California puts Children 2nd to Big Pharma Profits Chemically Castrating Boy w/out Dads Consent

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➡ The article discusses the controversial issue of puberty blockers in children experiencing gender dysphoria. It suggests that puberty is a natural cure for gender dysphoria, with 99% of children identifying with their biological sex after puberty. The article also criticizes the pharmaceutical industry for profiting from expensive puberty blockers, arguing that this is not about helping children but about making money. It shares the story of a man whose son is being transitioned to a girl by his mother, using puberty blockers, and his fight against this practice.
➡ The text discusses the controversial topic of diagnosing children with gender dysphoria based on their interests and behaviors. It criticizes the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual for Psychology’s criteria for diagnosing gender dysphoria, which includes engaging in stereotypical behaviors of the opposite gender and experiencing distress because of it. The text also shares a personal story of a boy who enjoys ballet and boxing, but is labeled as a girl because of his interest in ballet. The text argues that children should be allowed to go through puberty without interference, as it often resolves gender dysphoria, and criticizes the court system for not allowing psychological evaluations of parents and children in these situations.
➡ The text discusses a controversial bill in California that prevents transgender children from being returned to jurisdictions that don’t allow transgender procedures. The author criticizes the bill, suggesting it’s a money-making scheme for pharmaceutical companies selling puberty blockers. The author also expresses concern about the long-term physical and mental health effects of these procedures on children. The text ends with a discussion about the acceptance of different gender expressions and the regret some people feel after transitioning.
➡ The speaker is concerned about his son being on puberty blockers, fearing permanent effects and potential regret. He is trying to stop this process, hoping to take legal action against hospitals performing such procedures and insurance companies funding them. He also discusses the issue of child custody, suggesting that courts often favor the parent who can pay more child support due to financial incentives from a federal program. He believes this system is flawed and can lead to children being placed with dysfunctional parents.
➡ A father is struggling with the court’s decision to deny him parental rights because he refuses to affirm his son as a girl. His ex-wife has full custody and is encouraging their son to live as a girl, which the father believes is causing harm to both of his sons. The father is also concerned about the irreversible effects of puberty blockers, which he fears his son may be given. He hopes that by sharing his story, he can put pressure on officials to address these issues.
➡ A parent shares his experience of his child being transitioned at school without his knowledge, highlighting the legal power that teachers and care providers have to make such decisions. He emphasizes the importance of parents being present during pediatrician visits and warns against leaving children alone with adults. He also discusses his efforts to raise awareness about these issues, protect his son, and push for political change. He encourages local involvement in politics as a means to effect change and shares his personal struggles, including job loss and legal battles.


And I think the real reason that they, they are so intent on block blocking puberty almost instantly. Puberty is the cure for gender dysphoria. It’s the only known cure for gender dysphoria. You go through puberty and you come out having come to grips with your both your sex, your gender roles in society and the physiological and social changes as you become an adult. That’s why 99% of these kids, it’s actually 98.7% rounding it up, 99% of these kids, if you just let them go through puberty, just identify with their biological sex and, and are just fine.

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Welcome to business Game Changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Jeffrey Younger coming to the program. He has twin boys. His son James is in California now. The the mother is transitioning him to a girl. His situation made national headlines when they were both in Texas and the mother was trying to transition him when he was six. It actually started when he was two and a half. He’s going to tell you the whole story. His son is currently has puberty, puberty blockers in his arm and he has about six months to get it out of his arm before it causes permanent damage.

To his son’s skeleton, you know, his development because he’s 12 and he’s going to be going into puberty and you’ll learn all about it. We dive into this from all sorts of angles. And I, you know, According to him, 80% of Democrats are against this procedure, 90% of Republicans. So the vast majority of people are against this. It’s not a Democrat thing, it’s a elite pharmaceutical thing because puberty blockers are the most expensive medications there are. So this is a huge money maker for these people. This is not about helping kids, this is about making money.

And we should not have any question about that. And so all of these companies who think it’s some kind of self righteous thing, that there’s some kind of we’re doing things and fighting for the underdog. No, you’re fighting for big pharma to make a lot of money and you’re doing that at the expense of children. So this is something that you’re going to have a wakeup call. I know there’s going to be, there’s already thousands and thousands of people that are in these detransitioning groups. I think it’s a problem that’s going to raise its ugly head in another 10 years.

And all these kids, it’s going to be a nightmare. And you, whoever’s supporting this is going to have to hide in the shadows for supporting such an ugly practice against children. But right now we’re still in the middle of it. And his little boy James is one of the victims and he’s working to change this legislation. So there is a website that you can go, that’s save and there’s a link below. I hope you go there, share this with your friends and family. This is an important issue of our time. I can’t even believe we’re talking about this where children are being changed.

