EXPOSED PT 1: Fed Gov Involved in Multinational Money Laundering Trafficking Ring Senator Finchem

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➡ The text discusses the intersection of money laundering and trafficking, and how these illegal activities corrupt individuals. It also mentions the exposure of these activities through various disclosures. The text then transitions into a promotion of products available on a website, before introducing a two-part interview with Senator Mark Fincham and investigator Sean Taylor. They discuss their efforts to expose a multinational drug, money laundering, and human trafficking ring that reaches the highest levels of the federal government. The text concludes with a promotion of a product that provides a private network and protects user data.
➡ A lead research analyst discovered a link between money laundering and child trafficking, involving about $168 billion and five properties across the country. The investigation led to threats and attacks on the analyst’s life and property. Despite the challenges, the analyst continued his work, revealing corruption tied to powerful individuals. The case is expected to be handed over to the U.S. attorney once a new administration is in place.
➡ The text discusses concerns about pollution and the benefits of a product that can help protect against it. It also delves into issues of child rescue, human trafficking, and corruption within the government and media. The author criticizes the current administration for its handling of these issues and suggests that these problems are part of a larger scheme to undermine capitalism and normalize pedophilia. The text ends with a call for stronger measures against human trafficking and corruption.
➡ The text discusses the issue of child trafficking, suggesting it’s not only for sexual exploitation but also for organ harvesting. The speakers believe this is a significant problem that needs more attention and resources. They also mention the high rates of human trafficking and sexual abuse in indigenous communities. The speakers encourage support for their privately funded organization, which investigates these issues, and they hope for more government focus on the problem.
➡ The speaker is part of a small yet widespread operation active in all 50 states. They appreciate the recognition and support for their work, which they deem significant.


That’s part of the problem. That’s why the money laundering and the trafficking have, have an intersection and is individuals who are making tons of money, whether it’s through human trafficking or drug trafficking. And it has absolutely corrupted them and turned them into reprobate minds. And that is why this thing has been. There’s so much pressure to push down on this. But now with some of the disclosures like P. Diddy and you know, the Pizza Gate and Epstein Island. Yep. You know there is, there’s a saying that there are three things not long hidden. I don’t remember if it was Sun Tzu or Buddha one of them.

There are three things that are not long hidden. The sun, the moon and the truth. You can only hide the truth for so long. Just a quick break from the program to share a really amazing product that I have am offering now on my website@Sarah under Shop and this is Body Align. You can get the sleep patches if you’re having problems sleeping like so many people in the country. Try this. Since I started using these I have slept through the night without waking up which is amazing. I haven’t done that for a long time. Usually wake up a couple of times.

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Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I this, this is going to be a two part interview. Two different people. They were supposed to be together and I have Senator Mark Fincham from Arizona and then I have Sean Taylor who is an investigator. He was the chief of police in one of the towns there up until Friday and he had to leave the state and so I was not able to interview them together. And so what they did is we got set up with two separate ones. Mark’s going to talk about it from more of a political standpoint, give you a bigger idea picture these guys are putting their butts on the line.

Sean is going to talk about it from. He’s been involved in this for 15 years as a chief investigator. What they are uncovering is a drug, money laundering and human trafficking, sex trafficking ring that is multinational, goes up to the highest levels of the federal government. And they have uncovered it and they have been doing their best to expose it. And because Sean is the main investigator, he, he had like 16 bullets through his home and it just isn’t safe to be in his, his residence anymore. So he had to leave. And Mark Fincham being not the lead investigator, I guess it’s not as risky for him.

But he is the state senator and so. But he’s championing this effort. He believes this is, he can’t stop because it’s the right thing to do. These, these people are the type of people we need to support. I don’t care what party you’re in, these are the people we need to support because we need to put an end to this. And what Sean is telling me is that this is the mafia that’s control have been controlling our country for the last four years. And I and it goes beyond party politics, you know, to this uni party thing.

