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➡ The article discusses a radio interview with Sheriff Mark Lamb, who supports Trump’s pardon of January 6th defendants and commutation of sentences for 14 others. The article also covers new legislative attempts to control county sheriffs, which Sheriff Lamb opposes. Lastly, it mentions a press conference by the Florida State Sheriff’s Association about their involvement in immigration legislation and the implementation of the Warrant Service Officer program to handle ICE detainers in jails.
➡ The sheriffs in Florida are united in their support for a certain cause, thanks to strong communication and a close bond. They range from small counties with only eight deputies to large ones with over 3,000. Meanwhile, in New York, some sheriffs are defying laws that prevent them from cooperating with immigration enforcement. The sheriffs are encouraged to participate in the 287 program, which allows them to work with ICE in their jails, holding criminals until ICE can collect them. However, some believe that sheriffs need to be “unshackled” to fully participate in both jail and street enforcement.
➡ The discussion at the National Sheriff’s Association conference focused on the need for financial support and coordination between local, state, and federal governments to manage illegal immigration and drug trafficking. The speakers highlighted the strain on local resources when illegal immigrants are released into communities, and the need for laws and plans to align across different levels of government. They also discussed the potential for federal funding to support local law enforcement, but cautioned against too much government involvement. The conversation also touched on the differences between detainers and warrants, and the need for local law enforcement to be trained and certified to serve immigration warrants.
➡ The text discusses concerns about proposed legislation that could affect the role of sheriffs and gun ownership in Washington State. It suggests that the state government wants to control sheriffs and limit citizens’ rights to bear arms. The text also mentions the issue of illegal immigration and the role of sheriffs in dealing with it. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of sheriffs in protecting citizens’ constitutional rights and resisting government overreach.
➡ The text discusses concerns about law enforcement’s role in immigration, with officials arguing that their focus is on deporting criminals, not separating families. It also touches on a local sheriff’s fight to use hounds for tracking dangerous wildlife, which has sparked controversy. The text ends with a critique of journalism schools, accusing them of teaching students to lie in their reporting, and the speaker’s intention to file complaints against these institutions.
➡ The speaker is upset about being misrepresented and belittled in a journalistic piece. They express frustration with the current state of journalism, calling it dishonest and fake. Despite financial struggles and personal challenges, they remain committed to their cause, the constitutional movement for law enforcement and sheriffs. They also discuss their plans to expose the truth about their lawsuit and the unlawful control of sheriffs by governors, and their need for more support and donations to continue their work.


All right, so I guess you know the big news. I sent it to you that we had two sheriffs on with us on Liberty Roundtable yesterday. And every Tuesday morning, I’m on with Sam Bushman on the Liberty Roundtable Radio network. And the first half hour, we had Sheriff Mark Lamb. So if you have something you could play from that, let’s do just a couple of minutes on that, then we’ll discuss some other things he told us. Gotta dig that. Welcome to the broadcast, Sheriff Lamb. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me on. First, we got to talk about.

Trump issued a full, complete and unconditional pardon for most of the January 6th defendants. Trump called them political hostages. I agree with that completely. More than 1500 people. People are leaving prison last night and today, and they say this proclamation begins a process of national reconciliation. And then Trump also, after pardoning those 1500, he commuted the sentence of 14 other January 6 political prisoners, meaning they still retain their convictions, but they’re just sentenced to time served, from what I understand. Sheriff Lamb, let’s have you take a stab at this first. What do you say? I like it.

I like it. I think I’ve never seen the FBI work so expeditiously and so quickly as when it came to going after people that were there on January 6th. And what they tried to do is throw a blanket over everybody that was there to say, they’re all bad, they were all bad. And frankly, I don’t know that you can even use the word insurrection when not a single gun was found on any of those people that were there at the Capitol that day. And the only person that lost their life was Ashley Babbitt at the hands of somebody who was never held to account for shooting an unarmed person.

So, look, I think there’s all sorts of bad things we’re finding out. The FBI was involved now. And President Trump said something very important yesterday. He said, look, even for those people who you think should have been held accountable, and there are some of them, no doubt, how long do they have to stay in jail? Because they’ve been in jail for four years, and that is longer than many murderers, many sexual assault people get big suspects get. So I liked it. I think it was the right thing to do, and I think it sends a message to the American people that we have our country back.

Yep. This particular article I found is about, you know, what he describes as the takeover of, or the seizing of control of the sheriff’s office. And. And it’s a new state legislative attacks on sheriff, and it comes before the House Committee on Safety. Imagine that. SAM On Monday. I guess that’s today or no, was that yesterday? Probably yesterday Wednesday. JACK Anyway, it’s a couple days ago. That’s right. Anyway, yes, sir. The days run together when you work so hard. That’s all. I really thought this was Monday. Anyway. These two bills here, the Senate bill and the House bill, seek to place the county sheriffs under legislative control by placing a number of qualifications, certifications, et cetera, necessary to hold the office of sheriff.

Additionally, it creates process for replacing a sheriff who’s run a file of their scheme, which would have the county executive select a successor to any sheriff removed under the proposal. In our case, that would be newly elected executive Ryan Mello. I don’t know who that is, but I guess the county. Well, that’s right. And it would be when a sheriff stands up like they just did in Texas, that would be grounds for, hey, you’re a problem sheriff, right? Yep, Absolutely. And we know that, you know, Bob Songer is going to be somebody that they have on the radar because he really does.