I asked the question whether his ex wife was put through a psychological profile because I think that any parent that is really this motivated to change their child, they should go through a psychological profile too because you want to make sure that they’re not mentally disturbed and causing some problems. But the courts won’t allow it. And so why? Because there’s too much money to be made. This is a big pharma thing and there’s a lot of people making a lot of money and you’ll hear about this. And so again I’ll have the link below where you can learn more about his case and you can follow it.

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Okay, let’s get into this really important conversation that I have with Jeff Younger. Hi Jeff, welcome to the program. Thanks, I’m glad to be here. You have a battle of your life going on right now and it’s getting really serious and it, it entails your son and what they want to do to him. Can you explain you have twins? Two boys. One is, this involves one of them and James. Yeah, James, what’s this? What’s your son’s other, the other son’s name? Jude. I named him after the brothers of Jesus, James and Jude. So James is the one that is the focus of most of this controversy.

He’s living in California, is that correct? With his mother that’s right. And he’s 12, right? He’s 12 now. Yep. Going on 13 in April. Sorry. May. He’ll be 13. How old was he when this whole thing started? Two and a half. She tried to transition him to a girl starting at age two and a half. Oh, my gosh. Okay, so has he on undergone any stuff yet? Yeah, he’s got puberty blocker stick in him right now. Oh, I’m so sorry. Okay, so when did he start getting his puberty blocker? Back in December when I lost my trial in California.

Okay, so very recent. What evidence? I mean, what are they basing this on? That they think that he shouldn’t be allowed to develop normally? So if we go back to the original 2019 trial where this really came up camp in our divorce, but in a different way. She was six right? At the time. He was six. And yeah, at that time. And she testified that she thought he might be a girl. This is under oath. You’re not going to believe this, but this is what she testified to, that he. They were in a Target department store and he saw a silver purse with a unicorn on it and he asked his mom to buy that purse for him.

And then a few days later, he asked for a girl’s toy in a McDonald’s Happy Meal. And that’s when she thought he might be a girl and she started investigating. God’s sake. My son asked for pink slippers when he was 4 and I didn’t think I got him. I’m like, okay, here you go, buddy. Yeah, Yeah, I was. Knock yourself out. I like baked cookies and I liked baking pastries when I was a kid. Same thing. Yeah, but that’s not a girl thing. I don’t even think pink slippers, they’re cool looking. Here you go. I know, it doesn’t make any sense.

Like, children don’t have an identity like that. So it’s just bizarre. But. But that actually is the. In the official diagnostic criteria in the DSM 5, which is the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual for Psychology, the criteria for diagnosing gender dysphoria are that there’s criteria A and criteria B. Criteria A basically says that if they engage in stereotypical behaviors of the other gender, and criteria B says it has to cause serious impairment of some type, psychological, social, educational, etc. So it really just comes down to that, you know, like, if you’ve got a kid that, you know, likes art or dancing or something and it causes him some kind of distress that they’re going to diagnose him with gender dysphoria.

The. The problem with that with boys is that that’s not a girl thing. There are plenty of. I know. It’s just. It’s fundamentally not just like girls. They used to think, when I was young, girls playing sports was a male thing. You know, guy was a tomboy. I’m like, now it’s just part of being a girl. Everybody does sports because I know girls like it. And I had a whole bunch of friends that were girls, but I easily. If I had a whacked out parent or somebody who wasn’t mentally stable themselves as a parent, and the time was today, I, I could have been a victim of that.

Oh, you definitely could have. Yeah. And I’m not. I know, I know. I. I grew up in rural Texas, and there are a lot of tomboys because it’s farm girls. You know, they have to work and they’re all strong and they’re outside and they’re healthy, healthy girls. And, you know, where I come from, they’re all married off first. Like those, Those women are all married, like, instantly. The entire county wants to marry all of those because they’re like the ideal wife. You know, they can hunt, ride, and shoot with you and be your wife at the same time.

You know, like, so it was just perfectly normal. And then most of these tomboys grew up to be the most beautiful women, you know, But I don’t know if I. All of them will be transitions. I don’t know if I’m all into doing all the hard work of being a farmer. God bless you for that. But. But yeah, I mean, you. You’re just. You’re just born to be whatever you are. Just be who you are. Yeah, yeah. And. But go ahead. Yeah. My. My son, interestingly, and this is why I think the left seized on my case is my son only presents as a girl with his mother.

With everyone else, he presents as a boy. Really? Yeah. He only cross dresses with his mother. And, you know, and he was a. He’s a very good boxer. I mean, we had Olympic talent coaches looking at him. He was that good. Okay. And his boxing coach recommended that he study ballet to improve his footwork. And. And not many boys do ballet, so, you know, he was, like, highly sought after by all the ballet schools over here in Dallas. And because he’s very good at boxing, you can imagine, he’s very athletic. He can jump really hard. Yeah, yeah.

