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âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, discusses the importance of diversifying your money to protect it from potential bank seizures. He also introduces John Thaler, a guest with a background in investigating criminals, who shares his personal story of investigating corruption and racketeering in Arizona and other states. Thaler’s investigation, which is detailed in his book “Report to the Governor”, was complicated by the abduction of his child and his involvement with his wife, who was previously involved in organized crime.
âž¡ A man discovered his partner, Brittany, was involved in a series of fraudulent activities, including real estate fraud, insurance fraud, and tax evasion. He found out when he stumbled upon real estate documents with her name signed in various ways. As he dug deeper, he found more fraudulent activities involving payroll theft and Medicaid fraud. Despite the threats from Brittany’s family, he continued his investigation, which led to uncovering a larger scale of corruption involving major banks like HSBC and Wells Fargo.
âž¡ The article discusses a problem of people fraudulently obtaining professional credentials, such as those for lawyers, real estate agents, and doctors, among others. This is done either by creating a fake identity in the system or by a real person acquiring credentials they didn’t earn. The issue is prevalent in Arizona and is difficult to detect due to the lack of thorough background checks. The article also criticizes the process of selecting judges in Arizona, suggesting it is corrupt and lacks sufficient screening.
âž¡ The selection process for judges lacks proper screening, often resulting in individuals becoming judges due to connections or incentives rather than merit. This can lead to corruption, with some judges potentially being bribed or influenced. The city court system is particularly problematic, with judges often chosen based on their ability to generate revenue through fines. This system can lead to unfair treatment and corruption, with some judges allegedly involved in illegal activities.
âž¡ During an election, almost 40% of the voting machines malfunctioned due to slight differences in the size and thickness of the ballots. This led to a significant number of votes not being counted. The uncounted ballots were supposed to be placed in a designated box (Box 3) for manual counting, but there was no proper tracking system to ensure all ballots were accounted for. This issue predominantly affected Republican precincts, raising concerns about the integrity of the election results.
âž¡ The text discusses a book called “Report to the Governor” available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the book’s website, where the author offers autographed copies. The book provides information on alleged frauds in Arizona. The text also promotes a service, davehodgesgold.com, which offers information on protecting assets, especially considering current economic uncertainties. The service reminds that all investments carry inherent risks.
âž¡ This text discusses fraudulent activities in businesses and hospitals, where funds and personal data are misused. It explains how some businesses segregate funds for fraudulent operations and potential penalties. It also reveals how hospitals, now storing patient data digitally, have become a major source of stolen data, which is then sold and used to create fake IDs. Additionally, the text mentions how dating services can also be exploited for data breaches.
âž¡ The article discusses a fraudulent scheme where individuals are falsely listed as lawyers, real estate agents, and other professionals in official databases, despite not having the necessary qualifications or even existing in reality. This is achieved through hacking or insider manipulation of the systems, creating ‘phantom’ professionals or giving real individuals unearned credentials. The issue is prevalent in states like California and Arizona, and despite being brought to the attention of the relevant authorities, it remains largely unaddressed. The article also suggests that this fraudulent practice could extend to other professions such as doctors, mental health therapists, and certified public accountants.
âž¡ The text discusses the process of selecting judges in Arizona and California, highlighting the corruption in Arizona’s system. In California, potential judges undergo a thorough screening process involving peer reviews and state-level committees. However, in Arizona, a committee of ten, including lawyers and non-lawyers, selects judges without any further screening. This system often leads to corruption, with judges being bribed or incentivized to take the position. The text also criticizes the city court system, where judges are hired and fired by the city council, often leading to unfair practices.
âž¡ The article discusses a book that provides evidence of racketeering activities within a family. The book includes over 500 footnotes and documents that can be accessed on its website. It also discusses issues with voting systems in Arizona, particularly in Maricopa county, where a significant number of voting machines failed. The article suggests that these failures, along with issues related to mail-in ballots, may have led to inaccurate election results, affecting mostly Republican voters.
âž¡ The text discusses concerns about mail-in voting in Arizona, particularly in Maricopa County, where it’s predominantly used by Democrats. It highlights issues such as machine breakdowns on election day and potential conflicts of interest. The author also claims to have evidence that Donald Trump won Arizona in the 2020 election, citing voting fraud and discrepancies in mail-in ballot signatures. The text ends with a promotion for a book detailing a four-year investigation into corruption and election fraud in Arizona and other states.
âž¡ The story revolves around a series of investigations into Russian organized crime and a blackmail scheme that started around 2011. The narrator’s wife, Brittany Ray Chavez, was involved in creating false documents to disrupt the investigation. She was also part of a crime family involved in money laundering and racketeering. The narrator discovered her involvement when he found falsified real estate documents with her name on them, leading to a deeper investigation into her family’s illegal activities.
âž¡ In 2019, several companies hired us to investigate potential fraud within their systems. We discovered fake employees on their payrolls, who were also taking out insurance policies and faking deaths for financial gain. My friend John Cruz, a former senior VP of HSBC bank, was unknowingly managing money laundering accounts and was fired when he tried to expose it. I’m currently working on a multibillion-dollar insurance and banking fraud case involving Wells Fargo and other major banks, who are making profits despite being fined for their illegal activities.
âž¡ Hospitals and dating services are major sources of stolen data. In the past, data was physically stolen from hospitals, but now it’s done electronically. Dating services also collect a lot of personal information, which can be used for data breaches. Additionally, there are instances of fake employees infiltrating systems, leading to financial losses for companies.


Hey, everybody. Dave Hodges here, host of the common sense show. We are the show that is freeing America one in slave mind at a time. We are brought to you by from the Noble Gold studios, Noble Gold. And we’re really glad to bring you this information. Listen, you can leave your money in the bank, and when they get desperate, they can take it. The Dodd Frank Law 2010 says they can do it. It’s unconstitutional, but they’ve made it legal. So what do you want to do? Well, I think you need to diversify. That’s what I’ve done.

I’ve been advertising for Noble Gold for seven years. I’ve been a customer for over six. I just rebalanced my portfolio last week with them. Let me give you the same opportunity. I want to send you a free information packet and I’ll have Noble gold’s number and it’ll explain everything that they do, including protecting your retirement. Go to davehodgesgold.com. that’s davehodgesgold.com. well, we have one of our most favorite guests that we’ve ever had on the show because he goes really where no one else goes. And his name is John Thaler. And John has an extensive background in investigating criminals.

And the criminals are seemingly everywhere, particularly in the swing states. My state of Arizona, we are a captured operation and we’ve uncovered some information regarding finance and the cartels and HSBC bank and the whole nine yards. And we’re going to ask John to sort some of this out for us. John, welcome to the show. I’m really glad you could join us. Thank you for having me, Dave. I appreciate it. Yeah, well, you’ve done such good work. You’ve written, by the way, I want to get to this right away. You’ve written something called report to the governor.

Is that publicly available now? Yes, as a matter of fact, because my publisher makes me do this. This is the book. This is the hardcover version. I like to show people this only because this is how thick this book is. It’s 630 pages. It’s about the four year investigation that my office conducted into racketeering, bribery, corruption, election fraud, mostly in the state of Arizona, but with the tentacles going out into many other states, including California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and then some of the eastern states like Ohio, Pennsylvania. And so it covers the four years of investigation.

It covers what a lot of people know to be my personal story as well, how I got involved in this particular investigation. And it involves the abduction of my then two year old child as a way to try to stop the investigation from continuing. Wow. Wow, that’s amazing. How did that end up with the abduction of your child? It’s still an ongoing issue. He is safe, which is the best part. I don’t discuss too much about it other than that he and I have not seen each other in now three and a half years. But the rest of it I don’t discuss because it is ongoing.

I expect that that situation will relieve itself and will come to a conclusion shortly. But it’s been a tragedy all around. Here’s a two year old child. I was his primary caregiver, really, from birth. I was his primary caregiver who got caught up in a very bad family situation with in laws of mine involved directly in the organized crime activities. And the thought was that if we take him and we hold him, we can essentially extort you into stopping the investigation. I’m not one for extortion. I basically can’t be extorted, which is, I guess, in some ways, why what I do and how my investigations go is so effective because nobody’s going to pay me off.

And, you know, unfortunately, McKinley got caught up in the middle of this and to a degree still is right now. From our previous interview last year, you indicated that you came across this information as a result of a computer that was left open and you were able to access the files. It wasn’t so much that it was the original. The origination of this was, you know, was actually fairly innocent. I want to go back a step on that just because you had asked me something before we began that we’re going to touch on. I began this actually long, long before that particular relationship or McKinley was ever born.

This goes back now about twelve years, actually 13 years into 2011 and 2012, when, during a series of investigations on russian organized crime, a blackmail scheme was attempted. Now, I didn’t have a child who could be blackmailed. Then I have another child, but I didn’t have one who could be blackmailed. That wasn’t it. But there was a number of swatting attempts that were made on me to try to get me to stop the investigation. And it turned out that the person who had arranged the swatting attempt, now we know the term swatting in 2012, this was not a common term at all.

People didn’t understand about you loft there and calling the police, making false reports. That wasn’t something that people had heard about or knew much about. But that’s what happened to me in 2011, 2012, in the middle of this investigation. And it turned out that the person who had prepared a number of the documents to try to perform the swatting happened to be Brittany Ray Chavez, who ultimately, in 2016, became my wife. Brittany Ray Chavez, now Brittany Ray Thaler. I so basically, almost three years before we ever met face to face, she not only knew who I was, she had already schemed with other people to try to create confusion and problems in an investigation, in an investigation involving organized crime.

I didn’t realize this part of it. So let me take this to its logical conclusion on the face. So she did this from afar, and then she tried to do it up close as your wife? Well, I think that it’s actually a weirder story than that. And it’s also maybe in a weird way, in the true sense of the term romantic. It’s a much more romantic story than that. She had originally been contracted to prepare a number of falsified documents that were supposed to be presented to a court in Los Angeles, California. And essentially, there were enough problems.

Look, being a lawyer is not easy. And when you have complicated subject matters, a lot of lawyers screw stuff up. And the problem was that a number of the documents that were filed with a court in Los Angeles county were screwed up, were not done correctly. And it was not something that a lawyer specializing. And this is an area of real property. Of course, its not an area that a lawyer doing real property would have screwed up. So it was very clear that this was amateur hour in terms of the documents, in terms of what was filed, how it was put together.

There’s some very esoteric laws in California that were violated in terms of the documents that were drawn. So some stuff that made it very clear that this was a fraud. Who did it and why they did it was not so clear. For several years when I moved from California, I lived in California full time until roughly about 2011. In 2011, when I was living probably the majority of my time in the state of Arizona. In 2014, the set of documents made their way from California to Arizona. And that happened about six months before I met Brittany Chavez.

So what basically had happened was she was paid to put together the documents. She did. And then when I moved to Arizona, she was paid again to move the documents from California to Arizona. And then through that process, for whatever the reason, decided that she was going to meet me. And I don’t know if that was for the purposes of trying to see what my assets were or trying to see what research I was doing on something. I never know, because with what we do, it’s very encrypted. It’s very hard to get into you can’t just break into our computers and steal anything.

So I don’t know what the original purpose was, but I would tell you that what winds up happening is she decides that, you know, maybe she can date me, run off with me, if you will, and what she’s going to do is hide behind me, that she’s going to get out of the business. You know, as we’ve talked about before, her family is in the racketeering business. They’re especially in the money laundering business. The Chavez, as I call them oftentimes on Twitter, the Chavez crime family are fairly major operators in what we call cleaners, uh, you know, for organized crime.

