Fake or Real Alien Invasion Military Advanced Craft UFO Research: Laura Eisenhower Patty Greer

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➡ A high school used drones in a musical dance, hinting at a possible distraction from a major monetary reset and the introduction of a new control structure. Leela’s quantum technology, backed by over 40 studies, enhances blood health, neutralizes electromagnetic fields, and boosts ATP production in human cells. The technology is used by athletes, medicine practitioners, and biohackers, and includes products like the Heal capsule and quantum block. The article also mentions a discussion with Patty Greer and Laura Eisenhower about their experiences in the field of UFO disclosure and the potential for a fake alien invasion.
➡ The speaker shares her experiences in the UFO community, including her work on crop circles and the discovery of ‘super seeds’ that can grow in extreme conditions. She discusses her interactions with prominent figures in the field, and expresses concern over the recent deaths of many of these individuals. She also mentions a directed energy weapon attack she survived in 2017. The speaker criticizes the current state of ufology, suggesting it has been infiltrated and is now filled with disinformation.
➡ The text discusses various issues including wellness products, gender affirmation surgeries, and societal pressures. It highlights the confusion and trauma experienced by young people undergoing gender transition, with a growing number seeking to reverse the process. The text also criticizes the influence of media and popular culture on these decisions, and expresses concern about the future consequences of these actions. It ends by discussing the need for higher technologies to help deprogram and recover from these experiences.
➡ The text discusses the prevalence of corruption and manipulation in various sectors of society, including the music industry and politics. It highlights the use of blackmail and theft of creativity as tools of control. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of unity and self-awareness in overcoming these challenges, and criticizes the divisive tactics used by those in power. The speaker shares personal experiences of copyright claims on their original music and the struggle of being targeted.
➡ The speaker shares their personal journey of overcoming health challenges and near-death experiences, including surviving uranium poisoning. They express gratitude for their current work-from-home lifestyle and their company that promotes health. The speaker also discusses their concerns about the manipulation of information and false memories through social media, hinting at possible government conspiracies. They express hope for positive changes in the future, despite the uncertainty and potential for further manipulation.
➡ The text emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding our emotions rather than suppressing them with pharmaceuticals. It suggests that society often silences our intuition and higher self, leading us to follow others’ narratives instead of creating our own. The author encourages us to reconnect with ourselves, understand our emotions, and use them to guide us. They also stress the need for critical thinking, self-care, and respect for others, especially in challenging times.
➡ The speaker praises a product called C60EVO, a molecule that won the Nobel Prize, for its health benefits. They credit it for helping them recover from serious injuries and surgeries, and for improving their overall health and mental clarity. They also discuss the importance of self-love, self-care, and standing up for oneself in the face of adversity. The speaker encourages others to focus on their own personal growth and to seek holistic healing methods to deal with trauma.
➡ The speaker is encouraging people to overcome challenges and heal together, emphasizing the power of miracles. They offer support through astrology via cosmicguides.org, including discounted sessions for subscribers. They also mention the benefits of C60, a product they use and recommend. Another speaker, Patty, can be found at c60evo.com and cropcirclefilms.com, where she offers various C60 products.


There’s even a high school that was practicing with a thousand drones laid out in a pattern on the ground. And all these students were holding their remotes and doing this thing in a musical dance with the computer. Hello, I’m sorry, but all of these feel to me like that. Look over here while something else is going over there. We’re going to have a huge monetary reset. They’re bringing in new stuff with that. We have this control structure grid that they’re trying to put in place. There’s all these things that they’re trying to put in place. So it’s a perfect time to do a big distraction.

Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide. This revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Lela’s technology not only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing and elevates ATP production on human cell. Embrace the extraordinary benefits of Lela’s tech as recognized and utilized by world class athletes, esteemed functional medicine practitioners and leading figures in the field of biohacking.

Explore a range of transformative products from the Heal capsule shielding you from harmful EMFs to the quantum block allowing you to infuse frequencies into your cherished possessions. Dive into the realm of innovation and wellness@sarahwestall.com shop or by following the link below. Welcome to business Game Changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have a fun show with both Patty Greer and Laura Eisenhower. I’ve known them for years and I just haven’t had them on together on the show for a while. And we’re going to have kind of reminisce about some of the things that we’ve done over the years and what we’ve learned.

And Patty has introduced me to some people that just essentially changed my life and we talk about that during the show. And Laura Eisenhower is, has been around for a long time. Her, she’s the Eisenhower family, you know, Dwight Eisenhower, the president, that’s her family. Because of that she feels connected to so much that is happening with the whole UFO or the Discloser project, you know, they both have been in that field, the disclosure, their true research of that for years. And they talk about the greats and how they’re no longer with us, the ones who are true researchers trying to figure things out and give me an insight on kind of what’s happening today, you know, Project Bluebeam.

Is it, is there going to be a big fake alien invasion and what is that all about and why they talk about that and their insights. It’s a wonderful show. I hope you get a lot out of it. Before we get into that, I want to share with you Masterpiece Detox and I really believe in this product. I’ve done a lot of research and you know, there’s, there’s, I think whenever you’re over the target and you have something that really works, you start to get some weird competitive and some weird things that go on. And I think this is what’s happening with this because we have a problem where there’s literally pounds of nanoparticulates really small, super small.

And the fact that there’s pounds of it in the soils, in organic soils nonetheless. So we’re getting it from the skies, we’re getting it everywhere. And it takes something like a nano size zeolite to get it out of our bodies. Because they’re so small, it’s really hard to detox our gut. The we have little fibers that push thing, push things out of our gut and because it’s too small for the fibers to push out, it accumulates on our gut. This is, doesn’t go through our gut. And so the nano sized particles it excretes with through our sweat and through, you know, our urine and through other ways but it doesn’t process through our gut.

And I just had a show with Dr. Robert Young where explain some of that. That’s why it works. And it doesn’t accumulate and cause more damage and it’s gentle. Okay. So if you are interested, I got my whole family a box of this. I just make sure everybody uses it. It is, I have the link below or you can go to sarah wessel.com under shop. And one last thing, if you are already using it, you notice it gets a lot saltier. That means that they’re using sea plasma instead of marine plasma. They found another source in the sea plasma they think is actually even better and it’s saltier.