And he, you know, Sean talks about that in that conversation and then Mark Fincham talks about the whole political landscape and it’s different at the state level than it is at the national level, but it’s all tied together. So I just want to tell you this as a tool partners. So I hope you watch both of these episodes. It’s going to start with Mark because I interviewed him first and then I was able to get together with Sean. Okay, but before I get into that, I want to share with you the love pod. I’ve been sharing this because I believe this is the solution we need from so many different perspectives.

It is a router and it takes nine of your devices and it turns them into either a satellite phone or a private network. And it solves a bunch of problems. It solves the data integrity issue. You. It’s working with a VPN because they, it’s based out of a sovereign country and with the indigenous folks. And so they have rights as a country that you can’t read their data. So you’re protected from at a country level for based on treaties that they can’t do anything with your data. So data is protected. The other thing is that the distributed mesh network and so it protects you from the grid down situation because as more of these are out there, the safer and stronger it is.

Also it protects you from the EMF Damage because it converts the EMF signal in and through this router that can work with your phone, that doesn’t harm your body. The frequencies harmonize with your body, but still works with your phone. I’ve been saying for a long time we do not need to use the frequencies that harm us. They just are picking bands that harm us. And we, it doesn’t need to be that we can pick different frequency bands that don’t harm ourselves at a base level. And I don’t know why they’re not doing it, but they’re not.

And this solves that problem. So I welcome you to learn more about this. The link will be below. It’s 200 plus a data package for 200. You can have nine devices on this thing, computer devices, phone, whatever. So if the grid goes down, you’re still able to use this. It’s really incredible. So the link is below or you can go to sarah under shop. Okay, let’s get into this two parter with Senator Mark Fincham and Sean Taylor. Hi Mark, welcome to the program. Well, thank you very much for having me. You have an incredible story and a fight on your hands that you’re working through.

I want people to understand who you are. You’re Senator Mark Fincham. You just won your election in Arizona. You actually ran with Carrie Lake last time in her first election. You’re pretty well known because you were in the state legislator for a while in Arizona and you’ve just recently exposed with Sean Taylor who is the deputy chief of police. And you got telling me who he is. Tell the audience who he was and you expose along with Craig Sawyer, who I’ve had him on my show, Navy SEAL that was been working on taking down child trafficking.

You expose these networks and this incredible criminality that’s going on in Arizona. We were supposed to have Sean Taylor join us, but a lot of things happened since Friday where he cannot. He’s no longer with the police department. Can you explain your background? And then we’re going to get into a little bit about Sean Taylor and what you guys exposed. Yeah. So again, thank you for having me on the show. There’s this thing is so deep and so wide it makes the ocean look small. I’ll start with that. So I God has blessed me richly with a lot of work experience.

21 years of DPS officer in West Michigan, 18 and a half of that on the street as a law enforcement officer, typically working nights in the action part of town. I don’t want to call it the ghetto, because it wasn’t. But it was negatively impacted by people that were selling drugs and all of the various rackets that go along with that. Retired, moved to Arizona and through a number of life opportunities, was elected to the Arizona legislature in 2014. Did eight years and termed out and told my constituents, hey, you better find somebody to replace me because I’m not coming back.

At least I thought I wasn’t coming back. But there’s more to that story. I did run as Carrie Lake’s running mate. Although they’re separate elections in the state of Arizona, I ran as the Secretary of State to clean up the election fraud and corruption. The Secretary of State in Arizona is the de facto Lieutenant Governor now. That’s changed in law. And in the next election we actually will have a separate office of Lieutenant Governor running with the governor. So. But that’s kind of a. An in state thing that doesn’t really matter to folks. But yes, I was Carrie Lakes running mate for the 2022 election, which by the way, was irredeemably compromised.

And there are still folks that are trying to come to grips with that. But during the last four or five years, 2018, we started a small nonprofit called the Election Fairness Institute. We’re mostly a research and synthesis analysis publication shop. And Sean joined us about two years ago as a lead research analyst, primarily on money laundering. And what he had found is linked going back all the way to 2015 when he was part of a Haida team, which is a high intensity drug trafficking team along the Gulf Coast. He had a case accepted by the U.S.

attorney’s office, which to my understanding is still open, that deals with the trafficking of drugs, money and how that comes to be. Now we have identified about $168 billion in money laundering that involves five properties and five officers with ActBlue. I mean, this is, this is one of those things that it’s a very small part of a much larger picture. And these are properties all over the country. But in the course of that investigation, research, I should say investigation, the word basically, in some states you have to have a license to be an investigator. Yeah, okay, sure, whatever.

