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Her court case is starting on July 30 and then the 31st. You will be able to, the public will be able to watch it. Her case is about the Dominion lawsuit. She is the clerk that took a picture and showed the criminal activity of them changing the votes. And she had documented proof of this and all the story, her story after and how they persecuted, they killed her husband. It’s insane. And now they have all these felony counts against her just because she, they bribed her and threatened her twice. They tried to get blackmail or bribe her to say, if you come out and just admit that you lied or say that you lied, this can all go away.
They want her to lie about. They want her to lie about the truth so that they can get saying that Dominion was really, you know, that she lied about it and that there was no problems with it. She’s like, I can’t do that. This is. This was the truth. I’m just trying to protect the voters. And, of course, she is a Republican because that’s where the cheating happened the last election. But this is really a nonpartisan thing. If you want our country to be the real deal representative republic, where the people actually have some kind of say, this matters if no matter where you are in the political spectrum.
But I. I don’t know. I’m pretty pessimistic. I think if they haven’t changed out these dominion systems, they haven’t changed the process. Who’s to say they’re not going to keep cheating? And we talk about that. Well, how do you overcome this if they’re just out there? I mean, how are we going to cheat? How are they not going to cheat next time? I mean, so it’ll be an. This is an interesting conversation, but more importantly, it’s important that you support her cause, maybe watch her, her case. And upon examining those records, there are. There are log files that deal with adjudication.
Those are gone. They’re all gone. All of them. Yes. They would have been gone if I hadn’t have done a backup. These people are being selected, not elected. And when the person’s vote isn’t being honored, then it’s all just an illusion. Something has to change. If I have to hand count every single election from here on out, that’s my commitment to the people. What if it costs you your life? Then I’ll be with my son. I raised a Navy Seal. I’m a gold star. Mom lost him four years ago. My blood and his blood is the same.
I love this country. I believe this is our last chance to save it. And if we don’t get this fixed, if we don’t expose what they’re doing, I believe we’ve lost this country. And I have the links below where you can go and the show page or on the screen here where you can go and learn more buttercase, or you can watch it live starting on July 31. Okay, before I get into this, I want to talk about this nanosoma product that I have. It’s absolutely incredible. We no longer create our own vitamin C. We do not regulate our vitamin D.
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It’s considered a food. It’s considered a supplement of food, just food. So it doesn’t interact poorly with anything. And so it’s 100% safe. No side effects. The only side effect is if your body starts to heal. Sometimes it can heal a little too quickly and which isn’t. It’s not even that healing too quickly, just, you might get rashes or something if you’re starting to, if you have eczema or something like that, people that have skin rashes and things, your body might create more rashes as it’s detoxing and getting that out of. Out of your system. And there’s testimonial after testimonial, people doing that, and then after it gets through that process, you’re done.
Some people never have that. It just goes away. So it depends on how your body reacts. So I’m telling you, people need to try this. And I have the link below. Okay, let’s get into my really important conversation with Tina Petersen. Hi, Tina. Welcome to the program. Hi, Sarah. Thank you for having me. And it’s great to be on programs that actually get the truth out there. I try. We try. It’s hard with the swamp of lies. It’s incredible what’s going on. And you’re in an area where you’re really trying to get the truth out. I have a computer science background.
Right. So to me it’s obvious we’re going to talk about the Dominion reporting machine. To me it’s obvious that this can be hacked into and there are problems with it. And any competent computer science type person or mathematician, anybody with that kind of background who’s competent, it was obvious to honestly. And so when they are making these lies, it’s just. It’s like, wow, it’s kind of jaw dropping. But you found yourself in the middle of this and you have a lawsuit tomorrow. Can you talk, tell people how you got, you know, why? What are you in the middle of? I think people will be right.
Well, and for the, you know, for the points we won’t have probably time to cover, people can watch selection code, the movie on my website, tinapeters us. And I’ll also see the reports that we’ll be talking about and the indictment. So I have a ten count indictment, Sarah, against you. Against me. Seven felonies, three misdemeanors. When Dominion alerted the secretary of state, secretary of state raided my office after they found out I had done a forensic image which was completely legal. So I didn’t break any laws to image the election management system because I wanted to preserve election records.