So it’s a good thing. So again, sarah westall.com under shop or use the link below. Okay, let’s get into this wonderful conversation I have with Patty Greer and Laura Eisenhower. Patty and Laura, thank you so much for coming back to the program. It’s been a long time. Great to be here. We are, you are veterans in this area of disclosure and all sorts of other areas and but so I really want to just do kind of a talking Panel with you guys on what you think is going on with disclosure. I, I don’t think the drones really are it, but maybe they are.

I mean, I don’t think so, but maybe what is going on start. Oh, man. I sort of following, I haven’t jumped full on into it all, but I do feel, you know, all these sightings, I mean, the first news headline that I heard was that UFOs or some sort of craft was flying over the Capitol. And that made me think of the 1952 flyover that happened during Truman administration. So, yeah, lots of activity coming out of the water. I heard just drones everywhere. And I mean, people have been observing UFOs, UAPs, whatever you want to call it, for a long time.

And didn’t Clinton or somebody change the name to UAP along the way? I mean, identified. What does UAP stand for? Aerial Phenomena. Oh, okay. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. I mean, as far as I’m concerned, it just opens up the conversation to talk about disclosure. So an event that gets everybody talking, gets everybody thinking, is an opportunity for disclosure. And so if we’re going to talk about disclosure, we have to really dive into it. Who have been the researchers of disclosure? Who are the experts, who are the whistleblowers, who are the experiencers, ssp. We really need everybody on board with these conversations.

Absolutely. Because whatever we’re getting through the news might just be one version. What we’ve heard over the news for decades is minuscule compared to what’s really going on behind the scenes. Disclosure to me is all information is out there. The censorship has got to stop. When these kind of news stories hit the airwaves, that the experts are called to speak about it. And I think there is an artificial component to all of this to disclosure. Definitely back in the 50s, part of the infiltration of the Nazis Project Paperclip and the ICC Nazi Draco alliance was to create a lot of disinformation and distortion when it came to information, including disclosure community.

So there’s been a lot of false narratives and a lot of hidden information that hasn’t come to the surface that needs to be talked about because they knew that there would be a time of disclosure. So when you see people steering narratives or they’re very attached to their particular storyline, whatever beings they might be connecting to and what they might have gone through. And we, we need to just like really, you know, look, look, look at that. Because Patty and I have survived a lot in this UFO field. So disclosure for newbies is nothing new to us.

And we’ve Seen it all almost. So I want to hand it over to her. And because of that and seeing it all, you know, a lot of people are led astray and they go down a certain road with a person and then all of a sudden find that what they thought was real actually isn’t. And I think that is what we’re dealing with on the world stage constantly. Flags, engineered events, and anything that might be legitimate and real, well, then we’re going to embrace it and experience it as a humanity. Or does it go through the governments? I mean, that’s what we’ve been dealing with for a long time, where it’s been with the governments, but in secrecy.

We hear about the treaty and Eisenhower, but NJ12 and the three letter organizations were in charge at that time. Those treaties began in the 1930s. So, you know, we have to keep peeling back the layers upon layers upon layers in order to be able to discern anything that’s happening currently in our world. So, Patty, you give us your view of this. I know I’ve been doing this since 2012, 2013, so I’ve been around a while, but not as long as you guys have in this area. I haven’t been totally in that area, been all over everything, but I’ve talked to pretty much everybody from all different perspectives on this topic.

And it’s incredible. I feel the, the what you were saying about new. All these newbies come for. I feel that on so many issues where they’re just starting to learn about stuff and all the rabbit holes that I’ve been through and have already come out the other side, all these, the. The whole masses are in them and just you have to. It takes a lot of patience to be able to watch them grow to the point where they’re out of those rabbit holes. Yeah. To know what signs to look at, to know, you know, just the military aspect, the my labs, the reverse engineer crafts.

I mean, just the simulation technologies. I mean there’s an enormity of information and a lot of resources that people can tap into. But it needs to not be so censored and pushed to the side. Yeah, it’s really bad now, but the tech has gotten so advanced of our own that they can kind of duplicate anything they want. Yep, they can pretend anything. When I met Laura, it was about 15 years ago when I started gigging in 2007 in the UFO community because I accidentally started going in crop circles and they were so amazing that I made a bunch of movies.

And I had no training, but something completely moved me to the point where my eighth movie turned out that I discovered the science, kind of like free energy, is to give us energy. The crop circles actually delivered super seeds, and that’s why they’ve hidden this technology. And super seeds can grow when it’s too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry. And they can grow up to 400% more food and biofuel, almost twice as much nutritional value. So I was totally green, had no idea what I was doing with this huge movie camera. Totally old school, too heavy.

I, like, dragged it through craft circles in my big backpack that most people wore in their back, but I had it on a pole trolley that goes gunk, gunk, gunk, you know, through the crop circles. I was pretty humorous, but it was heavy. My tripod was heavy and I’d set it up. And the point was, I was doing the real deal. I was in the formations, filming real crop circles flying over them, and then going to these great events and seeing Laura, who was majoring in all the things that she knew. And we were dealing with the greats, the ufo, real researchers, four star generals, Edgar Mitchell, the astronaut, I’m pretty sure.

But, you know, we had Stanton Friedman, MJ12, but he was the real deal. He was there for all of it. Jim Mars was my favorite. The guy really talked history. That made sense. And nobody else was doing it at the level that he was Wendell Stevens, old, crotchety old guy. But he had the largest collection of UFO images of anybody in the world. And he loved my films and he gave me full access for free, which really pissed people off. And for some reason, which you guys welcome the boys club. But they really were. Maybe they had issue with me because I kept getting these EB awards.

And I mean, again, I was so green, had no idea about my camera or crop circles or UFOs. I just was really amazed at this phenomenon. And so now I’m surrounded by greats. There’s Laura Eisenhower and all these people that were just like the real deal, in my opinion. Robert O’Dean, the granddaddy of ufology, Dolores Cannon out there, but, you know, really well respected. And in my opinion, these are the real ufologists. And then all of a sudden we’re infiltrated and it got sick, it got creepy, people got less nice, and all of a sudden, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

All those people I listed died. I think the only one left is Jacques Vallee that I love, and Paul Hellyer. But I mean, they were all there at these events. There were real researchers, in my opinion, and I only say this because the elimination like Domino’s was really creepy. And I got hit with a directed energy weapon and it almost took me out. And that was in 2017, leaving a gig and I was on the floor in an airport, shaking and unbelievable. I got the message. But I didn’t die. Here I am a show after that I did a mini documentary on directed energy weapons from that, you know, before that.