And they do it certainly for the cartels. They do it for other. Other entities, other businesses. They do it for a lot of real estate moguls in the state of Arizona. And, you know, Brittany had been a part of this and made a part of it since she was about eight years old. And so I think that Britney got to a point. You know, she turned. She got to be about 30. She decided she didn’t want to do this anymore, but she needed kind of something she could hide behind. She wanted family, she wanted child. She wanted what you might call a normal suburban life.

And I think that she decided at some point that she could do that with me and she could run away from all this. The problem was that these things were not small things. And the way she got caught at it, if you will, is that after McKinley was born, which was in December of 2017, I was looking at documents in order to write up a trust for us in case something happened to the two of us. And I came across in the recorder’s office, the Maricopa county recorder’s office, real estate documents with her name on them that clearly she had signed.

She had signed them in all different ways, including signing as Brittany R. Middle initial R. Chavez. She had signed them as Britney Chavez. She had signed them as Britney Ttni Chavez. She had signed them as B r I t t n e y Chavez, and so on and so forth. And not only that, but it had her, on many of these recorded documents as husband and wife with somebody named Justin, middle initial E. Chavez, which I knew she had not been married before. I knew that didn’t make any sense. So one thing led to another, and you start looking at these things, and you realize that these are falsified documents.

You realize that the transactions are falsified. And my first inclination was that it was tax evasion on the part of her family. I didn’t think of this on a big scale thing. I thought that this was tax evasion on the part of her family. And so I kind of asked her about it because the one thing I didn’t want it to do was touch and concern us. We had a child, so you can’t just say, oh, I’m going to divorce court tomorrow, or you’re not being truthful with me. We now have a child. I started asking questions.

I was not getting honest answers. And over the course of 2018, more and more and more started coming out about these real estate transactions. And ultimately, by 2019, Brittany was really breaking down from all of this. She was starting to, she wouldn’t admit directly to all of the fraud, but she was admitting to, yes, that’s her name on the document, and, yes, this is part of something her family is involved in and so on and so forth. And it really grew from there. And then what happened in 2019, as I talk about in the book, is that it went from just a number of deeds with falsified signatures, with falsified notarizations.

Obviously, money’s being placed through properties, on phony sale transactions. That’s what it was. But what started to happen, too, is we started to find more and more documents that she had been involved with that involved payroll theft. It involved insurance fraud, it involved Medicaid fraud. And the number of things just started piling up. And so through 2019, she kind of became, you know, what you might call a percipient witness. You know, she was questioned a lot by me and by others. She broke down on a lot of it and provided a lot of information, which was what a lot of the investigation was, you know, but by the end of 2019, she was seeking witness protection.

She actually went to me and one of my colleagues, John Stanley, and asked for WITSEC, which is federal witness protection. And then shortly before, just as we were making application for her, her family members found out, threatened her, threatened her toward me with bodily harm, toward me, I think, even threatened McKinley with bodily harm. And at that point, she essentially took McKinley and tried to run off with him, fearing for her life and to a degree, fearing for mine. And like I said, the rest is kind of history. The rest went into the investigation. She provided a great deal of material for it, and certainly the basics of the different areas, such as the bribery, the corruption, the election fraud, all the different racketeering activities, the payroll theft, etcetera.

And so in 2019, we got clients on this who hired us to figure out how bad this really was. And so for a number of companies that hired us, we were able to get into their systems and prove that they had, for example, fake employees on their payroll that they were paying. So that was one aspect of it. We were able to determine that not only did they have fake employees, but the fake employees were taking out insurance policies under the group plan. Then a number of the fake employees were dying, quote unquote, dying, bodies being, quote unquote, cremated, and the proceeds being paid to the, quote unquote husband who didn’t exist.

So we had ripoff after rip off after ripoff. Let me tell you about my friend John Cruz. I first interviewed John about twelve years ago, and he was a naive, promoted rapidly to senior vp of HSBC bank. And unknowingly, he was put in charge of managing many of their money laundering accounts. After getting roadblocked and fired and roadblocked by the federal government. He eventually got enough information and was going to go public that they assessed a $2 billion fine to HSBC. And he said it was money laundering. Boiler rooms, fake identities tied to the Clinton foundation.

And he thought I’d be interested in it because he found evidence of it coming into places like Arizona. Okay. And then he leaves this behind after he wrote a book. And he now he worked for Allstate Insurance, was managing an insurance company, and he discovered they were selling data to be used for fake ids. Yeah. Does this sound anywhere related to you? Cause I thought it might be, and that’s why I contacted you. Yeah. It’s not only related to me. I actually have a section in the book about bank fraud in the cases that we have worked with and the case I’m working on now, I’m currently working on a multibillion dollar insurance and banking fraud matter that involves, in some part, not entirely, Wells Fargo Bank.

Wells Fargo bank is also responsible for setting up a lot of the phony accounts that are talked about in the book. But I also have a section on this about the major banks, bank of America, HSBC, Wells Fargo, Citibank, and I talk about the money laundering cases over the last 15 years or so that they have been charged with and have been fined on, have either pleaded guilty either criminally or civilly, and the penalties that have been exacted on them for doing it. Banks are in the business of making money. And if banks believe that the penalty, the fine that they’ll get is going to be substantially lower than the profits they’re going to make, and the number of new clients, new business they bring in, then certainly they’re going to take the fine.

Rarely, and this is the biggest problem, rarely are bank officials prosecuted criminally for these things. So what happens is the bank may be fined hundreds of millions of dollars, but it pales in comparison to what they’re really making all over the world from these operations. That’s the biggest problem. But they are all involved in it, and they all do it, and it doesn’t take much. In the case that I’ve been working on lately involving the insurer and the banking company, this is a medium sized bank that colluded with an insurance company to essentially rip off for probably close to a billion dollars policyholders who were put into policies they shouldn’t have been into, that they couldn’t even understand.

There’s a lot of financial issues with the deals, there’s a lot of IR’s violations with the deals, but it’s not hard to do. It doesn’t take an entire bank. I think somebody quoted this back to me the other day on Twitter where I’ve said, you don’t need every judge to have corruption. You don’t need every city council person to have corruption. You don’t need every police officer in a police force to have corruption. If you can get about five to 10%, you can corrupt the rest of the operation, especially if you get it at the senior leadership positions.

And with Wells Fargo, for example, which has been a big problem the way they have individual bankers, if you can corrupt an individual banker, you can set up accounts for anybody. You know, if you use the same banker over and over and you slip money to them under the table, you’re going to be able to set up hundreds, if not thousands of accounts. And the banker is going to look like a freaking genius, because look at all the business he’s brought in. Right. What John thought was interesting is he discovered that when HSBC paid their $2 billion fine.

And by the way, the person who prosecuted this was Loretta lynch when she was with the southern division in New York before she became. Yes, because. Game. Attorney general. Yeah. And, and, but he found that HSBC had already set aside the $2 billion before he was even hired to manage these fraudulent accounts. So they were looking at this as, this is the cost of doing business. Was that the same true with b of a Wells Fargo and the rest? Yeah. In fact, one of the things that we now look at very carefully, and we’re actually having a problem in this multi, you know, probably multi billion dollar case, is we, first things we do is when we go into one of these things, is we try to request usually on behalf, in this case, on behalf of policyholders.

Where did their checks go? What accounts do their checks go into? How to get paid? Where’s that account located, where the money go from there? And what we normally find is two things. One, when they are, when they have a specific fraud operation going on, they will segregate the funds so that the rest of the people in the bank, the rest of the banking officials, never see the accounts. And the second thing is that they know what the potential penalties are. So it’s kind of like buying insurance where for every dollar they’ll take in twenty five cents, twenty cents, fifteen cents is going to go to another segregated account to take care of fines and issues, lobbying efforts, whatever they need to try to get out from under.

Wow. It’s amazing. Well, I want to tie in what’s happened. He’s been involved in two court cases with Allstate. When he began to ask questions, they fired him. And I told him, I said, it looks like bad luck just follows you. But what he found was these fake ids were being created based on real people’s data and then sold off. And they took him to court to try to silence him. And they haven’t been successful. They’re trying again. Is this typical of what you found as well? Well, make it even worse for you. One of the things that we found, starting roughly about 2011, is that one of the main sources of data is hospitals.

Now, people think of hospitals with files and with actual pieces of paper, but anybody who’s been in a hospital over the last five and certainly ten, maybe even ten years knows that nothing is on paper anymore. The days of a doctor handwriting on a file are long gone. So files are created and kept digitally in hospitals. When you are in the hospital, the file is there. When you leave the hospital, the file does not stay on their server. There’s a period of time by which the data goes off of their server and is then stored in someone else’s server.

And there are data storage centers throughout the country that basically store things like hospital data. Now, if you think about how many hospitals there are, how many patients are treated, how many urgent care facilities there are patients treated, how many doctors there are in the country, patients treated, you can just imagine how many files you get. And so one of the things that you have now is you have these storage facilities, one, particularly in San Diego, which is particularly egregious, that take in information and then basically collate that information, use data mining techniques to mine the data and then sell it back out and if you do it, if you know how to do it, it’s very, very hard to detect and very hard to catch.

So one of the companies that we’ve dealt with on this is in Arizona, is the John C. Lincoln Group, which is honor health. Honor Health is a fairly big conglomerate of hospitals like dignity health. They’re huge. John C. Lincoln. One of the things that we found was that one of the senior vice presidents of it, of course, at the John C. Lincoln group in Phoenix. And if everybody has seen this, it’s right off I 17 and Bell. People can’t miss it. They essentially were providing data, filtering out data at that point at the hospital, point into a separate database where it was then being sold and used to create fake ids.

Because what do you know? Think about it. When you go to the hospital, what do they have? They have your name, your address, your Social Security number. They have usually your parents names, your mother’s maiden name, et cetera, all those identifying features. And then from that, you can obviously get a credit report if you need one as well. And they have everything. The hospitals have been one of the primary sources of stolen data. I mean, it used to be that the way data got stolen from hospitals is, you know, you did everything in triplicate on those carbon forms, and you’d have dumpster diving late at night, dumpster diving into the carbon forms, because nobody shredded at hospitals back in those days.

So, you know, you could wind up. This actually happened to me. I was, when I was in law school, I received a cut that needed a couple of stitches. I was over at Scripps hospital, very well known hospital. About two or three years later, I get a call from bank of America that said, you know, they said, do you know that you’re late on your credit card payment? And I said, I don’t bank with bank of America. I don’t have in those days, bank Americard. And they said, yeah, we didn’t think you did. But just so you know, your card says you owe about $6,000.

I said, how is that possible? They said, well, we’ve traced it back to a dumpster dive of a bunch of nigerian students in San Diego who were working, you know, got jobs at the hospital, you know, cleaning jobs at the hospital. And late at night, they would go into the trash and they would pull out the carbons, and then they would set up fake accounts and fake addresses and use everything from the carbons. Well, those days are over. This is all now done electronically, and it’s quite severe, by the way. That’s not the only one. I’ll give you another one that we talk about in the book that’s really fascinating is dating services.

Consider dating services and all the information you provide them. Now, you generally don’t provide them your Social Security number, but everything else you provide, you name, your address, your height, your weight, your phone number, where you live, where you have lived. I mean, consider something like eharmony, which is designed to match people to be married. So it’s not like Tinder, where you put five things of yourself, half of which probably aren’t even true. For something like eHarmony, you’re putting down a lot of data about yourself. You know, what’s your favorite place? What’s the favorite place you’ve ever traveled to? What was the name of your favorite pet? I mean, every possible thing that could be used for data breaches is something you’re putting into a dating site.

