It’s good versus evil, God versus Satan. We the people versus the globalist. Deep state. Deep state apparatus. The ruling class, the elites, call them whatever you want, but those at the very top, as Johnny Cash told me, are a luciferian cult that worship Satan. It’s America versus the globalist. And they are terrified and desperate now. They know. They lost control of the narrative. They lost the spirit of America. They’ve lost their party. The Democrats and rhinos are dead. Put a fork in them. The uniparty is washed up and will be replaced. The whole political system will be replaced.
Third party is about power, about control, about tyranny. Look what’s happened in a short order the last few months. Donald Trump was convicted. Donald Trump survived a supposed assassination attempt. Attempt. And we got a new candidate for the Democrat party without anyone being elected. Interesting. Most remote. Remarkable of all, Robert F. Kennedy has endorsed a Republican for president of the USA. Think about that, folks. A Kennedy endorsing a Republican. They’re running scared. Now, the elites, they don’t believe in free speech. They’re trying to censor us. They know we agree on the big things. We agree that government shouldn’t spy on us.
We agree that every human is made in the image of God and created equal. We don’t need diversity, equity and inclusion. Bullshit. We agree the founding fathers were divinely inspired. We agree the right to bear arms and the second amendment is non negotiable. Yes, we agree on the major issues. And it’s okay that we can disagree on the small things. That’s why we need to extend an olive branch to our Democrat friends. Our friends on the left, the sleepers, we, the sheeple. I’m not talking about the Democrats that got nine booster shots and wore a mask in their car while they’re driving alone during COVID Some will be lost forever.
Some will awake, some won’t. Some won’t. So what our movement is growing and ascending. Our movement is growing because more and more Americans agree with us on the big stuff. They believe in our sovereignty, and it’s God given sovereignty at that. The Democrats fear the man. We are supporting Donald Trump, because he agrees with us on the big things. Now, look, we must get in the fight. And if you’re already in the fight, stay in the fight. Best to get involved in your backyard, in your community. Take your school board back from the drag queens and the pedophiles.
Get a constant constitutional sheriff elected. Form a posse, a civilian watch group. A militia. Yeah, I said the word militia from the second amendment. I read a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Look, our founding fathers created a document that’s become the envy of the world. Let’s use it to take to our advantage and take our states back, take our cities back, take our counties back, because as General Flynn says, and it can never grow stale or old.
It bears repeating over and over, local action equals national impact. Ladies and gentlemen, if it’s to be, it’s up to you and me. Don’t let the plan get in our way. It’s a good plan that the military has, and we’re winning the information war and the spiritual war and the war on child trafficking. If you know, you know. And what I know is don’t ask what your country, what you can do for your country. I’m sorry. Don’t ask what your country or city can do for you. Ask what you can do for your city or country.
Thanks, JFK, for that fabulous memory. The time is now. Let’s take our borders back. Let’s take our elections back. Let’s take it all back. What we need now are solutions, not a restatement of the problems. We all know the problems. Providing solutions is our mission here at Sovereign radio the next few years as we take down the cabal systems and rebuild new systems. So join us every week here on Sovereign radio online. And don’t miss our radio show on Saturdays and Sundays, go to sovereignradio.com for our radio station, affiliates and showtimes, sovereignradio.com. thank you, folks, for indulging me.
All right, let’s bring in our first guest, the one and only, the sovereign soul, Mister Brad. Welcome, Brad. Good to see you. Good to see you again, Scotty. Thank you for having me on here. And Dan, shortly, we’ll shortly be joined by Dan Oak, and Dan’s going to talk about some pretty interesting things. He’s got an indictment, a grand jury indictment against the canadian government. I believe it is correct. Members of it, yes. The judicial as well. Yes. And Dan will be here to talk about that. In the meantime, Brad, you’re always a man in the know.
You always are doing your homework and research your nose to the grind every day you do multiple shows a day. What do you think is the most important thing right now for we, the people, our audience, yours and mine? What do you think they need to be focused on right now? They need to be focused on standing up. And it’s a great question that you led off with, Scotty, because as I just said on another show I was on right before I came here, I was asked the similar question. The walls are closing in. We know that the top layers have been taken out.
The Klaus Schwab’s the World Economic Forum, T Droz comes out and says, hey, monkeypox, one week later. Oh, no, no, sorry, our bad. No, no problem. No problem. Right? Pedophile terrorists from West Africa who slaughtered how many millions of people in part of his apartheid. Tetros people. Go ahead, look it up. Fact check it. So we know that the top layers are taking out the removed. We’re watching the middle level management overall in countries around the world. Go for it. I saw Russia is trolling the DNC, which is just awesome. Like we throw our support behind Harris.
There goes the PPT. The thing we’re going to have Dan on about as well to this point about standing up, because now we have an opportunity for people around the world as he comes in, for people around the world to know that the white hats and there are good people in military and organizations that are coming out, backing them, backing the people. We can see that public. Now is the time that you can feel better than freedom convoy in Ottawa in 2022 or an epic event in Melbourne, Australia, after that where people were hit with lrads and directed energy weapons and a woman was trampled and then a man was trampled to death as well.
In Ottawa, freedom convoy, we see it on our side. The time is now for the world to stand up and to stand too, right? We have that and everything’s being watched. Just like myself, Norman and Major General Vallee, two star US army, retired major general, right, who was taught by Eisenhower, Patton, MacArthur and Pershing at West Point have signed the Colorantos in Canada along with others. And the letters to JAG in Canada and the letters to Space force Army military in the United States now preceding that was actually Dan and his amazing wife Yayoi, who’s just joining us in the car because the grand jury indictment we’re speaking about right now is something that is happening around the world.
Kevin Hoyt. September 9 Coutts 2. September 9 they’re both back in court to be criminally sentenced for simply standing up. And also, they don’t even have real criminal charges or evidence brought against them. They just want to sentence them and throw them away in prison. The coutts too, because they stood up. September 10 Alberta, Calgary. Artur and I were just on another show yesterday. We’ve become friends, done a dozen shows. He’s back in court on September 10 and on September 13 with the criminal courts in Canada, which we prudent, with the corontos and the fact that Canada is, by juristic fact, a corporation registered in District of Columbia July 1, 1867, with the links are here for Jimmy to show if you have ever necessary, to show that actually, if you look back at the Articles of Confederation and also in the true constitutional Archives of America, the Dominion of Canada is a state of the United States of America republic.
So therefore, we are the Republic of North America. Our founding fathers as well are representative. But the king came in and took over the federal court, took over DC in 1871. They came in and usurped France and America in 1867. And now what Dan and Yayoi face this husband and wife couple, which have a romantic, beautiful story and he can go into in a moment. But they met in the hugs over masks rally. They met during the first Freedom Congress in 2020 and 2021. They were organizing, selling t shirts, telling people, watch out for vaccine genocide.
They were part of the freedom movement in Canada before the convoy and have continued since became married. And they saved a woman and her daughter in Brampton, Ontario from being murdered by the vaccine genocide weapons as classified around the world now. And you have at least five states in the United States suing Pfizer because they are technological and biological weapons of destruction of death. And they saved the woman and they saved this daughter of hers cause they already kidnapped the other one and killed her older daughter because they sent business letters. So on September 13, which is a big part of this.
And I thank you and your audience, Scotty, as a representation for we the people to stand up and to veterans, remember their oaths, who say that they do, and they will stand for the people. They’re being called upon right now, the criminal courts run by the terrorist Transnational Circuit, of which USA Federal Corporation and Canada Corporation are a part of that criminal cartel as you just referenced in your opening statement, they are charging Dan and Yayoi with up to ten years of sentencing in jail on September 13. They flipped the script as a sovereign man that he is, and went, no, we are here for your grand jury criminal indictment for we, the people doctrine of Lester magistrate.
No, we need people to stand here to witness the crimes, the war crimes you’ve ignored, the crimes against humanity, the human trafficking Executive Order 13848, crimes in progress that will be counted in a military court, taken out of civilian courts. They’ve ignored it continually. Again and again. On their side, they’re going to send Dan and his wife to prison for ten years on September 13. And on their side, they’re standing up peacefully as the professional martial artist and entrepreneur he is, and going, uh uh. We’ve seen $430 million you profited on our case, the cusp numbers, the ISIN numbers, the Straumann account, and they’ve said into court, Scotty, anybody can do this.
All your listeners, you said it in court. You go, look, we can find online where they’re profiting off our misery and the death of everybody. Everybody. And they’re making hundreds of millions of billions of dollars per person. And that’s what they’re doing here today. And thank you for your time, because again, at the final words of that declaration of independence, are our fortunes, our lives, and our sacred honor. And that’s what we’re all facing as targeted individuals. Myself, Dan, Yayoi, others you’ve had on your show, targeted by the Canadian Crown Corporation. It’s a McDonald’s company that just happens to have security guards and have pulled a fraud over our eyes, right? And it’s traded on the SEC and the stock exchange with the 2024 prospectors, just like all of you Americans, if you have a Social Security number right now, you are being traded on the stock exchange.
That should tick you off, right? Ford said it best if the american people, Henry Ford said it best if american people ever learned what we were doing, there would be a revolution by morning. That was Henry Ford. And guess what? We’re exposing that as part of this massive wave of hundreds of thousands of others. It’s not just a few of us. And we’re being persecuted for it. And that’s why we need people to stand, too, before Trump comes back into and those half a million sealed indictments. We get to see all of that magic work. Go hard with the white hat military and the white hat cops.
Well, Brad, that was quite an answer to my question. What our listeners can do you know, that’s why I love this online show. It’s 2 hours, 120 minutes of content. My radio shows only 413 minutes segments. I would have had to cut you off on radio, Brad. You would have talked for 13 minutes. I love it. You’re so full of inspiration. And I want to stop and introduce Dan Oak from Lakeshore sovereign assembly. Dan, am I pronouncing your last name right? Oak? You are, actually. All right. Yes. Quite impressive, man. Dan will get back. Back to you in 1 second.
Brad, you used the word several times. Crow, would you please explain to my audience, because I had never heard the word until I spoke with you and Dan, was it last week we had a show you guys were on. Right. So, yeah, let me, let me understand and let our audience understand the importance and significance of a quoranto. Right? And this is an ancient instrument. Thank you, Scotty. And this is actually what sparked the requirement for the magna Carta to come around in the 12th century. And the quoranto is latin words for saying, what authority do you have over me? So it actually means you are guilty until you prove that you have authority over me.