And then we did a show. I think it was one of the first documentaries or information out on directed energy weapons back in that time when you guys were getting hit and. But it was easy to find that information online. I could go find the research articles, find all this stuff. It wasn’t that hard. Now you have to know where to find all that research. It’s not. The world has changed a lot. Oh yeah, oh yeah. But we still live with these experiences. I mean, for me it’s an interesting piece to feel forgiveness authentically and to continue evolving.

But I don’t sit around wasting energy on anything, you know, that would repress the evolution. Because I’m having so much fun watching congressional hearings, shows that tell the truth. I mean this is frickin fun. This is why we’ve been brought here to work this hard, we three. And we’re still here. You know, in my opinion, women still standing in ufology. There weren’t many of us when I was in the field, but I was like the baby girl. I’m 71 now and I was the baby girl when all those big daddies were around. But the dominoes fell and then everybod got replaced with ufology today.

And you couldn’t pay me to go to one event. Gotta be honest. Sorry. What would you say is problem now with what’s going on with all of this? I don’t want to name any names, but it’s. To me it’s a clown show compared to ufology. I mean it was really good science and research before and. Yeah, but there’s more like infiltration, disinformation, controlled narrative stuff. Yeah. And you’re going to die. I got to tell you who I called about an hour ago and she answered like the only two times I’ve called her in eight years. She’s answered Carol Rosin, who worked with Wernher von Braun.

And she and he discussed the last card, which may be happening now. I wanted to answer your question of what do I think of these drones? Okay, the last card. So I called Carol, I was like, are we here? And she goes, oh, I’m getting in the car with my Husband, let me call you tomorrow. And I wanted a great answer for you tonight because she. But again, that was years ago. A very heavy prediction of this will be the last thing they pull trying to get our attention away from the evolution of America and the world which is upon us.

I think the best. I mean, basically all these drones and stuff is a distraction for absolutely taking us evolving. Yeah. And haven’t you seen those? There’s even a high school that was practicing with a thousand drones laid out in a pattern on the ground. And all these students were holding their remotes and doing this thing in a musical dance with the computer. Hello. I’m sorry, but all of these feel to me like that always look over here while something else is going over there. We’re gonna have, we’re gonna have a huge monetary reset. They’re bringing in, bringing in new stuff with that.

We have this control structure grid that they’re trying to put in place. There’s all these things that they’re trying to put in place. So it’s a perfect time to do a big distraction. Right. But the new cabinet, I might be the only one here. I don’t think so. Who’s super excited. But I mean, they are. They are a team of lions and they were going to go in roaring and I hope it’s tomorrow or the next day because who’s running the country right now? I’m sorry, how many months has it been? Who’s running the country? And whenever he’s on camera, he’s reading but he’s, there’s nobody home.

And Kamala showed herself, you know, and oh my God. You know, I guess for me, the epitome of this chapter is Bobby Kennedy Jr. Okay, I’m a gang member. Make America healthy again. I just absolutely feel like we are moving into the gray’s time. And Compare Bobby Kennedy Jr. All buffed after his push ups and pull ups to Rachel Levine. I mean, Admiral, Admiral Rachel Levine. Well, they are trying to replace women with men. Just a quick break from the program to share a really amazing product that I have am offering now on my website@SarahWestAll.com under shop and this is body align.

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They also have this overall wellness band which has over 300 frequencies from everywhere from getting your vitamins and minerals to reducing stress and anxiety. Just the overall wellness. So go to Sarah westall.com under shop or you can go to a bodyalign.com Sarah so either link works but you can always go to sarahwestall.com under shop and see all the options that they have. And I, I guess they’re better men, are better men and better women. I don’t know. Well, we don’t think so. And we’re lovely, lovely representatives of the female species who are not giving into these agendas of, of just total confusion.

I feel really bad for 30 and younger because they’ve really been through a lot more. The masks, the flu thing, you know, I’m too old to get affected. I’ve been through too much. I’m just like, ah, you stupid. But now there’s a lot of people really sick and dying from what happened in their arm. Yeah, yeah. And what I was trying to say earlier is the Montana Supreme Court blocked a lot of banning gender affirming care. So basically children are allowed to get castrated and have their gender altered at a really, really young age. And it’s the government owning your children versus the parents is the worst.

People are afraid to have their kid taken away from them. If you don’t get a gender. There is a family now that I’m talking to that I’m going to do an interview to expose. I don’t have all the details yet, but their son is 12 and the mother and the father are divorced. The mother is in California with the kid and she’s going to get him 12 year old, get his genitals chopped off and he’s going to get castrated. And the father’s in Texas and he’s beside himself trying to get his kid back. Yeah, I saw that.

Yeah. And this is what we’re in for. I mean we talk about disclosure, but this is going to be a major rehabilitation. You know, when all these pillars of society as they’re collapsing and all the swamps everywhere are being drained, you know, here are the casualties, you know, the children and the adults that are just left with the horror and terror of what decisions they made and what they allowed themselves to consent to and what procedures they got and what they allowed into their bodies. And what they trusted outside of themselves. And it’s sort of shocking because, you know, this time of great awakening, you would think that more people would be over it already and really get it without it having to be some fringe conspiracy theorist thing.

It just, it just seems like it’s just so darn obvious when you look at all of it. And I just feel for people so much because that just shows how strong that dependency bond is and how, like, incredible that fear is of, like, letting go. And it’s literally a feeling of, you know, abandonment. That’s why it’s constant, like, trigger events and trauma, because you’re literally needing the outer authority. Like, it’s your parent, you know, that that is taking care of you, that you, you can’t live without. And then when you realize how, you know, destructive and abusive they are, it’s like, well, you’ll, you’ll, you’ll, you’ll be thinking it’s destructive and abusive based on how the media steers it and the way that they presented Trump.

Right? So you’re seeing a generation of people cheering for the one that looks like it’s on your side, that’s appealing to your dreams and your visions and your good intent, wanting to protect the environment with the climate change and be more free and express yourself. And if you don’t feel like you’re really in the right body, yes, you can get that change. It’s like, oh, yeah, it’s like the quick fix of appealing to that maybe insecurity or that, you know, awkwardness in school that, like, oh, yeah, they’re answering to that. Oh, let’s vote for that. While this guy is, like, really bad over here who’s more conservative and, like, trying to, you know, like, really rein it in.

