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Explore a range of transformative products, from the heal capsule, shielding you from harmful emfs, to the quantum block, allowing you to infuse frequencies into your cherished possessions. Dive into the realm of innovation and wellness@sarahwestall.com. shop or by following the link below. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have the common sense skeptic coming to the program. We’re going to be talking about the Tate brothers. And I got to tell you, what’s out there was hardly anything is out there, and as far as people covering it, but they have so many videos of themselves that’s so incriminating, it’s self incriminating about their activities.
There is an indictment in Romania on human trafficking charges, and there’s also a civil case in Great Britain. And I believe there’s also another criminal case opening up in Great Britain. There’s over 70 victims at this point, and it’s pretty incredible what’s out there. And it’s not just the Tate brothers. It’s also two women that are involved that are connected to the local police who ended up working for them. It’s an incredible story. And it’s a story about not only grooming young women, but I think the story about taking advantage of men and grooming young men is really what we’re dealing with.
I’m gonna play this clip right now. The women who were on stream were beautiful, but they didn’t have a clue what to say. They were saying all the wrong, man. Every day they were saying the wrong, and we were losing customers. Everything I was telling you earlier about wanting to be innocent, they’re saying, oh, I’ve been here, I’ve been there. Shut the f up. You’re talking to some dude. You just want to hear where you’ve been. He knows you can’t be a halt, you can’t be a ten, talking about how you’ve been to Dubai with some dude in Minnesota who’s fat.
He ain’t gonna ever believe that he’s gonna get you that way. To him, you gotta lie to him. She’s like, lying. Say what? Say that you’ve never been anywhere because you don’t trust men. You can’t find a man who’s serious, make him think that if he’s serious about you, that nothing else matters. You gotta put a famous on it. So I’m trying to teach these women, and the women kept it up. So I said to said to him, it’s like, you know what? I’m taking over. So what I did is I unplugged their keyboards and plugged a new one in from me behind the screen.
So the chicks would sit there and hit a keyboard that wasn’t plugged in. And me and my brother, eventually some staff I trained would do all the talking. The girls were just pure, just famousers just laughing and doing this. The titties out. And they were talking to ice cold hustlers. We were taking their money, all of it. They come and say, what kind of all of it? We milking them dry. Women haven’t got a clue how to famously do. They don’t have, because they ride on their looks. They don’t have any of the intellect. They have no game, nothing.
You get, you get a man. You get a man with game and give him a female’s body, a female avatar, he won’t a guy up. I had these guys selling their houses, life savings loans, all of it to me. Give me it all. These are the guys that we’re dealing with. I know it’s hard to hear somebody who just talks like this. And we’re gonna have a bunch of video and clips because it’s nothing is better than hearing it directly from them. And young men really, really need leadership. They need strong leaders now. They need people talking about how to be a strong leader, how to be a father, how to be a provider.
And these clowns stepped into that role and they’re talking about it, but they’re talking about it with a bunch of hot women around them with fast cars and money. And it’s so much sexier coming from them because you know, they want to live a gangsters lifestyle. And so these 1415 year old boys are listening to these clowns and you’ll see how bad these guys are. And I’m really disappointed because I would like to see men step up and say, this is wrong. We don’t want these kind of influence in our young boy’s lives. I raised a young boy, he’s 27 now.
I would be appalled if I knew he was listening to these guys. And you’ll see as you hear it why I say that. And this needs to get out there more so people know what’s, it’s almost like human trafficking going into the mainstream. They’re so stupid too. I mean it’s incredible, but it really is an endorsement of grooming and grooming. Young girl pimping. They talked about how they pimping is a good thing, it’s not a bad thing. There’s clips of them. We’ll play some of that. It’s absolutely incredible. I hope you listen to the whole thing.
I really highly recommend you watch the matrix of lies documentary that Cummins on. Skeptic has. I have the link below. There’s also a clip from the Shannon Joy program where she interviews the attorney for the victims in Britain. So you can watch that as well. It’s pretty incredible and it’s pretty eye opening. And I think it’s important that people know about this because this guy has over 40 million followers and we have a lot of young boys, 14, 1516 year old boys watching this and desiring to be like them. And I mean, I don’t understand how we got to this place, but we are here and all these men need to wake up and realize that these young boys are doing.
Moms need to know too. Holy crap, my boys are watching this. And dads need to step up and say, hey, this is not okay. And you’ll see, watch this show and you’ll, you’ll see more of this. Okay. Before I get into that, I want to remind you about the masterpiece detox that works to get out graphene oxide, aluminum, heavy metals, microplastics and they’re proving it. They’re one of the only companies out there proving that their product works and they have been under attack by the establishment and by others. And I just did an interview with Matt Hazen about how the top scientist at the lab that was testing their product mysteriously was taken out.
They, for some reason, they don’t want to have products that really work to detox. It’s simple. It’s just zeolites and it’s marine plasma. Both of those products are legal. There’s lots of people sell them. So the fact that they’re under attack is absolutely incredible. The difference with their product is they put two ingredients together and they also made it smaller. They made the zeolite smaller nano size and then coupled it with marine plasma, and it works. And the results of their studies are showing it works upwards of 80% reduction in graphene oxide, reduction in aluminum. It’s usually really difficult to get this stuff out of your system.
This is something that’s gentle and that you take daily. I highly recommend you take this. I have my whole family taking it, and I just, I personally, I take it every day. We can’t be more serious about getting this crap out of our system with all the skies, everything that’s being dumped on us. Okay. It’s only $52.99 for a two month supply, and you can get it at the link below or go to sarahwestall.com under shop. Okay, let’s get into my really good conversation with the common sense skeptic. Hi, skeptic, welcome to the program. Thanks for having me.
Well, I’m really glad you’re here because you have done amazing work at showing what the Tate brothers are really about. You did a three part, many documentaries. It actually turns into a major documentary series, actually, because it was almost a couple hours long. I was going to say mini documentaries, but they’re not. Yeah, a full length, right? Yep. And it’s. There’s just so much there. I can’t believe it. When I first started hearing about, I first really started paying attention to Andrew Tate when I saw him on Tucker Carlson, I knew kind of in the periphery that there’s this guy out there, but I didn’t really pay attention.
And, and I, to me, it was more like a Kardashian for men, you know? And then, you know, just really shallow, but not that bad, you know, kind of thing. And then I started diving in. I said, oh, my God, why is anybody following him? And it’s pretty serious because there’s 40 million plus followers he has. There’s all these 1415 year old boys, right? I mean, he just has these huge following of young men and teenage boys and there’s this image of this guy and we’re going to uncover what he really is about. There’s this image of this guy being what it’s like to be a teenage boy’s vision of what it’s like to be a man with power, with money and a poor person’s vision of what it’s like to be a wealthy man.
Right? I mean, it’s just such a awful image of what this is and it’s farthest from the truth. Go ahead. Basically, what you get when a poor kid from Luton decides that he wants to live in a Rick Ross rap video for the rest of his life. You know, that’s pretty much what it is. It’s just an illusion. The big house, the fancy cars, the rented women. I mean, all of us rented anyway. But like you said, andrew Tate was somebody who wasn’t on our radar for the longest time. Right. We had no idea who he was before, probably April last year.
And the request came in from our subscribers that, you know, you need to take a look at this Andrew Tate guy because, you know, he’s about to blow up. So we started looking into him and that’s where matrix of lies came from. But we figured, if we’re going to dig into this guy, let’s dig into him, like, right from the very, very beginning. And we go back to when he’s five years old, because he brags about how he was five years old. He won the Indiana state chess championship and that kind of stuff. We thought that’s a good starting point because if that’s false, then everything that follows needs to be suspect.
And, yeah, the guy has never won a chess tournament in his life. He was actually kicked off. Yeah, yeah. All the way down. And what’s funny is he and Tristan, his brother, lie about things that are so easily fact checked. Like the US Chess Federation has all his records from when he was in, like, kindergarten garden when he first started playing chess, because his dad was a chess player. And, yeah, I mean, the best he ever came in any tournament was third. He tells this story about how he beat a 16 year old and he made the 16 year old cry and that made him feel good, but that story is a story, it’s not reality.