So, Sarah, I was the elected by the people. I had no boss. I was elected by the people as the Mesa county clerk and recorder. And as the Mesa county clerk and recorder, it was my job. I took an oath to the constitution of the state of Colorado and an oath to the constitution of the United States. And the law says that federally I have to preserve election records for 22 months. In the state of Colorado. It’s 25 months. And the significance of this is they were coming in they, meaning the secretary of state and Dominion were coming in to delete election records.
And it was only six months after the presidential election and one month after a local city council election in my town. So I’m. So as the elected official, I do all the elections from local all the way up to federal elections. And so that was concerning to me. They did not. They were very secretive, did not want press, did not want the public in there. Did not want anybody in there. And they started getting very, very more suspicious, more restrictive. And I asked my county, I said, you know, I need. I need someone to observe. I’m not like you, Sarah, that, you know, has a computer science background.
I needed someone in there that could observe what they were doing because I have the task of, like I said before, protecting the people’s elections. And so they turned me down. I commissioned someone to come in right before they. They came in to do this, what turned out to be a wipe of the system. And when I say wipe, Sarah, there was the 29,000 election records log files that were deleted. This is incredible. They did this. Okay, now I have a couple questions. Do you make it a practice, you’ve been doing this for a while. Did you make it a practice to make copies of the dominion or the election results for preserving them? Is it something you just did regular and didn’t think anything of it? Right.
Well, see, and that’s what they instruct you to do, is to. Is to preserve the results. But that’s not what the law says. The law says that in addition to audit log files, which is what they deleted, that I must preserve access log files that say who went in out of the systems, what functions they performed, et cetera, those were also deleted and also adjudication log files which determine how the system interpreted the votes of the people. So when I did the images before and after, they had no PII, which is personal identifying information in these forensic images, it was just what the computer looked like before they came in and what it looked like afterwards.
So when the cyber experts who were very, very well qualified, these are reports that are on my website at tinapeters us, when they looked at the comparison between these two images, it was Stark. The difference and the crimes that they had that the secretary of state and Dominion had committed. Okay, so they were coming in and deleting evidence. And now the people that were coming in, did they tell you why they were deleting? I mean, what they were doing? They came in and why? Did they give you any explanation on why they deleted everything? What was the answer, or at least their cues? Well, they were, they billed this as just a maintenance, a regular computer upgrade.
Well, they had done that again in 2019 after I was elected as clerk. This is Dominion. People that came in or secretary Dominion and the secretary of state, they came in together to do maintenance. Okay, keep going. So, so in 2019, I was a brand new clerk. You know, I was, you know, with your, with your computers, you update them, you update your virus protection and things like that. So to me, and there was nothing suspicious about them coming in. So, so for me, I didn’t see anything wrong with it because they’re a vendor, they’re going to maintain the machines.
We’re paying them $90,000 a year to come in and do that. You know, what was their answer? What is their excuse for deleting all voting records? They have to have some kind of b’s answer. They don’t acknowledge it. They do not acknowledge it. Instead of, instead of the district attorney and the other law enforcement going after them for these crimes that have. That we have proof of Dominion. And the secretary of state convinced them that I’m the one that had committed crimes, that I had breached the election system, even though that’s not even one of the.
In one of the accounts in the indictments. So they are. What are the indictments? People can also see that at the website at tinapeters. Us. Us. So the indictment is based on influencing a public servant. Stolen identity impersonation. Not listen to this one. Not obeying the, whatever. The secretary of state, which people have to understand that as the clerk and recorder, I’m elected by the people. I don’t have a boss. The secretary of state is not my boss. But people are trained to believe that there’s something above. Above, you know, that’s all beyond. It’s made up on purpose.
