I’m bringing on Dr. Robert Young because recently he has been attacked by Dr. Anna Mahaltia and she did it on Substack and she is talking about a product called Masterpiece, which is something I get full disclosure. It’s something that I have as an affiliate. Dr. Robert Young, he has no financial interest in it and we talk about that. He has, he’s gotten paid zero for his involvement, but he cares. He wants to put a product out that helps people. But she has been saying in recent Substack articles that the Masterpiece is polluted. They did a study of one person.
And she’s also saying other things that Dr. Robert Young is. I’m going to, I’ll show you exactly what she’s saying. She said that Dr. Robert Young’s degrees came from a non accredited diploma mill where Young went from a bachelor’s degree to a doctorate in about eight months in 1995. That’s what she is putting out there. He is coming on to dispute this. She’s coming on to explain what’s going on with the Masterpiece. He’s coming on to explain about his background. And I think it’s important, and I’ve said this many times, that we have these kind of open debates that we’re all able to talk about these issues.
But I think they need to be done in a professional manner. You need to disclose what any kind of financial incentives that you may have. Like, are you selling a competing product? Are you making money on something that you’re selling and you’re a competitor of a product? Because it’s been well known in the past that competitors pay people to take other competitors out or they are just get, they kind of get lost in their own competitiveness and start disparaging anybody that competes with them without taking a step back and being more professional. Now, in the case of Dr.
Anna, she’s an MD and a PhD and so she should know better than to use a study of One in a process that’s not independent analysis as a way to disparage a whole group of people. Now, Masterpiece has two ingredients. One is zeolites, and he’s going to explain it. And one is actually, it’s sea plasma. I always say it’s marine plasma. It’s really sea plasma is where they’re getting it. They have talked against zeolites being unhealthy and the C plasma in particular poisoning people. And this particular C plasma is used by other doctors, athletes, and other organizations.
And it’s very well tested. So they’re not just arguing against Masterpiece right here. They’re arguing against everyone in the industry that uses that supplier of that C plasma. And then when it comes to zeolites, they’re not just arguing against Masterpiece, they’re arguing against all zeolites, which has many, many studies of its effectiveness. And Robert Young is going to talk about this as well. I’m not saying that a product like Masterpiece should be off limits for scrutiny. I think everything should be fair game to be scrutinized. I mean, that’s our problem. Free getting rid of free speech is the problem is because only certain things that goes against the mainstream narrative is allowed to be scrutinized.
And Dr. Young is against the mainstream narrative. He has been since the beginning of his career, and he’s going to explain that, and he’s been persecuted many times for it. But I want to welcome you to go to his site@drrobertyoung.com and look at his CV, his background, and you will see that what they say about him only having eight months of education is fundamentally wrong. And I’m going to go to it and show you right now. It starts with his Eagle Scout. He starts with Eagle Scout when he was a kid in 1966, and then his high school diploma.
But then he goes on and. And he gets a degree in LDS from the Mission London School. And then he goes on and he shows his A degree from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. And then he becomes a professional athlete in tennis. And then he goes on to Bradford Institute for Microbiology in 1990. And then he gets a bachelor’s in nutrition, then he gets a master’s in nutrition. This is all from the College of Nutritional, Birmingham, Alabama. And then he gets a doctor in biochemistry from the American Holistic College in Birmingham, Alabama. And then he shows his dissertation in biochemistry, and then his certification in live blood analysis from the darkfield microscopy in the Enderlein Institute.
And who he studied under in Germany. And I Mean, just you keep going on. And he has a PhD doctorate in Philosophy and nutrition. Another one, American Holistic College of Nutrition. He just kept studying and studying, became a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association. He has another dissertation for PhD doctorate in philosophy and nutrition, 1997. Then he got his naturopathic doctor from the American Holistic College of Nutrition again. And then there’s another dissertation that he did. I mean, just kept studying. He had an appointment to the United nations in New York by Dr. Neal Solomon MD, who worked at John Hopson School of Medicine.
He had an honorary recognition in Biology and Chemistry from the Central University for Nationalities, Department of Biology and Chemistry from Beijing, China. I mean, he has a pretty extensive background here. Honorary recognition in Biology and Chemistry from China’s Women’s College of Biology. And he explains how China wanted him to come there and he decided against it because he wanted to stay here. But you can go to his website under Dr. Robert Young and his bio, his CV, and look for yourself, all his background. And he’s going to talk about more in this interview. He spoke at Harvard, he spoke at United Nations.