So one of the things that we have found back, I think, roughly in 2011 to twelve, was several of the dating sites were creating secondary sites. So it wouldn’t be the eharmony site, it would be a secondary site. I don’t mean to beg on them, they’re not actually responsible for this, but just as a way of looking at it, it would be like eharmony creating a secondary site. In fact, for a while, I think they had one called chemistry.com, and then using the secondary site to essentially steal data. And it certainly worked great for data mining.

So you get a lot of these companies that say, oh, we don’t sell your data. We don’t provide it to everyone else on and on. Nonsense. That’s where the money is. The money is not in you paying your $19.95 a month. The real money for all of these companies is data and the data mining that comes with it. I never had thought of that. You know, it’s interesting, you mentioned that medical facility at Bell and I 17. I used to get two shots once a month at that facility for a condition I had. I left them because their billing was so horrendous.

They were an absolute organizational disaster. And so I left and go to where I’m at now. I guess maybe I should wait for the shoe to drop, because I was at that exact facility you’re talking about. Yeah, yeah. And we found this, for example, in our investigation, and we talk about this directly in the book, and we show the evidence of it. We did a bunch of work involving dignity health. Dignity Health is a huge healthcare provider. It’s in California. It’s in Arizona. It’s in Nevada. It’s mostly western states, but it’s in a lot of states.

And what we found was a lot of infiltration into their system that was allowing for fake employees to be put in for payroll checks to be paid for, a lot of the insurance. Insurance policies, especially life insurance policies to be bought, a lot of death and destruction of employees leading to claims on the policies. And probably it’s not huge, but certainly millions of dollars of loss for dignity, health. Just in Arizona alone. Just in Arizona and California alone. I mean, we even found examples where there was one employee, but listed as working in two different locations in two different states where the employee files were so screwed up as a result, because it was the same name.

Same name, but different Social Security number, but same handwriting on the application. For each, a policy obtained by one and ultimately receiving five times annual salary and a policy payoff when that person allegedly died. Easy. Okay. I want to bundle all this and take it in a direction. First of all, I had mentioned this to you right before we came on air. I’ve been told by a third party not related to you, that in Arizona, that we have lawyers practicing law that are doing so with the result of hacking into the bar association or academic credentials at a university.

Yeah, let me talk about that. Because we first found this in California in 2011, where we found that there were lawyers, at least, who were on the bar rolls, who had a bar number, had a name, you know, had usually an address and sometimes a phone number, who were clearly. Who clearly didn’t exist. Didn’t exist. And we, you know, we were able, you know, and I’ll tell you about the phone call. The first phone call I had with the bar on this. You know, I called the bar. I said, I need to talk to one of the investigators.

They gave me one of the investigators, and I said, you’ve got at least one at this point, and probably many phantom lawyers on the bar rolls. And this is a problem. And the first question I got asked was, well, have any of their clients complained? What does that matter? I said. I said, sure. I said, the phantom clients of the phantom lawyers are complaining all over the place. And they kind of believed me. And I said, do you not understand what I’m saying to you? It took almost six months before the state Bar of California actually understood what I was telling them, which was, you’ve got these names in the roles who do not exist except on paper.

What all of their uses are is not real clear, but they’re being used for various things also in 2000, we didn’t discover it until roughly about 20, 1617. But one of the other ones we found, which is talked about in the books, we talk about the Paul Tokeshi case, which is a lawyer listed in the bar’s roles in the state of California, who literally doesn’t exist. There is a photo for Mister Takeshi. There is no phone number. There is no business address. Instead, it simply has his name and has a address of a house. If you know where the Santa Anita racetrack is in California, it’s actually.

The house is near there. It’s in Santa Anita, California. The person literally does not exist. And if you actually try to trace back the person based on the credentials, you will find that there’s never anything in their name. They allegedly went to UC Berkeley. There’s no record of them at Berkeley. They allegedly went to Harvard University. There’s no record of them there. And it’s not just a record. You can’t find somewhere that they lived. You can’t find a phone that they had. You can’t find a phone number or a phone service in their names. Nothing at all.

But yet these credentials, which are all, of course, fake, they’re all electronic, are then transported into the bar system and voila, you have a lawyer. Now. You cannot have that without that being an inside job. That’s not simply a hacking job, because bar numbers are sequential. They’re not sequential alphabetically, but they’re sequential to when you’re admitted. You cannot simply stick somebody in after the fact. So if you have a sequential bar number, let’s say the last three numbers of your bar number are 158. If there’s a 159 and there’s a 157, which there’ll be, then somebody had to put that number in, the 158 number in.

In real time. So it means that it has to be an inside job. So what you have is that you have at the state bar of California, somebody inside who’s got access to the system, you know, whether they’re physically in the bar or outside set, sitting in a computer, in a Starbucks, you don’t know. But somebody who has inside access to the bar rolls in real time, who’s able to put this in. We also have found that in Arizona. And in fact, we have found that this really originated not in California, but originated in Arizona. So in Arizona, you have a lot of this problem.

We don’t know the degree of how many, because bar associations are not only are they negligent in handling it, they won’t even talk about it. You can bring this to their attention all you want. They won’t talk about it. They do not want to have conversations about the hacking into their systems at all. But the problem isn’t just that. We posted recently about this, and we’ve talked about it in the book. It doesn’t just cover lawyers. It covers real estate agents. It covers real estate brokers. It certainly covers notaries. We believe it covers cpas. We believe it covers mental health therapists, LMSWs, LCSWs, licensed clinical social workers, and we believe it very likely covers doctors.

Now, it works on two different ways. One way, which we just talked about, is the phantom, somebody who’s in the system where the name shows up, but the person doesn’t exist at all. But we also have the problem the other way, where somebody receives credentials is a real person has credential that they never earned. So, in other words, I want to be a lawyer in. Well, but I already am. So let’s go with something else. I want to be a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Arizona. I obviously didn’t go to school for that.

I don’t have a degree in that. So what do I do? I pay somebody to create a degree in that with coursework and everything. At ASU, then I create a graduate set of degrees, and then I create the license, and I put it all into the system, and I give you, for a pretty good chunk of money, I give you credentials. So what I wind up. So what I wind up with, if this is done for me, for my benefit, is I wind up looking like I have an LCSW. And it’s not hard. I was speaking the other day with a friend of mine named Martin Biel, who has worked at UCLA for years and is one of the people in charge of the registrar’s office there.

He and I have been friends for probably 30 years. And one of the things I did when I first started finding this stuff is I called him, he’s at UCLA, and I said, how easy would it be for me to say to you, give me a PhD? And he said, I could give you one in ten minutes. And he said, unless somebody really, really, really was thoroughly investigating you and went to professors and said, what did you think of the sailor guy? And on and on, nobody would ever figure out that the credentials were fake. You know, this is right out of the show suits on Netflix with Mike Ross, let me tell you.

Well, yeah, and the suits thing is a really good example of this, which you brought up earlier. This is a great example of this, because in suits, look how easy it was. Now look how easy it was to get caught, too. Trying to pull this off can get difficult. And like I said, fortunately, we have caught some of these. But the fact of it is, it’s not that hard. I think for something like a lawyer, it is more difficult for obvious reasons, because there’s more public. One of the things that we find on the fake lawyers, of course, the fake lawyers can’t really go to court.

Phantom lawyers can’t really go to court. So if you have a phantom lawyer, you’re going to find that they’re never on a document. They’ve never signed for anything. If they have, you’re going to find fake signatures. Like on the Paul Tokeshi problem. He’s now been. By the way, the Tokeshi Persona has been suspended. There is no Paul Tokeshi who’s capable of practicing law anymore in California because of our investigation. But if you look at documents that Paul Tokeshi had signed, you had, I think, within over a twelve month period, you had five totally different signatures on the documents.

So five totally different people signed documents as Paul Takeshi. I mean, that was one way you could catch the problem. Now, unfortunately, one of those five who signed Paul Takeshi documents turned out to be Brittany. So, you know, it all came, it all came full circle because we could prove not only that the signatures were fake, but who was actually doing the signing. But for the people, for example, who have LMSW licenses or real estate licenses, either broker or, or as agent, that’s really difficult because what’s going to go wrong? Do they get sued? Do they go up before a board? Who’s going to do the background check to look to see? Do the professors ever know them? Because once it says that you took classes at ASU, once it says you received your degree, once it says you received your graduate degree, who would you question? How would you go about figuring out that it wasn’t real? If the system says it’s real, people believe it’s real.

If you’ve got the parchment paper on the wall, people believe it’s real. Yeah, exactly. I want to ask you, because I had a source on this, and I believe the source was in a position to be correct in what they’re telling me. And they have said a lot of what you said, but they took it a step further. They said, not only did it go through the professions you mentioned, but they said lawyers and future judges that make critical decisions that no reasonable judge would make. Well, I would say this, the system by which I just wrote back to somebody on this yesterday who said, oh, we have great judges in Arizona, and we have a system that checks them out.

And the governor who appoints, absolute nonsense. And in fact, I have a chapter in section four of my book. I have a chapter on this, how specifically judges are chosen in Arizona and how corrupt that is. So you have two problems going on in Arizona. One is, can you give us example how they’re chosen? Yeah, let me explain that, because it’s totally different than most other states. A state like California, for example, you can get bad judges. I’ve had judges who just have no business being on the bench. And I can tell you from experience that every lawyer in, say, Los Angeles can tell you five or six judges on the bench who shouldn’t be in Los Angeles County Superior Court but are.

And we will all agree on that, which is the big deal. We will all agree on that. We will all be able to say, yeah, you’re right. Yeah, you’re right. Regardless of whether they decided for us or decided against us, we would all agree on who those people are. The process in California, however, is pretty good. And what it does is I get these several times a year, the state bar will send me an evaluation form. They’ll say the following two or three people have been recommended for judgeship. We think you’ve had some experience with them.

Could you please fill out this questionnaire, etcetera? So it starts with that. Are they, of course, in good standing with the bar? Like, what they give me is the peer review. There’s a lot of that before you even get on a list to ever be considered. So there’s a lot that goes into it in kind of an anonymous sort of way and sort of random, where people like me are picked, you know, to be able to write up reports on what I think the person is. Do they have the right temperament? Do they have the knowledge? Do they have the ability? Do they have the communication skills? On and on before they even get onto a list that then goes to a committee at the state level.

So it’s not even local anymore. It’s at the state level. And then at the state level, the committee looks over these folks, puts rankings on them, figures out who would be the best for each general area. I feel for the different counties. And then ultimately, I don’t think the governors spend a lot of time on this, but governors generally have a specific person working for them who helps them make the decisions based on all of this. So there’s a lot of screening process that goes on here. So it doesn’t prevent bad judges, but it doesn’t. But it does keep down the corruption.

In Arizona. It doesn’t work that way. In Maricopa county, for example, there are five supervisorial districts. Of the five districts, each district has two people in each district who are on a committee that picks judges. One of those people is a lawyer. One of those people is a non lawyer. So you have five non lawyers and five lawyers, two from each supervisorial district, who basically select who they think should be a judge. And what happens is that, of course, is that the person in Gilbert, or the two people in Gilbert will always approve of the two people who are in, say, Abondale, Buckeye, who always approve of who’s in Scottsdale.

