially was not the president of the United States from that day on. Interesting, isn’t it? And the next day, what did they try to accomplish in Butler that By the grace of God, they failed.

And this document gave all executive powers and it’s in all 900 pages. I’m well into it and I expect to finish the entire thing tomorrow. But it gave the executive branch powers to the Secretary of State. That son of a Blinkin. To the Department of Interior and the Department of Energy. Department of Energy has to do with security clearances and a number of things. But Interior and State, where. What’s the Bureau of Indian affairs come under? Department of Interior? Interior, Bureau of Land Management. The Interior, where you’ll find human capital management is one of the dozen or so offices under that edifice.

So again, I can’t stress how important a story like that we just watched was because of the true legal and unconstitutional ramifications of how they treat these, these people. It’s reprehensible. Oh, it goes on to this day. It takes reprehensible to a whole new level. Yes, it does. It takes reprehensible to a whole new level. I’m gonna do this here. I want to share this. And having had contact with various, let’s say, representatives of reservations, they’re well aware now and far ahead of the curve with the American public on what they’re dealing with. They know exactly what they’re dealing with because they have to deal with them from a sovereign position.

And they’re learning to reclaim that. And we’ll show you again in, in future broadcasts how each state is a reservation. The state I’m in begins with a designation of 101 for reservations. Now, some people will be able to intrepidly find that and figure out where I. What state I’m in, at least. But this is, this is far more comprehensive and applicable to today than just about anything you’re being flooded with and having your head pumped full of whether Fox or MSNBC or Newsmax or what have you. You know, it, it’s, it’s, it’s only the beginning, folks.

That’s all I can say. And what I was, I was saying about him addressing the people in California, he’s saying, he’s saying right out, FEMA’s useless and we need to get rid of it. Why? Because most states have emergency operations plans in place. Yeah, well, anybody who knows what FEMA really is, it’s not there to help the people of the United States. It’s there to protect the government of the United States. That’s it. Private interests. Yeah, and I’m, I, I posted. I, I pulled up a PDF by this. It looks like it’s a Report by this guy named Adam.

I’m going to probably say his name is Capel or Cape. I don’t, I don’t know. But it’s, it’s very interesting because it talks about the reservation water crisis, American Indians in third world water conditions. And this report was done in 2019. But you know, it, it goes, I mean it goes into, it, it’s 32 pages and it goes into quite a bit of, of detail and going back into, you know, talking about, let’s see here, where does it. I saw, I saw things like. It went back into like the 1970s, like Santa, Santa Clara Pueblo versus Martinez in 1978, 1832.

I mean there’s a lot of stuff in here. I mean I didn’t read it. I just kind of like stumbled upon this because I was doing a search for Indian waters and, and you know, uranium and whatnot. And in the, in the movie at the very beginning and I had never paid attention to it, but at the very beginning of the movie it talks about how the United States or how, how the events in the movie were, were kind of like loosely based on, on things that happened in the, in the 1970s. So anyway, it’s, it just was, it was baffling to me that this was a true story and I never knew it.

And of course it’s, there’s, there’s, there’s probably a crap ton of, of Hollywood, you know, license, but I, I thought it was, I thought it was a very well done, concise story about, you know, things that have happened. So yeah, they showed the, well, they showed the idea of, you know, just this one agency that’s finding itself under new management and the FBI in particular that, you know, how they, they just flash that badge and they’ve got the big bigger balls and everything and they don’t. And the red, the, the Native American, the original American population is as wise up to this a long time ago and has basically called them on it.

So that kind of behavior may have gone on then. I’m sure it does to a degree now. But they, you know, they know what they’re dealing with and they have the education now and a lot of these reservations to deal with it. And you wouldn’t be so heavy handed, would you if they had their own, their own defense force, would you? No, of course not. So, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s just a lot of things that comes down to, well, basic human rights. Hence the second Amendment. Yes, hence the second Amendment, you know, and I mean even, even Though these Indian lands are, they’re basically reservations that are not on that they are their own country.

And the only, the, the only jurisdiction that supersedes them is the federal government. Well by treaty, because they signed it. If they had negotiated these treaties differently, it wouldn’t have been that way. Right, but my, but what I’m saying is is that the, the feds actually have a certain jurisdiction over, over these, these, these tribal lands. But no state does like, like this. There’s multiple Indian reservations out here in California and you cross over into that in the state that this, the, the state has absolutely zero authority. None whatsoever. Yeah. And now the federal has become limited in a lot of them.

Less, let’s, let’s say less far reaching over the years because as they learned what they were dealing with, you know, they learned how to counter. Right. And this is what’s going in, in other, if we talk about repopulating the republic or taking the republic back, this is also something that’s going to have to happen. And many states, but in reading federal law, according to the treaties with states, it will take 10% of every state just for people to sign on board to say yeah, I’m out of your jurisdiction, I’m, I’m in the jurisdiction of, of the state.