Yeah. Yeah. So that’s. So the indictment. And so one of the. This is. How ridiculous is even one of the counts, the felony counts, there’s seven felonies, three misdemeanors. Is influencing a public servant. It’s the guy that’s sitting there wiping the people’s election system, and I’m charged with influencing him. Well, it seems like they are a bunch of thugs making up stuff to get you to shut up and to. It’s a political persecution, like the j six and everything else. Okay. And anybody that actually digs into this is like, wow, this is banana republic. Political persecution of somebody actually trying to do something good for everybody.
This is a bipartisan thing. You’re trying to just have good elections. Everybody should want this. So you are going to court. It’s starting tomorrow. This will probably air the day. It’ll either air tomorrow or the next day. But people can’t watch the first day, which is July 29. Right. July 30. And they could start watching on July 31. Why can’t they watch the first day public? Well, the first day is mainly condensing down the jury pool. They just had a big, another big front page article yesterday on, with the front page lies about me. They’re trying to, they have been for the last three and a half years, trying to taint the jury pool in this small town.
There’s been over 700 above the fold in Colorado. Articles defaming me, telling lies about me. And so it’s all been an effort to taint the jury here. But that’s what they were doing. And the most egregious thing is the indictment is we the people versus Tina Peters. The people don’t want this. If they really knew what this was. You’re right. These are thugs. These are people that have been. Merrick Garland has been involved in this, Sarah, from the very beginning. John Polis, who is the CEO of Dominion, came into Mesa county personally and convinced the. After they took the evidence out, which was the machines, convinced the commissioners, the board of county commissioners, that they, to avoid a lawsuit, that they needed to bring in more machines.
So they signed a six year extension, Dominion contract. I was working to get rid of Dominion before all this came and. And the commissioners had agreed. We were right down to the wire of changing, paying off that contract, which was due to expire in a year, and they convinced them to sign an extension. Oh, geez. For six more years, till 2029. Now listen to this. So the commissioners held a hearing about signing the Dominion contract. They’d already made up their minds, the citizens, for three and a half hours. Sarah filed in with only three minutes to speak.
So you know how many were there? Three and a half hours, three minutes to speak. The citizens filed in begging them, please, please do not sign the contract. They went ahead and did it anyway. And they signed my name. They used your name and you didn’t sign. Listen to this. I was in. After all this broke in August, I was flown to Texas for protection. My hotel room was physically broken into. Then I had 24/7 around the clock armed security experience the groundbreaking advancements of Lela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide, this revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements, as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan.
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While I was there and I was still doing my work by Zoom with my staff and such like that, having meetings and things, they were negotiating this contract with dominion. And then they used my stamp, which I have to give approval to use my signature stamp. They used my stamp on the contract extension, if you can believe it. When I saw that, when I came back and I saw that, I was like, you didn’t have my authorization to do this. And I would never, ever put my name on anything dealing with Dominion. And the county attorney threatened me.
He threatened me. He says, what you’re asking is for us to change a recorded official document. He threatened me with, you know, because I asked to not have my name, my name on that. So this is the kind of thing. And then. And then I was raided by the FBI. Pre dawn raid. November 16, 2021. The day. A day after my husband, they went into the nursing home. My husband, he was a marine. He had. In Vietnam. He had contracted Parkinson’s and had some dementia, so he had gone into a VA assistance nursing home that year.
And because I could no longer lift him, I’d been taking care of him. The day after the raid, they went in, had him sign a divorce decree. I found out a month before we would have been married, 35 years, his estranged. Hold on a second. Was he mentally. He signed it, but was he mentally fully there? Like, he told me? He. He told me afterwards, he says, honey, I think I did something wrong. Well, they had restricted me from seeing him. That’s so bad. Okay, this is just this. Their behavior. If that doesn’t indicate that you’re dealing with a bunch of criminal thugs, I don’t know, this should incriminate.
I mean, so obvious. This is what the mob, the worst of the worst, does. But that’s what we’re dealing with, aren’t we? Yes. Yes. So here, here, here. When I came back after being in, being under 24/7 armed security brought back the first report, gave it to the commissioners and the DA. They did nothing with it. All they want to know was where, you know, where I was when I was in Texas and things like that. So then I was raided by the FBI. They wanted to, you know, it’s like a fishing expedition. The next day, my husband calls me.