Because you support my guy, I’ll support your guy. So ultimately, what happens is that there’s no screening process. The only criteria is you have to at least be a member of the bar. You have to be a lawyer. Past that, there’s no other screening process. If the committee of ten says this person should be a judge, that’s what goes to the governor’s desk, and there’s no further screening. So when an opening comes up, they just pick from that list. They pick 1234 from the list. That’s it. So you can imagine the corruption that comes with this.

So who’s picked to be a judge? Well, sometimes that’s somebody who’s been at a major law firm, who has tried major cases, whose one of life’s ambitions has been to ultimately sit on the bench. So there are good judges, but oftentimes that’s not who’s picked. Who’s picked are oftentimes sole practitioners who have okay practices, but are making 100, 5200 thousand dollars a year off their practice, who are easily controlled, who are going to make probably as much, if not more money being a judge than they did as a lawyer. So you take out all the expenses, their actual income is going to actually increase by being a judge, not decreased.

So it’s not people who necessarily even started off wanting to be judges, but there are people who are then incentivized to be them. And so what happens is you get this local committee of two in that supervisorial district, the two people going to a particular lawyer and saying, hey, we’d really like you to be a judge. What do you think? And then that’s when all the shenanigans begin. And that’s what I talk about in the book. How they can be bribed, how they can be incentivized, how their practices can be sold off and the debts are paid off.

How they get favorable mortgages, all these different things to get them into offices, for sure. Some of them are bribed outright. Just here’s a bunch of money, go sit on the bench and wait for us. But a lot of them are incentivized, you know, through a bribe system or a patronage system that gets them on the bench, and that basically subjects them to a lot of, you know, to a lot of things that obviously you don’t want to have in judges. And so that’s the basic problem. Now, that’s just one problem. That’s the superior court. The city court system is a total disaster.

We got rid of this in the state of California because it was so corrupt in it for the city court system. So for Mesa, which is the most corrupt, for Gilbert, which is almost equally as corrupt, city of Phoenix, city of Chandler, et cetera, that all have their own city court system. Those judges are totally, completely picked by the city council. There is no washing them. They go and they make, literally, an application to the city council. City council interviews them. Sometimes we’ll put them on the bench as a pro tem or non paid judge position several times to see how they do.

And the criteria is very simple. How much money can you bring into the city by fines? The Citicorps system is totally, completely dedicated to fines. Taking your money, that’s what they do. So what they try to do is they try to increase bails that they shouldn’t increase. You’ll try to give high bails that they shouldn’t give. They will fine you excessive amounts for almost anything, and that’s how the city makes its revenue. So, basically, if you are a city court judge, you are a glorified bill collector. Now, that does not mean that there are not city court judges to take the job very seriously, who are dedicated to the profession of law, who are as neutral as anyone can be, but a lot of them are not.

They are hired specifically to benefit the city, and that’s what they do. And the fact is that if they don’t do that, they are fired. So, unlike judges of the superior court, who are ultimately appointed and then ultimately elected, which is usually about a 99.999% reelection rate, city court judges are hired and fired by city council. Now, in Mesa, we’ve tagged specific judges, Judge John Tat, Judge Alicia Lawler, as being people who are specifically taking bribes, specifically red flagging files, specifically doing the bidding, if you will, of the city council, which is equally corrupt. One of the things we talk about in the book is, and we name names, as you know, from the mayor down to the city council members to the city comptroller, to the city attorney, on and on and on, people who are taking bribes, usually through the mortgage system that we’ve talked about.

And this leads to convictions of people who they don’t like or don’t want or undesirables or people they think they can get money out of. It is entire corrupt system, Gilbert. The same way we specifically call out the presiding judge of Gilbert, David Kutchen. David Kutchen and his family members, and especially on his wife’s side of the family, are completely and totally, completely involved in racketeering activities. We show the documents. We provide the documents in the book. As we talked about before, in the book, we have about 507 separate footnotes in the book. And those 507 footnotes provide you the documents that support each and everything we’re saying.

So if you go to the books website, which is reporttothegovernor.com, and you go to the footnotes section, you can pull up the very documents. So when we say David Kutchen is on the tape, we show you the actual documents to prove it. We show you the actual mortgage documents. We show you deed documents, we show you business documents. We show you who created those documents and why, et cetera, et cetera, so that you can see the actual evidence, not just hear the story. So the book does contain about 100 or so plus documents, but we’ve got over 5000 of them as footnoted documents on the website.

Let me take this in two directions simultaneously. One, the fake ids we’ve talked about end up in voter fraud, is what I’ve been told. Another source, multiple sources. But what we’re getting down here, the path of corrupt judges, I’m going to be very specific. The name of the judge jumped out of my head, but it’s irrelevant because it’s everywhere. In one of Kerry Lake’s cases, when she was trying to adjudicate the fact that she was a victim of bad election, fake election. It’s a fact that 56% of the voting machines in republican dominant districts in Maricopa county failed upon opening.

And I know. Cause I had a relative and a neighbor affected by this. Okay? So that goes into court. That’s accepted. It’s proven, they demonstrated it. And yet the judge said, this is a free and fair election. Sorry, Kerry, you lose this to me. I was told by my source, he said, that’s a judge you want to start with. Well, let’s put this way when the election occurred, obviously. And let me go through this a little bit slowly, because for people who are not in Arizona, they don’t necessarily have a great handle on this. There’s a couple different things about Arizona.

So let’s go about, let’s go to the voting thing real quick. The voting system in Arizona is about one third of the population voting by mail in ballot, and about two thirds showing up, give or take. That number has increased over the years in terms of the mail in ballot. So we can talk about those problems in a second. Again, in section four of my book, we tackled this very specifically of exactly what happened, exactly what went wrong, how it goes wrong, and how both in 2020 and in 2022, that led to results that were simply not true.

And as you know, one of the things about me and the people I work with, I don’t do this alone. We are very, very, very bipartisan in our criticism. Republicans have benefited from the fraud for years and years and years. Democrats have benefited. So we go after everybody equally. We don’t take a side on this one way or the other. Let’s go through 22, because that’s what you mentioned. What happened in 22 was roughly, it’s not as high as 56%. It’s actually more like this. It’s a precinct issue. At roughly 38% of the precincts in Maricopa county, the printer scanner machines failed.

Now, the way voting works in Maricopa county, if you’re in person, is that it works on optical scanning. So you essentially, you fill in a hole. Think of it like a scantron form, almost. You know, you fill in a hole. And when you fill in those holes next to the person’s name that you want to vote for, that ultimately, that ballot, that piece of paper, you take over to a scanner and it goes to this machine and it scans that. And of course, obviously, you know, it counts, counts the votes. Well, for a number of different reasons, which are a little complicated, maybe too long to get into here.

The pieces of paper that were given out on the day of the election were not taped, was not the correct size. And I mean by millimeters, not the correct size, not like eight by ten versus nine by seven. I know what you mean. Small amounts of differences both in the thickness of the paper and the size of the paper. And so the ballots would not go through. So you would put this thing through the scanner. The scanner wasn’t able to see it because the sizings didn’t match up. So the scanner’s measuring eight and a half by eleven or eight by ten.

Whatever the size was, it can’t measure it. Because the size is slightly off, it can’t measure the balance. That’s the problem. So on election day, after all the alleged testing that is supposed to go on, where they’re supposed to obviously test all this long before, a month before this ever happens, these things didn’t go through. So it’s roughly almost 40% of the precinct. The number, the higher number that you’re talking about is the number of machines, because at each precinct there’s multiple machines. At each one, there’s not just one scanner. This was an across the board problem.

And to the degree that if you had three or four different scanners, for example, at a precinct, chances were all of them didn’t work. So you had a total of roughly about 56% total. Which is. And why is that? Why is that number different? Because precincts, even though they tried to evenly divide precincts among voters, it’s nothing. They know how many people are likely to show up at each terrific precinct. So there’s more printers at this one versus this one versus this one, because of what they anticipate the crowd being. So you have over 50% of the machines not working at 38% of the precincts.

That’s the problem you wind up with. And the bigger problem to me wasn’t so much. There’s two big problems with this. It wasn’t so much that the votes didn’t count going through. It’s that there’s a number of issues. One is that what’s supposed to happen is that when that fails that paper ballot, which obviously you have, you’re not holding this in your hand. It’s not running, is supposed to go in something called box three. Yes. That’s just a designation that’s given by the system here by Maricopa county for ballots that for some reason aren’t working when they go through the system, it’s literally what it is.

It’s called box three. The problem is that there is absolutely no chain of custody over box three. So when box three gets picked up and taken over to run back election services where the ballot could be hand counted, in other words, the idea is we’re going to do it by hand. So this whole box we take over, this is all the ones that didn’t work, which, by the way, is supposed to be about 20 ballots, not about 500 ballots. We’re supposed to. We’ll take a look at it and we’ll just do the totals by hand. Okay.

That’s fine, except that there is absolutely no chain of custody. So once those ballots are picked up from the precinct, there’s absolutely nobody has any idea whatsoever what happens to them. There’s not even really a check in process over at runback, which is the people who count the ballots, which is a whole other problem. That even tells you that the box actually got there, or that confirms, and this was the bigger deal, that confirms that the number of ballots put into box three is the number being counted coming out of box three. So there may be 500 ballots in the box three when it gets picked up.

You don’t know that 500 actually then got counted, because there’s no system by which that gets counted. So the problem is that if you want to tamper with an election, one way you can do it easily is take votes out of there. Now, the reason why this is such a big deal is that if this had kind of been across the board everywhere, just randomly, the 38%, that might not have been a big deal. If this was one day of voting, one day only, this might not have been as big a deal. The reason this was a huge deal in 2022 is because it doesn’t work that way.

The precincts involved were mostly republican by a very high number and were republican by a very large percentage. So that the number of votes that would have been in the box threes would have been very highly, probably two thirds, one third, give or take. Republican voting doesn’t necessarily mean they voted for Kerry Lake or Abe Homaday. But certainly by sheer numbers, by sheer polling data, you can figure out about two thirds of the votes were probably for Lake and for homady and one third for fontes or not fantasy that much. But for Hobbes and for Chris Mays, and so you have the situation where who did this affect? It affected mostly Republicans.

Second problem is, is that is the mail in ballot problem that goes with this. There’s another separate problem with mail in ballots, but with mail in ballots with this, the problem is, is that mail in ballots are predominantly used. In Arizona, it’s become. It used to be more republican because it was absentee, but now with mail in, it’s become more predominant, especially in Maricopa county, that Democrats use the mail in ballot system more so than Republicans. So even at those few count, those few precincts that may have been leaning more Democrat, more of the votes coming in on Election Day would have been from republican voters who didn’t avail themselves to the mail in system.

So when you take a look at this overall you’ve got tens of thousands of votes that are highly questionable in a highly questionable system, in a highly questionable machine breakdown, which happened to, what, 38% of machines? I mean, consider this. How the hell does do almost 40%, four out of ten machines, two out of five, break down on the day of an election, all from the same exact problem. I mean, you’ve had a computer go out for sure. I’m sure, as does everybody else who’s watching us or listening to us. They’ve had computers go out. But at the same time, does yours and your wife’s and your kids computers all go out at the same time? The Internet might go out, but when have you ever had a situation where everybody in the family who has a personal, you know, has a laptop computer, had their computer go out at the same time from the same problem, you know, in the absence of a virus, that’s not possible.

