And so something needs to be done about the Fed printing too much money. And we can talk about that, but I think that’s, that’s why we made the documentary and that’s something we think should be a priority. Well, now do you talk about the audit that did occur back in 2008, 2009, when they audited the Fed, they only did a partial audit and people were pretty amazed at how much money was going to foreign entities, foreign banks and things. Just a quick break from the program. Are you worried about the government overreach and about the freedom crushing CBDCs that are threatening to be put in place that will take away our freedom and our independence? I am too.
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He is the president of the Mises Institute and he’s going to talk about his new documentary on the Fed, something that we should all understand. At a basic level, the Fed is what prints our money and controls our whole money supply. And he has an argument. His whole organization has been talking about this for decades. What the Fed does and how it manages our money and how they need to be audited. They need to be. Maybe we need to end the Fed, right? Or we need to do something different. And so that’s what they are informing people over.
And so we have a really good discussion what the Fed Is what, why it’s doing what it’s doing? What is all this money that they’re printing going to and why aren’t they allowing us to audit it? Right. If it is a government institution, why can’t we audit it? They claim that it’s a private institution, but the government created it. The government appoints the head of it. So what’s going on here? So he talks about that. It’s really important. It’s a fundamental issue. And they’re giving away free books. They have 100,000 free books, which have given away 75,000 so far.
So you want to jump in on that and get a free book. I have the link below on where you can get that. Otherwise you go to the Mises Institute directly and you can find it. But I’ll have the link below or you’ll have it on the show page notes on my website@Sarah Westall.com. i would do that quickly, though, because they’re running out of those. Okay, let’s get into my fantastic conversation with Tom DiLorenzo, who’s the president of the Mises Institute. Hi, Tom. Welcome to the program. Thanks for having me. I’m glad to be here. I appreciate you coming.
You are a wealth of knowledge. You are the president of the Mises Institute, something that I read and I follow quite closely. You do a lot of really great work there. Can you talk about. You have a late, you have a documentary that just came out about the Fed. Can you talk about what this is and why you did it? Yeah, you could go to our website. It’s mises.org m I s e s.org fire because the title of the documentary is Playing with Fire. And then Money Banking in the Federal Reserve. And we try to explain in plain English that anyone can understand what the Fed is all about and what it does and why it’s threatening to bankrupt our country and, and why, you know, all the complaining with mostly conservatives and libertarians do about the national debt and government spending and waste and fraud and abuse and all that? Well, the Fed fuels all that.
The Fed finances all that. And so if we’re not willing to take a close look at the Fed, well, we might as well just shut up and go home and quit. Quit complaining about this stuff. And the title of the documentary, Playing with Fire is sort of a cute theme, that the Fed is an organization that creates this problem. It creates a boom and bust cycle in the economy by printing too much money. And then once we have a deep recession like, you know, 2008, the Great Recession, it’s like, it’s like a, somebody who started the fire, an arsonist who goes and changes clothes and changes into a firefighter’s uniform and pretends to be putting out the fire with, with.
With what? With even more money. With pouring gasoline on the fire by printing even more money. And that’s what the Fed does. Decade after decade, we have these boom and busts. The stock market crash, the housing market crash, and on and on, the dot com crash. And it’s all caused by the Fed printing too much money. And so is the inflation that we have. And the Fed even says that its goal is that we have at least 2% inflation every year. Well, that’s giving everybody a 2% pay cut every year. Why is that a good idea? We should have deflation with all the technology we have and all the technological advance.
And the only reason we don’t is the Fed put so much money into circulation that fuels demand in the economy. And so something needs to be done about the Fed printing too much money. And we can talk about that, but I think that’s, that’s why we made the documentary. And that’s something we think should be a priority. Well, now, do you talk about the audit that did occur back in 2008, 2009, when they audited the Fed, they only did a partial audit and people were pretty amazed at how much money was going to foreign entities, foreign banks and things.
Yeah, every once in a while there was like a General Accountability Office, used to be called the General Accounting Office. And I would, would issue a report and well, one of them that I remember before that even is the, the Fed has a fleet of jets, huge collection of artwork. The head janitor in the Washington D.C. headquarters of the Fed, this was 30 years ago, was making $163,000 a year plus benefits. The head janitor. And the, and so the, the Fed is very wealthy, sitting on huge amounts of assets that it invests all over the world, including foreign countries.