And, you know, the thing is, it’s like we know that both sides of the war are funded and political parties and this and that, but it’s unbelievable what we have to contend with when we look at the casualties, not just those that are going to die, but the rehabilitation of, you know, this Frankenstein science that we’re going to have to help, you know, these souls come to terms with living a life in a body that is, they’re going to be even more confused about. And a lot of it’s just like the trauma. It’s so bring on the higher technologies and bring on, you know, the real disclosure and, you know, let us be ready and responsible with the kinds of technologies that can help to deprogram and help us recover from these incredible assaults.

That’s right. Well, There’s a group, I don’t know if it’s on Reddit or what it is, but just in a year and a half, they have 50,000 people that joined it to reverse the transgender or the gender affirming care that they got. And that was just in a year and a half. So to me, that’s a huge canary in the coal mine that that’s going to be a problem. It’s just going to grow and grow and grow to a point. There’s going to be this big mass of people that are going to be talking about it in 10 years, about how bad this was.

I got to tell you, I’m in Colorado. I went to CU Boulder Music school. CU Boulder offers gender affirming surgeries. So right here in Boulder, our college is going to take care of your kids or whatever. And my family has littles that go to a school here in Colorado. And the principal trans this kid at 10 years old, years ago. And the music teacher, did he do the whole surgery at 10? I. I can’t ask. Okay. But I did ask my little one, how do you feel about your music teacher that dresses like a man some days and a woman some days? And it’s got a weird name, which I shouldn’t say.

And she said, we don’t ask. It’s not polite. We don’t ask questions. It’s not polite. And I’m thinking, you know, it’s just randomly showing up one day as a female and the other day as a male that’s confusing. It’s there five days a week and I don’t know know how often it switches. But the kids accept it because they’ve been shown to accept it. And so I’m telling my daughter, I said, you know, let’s get our campers and go on the road and do homeschooling, because that’s right. We can’t get away from it. But you know what? In six weeks, I’m like counting down the minutes because I do have faith that we’re going to get rid of Pete Buttigieg.

Buttigieg. And all these interesting people that have made these choices to confuse others. And when Dr. Rachel Levine, I can’t say that when Rachel Levine gets up and really insists that it. They has the greatest advice for you and your children to feel good about it. This is what’s been going on for four years. I feel bad. But also, let’s check out all the hip hop and the groove music that they’ve been and the music and the movies that they’ve been going to see and now P. Diddy. Oh my God. Oh yeah. Taking them all down and this is like their music, their films, like when they understand what we know.

Oh God. What are they going to do with it? I mean we’re going to have to really bring them in gently. And disclosure is more this UFOs. It’s a big show. But what’s real is what we thought was music scene, what we thought was fame and integrity. And they’re all doing horrific things in underground places. Like. Yikes. Can you imagine? You know, I really bad. All the blackmail. All the blackmail is what keeps it alive because of the fear of being exposed for what they did at the parties and you know, the trafficking, the underground bases, like you’re saying you were going to say Sarah.

Well, no, that’s exactly right. Patty set me up with their friend. I call him the Survivor Scott. It changed, pretty much changed my life. I think it was the first time he came out to talk about it and he exposed what it was like being a child with a father who recruited for that whole area in la. And Patty, that was an incredible. It was your friend that you set me up with. And I always say Survivor Scott was one of the interviews that changed my whole perspective on the world. That was a very hard interview for me to do.

Where’s that interview? Where? It’s a two part interview that I did probably 2016. I don’t remember how long ago it was Patty, but it was on the website. You could look up Survivor Scott and you would see it. It’s behind the shadow is. And oh, I think I was a very hard interview to watch, but it was one of the first ones that really came out. And then I also did the Rothstein in six part series with Rothstein where he took it down. More pedophiles in the CIA and in this country than anybody ever. He’s a hero.

And we exposed during those sessions the human compromise is what he called it. But it was really. I called it the currency of the powerful. Blackmail is the currency of the powerful is what I said. And that is what was in that Q great awakening, which I was never a Q follower, but millions of people saw that back in like 2016 timeframe. And I kind of like you guys. You didn’t. Laura, I know you had a little different background with your grandfather and this whole world, but it’s just kind of stumbling into it and then being horrified and the trauma of learning.

I think that the people need to go through that trauma to fully understand what it is that we’ve lived under. Oh, I know. I mean, it’s a major, major inversion. And it’s completely vampiric. And it’s all, you know, imitation, or it’s just energetic theft or creativity theft. You know, like kids that, you know, are targeted or my lab for their gifts and abilities, you know, and musical talents, you know, are. They’re taking their songs and music and giving it to these, you know, puppets that are out there. How many. How many people who are out there are using other people’s music and songs? Well, I mean, it’s a huge number.

And then you have your real artists, and the real artists, you know, tend to just. They’re not as successful. They’re not sellouts. You see, the ones that go rogue or establish their own record label or movie platform and like Mel Gibson and others that are successful enough to be able to do that because of their art and not fall prey. I’m sure they have stories, though, where they had to make those choices and decisions, or maybe they were once there and they got themselves out. I don’t know, because I’m not in all that. And Eisenhower being president in general, this wasn’t a family that I was exposed to all of this.

This was a family that was trying to stop all of it. And he had no choice but to go for the deeper galactic wars. After the 1952 unconditional surrender agreement happened to begin to set up up, you know, positive military branches and units that would, you know, begin to go after this and. But the most important thing, you know, is. Is us, because we have to stop plugging in and plugging in. They. They’ve stolen racial identity, you know, the fake Jews. It’s like this satanic cult that has targeted every sector of our society, every, you know, pillar of society, infiltrated it with an imposter version.

Same with religion, using these names, you know, in the name of Jesus and the te things. Right. It’s all been altered with the Anunnaki. From the Anunnaki. And. And it’s across the board. So let me ask you, Laura, the imposter energy, did you. Did your grandfather ever tell you about this stuff personally, or did you talk about it in your family? Yeah, I didn’t grow up, you know, with him, but he was a very strong spirit guide. I met Mamie. She died when I was about 4 or 5 years old. And I farm. I was very close to my granddad, Ike’s son.