It’s a research project. You can’t be in. You can’t look into something unless you’re licensed to do it. Okay, keep going. Yeah, it’s the absurdity of the whole thing. In the process of that, Sean was able to identify an intersection between money laundering and child trafficking. And that’s where it got really interesting. The day that I met Sean virtually over the phone is the Same day that his house was shot up with about 16 rounds from an AR15 in a small community in Tennessee. In the law enforcement community, we call that a clue that he was getting just a little bit too close.

It’s not funny. I don’t mean to be funny, but, I mean, it’s just. Oh, okay, keep going. Yeah, it’s like, okay, so we. You just revealed that we are over the target. That’s right. And then from that point, Sean worked for the Election Fairness Institute until such time as he was hired by the Millersville Police Department to be their deputy deputy chief. Until this past Friday, he. He wasn’t working for Election Fairness Institute. He was working for the city of Millersville. As of Friday, he’s no longer the deputy chief of police because once again, he got just a little too close to the graft and corruption in Sumner county, which is at the hands of their da, by the way, a guy by the name of Ray Whitley and Judge Joe Thompson.

These are individuals that are persons of interest in the research project that ultimately will be turned over to the U.S. attorney once Donald Trump is in office and appoints his Attorney General. And we have that changeover of U.S. attorneys that will actually do something. One of the things that’s very disturbing is Sean’s office and his home were hit with a search warrant by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. Well, that can only happen if it’s requested by the local da, which would be Ray Whitley, a person of interest in the research project. Funny how that works. Well, and they seized.

Go, Keep going. They seized his records and his computer. And then, as if to say, you’re gonna shut. We’re gonna shut you down. One of the TBI agents who was engaged in the search warrant urinated in his master bathroom shower, then proceeded to track urine through his house. It’s just the low brow. I mean, they’re just low people. I mean, that’s the point. So this is evil. People who are trying to exert their will on the good guys. And, you know, people get very upset because nothing ever happens. Like, how can you have human trafficking or child trafficking go on, and nobody does anything.

Right. Well, this is the. This. This is what you guys are uncovering and trying to get to the bottom of, is the corruption is so tied to people in power where, like, you’re a good example, where when you’re trying to do something and you get too close, your life is literally on the line, and then people are. See as you’re doing this, how many people are connected and propping this up versus just scared to do something about it. Yeah, I understand the frustration in your voice and in your words. Well, I’m representing people. Yeah. There are times when we, the people who are actually doing the work, sometimes we’re just ready to throw up our hands because just when you think you got somebody, I mean, we’re boy scouts.

Okay. Just when you think you have somebody that you can go to a case with, you find out their name pops up on the suspect list. I mean, the, the response is, forgive my salty language. What the hell, can we just find an honest DA and an honest judge? Well, that’s part of the problem. That’s why the money laundering and the trafficking have, have an intersection and is that individuals who are making tons of money, whether it’s through human trafficking or drug trafficking, and it has absolutely corrupted them and turned them into reprobate minds. And that is why this thing has been.

There’s so much pressure to push down on this. But now with some of the disclosures like P. Diddy and the Pizza Gate and Epstein Island. There’s a saying that there are three things not long hidden. I don’t remember if it was Sun Tzu or Buddha. One of them. There are three things that are not long hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth. You can only hide the truth for so long. You only. Conspiracy theorist for so long. Keep going. Yeah, okay. And it’s funny, you know, the AP style guide calls conspiracy theory. One of the terms that they must use, used to be the AP style guide was about punctuation and grammar and all that.

