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And you know, the Roman Empire, I guess, was on shaky legs and they wanted to, you know, have the men just go fight instead of getting married and have babies. Which is dumb because if you’re, if you’re needing men, you should be allowing them to go out and make babies so that you can have more men for war. But this guy was obviously not very sharp, so he, he stopped marriages. No one could get married. So this one priest Valentine decided to secretly marry went men and women. And then Emperor found out about it, threw him in prison.
He was sentenced to death. And I guess the one of the guys that was running the prison, his daughter was blind. And I guess this priest, Valentine made friends with her. And just before he was going to go out and be executed, he wrote a, a nice valentine to her. It was in the shape of a heart. And he sent it to her and he signed Valentine and, and she got her sight back. So then he became St. Valentine because he had this miracle that happened. And then of course he sent her the Valentine. And, and since then we have the, the Valentine.
So that’s why I’m dressed, because you had the feast of Valentine, St Valentine’s so we’re going to go out to dinner after the show. So a little history, a little history is fun. And we’re going to have a little bit of, you know, insight about this. So I know we got a different time. Looks like many of you guys, maybe not everybody got that, but this is going to be the time in the future so that we can have a little bit of social life on the other end of this because we have it late and it’s like 7:30.
It’s kind of hard to do the social time frame stuff afterwards. So we decided to move it up a little bit. Hopefully it’s going to work out for everybody. But this is the same for all of the Miracle Monday. And then we have the, the top group of business people that we get On Wednesday. So it’s all 6:00. And Sally, I see that you’re, you’re doing well in your business, so congratulation. You just need, you just need a few more people. You get one. So was that your husband or was that somebody that you signed up? Hi, Michael.
No, it was a couple of our friends who very early on in the piece, in fact, just a couple of weeks after we’d started, they said, what are you doing? We want to come around and find out about it. And we want it too. But that hasn’t happened again, so I’m still waiting. Yeah, well, you know, sometimes that’s the way it works. You have your ups and downs and sometimes you go through dry periods and then boom, it’ll just start happening for you. But yeah, keep the, keep the focus, you know, to believe, just continue the belief.
So manifestation can happen very quickly on the things that we are, you know, focused on. I just saw this one video where these guys were out kayaking and this whale comes up and grabs this guy in a kayak in his mouth. You can see that like close over and goes down. And then the guy pops back up with a kayak and he’s. Everybody’s like, oh my God. And his friend was like, we were just talking about killer whales coming up and grabbing us. So you got to be careful what you focus on these days because manifestation is really happening fasty, you know.
So I always tell people that, you know, if you, if whatever. Oh, Dr. Annabelle, that’s lovely. Very good, very good. Whatever you want to manifest, focus on that more than the things you don’t want to manifest. So those, those guys were manifesting on something obviously negative and they were lucky a whale came and got him. The whale’s like, oh, you. I, I thought you wanted me to grab you. It’s like, oh, I’m sorry. Jonah and the whale. So this guy get to experience that. So quite, quite amazing. So any, anyone? Dr. Annabelle, thanks for coming in the earlier time.
Now I know that you. We at one time we like had this at 6:30 so you could make it because you were in your practice. So I’m glad that that doesn’t matter anymore. So congratulations. Thank you, thank you. I’m always happy to be here and always grateful for this amazing community. Thank you. Oh yeah. Very good, very good. So Jen, I don’t know what happened to Jen. Jen. And we’re supposed to have also some. A speaker, a surprise speaker. So I’m not going to say. So it’ll be kind of Surprise. But I don’t know, I don’t know if those guys are still on the 6:30 time frame or what, but hopefully she’ll show up here soon.
So any, any questions on your businesses while we’re waiting or your things you might have. You want to share? Dr. Animal. Quiet. So I would love to share an experience that I just had today and it almost felt like it was a great breakthrough. So you know how sometimes some, some of us grapple with the brand partner versus the PC, right? And unfortunately for some that PC plus is very attractive, but for us it is not as beneficial on the business end because of the points. Like we don’t get, we get 2/3 of the points as opposed to one, you know, the full, full amount when we do PC pluses.
So I had made it way too complicated and described, you know, this is what the PC is. You have the PC plus. And honestly that old adage, keep it simple is really important. So I decided today I had a conversation with a networker that I have in my networking group and she wanted to jump on board. And I said there’s two options to join. You can be a customer, but you’re obligated to have a subscription from day one, or you can be what we call a brand partner, but I lovingly refer it to a customer with flexibility, where if you never want to sell a day in your life, you don’t have to, but you have the benefit of, you can choose your subscription and it’s flexible, but you also have the availability of other cost saving measures.
And that was the easiest conversation I had because instantly she said, sign me up as a brand partner and I’m like, hallelujah. So keep it simple and you’re honest, you’re not being dishonest. You’re saying these are the two options. And had she said I want to be a customer, then I would have said, well, these are your options as a customer. And so I finally came to grips with, this is the proper way to keep it simple. Keep it easy, avoid the confusion and you’re not hiding anything. Yeah, that’s, that’s very good. And that’s a, that’s a great way to describe it.
I mean it’s, it’s keep it, keep it simple like that there’s, you know, retail, pay 50 more for x39 or PC. You’re obligated to like go on a subscription every month, RPC or you know, brand partner. You can pay as little as 25 and choose whatever patches you want, or you can get the, the really good deal, if you start with, you know, core and then advance, you get more. And then of course, you know, premium, you get the most savings. So that’s, that’s your options. And then, you know, presented like that, it’s just pretty simple.
I love it. I love it. So just getting involved now, how, how many times have you talked to people about that? And, and what, what did it feel like? This, this last time, you’re probably in your mind, how can I make this simple? How can I make it simple? Because having been in the military, we, we have this little saying. It’s called kiss and it’s called keep it simple stupid. So you want to keep it so simple that someone stupid could figure it out. Of course, I don’t see anybody’s being stupid. It’s kind of like a play military or they can be cruel.