And. And it did, in fact, really improve his footwork. But they use football. That is part of their diagnosis. They said oh, he likes ballet. It’s a girl’s thing. I’m so sorry. You know, back in the day, I’ve talked to a lot of psychologists and looked at us back in the day, before this became more of this cultural weird thing, right? They used to have people go through years of, of therapy to make sure that this is something that, and it used to be that the majority 99 of the people were okay with what they did because they had to go such stringent procedure because you make sure that they’re not out of balance and they’re, they really want this.

And how can a child possibly know it’s the other people making the decision for the child? It’s 100 that children can’t consent to this. And I, and I think the real reason that they, they are so intent on block blocking puberty almost instantly. Puberty is the cure for gender dysphoria. It’s the only known cure for gender dysphoria. You go through puberty and you come out come having come to grips with your, both your sex, your gender roles in society and, and the physiological and social changes as you become an adult. That’s why 99 of these kids, it’s actually 98.7%, you know, rounding up 99 of these kids, if you just let them go through puberty, just identify with their biological sex and are just fine.

So has your ex, she’s your ex wife, right? Has she, has she gone through any kind of psychological evaluation to see what’s wrong with her? Because I, I have tried for 11 years to get both of us in to have not only psychological but full psychiatric forensic evaluations because I am, I am 100% convinced that she is a high functioning sociopath. Has anybody done that work on. No, the courts have refused to do that because I think that we’ve gotten to a point where we’re allowing psychopaths to hurt children when the real, that’s exactly what’s happening.

When the real problem is the parent has major psychological issues. You are correct. And that’s why they, they, they would never grant me forensic psychological testing. And I volunteered to do it too. I’d be happy to do it. They will, they, they, they never granted in 11 years they would never let me do that. Do you know, even in 11 years I’ve never gotten an independent psychological exam of my son? Wow. Never gotten an independent. What is the deal with California? I, how did you lose custody? I don’t even know how you can stay calm. I mean I, as a parent, as A mother.

I don’t care about my own life when it comes to my children. So I don’t know how you could, you know, I know that mothers are sometimes can be. I just, I don’t know. I. The court getting in the way of my kids livelihood would make me go ballistic. Yeah, well, I, early on in litigation I was in a deposition and I realized that the opposing counsel was attempting to get me to act up violently. But he was, she was insulting my son and saying all kinds of crazy things about my son on purpose. Yeah. And.

And I realized at that point that calmness is a weapon. It’s. It’s a very powerful weapon that I wield against them. They, they have never successfully been able to trigger me. They, you know, they tried every which way to. I went through a criminal trial for domestic violence and was found innocent within less than 15 minutes by jury. You know I’ve, they’ve tried to get domestic violence restraining orders on me, but there’s just no evidence. I’m just calm and so my calmness is a weapon. How do I maintain that? Well, I’m a Christian and I, I pray fast and do good works and it keeps me stable and gives me the, the power to be calm.

But if I had to describe what it’s like. It’s like being tied down to a chair where you’re watching the slow motion sexual abuse of your child and you know, the only way to save their life is to stay calm. That’s what it’s like. Well, I can imagine. Now I think that the psychological evaluation needs to be done on more than just your ex wife. I think it needs to be done on the attorney that’s representing her. I think it needs to be done on the judge that is presiding over the case. I think it needs to be done on anyone that passed the laws making this okay.

There’s a lot of psychological psychopaths that are pushing this agenda on to children. I think it’s child abuse. So when I can’t even believe we’re dealing with this. It’s so ridiculous. What are the laws in California that’s in California is draconian to abuse a 12 year old or a child. Well, so this is what precipitated her move to California. I spent six years and a couple hundred thousand bucks and I was able to lobby the legislature in Texas is to finally. It took me six years. I mean I consider this the most morally obvious question since slavery.

I don’t understand why it took me six years and 2,000 bucks, but it did. And I got the Texas legislature to outlaw these transgender procedures in Texas. And I did that to protect my son. Specifically, when she realized she wasn’t going to be able to chemically castrate him here, she wanted to take him to California right before she moved. She waited until California passed Senate Bill 107. Senator Wiener in California is the one who sponsored that bill and really pushed it through. He’s a bdsm. I don’t even want to talk about what that means. He’s a BDSM gay guy.

I mean, they. They beat each other and use whips and all kinds of things, like ism, right? Yeah. He’s. He’s been naked in festivals, having sex in public, and he’s a senator. He’s the one that got this through the California legislature. It’s called the transgender Kidnapping bill by most conservatives. Several of the conservative legal foundations have warned parents not to take their children into California after passage of this bill. And what it says is that if a transgender trial comes into the borders of California, California will not repatriate the child to a jurisdiction that doesn’t have.