As I say, he spoke at Oxford. He’s not somebody that got his degree in eight months. He spent years working on this and studying. But as he says in this interview, it’s not necessarily about the paper you have, it’s the experience and the work that you have. And I have to also say that I don’t. I have other guests that come on my program that have different ideas about different products and different modalities and perspectives. The point is that all of these people need to speak. The difference is they’re not all with the mainstream narrative and they’re all being shut down.
They all have different ideas. And in science, you’re going to get this debate. Dr. Robert Young has a different paradigm on how the body works and he’ll talk about this. This needs to get out there. NASA studies what he’s talking about. They realize it’s important. But medical students don’t have any access to this or they’re not even exposed to it. That needs to change. We need to be able to be exposed to different ideas and thoughts. Let the scientists debate it and work it out. But to have this control structure of free speech being shut down is hurting all of us.
And then having attack dogs. I don’t know who’s paying Dr. Anna. I don’t understand if this is all coming from her because she’s competitive or she’s actually paid by somebody because it’s not professional. Behavior. To use a study of one on a lab that’s not independent on a competing product, that’s just not professional behavior. And I hope that you get this out of this conversation. I don’t speak a lot. I give him the floor. I’ve asked him specific questions to talk about and I give him the opportunity to show his side. And I think at minimum we should demand more from doctors and anybody that’s professional to hold them to a higher level of professionalism.
What Dr. Anna did is completely unacceptable and I hope people realize that. I am not saying that Masterpiece is off limits to criticize it, you absolutely can. But it needs to be done in a professional manner that people can trust. I want people to be able to critically think and recognize when a professional process is being done and when there might be financial incentives behind it and when it’s not appropriate. And in this case, what they did, what her, she did and Professor Baxter and you can read their substack did, is completely unprofessional. And I’m going to put myself out there and say that.
I’ll put the links below so you can see what Dr. Robert Young is talking about. I’ll put the links below of what Dr. Anna is talking about. And you should decide for yourself whether you believe this is an acceptable process to bring truth and transparency to this process so that people can trust the people that they’re reading and that they’re following. Okay, here is my conversation with Dr. Robert Young. Hi, Dr. Robert Young, welcome to the program. Well, thanks Sarah. It’s great to see you again and to be on your platform and many, many thanks and I’m grateful for this opportunity to speak with you.
Well, I just covered in the intro what your background is, which is deep and very prestigious and quite amazing. You have so much education, you have so much rich research. It’s just very deep multi. Four decades of work working with so millions of people and you have garnered a lot of respect around the world and it’s really impressive. But lately you have been under attack and being accused of not having any background really. And it’s just so strange because it’s such a deep, well established, you might differ from some mainstream thinking, but it’s so well researched.
Anytime you differ from some of the mainstream narratives, you create some animosity. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have a really deep background. Can you talk about maybe briefly because I don’t want you to have to defend such a prestigious career that spans over 40 years, but maybe give a little Bit, you know, from your perspective on some of these allegations of not having any background in science and research. Well, I would say this my greatest accomplishment or the, what I would want to be known by is that my greatest accomplishment is my children. I have five beautiful children and I have eight beautiful grandchildren and one on the way which will be nine.
That’s my greatest accomplishment. My second greatest accomplishment was to become a farmer and to be blessed with the resources to be able to, to buy the Rancho Del Sol and to set up a beautiful 40 acre retreat center, health center and have people come from all over the world, from every walks of life, from Steve Jobs all the way down the line, you know, from presidents of Nigeria to you know, people that I’ve met over the years, you know them and they’ve come to me because whatever they were doing wasn’t working or they wanted to go natural, they wanted to go nature and nurture rather than synthetic and poison and this type of thing.
So I guess not realizing it, I thought everybody would embrace that. But only a few embrace nature and they put their trust. It seems after my 40 plus year career starting in the 80s, I see what happens. Let me just tell you one of the most wonderful opportunities I had was to be able to speak at the Morehouse College Martin Luther King Memorial Cathedral. And, and the person that invite me, invited me there was, was a professor, Dr. Lawrence Carter, who was the right hand person next to Martin Luther King. And I knew the family and I, I worked with them.
I’m not going to go into any details but when I was invited there he wanted to be, to be, to receive an honor, an honor there and to become part of an academic scholarship that was having two components, one was spiritual and one was based on science. And I remember when Lawrence Carter got up to address the audience and if you’ve ever been to the Martin Luther King Theater church there that it’s on campus of Morehouse College and they have a school of medicine there. He got up to introduce me and I was shocked by what he said and I only recant this story is because I had no idea what I was up against.
