So that could be the only exception. And an electromagnetic field can be passed from one universe into the other, but that’s not a physical thing per se. Is that why when there’s certain experiments where the photon just disappears and then comes back? That might be what’s happening. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about Masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body. We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place, and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream.
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I really like him as a person, and he’s also has an amazing mind. And I learned that he wrote a paper about orbs. You know, with all the drones and orbs, people were seeing orbs everywhere that were coming over, you know, New Jersey and California and multiple areas. He wrote a paper back in 2012 about what these orbs actually are. He says there’s a difference between the drones, which are military bs, Whatever they have going on, it’s us, and the orbs, which aren’t us. They’re from other. He claims they’re from different parallel universes. And it’s almost like a tourist Coming just to see what we’re doing.
And he’s going to explain that. He’s going to explain the technology and he’s mathematically proven that this exists and it’s possible. And he’s spoken to people who’ve worked at DARPA who were very fascinated with his work and told them it’s likely DARPA has it. He’s 100% positive they have have it and are using it. And he has some messages for them as well, how to be stewards for humanity instead of being reckless. And hopefully there’s people inside of DARPA who are taking heed and are thinking more clearly. We need leadership in this and not just renegades going and doing whatever they want.
We need. We need people who are thinking and acting deliberately for the benefit all humanity. And we talk about that as well. Very fascinating discussion. Before I get into that, I want to remind you that I have peptides. I’m working with Diane Kaser, Dr. Diane Kaiser, and we’re bringing forward and Biotech Limited. These are natural peptides that can help you lose weight, they can help you with wound healing, they can help you with anti aging. One of the biggest class of peptides that people are interested in is GLP1s and those that help you lose weight. And because we are our whole intestinal system, our gut is coated with nanoparticles and toxins, most people are not properly creating these GLP1s.
Also, we’re not getting our right nutrients and it’s causing all sorts of problems. Peptides can serve and function in a way to give you back some of these deficiencies that you’re missing along with other things. So I have a link below or you can go to Sarah Wessel.com and look for peptides. Otherwise I have a link below some of the more common ones that you might be interested in. You can also use my code, Sarah and save. I believe you saved 10% and so don’t forget to do that as well. Okay, let’s get into my really fascinating discussion with Richard Lighthouse.
Hi Richard, welcome back to the program. Hi Sarah, thanks for having me on. You have some amazing work that you did. I saw it and I just thought it was so incredibly interesting. It had to do with the orbs that were all over the country. There were drones, but there were also orbs. And I thought, you know, the drones were just military exercise and stuff, which is what I think that a lot of people think. But one thing that you said is there’s a difference between the drones and the orbs. And the orbs are something entirely different.
And you actually did a paper on it in 2012, way back then, mathematically proving it’s something else. Can you talk about the overall phenomena and why you even dug into it? Well, yeah, it’s actually very fascinating, very exciting prospect from the standpoint of science and what can be learned. So it turns out, and this is an extension of the idea that our universe literally blinks off and on. And it does, it’s going to be difficult for people to get their arms around that because it just doesn’t seem possible. But it is not only possible, it’s very real.
And it’s so real that therefore the Space Force already has weapons that operate on this principle. So very important for the scientists out there to grasp that our universe literally blinks off and on. And the relationship between these various universes, and there’s an infinite number of them, near infinite number of these unit parallel universes waiting to be explored. These universes exist as a phase shift. So as one cycle, our cycle blinks up and off. Their cycle might blink up and on or up and off at a phase shift. And electrical engineers know what I’m talking. It could be a leading or a lagging phase shift, but it’s very real.
And this is what the glowing orbs really are. And in my opinion, the CIA is conducting a disinformation psyop to try to distract people from what’s really going on. Okay, so you say the orbs are actually another universe who figured out how to send an orb into our universe? That’s correct. And it’s not necessarily just one civilization. It could be one of many thousands or even millions. I believe the crop circle phenomena is associated with this. In fact, I believe there can be a compelling case made for that. A resident of a parallel universe is using electromagnetic field to create these crop circles.
And the glowing orbs have been spotted, in fact, while crop circles are forming. Yeah, Patty Greer, one to one correlation. Patty Greer caught that on camera while she was filming. Yes, yes. So. And in that area of England, there’s been a number of sightings of the glowing orbs and military helicopters have chased them. So it’s very real. What I think has changed, and we’ll cover that, is the CIA and DARPA borrowed, I’ll generously say borrowed, my information from 2012 and decided to develop the technology. They’ve opened a Pandora’s box that they’re never going to be able to close.
