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➡ The woman in the story had a life filled with challenges, including breast cancer and job loss, which led her to start her own business. She attended the January 6th event at the Capitol, entering the building and leaving after 26 minutes. A week later, the FBI interviewed her and opened a case, but closed it due to lack of evidence. However, after being identified by a group called the Sedition Hunters, she was arrested in 2023 and put on pre-trial supervision, leading to a trial in 2024 where she was found guilty on four misdemeanor charges and sentenced to four months in jail, two months home detention, and fined $4,000 plus court costs.
➡ The speaker was sentenced to prison but was pardoned after Trump’s election. She lost her business and is now focusing on a podcast called “From the Heart” to share unheard stories of over 1595 people. She also discusses Susan Price, a Gold Star mother, who shares her experiences of being part of a military family, her psychic abilities, and her son’s death while serving in the military. Susan also talks about her advocacy work for veterans and Gold Star families, and her experiences with the media.
➡ A woman recounts her life of constant danger and fear after her son, who worked for a military intelligence division, passed away. She experienced attacks, break-ins, and surveillance from various government agencies. Despite moving multiple times and living in a state of homelessness, she managed to survive with the help of friends. Her son’s death under suspicious circumstances and her own experiences suggest a conspiracy involving high-ranking military officials and government agencies.
➡ A mother recounts the tragic story of her son, a Marine, who was denied support during a firefight and was killed along with his unit. She alleges that this was due to a failure in the command structure, likening it to other incidents where support was denied to troops in need. She has since been fighting for justice and accountability, working with various individuals and organizations. She also plans to establish a healing center for soldiers and Gold Star families, named after her son.
➡ The text is a passionate speech about spiritual warfare, the power of faith, and the fight against evil. The speaker encourages listeners to stay strong, claiming that they are protected by divine forces. They also discuss the issue of missing children, urging everyone to help find them and report to ICE. The speaker believes that positive thinking and words can shape our world, and they envision a future golden age.
➡ The speaker is expressing concern about child abuse and trafficking, claiming it’s a widespread issue. They believe that various systems, including education and healthcare, are corrupt and involved in these crimes. They urge people to protect children, take action against these issues, and rely on their faith and spiritual strength. They also encourage everyone to be vigilant in their communities and to pray for safety and change.
➡ The speaker shares a heartfelt story about overcoming adversity, standing up for what’s right, and fighting for the safety of children. They emphasize the importance of unity, action, and staying strong in the face of challenges. They also express gratitude for the support and strength of the women around them, and encourage listeners to support their cause. The speaker ends with a powerful message of hope and resilience, assuring listeners that despite the struggles, a brighter future awaits.
➡ Don’t ever stop or give up on what you believe in. Always stand your ground and never surrender. Keep moving forward, growing, and remember that you’re not alone – Jesus is with you every step of the way.
Yet throughout it all she saw protective angels has healed and stands to save the children plus provide a path forward for them to heal from these horrific traumas. And Gold Star mother Susan Price whom herself is a veteran. In 2009 her son a special operator in the Marines and his men were all murdered in Afghanistan by deep state military generals and officers. Understand McChrystal’s command and they still have not seen justice to today. These are lionesses and heroines of our time. We invite you to watch and listen to these women share their stories as I’m positive it will inspire many others to come forward as well to share theirs and help provide the incredible justice plus healing our world deserves.
Are you Divine Lions and Lionesses? Welcome back to the Sovereign Soul Show. As you know we stand for love, levity, liberty as a former Canadian infantryman, soldier and Aracha master, a decade practicing quarter century loves the greatest power in the world, God our Creator. The great omnipresence of divinity provide that to us. This is a divine Lioness Mama Bear show. This is the first show that we have with absolute patriot spiritually awake heroines. These are stories that these women are going to share with you have incredible backgrounds, have walked through fire, walked through hell and back and are here to not only share these stories so it doesn’t happen again lest we forget, but also to inspire others to rally forward and do the same and make your voices heard as well.
Those you can see on the screen here we have Lynn Scott Hangerman, Cindy Lou Young and Susan Price, Gold star mother and U.S. army veteran as well. So with Cindy Lou Young, America’s J6 grandmother just pardon. Thank God and Lynn Scott Hanger Bin who absolutely represents the worst of the worst from the Satanic what she’s went through and went through from victim to survivor to absolute thriver. These women represent the best of our souls on this planet at this time. So it is an honor for all of you to be on here. And when we do Episode number two, we have incredible women like Dr.
Jan Hopper. Hayes is going to be joining along with Lee Dundas and then we’re going to expand it to five. It’s so I’m so honored to have all of you on here. And folks, if you are watching this on any of these women’s shows, whether it’s America out loud for Susan, Cindy Lou Young’s brand new podcast on Rumble from the Heart or Lynn Scott Hagerman on Rumble or anywhere else, be sure that you drop a comment, you share this for them and you tell them anytime this show or after how much they’ve inspired you. This is what it’s about.
And sharing a light. So ladies, it’s an honor to have you here. And just like we had in our pre chat, if we go to Lynn, if you don’t mind just doing an introduction to every one of all of our audiences and the amazing lions and lionesses out there across the world, be so honored. Absolutely. God bless you, Brad. I’m just, it’s such an honor and a privilege to be on your show today and with these amazing fiery patriots, fellow women in arms with My background was in a child trafficking ring from the time I was born until I was five years old.
And that also included being taken to a US University medical center where there were thousands and thousands and thousands of children. I was there many times. Pedophile slave auctions. Then we were taken underground and the children were separated by those that had a home to go to, which I did and those that did not. And every time I was there there were rows and rows and rows and rows endless of children on metal surgical tables where there was adrenochrome harvesting which was also in the child trafficking house. And there was organ harvesting, physical and mental torture, no anesthesia.
These evil Luciferian satanic pedophiles love to hear the children in pain. They’re not like us. Part of operation Paperclip bringing when our government brought the Nazis over and infiltrated entire country here in the United States and with and I was experimented on too, the adrenochrome harvesting. I was not exempt from that. The government was also involved. And I remember the three letter agency personnel there, the medical staff from the university, I remember them there. And also I went to, I was taken to national satanic conventions. They have conventions just like we do, but theirs are below ground and nothing near what we have as conventions today.
Praise God. I’m an international human resource award winning consultant and career Coach. I am an independent life weight distributor, which significantly helped me with the extensive PTSD and trauma. I’m also a marathoner and a weightlifter and a child of God and a friend of Holy Spirit and a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. And God activated me a year ago for such a time as this. I speak to honor the little girl in me that survived all that horror and all the little ones and that most of them did not survive. And I speak to honor them.
Thank you. Brad and Lynn, when this was happening to you, you have recounted many times. And this is 53 weeks to the day that she started speaking out about this, sharing her story to inspire others, and has weekly shows with Bishop Jim O’Connor. But one of those elements, during that heinous torture happening to you as a young girl, you saw angels. Would you mind touching on them before we move on? Yes. So with the angels, I would see God all the time and Jesus and angels and demons. I was taken to heaven a lot. I still see all of that.
