Do YOU have White Privilege? Taking on the Man w/ AJ Rice

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➡ The text discusses the current cultural and political climate, highlighting the rise of comedians who are using satire to expose issues such as communism and globalism. It also introduces AJ Rice, a publicist and author of a satirical book, who is at the center of this cultural shift. The text also mentions a company called Masterpiece that removes toxins from the body, and a product called Nanosoma that helps the body regulate its own vitamin C and D production. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of free speech and the role of comedy in addressing serious issues.
➡ The text discusses the current state of comedy, criticizing late-night hosts for their repetitive and lazy humor. It highlights the lack of diverse thinking in writers’ rooms and praises comedians like Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais for challenging the status quo. The text also criticizes celebrities for supporting corporations and government entities, contrasting this with the rebellious spirit of past musicians and comedians. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of free speech and the role of comedians in challenging power and keeping society honest.
➡ The text discusses the importance of free speech and the consequences of making fun of powerful figures. It criticizes the current political climate, suggesting that it’s controlled by corporations and that many popular figures are not truly representing the people. The text also encourages people to seek help for drug problems and emphasizes the importance of choosing the right allies in the fight against totalitarianism.
➡ The speaker shares his experiences growing up in Philadelphia and his journey in the public relations industry. He emphasizes his unique approach to PR, which involves being upfront and honest, and building strong relationships with clients and media. He also discusses his interactions with various influential figures and his role in facilitating important discussions. He believes in the importance of free speech and the exchange of ideas, and sees his work as contributing to this vital aspect of society.
➡ The speaker discusses concerns about control by big tech and the spread of disinformation. They express worry about the loss of freedom of speech, particularly in England, and the push to “reset” Western civilization. They also discuss the rise of “wokeism” and its impact on culture, the middle class, and the nuclear family. The speaker encourages resistance against these changes and emphasizes the importance of preserving Western civilization.
➡ The text discusses the importance of humor and free speech, especially in sensitive times. It highlights the challenges faced by comedians and conservatives in expressing their views, and the need to handle criticism effectively. It also criticizes the current political scenario and emphasizes the need for competent leadership. The text ends with a critique of Karl Marx’s ideology, suggesting it aimed to destroy Christianity and led to totalitarianism.
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But, Vivek, full disclosure of my client. RFK Junior, our client here, we work with the super Pac and DeSantis, who, you know, I’ve methemeral. We didn’t work with him. These are anti woke guys. So anti globalism and anti woke ism combined, we are fighting back against these people. These were the most popular candidates. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body. We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place, and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream.

And I like masterpiece. That’s the company I endorse. Why? Because they’re the only company out there that’s actually doing trials to prove to you that their product works. It removes graphene oxide, it removes aluminum. It removes microplastics and all sorts of toxins. You can try yours today as well by going under shop or with the link below. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have an interesting guest today. I have AJ Rice, and he’s gonna be coming and talking about his new number one best selling book on. It’s called the White Privilege Albumen.

It’s actually a satire, and it’s a comedic look at what’s really going on. And if you haven’t noticed, all the comedians are kind of popping up everywhere, being all over the media. And I think it’s. Our current situation is just ripe for satire. And a lot of the mainstream comedians have abandoned it. It was. Comedy was dead for a couple of those dark years during COVID And you’d watch some of these comedy channels, and it was. You couldn’t even believe what you were watching. It was just political propaganda nonstop. It was not funny at all. And we had to sit and endure all this crap.

And so people are just splitting off from that left and right and create. All these comedians are coming out and being. A lot of them are being propped up and whatever, but they’re getting out this message. But AJ Rice is kind of the center of all these. He’s a publicist, and he’s the center of all these books that are coming out and marketing. And he markets, like, people like Carrie Lake and Naomi Wolf and people from all over the place that he represents. And I actually got to know him because all of us in the media, we get these emails from him.

And I had one of his guests on, and I was like, what the heck? And I pushed back because it wasn’t what I thought. Ended up having a really good conversation, the guests, but I wouldn’t air him. And then I pushed back on AG and had a good. And we got to know him, and he likes strong women. And I’m like, well, that’s good, because I was pushing back against him. And so I’m like, well, why don’t you come on and talk about your book? Because it’s really timely. It’s meaningful. And I gotta tell you, you know, he’s really pushing back about this communist takeover.

And I have been telling you for so long, we have, we have groups of people wanting to take down the United States. We know that. And a lot of them are using communism. You know, the technocrats and the world controllers are using communism to do it when they don’t even believe in any of it. And then we have true communists that are infiltrating and trying to take us down. And his books are really about exposing that with satire. And I, you know, what they do, and I talk about this in this interview, is what they’re doing is they’re taking real grievances that people have, and if they’re not smart enough to see through it, they’re being used.

They exaggerate real grievances, spin it, and then are using it to take down the United States. And people who aren’t smart enough to see through it or are, they’re victimized of these. They have been victimized through the process, or they feel like they’re victims. They buy into it and feel accepted because of it, and then they’re helping to take down the United States. It’s an incredible situation that we’re in. And people who are for good values, morals, we’re almost like the good people who are trying to create stability and trying to solve problems are now the ones fighting the big guy.

It’s like we’re the anti culture. It’s so weird time that we’re in, but it’s important that we talk about. The other thing I like about AJ is he’s an absolutist, pretty much about free speech, and he’s a fan of Lenny Bruce and all these comedians. And if you study, even Howard Stern, who kind of went off the deep end lately, he’s a fan of people who speak their mind and tell the truth in kind of the cold way. And that’s why I wanted to talk to him. So this will be very different than what I usually do, but it’s an important conversation.

