Cancer Cases Exploding Authorities Persecute One of the Worlds Top Cancer Doctors w/ Dr. Makis

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➡ A cancer treatment that was highly effective for patients who had failed other treatments was developed in the Netherlands and Germany. Despite its success, the FDA took nearly 20 years to approve it. Once approved, large pharmaceutical companies bought out smaller ones that were using the treatment. The treatment is now being used, but not as widely as it could be due to financial reasons. The article also discusses a new product called the Love Pod, which can turn devices into satellite devices and harmonize with your body’s frequency, providing a safer and more secure internet experience. Lastly, the article introduces Dr. Macus, who has been persecuted for his effective cancer treatments and hopes to work with the U.S. healthcare system to improve it.
➡ A new treatment for neuroendocrine cancer, which was developed in the Netherlands and Germany, has shown a 90% cure rate for patients who had failed all other treatments. However, the FDA delayed its approval for nearly 20 years. When it was finally approved, big pharmaceutical companies bought up the smaller ones that were using the treatment. The treatment is now only approved for use after all other treatments have failed, ensuring the pharmaceutical industry profits from expensive treatments like chemotherapy and immunotherapies first. The pharmaceutical industry is also focusing on cancer treatments for the next decade, including mRNA cancer vaccines, which are being combined with other drugs in clinical trials to improve their efficacy.
➡ The speaker discusses their low-cost cancer treatment program, which was sabotaged due to its lack of profitability. Despite its high efficacy, the treatment was not favored because it didn’t generate significant income. The speaker also mentions a concerning increase in cancer cases following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, with some suggesting a link between the two. They express concern over the healthcare system’s capacity to handle this surge, as cancer centers are reportedly overwhelmed.
➡ The text discusses the challenges faced by medical professionals due to censorship and the overwhelming demand for cancer treatments. It highlights the issue of social media platforms banning doctors for discussing concerns about vaccinating children. The text also mentions a study linking sudden deaths post-vaccination to the COVID-19 vaccine, which was censored by a scientific journal. The author calls for doctors to unite against these issues, emphasizing the negative impact of censorship on public health.
➡ Some professionals, including doctors, have faced significant challenges due to their stance on vaccines, leading to job loss and even deplatforming from professional networks. This has forced some to leave their fields entirely, while others have had to get creative to survive. Despite these hardships, they remain thankful for being out of the system when vaccine mandates were introduced. They believe that many of their colleagues were misled into taking the vaccines, and now have to deal with the consequences.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly in young people and children. It mentions cases of myocarditis, blood clots, and even deaths, suggesting these issues are not being adequately addressed or reported. The text also raises questions about the potential for genetic damage and increased cancer risk due to the vaccines. It ends by emphasizing the need for more research, transparency, and courage to address these issues.
➡ The text criticizes doctors for not questioning the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and their potential side effects, suggesting that they should have refused to administer them. It also criticizes the medical system for not encouraging critical thinking among doctors. The text then discusses the potential of repurposed drugs, specifically antiparasitics, for treating cancer, suggesting that these could be a viable alternative to traditional treatments.
➡ The text discusses the use of chlorine dioxide and ivermectin in treating severe illnesses like cancer and COVID-19, highlighting their success in some cases. However, it also points out the fear and resistance among medical professionals in the United States to use these treatments due to potential legal repercussions. The text also mentions the author’s personal legal struggles with the Canadian Health Authority over his advocacy for these treatments.
➡ The speaker, a doctor, is facing legal issues in Canada, possibly leading to imprisonment, due to fees imposed on his family by the healthcare system. He believes this is orchestrated by the office of Alberta Premier Daniel Smith, who he accuses of siding with the healthcare bureaucracy. He is considering moving to the United States, where he has received significant support, and possibly working with the Trump administration. He warns followers of scam accounts using his identity on Facebook and Telegram, and encourages them to follow him on Twitter and Substack.
➡ The speaker is grateful and excited about the possibility of working with the new administration in the United States.


We were curing cancer patients at a rate of about close to 90% who had been given up on, who had failed every other treatment, failed chemotherapy, failed every other treatment. Now, this was for neuroendocrine cancer. That was initially developed in the Netherlands and in Germany for neuroendocrine cancer. The FDA sat on it for almost 20 years, wouldn’t approve it. Eventually they approved it, but when they approved it, the big pharmaceutical companies swooped in and bought up all the smaller companies that were using it for billions of dollars. Novartis actually bought out. Novartis bought for $2 billion a startup company that I think was worth $20 million the year before that had one of the patents for, and it was a prostate cancer treatment with this.

So no, they, they approved it, they haven’t shelved it, they’ve started using it. But I’ll tell you how they do it. I’ll tell you what they do with it. Just pausing really quick to share this with you. This is the Love Pod. It’s an amazing new product that’s available. It turns up to nine devices into satellite devices, but not just in like a satellite phone where it only does text and calling and maybe does text, mostly just calling. This is a full blown intern where you can do web surfing and video and everything. But what makes it so remarkable isn’t just if the grid goes down and turns all your devices into satellite devices.

It also takes the frequency and turns it into a frequency that harmonizes with your body. What does that mean? EMFs are everywhere and we’re in this toxic soup of danger. It’s pollution. It destroys or it hurts you at a cellular level. This changes that and makes the EMF harmonize with your body. So it’s frequencies that are not doing that works well with your body, but it does even more. It’s also a VPN so all of your data is secure and nobody can access it. And the more people that use it, the faster it is because it works on a distributed mesh network.

I know that sounds complicated, but it’s not that bad. The more of these that are out there, the faster it gets. It’s only $200 plus a data package so you can have peace of mind knowing that all your devices will work even in a grid down situation. And it’s private and it doesn’t hurt your body. So check it out. Makes a perfect Christmas gift. Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have the great Dr. Macus coming to the program for you guys that don’t know who he is. He has the most effective that I’ve heard of cancer treatment in the industry as far as 90% effective on the cancer area that he worked on.

It’s available. They do in stage four. It’s a very targeted treatment that only attacks the cancer cells and they do it in stage four at John Hopkins and other places. They could do it right away. It’s just they don’t make enough money on it so they don’t use it until the very end. And he was persecuted in Canada. He has a whole story. I had him on before telling his whole story. He’s going to give you a little bit of a recap today but then we dive into other areas. Really, really great conversation about the medical system, where it needs to go.

He talks about his plight and I tell him with open arms that he’s welcome in the United States and he wants to work with Robert Kennedy Jr. And the Trump administration to really help our health care system. I hope, I really hope that they invite him to do that. He’d move and I’m sure the American people would be that Canada would be not as good off but the American people, we would love to have him. And so you’ll hear a story. If there’s one person in the world who deserves our support, it’s him. I think he has personally saved so many lives with his treatments and he just doesn’t.

A doctor like this does not deserve to be persecuted. I. My God. So you’ll hear his whole story. But before we get into that, I want to remind you about these D5 time capsules that really helped lengthen your telomeres. Dr. Bill Andrews, I’ve had him on my show many times. He has come up with one of the best, if only the best method that’s affordable. He has one that lengthens your tear telomeres back to 100% but it’s like a million dollar treatment. It’s really expensive. But this is the most, this is the best treatment that’s affordable.

And he’s put it into capsules. It helps because it attacks the as far as I can tell it it lengthens the shortest telomeres first. Now this isn’t that cheap. So when you go to their site make sure that you use the current coupon code that I have. You can see under or I’ll have it at the link below. And also if you’re a first time customer, they have a first time discount as well. So I hope you give this a shot Especially if you have a loved one that’s aging and you’re worried about them and you want to keep them around for a while.

Okay, let’s get into my really good conversation with Dr. William Macus. Hi, Dr. Macus. Welcome back to the program. Thank you very much for having me again. You are an inspiration, I think, to the world, and I think. I know it doesn’t feel like that when you’re under attack. I know what that feels like. I know. But from my perspective, you are an inspiration and a warrior out in front doing what’s right, despite the crappiness that you’re involved in. Can you talk? When we talked about this last time, about your cancer protocols and what you did in Canada and how they’re being used at John Hopkins, can you just briefly talk about that? And then I want to talk about how that’s manifested into something much worse from a legal perspective, so people would just get an idea what it’s like being on the.