And I sure did. I would never compare myself to Martin Luther King. But here was a man who was a professor, you know, and a doctor and he, he got up there and he said, you know, I am so proud to introduce this man and I want you to know this Dr. Robert Young is the Martin Luther King of the 21st century. Now when I heard him say that I was, I was like wow. And I Was all of a sudden I was instilled was some sort of overwhelming feelings that, you know, I don’t want to be like Martin Luther King.
I don’t want to have to suffer and sacrifice like Martin Luther King. But that’s my soul, that’s my spirit. You know, I believe that the foundation of any society is the family and it’s being destroyed. It’s being destroyed. I believe in the union between a man and a woman and that is sacred. And I believe in that foundation. When it’s destroyed we have nothing. We don’t have, we don’t have, we don’t have community. We lose our family, we don’t have community and we lose our nation. So every day I pray for freedom and peace. I also pray for safety and protection not only for myself, but for my children and my grandchildren, the people that I love and care about and that’s who I am.
But I also care about humanity. I have client patients in over 160 countries. I’ve published over 100 books, 3,000 articles, many of those are peer reviewed. In the last probably 60 days I’ve published probably 25 articles that are now in peer review or already been published. And I don’t say this to be self promoting, but I set up Dr.robertyoung.com so people could be educated rather than medicated. I want people to have the power and the intelligence to be truly free. Not just in the macro world, but even at the cellular level and the subcellular level that they understand their bodies.
And it is really simple. When Hosea said my people perish from lack of knowledge or ignorance, this was the destructions of millions of people as they wandered as millions if not billions of people are wandering today in darkness in, in truths that have, you know, a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. And there, there is nothing so false that does not contain an element of truth. And so it is with the germ theory and so it is with the viral theory and so it is with Rockefeller medicine. It is false folks. It is not built on a foundation of truth.
Now for saying that I’m attacked, but I have the science to back it up. And so you know, this open dialogue, this that we have experienced in the last three and a half years losing our, some of our freedoms, losing the freedom of speech, losing our personal freedom. But the one when I was in the White House reviewing with the President of the United States by invitation to implement a health plan for the American people, this is like 2010, 2011. My recommendation just as My associate, who was a professor, Neil Solomon at Johns Hopkins University when he was nominated as the Surgeon General and turned it down because the powers to be that controls the health of this nation is under control by bad actors that have only one outcome, and that’s to profit, to make money.
And when I met with the president and I have the letters to prove this, what would you do after reviewing this document? I would give people the freedom of choice to be able to be able to choose the current protocols, the medical protocols, or to choose an alternative to that. And he agreed that they were going to implement a system that allowed people to choose nature apathy, homeopathy apathy, natural remedies. And that coverage would be. Would be brought. Never happened. And we know why. We know why. And I have story after story after story, but it never drove me to a point where I said, I’m just going to quit.
I’m hitting my head against, you know, a wall. Why do I continue to speak out to my brothers and sisters, to the whole of humanity? Education, not vaccination. Education, not medication. Take back the sovereign rights of your body, that you are not your body, that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience, that you are a light being, that your bodies thrive on light. And they’re talking about turning that light off. You know, what is that about? Is that a population agenda? So there’s so many issues that surround this. And I have been a voice for freedom, for peace, for education, for freedom of choice, to be able to choose the type of healthcare.
And I am hopeful that Bobby Kennedy, who’s a friend of mine, and I’ve been in conversations at a very high level he is on to make changes to give people back their rights and the education. Because I experienced that at the School of Medicine at Morehouse College when they instituted a program study for the new biology, the new science, the ph. Miracle to be implemented. Students, medical students, were taking courses at the school of Medicine at Morehouse School of Medicine, Morehouse that was lasted one year with a threat. If you don’t, if you continue to teach these health principles, we will.
You will lose your funding. And this is the way they play. So attacks on me are attacks on all of us. There are attacks on you, Sarah, because I offer education. Yes. You know, I’m a master formulator. And yes, I formulated the masterpiece as it is today. It has only two ingredients. CleanOptillolite, Zeolite Z. And somebody said, why do you call it Zeolite Z? What does Z stand for? It stands for zeta potential well, what is zeta potential? It stands for light. It stands for the charge of life, the spark of life, the light of life that empowers cells.
Light. Again, about the truth. Our cells do not run on calories. They don’t run on carbohydrates, proteins and fats. That’s a lie. The truth is, is they convert light, just like plants, into electrical energy. And our bodies run on the spark of light, the spark of life. Because light is life and life is light. And it only is captured by plants. And those which contain the most light and life are those that are green. And you know, this is not new. If you go to Genesis, chapter one, read verse 28 and 29, we’re God’s a. All green plants be your meat.