Yeah. And that’s pretty much indicative of how the rest of his life has gone. He brags about something that’s not real. Right. He has to project because he can’t actually just show people, you know, what normal life is like. He’s not a humble, secure man that really is a leader and a pillar of society. Exactly. Right? Yeah. Yeah, he really did. He really was a decent kickboxer, though, right? Nope. Oh, he wasn’t even a good kickboxer. I thought he was a champion kickboxer. Well, he’s got a couple of title belts, but his, his Iska Iksa, it’s one of the two acronyms.
Anyway, his kickboxing career was totally padded. And we, we go through this in matrix of lives as well. I think it’s still in part one where, you know, he claims that he has 85 and seven, you know, kind of record, but he was fighting guys at the end of his career that were either rookies or, you know, in their first half dozen fights, that kind of thing. Right. So his entire kickboxing, and not only that, I mean, he portrays himself as some sort of MMA fighter, right. But kickboxing that particular league is kind of like, you know, it’s junior level, it’s not mainstream level.
And there’s a couple of reviews on his performances that basically tear him apart. They say, yeah, he’s got decent technique, but you put him in a ring with a, somebody who can actually fight, he’s done on the first round, like they will, they’ll just take him right out. He doesn’t have the right technique, he doesn’t have the right stance. He doesn’t have, you know, even the right mindset, really. The mindset’s not there to be a champion for sure. No. Yeah. Again, something that he brags about that was padded for him. And, you know, towards the end of it, I mean, his last two fights, I think the last two fights he had one guy was on his third fight and one guy was on his debut fight, and then Tate stopped doing it, you know, but again, you know, it comes down to what can I lie about to make myself look better than everybody else so that people will pay attention to me? And then if once they start paying attention to me for this, I can move on to this other thing where they’ll pay me even more attention and then maybe start paying me money because they think that I can teach them how to be like me, even though I’m not really like this.
Well, let’s talk a little. I mean, it gets, you know, we kind of laugh about this goofy guy that how can he even be taken seriously? But he is being taken seriously, and it’s actually a serious deal because he has millions of men who he’s tricked out of their money, and I young, vulnerable women who he has essentially human trafficked, which is the definition of human trafficking. And we’re going to get into that and break it down. And the seriousness is, this hasn’t been covered and people aren’t taking it. They’re actually helping to prop them up, which is.
Why do you think that is? Why are we in a situation where somebody who would be collectively be revulsing over, we would just be pushing aside because he’s so awful. Why are they propping someone like this up? Well, what’s happening right now is the grooming of young men by Tate. And this is a mirror of how Tate used to groom the young women into performing on onlyfans for him. And you’re going to get into that a little bit later, I’m sure. But let’s concentrate on what’s happening now with the boys. The boys see him on video, you know, he’s got his McKismo going, he’s got his brother there.
They live in this fancy house, which isn’t actually a fancy house, it’s a renovated warehouse. They see the girls in the background and of course, the girls are either there by forced origin or they’re paid. And then they see all the fancy cars. And of course, all the fancy cars have been repossessed now because they were proceeds of illegal activities. So they’ve all been seized off by dicot, you know, 30 plus cars. But what the boys are seeing is this guy with the girls and the cars and the houses and, you know, he goes off and he rents a yacht for a week, but he tells everybody that he owns this hundred million dollar yacht and he tells everybody that he owns a private jet, which he did for about three weeks until he figured out that, you know, jet fuel cost money.
And it just kind of goes from there. Right? But what they’re very good at their pr, they’re very good at showing him, you know, living this lavish lifestyle that every boy with an ego is going to want. So how do they. How do they project that to him? So what they rely on is a pyramid scheme. And we know it’s a pyramid scheme because Google Play and the Apple app store have removed it for being a pyramid scheme. You have these young boys. And this was especially important when the tapes were in prison. You know, the young boys were telling their friends and their friends and so on, you know, about this guy and all this self help stuff that Andrew Tate was, was telling them and how they were, you know, this is how you change your life.
You know, you go to the gym and you eat better and, you know, you do the work and all the rest of it. None of this information was unique. None of us novel, none of it. None of us knew you’ve heard it before from Tony Robbins or any other self help coach out there, right? But because it was coming from a guy with all the pretty girls and with the fancy cars and with the fancy house, they were taken more seriously, and he appeared to be more accessible than, say, Tony Robbins. Right. So how do you get in on this? It only cost you $50 a month to get involved with Hustlers University, which is now the real world.
Right? So if you join in, then you’re going to have access to these courses, and then, you know, these are basically get rich quick schemes that might work for some people, but don’t work for most people. And meanwhile, you’re paying $50 a month to a guy who’s supposed to be a billionaire. What does he need your $50 a month for? Right, so, something to keep in mind as you’re being offered self work, self help courses down the road, is the guy rich enough that he should be doing this for free? Really? You know, if he’s actually going to pay it forward, why is he charging $50 a month? But they get into this course and maybe they enjoy a little bit of success, and then in order to become, like, top g, you can’t do that from the real world, you can’t do that from Hustlers University.
You’ve got to join the war room. The war room is where all the big dogs swing. And that’s $8,000 a year or whatever they’re charging for it there now. And once you’re in there, then you’re going to have access to all these big brains that are really going to set you up for life. The problem is, and you can see this from leaked texts, is that the real world or, sorry, the war room, for the most part, is a forum for human traffickers and pimps. And if you look at some of the chat logs that have come out of there, that’s exactly what they’re doing.
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It seems like human trafficking going mainstream, you know, because we’ve been uncovering human trafficking and doing, trying to get that out, and now it’s just like mainstream, and they’re trying to make it acceptable. I want to play this video of him, how, how he takes advantage of men. I think it’s an important right now, and I, I’m gonna play it right now. The women who were on stream were beautiful, but they didn’t have a clue what to say. They were saying all the wrong, man. Every day they were saying the wrong, and we were losing customers.
Everything was telling you earlier about wanting to be innocent. They’re saying, oh, I’ve been here. I’ve been there. Like, shut the up. You’re talking to some dude, just want to hear who you’ve been. He knows you can’t be a halt, you can’t be a ten. Talking about how you’ve been to Dubai with some dude in Minnesota who’s fat. I, he ain’t gonna ever believe that. He’s gonna get you that way. You gotta lie to him. You gotta lie to him. She’s like, lie and say what? Say that you’ve never been anywhere because you don’t trust men.
You can’t find a man who’s serious, make him think that if he’s serious about you, that nothing else matters. You gotta put a famous on it. So I’m trying to teach these women and the women kept it up. So I said to said to him, it’s like, you know what? I’m taking over. So what I did is I unplugged her keyboards, plugged a new one in from me behind the screen so the chicks would sit there and hit a keyboard that wasn’t plugged in. And me and my brother, eventually some staff I trained would do all the talking.
The girls were just pure, just famous ers just laughing and doing this. The titties out. And they were talking to ice cold hustlers. We were taking their money, all of it. If they. They come and say, what kind of all of it? We milking them dry. Women haven’t got a clue how to famously do. They don’t have it because they ride on the looks. They don’t have any of the intellect. They have no game, nothing. You get. You get a man. You get a man with game and give him a female’s body, a female avatar, he won’t a guy up.
I had these guys selling their houses, life savings, loans, all of it to me. Give me it all. Okay, so he’s talking about in that video of how he just, like, takes men for everything they got and no remorse, no scruples whatsoever, right? He’s the one on the keyboard. He’s the one. I mean, the girl’s up on the screen, but Andrew’s the one on the keyboard. You know, taking their money, basically, you know, tell them any why that he thinks will. Will get him more tokens, more coins, more bitcoin, whatever. And then the second portion of that is where the people who are paying these extreme amounts of money, and some of them are very extreme amounts of money.
