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âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, discusses the recent market crash and its causes with Bob Kudla from Trade Genius. They attribute the crash to the Bank of Japan raising interest rates and the Federal Reserve not lowering them, which led to a strengthening yen and a 10% market correction. They also discuss potential future market volatility due to issues with Iran and the possibility of another 10% market correction in the next month.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the current market situation, geopolitical influences, and their impact on Kamala Harris’s political standing. They express concern for her safety and speculate on potential outcomes if she were to assume power. They also discuss their trading strategies, including hedging and high yield trades, and how these have performed during market downturns. They advise on how to prepare for a predicted second market downturn, suggesting investments in certain stocks and bonds.
âž¡ The article discusses the current state of the market, predicting a slow decline due to the undervalued yen and overvalued dollar. The author, who has a successful track record in trading, explains that despite the market transitioning into a bear market, they are still making gains through dividend captures and short-term trades. They also mention the use of a chat room to communicate with clients and share trading insights. The author further explains that unlike brokers, they are not restricted by fiduciary responsibilities and can therefore trade more freely, offering clients advice on high-yield trades that many brokers avoid.
âž¡ Trade Genius offers assistance to beginners in the stock market, providing daily trades, tools, and best practices to help them understand and profit from trading. However, new traders should expect a learning curve and avoid overtrading. Interest rates also play a significant role in the market; when they are cut, it often leads to a decline in the stock market and an increase in the long bond. Trade Genius advises investing in TLT (20-year bond) for a good yield return.


Hey, everybody. Dave Hodges here, host of the common sense show. We are the show freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. And we try to bring you information that you can use and even profit from. And along those lines, we have Bob Kudla from trade genius with us. And this is perfect timing to have Bob on. This is a pre scheduled interview. And then in between the market crash came, we got trouble with Iran. They’re going to cut interest rates. No shortage of topics to get into. And it’s stuff that you need to know, particularly if you have discretionary income.

And we’ll try to help you with that a little bit, too. Bob, welcome back to the show. And I want to thank you for your guidance about things to do on the big island of Hawaii. That was helpful. And we had a great time. First time I’d ever been to the big island, so. Oh, you’re welcome. It’s my favorite place. And stock tips and vacation ideas. So come the trade. Genius for everything. But the world is getting a little crazy here. And one thing that we didn’t talk about in the preamble before the show started is that why did the market crash? And it crashed for two really important reasons.

One is that the bank of Japan raised interest rates and the Fed did not lower interest rates. And so it created an environment where the yen started to strengthen. And what people don’t realize for 14 years, the japanese government or the, their federal bank have been debasing their currency as a policy to have exports. And also they take the proceeds from that, and they buy our bonds that yield higher than they could buy internally, their bonds. And so the japanese investor out there has been investing outside the country and primarily putting their money in the United States.

But when the yen rises, they have to reverse that flow, if you will. And it caused about a 10% correction here in the market. The thing is that that yen carry trade unwind is only about halfway done. And so we probably can expect another move of similar magnitude at any point. Now, the japanese boj said, hey, we’re not going to trade anything while the markets are volatile. But they may not be in charge of it. Okay. You know, the market may just have its own ideas. They layer that in with earnings have been coming in fairly punk, you know, so no beats, really.

Or if they beat, they’re beating on some really low comps, and they market didn’t like that, and then they wanted the interest rates cut, and they didn’t get that. So that’s where you had a little bit of a temper tantrum here in the market. And, you know, now we’re getting what they call a dead cat bounce, and you’re going to probably see volatility pick up again. I’m a little nervous today. Oils moved up quite a bit. I was telling people in the room on Monday, I said, hey, this market’s going to reverse here because oil’s not up.

That means they’re not fearing anything in Iran. But now oil is up $2 today after being up yesterday. And so I think people are preparing for something. And so remember, everybody always knows something, right? You know, you know, the airline stocks got shorted ahead of 911, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I’m watching these oil traders, are they going to go long the oil markets? And because, look, if Iran does something, Israel is probably going to attack their oil storage facilities, because that’s how you take Iran out of the game. And so you have to be, I would say, hedge for that eventuality.

And we are, but that’s on my word list right now, and that’s imminent. So they’re gonna have to do something at some point very soon, you know, because as you know, that’s just kind of the culture of the Middle east is that every slight has to be avenged, and that’s true. And so we can see another 1010 percent correction here in the market here in the next 30 days. And it could start at any point. Okay, I wanna do just a rumor control related to what you’re talking about. I know for a fact there are elements of the 82nd airborne in Colombia in places that were established when John Bolton served briefly under the Trump administration.