I’m a state. You know, they can call it state national, you can call it American states, national. There’s a number of terms but you get 10% of the people to say by the way, you didn’t, you know, you didn’t create me, God created me. And then this is what it comes down to and this is where people need, you know, if you’re an atheist, you need to get over it because believe me, all this law recognizes the existence of God. And however you want to perceive God, that’s up to you. Because you can’t say that the Native Americans perception of, of, of the Creator is any lesser or greater than any other, you know, dog.

They have less dogma if any at all have tradition. Religions rely upon dogma and ritual and nonsense to keep people, you know, coming back and place upon their guilt etc. I’ve always, always found a natural attraction to their beliefs in, in living with the earth and in, in harmony with everything. Doesn’t mean you can’t progress progress. It just means you do it in a specific way that doesn’t, that does as little harm as possible. So there’s, there’s just so many things that, that and it’s. Oddly enough a lot of people I know in Europe actually are enamored with a lot of the Native Americans.

Why? Because they, what I’ve noticed in the psychology of it is they sense and, and feel akin to a sense of freedom, even though the, a lot of the reservations are in, in poverty conditions and, and it doesn’t need to be that way, but they feel that those don’t have casinos anyway. Yeah, they, they, they yearn for that kind of freedom living in the socialist bastions that they do. And I just found it very interesting that in a number of countries over there, there are a number of people who feel the same way. And you’ll see that even reflected in film and stuff.

You’ll see the paintings on the walls, things like that. And I don’t think they’re doing it purposefully. I think they’re just saying, well, this is prevalence. This is part of the setting, so we’ll do that. There’s a, there’s a question here. Has Ghost or anyone heard that most, if not all tribes in the United States signed treaties with the nations? I’ve never heard that. I’m not up on that. I know some have had dealings with the UN but that’s the UN Trying to use them more than it would ever be them benefiting from the U.N. simple as that.

And yeah, I mean, yeah, water would be to them. Don’t deal with the UN at all. Yeah, it’s a private corporation. It’s a Rockefeller concern. The IMF and World bank are subsidiaries. The International Court of Justice. You know, people think, well, I’m going to bring it there and I’m going to get. No, you’re not. It’s a subsidiary of the U. N. You’re going to bring it there so you can go through a kangaroo court. Exactly. The kangaroo tribunal of judges. And only if it fits some political, you know, multinational political agenda will they ever hear it and then decide upon it.

I think another, another good one to watch is. It’s. Speaking of that, in the U. N. An Ordinary Man, I believe it’s called. Ben Kingsley stars. In it. He plays a general from the war in the Balkans. Which one is this? An Ordinary Man, I believe it’s called. It’s a phenomenal one. I caught that. I, I try to catch one or two good ones a week when I have the time, and that one I, I did catch last week in middle of the night, I couldn’t sleep and, and it was impressive, really was well done. But you see it from this general who is in hiding in his perspective, because he’s a war crime, but he has friends in his country, which just looks like the former Czechoslovakia, the way it was protecting him.

And then it winds up with, you know, a certain ending. But again, you, you, you’re seeing, you’re seeing some good storytelling out there that’s actually touching upon the reality of the situations and not taking it from a nationalistic point of view or a us versus Europe kind of thing. It’s what’s the real story with this guy, for example? And then you see it and, you know, you can debate whether or not he’s an evil man or he was just doing his job like any other general did for their. Would do for their country. I take it as the latter.

And yes, the things he did were pretty horrible, but if that’s what it called for that and that’s what he felt it called for, that’s. Everyone was behind him at the time, but then they abandoned them when the International Court of Justice and the UN won his hide. And, you know, but they, they stall that for years. So again, there’s, there’s, this is a good way for people to not only see good stories and be entertained, but also to really question what’s behind everything they’re watching. And then Thunderheart, there’s an awful lot there that needs to be unpacked.

And we’re going to see it unpacked, I think, in the coming years in this administration, in a way that I don’t know if the population is quite primed for it yet, but when the violence happens, they will be. And unfortunately, that’s going to happen. And more news on that later. But what’s your. Without getting, without getting too deep into those weeds, you know, I thought by now violence would have already been occurring, so I’m, I’m quite surprised that it hasn’t. This will be more when they go for the hardcore deportations. So they’re still gearing up for that.

The, A lot of the camps are being cleared out of the, you know, average people, from what I understand. A lot of being deported, some are being allowed to stay. And then you have, you’ll have cleared camps for the mental patients, the criminally insane, and the gang members who are, in my humble opinion, criminally insane to begin with. The tattooed faces, ones that are. We have hundreds of thousands in this country and we’re gonna have to, we’re gonna have to sequester them in a number of these locations. I’m sure before they’re shipped out, they have to be processed.