They think that because they paid x number of dollars, that they are actually going to have a shot with the girl on the camera. And there’s a whole other, what they call a famous that’s involved with letting these guys think that the girl is going to come to visit them, to be their girlfriend, to be their wife. But before that can happen, the girl needs a visa, and the visa costs $10,000. But if they expedite it, then it could be $15,000. And then she needs an airline ticket. So the guy needs to send her money for the airline ticket, and then there’s a whole way for her to back out of that by suddenly getting a little bit nervous.
And then the guy gets mad because he sent her all this money. And it’s this cycle of, you know, abusing, abusing the guys through the abused women. I mean, Tate’s taking it from both sides here. He’s got the money coming in from. From the videos. He’s also got money coming in from these guys who are desperate to meet these girls that they’ve paid five, six, seven figures to interact with online. Well, I’m gonna play that clip because I know what you’re talking about. So I’ll play that. That it’s just so damaging coming from him. So let me play that.
So what the girls would do is they promise meetings. And here’s. Maybe this is a bit bad. Here’s where the famous would start. Because they get some guy, fall in love that arranged a day to meet. Ah. I need a visa. Okay, get visa. I need money for a visa. Okay, how much is visa? It’s $900. No, but it’s not $900 because I went to the embassy, they think I’m a risk. And I need a return flight there and back, and I need a hotel. I need to have spending money in my bank account. They won’t let me come or.
How much you need? All right. Ten grand. Booms. Ten g. Thanks. Wow. They rejected my visa. They said we have to wait two weeks. After two weeks, they’ll give it to me. Okay, baby. Boom. Two more weeks of tips. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Because now we think he’s gonna fuck, right? Things get the girls. Now he’s spending more than ever two weeks to easily two weeks come some other problem. Whether it’s visa, whatever, whatever. We make up some bullshit, right? All these onlyfans chicks can learn from you. People. People watch three onlyfans tutorial. Yeah, people. People would say, why did those girls work for you? Because the girls would work for me.
And at 50%, because it was 50, 50 would make millions per month. If they work for themselves, they make fucking nothing. I was the best in the fucking game. Double dipped and started a coaching to coach these guys too, right? I could have, but fuck, I’ll give off a free cuz I’m rich already. So the girl would be online for six or 7 hours, but then when she logged off, was sleeping or whatever on her WhatsApp, I’d have staff. She was online 24 hours a day. Her WhatsApp or this, that she was famous. And when she was asleep, we were bringing in money from the fucking sky.
We’re promising all these meetings, all these pictures outside of embassies, all this shit. Eventually the girl, what she would do is she’d say, oh, I don’t go EMBC. She’d give a really lame excuse to try and provoke the man to get angry. So she’d say, the embassy want me to come back, but I have a headache. That was the one we’d use. He’d be like, I just sent you a million dollars. You promised you were going to come. You said you had to delay. Now you said you have a fucking headache. You won’t go to your appointment to make him mad on purpose, because that would annoy any Mandev.
That’s what we needed. We need the little trigger. We go, why are you being aggressive? I’m not being aggressive. But you’re not serious. Da da da. And then we’d say, but you know what? I really like you. And I’m flying to the other side of the world by myself. And now you’re being aggressive. And now I’m intimidated. And we’d flip on him saying, well, now you’re being scary. No, I’m not being scary. But, you know, it’s your appointment. You’re supposed to go, yeah, but I feel sick, and you don’t even care. Female bullshit. Poking him to the point.
We go, like, you’re a fucking scammer. You fucking scam me. Get really mad. I can’t believe you think I was a scammer. I was gonna come. I went to the embassy. You’re a fucking liar. Every man in my life has only lied to me. I thought you were different. Da da da. Big, big beef, big argument. Big argument. But here’s the thing. The guy would get pissed off, right? And leave. Stop tipping or stop coming to her. But for these men, that’s the only chick in the world, the only hot chick in the world who talks to him.
Maybe it takes a week. Maybe it takes two weeks. Maybe takes three weeks. He’s in bed at night, alone, jerking off, looking at her old videos and pictures, watching her stream again from another account so she can’t see it’s hime sitting there going, maybe she was gonna come. Maybe I just got too mad when she had a headache. Maybe. Maybe I. Maybe I should have been a little bit more patient, and she would have been my girlfriend. And 100% of the time, in less than three months, with an apology, a brand new pile of money, and the cycle would repeat.
We fucking killed the game. Millions of dollars a week. And it was not just because I had beautiful girls. It’s not because webcam is easy. It’s because I am a genius. And I put together an apparatus of genius behind the avatar of beauty, and we fucking conquered the Internet. Okay? So he’s he’s bragging about how this guy comes back and he gets hooked for. Again or for life because he’s so pathetic that this girl is the only one that’ll give him attention. Yeah. And it’s not even the girl. It’s Andrew. I know. And then he brags about that.
Yep. Now, it’s. It’s amazing how. How blatant he has been in these interviews in, you know, whether it’s the interviews online, whether it’s his interviews on his own social media, whether it’s the print video, whatever. He goes and tells people exactly what he was doing. He felt no remorse about it. He felt no scruples about it. I mean, he’s described human trafficking. He’s. He’s described basically theft. Right. If not, you know, and fraud. Because he’s telling these people that if you pay x number of dollars, then you’re going to receive this in return. That never happens.
And then in other videos, he brags about, you know, how he avoids taxes on all this stuff by dealing with bitcoin. Except that really didn’t work out the way he expected. Yeah. You can’t just avoid taxes and publicly talk about how you’re going to avoid taxes. It doesn’t work that way. That’s so stupid. That’s what doesn’t. I don’t understand all this. Well, I want to play another video about how he explains how he brags that being a pimp is not a bad word and that being a pimp is a good thing. And then he explains how he takes advantage of these girls.
People always say pimp as if it’s a negative thing, but I think a pimp is a very positive thing. I hope we get to talk about this and I get to defend the reputation of pimps throughout, you know, history. I don’t think they’re bad people. You’re effectively taking girls, teaching them how to make unlimited money from home, and then making sure they give all to you. You need webcam and you need MacBooks. You need a girl who’s prepared to work with some pussy and titties. You want everyone to believe it’s a girl in her bedroom at home on her own.
There are only two webcam websites worth fucking with. The first one is live Yasmine. It’s girls who work for studios as professional girls. The website you are going to use is chatterbait. Chatterbait is how you’re gonna get rich, because they will pay you in bitcoin, no fucking tax, and none of that shit. So don’t worry about any of that. None of that’s gonna come back to get you. Your goal is to inspire a girl to make money and give you the money. You have to have some element of influence, believing she needs you, because at the beginning she will need you.
But you have to keep that fallacy, keep that dream alive, that she can’t do this without you. When a girl is on camera, she has a public room to make the maximum money. It is your job to train the girl to talk to and interact with that public room. She can also receive private messages and guys are going to privately message her before they want to spend money. The girl’s responsibility is to worry about the room and all those private messages. You are going to reply to and pretend to be the girl. She will go like this on her laptop and pretend to type and you will actually reply to all the guys.
It makes the girl believe that she can’t do it without you. Pimp. Positively inspirational, motivating person. Now, what do you say to the men when you’re typing to them in private messages? The men want attention, and you only give them attention if you get what you want, which is money. So you have to be careful when you’re talking these guys, not to give too much attention to men who don’t tip, but I do. Or when I, when I used to type is, I’d be quite upfront about what I want to say. Oh, you’re beautiful. I say, oh, thank you.
Get my Snapchat. Then it’s, I’m more horny on Snapchat. These are all things you can sell. What I did is I put a girl online, I’d have a countdown. I’d say a thousand tokens till topless. For example, she’s sitting with a skimpy top on. Everyone wants to see your titties. When she gets to a thousand tokens, the top comes off 110 tokens for a shower video. I just say, go to the shower, get your phone, make a two minute thing while you’re in the shower. You sell that video on and on for years. If you sell a WhatsApp.
