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Welcome to Sovereign radio broadcasting from the belly of the beast of mainstream media. I’m your host, Scotty Sacks. Warm greetings to our listeners tuning in on our Texas posse of radio station affiliates, including flagship station News Talk 1470 AM, KYYW and Abilene and the rest of our Texas audience on KFWS News Talk 1290 am in Wichita Falls KIX 09:40 a.m. news talk in Amarillo and CaM Nd 14:10 a.m. sports in Midland, Odessa. Of course, a special shout out to all of our patriot friends watching on the grassroots warrior network and Roku. And to those of you listening on one of our podcast platforms like iheart or Google Play.
Hey, thanks for listening. Today on Sovereign Radio we’re going to talk about mind control and fifth generation warfare. And folks, those two things do go together. There’s a battle going on for our minds and it’s been waged in every turn with this thing called fifth generation warfare. We’re going to go deep down that rabbit hole with our guest today, Sarah Westall. We’ll also spend some time with Sean McDonald for magic die call. Sean is back to talk about the restoration of our bodies. You see, our bodies are miracle machines. And if you want to know how to prompt your body to heal itself.
Stick around. Sean is back to talk about nanosoma, the product that completely erased all my pain and suffering from neuropathy and lowered my blood pressure. Ten points. But first, Sarah Westall is a successful entrepreneur and business executive. In the past 25 years she’s created and developed multiple companies, including a successful management consulting firm and a multi million dollar international import and manufacturing company. She’s had a dynamic leadership career spent building high performance teams in highly competitive industries. She has an entrepreneurial attitude, high energy and great style. Sarah’s the host of the nationally syndicated show business game Changers.
Her show features leaders in business, government, society and science. Her straightforward and authentic style with her extensive experience in technology and engineering and entrepreneurship enables her to provide tremendous insight and a perspective unparalleled in the media. Sarah’s current focus is one of free speech rights and raising awareness of crimes against humanity. Sarah recently produced a ten part documentary, Mind Control and fifth generation warfare. That’s the subject of my interview with her today. Here’s part one of my conversation with Sarah Westall. Joining me now on Sovereign radio, a returning guest, Sarah Westall. Sarah is an entrepreneur. She’s been a teacher.
She has done some pretty interesting things, including something I’m going to talk to her about first. Sarah was involved in the early days in the Internet, constructing the Internet and that plays very much into what we’re going to talk about today. She has a new documentary out. It’s a ten part series about mind control and fifth generation warfare. Sarah very interested to hear about it. Welcome to Sovereign radio. Thank you so much. I’m excited to be here. Let’s start with what is the series generally about? Let’s get the big start at 10,000ft and we’ll drill down into the detail.
Well, I’m partnering with Brighton University so it’s airing on brightu.com starting June 29. But the series is on mind control and fifth generation warfare and it seems just out there, right? Like what is this and what people don’t realize. It’s why we’re dealing with all the crap that we’re dealing with. When for me, well, let’s give an overview of what it well, let me tell you why I did this first. I think that helps when I, I’ve been doing this for a while now and I started talking to targeted individuals. I started talking to, I realized that, well, I started really at the beginning.
I started, my show was about the change, the edge of change in society. It was a business show about the edge of change and I was interviewing people that had cancer cures and free energy devices and all these things. And I was noticing that doctors are being killed, and all this information was being suppressed. I was like, wait a minute. There’s something weird going. And then I started learning about the human trafficking. I had my six part series with James Rothstein, who’s taken down more pedophile networks than anybody in the world. And, you know, it’s a whole long thing.
And then I started talking to targeted individuals. I did mini documentaries because of my background, which I meant a big tech background, a telecommunication background. I started doing mini documentaries on directed energy weapons and learning about that and the targeted individuals. And then I realized just how much of the lies are in the mainstream media, which you know, as well. And so I had this foundation before COVID happened, and then Covid happened. I realized, we’re watching this operation. There’s so many things I didn’t tell you about my background that I could explain, but that would be ours.
And so it’s just as a summary of how I got to that point. And I said, this is just one big Psyop, right? And a lot of us who had that foundation could see through it from day one. And then I took a. I just realized, you know, we have the mainstream media who are terrible. I mean, they’re just. They’re just one big propaganda network. And then we have the independent media who are being boomeranged around based on psyops. They’re covering going from Psyop to Psyop, covering, trying to cover what the truth is, and they’re being jacked around, too.
And I said, okay, I need to zoom out here and figure out what the heck’s going on. So I did a mini documentary called Mind War. And I started looking at what the military was put out back as early as the eighties on control, doing psyops based on manipulating your mind. And this was as early as the eighties. And they were saying, if something’s not true, we will make it true, and through all sorts of means. I mean, from media, from, you know, controlling the institutions, from the schools, from. It’s a 360 thing. And then they started talking about high tech neural manipulation and what you can do with that.