He says. He says, I think I did something wrong. I said, honey, happened. I’m thinking, oh, I just got raided by the FBI. Now, you know, my husband’s needing some help. But in between that time, they had brought in an estranged sister who had never come to see us in Mesa county in the 30 some years we’d lived here. And she got a fake power of attorney. God can sign a power of attorney. Or this. This DA. What I believe is the DA appointed a local attorney to go in, have him sign this, but also a power of attorney, that when I went to the nursing home to see him after I got back, they prevented me from seeing my own husband.
They said, you no longer have the power of attorney. Well, I didn’t know it at the time. I still had a power of attorney. They could not have restricted me. So I didn’t see my husband from the time I left in August until right before his death. So what happened? After a couple years, I had heard that he had fallen. I decided to go find him. I went. Found him in Arkansas. He was 90 pounds, Sarah. He was. People. There’s a. There’s a. There’s an article, a hundred page article on my website. You can. You can order the magazine.
It’s really a pretty magazine. Or you can. I think I have it behind me. He was. He was in like a. I don’t know. Was he in like a hospice care? He was in a VA. I had worked. They weren’t taking care of him. I worked for six years to get him 100% disability, so his care was taken care of by the VA. But they took him to a place in Arkansas after they divorced him from me. Took him away to Arkansas. The brotherhood was charging him because he lived an hour away from the facility. The brother was charging $100 to come see him for gas money.
He was left alone most of the time. He whittled away. I found out that he’d fallen, and I was concerned he’d broken his hip, and nobody would give me any information. So I let you get there. I mean, they wouldn’t. They were keeping you away from him? Yes. I went to Little Rock, Arkansas, Sarah, and I just walked. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I just felt like Goddess said, just go. And so the miracles that happened, I can’t even go into all of them here. We don’t have time on the show, but. But there’s a lot of it in that, that magazine article that’s on my website, Capital Times.
I was on the front page of Capital Times magazine. But I went in there, and as soon as I walked in there, I looked at him, and he was a shell of a man. This is a 230 pound man that was down to 90 pounds. He was in extreme pain, starved, dehydrated. I started giving him water. I was there for three days, and I came back and I vowed to go get him. So I came back. I bought a used motorhome because I didn’t know how long I’d have to stay down there to care for him.
You were on a. I’ve got all this legal persecution going on and I’m trying to save my husband. I get, I go back down there with a new power of attorney that he knew that he had signed and wanted my help. And I went in and the police escorted me out and said if I came back, if I came back within a year they were going to charge me with trespassing. Three weeks later my husband was dead. So this is what they’ll do. What they’ve done to me to take my family, to take my job, to take my reputation, to try to put me in prison for 20 years no one can fathom.
Wow, is all I have to say that they did that to you. And I guess I’ve seen a lot of human trafficking and MK alter type stuff and it’s in that ballpark is what it is. These people are that bad, right? And you’re showing that you’re a strong, they mess with the wrong person because you’re super strong and you’re saying I don’t care. I’m bringing this forward. No matter what you do to me, you are going down and this is going to be exposed. Your crimes, everything you’re doing is being exposed for the world stage because God wants it to be because this is that bad.
So, okay. It’s just incredible. It shows what the, I’m going to say it again, shows the type of people we’re dealing with. So, okay, so now the trial is you’re protecting yourself because you dared to protect the integrity of the election. Now how do we. They’re going to try to protect you, but are we, is your attorneys and the people behind this using this to expose dominion? And obviously we are today exposing the thugs behind this. But what is the plan from a legal standpoint? Because now all this is coming out to all come out and it can be used against them.
Right. The judge, the judge has denied every motion that we have put out. The DA has, has been awarded every motion that he has put out. The movie that you’ll see selection code that was released back in 2022, August of 2022. I was even prevented from going to that premier because the DA said that I would be healed as a hero and it was the most troublesome request that he had ever gotten. Now this is the same DA that I’ve had four sets of attorneys. Now the first set, I loved him to death, but someone else took him out.
