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âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, discusses the current economic and social issues in China. He highlights the high unemployment rate, the death of the “Chinese dream” due to unaffordable real estate and scarce good-paying jobs, and the gender imbalance caused by the one-child policy. He also mentions the growing dissatisfaction among educated young adults who can’t find jobs matching their qualifications, leading to a “Bailon” or “rot center rot” movement. Lastly, he criticizes China’s extreme COVID-19 measures and the widening wealth gap, warning that these issues could lead to a civil war.


Hey, everybody. Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. And really good to be with you. We would ask that you would share our work. The algorithm is not on our side. I don’t think we’re on the radar. I don’t think it’s anything malicious. It’s just I came in. Oh, you know, I’ve been doing this social media thing starting over. Oh, gosh, what now for about nine months, and it’s been painfully slow. So please share this work because otherwise people won’t see it.

And I’ve got a two part coming up here in the different segments. In this first segment, I’m going to be talking about the Chinese economy going bust, and why you should care and I’m going to get into the reasons why. And the parallels to America are striking. And we’re going to have a little different flavor, because we’re not China, we’re not quite CCP yet. So we’ll have a little different flavor, but the effect is the same. And in the second part of this, we’re going to talk about how we’re mirroring the Chinese decline. Oh, yeah, China, the CCP, they’re a wounded animal, and they are desperate.

And you should be concerned about it. We’re brought to you by the magic die call products and I just wish I would have found this much earlier. I missed years of doing physical activities that I enjoyed that is now possible because of these products that Anna summer spray the Meta summer gel talked about them. And I have a little regret a little pain, because I miss doing certain things I’m able to do now. And you can have the same thing. Now imagine I call products don’t cure anything, but they stimulate things to make your system work better.

And boys my system working better yours can to be the best version of yourself. Go to, I want my health forward slash Dave Hodges I want my health forward slash Dave Hodges. Alright, we have major deception going on in China surprise surprise right like they don’t lie to their people. They lie about everything. China’s headed down a path of civil war and I’ll tell you the Chinese people had guns like we do. There would be a civil war and I hope you’re taking note of that for the second part of this series, because we’re headed for civil war for many of the same reasons.

They’re parallel reasons often, for example, COVID is pushing China over the top. The CCP solution is outrageous and deadly, and the people have had enough. We’re going to face this in other ways and I’ll cover that in part two. But China is heading for civil war. There is a phrase they like to use in China called by lawn. That means rot center rot by lawn, and effectively, the young people in China, the young adults have given up. They’ve just said, it’s kind of like an employee right there 10 years out from retirement they hate their job they can’t stand their boss.

But they’re too close to the end to make trouble. So they basically just stay and quit. They do just enough to get by, but they don’t contribute anything in a positive manner, and they can’t wait to get out of there and days off are glorified. Well, this is now China. First of all, the unemployment rate in China is 20% for the young 20%. And the Chinese dream is dead much like America we’ll get into that the next part. But the Chinese dream is to own real estate, have a decent tech job. And then you attract a suitable marriage partner.

And it’s really difficult for the Chinese male. They often are working the nine nine and six 9am to 9pm six days a week. And if you complain, well, the employers have all the advantage, because there’s a shortage of jobs. And we’ll get into that why that’s true in a second. But the Chinese dream is dead because a young Chinese male, the way that they have a fulfilled life is to have real estate. Well, they’re having a hard time finding because it’s outpaced their meager wages and the wages are low because the competition for jobs is high.

Why is the competition for jobs high and finding suitable women to marry to complete the Chinese dream? Why is that in danger? Well, it goes back to this nonsensical, anti-biblical principle. And you know, it’s anti-biblical. Lord commands us to go forth and multiply. But the one child policy and so they committed many acts of infanticide, killing young girls that were born. They favored the boys because the Chinese still had a large agrarian population, and they needed the male labor. So out with the girls. Well, today, there’s a 70 million person gap. There’s 70 million more young males than there are young females.