All green foods. And Daniel was an example of that in the first chapter. And when I first started out, you know what I called the PH Miracle protocol, the plan. I called it Daniel’s diet. And somebody said, what is Daniel’s diet? He said, read it. It’s called pulse and water. What is the Hebrew translation of pulse? That which comes from seed. And so he turned down the king’s meat, he turned down the king’s wine and said, bring me pulse and water, that within 10 days I’ll prove myself here. With that I will be stronger and wiser than any of those who are in captivity.
Of course, to be fed to the lions. You see, it’s all there in front of your face, folks. In fact, when I was in Israel, yes, you know, I’ve read some of the translations of the dead and there’s a beautiful thing there, beautiful thing. It’s called the humble grass. Even Jesus taught that through eating the humble grass, that that is what brought eternal life. Why? Because they contain cells called chlorophyll. Those chlorophyll cells that through photosynthesis absorb light and converts that. And when we eat that, that’s what builds blood. No one needs blood transfusions. In fact, I remember Sean Stevenson, Tony Robbins sent Sean Stevenson to me.
You know, he had a condition called osteoporiesis. Genesis. Osteoporosis, Genesis. It was a, it’s called the glass bone disease. Here’s a kid that just crippled up and he flies in, he said, and he said, he said, Dr. Young, what are we going to do? I said, I’m going to give you a transfusion of light. He literally freaked out. I mean, not with a needle. I’m going to put you on a plant based lifestyle, plant based food plan. People said, well, what is this PH miracle. PH is miracle. Is understanding the duality of life. That there’s opposites on all things.
And I like to say that PH stands for the potential not of hydrogen, but perfect health. Perfect health. And guess what? This works. We tested it out. I was invited to work with a group at usc. Geez, with my background in education, woohoo. You know, the bottom line is you cannot trade experience for a piece of paper. That’s right. That’s right. And I’ve got all the degrees and guess what? Didn’t take me eight months, it took me over 10 years. But if you consolidated that all down and question. People ask me all the time, how do you write so fast and produce so many articles, scientific articles that are in text referenced with citations at the end.
And I’m in the process of writing a book right now. It’s called Life. Life. You know what life stands for? Living interstitial fluid environment. Because we have been deceived by current medical system. It’s not about the blood plasma chemistry. It’s all about the interstitial fluid and the largest organ of the body, which most people, if you ask them that question, Sarah, ask them what is the largest organ of the human body? I’m asking you. Well, I knew that was the inner, this fluid that’s around you, but I’ve just learned that within the last year from you and from Sherri Edwards Skin, there is no way that I would organize.
But then there’s the fluid around it, right? The, the inner. Every cell lives in the body ocean called the interstitium, which is a fluid that makes up 80% of the extracellular fluids. Because you only have two fluids in the body. Generally there sub types, but it’s intracellular. And all of the masterpiece documentation for removing forever chemicals and heavy metals and nanotechnology was all done testing the fluids in the cell because they’re attracted to that through electromagnetic attraction, especially when they lose their zeta potential, which is critical because body cells have a negative surface charge. So they repel each other.
Blood has that, and if they lose that and the polarity reverses, they start clotting together. That’s what radiation poisoning does to you. That’s what chemical poisoning. It reverses the polarity of the cell, causing blood clotting. I’ve been talking about this for well over two decades, but the reason for is my colleague and because of some physicists, both from the former Soviet Union, some of them were working, you know, in cooperation with the us the Russians at ucla and we developed some incredible things and carried out some incredible experiments. But I’ve worked at Stanford. I’ve worked at ucla.
I’ve worked at usc. I’ve lectured at Harvard. You know, I. I’ve lectured at Oxford. I’ve lectured at Tsinhua University. Hey, look, the Chinese did everything they could to get me to move. I mean, how could I betray my country? They wanted me to work at Tsinhua University in the research department for cancer. And that I can tell you we did that, but not at Tsinhua. We did it at USC. And the trustees at USC stated after they evaluated. Because we had a 96% reversal rate on type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4 cancers. You don’t get this education by going to medical school.
In fact, you get the wrong education when you go to medical school because you get what appears to be true. But it’s not. Germs don’t cause disease. Germs are the symptoms of cellular breakdown. Yes, they’re there in diseased tissue, but there are artifacts from that. And so what are we taking? Antibiotics, which stands for anti life. I mean, everything is raw other than the physiology. Well, even some of the physiology is wrong. The anatomy. Okay, I’ll give it that. And there’s some emergency care stuff is very valuable. It’s necessary. We need to work together. But we’ve got to stop poisoning people with big Harma products.