For, you know, the front lines of this. Well, thank you for having me again. You know, you know, my. My situation is unique for doctors in Canada because I’d run into corruption in the healthcare system before COVID 19. And so I’d actually been involved in a legal battle with the health authorities for sabotaging my. My cancer program. We had a. I had a large cancer trial that I was running using cutting edge targeted radiation therapy for neuroendocrine cancer patients. And we were going to use it for prostate cancer patients and bring new technologies to Canada that have been developed in Europe, technologies that even the FDA sat on for almost 20 years and wouldn’t approve it because they were worried that it would.

That it would be a threat to chemotherapy and profits and big pharma. And so imagine you have this. So, you know, for decades, patients have been blasted with external beam radiation therapy, and to this day, that technology is still being used. You know, when a patient has bone metastases in the pelvis, they’ll radiate your pelvis. If you have breast cancer, and it’s a high risk breast cancer, they’ll radiate your breasts. That’s external radiation that goes through normal tissues. You get lung scarring, you get heart scarring, you get burns on your skin. We had developed a radiation treatment that was a clear injection that a patient would get.

It was. The radiation was attached to a molecule that would deliver the radiation to a receptor on the tumor cell, drop it off, kill the tumor cell. It wouldn’t kill surrounding healthy tissues. Targeted. It’s Targeted. It’s targeted exactly. To the cancer cells anywhere in your body. So it would go, you know, because it was a systemic treatment, you’d get the injection, it would go all over the body, kill cancer cells all over the body. You’d pee the rest of it out. It wouldn’t affect your health. It wouldn’t affect your healthy tissues. So that’s essentially what our immune system, a healthy immune system will target those cells and do the same thing.

But you artificially created that because your immune system isn’t working. Yeah, exactly. I mean, you can take these radioactive particles that are sort of designed for use in medicine, and as long as you can, attach them to some kind of a molecule or protein, and that’ll target it to a particular receptor on a cancer cell. You have a targeted therapy. Now you have a therapy that spares the bone marrow. You know, chemotherapy. You know, it blasts the bone marrow and wipes out your red blood cells and your white cells and your platelets. And then patients have to, you know, have time to recover from their last chemotherapy treatment, get their blood counts up, and then do the whole cycle all over again.

I mean, they’re very. It’s horrible. I know everybody’s known people that go through it. Yeah, patients get sick, they lose their hair because it attacks, you know, all the rapidly dividing cells. And. And it’s just, you know, these systemic treatments are horrendous. And you’ve got a targeted treatment where you can deliver the radiation, you know, kill the tumor cells, and then it’s gone. And you could do it as an outpatient. We were doing it as an outpatient. So the patient would come in, get an injection, they’d hang around for an hour or two just to make sure, you know, there wasn’t any kind of sort of reaction that was more for their protection than anything else.

And then they would go home and go about their business as if nothing had happened. They’d actually start feeling better. Right. I mean, it wasn’t like you feel like crap with this. You’d feel better after doing these treatments. Absolutely. And you could see. You could see it working. And we were curing cancer patients at a rate of about close to 90% who had been given up on, who had failed every other treatment, failed chemotherapy, failed every other treatment. Now, this was for neuroendocrine cancer. That was initially developed in the Netherlands and in Germany for neuroendocrine cancer.

The FDA sat on it for almost 20 years, wouldn’t approve it. Eventually, they approved it. But when they approved it, the Big pharmaceutical companies swooped in and bought up all the smaller companies that were using it for billions of dollars. Novartis actually bought out. Novartis bought for $2 billion, a startup company that I think was worth $20 million the year before that had one of the patents for. And it was a prostate cancer treatment with this. So no, they approved it, they haven’t shelved it, they’ve started using it. But I’ll tell you how they do it.

I’ll tell you what they do with it. Instead of treating the patient at the beginning, when the cancer is at the early stage, they only approved it at the very end when you failed all other treatments. So they make sure that the pharmaceutical industry makes their money on a cancer patient by putting them through the chemo and immunotherapies and so on, the expensive stuff. And then if you fail all of that, you know, they’ll let you have this sort of targeted treatment. So it’s being used for patients at the end stage now, at least less expensive.

It was almost like they made a deal. We’ll let you put this onto the market, but you can’t cannibalize the industry. You can only use it at the very end. How many people die because they don’t use this at the beginning? Well, I can tell you that the patients who are coming to me now, and I’ve started doing consultations again, despite the threats and the attacks and threats to my family and so on, I’ve just started doing consultations anyways because, you know, you know, patients, these patients are not given options. They’re, they’re not given any other options.

Cancer care, I have to say cancer care is money driven. It’s like that in the United States. It’s like that in Canada, uk, Australia, wherever you go, it is, it is driven by money. And really it is oncology, mainstream oncology is so in bed with big Pharma that the guidelines that the oncologists are allowed to use and offer the treatments that they are allowed to offer to their patients have to make big money for the pharmaceutical industry. And the guidelines are actually provided by these big institutions, you know, American Cancer Society and so on. And these institutions are all funded by big Pharma.

So whatever gets put on the protocol, whatever expensive treatment, and it could be chemotherapy, is still used, even though it’s a horrendous treatment. And in many cases it doesn’t work. But now they have new immunotherapies, they have all these monoclonal antibodies that target certain processes in the Cancer proliferation and so on. Well, these are $100,000 treatments, right? And we know that the next phase. And Pfizer CEO Albert Berla told us this. He said, our next big thing is cancer. At Pfizer, it’s not Covid vaccines, it’s not influenza vaccines, it’s cancer. All the big pharmaceutical giants are positioning themselves to profit from cancer.

That’s from 2025 until 2030 or 2035, the next five, 10 years, it’s all going to be about cancer. They’re all, they’re all, you know, they’re all buying out these smaller cancer drug companies. They’re trying to get their hands on any cancer drug they can. But the new MRNA cancer vaccines, which even in the clinical trials, they’re already combining them with other cancer drugs to make the MRNA vaccine look. Look like it actually works when it probably doesn’t. I think this is a failed technology that doesn’t work. And they’re going to keep pushing it and they’re going to keep coming out with those work in the sense of making, giving people cancer.

I mean, I don’t know. I mean, maybe, maybe that is the intent, maybe, maybe it works. I don’t know. But that is a documented, provable thing as it’s causing increase in cancer. Well, that’s. So we’re getting to that point where. So in my mind, there is enough evidence to show causality between Pfizer and moderna Covid vaccines and cancer. There’s dozens of papers out now talking about mechanisms. You’ve got Kevin McKernan and his work in terms of finding the contaminants in the vaccines, the SV40 promoter. Now he’s actually discovered other plasmids in the Pfizer vaccine that apparently Pfizer has never disclosed that have mammalian targets in there that make it easy to integrate into our genome.

There’s all kinds of other things in the sequences of these contaminants. So I think we’re at that point where it’ll be probably within months that you could say mainstream, yes, there’s definitive evidence that these vaccines are causing cancer. But just to sort of circle back to the MRNA vaccines, because we know they want to put out more MRNA products, and one of the products that they want to put out is MRNA cancer vaccines. Now, I’ve read articles where they talk about preemptively injecting everybody with these MRNA cancer vaccines. And the sales pitch is that you’ll go to your family doctor and your family doctor will say, hey, would you like to have protection from cancer in the future.

And who wouldn’t want, who wouldn’t want protection from cancer in the future? Oh, guess what? We’ve got this new injection, this new MRNA vaccine that will give you protection from cancer in the future now. So it seems like they’ll have different types of these MRNA cancer vaccines. They have some that will treat the cancer you have right now. And those apparently will cost a half a million dollars when they come out. And then there’s going to be these preventive vaccines that as a healthy person, you will take this MRNA vaccine and it’s supposed to give you protection in the future.

So, okay, so it’s $500,000. How much does that cost them to produce? I don’t know. I honestly don’t. What they put in research, I’m sure it’s a fraction. $3. I’m sure it’s a fraction. But you know how they justify it? The way they justify it is they say, well, you know, this cancer vaccine, this MRNA cancer vaccine, and I looked into the technology here that, you know, they’re going to be sort of advertising it as. They’ll say, well, we take a piece of your cancer, which is very unique to you with whatever the genetic anomalies and so on, and we take a piece of that and then we, you know, we extract MRNA sequence or we extract sequences out of your tumor.

We create the MRNA based on those sequences and then we, you know, we, we, we should, we, we. I don’t know, they’ll show it to your immune system, basically. They’ll show these sequences to your immune system and prime your immune system to attack the cancer and be customized to your immune system to go after. Exactly what I mean, it’ll be a great marketing. And, and that’s how they justify the cost because they say, well, you know, if we’re customizing it and personalizing it to you, well, it has to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Right. And but you know what’s amazing is the tricks that they’re using.