Now it’s actually phrases that they have to use. Okay, so I’m actually a conspiracy affirmer. Because every single time you have a conspiracy theory. I shouldn’t say every time. 99.999999. There’s always that one that’s like you’re whacked in the head. Sorry, but isn’t it. There are some that aren’t out there and everything is. They’re out there. But usually, usually there’s an element of truth to them that. Okay, if you got it 80% right. I know. And they’re black pilled. So they get. They get. Everything seems so negative and they’re black pilled. But you know why? This is why.

That’s right. That’s right. So when you have people like Whitley and a guy by a total dirtbag, you call them a chief investigative journalist. Phil Williams, he’s nothing but a pedo protector. Yes. This guy has given cover to pedophiles for the longest of times. And why Scripps Media still has him working as a journalist is totally beyond me. But okay, you want to be a pedo protector, your days are numbered. And when we hear this whole, this term conspiracy theory. Funny how six months later, all of a sudden it’s like, well, it wasn’t really a conspiracy, but we were trying to cover things up.

I mean, for example, look at Agenda 21, for example. For the longest time those the people in the New World Order in the World Economic Forum. Oh no, that’s a conspiracy theory. Well, now not only is it no longer conspiracy theory, they’re out in the open. That’s right. And they have come to the point where it’s like, well, we missed a deadline so we’re going to have to make an agenda 2030. It’s incredible. You know, there’s a fact checking website that I just found that has me on it and I’m considered a hardcore conspiracy theorist and a quack.

And everybody in my genre, everyone, people you’ve been on shows are on, are kind of in that same boat. But you know, I go down and it’s like, what have I covered that hasn’t turned out to be true? And that’s where you’re, go ahead. Have you followed Mike Benz by chance? I know he is, but I don’t. I haven’t followed him. You really need to follow Mike Bands because this whole fact checker thing, it’s, it’s actually left leaning academics and intelligence community operators. Yep. That are there to engage in fifth generation warfare. And that is. That’s right.

Fifth generation warfare is warfare of the mind. Okay. It’s the gray matter that’s the battlefield. And if you listen to. Mike’s got a great 45 minute piece out on Twitter that talks about the intelligence community, how the CIA and NSA and organizations outside of the United States. They find operatives, NGOs which are cutouts to do the things that are illegal for government to do. That’s right. There’s your clue. Another clue. Okay, so we have these organizations and these individuals who want to go after the people who are going after the bad guys. To do what? Give top cover for the bad guys.

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But I think that where we’re at now with the work that Sean has done and some of our other research that’s, that’s underway and some of the folks that are, that we’re working with, you know, guys like Sawman, some of the people in my community in Prescott, Arizona, I mean, we have something on the order of about 400 retired special operators just in this, in this community. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s interesting how that those folks seem to gravitate towards each other. Whether they’re Navy SEALs or Delta Force or whatever they might have been. They all just, they come together as a community.

These are individuals that, they’re constantly raising money for child rescue. And when I talk about child rescue, I’m not talking about here domestically. I’m talking about going across the border and rescuing kids. Kind of like the Sound of Freedom, Tim Ballard’s movie. Okay. And of course, anybody that is engaged in trying to do that is vilified by the pedop protectors, the pedophile protectors, and that would be the vast majority news media. Well, why is that? What’s their motivation? Because they themselves are in the lifestyle. Whoa. Now you’ve got essentially a racketeering organization that is doing everything it can to be as open as it can be, but fly under the radar.

I mean it’s, it’s a total contradiction of terms. But these are limited. They’ll be able to do what they do. Yeah. Without any repercussions. Well, isn’t there also the limited hangout idea where they are? There’s so many of the NGOs that supposedly are helping with human trafficking. Might be. Actually they’re either Taking down their competition or they’re aiding in it. There’s a lot of. That’s a, that’s a great observation. What the, the U.S. government has become under the Biden administration is essentially a white glove delivery service for children all over the United States with children coming over the border.