And I wanted to ask him what it’s like to being in the center of this cultural war that we’re in. Cause he really is, with all the publishing that he does. So you’ll get an interesting feedback from him on that. So before I get into that, I want to talk to you about nanosoma. This is nanosoma. This is one of the products that they have. But this product, you spray it in your mouth. You can do it multiple times a day if you’re dealing with a major issue, but once a day you just spray it in your mouth, five squirts and it will start to regulate your.

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I think it’s an absolutely fantastic product. I’ve noticed my digestion has gotten a lot better and so I am taking it regularly to deal with that. I’ve given it to my parents to try to deal with all the, you know, they have a plethora of issues as they get older. They’re in their eighties and so they’re dealing with, you know, they’re taking it. I’m having them take a more heavy dose based on what you do if you’re older or trying to deal with issues. And I have, you know, like Dave Hodges, who I’ve had on, he claims this has saved his life.

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Okay, let’s get into this really dynamic, this guy’s dynamic conversation with AJ Rice. Hi, AJ. Welcome to the program. Wow. We meet it last. Yeah, this is in the, Elvis is in the building. I thought, look, I finally get, we finally meet. We finally get to see each other. I’m a huge fan. Great to be here. Thank you so much. And you have some amazing books out, number one sellers on Amazon. And, you know, what you’re doing is you’re taking a comic satire perspective on today’s politics. You know, that’s what I see. Sure. Absolutely. I mean, I was raised, I was raised to do that.

A lot of my mentors taught me to do that. So we can certainly do a deep dive onto who they were and why it worked. Well, one thing I wanted to ask you, you know, I think people need to read these books because isn’t there just so much material right now for people to play off of? But for a while there, it was untouchable. The comedy died of. Well, and I think, you know, the, the places in the, in the culture and in the media where some of these jokes are coming from have changed because there still is this sort of monochromatic, sort of programmatic thinking on, on some comic venues.

I mean, you know, Saturday Night Live can throw a joke here or there. They’re trying not to look as ridiculous as they did maybe five years ago, but, you know, with, with, you know, the late night hosts, you know, the two jimmies or the three jimmies and the Stephen and, you know, the schmucks that are on after them. I mean, they’re pretty much still telling the old same tired jokes, same, you know, it’s like they took their Sarah Palin jokes and they rewrote them for Trump. You know, they’re not going to apologize for it. It’s very lazy comedy.

Right. They don’t have anyone in the writers room that thinks like me or thinks like gut failed or even thinks like Rob Schneider or some of these other libertarian people. Right? Which is why when you see a Chappelle or Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes, these are anti woke Waterloo moments where the bubble gets popped. Oh, what? Are you kidding me? Not everyone thinks like me. No, dummies. Not everyone does think like you. So that’s what I try to do with my books. Look, I was raised on Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh and although Howard’s become a company man and sort of walked off the edge there, and he’s just, I guess, this sort of corporate entity where he’s just gonna be a Pez dispenser for Democrat talking points now.

Not going to take any more risks. And look, Howard, even in his heyday, wasn’t for everybody. I mean, christians didn’t like him, and there’s plenty of people that didn’t like him. But the one thing he wasn’t was somebody that wanted the language control. And with Limbaugh, you know, he used to say they’re opposite job. Yeah, well, yeah, well, in a lot of ways. In a lot of ways, for sure. But you know what he tried to do, though? Outraged people, too. His humor did. And he would always say that his job is to use absurdity or to use irreverent humor to illustrate truth.

And that’s what he would do, and that’s why left wing heads would explode. Andrew Breitbart was the same way. I mean, I spent a lot of time with him when he was alive. He was kind of a mentor. And, you know, he used to say also that, you know, younger conservatives, you know, us, the millennials and people after us, Gen Z, if we could figure out ways to get into the culture and to weaponize it and use it back against the cultural marxists, that’s who they are. And we can get into what that is in a minute that we will win.

We will always win. And, you know, I wish Joan Rivers was still alive because I know she’d be, she’d be hammering these people very pro Trump. You know, she won the apprentice, celebrity apprentice, friends with Trump. I’ve talked to Melissa, her daughter, some of this woke stuff. She wouldn’t have stood for any of it. She’d have been lightning on fire every single day. You know, and there are some people out there that I guess are classical liberals. And I don’t think Dave Chappelle’s a Republican. Bill Maher certainly isn’t. But from time to time, they will take risks and they will, you know, spread the jokes around and hit woke ism, hit some of the globalism stuff, the trans mafia.

Dave Chappelle takes shots at them. I mean, you know, he almost got stabbed or shot for some of his jokes. Guy jumped on stage, came after him. So that’s, that’s what I try to do. Do they know, I mean, let me ask you, do they know that they’ve become stale and that they’re not taking advantage of this huge body of opportunity. I mean, there’s so much laying out here. No, no, I don’t think so. Because all their writers came out of the same sort of woke, kooky incubator where they hatched and they went to Jimmy Kimmel’s house.

Right. And in some ways, Kimmel has double middle fingered us because he has actually said to the press, I’m not going to stop making Trump jokes. I’m not going to stop ripping the Trump voters. You have to understand, Kimball’s on ABC. ABC’s owned by Disney. And he has said, look, if Disney tries to stop me from making fun of, I’m not, I don’t care. I don’t care if I lose my entire audience. I don’t care if we lose all the advertisers. I’m not going to stop. So, you know, he’s a acutely aware, and that’s why there has been some problems at Disney with the board, because not everyone on that board is a left wing, kook woke person.