He’s truthful and faithful to the Constitution. And we knew from Bob they were getting ready to take away his effective control of the jailhouse and something the sheriffs have been controlling since the beginning of the United States and prior. So, you know, that’s another big step. And you imagine the bureaucratic idiots they have in these governments anyway, running a prison like that’s just a day to day kind of institution that has people in and out and so forth. I mean, I think it would be a nightmare. And he’s the person who wrote this article, believes that this would be found unconstitutional.

But he makes the comment that the Supreme Court is not dependable. Can you imagine that? SAM well, and as Richard Mack says, you know, it was a miracle of miracles that Sheriff Mack won. And so we’re wise not to try to just let the Supreme Court decide everything. I mean, Donald Trump, for example, tried to freeze funding. Everybody in their dog sued President Trump. He just unfroze the freeze. If that’s a series of words, I can use the funding because, hey, it’s going to be a big battle in the courts. Everything else, they’re literally using judges to interpret law in ways that violate the Supreme Law.

And they become activists from the bench and make law. And what we need to do is impeach those clown judges that do that, that become activists from the bench and they don’t, they don’t live in their lane, is what you would say constitutionally Speaking. And so we need to create accountability for that. And you’ve literally had judges in Trump’s first administration, 45 and now 47, where these judges are just. God, they can just shut down the President of the United States with a stroke of a pen. That is not the way the founders intended it, ladies and gentlemen.

It’s intended to be checks and balances. So posse members and everybody who’s on our show today, thanks for being here. But we have two amazing guests who’ve really been in the news a lot lately. The Florida State Sheriff’s association has been in the news, and they just held a press conference yesterday or the day before. Which one was it, Sheriff Staley? Sunday. It was Monday. And I’m gonna let our president answer probably your questions on this part. Okay, I will. And thank you. And folks, Sheriff Staley has been very supportive of the constitutional sheriff movement for a long time.

He and I are very good friends. And he brought a guest, the president of the Florida State Sheriff’s Association, Sheriff of Charlotte County, Florida, and his name is Sheriff Permel. And, Sheriff, thank you so much for your leadership. Thank you so much for what you’re doing. And we could not be prouder of the sheriffs in Florida. And why don’t you give us a review of your press conference, what it was for and what it was about. And thank you again so much for being here. Well, thank you for having us. Well, it was basically an announcement to a feat that we were able to accomplish here in the state of Florida.

You know, the Florida association and all the Florida sheriffs here have a very strong presence. We got a very strong association. And, you know, that shows because the governor and the speaker of the House and the Senate president, when they were brought into the special session, they called us, they brought us to the table to discuss the immigration crisis and the immigration bill. So we worked with them on what would work, what we thought wouldn’t work. Some of the things that are going to be kind of, we know, challenge within court, but one of the big things was filling that gap with the Warrant Service Officer program.

So we were able to get that passed and get that pushed through. Where all counties are required to somehow be in the 287 program within the jails, whether it’s the jail enforcement model or the warrants. Warrant Service Officer program. Well, the Warrant Service Officer program is actually kind of like the low hanging fruit. It’s the easiest one to implement. So we were able to get and all 57 sheriffs that run jails and the 10 counties that run jails to sign those MOAs and get those up to ICE. They signed them. So right now we’re in the process of getting the training together so we can make sure that we have the WSO in all the jails.

I’ve actually been running the WSO program in my jail since I believe it was 2018. But basically what that does is it fills the gap. You have these individuals that come in and they have ICE detainers, and when it’s time for them to bond out, they just bond out. Well, with the WSO program is you got specially trained deputies within the jail that when they’re ready to bond out or they are ready to be released because they’ve served their time or whatever reason, we can serve that warrant on them. We can hold them for an extra 48 hours.

We contact ICE, they come and get them. So we’re not releasing criminals back out on the street. And we’ve been able to get all 67 counties now involved, and we’re working on getting that training. We’re hoping to have that training up and running within 15 to 30 days, and then everybody will be WSO compliant. Let me get this straight. You have 67 sheriffs in Florida, and you have 67 sheriffs totally involved in this and totally supporting this. How did that happen? Yes. Well, like I said, we’re a strong association. We got a very close bond. And, you know, sometimes it just.

It just comes down to making a phone call to that sheriff explaining on the situation, and then they’re right on board. So we got everything from our small counties with only eight deputies to our largest counties with over 3,000. Well, that’s a miracle, and I’m just thrilled with it. And we have Sheriff Mike Carpinelli from New York on the. On the program with us today. And we’ve got to send a few of you up there to New York to help him get this done in New York. Would you like a free trip? Would you like a free trip to New York? Because we’re from New York.

I’d rather not go back if I don’t have. Well, he’s laughing at that, too. All right, well, all I got to say to that, Jack, is Wow. Yeah, wow. Okay, Jack, let’s go back maybe four or five, six weeks, when I think some former sheriff from Arizona said we’ve got to have the sheriffs in this country working with Tom Holman and the president on deportation and that without the sheriffs, there is no way this works. Yep. I remember that guy. Good looking guy. Yeah, I hear he’s really lucky because he’d married a beautiful girl. Listen, do we already have Sheriff Carpinelli on? Yep, he’s in the audience.