Which sparked the maritime. Now, as our friend SG Anon put out three months ago, that in 2014 and then again next year, 2015, the 50 state citizen grand jury assemblies in America wrote, published and sent to Coloronto to Washington, DC. When Obama and his administration were in there, Patriot act, czars, et cetera, right across the board, 35,000 guillotines in Momcare, for example. And they said, we do not participate or elect to continue on as your crimes against us and humanity in constitutional vagrancies. We are calling upon the military. Now, funny enough that in 20, that same time in 2015, Obama came out on the news and said, well, there’s this guy named Major General Paul Evalu that says he’s going to take 250,000 american soldiers and storm Washington in a couple and return it to the people.
Really? I wonder what would have precipitated that. The quorantos. So the quorantos that we’ve leveraged, signed by Major General Valerie, myself, Norman, others, and eleven members of the First nations people in what is the Canada corporation domain at the moment, but part of the dominion of Canada, the state constitutionally the Republic of North America. Dan had already done that two years ago. We sent everything to JAG. Dan continues to correspond with JAG. We have. Amazing, which I know, and Dan will share with you. He’s also provided the evidence, the thousands of pages they have on the war crimes to great assembly police on guard.
He’s met with them somewhere in the neighborhood of like 14 times over the last four years. We had that show last week with Eddie from veterans for Freedom. They want to stand for freedom, which is awesome because being a former canadian light infantry guy and being a guy who started as an air cadet in Brampton, Ontario, where Dan and DIY are facing criminal sentencing on September 13, my hometown, I hope that we see some amazing soldiers and patriots on guard and veterans for freedom and other men and women standing up to witness a grand jury indictment as we live stream it around the world, just like we’ll do for the Coutts on September 9, and Kevin Hoyt in Vermont in September 9, and Artur Pavlowski September 10 in Calgary.
I hope that explains the quoranto because it’s done a good job. Brad, thank you very much. So what authority do you have over us? And our constitution limited their authority to a great extent, but they do not believe in the constitution. They’ve walked all over it. They’ve stepped all over it. But Dan from Lakeshore sovereign assembly has done something about that. And besides facing jail for ten years, which is very analogous to my good friend Tina Petersen in Mesa County, Colorado, where she’s facing many years in jail, her sentencing is in October. Dan’s is September 13.
Dan, tell us what you did with these quorantos and your indictment before the grand jury against the government of Canada. Please come in and tell us all about your great work. Thank you very much, Scotty. And thanks as well, Bradley. You know, Scotty, we were. We were on Brad’s show the other day and, you know, we talked about all of the actions that we’d done from 2020 onwards, you know, and like Brad had said, it’s this. This is the silver lining that we all, I think, need to take out of this is that, yeah, there’s a lot of bad stuff happening, right? As we say in martial arts, a candle flickers most violently before it’s about to be snuffed out.
And that’s just what we’re seeing with the dark right now, right? Like, we’ve already won, they’ve lost. They’re just trying to do as much damage as inhumanly possible as they exit. Right? But if it wasn’t for this opportunity that humanity has to really know freedom for arguably the first time in human history, I never, as Brad said, I never would have met my wife, right, like that. We literally met at a protest in Toronto. And that never would have happened unless I had chosen to say, you know what? I don’t live in Toronto, but I hear that’s where people are congregating.
And damn it, like, I need to do something. What I’m doing here locally, it’s not enough. This is a war. I need to do something. I need to figure out who’s got their YDEz their head on straight. And Toronto seems to be the place. That’s where I met my wife. And then, you know, it was, there were a few other groups in that. Now it’s Lakeshore sovereign assembly, true North Guardians alliance. As I’ve said to you on the, on Brad’s show, we’ve done seven citizens arrests of mayors, one chief of police and one MPP directly connected with Justin Trudeau who’s in our local area.
And all with the intent to give the police and, you know, like veterans for freedoms and things like that with the opportunity to give them a chance to do their job. They were invited to each one of them, you know, and. But we still did it regardless of whether somebody showed up to affect the arrest or not. Right. Any regular police and military, we gave them an opportunity to do their job as well in a way that they would comprehend. So we did that. We sent notices of liabilities. As Brad said, we communicated with the proper military authorities along the way.
But just because there isn’t an overt action on their part doesn’t mean that we don’t have a job. A duty and a lawful duty of care and even a spiritual duty to every single one of us. Right? So this is where I, a mother came and said, you know, they’d already gotten the system. I mean, they’d already given her daughter, her older daughter a fraudulent cancer diagnosis. There was a second opinion, said, it’s not cancer. But of course with sick Kids hospital in Canada, which is a big one, you got to follow what they do. Otherwise they take your kid away.
And she was terrified of that. So she went along with the treatment. Her daughter didn’t survive the treatment. She had one daughter left. And the ex husband said, you know what? All of a sudden I want to get this COVID vaccine. Well, we had every, every indication because we kept an eye on the court cases that were going on, right. And we looked into it and largely at that point in time, even if a parent had sole custody, what was happening is that the judge was ruling in favor of the child getting the COVID vaccine. And if they didn’t, then Cas was called, which is child protective services basically.
And, you know, and they take your kid away and there was even one very famous example, I think she was in Alberta. But they quite literally did. Like the parents took the child and fled and they found them, caught them, and did take the child away. So that was even in a two parent situation. Point being, the mother had reached out to us and said, listen, I want to do this exiting the system thing. She’d looked into it herself. She’s quite brilliant. And she just said, I feel like if I’d exited the system before I’d taken my daughters out, I’d still have two children.
So I have one left and it’s my duty to protect her. So we assisted with that. And along the way, as we not just showed status correction evidence. And when I say status correction, that means going from a position of your all capitals ends ligus, you know, legal fiction kind of thing, into a creditor status so they can all capitals. I’m going to interrupt you there. The all capitals is signifies the corporation. Yes, correct. Yes, that’s right. That’s created upon your birth. So when you’re born, there’s a certificate of live birth. The fraudulent conversion of that certificate of live birth into a birth certificate is what turns you into a corporate fiction.
Because as was ruled many times, corporations cannot make laws. They can only make policies within employees of that corporation. Well, they can deal with your corporate entity until you’ve done a status correction. So that’s kind of the idea behind a status correction. There. There’s more than one way to do that. But, you know, we followed one particular way and one particular avenue. We proved it. We proved that there was trading on these things and we acted as caretakers of their trusts. We threw all of that plus over 1300 pages of criminal code of Canada evidence and just a massive amount of COVID crimes and violations.
We sent it to military offices, police officers and da da da da da. And we just pointed all the crime at this judge and said, hey, you know, police, here’s the criminal code of Canada. Hey, you know, here’s this one, here’s this. Like, there’s fraud, there’s extortion, there’s racketeering, there’s fear of damage or harm, there’s da da da da da da da. We had everything. Nobody acted in her defense, the daughter’s defense, or our defense. But the second that the judge puts something out there up, gotta follow this guy. Even though we talked to active duty officers that are like, yeah, you know, like, I didn’t let my kid get the shot.
I didn’t get, you know, and then we go. So, you know. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, then, then, well, we gotta protect our pension. You know, I got kids to feed. And then we would look at them and say, well, what about these kids? Is feeding your kids worth the life of everybody else around there? Answer has come, right? So the point being, eventually we got pulled into this guy’s, forced into this guy’s courtroom. But, you know, we went there, we declared our status. Nothing was rebutted, nothing was changed, meaning it stands in truth and law and commerce.
These guys can ignore the rule of law, which is what they do. It’s the only way that they get away with it is they ignore the rule of law and the police become militarized against the people. That’s the only way they get away with it, because the police just go and they just follow orders. Fine. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a duty to stand up for the rule of law. So after, in a December 2022 court case, we declared this man the trustee of a Sesiqv trust, which is the corporation that’s created upon the birth certificate, we declared ourselves the beneficiary.
As the trustee, we gave him duties, responsibilities. He failed those. And I said, I don’t have any other reason to write to the court, but if you write something to me, I’m going to respond to you. And then he sent his ruling. Well, that’s something that was written to me. I responded exactly the way that I said that I would. One of the letters at that point went to the man, not just the agent of the corporation, but the man behind that fraud and facade of what might have been his house. We didn’t know. We didn’t like that.
So the letter was the first notice of Lien. It’s all available on the website. Right. Like, we didn’t hide anything. It had our return address. There was nothing threatening about it. It was literally just. Here are the criminal codes of Canada you’ve damaged us with. Here are the international covenants and treaty violations you’ve damaged us with. Here is the SEC fraudulent trading you’ve damaged us with. This is your first notice of Lien. You have an opportunity to rebut any of these statements. If you don’t, there will be a second notice. If you don’t, there will be a third notice.
The third notice, a common law court will be convened, and then the lien will be executed. From that sounds a lot like due process to me, but that’s where my wife and I were arrested out of our home five months after the five months, April, 4 months, four months after the first notice of lien was sent out, we get a boom, boom, boom at the door in the morning. And then they take us from our home. Didn’t tell us that they were about to ransack our house and steal our phones and our laptops because those are dangerous weapons.
And. And then they dropped us off, you know, interviewed us and everything and nothing but our debit card. And we were about an hour away from home, so had to get the security to let us back into the building on that day, which was super, super not embarrassing at all in our pajamas. And. And then that’s. That’s what we’ve been doing ever since. But again, never caved, never backed down, called them criminals the entire way, showed them the law, showed them the treaties, maintained our neutrality and declaration of peace. And as Brad said, this is all culminated on the sentencing on September 13.
But as Brad said as well, we are flipping the script on them. And we told them in the courtroom, not only that they’re criminals, here’s the crimes. But what I said is these men and women that you’re calling witnesses back here are actually part of the grand jury. We’re gathering evidence of a crime in progress. You understand you are committing massive crimes right now by doing this to us. And I also said on the first day, there are people that are committing actual crimes. Ten or 20 minutes down the road in Toronto, they had a record breaking drug bust in Toronto.