Working with ionosphere, creating different moods, working with the frequencies, bombarding you with frequencies to change your mood, to pretty much do anything to you emotionally or even to create thoughts. I thought, oh, my God. So I really started diving into all this stuff, and I. James Fetzer, I did his false flags conference. I did three years on this. Each year I would do. I’d expand on this, on the mind control thing. So I did the mini documentary. Anything that’s less than 30 minutes, I call it mini documentary. And then I did all these presentations at conferences on this concept, and I said, you know, it’s just on overdrive, guys, and this is our future, and we got to really get our arms around it, because people aren’t getting their arms around what this is and how it’s affecting all of us.
And unless you understand, you’re operationally aware, and this is what I’m learning for military guys, you need to be operationally aware. You need to know what your surroundings are. You need to know how you’re being affected in order to have a chance of not only defeating your enemy, but actually surviving. Right. You need these tools. And so the point of this series is for us to become operationally aware of what the heck is going on and why we’re all being jacked around and why nothing makes sense. Now. This whole operation is part of their. I march toward their one world government, and I assume how they’re going to use it after they would accomplish their one world government, how they would control us afterward.
Right. Be able to track us, control our thoughts, control our habits and everything. So it’s interesting you brought up war. I’ve been well aware in war that they control not only the soldiers mindset, but the citizens of the country they’re invading. Put on a big psy up for them, too, don’t they? For sure, yeah. And then with the 2012 Smith Mutt act going away, they now do psyops on us, which is why the world has gotten so weird. Yeah. One of the. One of the most recent examples of that would be the queue. The whole queue thing was a big.
I know it was a military psyop. Whether it was good or bad guys doesn’t matter. It was a big psyop. Well, and, you know, because I was involved intimately, not on purpose with Q, but because I got involved in the Q great Awakening book, because they wanted that James Rothstein interview in it. And I’m like, sure. I didn’t even know what Q was at the time. And Q, a lot of it was exposing the human trafficking, because that’s the key behind a lot of the blackmail. And my chapter was all on the human trafficking, and that’s where I term the coin.
Blackmail is the currency of the powerful. And so I got sucked into the Q thing, and then I never followed Q. I just didn’t. I like to talk to direct sources and people with experience, I don’t like drops of information. I like to, if somebody can send me somewhere, fine, but it’s just not how I operate. And so. But once, and. But from what I understand, talking to people, they were dropping some pretty good information for people to learn and follow. It was amazing, this show. We’re the only broadcast radio show that covered Q objectively, every, you know, the mainstream media was blasting Q.
They did 3600 attack pieces, and they called it QAnon, which there’s no such thing. Movement is Q. And the anons are the guys who would go down the rabbit hole and research, who would post, and there’d be thousands of anons digging to decode these posts. But very interesting. So. But I want to say one thing, because when I was at the Red Pill Expo, I talked about this a little bit. That was a sight. But once they started saying trust the plan, and that’s where, to me, it became something more nefarious or something else was going on, because I’m not going to trust a plan where I don’t know what the plan is and I don’t know who’s behind the plan.
Right. And that encourages people to sit on your butt and do nothing. And the other problem with it is that it parallels other psyops that have happened in the past, like the Russian. The Bolsheviks used that against the russian people, a very similar Q type psyop where they were telling them to trust the plan, and they ended up slaughtering millions of people. A lot of those people that sat and did nothing ended up getting slaughtered. And so that’s when I realized there was something else wrong here. And you never just sit back and trust a plan and not take action yourself.
Yeah. And question everything. Yeah. There were many euphemisms and one liners that came out of the Q movement. Things like, these people are stupid. That was a common line Q used, referring to the central banking cabal and all the politicians and all those that have been blackmail, as you mentioned, blackmails are currency bribery. First, if you don’t take the bribe, they’ll blackmail you. Right. So they go for the bribe and then the blackmail that they’ve been using, that thousands of year old tactic. Right. For sure. Yeah. There also is the where we go, on we go.
All that’s a common cue. Everybody in the movement knows what wwg one wga means. Where we go, when we go all used. Somebody sent me a text just now with the WWg one WGa. It’s very interesting stuff. So let’s get back to your documentary. Yeah, sorry. It was positive. It’s a positive and a negative. But that’s part of what makes a psyop effective. Right. There’s some good aspects and some really nefarious stuff. So we have to start with the basics. The reason they can do surveillance and monitoring us and tracking us is because we’re big. One big ball of energy.
Correct. Our whole body is energy. We are emitting energy, we’re receiving energy, and we’re emitting energy. Yeah, it depends on how they track us. I mean, they can track us for the Internet through everything that we’re doing. If they can track us through our. Our cell phones, obviously. Yeah, they can track us through our cell phones, our actions. But if you’re talking about our energy, our body energy now, you’re talking about more advanced technology. And yeah, they can do some of that too. But there’s different levels of technology, and some of the lower level technology is just the social media, and it’s there that’s very powerful in and of itself.
And then. Yes, how Tic Tac’s been used to control the young people. Yeah, that’s right. It’s very, very powerful. But yes, you’re getting into a lot of what we do cover which we start talking about us being an actual node on the Internet. The future of this is us being used as batteries and storage. We’re a quantum computer. Quantum computer is just anything that’s more than zeros and ones where you’re three or more. And we show an example of. Of an animated GiF being stored on a piece of bacteria. And that’s kind of old technology. And they use that because they could store data on flesh, on bacteria or your flesh, and they can’t detect it.