And it wasn’t, you know, something we really got into, but it was something I underst and knew and was connecting to the spirit realms, connecting with him and just my own journey. And when, when it would come up, you know, there was a lot of resonance, especially with my granddad, but there wasn’t an ability to really go deep because it really had to skip a generation. It was really, really dangerous to have exposure to the level of information that is now out there when it comes to all this. So he warned us in his final speech.

And so, you know, I came in definitely with the mission to help uncover, along with many, many others, what’s really going on. And it’s really the imposter energy, the theft, the stealing of racial identity, the stealing of art and culture and just. And their attempt to rewrite history, I mean, that was a huge part of it. So we’re not really connecting with what really happens. That’s why it’s so hard to heal. That’s why we’re constantly, you know, humans are going off on tangents and, and with their wounds, you know, trying to do something about it. You know, they join a movement.

They want to fight for something and believe in something and, and connect to some kind of change, but it’s just like captured in another trap of something funded to just play on that person’s good intent when we’re getting further and further away from the goal. And the goal is for them to conquer and divide us so that we never really heal and understand that this, you know, cult has spread its tentacles all over the world and it funds both sides of wars and all these political parties and all the things that make us, you know, different.

But these differences aren’t authentic. These differences are indoctrinated into us and conditioned into us. And so all these labels that people are carrying that they stand by and stand for, you know, if you peel back the layers, it’s like, yo, it’s not its truest version. If it was, we wouldn’t unite the seven root races and five cloister races. You know, our diversity would be, you know, something to unite about and something to appreciate. But instead, you know, it’s, it’s. We’re just like in these pods and we’re all battling each other. And that’s exactly what they want.

Because if we all were to come together, we would begin to restore our 12 strand DNA. We would begin to, you know, awaken what’s dormant. And so the constant psyops and false flags and imposter energies are to just to completely keep us fragmented. So they have a food source and they have the power. And so we’re fighting their battle that they engineered amongst each other. And we have to realize we got to step away from all of it and recover from what they put us through. It’s not about this being right and this being wrong. It’s like all of it.

We just have to put it all down and get back to the core of our soul and our heart and nature and what leadership out there is in resonance with that. And I’m seeing, you know, this administration is way hopeful than we’ve ever. We’ve seen for a really long time. To begin to bust through that, I mean, you just have to. You have to laugh a little bit because it’s so bad. It is so bad. And I don’t. I mean, I’m in Minnesota, where I feel that there are people who really like it, you know, and I don’t know, they.

At least they know that there’s not something right, but they really like a lot of people, like walls. And I just don’t know. I. I don’t know. Tampon Tim. What I want to say about imposters is that I firsthand live through it. When I was making my movies, somebody. I’m so glad I didn’t know that it was an agency back then, or I would have just wet my pants and left. I had no idea I was dealing with such a large monster. For some reason, I just didn’t get it because I was green. I had no experience in this, but I wrote all my music.

I was a songwriter since I was 6. So I had all this music, and I was like, oh, free soundtrack. So my movies are filled with my original music. I had five copyright claims on my music that I wrote. And I’m like, you guys. Oh, man, this one. The persecution being out in front is just terrible. Oh, my God. So this one, best musical score and best UFO film in 2010. And they. They claimed it. It was their music. Like five different entities, you know? And all of a sudden there’s. Okay, this is absolutely true. I know a lot of people are like, oh, they took my channel down.

Oh, they demonetized me. Okay, try this on. I had 235 stores selling patty Greer films that weren’t me. And they were going to $750 just so they wouldn’t buy from me. So somebody was really dinking with me. And I had no idea that it was a larger group than I ever would have thought. But I was so dam. And every day, I am so blessed to be here. I mean, the gratitude I feel, oh, I am so deeply grateful. And I pass out at night really hard. But then I’m up at 1 or 2 in the morning, I do my tea, watch a little more news.

Oh, God. Or a congressional hearing, you know, just up at 1 or 2. When do you sleep? Oh, I go down at 8 or 9 and I just go immediately out. But I realized that after making all those movies, I got in this bizarre habit of getting up in the middle of the night. Usually it was three, and it was almost always within five minutes of 3am But I couldn’t get back to sleep and I’d get up and edit and I did it for eight movies. So I just ruined my. But then I learned that in the olden days when people really cared about their health and they all made their own food and had farms and animals, they would only sleep four hours.

Then they get up and do some farm work and then they’d get more sleep. And so I guess I don’t know if my body’s like going into that old paradigm, but I fought it for a while. Like, why can’t I sleep? And now I kind of celebrate my middle of the night. I run my pendulum, I check my mood. I’m finding that I want to find joy in everything because. Go ahead, keep going. I didn’t want to cut you off with that. Tell us about your joy and why you find joy. That’s a good thing. I had two attempts on my life and I’m still here, you know, I mean, it didn’t take me out, but it took everybody else out that was in most of my films.

Like, they’re all gone and I’m not with the field anymore, so it doesn’t bother me. But when I look at who’s at events or whatever, it’s just like, oh, gak. It’s not the originals, it’s not the real guys, but, you know, we got to make a choice to move forward. And as I’m moving forward and I’m having a better life, boom. Some monster put uranium in my garage on purpose. And I almost died again in 2019. And it was there for six weeks before I moved out. And I’d lost £25. Pounds. I had strange things leaving my body.

I started fainting real badly. And I was so close to not making it five years ago. And I got out and I detoxed, like, insanely. It. I had to change my clothes every two hours just getting out of the uranium house. I was pouring water and all I was doing was C60EVO with olive oil and putting oils on the bottom of my feet, really strong essential oils, sweating. And I was alone at the time, totally freaked out, and I survived. So I feel like I’ve been through more than most people, but the uranium kind of ate up some whatever in me.

Or maybe the fall at the airport didn’t do me any good, but this year I had both hips replaced. And here I am like, I just bought a camper and a fast car. I’m like, ready for round two. So, yeah, I’m like, boom, boom, boom, you know, getting back to life. And I’m excited about it, but I also feel like I’ve been blessed because I have an amazing company and it’s giving me a really easy life where I can work from home. This is work from home is talking with two of my favorite women. And all I do with my work is talk with great people about making America healthy again.