I think it was like 212 people that were involved in that drug bust. Massive ring charges stayed. That was like two or three weeks before our trial. There were other ones where, you know, assault and all these things stayed, stayed, stayed, stayed. Meanwhile, they’re coming at us. And I, and I mentioned those on the trial day, and I just said, people, what the hell are we doing here? We sent letters with thousands of pages of evidence of crimes to a man acting as a judge, and youre bringing us here for intimidation. And then the ten years comes from what they threw at us on the morning of the last day, they go, you know, this is a textbook case of conspiracy to commit an unlawful act, which is actually, I’ll make a little correction on that.
It’s up to 14 years in prison. So again, so they’re letting you off easy. Oh, yeah, yeah. Super, super duper easy. But, you know, we don’t know, nor do we care what they’re planning to do on the 13th, because as we said, we’re gathering evidence of a crime in progress. But the indictment is on the entire judiciary of Canada. And this is really what I think all of the people of the, of the flippin world need to really wake up from. We cannot leave the remedy in the hands of those who are complicit and responsible for the crimes against humanity, that is the courts.
They are committing fraud, they are captured, they are criminal, they had oath bound duties to uphold our fundamental rights and freedoms, which obviously they failed globally and quite intentionally. So if we go, well, you know what? Let’s, let’s sue them. Let’s sue the people responsible. You’re asking for remedy from the people who did the damn thing to you. Stockholm even. What’s that, Brad? Like Stockholm syndrome. And exactly it. Ask them for permission so they can rape me again? Yes. That’s what people are. Hegelian dialect problem, reaction, solution. Right? They create the problem, they get a reaction from us and then they present the solution for the problem they created.
Right? And then they go, oh, well, you know, even if you win, which you’ve created, even if you file a court case, as we said, you’ve actually just created another SeSDQV Trust Q SIP number, ISI number, which gets traded on the open market, which goes directly into funding all of these crimes. You’ve actually just inadvertently or advertently committed a crime yourself by doing it that way. Right, but, but that’s, that’s kind of. Well, it’s not a whole other story. But the main point of all of this is these oath bound individuals with a paycheck and a pension and all these kinds of things doesn’t matter.
Police, veterans, judiciary, government, all of them, they all had a duty to investigate and act on the evidence. And God knows it has not just been us throwing that evidence at these people. You would have to have been living under a rock to even consider the fact that there wasn’t even an alternative side. But I mean, us scientists from all over the world, doctors from all over the world. The man who wrote the actual wording on bioterrorism, Doctor Francis Boyle, has got a court affidavit out there calling this thing a bio weapon. We have a very serious problem now.
Children and babies are being injected with this poison now, we don’t have time to fart around with appeals. We have to get to the heart of the problem. And even if we don’t have massive numbers to do it, although anybody can do it in their area and region, this is one of the reasons why we’ve put the grand jury summary out there is with the idea to empower anybody to take this kind of action get to the heart of the problem, because from what we’ve seen over the last number of years, the police will just follow orders blindly and then they’ll get weaponized against the people, and then the courts will continue committing the fraud, and then the people will sue the government.
And by the way, in Canada, if you sue the government, you don’t even have access to a jury. It is impossible to sue the government and have access to a jury in Canada, which is a direct violation of multiple maxims of law. But at very least, the idea that the power cannot be greater than that from which it is derived from. Meaning, if you draw your power and authority from the people, because God knows you don’t do it with any sort of statutory or lawful or patent or letters patent authority, then you have to draw it from the people.
And if the people don’t have access to justice, then you don’t have justice. You have a fraudulent transnational crime syndicate corporation. Period. That’s it. And they all failed their duty to act and investigate and do anything. If we don’t get to the fraud of the courts, the police will continue to follow the orders of this crime syndicate and attack the people. If we want to give the good police and the good sheriffs and the good military an even better chance to help us, we’ve got to deal with the issue. And the issue is the courts. And the call to action is very simple.
We’re the victims, the crime is ongoing and we have a need to stop it now and not seek remedy from the slave masters, or as I’ve recently liked to put it, renegotiating the terms of your ongoing slavery. That’s really all you’re doing when you go and you get a court case, because again, you haven’t dealt with the root cause of the problem. It’s, it’s like, it’s like putting a band aid on something, but you’re still bleeding, right? And you haven’t done with the fact that, I don’t know, the wound won’t clot if you just keep putting a bandaid on it.
You’re just going to keep hemorrhaging and keep on losing blood and in this case, keep on losing children to. Pardon me, but that kind of matters to me. Dan, let me see my wife for the sake of time, because we have other things I definitely want to cover with you guys. I’m going to move on here. I see you’re out and about there in Toronto area, and we have limited time. So I want to say there’s no coincidences. It’s interesting you talk about getting out of the system. Yesterday, I interviewed a woman named Gianna Maselli. She has something called unalienable university.
She’s teaching people how to legally get out of the system. That interview just happened yesterday. So the timing of you bringing that to the forefront, I think we’re going to head into a movement of people wanting to get out of the system in short order. But let me ask Brad a question. The only reason Dan Oak is facing ten years of prison is because he’s over the target. He’s over the target of bringing down what he just described as a very corrupt system to the core. Federal, state, and local governments in both of our countries are, in your case, provinces.
They’re corrupt to the core. Is he facing ten years of jail simply because he’s over the target? Absolutely. And to that point, look at our mutual friend. Pastor Arthur Pawlowski is on your board to take our border back, right. He and Lee Dondas and I are great friends. And he said, here’s an example of how over the target we are. He gave a 19 minutes sermon at the Coutts, Alberta, Montana border Crossing and Freedom convoy in 2022. In February, they arrested him first. They threw him in prison in 45 days of solitary. A pastor who gave a 19 sermon on private property, reported by dozens of phones, cameras, CCTV, even in the court proceeding after that, when they discovered him in solitary because they kept his name off the books and the guards at the max pod in Alberta were bribing inmates to murder him, it was only by random, twice a month checkup by doctors, nerves, who would go into the maximum security prison like you have down in Colorado for terrorists.
Found him shivering on the floor, in his words, in his underwear, on a mattress with no sheets and a pillow, and went, who is this man who’s been deprived food and water and shivering, and he turned around literally out of a Schindler’s list movie. Said, my name is pastor Artur Pavlowski. When they checked it for three weeks, his wife, his son, and his lawyer couldn’t find him. They vanished him in the system two years ago. He is a target. The spiritual warfare is real. And the same thing with the coots, too. Kevin, our mutual friend, Kevin Hoyt.
I’m pointing to sky. Everybody sees us. Our mutual friend and my former roommate Kevin Hoyt. And Dan and Yayoi and others in Canada, in America, and around the world, all over the target. They’re all facing this predicament because they’re over the target. Dan and Brad, you two guys opened my eyes to something I hadn’t thought about in years. I had heard this before, but I hadn’t thought about it. Dan, I’m going to come back to you. Explain why Canada is actually part of the United States of America from a legal standpoint. Okay? So the. Especially for anybody in the audience, the easiest way, because we’ve put it all out there with the evidence, not only with our grand jury indictment, which is linked on the peace treaty website, but also with the peace treaty itself.
Right? Because this is super important for people to realize that Canada is actually. Yes, it’s a corporation, and it’s a registered corporation in the US, which also by definition, especially definition of executive order 13,818, actually defines it as a United States person. So Canada is just a United States person. But you could take it back to what is. It’s easier to find online by calling it the Treaty of Washington of 1871. But it’s sometimes called the Organic act. Right? It’s got a few different names, much like a lot of treaties. But the point being, at that point, Canada was actually given as a reparation by the Crown to the United States.
And even if you go to article eleven of the original articles of Confederation, you can actually see that Canada has a choice to join the United States and then become the Republic of North America. But throughout history, and in exhibit ten of our evidence, you can see how all of the things that created what people perceive to be the land mass known as Canada and what legally and lawfully defines that, don’t actually have any substance or backing. It can go back to 1893 with the revision, something called the Statutes Law Revision act. And how Queen Victoria said upon my.
Upon my death, all of the powers of the monarchy and my heirs and successors are just voided and gone. Well, she died. So. So, like, from 1893 onward, anything that was done was void. And you can even take it back farther than that, down to, like, the proper way that the British North America act came about and then turned into what we call the Constitution act, was all bogus, never properly ratified, never properly put together. Like, there’s just. If you actually put things under a microscope and demand proof for how these things were supposed to come into place, you find that nothing actually has any legal or lawful existence.
You could even go back to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth, and how there was the stone of Destiny that was supposed to be part of the coronation was never the actual stone of Destiny. Therefore, the corporation, she was never actually coronated. And in addition to that, it wasn’t her that was coronated. It was the crown that was coronated. Like the crown corporation. There’s just, like, a myriad of things that are all in the evidence that people could just read and go through. But, like, the bottom line is there’s no historical lawful backing for Canada, the sovereign country, to legally or lawfully exist.
And even the Queen Elizabeth had declared the provinces to be sovereign. So that’s. So people are like, what do we live in? We live in the provinces, whatever they are, because they were technically. Technically declared sovereign. You could still be Canada. But let me ask you guys both. I want you guys both to give me a. A quick answer on this. So what I’m hearing is that you guys have the right to bear arms because you’re covered under our second amendment. The question I have is, if Canadians were given the choice to become part of the United States, to become part of our constitution, the right to bear arms, free speech, all the things we understand about it, would they accept or decline? Brad, I’ll go to you first.
We’ve got. The thousands of people we know would accept that in a heartbeat. Is there a wide awake now? Dan, what do you think? You know, the answer is obviously absolutely yes. You know, but I would say, you know, they wouldn’t. They wouldn’t want to move or relocate, but this is where, you know, the. What. What they. What they can realize is that this thing. Do you want to become a part of the states? We’re already there. It’s like Brad said, we’re already actually part of the Republic of North America. What folks maybe don’t realize or don’t want to do.
And this is the tricky part for a lot of people. They don’t want to act like it, and it’s usually out of fear, and that’s fine. That’s not a judgment thing. Right? But since we’re already part of the Republic of North America, or since we’re already the creditor of our SESDQV trust and the judiciary doesn’t exist, or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, any of these things, if we just start acting in a way that upholds the truth, then the waves of adversity will subside. We always say, if you stand on the pillars of principle, the waves of adversity will subside.