I see this already in their clinical trials because I’ve been looking at their, at their trials that they’ve done already and they’ve got phase three trials right now in Australia and the uk they’re already combining it with other drugs that have proven some efficacy in cancer. Right. Because they have. So that’s what you think? That’s what you’re going to that conclusion, that they’re going to use these other drugs to give it some kind of viability. Yeah. And. But it itself just doesn’t work. Exactly. That’s, that’s, that’s, that’s the way. That’s my theory. That’s, that’s the way I interpret, you know, the, some of the scientific work that I’ve seen that they’ve put out so far.

Because honestly, the results are not that impressive. They’re showing nowhere near what yours. I’m sorry. Keep going. Yeah, well, they’re showing improvement of 20% here, 30% here. Like, so far, the results are not very impressive. And they’re combining it with these other drugs that have some known efficacy. So why are they combining it with other drugs? Why can’t the technology stand on its own? That’s right. And why can’t they use something like your technology, which has efficacy that’s way better than what they’re using? Well, again, I think it comes down to profit. So when I was giving these cancer treatments and why they sabotaged my cancer program a few years before the pandemic.

And then I find out that the Trudeau government had then poured $300 million to copy my cancer program in British Columbia, in Vancouver, which is a very sort of a leftist province, not a conservative province like Alberta. Sorry, I lost my train of thought. We were talking about why they’re not using your efficacy, your treatment. So the cost was very low, I can tell you. It was actually funded by Health Canada because it was a. I was running a clinical trial. I was running a phase 2 clinical trial approved by Health Canada, and Health Canada actually agreed to cover the cost.

You know what the cost of the treatments was? It was $5,000. Not. Not $500,000. It was $5,000. Yeah. That’s my part. Once you add even, even in all the customization, all the other stuff, it’s still is like five grand. Just a quick break from the program to share a really amazing product that I have am offering now on my website@Sarah under shop and this is Body Align. You can get the sleep patches if you’re having problems sleeping, like so many people in the country. Try this Since I started using these, I have slept through the night without waking up, which is amazing.

I haven’t done that for a long time. Usually wake up a couple of times. I’ve been sleeping through the night. So try this if you’re having a problem with sleeping. They also have these amazing pain relief patches. So if you’re having problems with pain, do this because it helps with fast acting, relieves your pain. It’s called the body relief patch from Body Align. They also have this overall wellness band, which has over 300 frequencies from everywhere, from getting your vitamins and minerals to reducing stress and anxiety, just overall wellness. So go to under shop or you can go to a Sarah.

So either link works, but you can always go to sarah under shop and see all the options that they have. It was. Exactly. And it was. And even the head of the cancer center that I was working at, you know, one day he brought me to his office and he’s like, oh, I don’t know about this trial you’re doing. And, you know, we don’t think it works. I’m like, we literally have 90% efficacy. What are you talking about? And he’s like, oh, you know, it’s not making any money. And then he. He slipped that it’s not making any money for anybody.

No one’s getting rich off these cancer treatments. So it doesn’t work. He’s not talking about whether the thing works from treating cancer. It doesn’t work because it doesn’t create money for us. It’s not a good business model. Exactly. And I just find it incredible. And I think I’m amazed that more people are not talking about this. The fact that Pfizer is shifting their business model away from vaccines, which they’ve never made, the kind of profits that they made with the COVID 19 vaccines. I believe their revenues exceeded $100 billion, you know, last year. And a big chunk of that was either the COVID 19 vaccines.

There was Paxlovid, of course, as well. And no one talks about the fact that they’re shifting away from the thing that made them the most money in history, in the company’s history. And they’re shifting away from that to cancer, which they don’t have, you know, much of a sort of a history in. But they’re saying that’s going to be their number one money maker. What do they know that the rest of us don’t know? Well, but cancer is on the rise. I mean, animals. Over 50% of all animals get cancer. People are getting that rate. You’re right.

I mean, there’s been a slowly increasing trend, but they’re talking about it as if there’s going to be a tsunami of cancers that no one has ever seen before. You know, the way he talks about it, you know, the way Albert Berla talks about it. He’s. He says we’re going to scale up the production of cancer treatments the way we scaled up the production of MRNA vaccines. Now, MRNA vaccines were scaled up because there was this supposed pandemic and you know, millions of people around the world were affected and you had to vaccinate the entire world.

Right? We had Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab telling us that, you know, if everybody, nobody’s, nobody is safe until everybody is safe and everyone’s vaccinated. Right. And he’s using the same language to describe this next phase of cancer that we’re going to be facing, as if it’s going to be some kind of outbreak around the world of cancer, not this kind of a slowly increasing long term trend. And he’s talking about scaling up production to levels that they scaled up the MRNA vaccines where they basically, you know, shipped out billions of doses of COVID vaccine. So now they’re going to be making billions of doses of cancer treatments.

It’s, it’s very odd language from him. Do you see an increase of people dying of cancer and getting cancer? Because I’ve seen 20 time, you know, indicators that people are saying, you know, people and in labs the indicators are 20 times what they were that people are getting cancer. Is that the kind of increase that you’re seeing and is it going to get worse? I can tell you when you look at the work of Ed Dowd and I love, I love Ed Dowd and just the approach to data that he takes, you know, he just, he loves to look at the data, analyze the data.

He looks at US insurance data, you know, government data, UK government data, or as much data as we can can get. Ed Dowd ethical skeptic John Budwin. You know, these are individuals who analyze data and sort of put it out, put out their analysis. And what they’re showing at least so far is that cancer started on a significant uptrend in 2021, not in 2020 when we had, you know, the COVID raging. It was in 2021. As soon as the vaccines rolled out, you start seeing this rising cancers. And it’s been rising ever since. There’s been no slowdown in the trend.

It’s just been rising ever since. And we don’t have the, you know, we don’t have good numbers, but it looks like some of the cancers may have increased 100%, 200%, maybe even more. I mean, I mean again, the numbers are just starting to come in. I would say that cancers from every, all of my research is coming from and all the people I talk to is coming from many different sources, Covid being one, which is what you are talking about here. I Think the frequencies that we’re using and being subjected to the pollutions that we’re being, I think it’s like an all assault that we, you know, it’s coming from everywhere.

For sure. There’s. For sure. There’s a lot of factors. Yeah. There’s, there’s, there’s no question about that. You know, it’s interesting though, because the people who’ve had the COVID 19 vaccines, they end up with these cancers that are so aggressive and so vicious and on such an accelerated course. Right. That it’s almost inexplicable. And I post these stories, I mean, I’ve posted thousands of them on turbo cancer on my various social media. But when you post a story and you see, okay, well, a 30 year old nurse, right. It suddenly out of nowhere, diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, it has spread to her bones, her brain and she’s dead in like three months or six months.

That’s just not normal. Right. I mean, before, I’ve never seen stories like that. I’ve never seen stories like that. And the way the medical establishment is ignoring this. And it’s not one or two stories, it’s thousands of stories. And you go on any social media, whether it’s X or Twitter, whether it’s Facebook or Instagram, and you see these stories that people post about their family members, you know, they got their jabs and then whether it’s six months later, a year later, two years later, stage four cancers and they just ravage, they just ravaged them and they’re gone in a matter of months.

And we’ve never seen that. You know, it’s almost like a death sentence. Yeah. And I’ve talked to doctors who said, you know, my practice used to have three to four people I was dealing with with cancer. Now I have hundreds. And he’s like, it’s, I don’t. This is incredible. Yeah. You know, and go ahead. I can tell you all the, all the, as far as I know, all the cancer centers are overwhelmed. And now I have, I have an interesting view on this because I’m uniquely positioned because I accept cancer patients from around the world. I’ve got cancer patients in Ireland, uk, Australia, even parts of Asia, you know, certain European countries, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, but of course, a lot of patients from the United States and Canada also.

And I can tell you the cancer centers are overwhelmed. They’re overwhelmed. Patients can’t get an appointment with an oncologist sometimes for months. They can’t get treatment in time. It’s just all of these cancer Centers are overwhelmed. And this is something, again, that doesn’t get talked about, you know, and they need solutions that are inexpensive, that they can start doing at home and start to reverse some of this stuff. And that’s what you’re looking into as well. I mean, because your treatment, that is. I think they should be ramping up your stuff, the stuff that’s available at John Hopkins, that should be available everywhere for people right away.