I have a very supernatural life. And with the angels, there were warrior angels that were there and they are fierce looking male angels and very tall, very big, dressed in beautiful armor, giant swords and weapons and female angels everywhere, beautifully dressed. And every little child while, and including me, while we were being physically and mentally tortured, we each had an angel and a female angel that was soothing. And the little girl in me would call them the angels, as in they’re, they’re very comforting. And I’m fully convinced that those angels were the same angels in the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus before he was tortured, soothing him.
Same thing. And so is. It was extremely. As horrific as all of this is for the children. And I know people that listen to me. You know, it’s hard for me to share, but I’m more than willing and to educate everyone. And I know it’s hard for everyone to listen to. And even though it is very, very horrific for the children, I do want people to take comfort in the fact that angels are real. And even I see them. Most people, the majority don’t, but they’re very, very real. And God sent them to help the children.
And they did help the children. It’s beautiful and lovely. Thank you. Thank you. Cindy Luya. Thanks for having me on, Brad. And it’s wonderful to meet these ladies and be here today. So I my history, I was born in 1956 and in 1958 I was in a plane crash with my mother going out to Nantucket island. There were 34 on board and 10 survived. I was one of them. And I’ve always felt from that day, God has had his hand, had me in his hand. He definitely did that day. And I also feel that my mom, who I lost in the crash, I feel that she’s one of my angels that walks with me.
I know she is. So anyway, I. One of the interesting parts of that, that I didn’t even connect with until I started to realize all of the things going on in our world and the people and what happens, like following Q and following like that planecra usually aren’t just plane crashes. And so one of the people that was on that plane with me was Gordon Dean. And Gordon Dean was head of the Atomic Energy Commission. He worked on the hydrogen bomb with Oppenheimer. So there was a lot going on with what they call fellow travelers, which were the communists.
And there was a lot going on with that. And I think possibly there might have been nefarious stuff going on. I actually found a videotape of a nurse that took in the victims from the crash. And one of the first things she said on a recording was that she wanted to call the FBI because she thought that there could be something nefarious with the crash. She was concerned because she saw all of his atomic energy clearances. He had Q clearance. I didn’t even know there was Q clearance back in 1958. Right. So anyway, that was my beginning.
And, you know, throughout my life, I’ve had challenges. I. I’ve. I had breast cancer. I had written a book about the crash, and that was in 2008. So I wrote the book. And I was also doing. Studying shamanism at the time and doing a lot of healing work, energy healing work. And if, you know, if, you know, the left side of the body is the feminine side, that we process all our energy. So I was doing a lot of recovery of memories of what went on with my mom. And, well, I. I manifested breast cancer in my left breast.
And when I worked with. I had gone to Peru and I had worked with a couple of shamans in Peru, and they said, no, no, no, no cancer. This was all emotion that, you know, I had processed. So I went on from that. And finally I had lost my job with corporate America. So I said, I’m going to open my own business and do what I love. And that was selling Native American artwork, doing beading, a lot of healing work. I did drum circles. I did sound healing, all kinds of things. And then I decided to go to January 6th.
So I went to January 6th, with the only intention I had of that day was first to listen to President Trump and, and just be there. And I had no intention of even going to the Capitol that day. However, I left the rally early. It was freezing cold that day. We had heard Trump’s speech. He tends to be repetitive in what he says. So the person I was with, we looked at each other and we said, let’s just go for a walk. And we started walking and we ended up walking toward the Capitol. Got to the Capitol grounds.
I ended up going into the building through open doors. Nobody questioned me when I walked through the doors, said, you shouldn’t be here. You know, get out, whatever. I was in the building for about 26 minutes and got home and like a week later, the FBI was knocking at my door and they did an interview with me. So this is right in 2021. They had interviewed me, they opened a case, they looked at everything. They decided they didn’t have enough. They closed the case. Like in the spring of 2022. No, 2021. Spring of 2021. So then, you know, time goes on.
I’m doing my activism stuff, going to school board meetings. Merrick Garland had just issued his memo about parents being domestic terrorists at school board meetings. And I happened to be at a meeting, and they caught me on the local news channel speaking out about cr. It was either about CRT or about masking. They were both kind of going on at the same time. And then the sedition hunters issued another letter or communication to the FBI. Sedition hunters are like an arm of the FBI. They’re a left wing group that pretty much focused on identifying all people on January 6th and feeding the FBI all the information they needed to prosecute them.
So they contacted the FBI. In December of 2022, they opened a case on me again. Then the February of the next year, I had two FBI agents come visit me. And, you know, they interviewed me. And then further down the road, time goes on. And in 2023 of June, I finally get a call that they were gonna execute my arrest warrant. They told me I had to self surrender and conquer New Hampshire, which I did. Put me in shackles in jail for a day, waited for the judge to see me till the very end of the day.
And then now I find myself, I’m on what they call pre trial supervision. So pre trial supervision is basically, you can’t leave your state, you can’t have guns, you can’t. What else? I had to have urinalysis tests. I had to report in Monthly with a probation officer. They could come see me whenever they wanted. If I wanted to travel, I had to let them know who I was going to see, contact information, all of that. And I had to surrender my passport. No more Peru for me. So anyway, then, you know, I went through two public defenders at the time.
And the two public defenders were basically, they wanted to just get me to take a plea deal. And I said, no, I cannot take a plea deal. I cannot say that I’m guilty of something I don’t believe I’m guilty of. What did you tell them on the record with the plea deal? Oh, that’s further down. That’s not. That’s the prosecution on the second offer. This was the first plea deal, which they wanted me in that first plea deal, they wanted me to agree to have three years of FBI interviews, turn over all my electronics to them.
And I was like, no, that’s not going to happen. And these. So these public defenders that I had were like, well, if you don’t do it, they’re going to hit you with a couple of felony charges, conspiracy and couple other ones. And so it would be like another 40 years of time in jail. And I said, great, I’ll die in jail then, you know, what am I going to say? So anyway, our relationship broke down. Seriously after that. I wanted to a get the case moved out of Washington, D.C. because I felt that I couldn’t get a jury of my peers.
I also wanted to get rid of the judge who I had at the time, who was Chuck, and one of the worst ones. And the public defender said to me, you don’t get to tell us what to do. You don’t get to pick, you know, who testifies at your trial. I wanted David Summerall to testify as a witness, an expert witness. And they said, no, no, you can’t do that. So we started going head to head, and sooner than later, they decided they were withdrawing from the case. But in the meantime, I find that one of these public defenders, his license is actually suspended.
And I’m like, what the heck is going on here? And that was when they brought the second one in. So they brought the second one in because the first one couldn’t really legally do anything. He couldn’t make motions because he was suspended. I didn’t put it all together at the time. But anyway, they withdrew because they knew I was getting on to what was going on here. And I went to a Marjorie Taylor Greene event and I met her and I. She said to me, she goes, I hope you have A good attorney because they’re not messing around.