And who are the females going to marry? The people who have the real estate and the good paying jobs. But those are very far and few between. And there’s another element that enters into it too. Sometime back, as China became like the manufacturing capital of the world, they wanted to become the high tech champion of the world. So they encouraged young Chinese people to go to college and get advanced degrees. Well, then they found they had a problem. They graduate 9 million people per year in China. And they found that way too many overqualified people for very few high tech jobs and people are working way beneath their education.

It’s much like in America, if you had a PhD waiting on tables. And we saw that in what was called the Great Depression. So the Chinese males are highly frustrated. It’s highly competitive. And so what’s happened, and really both genders are effective, but more of the males than the females, they’ve adopted this philosophy of Bailon. And it’s actually a movement. And the Chinese government is quickly moving to suppress and censor anything on the internet about this. But it’s become a common phrase. Take it to the rot. They want nothing to do with the unachievable Chinese dream.

Now, the Chinese, the Communist Chinese party has realized their mistake. And what they have now done is they’ve even outlawed tutoring. They don’t want people with advanced degrees who are dissatisfied. They recognize the fact that their claim to fame still are low paying manufacturing jobs. And that’s what they want people to do. So they don’t want you educated anymore. Now, this has created a black market in China, because the wealthy can afford tutors in the black market, and their kids might get ahead. People that are lower middle and lower class in China, no such option. So the gap between rich and poor is growing.

And we know that’s a prescription for disaster. It’s similar to what we’re facing here today in America. Now, there’s a complicating factor. In 2019-2020, COVID comes on the scene. And Xi Jinping, what a walking talking moron he is. He said, well, we’re going to basically wipe out COVID by total 100% lockdowns and all these extreme measures. Well, you know, here’s the problem. The Chinese are still exporting and importing products. Their people, for business reasons, are still traveling, and other people are traveling here to China. And they were, how do you stop the spread of anything? And once the genie’s out of the bottle, it’s out of the bottle, you can limit the spread.

But you’re not going to completely obliterate it. That’s impossible. Yet, they thought they could. So there was one city I was reading about in China. They had one outbreak in 2023, and they locked down the entire city. But it’s also the mechanisms of the lockdown that’s getting people to buy into this violin, and this is now expanding. It’s no longer just the domain of stay and quit mentality in China. We want nothing to do with your Chinese society. Now it’s spreading into the middle aged people. This is really, really scary, folks, the way this is going, going down.

They’re now having, well, let’s talk about the COVID first. You saw in the news during the height of the COVID, and you probably think it’s over because it’s over here. It’s not over there. In the cities, they’ll barricade neighborhoods, no one in, no one out. So how do they get groceries? People are literally starving to death, literally. And then they’ll basically bolt doors shut so people can’t get out. It’s like breaking out of a bank vault. If you were locked in, you didn’t have any tools. And so you have people, and it’s like out of a sci-fi scary movie, where they’re yelling out the windows, I’m starving, I’m starving, and no one’s coming to the rescue.

Some people get locked down for as much as three, four, five, six months. And then they find the corpses when they finally open the doors. This is scary. There was a spark, though, that has really set off the protests in China. China’s had a civil war. The people were locked in, couldn’t get out, 10 people perished. This became a national obsession. And this is still actually led to this by-law phenomena. And people are saying, we want nothing to do with this. And the disenchantment towards the CCP is growing. But what’s the answer for a dictator when something’s not working? Do you adjust and adapt? No.

They just do more of the same with more punitive methods. And where some of the protests are happening, 80 universities are involved, by the way. And there are 70 cities separate from the universities where these protests are happening in China. But what’s really interesting is some of the most heavy protests are taking place where the Uyghurs are in concentration camps. It’s not dissuading the people. It’s almost like there’s no fear. And then they take pictures of people, the authorities do facial recognition, and they go arrest them when the protests are over. There’s a reign of terror going on right now in China because of this.