We’ve got to stop poisoning people with radiation. And that’s why I’m passionate and an advocate for Masterpiece Zeolite. Zeolite with solar ZC minerals. Because I know what’s in it. And we tested it for the three most important things in any product. I don’t care what you’re evaluating. Any product. What is the pH? Y what is the ORP? What is the zeta potential? What is the negative charge electrical output? Is it a electron donor or a proton donor? Does it steal energy or does it contribute energy? And the third one is temperature. Because how do you feel when it gets cold? How do you feel when it’s too hot? Does it affect you? Yes.
Temperature affects the pH and the ORP, the oxidative reduction potential. And that’s why Masterpiece is purposely, without disclosing trade secrets, even though this product is under patent, it has the perfect pH with the perfect ORP that matches the perfect environment. Ideal environment at 8.4, at negative 80 millivolts, which is the perfect ph and zeta potential of the largest organ of the body, which is the interstitial fluids of the inner stadium. And for people with simple education can test this on their own. You don’t need me. You need the knowledge. I’m going to give it to you, and I’m not going to charge you for it, because that wouldn’t be right.
All humanity needs to know this. All you have to do is take care of your inner swimming pool. You have to manage the alkaline design of the body fluids because cancer is not a disease of the cells. That is a lie. Cancer is the disease of the fluids of the body. That is the truth. And you cannot rebalance and fortify that alkaline design by poisoning it with chemotherapy and radiation. The very thing that’s happening from our cell phones, our microwave ovens, satellite, WI fi, all of it. And you say, geez, I’m tired. Why am I coughing? Because you’re not sick.
You’ve been poisoned. You see, that’s not a. That’s not a populist viewpoint. It’s not meant to be. It’s meant to educate and motivate the masses that they can return back to the house of health and empower themselves to take responsibility. So you want to know the last time I saw a medical doctor about my health? Never. When the last person I saw was when I was coming out of the birth canal and that doctor was pulling me out at les Hospital. Yes, that’s my family. Yes, I have royal blood based upon, you know, my great, great grandfather, who the Bishop family is my family.
It’s royal family. Yeah, I know. It’s. They don’t have the power, but that’s who I come down through. And that bloodline goes through Brigham Young. Yes, he’s my great, great grandfather. And, yes, he brought hundreds of thousands of people, you know, against all odds, at gunpoint when the Governor Boggs of Missouri said, leave or we will kill you. And their government passed a law that it was legal to kill a member of that faith. So my grandfather settled most of the western part of the United States. Those are my roots, folks. And I, yes, believe in an almighty God.
Yes, he is the CEO of me. He tells me what I should do and how I should act. In fact, he tells all of us. And, you know, this is. This is. This is a search for truth. It’s a search for happiness. And yes, people attack that by whatever name they go by. And I know who they are. They are the adversary. They are the demons. Do I love them? Yes, I do. Do I want to help them? Yes, I do. And all I do is call out and say, you know, from God’s mouth to my ears, you Know, Change.
Change. Listen. Change. Yep. Please be. Listen, you know, And I say do your own personal test. Ten days. Within 10 days, if you’ll follow the lifestyle it’s outlined in Chapter 5 and Chapter 11 of the PH Miracle revised and updated pub date 250. 210. No 2010 pub date. It’s sold millions of books around the world. It’s in 27 different languages. And I don’t even get royalties anymore from this book. And I’m not complaining. I’m explaining and I’m truly blessed. Truly blessed. Thank you. Talking about royalties, this, this interview was sparked because there has been an attack on you and your person.
There’s been an attack on your credibility. There’s been an attack on Masterpiece being not what it is. And, and so I want to ask you a few questions. First of all, are you financially motivated behind Masterpiece? Do you get paid anything? I wouldn’t have this kind of passion if I was. If I was doing for this for money, I wouldn’t do it. I don’t need this. At the age of 72. I’ll be 73 in March. You know, I’m supposed to be retired, but I’m not tired and I’m not going back, which is, you know, the ring, you know, I’m not going to tiredness.
Yesterday I worked 18 hours and I continue to write and write as the need presents itself, but the answer is absolutely no. And then the other. If you want to see my. If you want to see my bank account, I can show you. You probably have more money in your bank account than I do. I don’t know about that, but it sounds like I hope I do. The other question is, Masterpiece has two ingredients. One is the zeolite and the other is the marine plasma. Recently, the marine plasma has been under attack for being heavily polluted because all the ocean is polluted.