And I said, well, funny thing, the two I had just withdrawn. So she goes, give my. Give your information to my staffer, Nick, and we’ll see what we can do. So I gave her my information. I didn’t think I would hear anything. Two days later, I get a call from an attorney in Baltimore, Jonathan Gross. That’s a God wink. Because that man brought me through this whole thing. And he’s a very. He’s a Jewish rabbi. And, you know, it was just great to work with him. He was right up front. He said, cindy, we’re not going to win this thing.
We’re not, but we’ll make them bleed on the way down. And I said, all right, if we’re going to do that, I’m with you. So anyway, we went and we put together a defense and we brought it to trial in August of 24. And Brad. Brad was with us the whole time. And it looked like we were really making some good headway. Right. But the thing is, Washington D.C. is 95% they vote Democrat. So my jury was all. They hated me. They basically couldn’t stand the ground I walked on. And priest. Yeah. Even the Catholic. Well, Jonathan says he was a plant.
He says, you know, so the jury came in, they found me guilty. I had four misdemeanor charges. They found me guilty on all of them. Then I went to sentencing in November. The judge sentenced me to four months incarceration, followed by two months home detention, $4,000 fine, plus $750 in court costs, all for four misdemeanor charges. Then in December, I get a call also, we had the plea deal. Just mention that since you were. You’re covering up the. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry about plea deal number two. And then what y. He said in his closing arguments as a constitutional attorney and Jewish rabbi to the court.
The prosecution. Yeah, Jonathan was very good at pointing out that they were no different than the Nazis. And he basically put that out there. He was great. And the second. The second plea deal came right before my sentencing, and the prosecution said, why don’t you just tell her to plead guilty straight up and stop wasting the taxpayers dollars because we’ve got everything on her and she’s going to be found guilty. And so I told them, no, they can go in their hat. And that’s basically what I said. So then I had my sentencing and in December, I.
So I had to call every day to find out if they had a room for me at a prison every Monday. And then they called me in December and the lady said that my detention was set for Philadelphia Prison, federal prison, and that I had to report no later than 2pm on January 28th. And I said, January 28th. She goes, yeah. I said, well, alrighty. Because I knew we were going to get the pardons, right. I felt strongly we were because Trump had been elected. So then we got the inauguration, he signed the pardons, and I’m finally free.
But, you know, now it’s like putting together the pieces that the government has exploded of my life. I’ve lost the business, you know, I’ve lost pretty much everything but my home, which I was managed to hang on to. But, you know, the pieces don’t really fit together anymore. Four years of persecution really changes a person. So now I’ve focused on doing this little podcast and it’s something it’s called from the Heart. Because it’s what’s on my heart right now is we know a lot of the common J6ers that we hear, Jake Lang, all of the pot, I would say popular or well known J6ers, but there’s over 1595.
It’s the count right now. There’s a lot of voices out there that haven’t been heard yet. So that’s my passion right now, is to bring you all those voices, voices that were extinguished by murders or suicide in prison, which is also the murder which they brought upon them. The families have an opportunity to speak with you to get that out there too, which is amazing. Yeah. Touch on CPAC and how it went later on as we here, since you guys were persecuted at CPAC by the Schlaps and kicked out. Go over to Susan Price with your introduction, Gold Star mother.
And thank you for your service as well, all of you ladies. And then we’ll move into a a quick prayer before we continue forward. Susan, thank you. Thank you, Brad. Thank you ladies. I love you all. And also to our listeners out there, our soul family that have experienced these things and their voices are flowing in the wind. I too, I was born a child of God and into a Marine family. My father was a Marine. I was a very psychic, intuitive little girl. My skills, probably I started to notice them at like three, four years old.
And throughout my life, you know, trying to fit in, you don’t feel like you fit in in the regular world. I would know things before I really knew what was going on. And so, and I’m also from a generational Gold Star family and three quarters of the men in my family served our Nation and all the uniforms. I’m the first woman, only woman in my family to have served. And I gave birth later on to my son, Marine Gunnery Sergeant Aaron Michael Kennefick, who was Marine of the Year twice. Special operator intelligence high, high level intel, worked with at Central Command MacDill Air Force Base with the top Iraqi and Afghanistan generals running those wars.
And so my persecution began fifth well, more than 15 and a half years ago. That’s when my son was killed on September 8, 2009. But it actually began when my son worked At Central Command MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. Well, just before I moved to Florida from Georgia, a black SUV pulled up in my driveway and started taking pictures of my home and my vehicle. The neighbor next door called and said, susie, there’s a guy taking pictures. So I said, well, I’m going to see what’s going on and I’m fearless. So I go running down the driveway.
And he spun off in his black suv. And about three days later, my son called to tell me, mama, whenever we talk on the phone or in person, we can’t discuss anything military because I’ll get in trouble. I just received my top secret security clearances and I’ll be going on these missions. And you know too much and you know, because I was in the military and I’m familiar, I made it my business to always know what was going on. And I think that. And through the years when I was in my 20s and in my child rearing years, I grew into the holistic community.
I’m a healer. I was by trade. And it’s funny, I had gone to an event and found through the curly and photographer for the curly and photography they took two pictures of me and the one had the healer’s crown above my head and the woman that took the picture said, oh my gosh. It’s rare to meet a true healer. Not all doctors are healers, but not all healers are doctors. And she said, let me do the honor of taking another picture. And when she did, that picture had Archangel Michael wrapped right around me with the angel wings.
I have it packed away because I moved so many times, but I would hear, I haven’t seen the angel. I seen ghosts and I’ve seen other things and I know things, but I heard the angel wings in my ear, inner ear whenever danger was near. And it unless you’re like us with these gifts and blessings that come alive and everybody has them, you just have to be open to receiving them. But my whole life is a book in itself of experiences that I’ve endured. And, and I refuse growing up in this life to push that world away because that’s the true world.
And as my son’s mother, he always was fascinated. Mama, how do you know things before we see them materialize? Like you hear God talk to you and tell you things and you know, and I said, I don’t know, Aaron. I’m just open. I’ve had many mystical experiences. I can’t explain it. So in that journey, I took that gift with me along with my research and ability to always dig below to find truth. I’ve always been that truther since I was a little girl. And being the mother of a high profile Marine that was killed in the ganj gal ambush September 8, 2009, you know, they tried to bury the story, but it produced two living Medal of Honors recipients, Marine Dakota Meyer and Army Captain Will Swenson.
So, and I’ve talked to these men throughout the years and had been to the event, the Medal of Honor award with Captain Swenson. And he had told me that the DOD and the Pentagon knew exactly who I was, that I, you know, I kind of was mischief maker for them because, you know, they knew I knew things and I caught, I threw a monkey wrench into their things because I was always in front of the cameras. I have friends in the media world, good friends in the good media, and they kept me alive. So I’ve been in the media world for 15 and a half years, not just writing and speaking.