He’s right there. Sheriff Mike Carpinelli from Lewis County, New York. You heard these other two sheriffs. If they could do it in Florida, we could pull this off in New York. Well, you know, I’ll tell you what, I’m extremely proud of those two sheriffs and obviously, you know, very proud of the entire, you know, Florida Share association down there, what they’re doing. That just goes to show you that we’re in numbers, their strength. Well, now let me, let me answer that for you. You would be one sheriff in New York who would be very happy to have that happen in New York, correct? 100%.

Sheriff Mac. So how many sheriffs do you think right now in New York are defying the statutes that are supposed to prevent you from helping? How many sheriffs are like you that are still going to do it anyway? Well, let me see if it’s a large number. No, I’m kidding. It’s only probably about maybe six or seven of us. That’s it. Okay, and how many shares do you have there? 56. 56, okay. Wow. Okay, so what is going on and what supposed laws have been passed in New York to try to keep the deportation from happening in the state of New York? What has happened there? Yeah, well, right now our association is strongly, you know, fighting this for us and looking at the same, you know, wso put people within each agency to have them, you know, certified with that to work alongside to build, do these, these warrants with, with ice.

But they’re. Unfortunately, there are a lot of sheriffs who are in fear of our, you know, our attorney general and our governor here. That’s too bad. So, but to get them to realize sheriffs in New York answer to either one of them, in my opinion, no, sir. In my opinion, no, sir also. Well, okay, so really then, what has the state done to try to impede your cooperation? Well, a couple years ago they put in place that we can’t cooperate with giving our data, you know, to any ICE agents when they stop a vehicle. They were not allowed to share that information with them.

Now how stupid is that? How just reckless disregard for that officer’s life on a traffic stop when you want to find out whether that person is an illegal alien or a, or a wanted person for any major crime that they can’t find this out, you know, allegedly depends on who they’re what sheriff’s officer they’re attempting to go to? Maybe. How is it that the governors of these states ignored the invasion of these illegals and didn’t prevent them through using highway patrol and local police? He’s written to the state of Missouri and asked for questions, those type of questions to them and got no response.

Obviously the answer is that they’re corrupt and they’ve got good public officials there in the state of Missouri. And I’ll tell you what, write to Josh Hawley, Senator Hawley, and I’ll bet you his office will respond. But that surprises me. They’ve got a pretty good governor in Missouri right now, too. So that surprises me that they wouldn’t get you some sort of response. They’ve got enough staff to get your response. But that is a good question. But the thing of it is, we’re now having to pick up the pieces and fix that problem that you, you just mentioned.

There were several states that allowed this horrible criminal infiltration of America and now we’re fixing it. So maybe we just need to focus on fixing it and helping ICE and, and getting these people out of here. But yeah, Washington state is exactly one of those states that opened the gates up for illegals. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Still are. Oh, yeah, yeah. The message. I see a note here from the, from the state of Texas, Ken Patson, saying that the Source Crime Network is still in control of up to 70% of the local governments across the US and that, you know, it’s not a time to give up or believe that it’s all going to happen easy here.

That they, and they’re primarily involved with preventing convictions or even, you know, prosecuting crimes. And that’s a big problem. You mentioned it earlier. But anyway, that’s, that’s just the world, I guess we have to continue to clear up. I mean, we’ve only had this situation for a couple months. And so I think that as far as the border goes, I don’t think there’s a better expert on it than you are. And you’ve dealt with other sheriffs across the country who are border sheriffs, you know, every one of them. And so this is the deal now. What should the sheriffs of this country be doing to help with the deportation? Well, one of the things that they can do, and I’m working as a law enforcement advisor for an organization out of D.C.

the Federation for American Immigration Reform. They do great work as far as policy and really building a coalition of sheriffs that will stand up for the border security and immigration. One piece that they push that I think is really important is the 287 program. As they start to round more and more people up and dealing with criminals, our ability to hold them with the 287 program, that is basically what that is, is that allows us to work with ICE in our jails. So if somebody gets booked into my jail for a crime they commit in this country, so dui, assault, murder, rape, any of those, we can hold them until ICE comes and gets them.

ICE helps us do an analysis. They do a detainer on them. So I would love to see more sheriffs get involved in the 287 program. I’d love to see more sheriffs working on those task force that are in those communities, whether it’s a border patrol task force, HSI task force. I would love to see the federal government put more of their resources onto sheriff’s task forces. I’ve got an anti smuggling unit I don’t need to send. They can send one of their guys over and that would give us the power to be able to affect some stuff, more things too.

So there’s a lot we can do as sheriffs, but those would be a few of the ones I’d love to see. Well, that brings me to another question because I had planned to ask you about this. Did you see the article about Sheriff Grady Judd? I know you know Sheriff Judd, he just came out with an article last night saying that the new administration, the new federal government, needs to unshackle the sheriffs. And I thought immediately of 287. He can already be using that and some sheriffs in Florida already are. So how do the sheriffs need to be unshackled except for, well, unshackle yourself and get going.

But I didn’t quite understand what he was talking about. Well, let me see if I can explain that because I think I know what he means. So I did not read the article and I didn’t hear what he said. But 287 has two components. There is the jail component and there is the street removal component where they can actually certify local law enforcement to be part of those. What I was talking about, task force to go out and not street enforcement. There’s jail enforcement where you’re taking criminals and not letting them back out into the streets.