My partners own the only lab in the world, in my opinion, making pure ESS 60, which is C 60 for people and pets. But it’s almost like God paid me back now, or I paid me back now. But I feel like I am celebrating life and watching what’s happening. I knew all along that it would be worth the wait. And I’m going to get to the other side of all this, which is only six weeks away when it begins. But all these movies of the greatest show on Earth, or the greatest show on Earth too. I mean, like, we’ve been living in this movie.

What a mind gaslight. Like, how much of this is real? How many of those people in the White House are wearing a mask and not really that person, you know, like everything is such a psyop now. The MK Ultras is really to be concerned with because the guy that may have shot that CEO may have been MK Ultra, the guy that. The healthcare CEO. Yeah. Well, I’m hearing that he was going to testify. I don’t know if he’s hearing this stuff. There was. He was going to testify in front of Congress and that these probably did some deals and things were going to be exposed and they took him out.

That’s what I’m hearing and it’s unfolding as I speak here of the information that I’m being told. But I wouldn’t doubt it. He was going to. It’s a proof that he was going to testify in front of Congress, or they recalled him in front of Congress, but who knows what he was going to say? But they killed him before he got in front of Congress. Well, yeah, United Health Care is also being called out for major, not coverage of humans and absolute greed of profits. But I was more referring to a number of things that we are murders, mass murders are kids.

And it’s a combination of, of in my opinion and I could be wrong with the eyes like this. It really looks like MK Ultra. And well, we’re having mass. Don’t you think that there’s mass mk. They figured out how to. You know, I did this whole 10 part series on mind control and fifth generation warfare. And in my research I saw parallels to MK Ultra or the development advancement of MK Ultra being used in social media and how it’s so much more easier with social media to plant memories, to plant ideas, to plant false memories with social media because as soon as you, with trauma you can.

It’s harder to plant memories, it’s much easier to erase memories. They know how to do that. False memories is harder. But when you. In a study of like 900 people, when they put them through trauma, they had all 900 people, they were able to insert the false memory. And those are the studies that they’ve been doing. That’s one study that I’m citing. And so with social media and the trauma that they put people through, or the, you know, fear and anxious anxiety type things, they’re able much easier to place these false memories and manipulate people and false information.

I mean these truth warriors that are out there now being paid by the CIA, you know, they’re out there spewing so much stuff that people are believing because it’s blended with a little bit of reality. But I’m not scared of UFOs, I’m just scared of what people are going to do if they pull a false flag, if they pull a Project Blue Beam. And we’ve seen amazing 4th of July and New Year’s Eve celebrations in say Singapore where they have 3D where it’s drones and they go up and then they change into. And then they change into.

And they’re drones. With the remote control system computerized, they’ve been practicing for a long time and it’s been predicted that if they run out of bad tricks, and I really hope that we’ve got strong enough people coming in. I just wish that Ray would resign tomorrow and Patel would get in there and you know, that the new people, governmental people, would start to create the positive effects that we are all waiting so anxiously for. And I’d love to hear how excited you might be about Doge. That’s just gonna. I just put my. Well yeah, cleaning up the cost overruns.

I hope it ups my crypto because I want to use it to pay off my mortgage. But anyways, I’ve always, I tell everybody that I’m like, I want to put doge to pay off my mortgage. It’s more of a running joke. But, Laura, what do you think of Project Bluebeam? Are they, what, where, what are you thinking? Is that going to happen and is this part of it? I mean, what do you think? Yeah, it’s hard to say. Definitely things are shifting for the better, but in that in between, which is where we’re at, it’s that awkward in between, you know, what are they going to try and pull and, you know, if there is another wave of some kind of psyop or false flag, you know, just like last time when Trump was in office, a lot of people fell for it and he was trying to steer us in a different direction than what the news was steering, which further made him sound, you know, kind of ridiculous until he went along with it.

And then he’s like Mr. Operation Warp Speed, you know, So I, I, it’s really hard. So I agree with Patty. People falling for things, you know, that’s the worst part. You know, as long as you believe in the theater, you’re going to be hooked into it, you’re going to participate in it, and that’s very much, you know, the timeline that we’re going to go down, and I think not we, but people are going to go down. And I think there’s always going to be a reenactment with the same kind of characters with a much more detrimental outcome down that trajectory that I feel on a global scale is being rerouted with a lot that needs to be rehabilitated in the process.

But how far down that road people go is just going to be that much more difficult to untangle from. So the most important thing is that we just work on our discernment. We focus on ourselves and our creative imagination because we lose so much of it to what’s going on outside of us. And the thing is, we’re not raised to handle trauma. We’re raised to take pharmaceuticals for that. And I’m not saying us, but I’m just saying society, that there’s something wrong with you when you have anxiety, when you have depression, when you have anger and all that.

It gets so silenced that literally the higher self and the intuition is cut off. And it’s literally what’s coming at you that you’re agreeing to and just going along with somebody Else is creating your world for you and this life for us. And so I think every single individual has to completely cut the cords and step away from that and do whatever it takes to get back to yourself and really listen to those parts of yourself instead of silence it. Because that’s a form of telling your body, just shut up. You know, know it’s worse than.

Well, it’s just the same as your parents telling you to shut up or the teacher’s saying, don’t raise your hand. You’re like, that’s ridiculous. Don’t even talk about that. Same with our emotions or our anger. You know, we just need to be responsible with it and understand it so that we can direct it in a wise direction. Like, what is that sadness trying to tell you? What is that anger trying to tell you? That’s where you find your calling and your mission. And we don’t do that for our children. We don’t do that for each other.

We’re just like labeling it, branding it, medicating it. And, and if you aren’t getting caught in the matrix, then you’re dealing with, you know, this kind of like, counterculture that’s all playing with a lot of drugs and addiction and, you know, just the alternative version. And then you have those that are just like, whoa, okay, I’m really getting into holistic healing, into going through these adversities and these crises and coming out the other end that much more awake and that much more solid, that much more sovereign. So we all are given enough in our life events to shake us awake.

And every moment is an opportunity to get closer to ourselves, regardless of what’s going on in the world. And if we can choose that and be a lot more in charge of ourselves, we’ll be able to see through what is a distortion, what is a psyop, what is a blue beam Technology versus is, you know, what’s actually real. Don’t work on this stuff within ourselves, then. Then we have nothing to gauge. We have. We have no navigational skills or abilities whatsoever to know who’s who and what’s what. And that’s why it’s. It’s more about the marketing and the advertising and the different tactics being used to just, you know, hook in the vulnerable.