You want a full record of who you’re shipping out. So if. Come back in you’ve got them. And that, that, that includes biometrics. They have no rights. So do what you need to do to them and get them the hell out of here, back to Venezuela, Brazil, wherever the they came from. You know, all those caravans that were arranged from many countries in South America that were run through that rat line through Central America and into Mexico. And yeah, Tier one teams are gearing up to go after the cartels. So a lot is, an awful lot is gearing up right now.

It’s when these things start to actually okay, the, the, you know, the, the go is giving on that. Given on many of them. That’s when I think we’re going to see the. Primarily in the blue cities. The, they’ll be fighting back rather than be deported, but they’re not going to get very far with that. And, and I was watching, I can’t remember what the interview was. I was watching a section of it where the former Tier 1 operator was asked, you know, these cartels are basically, he was told, these cartels are talking awfully big. What are they really in for? And the guy just stopped and chuckled and he says they have no idea what they’re in for.

They think they can handle it, but it’s not even a contest with them. He said they’re done for. He said the heads of these cartels might as well move to Jamaica and open up a restaurant and save themselves a lot of trouble. But you know, that’s obviously a. Just a euphemism for. And it doesn’t matter if they did that. They’re going to get them because again, there’s more involved with that. That is a joint Chinese operation. Who’s been. You can’t make lethal pharmaceutical grade fentanyl in, you know, plastic buckets in a garage or a basement. It’s not, it’s not crystal meth kind of thing.

It’s being shipped over from China from pharmaceutical plants and then infused in the drugs that have been coming across the border. So nobody’s kidding anybody with that. And that is also why, yeah, call it the Gulf of America. Absolutely, why not? We have more coastline surrounding it than anyone and we protect it. So why not call it the Gulf of America and Europe if they don’t like it? And then taking back control of the Panama Canal was a dumb. That was a prime globalist move. When Jimmy Carter. Jimmy. When I saw the commercial, the little memorials for Jimmy Carter, I couldn’t feel anything for the guy other than good, you’re finally dead.

Jesus. I will say this I did, I did some research on him after he passed, and my speculation is, is that he actually was a pretty decent human being. Decent guy. But let me look at, let me finish, let me finish. So. No, I don’t finish. He, he was, he, he was a decent guy, but he was very weak. He was, he, he was a devout Christian, a really devout Christian, but he suffered some from severe bouts of depression and what. And he was handpicked to take over for. He was handpicked to take the, to take the reins.

And really the, the, the, the politician that ran the, that White House more or less was Mondale, who was his vice president and who was he reporting to. And, and you had guys like Brzezinski, who’s the National Security advisor, you know, Kissinger. You had all these guys that were really, you know, heavyweights in the intelligence community and whatnot, and they were the ones that were really running that presidency. Both, both from a, from a policy standpoint. And then you had guys like Tip O’Neill, who was the speaker of the House. I mean, he was speaker of the House for like, what, 30 years or something like that.

And, and he was the one who was running the House and that the House was firmly in Democratic control. I, I don’t remember what the Senate was, but I believe the Senate was too. And you know, they, they got through a lot of stuff up to and including the, and who was that? The Educational Department or the Department of Education, so which, you know, we’re still feeling ramifications of today. Yeah. And who was. That’s because they wanted to take the education down a few notches. And who was head of CIA that he appointed? I think it was Stansfield Turner or George Bush.

Well, no, George, George Bush was put in there by, at the, in the latter part of the Ford administration. And then when Carter came in, he, he removed him and put in somebody else and then push. Bush ran for, Bush was going to run for president and didn’t have the votes because Reagan was clobbering him. And Reagan didn’t want anything have to, he didn’t want anything to do with Bush. But somehow there was some sort of a deal made behind the scenes to make Bush the vice president at the, at the convention because you had Nelson Rockefeller still in the background.

So and then shortly after, shortly after Reagan wins the presidency, it was like what about three or four months later, then all of a sudden he gets shot. And the, the person who shot him is good friends with the Bush family. Oh, what a, what a coincidence. Yeah. So you know, they knew they had to find a balance in controlling Reagan or at least running the games behind his back. And that’s primarily what they did. His vice president was playing all kinds of games. The five star trust was already well underway by then and that was a very, very dangerous group.

And I think Armitage recently passed. Couldn’t happen. Hopefully he died slowly and painfully. Hopefully they all did. But you had one who defected and came over to let’s say the good side or the prac, the pragmatic side and the better side of, of things. And yeah, that, that, that’s a stain in history that you can attribute everything from heroin use in the 70s to crack cocaine in the 80s etc, on and on and also methamphetamine in the late 80s and 90s all the way up till today. So the, you know, there’s nothing new in all of this.