Now, marine plasma, this particular ingredient that’s included in the masterpiece is from a supplier who is heavily tested for quality, who also supplies other doctors, athletes, and other organizations. So by criticizing Masterpiece, they’re criticizing a lot of people. What do you say about this? I say about it. It’s a non issue because we don’t use marine plasma in Masterpiece. Oh, okay. We use sea plasma or am I speaking wrong? Sea plasma. Sea plasma comes from the sea. Marine plasma comes from the ocean. This is inland. This is inland. This is a purification process that’s literally from the runoff from the Rocky Mountains, you know, down into the north shores, mixes with the salt, goes off to salt beds and literally sits There for years, decades, literally.
Naturally collateralizes itself. This is a high pH ORP product at 8.4 negative 80, up to 90 millivolts. So it donates electrons, it donates light and acts as a conduit for transporting electrical energy to empower the cell. The cells run on light. The converter of light energy is the pineal gland. The converter of light is the hemoglobin, which converts light into electrical energy. Our cells run on electricity, they do not run on food. So you have to eat the light carrying foods. So the C plasma, which is one of the ingredients contains. And this has already been validated through all kinds of.
I mean, there’s seven ways we validate everything we do. And I could get into the, to the strong words, but I’m happy to provide, you know, a response to this in writing because it’s, it’s referenced, it’s scientific. You know, it involves everything from energy dispersive, X ray spectroscopy. And you’re going, okay, I don’t want to, I don’t want to go down that road. What is that? That’s the way we’re able to identify the electron signature or the signature energy signature of that particular element. So we know exactly what’s in it. We know there’s 72 minerals in the sea plasma.
We don’t think that we know that. And there’s only one other ingredient in there, and that’s the clinoptillolite, which is natural from the ocean, from volcanic flow into the ocean that’s been solidified. It’s also known as zeolites. Right. Is it the commercial? Commercial, exactly. Scientific name. Yeah, yeah, but it, but most of the research out there is based on synthetics or some sort of combination of natural and synthetics. This is a 100% natural product of C plasma and clinoptillo light zeolite Z with a negative surface charge ORP at negative 80 up to 100 millivolts. Okay. At a PH of 8.4 to 9.
You see, and if you know anything about ph, you know it’s exponential due to the power of 10. So someone is something, let’s say the blood, which is ideal at 7.4, the interstitial fluid is 10 times more alkaline and should be more alkaline than the blood at 8.4. And how would you know that? How could you test for that? Because your doctor wasn’t educated in this. They don’t test for it. Out of sight, out of mind. The only other person that I know, besides myself and my associate is NASA. They’re the only ones doing this. They want to know the effects of, you know, gravity or the lack of it, you know, zero gravity, on the effects of the body fluids.
So they test all of the extracellular fluids. All of the extra fluids is the 20% vascular and the 80% interstitial fluid. Why would you go to a doctor and get 20% of the information when all of the information about your health is in the interstitial fluid? Because the blood is constantly purifying itself, it’s not going to hold on to anything. That’s why it keeps a very delicate, very narrow range. Ph and ORP at 7.4, 7.3, 65 to the thousands. And if it goes down to 6.9, you’re dead. And if it goes to 7.1, you’re in a coma.
And if it goes to 7 point 2, you’re sick. We’re talking about less than 1 0.1. You know, it’s a very small amount. It’s very narrow range. So when you’re working out and producing lactic acid, where does it go? If it stays in the blood, you die. It gets pushed out into the largest organ of the body called the interstitial fluid of the interstitium. And if you don’t get. Get it out through sweating or urinating, it gets pushed into the muscles, causing leg cramps, Charley horses, you know, pain, you see, pain equals acid and acid equals pain.
There’s no separation of that. But they don’t teach this. So every person that comes to me signs a form, I have them. I understand that Dr. Robert Young is a scientist, a research scientist, a naturopath, etc. He is not a medical doctor. I don’t want to be a medical doctor. I don’t want their education. I want nothing other than to be kind with them and try to wake them up from their slumber, their lack of knowledge. In other words, they’ve been educated beyond their intelligence. And that’s what we’re seeing the last few days. We’re seeing people, medical doctors, who are acting.