And this is where people got to realize we outnumber them, plain and simple. But what they do is they target individuals who seem like they’re leading. But if all of us acted on these facts and these truths, it would just simply be, whether it’s a republic or whether it’s a world that these dark and evil entities, they just don’t want to exist because we’re all standing on the truth. So there’s 8 billion people in the world, maybe 3000 of the 13 bloodlines that actually have been running the world for hundreds if not thousands of years. So when you say we outnumber them, it’s, it’s not even close.
If there’s 3000 of them, maybe they’re really call the shots that implement at the highest levels, implement their, their one world government plan. So we really have the upper hand if we’ll only act upon it, if we’ll bind together and go after what we know is ours, our country’s taking, taking them back. So I want to talk about your trial coming up because that seems to be the most important thing in your life. And my concern would be, as much as the outcome of your case, concern for your going to jail. Do you, are you representing yourself or do you have lawyers? So that’s.
That’s a good question. So a living man or woman who, who’s done all the proper things and educated themselves, you can’t have a lawyer and it’s part of the corrupt system, are they not? Very much so. And actually any lawyer, when they become a lawyer, they have to take an oath to the bar. And it actually says that their top priority is to the court, even above their client. Like they have to uphold the sanctity of the court. But in addition to that, it would be good for anybody to look into what are called the twelve presumptions of law.
And it’s easy to find and find a rebuttal to the twelve presumptions of law. But one of the presumptions is the presumption of guardianship. And this is where you get into the SESDQV trust and the fraudulent conversion of the birth certificate in creating the estate. Because what they look at you at is a minor. And they’re supposed to tell you of these laws and how when you turn legal age, you’re supposed to be able to claim your estate as part of the process. But their whole thing is, oh, well, these people are all just useless eaters and feckless incompetence.
So they need our slavery, they need our help. So as you walk into the courtroom, especially if you take a lawyer, they are presuming that you are still a minority, that they are your guardian. And in addition to that, what are the presumptions of law? Is the presumption of incompetence. So they are presuming if you walk in with a lawyer, that you are a, incompetent and b, in need of guardianship, and that c, your child in the hands of the law and the corporation and all these kinds of things. So we don’t even. So this is a way of self represent.
This is telling us you are representing yourself. Obviously, even then. Even then, we don’t even say, I know conceptually what you mean. Right. So conceptually, what you mean for the simplicity of the interview? Yes. Yes. We went there and we presented the evidence ourselves. But again, even saying self represent presumes that we give any sort of credence to the man or woman acting as a judge. We were not there to convince that woman to rule one way or another. If we were, we would have taken the stand, would have put our hand on a Bible, taken the stand, presented our evidence that way.
Because she actually said, well, if you take the stand, you know, like, I won’t call you mister or anything like that. You can say whatever name you want. And, you know, like, that’s. That’s. Otherwise, I can’t. I. Even though she heard everything and it was on paper, I can’t take anything you say as admissible as evidence in court. Like, what the fuck? Pardon me? What the heaven is that? You know, like, that’s. That’s. That’s where you know that these folks are acting on a criminal capacity. And in addition to that, there’s something deeply symbolic in their ritual for you to take the stand and walk over there and testify and give them authority.
We never did that. And, in fact, when we were asked to do that, because I hummed and hot on that one a bit, I went, you know, like, at some point, the military is getting this transcript. You know, I’ve said everything here it is on the record. But, you know, gosh, maybe I can reach these humans. And something came to me and said, you know what? They’re not even human anymore. And that’s. That’s what we also need to realize. Like, if they’ve taken the shots, their DNA has been changed. We’re not dealing with the same species anymore.
We got to get that through our noggins on our side of the fence as well. Right? But. But in addition to that, what I said was exactly this. Marcela. That was her name. Marcela. If I take that stand, then what happens is I cross over the line and I officially become a participant, which I’ve just spent five days saying. I’m not a participant in the fraud. Stop calling me a participant. We’re here to stop. Stop the crimes. We’re here to be a grand jury. If I take that stand, I am assenting to your authority. I am saying that this is part of a case.
And understand we’re not participating in your fraud. We’ve asked where the money is going. You refuse to disclose that. We’ve shown that there’s fraud going on here, and it’s being used for weapons trade, sex trafficking, Jeffrey Epstein, all these different things. Put it on the record right there. Refuse to do anything about it. No problem. If I take that stand, then I’ve just violated Rome statute, article 25, which has jurisdiction over the natural person, which is individual criminal liability. Sorry, individual personal liability, meaning I’m just as liable for the crime and my participation with it as anybody else.
So I said, I can’t do it. And none of us. There was four of us. None of us did that as well. My wife sat with her back to the chair of the judge, holding a white flag. Didn’t even engage with the woman. So that’s kind of the difference, right? If you go in there, you declare your status. You stand on the pillars of principle. And this is where September 13 is. If you look into, like, the history of a grand jury, it has power. Brad mentioned a really powerful case, but, I mean, it’s been used throughout history.
There isn’t just one or two instances of this. So we, the people, are placing our indictment upon the judiciary because ultimately, whether it’s a. Taking our borders back, taking our freedoms back, stopping the injections in the now moment, we can’t do any of it until we take our courts back because the rule of law has been hijacked. That’s. That’s what, September 13, long time coming, that we take our courts back. We. We really have to take every system back. They haven’t left us. They haven’t left us with a system that isn’t corrupt to the core. The political system, the education system, the medical system, the financial system, they’re all corrupt to the court.
So, guys, we’re running out of time. Brad, I mean, Dan, I want to ask you if you have a legal fund. Do you have a legal fund set up? I do not. We haven’t. And I really appreciate that, Scotty, that’s super kind of you, but honest to goodness, we. We haven’t taken any donations over the entire four years, I guess because there’s not a lawyer raping you. No. You don’t have legal fees. There. There are. There are costs, right? Like, we have to print a lot of paper. We gotta keep the websites going. You know, we gotta, you know, travel here and there and all over these other places.
Like it’s, it’s there a cost. But at the end of the day, this is where the peace treaty comes in. Because the idea is the proper mechanism for all of us to receive reparations for the damage that has been done is through the law of war manual. And that’s where our grand jury is. Not just under the common law, but it’s also under the law of war manual. So honest to goodness, you know, for my wife and I and our, and our friends, we’re like, reparations are coming. We’ve put, you know, part of those as part of the grand jury.
But no, no donations or anything necessary area right now. I like your optimism an awful lot. So you want people to connect with you on your website, then give us your URL again. Yeah, so you can do it a couple ways. So there is the tgpeacetreaty.com. like that’s Tg for truth guardians. But tgpeacetreaty.com, if you go to the little, you know, three hamburger link on that one, you can see the whole grand jury summary that’s got all the details about the 13th and anybody who, obviously, if you’re in America, if you want to be with us in solidarity, wherever you are on that day, that time, the idea is bear a white flag.
It’s not surrender. Sorry. In the law of war, a white flag is a need for negotiation, a desire for peace, because obviously we all want world peace. That includes stopping the injections, a true court, all of these other kinds of things. But it also declares your neutrality, that you’re not part of the combat and that there are certain protections afforded that are supposed to be afforded to you as a neutral party. That’s section 15, the law of war manual. The other one is the tngalliance.com, that stands for true North Guardians alliance. There’s a how to section there for anybody that wants to get a how to of whatever it may be.
You could go there. And then finally Lakeshore dot sovereignassembly.com and any of the contact us sections on any of those websites is just going to go right to my phone. Excellent. Thank you. Mister Brad Wozny. Always a pleasure, my friend, to see you. And where can our listeners find your show, your great content? Thank you, Scotty. Apple podcast, the sovereign soul show and the same on Rumble, banned everywhere else. Rumble the sovereign soul channel. And I believe you guys are a wealth of information. I can’t. I’m amazed. I’m always amazed at how you guys can speak to the issues and the status of things.
It’s really great to see you. And we’re going to have you back after you’re a free man, after the 13th, after you’re released. Released from the shackles of the. Of the overlords. And we continue to. Gentlemen, can you hear me real quick, can we hear you? Jimmy, I just want to let you know, Brad, I got all your links. Nice to meet you, Dan. Be praying for your brother. Sending you love and light. Thank you. To you and yours. All the links that you want. Brother Brad, I’ll make sure that they’re in the description. Okay. Just wanted to pop in and say that.
Thank you, mister. Jimmy Schwinn, my partner. I’m so sorry to interrupt. I just want to say one thing very, very publicly. I have to express my gratitude to Brad. If it wasn’t for his efforts and everything that he’s been doing, I wouldn’t have met Scott. I wouldn’t have met all these awesome people. I wouldn’t have had the connections and the opportunities to not only get the word out, but to give the idea to empower humanity, to stand up for their own home and everything like that. It wouldn’t have been possible without you, Brad. Thank you. And thank you Scotty as well, both of you guys, you’ve been so helpful and so phenomenal.
And big things are coming for all of us guys. We just gotta keep on doing what we’re doing to help humanity. Can’t stand up for a fellow patriot need, you know, who, who are we going to back and support? It’s time we choose sides, right? And that means supporting our good friends and patriots. So, gentlemen, thank you so much. Great to have you and we’ll have you back again. We appreciate your time. Thank you, Scotty. And thank you Dan and Yayori for your stand for humanity. You guys are the inspiration for me, truly. Anytime. Take care, gentlemen.
We’ll see you soon. You got it. Thanks, Jimmy. Thanks, Dan. Take care, brother. Take care, guys. Bye, guys. Well, Jimmy, brother Scotty, I’ve been interesting, isn’t it? Simultaneously, you know, multitasking. So let me come on here a little bit. And you know, I know we’re waiting for our brother Mack here soon and brother Sheriff and you know, it’s a shame that these folks have to go through these type of things, but, you know, everything we have built in every pillar of society is built on quicksand, and we’ve gone to have to rebuild it all from the ground up.
We got to let it fall apart. We got to let it just crumble and smash, and it’s going to happen. And then we build something that’s good for everyone. Not, like you said, a few people at the top that’s printing fake money and using that money to buy up all the assets for them and their family. You know what I mean? If I. You know, if I became the guy that printed all the money of the world, it’s pretty easy for me to amass all the wealth in the world. When I print all the money and I don’t have to, it’s no wonder they can fix the gold and silver market, because they got the money, right? Well, you know, I want to.