I think that’s a great way. And fun trying to be funny too. You know, cruel and funny. And that’s kind of the military way. But all of us can get something from that. You know, keeping it simple. That, that’s the easiest and most efficient way to get ideas and information across. Because a lot of people are like, oh, it’s, it’s a multi level marketing. Ah, I don’t know about that. But then you just. No. Well, just. This is the simple, the simple way. This is all this is. You’re just sharing patches. You don’t, you don’t have to share them.
Start, you know, with your own patches and learn how great they are. And then if you’re having great responses, you’re having, you know, good things happen to you, why wouldn’t you want to share it? You out to a nice place to eat? Because we’re going to a nice Italian restaurant tonight. We heard from friends that it was like the best place. And we looked at the menu was like, ah, this looks phenomenal. So that’s the way we do things in this world, the best way, I think sharing from people. You know, I could have looked online.
It would take me time. I could have like roll the dice. I want. Maybe this is good. We, we went. It’s like it. What’s horrible, whatever. But you have a friend that you trust and believe in. Like we all have friends that we trust and believe in. You can share information about the patches and people are like, that sounds good. You know, like Sally right in the beginning, boom. And now it’s kind of like, you know, dragging along. But eventually it’ll, it’ll click and people will start to come. It’s it’s the way, it’s the way of the world.
People want to know what, you know, if you’re having great, great success, if you’re overcoming some stuff, if you’re looking younger, like a lot of us are, if you’re like, healthier. I just did in the gym today in my, my weight, all my weights are going to the moon. I did chest press with, with as much weight as I did like 20 years ago. So it’s like, how are these results coming? And the only thing I’m doing different, the patches. So I eat the same, I’ve been exercising the same. My weights have been going down over time, but now they’re starting reverse.
So it’s, I mean, you think people be lining up, but, and they do, actually. I, I, I, I promote them almost all. Every show. I do the air daily and we’ve had like, I think 39 signups over the last, you know, two weeks. So they’re coming in now, and that’s not doing a major show. So I do a major show and I usually get like a huge number of people come in. So that major show is probably going to happen when we get the cellularize. So that’ll, that’ll be a big one. That’ll be a huge one.
I’ll probably get David to come on and then the next big go go around will be the water machine. So we have great opportunities coming up. So just stay focused and keep working in business. It’s going to come. Lynn. So I wanted to share that Bishop Jim O’Connor and I started our Lifeway podcast together yesterday. So we’re going to do a regular show together. And it was Brad Wozny’s idea with the Sovereign Soul Show. He thought the two of us would pair up together nicely to talk about Lifeway. And we met yesterday. Bishop Jim and I did for the first time to talk about it and you know how it goes.
We were talking. I said, well, let’s just hit record and start, start doing it. So we did. So our first podcast is out and we’re airing it on my Rumble channel, the Lyn Scott Hagerman show and his God wins. And yeah, so we’re starting with once a week. And ultimately, I know Brad would like, you know, four times a week and has statistics and everything. And you’ve said about how often, you know, the more often the more important it is. But we’re just starting out and we had a blast. I mean, because it was just like doing a normal show.
But, you know, we talk about Life Wave and then throw in current events and talk about Life Wave and talk about the deep state. It was just like doing a podcast normally, but with a lot of Life Wave in it. And we just had a really good time. Oh, that’s fabulous. Very good. Yeah, yeah, that’s. That’s the way it should be. You know, you’re just natural having a good time, and people are attracted to that, just like we’re doing now. You’re just having a conversation, you know, sharing information. It always works out better that way. And people see you’re not, like, trying to force or stuff, and you’re reading from a script or anything like that.
So that’s. That’s really good. So we’ve had no script. No script. We just. No scripts. And that’s the way it should always. No plan. Just did it. Go scriptless. I’m with you, Lynn. Go script list. Oh, you go, girl. Yeah. Lovely. Lovely. Robin. Wow. You look amazing. Yay. They’re coming in now. Okay. We had a little difficulty, but we got it figured out. Michael, are you wearing a jacket? He is. I’m going out on a date, so it’s like, okay, I’ll get dressed up once every so often. I’ll put a jacket on. He cleans up a bit.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody. Happy Valentine’s Day. Yes, the resilient ones. We’re here. That’s it. Staying with it. So we. I saw your presentation at the. The amazing event that we were just at, you know, where we’re sharing, you know, how to. How to build your business. We call it boot camp. And I think of, like, you know, I. I said it when I. I was talking on stage. It’s like, you know, Navy SEALs, you know, this was kind of made for the Navy SEALs. It’s kind of like, you know, our hell week, and it’s kind of like our little boot camp that we go through.
And so I shared some stories about SEAL stuff, and I think it was fun. But you had an amazing presentation. I. I got a lot out of that, and I know you’re. You’re going to share a little bit of that with us. I am. You just tell me when you want me to start. You can start anytime you want. Here, let me make you a guest host and co host, and that should give you all the share my screen capabilities that you want. It’s fun to see all the pinks and reds people are wearing. Yay. Hi, everybody.
Now, this is a repeat. Hi, Robin. This is a repeat for several of you. So you know, it’ll sink in deeper. Right, that’s it. Okay, so let’s get going here. Okay, let me go to the first slide. Oh, there we go. So I was asked to do a presentation at boot camp on income producing activities. And I want to start out by saying that, you know, most people do this business part time and they put in 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, 10 hours, 20 hours. But it’s part time, hard time. And if you’re serious about the business, you want to make every one of those minutes count.
And you know how we all have the same amount of time, you know, we all have 24 hours. How come? See, some people have more money and more time to do the things they want to do. Well, anyone want to answer that one? Okay, I’ll jump in and answer if you don’t. What? They prioritize. They prioritize. That’s good. They prioritize them based on what’s most important, you know, and those are leveraged activities. And that’s what we’re going to talk about. But before I jump in, let’s see if I can. Okay, let’s talk about non income producing activities.