Their education is they’ve been educated beyond their intelligence and they’re doing things that are abnormal. Let’s have a conversation. Let’s have understanding, you know, but to attack me or to attack those who I love and care about, you know, to attack Sarah or anyone else, that’s attack on me. It’s attack on anyone that’s trying and doing that which is right. Saving lives and changing lives. There has been an accusation that the zeolite is contaminated not the zeolite, but the C plasma. We’ve already addressed that. There was a lab study that was done and there’s flaws in that lab study.
I want you to address that. And then I also want you to address the attack on zeolite itself which is attacking a whole industry as well. So please, here again, the only one doing the research right now. And if you go to drrobertyoung.com and you go to the science articles, the science part of that website hit on Masterpiece. These are peer reviewed papers and there’s more than a half a dozen. There’s going to be another half a dozen before the end of this year. But if you’re going to take on that product, then you need to understand the laboratory methods for detecting toxic metals and nanotechnology.
And I’ve yet to see anybody do that. We found one in Germany to test for nanotechnology, graphene oxide specifically and aluminum. You know, it was an intracellular test. But we’re all. But we also do urine tests because urine is a product of the interstitial fluid and that’s where you can find the poisons. God forbid you start drinking your urine. There’s nanotechnology in all of us. And guess, guess what’s going to activate. So what they did, which is not science, they literally contaminated the zeolite by adding it to a person’s urine and then tested for that. That’s going to create a duality of oppositions and there’s going to be that zeolite is going to start pulling and pulling and pulling out of the, out of whatever biologicals, proteins, cells, what have you that are in the urine.
You cannot put masterpiece in urine and test it and come out, you know, unless you got some screw loose and state, oh, we found this, we found that, we found toxic metals. Of course you would, because it’s going to pull out that from the cells or those particulates of the cells, even if they’re. And you are spewing out spike protein, which are actually appendages of what used to make up the cell membrane. Spike protein, they’re called schistocytes are cells that have been damaged by their vascular or interstitial fluid. And so that shows up in the urine.
God. So they didn’t understand. If you want to test masterpiece, take the bottle, give me the lot number, the allocation. So we know what batch you are and let’s play fair here. They’re not. And what are we going to do? We’re going to look at this using plasma optical emission Spectroscopy, we’re going to use high resolution transmission electron microscopy, we’re going to use energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy, we’re going to use dynamic light scattering dls. We’re going to use atomic force microscopy, we’re going to use X ray diffraction xrd. Were any of these tests done that these people are talking about? No, they’re just spewing out garbage out of their mouth after they look on a microscope and start identifying things without identifying properly.
A procedure to determine if a fluid’s toxic, don’t put it in the urine. There’s going to be a chemical reaction to that. So that’s what you mean by they’re educated, above their intelligence. Okay, so the other thing is, they only had one sample and it was done. It wasn’t an independent. I mean, the whole thing was flawed. Sarah, there’s only one question. You know, all you have to do is say, what’s the date on that sample? What’s the lot? We could go back and check it, but we, we do this, we end up sending out. We have.
We test each individual ingredient we put into it. And then before it goes out of, you know, an FDA facility that’s licensed to do this, okay, it has to receive a report. And that report, you know, tells exactly. Are there any exotoxin, endotoxin, mycotoxins, Are there any heavy metals? Is. And it’s a complete three different certifications on each masterpiece lot that makes up each masterpiece bottle. In order for me to feel comfortable that we’re not doing harm. And we’ve already done safety and we’ve done efficacy studies, and that’s where you’re going to find those. And are we stopping there? No, we’re looking at doing larger groups, you know, not just 24 people, not just three people, but 500 people, a thousand people.
And another way to test for interstitial poisoning, fluid poisoning is hair testing. And we offer that to anyone. We’ll give you two bottles for free. You pay for a reduced price on the hair testing. And I don’t make any money on this. I’m just telling you, this is the offer coming from human consciousness support, which I have no financial interest at all. I’m not an owner, I’m not a shareholder, I’m not an employee. You know, you’re an advisor. Help them. So you help them create a product because you want to do something good. So where do you suggest people go? I know you’ve said this a few times.
I want people to take this in, learn from IT do some critical thinking and ran some research. Where can they go so they can start thinking clearly about this, at least analyze clearly because that’s one of the side effects of taking masterpiece. You start thinking clear when you go on a PH protocol and when you start altering the alkaline design because get some ph hydrant paper, test your pH, you’re going to see that your cells are starving to death. They’re starving for what? Light energy, Electricity. You don’t know how to feed it. And that’s why I say read chapter 5.
