Economic Collapse? Government Coverup about Economy 800K+ Jobs w/ Mises Scholar Njoya

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âž¡ The article discusses the issues of wealth inequality and the potential benefits of inhale oxygenated water for athletic endurance. It also delves into political topics, including the debate between capitalism and communism, and the potential consequences of certain legislative changes. The author warns about the dangers of communism and the importance of private property rights. Lastly, the article features an interview with a scholar from the Mises Institute discussing the economy and the false promises made by governments.
âž¡ The text discusses the differences between political parties, focusing on their economic policies. It criticizes the idea that there’s no difference between the parties, arguing that one party’s policies are more favorable to free markets. The text also criticizes the focus on intentions rather than the effectiveness of policies, and suggests that policies claiming to help the poor often don’t, as they focus on relative poverty and income gaps rather than actual poverty.
âž¡ This text discusses the issues of inequality and poverty, arguing that they can’t be solved by socialist measures like giving money or controlling prices. The real causes of poverty, such as lack of education and unstable family circumstances, aren’t addressed by these solutions. The text also criticizes the government’s use of legislation and promises of free money to gain votes, suggesting this is a form of communism. It concludes by expressing concern about the extreme measures being taken and the difficulty of convincing people of the seriousness of the situation.
âž¡ People are hopeful about Kamala Harris’s policies, but there’s concern about the truthfulness of these policies. The text also discusses the misconceptions about capitalism, arguing that a free market can correct exploitative behavior and reduce racism. It suggests that government intervention in markets often leads to negative outcomes, such as bailouts for failing banks. The text also argues that a free market can help address racial discrimination, as businesses that hire overlooked groups can outperform their competitors.
âž¡ The text discusses the success of a skilled black division of pilots and how their excellence became a model for other industries. It also touches on the misuse of government power and the military-industrial complex, suggesting that if laws were properly enforced and money was managed responsibly, unnecessary wars could be avoided. The speaker also mentions their work on the Mises website, which focuses on liberty and economics. Lastly, the text warns about the health risks of electromagnetic fields from Wi-Fi and devices, recommending EMF protection devices for safety.


Look at all these people who are not billionaires. That’s a problem. We’ve got this gap and we have to fix it. So that’s the first thing. There isn’t a problem. They’re just looking at inequality, at gaps in income and wealth. Well, we’ll always have gaps. I mean, there’s no way, unless you’re running a communist system where everybody has exactly the same amount because the state decides how much everybody is allowed to have and equalizes everyone. Unless you do that, you will always have inequality. So that’s the first thing. The second point, even if you stipulate a level of poverty, because some people would say, well, poverty has to be relative.

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I’m just gonna throw my hands up. Nothing matters anymore. I come from Minnesota, where walls is. They raise the budget here by 40 plus percent. In one year, they changed the definition of protected sexual orientation, where minor attracted adults are now a protected sexual orientation. They removed the benefits for poor women, poor pregnant women, women to get help when they’re pregnant, while they increase the services in the poor communities for abortion. And you can get abortion up to the last minute, and they don’t have to recitate the child if it’s born. And alive, they can just let it die.

They no longer track stats. Doctors no longer have to do the surgeries in the third month. It is the most extreme stuff. They also wall set up a snitch line. You guys have to understand what we’re dealing with here. This is the extreme legislation going to come for you. People are saying that there’s no difference between Trump. Trump is awful and Vance is JD, Vance is awful and they’re all awful. It’s like, okay, they’re not. I agree that there’s some awful things there that you might want, you might not like, but this is full blown communism and they’re going to go flying towards it.

So you either decide that we have a chance or we have no chance at all. And I give up. And the other thing about going towards the Trump situation and voting in that direction, there are people down the line that you will be supporting, people at your local level that can help you fight the UCC weaponization that’s going to take your home. If there is a bankruptcy at your bank or there’s a collapse, they weaponize the UCC code. So no longer are you in first position, you are now in second position, and the bank can take, let’s say you have a million dollar home.