I’m also a veterans advocate and a Gold Star mother’s advocate. And I’ve worked with different groups that take care of our veterans and our Gold Star families. But my son and his men. And I was on 60 Minutes giving our story along with, you know, there’s two separate sections. Dakota Meyer, the first Medal of Honor, told his story that my son and his men were set up today. We know all the details of why. But looking back, when you look back and during the Bush administration, and that’s where I’m going to go back to, we jump around a lot because Trump always warned us about what was going on and he would tell us.
But back when, say, George Bush was president, we trusted him. We didn’t believe, we didn’t believe anything bad was going on until 911 happened. And my son was actually hand selected to be the personal attendee for George W. Bush at the RNC in 2004 because my son was the enlisted aide to George W. Bush’s speaker, the guy that always got on CNN and was talking about what was going on over in Iraq and, you know, a lot of the propaganda. But my son was a younger Marine at the time, the best of the best, and they selected him because of his background.
And so working with this guy that he worked with, this brigadier general at Central Command, my son discovered many things that, you know what was really going on. And this guy, he had words with them and told them he wouldn’t take place with anything going on outside of centcom. This guy was sending packages to my son’s home. And then when my son would get home from work, he was demanding. My son delivered packages to him, a brigadier general in Tampa, Florida, at three in the morning, because nobody was awake at three in the morning. Meanwhile, my son was studying for his master’s degree, and he was going on all these special operations and, you know, just trying to carve out a life as a young man in his late 20s.
And so my son had words with them, and my son told me about it and said, what should I do? And so he broke his lease a few months later, went to work for another division at CENTCOM with the chief intelligence officer, and the rest was history. That’s when I started being attacked. I was shot at on my way to work. I was. My house broken into the night before my son was killed. I’ve been followed by the DOD and the FBI and the Department of State, and, oh, by the way, when I got home from working and I was a marketing director for Holistic Doctors, after I showered and changed my clothes and relaxed, put my sweatpants on, I’m sitting on the couch and I thought, well, I’m going to read a book, then I’m going to put a movie on.
And I see out of the corner of my eye a red dot on my living room. Well, I mean, it’s unbelievable. I laugh now, but 10 years of my life, people who don’t know weapons, we’re talking about, you’ve got the green dot or red laser dot from a sniper’s platform being beamed in as a psychological torture mechanism, saying, we’ve got our eyes on you. We can pull the trigger and take you out at any time. Right. Susan means by the red dot. Yes, thank you for clarifying that for the listeners. And so my instinct is a military person, grown up, disciplined from my father, from my training, and now my son’s is I rolled off the couch onto the floor, clicked the TV off, grabbed my belongings and got into my vehicle, which I always.
I’m very strategic in every little thing. I Do everything doesn’t matter. I’ve had to be going through this and I would back my car into the garage. This way if I had to get away, I could pull right out and I had to keep a to go bag in my vehicle. And Brad, I can’t tell you how many I live in Florida. I must have moved since 2008, 10, 11 times. Essentially I’m homeless. Every time I moved and lived somewhere and had the money to pay the rent and the utilities from my savings, it didn’t last long.
Nine months, a year less. And then I had to move somewhere else by the grace of God, I’ve had good friends. That’s how my life has been since my son has passed away. And I’m a humble woman. I don’t, you know, I don’t, I can’t, you know, you have to run for your life. And I’ve been in fight or flight for so many years. And so, but I thought, you know what it, what ticks you off worse is when people are trying to do these things and you know what’s going on. But there a lot of the normies will think you’re crazy.
But people like us on this, on your show today, we know the other side of, of what’s going on on this earth. It’s not a good place. It’s people like us that fight to make it a better place with people like President Trump and the good people in the military and the people that work with us to. But so anyhow I getting back to that and there’s other incidents. You know, I’ve had the Blackhawk helicopters out following me through the years with my friend, even with my friends, not just being alone, but I’ve had many witnesses, professional people, doctor friends that I’ve been with and they’ve even discovered it themselves what was going on.
They couldn’t, nobody knew. But it goes back to those three letter agencies and some of the generals my son worked for. And, and I’ve seen it with my own eyes and you know how my son died. They were set up. And I should send you the two videos as well so you could post with the 60 minute video and Dakota Meyer, because somebody from the State Department was there the day before my son was killed, meeting with the village elders, asking them how much money do you want and need to build your mosques and your sewer systems? Meanwhile, that very same day, the 7th of September 2009, my son was attacked with his four man Marine group.
He was in the hooch with the Afghan soldiers gaining intel And Dakota Meyer sent one of the other men in to be with them because you can’t leave yourself open. Meanwhile, they were attacked with explosives and, you know, a rain of fire. That same day, I happened to be moving out of where I lived, and I took things to storage. And when I came back, I noticed that someone had broken into my home. Now, they had a universal clicker to get into the garage. But I always locked the door from the house in the garage into the house, because I’m a security person.
I am double, triple check everything, windows, doors. And I noticed that as I left my vehicle in the driveway and it apprehensively walked up to the garage because the door from the house was open, ajar about 8 inches, I noticed somebody had used a crowbar to get in there. And that feeling was, oh, my God, you know, So I backed away. And I came back the next day because I had trash to put out. I was moving and I knew not to go in. And I, I called and reported it to a friend. I didn’t make a police report because there would have been a record and all this other stuff.
Well, the very next day, the two Marines, when I went back to bring the garbage pails and, and stick them outside the garage, I had just left. And by 10, 15 minutes later, the two Marines that were coming to tell me that my son had passed away, that that incident happened. So these Marines met with the guy next door, Brian, who was a friend of my son’s. And my son had made an agreement, keep an eye on my mom for me while I’m away, and I’ll make things right with you if, if anything, because Brian was the guy that fits my window.
His father owned an auto shop. When my window was blown out of my car the year earlier with the drive by shooting, and they missed me, but they blew my window out. Brian fixed it. But also in that time before my son was killed one day Brian, who was always home and had a tribe of friends at his house, he was up at the corner having dinner on his motorcycle for a couple hours. He comes back, and on his way back, which was less than five minutes, a car comes out of nowhere from the other side of the road, puts the brakes on.
Brian went flying up in the air, almost died. Was Mercy flown into Tampa General, was in the hospital over a week. And unbeknownst to me, because I didn’t know this was going on at the time, I was driving home from. I worked out in Clearwater and I had an hour drive home every day I worked for holistic doctors and my intuition said, don’t go home, don’t go home. Well, my brother lived here at the time. So I had called him on the phone and said, listen, can I come and stay with you? Something’s not right. I have an uneasy feeling.
I didn’t know what it was. It’s just when that gift kicks in, you listen. And so he said, yes, you come here. We’ll go back to your place tonight or tomorrow, get your belongings. Well, Brian, when he came back a week later from being laid up in the hospital from brain trauma, which I said they mercy flighted him into Tampa General, he called me on the phone, he said, I know you’re at your brother’s, I need you to come back to your house. I need to talk to you, it’s very important. And when I did, he had just been home a short within the hour.