I used to sell a WhatsApp for about 3000 tokens, about $150. And I had a separate phone with all my girls, guys in that phone. And I kept control of it. You don’t let your girl have this, because if girl ever runs off and leaves you, you don’t want her to have an address book of all the guys she can get money from. You want her to leave and go. Well, I don’t know the account. I don’t have to pass it to the account. I’ve never set it up before. I don’t know how the banking works.
I don’t have any of my guys phone numbers. I have nothing. And that’s why they don’t want to leave, because they’re like, oh, well, he has everything. I need him. I have to stay with him. He has everything. Telling you, it’s a very important element that control. Because once the money starts pouring in, the girls. What the fuck do I need this dude for? Tax is also another important element for controlling your woman. You’re not going to pay anybody tax because you’re getting paid in bitcoin. But you need to tell your girl that you’re paying the tax because girls are lazy and girls are stupid, and girls don’t understand how taxes work.
She’ll sit there, go, okay. Okay. Now, that allows you to do two things. One, there’s another control element. Secondly, it allows you to pay her a smaller percentage. So I used to pay my girls 30%. They thought they were on 50%. So really, you’re paying 30. You tell them you’re paying 50. Difference is in the tax. Girl you start with is gonna be your Bolton bitch. Your Bolton bitch is the girl who collects the money from all the other girls and brings you the money you cannot get a girl to work for you haven’t fucked. The PhD course is my recruitment system.
You message them on instagram. I don’t mention webcam until after I’ve had sex with the girl. After you fuck the girl, you do the PhD test. If she passes the PhD test and she wants to be with you, then you start mentioning things like, yeah, but you know, you’re always busy. You’re always at work. You can come work for me. Work for you? Doing what? So you’ll have a webcam business. Oh, I don’t want to do that. So. Okay, I know you don’t want to do that, but let me explain it to you properly. In fact, I’ll bring one of the girls who works for me.
Your bottom bitch is the one who does the selling. You don’t do the selling. My girl would sit there, go, oh, my God. Before this, I was a waitress and it was shit. And now I do this. I make so much money, and the guys all love me and they’re adore me, and on my birthday, they send me presents. Martinis, martinis, martinis. Bang, freesome, slam them both. Your Bolton bitch knows this. Girls like, okay, well, I’ll try it. Put both girls on camera together the first day. Give them a bottle of vodka, put on the fucking chatterbait.
100 tokens per shot. The guys will send loads of money to get the girls drunk, because guys like drunk girls. Girls will sit there, get drunk, have a great time. You say, it’s your new job now. You go to work ever again. That’s how you recruit girls. Do not recruit girls any other way. Get it started. And if you have any further questions, come at me. I’m gonna do a second video. Okay, so he is bragging about how he pimps them out and how. How he does it. It’s incredible. Yeah, no, step for step. I mean, the PhD course was something that he sold to these, you know, pathetic little boys that.
That follow him. He sold that course for, I think it ranged from, like, 299 pounds or something like that, and up. I mean, it went up to, like, eight, $900, whatever. But, you know, every time he sold that video, there’s another potential mini tate out there, you know, abusing girls in his class, trying to get them to perform sex acts on camera for his, you know, financial benefit. And that’s. That’s another charge that he might be facing in the future. It’s something he’s being investigated for, is this promotion of hatred towards women through the PhD course.
So that’s another investigation that maybe we’ll have an episode on later on as the investigation goes along. What is the legal about hating women? Because, I mean, it’s. It’s the. It’s what. How does. What do you mean by that is hate speech. Oh, you know, it speech, especially where he’s at. Right, because in Britain, that’s hate speech. Yeah, because here in the United States, you can hate people, but it’s when the hate progresses to. And we’re going to talk about it, to liking, to beat them up, he actually brags about beating up women and he likes it.
Yeah. And there’s so many different cases coming out here now. I mean, you’ve got the seven victims in the first case of Romania. You’ve got, I think it’s 49 victims, with another twelve coming on board for 61 victims. In the second romanian case, you’ve got a criminal complaint that’s ready to go once the boys get extradited to the UK after they’re finished with the two romanian cases. And those are dozens of women back there. And then in the UK, there’s also a civil case because there’s four victims there that did go to the cops and did tell the authorities what Tate was and what his brother was before they moved to Romania, because the.
Because the authorities didn’t prosecute at the time. The civil court is the only option for them at this time, even though they’re really, really hoping that a criminal trial can be opened up again. But Andrew Tate apparently likes choking his women unconscious and then having sex with them while they’re unconscious. And as they’re waking up, that’s what gets. That’s what gets Andrew Tate off. And that’s. That’s incredible. I have a clip here of his girlfriend, which you need to explain who she is. His girlfriend, nonchalant, are talking about how girls have died this way, and she just, like, talks about it.
And then I have. I’m gonna play a couple clips in a row of the girlfriend talking about how, you know, people have died this way. And then I have from a Shannon joy, where she interviewed the attorney in that civil case, and he talks about how he has collaborating evidence of three witnesses, I think three witnesses talking about that or multiple witnesses talking about that. And then you have a clip from your series of which I don’t need to play, but it’s a clip of an actual victim talking about being choked to the point where her eye, it gets red.
So let me play a couple of these clips. That’s the reasoning behind, like, why some girls don’t like it because they’re scared they’re gonna die. I’ve actually seen some guys actually accidentally. Accidentally. How funny is that? Actually accidentally killed their girlfriends during a sex because they were choking them that hard. These victims. Two of the victims knew each other, but they. The other two weren’t aware of. Of the other victims or otherwise. So, again, you know, any allegations that there’s some. Some form of collusion, again, is a complete nonsense. And all of these complaints were of rape and sexual assault.
And the through line of all of these complaints is that Tate would throttle these women until they were unconscious and the blood vessels burst in their eyes and then would proceed to have sex with them. I mean, that’s not something you make up in vacuum. No. And to have four women come forward and say the same thing, you know, that. That’s powerful. It’s. It’s incredible. I think it was, to me, listening to this clip, listening to his girlfriend talking about how girls just died, I mean, what does that mean? I mean, what do we listen? What are we hearing here where she’s saying that they just happen to die? What are the other implications there? Now, that’s Vivian, whose name is going to pop up all over the place.
In the trial coming forward, Andrew has said that this girl would never, ever cheat on him, would never be unfaithful to him. And she’s saying that she has watched girls die being strangled during sex. What does that infer? She was there. She was there with who? With him doing it, probably. If she was. If she was. You’re right. Because if she’s never cheat unless he’s lying. But if she. If she’s never cheated on him. So whenever she’s what? With sex, it’s with him, and then she’s seen people die, it’s with him. It stands to reason, right? I mean, that is a logical conclusion that you would come to when you combine those statements.
Now, there’s a bottom bitch that. That is also a part of the criminal case in Romania. The first one explains what that means. What? Bottom. Bottom bitch is a basically a useful female idiot for a pimp. Okay? She’s the one. She is a Ghislaine Maxwell. She grooms them, although I think was his handler, too, but essentially plays that role in this situation. Yeah. Where they groom the girls. Yeah. So there’s a. There’s a Twitter post from his old, of Wudan Twitter feed where Tate is saying that in the middle of the night, I had to call Georgiana to help me with a body, and she showed up, no questions asked.
With the body. So you. There’s a clip of him saying that. A video of him saying that. Not a video, a Twitter. A Twitter post where he also calls her his romanian witch. Right. Completely loyal, whatever. But he says in that. In that Twitter post that had. Had to call Geo for help with the body, and she showed up, no questions asked. Like, total loyalty, blah, blah, blah. I forget how exactly it reads. I can send you the thing. Yeah, send it, because I’ll put it up here. My God. What does that mean, a body? And then if you take a look at where the romanian compound is, this renovated warehouse that they live in, there is a graveyard two doors down.