And so you can do espionage. You can pass data. And so human beings carrying data, whether it’s in bacteria form or anywhere on your body, is an effective way to get around any kind of detection system. But, you know, this is where it’s going and what the capabilities are. But it’s all about creating a different level of society. Like fifth generation warfare. The previous generations, warfare has been a narrow political goal aimed at taking out the enemies, the opposing forces. To accomplish that goal, fifth generation warfare is used. They’re bypassing all that. When we come back, I continue my conversation with Sarah Westall.
As Sarah talks about the nefarious plan to reshape the world through technology and population control. It’s all straight ahead as sovereign radio rolls on. When it comes to talking about the left, his tongue is so sharp, he can cut an 18 ounce prime rib without a knife. Now back to Scotty. Welcome back to sovereign radio. I’m your host, Scotty Sacks. Let’s jump right back into my conversation with the creator of the ten part documentary mind control and fifth generation warfare, Sarah Westall. I have Armin Kirshnan. He’s a professor, a doctor, professor of intelligence, and he trains intelligence agents and military personnel on what? Fifth generation warfare and different technology.
He’s one of my key people that I talked to. Kind of started off when explaining what fifth generation warfare is and how it differs and then what kind of their end goals are and how they want to reach. It’s crazy how they want to reshape technology based on reducing the population to a small number. You know, it depends on who you talk to. But the common one is 500,000. I’ve heard different numbers based on what their goals are. 500 million, 500 million. 500 million. Yeah, yeah, 500 million. But I’ve heard as low as, you know, I’ve heard less than that.
I’ve heard more than that. Depending on. And I think it’s going to fluctuate based on what they determine they need. Right. Based on 8 billion people, 500 million. That means 15 out of 16 of us are gone. That’s right. Yeah. If they get their way. Yeah. And what they want to do with the people that are remaining is create a different structure of society. They’ll have the management class all the way down to the worker be class. And they’re gonna, when they say, you will be happy and you’ll own nothing, you know, people think of it as living in these 15 minutes cities and things, and they have no idea what it is that they’re talking.
What they’re talking about is you will literally own nothing. And they will make you happy through mentally manipulating your mind. You will live in their housing, you will eat their food, you will do as they say, period. But you won’t be unhappy because they will chemically, chemically, they’ll frequency, they’ll change your makeup, and then depending on who you are, human wise, they will upgrade you or, you know, with the transhumanism, change who you are depending on what skills they need you to have. Well, this is a ten part series, and I know enough about you to know you’re very thorough.
So you went down a lot of rabbit holes. Let’s talk about who’s in this. You got whistleblowers, other citizens. We got a lot. You have other citizen journalists. Talk about the people in this and, you know, we could have went just crazy into all the high tech rabbit creepy stuff and what we just talked about right now. Or we could set a foundation so that people can understand how serious this is. And it was hard to. I mean, I did ten. It was ten episodes. Plus bonus material is probably, you know, 12 hours of material or 14 hours of material.
And it still kind of scratches the surface because this is a big deal with all these different disciplines. We talk about it from a psychology standpoint. History. We talk about the Tavistock institute. We talk about politics. I have. Okay, so I have Dave Hodges, who’s a former professor. He was a professor of psychology for 15 years before he did all his independent journalism stuff. I have Mary Ann Henin and Courtney Turner, who have been spending a lot of time doing research and shows on the Tavistock Institute. I would say that Courtney Turner might be the world’s expert at this point.
Interesting. I know Courtney. I didn’t know that about her. Yeah, she has spent a ton of time on this subject and research, and she has a psychology background as well. And then I have Rene Zenham, who ran for. Who was a mayor of a town in California, Nevada. California. And then ran for the governor in California. She talks about it from a political perspective and how it’s, we’re being, you know, affected that way. I have Anatolito, who’s an attorney at law, talking about targeted individuals. Yeah. I have Richard Lighthouse, who’s a former NASA scientist and his master’s degree from Stanford, talking about, again, about how, what this program is and how they’re targeting people.
And then I have Doctor Len Baer, who is a targeted individual. The only reason I spend. And then I have hope and Tavan, who are you, who are entrepreneurs, and they have a science and tech background as well. And they talk about the technology behind this. And so I tried to take it from all these different perspectives. And then me with my background, and we talked about solutions as well. And so we try to take it from kind of this whole 360. And then I have clips of different whistleblowers and segments with different people. And then Bill Benny, which he’s a very key guy.
Bill Benny, I have a bonus video with him that he created because he’s on his targeting and how he’s been targeted and how it’s. Bill Benny was part of the whistleblowing team about the NSA. He’s the one who came out and ratted out the NSA. Is he not for sure? Yes, he was. And I got to know Bill Benny quite well, before COVID and before all that, and we were diving into that with thin thread. That’s what he brought out. But he talked about the hammer and scorecard and how they’re manipulating our elections through that. Now, that isn’t something we talked about in this series, but it could have been.