What do you think? So I think they’ve woken up some other Civilizations that already have that technology and go, oh, who joined the club? So now they’re going to all be looking in on us to find out who joined the club. Okay, so now when you think of aliens, do you think of them as outer space or just from different dimensions? You can’t really call them alien. If anybody that’s an inhabitant of Earth, it’s really difficult, difficult to apply that term to them. So they’re earthlings, but they reside in a parallel universe. Now I can’t, you know, I can’t predict what they might look like, but I, I’m sure we’re going to find out.
Wow, that is so cool. You know, I’ve had John de Soa, who is the, he was the original X Files guy, right? He came on my show and he said emphatically, Sarah, these are not from outer space. They’re another dimensional beings, period. And I mean, he was just fanatic about it. And I’ve had other people who claim they’re from outer space, but, but I’ve had other, you know, he was one and several others who claim, no, they’re from different dimensions. I just find that absolutely fascinating. But do you believe there’s anything from outer space too? Well, it’s, it’s, I can develop the idea, it’s actually not that complicated.
But I, I would say, and nothing against this gentleman, but what we’ll encounter is not a different dimension. They experience four dimensional space time just like we do. So it’s a four dimensional universe. It’s not a different dimension. It’s simply a parallel universe. So the principles of physics are almost identical. But what you’re dealing with is each parallel universe has a different atomic structure. At the elementary particle level, which is below chemical, they have a different structure. So an object from their universe cannot exist in our universe. It would literally disintegrate. That’s why it has to be surrounded by an electrostatic field.
Is the bare material. Objects are not stable in our universe, but they, they’ve figured out how to put it into a shielded thing now. That’s correct. Now when someone says other dimension, they might be thinking parallel universe. To be fair, it could be just a distinction of terms, but technically speaking, it is the same number of dimensions. It’s four dimensions and it’s not a different dimension. So when they say parallel universe, they think a different dimension. But you’re saying your term of what a dimension means is different than what they’re saying. So that makes perfect sense to me.
Hopefully listeners understand that. But okay, so is There a way for us to actually go to another universe without us being shielded in an electrical thing and being able to change our atomic structure to get there? I mean, is there theoretically a way for us to do that? I am not aware of one, and I certainly don’t pretend to know everything about it. But my understanding of it is the structure of any other parallel universe is different at the elementary particle level. And therefore there is no matter that’s going to be stable in both universes. If we tried to insert a piece of matter into their universe, it would disintegrate and vice versa.
And so it always must be surrounded by an electrostatic field. Now, there are two important distinctions. A photon of light clearly can pass through there. But so that implies that if they can see literally into our universe and we can see into theirs, then clearly a photon of light is stable in both universes. So that could be the only exception. And an electromagnetic field can be passed from one universe into the other. But that’s. That’s not a physical thing per se. Is that why when there’s certain experiments where the photon just disappears and then comes back, that might be what’s happening? Well, you know, I’m just theoretic, you know, because you’ve seen those where they’re doing these collision, and all of a sudden it just disappears, and then our mind actually affects them too.
That’s correct. I don’t know that that’s a principle that’s at effect here. I think it’s simply photons of light are passing through these glowing orbs that are surrounded by an electrical charge. Sometimes a very large electrical charge I’ll mention later. It’s not something you want to touch. It’s very possible that the electrical charge is lethal. So if you come close to one, don’t touch it. But light, it’s a very thin, thin metallic coating that’s on top of the gl and you can see through it just like you’d see through your car window, even though it’s got a coating or a skin on it.
So light can pass through and the photons survive into the other universe to where they can see it. So clearly light and photons can move between these universes and an electromagnetic field can move through. So technically, they could probably bring a camera or some kind of surveillance type equipment in and send it back. Correct. But as long as it’s inside that glass ball, it has to stay the electric. It stay inside that electrostatic field and then it can move through our universe. And I’ll describe that in some of these slides. Okay, let’s go through this. It’s really interesting.
I think they’re probably working on, well, how do we go there and how do we bring things back and how do we do the whole get past the matter thing? Or maybe that’s how they want to. Maybe that’s part of. We can go there with an avatar too, where we don’t send matter, but we send our. They send our thoughts back. And you can be like in an avatar kind of situation. Yeah, well, that would work. Many things that could be theoretically possible and I’m sure there’ll be folks that try to figure that out. I just wish it was folks other than DARPA and the CIA.