Right. Not every one of them is a walking dead member. So there are, there have been some people on the board at Disney that have been like, tried to take over and buy out other shares and so on, but he doesn’t care. You know, capitalism is not what’s driving these people. It’s hatred. It’s hatred and it’s virtue signaling to their buddies, well, you know, Trump is fair game. The voters for Trump is fair game. Make fun of everybody. But the problem is, is they’re, they’re letting all this other stuff on the table, their own views. They can’t make fun of themselves anymore.

Right? Isn’t it the number one thing of a comedian, a good comedian can make fun of themselves, themselves and what they’re part of. And that’s where the good satire can come from a lot of times. Well, sure. And they can’t do that. Usually the first, usually the first sort of view of history, the first narrator of history usually comes from the comedians or the court jester, the entertainer, whether it’s Falstaff and Shakespeare or I, you know, George Carlin, the role of the comedian is to keep society and the people with power honest. So if you’re in, so if you’re, if you’re a musician, I mean, this is where gangsta rap comes from.

This is where rock and roll comes from. This is where steampunk and punk rock comes from. These are counterculture movements rebelling against the man, rebelling against the company men. Right. I, but instead you’ve got musicians, actors, comedians, some, not as many comedians, but wrapping their arms around the Pentagon, wrapping their arms around the bombs that are falling on Ukraine, wrapping their arms around Pfizer and Moderna. Have you ever seen anything like it? That is not what Jimi Hendrix or Nirvana or the Wu Tang clan or NWa or any of these groups were there for. It’s not what Richard Pryor would do.

It’s not what George Carlin would do. So it is shocking when you see the Ben Stillers and then these people, you know, Pearl jam. I mean, I think it was just, I mean, somebody reminded me earlier, rage against the machine, which is this sort of ska, punk rock, heavy metal group that, like, was like anarchists, you know, f the man, f the government, you know, black flag in the air, the whole deal. Anarchy. You couldn’t go to one of their concerts unless you were vaccinated. Meanwhile. Meanwhile, Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, and most of the country, western countries seen, which is Uncle Philadelphia.

It’s not my deal, but got to give them credit. Most of them didn’t drink the Kool Aid on the. On the, you know, from Doctor Fauci’s underwear drawer. They didn’t drink it. They didn’t drink it. So that’s good. But, like, Clapton and Van Morrison, I mean, these are boomers. These are old boomers. These are people that were around, you know, early sixties, you know, like with Bob Dylan and some of those guys, you know, Roy Orbison. They’re from that age bracket. So. But for the most part, like you said, you know, comedy is supposed to be, I mean, what.

Look, so the definition of comedy, right, there’s. There’s a couple, but usually it’s tragedy plus time equals comedy. Right? Tragedy plus time. Or, I mean, its job is to transform horror into humor, right? And. And there have been some philosophers. Actually, it might have been Penn Gillette from Penn and Teller, who’s kind of a libertarian guy, comedian, magician, you know, the Vegas show. I think he’s even a fellow at the Cato Institute, I gotta be honest with you. So he’s a libertarian guy. He’s a free speech absolutist. And he. I think I remember hearing him say one time that, you know, you know, true fascism has arrived when the comedians are scared.

Media scary. That’s right. Well, how did you ever think that wholesome ethics and morals would be sticking it to the guy? I mean, it’s kind of weird, right? Well, society that is built on free speech, which ours is, you know, it was basically a tax revolution and a free speech revolution in 1776. That you know, we, that’s in our DNA. Other countries in the west, even, they don’t have a first amendment. Certain shows, certain networks, they just can’t, they can’t exist. So we will find a way. It will, we’re going to come for you. It will come from somewhere that’s not.

And what’s crazy is, like, you take somebody, like one of the most famous stand ups of all time, tragic figure, genius, was Lenny Bruce. Lenny Bruce was a New York jewish guy, and he was sort of the first r rated comedian. And when he’s doing his shows in the fifties into the sixties, in certain jurisdictions, including LA and New York City and some of these places, there were still laws on the books against some of the stuff he was saying. If he was making fun of the Kennedys or he’s making fun of the pope, he’s making fun of Catholicism, he’s making fun of Lyndon Johnson, I mean, it didn’t matter.

The cops would show up. They’d show up. If he’d say the c word or the f word or this or that. Now, look, everyone can vote with their wallet. Everyone can vote with their feet. But it was almost like going to see Lenny Bruce was like going to a strip club, right? Like it was this, like there was this underground speech happening. If I was your mother and you had a drug problem, I’d grab you by the ear and make you call and get help. You can be in treatment tomorrow and start to get clean in seven days.

Follow mom’s advice and call the detox and treatment helpline. Now write this number down. 802 877891. 802 877891. 802 877891. That’s 802 877891. And, you know, he got arrested for, you know, all types of sort of, you know, vulgarity laws for cursing or this or that in multiple jurisdictions. Jurisdictions. And, you know, it’s funny, he used to say, you can make fun of God, but you better pick the right God, you better not make fun of the wrong God, because if you make fun of the kennedy God, if you make fun of the fill in the blank God.