You know, if you only have so many hours a week to do this, you want to make it all count. And there’s things that we spend time on and it’s not that they’re wrong things, it’s just they’re not producing income. And so one of the, excuse me, examples is attending events alone. And I’ll just use Doc Talk as an example because Doc talk is amazing. It’s like totally amazing. And I invite everyone to bring your prospects there, also your customers and brand partners. But it is one of the best recruiting tools I know of. It builds credibility, it builds belief.
They get to meet the community, they get to have questions answered by doctors. It’s amazing. But if you’re going alone all the time, it’s not an income producing activity. You’re going to learn stuff, it’s going to be interesting. But what if you had guests there too? Because when I bring guests, they get back to me and say, I want to try this. So. And every Tuesday night, I don’t know, if you guys go to the Power of the Patch showcase, it’s another opportunity to. And it’s the same presentation every week. The only difference is we alternate practitioners for about 10 minutes in there.
And so most of you have seen that presentation before. But, and so going there without a guest, not an income producing activity. Learning about the products and business. We all want to Be students of the products and business. Right. Because we’re curious and we want to learn and it’s wonderful. But if you have only a short bit of time, it’s not going to produce income. Oh, the next one, back office. I don’t know how many of you like to look in your back office. A lot. It’s a fun thing to do. I’m a numbers person. I love the numbers and I track lots of different people and I have fun in the back office, but it’s not an income producing activity.
It’s good to know. And then this non related chatter and discussions. It’s being really clear when you’re talking to someone. Is this conversation on purpose? Did we handle what was important? And then we got off onto other tangents. I know in my past, Gregory said to me, robin, you’re spending too much time with that person. And our time again is our most precious resource. So we want to use it wisely. And sometimes we see people we know have the potential. We know they could be successful beyond their wildest dreams, but they’re just not doing it. And you know what? It’s not our job.
And sometimes I want to shake people like you don’t need to suffer. But you know what, it’s their timing, not ours. And so that’s really important. And there’s a whole bunch of other things, but you know, one of them, many years ago, like I think it was 25 years ago, I asked Gregory, would you teach me the comp plan? And he said, robin, do you want to know the comp plan or do you want to know how to make money? Very important distinction, very important. There are people that know the comp plan inside and out and.
But that doesn’t make them money. What makes them money are the income producing activities. So let’s jump in. I have six and I’m going to go into each slide and, and so I’ll just jump in here because the first one is making and expanding your contact list. In our business, your contact list is your future. And so one of my mentors said, make it grow every day, every single day, add someone to your contact list. Because your network can be your net worth. But have one dedicated system, whether you’re an electronic person or a paper person or whatever it is.
I mean I like to carry, you know, either use my phone or a little notebook in my purse because I’ll think of someone when I’m out in the world and write it down. But then I want to transfer it to my master list. I mean There are people that have their spiral binders or their three ring binders or, you know, their, you know, their notes section in their phone or wherever it is. One system. And so when you think of someone out in the world and you put them in your phone, then you come back and you put them in your one dedicated system and continue to expand it and then review your list.
I love this part about following hunches is sometimes you just. Someone will pop into your mind and you think, wow, I hadn’t thought of that person in a long time. And you reach out to connect with them and remember. And I will say this over and over again. And anyone who’s heard me do any trainings, it’s a relationship business first and foremost. And so as you’re looking, you know, sometimes I’ll look at my list and my phone and like a name will pop out and I’ll pick up the phone and I’ll call that person. Said, your name just jumped out at me when I was looking down at my phone and just want to connect.
We haven’t talked in a while. And you start out first with the relationship. So let’s go to. Okay, did I skip one? Okay. And then once you have your list building, then, then what you do is you start connecting with people and contacting and inviting them. We are professional inviters, you know, truly that’s what we do is we invite people. We invite people to be open to look at this new technology. We invite people to webinars and zooms and three way calls. We invite people. But before you invite people, you want to make sure they want to be invited.
So asking some questions to them. And let’s say you have a really good friend named Sue. And you know, sue deals with some back issues. And so, you know, you say sue, you know, I know you’ve been dealing with some back issues. If there was something that was safe, natural and affordable that could give you relief from some of your back issues, this is the key. What is your openness to learn about it? Okay. We are not in the convincing business. We’re in the sifting and sorting business. And if someone says, no, no thank you, you go next.
And we know we could help them, but if they’re not open, they’re not open. So we want to be respectful of our time and of their time. And you know, I used to be in the career field for many years and you know, I would coach people on interviewing and sometimes people would be in an interview and something would happen and they knew this wasn’t a fit. And they would stop the interview and say, you know, instead of wasting people’s time, you know, it doesn’t seem like this is a good fit for either one of us, so why don’t we complete this right now? It’s a very respectful thing to do.
And sometimes a takeaway really works too. And then you always want to find out what’s important to them. And you guys have used the magic wand. I love the magic wand. I have the magic wand. If there was one thing that you could have better in your health that would make the biggest difference, what would it be? And how would it change your life? And remember that one and write it down. You know, have a good system that you keep track of, you know, what people want more of. And you can use the same magic wand question for lifestyle.
So they may have some kind of. Gregory calls them lumpekaroos. You know, they want to be better, so, you know, they can play tennis or golf or pickleball again. But what about lifestyle? And you ask the same thing. I have a magic wand. And if there is one thing that. If it would be better in your lifestyle, what would that be, and how would it change your life? And typically, we know people say time or money, and it’s never about time or money. It’s about what the time and money can bring them. So if someone says, oh, I’d have more time, and then you want to ask to do what? And then you find out what’s really important to them.
I would love to have more quality time with my children. I would love to be able to go see my parents more regularly. You know, I would love to have the money to take my family on a vacation. And right now, Gregory and I are planning a vacation to take our family to Italy. I’ve never done anything like that before. Lifewave. That’s, like, crazy. But now we can. And isn’t that wonderful? Because shared memories are some of the most important things we can have with our friends and family and loved ones. And so really do find out from people what’s important, because sometimes it won’t show on the surface.