I mean, it’s just, it’s very broad. But he talks about more of his personal how he’s being targeted. The reason I have a segment on targeted individuals is because the targeted individuals have been used as the guinea pigs to build up this program. And that’s an important thing for people to realize. When you start talking to targeted individuals, there’s a spectrum of, from very credible to. They look like they’re crazy, you know, and to be fair to these people, maybe some of them are. I don’t know. But the majority of them who have been in these programs and targeted for so long, their goal in some of these cases is to literally make that person crazy.
And so it undermines them being able to bring this information forward in a credible manner because they just look nuts. You know, that speaks to the title of your series, mind control. It’s absolute mind control. Mind control. That’s right. That’s absolutely right. But it’s very real. It’s true. It’s happening, and we have the proof to show it. And I have clips from different neuroscientists talking to West Point faculty on what some of the capabilities are and how far this has come. It should be pretty eye opening. One of the examples I use, and I love this example because I think it shows, from a practical standpoint, really where they’re at and what they’re doing.
I mean, Covid should have woke people up. Covid was an operation, and it very much incorporated all the aspects of this 360 psyop that we experienced. But let me talk about the Iraq war back in the early nineties. That was a 361 of the first really documented 360 psyops that we encountered. Find a 360 psyop first? Yeah, well, 360 psyop, and that’s what I was about, is the combination of psyops and operations that you visibly see that we’re used to. I kind of created the term 360 psyop. I just came up with that because I didn’t know how else to describe it.
It’s the psyops that we’re normally used to from media, from rumors, from social media, just things that we see and that we can visibly experience. And then the other part is the hidden part of the psyop. And that’s the voice to skull. That’s the message, the subliminal messages. That’s the energy body stuff that you’re talking about. Right? So Iraq war was a very well documented 360 psi, and that was, what, 30 some years ago, 35 years ago now where they actually put it into operation. So we had a. I apologize. I have somebody working here today.
I have. We have. The Iraq war had 87,000 soldiers that surrendered during that operation. And they did a combination of sending, what do you call it? Fliers out from planes doing rumors, doing all the things that you would see. Like you were saying how they manipulate if we go to war or how they do an operation, a psyop, against the people in that country, right? That’s all the traditional stuff that they did. Okay? Telling them that they needed to surrender. You’re surrounded. You have no chance of winning. If you surrender, we will provide for you. You won’t die.
If you don’t surrender, you’re going to be mass slaughtered. I mean, all sorts of things, right? Then they did the voice of skull where they actually sent a voice to their heads that told them that Allah wants them because they’re very religious people. Allah wants you to surrender. If you don’t surrender, you’ll die. You need to surrender. So I don’t know exactly the messages that they sent, but that’s essentially what people, the whistleblowers, which I do have some whistleblowers are saying. And so that’s an example that 87,000 soldiers. And I kind of think that was a good use of some of that because our military capability was so much more advanced than theirs that they probably would have been slaughtered.
And it was a narrow goal to defeat their enemy, to defeat their forces for a political agenda. It wasn’t what we’re dealing with now. And so they got. I’m glad you brought up Allah, because in many ways, religion is a psyop is a mind control game, isn’t that? It is depending on how they use it. I mean, if it’s not there to liberate you, it’s not there to free you, it’s not there to tell you to go look for truth. When people tell you you shouldn’t be looking at something because the Bible says you can’t look at that and you shouldn’t be looking.
Learning about that, that is, to me, that triggers me and says, that’s not what it’s about. You’re confining me and keeping me oppressed and not learning about something. And then there’s a divide and conquer aspect. They divide us using religion. And so to me, it’s a big. I had this conversation with my dad in college about he came to campus and we sat in a room with my friends. And my dad was not into religion. He thought it was a crutch. He thought it was a psy up. He thought it was mind control. So we didn’t really practice Judaism because he wasn’t into it at all.
Now into the heritage. When you have aunts and uncles with numbers burned on their arm, you understand where you come from. They were in concentration. But, yeah, I guess I’m blessed. I had a dad that he understood the central banking system. The only dad in the neighborhood that would talk about these things, by the way. He would talk about the federal reserve and the nefarious nature of the dollar and all those things. But back to your. It changes you. Yeah, it does. It sure does. I’m very blessed to have that influence. Back to your documentary series.
Well, yes. So the 360 sia. So the iraqi war is a perfect backdrop for this. Okay, so then you zoom up to the COVID one. And we saw all the obvious ones. We saw the. The mass media just lying and putting on there all the deaths every day, you know, and then lying and exaggerating and just. We saw it. I mean, it’s been covered ad nauseam, right? We all know how bad that Psyop was. But what people don’t realize there was another invisible psyop. They were sending subliminal messages. People were hearing things like, go get your shot.
If you don’t, you’re gonna, you know, your neighbor’s gonna die. There was. They. It was. It’s hard to get to the actual numbers of how many people were getting these subliminal messages, how many people were getting the, you know, the frequency sent to. It was not so subliminal. It was not so subliminal on tv, right. Every personality on tv, every personality in Hollywood was saying, you got to get the shot. You’re a bad person if you don’t. Right. So they made. That’s the visible psych in the 360. And then the invisible stuff is the other part that I’m talking about where people were getting these messages, these voices and this weird stuff.