And, and it’s a pretty cushy gig for the people who work there. And the, the problem that we face is that almost most of the economists who write about the Fed talk about the Fed. They’re on the Fed payroll in one way or another. Anything from an employee to somebody who gets invited to a conference, which is prestigious in the eyes of academic economists. And so you’re never going to see too much criticism of the Fed from the academic economists. And if they don’t, who. And so we at the Mises Institute have always been critics and there are some academic critics elsewhere out there, but not too many.
The late Milton Friedman once said, if you want a career as a monetary economist and an academic professor, it’s a good idea not to criticize the biggest employer in your field. That’s true. Yeah, that’s true. And so, and so that’s how the Fed gets away with this. And even the audits, you know, when Ron Paul was running for the Republican nomination some years ago, he kept, and he was in Congress, he kept proposing bills to audit the Fed and the banking industry would circle the wagons. They would, they would pour millions into both political parties in Washington D.C.
to avoid that at all costs. They don’t want. Yeah, yeah. So everybody should smell a rat over that because you know, the Fed is, is doing something that is in the public’s best interest. Why can’t the public see it? Well, and the interesting thing is at that time, the Greenspan situation, Alan Greenspan got on there, this was a while ago, right, decades ago now, but he got on there when it came to auditing the Fed. He said that it’s a private organization and you don’t have the right to do that. Yeah, well, no, it’s not private.
The, the, it’s owned by stockholders, it’s owned by banks, Banks own stock in it. But the President appoints the Fed Chairman Chairperson and the Board of Governors. So it’s controlled by government. So it’s dishonest to say it’s a private organization. Didn’t he say that? Quasi private. What did he say? He said that you, do you remember his statements on that? But he pretty much said you don’t have the right to audit us. A quick break from the program to share with you. Masterpiece. This is amazing. It’s gentle, you can use it every day. And it gets out microplastics, it gets out heavy metals, it gets out aluminum and it works.
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You can buy this with the link below or go to sarah westall.com under shop. Well, they all say that. All the Fed chairmans say that. That. Yeah, well, yeah, I don’t have a right to audit Microsoft. In other words, he was saying, yeah, and so, or Apple Computer. Who am I to, But I’m just a citizen. But, but that’s, but that’s not true. It’s a government organization. The government created it. It’s called the Federal Reserve. It’s not called the Private Reserve, it’s called the Federal Reserve as in federal government. And as I said, the president appoints all the board of governors and the chairman and the chairman usually has to do, you know, pays close attention to whatever the President of the time wants.
The President will make speeches saying we need more money in circulation and the Fed will, because the Fed chairperson wants to be reappointed. And, and that’s politics. And so, so it’s dishonest to say it’s private. Okay, well that’s an, that’s an important point. So, but there’s all this information going around that the Fed is private. Is that a purposeful misinformation to allow them cover, to be able to say the things that they’re saying and not have the government scrutinize over them? Well, sure, they, they always find different types of propaganda to, to justify, you know, robbing, robbing the bank, so to speak.
Like with inflation, pricing and you know, price inflation does, is sort of an act of theft. It’s like if they steal at least 2% of our income every year. You know, a few years ago when inflation was close to 9%, you know, everybody in the country on average got a 9% pay cut. That’s right. In that one year. And you know, how many years can you put up with that? And so yeah, you, you need some kind of excuse for that. And that’s, that’s a very lame excuse because you know, it, it took a federal law, for example, one in the 1930s, a law was passed to give the Fed the ability to purchase short term debt.
So, so they, they literally counterfeit money, create money out of thin air and buy government bonds with it. And that put, that’s how, that’s one way in which they put more, more money in circulation in the banking system. That was a federal law that was passed that did that. What, what private company can have a federal Law passed that allows it to engage in legalized counterfeiting. Well, the medical, the medical, that big pharma and medical has some pretty bad stuff going on. Well, yeah, well, the Fed, that’s a good point because the Fed was created at a time in America when you had a lot of these or these regulatory agencies that were captured by the industries they were supposed to be regulating.