They’ll look like they have it all together. But typically, the people that have the money don’t have the time, and people that have the time don’t have the money. Those are the two big ones. But there’s more, too. There’s more. And then, you know, once they answer that question that you asked earlier about what they’d like better in their health, this is where the value of listening to Stories are going on. You know, Michael’s Monday miracle call, or, you know, the doctor call or the Monday morning miracle call. You get to hear all these amazing stories.
And if you can relate a story specifically to that person, what’s important to them, it will resonate and it will open them up at a whole nother level. So that’s one of the great values of stories. And in our vibrant living Facebook group, some of you probably don’t even know it exists. We literally have hundreds and hundreds of stories. And you can do a search for I stories, backstories, it’s called vibrant living. And you have to be invited by someone that’s in there. So we can talk about that another time or Jennifer can help with that one.
And then again, sifting and sorting. If you ever hear yourself getting into the convincing mode, stop and. And. And catch yourself. One of my favorite quotes, it actually is from Buddha, is like, enlightenment is catching ourselves off track quicker than the time before. So you can feel yourself trying to convince, stop and pat yourself on the back that you’re just got enlightened and you caught yourself. And you know, I was in a call recently and this woman, she kept trying to convince me. I kept trying to get off the phone, but she kept going on and on and on.
You know, it just doesn’t leave a good taste and it’s not really supportive for either party. So, you know, we’re here to sift and sort. One of the things that I like to do is in putting my list together, I write down the kind of people I want on my team. So I put a list of qualities and characteristics. I want people that are professional and coachable, people that are willing to be a student, people that I like and share values with, people that are looking for what we have, people that are ready to change now because if they’re not ready, if the timing’s not right, the timing’s not right.
But if it is, it really is, and it’s exciting and sometimes someone may have enrolled several years ago and now the timing is right. And that’s. I think we’re going to be seeing a lot of that. So now it’s time to share. And. And so again, you’re always going back to what is I. And I should do this in a better way here. Let’s see here. There we go. Oops. Okay, Contacting, inviting, let’s say sharing. Okay, here we go. We again, we talked about qualifying before presenting and. And when they share their desired improvements, like I talked about sharing a relevance.
It’s got a mind of its own. Stop it. Oh, that was fun. For those of you that were at boot camp, Garrett showed a really funny video of Bob Newhart, and it was, stop it. And so if you hear a lot of us say stop it like that, you’ll know that we’re referring to that. So our job, and this is something Gregory taught me years ago in our business, is to give people enough of the right information to make an informed decision. So let’s say you say to someone in person to person, you can say whatever you want, hopefully soon.
And David is working with the top, largest FDA and FTC attorneys, and they’ve reviewed our studies. They said they’ve never seen anything like it. We have the validation of, you know, that we can stay stem cells. So pretty soon, publicly, we’ll be able to again, cross our fingers, but you can say whatever you want privately. So if you said to your friend, you know, I’ve discovered a historical breakthrough in affordable stem cell technology, and they go, wow, I want to learn more. And so then it’s our job to give him them enough of the right information for.
For them to make an informed decision. So how do you know? You ask. And so I ask people, are you the kind of person that gets a lot of information, a little or somewhere in between, and know your tools? Because then it’s time to, you know, send something from the app that’s appropriate for them. Send them to liveyounger.com, send them to pop, you know, webinar.com send them to doctalks. And, you know, there’s so many different things, but again, you want to fit what’s important for them that helps them. Because if I’m dealing with a healthcare practitioner or a scientific person, you know, they’re going to want a lot more information.
And, you know, and then when Kai Jacobson called us and said, our company is a new technology that activates stem cells, I said, how fast can I get it? I was probably the easiest sale ever. You know, I didn’t ask one question. I didn’t ask what it was, how much it costs, what the delivery system was. Nothing. I just wanted it because I trusted Kai. Very important. And one of the presenters talked about, you know, we operate at the speed of trust. Well, that was a book that Stephen Covey’s son wrote. He found his own voice.
It’s not easy having a father like Stephen Covey, but he created his own work, and it’s called the Speed of Trust, because you got a handshake, you move on, you know, it’s all good. It’s only when we have to get everything written down and litigious and everything that there’s a. You know, I’m not saying it’s not good to write things down for clarity, because it is, but you can move so much quicker in the world. We trusted Kai and I said, you know, how fast can I get it? So, and then I think something that would be really valuable for many of us that we could do even better with is asking people, you know, is a supplementary income of interest to you.
You know, in this interesting world we’re living in, a lot of people, you know, could use a supplementary income or a plan B. When Covid happened, people realized, oh my gosh, if they had just all their eggs in one basket, they’re in big trouble. But the people that had several, several different income sources fared it much better and our business actually grew during that time. So please ask people, you know, because a lot of people won’t offer it to you, but if you say, are you open, you know, as a supplementary income of interest to you? So then we get to the follow up part.
The fortune and the friendship are in the follow up. Okay, so a lot of us aren’t really good at this. This one here, but something that Gregory taught me. I’m going to share a few things that he taught me that changed my life. And the first one is the closer you keep your exposures together because people typically take four to eight exposures. The less exposures you’re going to need, the longer you wait, the more you’re going to need. And then you’re going to have to, you know, catch up and remind people and start all over again.
And so he calls this rapid sequential exposure and just continue to do it. And people say, well, I don’t want to be a pest. I’m like those other networkers. Well, you can be a pest or you can be professionally persistent. And I don’t know about you, but I really, really appreciate when people follow up with me. It makes such a difference because, you know, we’re all busy and things, you know, it’s easy to let things slide. So when someone gets back to me, I’m going, wow, how impressive. And it is wonderful. And then this is the key that changed my life.
Okay, I hope you write this one down as it dramatically changed my life. Especially if you’re not great at follow up. Never end one exposure without scheduling the next. So whether it is a prospect, a customer, or a brand partner, use this consistently. And remember, this is about consistent use of income producing activities. This will liberate you. In a way, it liberated me. It’s like, oh, I already have it set up. Because people finish the meeting and then going, well, when should I get back to them? And I didn’t set it up, set it up ahead of time.