You’ve spent your entire life paying that sucker off. You have 800,000 of it paid off. You owe 200,000. They’re in first position now, you aren’t. They take the entire home and you lose everything that you’ve worked for. You have legislators who are still willing to fight that. You need to find those in your state and help them fight that. You bring in the Communist Party and they want to take the home from you. That’s in their agenda. They don’t think private property is your right. So you want people, and it tends to be on the republican side as much as you don’t like them, who actually still believe in private property.

These are the basic issues, the things that we used to think were just basic issues, things that we used to appreciate and american values, our basic values that you think as a Democrat, you think as an independent that they still have for you. They don’t. They want to take all of your private property. They want you to have nothing. And that’s what the communist utopia is. That’s how serious these people are. And they’re saying it with a smile on their face, like they care and they’re nice. I’m telling you, you got to look at what the difference of this legislation is and understand what it means.

So when you hear all these pundits out there saying there’s not a difference, and let it burn to the ground, understand that burning it to the ground is a marxist playbook. They want to burn it down and build it up the way they want. That’s what the great reset was. You know what why they’re getting millions of views on YouTube? Because behind the scenes, they’re communists. They’re helping them bring in this communist agenda. So you need to decide where you stand. Do you think that your home is worth saving? Do you care that we don’t want to be a communist country, that we have individual rights and freedoms? I mean, if you have the basic american values, you don’t want to support the walls Harris thing, because that’s where they’re going towards, trust me.

Look at the legislation in Minnesota. That’s what they’ve been putting into place. Okay, so I have my guest today. She’s from the Mises Institute. She’s going to talk about capitalism, and we’re going to talk about the downfalls, too. So this is a really great conversation. I hope you get a lot out of it. Once again, this is one juru joya from the Mises Institute. Hi, Wonjuru. Welcome to the program. Thanks for having me. Well, I’m excited to have you. I know you’re a fellow with the Mises Institute, and you are. It’s right up our alley on what’s going on.

The economy. You know, they’re really trying to push communism right there. It’s incredible. And all these price structures, you know, of controlling prices, and it is crazy. I mean, I live in Minnesota, so I come from this. The walls, horrible communists. They’re trying to bring in communism. They raised the budget by 40 plus percent in our state. I mean, that’s how bad this is. And people have no idea what’s coming for them. Can we first talk about how they have lied about the numbers? Right? So they lie about the numbers because they make promises that they absolutely cannot keep.

So they say, we’re going to create jobs. That’s the, that’s where it starts. They promise to create jobs. And then after a while, they say, look, we created a million jobs that they didn’t actually create, and now the numbers are out, over 800,000 jobs that they said they created that don’t exist. It’s just numbers pulled out of thin air so that people will say bidenomics is working. They just wide right. And people know. They just lied. They just lie. And then they say it’s an error. And I think a lot of people have pointed out that that is not an error.

You wouldn’t accidentally claim to have created almost a million jobs that don’t exist. An error would be a few here and there. You miscounted, you miscalculated. So it’s a lie that’s designed to support the previous lies that they told about being able to create jobs. A government cannot create jobs. They can’t just create jobs out of thin air. So the promise itself makes no sense. It’s not surprising they have to tell lies to cover up the vacuousness of the promises they made. And the same will happen with them now saying, we’re promising to help everybody get a home, to become a homeowner.

We’re promising to ensure that everyone can afford their groceries. They’re making false promises, and then they have to create lies to cover up the false promises. Yeah. Giving somebody $25,000 for their home, all it’s going to do is increase the homes across the board by 25,000. Right. I mean, it’s pretty much proven that this is what happens. Absolutely. And then lies feed the need for more lies. I mean, that’s how communism unfolds. That’s why it leads to tyranny. It’s because each lie you tell leads to the need for more lies. So, for example, they’ll say $25,000 to get a home, and then the prices predictably will go up.