I want to talk about that for a minute while we’re waiting. You know, I’m a big silver guy. You know that. I’m not a financial advisor, by the way. I want to make sure that everybody understands that I’m not. Let me fix this little thing here. Now that our guests are gone, I’m going to put our little scroller on here again. So silver with the announcement of Samsung’s new battery. So these batteries that run these electric cars, they have a lot of liquid in them, too, you know, for kind of to connect the electrical back and forth, and yet they pour these into these fields.
You see, these fields of these old batteries, they last about ten years. Okay, so Samsung comes out a few weeks ago with their news about their new battery. Now, these old batteries, it takes 17 hours to charge fully, and they go about 300 miles. Well, Sam, sun comes out with the announcement of a solid battery. No liquid at all. Goes 600 miles, and you can charge it in nine minutes. Scotty. But what’s the secret sauce? Well, where they had the liquid, they replaced the silver. How much silver do you need for each one of these batteries? 32oz kilo of silver.
Now, silver’s already not keeping up with the pace of the usage. And with AI in robotics, silver is critical. And then on top of it, you got, you know, they’re saying, oh, we only need double the power and all that. I don’t believe it. I think it’s going to be a lot more than that, but I also believe that we waste a lot of energy, you know, in the way that these homes are built, you know, example. And, Scotty, I think you would resonate with this being in Mexico. The example is our air conditioning systems. You know, our heating and air conditioning system is very, very energy wasting because when I’m in my bedroom at night I don’t need another 2000 sqft or, you know, of the bottom part of it to be cooling me down like I do need in my bedroom, right? So if I want my bedroom to be at 68 or 69 degrees and I want the rest of the house to be at 78 you know, you can’t set that.
You can’t control it. You got the downstairs and the upstairs and that pretty much you have to cool or heat the entire square footage, right. Well, you know as well as I do because I have a home in Dominican Republic that in the Dominican Republic and I’m sure in Mexico too they don’t have central air and heating. They have units in each room. They got heating and cooling units on the wall in each room. So what’s more efficient? Running, trying to cool and heat the entire space of the bottom floor? The entire space of the top floor.
You know, this house here is almost 4000 sqft. So you know, do that or the rooms, you know, of course you always keep above freezing or whatever the content temperature is but when you’re not using a room or you’re not occupying that space these houses should be smart enough to know, turn this down, turn this up. You know, and you put your schedule and it runs it. So we imagine how much electricity we’re wasting right now based on the current air conditioning and heating systems in this country. Scotty. And then you take silver again, like I was saying, all of this electronic components are going to be needed.
A lot of these besides these Samsung batteries. You’re talking massive amounts of silver being used in wellness, silver being used in technology, robotics, you know, AI. I mean, you know, chips, everything. So even though they manipulate it and we know they’re manipulating silver we know that that silver is what usually 15 ratio to gold meaning usually it’s 15 times less. And if you just run that number it’s worth a hell of a lot more than $30, you know, an ounce or 20, whatever it is. They’re definitely suppressing it but people are buying it up. So, you know, it’s exciting to see.
So, Jimmy, how can people get into gold and silver if they’re not into it? Well, okay, there’s two different things. And again, I’m not a financial advisor but in the description in this video we do have a company that’s a sponsor of what we do here and been sponsoring by the way, you know, for years now, this whole Patriot network been a beautiful sponsor, does a lot of things, has helped tremendous amount of people, Americans, because they only deal with America, transition their 401 ks into precious metal iras. Okay, so I already did that. And we’ve helped lots of people do it.
Again, the link is below. But also if you want to buy over $10,000 worth and get some free stuff and get some education, they’re the ones to do that with too. And you can get it delivered right to your house. So you can do either a rollover, which, you know, I had no, and no tax issues or nothing. I just rolled it straight over. You know what I mean? I didn’t bring it, I just rolled it straight over. And so that is there and then the other. But if you’re going to buy little bits of silver and gold in the United States where you got, you know, maybe you can get an ounce, you know, I mean, I would tell you, you know, if you don’t have the wherewithal financially to do what I just said.
And, you know, you know, know you do. You will eventually. You will if, you know you can. But you can go to Jl Bullion. Let me, let me pull this one up and you can go and get smaller, you know, things. I mean, JM Bullion, you want to make sure that you get something. They got a five star rating. If you go to Google, you’ll see JM like James, Jimmy, Mike and then Boolean bullion.com. and they’ve got, you know, again, if I look them up in Google, they got, you know, over 300, 880 thousand reviews. Five stars on Google.
Now on Google, ain’t no way for them to mess with them numbers, you know what I mean? So when you see that, let me, let me show that again. It’s gonna go to the link below for the 401 ks. Trans. Yeah, 401 ks. Or if you’re gonna buy over $10,000 with the silver, you want to utilize the link below, the one for the gold. You’ll see it in this description below. Use that link under sponsor our sponsor. You know, sponsor us by sponsoring our sponsors. You know, that’s how you can. If you like what brother Scotty’s doing and the guests that are coming on and the solutions that are being implemented to save this country and to help save this world and many more things coming out over the next few weeks and months, that’s going to blow your mind.
It’s actually solutions to help the environment turn back our biosphere back thousands of years ago. Many things that are coming out through what we’re doing here, folks, if you feel good about that, you want to be part of that. Well, if you need something that those sponsors offer, we’ll support sovereign radio by supporting those sponsors. So good seed and good seed comes to you. You know, put your money and your effort into good things, you know, weed your garden. You know, a lot of us, all of us are guilty of spending money with people that don’t care about.
Yeah, we’re spending a lot of money on the multinational corporations, particularly in the category of food. We’re buying all that junk food from major corporations from. And they’re poisoning us, Scotty. Yeah, they’re poisoning us for sure, Jimmy. I want to honor another sponsor today, Jimmy, and that’s, I want my health back.com. yeah, and the good people. I want my health back.com. forward slash Sr for sovereign radio s and r. So please let me tell folks my experience. In December of 2023, I got a call from a good man named Mister Richard Presser, distributor of the products we’re going to talk about.
And he was telling me about his spray. It’s called nanosoma. And he has a gel and a facial cream as well. And he pretty much promised me that if I would use his product for two to three weeks for every year I had neuropathy, that I would be relieved of the pain and suffering. The stinging and burning in my feet, mostly, that’s the byproduct of neuropathy, is stinging and burning in the feet. So he sent me my first month supply in week five. I bought my second month’s worth of supply in six weeks. In one. One week after I purchased my first round, I got out of bed one morning.
The stinging and burning were gone. I thought it was anomaly. I thought for sure it would come back. That was mid February of 2024, and I have not seen any stinging or burning, not 1oz of sensation in my feet. The stinging and burning are completely gone now. And that was since mid February. I continue to use the product, albeit much less than the first four weeks. I’ve used the facial cream, I’ve used the gel on cuts and burns, even a toothache. Amazing products. So you want to go to. I want my healthback.com s as in sovereign, r as in radio.
And that link again. Also Scotty is below. And if you don’t mind, I want to give a little bit of my testimonial. Sure. You know, we’re going to take time. As you know, you had a great first part of the sovereign radio online today. And we’ve got a great guest coming up here in about 15 minutes, but we got to talk about our solutions, and we got to talk about what is helping support the operation, okay, of what we’re doing here. You know, we’re big supporters of the CSBOA Constitutional Sheriff and peace Officers association. I’ve been working with them for over four years now.
I know you’ve been working them for many years now. You know, this I want my health back situation with. That’s the name of the movement. Do you want your health back or not? That product? Also, because, you know, Scotty reached out to me because he needed a funnel and he needed my team and I to get involved, helping him get a funnel, because I’ve only been doing that since about 1995, building stuff online. So, you know, I know a little bit my team and I know a little bit about what we’re doing. And, you know, I told him, you know, I’m not looking for clients because I’m handling my own stuff.
Joint ventures, partnerships, all of that. With my team. We’ve got about eleven people on our team, you know, developers and, you know, graphic artists, AI people, all of that. And, you know, I said, scotty, I’m gonna do it because it’s you and because of what you’re just told, what he just told you guys, you folks, I said, okay, I’m gonna do this. And so I met them, and the whole website, their whole stuff was a mess. So I’m like, I look at their numbers and I’m like, wow, this stuff must work because there ain’t no way in hell that this website covered all this stuff.
These. This must really work. And people must be talking about this. They were successful in spite of themselves, Jimmy, right, in despite of themselves. And so I was in Dominican Republic. The order got shipped here to my house. So I didn’t get it for a couple months. I didn’t get access to it for a couple months, but then I started taking it, and let me tell you, I got some slides to show here real quick, too, Sconny, that I think are very important. Let’s do it. You know, one thing is that I, you know, am involved in energy wellness.
This is another one of our sponsors. I’m also 100% a transparency, one of the, one of the owners, one of the shareholders in that company and been with them since 2016. They’ve been around since 2012. And Scotty going to talk about that on the next, the next show next week, you know, as we have. I like this. I really, you know, like this segment here about our sponsors, because we really are utilizing sponsors to help change the planet. Like, you know, there’s solutions. Well, total solutions. I mean, what is energy wellness? Let’s get them off the prescriptions, for God’s sakes.
I lost my brother at 40 years old from prescription drugs. I lost my mother because of juvenile diabetes, because it’s taking prescription drugs and all the side effects. I’m very not into taking prescription drugs. I do everything with alternative wellness. I don’t do anything. And the whole system is rewarded based on how many prescriptions they give out and how many vaccinations do you give these poor children. Okay. Which is a terrible situation. But, you know, body line is about, you know, not having to use that for pain and sleep and energy and emf protection, 5g protection from radiation.
Again, the links are in below nanosoma. So I want to get back to my story. I like having these segments, Scotty, in our onlines, where we do talk about the sponsors, and it’s important that we do talk. Very important. We need the support that well. And what we’re doing is we’re bringing people solutions that’ll transform their life into. Into something better. It’s a win win. Jimmy, what we’re doing. Well, it’s interesting because, you know, I’m very attuned to energy. I’ve been, you know, doing my spiritual journey. And I was talking to you earlier about the four pillars.
You know, there’s pillars in business online, in business, traditional, you know, brick and mortar. There’s foundational pillars you got to put in place to build something like a sky rise. Right? Like, you know, thousands of feet up to build a really big business. But in life, there’s also four pillars that you have to do. Mindset, personal development, spiritual connection, and life balance, right? Making sure that you’re working on those the rest of your life, because you will be, right. You will be. So, I’m very in tune with my energy, and I can feel energy in my hands.