But you’re also looking at treatments that people can do just at home. Exactly. Because otherwise we’re hoes. You know, I can tell you when. When I, when. When I started my substack two years ago. And I really started because I was banned from Twitter for a year for raising concerns about vaccinating kids 5 to 11 years old. And I wasn’t able. Somehow I wasn’t able to get back on. I saw Dr. Peter McCullough get back on, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Corey, and everyone was coming back, and I wasn’t able to get back. And I thought, what’s happening? Did Justin Trudeau make a phone call and say, hey, listen, we can’t afford any Canadian doctors telling the truth on Twitter.

I really thought that somebody had made a phone call to make sure that, at least, for example, in Canada, you know, Justin Trudeau wants to be the face of the World Economic Forum and the WHO and, you know, the globalist puppet. Right. And so you can’t have any kind of dissent in Canada. I think that’s why they’ve gone after the Canadian doctors so hard. But I thought I wasn’t going to get back on, so I started my substack. And then a week later, I get back on Twitter. Well, it’s good because I never got back on Twitter.

I had to create a new account. Really? Yeah. So there’s some reason I didn’t get back on. You know, there’s still. I still hear about accounts that haven’t been able to get back on. And now I did keep filing appeals over and over and over again. So maybe I got lucky and one of those appeals actually managed to get through. I think you got the right person, like somebody who actually gave a crap. And because I did appeal after appeal after appeal, Dr. Dave Jana, another, a friend of mine, he couldn’t get back on either. Wow.

And, you know, and now. So I don’t think things are as rosy as people, but there’s a. They’re infiltrated, too. I don’t. So I don’t know what to think about all that. Yeah. No. I mean, honestly, I mean, the censorship. I think most people don’t realize how bad the censorship got and how bad it still is. That’s right, because I think it’s still terrible. You know, I’m obviously thankful that I was able to get back on Twitter, for example, but I can’t post anything on Facebook. I can’t post anything on YouTube. I have an Instagram account where I cannot utter the word vaccine or COVID 19 or anything because I’ve been threatened and threatened with punishment there.

Even LinkedIn. I was threatened repeatedly by LinkedIn. I got kicked off LinkedIn. So I get it. I think I’m the only one. I know. It’s unbelievable, but it happens. And so I think people don’t realize just how bad the censorship is. I mean, it was almost complete. Well, how could someone like you. I know. How could someone like you, who has the most effective cancer drug or treatment ever, you know, on the market pretty much. I mean, I don’t know, maybe there’s some others that are better in the ballpark, but at least, as far as I know, not be able to talk about it publicly.

I mean, it is absurd for anybody that. And not do. And not have a whole bunch of medical professionals wanting to talk to you and debate you. And it means that we’re com. We have a completely broken system. We do. It is a broken system. The censorship is still really, really bad. I don’t know why Zuckerberg went to talk to Trump at Mar a Lago recently. I don’t. You know, the rumors are that. That he’s going to, you know, allow freedom of speech back on Facebook, but who knows? Well, it literally causes death, the censorship. It does.

It does. Yeah. It absolutely does. And, you know, they always like to turn it. They always like to turn it back on. On the people that are, you know, people like us who are trying to, you know, warn people about dangers of certain pharmaceutical products and so on. They say, oh, you’re spreading misinformation, disinformation, and you’re killing people. And it’s like, no, you guys are the ones killing people through. Through censorship. We had a paper, I can tell you, and I always point to the paper that was led by Dr. Peter McCullough that I was a co author on.

That was the autopsy paper for Covid vaccinated people who suffered a sudden death shortly after vaccination. And it was the largest autopsy series in the world, about 325 autopsy cases that we reviewed. And we found, based on the pathology results, that about 74% of the cases could be linked directly to the COVID 19 vaccine. Now, these are sudden deaths that no one is investigating, right? So. So people who had the vaccine and then mysteriously died suddenly, you know, whether it was weeks later, months later, of course, now people are dropping dead still two, three years later.

No one’s investigating that. But imagine we have evidence, we had strong evidence that 74% of those deaths could be linked directly to the vaccine and its effects. And that was censored by the largest journal, scientific journal in the world, Lancet. They took it down from their preprint server within 24 hours. We’d been trying to get. Just get it peer reviewed, just to have other doctors look at it and poke holes in it and try to, you know, find flaws with it and so on. It took us over a year to find a paper to go through peer review and have it published, and twice it was yanked, you know, when it was already in sort of the preprint stage.

And it was yanked because the pressure came down from the pharmaceutical industry that this kind of information can’t get out. Now, this is the kind of censorship that kills people. That’s right, because if people. If people knew that if you took the COVID vaccine and then that person dies suddenly in the weeks and months after that, that about 75% of these sudden deaths are due to the vaccine, I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t have taken their booster shot. Right? But this information has been censored and papers like this have been repeatedly pulled, retracted. I know Dr.

Jessica Rose has had papers retracted. Dr. Peter McCullough has had papers retracted, papers on myocarditis, for example, various vaccine injuries. I believe there was even a paper retracted, a Japanese paper that had showed a link in the rollout of the vaccine and rise in cancers in Japan, and that was pulled very, very quickly. Censorship kills it. It kills for sure. And how do we get ourselves in a position where there’s this much fear and when so many people are dying? You know, when you have a practice that goes from three or four people to, you know, this particular doctor speaks out, but three to four people to a hundred people in your practice and you don’t speak out? I mean, how do we get, you know what I’m asking? I mean, what kind of climate of fear do we have where.

And it gets to what’s happening to you? From a legal standpoint, the climate of fear is so fierce, they need to rise up together. If doctors rose up together, it would end. You know what I mean? And it would have ended even when the vaccines were being rolled out, even when the mandates were being pushed, because we had vaccine mandates all throughout Canada to the point where they said, okay, look, by, you know, October of 2021, you have to show proof of vaccination, that you’ve had at least two vaccines or you will lose your job. And that was.

And that was, to me, that was always illegal. Those mandates were always illegal. But of course, the courts, you know, they’re broken the mandates, and the courts are completely broken. But, you know, I think you had the same issue in the United States under the Biden administration. Health care workers were mandated, for the most part, to take the vaccines or they would lose their job. And unfortunately, there wasn’t enough pushback from the medical community on this. Doctors didn’t rise up, nurses didn’t rise up. I know a lot more nurses pushed back than doctors. And so we did have nurses fighting, fighting back with their unions and so on.

Right. The nurses have, you know, a lot of the nurses have children, and not the doctors only have children, too. But why do you think the nurses push back more than the doctors? Because they’re closer to taking care of the patients or why? I think that’s part of it. And maybe a part of it was maybe they weren’t as dependent, maybe financially, some of them. Yeah, I mean, I know, you know, a lot of them suffered greatly, for sure, financially, for, you know, losing their jobs and so on. But. But maybe some of them were able to take the financial hit and said, look, I’m not going to participate in this.

And they don’t have a license. Do you have a nursing. No, no, they do have a license, but. Do have a license. But, you know, maybe they were in a. In a relationship situation where the other partner could pick up the slack for the financial hit and so on. Yeah, right. Whereas I think a lot of doctors are in a situation where they make a lot of money, but they also spend a lot of money and they don’t know how to do anything else. I mean, doctors, you know, and they’re often the breadwinner. Right. I mean, whether it’s a male doctor or female doctor, they’re.

They’re the breadwinner of the family. Right. My sister’s a doctor, too. Yeah, she was. She makes more money. I also think they provide for the entire clinic. Yeah, there’s that. There’s that, too. And so, you know, it’s. It’s a. It’s a harder hit to take because the doctors that have spoken up and that have lost everything. It’s. It’s brutal. I mean, it is brutal. You lose everything. You lose your entire career, you lose your identity, you lose, you know, your peers. If you were in academia, you lose your university positions. If you were in research, you lose your access to research.

And so it is a huge price to pay. But I think, like, being a journalist, getting kicked off every freaking platform, you know, and, you know, I spoke out against vaccine. I was teaching at the University of Minnesota. I have a business and I’m an engineer by training and business background. And I had issues, too. That was right when the woke stuff was happening and I started speaking out. So I think it progressively got worse for me. But once you get deplatformed everywhere, it’s worse than just losing a job. I was saying this yesterday or to another person, because you can’t, like getting kicked off LinkedIn.

It’s worse than just being kicked out. Like people think just losing a job now that’s. They have a monopoly on the professional world. So I can’t even read professional profiles right now. And then they won’t even tell me what I did. What they claim I’m selling or promoting unregulated products. And it’s like, well, what product? They won’t even tell me. It’s like, come on. So it’s. It’s worse than just losing your job. So I think I can relate to that. Yeah, no, you’re right. I mean, it is worse than losing your job because it’s. You almost can’t really continue your career in any sort of capacity.