And the very first one was the Interstate Commerce Commission in the 1880s. It was supposed to regulate railroads in the best interests of the customers. The first president of the Interstate Commerce Commission was the president of a railroad corporation. And so they made it illegal basically to cut prices in the railroad business. And so in a Fed is that kind of organization. It was captured by the banking industry. And we’ll just look at what they did after the Great Recession of 2008 when they put out tens of billions of dollars to the big banks, Goldman Sachs and big New York investment banks who had made a lot of stupid.
Well, maybe not so stupid in retrospect, but at the time they seemed stupid. Investments in real estate. But if there was a sort of a secret agreement that we will bail you out, it wasn’t so stupid. After all, they knew they could make a lot of money on every sale of all these bonds, mortgage backed securities that they were in the business of dealing with. And then when the, when the bubble burst, the government would bail them out, you know, wink, wink. And that’s what happened. It was. And then all the people were losing their houses all around the country.
And while they were being bailed out and getting massive salaries. Yeah, yeah, yeah. David Stockman wrote this book, the Great Transformation. And he. It’s a great book. It’s a big thick book, but it’s very fascinating about, about this. In the chapters on the Great Recession he shows how all these big bailouts that went to Goldman Sachs and these other big banks and insurance companies like aig, they were solvent. They did not need to be bailed out. They had parts of the business like a real estate that was not so good, but the rest of it was fine.
And so they, so what they do, they get all this money from the government, billions. And they, they post profits and everybody, all the executives get their big bonuses. They all get their 20 or $30 million bonuses. That, that year, that very, that very year, very year everybody else nearly destroyed the whole economy and they gave themselves 10 or 15 million dollars bonuses and they were buying other banks. I mean they were going on a spending spree. Buying out banks, buying out stuff. Yes, yeah. The Fed, the Fed just went wild buying up all sorts of assets.
They really, I don’t think it had legal authority to do, but it went on a wild buying binge. And, and that, that was a fundamental transformation of what the Fed does. It started out being a lender of last resort, which, which sounds, you know, during the Great Depression that must have sounded good to just about everybody to keep, you know, the banks from failing. But then they added open market operations or the ability to print money and then buy government bonds with it. And then, you know, over the decades, they didn’t really add much in terms of their powers.
They had the Community Reinvestment act in the 70s, but then after this one, after the, the crash of 08, they just exploded and grabbing on to all kinds of powers. And that’s typical of government agencies. That’s what government agencies do. It’s not private government agencies. Whenever there’s a cry, a crisis, they ratchet up their, their, their spending, they’re taxing, they’re regulating their powers, and sometimes they’re dictatorial powers. Then when the crisis is over, they never give up all of those powers that they grabbed hold of and all those things that they’re doing. And so, so, and the Fed took advantage of that just like every other government agency.
If there was an environmental crisis, the EPA would do the same thing. If there’s a war, we always ratchet up the defense industry and so forth and, and it never ratchets back down to where it was before the war. So what do we do? Okay, so we have this Fed. We do, you think just auditing it and letting the people see what’s really going on is, I mean, it’s obviously a good first step, but what do we do? Yeah, that’s, that’s a good first step. You could repeal the law that was passed in the 1930s. It gives the Fed the, the ability to purchase short term government debt.
That’s how they pour all this money into circulation and keep us from benefiting from deflation. That’s how they create all these boom and bust cycles in the economy. And competing currencies is, is something that free market economists like, like those of us at the Mises Institute have been writing about for years. Friedrich Hayek, the Nobel Prize winner, who’s an Austrian school economist, wrote a little book about competing currencies. And Bitcoin is sort of going in that, that direction of being a competing type of currency. And that was our history, you know, until, until legislation during the Civil War created the greenback dollar.
And then taxed other currencies. We had competing currencies, and you had me. You might have had one that was backed by gold. Gold and silver. They might, they might have had 100 reserves. Another bank might have had 50 reserves. That is, you could take your money and you could redeem it in gold or silver at the bank. And that money was very trusted by the people. And you know the word Dixie, you know, the land, the south land of Dixie comes from the French word. Dix Dixon. And there was a bank in New Orleans that issued currency and they issued the dicks and they had 100% gold reserves.
And their money was very highly trusted. And their money was even used in Minnesota because people trusted it so much. And there were a number of currencies like that. And so that’s one alternative that we might see in the future. And we might see states going in that direction. I think we might see individual states. Not necessarily nothing. We tend to think of federal policy all the time. We talk about money and things like this. But. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We could have states accepting gold and silver and bitcoin and other things.