And he said, listen, I know your son was a high profile asset at McDill Air Force Base as a Marine and I believe these people are after you for some reason and they wanted to take me out because I’m so close to you and keep an eye on you. And so he said, you have to be careful. He said, I’m protected, I have a gun. If they come here, you need to come and stay here. We’ll put our friends vehicles in your driveway if you want. And Brian was up till five in the morning and he slept during the day.
I got up at 5. He said, I promise you, I’ll keep an eye on you. So with people like that in my life at the time. So anyhow, there were so many things like this that went on. I had trouble, always had a flat tire if I was somewhere I couldn’t travel alone. Then when my son passed away, I told you that part that they tried to get him the day before. And it just. The bottom line is when he and his marines were in the firefight, they were denied air and artillery support for hours. Observations came that were just bizarre.
The, you know the terminology of, oh, you didn’t call for organic aircraft or to be rescued by the organic helicopters. And so somebody in that room heard and saw what was going on also. Can we just break here? So, yes, the civilian audience. So your son and his recon unit, Special Operations, United States Marine Corps, and your son is a master gunnery sodron. A gunny. No, a gunny. Yeah, gunny Sergeant Gunnery sergeant known as a gunny. Shorthand. When they get troops in contact, Tick. Troops in contact, enemy contact. You’re taking Fire, you’re returning fire, you get on the horn and you radio back to a talk tactile operations command or maybe you have a central command, depending on where they are.
And you say, we need fire support. And of course, if you have wounded or kia, you let them know wounded KIA because you also have to send a medevac out and get those wounded off the battlefield because of the golden hour, right? Same thing. First responders anywhere. We all know about the golden hour. 90% chance greater of life being saved if somebody receives professional medical attention in that golden hour, from being injured. Right. Car wreck to being shot, IEDs, whatnot. So what Susan is saying is when they got troops in contact and they’re calling in air support and artillery, they are being denied for obfuscated reasons from somebody who had authority back in that talk or that operations center, wherever it was on a base.
I said, oh no, denied. Which also means that the radio operators and those who are there, like we know from Benghazi and Major General Valerie has a resource in General McEnary as well as stand up America, U. S Foundation who is in the talk at CENTCOM in Tampa during the Benghazi, and you can hear the gunfire and the mortars and everything going off and they’re saying, we need support, we need support. And support gets denied. This is the same thing that happened four years earlier to Susan’s son and those other marine heroes. They were literally murdered, allowed to be killed, murdered by their own government infrastructure.
Very similar to Pat Tillman, you know, being shot by friendly fire three times perfectly in the back of the head. PAT Tillman, US army and there was no quick reactionary force, Brad. There was no qrf. And one of the officers that was in charge that day turned the frequencies down on the radio. He was allowed to retire and receive a very big pension with the blood of four marines on his hands. And also this guy, I tied him in with a brigadier general that my son worked for years earlier back to Germany in 1991, 92. And so also, let me put this out there, all these things, these extraordinary means of trying to psyops a mother.
First of all, bad guys, if you’re listening, we’re coming for you. Okay, we know who you are. We built an army through these years. We’re coming for you. If we don’t see your name on the list, it will be shortly. Promise you. And so these guys, they thought they got away with the murder of my son and his men. And this went on through the whole Obama administration. In fact, I met Obama, Abortion. Yeah. I had to have the displeasure of meeting Michael and Barack Obama during the Ganjgal celebration of honor for Captain Swenson, who I aided Captain Swenson in retrieving his Medal of Honor because the merit citations disappeared off of Obama’s desk.
Imagine that what Deputy of Defense was in there and, and Five Finger Louis, the merit citations off the presidential desk. And so I worked with Congressman Duncan Hunter out of California, provided him with the material he needed so that 13 months later Captain Swenson could receive his Medal of Honor. And I told them, don’t say where it come from. I don’t need to be out there any more than I am. You know, I’m fighting for my life to stay alive. This was a 10 year spree on me until President Trump came along and all that subsided.
That’s why I know that these people were be being taken out in 2017. A lot of them stepped down, held accountable. But those that are not, I’m warning you, we have a whole group of us. I know a lot of men of honor that have served, that have been in prison or tried to be killed or put in prison. They’ve written books, they’ve mentioned your names. We know who you are and we’re going to be watching. We’re working with our President Donald John Trump, going to make sure we have justice and accountability and that, you know, these people worked with NATO, these people supplied pirates and they recruited these, they worked with the three letter agencies that were weaponized against us.
So I guess this bad thing became a good thing because it was my schooling and I didn’t know at the time God had a bigger plan for me. Just like the women on this show today. You know, we all have a special path. And I’ll tell you when I opened my Bible and I prayed about it and I prayed over my son’s Bible. Reading that 500 redacted page investigation report known as the 15 dash six I, I was told by the Holy Spirit, open your book and we’re randomly your index finger lie. Read that verse Ezra 10:4.
Arise and know this mission belongeth to thee. We will be with thee. Go of good courage. God was speaking to me and that was a twofold message. 10 4. Are you kidding me? Message received. We have a living God and he speaks to us. He speaks to me. He’s kept me alive through the years. I don’t see the angels, but I hear them. And I was awakened a couple times in the middle of the night. Get your clothes and go. I have not lived in peace through these years until President Trump came back. I’m still homeless, waiting for the jubilee and what’s to unfold.
But, you know, I’ve given it up to God and I’ve become a voice because my son’s voice and his men, his brothers in arms, was taken from him. Their lives were redacted on the battlefield and as a Gold star mother, and I am a strong woman because my father made sure my sister and I were good, godly, strong women to depend on ourselves because there wouldn’t always be a man around to rescue us. And he taught us how to think, taught us how to fight, taught us how to act and protected us. So I take all these things, all these tools I’ve learned through these egregious acts, and I hope that this will resonate with others.
On the opposite side of your broadcast, Brad, that crime took place 15 and a half years ago. I can’t believe it. It seems like yesterday I, I can’t forget anything. But I will protect to my life to protect my daughters and my grandchildren and America’s children because my son loved being a marine. He loved it so much. He loved God and he loved America. And I’m the apple tree. He was my apple, my fruit of my womb. And I praise God for him and I’m going to do him proud. And my humanitarian project is to have a Zen healing center called the Aaron Kenneth’s Hero’s Hope, so that we can get these soldiers and Gold Star families on the med beds, help them to heal and give them five days or a week of peace.
And with that, I digress for now. And that’s why I’m here today. And I can’t believe it’s my life. Just like the ladies here today, Lynn and Cindy, I can, you know, we didn’t know. We’re just doing what we’re supposed to be doing. We’re led by the Holy Spirit and we’re honored. We wear a badge of honor. This is a badge of honor. At the time, during our, our journey, yeah, it was frightening. But, you know, we don’t. We look fear in the eyes and we kept rolling because that’s what you have to do to preserve your legacy.