So if you put together Vivian’s. I watched somebody kill a girl, and then Andrew is saying I needed help with a body. And you look at their location, I would probably. Probably be sending, like, sounding gear down into that cemetery to see if there’s any bodies that aren’t accounted for. They should be do. They should be looking into that because where there’s smoke, there could be fire. This. That’s definitely something for them to investigate. I mean, it’s totally speculative, but if you put all the pieces together, a picture forms. Wow. Well, that was really the way that the girlfriend just kind of looked off into space, almost disassociated.
Oh, yeah. The way that she just kind of bobs her head to the music after saying that she watched girls die, that’s total disconnect from reality. She’s tuned right out there. The mkultra kind of stuff. Just really very strange. Well, I also, his brother’s not that great. Tristan’s just as Andrew, and there’s a clip of him that I want to play of him talking about pimping out the mother of his child. So let me play that. Talos management still has a Twitter profile showing everyone the various models that lonely incels could buy subscriptions to on OnlyFans.
That lineup of models includes the mother of Tristan Tate’s daughter, going by the moniker Abigail Tyson with three N’s. The fact that she is still active in this online profile game while raising Tristan’s daughter tells you loads about the kind of man that Tristan Tate is not. I had to downgrade one of the mothers of my kids from the house she was living in. I needed her to understand that you do not fuck with me. And she was living in a four bedroom rented house and I was paying the rent and all the bills. I pay everything.
I said, okay, you know what? You want to fuck with being that way, that’s cool. You have 30 days to get out of that house. Here’s your new apartment. Two bedrooms. Well, what do you mean? Now your child doesn’t have a garden to plan. Well, that’s your fault. That is not my fault. Take it to the fucking park. I don’t take shit. So it’s never going to get to that level where they think, oh, well, let me call the us embassy. And because he’s a citizen, maybe I can, because they know. They know the consequences. It’s not going to turn out good for them or me or anybody.
I mean, what kind of person first has their mother of their child pimping them out to do sex acts on film, but then also takes away her resource? I mean, what is wrong with these people? Yeah, there’s, there’s so many clips of the, of Tristan out there bragging about how he’s forcing the mother of his daughter to keep performing on onlyFans. You know, she doesn’t perform on OnlyFans. She doesn’t make x number of dollars. Then he’s going to remove her child care provider for his own daughter. If she doesn’t toe the line, if she puts up any, you know, resistance to him whatsoever.
He’s going to kick her out of the house that they’re in and move the two of them into an apartment that has no. No lawn or. Right. Nowhere for the kid to play. And of course, that’s the mother’s fault, because you don’t dare tell Tristan Tate that you’re not going to do something that he tells you to do. Right? Pathetic, Mandy. Right? And the funny part about him being a father is now both of them are trying to play the father card. When these second sets of charges came out in Romania, the reason why they were just recently picked up and reigned again for the 49 to 61 victims.
Right. They’re trying to play the father card. And neither one of these guys are father material. Neither one of them are husband material, but they’re. They’re trying to play off of some form of sympathy. It’s like, oh, I don’t get to see my daughter because, you know, the mother of my child is considered one of my trafficking victims. And whatever. It’s like, okay, like, you had to actually be a dad at some point to be playing that card. And a dad doesn’t kick his, like, preschool daughter out of the house into an apartment, and he doesn’t threaten to withhold her childcare while his.
While her mother. While his, you know, baby mama is producing porn for the Onlyfans to make more money for daddy. This isn’t. This isn’t normal people. Well, but he went on Tucker Carlson and talked about how he has to provide for his family and he has all these people he has to provide for, and he’s the provider. Yeah. It’s a load of horseshit. How many of those baby mamas are driving around in Lambos or Ferraris or whatever, right? You never see the girls driving those cars. They don’t make that much money. Right? Because I was listening to the attorney talk about how these girls are actually making peanuts, and they’re not.
They’re being. Not only being exploited in this way, but they’re not being paid much either. No. There’s a clip of Andrew saying that the girls get, like a week and he’d keep the rest of it. Right? So. So for Vivian, for example, there is an actual dollar figure for the amount of money that she made Andrew doing porn on onlyfans. And I think it’s $1.5 million. She didn’t get Jack out of that. Right? This is where he’s buying his cars and renovating his warehouse and whatnot. That’s where he’s getting that money from. He claims he pays them 50%, but that’s a lie.
Well, in the PhD course, he tells his people who bought that course how to make sure it’s no more than 30, because he tells the girls that he’s going to do 50 50 and then out of the. Out of their 50, they have to pay taxes, right? He says, I’m going to tell them that they have to pay taxes. So fill out this tax form. And they fill out the tax form because women are dumb and women are stupid and women don’t understand taxes. Those are his words. He doesn’t understand either. But, you know, he’d get them to fill out this form and then crumple up the form and throw it in, but he just keep the extra 20%.
So now, at best, the girls are getting 30 out of the hundred, he’s keeping 70. Problem is, and I think this might be how they’ve been tracking down the girls for. For the second criminal case in Romania, nobody paid taxes on this, right? So these girls thought that they had paid taxes. They thought they were all cut up, they thought that they were good with the government. They’re nothing. And he didn’t pay taxes because chatterbait at the time was, that was their platform that they used because they paid out in bitcoin. And Tate’s telling the people who bought this course you’re getting paid in bitcoin, you don’t have to worry about taxes.
This is never going to come back on you. Well, it just recently came back on Tate, right. There’s 21 million pounds in UK bank accounts that the Tate can’t prove where the money came from. So the cops actually sued them civilly for what would be owed as taxes on that money. And that decision is going to be coming down here shortly. But fully expect them to lose the $2.1 million. 2.1 million pounds that the civil authorities were going after. And now they have to explain how they came across the other 19 million pounds. So in that case, in that civil case, the brothers offered no explanation for where the money came from.
They offered no exhibits in their own defense, so there’s no reason to think that they’re going to win that case. And I think the reason why they didn’t give any rope whatsoever to the prosecutors is because they didn’t want to hang themselves with it. If they start saying this money came from here and that money came from there, then that’s going to get investigated and that’s going to get, you know, down the line. And down the line. So I think that they didn’t offer any evidence in their own defense because that would have given more, more threats for the cops to pull on.
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The president promised me that he’ll give you the best prices and service in the country again, infoilesfranklin.com, tell them that Sarah sent it. Will they have to pay that? If the girls think that they were paying their taxes because they’re their employer, they’re filling out this thing, will they be on the line for that? Do you know the ramifications for them? I’m just curious. No idea. But if I was a prosecutor and I was looking for victims who were exploited and just keeping that extra 20% is exploitation, I’d be going to them and saying, this guy exploited you.
If you want some help with these, with this tax charge, then you’re going to come on board as a victim. That’s what I would do. That’s. Yeah, because now they have blackmail, if you will, coercion. The state can coerce these girls to, to go against Andrew Tate, which I would think most of them mean. These girls hearing all these, all this information now through the videos and through the interviews and whatnot, they’re realizing that they got ripped off. That for sure. On top of being trafficked, they should, they are victims and they should go against him.
But. Oh, my God. Okay, you have this human graph, this human trafficking graph. You have a good clip in your documentary where you go through this graph and you talk about how when he was on Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson, how they kind of glossed over how it’s not really human trafficking, or he tried to explain it’s not, but you articulated it very clearly how this is human trafficking. Can you, I have this graphic. Can you talk about it? Well, the acronym for Human Trafficking is amphennesse, act, means and purpose. And if the victim of the human trafficking is over 18 years old, all three of these columns, you need to tick off one thing in each column, at least one thing.
So in this case, you know the act, what is done. The trafficker was either recruiting, transporting, transferring harbors, or receives a person. So if the lover boy method involves recruiting, means how it’s done. They do this through threats, coercion, fraud, deception, abuse of power, preying on vulnerability or abduction. Well, nobody was abducted, but they don’t have to be. They can. They can be misled through fraud or deception. So you take off those two boxes for the lover boy method, and then the purpose is pretty obvious. They’re going to be with the intent of exploiting the person through sexual.