You don’t have to play phone tag, text tag, any of that. You already have it set up. Because the fortune and the friendship are in the follow up. And a story that I shared on stage that I’ll share with you guys is from someone who’s actually in our team now, from another company. And she stood up on stage with another woman and they talked about connecting and follow up. And that every single time you follow up with someone, you’re actually, you know, developing this heartstring with them. And the more you follow up, the stronger and thicker that heartstring is.
And it becomes a cord that becomes unbreakable. And that’s the relationship, that’s the friendship. And you know, today’s a fun day to pick up the phone and just say Happy Valentine’s Day to people with no other intention, just to connect. And people just so appreciate that. There’s some people out there that feel very lonely on a day like today. And to get a call from someone to say happy Valentine’s Day can change their world for the day. It can really make a huge difference. And then at the time when you are connecting with them, you know, say, you know, when we last spoke, you mentioned that, you know, this was really important for you, that you know, your low back was feeling better and is that still an issue for you? So remind them what they told you because you took really good notes.
Okay. And then following you, you consistently follow up. Well, eventually someone’s going to say yes. You might have someone really easy like me, or you may take 48 exposures, but they will say yes. Remember that quote? Success is not magical, it’s mathematical. So it is a numbers game. You just keep doing it and then you want to get people started. The fastest growing teams in the world are focused on X39. And there are different philosophies. I mean, I always want to do what’s best for them. And the vast majority of people is x39. But if someone has been has a serious illness, they’re not sleeping.
I always ask about sleep and I always ask about pain. Because if they’re in pain and they’re not sleeping, then it doesn’t matter what else is going on in their life. They can’t really highly function and so do they have a serious illness, an accident, a surgical procedure? I might get into some of the other patches if that’s the situation. But many years ago it was actually 2020 at the International convention. I started using the patches in 2018, x39 came out in 2018, and I started building the business in early 2019. And I got this. Let’s see, I just got distracted.
Oh, they had an award for the people that made it to the top rank of SPD in less than a year. And there were five people on stage, me and four people from my team. And when I got off stage, people came up to me and said, what are you doing? They’d been in the company 15 years and they weren’t SPD, what are you doing? And, and we call it a single product focus in a multi product company. The fastest teams, they just use x39. They don’t even talk about other patches, but they just put it where it hurts and there you go.
And not everyone has a place that hurts. So put it in one of the generic spots. The beauty of X39 is you can put it anywhere and it’s going to go where it’s most needed. And that’s true with X49 too. Different than some of the other patches where placement is very specific. It is not. So X39 is the most comprehensive patch. You can put it anywhere and amazing things happen. So. And I do like to tell people that, you know, x39 is really more of the long game and it, you know, your body didn’t get the way it is overnight.
So to repair and regenerate the damaged cells may take some time. So, so make sure that they know that. You know, we like to say, you know, a month for every decade you are old. That’s great way to do it. With a minimum of 90 days. If someone says, well, I’ll try it for a few weeks and I’m going, I’d rather not even sell it to them, you know, because I want them to have success and I want to set expectations in a way that really, really works. So in our business, success comes from simplicity and duplication.
And so that’s the beauty of X39, only because it does so much and it’s really working. When people get started, please make sure they get a health tracker. In every welcome email I send out, I include either a link to the health tracker or the health tracker itself. Because we want people to get a baseline. We want people to get, you know, it’s really wonderful if people have had a recent blood panel, because sometimes you don’t notice the changes that are happening, but they’re happening. And when you get your blood panel back, like I recently got mine back and I’m 70 and I asked my doctor, you know, how’s my blood for a 70 year old? She goes, it’s actually really good for a 70 year old, it’s really good for a 40 year old.
It’s actually really good for a healthy 20 year old. She said, your blood panel is pristine, you know, and then I had a DEXA scan. So if you have measurements, that’s a bone density test. And I had had one in 2022 and it was 13.9% better. And how wonderful is that? We get to brag. And so really keeping it simple and getting a baseline is going to make such a huge difference for people in building their story. That’s one another reason we like to have X39. You know, people start I had bone on bone, knee pain.
I didn’t use anything except for X39. I put it up on C7 and a week later my knee pain was gone. You know, he could have given me ice waiver Ian. He didn’t just X39. And what Dr. Nicholas, who’s our sponsor is doing now is if he, you know, does an assessment in a meeting and someone you know, on a scale 1 to 10, what’s your pain? And he says, I’d say 8. You put an X39 on, takes it down to a 6, puts another X39 on top of it, takes it down to a 4 and then puts a third one on.
So he’s using just X39, no other patches and the pain is completely going away. So it demonstrates the power of the technology we have and then finally helping people understand what are the amazing benefits of, of, of sharing this product as a brand partner. You know, for some people, getting their patches paid for is huge. For other people they’re looking for, you know, a part time supplemental income, some people a full time income, some people a lifestyle income. They’re all available. So I have come to. Oh, oh, finally. I keep forgetting this one then. We want to help people get off to a good start.
And it doesn’t end, it’s just the beginning. When they sign up, we have truly a sacred responsibility when we sign on someone new to take really good care of them, send them a welcome email. I like to include the health tracker in the email. I like to include, you know, doc talk in there, invite them to that. So you, you know, you guys have your own welcome email, you know, make sure that everyone gets it and then schedule a personal planning session where you know, to do some basic training. I. It’s, it’s a game called Checkers and we have that one at the bottom.
Well, let me get to that. Keeping it simple, keeping it duplicatable. We have people, when they’re brand new, just go to Live Younger Success and you guys are going to Health is healthiswealth biz. And there’s some very specific steps in there to get started. So follow those. In the larger Live Younger community. We have Live Younger Success and we send people to the getting started section just to do steps one, two and three, which take them to the income producing activities. Here’s the daily activities. If you do these every day, you will build a business. You don’t need all the other stuff.