Doesn’t allow these procedures to be done. So she wanted to get my son there because he could never be repatriated back to Texas. So. So they kidnapped your kid. You would think that there’s a kind of federal. We. There needs to be federal laws that are in place now. What is going to happen? I would like to think that when you’re. Worst case here, when your son grows up and becomes 18. I know there’s a lot. There’s this canary in the coal mine of a lot of people. Huge groups of people. Within a year and a half, there’s one group that went from zero to 50,000 people that are reversing their detransitioning.

It’s. It’s a growing group of people who are struggling. You know that now when your child hits 18 and he. Or even 16 and realizes that this was a mistake, what kind of retribution and what kind of justice does he have against all the psychopaths that did it to him? Because I. I can bet the chances are very, very high that because I didn’t put them through any kind of proper vetting, there’s nothing going on here. Your. Your ex wife looks like she’s a psychopath. So the chance of. Of him regretting and having a really terrible time in adulthood, what will the justice.

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You know I’m rather black pilled on this. I don’t think that these children are ever going to get justice. I don’t know what you do when your skeleton didn’t grow properly and you have osteoporosis in your late 20s and in your 40s, your spinal column begins to fracture. Yeah because it’s a big, it’s a, it’s a medical experiment. They don’t even. How do you compensate somebody for the loss of a life? I mean it’s literally the loss of a normal life 1. There’s no tort to sue either. What’s wrong with him developing naturally? What is embracing what his natural body is but then let’s say he wants to be feminine and embracing that too.

What’s wrong with being a feminine man? Because that’s exactly. We used to have that all the time. I mean what’s wrong with that? We used to, you know, we used to talk about there were manly men and there were effeminate men and there were men who were in between. I was like a guy that was in between. You know what I mean? Something happened to young men. I don’t know what happened to him. But now I’m a manly man. But I was not a man. Believe me when I was growing up the like around like my, my granddad, my father, those dudes were manly men.

I was not a manly man. Well that’s because the line has gone way over here. So if you took yourself back 50 years ago, you probably still would be in between. But now, because it’s gone so far over, you’re now a man. Yeah, I’m crazy masculine now. I mean, even in the courts, they’re like, God, just Jeff. They even say that, like, you’re just crazy. You’re just crazy aggress. Dude, you need to meet my dad or my. Or even worse, my grandfather. You know, my grandfather could outwork everybody at 70. You know, like, people don’t understand, but, you know, like, we used to have this concept.

It was not. It was. It was not even a thing. You know, we knew effeminate men that had 12 kids, and so what? Let them be. We. That’s the whole point of an embracing, accepting everybody. Yeah. Isn’t that accepting for who you are if you have to change your physical body? Makes no sense. It makes absolutely no sense. Isn’t that the definition of not accepting who you are and then embracing Big Pharma? They’re making a killing. It’s a huge moneymaker. The puberty blockers are the most expensive drugs sold in the world. Lupron is the most expensive drug sold in the world.

So they’re making a killing. We’re propping up Big Pharma. Thank you, Democrats, for propping up Big Pharma at the expense of these children. They’re making a killing, and it’s a big experiment. And you’re gonna force this person to be on these drugs their entire life and feel like crap. Yeah. And it’s. There are. Each child that enters these clinics is a four and a half million lifetime income stream. And that’s how they calculate it. That’s the reason they’re doing it. That’s right. And it’s. It’s. It’s led completely by moneyed elites. Hospitals, pharma companies, and Wall street are leading this.

I have polled the issue in California. Over 70% of gay Democrats want to end the practice of transitioning kids. Over 80% of general Democrats are against it, and 90% of Republicans are against it. Nobody. Not a Democrat thing. So. And I apologize to everybody out there who identifies as a Democrat, because I’ve been saying this for a long time. This is. How can. This is. Not everyone’s against it and that you. Everyone’s. Yeah. So. And I. I don’t think all Democrats have lost their mind. No. No, not at all. Even gay. Even gay Democrats. That’s right.

Even a lot of transgender people who used. Because I was publishing reports, even transgender people are like, wait, A minute here. This is not what we’ve been advocating. That’s right. I have transgender people that support me all the time. They’ve come and spoken at events I’m at, and they know my position on this very clearly, and they’re like, we are just not going to let this happen to kids. This has to stop. It’s not for kids. It corrects their case. I mean, because they’re trying to make it that people who this, which is a very small percent, should have access to this because it helps them.

And those people who’ve been vetted, gone through the process I Talked about earlier, 99% of those people are happy with the surgery now. When you don’t venom now, it swings back the other direction. I saw studies that showed something like 80 to 90% regret now. Oh, yeah, it’s huge. Yeah. And let me tell you, there’s. The government will not give you grants to study regret. You can only get grants that push trans. There’s too much money. They’re making too much money. Who’s getting paid off to do this? Makes no sense. In my 2019 trial, my expert was Dr.