And all the trouble going on in Venezuela, the scuttlebutt amongst the military people I talk to is if trouble starts in the Middle east and assets are tied up there, the US is going to go in under the guise of correcting election fraud, and sees the oil fields as a counterbalance to what could happen in the Middle east. Have you heard anything like that at all? No, the only thing I heard was, you know, during the election, there was a bit of, a bit of turmoil, but I’ve not heard that. I mean, it would be that that would, I just highly doubt they would do something like that without shocking conservation.

So, um, so I would put that into camp of rumor control. Well, I do know elements of the, a second airborne are in Colombia that I’m 100% sure of. Oh, Colombia, we’re not gonna see the colombian oil field. You’re talking about venezuelan oil fields. I mean, Venezuela, but they’re in Colombia is a lot launching point. And I’ll tell you what one other person told me, and it’s a guy who’s my best source militarily. He said, nothing’s going to happen. It’s a matter of intimidation against Venezuela. So that was his take on it. I just wondered, because you brought up oil, and I’m thinking, well, if you’re going to lose some middle eastern oil and Saudi Arabia may end up getting affected, too, in the conflict, you got to get your oil from somewhere.

And I thought, well, maybe that’s why this deserves some consideration. Okay. Yeah, but the Middle east, what’s this going to do initially to our gas prices? Do you have any idea? Well, they’ve been drifting down, but oil prices are going to go higher, so that’s a given. So inflation is going to reignite, and this is going to cause more market turmoil. And I had a chart. I should have sent it over to you, just showing the cost of living increase from the start of the Trump administration and start of the Biden administration. And I don’t think there’s anything that was less than 26% over the three years.

Oh, my. 30% to 40%. And that alone, even if inflation doesn’t keep rising, it’s still stretching the pocketbook and people aren’t making the income to keep pace on it. So I think that pressure is going to remain. I’m still in the camp of looking at a 1970s style correction. You know, in the seventies, it was Saudi Arabia that initiated it. This time around, it’s going to be Iran that’s going to initiate it. And if oil prices pop, then you’re going to see a lot of pain here, because we don’t really have any slack supply in the United States, so it’ll raise prices immediately.

One of the concerns I have because of Iran’s involvement is the disruption of oil shipment at all because of the Strait of Hormuz. It’s a bottleneck. Are you concerned about that as well? Well, I’d be more concerned if I was Iran, that Kharg island will become no more. So, look, if push comes to shove, and they’re going to, and Iran’s going to try to close this trade of Hormuz, there’s enough military assets in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and elsewhere that they can just pretty much wipe out every asset that’s going to attack the Strait of Hymieus. So they just haven’t done.

So it’s really up to Iran how much they want to up the ante. Hmm. Well, there’s also scuttlebutt with the military. And this one, I believe, operation nitro Zeus, not well known high risk, high casualty event, and special forces going in to disable Iran’s nuclear reactors. Special operations. And this is something I’ve known about four or five years from people who were actually involved in this operation at one time and now have moved on to other things. And so I know the operation exists, and I’m hearing the scuttlebutt that could be, and that’s not good because that could bring Russia into it, then that’s a whole different game.

But let’s just deal. Let’s go back to something in the market that you said we had the initial crash. We’ve got a rebound going on now, but you think there’s going to be an echo crash because we’re going to lose another 10%? Is that your estimate? Oh, well, I mean, we’re halfway done. The first move down was 10%. So just an assumption on my part. Look, I think there’s a good chance that spy will be under 500. You know, when this is, when this move is done right now, it came up and filled the gap. I’m looking at the charts that we talk right now, and, you know, you have two flyaway gap ups in a row here.

We fill the gap. And so my view is that most optimistically will come down at least another hundred points in the market to fill the gaps that just recently got created and move higher. Or worst case scenario is that we’re going to make a new low, you know, what I call a scare the children move. And so a lot of it’s going to depend on, I think, on the geopolitics, what Japan does, and also what Iran does. We’re not kind of in charge of the events here, and there’s only so much liquidity you can put in when everybody’s panicking.