It’s just connecting with people, piquing their interest, sending them tools, following it up and helping them get started. It’s the same no matter whose system you use, they’re all the same. But keep it really simple. When people are new, you know, if they get off to a great start, it adds this certain kind of energy that, wow, this is fun. And I’ve never had more fun in a business before. And Gregory had to rename the company because I started before he did. And he renamed it Wife Wave because he had to wave to get my attention because I was so excited.
You know, he’s like, oh my gosh. So he finally said, you’re having too much fun, making too much money, I better join you. So he did. But remembering when someone is getting started, our job, you know, business is a vehicle to help people get from here where they are to where they want to be. And I think you’ve heard me share the definition of a coach that goes back to 16th century England. It was a stagecoach and it conveyed a valued person from where they are to where they want to be. You know, sometimes they don’t be where we want them to be or we would like them to be, or we know where they could be, have the potential to go.
They just don’t want to be there. It’s our job to help them with whatever their desired outcome and to remember that that changes over time. I started as what’s called a wholesale customer. I paid the $25 and got my X39 and a brown skit. But I wasn’t planning on doing a business. I was very high profile in another company and, and Gregory was a consultant and, you know, I wasn’t looking for a business, but things changed. So my sponsor at the time, who’s now our sponsor, Dr. Nicholas, says, Best customer ever. You know, you never know what’s going to happen to someone over time.
I just couldn’t not share. And then I found it felt truly a responsibility to share and, and finally work with the willing. And I tell people this is a checkers game. You know, again, going back to our time, our most precious resource. I make a move, you make a move. I make a move, you don’t make a move. I’m not making another move. You know, if people, it’s the right time for them and they’re excited and interested, they’re going to be in touch and I let them know that so it’s not a surprise to them. I do not chase people down.
You know, I am there for people that are excited and interested and have questions and want to learn and grow. I’m there, but I do not chase after people. Again, those convinced against their will are of the same mindset still. We’re not here to convince anyone. We’re, you know, we’re working with the willing. Okay, I think that is the end. So I will stop the share and find out from you guys what kind of questions you have about anything that I went over. And several of you have been through this a few times before, so you guys probably know it as good as I do.
Or, well, I should say questions, Comments? Raise your hand. Lynn, you’re first. Hey, Robin. Hey. So I, I love hearing this a couple other times. And what I started implementing right off the bat after boot camp was the concept of faster follow up. Because I would like this, you know, process closed as quickly as possible. And, and the follow up is harder for me. And so now. And it is professional. I agree. That’s the right word. It’s not pestering. That’s the wrong word. It’s. It’s professionals follow up. And so now I’m following up at a rapid pace and signing people up faster than I ever have before just with that one tip alone.
So thank you. I love it. And do I have permission to share something that I heard you say that could be said in a more empowering way? Yes. Okay. So just so all of you know, I taught conscious languaging for decades. Decades. And so I’m very highly aware if someone says something that is not fully empowering or forward focus. Because you said, what did you do you remember what you said? What’s hard? What’s hard for you? The follow up. Okay, now how many of us live in that belief? The follow up is hard. So if you could tweak your languaging a little bit, how would you tweak it? What, what would you like? I love the follow up.
I’d love to follow up. Yep. Follow up is getting easier and easier. I’m getting better and better, you know, to be thinking about link. You know, our, our words are so powerful. And if you think about the words, I am the two most powerful words in the English language and notice what you put after them. Be really, really hyper vigilant and aware of what you put after that. I am tired, I am sick. You know, I don’t have enough time. All those things, we get more of what we focus on. So what do we want? So follow up is getting easier and easier as you’re doing rapid sequential exposure.
Well, thank you for sharing that. That was great. And thank you for being my dear. You’re welcome. And it’s really good to ask permission and it’s, it’s challenging for me because I’m so, you know, crazy aware. And you know, the word don’t, actually the mind doesn’t register the word don’t. So when you see something that don’t smoke or don’t forget to do this, it doesn’t register that. And so guess what? How often do we, you know, don’t forget to bring this. Of course you do. Instead saying, remember so what I like to say to people instead of I don’t like to judge them and say, would you like to say that a different way? And that’s just in a wake up call for awareness.
And then when we’re aware, we have the power to choose. Okay, so who’s next? Comments, Questions? Is this thumbs up? I like it. I got something. So, so I have this recurring dream and it keeps coming up and sometimes it’s successful, sometimes it’s not. But when it’s successful and it’s all life wave and I’m traveling, I travel on trains, I travel on jets all over the, all over the world. And then I come into a place and it’s like, it’s rough going through. There’s like trash everywhere and it’s difficult. And then I get to a place and I’m working with someone and we just like clean it all up and it’s like, it works really good.
And then people are coming out of their houses finally. And so we talked about simplification in the beginning and you brought it up in your presentation. And I think that’s extremely valuable. So in. In my dream time and I have had this. It happens over and over again. It’s always simplification, simplification, and then there’s success. So I’m, I’m constantly. And Dr. Annabelle came up with, like, a simplification in the beginning. So it’s always about simplification. Guys. If you want success, you really have to put it in your words, your vocabulary. And like lovely Robin said, you have to have the right verbiage.
If you. If you have difficulty in your verbiage and you’re like, oh, and I. I have that in my dreams. So if. If I’m not saying the right words, I can’t talk. So then, then I, like, I think in my mind, keep it simple. Keep it simple. And then I, like, I say the right words, and everybody’s like, yay. And then we’re like, yeah, I want to try that. I want to try it. It’s like, wow, that was easy. So it’s. It’s a crazy dream. And I have it. I have it so often because I want to.
I want to, you know, be successful in this business, help others be successful. So I’m always, you know, what is going to work, what is not going to work, and I’m just constantly, you know, in that. In that simplification thing. So it’s fun. Jen, before. Before we get to Jen, I just want to put an exclamation point on what you said, because what Michael’s doing is what the most successful people do. That my favorite, my absolute favorite tool of being in the personal development field for, I don’t know, 40, 50 years. It’s close to 50 years now, is the power of questions, but it’s the power of questions we live in.