Well, some people think that bitcoin is a. And I, I’m not really in this camp of. Some people think that bitcoin is a Trojan horse to bringing in digital ID because they, I could see how they could do some of this. Basically, you aren’t allowed to buy and trade bitcoin without a digital ID is what they’re saying they’re going to force people to do. Because I don’t think bitcoin itself, in the way it’s written, can track and trace without them rewriting a. That software and forking it off and doing. But they could do it by forcing you to have a digital ID to even, you know, participate.
Do you see them doing something like that? Well, that’s, that’s conceivable. And it doesn’t have to be bitcoin either. There could be other cryptocurrencies. You know, it’s just, you know, like, you know, the whole world adopted gold as the most reliable money for 3,000 years. It just happened to be gold could be something else in the future. And. But, but that’s. If they start, if that’s what happens, if we start going down that road, that I would expect to seriously see some secession. I would expect a state or parts of states to seriously say we’re going to divorce ourselves from Washington, D.C.
we don’t want to be under the boot of these Tyrants who want to use digital currency to, to treat us like slaves. I think, I think that’ll be the thing that’ll cause that and I think the government knows that and. Which is why they’re not doing it. I agree with that because I think digital currency could be a really great option. The distributed digital currency as an alternative. As long as there’s not track and trace involved. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s the great danger. You, you might remember when the Canadian truckers were protesting during the COVID era.
Yep. That the Canadian government confiscated their bank accounts. Yes. And that’s, that’s the big worry. And so that’s very realistic case. Yeah, well, it’s very real because I, you know, as a journalist, I have a lot of friends who had their account shut down. It’s not, you know, colleagues. I shouldn’t say they were, well, their friends too. But it’s really real when you’re on the edge of reporting and disclose doing truth to power puts you in their crosshairs and they want to shut you down. Yeah. And, and you probably, I mean, you guys probably haven’t had it easy your whole time at the museum.
No, I’ve, I’ve been, I’ve been the skunk at the picnic in the academic world for all the years that I was a, a university professor and now I’m at the Mises Institute and I’m surrounded by people who are like minded and, and, and a lot of our academics, you know, we have, we’re, we have hundreds of academics we’re associated with and they’re all sort of in the same boat. You know, they, they, they teach. They might have one or two or three colleagues who are freedom oriented in their, at their university department and, and they sort of keep to themselves and, and ensure.
Yeah. If you’re an apologist for the state, you will have a very good academic career. If you’re a critic of the state, you’ll have a hard time. You can have a career, but you have a hard time as an academic. Yeah. You need to toe the party line, which is pro state. Pro. Yeah. You know, I don’t know if it’s communism as much as it’s just pro whatever the state wants to do. Yeah, well, the state controls education and that’s what happens. When I first got out of graduate school, my very first year of teaching, I published a lot of articles.
I published a lot of journal articles and academic journal articles and they were in the area of public finance and they were sort of critical of some of the things governments were doing. And I had a senior faculty member come up to me to give me sort of fatherly advice. Quit doing this. You know, the politicians won’t like it. And, and that was a long time ago, and it’s gotten much worse now than it was then. And that’s what our job is, right? Speak truth to power. But you, you have a really hard time doing that.
So where can, I mean, what else do you want to say about the Fed and how we can start to, to realistically look at it? Because what would replace the Fed? I mean, what would we do? I mean, how, what do you do? Because people. Well, one place to start, go to our website, mises.org and scroll down to the bottom. We’re, we’re giving away a hundred thousand copies of a book called what Has Government Done to Our Money By Murray Rothbard. And we’ve already given away about 75,000. So we’ve got about 25,000 left. People better hurry.
And it’s, they’re free. And, and so that’s one thing you, you could do that and, and educate yourself and, and people around you about, about this, because I think it is really the heart of the, of the problem, which is why every time Ron Paul would propose Amir audit, the entire establishment would go nuts. That’s right. And attack him and, and, and make sure that it never happened. But I got to tell you, you know, the root of, of a lot of these issues we’re having really is money. There’s some other routes, but that’s one of the biggest roots.