It’s what is going to be done about it in particular now and over the next four years. And from what I can see an awful lot. And you know, people need to realize that the Cabinet holds a lot more power than most, most would attribute because again, we’re dealing with a, a corporate entity that’s changed itself and remorsed itself in so many ways. And that 900 page document will ex, will show you exactly how they do it. That’s just one among many over the decades. And it’s in the federal registry, so it’s available to the public.

No one’s, no one’s made an issue of it. But in that document you’ll see that as of the 12th, the executive functions were handed over to those three departments, to the heads of those three departments. And so all the questions that the press was having and the people were having regarding who’s running the country, well, there’s your answer and I will send you that link so you can drop it in whatever groups and make it available for your next show. And people need to go through it. Yes, it’s 900 pages. Yes, it’s all legalese but you’ll, there’s key phrases in there you’ll be able to pick out very easily.

Doesn’t take it a lawyer or a legal scholar to dissect what they mean. Right. And there it is for everyone to see. Again, they do most of this in plain sight. You might say, well I have to go dig out and dig it out of the federal registry. No, it’s not a chore to do that. It’s something that if you put in your daily, let’s say people Go to their daily news sites, put that in there, and then look on, on the columns and see what is the latest. And if something strikes your eye, read it, see what it’s about or several of them, and you’ll see where they’re, they’re filing these things in plain sight.

And this is, this is one way of them negating the accusation of fraud, because it is fraud, all of this fraud. And in the end, the bottom line, fraud vitiates all. So it’s a matter of calling these things on the carpet and doing in such a way that you don’t do it according to current structures. You have to find a remedy to redefine what warfare is redefine covert. And people call it lawfare. It’s legal disability, but lawfare is a catchy name for it. So you can find the lawfare that the bar is charged with. And your average attorney, your average bar member knows nothing about this because they’re not educated to that level.

Ask your average attorney, how does the ends of the court work in the City of London? How is the Bard? How exactly is the bar administration administered in this country from the City of London? Again, I’m not condemning the UK or the Brits. No, not by any stretch. Great people. They have the same issues there that we have here. Small little principalities, and they are listed as incorporated, private principalities. That would be dc, City of London, several other locations in a number of locations in Europe. And then, then your, your next culprit up the chain is the Vatican.

The Vatican has got its hands all in the bar. A lot of things that people were taught with history regarding the Anglican Church and the break and all of that. It wasn’t that the Roman cat, the Roman Catholic edifice was kicked out of London. It merely morphed and then backed into the shadows in its, let’s say it’s criminal agreements with who they were dealing with in the City of London. Now, why is the City of London a private incorporated principality? The same way as D.C. or they are. And so they can operate with sovereignty and impunity as long as they’re not called on it.

No one in this government or what masquerades as this government right now either has A, the knowledge base, B, the information, C, the inclination to do anything about it. All you have to do is call them on it, break the adhesion contracts because they’re fraudulent and they’re not in the benefit of the American people. Never have. Finally get back. Yeah, never have been. And finally get back to a constitutional sovereign he keeps repeating, we are returning to a sovereign nation. People think that’s just lip service or just term he’s throwing out. No, there’s a lot of depth to that.

I wish he’d stop saying democracy. Yeah, democracy is a term that too many people are programmed to accept as the same thing is, let’s say Americanism. And it’s not. That has to be broken. It is not. Again, this. The power of spells, of repeating something, of the spelling of it. It all goes together in the English language and all of that, that has to be broken. But how many? I mean, I just think of these men on the street interviews and questions, and I, I shake my head and go, boy, this is going to be a difficult one.

It’s just going to have to be forced on a certain percentage of the population. And they’re probably about 15 to 20%, but they’ve always been the laggards and the dumb bastards anyway that we’ve always had to put up with. The ones, you know, cutting their junk off and dyeing their hair blue, green and rainbow colored. We, yeah, we’ve got to put up with them. But when they belly ache, they’re a bunch of children. They need, the children need to go to the back of the bus this time and sit down and shut up while we fix the country.

So you can still continue to be what you have a right to be as an American, as whacked and stupid as you choose, but without hurting the rest of the country anyway. Yeah, I dig. We digress. Yeah, it always does. It always happens. What do you know about the, if anything about the uranium and whatnot on the Indian lands? Oh, there’s been so many instances like that over the years that I’ve read about. I don’t doubt that that was true in the Dakotas where they were basing this story, you know, it being a strategic material, why can’t you go in and mine it in and do it properly and share the, the bounty with those who actually have right to that land? Oh, because that would be, that would be a contradiction in, in, in terms of the, you know, stockholders might not make.

Oh, they would make. I’m not a fan of Marx. Okay. I’m not a fan of Marx and his, his thought process, who is. No, but I, but I will say that unbridled and unrestricted capitalism is in many respects not too dissimilar from communism or fascism. Yeah. Because it’s all because, you know, communism or, or, or capitalism is. But by, by virtue of using, you know, these Big, huge, mono, you know, monolithic corporations. What they do is they pay the government to do, to basically be the Gestapo or the, or the secret police to protect their monopolies.