Sexual exploitation. You could also, including that, forced labor or slavery, because these girls, once they were in the camhouse, they were under lock and key. They were told when and where to work, they were told how long to work. They were fined if they didn’t do certain things properly. And then they were actually even kept there under the threat of false deaths. So, yeah, because there was an example. There was an example in court where they were saying that this woman needed to pay them $5,000 for breast implants and all these things and she didn’t have the money.
And they were going to. You explain that in your documentary. Yeah, so, I mean, Tristan was getting so many of these boob jobs done that he was getting a bulk discount from the doctor. Right? It was actually 1500 euros what he was paying out. And all the girls had to go through this, like the girls, as they were, weren’t good enough that they’re going to be on onlyfans. They needed new tits. So, you know, he would put up the upfront cost and then charge them like triple, like you said, the $5,000. Okay, so he would hold on.
He would be billed 1500 and he turned around and charged them five grand. So he was making money on them too, in that way. Oh, yeah. Okay. Now, I mentioned that if the victim is over 18, all three of those columns have to be ticked off. If the person is under 18, then that middle column can disappear. It doesn’t matter how they did it. If they recruited somebody for the process or for the intent of sexual exploitation, that ticks off the two end columns. That’s good enough. You’ve human trafficked a minor. And that is what some of the charges in the new criminal case in Romania revolve around is trafficking in minors and sexual exploitation of minors and making pornography with minors.
Well, and he was. Tristan in particular was bragging about being with 17 year olds. And he’s bragging about that when he turned 30, how he can legally have sex with somebody half his age in Romania, supposedly, but you can’t just have sex with somebody half your age in this. These kind of conditions. Right. Then the legal age goes up. Yeah, well, internationally, there are completely different standards for whatever the age of majority is in the country in legal age. Majority in Romania was. Was under 16. In fact, I think it was 14 at one point, then 15, and then recently moved up to 16.
But these guys are us citizens. They hold us passports. They were born in America. So the. It’s called the extraterritorial sexual exploitation of children protection. And that states that any American who goes abroad cannot have sex with anybody under the age of 18 years old. If they do, it’s a 30 year sentence per act. So you add. You add up all the different times that both of these guys have bragged about the teenagers that they banged and tack on 30 years every time they open their mouth, bang, bang, bang. If the US DOJ wanted to get involved in this case, they could put these guys away for.
For millennia, probably, right? You’ve seen some of these. These sentences that go way beyond the expression 100, 2230 years, whatever, right. And this is reality for these guys. This could actually come down on them. But the US, for the time being, is sitting on the sidelines. Romania has got two cracks at these guys criminally. After they’re done, then they get expedite to the UK. UK is going to have a crack at them with a. With their dozens of victims, criminally. And then maybe after that, or if none of those go the way that we expect them to go, maybe then the USDOJ will step in.
But as it is right now, just in Romania, because they are dealing with minors, the tastes are looking at life in maximum security. Well, and that’s probably what they should get based on what they’re doing. From what the evidence shows, if what they say themselves is what they’re doing, unless they’re lying about what they’re doing, which I doubt it, then, because there’s too many victims coming forward, there’s too many collaborating evidence that they’re so stupid. I mean, they’re essentially saying what they’re doing publicly. Yeah. It could be more of a slam dunk case. The Catherine Tramiel defense from basic instinct.
Do you really think I’d be so stupid as to kill somebody in a manner that I wrote about it? Well, if you insert human trafficking here, yeah, we do think you’re that fucking stupid because, like, seriously? Okay, here’s. Here’s the. The Kohl’s notes for us. We have the romanian indictment, unredacted, all the details, all the rest of it. We’ve got the full 400 page document. We know exactly what happened in conversations when they were talking between themselves, when they were talking to their victims, when they were talking to authorities. We know what devices they used. We know what platforms they were on.
We know all of it. Okay, so word for word, been through this document a dozen times, two dozen times, making a full mega project about it. It’s going to be released closer to whatever the actual trial date is. So we know that Tristan, with his. The charge that he caught there of inciting violence was based on the conversation that he had with Georgiana and Luana. Georgiana was. Well, both the girls were told to assault and rob a victim because she told them that she didn’t want to do can work anymore. So he told the girls, you go and get her out of the house.
You throw her out on the street, you hit her if you have to. And Gio’s like, well, I want my money back, so I’m going to cut her tits up. That’s actually in the indictment. They did throw this girl out. Gio did assault this girl. She tugged on the arm so hard that she ripped up the stitches in her breast implant surgery, threw her out into the street in her underwear and waited for her to change her mind, which she didn’t. She ran to the cop shop and the cop shop once, like, the local constabulary there, once she arrived there, the person that she was interacting with at the police station called the girls to come and pick her up again because she used to work there.
Right? I mean, this. Georgia was a former cop. She was a former cop. And so she had a deal. It was a dirty deal with the local police station. Yep. And that’s why Dicot got involved, because that corruption in a local constabulary was known. So that when the. The raid order came in from the. From the embassy, through the government, they. That voluntary police department was removed from the situation, was removed from the chain of command. It got sent to Dicot. Dicot rated the two houses and released seven victims. Well, six victims. And then the 7th one came on board from the UK.
And they were. They all at that point saying they were held behind against their will. The moldovan girl and the american girl who was the person who let her parents know what was going on at the house. And then her parents went through a family friend who was a marine who went to his superior officers, he went to the embassy. The embassy got. They got in touch with the police department, but the police department got superseded by Dicot. Right, so those two girls are definitely considered victims. There’s a couple other ladies that are considered victims. The UK girl who let herself be known, she’s come on board as a victim.
And there’s two other girls that are involved that claim they are not victims. But because of their inconsistent testimonies and sworn statements to Dicot, they have been determined to be brainwashed and under the control of the Tate. And they’re actually. They got moved over to Dubai and that’s where they still are, to the best of our knowledge. And when you take in these young, vulnerable kids that are underage, 1617. I mean, because it’s legal in Romania, he brags about. There’s another clip which I should play. I’m gonna play that. People say, why did Romania? And I explained my five reasons.
One of them is the me too era. They go, oh, well, you’re a rapist. I said, no, I’m not fucking rapist. But I like the idea of being able to just say, to do what I want. I like being free. He’s bragging about how he wanted to go to Romania because he could do whatever he wanted and he could get these younger girls. When you get these younger girls, they are so much more. They’re easily brainwashed at this young age, especially if they’re vulnerable. Yeah. And there’s another clip where Tristan is saying how he’s brought more women into the adult film industry than any other person.
I’m gonna find that. I’ll play that one too. I have recruited, I think, although you’ve worked with a lot more girls into, I guess, the adult entertainment industry than anyone else. I really have. And the one type of girl I couldn’t recruit were girls with rich parents. Oh, do that for money. I don’t need money. My family’s rich. So when I see these broke boys on Twitter and on Instagram, be like, oh, my daughter. I’m raising her right. And she’s like, nine years old. But he, like, works some crappy job. He’s a wagey. I’m like, she wants.
She’s gonna get that Louis Vuitton purse one way or another. So you might want to level up your game and buy it for my g. Okay, go ahead. So you can tell. He tells you straight off the bat, this technique does not work for rich girls. Girls who have money he can’t impress. He can only impress the poor. Girls. So the poor, disadvantaged, the orphans, the single parents, the, you know, the runaways, whatever. He can impress the hell out of them, you know, with the fancy cars, and, you know, he has the other girls work them over and bring them into the fold, whatever.
But girls who come for money, he can’t impress at all. Why would I do that for money? I can do that for myself. If I wanted to do that, I don’t want to do that. So, you know, you know, see ya. And. Yeah. Or from girls, girls who have stable parents who love them, you know, who. Who would be like, hell with that. And that’s why that girl who called her parents, he got the wrong person at that point. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Tristan definitely recruited the wrong girl when he picked her up in Miami. And make no bones about it.