And then they say, oh, we have to have price caps. They’ll say, we’re not allowing homeowners to, you know, to profiteer, as they put it, so they’ll have price caps on that. And then, predictably, people won’t sell their homes. So there’ll be shortages of homes. And then they make more promises. We’re going to build homes for everyone. They can’t do the things they promise to do. That’s why communism always ends in tyranny, because it gets to the point they realize we can’t force people to do anything. So they start saying off to the gulag until you do as I say, because they’ve run out of options.

You can only lie. Yeah, you can only lie up to a point. Well, in walls state, they were doing snitch lines and they were getting close to doing that kind of level of tyranny here. Absolutely. They’re forced into it by their lies building on each other. That’s why it’s so shocking to see the lies they told about the unemployment figures, because when a government is at that level of lying, that actually starts to become quite dangerous. Yes, absolutely, it does. Now, a lot, there’s a lot of rhetoric out there that says there’s no difference between the two parties.

Right. And at a philosophical level, I can see that there are some, a lot of similarities. When it comes to war, it comes to a lot of these things. But when it comes to economics, there really is a big difference. Yes, there is. So let’s talk about that, because all these people that claim there isn’t a are, they’re talking out of their behind. They have no clue, and I’m a living proof of that, what’s happening in the state. So what can you talk about what the policy differences are and how that’ll affect people’s lives? Okay, just before I get into that, I just want to give an example that shows that absolutely the difference is it’s a very important difference if you look at the UK at the moment.

So there was a conservative government for 14 years and they were following all these interventionist policies. And people said they’re so interventionist, we might as well have a socialist government. What difference does it make? They’re interventionist anyway. So they, you know, they were doing things like raising taxes. They even wanted to have to increase capital gains tax. They wanted to introduce taxes on, you know, just all kinds of new taxes. People said, that’s what socialists do. We might as well have a socialist government go there. Yeah. Yeah, why not? They said, you know, you have a socialist government, at least that way people can see them for.

So now they have a socialist government. And you’ve seen the news in the last few weeks, people on the streets, buildings on fire. It’s turning into a police state. You know, people are being just arrested and jailed for their posts. They wrote on Twitter, for posts they wrote on Facebook, private WhatsApp, they’re all in jail. People are starting to realize, well, okay, maybe it doesn’t make a difference. You know, it does. It does make a decision. Now, that is sad that the side that’s supposed to be for small government, supposed to be for reducing taxes and freedom, has moved so far towards socialism that you can’t tell the difference.

But they think they can until they really put a really socialist communist situation. And they’re like, oh, my God, they’re just going to go on super drive in that direction. Now. They’re not happy about the other party because they’re not moving it backwards, but they’re not going to go full speed ahead either. Yeah, I haven’t read Trump’s policies. But I know that he’s been talking about reducing taxes. You know, the rhetoric that’s coming from him shows, I would summarize it as trusting people to make the right decisions, trusting businessmen to know their own costs, to know their own profit margins, and not to think that that’s for government to dictate to them, because that’s what Kamala Harris was saying.

She said, you know, I’ll allow grocery stores to cover their costs and I’ll allow them to have a reasonable amount of profit. She’s got no idea what their costs are. She’s saying she’ll allow them. She’s got no idea what their costs are. She’s got no idea what, what counts as a reasonable profit. I mean, if they’ve got between one and 3% profit margins, what does she think is reasonable for them, for God’s sake? Exactly. So I think in that sense, people are saying, you could say neither party is ideal, but Trump’s policies are better because they’re more favorable to free markets.

And that counts for a lot. It does count for a lot. And so I am getting a little bit disheartened because I’m watching people claim to be conservatives or they claim to be independents, just saying there’s no difference between either party. Kind of like what happened in England, there’s no difference. So what does it matter? And then they end up learning what the difference truly is, and they end up helping the exact thing they claim to be fighting. I call it helplessness. Yeah. I don’t know what it is, because I’ve noticed this in general, that conservatives, they’re very critical of Trump on all sorts of measures.