Right. You want to get to the root of these problems. They print money and then without auditing it, they, they could be. They’re going to a lot of dark projects. They’re going to money laundering. They’re going, we think they are. Unless you can audit. How do we know that they’re not going and funding things that are un. Fundamentally against what we want as a nation? Well, you see, all these wars we, we get involved in, we find out, you know, there’s nine, there’s 9,000 soldiers in Syria and there’s 5,000 here and there’s 20,000 there. Who’s paying for all this? Well, they got a, a legalized counterfeiting machine.
That’s who’s paying for it. And so, and, and this makes us enemies all over the world. That’s right. You know, how would we like it if, you know, Russia had 10,000 Russian soldiers in our, our country? How’s that? Think, think about that. Is. And so they make us Enemies all over the place. And we pay for it. That’s right. We pay for what they’re doing now. How did we get to a point where people who are supposedly educated, the most educated and smartest amongst us are the very ones that are afraid to speak truth to power and afraid of freedom itself? Well, most people want to be a part of, who are educated like that, want to, want to be a part of the thinker, think they’re a part of the establishment.
They want to be and they’re educated and, and, and, and they want to go along with pretty much what the media tells them. Although the media, the so called mainstream media I think has destroyed themselves and their, and their credibility with all the hysteria over Trump. Yeah. One of the headlines of one of my blogs before the election was about the, these Hasidic Jews attended a, a Trump rally in New York City and then they came out and endorsed Donald Trump and, and the, the media were caught, were calling Trump Hitler and they were calling his rally Nazi rally.
So the headline of my blog was Jews endorse Hitler after attending Nazi rally. But they, I think they totally destroyed their credibility by, by just saying these things. They use the word Nazi a thousand times about, you know, Trump and 10,000 times. So, so yeah, and I had a picture on my blog of the hidic Jews there, big smiles on their faces, holding Trump signs up. And, and here’s the media saying Nazi rally. And, and so, so I think that’s one good thing that’s happening right now is that no, nobody really believes abc, NBC, msnbc, all these people, very few people believe them anymore.
Well when they do stuff like that. But the, the university professors, I taught at a university and I kind of saw stuff and I, you get to a point, you taught in your train that this is where you learn critical thinkers go. You learn to become a critical thinker. You learn, you learn how to think, you learn how to learn. Yeah, but that’s not what’s happening. Not when you’re afraid to actually speak truth to power. Just a quick break from the program to share a really amazing product that I have am offering now on my website@SarahWestAll.com under shop.
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And, and it pretty much waste their education and, and do, and getting involved in all kind of political stuff rather than going to the library and studying and, but then, you know, fast forward 20, 25 years, I noticed that the, the students coming in freshmen were already very well indoctrinated around K through 12 because their teachers after all went to universities and they were, they were indoctrinated. And, and so a lot of what goes on in education is really indoctrination and even, you know, the, the Mises Institute is named after the man named Ludwig von Mises.
He was from Austria, famous economist, famous critic of socialism. And, and he wrote a book in the 60s where he, he, where he said that the universities of his day were nurseries for socialism. And, and, and that was in his day was the early 20th century. He was, he was an active, you know, economist in the 1920s. And so, and he lived until 1973. And so this is nothing new in other words. So I think about what we’re seeing in this country is sort of the festering of the 1960s generation. They, the, the, the, the academic left was captured by all the, these Marxist professors.
And now we’re in about the third generation of this. And, and so a lot of these students, I had a class where I was, I, I taught a course called Capitalism and its Critics. I would teach them how key literature on capitalism and then the critics of capitalism and go back and forth and on different topics. And when at one point I got to what’s called Cultural Marxism as a, as a critique of capitalism, not, not classical Marxism, but cultural Marxism, the Marxists reinvented themselves. They said that longer class conflict between the working class and the capitalist class, it’s the oppressor class versus the oppressed.
And the oppressed are supposedly just about everybody but white heterosexual males. That’s the oppressor class. And that’s. And, and one of my students, this is like a junior economics major, said, well, that’s what we’re being taught. We’re being taught all that. And, and so, so it’s, it’s indoctrination. It’s indoctrination in a sort of socialist ideology. And it’s not being, they’re not being taught to think. They’re being taught. And so that’s one of the reasons why when the, like, when a conservative or a libertarian speaker would show up on some of the campuses, they would riot and scream and yell and set fires to buildings, I think.