Right. And I think some of us, Some of us have ended up completely leaving medicine. Some of the doctors have left medicine completely. Like Dr. Patrick Phillips, an Ontario family doctor who spoke out very early on in the pandemic. He’s left medicine because they took his license. He couldn’t get work anywhere else. They damaged his professional reputation, and he basically just had to leave medicine entirely. And, you know, some of us had. Had to really get very, very creative, I guess, to survive. That’s right. I had to live off my savings for many, many years and had zero income for many years.

And some of it because my cancer program was sabotaged before the pandemic. I had to, you know, basically be without work for years before the pandemic. And then, of course, you know, unemployable during the pandemic when I started speaking out. God works in mysterious ways. Vaccines and everything. So God works in mysterious ways. That might have been part of the plan. Very mysterious. But you Know what I’m thankful for having been out of the system when the vaccine mandates came down, when the vaccines were being pushed, because I see a lot of my colleagues were essentially tricked into getting the vaccines.

You know, these are decent doctors. You know, they’re pretty good at what they do, they’re smart people, and yet they got fooled. I mean, we were all lied to, but they got tricked into taking the vaccines. Some of them got peer pressured into taking the vaccines, you know, and so, and now they have to deal with the consequences and sometimes very bad health consequences of taking these vaccines. And even some people, even in the freedom movement, you know, you’ve got, you know, Dr. Robert Malone talks about he took the vaccines, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, he took the vaccines.

Right. And I think Dr. Asim Malhotra maybe as well took the vaccines too. And so, you know, even people in the freedom movement, you know, it’s, the lie was so big and the institutions were so compromised, I think that a lot of people just got caught off guard. Yeah, I knew right away, and I don’t know why. I just knew. And I think because what triggered me is that when they were banning and censoring treatments and then putting an experimental vaccine out at the same time that there is censoring and banning effective treatments, that was such a huge red flag.

I knew there was an operation going on, but I also knew about operation, what was like, what do you call it? Sherry Tenpenny and I did a show on it that they put into the legislation in 2016, the PREP Act. I knew about the Prep act and stuff, so I started getting, I had foundation before it happened, but that triggered me right away. I mean, this is bs. Well, I can tell you when, when President Trump initially, he had, you know, he had talked about, he’d mentioned hydroxychloroquine, I think, a few times, right. And then suddenly you see this, you know, these, these papers come out saying, oh, hydroxychloroquine is causing heart attacks and it’s dangerous and this and that.

And I thought, wow, this is, you know, this is a drug that has, you know, decades of safety, safer than Tylenol established. And then suddenly out of the blue, you, you’re telling us it’s, it’s dangerous and it’s causing heart problems and heart attacks and what have you. And I mean, the whole thing turned out to be a fraud and a scam that the big journals participated in. I mean, it’s called the Lancet Gate fraud because it happened with Lancet, it happened with The New England Journal of Medicine. This was a fraud. This was outright fraud. They came after this medication just like how they came after Ivermectin afterwards.

That’s right. To make sure that. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And nobody has come. I mean, this hasn’t been dealt with yet. No, it’s. And go ahead. Well, and the thing is, like, you know, this talk about, well, let’s just move on. You know, I mean, the talk about amnesty and let’s just move on from the COVID pandemic or the COVID pandemic is over. Why are we still talking about it? There were serious crimes committed here. There’s thousands and thousands of people who died because of these various frauds, still maybe dying about. And still the cancer that might.

The tsunami might be because of this. Yeah, exactly. Because, you know, and it’s very interesting when you look back and you see that a lot of the treatments that could have been used for COVID 19, like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, even vitamin D, artemisia, anua, for example, in other places in the world, you had these various treatments and they were all attacked in that sort of time frame. When they were trying to get these MRNA jabs, these Covid vaccines approved with the emergency authorization, they attacked everything, any possible treatments. And even when you see President Biden or Prime Minister Justin Trudeau saying things like, well, the only way out of this pandemic is vaccines.

Right. And it’s like, no, it isn’t. I mean, it was. But it was just. It was scripted and it was scripted everywhere. It was scripted. Yeah, it was just like everyone was reading the same script. It was a horror story that we were right in the middle of and saw through it from day one. And so we have a. You from. And it’s just. It’s interesting that having that foundation before it happened and then being able to clearly see it unfold as it was going on was a slow moving train wreck. But the train. The train is still moving and it hasn’t stopped.

It’s still in the process of wrecking. Right. I mean, the train wreck is still happening. That’s right. And it’s just, you know, it’s. I think what I’ve seen is there’s been a shift. Initially there was talk about myocarditis, and that was the big one, Right. The myocarditis as the injury to the hearts of young men. But it wasn’t the hearts of young men. It was the hearts of young women, too. But no one was talking about that. No one was talking about that. I didn’t realize it was happening a lot to young women. It was happening to women as well, because when you see all of these young women that are dropping dead in their 20s from heart attacks, young women athletes as well.

But no one talks about that, Right. Because the propaganda was that, well, it happens in young men, but it’s so rare and it’s mild and myocarditis is mild, and you just get over it. It’s like. It’s like a little cold for your heart, and, you know, you just breeze right through it. That was the propaganda. No one was allowed to talk about myocarditis in young girls or young women who are collapsing now from heart attack at the age of 20 or 30 or dying in their sleep. Right, but that’s how it started. Right? And it started with the.

With the myocarditis. And then, of course, the blood clots. Then, you know, you had AstraZeneca and JJ taken off the market because of blood clots, but Pfizer and Moderna were causing blood clots to, as far as I can tell, pretty much the same degree at least. And yet those were never. There was never talk about taking them off the market for causing blood clots. And I think. And I think those deaths are still continuing because there are some people that still continue to produce the spike protein because of the vaccine. And of course, some people kept.

Kept boosting as well, but, well, they’re still getting boosters. In my state of Minnesota, I had a friend whose son got the booster and the family didn’t want it, and they give it to him anyways because they said that. Because he said, fine, the kid, 15 years old or something. And they, they. And they gave it to him anyway, saying that he gave approval. And they say it’s his body, his choice. It doesn’t matter what the parents say. That’s in the state. The schools are doing it for the kids. Wow. Yeah. I couldn’t believe this. I just heard about this last week.

This is a big problem. This is a big problem. Honestly, can you imagine the fact that. Well, the fact that the COVID vaccines are on the childhood vaccination schedules. They’re on a schedule in Canada. I think they’re on the CDC schedule in the United States. And I guess it’s up to each state to determine how that’s. There’s no reason for children to get it. Right. I mean, because. Because Covid was barely a cold for the young kids. Yeah. So why are they doing this? And the thing is there’s, there’s so much evidence of harm. There are over 500 deaths of children in vaers after taking Pfizer or Moderna.

And you know, people can claim, well, you know, correlation doesn’t equal causation. I’m sorry, you’ve got over 500 dead kids in that database alone. And we know that it has an under reporting factor of anywhere from 30 to 100. So that’s thousands of. And that’s without a single report of any kid dying of COVID in the world. Right. For as far as I know. So no one kid has died in the world, but we at least have that. The correlation or what you found 500 at least. Minimum. There’s no excuse for giving kids this. And that doesn’t count all the side effects with myocarditis and other things.

Yeah, absolutely. And the scary thing is that I’m seeing cancers, sort of bizarre cancers. I’m starting to see it in kids. Right. And this is the scary part because now you’ve injected millions of kids in the United States, in Canada, and what if you’ve given these kids a significantly increased risk of cancer? That’s right, because we know the vaccines are contaminated. That’s proven. Now you can have the FDA ignoring it and saying, no, there’s no clinical relevance to all this contamination. That’s been proven. All this DNA contamination with these plasmids and SV40 promoters and so on.

And now we’re going to get proof of integration. This is coming next. I can tell you within a couple of months. The proof is already there. It’s just not published in sort of a way that would be unassailable. But we have evidence of integration that this stuff is. We have evidence of genotoxicity. It’s no longer just that, oh, well, these things can give you myocarditis or can give you a blood clot. No, these things are integrating into people’s genomes. They’re causing genetic damage, they’re causing cancer. This is all going to be, this is all going to come out in the, in the coming months.