No, I agree. And it wasn’t a virus. And, you know, you said you go after the bipartisan part of it in 2020. I think it’s mostly Democrats. But in 2022 in Arizona, it was Stephen Risher and Bill Gates and the rest of the supervisors that, I think facilitated this fraud and their GOP. In fact, Gates, I don’t know if you know this. Gates and Reisher actually took out a pack against America first. Candidates like Kerry Lake and Abe Amad, Republicans working against Republicans. Well, regardless of whether you even have Republicans working against. John, we got about it.

We got about it. You have on this. Well, you have, on the face of it, a gigantic conflict of interest going on. Exactly. And as we’ve talked about before, you know, run back election Services, which is the company that runs the election services for Maricopa county, you know, is. Is wholly owned by the Thoma family, Ben Thoma being the speaker of the House. So you have the speaker he kicked out of the House for the state of Arizona, who owns the very system by which ballots are counted. I can’t imagine anywhere where that would be considered legal, let alone ethical.

John, I got to stop this. Where they turn out the lights on us. Will you come back and do a part two? Because we’re just beginning to merge some of these ideas. Yeah, absolutely. Let me just say one other thing to you, because we got cut off on it originally when we went over to the election. But one of the things that my book does is it actually proves that Donald Trump actually won the state of Arizona in 2020. And we don’t just say that. We show the mathematics of it. We show the voting fraud. We show how the voting was done.

We show how the mail in ballot system works. And one of the things that we do to talk about just for 1 second on the falsities of the mail in ballot system, we actually show, we actually got a hold of for 2022, a number of the signatures off of mail in ballots and the official signatures that they were supposedly compared to. And we can not only show that the signatures do not match at all, but we actually can tell you who some of those signatures, the phony signatures belong to. That’s how bad this is. And John, we got to end this.

But the corrupt judges said that was okay to have 2 seconds per signature verification. How do people get your book? And I’ll be in touch with you to reschedule. Yeah, the book is report to the governor. There’s a paperback copy which is not as huge as the hardcover copy, but you can get it at Amazon, you can get it at Barnes and Noble, and you can also get it by coming to the website, reporttothegovernor.com, all one word, reporttothegovernor.com. and I will actually autograph the book for you and send it off to you with a personal autograph from me.

And we get those things out pretty quick. So we’re actually, I think, even faster than Amazon these days, but any of those are just fine. And like I said, the reports of the governor.com site has a lot of other information, including videos and other presentational materials that we’ve done on the frauds that go on in Arizona. Yeah, we need to merge these ideas because we went down a lot of avenues and there’s some central themes that I know, you know, I’ll be in touch to reschedule. Won’t be very long. You are an awesome source of information.

Thanks, John. Thank you, Dave. I always appreciate it. Anytime you want me, I’m happy to come back on. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, everybody. Dave Hodges here, host of the common sense show. We are the show that is freeing America one in slave mind at a time. We are brought to you by from the Noble Gold studios. Noble gold. And we’re really glad to bring you this information. Listen, you can leave your money in the bank and when they get desperate, they can take it. The Dodd Frank Law 2010 says they can do it. It’s unconstitutional, but they’ve made it legal.

So what do you want to do? Well, I think you need to diversify. That’s what I’ve done. I’ve been advertising for Noble Gold for seven years. I’ve been a customer for over six. I just rebalanced my portfolio last week with them. Let me give you the same opportunity. I want to send you a free information packet and I’ll have Noble gold’s number and it’ll explain everything that they do, including protecting your retirement. Go to davehodgesgold.com. that’s Dave Hodges Gold. Well, we have one of our most favorite guests that we’ve ever had on the show because he goes really where no one else goes.

And his name is John Thaler. And John has an extensive background in investigating criminals. And the criminals are seemingly everywhere, particularly in the swing states, my state of Arizona. We are a captured operation and we’ve uncovered some information regarding finance and the cartels and HSBC bank and the whole nine yards. And we’re going to ask John to sort some of this out for us. John, welcome to the show. I’m really glad you could join us. Thank you for having me, Dave. I appreciate it. Yeah, well, you’ve done such good work. You’ve written, by the way, I want to get to this right away.

You’ve written something called report to the governor. Is that publicly available now? Yes, as a matter of fact, because my publisher makes me do this. This is the book. This is the hardcover version. I like to show people this only because this is how thick this book is. It’s 630 pages. It’s about the four year investigation that my office conducted into racketeering, bribery, corruption, election fraud, mostly in the state of Arizona, but with the tentacles going out into many other states, including California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and then some of the eastern states like Ohio, Pennsylvania.

And so it covers the four years of investigation. It covers what a lot of people know to be my personal story as well, how I got involved in this particular investigation. And it involves the abduction of my then two year old child as a way to try to stop the investigation from continuing. Wow. Wow. That’s amazing. How did that end up with the abduction of your child? It’s still an ongoing, it’s still an ongoing issue. He is safe, which is the best part. I don’t discuss too much about it other than that he and I have not seen each other in now three and a half years.

But the rest of it I don’t discuss because it is ongoing. I expect that that situation will relieve itself and will come to a conclusion shortly. But it’s been a tragedy all around. Here’s a two year old child. I was his primary caregiver, really, from birth. I was his primary caregiver, who got caught up in a very bad family situation with in laws of mine involved directly in the organized crime activities. And the thought was that if we take him and we hold him, we can essentially extort you into stopping the investigation. I’m not one for extortion.

I basically can’t be extorted, which is, I guess, in some ways, why what I do and how my investigations go is so effective because nobody’s going to pay me off. And unfortunately, McKinley got caught up in the middle of this and to a degree, still is right now. From our previous interview last year, you indicated that you came across this information as a result of a computer that was left open and you were able to access the files. It wasn’t so much that the origination of this was, you know, was actually fairly innocent. I want to go back a step on that just because you would ask me something before we began that we’re going to touch on.

I began this actually long, long, long before that particular relationship or McKinley was ever born. This goes back now about twelve years, actually 13 years, into 2011 and 2012, when, during a series of investigations on russian organized crime, a blackmail scheme was attempted. Now, I didn’t have a child who could be blackmailed then I have another child, but I didn’t have one who could be blackmailed. That wasn’t it. But there was a number of swatting attempts that were made on me to try to get me to stop the investigation. And it turned out that the person who had arranged the swatting attempt, now, we know the term swatting in 2012, this was not a common term at all.

People didn’t understand about loft there and calling the police, making false reports. That wasn’t something that people had heard about or knew much about. But that’s what happened to me in 2011, 2012, in the middle of this investigation. And it turned out that the person who had prepared a number of the documents to try to perform the swatting happened to be Brittany Ray Chavez, who ultimately, in 2016, became my wife, Britney Ray Chavez, now Brittany Ray Thaler. So basically, almost three years before we ever met face to face, she not only knew who I was, she had already schemed with other people to try to create confusion and problems in an investigation, in an investigation involving organized crime.

I didn’t realize this part of it. So let me take this to its logical conclusion on the face. So she did this from afar and then she tried to do it up close as your wife. Well, I think that it’s actually a weirder story than that. And it’s also maybe in a weird way, you know, in the true sense of the term romantic. It’s a. It’s a much more romantic story than that. She had originally been contracted to prepare a number of falsified documents that were supposed to be presented to a court in Los Angeles, California.

And essentially, there were enough problems. Look, being a lawyer is not easy. And when you have complicated subject matters, a lot of lawyers screw stuff up. And the problem was that a number of the documents that were filed with a court in Los Angeles county were screwed up, were not done correctly. And it was not something that a lawyer specializing. And this is an area of real property. Of course, it’s not an area that a lawyer doing real property would have screwed up. So it was very clear that this was amateur hour in terms of the documents, in terms of what was filed, how it was put together.

There’s some very esoteric laws in California that were violated in terms of the documents that were drawn. So some stuff that made it very clear that this was a fraud. Who did it and why they did it was not so clear. For several years when I moved from California, I lived in California full time until roughly about 2011. In 2011, when I was living probably the majority of my time in the state of Arizona. In 2014, the set of documents made their way from California to Arizona. And that happened about six months before I met Brittany Chavez.

So what basically had happened was she was paid to put together the documents she did. And then when I moved to Arizona, she was paid again to move the documents from California to Arizona. And then through that process, for whatever the reason, decided that she was going to meet me. And I don’t know if that was for the purposes of trying to see what my assets were or trying to see what research I was doing on something. I never know, because with what we do, it’s very encrypted. It’s very hard to get into. You can’t just break into our computers and steal anything.

So I don’t know what the original purpose was, but I would tell you that what winds up happening is she decides that maybe she can date me, run off with me, if you will, and what she’s going to do is hide behind me that she’s going to get out of the business. As we’ve talked about before, her family is in the racketeering business. They’re especially in the money laundering business. The Chavez, as I call them oftentimes on Twitter, the Chavez crime family are fairly major operators. What we call cleaners for organized crime. And they do it certainly for the cartels.

They do it for other entities, other businesses. They do it for a lot of real estate moguls in the state of Arizona. And Brittany had been a part of this and made a part of it since she was about eight years old. I think that Britney got to a point, she got to be about 30. She decided she didn’t want to do this anymore, but she needed something she could hide behind. She wanted family, she wanted child. She wanted what you might call a normal suburban life. And I think that she decided at some point that she could do that with me and she could run away from all this.

The problem was that these things were not small things. And the way she got caught at it, if you will, is that after McKinley was born, which was in December of 2017, I was looking at documents in order to write up a trust for us in case something happened to the two of us. And I came across in the recorder’s office, the Maricopa county recorder’s office, real estate documents with her name on them that clearly she had signed. She had signed them in all different ways, including signing as Brittany R, middle initial R Chavez. She had signed them as Brittany Chavez.

She had signed them as Brittany Ttni Chavez. She had signed them as B r I t t n e y, Chavez, and so on and so forth. And not only that, but it had her, on many of these recorded documents as husband and wife with somebody named Justin, middle initial E Chavez, which I knew she had not been married before. I knew that didn’t make any sense. So one thing led to another, and you start looking at these things and you realize that these are falsified documents. You realize that the transactions are falsified. And my first inclination was that it was tax evasion on the part of her family.

I didnt think of this on a big scale thing. I thought that this was tax evasion on the part of her family. And so I kind of asked her about it because the one thing I didnt want it to do was touch and concern us. We had a child, so you cant just say, oh, Im going to divorce court tomorrow or youre not being truthful with me. We now have a child. And so I started asking questions. I was not getting honest answers. And over the course of 2018, more and more and more started coming out about these real estate transactions.

And ultimately, by 2019, Brittany was really breaking down from all of this. She was starting to, she wouldn’t admit directly to all of the fraud, but she was admitting to, yes, that’s her name on the document, and, yes, this is part of something her family is involved in and so on and so forth. And it really grew from there. And then what happened in 2019, as I talk about in the book, is that it went from just a number of deeds with falsified signatures, with falsified notarizations. Obviously, money’s being placed through properties, on phony sale transactions.

That’s what it was. But what started to happen, too, is we started to find more and more documents that she had been involved with that involved payroll theft. It involved insurance fraud, it involved Medicaid fraud. And the number of things just started piling up. And so through 2019, she kind of became, you know, what you might call a percipient witness. You know, she was questioned a lot by me and by others. She broke down on a lot of it and provided a lot of information, which was what a lot of the investigation was, you know. But by the end of 2019, she was seeking witness protection.