So Michael’s asking himself questions over and over, and I invite everyone to do that. You know, what can I do even better to attract the kind of people I really want or to grow my business or to get more leverage or whatever it is. Stay away from the word why. You know, why did this happen? Because why typically ends up in judgment. And we don’t want that. We want, you know, what, who, when seeing why, is okay when you’re dealing with objects but not with people. So living in the question, and that’s what successful people do.
Einstein was living in the questions about the theory of relativity when he was 4 years old. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. Okay, thank you for that. Jen, you’re next. And then, Michelle, I was just thinking when you said that about Einstein that Tom Althouse wrote his book the the Matrix when he was 4, 5, 6, in his mind. And then he wrote it as an adult. So, yes, children have amazing minds. Couple things. One was an announcement I promised I would make today. Roxanne was working with someone overseas. Was it Sweden? Scandinavia. And she couldn’t get them signed up, even though she pulled the flag down.
She did everything. So she called the international in the back of the newsletter we get from Lifewave. It’s got every phone number for every country, everything. It’s easy. So she called there and they said, well, you haven’t checked off international permission. And she goes, what? So then when she told me, I went to mine and they have a new switch now there they have a new button and you have to turn it on and it’s called. And so what you do is you go to your back office, you go to the picture of you, and you go to View Profile.
You’re not going to change anything. Just View Profile. And actually I have it on my machine here of a picture of Michael because I went to his next. I said, oh, my God. Well, if Michael, he’s international, neither one of us had that switch on, so probably, you know, I can show it to you. I guess I can find it here, but why don’t we. Yeah, we. That would be great to put in the Facebook page too. So. So. Oh, okay. Well, we’ve already got. Okay, so, Michael, I guess I have permission to share. And I just found it.
It’s right here open. So may I do that? Oh, yeah, thanks. I’m doing it. So here it is. And I’m going to make it big. There we go. I don’t know if you can see this. There you go. You see that? Y. Okay. That blue little thing was the other way. It was turned off. Mine was too. And so I quickly opened it for Michael and me. I. I didn’t know about this. I think this is new, Rob. And they’ve probably added it to it because we would have seen that before. So there’s a lot of things that are new and they’re actually going to create an entire new web system and back office and really coming up soon.
But did you notice that the membership date is now in the top of your back office? That’s but another place. You mean. Oh, happened. That just happened. That just happened. Okay. You know, part of our responsibility as sponsors is to go under organization and see whose membership is expiring and reach out. Mine is. I just paid my $25. Good for you. Yesterday, I think Michelle. Was it Michelle that had your hand up? No, wait, I. Okay, I. Oh, oh, continue on, my dear. I’m sorry. I wrote two more notes down. I’ll make it real fast, I promise.
Fine. That’s fine. Okay, the. Where do we place the X39 came up at our manager. Some managers sort of getting together with Roxanne yesterday. I’ve gotten emails today asking it, and I tell them what you just said. You can place it anywhere and it’ll still do its job. But I. I wanted to remind everyone here that people are going to always ask you that because they get very nervous. They want to put it on whatever. And as David said on stage, if you put it on your butt, it’ll still work. And so that I want everybody to remember because you’re going to get asked that a lot.
And the only other thing I would add, because I did it myself today and I will continue in my effort to get myself beyond and up to spd, I went. Self development is real important and being willing to go to a therapist, because I am one, but a therapist or someone that can take you beyond. And I went to the Master, one of Bandler’s top world leaders of nlp. I went to him today and had an incredible session with him, sharing and just. I thought I had all the answers because I’m a therapist, you know, but he helped me to move beyond and we’ll see what happens.
Michael, I may be SPD soon. You never know. Okay, that’s it. But just doing self development and being willing to be open to do that. Okay, I’m done. Well, thank you, thank you, thank you. That was great. I appreciate you. I. Helping us understand something we didn’t even know existed, you know? Yeah. Okay. I think it’s Michelle’s turn now, Shelly. Okay, well, Michelle had her hand up, but she didn’t know how to. Okay. And then Shelley and Sally. Michelle, did you want to go? Okay. Okay. Well, here I am in Los Angeles, and now my new thing is mudslides.
So it’s been a little crazy. And I did go to one large meeting of the home owners that lost their homes. And it was very emotional. They’re all like, they can’t talk or they can’t. And you can’t really confront them with, look, you should try or, you know, we should talk because they’re. They’re all just disarray. So I thought, well, you know, if I make a. A flyer and I put a collage of all the pictures that I have with Bobby Kennedy with My husband and lots of fun, you know, x39 pictures and just cut them all out, put them together.
I’m in the process. I sent it to Jen and rather than using like, because I was in publishing blurbs, short little words and not get. They’re all soapy, too much all over the place and just say, you know what, read this. Look at this. This is what I do. And. And then presented that way with the cue mark. And then I took the original headquarters from Instagram that told the story of how Life Wave is going to help these people. And that seemed to really be a great combination because they go, oh, this is about us, rather than.
It’s about me telling them. It was about. I moved it to them rather than to what I want to do. If you could get what I mean. Okay, let me. Michelle, share. This is wonderful. I mean, I love the collagen and what you said early on is that they’re really stressed and. And so, you know, we’ve got to be where people are. Yeah. People are not open to something new and different when they’re going through. Yeah. It’s been tough. So to be empathic to them and just say, you know, this has been intense for all of us.
You know, what I have found is helping my nervous system. If you’re open, I’d love to share it with you, you know, so be there for them, what they’re going through. They’re just not open to normal talk. Yeah, not yet. Not yet. But just say, you know, I found something that’s really helping me deal with all the stress and loss and uncertainty and challenges that I’m dealing with, like all of us, you know, in this situation. So, you know, if you’re open and interested, I’d be happy to share. Exactly. Thanks. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Thanks, Michelle. Shelley.