Like, he. He definitely picked her up. Like, we’re going to go through this, and the episode is coming out here shortly. Tristan and Andrew were going to Miami for a war Room conference, and Tristan wanted to make sure that he wasn’t sleeping by himself when he got there. So he went online and he fished this girl out of the Miami area. He fished her off Reddit, and they moved over to WhatsApp for what they thought was a private, encrypted conversation. But when one person is willing to show, that conversation is no longer encrypted. So they go through the.
This whole introduction and the sweet talk and all the rest of it, and Tristan was definitely the instigator all the way around. He was the one who contacted her. He’s the one who told her about the. The conference that he was going to be in Miami for and how they should hook up, and won’t you please come with me to this conference as our first date together? And you realize that if this works out well, that you’ll be coming over to Europe, like, quite often. And, hey, would you. Would you move over to Romania and be there with me as my girlfriend? And, you know, I can show you all the different castles, and I can show you the library that you want to see and all this stuff.
It’s really cool because there’s so much culture here. It’s so amazing. Exactly right. Except you’ll never see any of it. You’ll see the inside of a camera once you get there. And that’s pretty much what happened. Well, you know, I. Why I just. I watch all this. I see this. How did we get here? To me, it seems like human trafficking going mainstream and trying to be accepted. How did we, you know, Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens. They saw what I saw. Their team should have been able to have access to what I have access to.
To see how did they. What’s their excuse in his scenario? I think it was more lazy reporting than anything else. He. He just went there for the interview. He wanted to, you know, like, he’s got a great big smile on his mug when he’s walking through the front gate of their compound. Oh, I’m so happy to be here. And I’m getting to interview Andrew Tate. You know, like, you can see he just wants to be chummy with the guy, right? He hasn’t actually done any research because all you got to do is look at the graph that we.
We showed you. That’s right. And you know what human trafficking is, right? He doesn’t have to ask. He shouldn’t have to ask the person who’s being accused of human trafficking what human trafficking is. Okay, so Tucker Carlson totally dropped the ball, and. Or you wanted to just fanboy. Candace Owens, on the other hand, is complicit in some of this. I’m almost certain of it, because her husband, George Farmer, is good friends with Andrew Tate. And George Farmer is the son of an english lord. I think his name is Michael Tate. Or not. Hold on back. George Farmer and Michael Farmer.
That’s the name of the Lord. I’m getting the names confused here. So the son of an english lord is somehow best friends with a pimp from Luton, which is where all the poor kids live. Right? It’s basically like Hell’s Kitchen for London kind of thing. So how did those two know each other? And Candace has been on her program when. Even when she was on daily wire doing the apologist tour for him, actually naming his victims who were under court order to not be named. Wow. Because of the anonymity order that came down from a judge.
So she’s naming somebody who shouldn’t be named. The lawyer, Joe McBride, was on fresh and fit. He was naming the victims as the Tate’s legal representative. They were doing their best to get all the different names out there and all the different details out there that were involved so that the Tater trash army can go and harass these people and try to bully them into silence. And if not for NCO’s, then the victims might well have, you know, tuck tail and just agree the silence to, you know, to get their. Their lives back. Well, because they’re poor, they don’t come.
They don’t have much resources. They’re very young. They don’t think they have any power to do anything. Exactly. But National center for Sexual Exploitation, I think that’s what enco stands for. They’ve stepped up and they’ve taken on the legal side of the american victim, the moldovan victim in the, the Florida case, that they were trying to sue them for defamation. All the rest of it, she’s been removed from the case because she is simply not under Florida’s jurisdiction. She’s not american citizen. She never set foot in America. So. So, okay, I can see how somebody has 40 million fans, how Tucker Carlson would want to interview him and be lazy.
I’m disappointed that he was lazy on that because I think I. That he should have done a better job than that. Candace Owens came out and did, just this past week, did a video on how men should stay away from pornography, how it’s bad for their soul. How does that work where she protects this and is involved with this and then does that at the same time? Well, she has a walking contradiction, isn’t she? She’ll say one thing out of one side of her mouth and then another when it suits her better. I think it depends on does that situation either threaten me or benefit me? Right.
And if she goes out against Tate, then Tate probably has something on her husband or her husband’s father or somebody in that circle, a black male, who knows. Right. You don’t know because there’s no honor among them right there. And I’m quite sure that if there was a deal to be had in Romania right now, that both of the brothers would be singing their songs. But it benefits them not because there’s no deal to be had now. It’s past the point in this proceeding where they can cut a deal. Tristan can’t even turn on Andrew, or Andrew can’t even turn on Tristan, or Geo can’t even turn on the brothers because it doesn’t benefit them at all.
They are so far down the pipe here that it’s narrowed to the point where they can’t turn around. And we can’t understate. The women have just as many charges against them as the Tate brothers do, more because they were actually tied into the local authorities. Right. I mean, they were the authorities. They’re bad guys. They’re bad guys. Usually. There’s always women that make it happen, these trafficking rings. Yeah. So I can go over the charges from the first indictment for you. Yeah. So when the charges first came down, when the guys were arrested, and when they were thrown in prison for their 30 day stint, Andrew was charged with two counts of rape.
That’s been upgraded now to rape in a continuous form. He was charged with, I believe it was four, is either four or five counts of human trafficking, which have been combined into trafficking in a human form and then the formation of a criminal group. Tristan has the formation of a criminal group and trafficking in a continuous form. He also has the instigation to commit violence or other assault. So it’s a charge similarly named. So that’s the boys. They both have the. The blanket charges. Plus one. Right? Plus one unique charge. Georgiana has more trafficking victims, because what the.
What the guys would do is they would bring in their own girls into that house, and then when they were in the house, Georgiana and Luana were the ones who looked over them. So if the boys had three victims here, like, if Andrew had three victims and Tristan had three victims, and they brought them into the house, and Georgiana’s overseeing six victims, she’s got six counts of the human trafficking. So she’s got the human trafficking in continuous form, part of the organized criminal group. She also has the actual violence that Tristan told her to perform. Then on that victim, while the victim was in the wind, Georgiana signed into her Facebook account, her Instagram, or whatever, her social media, and porn shamed them.
Right? She. Revenge porn. This girl, what does that mean? It means that on her Facebook, she would put up pornographic videos, pornographic photos, whatnot, right, of her. Of the victim. Yeah. Yeah. So, George, Hannah caught two other charges. One of them was corruption of computer data, and the other one was accessing a computer system with this intent. And then Luana, the one who was the former Bucharesti cop, she has more human trafficking charges than either of the boys. But again, that’s been combined into human trafficking in a continuous form and the formation of the criminal group.
She doesn’t have any unique charges. All the unique charges on the girls side went to Georgiana, who did all the grooming of the girls, because when they. Those videos where they say they’d bring in another girl to help groom, you know, to sleep with the other girl, was. That really depends on your timeframe. It depends on the timeframe you’re talking about. If the. If you’re talking about the blue sweater, gray background PhD course that was sold, it was most likely Vivian. Vivian was the. What they call the bottom bitch for Andrew Tate. And the way that worked, and he goes through this in the PhD course, is he located a girl.
He’d have sex with a girl to make sure that she was somebody worth putting on camera. He qualified them and he started talking to her about possibility of doing can’t work. And of course she’s going to say, I don’t want to do that. He goes, I know you don’t want to do that. I’ve got a girl who’s doing it and she can tell you how good it is and how much money you make and how much fun she’s going to have. Why don’t we all go out to dinner together? So they go out to dinner together.
He’s plying them with martinis, the girls in the other girl’s ear, in the victim’s ear, and telling her, oh, yeah, I’ve been here, I’ve been there. These guys send me so much money, I don’t have to do very much on camera at all. They’re just happy to interact with me and I, this conversation is going and the liquor is flowing. So, you know, as he says, you know, bada boom, threesome takes them home, bangs them both. And while they, while the girls are having fun with each other, he turns on the camera. He starts collecting money off of the chatterbait live stream.