Some people call things chakras or whatever, energy portals, you know, the way that the. That God created us with our body, our spirit, and our soul in our energy body, which they see scientifically like this, by the way, I want to show you something, Scotty, and this I came on to a few months ago from brother Richard, and I was getting all these testimonials coming in about this product, and I’m reading them all. I’m reading through the ones that they have, right? Take a look at this chart here, Scotty. So your energy body is like an egg around you, right? And you see at the top, the energy body is got dents all over it.
Well, most people look worse than that. Okay. And then after five sprays of this product, nanosoma from this company, which makes it break down into where it goes into your cell. That’s the important situation. You got to have it manufactured this way so that it actually gets to your cell and creates the change. Well, look at this energy body, Scotty. And folks, look at it. So it went through like it got hit by a meteor storm to where it just has one dent. And that’s after five minutes of the spray using this technology right here. So that’s pretty, pretty powerful stuff.
Now on top of that, my son TJ, I call him, um, it looked like his leg was rotting off. He has diabetes. Unfortunately, that hit his generation. You know, he was my firstborn and my mother had that. It skipped me and my sisters and of course my brother, God rest his soul, and then got to my son. So he has that issue. He had his leg and I’m going to show it in a minute. Turning white. They had him on the strongest antibiotics that you could get. Nothing was happening. They were telling him, you know, we might have to, you know, you might lose that leg.
So imagine you’re trying your best, you know, to do what the doctor says and they’re telling you that you might have to get your leg chopped off. You know, I mean, that’s not a, you know, a really, not a good, not a good alternative, not a positive thing. So he, so I said, listen, I got this funnel up for Scotty. The actual first sale, the first sale that went through that funnel that he needed for the radio show and to promote and bring other influencers in, which that’s going wonderful. And the, these influencers are saying they’ve never had something that they’ve, they’ve actually sold to people, recommended to people that are getting so many positive testimonials back.
I mean, if you go look at our last week show, go listen to brother Dave and I Hodgens testimonial about how he was basically on death’s door and what’s happened to his life. Powerful. That was one of the most powerful testimonials I’ve ever heard. And you know why, by the way, Scotty, we’re just building that channel out. We have 97 subscribers, right? Sovereign radio is just going online now. It’s been a radio station and we had over 4000 some views on that video with 97 subscribers. That’s how I powerful. That. That show was last week. That was.
That was on fire. Very exciting. That show was on fire. So, you know, I don’t get involved in something unless it’s people changing or planet changing. I don’t have to do it. I can trade my money and make all the money I want. You know what I mean? I’m not addicted to money. I’m not a lover of money. I utilize it. It’s energy to me. Okay. And I’m a good steward of it. So true that money is just another form of energy. It’s just another form of energy. But look at what happened. So I send this to my son.
He gets it. Scotty, I think I told you this when it happened. He sends me a text, and he says, this s s. This s h I t stuff really works, dad. And I’m like. And then he sends me this slide, and I’m like, wow. There’s the leg before where they’re telling him it could get sliced off. And then there’s. After three days of using the nanosoma gel and doing spray, the white is all gone. Yeah. He was using the strongest antibiotics on the planet. Okay. Um. You know, the stuff that you don’t want to use too long.
You know what I mean? They kept on trying, and nothing was working. And within three days, he sends me this image. Wow. And this is nothing. That’s a miracle. I mean, I praise God for that. But I see the testimonials because I’m the one that actually will send out Richard’s weekly email. And what they do within Richard’s weekly email is they give a couple few new testimonials. Now, not only do I see all of those, but I see what comes in, because I get a copy of everything that comes in through the technology email, because I want to make sure that the heartbeat, because I am working with Scotty and Richard and the team over there to make sure that, you know, everything works on the back end conversions at the highest level so we can get more people taking this product.
And the retention rate, Scotty is incredible. It’s one of the highest body lines. Got a great retention rate, too, but it’s one of the highest retention rate I’ve ever seen within that. That product right there. Okay. I mean, you know, I saw a bunch of testimonials, too, when I hosted their video. If you remember, we did a video when we first started working with them, and I heard a bunch of great testimonials from a woman with multiple sclerosis. Oh, yeah. Her mother and her son were shopping for wheelchairs and walkers because she’s having trouble walking. She’s been on the product years now.
She walks just fine. She’s perfectly walking now. A woman with cancer that was told, you know, pack it in, you’re done. You’re going home to the Lord. She’s fine today. And it works on pets too. We get. We got to mention the pet world, right? Jimmy works on wonderful for pets too. I want my health back.com forward slash sr folks, I can’t say enough good things. My neuropathy is gone. Our bodies are a miracle machine. And this product is wonderful at kicking off our bodies to heal itself. It’s a jump start to your body healing itself.
Because your body will do that. You don’t believe your body can heal itself. Go cut yourself. Yeah, I want to show Scotty, I want to show my screen real quick. And I know that we’re, you know, once we get the sheriff on, we’ll got to it, but I think I need to show people every, every. Hold on 1 second. By the way, I said go cut yourself. I don’t mean become a cutter and mutilate yourself. I mean go. Go bake a little. Cut. Your body is going to heal itself. Yeah. So, Scotty, so, you know, we just started building this channel, right? We haven’t even started marketing the videos to other patrons yet or even brought it through the whole network of MPN.
So, you know, to see this video get 4300 views, it’s exciting. Jimmy is really, really exciting. One of the first videos we put up there. Well, no, it actually was the last weeks. This was last week’s show. This is what we’ve got so far up. And we’re gonna start promoting all these videos to all, to the MPN list, to all of that. We’re really gonna start driving this channel. Where you see this channel in a year from now will blow people’s minds. I guarantee it. Because that’s what I, my team and I do. But this was our last week.
This testimonial by Dave was amazing. Okay, so what you’ll see with our, our descriptions on Rumble is right here is about get your health back. So, right. There’s the link for you also. By all means, join our newsletter because we’re going to have alerts going out. We’re going to be keeping you abreast of what we got going on solution wise. Different things that are happening. Different patriot gathering. All of those things are happening again. Follow us on Rumble. But we lay this out so you can see, you know, support our sponsors. Right there is support our sponsors, you know, support us by supporting our sponsors.
And all of these things are solutions, and all of these things are important for people, right. We don’t just put up, you know, we get a lot of people that want to be a sponsor of what we’re doing, and we don’t accept a lot of things because they need to be right with the planet and the people and actually be a solution. So all of the other social media that we’re building, we’re building all this other social media too. You know what I mean? We’re building all this is all from scratch. There’s a sovereign radio channel.
So I just wanted to show that under every one of those subscript descriptions, you will get. See all of those links. Okay. And you’ll be able to click on any of those, any of those links and get more information about it. But again, you know, in between we have this two hour period that we do these recordings and then promote them. Usually they go out on, on Friday when we get them out, because I want to, I transcribe it. You know, we summarize it, we tag it, we put it up on our rumble channel. We put it gets pulled into our sovereign radio.
And, you know, we want to, I want to make posts about it. So this should be up no later than the next day. And our great brother the sheriff has joined us. So let me go ahead and bring my brother, Sheriff Mack, to the stage here. Sheriff Mac, welcome the CSPOA. Ladies and gentlemen, Mister Richard Mac. He’s been at the helm of CSPoa. When did you start the CSPO, a Richard? 2011. We started working on it about 2010, and we actually became official in 2011. Well, it’s one of the most important organizations. I said this to you when I met you the first time you were on sovereign radio.
I said, this is an organization we, the people have to support because as we know today more than ever, the importance of constitutional sheriffs. It’s one of the most important things we can do in our counties, is engage first hire because we vote the sheriff in. Right yourself a constitutional sheriff. If you don’t have one, recruit one. Make sure you got the right guy and then work with them because you can accomplish an awful lot, including forming the posses that are so important, that are missing. Richard, how many counties do you think have a posse or a militia? We can use the word here on this show.
How many, how many are in the game, do you think? Oh, you know, you can only judge really by what we’ve seen. Right. Of course, I’ve told you many times, we’ve trained over a thousand sheriffs the last ten years, over 350 just the last three years. And what I look at though mostly is what kind of a response have we seen nationally from these sheriffs? And what I mean by that is how many of these sheriffs stood up during COVID and said we are not going to do that. And that was the biggest reaction we’ve ever received or seen from any of the sheriffs nationwide.
There were about 2025 sheriffs in California who stood up against their own state government and told them we’re not going to do that here. We’re not shutting people down. You know, they didn’t go far enough into the schools and say look, schools, if you don’t want to shut down, don’t shut down because the schools answer actually mistakenly to the federal government. They think all the money comes from Washington DC because Washington DC makes all this money and they have all this money. Well they actually don’t. The states send the money to Washington DC, but they also have to answer to the governor and the state superintendent’s office.
And all of that needs to stop because the school boards are just like the sheriff. They are elected, appointed by the people. So judging how many sheriffs stood up against gun control the last 15 years and especially during Obama and Biden, and judging by how many stood up and said, no, we won’t do, we won’t enforce the Covid-19 mandates, I would say we have about a solid two to 300 really solid sheriffs. However, those that actually took a stand to some degree or another during COVID there was about six or 700 of them. Okay, so six or 700.
Let me see if I got this right. Share it, Max. So six or 700 of those shares stood up against Covid and we got probably 303,000 counties. Yeah, 3000 counties. Yeah. So, you know, we got a lot of work to do. You know, I want to say something real quick and I know Scotty, we’re going to be talking about what you had sent out earlier about the story going on. But Sheriff Mac was on a couple interviews this week and I’ve been working with Sheriff Mack now again, almost four years we’ve been, you know, working together and you know, we, it is, it is a so important, like Scotty and I were talking about on our sponsor segment, so important that you support the CSPOA and get these constitutional sheriffs in as many counties as we can across this country.
So we have constitutional county safe zones going on here because the great separation is going to happen whether people like it or not, because we’re not going to be ruled by them and they’re not going to be ruled by us. So if we don’t do separation, there’s only one thing after that. And I don’t think that either side of that, of the equation wants that. Right. Because the next thing is, unfortunately, civil war. Right. Yeah. You’re creating safe zones for illegals, but we’re making it safe for the illegals, not for us. Let me finish your question, though.