They’ll criticize him for things that the left never criticizes their candidates for. So just to give an example, they were criticizing him for not focusing enough on policy. So they said, well, you need to focus on policy. Say things about Kamala Harris, because that’s a personal attack. You should just criticize her policies. Well, she didn’t say what her policies were other than say it’s on purpose, probably, but there’s nothing to criticize her about. Keep going. Yeah. And also, she’s planning to surprise everyone with her policies later. I’m sure. I’m sure she is. It’s like, vote for her and you’ll find out what her policies are.

But, yeah, I think a lot of people don’t realize what’s at stake. Well, I also think that people are so shy, kind of, it’s so dumb because they’re like, I’m nicer I care more about you. And so that’s what they’re going to vote for instead of, I will reduce your taxes. I won’t create a tyranny. I won’t raise your budget by 40 plus percent like Walz did. They’re just like, oh, you seem nicer. People think that intentions counts for a lot, and they don’t realize intentions count for nothing. I mean, this is one point that the economist Walter Williams used to make frequently, that you should evaluate a policy by reference to whether it’s going to work, not by reference to its intentions.

People think the intentions matter, you know, so Kamala Harris says, I want everyone to be able to buy food for their families. I want them to be able to go into the grocery store and not feel frustrated because they can’t afford food. And then people think, well, that’s brilliant. Well, no, it’s not. You know, it’s just, it’s just empty words. It means nothing. What’s her policy? She says she’s going to fix prices. Well, how’s she going to do that? She says she’s going to allow cost. She doesn’t know what the costs are. I mean, even the industry themselves will tell you the costs are unpredictable.

You can’t ask them today what will be your costs for the coming year. Can you tell me your costs so I can allow that? They can’t even tell you precisely what the costs are themselves. That’s why business is risky, because you can’t pin down your costs. If you could, it wouldn’t be risky. You would just say, here are my fixed costs, here’s my fixed income, and there’d be no risk involved. So, but nobody asks her when she says, I will allow them a reasonable profit. Nobody says, how will you determine what’s a reasonable profit? They don’t question her and her policies because they’re so beguiled by her good motives.

And now she started talking about joy. Everyone’s going to be so happy. That’s going to be brilliant. That’s all. You were going to be happy. You know, you, you’ll own nothing and be happy, right? Exactly. Okay, so let’s talk about the poor. You know, they always claim to talk about how they care about the poor, but it doesn’t seem like their policies ever help the poor other than giving them handouts. You know, they, instead of teaching someone how to fish, they just give them a bunch of fish. They run out of it and they’re still poor.

So what is wrong with those policies? And why is it that even though they claim to be for the poor, the poor are always worse off year after year. Yeah, good question. So I think there’s two main things. First, when they say the poor, they don’t mean the poor. They are looking at inequality and gaps, income gaps. So they’re looking at, they’re looking at relative poverty, I guess you could say it in that sense. So they’re saying, well, let’s compare. They measure all kinds of income measures. They look at levels of taxation. They measure the racial gap in income, the racial gap in wealth.

So that’s what they have in mind when they talk about poverty. They’re saying, well, look at all these people who are not billionaires. That’s a problem. We’ve got this gap and we have to fix it. So that’s the first thing. There isn’t a problem. They’re just looking at inequality, at gaps in income and wealth. We will always have gaps. Just a quick break from the program. Are you worried about the government overreach and about the freedom crushing cbdcs that are threatening to be put in place that will take away our freedom and our independence? I am, too.

You can have a hedge against all these economic uncertainties by investing in gold and silver. They have been holding the price of gold and silver down. And it not only is a hedge against these uncertainties, it’s also a good investment. So contact the company that I use, which is Miles Franklin. You can contact tell them that Sarah sent you and Andy Scheckman. The president promised me that he’ll give you the best prices and service in the country. Again, tell them that. SARA SANE I mean, there’s no way, unless you’re running a communist system where everybody has exactly the same amount because the state decides how much everybody is allowed to have and equalizes everyone.