And the bars. The bar supports that. Yeah, exactly. So in, in many respects, capitalism is not a very, is, is not a, it’s not a, a good system from that perspective. Now, honest capitalism, unbridled capitalism. Right. Unbridled. Unbridled anything. Unbridled use of alcohol. Unbridled anything is foolishness. And this is where, you know, libertarians, God love them, but, you know, no, you just can’t have every Tom, Dick and Jane doing anything they want to do because it turns out to be a stupidity festival. And we all have to have basic rules that we agree to. I think a lot of them were set forth in the Constitution.

We could do a little, maybe addition to it that would bring more common sense to today’s modern frame, but by God, you’d never change the, the absolute tenets of it. But we, we once had laws against monopolies because we knew monopolies in capitalism were a bad thing. I think what you’re talking about is, you’re talking about the antitrust stuff that came out under, under Teddy Roosevelt. And you know, it was called antitrust because there weren’t corporations before that. It was trusts. That was the, the business structures that were the, the official business structures back at that time were trusts.

And that was why they called it antitrust legislation. And you look at how, you know, you look at what happened there, and Teddy Roosevelt is, is heralded as the one who broke the monopolies. But he didn’t actually. He actually, he reinforced them in many respects. We gave him the ability to break down into smaller, almost richer corporations. So Standard Oil was broken down into how many different ones? Right. And you know, the family that owns that concern sat back and laughed and said, we’re making more money now than we ever had before. And now without all the, the headaches and you know, it.

I, if there were RICO statutes, then it would have been a great case for racketeering, but nobody was going to bring that against them. No. You know, but these days it is different. You’re talking about, the main question is, bottom line with what we’re dealing with is are we going to continue with a system by which a private concern can issue money to what is a business, in essence, called the federal government, and then have the inhabitants of the land who are actually enemy combatants of that entity in D.C. pay them tribute? Because I, I hear, I hear these People on, you know, news shows and stuff saying, well, our tax dollars are going to.

Your tax dollars aren’t going to all other than to pay interest payments from 1997 up to today. Our great grandchildren will be paying interest payments on today if we allow it to continue. And it is dead. Slavery. And it’s just another. It was the way to. They figured this out a long time ago. Ways to own an entire nation without having to have anything to do with the political process or anything else. You own the money supply again. It’s that rudimentary in its basis. And in doing so, what you have is you have a entire country that is nothing more than a reservation for tax slaves.

So in many respects, pretty disgusting Americans. Yeah, it is pretty disgusting. Native Americans could. Can get a leg up on many of these reservations by doing business on their terms, but with the outside world and they have. And more power to them because now the American people have a lot to learn from what they’ve been doing. So, you know, that. That was kind of one of the things that rested behind me saying, yeah, great film to put on because you’ll see, you know, how they’ve been taken advantage of and, you know, what kind of conditions they lived in.

And there was no reason for that ever, ever. But they knew that if they had known how to make the proper counterclaims, they would have won. You can’t. If there is the. The first group of people that were defrauded in this country were the Native Americans and defrauded of everything. Their land, their heritage, their history, their sacred grounds, all of it. And in a sense, following the Civil War, it was a great time and the perfect opportunity that was created as such by foreign banking actors and their operatives. That’s what brought in. We’re going to see this in time come out about the Civil War.

You know, we can. We can. You mean the War of Northern Aggression? Yeah, the War of Northern Aggression. We can. We can get all the, you know, the. The platitudes of slavery and injustice and yes, we all get that and agree to that. Anybody who doesn’t is a idiot, but that’s not. They always paint these great conflicts with what they want you to know. And as far as for you to know the rest and the real reasons why they occurred, that’s the last damn thing they want you to know. Including that the Spanish American War, the First World War, Second World War, Korea, Vietnam, hell, Gulf War, Gulf War, all the way up to.

Yeah, all the way up to what we’re dealing with now. Weapons of mass destruction. Yeah. And, you know, we gotta fight them. They hate us for our freedoms. We have to fight them there. So we don’t have to fight them here. I mean, it just. They don’t hate us for our freedoms. They hate us because we came in and took over from the oil oligarchs out of Europe. You know, I was. We squeezed them in World War I, and then we squeezed them in World War II. How did we do it? By not getting into the war until we had to.

Because we. We were the only ones that would make all the difference and make it possible to win. I remember listening to a. I think I was listening to a Sean Ryan podcast where he was talking about. He was talking with one of the guys and he said that they had. He’s like, they, they. That a lot of times what they would do is they would just come in and they would just arbitrarily drop bombs on cities in the, in the Middle east, just, you know, in civilian areas. In civilian areas for. For no reason whatsoever than just to destroy it.