And I’ll fight for it till my death. I need to share something. So the other night, God speaks to me in my dream time sometimes. And it wasn’t last night, it was the night before. But I think it was definitely for the purpose of this show today. I heard clearly Proverbs 31, 25 and Proverbs 31:25 says, she is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. That’s you. Beautiful. Thank you, dear. All of us. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. Lynn, would you be so kind to lead us in a prayer at this midpoint in the show? And then, Cindy, a shamanic prayer after that, perhaps from our separate times in Peru with some of the shamans.
Shaman Puma, it’s my leader. But would you be so kind with. Absolutely. A shamanic blessing. Yeah. My honor, Lord Jesus Christ, I just praise you and I thank you that we are here today to honor you. And I thank you, Lord, for Brad, who is such a good, godly man, to bring us all together. And I thank you for each of these ladies and the testimonies that we all have of the goodness of God in the land of the living. And I thank you that your hand is. Is on each of us and that we are completely guarded and protected.
And I feel your presence, Lord God, throughout this entire show. I see you standing beside me. I see Holy Spirit, Jesus, all the angels, and we are completely surrounded, and we are completely safe. And there’s absolutely nothing that can be done to us because we are guarded, fearful, fiercely. And Lord Jesus, I saw you the second you came back to life in hell, and you are king of kings and Lord of lords, and you are leading us victoriously in a battle to take back our country and to take back our world. And we will not be stopped until it happens.
They cannot. They’ve tried to take us all out so many ways. They cannot do it because we are protected. I claim. Psalm 91:1 over everyone on this podcast and everyone listening to me. The hunted have now become the hunter. And praise God. We are arrows in the hand of God and he is shooting us, each of us. Everyone listening to me, you know what God’s called you to do, too. Whatever you call God, Source, higher power. God loves us all. And we are an arrow in his hand and he’s shooting us into the battle is Bishop Jim says we are going fixed bayonets.
Fixed bayonets. We are no longer on the defensive against these evil Luciferian, satanic pedophiles. We are on the offense. And Bishop Jim told me, fixed bayonets mean we march straight toward them fearlessly and we go through them and we go on into the golden age. And I praise you and I thank you, God, for everything that you have done and everything that you will do in Jesus mighty name. Amen and amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Sister. I just feel the fire of God all over me. I just stopped myself. I mean, my God, if you guys see angels behind me or the Holy Spirit, just let me know because the presence is so strong.
Oh, I’ve got to come down. Okay, Cindy. Thank you. Oh, you can stay up there. I am. I’m in the heavenlies, so you guys don’t have to excuse me for just. Hey, I get you, Sister. I know. That’s all right. It’s all right. J6 Grandma Cindy Lou so we. We look to the spirits of the east where the eagles fly, where there’s vision that shows us the mountains that we only dream of. We send our prayers for hope, for without hope we have nothing. We look to the spirits of the south where our emotions sit. And we look for love and understanding for each other.
We look to the spirits of the west where there the fall and the ends of winter sit. And we let go and we release all that no longer serve us. We look to the spirits of the north where the ancestors and the wisdom keepers sit. And we ask them to sit by our fire and warm their hands and teach us their teachings. And then we look to the spirits above us, the one with a thousand names who sits above us and teaches us the song of life. Oh, beautiful. Thank you. Beautiful. For all of the audience and the individuals watching in the broadcast or listening to this podcast, you see a number of common threads here.
The first common thread is Spiritually Awake Women Spiritually Awake patriots. And I’ve said since the nearly four years in doing this show, spiritually Awake is far more important than Patriot Awake. But to get to Patriot Awake, we’ll start there. It would be great. And the spiritual warfare is the common thread. It is not just a political. This is a 100% good God. Yahshua, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and all of the great lovely galactic family of light, the light keepers against the darkness. 100 spiritual warfare. First and foremost, it is a war for souls. That’s a common thread.
All of you can see, whether you’re hearing and listening Lynn’s story to Cindy’s and also decisions, that is the common thread here. And as Bishop Jim has said, you know, and what we know from MLK Jr. In his quote, Dr. King, those who turn a blind eye to evil are just as guilty of perpetrating evil. Pastor Pavlowski has been on the show many times as he’s had on his Twitter X profile since the beginning. Silence is speaking. And Bishop Jim has said, you know, the devil owns the fence so the choice of being and walking in the light and serving the light which is serving truth and serving yourself and then the community outwardly or not, that’s the choice.
This is not Santa’s naughty list, naughty or nice. This is 100 a war for those souls which continues. And fortunately, as everybody has heard, they’re now on their heels. Those hunters have become the hunted and it will be relentless for the redemption worldwide, planet wide, in, on and below the planet. There will be no place for them to hide before they’re sent to the courts of heaven for that final eternal justice which is wrought so we can have that peace, love and harmony and prosperity which this planet so deserves, because it’s now on the fourth cycle of attempting it.
And that’s why the darkness keeps fighting. So with that spiritual warfare and shifting into what all, I’m curious what all of you ladies see continue through the cycle of Lynn, Cindy, Susan. By the way, everybody, if you’re watching right now, Susan is on. She’s a pro temporary senator of the Free State of Florida for the Republic and she’s at Christian Leafers Home and she is also senator pro tempore. So in addition to everything you’ve all heard Susan saying what she does and stands for, she’s also a senator pro tempore for the Republic of America and working hard for that for when it’s handed back over from President Trump right now and the American White Hat military alliance too, and those benevolence.
So Lynn, where, where do you see the world because you’re so tapped in with spirit and you have the gift of sight. And once again, as Susan has mentioned here before, everybody and Cindy as well, and Lynn, we all have these gifts. You just have to be open to it, receiving it and how it comes in. Some are more kinesthetic than visual. Etc. Where do you see the world right now? Where do you see it a year from now in its current trajectory in this timeline? That’s an awesome question. So where I see the world now is, and I see this with spiritual eyes.
We have already won. It’s just we have already won and we need to claim that we learned in during the COVID debacle that if we say and think negative thoughts, that creates our world. We created a nightmare. We were part of that. So now we get to create our world in the golden age. And that is what we God, our creator, he created everything by his words and his thoughts. We are his children. We get the same awesome privilege. So I speak life into our future because I have seen it this golden age. We are not there yet.
We’re not there yet and there’s work to be done and I’m sorry Brad, did you. Sometimes it just comes out. I’m just like life. I don’t mean just adding value to when you’re breath of life. Then I’ll be quiet. Okay. Thank you, Brad. Yes, keep speaking. So amazing. Keep going. So in terms of we still have a fight ahead and so I, I want to just like borders are Tom Holman just deputized every citizen in the United States to find the missing children. I am self deputizing everyone with the sound of my voice. And I know God has told each of you worldwide what to do and it is time.
It is go time. We are activated and every it’s every man on deck now. It’s every man and woman, everybody on deck now. So I’m going to start first with borders are Tom Holman. We have statistically the government said we have 300,000 missing children in the United States alone from the border from the last four years. Actually the figure from all of my intel it’s close to a million. And so we have all of these children everywhere and they must be found and we have been self deputized to find them. Now do we go off kinetically? No, that’s not our place.