Hello, everyone. I have a quick question going back to the profile to change to other countries. I have a prospect in Germany who’s. She’s stationed there in Germany, and she’ll be there for three months and she’s going to be ordering soon. Now, for her to be able to order on my website, would that. If that tally is open to allow in other countries, would that help her to be able to order through me or is that. Do you know how that works? Well, typically, she’s in the service, right? Yes. So there’s an APO address and it should.
It shouldn’t. That’s usually a US address. Okay. Yeah, I wasn’t sure on that, so I just wanted to make sure. Because she’s in Germany. Yeah, but. But she’ll probably get her mail through her APO address. Right. Okay. Is a US Address, right, Michael? Is that correct? That, that. Yeah, that is correct. Okay. Yeah, we’re overseas. We always get mail through the US Mail service, so. Okay, perfect. And also if you, if she signed somebody up in Germany, though, you have to do that, drop down with the German flag and they have to go through that to get it right.
And that’s all in German though. So if she doesn’t speak German. Okay, that’s my concern. You can change the language to English in any. Okay, awesome. Yeah. You can be in Germany and have English and vice versa. Okay, perfect. I also had put in the chat when we were talking, Connie Lucas had a quote. It said, I am abundance. I am successful. Success with joy and ease. And I say that every single day. So I just wanted to share that. I love it. It’s a great. I am. Yes. Beautiful. That’s beautiful. Thank you so much, Shelley.
Yeah, that’s beautiful. Yeah. Affirmations. Very, very positive. And to go back to the dream thing, when I was doing hand to hand training, we every morning, our instructor, because I was going through a super advanced, you know, session where it was every day for 30 days, 10 hours every day. It was, it was extreme. But he would ask us every morning, what were your dreams? And did, were you successful in your dream and fighting? And if we weren’t successful, it’s like, okay, what, which one you have a problem with? We would work on that, work on that, work on that, working that.
And then it’s like, next day, how was your dreams? It was almost like we’re in dream time all the time. And was I had I success? I did really good. So it’s kind of the same thing when I have these dreams. I’m like, where is my success and where am I having problems? So the simplification, it was constantly giving me success in the life wave stuff. And sometimes there would be other people that I would meet in the dream. I think, Robin, you’ve been in, been in those dreams kind of, kind of distant, like, kind of like pointing me in the right direction.
You’re doing good. Keep going. It’s like, well, oh, okay. So you know, so you’ll have, you know, people in your dream that you interact with that, you know, are your teachers and they’re your teachers in the dream time. But eventually when you get to the point where you’re having success and your dream time, what, whatever, you’re working on life wave because we’re Speaking Life Wave, then that. That’s a great. That’s. That’s very, very positive. When I started having success in all my fighting in my dream time, my skills went to another level, like, beyond belief. So I’m starting to get that in the dream time.
So that’s good. I love it. Yeah. Sally. Yes. Well, dreams are so important, Michael, and I must. I’d like mine to be a little easier. Yeah. However, what I wanted to say was I just love how even though I’m way over here in New Zealand, the threads that connect are so interesting. And it was very exciting to see RFK Jr being put into such a wonderful position to help people be more healthy. And that in itself was exciting. And then on my Facebook feed, there were some pictures of one of my great teachers in my Life, which is Dr.
Donald Epstein, who’s a very extraordinary chiropractor. And there were the pictures of he speaking with RFK Jr. And then RFK holding up Donny’s new book called the Seekers Code. And it was just lovely to see my teacher, who I’ve had probably 20 years. I’ve been going to his seminars and workshops and things, and having myself worked on, of course, and to see those threads come in. And, you know, it’s just exciting times that we’re in. And Donald Epstein’s been a personal helper to Tony Robbins for many years, so check out his work and technology, because it’s.
It’s completely outside the square and extraordinary. And I. I believe it’s sort of part of why I find myself here in this wonderful group. And sometimes I wonder, gosh, what am I doing here? And. And other times I think, no, you’re completely on track. So thank you all for being here, and it’s exciting. Yeah. Yeah. We love you, Sally. You’re. You’re like our wonderful person in New Zealand. You’re always here, so we love you. So, so great. And I want to share a little piece of information I just learned. Gregory and I were on a call with a zoom with David just a few hours ago, and he said there’s more than one person on the cabinet wearing Life Wave.
Oh, well, who might that other person be? Yes, that’s good. And who knows? With a. With a little bit more time, we’ll probably see even more and more of them. That’ll be good. That might be the case. I. I just thought that was fun. Fun to hear. Yes. And on our team, Robin Trivia. Robin Michelle Brunk. Her husband took the picture of Bobby Kennedy with the patch on his Back with her. See, she put a heart up. So they are very involved with that in California with him. And then Robin, not only more than one person, but Michael has spoken with David about the fact that he was asked to be in what, the health commission, Michael or Robin, you know, and he had to turn it down.
But the life wave is there. And the guy I went to today said, hey, Bandler’s wife’s been wearing that patch for years. I said, well, you better. So he is now signed up. But a couple years ago his wife had the big. Whatever those stub, those cell problems are, you know, and I immediately got her on them. And now she’s healthy and doesn’t have that problem. So we’re all hooked. But we’re all one. Definitely. It’s great. Robin, thanks so much for coming in and doing that presentation. That was fantastic. So you guys can, you know, come back and watch that again or send your people in to watch that.
That’s going to be really, really valuable going forward. We’ll also put this in the, in our telegram, uh, this video and, uh, all the other videos in the future. So the telegram group will always get these videos in there. So, uh, thank us. Thanks again to Dr. Annabel for setting that up and thanks to everybody. That comment that came in. Hopefully we’re, you know, working the times out in the future and the links and all that kind of stuff and we’ll, we’ll see you guys in the future and the next time. Lots of love to you guys.
You want to unmute and say goodnight? Would love to you guys and happy Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day. Thank you, Robin. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, everybody. Good stuff. You guys are great. I love. Great job, Robin. Thank you. Happy Valentine’s Day.