So that’s kind of where I’m at. Wow. May these be interesting times, you know, to extrapolate this into the political realm. This is not good news for Kamala Harris, is it? No. You know, it’s, it’s almost as with, as if the Federal Reserve and the, and the New York bankers don’t want her in power, you know, so, and then, I mean, look who, the person she picked for vp. Oh, you know, she was absolutely worried about being taken out of the game, so she picked somebody worse than her. Do you think that’s, you know what? I’ll tell you, I’m gonna go ahead and say it.

This thought crossed my mind, and it’s all hypothetical. I don’t have any information, but I’m thinking she can’t win, even with massive cheating. That’s my initial starting point. And then I started thinking, well, what could they do? And I go back to 1964. John Kennedy assassinated Lyndon Johnson, a horrible person. No one likes him, but he becomes the president because of the sympathy vote. I think you see where I’m going with this. And I was wondering, and I pray this doesn’t happen. This country never benefits with an assassination or a planned accident, because that’s not the way our government’s supposed to work.

And so I pray for her safety, even though I pray that she never assumes power. But I really fear for her safety, for what you said and the fact that she picked someone farther left than her. It’s kind of like a head coach that hires a terrible assistant so you can’t fire him in the middle of the season. Exactly. I’m right there with you for those reasons, Bob. I’m very concerned. And, yes, Wall street, the oil companies, I don’t see them supporting Kamala Harris. No. Jamie Dimon does. Department of treasury, under Trump, they’re going to do everything he can, you know, keep her out.

Look, I mean, just for any, any, you know, anything else is that she just can’t put a sentence together. You know, she’s not coherent at all. I mean, it’s really scary stuff. And. And so, you know, the markets, if they do win by one way, shape, or form, that’s a communist ticket. And so you’ll see the stock market crash. I cannot disagree with you at all, which is why people are taking protective measures. I’m really curious. You have had an amazing multi year run of success with trade genius, playing your algorithm and looking at trends, not investing emotionally, but just following what the algorithm says.

In some of these trades you do, you’re in quickly, you’re out quickly, you make your money, you move on to the next thing. How has this affected what you do at trade genius? Well, we talked last month about these new high yield products that are coming on the market from Yieldmax. Well, they’ve added an ability to actually completely hedge your position. So you can be long and short certain stocks. And so we applied that over the course of the month, and, you know, two out of three of them, we got completely hedged. This market crashed 10%.

Those hedge, those hedges work perfectly. And all we now are collecting no principle, really no principle risk on that last month, we’re collecting dividends. This month in the range of four to 6% for the month. Okay. You’re talking 50% to 70% annualized. And so if you could get even half those returns and your principal is reasonably protected, why wouldn’t you do that all day long? And so we have those set up for people. We teach them how to bias it to make sure that they have the proper percentage of hedging. And we didn’t even look at them, set it and forget it.

And we just adjust those once a month. And we take the dividend, which the dividend came out today, they’ll get, I mean, to clear today. Tomorrow they get put into the bank accounts. And so people are gonna make some really good cash, and then you just keep it. You adjust your hedge again. And so there’s three of them you could do. You could hedge Tesla, you could hedge Nvidia, and you can hedge coinbase. And they’re gonna have three more coming out here in the next couple months. So, yeah, so we really were pleased with that. We’re worried how well they would work in a big drawdown.

We had the big drawdown. They were perfectly, you know, now the rest of the market, energy is holding up okay. Everything else got hit pretty hard. Yeah. And so. And I think energy is up because of geopolitics. And so we’re staying with the theme of tech is going to get decimated. Energy is going to hold up and be in the pair trades and then take some day trades as you can on the long side. But that’s how we’re doing a trade. Genius. And we’re kind of happy with. With how it’s all working out. You get trade with us, go through Dave’s portal, get.

You get your discount. Dave’s portal site is cheaper than my own site. So. So go ahead and I didn’t raise his price. I’ll give that out. So take advantage of it. I feel like. I feel like that guy. That’s a mattress commercial. You’re killing me, Bob. But anyway, we did a good price for you guys, and so take advantage of it when you can. And it’s. What? How do you have it set up? Trade with Dave? No, it’s Dave dot. Dave loves trading. Yeah. Go to his website, and if you happen to come to my site, let him know as Dave Hodges has sent you so that we can apply the right pricing and give him credit.

How long have you been doing the high yield trades that are basically almost insulation proof? Well, I’ve been in them for four months. So far. Okay. I’m quite happy with the pair trades are only six weeks now. This is, you know, a month and a half. So two to three of them, the pair trades are set. The third one, we’re still waiting for the first dividend check and. But the hedging of it works perfectly. What happened on your trades the day of the crash? Well, the pair trades were fine. Anything we were long got hit pretty hard.