Levine, who started the first transgender clinic at John Hopkins University in the early 1970s. And they shut their clinic down after four years because they showed that their treatments were hurting most of their patients. What do you mean by that? Such a small number of people who are helped by it that the treatment is not justified. You mean mentally hurting? Not physically. Mentally, yes. Yeah. So, you know, back the Middle East, I heard Gates talking, Bill Gates, of all people, about 10 years ago. I wish I had no idea this was a thing back then, so I didn’t record it.

Yeah, right. And he was talking about how in the Middle east that he was talking to a world leader, and I don’t. Or a country leader, and I don’t remember what it was. And they. He. They asked him. He said he doesn’t have any gay people. That’s what the leader said to him. And he goes, well, how is that? And he said, because we make everybody get transgender surgery. They have sex. Okay. And so they don’t have any gay people, and they have the best transgender. That back then, they were the place to get trans. They were the best in the world at doing that because they were forcing everybody to do that.

Right. What is any different than what we’re doing today under a guise of some BS Propaganda, we’re forcing people who might be effeminate, who might be gay to get surgery, and even Iran wouldn’t do it. To children. So it’s being targeted at kids. It’s all targeted at kids. Well now what does this mean? Well, he, you’re saying he’s chemically castrated. Will he be physically castrated before he. Well, so he’s on puberty blockers, but I don’t think he’s on cross sex hormones yet. So the, the basic statistics on that are children that go onto cross sex hormones, basically 100 go on to have the surgery.

So I’m in a race against time to try to get that puberty blocker stick out of his arm. I’ve got about six months before he starts having permanent effects. I’m in contact with the Trump administration so that I’m really encouraging them to follow through on their day one promise to create a federal cause of action so I can sue outside of the California courts and go to the federal courts to, to decertify hospitals that do these procedures and to prevent insurance companies from disbursing any federal monies to these procedures. And if they do that, I have a good chance of stalling this with my son and I might be able to get him to a place where he’s a little older and can make better decisions.

That’s right. If he wants to when he’s 18, knock himself out. But right now, no flipping way. Now the regret thing is an issue because if they’re hurting more people than they’re helping, like you were saying, Levine, they shut down their clinic. Now if the regret is, is 50%, then don’t you think there’s an ethical dilemma here? There’s a huge ethical dilemma. We usually, for most cases where there could be a loss of fertility or there could be permanent effects, we only allow doctors to do treatments that have been proven safe and effective. But this is an off label and experimental use of these drugs and it has not been proven safe and effective.

The FDA issued a letter making a special exemption for this specific use of the drug to transition kids. My gosh. Yeah. So it’s at the highest levels. So I, I think there needs to be, when this is done, these people need to be, go through psychological profiles. They need to be prosecuted for, they do need to be prosecuted for the harm that they’re doing. And your ex wife there needs to, your, your son, there’s a huge, very high probability that your son is going to have some serious mental anger issues. There’s no doubt about it. I’ll be dealing with him for the rest of my life.

I have no doubt of it. If I think if you can get this thing out of his arm. You can, you could probably help him recover and he’ll be fine. And he could thrive as an adult and be fine. Yes, but you got to get this out of his arm. And I also think that she need. Why does she get custody and not you? Where’s that happening? Why did you lose custody? So they, the way family court works is they pick a winner and a loser parent. The reason they do that is there’s a Federal program called Title 4D.

Title 4D provides the states with reimbursements, supposedly administrative reimbursements for the collection of child support. The more child support that’s issued, the more money they get from the federal government. So that’s why in family courts, they almost never do equal shared parenting, because then nobody would pay child support. In Texas, we receive over 40. Last year it was $480 billion. So is there an incentive decide, you know, we’re, we’re sold that the mothers get the children because. And it makes sense. The mothers get the children because they tend to be the ones that are just, you know, they’re the caregiver.

Right. And they’re the ones, you know, if I ever got a divorce, I would hope I’d be in a. Healthy enough. I hopefully I wouldn’t get one, but I hopefully I’d be healthy and mature enough that I would figure it out, not let a court decide for me. And it would be based on the children and my. Their dad’s involved in anything else. But it sounds like there’s a financial incentive decide with the women because the men tend to make more money. Now, is there anything that shows that when a woman makes more money, the man tends to get it? Because then that would back that theory.

They do. And in fact, it also explains why you find the courts tend to give children to the dysfunctional parent. I. No matter what it is. No matter what it is. Because the dysfunctional parent, they know they’ll never get child support out of them. They’re only going to get child support out of the functional parent. So I watched a case where I was waiting to go into a hearing and there was a mother who after six tries, finally passed the 30 day heroin drug test. Oh, God. The father had possession of the two children as soon as she passed that drug test.

They put the two children back with the drug addict mom and then assigned child support to the father because they knew he would pay. But he. It’s all about money. And he lost custody. Yes, it’s all about money with no. See now, that’s. But you. There’s just as many cases where the. The dad’s all messed up, the woman’s fine, and the dad. But the woman makes more money, so the dad gets it. Oh, yeah, it’s very common. I know two women in Fort Worth that have lost their kids because they can pay more child support. And, And I just.