Well, now they don’t even bother to pick them up. They’re literally flying them in from other countries. Yeah, that’s what Mayorkas. So Mayorkas wants to have a pardon. That guy needs to be on trial for treason and crimes against humanity. He knew damn well what he was doing when he was doing it. He’s been doing the work of the Democrat Party, which I believe is an ongoing criminal enterprise. He’s been doing the work of the Democrat Party to implement something called the Cloud and Piven strategy. I don’t know if you’re aware of what that is, but for those of you who would like to do a little lookup out on DuckDuckGo, don’t go to, don’t go to Google.

You’re going to have to go to a protected. So you actually get the information. Cloward and Piven were a couple of sociologists, I believe, out of Harvard who recognized the way to take down capitalism is to swamp its resources so that it can’t care for the very people that pay for capitalism. This is essentially unrestricted warfare in the form of an invasion by a body of humans. And I mean, we saw what happened to Europe and they did nothing about it. Well, the same strategy was at work by the Marxist front, the Color revenue, color revolutionaries, if you will, to take down any state that is a capitalist operation, okay, that has free trade, that has very much like the United States.

Now I’m not saying that Europe is like the United States because they’ve got, they’re over regulated and you know, the government has their thumb on the scale of virtually everything, which is not untrue about the United States. But I think at least here we have greater liberty, more freedom. So you now have the flying in of children directly from South America, primarily. But how did they get there? How did they get found? And the United States government, because of its program for bringing these migrants into the country, particularly children, they’re a white glove delivery service for the pedophile networks.

There’s no other way to say it. So we have the pedophile in chief, the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and we have a number of other individuals within the government. And this is, this is what is so disgusting. It goes from town all the Way up to the office of the president. Yeah. And pedophiles, the whole blackmail system is that underlies the pedophile network, but it’s beyond just blackmail when it comes to people just enjoying pedophiles or children. But I think beyond the swamping the capitalist resources, they’re sending out billions to foreign countries for aid while people in, like, North Carolina were getting 700 bucks or whatever per person.

So people are completely disgusted with the people running this country. I mean, I don’t know how else to say it. They’re. The average person is completely disgusted with the people running this country. So the question of foreign aid, that’s, that’s really money laundering. Yep. Okay. The foreign aid that is paid doesn’t make it to the people. It goes into the pockets of the leaders of those countries and they, of course, dole it out. And perhaps there’s a kickback of some kind that comes back to the United States. For the people that supported that in law, isn’t it a combination of paying for favors and giving contracts to multinational companies? Oh, yeah, yeah.

It’s, the whole thing is, the whole thing is a group is a, is a scam. It’s, I mean, President Trump has already said, I think it’s time for us to cut off foreign aid. Well, the pigs are starting to squeal because they’ve been stuck. So many of them whose lifestyle is based on this corruption that, that’s why we’re having. And then they use, their lifestyle is based on this corruption, and then they use we care about everybody as a front for it. Kind of like the, the NGOs who are human, trying to take claim. They’re taking down human traffickers.

They take down the competition, their competition, so they can claim and put it up there. And then they’re making themselves look really good. It’s the same concept when it comes to trying to take down everything else. They, they talk to the people like, we are the ones that care about you. Meanwhile, they’re the worst criminals that we even. That’s what makes your job so hard in the minds of people, because they’re also in control of the media and all the propaganda that’s going out as well. Yeah, I know because I’ve been doing it. So you’ve got 15 years, so.

Yeah. So you got money flowing into the pockets of every branch of government, judges, legislators, executives, at every level. Okay. And I, I, I don’t know if I’m going to go out on a limb here. The, the attempt to normalize pedophilia and this is, this is incremental. They’re trying to drag the Overton window to the left. Okay. Drag shows. Oh, it’s okay. It’s, it’s just theater in the libraries. No, it’s indoctrination. It’s grooming. Okay. The largely satanic move to objectify children. I mean, it was bad enough when women were objectified, now they’ve gone to children. And it sure seems like, and I think this is part of what you were saying.

It sure seems like this entire apparatus, including the media, has done everything they can to kind of bring it out into the open just slowly, just slowly to normalize it. To say, well, what’s wrong with me marrying a 10 year old? What’s wrong with me having a 12 year old little boy as my play toy? What’s wrong with that? Okay, well, that is Babylon. That is modern day Babylon. They do that in some of the Middle Eastern countries. It’s much more normalized there. Yeah. So if you really want to stop human trafficking, President Trump has the answer.