Even. Even like ExxonMobil. ExxonMobil had earnings and beat, and it couldn’t even hold up. See, what happens is when the market goes down, you’re just at a swirly. So, you know, our hedges work fine. We’re long bonds. We’ve been telling people to be in bonds. That was perfect. Our short hedges work perfectly. But anything long got swirlied. And so I told people not to panic, and now we’re getting out of them here. Over the last couple of days, as the market recovered, it is bounced so that we’re positioned for the next ride down, even with less exposure on the long side.

Yeah. So how do you. That’s my next question. How do you prepare for what you know is coming with the second dive that’s coming? Well, I told people to make sure they’re fully positioned in TLT, which is the bond, long bond. Make sure you’re fully positioned in these hedges. And there’s some stocks you can buy. You can shorten video through NVDSH, you can short the ark, Kathie woods with Sark, and you have TLT, and then you have these pair trade shorts. And that’s all you really can do unless you want to go to cash. Okay. And so when people come into trade, genius, this is information you provide for them, right? Yeah, yeah.

In fact, we put on the mvds trade today. So we put a signal out and the signal came out at 4719. I’m going to go look at it while we’re talking. And a dog just showed up, and we’re at 47 30. So that trade’s profitable already, and I expect it to move up quite a bit here as the market rolls over over the next couple of days. When do you think the second downturn is going to happen? Imminently? Oh, like, could be tomorrow, could be today. Yeah, things happen on Friday, Bob. So I’ll bet on Friday.

Well, what we, what we normally see is that the market either tries to make a new high or a new low on Fridays lately. Uh huh. So, you know, you could be selling into Friday and have a cascade. Right. Or you could be buying into Friday and have a. Have a pop. But this move down will go for, this next move down will go for at least a week and a half. Oh, so this will hold a little bit longer before the rally. Yeah, well, the first round was a crash. It was surprised everybody. The second one, people are more hedged.

So it’ll be more of a. More of a Alzheimer, kind of slow goodbye kind of sell off. Interesting choice of words. Is this second downturn, is it going to be a reaction and a completion of the relationship between the yen and the us dollar and the interest rates? Well, once it finishes, look, the yen is undervalued, so the yen has to go higher. And by contrast, the dollar is overvalued. It needs to go lower. So those two things will cause a severe dislocation in the markets. If you were to ballpark the estimate, are we looking at another 10% downturn or worse? Well, I think I’m going to rely on their wisdom of people have been following this and they said we’re halfway.

So we had a 10% for the first half, assumed 10% for the second half, but the ultimate sell off could take us down another 2020, 5%. Now, one of the things that you have really been remarkable at through the years is your success, amount of trades that you win, which is about two out of three trades, roughly, and then your annualized returns, which are phenomenal. Going through this difficult time, are you still kind of holding water in those numbers, or are you seeing a lot of fluctuation? We’re 66.99% win rate and the annualized gains are at 60.66%.

So we’re comfortable there. They have, the gains aren’t as what they were because the market is transitioning into a bear market. And so it’s harder to make money when the market’s falling than when it’s going up. So we’re going to make more of our money through these dividend captures on these pair trades, and then we’re going to do some hit and run trading here, holding positions for one or two or three days and then getting out as this market slowly softens into its lows, which could be a year to a year and a half from now.

And so I know you got a chat room that your members can go into. Is this where you share that information with the people in trade? Genius. Yeah. So we have a chat room and we have a voice chat room. So it’s your choice and depending on what level you buy. And so, yeah, we’re constantly communicating with our, you know, with our clients. And like this morning I told people that, hey, you know, we’re going to get a, we’re going to get a push here in the morning and volatility is going to sell off. There’s a trade you take for that.

And so I gave some people prep on that, told them to get into some energy names that I think oil is going to rise higher, it’s going to support them. And then I told people to start positioning for the short side. So, yeah, so I do that via voice and via chat room. Works out really well. That is amazing. The one thing that I just find interesting is how you’re doing this with verifiable numbers. Why aren’t more people doing these high yield trades that are doing so well? What’s your estimate on why they don’t? I think they’re fairly new and I think as they mature and people can see how they, it fits into their portfolio, they’re going to continue to grow.