I didn’t say how many posses malicious. Most sheriffs don’t realize this, but almost all of them have some sort of volunteer programs from the public. The most key to that is search and rescue squad. And especially if you look at the smaller police agencies or, sorry, sheriff’s offices across the country, most police departments don’t have search and rescue, but they rely on the sheriff’s search and rescue squad that are 99% volunteers. And at our search and rescue squad that I had at Graham county, it had been there for years, they had a volunteer posse that was already there.
Most of those were cowboys that rode horses and, and went out to, went out to search, help search for people with our search and rescue squad. They were great people. I loved them all. And I went out with them sometimes on some of the searches. But this is the thing. Those are all posses and they’re under the militia concept. And I know during the Oklahoma City bombing and the fiasco that that was in a lot of ways, investigative wise, that the press demonized the m word and made it the m word. You can’t say militia anymore.
So I don’t say militia anymore. Okay. And yet the word militia is in the constitution. Yeah, I read, I read it earlier today in the show. I read right from the constitution. It’s right there, second amendment, and it’s in article one. And it says, Congress shall discipline the militia and call out the militia and have the militia and, and use it to enforce the laws of the nation. And so if some scholar could tell me what they’re talking about and these lying media outlets could tell us, then what does the constitution say about the militia? But yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s pretty bad.
When you depend on the militia to tell you what the constitution says. Well, they do, they, they want to demonize the word, mom, you know what I mean? So, you know, these people are completely out of their minds. And that’s why the great separation is going to happen. And that’s why CSPOA is so, so, so important to it. And folks down below in the description is Sheriff Mack’s link. And also you can see it going across the screen, Cspoa.org dot. But before you get into what you want to get into with Sheriff Mack, Scotty, I want to bring up something that I heard Sheriff Mack talking about on Nino’s show, okay.
And I watched the front end. I listened. While I’m working, I’m listening. I don’t have to look at you guys, but I’m listening to you to talk, you know, on the front end on YouTube. And then I went back in Nino corner when you had Juan on there and you were there for most of the show, you had to go at the end. But, and I know you, Sheriff Mac, pretty good. You know, you’re a good, you’re a good man. And I don’t care what they say, you know, because they come out of, they come at you because you’re doing a good man.
Scotty, he doesn’t care what everybody else says. No, the mainstream media says, media says because they try to demonize you because they’re afraid of you, because they do not. The last thing they want is more constitutional sheriffs and more counties around the United States. They don’t want that. That goes against everything they believe in, you know, to have that happen, especially when 45 states still uphold that, that the sheriff is that the highest law enforcement of the, of the freaking state, you know, that county, of that county. So the governor can’t tell them, the president can’t tell them.
No federal government can tell them, you know, they’re elected and it’s still, you know, you know, important in 45 states. But you, you know, you were one of only, I mean, I can’t even count them, you know, that was so low. People that told me that Trump would not win the 2020 election, that they would never again allow him in, you know, they got caught completely off guard. They never have the staff. The first time with Hillary, they did not have the staffing. They didn’t have everything planned and they were sure who was going to win.
Jimmy well, yeah, but everybody else was talking about a red wave in 2020. And Sheriff Mac told me they ain’t happening. They’re, you know, they’re not going to, you know, let Trump, you know, as far as Trump goes, there ain’t no red wave coming. They’re going to make sure that’s happening. So they’re going to make sure that that doesn’t happen. So I want to ask you where you’re going to see this thing going. You know, that’s going to be happening over the next, you know, basically today it’s two months, right, guys? Yeah, 60 days, I think.
61 day, whatever that is to. It’s coming quickly. Well, that ties in with what we’re going to talk about, Jimmy, very nicely and what you, what you think there. But also, you know, after you, before you go today shirt, Mac, I need you to talk to the people about what you heard might be coming. And, you know, that is really important because we have to work together as brothers and sisters of the most high God. I don’t want to get into religion and division and debating and all that, but know the creator, and the creator is getting involved in this.
We need him to get involved in this. Okay. We got some really, you know, evil stuff. I see helicopters now spraying mosquitoes, genetically modified mosquitoes from crazy Bill Gates or, you know, the Microsoft dude. I mean, he’s like out of his mind. He’s like eleven countries. And we got him now spraying. Sprayed in Florida last year. They’re spraying over here. They’re spraying everywhere. So what do you think is going to happen again around this election? Will there be election? If there is, what do you think is going to happen? I don’t. I see some change, you know, where some things have happened, but I don’t see enough, in my opinion.
Yeah. For the last year, I’ve been really, really worried, losing sleep over 2024. And I don’t know if I did it to you guys or if you remember, but anytime somebody told me Happy New year, 8910 months ago, I told them, don’t even say that because 2024 is going to be a horrible year for America. It’s going to be a horrible year for us. It’s just going to be a horrible year. If it’s a horrible year for America, it’s going to be a horrible year for the world. Usually that’s the rule of thumb that that’s going to happen.
But I think China is really gaining some momentum and traction with what they’re doing to ruin the american dollar. And we owe China so much money, we’re in debt to China and Brazil. And so the tax, borrow and spend, tax, borrow and spend and deficit spending and the national debt are going to come into play. And this is just going to be a horrible year that plays in to, and I don’t know what, like when I told people not to go to January 6, I told everybody not to go. I remember? And, you know, you both know I got invited probably 20 times, and it was never anybody really close to Trump that did that, invited me.
I wouldn’t have gone if Trump had asked me to come because it was just too much emotion to go to Washington, DC. And for what? For what they got set up. Yeah. Yeah. And I said, we’re going to be playing into their hands. And I didn’t mean helping Trump. I met this deep state. We’re going to be playing into their hands. The press is going to love this, you know. And the FBI was involved. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Much worse than I thought, actually. But, but, but this is, this, is this my feeling of it this year is just.
It’s going to be a horrible year. And then when I got intel from one of our sheriffs that does work pretty close with us, he just went to a meeting. Another sheriff that works very closely with us went to training in Israel. They saw the footage of the October 7 attack by Hamas and the murder of little kids and burning little kids, beheading little kids and babies. And so, and I’ll tell both of you, and you both already know this, but I want to be on the record again. You both know I condemn all violence. I don’t care where it comes from.
I don’t care if it comes from Israel, from Timbuktu, China. I’m with you. I do not support any of it. Okay? We are against it. CSP Wade never has and never will advocate violence. Is there a time that we might have to. Yes, but that’s not part of our agenda. We still have ways to take back America peacefully, and that’s part of what we’re doing together right now. So. But one of them said the intel that they have received from high ups across the world. But this is, this is also almost, uh. You have to say this isn’t rocket science, because we already know that the Biden administration and Harris have allowed and, and they know this is happening, have allowed, the last four years, have allowed international terrorist groups to come into America.
They have facilitated it. They know they’re here and they refused. You ask them if I designed. They’re here. Of course. They part of their plan to bring them here? Well, yep, but, but their. I think their plan was this just to keep it simple politically. Their plan was to allow every illegal alien in this country that they could. Okay, but they knew that terrorists were going to come in, too, and they were willing to sacrifice national security for the monopoly politically that they wanted. With all the registrations of 30 million illegals. And so they didn’t care.
Now, other people say, as you said, are hinted at, Scotty, that they intended these other people to come here so they can have a civil war here in America, but it’s going to hurt everyone. These attacks are going to hurt everybody. Democrats, leaders and everyone. Yeah, they don’t care about party lines. They don’t know. They don’t. And so this is the thing. They were willing to sacrifice that in order to gain the power politically, nationwide. And this is what’s going to happen. Is there anybody that, that now realizes that terrorist groups are now in America working with cartel groups and gangs and that they’re not going to plan to do something? Yeah, I’ve said all along that they’re going to use this group of people, particularly the ones who came from jails and the terrorist groups, they’re going to use them like they did Antifa and BLM in 2020.
They’re going to burn cities down. They’re going to kill people. And I agree, there’s going to be some horrible things that happened this year. No question. We’re looking at the back half of the year. Some pretty horrible things. However, I’m very optimistic that the one thing that will shift in our favorite is the financial system. I really believe that United States has to get back to a sound money system backed by silver and gold because 70% of the world is now trading on an asset backed currency through the bricks. So very optimistic. But do you believe the crash is going to facilitate that? Yeah, of course the crash will facilitate, but I do not believe we’re going to go to central bank.
Digital currencies. No chance. Well, here’s what I see there. And, you know, you, you know, Scotty, I. And Sheriff Mac, I don’t know if you know, but, you know, I’ve got a friend of mine that was running a $400 million hedge fund. He’s also a business partner. And I can tell you, you know, when he gets his account executive manager at JP Morgan, he’s not speaking to, you know, a bank teller or any of those. He’s speaking to a person that’s in a very handful, you know, right in there with Jamie Dimon of people. And what I, what I’ve been getting told from him for, you know, the last three years is the same thing.
Like a broken record over and over again, you know, the XRP silver and I’m not a financial advisor. XRP Silver, XRP Silver, XRP Silver. And then I had another person talk to me about XLM but the United States is going to have to, you know, everything’s a balloon. Everything’s a balloon. You know, these companies are priced at a number that makes no business sense at all. No business sense at all. This is not five times earnings or ten times earnings. These are numbers that I don’t know if these guys are, you know, smoking crack. I don’t know what they’re doing.
But these are numbers that don’t even come into the world of reality. I mean, you got a 40,000 stock market, which should be about maybe 15, 17,000 if you readjust it, you know, in that area, maybe down again. I’m not a stockbroker, but every single thing, real estate, you know, all the hedge funds started buying up all the real estate and they started driving all the numbers up, you know, I mean, it’s like 25 or 30% of all homes somewhere around there owned by these hedge. Silver should be much higher. Oh, silver is going to go through the roof because of the whole thing with, you know, Samsung.
We were just talking about the, Scotty and I before I. With a new battery that goes now double the mileage and charges fully in nine minutes. And is no liquid core. It’s complete silver core. And it needs a kilo of silver, 32oz of silver in each battery. That’s going to eat up about 80, 90% of the production, not even including robotics AI expansion of all of these other things that we’re doing. But sure, Mac, you know, I’m optimistic also, but I’m also realistic in the fact that, you know, I love what Scotty does, waking people up, gathering them together.