She actually went to me and one of my colleagues, John Stanley, and asked for WITSEC, which is federal witness protection. And then shortly before, just as we were making application for her, her family members found out, threatened her, threatened her toward me with bodily harm, toward me, I think even threatened McKinley with bodily harm. And at that point, she essentially took McKinley and tried to run off with him, fearing for her life and to a degree, fearing for mine. And like I said, the rest is kind of history. The rest went into the investigation. She provided a great deal of material for it, and certainly the basics of the different areas, such as the bribery, the corruption, the election fraud, all the different racketeering activities, the payroll theft, etcetera.

And so in 2019, we got clients on this who hired us to figure out how bad this really was. And so for a number of companies that hired us, we were able to get into their systems and prove that they had, for example, fake employees on their payroll that they were paying. So that was one aspect of it. We were able to determine that not only did they have fake employees, but the fake employees were taking out insurance policies under the group plan. Then a number of the fake employees were dying, quote unquote dying, bodies being, quote unquote cremated, and the proceeds being paid to the, quote unquote husband, who didn’t exist.

So we had ripoff after rip off after ripoff. Let me tell you about my friend John Cruz. I first interviewed John about twelve years ago, and he was a naive promoted rapidly to senior vp of HSBC bank. And unknowingly, he was put in charge of managing many of their money laundering accounts. After getting roadblocked and fired and roadblocked by the federal government. He eventually got enough information and was going to go public that they assessed a $2 billion fine to HSBC. And he said it was money laundering. Boiler rooms, fake identities tied to the Clinton foundation.

And he thought I’d be interested in it because he found evidence of it coming into places like Arizona. Okay. And then he leaves this behind after he wrote a book, and he now he worked for Allstate Insurance, was managing an insurance company, and he discovered they were selling data to be used for fake ids. Yeah. Does this sound anywhere related to you? Because I thought it might be, and that’s why I contacted you. Yeah. It’s not only related to me. I actually have a section in the book about bank fraud in the cases that we have worked with and the case I’m working on now, I’m currently working on a multibillion dollar insurance and banking fraud matter that involves.

Well, that involves, in some part, not entirely in some part, Wells Fargo Bank. Wells Fargo bank is also responsible for setting up a lot of the phony accounts that are talked about in the book. But I also have a section on this, about the major banks, bank of America, HSBC, Wells Fargo, Citibank. And I talk about the money laundering cases over the last 15 years or so that they have been charged with and have been fined on, have either pleaded guilty either criminally or civilly, and the penalties that have been exacted on them for doing it.

Banks are in the business of making money. And if banks believe that the penalty, the fine that they’ll get is going to be substantially lower than the profits they’re going to make and the number of new clients, new business they bring in, then certainly they’re going to take the fine. Rarely, and this is the biggest problem, rarely are bank officials prosecuted criminally for these things. So what happens is the bank may be fined hundreds of millions of dollars, but it pales in comparison to what they’re really making all over the world from these operations. That’s the biggest problem.

But they are all involved in it, and they all do it, and it doesn’t take much. In the case that I’ve been working on lately involving the insurer and the banking company, this is a medium sized bank that colluded with an insurance company to essentially rip off for probably close to a billion dollars policyholders who were put into policies they shouldn’t have been into that they couldn’t even understand. There’s a lot of financial issues with the deals. There’s a lot of IR’s violations with the deals. But it’s not hard to do. It doesn’t take an entire bank.

I think somebody quoted this back to me the other day on Twitter where I’ve said, you don’t need every judge to have corruption. You don’t need every city council person to have corruption. You don’t need every police officer in a police force to have corruption. If you can get about five to 10%, you can corrupt the rest of the operation, especially if you get it at the senior leadership positions. And with Wells Fargo, for example, which has been a big problem, the way they have individual bankers, if you can corrupt an individual banker, you can set up accounts for anybody.

If you use the same banker over and over and you slip money to them under the table, you’re going to be able to set up hundreds, if not thousands of accounts. And the banker is going to look like a freaking genius, because look at all the business he’s brought in. Right. What John thought was interesting is he discovered that when HSBC paid their $2 billion fine. And by the way, the person who prosecuted this was Loretta lynch when she was with the southern division in New York. Before she became. Yes, before she gave attorney general. Yeah.

But he found that HSBC had already set aside the $2 billion before he was even hired to manage these fraudulent accounts. So they were looking at this as, this is the cost of doing business. Was that the same true with B, of a Wells Fargo and the rest? Yeah. In fact, one of the things that we now look at very carefully, and we’re actually having a problem in this multi, probably multi billion dollar case, is we, first things we do is when we go into one of these things, is we try to request, usually on behalf, in this case, on behalf of policyholders, where did their checks go? What accounts do their checks go into? How did it get paid? Where’s that account located? Where’d the money go from there? And what we normally find is two things.

One, when they are, when they have a specific fraud operation going on, they will segregate the funds so that the rest of the people in the bank, the rest of the banking officials, never see the accounts. And the second thing is that they know what the potential penalties are. So it’s kind of like buying insurance, where for every dollar, they’ll take in twenty five cents, twenty cents, fifteen cents is going to go to another segregated account to take care of fines and issues, lobbying efforts, whatever they need to try to get out from under. Wow. It’s amazing.

Well, I want to tie in what’s happened. He’s been involved in two court cases with Allstate. When he began to ask questions, they fired him. And I told him, I said, it looks like bad luck just follows you. But what he found was these fake ids were being created based on real people’s data and then sold off. And they took him to court to try to silence him, and they haven’t been successful. They’re trying again. Is this typical of what you found as well? Well, make it even worse for you. One of the things that we found, starting roughly about 2011, is that one of the main sources of data is hospitals.

Now, people think of hospitals with files and with actual pieces of paper, but anybody who’s been in a hospital over the last five and certainly ten, you know, maybe even ten years, knows that nothing is on paper anymore. The days of a doctor handwriting on a file are long gone. So files are created and kept digitally in hospitals. When you are in the hospital, the file is there. When you leave the hospital, the file does not stay on their server. There’s a period of time by which the data goes off of their server and is then stored in someone else’s server.

And there are data storage centers throughout the country that basically store things like hospital data. Now, if you think about how many hospitals there are, how many patients are treated, how many urgent care facilities there are patients treated, how many doctors there are in the country, patients treated, you can just imagine how many files you get. And so one of the things that you have now is you have these storage facilities, one, particularly in San Diego, which is particularly egregious, that take in information and then basically collate that information, use data mining techniques to mine the data, and then sell it back out.

And if you do it, if you know how to do it, it’s very, very hard to detect and very hard to catch. So one of the companies that we’ve dealt with on this is, in Arizona, is the John C. Lincoln Group, which is honor health. Honor Health is a fairly big conglomerate of hospitals like dignity health. They’re huge. John C. Lincoln. One of the things that we found was that one of the senior vice presidents of it, of course, at the John C. Lincoln group in Phoenix. And if everybody has seen this, it’s right off I 17 and Bell.

People can’t miss it. They essentially were providing data, filtering out data at that point at the hospital, point into a separate database where it was then being sold and used to create fake ids. Because what do you know? Think about it. When you go to the hospital, what do they have? They have your name, your address, your Social Security number. They have usually your parents names, your mother’s maiden name, et cetera. All those identifying features. Then from that, you can obviously get a credit report if you need one as well. They have everything. The hospitals have been one of the primary sources of stolen data.

I mean, it used to be that the way data got stolen from hospitals is you did everything in triplicate on those carbon forms, and you’d have dumpster diving late at night. Dumpster diving into the carbon forms, because nobody shredded at hospitals back in those days. So you could wind up. This actually happened to me when I was in law school. I received a cut that needed a couple of stitches. I was over at Scripps hospital, very well known hospital. About two or three years later, I get a call from bank of America that said, you know, they said, do you know that you’re late on your credit card payment? And I said, I don’t bank with bank of America.

I don’t have, in those days, bank Americard. And they said, yeah, we didn’t think you did. But just so you know, your card says you owe about $6,000. I said, how is that possible? They said, well, we’ve traced it back to a dumpster dive of a bunch of nigerian students in San Diego who were working, you know, got jobs at the hospital, you know, cleaning jobs at the hospital. And late at night, they would go into the trash and they would pull out the carbons, and then they would set up fake accounts and fake addresses and use everything from the carbons.

Well, those days are over. This is all now done electronically, and it’s quite severe. By the way, that’s not the only one. I’ll give you another one that we talk about in the book that’s really fascinating is dating services. Consider dating services and all the information you provide them. Now, you generally don’t provide them your Social Security number, but everything else you provide, you know, your name, your address, your height, your weight, your phone number, you know, where you live, where you have lived. I mean, consider something like eharmony, you know, which is designed to match people to be married.

So it’s not like Tinder where you put five things of yourself, half of which probably aren’t even true, you know, for something like eHarmony, you’re putting down a lot of data about yourself. You know, what’s your favorite place? What’s the favorite place you’ve ever traveled to? What was the name of your favorite pet? I mean, every possible thing that could be used for data breaches is something you’re putting into a dating site. So one of the things that we have found back, I think roughly in 2011 to twelve, was several of the dating sites were creating secondary sites.

So it wouldn’t be the eharmony site, it would be a secondary site. I don’t mean to beg on them, they’re not actually responsible for this, but just as a way of looking at it, it would be like eharmony creating a secondary site. In fact, for a while, I think they had one called chemistry.com, and then using the secondary site to essentially steal data. And it certainly worked great for data mining. So you get a lot of these companies that say, oh, we don’t sell your data, we don’t provide it to everyone else on and on. Nonsense.

That’s where the money is. The money is not in you paying your $19.95 a month. The real money for all of these companies is data and the data mining that comes with it. I never had thought of that. You know, it’s interesting, you mentioned that medical facility at Bell and I 17. I used to get two shots once a month at that facility for a condition I had. I left them because their billing was so horrendous. They were an absolute organizational disaster. And so I left and go to where I’m at now. I guess maybe I should wait for the shoe to drop, because I was at that exact facility you’re talking about.

Yeah, yeah. And we found this, for example, in our investigation, and we talk about this directly in the book, and we show the evidence of it. We did a bunch of work involving dignity health. Dignity health is a huge healthcare provider. It’s in California, it’s in Arizona, it’s in Nevada. It’s mostly western states, but it’s in a lot of states. And what we found was a lot of infiltration into their system that was allowing for fake employees to be put in for payroll checks to be paid for, a lot of the insurance, insurance policies, especially life insurance policies to be bought, a lot of death and destruction of employees, leading to claims on the policies.

And probably it’s not huge, but certainly millions of dollars of loss for dignity health just in Arizona alone. Just in Arizona and California alone. I mean, we even found examples where there was one employee, but listed as working in two different locations in two different states where the employee files were. So screwed up as a result because it was the same name. Same name, but different Social Security number, but same handwriting on the application. For each, a policy obtained by one, and ultimately receiving five times annual salary and a policy payoff when that person allegedly died.

Okay, I want to bundle all this and take it in a direction. First of all, I had mentioned this to you right before we came on air. I’ve been told by a third party not related to you, that in Arizona that we have lawyers practicing law that are doing so with the result of hacking into the bar association or academic credentials at a university. Yeah, let me talk about that, because we first found this in California in 2011, where we found that there were lawyers, at least, who were on the bar rolls, who had a bar number, had a name, you know, had usually an address and sometimes a phone number, who were clearly.

Who clearly didn’t exist. Didn’t exist. And we, you know, we were able, you know, and I’ll tell you about the phone call. The first phone call I had with the bar on this. You know, I called the bar. I said, I need to talk to one of the investigators. They gave me one of the investigators, and I said, you’ve got at least one at this point, and probably many phantom lawyers on the bar rolls. And this is a problem. And the first question I got asked was, well, have any of their clients complained? What does that matter? I said, I said, sure.