I. We actually have a law in Texas that says that the courts must rule so as to maximize Title 4D funding. Yes. Oh, yes. All the states. That’s a reason. If you get married, you need to almost have a thing. If we’re going to have kids, we are going to do this ahead of time. Actually, the prenuptial agreement of how you manage your kids should be in place because you do not want courts making decisions for you. You don’t. But the, The. It is illegal in all 50 states for a prenuptial agreement to address anything other than property division.

It cannot address child support, alimony, or child custody. And the reason for that is the state makes money off all three of those things. Well, but, but, but it does kind of make sense if the parent becomes a whack job. But the problem. That’s their excuse. The thing is, is that it makes sense. And so they can take something that makes sense and then weaponize it. That’s what they do. That’s what they do. That’s 100% what they do. Yeah. That’s what they’ve done. And that’s why. I mean, look, in Texas, we. I have the stats for Texas and South Carolina.

I help pass a bill in South Carolina to outlaw these procedures, too. But like in Texas, 92.4% of the time fathers get less than 84 days a year with their children. And, you know, 92.4% of fathers are not unfit. No. Right. That’s not. That’s right. You know, 6% probably are unfit. That’s about the number for fathers. It’s about 8% for moms. But. But, you know, those numbers are way out of whack. But it’s very simple. Texas makes $480 million a year. It funds. The entire Texas Attorney General’s bureaucracy is funded by it. And so states make huge amount of money off it.

California makes even more off Title 4D. And there’s another one called Title 4E, which is even to me more disturbing, where they do the same thing when CPS adopts children out. So you’ll get a satellite office in Texas of CPS that’s running low on budget money. They’ll look for low IQ, parents with an 18 year old. 18 month old plus baby under 2 years old, 18 to 2 years old, no medical conditions. And they’ll go out and do a, like a status welfare check on them and they’ll bring three people. Two of them are psychologists, but they don’t tell them that they’re psychologists and they do a scam, psychological evaluation, take the baby and adopt it out.

And then the federal government gives them $250,000 for their budget. Wow. Yeah. I think we need some common sense when money runs things. When money takes. The root of all evil is money. This, that’s an example of it. You need strong people who are there to do the right thing despite the money. Yeah. So where. I mean, I don’t even know what to say. It’s kind of jaw dropping, all these things that you’re saying. So where do. I mean, what are you going to do from here? And how can people help you? Well, I’m going up on appeal now.

The. I went through a trial in California and the judge kept me on supervised visitation. I’m not allowed to have electronic communication with my boys. He specifically says in his order that my ex wife does not have to give my letters or birthday or Christmas gifts to my boys. And she was given all the parental rights. So I don’t have any parental rights whatsoever. What is the reason for that? Just, I. I need to ask. I’m. What reasonable reason is there that you are unfit as a father? It’s because I won’t affirm James as a girl online and I won’t do it.

And the court, the court, even in Texas, tried to force me in all different ways to affirm my son was a girl. They gave me supervised visitation with a forensic counseling services out of Dallas that would not let me change my son out of a dress, would not let me use his boy’s name, would not let me pray with him during these supervised visits. So I can’t participate in visits because I’m not going to affirm my son’s a girl. But you’re not gonna. But you didn’t. Can I ask you if he’s dressing up as a girl around you? Did he want to dress up as a girl around you? No, he’s very embarrassed to be in a dress around me.

Yeah. Okay, now, but you were okay. I mean, who cares, right? I mean, I, I had two dresses that I kept at home for him if he ever wanted to wear dresses here. And, and I said, hey, you’re free to just experiment with what you wear here, it’s fine with me. Never put him on. Did they say that? That’s because you frowned on it and made him. Yeah, they’ve always said that I’ve coerced him into being a boy despite the fact that I have, I have like five years of video. He, he wore boys clothes even at his mom’s house.

So like, you know, I would go to pick him up for my visitation from her house and he would come out of her house in voice clothes. Did. Okay, so he’s comfortable in boys clubs. Does he like to still box or did they take that away from him? No, they took that away from him. Yeah. Does he. Doesn’t let him do any sports. Does he want to? Oh yeah. He loves boxing and he, he likes ballet boxing. He’s really good at flag football. But he doesn’t like it as much. He tends to like more individual sports, you know.

But she won’t let him do any of the sports and he loves cross country running. He’s really, he’s amazing. Like he basically uses no energy when he runs. He’s a long distance run. Yeah. And. But she won’t let him do it. No, no. Why? That’s abuse too. She puts him into like hip hop dance groups and things. He dances as a girl on stage and these skimpy outfits and stuff. Does he like almost like stripper stuff? I, I don’t know. He, he, he really, he’s asked me not to come and watch. Okay, and what does your other boy do? Does he get involved in sports and different.