And then there’s the street enforcement. Well, that is all but kind of died off over the last eight years. And I expect that they’re going to ramp that up. Tom Holman’s talked about ramping that up with the sheriffs just a week ago at the National Sheriff’s association conference. So I’m guessing that he is probably referring to taking the shackles off and reinstituting those street enforcement a piece of the 287 program. I think you’re right. I think there’s one other area that he’s speaking of and Governor DeSantis when he wanted to call a legislative session, pointed to it, you know, you’ve got to put state funds on the, on the streets for this.

Local sheriff’s offices may run out of money when you dump a bunch of illegals into their communities and everything else. No one says they have the money and the resources for it. So there’s got to be a general support for this from a financial point of view, from a coordination point of view. We need sheriffs and governors and Tom Holman and team aligned and we need to roll out the financial support. I mean you got to look at, you know, resources and budget and scope and all that kind of stuff when you’re looking at this thing and you got to say, hey, are there laws in given states that are causing problems against across state lines? Are there? Is the general government and their plans in line with say the state and the local? The more we can align those things, the more we can fund the projects, the greater chance we have.

But I mean, what does a local sheriff do when he says, hey, I want this guy, this criminal to go to Cuba? Well, the community says, psych, we’re going to release him on the streets. Police chief releases them. Sheriff okay, we’ve got to have these people aligned on a plan with law based guidelines. Sheriff yeah, and I’m going to say something that may not be well received here. I’m not a fan of federal funding. I get that they have a mission and I do believe that they’re going to need to fund some of these issues on a state level.

But I love, I am a states rights guy. I’m a 10th amendment guy. I think that, you know many of our problems now this is a problem that the states didn’t create. The federal government created it. So there’s going to need to be some funding to be, for us to be able to go out and help. It is not free for me to operate. You know, when I was the sheriff to operate my helicopters, to go out with border patrol, it was not free to go out and do this. Now there is a program, Sam, that’s already in place called the287, excuse me, the Stone Garden program, which allows local law enforcement to work in conjunction with the federal government.

And they will cover those costs. For example, my helicopter fuel, my repairs from my helicopter, they pay overtime, they pay vehicle expenses, and they pay equipment if the equipment is, is ideal for dealing with illegal immigration and drug trafficking. So there is this big chunk of money. I would love to see them increase that Stone Garden fund, which would give more funds to those sheriff’s offices who are working closely with the federal government. But I will say it is a very, it is a very thin letting the government come in too much. And funding is their Trojan horse.

Always it is. And we need to be careful of that. At the same time, whenever there’s a general government delegated responsibility, which border relates to that Right. Congress has the responsibility to a great degree. I’m saying, hey, there is a partnership there that needs to happen. How that funding breaks down when it crosses the line. Going from a defensive to an offensive destructive purpose is a great thing to watch. And a question. But all I’m telling you is whenever it’s, it’s general government level responsibilities, at some point there has to be the resources there. Part of the problem when Richard Mack pushed back, they said, you’re gonna carry this out and you’re gonna do it on your own dime.

And Richard said, not only would I not do it on my own dime, I won’t carry it out. And he won. But my point is there’s a balance there. And the sooner we as the American people understand that balance, the general government has some responsibility for the border. And a lot, I know that a lot of these border counties and stuff like that are just being overrun and they don’t have the resources or the funds to cope. And it’s. The federal government didn’t do their job. Right, right. And we’re seeing Doge is uncovering all this just crazy spending with the federal government.

But the reality is the founding fathers were very specific in the preamble of the Constitution. They said we need to establish justice, we need to ensure domestic tranquility, we need to provide for the common defense. So you’re talking about these federal dollars. We need to promote the general welfare. That doesn’t mean we give them everything. It means we promote it through good policies, tax reduce taxes, all those things that’s promoting the general welfare and then ensuring our liberties for ourselves and our posterity. That’s the job of federal government. And so you’re right, these funds should be going to things like protecting our communities, protecting our country, especially when they didn’t follow the fourth, you know, the Article 1, Section 4, which says that they got to protect us from a constitution or invasion.

So, yeah, they’ve got a lot of. I agree there need to be funds allocated because we are not going to be able to absorb this in our budgets on a state and local level. Well, now, tell me one thing. There’s a question that’s going on around some. A sheriff in Iowa pointed this out, and I thought he was wrong. He’s a good guy. He’s a good constitutional sheriff. Sheriff Marks in Iowa. But is a detainer the same as a warrant? You know that when a detainer and warrants are technically a little bit different, the detainer is placed on somebody that when they’re in custody, that you can come and take them.

The warrant is somebody that’s kind of could have overstayed their bounds or they came over illegally. And the warrant. And now, as we found out on Monday, we found out that last Friday they dumped 700,000 ice warrants into the NCIC. Now, the problem with that is what we’re working toward, that’s a great thing, but right now is none of us are certified to serve those warrants. So we’re kind of in a tricky situation right now. But what we’re working toward is, you know, everyone talks about 287G. Well, 287G is actually the chapter under Title 8 of the Immigration Code of US Immigration Code.