I know. I don’t think they’re going to make a very good impression. Well, they’re the ones with the resources. I just wish there were. We need to get past the point where the resources are not getting out to the people who can really make a difference as well. They’re hoarding the resources and it’s a problem for all of humanity that that’s happening. But let’s. That’s my opinion. I think that the money resources need to be changed. Okay, let’s get into this because this is absolutely fascinating. He’s going to share this and hopefully can you, when you look at this, can you also speak about it so that people who are watching this on or listening to it on video can understand what you’re saying, what we’re seeing? Can you just kind of.
Yes, sure, sure. Okay. So, right. This is just my title slide. Glowing Orbs and Discovery of Parallel Universes. So I originally authored this paper back in 2012 and then revised it quite a few times, but. Okay, there you are. There he is. Okay, just. Just a little, a little about me. There’s some websites there that you can visit if you’re interested in these technical papers that are freely available on Academia Edu. You know what, I gotta tell you, the ranking stuff, I think you’re probably above top 2%. I think you’re probably top point zero 1%. Who the hell ranks stuff? I don’t know.
I’m like anti establishment right now. I’m not very happy with. So when I see rankings like who are you to rank something. But anyways, I agree. I suspect that it’s not as transparent a process as we would like, but I’m not going to get into how they do their thing. Well, it’s kind of like some of the top people. Where would Tesla have been ranked back then? He probably Wouldn’t have made the top two. The top people who are really forging new things aren’t they just don’t know. The people who are ranking don’t have the ability to know or they don’t want to because they’re.
They, they, they will topple their cart and they’re. And topple them. From the top of the pyramid is the biggest expert. And so often the best people aren’t given those slots for that reason. And it’s historically proven all like non stop. Anyways. Okay, let’s get to your next slide. Okay, so this is the glowing world phenomena has been around for more than 100 years. In North Carolina, back around 1910 or so, they were spotted and they were referred to as the mountain lights. And of course, this was right around the time electricity was starting to be brought in.
But if a light is moving vertically and horizontally, that’s not likely hanging on a pole or somebody’s light in the kitchen. So anyway, so they’ve clearly been around for at least that long and probably longer. Some have been associated with crop circles in England. And the important thing I want to emphasize as part of this is that the glowing orbs and the aerial drones that are lit up are not the same thing. They’re not associated. This is a deliberate mudding of the waters by CIA psyops. They’re most likely behind it. They’re working with darpa, who’s actually conducting the research, and they’ve opened up this doorway and now the people on the other side are starting to aggressively look back.
And it’s quite likely that they were prepared for that. And so they had this drone psyop ready to go to distract people. So that’s my hypothesis. So you think they knew the glowing orbs would come in larger numbers because of the research they were doing? Well, they’ve been spotted all over the world, so clearly who’s ever on the other side, and it may be multiple visitors from that side that are looking in. But I think I mentioned that New Jersey, Minnesota and California are all experiencing this phenomenon at the same time on the same days. I have a friend who has pictures of orbs coming to his house, which is pretty interesting.
It’s like, wow, he sent me pictures of it. Okay. It’s like, holy buckets. Okay, next one. Yeah, so this, this is just this, this is a good slide because it gives people just a general idea of what’s going on. So for example, in their universe, this is what they might see. Okay. And again, this is it from their perspective. They would see a helicopter carrying a glass ball that has an electrical charge placed on top of it. And see, in our universe we just see a floating, a floating ball that’s very sparkly and shiny and it can be.
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And that type of camera system would be ideal for this. Why couldn’t it be its own going into one universe or another? Why couldn’t it be a little drone? That is. It could, yeah. There’s no reason it couldn’t. Okay, there’s no reason it couldn’t. So it’s just to give you an idea of the us versus them perspective to understand what’s going on, because otherwise it’s just like, how do they make that ball float around? How is that working? It’s because the ball is the only thing that transits between the two universes. Yes. So it could be a drone itself or it could be, it could be a drone.
It could be held on a crane, on a wire and swung around. I mean, there’s lots of ways you could do it. Oh, it could be anything. It could be anything because we don’t know what it’s attached to. But it could be a drone. Could be a little drone, could be carrying it on a wire too. That’s entirely. It needs a very large electrical charge. So you’re Going to have to have a large pack of heavy batteries or something in terms of our technology to be able to move around with it. So a lightweight drone would never be able to carry the number of pounds required to include the camera and an electrical system, which is quite large.