And they’re thinking they’re taking the moral high road because that speaker, if he’s invited by some concern, like college Republicans, let’s say, well, he’s the, he’s a spokesman for the oppressor class because that’s what they’ve been taught. And it’s sort of, it’s, it’s not even highbrow Marxism, it’s sort of vulgar Marxism. Well, they, they don’t understand that freedom of speech is so that we can evolve and civilization can thrive. They, they haven’t been, they haven’t been taught why freedom of speech exists. It’s such a fundamental principle of our, of civilization itself. Yeah, they’re right. They’ve taught, they’ve been taught that only the oppressed deserve freedom of speech.
The oppressors do not deserve freedom of speech. And who is that? There was a Columbia University professor named Herbert Marcuse who wrote an article in the 60s about that and that that has become sort of the Bible of, of all this censorship and, and canceling of, cancel culture and all that. That’s where, that’s what’s behind all of that. And you see this turning around. I mean, I think I’ve seen a big shift, but it’s still. Right now it’s like we’re in the middle of this clash, but it seems like it’s shifting back to some normalcy right now.
Oh, yeah, I think with Trump’s election, I think we see a lot of people had enough of this craziness in, in the destroying the economy and 9% inflation a few years ago, and, and that, that sort of thing. And all these wars everywhere, the endless wars never ending and never ending, death and destruction all over the place. And so people are waking up to all that, and that’s why Trump got elected, and so I think the, the instigators will retreat back to the academic world for now. For the most part, I’m surprised they haven’t rioted. I was expecting to be riots everywhere when, if Trump won the election, but they haven’t done it so far.
Yeah, they might, maybe on Inaugural Day. We’ll see some, some of that. But, but I think they’re, they’re licking their wounds and they’re not going to go away for sure. They’re not going to give up on diversity, equity and inclusion, for example. They’re just going to call it something else. They’ll have another name for the same thing, because that in itself was another name for racial quotas, which, which were illegal under the Supreme Court, ruled that illegal. But then they left the window open for them and pretty much said if you call it diversity, it’s okay.
And so, and so there’s, there has to be a way, I mean, I think that the laws shouldn’t be used to, to oppress others. And that’s what that is. That’s oppression of just what we need to have freedom. But there could be. You can work culturally making sure that people aren’t oppressing others, but it’s not something you legislate. Yeah, well, government, government is the great oppressor. That’s who oppresses. That’s who can throw you in prison and make you live in a cage if you don’t listen to their dictates, if you don’t obey them. That’s, that’s where the oppression comes from.
And, and, you know, if you leave us alone, we tend to get along pretty well. I mean, just, just walk around day by day and go to the store, you go to a movie, movie theater or someplace, and you see, you know, people in the right. That’s civil society. And then you want, turn on the TV when you get home and you see people screaming at each other and calling each other Hitler and all this. That’s, that’s government, the government of politics. It’s, it’s crazy. And people wanting power, I see it in, in some, you know, community organizations.
I’ll see some of that weird stuff there, too. As soon as people try to get power and dictate to others what to do, that’s where you start seeing some of that, when they start having that control over others. Yeah, that’s. Judge Andrew Napolitano used, gave several speeches. He called that, what do you call it, libido dominande, the lust to dominate, meaning in a political sense. And he said every society has some percentage of people who are like that and they just, they just want to give power to order other people around. And, and that’s called government.
That’s I think it. Almost everybody who becomes a politician is like that. Yeah. That’s too bad. So where I love reading your articles. I gotta get that a link to that article that you wrote about that protest. That was actually hilarious what you wrote. Where can people follow you? And then also where can they get that free book? And I will also have the links below. Okay, good. Go on our website, mises.org m as in mother m I s e-s.org and just scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see where, how you can get the free book.
What has government done to our money? And I’m a call on this@lourockwell.com that’s a man’s name. L E W Lou rockwell.com and, and you can see some of my articles there. And I have an Amazon page. I’m the author, a co author of 18 books and you can, you can see some of them, not all of them, but some of them on my Amazon page. Well, excellent. Thank you so much for joining the program. I really appreciate it. My pleasure. Thanks for having me on sa.