There’s another company coming out with a whole new set of them, too. So there’s obviously market interest in them. You won’t see it on the broker side. They’re scared to death of these things. They don’t really, they don’t really understand them and it takes too much management and so, well, we’ll have this market to ourselves for quite a bit of time. And so, you know, we’re just going to continue to profit from them and enjoy them. If I was a broker and I’m looking at your numbers and now you’ve held this for over a quarter and I’m a broker, I’m going to get into trade genius just to learn how it works, and then I’m going to go do it on my own.

Well, you got to wonder why people aren’t doing that, in fairness to them, is that they’re really restricted. What they can or can’t do. Yeah. Tell people about why they’re restricted. That’s interesting. Well, they have fiduciary responsibilities. They have a structured program that they have to, by the SEC, follow. You know, they can’t say they’re doing one thing and then do another thing because something changed. They have to be very careful on what they communicate. They suffer from the law of large numbers, meaning that they have a lot of clients, so they have to keep them in relatively the same things so they can manage it better, you know, things of that nature.

So, you know, there’s a place for managed money. Okay. I personally don’t have to be restricted by that, and I do things differently from me. And I think where usually the problem for the brokers when you get a sustained market sell off because they really have very few limited choices to where they can place their clients and, and they’re really reluctant to go to cash. So, yeah, so, you know, I just, I’m just different. You know, I’m, you know, I’m a dragonfly, you know, in a, you know, in a sea of sloths, you know, so I can move much faster and, and be more agile.

And my goal, too, I’m not a financial advisor. Okay? So my goal is simply to communicate a really good system for people and how to use it and for them to apply that to what they like to buy and manage their own risk because I don’t know anybody’s risk tolerances, so it works out. I get it. Well, Bob, let me sum this up here real quick, because I think that what I’m hearing and what I understand is that regular brokers have restrictions placed on them based on tolerance because they’re taking people’s money and investing it. You’re not doing that.

You’re simply saying, come into trade, genius. Okay. We’re going to educate you, okay? And we’re going to make recommendations about what we’re doing. And you’re certainly willing to follow along. And we got things like chat rooms to help you with that. So you’re not actually handling their money like a broker, so you’re not restricted like they are. Is that what I’m hearing? Yeah. And, um, you know, I can, and I could trade things that they won’t trade. So. And I can expose my client. Like these yield Max are a classic example. You know, most brokers won’t even allow it for their, their clients.

Like my brother in law gets his money professionally managed. He had to carve out some of his money to manage on his own because they just don’t even want to deal with it. So, you know, and that, look, it’s not good or bad. It just is. And you have to understand, you know, their first, their first rule is, is to not get sued, right? So, you know, people, if you lose money, people don’t ever blame themselves, right? So they immediately blame somebody else. And so now, you know, if you have your money professionally managed, you know, you get these quarterly surveys of, hey, adjust your risk profile, your age has changed, you know, yada, yada, yada.

And so they will reflect that in the offerings they give you. And look, I understand. I can’t blame them. People just don’t want to take personal responsibility. So I don’t have that restriction. I’m just giving people my first amendment opinion. I’m giving them tools, and then I’m showing them the trades that look good. And it’s up to them whether they want to take them or not. And I put a track record out there so people know that I’m accountable to what I’m Yakin about. Well, okay, so if brokers have these straightjackets on them because they’re afraid of being sued, then how does a super broker ever manage to emerge if they have to all play by the same rules? Well, I mean, if you look at it, they, very few of them beat the index, so.

Okay. All right. And this is what makes your numbers pretty remarkable. 66.99% winning on trades. That’s pretty, pretty, yeah. You have to understand too. I mean, I love to just, you know, pat myself on the back on, on the return, but you have to understand that’s being like, fully invested immediately. So, you know, if you’re, you know, if you’re not fully invested, you know, you’re making a third to a half of that. But 25% to 30% in a year, that’s flat. It’s pretty good, right. And we’ll make money when the market goes down. Cause we’re already positioned for it.

So what I’m saying is the model works. You can’t help but make money over time. And it’s consistent. I’ve been doing this for years. The range has been consistent. And in this business, if you’re consistent, you’re building your wealth slowly and inexorably. And look, I’ve been doing this now, trade genius almost ten years, and before that, three other years prior to that. So I think I wouldn’t be in business today if it didn’t work. No, I know your numbers are phenomenal. That’s why I’m trying to unlock some of these secrets. And I have to tell you, if I were a young broker coming in, Bob, I would not be in the straitjacket business.