And it’s hard to measure. We have enough to know that it was happening. We just don’t know how widespread it was because it’s hard, right, until the whistleblowers come out and tell us exactly so we can understand how widespread it was. And that’s why I like to use the Iraq war because it’s very well documented and we know when we come back, I continue my conversation with Sarah Westall as we talk about some solutions to the fifth generation warfare. Y’all stay, don’t go away. As sovereign radio returns after a short break. Now back to the sovereign radio studios and a man that has spent 35 years inside mainstream media and now exposes their agenda, Scotty Sacks.
Welcome back to our third segment this week of sovereign radio. I’m your host, Scotty Sacks. There’s no time to waste, so let’s roll. Here’s my third and final part of my conversation with Sarah Westall. So this 360 Psyop is, and again, I just came up with its term. I didn’t even use it in the ten part series, which I should have, but I should have because afterwards I’m like, it’s very suggestive of what it is. And I’ll tell you why I think it’s a great name, because everything they’re doing ties back into this mind control Psy.
That’s right. In the fifth generation warfare, including the jab, big part of it, right? Absolutely. Yeah. Maybe my next ten part series will be called 365 the Jab. Yeah, because, well, I mean, we talk about the Internet of bodies. We talk about some of the nanobots. We don’t dive into it. We talk about it in different parts in the series. We don’t go deep into that because it’s not even entirely necessary to understand what it is that we’re dealing with, that they have this mind control agenda going on. The nanobots is just another tech, another way to try to be more efficient of doing this.
You know, it’s just more, it’s more of, and so it’s, I mean, there’s so many elements to this, and so it’s important that people understand it’s just more sophisticated technology to get to what it is that they’re trying to do. Really. You know, as your trailer suggests, the way you produce that trailer, it’s a bit ominous. It’s a bit, you know, there’s something very nefarious going on from the trailer. Is there any good that comes from their agenda? Is there anything good about it? Well, I truly believe that they think it’s good, altruistic. They want to.
Oh, yeah. For their agenda. But we, the people, the average citizen walking around in the United States, is there any benefit or any good to this? Well, I would say that some of the technology can be used as a benefit. The mind control stuff you can use it where they actually take over another person’s body. There’s this possession experiment where somebody actually is in one area and the other person’s in the other area, and they actually can move the person’s limbs for them. And that’s an example where if they’re on the battlefield and they need to do surgery and they don’t have the robot surgeon that could do it, it, they could take over another soldier’s body and do the surgery for them on the field, things like that.
Or paraplegics. They can do things where the paraplegic can, with just their mind, they can control cursors, they can control things. They could get into an avatar type body and live normally just with their mind. So there are some things that possibly could be a lot better. It’s just if you’re going to use this for nefarious purposes, the technology is so incredibly powerful that if we don’t have people who aren’t mentally sane in positions that have access to it, we’re in trouble. We need to re understand, reshape what our society is based on, mental health, and really bring these ethics.
I mean, the whole world has changed. This is one of the things that I said at the red pill Expo is that the biggest companies in the world are all big tech companies. We’ve never had companies the size that we have now. Google, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and behind. If you really look at what they’re doing, they’re all doing these kinds of things. And the only company that is like a traditional, 20 years ago, Saudi Aramco, the oil company, and they’re not even the largest. They’re like third. Yeah. And the other industries that are big, automotive, military, they’re using the technology.
So it all comes back to the technology. Well, they are you. They are using it, but they’re still, like, down at 20. Now, they’re not in the top 15 companies. You know, everybody’s using the whole world. This is what I was saying at the Red Pill Expo. The whole world has changed from 20 years ago, what you used to think was regular geopolitics and how warfare is done and all this stuff, it’s all changed. We have to look at it from a different perspective, and the world is different, and we have to, unfortunately, we have to up our game.
We have to fight this differently. We need whistleblowers coming out inside these operations. We need neurosciences coming out and saying, this is what’s going on. We need protection for the civilians, and we need to operate differently. Guys, it’s not just the whole world doesn’t always have to be a fricking war. It’s not always a battlefield. We need to change our mindsets. But that’s what we’re living in now. You know, if they wanted us to understand it and use it correctly, they would be teaching, they’d have some kind of education process. As it stands, you have to go out proactively and seek out the education and pay for it.
There’s no free lunch. Tony Robbins and Dean Graciosa just released an AI training. Believe it or not, they’ve incorporated into their info products. The whole world is using AI in some nefarious, some, I think, for the good. And as you know, our business is using it now, and our backend and our web guys using it, but all for good, for good marketing applications. Well, yeah, and AI, a lot of AI is just language models. I don’t consider, I mean, we were doing that back in the early nineties. I don’t consider most of what’s going on as AI, but it depends on what you consider AI.