Our place is to call ICE and right now if you trust the man, trust the plan. And that is what borders are Tom Holman said to do. So that’s what I want everyone to do. I have a website called Q is in quantum to letter q and then grit g r it.org and it is a, it has all the detail about what we can do and how to recognize these poor trafficked children who are being physically and mentally tortured. You’re not going to hear me say the word sex abuse or child sexual abuse because I speak for the little ones and sex has nothing to do with it from their little perspectives.
This is mental and physical torture. We currently have a holocaust going on worldwide above ground, below ground with these children and it has to end. And it’s time to see something, say something, open our eyes. Also what I see in the next year and it’s already started. President and commander in Chief Trump is destroying the Department of Re Education which is a communist, socialist, pedophile agenda. I beg parents, get your kids out of there. And even the preschools and the little daycares. The federal government is the largest trafficking of children worldwide and they have infiltrated those systems years ago, at least during Obama.
That I know of, if not before. And the teachers are paid to teach the babies and the toddlers about sex. It just, it infuriates me. Get your kids out. Watch them like a hawk. 50% of all little girls in the United States are raped and they have been physically and mentally tortured. 25% of little boys. This is a horrific problem that we have. And until we get to the other side, I just, I ask parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins, protect your children. This is no time to let them into these systems. Kash Patel, working on the FBI.
These three letter agencies were buried involved whenever I was little. They’re participants in the largest child trafficking ring in the world. They’re going to be destroyed, taken down. The systems that we have are beyond corrupt. And we’re in a time of Ecclesiastes 3, 3. A time to tear down and a time to build. We’re in the tear down the unhealth care system. They, you know, I laugh whenever I hear that, but the FDA says that they don’t experiment on children. They have experimented on children for decades. And that’s how they came up with the big pharma, which is witchcraft.
So stay out of the unhealth care system. The cps, Child Protective Services, I call it Child Pedophile Services. That’s coming down too. And we’re seeing that, as are the judicial systems and our religious systems, the NGOs, non godly organizations. So where we’re going is all this has to come down. I know there are good people in those organizations and I’m calling you out now. It’s time to take action. You know what you’ve been seeing, you know what’s been wrong, and it’s time for us to start turning this around. Wherever you’re at and whatever role you have, whatever God’s told you to do, take one step, just take one step, and then take the other step.
And together, you know, we can do this. We are we the people and we are enlightened and we are awake and we have power and dominion and authority. These Luciferian satanic pedophiles, they’re controlled by demons. I’ve seen them all. I see them in these people. By these people, we have power, dominion and authority over this. We don’t have to tolerate this. Greater is he that is in us than he that’s in the world. Which are these demons. They are a defeated foe and they have no power. If we didn’t give it to them, we need to take it back.
And it starts with Our spiritual warfare, too, to bind these demons and get rid of them. Fight against witchcraft. They have no power. The other day I was in my Bible studying prayer time. I’m pointing out a fireplace beside me and I heard giant demons coming down my fireplace, giving all they’ve got. No, you know, I have power, dominion, authority over these things. They can’t do this. They have no power. And so they had to flee in Jesus, mighty name. So I’ll stop because I really feel like I’m. I’ve got the spirit of God heavy on me.
And I could. But that’s. That’s where I see it. That’s where we’re heading. We are in going into glory days and golden days. We’re not there yet. We still have things to do. And one last thing, there are terrorists in our community. I see them when I’m out running. I have that gift. But we have power, dominion, authority over those two. So I encourage everyone. You have the most power in your communities. Pray it down. Pray it down. So command angels, everybody. You can’t see them, but you’ve got angels around you and they’re standing there tapping their foot waiting for you to ask them to do something.
So ask them to get these terrorists out. And they do, because I see them do it all the time. We don’t have to live in fear and they can’t hurt us if we bind and get rid of their demons and put our angels to work. Praise God. Wonderful. Well said. Well said, Cindy. You also have gift of sight in the intuition as well. What are you seeing in your neck of the woods, so to speak. And then also over the next year. Well, I, I agree with a lot of what Lynn said. I think we’re in a.
A period of shedding and we’re releasing all of the stuff that we’ve carried for long time that just we can’t take into the golden age with us. And I think that there is no one person that’s going to make this happen other than God. This is God’s plan. He’s. He’s given us many foot soldiers where his hands were his feet. But we have to step up and we have to help. And if he’s called us to do something, it’s time that we step forward and do that thing. And that’s what I feel is my role now is just bringing forth my voice and doing what I’m doing.
And I think we’re headed to good days, and I’m sure of that. And we’ll get there. Beautiful, beautiful. Love it. Susan well, to add to both of Cindy and Lynn agree wholeheartedly, I want to mention last year I was driving through Tampa, Florida, last spring and driving down the road and it was a beautiful sunny day and I notice there’s this guy next to me to the right, and he looked to be Mideastern descent and he’s looking viciously at me and telling me to pull over. And I looked away and I just kind of made the no nod and I picked up my phone and, you know, I felt the fear trying to go through me.
I had I have gold star plates on my car and Marine okay, that’s enough to set off a terrorist. And I do believe and I felt that he was a terrorist. I just happened to be a witness to this. That guy chased me for 10 minutes through Tampa. I, I went right through, right and around cars and into a gas station and as fast as I could, jockeyed up into the next lane and got out of his sight and he got stuck at a light. And by then I made a turn and, you know, took the back roads.
But it is very scary. And there’s terrorists still out. I know we, I’ve heard we get a lot of them, but people keep your ears and eyes open when you’re traveling. It doesn’t matter if it’s night, it happens during the day. Also. I believe we are here at the doorway to the golden age. I feel it. There’ll be many layers of this golden age and blessings. It’s layered out. Everybody will be taken care of. But at the same time, what energy you put out is what you’re going to receive. So just stay awake and stay vigilant.
And we’re going into a different time and energy. As Cindy said, you can’t take this bad energy with you. God is bringing heaven to earth. It’s already been prophesied. We are living in these days. Revolutions, revelations breed revolution. And the people have spoken. And I think three quarters of our nation are awake. And you know, the fight of us doing our taking out the demons and the dragons, those of us that have been doing it most of our lives, we’re not going to stop. But now we’ll teach. We’re willing and able to teach the newbies how to do it.
And so, and I’m honored. And if President Trump wants to bring us on staff to help out or whoever’s in charge for the good of the world, I’m all in. You know, this gold star mother and veteran is all in. I’ve been doing it all my Life. Anyway, so thank you so much. Continuation of service. Absolutely. With all of you, all three of you. And you know, in the, in the 90s and watching what the bushes did, and we kind of got woken up to the, the fact that, you know, when times were good, things were good with the lumber mills that we had.