I said, the phantom clients of the phantom lawyers are complaining all over the place. And they kind of believed me. And I said, do you not understand what I’m saying to you? It took almost six months before the state bar of California actually understood what I was telling them, which was, you’ve got these names in the roles who do not exist except on paper. What all of their uses are is not real clear, but they’re being used for various things. Also, in 2000, we didn’t discover it until roughly about 20, 1617. But one of the other ones we found, which is talked about in the books, we talk about the Paul Tokeshi case, which is a lawyer listed in the bar’s roles in the state of California, who literally doesn’t exist.

There is a photo for Mister Takeshi. There is no phone number. There is no business address. Instead, it simply has his name and has a address of a house. If you know where the Santa Anita racetrack is in California, it’s actually, the house is near there. It’s in Santa Anita, California. The person literally does not exist. And if you actually try to trace back the person based on the credentials, you will find that there’s never anything in their name. They allegedly went to UC Berkeley. There’s no record of them at Berkeley. They allegedly went to Harvard University.

There’s no record of them there. And it’s not just a record. You can’t find somewhere that they lived. You can’t find a phone that they had. You can’t find a phone number or a phone service in their names. Nothing at all. But yet these credentials, which are all, of course, fake, they’re all electronic, are then transported into the bar system, and voila, you have a lawyer now. You cannot have that without that being an inside job. That’s not simply a hacking job, because bar numbers are sequential. They’re not sequential alphabetically, but they’re sequential to when you’re admitted.

You cannot simply stick somebody in after the fact. So if you have a sequential bar number, let’s say the last three numbers of your bar number are 158. If there’s a 159 and there’s a 157, which there’ll be, then somebody had to put that number in the 158 number in. In real time. So it means that it has to be an inside job. So what you have is that you have, at the state bar of California, somebody inside who’s got access to the system, you know, whether they’re physically in the bar or outside, sitting at a computer, in a Starbucks, you don’t know.

But somebody who has inside access to the bar rolls in real time, who’s able to put this in. We also have found that in Arizona, and, in fact, we have found that this really originated not in California, but originated in Arizona. So in Arizona, you have a lot of this problem. We don’t know the degree of how many, because bar associations are. Not only are they negligent in handling it, they won’t even talk about it. You can bring this up to their attention all you want. They won’t talk about it. They do not want to have conversations about the hacking into their systems at all.

But the problem isn’t just that. We posted recently about this, and we’ve talked about it in the book. It doesn’t just cover lawyers. It covers real estate agents. It covers real estate brokers. It certainly covers notaries. We believe it covers cpas. We believe it covers mental health therapists, LMSW, sell csws, licensed clinical social workers, and we believe it very likely covers doctors. Now, it works on two different ways. One way, which we just talked about, is the phantom, somebody who’s in the system where the name shows up, but the person doesn’t exist at all. But we also have the problem the other way.

Where somebody receives credentials is a real person has credential that they never earned. So in other words, I want to be a lawyer. Well, but I already am. So let’s go with something else. I want to be a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Arizona. I obviously didn’t go to school for that. I don’t have a degree in that. So what do I do? I pay somebody to create a degree in that, with coursework and everything. At ASU, then I create a graduate set of degrees, and then I create the license and I put it all into the system.

And I give you, for a pretty good chunk of money, I give you credentials. So what I wind up, so what I wind up with that this has done for me for my benefit, is I wind up looking like I have an LCSW. And its not hard. I was speaking the other day with a friend of mine named Martin Biel, who has worked at UCLA for years and is one of the people in charge of the registrars office there. He and I have been friends for probably 30 years. And one of the things I did when I first started finding this stuff is I called him, he’s at UCLA, and I said, how easy would it be for me to say to you, give me a PhD? And he said, I could give you one in ten minutes.

And he said, unless somebody really, really, really was thoroughly investigating you and went to professors and said, what did you think of this thaler guy? And on and on, nobody would ever figure out that the credentials were fake. You know, this is right out of the show suits on Netflix with Mike Ross, let me tell you. Well, yeah, and the suits thing is a really good example of this, which you brought up earlier. This is a great example of this, because in suits, you know, look how easy it was now look how easy it was to get caught, too.

Trying to pull this off can get difficult. And like I said, fortunately, we have caught some of these. But the fact of it is, it’s not that hard. I think for something like a lawyer, it is more difficult for obvious reasons, because there’s more public. One of the things that we find on the fake lawyers, of course, the fake lawyers can’t really go to court. Phantom lawyers can’t really go to court. So if you have a phantom lawyer, you’re going to find that they’re never on a document, they’ve never signed for anything. If they have, you’re going to find fake signatures on the Paul Tokeshi problem.

He’s now been, by the way, the Tokeshi Persona has been suspended. There is no Paul Tokeshi who’s capable of practicing law anymore in California because of our investigation. But if you looked at documents that Paul Tokeshi had signed, you had, I think, within over a twelve month period, you had five totally different signatures on the documents. So five totally different people signed documents as Paul Takeshi. I mean, that was one way you could catch the problem. Now, unfortunately, one of those five who signed Paul Takeshi documents turned out to be Britney. So, you know, it all came, it all came full circle because we could prove not only that the signatures were fake, but who was actually doing the signing.

But for the people, for example, who have LMSW licenses or real estate licenses, either a broker or agent, that’s really difficult because what’s going to go wrong? Do they get sued? Do they go up before a board? I mean, who’s going to do the background check to look to see, you know, do the professors ever know them? Because once it says that, you know, you took classes at ASU, once it says you received your degree, once it says you received your graduate degree, how would you, who would you question and how would you go about figuring out that it wasn’t real? If the system says it’s real, people believe it’s real.

If you’ve got the parchment paper on the wall, people believe it’s real. Yeah, exactly. I want to ask you, because I had a source on this, and I believe the source was in a position to be correct in what they’re telling me. And they have said a lot of what you said, but they took it a step further. They said, not only did it go through the professions you mentioned, but they said lawyers and future judges that make critical decisions that no reasonable judge would make. Well, I would say this, the system by which I just wrote back to somebody on this yesterday who said, oh, we have great judges in Arizona and we have a system that, you know, checks them out.

And the governor who appoints, absolute nonsense. And in fact, I have a chapter in section four of my book. I have a chapter on this, how specifically judges are chosen in Arizona and how corrupt that is. So you have two problems going on in Arizona. One is, can you give us example how they’re chosen? Yeah, let me explain that, because it’s totally different than most other states. A state like California, for example, you can get bad judges. I’ve had judges who just have no business being on the bench. And I can tell you from experience that every lawyer in, say, Los Angeles can tell you five or six judges on the bench who shouldn’t be in Los Angeles County Superior Court but are.

And we will all agree on that, which is the big deal. We will all agree on that. We will all be able to say, yeah, you’re right. Yeah, you’re right. Regardless of whether they’ve decided for us or decided against us, we would all agree on who those people are. The process in California, however, is pretty good. And what it does is I get these several times a year, the state bar will send me an evaluation form. They’ll say the following. Two or three people have been recommended for judgeship. We think you’ve had some experience with them.

Could you please fill out this questionnaire, etcetera? So it starts with that. Are they, of course, in good standing with the bar? There’s the like. What they give me is the peer review. There’s a lot of that before you even get on a list to ever be considered. So there’s a lot that goes into it in kind of an anonymous sort of way and sort of random, where people like me are picked, you know, to be able to write up reports on what I think the person is. Do they have the right temperament? Do they have the knowledge, do they have the ability? Do they have the communication skills? On and on, before they even get onto a list that then goes to a committee at the state level.

So it’s not even local anymore. It’s at the state level. And then at the state level, the committee looks over these folks, puts rankings on them, figures out who would be the best for each general area, feel for the different counties, and then ultimately, I don’t think the governors spend a lot of time on this, but governors generally have a specific person working for them, who helps them make the decisions based on all of this. So there’s a lot of screening process that goes on here. So it doesn’t prevent bad judges, but it does keep down the corruption.

In Arizona, it doesn’t work that way. In Maricopa county, for example, there are five supervisorial districts. Of the five districts, each district has two people in each district who are on a committee that picks judges. One of those people is a lawyer. One of those people is a non lawyer. So you have five non lawyers and five lawyers, two from each supervisorial district, who basically select who they think should be a judge. And what happens is that, of course, is that the person in Gilbert, or the two people in Gilbert will always approve of the two people who are in, say, Abondale, Buckeye, who always approve of who’s in Scottsdale.

Because you support my guy, I’ll support your guy. So ultimately what happens is that there’s no screening process. The only criteria is you have to at least be a member of the bar. You have to be a lawyer past that. There’s no other screening process. If the committee of ten says this person should be a judge, that’s what goes to the governor’s desk and there’s no further screening. So when an opening comes up, they just pick from that list. They pick 1234 from the list. That’s it. So you can imagine the corruption that comes with this.

So who’s picked to be a judge? Well, sometimes that’s somebody who’s been in a major law firm, who has tried major cases, who’s, you know, one of life’s ambitions has been to ultimately sit on the bench. So there are good judges, but oftentimes that’s not who’s picked. Who’s picked are oftentimes sole practitioners who have, you know, have okay practices, but you know, you know, are making, you know, 100, 5200 thousand dollars a year off their practice, who are easily controlled, who, you know, are going to make, you know, probably as much if not more money being a judge than they did as a lawyer.

So you take out all the expenses, their actual income is going to actually increase by being a judge, not decreased. So it’s not people who necessarily even started off wanting to be judges, but there are people who are then incentivized to be them. And so what happens is you get this local committee of two in that supervisorial district, the two people going to a particular lawyer and saying, hey, we’d really like you to be a judge, what do you think? And then that’s when all the shenanigans begin. And that’s what I talk about in the book, how they can be bribed, how they can be incentivized, how their practices can be sold off and they can pay.

The debts are paid off, how they get favorable mortgages, all these different things to get them into offices. For sure, some of them are bribed outright. Just here’s a bunch of money, go sit on the bench and wait for us. But a lot of them are incentivized through a bribe system or a patronage system that gets them on the bench. And that basically subjects them to a lot of things that obviously you don’t want to have in judges. And so that’s the basic problem. Now that’s just one problem that’s the superior court. The city court system is a total disaster.

We got rid of this in the state of California because it was so corrupt for the city court system. So for Mesa, which is the most corrupt, for Gilbert, which is almost equally as corrupt, city of Phoenix, city of Chandler, et cetera, that all have their own city court system. Those judges are totally, completely picked by the city council. There is no washing them. They go and they make, literally, an application to the city council. City council interviews them. Sometimes we’ll put them on the bench as a pro tem or non paid judge position several times to see how they do.

And the criteria is very simple. How much money can you bring into the city by fines? The city court system is totally, completely dedicated to fines. Taking your money, that’s what they do. So what they try to do is they try to increase bails that they shouldn’t increase. You’ll try to give high bails that they shouldn’t give. They will fine you excessive amounts for almost anything, and that’s how the city makes its revenue. So, basically, if you are a city court judge, you are a glorified bill collector. Now, that does not mean that there are not city court judges who take the job very seriously, who are dedicated to the profession of law, who are as neutral as anyone can be, but a lot of them are not.