And I’m just going to take this and roll with it. If you make fun of the Obama goddess, if you make fun of the deep state God, if you make fun of the big government God, or the green, the man in the green pajamas in Ukraine or the trans mafia God, or any of these people, Kim and Jim and your daughter’s locker room God, if you make fun of any of those gods, they come for you. So we are really the inheritors of what Lenny was talking about. Different target, different types of jokes. But the point is the same.

And that is if you make fun of the wrong people, they will come for you. Which is why the doughy gen x losers on late night all sort of sing from the same song sheet that their programmers gave them. And people like Chappelle or Greg Gutfeld or me or cat tiff or whoever the hell it is, we’re not going to abide by that. We’re going to go, we’re going to find the taboo God in your mind, whatever weird big government deity you’re praying to today. Right? You like, you want tampon, Tim? He wants tampons in the men’s locker room.

We’re coming for you on that. We’re coming for you. Right, Kamala, they used to be the champions of, I mean, used to come from their side. Free speech, right? They used to be, classical liberals used to be the ones. What happened? Well, they all threw in. They all threw in with the corporations. They left. They’re all, they’re all controlled. Yeah. I mean, look, the classical liberals left the party. Sure. I mean, but look, I mean, let’s look at the, let’s look at the politics for a second. So if you would have told me that in a presidential election, the Democrat nominee for president would go on national television and say, I work at h and r block, no way.

No. That’s just the way she dresses. My name is Kamala Harris. I’m from under Willie Brown’s desk. I want to tell you, I stand proudly here before all of you, America, with the endorsements of Dick Cheney and the endorsement of Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney and drag, Dick Cheney’s daughters. Dick Cheney and drag. Liz. Liz and drag. And the Romneys and the magical underwear and the silos and the, and the linguine spine and the green tea. And I’ve got the heroes that were captured, and I’ve got the heroes that weren’t captured. I’ve got the McCain family and the bushes and the this and the that.

And I love the Iraq war. And Afghanistan was wonderful. You know, let’s all go to Pennsylvania and sign some bombs that we could drop on Ukraine so we can all, I mean, you could joke about this forever. It’s, I mean, it writes itself. But if you ever needed, like, evidence that, you know, that most of our politics is the WWE, that it’s fake, that it’s just these groups here where I’m at, Washington, DC, where they’re all hanging out together. The Clintons and the Obamas and the bushes and the kings. I mean, this. You can call it the uniparty, the establishment controlled opposition, whatever the hell you want to call it, but if there was ever evidence.

She just did a commercial. So everything Sarah says is no longer insane. And all people made fun of Ron Paul, and they made fun of Jones and Bannon and Tucker and whoever the hell else. But the reality is that we have the facts. Now, you are all in on this. Trump is like white blood cells flying towards an infection. So is RFK junior. So who do you want to roll with? Okay, we’re all going. We’re all going to the gulag eventually, right? Apparently. But if you’re going to fight totalitarianism, you’re going to roll with Kamala the desk jockey and the Cheney’s.

Or. Or you’re going to roll with Tulsi and RFK junior and Elon. Three Democrats that got red pill, you know, throw Naomi wolf in with them. Now, full disclosure, three out of four of those people are my clients. But I will tell you, I’d rather we’re going to fight totalitarianism. I’m rolling with Elon and Naomi, and I’m rolling with them. I’m not rolling with the Cheney’s and the frickin Carlisle group and whoever the hell else, right? Forget it. Might do Moderna Fauci, the Fauci’s army. I mean, that’s what they’re throwing in with. So the lines are drawn.

And it’s not just with, you know, globalism, because that’s what that is. It’s also woke ism, too. I mean, if you really look at it, who were the four most popular people? I mean, forget Trump being the OG. He’s the OG from the golden escalator. But, Vivek, full disclosure of my client. RFK junior, our client here, we work with the super PaC. And DeSantis, who you know, I’ve met. We didn’t work with him. These are anti woke guys. So anti globalism and anti woke ism combined, we are fighting back against these people. These were the most popular candidates.

They kept telling me, and I keep hearing this, you hear this shit? It’s like, Nikki Haley. Why aren’t they using. Look, Trump did. Trump did a nice thing, I guess. He dusted Nikki Haley off and he. He led her wander across the street from Boeing to the Republican National Convention and give her a little speech. But I see this stuff, like, wouldn’t it be great if, like, Nikki Haley was on the stump and like. And like, even the left, like, why? Why isn’t he using her? Why isn’t he using her? There’s this Nikki Haley constituency. There’s no Nikki Haley constituency.

Nikki Haley’s constituency is booz Allen Hamilton. It’s Northrop Grumman. That’s right. The Rand Corporation. It’s the rand corporation. This is Nikki’s constituency. I mean, who do you trust more, Tulsi Gabbard or Nikki Haley? I can’t believe this. She’s going. She’s signing bonds. I’m not going with Nikki Haley. I’m not doing it. She was the one signing bonds. But okay, you are in the middle. That’s one thing that’s really amazing about what you’re doing. You’re in the middle helping market all these books and authors and you’re in the middle of the culture war, really. I mean, that’s really what you are.

And you’re identifying this humor in the middle of this culture war. What are you, I mean, what is it like being in the middle of that and seeing just how it’s changed from now, from ten years ago? Sure. Well, I like to think that publius PR is at the center of what I call the MAGA Cinematic universe. And it’s an interesting collection of Ron Paul people and RFK junior people and obviously the Trump, you know, the deplorables, you know, corporate media, I guess, still has a place. There are good people there. Newsmax has good people. Fox has good people.