What do you mean they took him out of well, they said they weren’t being effective or weren’t. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Pressured me to let them go, which was a huge mistake. The second attorney that I had actually was. I questioned this. He was a Democrat, which is fine. I mean, this is nonpartisan. This is about protecting your vote. There’s bad Democrats, there’s bad Republicans. As a matter of fact, the commissioners and the DA, the never Trump or DA are all Republicans. So, you know, Jenna Griswold is a Democrat. This is not about Democrat Republican. That’s what I want people to understand.
This is about the globalists, the Marxist, the deep state that have to take out our country using these fraudulent election machines. And it’s being done all over the, all over the world, 71 countries using the smartmatic, which is the dominion chassis of the voting machine. So. But anyway, so this is what’s happening as far as the criminality that is going on with all of this. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, I was gonna say there was a professor of computer science, I believe, from the university. Alex Halderman, Michigan. Right. Who was it in your court case? Or was it one in Georgia? I thought it was one in Georgia.
Yes, it was Georgia. And he showed within a couple of minutes how you can hack into the. Not that it’s really well known guys, that this is. And so now they’re trying to gloss over this. Most western countries have paper ballots because they know this is too vulnerable. Well, you know, it’s interesting. It’s interesting which you just brought up. J. Alex Halderman. So went before I was indicted, a few weeks before I was indicted, I had decided I was already running for clerk again, the clerk and recorder again. And then when the Biden administration refused to allow the.
Because the judge in Georgia had. It was so egregious, the information about the machines and their capability. And the ICX is the image cast where you, where you place your vote on a tablet was so egregious that she sealed J. Alex Halderman’s report as support. It was secret. So it was getting ready to be released again February of 2022. And the Biden administration stopped it. That was February 12 of 2022. Two days later on Steve Bannon, I announced I was running for secretary of state. I said, I’m the only one that can do this. I’m the only one that can expose this.
So I ran against Jenna Griswold. I had two republican opponents. But get this. This is why I’m saying it’s not Democrat and Republican. One of them was with the corrupt Obama appointed attorney general of Colorado on his loan board. And the other one was Pam Anderson. Now, the significance of Pam Anderson is that she was, and probably still is, the secretary, the secretary and one of the five directors of the organization called Center Protect and Civic Life, CTCL, that Michael Gableman in Wisconsin outed as being the organization that Mark Zuckerberg funneled $470 million through to defeat Donald Trump.
Okay, so this is my opponent, but listen to this even further. And she was just a placeholder to make sure that Jenna Griswold stayed in power. We saw the votes flipping, just like the report of the Mesa county report number three on my website. Under reports just like that, we could see them flipping the night of the primary. We could see votes at 1130 at night in one county flipping from one candidate to the other in my race. And the staff had gone home at ten, Sarah. So here we have this woman who is, they’re cheating her election to beat me so that she can just do nothing and allow Jenna Griswold to win again in the, in the election for secretary of state.
But guess who her mother in law is? Pam Anderson’s mother in law. You’re never gonna believe this. She’s the plaintiff on the case in Colorado to keep Trump off the ballot. Oh, geez, that’s her. It’s almost amazing how went to the Supreme Court. People there are and people willing to put themselves out there to take down our country who are treasonous there. It’s money, power and position. That’s what it is. Or fear. Yep, money, power. That’s exactly right. And people are that shallow. Is it a cultural thing? Are we, have we failed ourselves culturally where we have a cesspool of people who are willing, who don’t care? Think about it.
We’ve taken God out of our schools. They’ve invented Covid to keep you away from church. They’ve selected, and that’s why watching the movie selection code is so important. They’ve selected in Colorado. So all these elections, in my opinion, have been selections of people that will do their will. And I remember people kept coming to me, saying to me, but how could everybody be involved? Well, it’s not everybody that’s involved. It’s people in places of selections. It’s people in places like the Da that Soros funded. Right? So George Soros funded the Colorado secretary of state and many others like Katie Hobbs in Arizona and Raffensperger in Georgia.