It’s fine. There are, there are a. But it doesn’t have to be super sophisticated software in order to be really dangerous. I mean, most of this is language chat, GPT, most of that is just a big language model. It’s really cool. It can do a lot of stuff that’s really powerful. And so it doesn’t matter what you call all this stuff, but it’s, to me, it’s not the sentient being stuff. It’s not like it’s taking over and being able to. That is, I almost think that stuff is a Psyop because people who understand AI, my daughter has a computer science degree.
First thing her AI professor said is everything you’re learning in the media and all that, because it’s all B’s. And I’m like, I’m glad he knows it. He says it. Yeah, yeah. You got a good professor, Alexis. And because that’s the, it’s frustrating for those of us who’ve been in this field. It’s like, oh, it’s not, but that’s okay, because at the very edge of it, when you really get into sophisticated data models, it can be really scary how advanced that stuff can get. It can get really scary when you consider we didn’t hear the term fake news until 2016, and they’ve been fake news since the forties of.
So it’s a long time they’ve been out there, and as a psyop, as a part of their mind control game. The media, Hollywood, even professional sports. Now, Sarah is part of their mind control game because why you go to a hockey game, it’s LGBTQ night. Now. I’m a big hockey fan, but I’m sorry I left the game when I found out. I walked in and there was the flags, and the players in their warm up jerseys had the hockey players. Are you kidding me? And there were some. There were some players not. There were some players that sat out.
They said they won’t participate in it. But hockey’s not that because they’re forced to do it. Because I’m in. I live in Minnesota, and I grew up playing hockey. It’s not into coaching. I coach for a long time. There’s nothing about hockey that should be wrapped around politics, nothing about it that well. But it’s not even the culture. It’s very interesting. Maybe those in the women’s game, you’ll get a little bit of that. But it’s just. It’s so not the culture. They’re just. Yeah. They’re not into that. They’re playing the sport well. I understood why they hit baseball and football and basketball.
The mainstream. You know, hockey’s not as popular, but when hit. When it hit the ice rink. I went to Chicago black. I’m a Blackhawks fan. I grew up in Chicago. I went to a Blackhawks game against the Dallas Stars, and the players are skating around the ice. Every player that was on the ice had the. The pride flag on their jersey. And I’m like, I’m leaving. I can’t. I can’t watch this. This is too much. Well, and that’s an example of a movement that was co opted that should have been good. I mean, we just. People can do what they want.
Right. I’m a libertarian, and mine more liberty. So I’m like, yeah. And then they co opted and turned it into something else because that’s an example, and it’s really sad. I don’t know any citizen, journalist, conservative, truther that cares what people do in their bedroom. I don’t know one who cares. Who has a problem with LGBTQ community? I have none. You have none. We have a problem with the way the politics, the media, the psyop behind it. That’s our problem. The diversity equity, inclusion agenda is the problem, not diversity, equity, inclusion itself. Right. It’s the whole way beautiful.
Yeah. The inclusion and diversity. Okay. That’s beautiful. It’s way wonderful. Yeah. And that’s. And the problem why it’s so dividing is because there’s people that see that as wonderful, which it is. And they don’t see the psyop on it. So it’s people, the people who see it as wonderful, going, you don’t believe in this. You are bigot. You’re awful. No, we believe in it. Just we don’t like the siop. And so they don’t understand that’s that disconnect. And that’s why I zoomed out and said, oh, my God, this is all just a nightmare. We got to really look at this from a different perspective.
What is your goal with this ten part series? Obviously, you want to educate the people. What would you hope happens from this? Well, I think, first of all, people need to become situationally aware of what’s going on. I would like to see, well, people, there’s a whole solutions at the end of what you can do with your own body and things because you can be more vulnerable, ways that you can make yourself less vulnerable, and then things that you can do to help others be less vulnerable. But I also would like to see a challenge to those within the system who have the scientists, the engineers, the people who have the skill sets that can come out and help come up with solutions, who can push back internally in the system.
They’re the soldiers creating these things. They need to stop creating it mindlessly, and they need to realize what it is that they’re doing and help join the fight to stop it and build it in ways that are productive for humanity. But create a structure of ethics around where this should go and where it shouldn’t go and how we shouldn’t be used as pawns and fodder in this game. So we need the whistleblowers to come out. We need the scientists, engineers. We need the leaders in society to come out and say, wait a minute, this isn’t what I’m for.
Because, you know, billionaires, just because you’re a billionaire, just because you have hundreds of millions, does not mean that you’re part of that elite class, right? There are, there are billionaires who have want nothing to do with that elite class, of course, for sure. You know, I’m glad to hear you say solutions, because we who create content, we’ve been talking about the problems, what’s wrong for years. It’s time we move to solutions. Thanks to Sarah Westall. And you can find her documentary mind control and fifth generation warfare@brightonuniversity.com. brighteonuniversity.com. And Brighton is spelled Brigham. So check out Sarah’s mind control and fifth generation warfare documentary@pryteonuniversity.com.
when we come back, we’ll talk about the I want my health back movement with Sean McDonald from magic diecall. Find out how I rid my body of neuropathy and high blood pressure. As sovereign radio returns after a short break, we are in a spiritual war. Now back to the man on a mission to explain why God wins. Scotty Sachs, welcome back to Sovereign radio. I’m your host, Scotty Sachs. As you may recall, in December of 2023, I was sent some products that changed my life and I got my health back. I was told to give the products 20 to 30 weeks to relieve the pain and stinging and burning in my feet from neuropathy and lower my blood pressure.