And they’re there. You know, there are clients and, you know, we put people on their shows all the time. But they have a limit of where they can go. Has Tucker Carlson, Bill Tucker Carlson, Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly are all doing better since they left because they left a controlled system. So, you know, you’re dealing with a publicly traded company. It doesn’t matter whether you’re doing Fox and friends or you’re doing the Jimmy Kimmel show. You’re dealing with a publicly traded company that has to answer to the FCC and a lot of other things. So you can only go so many places, which is why, you know, Maria and Janine and Ingram and Hegseth, even Gutfeld.

There’s certain places they can’t go that, you know, outlets like this, you could go. You know, from my perspective, being at the center, I played sports. I love sports. I’m from Philadelphia. I grew up on the playgrounds. And, you know, some of it’s the law of the jungle, you know, in certain cities on the east coast, I’m Irish Catholic. I am not a teetotaler. I mean business when I. When I speak. And one of the reasons all these different people come to me, either I’m telling the truth and I’m at the center of all this, or I’m totally full of s.

And I shouldn’t even be on this show. The reality is that no one wants a coach that doesn’t play the game. So unlike other pr firms that hide under the desk with Kamala or in their little weird cubicle with the venetian blinds, and they just shut their eyes and hope that they can book someone on a show today. I’m out in front of you. I’m not going to stab you in the back. I stabbed you in the front. And look, Ingram in particular, who gave me my first big boy job, she hired me to be her assistant 20 years ago.

And her. And I joke about it. She’s like a sister to me. So is Monica Crowley. I became their executive producer. Laura took about nine months, and I was on the air with her, traveled the world with her, and then I took it over. Monica’s show, did the same thing. They kind of raised me in the meeting. And Andrew Breitbart helped out, too. And I’ve had mentors along the way. Judge Jeanine knows how to stick her foot up my rear end better than most. I got a tough mother, you know. You can handle strong women. I can tell.

That’s good. Yeah. I mean, my wife’s a killer. My mom went to medical school in the seventies, which meant she was told by the dean on day one, the only reason you’re here is because President Nixon told us that we had to take women. You shouldn’t be here. You should go home. Go make me a sandwich. I mean, that’s what used to go on. So, you know, Naomi Wolf, I’ve become very close with Emerald Robinson. These are my buddies. And I gotta tell you, if you’re gonna be out in this world, I try to bring something different as a publicist because I get on shows like this, and I create a relationship with Sarah.

That’s what’s happening here, right? You know, a lot of publicists, they’re either in it because they want to go to parties or, you know, they don’t sort of wear their values. I mean, look, I’m not a purity test guy, but there is a limit with which. So, I mean, people have called here and said, could you help me with this? You know? And I’m like, sorry. Now it was somebody. I mean, we get weird. We get weird requests. Sure you do. I mean, you have to be, to a certain degree, you know, I had a conversation with a person I work with, and certain degree, you guys have to be pretty hard ass, right? I mean, you have to be.

And it’s not always a fun job being that. Do you get. Because I know you’re an almost a free speech absolutist, too, because some of the things that I see coming from you don’t necessarily fit MAGA or it. I mean, it’s just. It’s what people want to talk about. Isn’t that the whole point of freedom? Yes. Yes. Let the arena decide. Let the market decide. You know, I’ve got people that don’t think. And I think we, you and I, have had exchange about this. I’ve got people that think big. They think big tech is the devil and that we’re all being kind of played.

I got people that think even Elon’s full of. Full of s. And, you know, and then I’ve got other people that say to them that take the old school, sort of libertarian Cato institute approach, where they see these things as, you know, gigantic employers, that even though. And the problem with that is, you know, you got people inside these things that are committing sin. And when Elon comes out and says, look, every conspiracy theory that you all had about Twitter turned out to be true, why was the top echelon at Twitter, other than Jack? Why were they all, you know, CIA, NSA, DARPA, FBI, justice Department, former employees? It used to be.

It used to be when you left the government, you went to the Rand Corporation. Now they’re going to Twitter. Why? Why? People. Bunch of people from Interpol Twitter. Right. So, so that’s. And that’s true. But I think there are some people. Maybe it’s naive. They think, you know, this. This can be. These institutions can be changed from the inside. And I let. Look, I’ll send you out there. You can go to war with me. You know, you can battle people. I mean, I do have my limits on things. I mean, I can’t have people. I mean, look, there’s a lot of people shooting at each other inside the medical freedom space.

I know, right? I’m sure you’ve seen it, right? This faction doesn’t like Malone, and Naomi’s a plant. And van der Steel said that, I mean, I’m gonna. And I work with all of them because we’re the clearinghouse here to. We connect you to the media. Right? Someone told me that by doing this and that by doing this, that for some reason that this would make me toxic, that clients would stop coming because they want a publicist who doesn’t have an opinion. And I’m like, really? I mean, that’s kind of what’s been going on here. So did you get pushed back that way? It never happened.

In fact, the books and the ability for me to come out and do this with you has created more relationships, has brought in more clients. Like, I could not. I could, I could not sell a single book. And we do very well there, but it would be worth it because all kinds of new people see and hear discussions like this, and they say, look, I’m an activist in Virginia or Idaho or whatever the hell they are, you know, can you help me? We want to get, we got a pro life group. We got, you know, we’re fighting, you know, global warming wackos or whatever it is.