So he’s, he’s platter with alcohol, which is a date rape drug. He’s got her to do something that he already, she already told him she didn’t want to do, but she’s been convinced into him. And before the, before the whole scene dies down, he’s already exploited her on camera, on Chatterbait for bitcoin. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body. We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place, and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream.
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That’s right. But that particular girl is now a key victim in the second romanian criminal indictment because she was only, like, 15 or something when she started. So she was really young. Yeah. Yeah. Her. Her age has been a point of contention. It’s been a little bit hard to nail down. It turns out that she is a September 1997 baby. So the. She is also the girl that was getting whipped in the video that got Andrew Tate kicked off a big brother. Okay. That big brother episode happened in, I think it was 2016. How old was she there where she was getting beat up? If it was 2016, that was six years ago.
Yeah. And then the video predated that. So she could have been only 15 years old in that video. Wow. Okay, I’m gonna play that here so people can see it. Go tell the camera. English, proper English. No Slovak bull. Say it to the camera. That’s all I said. Is it? I said when? I said, tell the camera I beat you when you don’t do as I say. I didn’t say the word listen. Did I say the word listen? Did I say the word listen? Stupid bitch. I didn’t say the word listen. Did I say listen? Did I say listen? Look at the camera.
Did I say listen to you? Did I say it? No. Did I say it? Look at the camera. Listen. Look at the camera. Why are you getting hit? Why are you getting beaten? Listen. You, do I say, okay. That’s the first thing I saw of him. That video was the first thing I saw that piqued my interest. When I saw that, I was like, holy crap. Crap. Yeah. That’s not consensual. That’s not fun. That’s not. That’s not even, like, shades of gray type of. Type of interaction between two consenting partners. Right. Well, if she’s 15, I don’t care if she.
Because I had some of his fans or one of his fans. I’m not going to say who it was. Tell me, because I push back. And this person’s fairly popular. And they said that she came out and said it was role playing. And there is a video of her coming out saying it’s role playing and it was consensual. How can a 15 year old consent to that? That’s the point. No, if they’re a minor, they can’t consent to anything. They can’t sign a contract. Never mind. Well, victims, period. Can’t consent to being sexually exploited. Going back to that graph, right? They.
Even if they thought everything was on the up and up, as soon as they realized that they’re being exploited, now they’re a victim. Right? So when it comes right down to it, a 15 year old cannot consent to anything. But even if Vivian at the time was. Wasn’t 15, let’s say she was 16, it’s still the extraterritorial laws say that if she was under 18, that that’s child rate. That’s 30 years. And when it comes right down to it, for the second criminal indictment, a different girl, a different 15 year old was who was sharing Andrew’s bed in 2020 and on a regular basis.
So. And that’s what they have on record. And they know for sure she was 15. Who was that girl? Well, it’s a hidden. It’s sealed that that name won’t be released. Right. She would still only be 18 or 1919, tops. Oh, so this was fairly recent. It’s 2020. This is Covid. Wow. Okay, so people need to see your documentary. It’s a three part series on YouTube. And is it elsewhere besides YouTube? We put it up on Rumble, but of course, it doesn’t get any traction on Rumble. So YouTube’s the best. Okay. And it’s incredible. Now, people should be aware that this isn’t just about exploiting girls.
This is right now almost more so about exploiting men and grooming young boys. I don’t want people to lose that sight. And they’re doing that almost more now against boys. Right. I mean, well, now, if you tune into. If you tune into the taste, you know, real world or emergency meetings or whatever, you know, it’s all. It’s all portrayed as self help for young men. And that’s because the pipeline for the young women is dried up. Right. They start doing can work now. My God, you know, the level of fury that would come down from the courts on them.
So they can’t exploit the girls anymore. They got to turn it over to the guys. And as I said before, you know, with the. With the young boys, they. With the girls, what they did was they. They tugged at the heartstrings. They played on the girls emotions with the boys. They tug at the ego. And the ego wants what they see on the screen that the Tates have the pretty girls, the fancy cars, the fancy house. So these guys, if they follow the advice of his bald, chinless moron, that somehow they’re going to enjoy, you know, a lavish rapper’s lifestyle.
But what is his advice? Is his advice how to do cam girl stuff. Is that essentially what. Or see, is there any more to his advice than just cam girl? Well, now it’s, you know, work hard, go to the gym. You know, there’s. There was a change in. Yeah. Self. Self betterment. Right. But none of the information is new or novel and hasn’t come from somebody else before. Right. And somebody who wasn’t out to exploit you. All that’s information is out there on free YouTube stuff. Right, including the courses that he’s selling. But these guys aren’t.
The young boys aren’t seeing the. The fancy cars and the fancy girls in those other videos. Right. So if they make sense, again, you’re playing on the ego. You know, these guys look at the screen. They want everything that’s on the screen there. So how do I get that? Well, I start by paying Andrew Tate $50 a month for the real world, and that’s going to. That’s going to get my foot in the door, and I’m going to learn all this stuff. And you don’t learn anything. I mean, there’s so many different testimonials for how crap these courses are and how much better other courses are to take that you can take for free online.
But if they enjoy a little bit of success or they, you know, they want to skip over that part, then they can just join the war room for the $8,000. And that’s supposed to be their. Their gateway to, you know, not only riches, but, you know, international travel. And, you know, one of the things that. That Tate was teaching in there was how to get multiple passports and multiple driver’s licenses so that you. You aren’t being held in any particular country. They can’t take your driver’s license away because you got four more from all these other different countries.
And, I mean, all that’s illegal, too, but whatever. So, yeah, the exploitation for the girls was lure them in by emotion to Romania. They would pay for the flight. So there’s your transport. They get them into. They get them convinced by the other girls to start performing on TikTok. And then once the girls had a thousand followers on TikTok, they would get moved over into Onlyfans, where the money really started coming in, but only for the boys. And then on the. On the insole side, you have the pyramid scheme. It gets the guys start to pay $50 a month into the real world and then graduate up into the war room.
And then even in the war room, you’re not done paying. The war room has all these different, you know, team building exercises and conferences and that kind of stuff. And those costs $10,000 to attend. And, you know, you don’t, if you want to be a top g, you got to go to all these things. And what are the conferences like? Has anybody reported back on these conferences? One of them was reported by, I believe the guy’s name was Matt Shea, BBC reporter. He actually went to one of these things. And the culmination, the climax of this was the people who paid the five to $10,000, whatever it was, had to step into a ring to get the ship beat out of and buy an MMA fighter and see how long they can last.
That was, that was 13 built in expo. That’s really good for your confidence. Right? Yeah. Coming home with broken teeth and noses, that’s what a time. Where can people follow you and find these? So on Twitter, we’re, we’re common sense skeptic. The handle is at c s skeptic because common sense skeptic was too long on YouTube. It’s simply on sense skeptic. If people want to join and support the channel, they can find us on Patreon, they can find us on buy me a coffee and they can find us on GoFundme. And that’s how we kind of keep beer in the fridge that way, because all of our tape stuff gets demonetized.
That is. That’s too bad. I don’t understand why they would demonetize this. It’s incredible. Well, it’s the key words, right? As soon as you start mentioning add, retate or the word rape or sexual exploitation or minors or whatever the keywords are, then the filter goes on and says, nope, you’re not making any money on this anymore. Shut off that feature. It’s incredible how they are weaponizing these systems against truth and getting information out there to people. And this should be monetized because you’re doing really good reporting and really good information that’s going out. People need to know what’s going on.
So thank you so much for the work that you’re doing here. I really appreciate it. And thank you for coming on the program. Thanks again for having me. As somebody who is new to the whole investigative reporting realm, it’s been very interesting to see everybody’s reaction to the material that we’re putting out. Well, because hardly anybody else is covering it. So it’s important that it’s being covered. So thank you again.