Well, the man that sent me those products and told me to give it 20 to 30 weeks was the president of the distributor of the magic dye call products. His name is Richard Presser. And boy was Richard wrong. And only took six weeks for me to see complete relief from my neuropathy and lower my blood pressure. So next up, I want you to hear all about these products again. And I want to talk about the I want my health back movement that is going viral coast to coast. This time we’ll hear from Sean McDonald, the general manager of Magic Dye.
Call the distributor of nanosoma spray, the metasomar topical gel, and the tel Marais natural facial skin cream. Here’s my conversation with Sean McDonald. Sean, good to have you on sovereign radio. Scott, thank you. It’s a thrill to be here. I’m happy to spend some time with you and talk about these wonderful products. So yes, indeed, they’re quite wonderful. And I want to remind my audience of my own personal experience with the magic Dicol line of products. In December of 2023, I was sent a starter pack and a couple extra bottles of the spray and used the product as prescribed by the good folks at Magic Dicol.
Five sprays four times a day. I was told, by the way that I should be prepared to use the products two to three weeks for every year I had neuropathy. So that would have been 20 to 30 weeks, folks. The reality is by February of 2024, six weeks in my neuropathy was gone. I’m happy to report it’s never come back. Now, my feet still are numb, but the stinging and burning, I don’t spend any time thinking about that anymore. That was the constant nagging pain that was the result of my neuropathy was the stinging and burning in my feet.
And it became quite annoying. After a decade, it wasn’t a day that went by where I couldn’t help but think about it. At some point in the day, whether I was meditating or had some downtime in the car, it would always cross my mind. So the benefits of these products, the way they help our bodies, the miracle machines of our body heal themselves, its just quite amazing. Six weeks in my neuropathy, pain has been gone for good. Lowered my blood pressure ten points. I use the gel on cuts and burns and ive even put it on a toothache, which surprises people that I put the gel in my mouth.
But Sean will explain why thats no problem. You can digest these products. I think theyre Sean wasnt the FDA patent in a food category. FDA considers it a food which is in a classification called grass gras and that means generally recognized as safe. So they have no need to be regulated yet they’re very natural, very, very safe products. You can’t overdose on magic Dyco. There’s no, there’s no too much of the product, that’s for sure. It’s just the only consideration using the product. Of course, they don’t send it, they don’t ship for free. You have to buy it.
So it’s the only consideration when you’re using the product. For most people, that is the only consideration. But when you start out, if you use the product the way it’s instructed, you will achieve a certain degree of result. For some people like myself, it was very quickly and it doesn’t always impact the physical condition you want it to. Right. Sean, could you explain how the product works and why it works? Let’s start there. Sure. So we have three products. First of all, in the Magic Dicol family of products, we have the core foundation product, which is called nanosoma.
Nanosoma is a liquid spray. As you already said earlier, your startup routine was five sprays in the mouth four times a day. And that is how we recommend people start, especially people dealing with active of concerns. The regular use, once you’ve used it for a short period of time and you’ve got things moving in a positive direction in your body, we recommend five sprays once a day. That’s a 30 day supply. Nanosoma is the foundation product. Then we have the metasomer topical gel, as you talked about, using the gel on cuts and bruises and all that.
I call that product my first aid kit in a bottle because it truly is remarkable how it helps the body heal itself rapidly. We see rapid wound healing, all kinds of positive outcomes. When you use it topically. The gel is the same formulation as nanosoma liquid spray with the addition of edible xanthan gum. This simply makes it into a gel texture so it’s easily applied to skin topically, and it stays that. You can easily spray nanosomal liquidity on your skin and you’ll get a good result. It’s the consistency of water. It’s going to roll right off, which is why we developed the gel.
And then we have the medisomer telomerase, natural skin cream. This is a different product. This is a water based moisturizer cream. It’s quite luxurious. People who use this product absolutely love it. And I’m not surprised. There is a beautiful vanilla incent that comes from organic vanilla beans from Madagascar. So it is a natural cosmetic moisturizer cream. Most people use it as a face cream. You can use it on your hands, you can use it anywhere. Yet the skin on our face, for example, is different than skin on our arms or other places. It’s much softer, so on and so forth.
And so the moisturizer cream is wonderful for that use. And as we talk about what these products prompt the body to do, one of the patents across all three of these products is the active ingredient. The patented name is metadichol. It is a nano emulsion of polycosanol. Polycosanol is a series of long chain lipid alcohols found in food. It’s also one of the first things eliminated when you cook or refined food. Our bodies have been without this in any meaningful amount for ages, since we’ve been cooking and refining food. There are some foods that have higher concentrations of this.