So within there, there’s several different programs that local law enforcement can partner with the Feds. And the WSO was one of them. You heard me talk about the jem. Well, there’s also a Street Task Force model, and that’s where your officers and deputies on the street can be trained, and they can actually be certified as ICE agents. So when they’re out doing their normal duties, if they come across somebody or I know we’re going to come across these people with these warrants, we’re going to be able to serve them. And one of the things that the governor is going to announce here today is that we have all 67 sheriffs have signed the MOAs for the street Task Force program also.

Okay, tell us what an MOA is. What’s that? And what is an moa? Memorandum of Agreement. Oh, yes, of course. All right. Man. Oh, man. Well, Sheriff Staley, do you have anything to add to any of that? Well, I think our president did a great job. This has been a lot of work. My jail itself has been a 287G WSO jail since 2019. And we used it quite a bit until January 20, 2021, when the Biden administration gutted it. And since then, we didn’t use much of it all. In fact, the Obama administration gutted the task force in 2012.

So there’s a lot of training has to be done to become compliant so we can operate. But Homeland Security is working hard and quick to make this training available and make it more efficient training than they have done in the past. They used to be you had to send people to Glynco for six weeks and you know, that’s a significant impact, especially for smaller agencies. So now they’re going to do it online in only 40 hours. So, you know, apologize for the noise. But we’re in a hangar, like I said earlier, getting ready for this press conference with the governor and people are coming in that is nuts.

Absolutely nuts that these people, I think they need mental health, I really do. But you know, right now we got a House Bill 1399, I think I pronounced that correct. But anyway, we have this House bill, our governor, this Fergie Bob Ferguson, anyway, he would want to do. What he wants to do is get control over elected sheriffs. Have this if you want to file for sheriff and if this passes, you want to file for sheriff. And any of the counties in Washington state, you go to the auditor’s office, fill out the form. Can’t do it.

You got to go through the state training commission and they’ll run the background on you, they’ll do the poly, they’ll do the psych and they’ll check your social life to see if you’re anti government type individual and all that. Then if you pass that, you can go ahead and file for sheriff. People get to vote you in. But once you’re in, if you spread disinformation in reference what a governor’s saying, they can remove you, not recall, the governor can remove you from office and start the process over again. And they don’t want. Has that passed? No, no, it’s in the hopper right now.

But scary part about it, Richard, they also want to go out because they know I have 150 person posse. They don’t want posse members carrying guns, even though we put them through all the training with the NRA and all that stuff. And what are you going to do as sheriff? You have your posse and then you’re going to take away the right to keep them bear arms. And that’s where Ferguson, he was the one that pushed at I 1639. Lauren Culp and I met with him got awards for, you know, the constitutional sheriff for the year and so forth.

Right. Okay, Inslee. I mean, Ferguson is the same guy at the time, Attorney general pushed that now as governor and they want to enhance that where they’re trying to pass a piece of legislation now in the hopper that if you own a gun or you own five or six guns, you have to get a $2,500 bond on each gun, security bond on each gun, and you go to buy ammunition, you got to do a background check and you got to pay extra taxes on the box of ammunition you bought. They are out to destroy Washington State, disarm the masses of Washington state completely.

And what really upsets Ferguson is that the Washington State Sheriff’s association fighting on these issues and he don’t like that. So if he can get control of the sheriffs and in other words, you can’t get elected without the state’s blessing, then he’s got control over the firearms as well. Oh my goodness. I thought I heard horrible stuff from California and New York and New Jersey. Oh, I think that one’s probably the worst one in the country. No joke. I mean, this guy is horrible and. But I’m telling you right now, he does not have the right to tell me who am I going to arrest or who, which agency I’m going to cooperate with.

I didn’t make my allegiance there, the governor or the board of county. I made it to our citizens. And that’s where my alliance is, Period. Okay? So, you know, since the President Trump has come back into office, my jail, which is a medium sized jail, medium sized county, we’ve already turned over 10 people to border patrol for deportation. So we’re going to do illegal. And all the sheriffs are united. You know, our number one choice that we’re going for, if you will prioritize the people that are here illegally, the number one is the criminal illegals. So those that have committed a crime here or have a history of crime somewhere else, and they would get arrested and released, especially in woke or sanctuary cities, states or counties.

That’s the number one focus. The number two is the 1.4 million illegals that have already had their day in court and they were ordered by a judge to get the hell out of the United States and they abscounted, basically, they stayed. So that’s number two and that’s the 700,000 that our president just mentioned about being entered into NCIC. But it’s actually 1.4 million of those that we know of that’s going to keep our plates pretty full and busy. And it’s also going to really stretch the capacity across this country to house them until Border Patrol and ICE support them.

Well, I want to tell both of you sheriffs we have a strong presence. CSPOA has a very good state director and some county directors in Florida. We’re here to back you up however we can. We’re also proud of the work you’re doing. We appreciate your leadership so much, both of you sheriffs. Well, I remember, I think when I first came there, it was for the SAFE Rally. Safe. And it was a gun control law passed by New York and really pushed by then Governor Cuomo. It was then Governor Cuomo. And how many sheriffs stood up against the gun control law that that presented to the people of New York? Well, there was only that.

I can recall two of us that were the strongest at the time. It was myself and Sheriff Howard from Erie County. Great guy. Yes. And there were some other sheriffs in the background, but not as strong as us, you know, that felt that way. Unfortunately, I think right after that, some more joined on because Cuomo got really pissed off at you guys and said that he was going to suspend you. Yes, that is. That is true. Yes, sir. And a lot more did jump on after that, which was great. So we do. We do have some cohesion, you know, when it comes to some of these issues.