Unless you do that, you will always have inequality. So that’s the first thing, the second point. But even if you stipulate a level of poverty, because some people would say, well, poverty has to be relative. In a sense, you might be very wealthy in the third world, but by american standards, that would count as poor. So some people say, let’s call it poverty, because if you’re at the bottom end of the inequality gap, let’s just say in the american context, you count as poor. But even if we say that, even if we say these are the poor, you can’t fix that by the types of measures that socialists have in mind, by saying, let’s give them money to buy houses.

Let’s cap the prices in the grocery store. You can’t fix poverty that way because the causes of poverty have nothing to do with prices. The causes of poverty are lack of education, people being unemployed because they’re unemployable for many reasons, their lives are incomplete, disarray. They can’t hold down a job, could be for many reasons for that happening. Primarily, one of the reasons people have talked about is chaotic families. It’s really hard to make economic progress when your family circumstances are chaotic. So you can’t fix those types of problems by fiddling with the prices in the grocery store, and they don’t want to fix those.

So even if you look at what’s happening in schools about so many people in some cities, I was just reading the other day, up to 90% of children can’t read or write or do basic math. You can’t help them by saying, I’ll give you $25,000 for a down payment on a mortgage. But isn’t that just buying votes? Essentially, it’s pure marketing propaganda. B’s. I mean, that’s all that’s for. That’s all it’s for. It’s got no connection to poverty, inequality. They talk about those social problems because they think everybody can see that those problems exist. But the whole, you know, all the solutions that they offer have nothing to do with the problems.

No connection whatsoever. It’s just saying, you should vote for me because I’m promising to give you free money. That’s all it is. And then they say, which is the other thing. We. We’re a government. We can’t run out of money. We, you know, we have endless reserves. If we run out, we just print more. So it’s just a way of buying votes. It’s. They’re buying votes. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, part of people are saying that everything just needs to burn down to the ground, and we’re not going to support anybody, and we just. And that’s kind of the marxist playbook is just kind of tear it all down.

That’s what the great reset was, right? Tear it all down, build it back up the way that we want. Do they really want to create a communist utopia? And everybody make. I mean, what does that mean? I mean, is that what they’re going for here? It is what they’re going for. They are going for communist utopia. I always say to people, they’re communists. People don’t like to call them communists because they say, well, they aren’t saying that they’re going to abolish private property. And that’s what many people take to be the definition of communism. But they are saying they’re going to abolish private property, just not directly.

Well, they weaponize the UCC code. Yeah, stuff like this. They do. Yeah. They say things like now they start talking about where, you know, they collapse the borders. They get mass immigration. Then they start saying, where are all these people going to live? We need to requisition properties to house all these people. California has been saying they’re going to start using hotels. You know the saying to hotels, you’ve got empty rooms, put the homeless in there. That amounts to seizing private property, because what you’re doing then is saying that nobody is in control of their own property.

We’re going to decide how people’s properties are going to be used. So that is communism. It may not say communism on the label, but that’s exactly what it is. And yes, they’re absolutely serious about it. I think another thing people don’t realize, some communists are, they’re true believers. They believe that this is utopia. They believe it’s brilliant. They believe that it’s terrible to be capitalist, which is why recently I also wrote an article called a moral defense of capitalism, because I think it’s really important for people not to be defensive when socialists say, oh, but capitalism is cruel, it’s exploitative.

No, it’s not. That’s not true at all. But there are communists who believe that. And so, like, I’m glad you referenced the World Economic Forum principle where they say, you will own nothing and you will be happy. Because that’s the idea. They’re saying, you will be poor, but you’ll be happy. And so, you know, we’ll all be poor and better off. You know, we’re all heading back to the Stone Age and we’re all going to be really happy there. Well, they won’t be poor, right? There’ll be a few that own everything, but we will be poor.