Do you think, do you think that they’ll be able to come in, they create the problem. Do you think they’ll be able to come in with the solution and make a boatload of money? Do you think the people will be so scared that they will get away with this whole thing? It’s a concern. It’s a concern that if it becomes widely accepted that millions of people have had genetic damage and let’s say there’s some Kind of testing that comes out where you can actually test to see that if you’ve had integration into, you know, some of your cells or like for example, the work that Kevin McKernan is doing now is he sequenced a, he sequenced a cancer in a, in a patient, I think it was a German patient who had four Pfizer vaccines.

And he sequenced the cancer and he found, he found the evidence of integration of the vaccine, the Pfizer vaccine. But again, this has to be published and you know, you have to do multiple, multiple tests and so on. Well, who is to say that this MRNA cancer vaccine isn’t going to make it worse? Well, exactly. I mean, I think this whole technology is fatally flawed. I’ve done numerous presentations and interviews about this. I think this entire technology is so fatally flawed it should be banned, it should be taken off the market banned. All these MRNA products that they have in the pipeline should be scrapped.

And there needs to be proper, thorough investigations even. Let’s take the sudden deaths, right? You had a Canadian 17 year old hockey player, Sean Hartman, who took a Pfizer vaccine and a month later he was found dead in his room by his parents. Right. And so they did an autopsy. Inconclusive, right, Autopsy in Canada, inconclusive, of course, because they’re not doing any proper testing and they’re not doing any proper staining for the spike protein, nothing. So you know, the samples get sent to Dr. Ryan Cole in the United States. He does the proper testing, staining. He finds spike protein all over the adrenal glands, for example, which control blood pressure with effects on the heart and so on.

So right there you’ve got evidence of harm from the vaccine. He proved it. The Canadian government refused to compensate the dad or the family, Right. For the death of their 17 year old boy. But now we’ve got proof, we have evidence. Dr. Reinkel proved it. Well, we need to have thousands of these sudden deaths tested the same way. Let’s do the proper pathology staining and all that. Let’s do it. And I guarantee you that we would have answers in most of these cases. And no one knows that these autopsies are being prevented from being done. They’re being prevented from being done by the health authorities in Canada.

For example, we have the largest healthcare provider in Canada, Alberta Health Services in Alberta serves 4 million people. They have literally said you cannot do an autopsy and you cannot look for spike protein damage from the vaccine. They’re not allowing doctors to do it. We need this kind of research to be done. So that we can have answers. We can have answers to all of these thousands of sudden deaths and we would have those answers. And I guarantee you that a lot of these people have died from the vaccine. That would be the end of this entire vaccine technology.

The MRNA technology would be finished. Right. If you can prove thousands of deaths and you can prove it on autopsy, that’s it. This whole multi hundred billion dollar industry is done. But that’s the thing, is that the money is too big and too many people are bought off. Too many people are bought off and too many people in Congress are bought off through whatever. What you know, the Bible says, do not fear more than it says love. Fear is the number one. Do not fear. Because to have the courage to fight this takes for you not to fear.

And we’re going to have evil like this. And I’m not really a hardcore Christian. I’m spiritual. But you know, these lessons are so important. I think so many of us have gotten more spiritual and more back to the foundations that I grew up with. Because those lessons, you know, the lessons that I learned being, you know, growing up Christian, because they’re true. If we fear and don’t have that courage, we won’t be able to fight this problem. We need to have the courage together and not have this fear. Otherwise we’re talking about a tsunami of a problem.

Yeah, well, I think we’re in the middle. I think we’re in the middle of that tsunami. But it goes back to your point you’d mentioned earlier that if doctors had just gotten together and stood up, none of this would have happened. We would have had. They could have defeated the vaccine mandates. You know, they could have stopped maybe even the rollout of booster shots. If enough doctors had gotten together and just walked out of hospitals and said, you know what, I’m not participating in this. This is unethical, it’s unscientific, it’s illegal. I mean, as far as I’m concerned, the vaccine mandates were completely illegal.

But the whole thing was unethical and unscientific. And if they had just walked out and said, you know what, I’m walking out of the job, I’m walking out of a job. I cannot in good conscience, I have to abide by the Hippocratic oath. I cannot in good conscience participate in this crime. I will not administer COVID 19 vaccines. Find somebody else who’s going to do it. And if they had just walked out, even in just significant enough numbers, maybe 5%, 10%, I think we would have had a completely different outcome the last few years. Well, that’s why workers coming together, unions, although they’ve been corrupted, but workers coming together to strike and band together on what’s right, it works.

You have power in numbers. Absolutely. Yeah. But they didn’t, they didn’t do. The time to do it was back in 2021. But, you know, I mean, now the fact that they all took the vaccines, they pushed all their patients to get the vaccines. And one thing that really frustrates me, and I see this all the time, is oncologists are pushing the vaccines on their cancer patients. And it just, it frustrates me so much because I’m like, okay, there’s. There’s so much evidence now that these vaccines are contaminated, that they are potentially causing extremely aggressive cancers. And yet you’re pushing these vaccines on your cancer patients.

And, you know, some of these cancer patients, maybe they had cancer in the past and they’re in remission and they have no evidence of cancer. They take a booster shot and suddenly their cancer comes roaring back. And now they’ve got stage four cancer. It’s more aggressive than it had ever been. And don’t they question it? Why aren’t these. They’re smart enough to make it through medical school. That’s what I don’t understand. It’s amazing that how few doctors have really questioned what’s been going on. Again, it suggests a completely broken system. Maybe we need to completely scrap how medical students are, you know, selected.

Right. I mean, if people are getting into medicine, coming out and not using their critical thinking and not evaluating something that’s put in front of them, something that they’re faced, something new that they’re faced with, maybe they shouldn’t be in medicine. Maybe we need to completely reevaluate, you know, who becomes a physician. 100% agree. Because if all you are is a glorified technician, then you don’t deserve the title of doctor. And again, I always tell people, and I think that this sort of upsets the mainstream doctors that are still kind of in the system and are still pushing the nonsense.

And I say, well, if you want to be a pharma sales rep, why don’t you just go and become a pharma sales rep? Why don’t you become a sales rep for Pfizer? Maybe you could work up your way to be a manager and just you could have made the same money. But if that’s all you’re going to do for your patients, why not just do that in the first place? Why go through Medical school. Why pretend you’re a doctor and you want to help people? Why go through the whole pretense, just become a pharma sales rep? And they don’t, they don’t like it.

They really. I love that. That’s exactly right. I mean, if you can’t critically think. I think that. And in so many fields, not just in medicine, but I feel that the doctor degree has become watered down to the point where. Yeah. Where I think of a doctor as if you’re going to be in a field. It’s not just what you learn and, you know, memorize in a thing. It’s about transcending that understanding and then carving the field. Right. You’re, you’re an expert, so you’re carving new paths. You understand it, you’re thinking about it, and you’re carving the industry.

Yeah, that’s not what these doctors in so many fields are right now. Well, I mean, it used to be referred to as the science and art of medicine. I mean, I think the art part is completely gone. And really, even a lot of the science part is completely gone too. Because if, like I said, if all you’re doing is. Is pushing pills or pushing protocols or guidelines that are prepared by the pharmaceutical industry that again, push only certain profitable drugs or chemotherapy or treatments and so on, then you are really, you are really a technician. And that’s not to insult.

I mean, that’s an insult to technicians. I mean, you’re really a just, you’re a sales rep. I mean, that’s, that’s what you are. You are a sales representative. But a technician knows what that they are. Right? That’s their role. You’re supposed to, you have a doctorate degree. You’re supposed to be the expert that thinks beyond that and makes decisions. The expert title. And the role that you have is to think beyond the protocols and things that are laid out. You’re, you’re, you’re transcending that because you understand it. And I, and I want to just give you a very quick example of, of this.

You know, when I was, when I was, when I started my substack and I was doing a ton of research, a lot of reading, you know, looking into papers and so on. Of course, a lot of research into, into ivermectin. And then I run into this whole body of. Of. Of cancer research in ivermectin. I thought, well, that’s, that’s interesting. And what is all this about? And so I’m trying to read all the, all the, all the cancer research Papers that have been done for ivermectin. And I thought, well, where’s the human trials? I mean, you know, all these papers at the end say, oh, we got to do.

We got to do human trials. This is amazing. This is incredible. You know, we’re curing cancers in these mice, and, you know, these cell cultures, you know, are all responding to ivermectin and all that. And it’s like, there’s no human trials. And you wonder, well, why is that? Well, you know, the patent, it went off patent in 1996. And now Merck, that used to have the patent, doesn’t care about ivermectin anymore, because now They’ve got a 5050 partnership with Moderna for the MRNA cancer vaccines, and they want to get in on that business, and they’re going to get some profit from pushing the MRNA vaccine.