And I believe that the same thing is going to happen right now with this in regards to the detainees. So I do feel strongly about that. I feel good. Well, I think that was the day that I actually spoke at the state legislature in Albany. Yes, sir. And what a great experience. I mean, how many small town Arizona sheriffs can say they actually spoke at the state legislature in Albany, New York? But we’ve been busy, and you and I have been busy, and defending liberty is always going to be that way. But what I was really tickled about is that when the sheriffs who Cuomo threatened with suspension said, yeah, right, go ahead.

Let’s see. Where. Where did you get the authority to do that? And then when he found out that he didn’t have the authority, he kind of said this. Ah, come on, sheriff’s buddies. You know, I was just kidding. I wasn’t really going to suspend you. He kind of presented that whole thing, didn’t he? Yes. And in the end, look, everything got him. He’s no longer the governor. Yeah, but look who took his place. The wicked witch. He’s even worse. Yeah, no kidding. First of all, Sheriff Lamb, how many Years were you in law enforcement? Almost 20.

Okay. Same as me. And, and you’ve been very active with the cspoa. You’ve been one of our keynote speakers probably half a dozen times or more. And you. You and I met because you were running for office and you asked for my endorsement, which I very heartily gave. Two times. Both times that you ran, you were sheriff, what, seven, eight years? Eight years, yeah. Two terms. Eight years, yeah. And same as me. So. But. But this is the point I want to ask you. For everyone that’s here. This is a. This is a CSPOA Posse webinar.

And so we really focus on CSPA and we. We focus on training and whatnot. But I want to hear this from you. I haven’t asked you this question before. I don’t know what you’re going to say. I’m pretty sure I. I think I know what you’re going to say, but it doesn’t matter. You say what you want, and you always do. You always tell the truth. What would America look like if we had, which is our goal, 1,000 to 1,500 sheriffs that were really constitutional, sheriffs like you, and sheriffs like Darleef and Bob Songer and Sheriff David A.

Clark Jr. From Milwaukee, Jack McLam of yesteryear. Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so what would America look like if we had about half of the sheriffs in America that were totally dedicated as constitutional sheriffs? Well, first of all, Richard, you know that anybody on this call that’s a CSPOA posse member knows the importance of the role of the sheriff in protecting our constitutional rights and protecting us from the enemies. People used to always say, well, Sheriff, you can’t say that. You’re the government. I said, no, no, no, I’m not the government. I’m your county sheriff. My job is to protect you from the bad guys and from government overreach.

I would have loved to have seen a lot more law enforcement, and especially sheriffs, stand up during COVID and say, we’re not doing this. I think America, to your point on the question, America would look a lot different had we actually stood up and said, we’re not doing all this nonsense. Pinal county looks very different because we didn’t do all that stuff. Same with the masks and the vaccines. Now we get into the border, sheriffs are standing up, and there’s a lot of great sheriffs in this country, and I’m friends with a lot of them. But I will tell you, I think the Constitution, not just for sheriffs but for anybody who swears an oath in an elected official position, but really important in the position of sheriff, that you protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And that is really what the crux of our oath is and what our job is. And unfortunately, a lot of elected officials do not do that. You’re right. They, real quickly, to either one of you, maybe Sheriff Parmel, they’re talking about again bringing up the issue of where do the children go? Are the children involved in this at all? Are we separating families? Which we all know, just like Tom Holman said, when there’s arrests of parents, that’s going to happen. But is that even an issue right now? Because aren’t the children already. No, I mean, it’s a scare tactic.

They’re talking about how individuals, they’re going into churches, they’re going into school, they’re going into hospital. That’s, that’s not true at all. All President Trump did is because Biden tied their hands and said you were not allowed to go in. Trump said you need to, you go in. But that doesn’t mean they’re going into Roundup. So say you have a 17 or 18 year old gang banger who’s in one of the high schools, you need to go in and get them. Well, now they have permission to go in and get them. Just like us. If we have somebody who committed a crime and we know they’re in one of these places, we can go in and get them.

Well, ISIS hands were tied. They weren’t allowed to. This doesn’t mean they’re going in there and they’re raiding the schools, raiding the churches, raiding the hospitals. It doesn’t happen. It hasn’t happened. So it’s a scare tactic. And Sheriff, let me just add to that, that the reality is exactly what our president said. Bill from L. But what a lot of people don’t know is under the Biden administration, you would get arrested, get released. They were not ICE was not even allowed to deport unless they had been convicted of the crime. And those of us in law enforcement know there’s so many uniqueness in every arrest and how long sometimes the process can take.

So imagine how many more crimes they were committing because we just, some, some communities just let them out under the, to, you know, pillage our community and attack our citizens. Pinellas county had a deputy sheriff killed by somebody who’d been deported more than twice and came back. So this isn’t about rounding up children and wives. It’s about deporting the criminals and deporting those that have absconded after they were told to get the hell out of the United States. What do you think of that bill, The Senate Bill 5482, remember, I think it was on your website, you talked about being able to use dogs to go after war wolves.