No, Jude’s not very athletic. Jude is sort of built sort of like a offensive lineman for football and he’s a wrestler. So you can imagine watching my boys play was pretty funny. I got a stick and move boxer and a wrestler. Pretty funny. They both, if they can impose the conditions of the fight, they can always win. But it’s. They fight to impose the conditions where they can win. Very strategic. Jude is a very level headed kid. Maybe the best way to describe it is something where I learned early on that I had to raise these boys differently.

I could not understand the modern cartoons. They may say. I don’t even see a plot in them. I don’t even know what’s going on. So I just went back and got all the cartoons on DVD that I liked. So I had Johnny Quest. They really liked Johnny Quest, the old Johnny Quest. Because people shoot real guns and people don’t get up when they get shot. You know, it’s kind of realistic and we Were watching this one called the Invisible Monster, which they really liked. And this monster is chasing this little dog named Bandit. And James was saying, Bandit can outrun him.

Bandits faster than that monster. There’s no way. Bandits so fast. And then Jude is saying, you know, Bandit’s really scared and that monster’s angry. And look at Johnny, he’s worried about his eye. And I was like, what? They were like 18 months old. I was like, james is living the outer life of the characters, and Jude is living the inner life of the characters. And they look at the. The world in totally different ways. And so I. I raised them quite differently. Based on Cool, though. That’s cool. So it is. Yeah. Now, how does your other son feel about what’s going on with his brother? Because I’m sure he’s going to have a lot of anger, too.

Yeah, he’s super protective of his brother, as twins are. Here’s a story that I think exemplifies the quandary that he feels like he’s at. So they heard from my mother all these tall tales about me. Well, at least from their perspective, they’re tall tales because I grew up pretty poor, so I had to hunt to bring home food twice a week. So before I was old enough to have a. A rifle, I used to hunt rabbits with an Apache throwing stick. You know, I just. It’s like kind of like a boomerang. It’s like an asymmetrical boomerang.

And I used to hunt rabbits, and I bring some rabbits home through the pot twice a week. And they heard all these stories about me doing this. Like, wow, we want to do this too, you know, so. So I got them hunting boomerangs. I actually ordered hunting boomerangs from Australia, and we’d go out hunting rabbits. And we had been out at the creek tracking rabbits down and hunting them, and we came back, we were just filthy dirty, as you might imagine, and like the way it is in most, you know, Texas homes, All the guys just go into the bathroom and just shower up and get cleaned up before dinner because we don’t want to sit the table.

Oh, yeah. With our women folk and be messy. So Jude. Jude and James are in the shower. He steps out and he. He just points down at James’s penis. He said, he’s got a penis. He’s a boy. Why do I keep telling me I have to say he’s a girl? And at that time, I was under a court order not to tell my boys whether they were boys or girls, because he’s Just asking a normal question. He’s like, what the heck’s. It’s a total normal question. And I said, well, I read you the book of Genesis up to the creation of man and woman every night before you go to bed.

So what do you think? And he said, he’s a boy. And so I realized what he was struggling with is I had taught him not to lie and he was going, well, when am I supposed to lie? And so I think it’s been morally damaging to him. Well, he’s going to struggle too. It’s going to be something that he’s going to have to deal with and, and learn and grow and. Yeah, it’s going to be a lifetime thing. I mean, once they turn 18, at least you’ll have the freedom to be able to. Hopefully you’ll get that way before.

Right. Let’s hope it happens here before. But worst case, at 18, you’ll have some freedom. Now, if they undergo, if he undergoes all this stuff, do they have some d. Transitioning drugs and procedures that are actually helping these people? No, this is the problem. They will claim that these puberty blockers and stuff are reversible. But the longitudinal studies, the 35 year longitudinal studies out of Finland and Sweden and the Netherlands, because they’ve been doing these studies procedures since the 70s, what they show is that if, if your body doesn’t go through puberty at its regulated time, it doesn’t go through it again when you come off these drugs.

Like, it’s not like you come off the drugs and then you have puberty. It doesn’t happen that way. You can’t give drugs or anything to force a puberty or do. There’s no way, there’s no known way to figure it out. Environment. Yeah. And so puberty is when your skeleton develops and puberty is also when the frontal lobes of your brain, your brain develops. That’s what I’ve heard is you might be mentally messing up their brain. No, there’s, there’s a 10 to 15 IQ point hit on the children to do this. Both directions, both male to female and female to male.

Yes, yes. Doesn’t matter. It’s the same. It interrupts the frontal lobe development. Yeah. Okay, so you have about six months now. Tell people what you need them to do. And I hope people may do something. I mean, we don’t. Hopefully this exposure helps. You know, I, we, I think it puts pressure on elected officials to fix this finally. Because I, I do this for, for three reasons. One, I don’t think, I still think There are parents who don’t know how risky this is. Like for example, in first and second grade I took my kids to the Capella Independent School District, to Pinkerton Elementary.