Read chapter 11. Understand what it means to not diet, but to live it. No more diets. It’s not. We don’t even want to talk about it. It’s got the word diet. We want to start living. We want to do a live IT program. There’s only one program that I know God sponsored. It’s called the PH Miracle Lifestyle and Protocol. PH Miracle. It’s understanding the opposite in all things. The duality of life and that that is important. It needs to be that way in order for us to learn by our experience. If you’re not doing, you’re not learning.
And that’s why I used to take my. My family on trips. Why are we spending all this money going here, there and everywhere? Because the only thing you take with you is your experience. That’s right. What you learn, but what I mean and going places and doing things together. That’s right. So it’s important that people understand. Three certificates of analysis for Masterpiece. Three. Check. Double check. And the reason for that is in the scriptures. Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Why three people on our initial case, out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, all three witnesses testified that this product removes up to 90% of heavy metals, microplastics, forever, chemicals, nano materials like aluminum, like graphene, graphene oxide.
And we have the hard core evidence. The people that are spewing this garbage that they’re spewing, the ones that are educated beyond their intelligence. The ones that had made taken an oath to do no harm. Stop taking EDTA. Stop taking carbon 60. Stop taking methylene blue. Stop eating or eating foods that are going to harm and compromise your internal environment. You must be the change you want to see if you want better health. I’m going to provide this information at no charge. And in fact, if you write me an email and say, Dr. Young, I want to watch your videos.
Go to rumble. There’s over 600 videos there. I want to read your information. Where do I go, it’s free, it’s all free, it’s going to stay free. So power is knowledge. If you want better health, you’re not going to do that by poisoning yourself with chemicals. You’re not going to do that if you’re surrounding yourself with high tech. It’s not going to work. We, I did that. I was asked to go to London to do a double placebo test in 1998 on the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human biofilm before anybody else was talking about this.
And I published with a Berkeley professor. This work is published. It was finally published in 2001. So look, most of these people that are talking weren’t even born when I started. Do I have any animosity? No, I don’t. All I have is compassion and a desire to help them overcome their physical, emotional and mental and spiritual disconnection because of man made solutions to pollutions. So masterpiece is it? So where can they go again? They can go to. Is it DrRobertsYoung.com well they go to DrRobertsYoung.com or they can go to scientific articlesrrobertyoung.com they go to the scientific article section and then you can look at the topic.
In fact it’s in every language. All of my articles are in Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, French. My books are in Italian, Spanish, French, Chinese. They’re in 27 different languages. Folks, it’s really easy. It’s you having decide. I want to feel better. I want more vitality, I want more energy and I want to take my body back. I want to be in control of my health. I want the power and power comes with knowledge. And when I have, when you have the knowledge you don’t need health insurance, you need accent insurance, you don’t need to be paying high deductibles or you know, on, on healthcare.
It’s built on a foundation of chemical and radiation poisoning. It doesn’t work. It’s never worked. If you want to improve the quality and quantity of your life, it’s a simple choice. Thank you so much for joining me today. I think this is an important dialogue and I wish doctors who I respect and other people would, they would have the freedom to be able to talk openly and debate this because we would learn so much. But there has to be a quality process put in place, freedom of speech and a true desire to get to the truth and to be healthy and to do what’s right.
Sarah, this is bigger than us. This is important. It’s important for the salvation. It’s important for saving our children. This is all about providing them with the life that we’ve had. Even though maybe some folks it wasn’t the greatest, but it can be. I believe that. I believe in the American dream. I believe in the free agency dream. But we need to protect our children. And that’s why I’m excited that Bobby is going to be the head of the Health and Human Services and literally pull the rug out for. From underneath these control freaks that are about money and that we literally start making America healthy again.
And I, you know, all I can do is hope. I hope that happens for each of us. This will, this way of living, this opportunity of choice for people to be able to learn and grow and literally not have to fear, you know, getting sick. Because if I don’t say anything else, I want to say this last. I want you to know that I care because caring is sharing. And because of that, I continue to share at great odds. At great odds and sacrifices, not so much to me, because I can deal with it. It’s the others around me that it affects.
And so I want them to be safe, I want them to be protected, and I want them to be healthy. Health is real wealth. So it really doesn’t matter, Sarah, how much is in my bank account or your bank account. At the age of 73 in March, you know, I have the energy, you know, to continue on even with all the attacks. But I know that managing and maintaining the alkaline design of the body fluids is the solution to the pollution and masterpiece is the key debate over. Thank you so much for joining me today. I really appreciate it.
Well, Sarah, you know, you’re. You’re a queen, you know, so it’s my honor, you know, to be in your presence. Thank you for all you’re doing because you’re doing great work. Thank you. Keep doing it.