In fact, we just saw an example of it, reached out to the Mexican president and said, this crap’s going to stop. And the Mexican president said, well, we’re going to charge you with tariffs. He says, oh, you’re playing with the wrong guy when it comes to tariffs. I can shut your economy down. The blink of an eye. We start putting a tariff on every single thing that comes across the border. But I gotta push back on you and tell you it’s not the Mexican government, it’s also our people. As much, if not more, when you’re talking to somebody who’s done a lot of stuff.

Yeah. And when they took El Chapo court, it takes people on both sides of border. Well, when they took El Chapo to court, all the Mexican side was transparent. Everybody on the US side was covered under national security protection and blacked out. I’m telling you, we are, we are not. We can, we’re our own worst enemy. And so we just blame everybody else for the crap that we are heavily involved in. And if the money wasn’t there, they wouldn’t be doing it. Yeah. Here’s the other thing that, that we’ve, we have a hypothesis and, and part of it we can prove with anecdotal information.

Obviously we’re not in Mexico, so we can’t, we can’t get proof positive. But one of our, through some of our human intel, our soft intel, we’ve got folks that have told us that the child trafficking is only partly sex. Another Portion of that is organ harvesting. That’s right. And that is the dirty little thing that nobody’s talking about. So our hypothesis is, and this is based on a story that’s coming out of Metamoros, that there is a place where there are children’s bodies stacked up in mass graves where organs have been taken from them after they’ve been murdered and sold on the international black market to the highest bidder.

We know that through, again, anecdotal stories, individuals who are first party witnesses, but they don’t dare say anything because they would be dead. Yep. That these organs are harvested and chilled and shipped out of country, primarily to China. But that’s not the only place. Okay, so when we talk about 3, 300 to 400,000 missing children, that’s a lot of kids. And the question is, where’d they go? They got to be on the grid someplace. They got to have. There should be a digital footprint of them somehow somewhere, because everybody on the planet right now has a digital footprint to some extent.

So that’s the area that we’ve not gone into because we don’t have the human intel resources to be able to look into that for our research. But it certainly is an area that I pray the incoming director of the FBI put some focus on. We will. We’re more than happy to turn over every single bite of information that we have pulled in. In fact, I would have already recommended Sean Taylor for a position with HSI so that he can continue his work in this investigative world and really get to the, to the center of gravity where it comes to child sex trafficking and child abuse.

Well, and there’s also the indigenous people. Right? That. And you look at that. I have, Starting back in 2016, I interviewed people who are leaders in those communities. Talking about. Because the FBI doesn’t track their numbers. The, the human trafficking off of the reservations is extremely high. And so this has been going on for a long time. So the same mode of operation coming in from South America where the kids aren’t tracked are because they, they, we just don’t track them. So those, they don’t want to go after, you know, kids of affluent or middle class families because, you know, they got families that are tracking them.

They go after kids who nobody tracks and cares about. Now, I don’t want that to help usher in id, you know what I mean? A personal ID that they’re trying to do and track every person on the planet. But we do need a way to solve this human trafficking without taking away our freedoms and the children that have been on these reservations. And the women, too. The women are sexually abused at seven times the rate of women off the reservations. This has been an amazingly hardcore problem for decades now. And I am so glad that you guys are doing this research and getting to the bottom of it.

And Craig Sawyer, I know him. I know he’s been smeared extensively as being a limited hangout type person. I don’t. I think if you keep putting yourself out there and keep putting yourself out there, I think you start to prove to the world that you’re not. You know, I’m accused of being limited hangout too. It’s really hard when you’re in this field because they smear you all over the place. But I hope you guys don’t give up because this is a core element of why our country is as corrupt. I mean, I’ve been doing. I had to take a break from doing it.