And I could go on, on Jocelyn Benson. So these people are being, their campaigns are being funded by these globalists, by these people that need them in those positions, judges included, that need them in these positions, positions to be subservient to their wishes. I got you in. You do what I say, you know? I do know. So do you think this election is going to be, is there any chance this could be a fair election coming up? I believe that Donald Trump will win. The reason I believe Donald Trump will win is because it’s like when I was running for secretary of state and Mike Lindell said to me, we’re coming back from Mar a Lago.
And he said to me, he said, tina, if you win, that’s great. He said, but if you don’t, that’s even better because it’ll expose more of their fraud. So look what happened in Arizona, right? What happened. He’s the eternal optimist. Look what happened in Arizona. And I would tell people, I’d say, listen, we need to do like what we did in Arizona. Vote on the last day paper ballot. Show. If it’s a, if you’re in a mail in ballot state, show up with your ballot, but don’t give it to them. Say you want to vote. If they say you’ve already voted, then you call law enforcement right away because someone has voted for you.
And guess what? If they give you a provisional ballot, they take the first ballot that comes in. So you’ve, you’ve just wasted your time. You’ve lost your vote. So people need to do that. And, but keep your ballot. Go in and ask them, do you have, you know, I want to vote. If they say you’ve already voted, that’s your clue that you need to report it to law enforcement. If they haven’t, then go ahead and fill out your ballot that you have in your hand and give to them. Don’t use electronics, you know, and people have to understand, when you look at the Mesa county report number three and when you look at these reports, look at who authored them, these are people that have, that have worked for the government, that have worked for high intelligence capabilities to thwart terrorist attacks and things like that.
Very, very. They’ve never been debunked. The reports have never been debunked. The DA, after I brought the last report where it showed the ability to flip votes, he contacted the secretary of state. Here’s the fox and the hen House story and Dominion voting system to ask for an explanation. They blamed my election manager and we’re going, that’s interesting. You can’t even see her screen, for one thing. And it’s the same anomaly because they were looking at the April 6 municipal election. Same anomaly happened in the presidential election. Isn’t that odd that she would make this same mistake twice? It was just a smokescreen to have people believe.
But all three reports. So in report number three, what happens is the ballot goes into the tabulator, there’s an image, there’s a picture taken of that ballot by the machine, an image. And you’ll hear, oh, we’ll give you all the ballot images you want. You can do your own analysis. Well, the ballot image is then transferred to a second database, which is like a bookie having two sets of books. Nobody knew that it was. That there was a second database. And we know that it’s not the same ballot image of the original ballot. They can change the image.
This isn’t all that complex. There you go. You know that all computer science stuff, they just change what boxes selected. It’s not complex. I mean, we’re talking a world of advanced computing now and this is like. Come like a little calculator. I mean, it’s not complex. And so, but I. Okay, so we all have the Dominion machines all over the place or others like them. Why do you think it’s going to work this time? I mean, I go, okay, go on, go on. My at real Tina Peters on X and look and you’ll see a link for a conversation that Patrick Byrne had on a Twitter space.
There’s a couple of them done by him. You’ll also see some reports by Ciza. I don’t mean to be a negative here. I don’t care what Patrick Burns says. You know what I mean? I want to know. I’ve talked to hundreds of people. He’s just some guy we know. He’s been involved in intelligence and other psy ops. I don’t care what he’s. I want to know what. Why do we think if the same systems are in place? I don’t want to. You know what I mean? Why would it work now? Nothing has changed. We have all these corrupt people.
Why suddenly is it going to be fair? Because the people are going to start speaking out. And if I had anything to say, if I have anything to say, it’s just, if you see something, say something, the people will speak out. You can’t. You’re not going to be able to convince the people of America, looking at the support that Donald Trump has and now they have switched candidates to Kamala Harris, who is. I don’t want to go there. I mean, so you’re going to say so they can cheat. Nothing has changed. But we’re going to get around it because the people are going to.
The people are going to stand up. The people are going to stand up. The people are going to overwhelm the tried. Okay, so the goal is to overwhelm the vote even though they can flip it. Because I know in Mexico, which my, my husband’s from, there’s, they’ve flipped votes and changed votes where it was like nine. Everybody knew, the whole community knew that 99% of the people wanted the other person and the other person still won. They didn’t know that bad. But just knowing is not enough. The people have to speak out and you have to do it on a local level, just like with me.