Hook in the vulnerable. And that’s what psyops does create a big trigger event. And then, you know, the way we react isn’t all going to be the same. So they put a lot of psyOps within the disclosure community, a lot of false, overblown conspiracy theories that make us look bad too, right? So it’s like, whoa, we all got to find our center and just represent ourselves and just see where the frequency matches. And that’s why I love coming together with you guys, because it’s like, ah, you know, I feel like those that I’m still connected with.

It’s because on a soul level and on a frequency or whatever you want to call it level, you know, there’s resonance. We can have these conversations. We’re not not steering narratives. We’re not caught in like, you know, we’re able to be neutral observers. And as all this unfolds, we will be watching and we will be investigating. We will be looking like real deep. We’re just going to jump at the first thing that we hear. And I think that’s the most important is to keep that critical thinking alive. I think it’s all possible that everything is going to be like, you know, last ditch efforts.

It’s all going to, you know, be put out there. I really doubt it’s some kind of like first contact, like major disclosure. Like this is the event, this is the. I not sensing that. I’m just seeing that they’re doing everything they can to rile us up, to distract us so that we’re looking over here where they’re doing this over here and we can’t be vulnerable. Just like our immune system and the way we shield ourselves if we’re not staying grounded and we’re staying solid and protected within our own being, there’s a lot of invading forces that are going to get in there and scramble this up.

So. And the two are connected, the micro and the macro. So I think we need to pull our resources together, be really, really prepared. Talk to Stewart Sword low, you know, and he’s just saying like the, the supply chain is going to be really impacted there as we’re seeing in this changing of the guard, I guess you could say, or however you want to put it in this, you know, transition the, the hallway between where we are right now and there. We want to make sure that we have the resources we need to be able to be okay if things shut down.

And then whatever games they play with whatever tech toys they have, be as neutral as possible and just make sure you’re taking care of yourself and your family and your home and the land around you and just connect with nature and work with the pendulum, work with the cards, tap into the astrology, get to know yourself. In these times, this is an opportunity for us to get to know ourselves and upgrade and Reclaim all that has been stolen and what’s been asleep that they overtook with a control system and agenda versus losing ourselves to the bait that will present itself more than likely as we move in this new direction.

That timeline isn’t grounded and solidified yet. It is as far as nature is concerned. It is as far as our soul is concerned and what we know and why we’re here and what we came for. But the human part of it. Yeah, we got to get that aspect of ourselves like, like in, like a little bit more respectful of the aspects of us that know exactly what to do. And I, I think respectful towards. As you start to learn yourself and are respectful for it to yourself, you’ll be respectful to others too. Right, because we’re seeing this complete lack of civility.

Exactly. You’re not in survival. You, you, you love each other, you look out for one another. You’re not in that. Yeah, keep going. Yeah, totally. Yeah. I mean, you see what I, what I’m saying? I know we don’t have that much time to go, so before we end this, I want you guys to share. I mean, that was just such a wonderful thing that you just talked about. But share what you want people to, to know and maybe some interesting thing that you’ve. You think is going to happen here in the future or just share something.

I know you guys have been around for a long time, so what would you want to share with people if you had the opportunity to. What you do right now? Can I go first? If I talk about my product that saved my life, is that all right? Because that’s what I want to share. Well, you can do that. I guess. You did that already, but you could do it again. Go ahead. It’s a survival tool. I mean, how are we going to get through? We’re going to be really conscious, we’re going to be really mindful of what we eat.

But we are being poisoned. Left, right and center. Bobby Kennedy Jr. Is coming in. He’s going to kick some booty. But how long will it take until they stop fluoriding the water? Until the chemtrail planes are stopped? How long will it take to purify the food? And maybe that’s why all the food supply has been minimized, which is a terrible thing. But I really think that we’re going to see massive upgrades in ways to improve our health, body, mind and spirit. Ways to improve. Because I think we’re at an all time low in human history. I know that the human trafficking right now is at an all time Horrific, horrific numbers.

And it’s us, the United States, that is the worst traffickers in the world. It’s awful what’s going on right now. And we’re going to need to do as elders and mothers and fathers and friends and family members is to really be kind because when other people learn what we’ve known for years, they’re going to have a really hard go. It’s going to be a combination of when 9, 11 happened and everybody fell to their knees, couldn’t breathe, and then we started hugging again. I think it’s gonna, it’s gonna be a combination of that, but for a longer time and a lot more gratitude for our family and friends.

So, yeah, I think. And why don’t you talk about your carbon 60 because that is a, it’s a phenomenal product. And so I want you, I want you to be able to have that opportunity. So to hope you didn’t think that I didn’t. Oh, no, I, I want to be respectful to your channel. And since you gave me permission, I grabbed the big bottle because that’s what I think you’re going to need this year of C60EVO. So it’s. This is a miracle molecule that won the Nobel Prize. But the freaking stuff has kept me alive through a terrible hit and a bad fall.

It gave me years on my hips where I just kept going and because it lubricates really well. But when I finally had to give in a year ago, the first surgeons that looked at me were like, it’s not possible. You’ve been walking on these hip, bone on bone hips for two years like this. They’re looking at my X rays and I said, well, I have. And it works with inflammation. Right? It’s a, it works thousands of times better than anything else. It’s just incredible. Incredible. It does better. Yeah. And it’s also 125 times more potent than vitamin C, peer reviewed as an antioxidant.

So I never get sick. I survived two hip surgeries effortlessly. Like today was my year reunion with my doctor and I took him a huge crystal as a gift, which totally threw him because people just say thank you. I survived surgeries and you did a good job. But I was just like, you did such a good job here. And I brought him this really big gratitude piece because I’m so grateful, not only that I’m still here, but that my surgeries went that well. And I give him a lot of credit, but I know I cheated because I use this every day and it just got me through.

And I didn’t do their drugs and medications, but my friends were sure that I was. I mean, I didn’t need it. So, yeah, I. This is my new blessing is number one. I’m taking something daily that helped me survive these terrible attacks on my life. But it’s also keeping my mind really centered and clear. And I don’t need drugs or alcohol because I’m just. I’m older, but I’m really balanced from this. And it’s wonderful for me to find something that helps me. So that’s my secret to success is C60EVO, the evolution of the C60 industry. Because we’re making.