That type of weight would take a fairly sizable vehicle. So a lightweight drone is likely not. Well, could they be tapping into the zero point, you know, the plasma field too? I mean, they can. That’s. Yeah, I. You couldn’t rule that out. You’re right. Okay, okay. But this is just an example of something. This is just an example so that people understand the us versus them perspective. Okay, there we go. Okay, so very quickly on the math. I know lots of folks don’t like to get into the math, but this is what the math is, what makes it real and believable to scientists.
So we know from Einstein that E equals MC squared, but the energy can also be expressed as volts times amp, amps times seconds. And in this particular instance, the volts are proportional to the mass of the object that transits between the two universes. And the amps times seconds is the distance between the two universes. And you’ll see the distance here, the red line being blinking universe number one, and the blue line being blinking universe number two. You see how they’re out of phase. And that phase distance is the distance between us and them. And that’s measured in amps times seconds.
There is. It’s very important to emphasize there’s no physical distance between us and them. They literally occupy the same space that we occupy. There’s no physical distance between the two universes. And it’s staggering to comprehend that there are a near infinite number of universes that reside and occupy in the same space as us. It’s. So it’s because of how long. This is a. Instantaneous, essentially, but it’s a. That instantaneous moment gets chopped into a thousand pieces, and they occupy each of those little pieces, right? Yes, yes. So. Okay. No, go ahead. No, say what you have.
So I. I just want to touch on it briefly, because that’s what. That’s what the scientists are going to be. Okay, next slide. So this is the part, I think, that a lot of people are interested in. Just the backstory. How did this come about? So what happened? The reason I believe that this is. At least some of this work is happening in Huntsville, Alabama, beginning last summer. About 10 years ago, the FBI issued a statement about Huntsville saying that Redstone Arsenal there is. Is very high value target for foreign Spies. They didn’t elaborate why. But the U.S.
space Force is one of the entities that is moving there. And although it initially got canceled, now it sounds like the Trump administration is going to let the Space Force move and relocate their headquarters there. I had a long discussion with a professor, and I’m not going to give his name quite a few years ago, I want to say maybe eight years ago, and he was a professor emeritus, and he had worked at DARPA for many years. And he warned me, he said, if I’m interested in your work, you can be certain DARPA is going to be interested and they’re not going to ask permission to take it from you.
That’s right. So it says with or without your permission, they’re going to take all of your material, including the material that you’ve put a price tag on. They’re simply going to take it. So I’m confident, you know, based on his confidence, he said they’re going to take it. The DARPA stole all of my intellectual property some years ago. Of course, DARPA gets its funding from the CIA, and they develop advanced technologies that they want to turn into weapons. They don’t. DARPA does not develop technologies for the benefit of humanity or to heal people. All of it’s done for purposes of being a weapon.
And that’s one of my reasons for being so skeptical of their intentions. Well, that’s why I don’t like the fact that they dominate all the resources. They steal stuff. I think otherwise, groups, I mean, we need this money going to scientists who actually have meaningful work that can help humanity instead of it going to these groups that just look at weapons and warfare and control when we can actually make some serious differences. But they don’t have the resources. They’re starved of resources. Okay, so what I think happened, I think that starting late last summer, they started.
Oh, I did mention. So in late, in 2023, the FBI announced that they were establishing an FBI office on Redstone Base in Huntsville. I thought, now that’s unusual. Why, why does the FBI think that the U.S. army can’t defend their own base or they need help from the FBI? That sounds unusual to say the least. So that was just in late 23. Then in the summer of 24, I think that out of Huntsville, DARPA has been developing these experiments with putting together the technology that allows them to transit between two parallel universes. So once they open that Pandora’s box, I think they underestimated what they’re getting into.
So depending on how many visitors they made and how advanced those civilizations might be. The first thing they’re going to do is look back at us and see who we are and how did we get into the club. So the CIA Psyop is a complete failure with the drones. As far as I’m concerned, everybody knows it’s fake. It’s amazing that the CIA types of ridiculous operations. Stupid. I know, okay. But what’s clear to me is they’ve opened up a huge box and there are near infinite number of these parallel universes that are accessible. And I don’t think they appreciate what they’ve done.
That’s why it’s so important in our government that people other than the CIA and DARPA make these decisions because they don’t appreciate what they’re getting into. They just want technology and they don’t care what’s at risk or what’s at stake and how to affects people. So exactly. This is what happens when you let the clowns run the show. And that’s clearly what’s happening here with the CIA. I don’t have a lot of clients for them. And it’s also when it’s not transparent, I am fascinated with. Because I know if we can’t, if matter can’t survive there, I am absolutely sure they’re going to work on avatars going there so that we can.