So they have no interest in ivermectin. But there’s this whole body of research that is completely abandoned. And I thought, okay, well, let’s see. Maybe can we. You know, I was looking at some doctors who were trying to use, you know, ivermectin to treat a couple of cancer patients, and there were some anecdotal reports of success. So I’m like, you know, let’s do a dive into this. Is it safe to take. Is it safe to take in higher doses? What are the risk benefits? Well, it turns out that the risks are very, very low. The benefits are potentially very high.

And I’m like, you know what? Let’s see if some people are willing to do this. I had people coming to me in my speeches saying, look, I’ve. What do I do? I’ve got this aggressive cancer came out of nowhere. I got three vaccines. What do I do? The oncologists are saying, we have nothing else to offer you. And it started like this. Then as I did more research, I realized, well, there’s this. Avermectin is an antiparasitic, works for cancer. Well, what about other antiparasitics? Well, it turns out there’s fenbendazole and mebendazole. There’s these other antiparasitics also.

There’s a whole body of research on their ability to treat cancer or even cure cancer in some cases. And it just kind of evolved. It just evolved to the point where I thought, you know what? There’s so many people asking me for help that, you know, and I’ve done so much research on it, I have a good idea of the dosing that we could try and that people can try on their own. And I just, you know, I started doing consultations. I’ve now got hundreds of cancer patients who are trying, you know, combinations of these antiparasitic drugs that are, you know, that are.

You can get them as generics. You don’t need a. You don’t need a prescription. Patients can take this on their own. And really, the oncologists are just. They’re stuck to their protocols and they can’t offer any help of this kind to their patients. And some of these patients now, their stage four cancers are shrinking, they’re disappearing. Their cancer markers are going down, and they’re taking something that’s been approved for decades. Okay. Now I’m calling them repurposed drugs, or they’re referred to as repurposed drugs because you’re taking a drug that’s approved, established, for one use, which in this case was anti parasitics, and you’re using it for a different use, which is cancer.

So you’re repurposing the drug. And there’s a whole body of scientific research out there about repurposing drugs when they’re shown, whether accidentally or not, to work for something else like cancer. But again, this is the kind of stuff that, you know, I shouldn’t be, I shouldn’t be doing alone. There should be. With no funding and no help and no assistance. Right. It’s crazy. Yeah. Well, I know people, you know, chlorine dioxide is not legal in the United States, but it’s illegal in other states. And so people are other countries and people use it. I know many doctors who have told me that chlorine dioxide has reverse stage 4 cancer in their patients.

It’s actually published. It’s past peer reviewed and published now. Okay. There’s a, there’s three cases that have been published with cancer. I know. It’s also amazing for infections. Chlorine dioxide was used in several South American countries very successfully for COVID 19 for very severe COVID 19 patients. Patients Institute in intensive care. Right. So there’s that institute in Europe as well, I think in South America, it was Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador where doctors were using it for COVID 19 for very sick patients. And these patients did extremely well. And so, yeah, there’s, there’s. That’s another. That’s another sort of a compound or it’s not really a drug.

It’s more of, I guess, a chemical. Because it’s a water treatment. Yeah, yeah. Chemical. Right. That’s used to treat water as well and so on. But again, there’s a body of research there that suggests benefits. That’s right. And it’s very safe to use. And yet doctors won’t touch it. It’s in water supplies. There’s twin oxide, which is a purified version of it. That was in elderly communities in Florida. There were six elderly communities that, that I know that was. And not a single person got COVID 19 in those communities during COVID But, you know, these are things that doctors should have the freedom to research, to try to discuss with people and not have to worry that, that’s right, their.

Their door is going to be knocked down and their license, they’re going to be dragged through proceedings for their licenses and so on. I mean, the good person, they’re scared. Go ahead. I’m sorry. And you know, like, I’ll give you a perfect example of this. So, for example, Dr. Pierre Corey, who did amazing work with Ivermectin, I mean, he wrote a book on ivermectin, treated a lot of COVID patients. Right? Dr. Pierre Corey, Dr. Paul Merrick. They’ve literally had their internal Medicine board certification stripped from them. And the reason why they were stripped of those certifications was given that they were supportive of medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine during the pandemic.

That is insane. The fact that this can happen in the United States is absolutely unacceptable. Absolutely. And you could literally get ivermectin over the counter. You fly to Mexico, you go to any pharmacy or any store, or even at the airport, you can grab a couple of boxes of Ivermectin. And yet doctors in the States are being stripped of their internal medicine board certification for supporting the use of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. How can they straight face say, well, my patients got better when I gave them this. How can they, anybody straight face say, we don’t care.

You still don’t. You need to not have your license. I mean, what is going through their minds? I can tell you the. So some, some of, some of my, some of my, you know, patients who are taking, you know, ivermectin or mebendazole or fenbendazole for, for their cancer. And let’s say when, you know, they’ll, they’ll. They’ll tell their doctor, they’ll tell their oncologist. I would say in 99% of the cases, the oncologist doesn’t want to know, is not happy about it, is not willing to look into it or do research and so on. In a few cases, there’s a few good oncologists in the United States who say, wow, okay, you know, let’s.

I’ve heard about that. Or I’ve got a whole bunch of patients that are doing this. Or, or I’ve, I’ve read, I’ve read up on this and this is very interesting. There’s obviously a lot of evidence in, in the preclinical research and so on, but it’s a very, very small group. And, and I think those doctors are, are too afraid. They’re too afraid to. There’s a lot of fear. There’s a lot of fear in, in the healthcare system. A lot of fear among doctors still, among nurses as well. They’re afraid to do what’s right. They’re afraid. Yeah, because there’s consequences.

There’s, there’s very severe. There’s very severe consequences. And that has to change. It’s an evil system right now that has to change when you can’t help people who are desperately needing it in a, in an inexpensive way without bankrupting. Because the number one reason people go bankrupt is for medical, you know. Right. Because if you had a treatment that that’s that expensive, they go bankrupt. And it’s very common. And so if you can’t help people, treat people with things that are inexpensive that really work and is actually more effective. We’re living in a very evil system.

I mean, I don’t know how else to describe it. I’ll give you, I’ll give you another example. And so, for example, a lot of the preclinical research shows that if you take ivermectin with chemotherapy, you have less side effects from the chemo and you have better outcomes than if you didn’t take the ivermectin with the chemo. So you have a lot more cancer cell killing. So, so there’s only like, like, it’s a win win for everybody. It’s a win win for the doctor, It’s a win win for the patient. It’s a win win for the pharmaceutical industry.

Like, it’s literally a win win for everyone. All you have to do is add the ivermectin to this. But they won’t do it. They won’t. They’re too scared to do it again because the medical boards will come after them. Well, they also don’t want ivermectin to be used alone and actually solve a lot of the problems without doing the more expensive, it gets back to your treatment that works so well. They want to use these expensive treatments. Yeah. Wow. And you currently have. You’re fighting for your, you know, your existence. You’re in legal lawsuits. I want to make sure we cover that before we end here so people can help you.

I mean, if there is one person in the world that people should rally behind, it’s you. I mean, honestly, I appreciate that. Yeah. So what is going on with your situation and how can people help you? I know you’re not ready with the Gives and Go account, but people really maybe should be. You know, watch out for it. And when they. You do have your gifts and Go account, they can help you. But what’s going on there? Most recently, and this was about a. About a month ago now, I’ve been attacked with lawfare from the Health Authority, the big health authority in Canada, which is Alberta Health Services.

It is the largest healthcare provider in Canada. 100,000 employees, $26 billion budget every year that it gets from the provincial government. And it actually started with the sabotage of my cancer program and the. The targeted radiation therapy treatments that I was doing initially. And they just kept doubling down, doubling down. And they actually lost a few decisions in court. It was black. I was blacklisted in the media. The media never covered it. And so in 2020, there was a new judge assigned to my case. I still have a $13 million lawsuit against Alberta Health Services, but they’ve grounded to a halt, and they’ve kept filing other fraudulent applications.

All kinds of technicalities that they’re trying to nail me on, including my social media posts, which is why I actually intend to get, or try to get Elon Musk’s legal team involved. Because Elon Musk did say that if you’re being persecuted for your social media posts, your Twitter posts, then they are willing to help out legally. And I’ve been attacked for my social media posts by the same entity as well. And so they lost a number of court decisions in 2020. And then the judge basically ruled that they cannot infringe on my charter rights to freedom of expression, because that’s what they were seeking from the judge.