So ugly, it’s so hard to deal with. So the fact that you’re doing, doing it, I applaud you. Because it’s anybody that dives deep into this area, it is the darkest, ugliest space you can be in. But if we don’t fix it as a nation, we will rot from the inside. And we’re doing that right now. Well, it’s. What happened to Babylon, it’s happening. That’s what we are today is a modern day Babylonian state. And, you know, it’s not to get all religious here, but this is satanic. It is the sacrifice of children. It is the sacrifice of our countrymen, our countrywomen.

And it is something that we can’t walk away from. I mean, it just. There’s nothing more important than taking care of people like this. This is incredible. It gives you sleepless nights. It makes you cry at the drop of a hat. So we can’t walk away from it. And I’m not a crier, so I’m just gonna take a deep breath for a moment. If folks want to help us, the joy of this is we are not a government organization. We’re not bound by the political directives of somebody who might get injured because, oh, the FBI stumbled across a congressman’s name.

Frankly, Scarlet, we don’t give a damn. That’s right. And that is an amazingly freeing thing to. Yeah. Will they. Will somebody try to kill us? Will somebody try and put us in jail? Oh, yeah, that. That kind of goes without saying. That’s right. But I do believe that we have the protection of God’s archangels around us. He’s had enough and he. He’s just looking for. I think he’s looking for Gideon’s 300. He’s looking for a small number of dedicated individuals who won’t sit down and shut up, who are going to tell dirt bags like Phil Williams, go right to hell where you belong.

That’s right. I don’t want that for anybody. But if that’s the bed that you have made, then you’re going to have to sleep in it. So if people want to help support us, because we don’t accept government contracts, we don’t accept government money, we are completely privately funded. We have a number of donors. People can go to our website, go to make a contribution. That is what funds the work that Sean’s doing that he’s. He’s our lead investigator in that particular world. But we’ve got individuals like Seth Keshel, who has done our precinct mapping project for elections.

Because part of this has to do with if we have corrupt elections, that means we have corrupted elected officials in powers of and positions of power. So you’ve got to go after the seat of where the decisions are being made in government while at the same time going after the perpetrators in the private sector. So this can’t be a single front battle. We’re on multi fronts at multiple levels. I’m very thankful that we now have. Will soon have a president who is going to bring all of the power that the federal government has to bear on the people who have perpetrated these crimes.

And I’m looking very much forward to that day. I think that Donald Trump is a modern day Cyrus and he is going to lead. He is not going to be afraid. I mean, he took a bullet for the American people. So that changes a man. Well, I hope so. You know, some people question all that. They question him. I think we have a little bit of the Nocebo effect and politics going on where they’re sabotaging it before it even happens. We have to support sometimes the best. Not the best characters come forward and help. Right. And so we have to work.

If they’re doing the actions that can make a meaningful difference, we need to help it. Well, there was one perfect man. There isn’t. Yeah, yeah, that’s right. There was one perfect. Yeah. And he was crucified. So the rest of us, as a very good friend of mine says, Mark, God uses even the silly things for good and. Yeah. Indeed. Indeed. Yep. So thank you, Mark, again. Where can people go to support this work again? Well, go EFI. That’s G O EFI for election fairness and if there’s a special project, we’ve got a number of projects listed there.

If folks want to look at money laundering, they can make a contribution. What’s really helpful, quite frankly, is if you want to give twenty, fifty hundred dollars, click the recurring box so that it comes in every month. That gives us a little bit of cash flow so that we can continue to have people on payroll. Can people help? A lot of volunteer work, but we still have our core. People are being paid a regular wage. Can they also volunteer? Because some people just want to do something to help. Yes. But there’s. It’s a very specific skill set that we need to have.

So if people want to do that, all they have to do is click on contact and that comes directly to me and I’ll have a conversation with folks and it could be related to one of the various different projects we’ve got. And we’re, I mean, we’re operating in all 50 states. We’re a small operation, but we’re a big operation with a big footprint. That’s great. That’s great. You just keep doing it. Thank you so much for coming on the program and sharing this and committing and committing yourself to this because just so important. So thank you.

Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. And I know our team appreciates the coverage.



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