And, and the primary, the primary thought behind that was, is that what they were doing by doing something like that is they were. They would foster the resentment against the United States by the young so that they would make sure that they would have an enemy to fight 20 years later. When I heard that, I was like, man, that just is. You want to, you want to talk about, you know, talk about. Just in the mid and late 90s, you had special teams in Iraq guiding and deciding whether or not that incoming Tomahawk was going to hit the side of a mountain because there were too many school children around and there was a wedding going on, or whether they were just going to hit the village because everybody was in their homes.

That went on for years, but no one knew anything about it. And they were doing exactly what you said they were. They were. Who did this? Well, the Americans. And by default, these simple people don’t. And they’re not stupid, but simple in certain ways because they’re locked off from. From communications with the rest of the world. They hate people like you and me, as if we were the ones making those decisions or whatever. Dude, in a million years, I would have never okayed anything like that. Never. That’s batshit insane and pure evil. But the corporate interests don’t care as long as it’s getting done.

And here comes the next war. And wow, wasn’t that a contractor’s 20 years? I mean, so here we are having to deal again with. Other countries are doing this Also, and more so in certain ways to get us involved where we feel we have to get involved for national security or for stability. And we’re not playing that game anymore. And I don’t give a. If it’s Israel or whoever, you want to play those games. You want to start this, you’re gonna have to deal with it, not us. And if you don’t like it, you. That’s the nicest way I can say it.

You. I’m sure you know my stance on that little sliver of land in the eastern Mediterranean. Yes, I do. But remember, their population is just as bamboozled and played as, if not worse. Some of them are. I’ve seen. No, some of them are not all of them. Some of them talk about the average people and the ones that, that defend it are. Are too, let’s say, full of hubris or stupidity or arrogance to step back and say, wait a minute, let me reevaluate what’s going on here. Let me look at it critically. Is Netanyahu the real guy we want? No, he’s not.

He’s a. To the, to the larger interests. And those interests are out of the city of London. Make no mistake about it. I thought you said for a second to the Dodger interest. I’m like, what? No, but then it was larger. Hey, I’m still waiting for my dollar. You don’t worry. You got it coming, bro. Again, move back around. And I’m debating whether or not to have a little brass plate made or not. But we’ll see. We will see. Well, on that note, guys, we’ll hold that up for everybody. And you’re gonna say, yeah, look at this.

I’m proud. I look forward to the day that I do get to hold that up. I’m just. I’m. I’m. I’m just skeptical that that day’s ever going to arrive. Hey, I’m an old, broken down man. Give me a break here. Give me a break. Boy, that’s funny. Well, we hit the hour mark and had a pretty, pretty decent audience. I thought it was a. It was a good time for the movie. And, man, I hope next week that I’m able to start to get back onto a normal schedule where I can do shows daily. And, and even I even want to kind of start to do some things, like twice a day just because I got the time.

But. And these first couple. Yeah, first couple of weeks this year were a little bit challenging, but and this last week, especially with the winds and all this stuff, so. And I know Your power goes down. What’s that? Can you broadcast with your backup power? If I tried to, I tried to on Tuesday, I, I tried to on Tuesday because I have a solar generator. And so I had power for the house or I power power for my computer, but I didn’t have any Internet, so I had to tether my, I had to tether the Internet to my phone and people couldn’t hear me very well.

So I basically had to let the, the guests run the show. And while I kind of stood in the background and did what I could to, you know, do the best production job that I could. But it was, it was not easy. And Wednesday was, Wednesday was nuts because we lost power for, for a portion of the day, and then I had to go do something in the evening. And then yesterday I was gone all day because of my, my, my dental appointment. And then today was just trying to play, trying to play catch up for the last three days because, you know, it’s just been difficult.

So it’s just not been easy. But I, I, you know, the Friday night watch party is something that, you know, I will generally always do no matter what. So I, I do and I, I have kind of figured out a way to, to make it so that I can play the, the movies and not get dinged for, like, copyright violations and whatnot. So, you know, one of the things that I want to do coming up is I want to go through the entire Jason Bourne series. I think that would be very interesting to go through and talk about a lot of that stuff and how those, how.

I mean, you know, there’s, I, I believe there is a tremendous amount of truth in those. There is. It’s not quite as glamorous, but there’s a lot of truth. Well, it’s hot. You know, you’ve got the Hollywood, the Hollywood version of, of that versus the real version of that. And the real version isn’t necessarily as. But I’m, and I’m, I’m not talking about just doing, you know, Jason Bourne 1, 2, and 3. I’m talking about doing those three movies. And then I think he did, I think he did. He did two more after that. And, and then he, and then there was a third one that did not include him.

It was with Jeremy. That was a very good one. That’s a very underrated movie. It’s called the Jason, Jason Bourne Legacy. That was a very, that one is kind of sticks more to reality in a lot of ways through Right. Activities than the other ones, you know, where they slap together. These and they, they’re, you know. Yes, they do poke into the camera systems and com systems and all of that. They do have that kind of ability. But, you know, a lot of it is, there’s a lot more ups than people would. Right. Well, it’s the government.