They are hired specifically to benefit the city, and that’s what they do. And the fact is that if they don’t do that, they are fired. So, unlike judges of the Superior court, who are ultimately appointed and then ultimately elected, which is usually about a 99.999% reelection rate, city court judges are hired and fired by city council. Now, in Mesa, we’ve tagged specific judges, Judge John Tat, Judge Alicia Lawler, as being people who are specifically taking bribes, specifically red flagging files, specifically doing the bidding, if you will, of the city council, which is equally corrupt, one of the things we talk about in the book is, and we name names, as you know, members from the mayor down to the city council members to the city comptroller to the city attorney, on and on and on, people who are taking bribes, usually through the mortgage system that we’ve talked about.

And this leads to convictions of people who they don’t like or don’t want, or undesirables, or people they think they can get money out of. It is entire corrupt system, Gilbert, the same way we specifically call out the presiding judge of Gilbert, David Kutchen. David Kutchen and his family members, and especially on his wife’s side of the family are completely and totally, completely involved in racketeering activities. We show the documents, we provide the documents in the book. As we talked about before, in the book we have about 507 separate footnotes in the book. And those 507 footnotes provide you the documents that support each and everything we’re saying.

So if you go to the books website, which is reporttothegovernor.com, and you go to the footnotes section, you can pull up the very document. So when we say David Kutchen is on the tape, we show you the actual documents to prove it. We show you the actual mortgage documents. We show you deed documents. We show you business documents. We show you who created those documents and why, et cetera, et cetera, so that you can see the actual evidence, not just hear the story. So the book does contain about 100 or so plus documents, but we’ve got over 5000 of them as footnoted documents on the website.

Let me take this in two directions simultaneously. One, the fake ids we’ve talked about end up in voter fraud is what I’ve been told on another source, multiple sources. But what we’re getting down here, the path of corrupt judges, I’m going to be very specific. The name of the judge has jumped out of my head, but it’s irrelevant because it’s everywhere. In one of Kerry Lake’s cases, when she was trying to adjudicate the fact that she was a victim of bad election, fake election, it’s a fact that 56% of the voting machines in republican dominant districts in Maricopa county failed upon opening.

And I know because I had a relative and a neighbor affected by this. Okay, so that goes into court. That’s accepted. It’s proven, they demonstrated it. And yet the judge said this is a free and fair election. Sorry, Kerry, you lose this to me. I was told by my source, he said, that’s a judge you want to start with. Well, let’s put this way, when the election occurred, obviously, and let me go through this a little bit slowly because for people who are not in Arizona, they don’t necessarily have a great handle on this. There’s a couple of different things about Arizona.

So let’s go back. Let’s go the voting thing real quick. The voting system in Arizona is about one third of the population voting by mail in ballot and about two thirds showing up, give or take. That number has increased over the years in terms of the mail in ballot. So we can talk about those problems in a second. Again, in section four of my book, we tackled this very specifically of exactly what happened, exactly what went wrong, how it goes wrong, and how both in 2020 and in 2022, that led to results that were simply not true.

And as you know, one of the things about me and the people I work with, I don’t do this alone. We are very, very, very bipartisan in our criticism. Republicans have benefited from the fraud for years and years and years. Democrats have benefited. So we go after everybody equally. We don’t take a side on this one way or the other. Let’s go through 22, because that’s what you mentioned. What happened in 22 was roughly, it’s not as high as 56%. It’s actually more like this. It’s a precinct issue. At roughly 38% of the precincts in Maricopa county, the printer scanner machines failed.

Now, the way voting works in Maricopa county, if you’re in person, is that it works on optical scanning. So you essentially, you fill in a hole. Think of it like a scantron form almost. You know, you fill in a hole. And when you fill in those holes next to the person’s name that you want to vote for, that ultimately, that ballot, that piece of paper, you take over to a scanner and it goes to this machine and it scans that. And of course, obviously, you know, it counts the votes. Well, for a number of different reasons, which are a little complicated, maybe too long to get into here.

The pieces of paper that were given out on the day of the election were not taped, was not the correct size. And I mean by millimeters, not the correct size, not like eight by ten versus nine by seven. I know what you mean. Small amounts of differences both in the thickness of the paper and the size of the paper. And so the ballots would not go through. So you could put this thing through the scanner. The scanner wasn’t able to see it because the sizings didn’t match up. So the scanner’s measuring eight and a half by eleven or eight by ten.

Whatever the size was on this, it can’t measure it because the size is slightly off. It can’t measure the balance. That’s the problem. So on election day, after all the alleged testing that is supposed to go on where they’re supposed to obviously test all this long before, a month before this ever happens, these things didn’t go through. So it’s roughly almost 40% of the precinct. The number, the higher number that you’re talking about is the number of machines, because at each precinct, there’s multiple machines at each one there’s not just one scanner. This was an across the board problem.

And to the degree that if you had three or four different scanners, for example, at a precinct, chances were all of them didn’t work. So you had a total of roughly about 56% total, which is. And why is that? Why is that number different? Because precincts, even though they tried to evenly divide precincts among voters, it’s nothing. They know how many people are likely to show up at each terrific precinct. So there’s more printers at this one versus this one versus this one because of what they anticipate the crowd being. So you have over 50% of the machines not working at 38% of the precincts.

That’s the problem you wind up with. And the bigger problem to me wasn’t so much. There’s two big problems with it. It wasn’t so much that the votes didn’t count going through. It’s that there’s a. A number of issues. One is that what’s supposed to happen is that when that fails that paper ballot, which obviously you have, you’re not holding this in your hand. It’s not running, is supposed to go in something called box three. Yes. That’s just a designation that’s given by the system here by Maricopa county for ballots that for some reason aren’t working when they go through the system.

It’s literally what it is. So it’s called box three. The problem is that there is absolutely no chain of custody over box three. So when box three gets picked up and taken over to run back election services where the ballot could be hand counted, in other words, the idea is we’re going to do it by hand. So this whole box we take over, this is all the ones that didn’t work, which, by the way, is supposed to be about 20 ballots, not about 500 ballots. We’re supposed to. We’ll take a look at it and we’ll just do the totals by hand.

Okay, that’s fine. Except that there is absolutely no chain of custody. So once those ballots are picked up from the precinct, there’s absolutely nobody has any idea whatsoever what happens to them. There’s not even really a check in process over at runback, which is the people who count the ballots, which is a whole other problem that even tells you that the box actually got there, or that confirms, and this was the bigger deal, that confirms that the number of ballots put into box three is the number being counted coming out of box three. So there may be 500 ballots in the box three when it gets picked up.

You don’t know that 500 actually then got counted, because there’s no system by which that gets counted. So the problem is, is that if you want to tamper with an election, one way you can do it easily is take votes out of there. Now, the reason why this is such a big deal is that if this had kind of been across the board everywhere, you know, just randomly, the 38%, that might not have been a big deal. If this was one day of voting, one day only, this might not have been as big a deal. The reason this was a huge deal in 2022 is because it doesn’t work that way.

The pre instincts involved were mostly republican by a very high number and were republican by a very large percentage. So that the number of votes that would have been in the box threes would have been very highly, probably two thirds, one third, give or take. Republican voting doesn’t necessarily mean they voted for Kerry Lake or Abe homady, but certainly by sheer numbers, by sheer polling data, you can figure out about two thirds of the votes were probably for Lake and for Homady and one third for Fontes or not fantasy that much, but for Hobbes and for Chris Mays.

And so you have the situation where who did this affect? It affected mostly Republicans. Second problem is that is the mail in ballot problem that goes with this. There’s another separate problem with mail in ballots, but with mail in ballots with this, the problem is that mail in ballots are predominantly used. In Arizona, it’s become. It used to be more republican because it was absentee, but now with mail in, it’s become more predominant, especially in Maricopa county, that Democrats use the mail in ballot system more so than Republicans. So even at those few count those few precincts that may have been leaning more Democrat, more of the votes coming in on election Day would have been from republican voters who didn’t avail themselves to the mail in system.

So when you take a look at this overall, you’ve got tens of thousands of votes that are highly questionable in a highly questionable system in a highly questionable machine breakdown, which happened to, what, 38% of machines? I mean, consider this. How the hell does do almost 40%, four out of ten machines, two out of five, break down on the day of an election, all from the same exact problem. I mean, you’ve had a computer go out for sure. I’m sure, as does everybody else who’s watching us or listening to us. They’ve had computers go out. But at the same time, does yours and your wife’s and your kids computers all go out at the same time.

The Internet might go out, but when have you ever had a situation where everybody in the family who has a personal, you know, has a laptop computer, had their computer go out at the same time from the same problem, you know, in the absence of a virus, that’s not possible. No, I agree. And it wasn’t a virus. And, you know, you said you go after the bipartisan part of it in 2020. I think it’s mostly Democrats. But in 2022 in Arizona, it was Stephen Risher and Bill Gates and the rest of the supervisors that I think facilitated this fraud and their GOP.

In fact, Gates, I don’t know if you know this. Gates and Reisher actually took out a pack against America first. Candidates like Kerry Lake and Abe Ammonia, Republicans working against Republicans. Well, regardless of whether you even have Republicans working against John, we got about it. We got about. You have on this. Well, Holly, you have, on the face of it, a gigantic conflict of interest going on. Exactly. And as we’ve talked about before, you know, run back election Services, which is the company that runs the election services for Maricopa county, you know, is, is wholly owned by the Thoma family, Ben Thoma being the speaker of the House.

So you have the speaker he kicked out of the house for the state of Arizona, who owns the very system by which ballots are counted. I can’t imagine anywhere where that would be considered legal, let alone ethical. Speaker one. John, I got to stop this before they turn out the lights on us. Will you come back and do a part two, because we’re just beginning to merge some of these ideas. Yeah, absolutely. Let me just say one other thing to you, because we got cut off on it originally when we went over to the election. But one of the things that my book does is it actually proves that Donald Trump actually won the state of Arizona in 2020.

And we don’t just say that. We show the mathematics of it. We show the voting fraud. We show how the voting was done. We show how the mail in ballot system works. And one of the things that we do to talk about just for 1 second on the falsities of the mail in ballot system, we actually show, we actually got a hold of, for 2022, a number of the signatures off of mail in ballots and the official signatures that they were supposedly compared to. And we can not only show that the signatures do not match at all, but we actually can tell you who some of those signatures, the phony signatures belong to.

That’s how bad this is. And John, we got to end this. But the corrupt judges said that was okay to have 2 seconds per signature verification. How do people get your book? And I’ll be in touch with you to reschedule. Yeah, the book is report to the governor. There’s a paperback copy which is not as huge as the hardcover copy, but you can get it at Amazon, you can get it at Barnes and Noble. And you can also get it by coming to the website reportstothegovernor.com comma, all one word reporter.com. and I will actually autograph the book for you and send it off to you with a personal autograph from me.

And we get those things out pretty quick. So we’re actually, I think, even faster than Amazon these days, but any of those are just fine. And like I said, the reports of Governor.com site has a lot of other information, including videos and other presentational materials that we’ve done on the frauds that go on in Arizona. Yeah, we need to merge these ideas because we went down a lot of avenues and there’s some central themes that I know, you know, I’ll be in touch to reschedule. Won’t be very long. You are an awesome source of information. Thanks, John.

Thank you, Dave. I always appreciate it. Anytime you want me, I’m happy to come back on. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, today’s show is brought to you by Noble gold. And with all that’s going on with the economy and all that’s being hidden that’s coming out tells you it’s a lot worse. We’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg. You really need to protect your assets and I want to send you to davehodgesgold.com, dave Hodgesgold.com, and we’ll send you out a complete information packet. Remember, the banks can keep your money under Dodd Frank 2010. We’re not going to let them do it.

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