I name names so I took my kids to that school and my son would go in and boys clothes. And I didn’t know this, but for two years they were giving my son a dress to wear, making him use the girls restroom. And they transitioned him because your wife told them to? Yes, and they transitioned behind my back. And it’s legal for the schools to do that? We can talk about the legal basis for that, but it is illegal for that to happen in public schools. And so, you know, even if both parents don’t know the risk.

Hold on. Even if both parents don’t know they can, it’s still legal? That’s correct, yes. In all 50 states, licensed care providers, teachers, nurses, daycare providers, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, licensed social workers, all of them have this power where they can exert a right of privacy for the child against the parent. It’s communist thinking. It was originally designed so that children who made outcries of abuse, you wouldn’t have to tell the parent, which might put the child in danger. Now that makes sense. Now if that makes sense, being abused. See that’s what I mean. They weaponize.

Correct. And then they, they turn it and use it to abuse. That’s right. So this is why, you know, I, I do these things because I don’t think most parents know these risks. So right now pediatricians are trained, when you take a child in for a well check, they’re trained to ask the parent to leave the room and they do a private exam of the child. You can’t do that. You cannot allow that. During that private exam they ask your child about their gender identity, whether the parents affirm that identity. And you can easily lose your kids these days by doing that.

So you want to be in the room with your kids at all times. Never leave your kids alone. Well, you wouldn’t want to leave them. You won’t want to leave them alone with any of other adult anyways. How do I know that pediatrician is not exactly right? You’d be, you’d be surprised how many parents do because the pediatrician says that’s the way it is, you have to do it. Yeah. Who’s to say that pediatrician is not going to sexually abuse my child? No way am I leaving my child with any adult, period. That’s right. You shouldn’t know.

So parents don’t really understand what’s happening in the. In the professional bodies that regulate medicine and so forth. So that’s one reason I do this. Second reason I do this is I want to leave a giant public record that I’ve been trying to protect my son because there’s going to be no way my ex wife can lie to my son and say that I abandoned him or to say that, you know, I don’t love him because I’m everywhere on the Internet there’s a giant record and he can see that I love him and I’ve been fighting for him for years.

And the third thing is to mobilize for political change. And there’s a lot of things that people can do. One thing is start local. At your county level and your city level, you can get a lot done because you don’t need many votes. The county that I live in, if I can produce a coalition of only 2,000 voters, I can change everything here. You know, it doesn’t take many votes and very few people participate in these county elections. So you can do a lot. But most people are not aware of what’s going on in the schools and that the schools are transitioning kids.

Well, they’re not aware, but they’re not aware because when we were in school, we couldn’t even fathom that this could happen. Correct. We had dress codes. Well, well, but even if you didn’t, you’re in a public school with. No, they just. Well, you. Yeah, you maybe had some simple dress codes, but you just never even fathom that this would happen. No, you would never. What kind of psychopath would do this? You would never think that a public school would put a boy in a woman’s restroom, that you just wouldn’t have walls in Minnesota put tampons in the girl boys bathroom.

So the. Yeah, because. Yeah, these people are crazy. They’re nuts. I mean, when we were young, we were just arguing to try to get tampons properly put in the girls bath to make sure it’s always stocked. We didn’t even get tampons in our bathrooms. Right now they’re like giving them to the boys. I know, I know. That’s crazy. Okay, well, I’m gonna have links. You’ll provide me links on where they can go. Is there a website or anything? Yeah, you can go to if you go there. I put updates there. You know, if you have five or ten dollars, it goes to my legal fees.

But mainly you can get updates there. You can also find me at, at Jeff Younger show on X. I don’t really have a show, but I felt like my life had become like the Truman show because I lost all privacy. And so it was kind of a joke. But you can find me at Jeff Younger show on X. Well, you, you want to keep getting this out there. Now, how are you making money to pay for these Legal fees do add up. I assume you have a full time job. Oh, I don’t have a full time job.

I went on to Carlson’s. Oh, yeah. I went on to Turkle Carlson’s program to talk about this. I got, I got like three minutes on that program and my company immediately fired me. Oh. And I’ve been blacklisted by tech, so I haven’t been able to work in my industry for two years. I’m funding this for my retirement. Oh, I’m sorry. So funding this was. Yeah. This is important, guys. And like you said, 80% of Democrats and 90% of Republicans and probably 85% of independents are. Yeah. Against this. Nobody wants this. Literally nobody. Yeah. So. Okay, well, thank you so much.

God bless you and stay strong and don’t stop fighting. I know you won’t, but thank you so much for fighting for all of us because you’re and your child will be a beacon for the, for all the other children to come at his suffering. If you can get this changed around would help so many other children. Yes, it would. I say save James. Save thousands of kids. That’s right. So thank you so much. Thank you. Sa Sa.



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