Oh, yeah. Well, I’m in a big fight with the feds in the state over that right now. My cougar program, a bunch of libs, they’re just crying their eyes out, hair’s on fire, which tells you you’re doing the right job. But on your cougars, what they don’t. In Washington state law, believe it or not, the sheriff has a right to use hounds to track down cougar, bear and bobcat. That’s a danger to livestock, public safety and domestic pet. So I have five posse members that are hound handlers and. Oh, my God. In fact, they got a bail going through again this year trying to take that portion of the rcw, Washington state revised statute, Take the sheriff out of that.

So he had no longer had that ability. But I had one of the. Now, the game wardens we get along pretty good with, but you take these biologists and they’re in a whole nother world themselves. And anyway, I had this one regional biologist says, you don’t have a right, sheriff, using hounds to go after cougars and harassing the cougars. And I said, we don’t harass them, we euthanize them. And that really upset her. I said, I’m going to tell you something. As sheriff, I have a responsibility of safety in our community. Now, if there is a cougar taking down livestock which belongs to somebody, it’s their personal property or they’re endangering their families.

And if a child gets taken by a cougar that. We’ve had people killed in the state of Washington by cougar. Yeah, not a lot, but we’ve had it. And I said, if a child gets taken by cougar, I said, I can tell you right now, you as a biologist, it’ll be crickets. We’ll never hear from you because you don’t want to face the heat that you created a situation where public safety was at risk. So I’m going to use hounds and kind of upset her, I think. But anyway. Well, they kind of want you to go through the.

The Game Commission now, the wash, the wd. What is it? Yeah, Department of Fish and Wildlife, before you can do any hunts. And, I mean, that’s just another hoop your life becomes, you know, not your own anymore. It’s controlled. They have a problem. They want to have control. The government, Washington state government, which includes some of these, like, agencies, they want to have control over every step or anything you do as a citizen in a state. And it’s so wrong. And they even want to have Grizzly Bear introduced. I mean, this is bizarre. These people are marching to a drummer that now it’s just crazy, you know? I guess the big news for me was the article written about us out here in Arizona by the Sun Times reporter Rachel Alexander.

And I actually called a state senator who’s a good friend of cspoa, good friend of mine, And I said, what do I do? No lawyer will take the case. And yet my wife and I have been reading all these stories about Melania Trump sued the View and got millions of dollars. Donald Trump sues I don’t know how many different agencies and wins millions of dollars. Trump just got 25 million. And all these lawyers nationwide tell me, oh, no, you can’t sue on this. They’re entitled to their opinion. And you’re a public official who’s more public official than Donald trump.

You can’t, Mr. Attorney. You can’t maliciously and intentionally lie about people and then get away with it, especially if you’re in the media. Now. If somebody writes, a citizen writes in and they pay for an ad in a newspaper, then the newspaper is not responsible. The person who did the ad is. And sometimes even newspapers won’t do it then. But the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and ASU Arizona State University School of Journalism came to our training because I would not interview with them until they did. And so they, Rick Dalton and I gave them the entire presentation.

We were with them three hours. And the first two hours was about our presentation. The quotes from Martin Luther King, the story of Rosa Parks, and the story of Rosa Parks. Folks, you’ve heard it hundreds of times from me. But it’s simply this. Should she have ever been arrested? And of course, that’s a resounding no. But the left disagrees with us. They think Rosa Parks should have been arrested. It was okay for Martin Luther King to have been arrested over 30 times, because police officers and sheriffs cannot make that moral decision to not enforce the law.

They have to enforce all laws. And, folks, I’m going to say this again, and I’ll say it to them, and I’ll say it to their faces. That is a big crock of lies. It’s a bunch of balderdash. Of course, we make A moral decision when we are arresting someone or when we choose not to arrest someone, and we apply our constitutional oaths and the Constitution itself, that we look at the situation and we go, clearly this is a violation of the Constitution to arrest someone for peaceably assembling or for freedom of speech. That applied to almost every arrest that Martin Luther King was arrested for.

But the thing of it is, I want this to get to the parents. I want this to get out to the parents that send their kids to these schools and to ASU thinking that they’re going to learn honest journalism when. When in fact, they’re learning just the opposite. They’re learning yellow journalism. They’re learning it’s okay to lie. They’re literally, by the Arizona State University School of Journalism, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, they’re literally being taught it’s okay to lie about the people you’re doing stories on and that the story is up to you, not the truth.

Well, I’m going to file a complaint with the Board of Regents that oversee the colleges in Arizona, and I’m also going to file a complaint with the Arizona legislature. So we’ll see how all of that goes, because obviously they receive taxpayer dollars for these schools, so. And anything else you want to add? I’m basically done with the story, folks, but we want you to get the story. We want you to pass this around. We want you to send it to other local newspapers. And we actually sent a copy of it to Mark Greenblatt, who was the head professor of the ASU students who came and heard our presentation.

So I am ticked off about this because I’m really dedicated to justice and I want justice done in this case. I hate to be accused of things I’ve never done, in fact, that are just the opposite of who I really am and what the CSPOA is about. And that. And that someone could make little of the dedication that I did in creating this lawsuit in the first place. And then I stood for what I believed in and I stood for what was right. And then someone has the audacity to degrade and besmirch and belittle every bit of that and, and not even pay it any attention whatsoever.

