There are cats all over this island. Anyway, let me just figure out how to turn this camera around and I will show you the setup. Alright, let’s see. I think it’s this button. Alright, here we go. Alright, so this is my front porch patio area that you can see is enclosed and covered. So it’s protected from the rain and I’ve put some things to block sunlight so that the food is not ever in direct sunlight. And then here, and by the way, when it closes up, it’s mostly all screened in, but there’s one of the screens I took out and the cats can slip through there.
And then here’s the thing, it’s very simple. There’s a tray and it has water in the bottom. And then I’ve got two cinder blocks here to keep the food, the bowl of cat food, dried cat food, raised up out of the water. And yeah, so the cats, first of all, this is a water source for the cats. They have water to drink and then of course there’s a food source. But the main reason for this, I call it a moat, is that I don’t have any ants or roaches or anything. They won’t cross this barrier and I know that this cat food will stay dry and viable for, you know, I’m only going to be gone a couple of days.
Now I do know I’m going to be feeding some of the neighborhood cats. They’re going to come in here. I’ve seen them. I’m already feeding them. So what the heck, right? One of the other consequences of, hey, I think somebody just joined. Oh my goodness. Was that a gun or was it fireworks, man? There’s more loud bangs here in Puerto Rico than there were in Texas. Interesting. So you never know. I’m definitely getting inured to gunshot sounds no matter where I am. Sometimes the gunshot sounds are mine. Anyway, I do have one cat that’s almost gone feral.
Do you remember it was a few months ago I went on a three week trip to El Salvador in Florida and did a bunch of stuff. And I had the same setup going on, although I had a girl come to refill the dried food for the cats. And one of my cats was like, I’m doing better off eating iguanas and geckos and mice and this dried stuff. And I can’t blame her. And so now where she used to live here all the time, now I only see her every few days. I noticed that she comes back when she’s wounded.
When she’s really, really hungry or when she just like really wants a good ear job. So I’m good with that. I don’t mind having rugged, you know, self-reliant cats. She’s actually one of my favorites. I wish you would hang around a little bit more, but you know, what are you going to do? Anyway, I know you’re going to be going somewhere and probably have animals. This is just a real simple setup to make sure that they stay fed and happy. And I want to wish you an amazing, wonderful time. If it’s politically incorrect for me to say Christmas, then just disregard that and insert your favorite whatever word you want to put in there.
The intent is that I really want to wish you well. Okay, buckle up because 2025 is coming. It is going to be all Bronco. Alright, talk to you later. Thank you. Hi, Tammy. Thank you. [tr:trw].