That’s the goal. That’s what the tyranny is. But it’s incredible. But these true believers who are really helping to bring it in, they want to force it in. They don’t care about what the average, they don’t care if they’re only 10% of the population, that 90% don’t agree with them. They’re going to force it in, in any way they can. Lying, cheating, stealing, doing whatever that takes to force this situation to come to existence. Absolutely. And I think they have the law on their side because they give, you know, they enact all this legislation with fantastic names, you know, the anti inflation bill.

And people say, oh, great, you know, we don’t want inflation. So that’s great. They’ve got this law that they can use to reduce inflation, and this is the way they force their schemes through. It’s just by saying we need a law to do all these good things. And I think they’re doing the same with what they’re calling equity. So, for example, Kamala Harris has said that she says people of color are less likely to be homeowners. So she says when she comes up with this mortgage scheme, that’s going to be to help people of color. So it’s very easy to force that through with laws that are called equity, you know, helping people of color to live better lives.

And people don’t think it has anything to do with mortgages and finance, but it does. That’s how they force it through. Well, and can you hear that construction in the background? I apologize if you can hear that, but we’re doing some construction around here. That’s exactly what I see is happening. And they don’t care how they go about doing it, whether it’s lying or misleading people. And they’re talking a lot about freedom right now and that they’re the freedom party. While I watch, it’s so disgusting to watch walls talk about how we’re the freedom people. While he set up a snitch line, you know what I mean? He, like, literally set up a snitch line, which to me reminded me of the Stasi, you know, in Nazi Germany.

And we, I’m so concerned that these people are so extreme and people don’t realize how extreme they are. How, how do we get people to realize that we’re dealing with, that we truly are dealing with this extreme thing? And there is a difference between the two. It is extremely difficult. I’ve tried for, you know, months and months. Yes. Perhaps to persuade people of this. It’s really difficult. I think one of the reasons, there’s two things why it’s difficult to persuade people. The first is that people are generally optimistic even when things are going wrong. So people tend to sway from optimism to despair.

I think finding that middle ground where you aren’t being ridiculously optimistic, but you’re also not just giving in to despair, you know, burn it all down, but you have to try and tread that rational middle line where you say, I can see that this is really serious, but there’s something we can do about it. It’s that balance that’s really difficult for many people. And at the moment, people are still on the optimistic side of things. A lot of people, I’ve seen a lot of people looking at Kamala Harris and thinking, oh, she seems so cheerful, you know, it’ll be a breath of fresh air.

Let’s see how we go. That’s just pure optimism talking. And they’re saying, well, hopefully, I’ve seen people writing this in the newspapers. Hopefully she won’t actually introduce the price caps she’s talking about. That’s just optimism talking at that point. So that’s one thing. But another thing which is maybe more serious is people, I think, tend to trust that what they’re being told is true. And so when they say, deal with the policies, they’re presuming that the policies that are being presented are truthful and honest and that you can just deal with it in that honest sense.

So, for example, when she says things like, we want to introduce equity and everybody having a chance, people say, well, she’s misguided, but she’s honest. So we can debate that policy on its own terms. And I think people find it hard to imagine that they’re actually dealing with liars, people that will brazenly lie. That’s right. They can’t believe that they’re dealing with liars. And they think that, yeah, it’s so crazy. Let’s talk about capitalism actually helping to bring, because people absolutely despise capitalism because they see it as fascism, right? And they see it as all these, like, barons go and they get, they monopolize an area and take advantage of everybody, pay each other, pay low wages, take advantage.

That’s what’s in their mind of capitalism or the war machine. Capital is making money at all costs. You make all this money at all costs to go and start a war. But free markets and freedom versus that horrible view of it, there’s a difference. And can you talk about what that difference is and how a free market actually reduces racism? It makes things better versus an out of control corrupt situation is what they’re really looking at. If that makes sense, that makes sense. And I know that people are afraid about that. When you say, let’s promote capitalism, that’s what comes to mind.