I’d be doing what you’re doing. I wouldn’t be handling the money. I’d be saying, this is what we’re doing. We’re going to train you about the market. The one question I want to ask, if I don’t ask, and see, the dogs are barking at me to ask you this question, the person out there that’s a novice about the market, they said, yeah, I need to generate some income, some second income in these tough times. But I don’t know a lot about the market. But these numbers are phenomenal. How can I get from point a to point b? So when the novice person comes in, is there any assistance they can get from trade genius to kind of bring them up to par to where they can start profiting? Well, I mean, look, you can take the trades that we put out every day to get started.

You get access to the indicators right away. You have to be in the room and absorb the language and the lingo. I think we’ve talked about this before. It takes three or four months for you to, to really understand what you’re doing. Okay. New traders tend to over trade and overspend, and so, you know, you’re gonna have to get burned a few times to not want to do that anymore. And so, you know, we just put the trades out there, we give best practices and we give people access to the tools and then have them listen and learn.

And from there you’re gonna, um, you’re gonna do all right over time. Yeah. I just don’t want you to overhype. What I do is phenomenal stuff. Like that said, we do a good job, and I know that’s why I asked you this. Yeah. And, you know, and we help people. And look, if you follow the rules, you can’t help but make money. Okay. The other thing I wanted to ask you was about interest rates. What do you see happening there and how will that affect the market with interest rates? Well, usually the first interest rate cut is a death knell for the market.

So you can expect a 30% decline in the stock market one year later, 30% increase in the long bond one year later when a rate cut cycle starts. Okay, so people think it’s good news, it’s bad news. So if you notice, the market likes to move with interest rates, because when interest rates are going up, everybody said the market’s going to crash. What the market do with all time highs, you know, it’s just, it’s just a weird, weird paradox. And when the market goes down, people are shifting their money from stocks into bonds. When the market goes up, I mean, interest rates go up, they’re moving money out of bonds into stocks.

And that’s kind of the yin and yang. So, you know, we already have people positioned. I told people who are listening, you better be 100% into your TLT trade, you know, by the September meeting, because once it starts, they’re gonna pipe, front, run it by a week or two. And, you know, you’re looking at TLT’s right, 96 right now, probably 130 by the end of 2020. So that’s over a 30% increase. That’s. That’s. That’s pretty good for a day’s work. Okay, well, yeah, well, it’ll. It’ll take you a year, but. Yeah, I understand what you’re saying.

No, yeah, but listen, it’s better than the alternative. Leaving your money in the bank and having inflation. That’s what happened in 2008. The market went down 49%. TLT went up 45% percent. Yeah, that’s. This. I don’t know why more people don’t do this. It’s just. It’s human nature. People just don’t believe what’s right in front of them. It is. Do you think that the interest rate drop? Those just politically motivated. It’s only going to be temporary. No. How long do you think? You know, I think the timing of these things are probably political, but once they start, they can’t stop.

Okay. Okay. I get it. They create them. We’ll go to zero when this thing’s. By time, this thing’s over again. The rebirth of Obama economics. I don’t think it’s really up to Obama. I think. I think. Look, no, what I mean is here. No, what I meant was Obama took us to zero for the first time ever in the last crash. You look at Janet Yellen screwed up. She should have. She should have. Jenny Yellen should have been selling long bonds like crazy when they’re down to zero bound. And she didn’t do it. And so she causes some of this grief that we’re having today.

I mean, this lady is an absolute idiot. She is charge of our financial system, so she’s political, so she had an agenda, but that was totally unnecessary. We could have had 30 year bonds at 2%. Okay. Out after most baby boomers are dead. And now, you know, we’re dealing with these huge. Good news for us is now, because we’re going to be able to get a good yield return on TLT, which is 20 year bond. So that’s, that’s our play. That’s. Yeah. You’re right about Janet Yellen, though. They run her out of the fed because she’s incompetent.

So they pick her up to run treasury. Go figure. Bob, I want to give out where people can find out more, uh, and, and get involved in this great opportunity. Go to and there’s all kinds of discounts to get in. And it’s not expensive to get in. That’s the one thing I really appreciate about this. Well, Bob continued, good I’d say luck, but what you’re doing is not luck. You’ve done it for too long. But, uh, continued good profiting. And, uh, thanks for coming on and warning people about the second crash that’s coming. I think you probably have saved some misery for some of my audience because of that.

Well, they need to be paying attention. And I’ll take skill and luck at the same time. Dave, I really appreciate it. And have a good one, and I’ll catch you in September. Okay? Thanks, Bob. Take care. Bye.



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