The truth behind the case. And, and, and to ignore the case, even. Even. Another punch in the gut. Yeah, sure. Back. I wanted to comment, I wanted to say on that last piece, though, before we run away from it too far, is it the thing that, you know all these attorneys, maybe you just talk to some local guy in some small town because the problem. I spoke to a big firm. I was speaking to big firms. No, no, no. I mean, maybe you find a small guy that’s willing to do what you suggest. Yeah. Somebody that’s hungry.

Yeah, I get you. Because these people are supposedly a school of journalism. You can’t really legitimately pose as a school of journalism and then produce a piece like this with some of the most insulting language I’ve ever seen in a hit piece. And, you know, to call you a part of a larger insurrectionist group and then associate you with a bunch of people through tenuous means. I mean, it’s unbelievable what they did and got away with. That’s not journalism. And you called it, you know, it’s yellow journalism, but it’s also communist journalism and fake journalism. And so from that point of view alone, how many people are sending their kid to school thinking they’re going to learn something about honest journalism? And then they’re being.

This is the example they get or their class project anyway. It makes me sick. And, you know, I. I hope you don’t stop. I hope you continue to try to find somebody you can produce a lawsuit without much money. But, folks, we still have got a lot of work to do. And I know we brought this up at the beginning, but our donations have been down really quite a bit, and we have such a skeletal crew that get any salaries from this at all. Our CEO gets very little. My wife and I get very little. We’re on Social Security.

And I have a whopping $421 I get for the years that I was a schoolteacher, and I get that per month. 421. Yeah, I can. And maybe I’m divulging too much there, but there’s not much to divulge. Okay. So I’m 72. I’ve been doing this. I’ve really been doing the constitutional movement for law enforcement and for sheriffs since 1983. And right now, my wife and I really want to focus on our son’s charges in Kentucky and on our 50th anniversary and our health and. And am I ever going to quit cspoa? No. But do we want to get another sheriff involved in doing what I do? Yes.

And we think we have that, but we don’t have the money to pay. So that’s just. That’s just the facts of life that we are battling here at cspoa and to go and have that event, we want to have one in New York and try to rally the sheriffs there. That’s going to take money. We are now planning one with Sheriff Songer in Washington State because we want to go there and expose what that state is doing. And we’re going to expose the truth about our lawsuit. And that a governor can’t do just whatever he wants to control the office of sheriff.

That’s against the law. He has no lawful authority over the sheriffs in Washington. That belongs. That belongs to the people, not to the governor. And we will make that very clear when we get to Washington and have that conference. And I think we’ll get a couple of sheriffs from Florida to come help us with that. But where do we get them? Folks, we still have lots of work to do, and many of your questions bear that out. And so, look, things are moving in the right direction. And if we all have to, maybe we’ll all have to just move to Florida.

You know, sometimes you gotta move. Yeah, this. This idea of being able to, quote, decertify your elected sheriff, you know, this. There’s an article here in the Reflector. I’ll throw it in for people to read, but it’s really disgusting. It’s, It’s. It’s unbelievable, the sort of things that these people are, you know, and is that one of the things happening in Washington state? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it’s. I mean, and for. For anyone to go along with. I mean, so obviously the people that have, you know, are writing these things. She said law enforcement’s interaction with communities that lack permanent immigration status are important for cooperation, safety, protection.

However, many in the community are concerned that the officials will cooperate with federal immigration authorities. And. And it goes on to say the state law prevents law enforcement from participating in immigration enforcement. And this whole idea of her diatribe here, this person, Vanessa somebody, director of Northeast Immigrant Rights, is saying, you know, the sheriff gets in the way of that and having the communities just be able to decertify him is, you know, the only kind of way. It is absolutely absurd. What if we could decertify everybody then, you know, I don’t like what you’re saying, so we’re going to get you decertified.

No wonder they don’t. No wonder they don’t have certification courses for legislatures or governors. Can’t decertify those jerks. No, they don’t get a certification, so. Yeah, and that’s actually one of the problems with the laws in states that say you have to be a certified peace officer in order to run for sheriff. No, you don’t. And they don’t have any business making those. The State of Arizona, you can run for Sheriff if you’re 18 years old and a registered voter. That’s the way it should be. You let the people choose. And sometimes they choose somebody who’s never even had law enforcement experience because they want somebody who knows and understands the Constitution and the law of the land.

Right. And it has nothing to do with police training. I mean, like, they’re attempting, and even in West Virginia, to talk about the, you know, we need to have like, five years or ten years or whatever. No, you have to be a courageous, constitutional, loving individual who sees an opportunity to make things better. That’s all you have to be. And that’s what a good administrator. You know, maybe you’re a good manager. Maybe you’re good with finances, and you’re good with budgets. Okay. And then you have your undersheriff handle the law enforcement in. So, yeah, it’s all good.

It’s all good. So, anyway, I know it’s time to head out, but I just want to thank everybody. We had a miraculous and historic webinar today, and we see in Florida what happens when sheriffs come together. And it is exactly what we proposed about six weeks ago right here on this show. Yep, you said it exactly. And it’s happening. I don’t think that’s a coincidence, especially with all the flack you’re getting. You know, Jessica’s got a new article out, and you’re on her hot list. You’re on speed down. All right, folks, don’t forget CS way.org donate or slash join if you’d like to be a member of the posse and you know somebody else that might be interested in being a member of the posse or family members, etcetera, all they have to do is slash join.

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