One year posse. And so, yep. Did everybody see the badge close enough? Yeah, it’s really nice. So, $499 folks, and you can start that whenever my wife says I can let you. When it goes up on the website, she says then you can do it. I’m not supposed to tell you to do it right now. Well, we need your email address. But if anybody does order it right now, $499 will know that’ll be a clue that you did it. And you have to put your email and your mailing address. Okay. Right, Don? Right. The boss has spoken.
And that sure ain’t me. Folks, I may have been the sheriff. I may have been a detective. But I was never the boss. Ask the boss. So, folks, anyway, we’ve done this even before we had the CSPOA. We had badges for the campaign that I ran. And quite honestly, folks, this is what Sheriff Scott Jenkins is being charged with. He was doing a fundraiser for his campaign. And he was selling these badges. And he put those people on his posse. And they’re charging him for crying for that. So, I gave him, I handed him one in person.
I know, Jack, I know. This is so crazy. Folks, security agencies have badges. Our organization has badges. And I had my original badge when I was a peace officer. And I had my original badge when I was sheriff. Those are, that is not illegal. And to let somebody be on your posse who donated to your campaign. Look at all the campaign donations go on in this country. And pay for play stuff. And quid pro quo. And they do nothing about this. Sheriff Jenkins committed no crime. I told him if you wanted me to testify and show our badge.
But they have this very same badge in evidence for him. I’ve talked to his lawyer. And folks, you can have a badge. It’s not illegal. Now, if you ever did something like this, and you go to somebody’s house, say, yeah, I’m Detective so-and-so, or I’m Sheriff so-and-so, or I’m Sergeant so-and-so with the sheriff’s office. And I need to talk to you for a minute. Then you could probably get in some trouble. But if you say, hey, I’m with the Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association, and would like to ask you to join us.
And be a part of our posse and be part of our team. Folks, so we want everyone to do that. And I know Celeste was telling all the people on her show that I did yesterday, or was it the day before? Celeste, I can’t remember. And she wants all of them to join us. Because, yes, CSPOA has a posse, and we help you work with your sheriff. And folks, this is all about sustaining the sheriffs in the work that they have to do. And if you’re working with your sheriff, that’s what we’re supposed to be doing.
You’re his boss. So a lot of people don’t get that either. And, yes, Celeste says we must be proactive. And folks, do not forget, our goal at the CSPOA is to get 1,000 sheriffs that are completely and totally Constitutional sheriffs. We’re not going to get them all. I think after this 85% red wave, that we’re going to get more than 1,000. But they have to hear from you. They don’t work for me. The only one that works for me is Jerry Sheridan right here in Maricopa County in Arizona. And don’t forget, I’ll be at his swearing-in ceremony on December 18th.