For example, sugar cane has high concentrations of this polycosanol. Unrefined rice as well, has it. It’s actually a little bit of a waxy substance. So the fact that doctor Raghavan, or raghu, as we call him, was able to stabilize this molecule at, in what is called a nano emulsion, which is a reference to size. So he’s got, he’s taken this molecule and stabilized it at a size that is less than 60 nm. That’s about half the size of a virus, because it is so small. When this comes into contact with our bodies, either orally, like the spray, or topically, this active ingredient penetrates our cells, gets inside our cells, and our bodies wake up at the cellular level and begin to do things they forgot to do over millennia.
In fact, there are several patents on this product, on metadichol. One of the patents is that when it’s present in our bodies, our bodies begin producing endogenous vitamin C, which is the basis of our immunity and so many other positive outcomes to our well being. So, for example, the face cream, when you use that on your skin, on your face, your skin’s cells begin producing natural vitamin C. Well, vitamin C is what builds collagen. And collagen, of course, is what tightens infirmity skin. So we see people experience fine lines and wrinkles starting to go away, age spots starting to fade, and sometimes very, very quickly.
This product, across all three of these individual products, this active ingredient prompts our bodies to clear what does not represent optimal health. So toxins, parasites, bacteria, viruses, all, all of these things, the body clears them. Heavy metals clears all of it. So we’ve had people experience, when they’re using the face cream, some people will experience a little mild heat in their skin. That’s simply your body getting rid of the toxins that are in our skin and in our skin cells. And it clears pretty quick. It’s not uncomfortable, but you start seeing your skin becoming more youthful.
It’s really a beautiful product. Yeah, let me just. Those are the three products. So it’s the propulsion of nano emulsion here. I love it. That works. And, Sean, explain that again. What is the polycosanol actually doing to mediate with our bodies? So, think of this nano emulsion of polycosanol. And by the way, before I go any further, I do really want to say that these products do not treat, cure, or heal anything. They simply prompt our bodies to take care of themselves in ways we just haven’t been able to imagine. It’s very important to understand that our bodies themselves are doing the work.
So this nano emulsion of polycosanol is a tool that the body takes in. It gets into our cells, and the body begins to do things in remarkable ways. For example, we often use the analogy that the body wakes up and starts doing a triage of what’s not correct from a health perspective. And the body begins to correct things that are out of balance. Ultimately, over time, the body brings itself into homeostasis, which is representation of perfect health, optimal health. Now, that timeline is unique, and it’s different for everyone. A path to wellness is a journey, and everyone’s journey is unique.
What we find is that people who are using nanosoma as the primary, the foundation that’s sort of working from the inside out, and the topical products are working at that external level, helping with skin issues and so on and so forth. So the body basically is conducting a triage of what’s not correct from a health perspective. And the body will choose what it wants to correct first. And the patterns we see is that the more life threatening issues tend to get dealt and with first and then move on down the line from there. Let’s talk about I want my health back.
We’re really, in effect, in the process of creating a movement. Sean, how do you put the products at the center of a movement? It’s very rare where you see products like this. Now, there are other products on the market that help the body to heal, that prompt the body to heal, but these are certainly the most effective I’ve ever seen or used. Ive used a lot of supplements, by the way. I do supplement my diet with fields of green. Its a powdered substance that gives you your vegetables and fruits. So, and I dont sell that product.
So im not marketing it. Im just telling the facts. I use that as a supplement to my diet and good eating, good health between proper nutrition and these products. Sean, the point, the point here is, is people are taking their health back, are they not? That is correct. And, you know, the whole idea behind I want my health back is a movement, because we can, we have access to the tools that allow us to do that. And, you know, we are here to help people come into health balance. That’s why doctor Raghavan has developed these. You know, he spent a career as an organic chemist in the pharmaceutical industry, and he was led to pursue a path of development of a natural product that would prompt the body to heal itself of everything.
And he has achieved that with nanosoma and then the topical gel and finally the skin cream. So, you know, it’s a beautiful thing to be a part of. For me, it’s an honor to help bring these products to the world, to help help talk to people about them, to help people take their health back. I think what we’ve seen, and, Scott, you would probably have seen this at a much higher level than I have. But I think since 2020, there’s been a significant shift in how people view their wellness and their path to wellness. And they want options.
People want natural solutions, and they exist. And these products, I believe, are at the pinnacle of that. And so if, you know, if people truly do want to take their health back, that’s why we’re here. That’s why we started this movement. I want my health back. Thanks to Sean McDonald. And you can join the I want my health back movement at I want my healthback.com sr. Get your starter pack now for 15% off and get your health back. That’s. I want my health back.com dot forward slash Sr. Sr. Is the promotion code for sovereign radio. Please help support the show.
Go to. I want my healthback.com forward Slash Sr. I want to close the show by thanking you, our valuable listeners on our Texas radio station affiliates and the grassroots Warrior Network. And if you miss the show on the weekend on any of our radio station affiliates, you can listen to some sovereign radio 24/7@sovereignradio.com that’s sovereignradio.com. that’s all the time we have on Sovereign radio. Stay in prayer for our nation. Go perform a random act of kindness this weekend and give someone your love a big hug. You’ve been listening to sovereign radio. See you next week. This is Scotty Sachs, over and out.