So it’s a net positive. It has been a net positive. Now, there are some people, you know, with their egos. I want to get on Sarah’s show. You could get yourself on Sarah’s show, but you can’t get me. I said, well, look, I can put you in front of Sarah, but, you know, I could cook chicken. I could cook steak. I can cook some vegan garbage. Sarah’s going to decide whether the hell she wants to eat it or not. You know, I can only do so much, but I try to be the impresario in the nuclei with the overlapping concentric circles of RFK and Trump and DeSantis and Ron Paul and so on.

I try to be in the middle there where I can have people sort of come and go and have different types of content traffic happening between all the different shows. Right? That’s what I try to do. Well, I think if you’re doing your job well, you’re allowing ideas to flow so that people can make up their mind. That’s the whole point about the First Amendment. Without what the sheep to the slaughter if we don’t get to. You might be wrong. Your idea might, hello. You might not be the arbiter of truth. So we got to hear other things.

That’s right. That’s right. And look, the marketplace of ideas, you know, it’s tough, it’s competitive. We are lucky in the United States, at least up until they come. And I know you and I go to the gulag together, but where we have these spaces where we can have these discussions, you talk to people in England and Israel and just throughout the english speaking world, some of the stuff we do just can’t happen. I mean, I was on with Doctor Drew yesterday, which is as a geriatric millennial was quite the trait, because I grew up with Doctor Drew and Adam Carolla on loveline and Jones.

Alex Jones was on before me. And the three of us, it’s just an amazing sort of weird combo where here’s Doctor Drew. Been in the media since the seventies. It was kind of this sort of liberal la love doctor. And now he’s talking to Jones about globalism for a half hour and talking to rice about wokeism for a half hour. It’s, like, amazing where our society has taken us and the different types of combinations. I joke with Naomi Wolf about this all the time. You know, Ingram used to say to me, get me Naomi on the phone so we can, you know, debate her about Al Gore or whatever.

You know, it’s like, I tell Naomi, like, we were. You were like one of our punching bags that we would call. It’s so funny what has happened now, but I think that’s good. Well, it’s. Because it’s. The most important thing going on right now is this huge culture change. And I think it’s all spurred by the reset, the global monetary reset and. Absolutely. And. And there is a control grid going on with, uh, what we just talked about earlier, you know, with the Twitter. That’s real. In big tech, it’s real. Yeah. And like you were saying.

Yeah, I mean. I mean, if it’s Zuckerberg writing that goofy letter, you know, I’m going to stay out of this election. I was tricked. The FBI, I mean, Zuckerberg, the dummy, supposed to be boy genius, he’s the first person. He’s the last person in the world to find out that the government lies, that the Justice Department might be lying to him. I was told by the FBI that the hunter laptop story was, you know, disinformation. Right? And I hear that word out there now about this hurricane. I mean, anytime I hear the people in power telling me that something’s disinformation, I’m going to do the opposite and believe the opposite at this point.

Isn’t that a sad. I know. Well, you know, you said about England and Israel being different, the other areas where they don’t have freedom of speech. England has jailed four times as many people as Russia for what they post on their social media. Isn’t that an interesting game of God? Grandma, grandma. Grandma went on to Facebook and said that in my day, there were only two genders. Well, that’s it. Off to the off to the, to the clank off after the supermax prison there, like the Tower of London lock, Grandma. I mean, that is crazy. Churchill, Thatcher probably try to arrest them for their, their speech if they could, you know, now, I mean, it’s amazing where the english speaking world has, has gone to here.

That was, you know, speech in particular, whether it’s Shakespeare or Ronald Reagan, is the hallmark of the freedom of the english speaking world. And, you know, it’s the language. English is the language of commerce, most of the commerce that controls this planet up until recently. So, you know, it’s, we have to fight back. We have to push back. Look, I try to do my little tiny bit, you know, with my books and have fun, do shows like this, pumping my people out there because I’m trying to be a content provider and get as many ideas out there as possible.

But when you hear people talk about white privilege, you have to understand that they’re talking about three things, really, at the, at the big sort of 30,000 foot level. When we talk about England, they’re talking about western civilization. They want it to go away. They want to, Reese. They want to reset it, right? They want greco roman, judeo christian civilization to go away. It’s the four legs of the stool, right? They want it to go bye bye. And I, this was never only going to be about civil war statues, them tearing down statues because the greatest African American who ever lived died.

George Floyd they were all, they were going to move on to other things. It’s not just about renaming every elementary school Michelle Obama elementary, which they’re doing. I’m sure everyone’s happy. I’m sure they got great school lunches there. And they’re after it. They’re after it because you mentioned a reset. Because if you examine certain things that people think are word salads, like what can be, can become unburdened by what has been. This is something Ho Chi Minh and the Castro boys and Stalin and Lenin and Khrushchev and Mao and the great leap forward and all our fun friends would love to have done that because they want to, you know, they don’t just want to reset western civilization.

That includes resetting your school, resetting your health, resetting your church, where they bring, you know, Karl Marx into the church. They bring Karl Marx gets. He’s in the church. They baptize him. They baptize Karl Marx right in front of you. I’m a Catholic. Listen to this dopey pope. Listen to this guy, the bouncer. I call him the bouncer. He’s the bouncer from the art, from the latin club. I mean, the encyclicals on global warming and trans. And redistribution of wealth, just wacky stuff. So he’s in on it, which is why I got a. I got a blurb from the pope for the new book.