They were seeking to have a court decision to silence me and restrict my freedom of expression under the charter. And so they assigned a new judge. And this was a Justin Trudeau appointed judge, sort of a young leftist judge. And this judge has been coordinating sort of a complex attack, legal attack, where the health authorities, they’ll file these fraudulent court applications. Oh, Macus said something on Twitter. Oh, penalize them $10,000. Right. And so the judge is like, so the judges are issuing these penalties. And now it’s gotten to the point where they’re like, well, Mackiss doesn’t want to pay the penalties that we’re threatening and extorting his family with and trying to bankrupt him, so we’re going to put him in prison.

And they put it in writing that now they’re seeking from the courts to have me in prison for 83 days if I don’t pay these penalties that they’ve been basically trying to bankrupt me with for the last few years. And unfortunately, there’s documents from Alberta Premier Daniel Smith’s office that are included in the affidavits and the sworn affidavits in the latest application to have me in prison. So I’m like, where’s this coming from? Is this coming from the premier’s office? Is this, you know, someone who’s working with the premier? Is this her staffers? Her, you know, like, who, who is doing this? Who’s trying to get me thrown in prison? And unfortunately, Alberta Premier Daniel Smith has completely caved to the same mafia that’s.

That. That’s trying to throw me in prison. The sort of the bureaucratic healthcare mafia here, here in Canada. And so they’ve put this latest application to court. They say, well, if Mac is. Doesn’t start paying these fees that we’ve attacked his family with, we want to put him in prison for 83 days. They’ve put it in writing, they’ve applied to court. There’s a court date that’s now being set. So I have to get legal counsel. I will have to set up a GoFundMe or Giftsend Go perhaps is a better choice. And so I’m going to do that in the, in the coming weeks and I will ask for, you know, for people to sort of help me out and support me in this battle.

I’m obviously going to do everything to not end up in jail in Canada. I would be the first doctor, I think, imprisoned in Canada during the COVID 19 pandemic. And it would be in the most conservative province in the province of Alberta, you know, where Premier Danielle Smith was the first one to say she’s going to go to President Donald Trump’s inauguration and, and, and she’s trying to set up good relationships with the United States right now. And yet she will be presiding over this persecution of me, where I’m going to be pro, you know, I might be the first doctor imprisoned during the COVID You’re in Florida, right? I’m in Canada.

I’m In Alberta, though. I thought you’re still in Florida. Oh, no, no, not yet. Told me you moved. Are you. Are you trying to. Because, I mean, I. Well, I’ll tell you this. I’ll tell you this. To move your country, but I, I don’t want to. I mean, I fled communism. I fled communism to come to Canada. Like, I fled communist Czechoslovakia to come to Canada. I don’t want to. Czechoslovakian, too, by the way. Really? Okay. Yeah. My grandma was from Czechoslovakia. Yeah. Oh, that’s wonderful. Yeah. But you might be flooding communism again in a. In a different.

And imagine so. So my parents, you know, it took me when I was young and we fled communism and I actually, we lived in a refugee camp, a United nations refugee camp for a year before we came to Canada. That’s where I learned, actually, English. I learned it in a refugee camp. And imagine, now the next generation is me and my kids, and now I’m going to have to flee communist Canada, maybe to come to the United States. But I’ll tell you this. If I am offered the chance or the opportunity to work with, you know, RFK Junior’s team at HHS or the Trump administration in, in some capacity, I’ll take that opportunity.

And, you know, I’ll. I’ll work. I’ll work very hard, and I’ll move my family to the United States, and I’ll. I’ll let, you know, I’ll let a lawyer sort of deal with. I guess I’ll. I’ll let them pay off the extortion fees or whatever they’re. They were hounding me for, and I’ll. I’ll leave the country and I’ll move to the States happily. Well, I know people will welcome you with open arms. I think you will be really welcomed here. No, I appreciate that. And you know what’s incredible is about 70 to 75% of my substack subscribers and followers and so on are from the United States.

And so I’ve had tremendous support from the United States, and I’ve just been really thankful and blessed to have that support. And so, yeah, there’s a bit of a legal battle, unfortunately. And what’s interesting is that I think it’s really irritating Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, because she’s trying to put on this face like she’s all pro Team Trump. And yet the doctors that stood up during the pandemic had had to either flee Alberta or they’re still being prosecuted by a leftist mafia. A leftist mafia in the courts, a leftist mafia in the healthcare system. That she won’t touch, she won’t touch the courts and she won’t touch the health care mafia either.

But she’s Team Trump. Right. She’s. She’s conservative and she wants to have a good relationship with the United States. So it’s politics. She needs to stop being afraid. It’s politics. Yes. She’s afraid or she does. It’s not authentic. And if she had the other. Well, and if she had the courage to stand up to this corrupt establishment, she would have support. She would have so much support. But, you know, a lot of these politicians, they’re afraid of the media. They want to be loved by the media. Right. They want to have nice things said about them.

Well, our media is completely far left. Oh, yeah, right. Completely. At least our media is changing here. The left. Yeah, it’s crumbling. The business model is changing. Google, nobody’s watching cnn, nobody’s watching msnbc, nobody’s watching these, these outlets. You know, everyone’s watching Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan and, you know, so other, Other people that, Other podcasts and me. Yes. Other ones like us. Yeah. But, yeah, you’re right. I mean, the whole landscape, media landscape has changed. Yeah. So. And thank God. And we needed to change more. We, we still have, of course, because YouTube, which has, still has majority control, is, Is not cooperative yet.

Right, right. No, I’m, I still don’t have a YouTube channel. I’m still afraid to put anything up on YouTube, but, you know, maybe if it changes, you know, I’ll try to go on YouTube as well. But it’s been bad. It, it’s, it’s, it’s been terrible. I know, but it’s moving in the right direction. So let’s just fear. People need. And I, and honestly, I tell you, I mean, we were all looking, we’re all looking to America as like the last, the last chance, the last hope for, for freedom and, you know, for freedom of speech. And you guys, you guys are the last hope.

I mean, look at what’s happening in the uk. They’re throwing people in prison for Facebook posts. You know, look at Australia. I mean, it’s, look at Europe. Right. I had people reach out when we were, you know, we sued the Google at the 9th Circuit and we were fighting it and I hadn’t, we were in the middle of it. We, you know, you’re in the middle of it. We had people reach out from different countries to me saying that we’re an inspiration to the world because we’re all like, beat up and feel like crap. I know you don’t feel this, but this is what I got, guys.

And it’s like. It’s kind of a weird thing. Yeah, yeah. But honestly, I mean, I think, honestly, America is the last line of defense from this sort of march towards whatever version of global communism we’re being pushed towards. Right. And I know a lot of Canadians were sort of biting their nails looking at this last election, hoping that, you know, that Trump wins and. And that, you know, that you guys can sort of kind of get away from the brink of, you know, the. The abyss there. That’s right. You were being led into. We’re feeling better, but we have a lot more work to do.

Oh, I know, right? I know. But at least there’s. There’s a chance and there’s. There’s. There’s a lot of hope. There’s a lot of hope now. That’s right. There’s a chance. Well, and it’s a good chance, and we’re all working hard towards it. Thank you so much. And I hope people follow you. Where can they follow you? Thank you. I’m on Twitter @macasmd. People can find me on substack, on Instagram @wmaccmd. But I gotta warn people, there’s a lot of scam accounts using my photos and my material now on Facebook, and Facebook will not take them down.

I’ve reported them repeatedly, and they’re. They’re raising money from people and they’re scamming people. They’re selling Ivermectin and all this stuff. I don’t sell Ivermectin. Anything that’s on Facebook is a scam. I’m not on Facebook. I have a tiny little private account for friends and family, and that’s it. I don’t have a public account on Facebook, so if you see me on Facebook, even Telegram. I’m not on Telegram. I’m not on Facebook. So just be careful about the fake scam accounts out there. Well, people need to follow you on substack and they need to subscribe to you and help you.

And once you have your Goal, Gives and Go account, they need to help with that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you just for being you, for having the courage for all the lives that you have saved over the years. I mean, there aren’t many people who save more lives than you have. So thank you so much for just being you and. And know that you would be welcomed with open arms in the United States. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. I’m looking forward to it. I hope I get the chance to work with the new administration.

That would be amazing. I hope so, too. Thank you. Thank you.



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