But all of a sudden the economy drops and we’re bankrupt and having to look for a home and what do we do? And then, you know, parents built back the business and again, they, they never got past high school themselves. And my mother, as you all know, was SRA and so were her three sisters. And I woke up in grade, grade eight to hear her screams down the hallway because she blocked it. It came back and then she was in the hospital for over a year trying to deal with it. And that’s where we got to learn that.
And confronted her sisters, my three aunts, who then it set them off on their path, fortunately or unfortunately. And so then being, you know, West 57th Broadway and very shortly after that, you know, was supposed to be up in the towers and we were recalled from traveling at RIM the night before, supposed to get on the plane, go back down to New York and they dropped the three World Trade Centers and my clients were in some of them and other ones were evacuated and we have the BlackBerry and when I went down there, then flown up from ground zero, then flown up later to 72 hours later to the Pentagon and 18 stories below it, because I was also on that team.
For the audience who doesn’t know, and we have all of the emails right, that false flag attack happened at just hours after Rumsfeld stood at the lectern on September 10th at of 2001 and said we have $2.3 trillion that are missing and we don’t know where it is. And then they dropped Trade center the first, the second, the third, they fired the missile from the submarine in the Potomac. This is fact. This is not conspiracy. These are all facts. Plus they stole the three airliners and flew them to a certain air Force base, knocked out all the passengers and eradicated all of them and said that they died on airliners.
And where we are today right now is that pendulum swinging back. As you’ve all heard from these amazing women. We are absolutely walking in the light of God, in the glory and through to the golden age. But it’s still required upon all of us to say something, see something, say something and do something. Right? And it’s that very simple triangular effect the be to do the have. Well, you can’t have unless you be. And then if you’re going to be, you got to do. You got to take the action. You know, thinking it into existence is one thing, but, you know, action is what the universe wants.
And so that’s where we all come together and band together and sharing and getting connected. And also, as we’re about to conclude here for this number one of this episode, which has been absolutely enlightening. And I’m so grateful for all of you and knowing all of you incredible women in the spirit that you have. I hope people, if we could just like take an ounce of each one of your spirit etherically and bottle it up and just send it out in the universe. I mean, my goodness, this planet, we change in a heartbeat. Absolutely, 100% because of who you are and what you do and you stand for.
I’m truly appreciated about that. And for everybody, you know, they’ve maimed or murdered every one of my family members in Canada. And I said it on a show just recently, said, you know, if you have to mourn, mourn, because everybody has to do that and go through the morning process, the grieving process, and you don’t have to bottle it away if it comes up again. Continue to mourn, but don’t allow that to hold you back from stepping forward into your power and who you are. And so part of mine, and the sole reason I started the show was for the children.
And at the end of the day, this show will not stop until we know all the children are safe. I will not stop doing this until we know all the children are safe. Right. That was a calling. God went, here’s your path for now. And that’s why I’m choosing to remain on this path. And my goodness, women like you in this world. The mama bears, the divine lionesses. You know, you only make lions look good because we have the lionesses like you. The fruit from the tree comes from the woman first. Right. And we’re looking at these amazing role models for these next generations of society.
And there’s so many other ones who have to have their voices elevated onto platforms everywhere. And please support that too for everybody. Make sure you’re following all of these women. I would encourage it. Make sure you leave them comments, write to them. Cindy has a gifts and go because she is still once again because they took everything from her in the material realm. Right. And she has to work as a grocery store checkout clerk in order to still daily document 1595 stories of J6ers, donate to her gifts and Go support all of these women everywhere you can because it allows to them to stay in the fight.
Like Lee said on our last show, as she’s fighting the trafficking, the children, she goes, I haven’t taken a penny for five years, but if you support me over here with this water, that helps me pay for everything. I do volunteer. So let’s do that. And God bless you all and thank you. What are your final comments then for everybody who are out there right now? We’ll go to Lynn and Cindy and close with you, Sue. So my final comment is just Godspeed to us all. Remember, keep your eyes on the goal, which is we do win.
We absolutely do win. And currently I’m compelled to speak for the children anywhere I can. So thank you, Brad, for having me on today and for all the truther podcasts you’ve helped me get on. Brad. And so anyone out there who would like me on a podcast, the qgrit.org website is the best place and you can follow me on my Rumble Channel, the Lynn Scott Hagerman show. And I’m also on X and Truth Social now. And it still blows my mind that I even say these things, but I do. Here we are. Here we are. And just God bless everybody in the fight.
I just want to say it was wonderful to be with all of you people today. Brad, thanks for having us. And you know, the. The message that keeps coming to me is united we stand and divided we fall. There’s more that we have in common with each other that what we have that differs with each other. So let’s reach out and get back to our humanity, which has been ripped from us in many ways, and let’s fight the good fight and bring on the golden age. Cindy, over to you. Sue. Okay. And thank you, Brad. Thank you ladies.
And thank you, listeners. I just want to say thank you for listening, for being the ears at the other end. And I know there’s so many that resonate with each one of us here with our messages. Please reach out. I’ll be happy to talk with anybody. You know, I’m invited to speak at different events as well. And I want to just leave our. Our fam. Our soul families with the positive resolution that we’re stepping in now. The Lord show me. I’ve seen the visions. I’ve seen in my dreams, what’s coming. It’s beautiful. Get ready to be ready.
And we’re right here. We’re right at the precipice and it’s going to be glorious. You know, we already, we won already. But we still have to be vigilant and it’s going to be glorious. We all have a brand new life that we’re stepping into. So no matter what happens, trust and get closer to God. Whichever God you believe spiritually, get. Get close to the spiritual source because it’s my lifeline. Thank you so much, Brad. Thank you, ladies, most definitely. It’s an absolute honor to host all of this and put it together. Thank you so much. And I look forward to our next one.
So everybody stay tuned for that over these next several weeks. And as we leave, we’re going to roll a video with Susan’s son. And Susan, would you mind setting this up for this music video that I’ll play now? Well, my son, this was. We put this together because it was a culmination of who he was, what he believed in, and his funeral and his last words. Mama, if you see two marines at the door, you’ll know I’m with Jesus. And. And here you go. Enjoy. Unsatisfied God sees the track you set for me. He’ll not be marked, I will be free.
We will not give, we will not breath. How dare you touch what God gave? We never give, we never give, never back down, never surrender, never surrender. Your feet will not make me weak? I won’t march in your mastery your hollow threats won’t shut me up? I won’t bow down. Enough’s enough. You say you’ll give us what we need as if you only ever breathe. Stand up 100 medium strong. But we lie down with you dark and brown we will not break I valley of the shadow of death Just keep going, keep on going, Jesus with me every step Just keep going, keep on going? Walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Just keep going, keep on throwing, Jesus closer than my breath Just keep growing, keep on, keep on going? We will not bend, we will not break. How dare you touch what God gave? We never give, never give up, never back down. We never give up, never give, will never back down. We never give in, never give up, never back down, never surrender Just keep going, keep on going, Jesus with me every step Just keep going, keep on growing Just keep going, keep on going, Jesus closer in my.