I love what my son TJ does, waking people up, gathering them together. And Scotty also, by the way, not only does he wake people up, but he’s actually involved in solutions, like helping you and also take our borders back. It’s not like he just. Okay, I’m waking you up about the cabal and waking you up about how the system been run for thousands of years. I’m, wait, even more than that, but you have to say thousands, because people can’t even comprehend the thousands. You know, you know, you get into millions or billions, they’re going to be completely out, uh, you know, whacked out about that situation, but getting into, you know, I do believe we’re.
That we got to go through, you know, the dark. It’s the darkest before the dawn, right? It’s the darkest before the dawn. And even that correlates with your. A beautiful white there, sheriff, you know? Yeah. So you know, we’re going to get through it. We’re going to work on the solutions. We got a lot of stuff going on, all three of us here, you know, on this lot, this show. But again, what do you think is going to happen here on November 5, Sheriff Mac, because that, you didn’t say that yet. What do you think is going to happen here on November 5? Do you think this debate is going, going to happen here in the next few days? I guess it’s supposed to happen.
What do you think is going to happen over this next 60 days? I think the debate is going to happen. I’m still unsure about November 5, but I’m pretty sure about November 6. And it’s going to be chaotic and it’s going to be violent pretty much no matter what happens. I agree with that. But I also think if the powers that be that control the computers and control our elections, if they just let it go real, I believe Trump would win. And I think that there’s some subterfuge on the side of the power brokers, the international globalists and the people who really do own the machines.
I think there’s some subterfuge why they would want Trump to win. And I think they know that that will create huge amounts of violence all across America, divide America even further, and that it’ll be very close to an anarchy, an anarchist civil war, that there’s just a fighting within and nobody really knows why except that they know they’re fighting. I believe that that’s very possible. I also believe that it’s absolutely insane for America to have a Kamala Harris as a 50 50 chance to become our president. I find that so insane and so incredibly stupid and so contrary to what America was founded to be, not because she’s a horrible person, which she is.
It’s just she is a complete communist. And this will be the final nail. Proven. Proven. She’s a communist. That’s a fact. She’s not the brightest bulb on the shelf, I can tell you. She really is. She’s really dumb. She can’t. I mean, look at the whole three, three and a half years, the past. She was worse than Biden. Yeah. She was able to put a sentence together and he’s sick and we’ve known, everybody knows he’s sick and knew it all along. But she and Jill Biden, the biggest liar in the country, and the press were all lying for him and covering for him.
Hell, they even pulled the plug when he was supposed to have a question answer going. They pulled the network plug. And we’re all sitting there looking at an empty tv screen, you know, and yet that was okay. Yeah, that was okay. Just like Epstein was. Oh, he committed suicide in a jail. No, he didn’t. Okay, what are the protocols when your camera goes down, which hardly ever, ever happens in a cited jail or prison, what are the protocols you’re supposed to implement when that happens? So, no, Epstein did not commit suicide. Foster did not commit suicide.
Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide. And these people have been running all this crap in our country. JFK was not assassinated by one person. Oswald probably didn’t even do it. If he had anything to do with it at all. He knew that he was a patsy. He said he was a patsy. They had to kill him before he could prove it was wasn’t him. And so all of this stuff happens, and yet now we’re all, oh, we trust government. And government is so good. And isn’t it wonderful that we have a person that brings joy back to our election process because we have Kamala, who never has received a single vote to be president in her life.
Well, yeah. Look, Richard. Yeah. We went to war over the biggest lie perhaps ever. Weapons of mass destruction. We’re in Iraq. Not true at all. But, guys, we got a little time left. I want to talk about this article that I had sent you. Both true. The vote, meaning exciting announcement on their social media on X page Tuesday stating they’ll be working with sheriff offices across the country to provide live stream surveillance footage of ballot boxes. Now, that takes care of ballot boxes. Doesn’t take care of the minion. Doesn’t take care of the minion. Well, I want to get there.
I want to get there. On the surface, I love. I love Catherine Engelbridge and truth. Yeah. On the surface, if it’s true, if they could implement it, it would go a long way. Wouldn’t take care of Dominion and the fact the machines are rigged. So I leave it to you, Sheriff Mac, and tell us can true the vote in sheriff’s offices pull off a live stream surveillance footage of ballot boxes? They could probably do some. Would they really get to the ones that they need to do the most? Probably not, because they won’t give them the time of day.
So let’s say she goes into New York City and wants to watch those Orlando, Los Angeles, or Chicago or Houston or, you know, on and on. Just keep counting all the biggest cities in America and see how many of them are going to allow her to come in and do any. Yeah. How many sheriffs will cooperate though. Exactly. None. None in those cities will. Right. And so you’ve got to get to the mid size cities or counties and then you could probably get somewhere like Sheriff Carl Hay, Calvin Hayden right outside Kansas City, he would do it.
Sheriff Champagne, right outside New Orleans, he would probably do it. And then a few others. But San Antonio is not going to do it. Houston’s not going to do it. Austin is not going to do it. Dallas is not going to do it. So you’ve got to start heading in areas outside that. Sheriff Rand Henderson would do it. Right outside Houston, in Montgomery County, Idaho would probably have a lot of people do it. Utah is in such a chaotic position right now. Do you know that the incumbent lost his election in the republican convention almost two to one to a guy that came to our event in April 17 in Las Vegas.
And now because of all the cheating and finagling and subterfuge and corruption, Cox, Governor Cox is back on the ballot as if he won. As if he won. And he didn’t even get 40% and Phil Lyman got 67%. And so here, this is what we’re fighting. And so to think that these sheriffs who won’t rise up and put Phil Lyman back where he’s supposed to be, that they’re going to do something about this. They’re all watching this. The entire state is watching this dishonesty. And everybody knows it’s completely dishonest and corrupt, but they’re doing it anyway.
So he’s going to. I don’t think she’s going to get anywhere. I pray that she does, but it won’t be enough. She even called me about this and, and I hooked her up with some sheriffs where she should start to go to make this happen. And I love her and I love her work and I love her courage. She’s already gone to jail over this and so. But folks, I don’t, I don’t believe that she’s going to make a dent. So maybe you can get 300 counties out of 3000, right? The same, you know, 10% maybe, at best.
I mean, how many manpower, how much manpower and resources do they really have? Right? I know. Exactly. Takes money to surveil, to get the cameras to put the people out there. Nadi, they better get their posses out after this. Right? Exactly. We’re back to the posse. So I want to say, Jimmy, I’m going to give you the final word before we talk about helping the CSPOA. But you gave the final word, Mister Schwinn. Well, you know, again, I’ve known Sheriff Mack for over four years now, and he’s a man of integrity. He’s out there, you know, risking everything.
You know, they’ve attacked him, his family. I mean, just like they do with everybody. They, you know, attack him, but he’s actually gets it. They give him a little extra sauce, you know. Robert David Steele got rest his soul said at one time that Sheriff Mack was the second most important person besides Trump. And then I think he threw him as the most important person above Trump at the end there. I can tell you. Don’t put your faith in the federal government, don’t put your faith in Trump, put your faith in God, and focus on solutions and your local community.
Sheriff Mack and I have talked about this many times. If you can’t change your county because you don’t have enough patriots in there to make it happen, and it’s already, you know, held hostage to this socialist communist agenda, you’re gonna have to move. And that’s where the great separation comes in. But, you know, Sheriff Mac, what he’s doing with constitutional sheriff is critical, and it’s going to. And this is in no way a negative statement, Sheriff Mack, but it’s going to outlive him generations to come, because we’re always going to have to oversee the sheriffs in all of our counties and make sure we’re getting constitutional sheriffs in there, because they’re only elected a few times, and then they go, and then someone else is coming.
The other side of the equation has done that with the Das, they’ve done that with the county commissioners, they’ve done that with the school board. Why? All of us have been just chilling out. We better get serious about this. We better start taking the school boards over again. The county commissioner’s office, the sheriff. Sheriff is the most important. If you got to prioritize it, sheriff’s at the top, sheriff’s at the number one spot. So, you know, that’s what I want to say. Support Sheriff Mac, support what he’s doing. And that’s so critical to the future of this.
Of this country. Not only this country, the world. Like he said, United States goes down, is going to take the whole world down. There’s integrated, no question about that. In fact, in fact, when I talk to people in Canada, in Romania, in Colombia, anywhere in the world, they would agree. As the US goes, as America goes, the rest of the world goes. If we’re shut down, if we go down, so does the rest of the world. Sheriff Mac, tell people how they can help you. What’s the best way to help the CSpoa? Well, first, the best way is to join us.
Join the CSPOA posse. Ooh. There’s the possibility this isn’t just for law enforcement. This isn’t just for sheriffs. It’s for you. And you are the sheriff’s boss. Yes, you are. He has no other supervisor. He has no other authority above him except for you. You hire him, you pay a salary, and he reports only to you. He works out his budget with the board at the county commission. But that’s it. They’re not his boss. The county attorney is not his boss. You are. So join us. Be part of our posse. Let us help you get trained in how to work with your sheriff.
And it helps both of us. You’re the one that keep us funded and keep us going. It’s a whopping $11 a month. We. We just want to have a lot of you to make it really helpful to. To us to keep going. We’ve never been funded, so we ask all of you to be a part chip in $11 a month or a whopping $99 a year. So that’s only like under $8 a month. So, folks, stay with us. Be part of the holy cause of liberty. Join us. We will bless you and help you work with your sheriff, and you will bless us.
That’s exactly how the founding fathers intended it to be. And so join us@cspoa.org. become a member today. And if you don’t like what we’re doing, quit. But I guarantee you, you’re going to like what we’re doing. We’re just about the only peaceful and effective solution that we have left. And I can’t tell you what the other one is, except for the creator intervening. On a scale from one to ten, folks, I’d say the importance of a constitutional sheriff is a twelve. It’s off the charts. So thank you very much, Sheriff Richard Mack. The CSPOA. Please support the CSPOA.
Support our sponsors. The links are down below. We thank you for being here on sovereign radio online. We’ll be back with a great show next week as well. I’m signing off for Jimmy Schwinn, my good partner, and Sheriff Richard Beck. It’s Scotty Sachs, your host, over and out.