I don’t know whether you noticed it. There’s a blurb in here from Pope Francis. I could find it. Where? In the blurb. I get excommunicated from the Catholic Church. He says, this. This is from the pope. The baptism of Karl Marx was almost complete. Then AJ Rice showed up with this unholy book, excommunicado. So there I go. The pope. The pope. That’s a. That’s a badge of honor. I mean, honestly, I got Abraham Lincoln, I got Joseph Stalin. I got all kinds of people that gave me blurbs. Okay, but even Lamas gave you a blurb. Let’s talk about communism.

You know, you get the pushback saying, these guys aren’t communism. This is something that gets, you know, trotted out every four years during a campaign. These guys aren’t communists. And I, you know, I’ve. I had been talking to people about it, and they are communists. They’re just smarter. They’re not just out there. They’re doing it from within the system. Can you talk about that? Because people need to understand that they truly are. Sure. So, woke ism is basically code for cultural Marxism. And if you’re going to get rid of western civilization, the next thing you’ve got to get rid of is the middle class and communism and all its varieties, including economic Marxism.

It dawned on them that in a place that has a middle class like the United States, it’s going to be hard to get the peasants to rise up and hang the capitalists with the rope that they manufactured. So instead, you got to go a different route. You got to get in like an STD, like tapeworms, like termites, and you got to burrow into the culture, the levers of culture. So, 100 years ago, it was Broadway and silent picture industry, newspaper business, Democrat Party, Margaret Sanger, Woodrow Wilson, public sector unions. You get in there. Get in there.

Fast forward 100 years. Get into Twitter, get into Google, you get into Netflix, you get into the NBA. You get into these things. And you can then manipulate, and they’re patient and they use real issues, right? I mean, issues are real. And then exaggerate them and then flip it. Why did they ever. Why did Budweiser think that putting a tranny in the bathtub with two Bud like pounders, was going to work with their audience. And Kid Rock instituted one of the waterloos of Locustm there with his AR 15. And that ended real quick. But they incrementally, they do it in a soft way.

They do it because you can’t just walk up and say, I’m Stalin. You’re here to die. They have to do it incrementally, with patience. And it’s this sort of soft tyranny that starts to seep into things. Because if western civilization has to go, if the middle class has to go, the third thing that has to go, for various reasons is the nuclear family. It has to go not just because we’re all breeders and we’re all, we’re all causing a carbon footprint that takes away from DiCaprio’s plane and John Kerry’s plane. But I think happy people have more children.

They don’t like that. Having more children in western civilization means that western civilization continues on. So that has to be reset. Got to remove the father from the home. Got to make it really, really hard to buy a house, pay for gas. I mean, getting married, getting married costs money now, a lot of money. I’m a millennial, an old millennial. But, you know, Gen Z, they’re not even talking about this now. Getting married in the Old Testament didn’t cost any money. I don’t know why the hell it costs money now, but I would just tell you that, you know, things cost more.

You know, the boomers, my boomer parents, I bought my first house for $7,000. Oh, great, great. You know, I came up by a jet ski for that in most places. So they want to make us miserable because that makes us have lots of grievances. It makes us shout white privilege and toxic masculinity and the patriarchy and all these other things because they want his trickle down woke ism is trickled down misery. And they want us alone, childless, married, not married. They want us to have cats, maybe not the ones from Ohio, because they’re gone now. They were, they were for lunch.

But we’re going to sit there miserable with our cats and we’re going to play Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift’s going to be playing in the background. We’re going to vote for Kamala. We’re going to shut up. We’re going to take, we’re going to spoon. They’re going to spoon feed us joy. The DNC tampon Tam and the jet and the death jockey there. They are going to spoon feed us joyous. We’re going to love this. We’re going to have no more western civilization, no more middle class migrants everywhere. Inflation off the charts. We’re going to have cats in our house, hopefully not for lunch.

And that is so what can be, can become unburdened by what has been. And we’re all going to shut, we’re all going to shut up about it. It’s creating misery. Now, is there a risk, you know, like when you say cats, people have to realize you’re being kind of satire. There’s nothing wrong with having flipping cats, right? The point is, is using a stereotype to try to educate people and inform people. Is there a risk of taking their bait, going too far and then becoming, you know, like supporting the tape brothers who were trying to make pimps a good word? I mean, right? You know, taking it too far and then actually playing into their b’s? Well, when it comes to humor, humor’s different, I guess.

Humor is humor. Humor. I mean, humor is humor. I mean, they’re, you know, tragedy plus time is the old, the old saying, too soon. Too soon. You know, I’ve sold humor is safe. Yeah, you’re, you’re in a safe zone. But you know what I mean? From a cultural standpoint, sure. But I mean, I’ve seen, I’ve seen Jerry son, I’ve seen Jerry Seinfeld talk about this. I think I’ve seen maybe Richard Lewis, some other jewish comedians talk about, you know, maybe even Sarah Silverman. They talk about, can you make Holocaust joke? Can you make a 911 joke? You can.

However, it better be funny, right? It better be funny. So it’s a risk. It’s a risk. So, you know, you gotta be careful there. You have to, you can’t just, you know, it’s, it’s, it is like, you know, you can’t be like a kid finding your dad’s gun. We just like, you know, you shoot yourself with it, you gotta be careful because, you know, you need, you need to be able to pull it off. You have to be able to pull it off because we are in a very sensitive time and you know, that Chris rock slap was real.