Because you can project a stream, like you could go to Mars for example, project a stream back into your eyes as if you’re seeing it yourself, like you’re there. And the technology is already there to do that. So I don’t know if the technology quite is there to do it in another universe, but I sure believe they’re going to. Once they can figure out how to get to those universes, they’re going to start doing that because they want to see what’s there, but they want to experience it as if they’re there. That’s cool though. That’s a fascinating thing.
It’s not all that advanced for humanity. Who knows, they might have technology and things that could really help us out, but we are opening a Pandora’s box. We don’t know what the heck we’re getting into. And so many times scientists think like me with, with what I was just talking about, where it’s just so cool, let’s do it. Where we don’t step back and go, okay, well what are the ramifications? Yeah, yeah. So I hope that they will proceed with caution. Certainly it’s possible to transfer technology on drawings. If you wanted to hold up an image and, or a Blueprint and without even speaking the same language, you could decipher what was there.
Crop circles. Certainly engineers do that all the time on screen. So there’s more than one way to transfer technology. It doesn’t have to be a physical object. I’m sure some of that will likely have that. This is so fascinating. So where are you with what you’re doing on this? I know you’ve updated your, the paper multiple times. Has anybody else contacted you about it? Because it’s been sitting dormant for a while and then all of a sudden all these orbs started. It is. I get, I get emails on a regular basis from people and I’m suspicious of their motives and their true identity.
Most of the time I don’t even answer them. So to me it’s so exciting. Let me give you some examples of what I think they’re going to find because I do think it’s truly exciting. It’s incredible. First of all, the military operates in domains. So you have like the Navy operates the domain of the ocean and the army has a domain of the ground and the Air Force has the domain of air and space Force has the domain of outer space. Space, this is a entirely new domain and it’s a billion billion, billion times larger than any other domain.
And it’s, it’s staggering to think of, of and exciting to think about what we can find there. For example, I think there are parallel universes out there where you will find that Earth is in a deep freeze like the glacier age 12, 000 years ago. I think we’re going to find there are also parallel universes where, where the dinosaur extinction event did not happen. And so the cameras will open up and there’s dinosaurs running around. And so when you come and this has nothing to do with time travel, this is happening in the current time frame.
In our terms, all of these parallel universes are valid and real and just as real as our universe. That’s really fascinating. It could give us a glimpse, glimpse as to where what we’re about, what our future could be, what our past could be. I also think that we had more advanced civilizations a few times in the past. So maybe our past, new stuff about this that we don’t know now or they’re probably. There’s people know more than, than we know and it’s probably hidden information. But it would, you know, because there’s evidence to show that there are.
There is information that has been passed down through the ages that for some reason isn’t being disclosed to us, which is Absolutely fascinating too. But maybe that is part of it is their understanding of that. Why would they hide that? Well, the point that I want to emphasize is just how exciting this is. I feel like I understood it a little bit back in 2012 and I’m disappointed this take this long to actually generate some interest. But I want to emphasize that the folks are involved in Please exercise caution. You were opening a big can of worms and you don’t know what’s inside.
You better take precautions and be prepared for things that you don’t expect and that can be so large I don’t even know how to frame it. We have no idea how advanced they are, right? That’s correct. Yeah. It may be very offensive to a different culture that we would invade their space. So I think that true leaders in our government need to be involved in the decision making. The Senate Intelligence Committee, the Congressional Intelligence Committee, the President of the United States, the CIA and DARPA should not be going off on this on their own. That is way over their authority to make this decision on behalf of the American people.
That’s my opinion. That’s. That’s true. Where can people learn more about you? You said this was available on Amazon and for free. So I’m going to publish this on my sub stack as well so people can get the your so yeah the the if you go to Amazon.com just look at Richard Lighthouse. I’ve got quite a few ebooks there. This particular ebook is free the last time I checked and it’s also freely available on my website, our lighthouse.com as well as Academia. Edu and I gave in the first slide. I gave the addresses to look those up, but I’ve got quite a few.
I would say academia is probably the best place because I’ve got the most number of free papers there. So this concept and this technology is tied to a another group of technologies such as time travel and traveling faster than light. They’re actually closely related and for reasons that I’m not going to try to dive in here. But I encourage folks that are interested to download those papers if you’re interested and read them. I would love to see the development of these technologies on a peaceful basis and not with the intention of developing the weapon, that’s for sure.
Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Well, where so it’s our lighthouse.com they can see all your stuff there and thank you so much Richard. I really appreciate when you come. I have to have you on more often. Okay. Thank you Sarah. I’m glad to be here. Thank you. Sa.