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➡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, has been discussing Project Bluebeam, a theory about a fake alien invasion, for many years. He believes this is a plan to make nations give up their sovereignty and form a world government. He also warns about the potential collapse of banks and recommends investing in gold. He promises to share more details about hidden technology and its potential misuse in the future.


Hey everybody, Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us, really good to be with you. And we’re going to close the day out with a really brief snippet, but it’s something, I guess it falls into the category and forgive if it sounds like arrogance, it’s not. I have been talking about Project Bluebeam. I’ve been writing about it over on Freedoms Phoenix since 2004. I first found out about it in 1985. I started doing videos on it in 2014, 2015, 2016 in that timeframe.

I probably have done over 40 publications in one form or another from broadcasts to videos to articles because I know how real this is. And in just a moment, I’m going to tell you, I finally have support from an official source. We’re brought to you by Noble Gold. Leave your money in the bank, lose it. Leave and retire in the bank, definitely lose it. Take your retirement out of the bank, put it under your control, which Noble Gold can do, and back it with gold. You’ll have an appreciating asset, increasing the volume of that wealth. Or leave it under the dollar and continue to depreciate and lose it because of the Dodd-Frank Law 2010 says they can keep it when things go bad.

Easy. Now, the Federal Frank Commission wants me to tell you, every investment carries an inherent risk and past performance can’t be construed with future expectation. Agreed. Should be warning you too about the chicanery the banks can pull on you, but they don’t. I am. I’ve been a customer of Noble Gold for over seven years, multiple times over. I recommend you follow my lead. You want to save what you’ve earned? Protect your nest egg? Let me send you a free information packet. DaveHodgesGold.com. Put your email in. I’ll send it to you electronically. We don’t sell your information.

I’m not Google or YouTube or Facebook. You’ll get that within moments of your request. It’ll have Noble Gold’s number on it. I recommend you call them the next business day. And I recommend you do this because right now the planned collapse of the banks is started. Can it be stopped? There are people in banking trying to stop it. We see all the telltale signs right now and the Federal Reserve is holding it back. They’re covering it up. The media is partnering with them, but your banks are in trouble. Leading the list, Wells Fargo and Bank of America.

We had a Bank of America account for decades in our marriage and my wife and I have made changes. Now, are all banks at risk? Probably. Are some more at risk than others? Definitely. DaveHodgesGold.com. Project Bluebeam. John DeSouza, former FBI special agent, has been warning about a fake alien invasion. And what the hell have I been saying, excuse my French, about all the drones? I said it’s the precursor to a fake alien invasion. Absolutely, positively. DeSouza warned us about it a year ago. He didn’t say drones. He said the fake invasion’s coming. Gosh, I’ve been saying it for 20 years.

20 years. I’ve known about it for almost 40. Ladies and gentlemen, this is real. There won’t be aliens involved, but there will be mass casualty events designed to make the impression we are under attack. In fact, what was it? I forget the DeSouza. It’s not Hubble. It’s the other one. They spotted craft, changed directions, heading to Earth. That’s the last report you had. That’s called PSYOP, DISINFO. They’re creating the mentality that we’re going to be under invasion from aliens. The final goal is this. Nations give up their sovereignty, go to a world government to protect the planet against this fake alien invasion.

I also think it’s going to be coupled with a fake Christ event, fake Messiah, fake miracles, all using technology. I’ll sum this up tomorrow, but I did a presentation for Hear the Watchman online, and I talked about how the repressed technology is going to be used against us. I’ll develop that idea at a later time, but John DeSouza, former Special Agent FBI, agrees with Dave Hodges, and after 20 years, I’m getting validation for what I’ve been telling you. And I’m telling you, and I said this all along, when Hillary Clinton was walking with Lawrence Rockefeller with his book on UFOs, and their picture was taken, I said, they’re planning Bluebeam.

I said that in 2015. That’s almost 10 years ago. This is not hard to see. Now, did I have an advantage getting the information that long ago I was able to watch the trends? Yes, and tomorrow I’ll develop exactly the technology, the hidden technology that they’re going to use against us, but these drones are only the beginning. This is the last ditch effort, I believe, to stop the peaceful transition of power just over three weeks. The left will do anything not to give up power. Well, that’s it for The Common Sense Show. We’ll be back with more details on this tomorrow.

Appreciate you joining us. God bless all of you. Check out our newsletter, the commonsenseshow.com, upper right hand corner, click newsletter, and you’ll get an update of what we do every 24 hours. [tr:trw].



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