Will Smith. So, you know, there’s this sort of fourth wall, which is the audience right now. Hecklers exist. They’ve always existed. They threw fruit and vegetables at Shakespeare’s plates at the Globe theater. So you can always have a heckler. You need to be able to handle it. You know, some comedians can, some can’t. But the key to everything, if you’re going to talk about touchy subjects. Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, they went to these places sometimes. I mean, think about this. Talk about a woke Waterloo. Kid Rock was a woke Waterloo with the AR 15 and the bud light.

Ricky Gervais going into the biggest, being paid by the Hollywood foreign press. And he goes into this room, a room that hung out with Harvey Weinstein, a room that was on Epstein’s plane, a room that was at all P. Diddy’s white parties with the baby oil and the slip and slide. And he, to their faces, calls them all pedophiles. He just, he just dunks on them in their faces. That is epic. That is epic. I saw Seinfeld handle himself really well recently where he’s doing shows. I think it was in Australia, and a bunch of people that love Hamas jumped up and were making, trying to disrupt his show.

And he, without cursing, which is, dude, Seinfeld is like a ninja because I would be yelling the f word and this and that. But he is, and he exposes them so it can be done. The best can do it. I think a lot of conservatives have got, we have had to get good at being dramatic and being comedic, being able to sort of bob and weave because there’s different standards on us, because we don’t control most of the music industry, most of this, most of that, most of sports, you know, so we have to be Jackie Robinson almost every day.

We have to be Muhammad Ali every day. We can’t half ass it because we’ve got more people, we’ve got more incoming than you know. I mean, the fact that the accidental nominee can just maybe, maybe be president in a month where she hasn’t had to do one press conference. I mean, are you kidding me? Well, she hasn’t been voted in by anybody to be where she’s at. If you took, if. I mean, there’s a reason why I’m not on the men’s Olympic basketball team, and it’s not because I didn’t play basketball in high school. I did.

I’m not. I’m actually pretty good for a five foot nine guy. I can hear my wife saying five foot eight, but can you imagine if I tried to use the ESG and DEi to force my way? I mean, why wasn’t there any white people on our Olympic basketball team that just won the gold medal? Maybe because there weren’t any white Americans worthy to be on the team. A lot of our white guys in the NBA are coming from eastern Europe and, you know, some of these other places. Right? So are we all really upset about that.

Are we using our quotient system? Where’s the quotient system? There. But here we got the quotient system. President, woman running for president, vice president who hasn’t won a primary on her own and has just been kind of shepherded along. And we’re going to put her in charge of the most nuclear weapons on planet Earth, the biggest budget on the planet Earth. This woman can’t even finish a sentence. I mean, well, and I gotta say, hand all this to her. Well, and it’s not a woman’s thing. Look at Carrie Lake, that she was one of the most promising.

She was so popular, super popular, and they did everything they could to barrier. So I mean, she’s, yeah, she’s an amazing, there’s been amazing people. So they claim to be for certain things and it’s like, no, you’re nothing. It’s like you just want your politics up there. And it’s, I have to think of, Trump wins Arizona, she’s going to win the Senate race, right? I hope so. She’s amazing. I mean, we need people like her. So she comes to Washington. I mean, that’s going to be must see tv. She’s freaking amazing. I would like to see her rise.

Well, this is great. And I like the fact that you have free speech. Absolute is pretty much, I mean, I just saw this alien thing come through. You’re representing something like, that’s interesting. I mean, I love you’re willing to just go wherever. And I like that you like Lenny Bruce. I like that you like this stuff because, you know, I don’t agree with every single person I, you know, because I fought back on one person. I was like, what the heck is this, AJ? And so I think, you know, but I love that. I love that because I’m in, I’m more of a libertarian, especially from a civil free speech standpoint.

So where can people get a copy of this thing? Well, there’ll be some in my prison cell. You’ll be in the next cell over. We’ll be doing a book signing inside the super max. No, anywhere books are sold. Amazon probably helps me the most because, you know, unfortunately they have a monopoly at this point on sales and reporting and algorithm that sort of pushes the book out. If you sell more there, it gets pushed other places and other places like Barnes and Noble books, a million monitor how much Amazon’s selling and then they’ll buy some themselves.

So anywhere books are sold, target, Walmart, I think Costco you could get. It’s on iTunes, you get the digital version of it, right? There will be an audiobook soon, and we’ll get that out there. And look, the woking dead just came out in paperback. Doing very well. So look, this is volume two, and you can pick up volume one. You know, this is the hardback. You can pick up volume one and get them back to back. I’m trying to turn myself into the anti woke Harry Potter over here. Right. And you never know, there might be a volume three on the horizon someday.

As long as, you know, we don’t all get sent to the FEMA camps. Exactly. I mean, that’s actually. I mean, it’s a joke, but it’s actually kind of serious, you know, so. Okay. And I know that’s why humor is needed right now. Well, thank you so much, AJ. Really appreciate you coming to the program. Well, look, you’re a patriot. You have an audience of patriots. Really appreciate the opportunity, Sarah. And look, God bless you. Let’s get out there and try to win this election. Yeah, we have to get out there, especially support your local people. I keep saying that’s where the free thought and independence and fighting back this control marxist structure resides.

And people need to get out there. So thank you. Thank you. We’ll talk soon. One of the most consequential lies of history is that Karl Marx put forth an economic theory or doctrine. He did not. He put forth a totalitarian religion. This was a rape of the body of Christ. He said the ultimate objective was to destroy Christianity. Those were his words. And Khrushchev bragged about it. We’ll take America without firing a shot. Hi, I’m here to impoverish, enslave and murder you. They were actual communists. The result, you can see we have to say hope. There are ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing all over the place.



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