Not industrial grade, which is being sold all around the world, but we make ESS 60 for people and pets. Laura does it. She’s been doing it for years. And I’m really proud of the company, but it’s more about. I’m also really selfish because it helped me, and I’m like a walking testimonial. And I’m really grateful to be here every day because it hasn’t been easy. And I love it that you invited us to be on the show, Sarah, because I’ve missed you, and you have hung in and listened to grueling stories from so many people. Oh, my God.

I mean, I can only imagine what’s in your head. I have almost 2000 interviews now between what I’ve done and what, you know, interviewing people and going on shows, it’s quite a lot. So, Laura, you guys have, too. But, Laura, you’re going on a. And I want you to say what. You know, finish us off with what you want to say. But you’re going on a cruise, which I think is absolutely incredible, where you’re speaking, going to the Bermuda Triangle. Have you ever been there before? No, no. It has all these, like, stories. It has all these stories about it.

Do you believe any of them? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I watch those kind of. Yeah. Bermuda Triangle, Alaska Triangle. And just the weird things that could happen or might happen. We’ll be definitely, like, doing something when we move through the Bermuda Triangle. And it’s funny because it’s with Portal to Ascension. That might just be the portal to somewhere. Who knows what’ll happen? I don’t know. But we’re going to Honduras and Bele, and a bunch of speakers is called Galactic Origins Cruise. And then, yeah, I’m just gonna take it easy next year. And I just really think, just to answer your question, just health and wellness and, you know, just realizing that, you know, the biggest priority Is our soul development and growth and just connection with that aspect of all that we are.

You know, when we talk about ascension or 5D, what does that really mean? You know, that we’re not in the personality matrix. We’re not hooked into an inverted matrix or, or a system that is that we’re constantly reacting to or answering to or being conditioned by. So, you know, it’s just. And I’ve always been like a rebel and somebody that questioned all that and didn’t really vibe with all that, but sometimes at a cost, you know, feeling kind of alone or like just not taking as good a care of myself as I could or just, you know, the targeting or like the craziness of my journey or just the weirdness of, you know, just coming into this family and uncovering what I have.

It’s. For me personally, it’s just a lot of self love and self care and more downtime. And I just recommend for people, you know, just the levity, the lightness. This is a time of, you know, celebration and reunion really. You know, and when I say celebration, it’s like, sure, it could be, you know, celebratory, but it’s, it’s like you don’t need to adopt something. You don’t need to admit a. You don’t need to adopt a belief system outside yourself to awaken. This is, this is what the awakening is about. I think some people get lost in the information or they’re trying to figure it out or like what does it mean? Or they have to learn something.

It’s not, it’s. It’s unlearning everything and realizing that it’s all within you. You know, the conspiracy theories and stuff are just pointing out the red flags, the imposter energies and all these things that don’t line up, you know, so that you can begin to, to realize that what you have inside of you is where, where the attention needs to be. And when you do see an anomaly and something doesn’t add up or you feel the need to say no or not consent to your doctor, or just stand your ground and be empowered, you know, these are the times to really do that.

Don’t be afraid of that. I talked to a client today who, you know, really stood his ground with, with some professional like medical person and you know, just standing up to any kind of tyranny, any kind of control force outside of you that doesn’t feel right, doesn’t matter what form it comes in, you know, even in your relationships, it might have nothing to do with the Matrix. It might be a control freak or a narcissist. It’s just, let’s just realize that when we begin to cut the cords with the energy vampires and the things that, you know, lower our self worth and make us think we’re not worth much, that giving ourselves the blessing of self love and forgiveness to all of it, to know and open ourselves up to something much greater, the greatest gift you can give to yourself.

And that’s when you’ll really start to notice the synchronicities and magic, you know, even if it means you mourn and cry and have to go through the discomfort of it all. You know, unconditional love is truth. That is what our true connection with God source is. And that is what the healing path is all about is, you know, really, you know, knowing that we can connect into that and overcome all the assumptions, assaults, all the manipulations, all the deceptions and, and, and all the things that we mistakenly agreed to in order to recover. And it’s that unconditional love that’s going to get us through and we have to hold that for each other.

Doesn’t mean, you know, we, we don’t have boundaries. That’s very, very important, that we do have boundaries. But, but we hold the space of, you know, unconditional love, forgiveness and understanding to really also help those that are crying out, but don’t know how to, you know, dismantle these programs. The trauma is too much for them to begin to be able to unpack all of that and that, you know, healing centers and counseling and all sorts of, you know, therapies are going to be way more out there for people to help them, you know, recover on every level that it’s going to be real, multidimensional, holistic healing to deal with this trauma and, you know, help people process through, you know, all of it and that we’re.

That alchemical ingredient and the override frequency of these, we can collapse these dark technologies, you know, with this love and realize that nobody is doom and gloom. You know, let’s hold space for the miracles of all those that have been impacted, infected, assaulted by these bioweapons that, you know, they, they, they can, they can recover. We’ve recovered from targeting, we’ve recovered from assaults. You know, it doesn’t matter what form it comes from, whether you’re awake and you get assaulted or you’re asleep and you’re being assaulted. We are recovering from this world and we’re going to do it together and we’re gonna, you know, embrace the fact that we can manifest miracles.

And that’s our divine birthright. To regenerate, to heal, to over, to overcome. And that is the brilliance of what we’re reconnecting with. Sorry, I know. That was just like. No, that’s great. That was great. Yeah, like, ah, that’s good. You got to just let it out. So where can people follow you to cosmicguides.org and yeah, I just, I love to work with people, like whatever it is you’re going through with the tool of astrology. And I do zoom calls and I do discounted sessions for subscribers. And yeah, I keep doing events and I’ll just keep updating my site.

And C60 has worked really great for me and I work with a lot of amazing products that have helped me to overcome, rise above and regenerate and still keep going and keep it on, keep moving forward. And thank you so much for all you guys do. And it’s been really awesome to be with you. That’s awesome. And then, Patty, where can they find you? I am at c60evo.com like evolution and my films are crop circlefilms.com and I’ve got DVDs or streaming and C60EVO. Luckily, I work with scientist guys, but I’m the girl there. So now we’ve got body cream, face serum, lip balms, all with the C60.

And my Harley Davidson biker skin is finally smooth again. And my attitude is so much nicer. Patty, so good. Thank you so much, ladies. I really enjoyed this conversation. Thank you so much for having us sa.



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