I mean, I literally could keep talking about this for hours with all the problems. But let’s talk about where the Chinese economy is, because it’s going towards collapse. For years, China reported that they had a 10% increase each year in GDP, and the world was going, oh my gosh, isn’t that great? But it’s the officials that told you the numbers. And after COVID, we expected the rate to go down to about 2%, and it didn’t. And there were some researchers. Now, it’s hard to really know what the GDP is in China, except we know they’re lying.

The conditions are much worse than what they tell. There was one Professor Martinez who did a study, and he looked at light glow from satellites, and he watched the China grow from two and three decades ago to the present time. And he said, they’re probably lying by about 50% to 60% of their GDP based on the amount of lighting that he saw. Now, that’s a crude measure, but it does correlate to economic activity. Other people have looked at their debts internationally, and have made extrapolations into what their debt to GDP ratio is. And again, they’re saying to the Chinese economy is 60% overestimated.

And it’s tremendously high in debt. Their debt to GDP ratio is the highest in the world of all the modern nations. They’re in big, big trouble. And then there’s some areas of trouble in the economic sector. I talked about this 12 years ago, the Chinese ghost cities. When American capitalists like Goldman Sachs and Hank Paulson, remember that? There’ll be tanks in the street if you don’t bail us out. And this is 2008 economic crisis. That same Hank Paulson, head of Goldman Sachs, went on to rip us off as the Secretary of Treasury. Well, he concocted a plan earlier than that for China.

He and Goldman Sachs officials called the Chinese ghost cities. It could basically be called Build It and They Will Come. And so what the Chinese did was build these massive, high-rise residential structures. And they had instructed the Chinese, Goldman Sachs, the other industrialists, to go get your people out of your western farmlands, mandatorily make them come here, and put them to work in the manufacturing sector. This will make your GDP explode. You’ll be much more productive, and you need to shift largely from agrarian to an industrial economy. So this is over 20 years ago. Well, they did some of that, but they had a hard time getting compliance.

And it was brutal. The Chinese military would pull up the PLA and jump out. They’d have bayonets on their guns, and they told people, you have 15 minutes to load up what you can carry and get in that truck. You’re leaving this place behind, and they would burn down the village. And I mean, basically, we’re talking about how we’re going to see 15-minute cities. I’ll cover that in the second segment of this. But we’re looking at a situation where China is just falling apart. The GDP is terrible. The debt ratio is awful. Real estate prices are out of control.

And that is creating marriage problems, so the Chinese aren’t getting married. And we have way too many old people for the workers to push them through. Are you paying attention? I have no doubt that the Chinese are in the middle right now, and I’m sure we’re going to hear about this over the next year. I am certain they are rationing healthcare opening to lessen the lifespan of the elderly, so they don’t have to support them. If they’re a country that sponsors taking the Falun Gong, which is no more than meditation, and they put them in prison, and then without the use of anesthetic, they kill them by cutting out their organs and then selling them on the black market.

It’s government sponsored. That’s the CCP. I absolutely have no question they’ll kill off the elderly. Ladies and gentlemen, there’s so many parallels for what’s coming in the second part of this. I’ve just given you a snapshot of China, but the Chinese youth, you know, you know, they chant things like democracy, not dictatorship, elections, not rules. It’s amazing what’s happening there. And they’re going to reach a critical mass. But the CCP is going to crack down. All I got to say two words to how the Chinese are going to respond. Tiananmen Square, 1989. Tiananmen Square, in the year 1989.

And we in America will have a Tiananmen Square day. You can bet on it. We’ll tell you about that in the next segment. Thanks so much for joining us. Make sure you check us out on the for the very best of stories that bring solutions to uncommon problems that affect all of us. We usually do it with an expert. Sometimes I cover what I know. And we’re getting five star ratings on the world’s major platforms, the We’ll see you over there. [tr:trw].



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