Yeah. And then, and then there’s a, there were a couple of other movies that I really wanted to do and you know, one of them being Enemy of the State with Will Smith and. Yeah, Gene Hackman. And Gene Hackman is actually reprising a role from. What is that movie called? In the 70s. He made excellent film in the 70s. It might actually be good to start with that. I have that movie. I, I figured that I found that movie the other day. In fact, let me see if I can find it on my computer here. And that’s what I thought was brilliant.

When I saw that the first time I went, oh my God, this is the character from that 1970 of. I think it was called the Conversation. The Conversation, yeah. Exactly. Yeah. And you know, we’re showing state of the art technology back in the 70s. What’s now you look like. And you would say, gee, I’d like to have that on my shelf as a museum piece now. Yeah, yeah, that’s like, that’s like, it’s like a Saturn, it’s like a Saturn 4 rocket compared to a, you know, space shuttle kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. Or, or the, let’s say the gravitic drive stuff they still won’t admit to.

Right. That stuff’s coming, man. That stuff is coming. I, I, in time. I do believe it’s coming in time. So, yeah, they’re showing people now and it’s, there’s a whole bunch we can do on that late later, later times. And I really want to get to, to that because, so yeah, and I like the way Trump handled it, you know. Yeah, they know what it is and he’s going to find out at the right time. He’ll tell people and I have no doubt, at least tell them what they need to know. And I’m just very happy to see how fast things are rolling and, and yeah, they’re going to try their stupid push back and that will come.

You know, everything else we’ve said up to this point. Yes, the reasons for saying it and the information was there. That’s why it was said. And going back to pre July of last year and it, unfortunately, we’re in a nice calm period now for the public. But in the background though, things are, things are moving very quickly and I think people are starting to see it and it’s got to be one surprise after the next. And we can never sit back and say no, they’re not going to try to hit us hard constantly because they’re these bastards are not going to want to give up their little worlds and their little banking bias and all their control, their hegemonic control globally where they do control globally.

They’re not going to want to give it up until the last breath comes out of them. And that’s where it has to go. So I pray this four years is maximized and the next is already being planned for. Did you see that there was a somebody from Tennessee? It goes. I don’t know if it was a congressman or somebody who put forth a bill or something to allow Trump to run for a third term. No, I didn’t. But that’s interesting because if certain things happen, he will have lawful constitutional as well as legal right to go for a third term.

What they’ll see. Let me see if I can find it here. Second term Tennessee this is from the Hill. Tennessee Republican proposes Amendment to Allow Trump to Serve third Term and it says Representative Andy Ogles from Tennessee proposed an amendment to the U S. Constitution that would allow President Trump to serve a third term in the White House so the country can sustain the bold leadership of our nation so desperately needs. Ogles proposed an amendment Thursday that says no person shall be elected to the office of president more than three terms, nor be elected to any additional term after being elected to two consecutive terms and no person who has held the office of president or acted as president for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected president shall be elected to the office of president more than twice.

Like other U.S. presidents, Trump is barred from running for a third White House term by the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution. President Trump’s decisive leadership stands in stark contrast to the chaos, suffering the economic decline Americans have endured over the past four years, ogle said in the Thursday’s statement. He has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness. He must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal. Trump floated the prospect of running for a third term in an apparent joke to House GOP lawmakers during a meeting in Washington before the conference had internal leadership sections or elections.

I suspect I won’t be running again unless you do something, trump said a week after winning the 2024 election. Unless you say he’s so good. We’ll just have to figure it out following the meeting. You see, those things are not said lightly. Yeah. And this is what people should, I know this audience knows. But most people in this country should be, you know, stepping up to that fact that when he makes these clips, they’re not made without. They make him out sounding as a, a quip or a offhand comment. But in reality, there’s a lot behind them and there’s a lot of thought behind them already.

But that’s his way of doing it. I think it’s brilliant because it keeps the other side. Well, he just said that. And again, it comes down to human psychology and dealing with an oppositional force. They’re too short sighted to even continue to pay attention to things like that. But okay, even if they do, if the momentum is there, he’s letting you know, okay, two, three years from now, expect this probably. And it’s good to pay attention to those things and not just think of them as an offhanded comment because all people have to do is go back and look at all of the things he said in his first term and then what happened and what’s happening now.

So it’s right there in front of you. Right there in front of us. It’s coming. And notice what’s his name, New scum was not at the, he didn’t waste the time to have an airport photo op with him, but he would go to the, to the meeting with people regarding the fire. Well, if anybody should have been there right with him, it should have been the governor of that state, shouldn’t it? You talking about Caruso? No, Newsom. News scum. So I would watch Newsom over the next week. Let’s see what happens to him. Think. I think Trudeau, I’m saying it on your show.