Just like with me at being the, being the designated election official for my county. And when people kept coming to me and kept, I believed the lie. I believed we were the gold standard, that Colorado was the golden standard of elections. Of course, Dominion, this was their main headquarters, which now we know is not their main headquarters. Their main headquarters is in Serbia. So that’s a whole nother story. But, but the people kept coming to me and finally, and I would take them for tours and, and I would answer their questions and I would, you know, tell them how secure we were because I had been told that these machines were air gap.
They’re nothing. John Polis was, has just been outed. The do, the CEO of Dominion for lying under oath. These are connect the Internet. We’ve already proved it. Now they’re saying we’ll just turn it off. Well, how do you turn it off? We didn’t know that you guys have the passwords. We didn’t, you know, so anyway, so that’s a whole other ridiculous story. We keep exposing them, and that’s what the people are doing. And that’s why I believe that we’ll win this election if the people continue. Now, I deal with, with folks all in every, every state, and they are now going to their commissioners, they’re saying, defund these machines.
They’re doing it. They’re taking them. We’ve come a long way since the 2020 election where people are going to their local municipalities, their local officials, and saying, you know, get rid of the machines and they’re doing it. Start having paper ballots, start doing same day voting, start showing voter id. Things are shifting. Things are turning because of the people locally. So you can’t point your finger at, you know, the Biden administration. You can’t sit there and watch the tv and watch shows like this. And point your finger and get angry at Dominion and all this stuff.
You have to, as a citizen, go to your local administrators, your local election officials, your local commissioners, and say, stop it. Don’t use these machines. Don’t do this. That’s where it’s going to come from. It’s going to come from local. And General Flynn says local action, you know, he talks about local action. Don’t wag your finger and complain and get all upset and what are we going to do? And, you know, wring your hands and stuff. Go to your local areas and be proactive. Okay? So it’s up to the people to demand that their local elections are fair and we all have to take, get off the couch and get involved.
Get off the couch. That makes a lot of sense. How can they support your election or not election your, well, maybe your election, too. But your case, now, your case is a bipartisan case because everybody should want a fair election. So where, where can they support and watch your court case. Thank you. So it will be live streamed. But I would encourage people, if you’re able to come to Grand Junction, Colorado. It’s a great time of year. The peaches, the, you know, wine country, all of that. Come to grand junction. Come to the, you can go on freetina.com.
patriots have put up that website for the trial dates and times. And then if you can donate, please do, obviously, pray. You know, the prayer. And this is good versus evil. It’s not Democrat and Republican, as you’ve said. It’s not political parties. I don’t want people to show up in MAGA gear. I don’t want them. Even though I love Donald Trump, I will be straight out with that. But don’t show up in Maga gear. Don’t show up with Trump flags. This is not about that. This is about the vote for every single american, no matter who you are.
For sure. This is preserving the vote so that your vote remains undiluted by fake votes and pure. And the person that you voted for counts for who you voted. So that’s how I would say they can support me. Watch selection code, pass it on. Get on your social media channels, put this out. Tag in Elon Musk, tag in the big, you know, of course, Donald Trump. Tag in big influencers. So they hear this story before it’s too late. They want to put me in prison for 20 years. Plus they want me to probably pay restitution of millions and millions of dollars that they say that I’ve cost.
But here’s, this is what I was going to tell you about the attorney. Back when I was talking about the attorney, the second attorney that I had. Yeah. He trade. My belief is he traded my case because he was representing me. And a guy with 26 pounds of fentanyl with the same DA, Dan Rubenstein. Dan Rubenstein is prosecuting both of us. The guy with 26 pounds of fentanyl, Sarah, enough to kill half the United States, got off on probation. Oh, gee. And the DA has gone full out to come after me under the direction of Merrick Garland and the Colorado attorney general.