And I think the easiest way to counter that, because I think those concerns are valid. You know, people say, look at the banks, for example. They’ll get involved in all sorts of scams and then they get bailed out. And that’s what comes to mind when people think about capitalism. And so they don’t want to support that. But I think the easiest solution to that is to get the government out of markets, get the government out of commercial banking, get the government out of the housing market, get the government out of, I don’t know, regulating wages, regulating prices.

Because the thing about businesses that behave in the way you describe, they don’t pay the penalty for behaving like that. See, ordinarily, if you exploit your workers, you underpay them, you overwork them, you’ll suffer market penalties because nobody will want to work for you. You won’t be getting productivity from your employees, you won’t be getting any loyalty. They won’t be giving their best to the enterprise. So over time, you can’t sustain it. The market corrects that sort of behavior. Your competitors, who behave better to their workers, outperform you. They have lower costs, they have higher profits.

So you soon realize that this exploitative way of behaving isn’t profitable, and you have to stop. See, the problem when you get government involved is that if you get banks collapsing and running to the government and saying, oh, look, we’re too big to fail, which is the way they put it, you need to bail us out. And then the government bails them out, then they don’t suffer the penalties for their disastrous consequences. So if banks decide the subprime mortgage market crisis we had some years ago, if banks decide to get involved in a market, they make the wrong call, it turns out to be disastrous.

They go bankrupt. They should be allowed to go bankrupt. That’s how markets work. Sometimes people do go bankrupt. If the government’s bailing people out, then the market isn’t working. And then that’s what people start to get concerned about. Markets are left free. Then those who make the correct call will succeed, and those who make the wrong call will fail. Well, just like life, really, in terms of racism and other forms of exploitation, again, we see the best outcome through the market. So the example I like to give is in the housing market. Walter Williams talks about this.

Suppose you have racism in the housing market. Like, at the moment, Kamala Harris is saying that the algorithm in the, you know, the systems that decide whether to issue mortgages, she says the algorithm is racist, and that’s why black people aren’t getting mortgages. Yeah, right. You know, they just make it up as they go along. But suppose you had a housing market that was, in fact, racist. And suppose you had people trying to buy a house, and because the seller is racist, the seller decides to put the price up or to say, I’m not selling to you, in which case the buyer offers more and more and more and more because they really want the house to the point where the seller can’t resist the price and so sells to them at a markup that you could say it was only a markup due to their race.

And Walter Williams says, in an example like that, yes, you could say that’s racism and it’s terrible because if they had not been black, they wouldn’t have had to pay that much. But he says, you must always ask, compared to what? So if you look at prices and you say it’s unfair that black people have to pay more, you say that’s unfair. Well, he says, compared to what? Is that worse than having no house at all? If you have to pay a higher rent, is that worse than having nowhere to rent a all? Which is what happens when the government intervenes.

So the government says, we’re going to make it fair. And then now people have no housing. So you went from having unfair housing to having no housing. Or you went from, if you take the minimum wage for an example, if the government says, well, black people are being underpaid, so we’ll have a minimum wage, and that way they’ll be paid more, and that’d be great. And then employers say, well, I’m not hiring, then I’m not hiring at that wage. So you went from a wage that seems unfair to no job at all. Well, it kind of is.

It’s kind of awful where people assume that certain races aren’t going to be as desirable. Right? I mean, we’re trying to use laws to force people to like each other. Yes, right, exactly. And there are cultural issues we need to. It is kind of sad that it’s like that, and we people are like that. And whether it’s black people, it’s women, or being, just being overlooked for your qualifications, that is a thing. But market, you know, being overlooked for your qualifications, over time, it’ll balance itself out if the free market works because they’ll be able to get higher quality employees for less, and then people eventually will be like, oh, well, I want that too.