Yeah. He’s in trouble on your show. Yeah, I’m saying it on your show right now. Think, think Trudeau. And within a week or so. Let’s see what, let’s see where news comment is. Well, you, you do know that Newsome was recalled. I had heard that, yeah. Newsom was recalled in several, several years back. He was recalled and the, in, in like 70% of the signatures that were on the rec. The recall election were Democrats. So I found it, I found it very peculiar that he, that he see the, and I was really annoyed by this because you had a host of, of, of like Republican candidates who were vying to be the next governor.

And the way the, the way the election works or the way that way that Special election works is you go in and you vote yes or no on the recall. And if you voted yes to recall him, then you vote for a person. You vote for the person on that list of who you want to win. And the person who wins, the person who, if. If the, if the yes tally outnumbers the no tally, then the person who has the most votes wins the. Is the new governor. That’s how Schwarzenegger got to be governor a long time ago because he beat Gray Davis.

Well, the thing is, is that the big name on the ballot at that time was Larry Elder, who’s a very well known black conservative talk show host. Yeah. And the thing that really pissed me off about that was Larry Elder called and conceded to Newsom and I’m like, what do you mean he called it that? What the. Are you telling me? Conceited? That’s, that’s, that’s not a concession. The. The. He didn’t, he wasn’t running. Larry Elder was not running against Newsom. Larry Elder was running to be the leader of the popular vote on the. If. If Newsom lost.

The. The. If Newsom was voted out. Well, Newsom was never voted out, so there’s no way that he could have video. What was I trying to say? I just got a, a text message and it just, it derailed me. But anyway, the point of the matter is, is that those elect. That election was not a, it was not an election based on anything other than, than a yes or no. It was just yes or no vote for, for Gavin Newsom. He wasn’t running against anybody. He was running against losing. He was losing his governorship. That was what he was running against.

And, and so, so, so there was no reason for, there was absolutely no reason for Larry Elder to concede because he wasn’t conceding to. He, he had. He was not conceding to Newsom. He was conceding that he lost. That he lost the. The. The. He was conceding that that Newsom didn’t lose. But again, hey, I don’t know. I’m, I’m. I know I’m. I, I’m just regurgitating the same talking point, but it’s, it just, it just made me, it made really, really made me angry that he would even do that. That’s like, it’s not even. It’s like you.

That is, that’s a rule for chess and you’re playing cards. Yeah. So anyway, on that note, brother, let’s call it a night, man. I know you’re tired and I’m. I’m tired, and I’ve got a nosebleed middle of all this, so. Oh, did you really? I’m sorry to hear that. That’s right. It’s stopping. I just drink the blood. Suck it back in. Okay. My blood. I can. Yeah, it’s yours. I can drink that blood, but no, let’s not get into the tunnels, and Hollywood and people are gonna start talking. I know we don’t want that, but. All right, guys.

But think tunnels, though. And Newsom. Yeah, it’s going to be interesting. I’m looking to see what happens. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So on that note, guys, thanks for tuning in tonight for the after party and appreciate all y’all and love your audience. Yep. Ghost and I’ll be back on Monday, and we’re gonna. We have a few. We have a few topics up our sleeve to discuss, so tune in for that. And I think you’re still doing your thing on Monday or, excuse me, on Sunday with Armando. Sometimes I participate in that. Sometimes I don’t. I think he might be sick.

I don’t know if we’re gonna do it this weekend because I think he’s got what that we all had. And, well, if you. If you want to. And you’re free on Sunday and you want to do it, maybe what we do is we’ll do. We’ll do the show on Sunday instead of Monday. Sure. But. And then that’ll free my Monday up to do something else. But. But we’ll. We’ll see how. Let’s. Let’s play it by ear and see what happens. So isn’t that your Ron’s dark web porn show or something? Well, it’s my only fans, but, but, you know.

Kidding. We gotta make jokes. I know everybody. Nino all. Nino always tells. Nino always tries to push my only fans page. And I’m like, you know, And I’m like, come on, man. That’s our secret. But if. If I had an only fans page, I’d have less than zero subs and. And I would. I would get more down votes than anything. So I, I, I, I choose. I mean, that. That is definitely not a, A, A dopamine hit. It would be a dopamine deficit. Yeah. So afterwards, people go, I need a drink or something much stronger. Yeah.

I need my. Whatever. Whatever their choice is. Absolutely. So. All right, guys, we’ll look forward to seeing you either Saturday or you either Sunday or Monday. Either way, I will let you guys know it’s coming in advance, and so hope you have a enjoyable remainder of your Friday evening, wherever you are, and a good Saturday. So maybe we’ll see you Sunday, maybe we’ll see you Monday. Time will tell. But until then, take care and everybody enjoy your evening. God bless everyone.



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