Yeah, it’s completely out of perspective. It’s completely out of whack how far they’re going after you, what they did to your husband. I mean, that is, it’s absolutely incredible. The DA, the DA contacted our personal attorney because my husband said, I said, honey, what do you want me to do? He said, contact our personal attorneys. I contacted them and they said, the DA called us and said, please don’t help her. She’s under investigation, blocked. Any kind of help I could have gotten to turn that around to protect my husband. So how are you having the strength to do this? Where is it coming from? From God.
From God and the supporters, you know, the love, the friendships, the people that have stood in the gap for me, praying, that have sent me cards and letters and emails that have contributed to the legal fun, that encouragement that I put out the post on, on the social media to bring awareness, that’s where I get my strength from. I was, I was offered twice that I could make all this go away. They tried to bribe you. So what, what was that? Would they do? Well, there were, there were two different instances. One was, was Jenna Griswold wanted me to sign this declaration, this memorandum of understanding that I would retract, recant, repudiate what I said on Facebook Live about these machines need to be more transparent to the public and not be allowed to do what they were designed to do.
And there was other page after page of egregious things like that, and I wouldn’t sign it. She took it, took it to a judge and told the judge I was going to break the law, which I’ve never broken the law before or after. And the judge actually removed me from my election duties, which is really illegal. You cannot do that because I was elected official and I hadn’t been convicted of any crime. How do these judges get this kind of power? I mean, they, the judges have gotten out of control because the judges should be overseeing a jury system and they’re just making all these unilateral decisions, our whole justice system has been, is broken because judges shouldn’t be coming in there and playing God.
That’s what essentially they’re doing. They’re way outside the boundaries. The other, the other time that I was offered to make all this go away was from somebody that I know very well who is on the other side that doesn’t support me. And she came to me and she said, I can make all this go away. And I knew there was a catch because, you know, anytime the devil brings you a deal, there’s always a catch and he will come back and get his due. And I said, I said, I said, what would I have to do? And she said, just say that you were mistaken.
And I said, but I wasn’t mistaken. She said, well, just say that you lied. And I said, but I don’t lie. She said, well, everybody lies sometimes. So she wants to lie about lying. She wants you to lie and say you lied, right? So I said, she said. So she said to me, and this was a, this was a person that is, that is, has access to Kamala Harris, who vacation, who this, this person that was going to do this for her, you know, vacations with or meets in Indev, in Brussels and all these places, right.
That’s kind of undercover. He’s the fixer, has been in Democrat politics for years and that sort of thing. She says, well, if you don’t do this soon, he’s not going to be able to help you. And I said, well, then I guess that’s the way it’s going to go. Well, that’s good. So good for you. Well, when you know that you’re called to do something. That’s right. And, you know, the Bible says when you put your hand to the plow, you’re going to be defined by the courage that you have. You’re going to be defined by the choices that you make in this life and the next.
And, you know, you want to hear well done, good and faithful servant. But he says, because you’ve been faithful in small things, going to your city council, telling them to get rid of the machines, whatever you can do, he will give you governance over much. So everybody’s been called here for a reason, Sarah. You know that. And everybody can do something. I say. I say, everybody. There’s more of us than there are of them. They can’t get us all. That’s right. Well, thank you so much. Give us another where people can go to watch this or support you both.
Freetina.com has the court dates and all, and all that information. Tinapeters us has all the reports, has the movie selection code, has the indictments you can read that has the Capital Times magazine. It’s a hundred page magazine that tells the story that you can download the PDF or if you want to have, it’s a really pretty coffee table copy. And I don’t make anything from this, but it supports the publisher. You can go on Amazon and find the Capital Times magazine story of Tina Peters. So I would just encourage people to go to my website, tinapeters us, tweet it out, put it on your socials, Instagram, truth, and also the freetina.com.
if you can come to the trial or want to know the trial dates, it will be live streamed. So on Frank speech on gateway pundits and other outlets. And people need to pray for you because a good person should not be under this. So regardless, you should not be put through this. So thank you so much for coming to the program. I really appreciate and stay strong. All right, Sarah, thank you so much for getting the word out. I appreciate it.