And then it’ll eventually raise the right. I mean, that’s kind of how it works. Absolutely. And in terms of overlooking people for their race, I mean, there are so many historical examples of this, by the way, it’s not even just mere speculation. We’ve seen the evidence. So, for example, an employer or an industry decides, we don’t want to hire black people, for whatever reason, they’ve, let’s say, the construction industry, because that’s an example that Walter Williams gives. So you get our construction business saying, we don’t want to hire black people because for whatever, let’s call it a prejudice.

So they decide, we won’t do that. Then you have a struggling construction company that can’t really afford high wages, that hires black people not because they want to, but because they think, that’s what I can afford. And then they do really great work and they just make a really great profit because now their costs are lower than other employers and they have greater profits and they start to do really well, and then they start to out compete the market, and that’s great. And other employers can see what they’re doing, and they think, oh, you know, so, yeah, they think, I’ve locked up this whole group of really good workers like I should be hiring.

And that’s how the market changes things. And there’s so much evidence. That’s just one example. There’s so much evidence of this happening across the board that that’s how markets lead to people becoming more prosperous. There’s a story in the military during World War Two where they, all these different units didn’t want the black airline pilots, and so they put them into this one unit, and they were so flipping good because they couldn’t, they wouldn’t make them. They wouldn’t let them be. I don’t remember the total details of it, but they wouldn’t let them be officers. They wouldn’t let them be able things.

So, like, they had these, the best and the bright. They had really good airline pilot pilots in this black division. And it got to a point where they, they were so much better than all the other divisions that no one. That that’s who everybody wanted. It was. It’s an incredible story. Absolutely. And there’s so many similar stories across so many different industries. And that’s why we know it works. We’re not just speculating and saying, maybe in theory this could work. It’s not a theory. We have so many examples of where this has worked. That’s how we know it works.

Well, and one last thing about, I want to talk about wars, okay? The military industrial complex. And you were saying getting government out, if these businesses, if the government was doing their job and people were for murder, they actually followed the law. You can’t murder people. You can’t commit fraud. You can’t take advantage of people. You can’t steal, can’t do all those things. We can’t use government to do that for us. And we only use military kind of contractors and things when it’s necessary. That would pretty much put an end to the whole military industrial complex, wouldn’t it? To the degree it’s used right now, absolutely.

And if we had sound money, it would also just completely prevent people from waging war when they shouldn’t. They only do that because they can afford to with all the funny money that they create. They say, well, we’ve got all this money anyway, so why not go on? Sometimes what is little more than an adventure? Why not go on an adventure? We can afford it. If they couldn’t just create money out of thin air, they would think more carefully about intervention abroad. They would think, well, do we really have to do this? We can’t afford it.

It would really concentrate the mind. I think this illusion that everything is affordable is what leads to so many disastrous adventures. Well, yeah, I think you’re absolutely right. So people need to follow you. Where can they find your work? Where can they go? So all the articles that I’ve been talking about are all on the Mises website. So that’s and m I dash and if anybody goes on there, and, you know, all my articles are published there. I’ve published about all the things we’ve talked about today, as well as many related issues about liberty.

I’ve given lots of examples there from Walter Willis for those who are interested in the economics of race. So, yeah, that’s where they can go. Well, thank you so much for joining me today. I apologize if you can hear this construction. I actually can’t hear it. Very good. Very good. Well, thank you so much for joining. This was really a good discussion. These are the kinds of things people need to understand because when they have this hopelessness that they’re putting out there, it’s like, oh, my gosh, people, we’re dealing with such an extreme. And I don’t like everything that I’m seeing either.

But the difference is pure communism. Yes, we can run straight into that, or we can have a chance to slow it down a bit. It’s like, I don’t know. Absolutely. Yeah. Thanks so much for having me on. I really appreciate. So thank you so much. Okay. Thank you. Emfs or electromagnetic fields from Wi Fi and your devices can impact your health, potentially causing headaches, fatigue, and anxiety if you do not take measures to protect yourself. Even more serious conditions like cancer can develop over time. But you can protect yourself from these dangers with EMF protection devices from my friends at fix the world Morocco using cuthenous, cutting edge research materials.

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