Cabal rebrands Eugenics into Transhumanism Depopulation Plan w/ Charlie Robinson

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âž¡ The text discusses the idea of corporations and their boards pushing for depopulation as a covert strategy, comparing it to a sales pitch for global communism. It also highlights Leela’s quantum technology, which has been proven to enhance blood health and neutralize harmful electromagnetic fields. The text then delves into a conversation about eugenics and transhumanism, suggesting that eugenics has been rebranded as transhumanism. The discussion also touches on the push for a world government and the role of the World Economic Forum in this endeavor.
âž¡ The text discusses conspiracy theories about a global government and depopulation. It suggests that these theories are not hidden but openly discussed on platforms like The text also talks about the history of eugenics, starting from Nazi Germany to present-day practices in Canada and the United States. It criticizes the practices of Planned Parenthood, accusing it of being a front for eugenics and profiting from abortions and the sale of fetal tissues.
âž¡ Masterpiece, a natural detox product, has shown promising results in removing toxins from the body. It uses nanosized zeolites and marine plasma nutrition to eliminate harmful substances like heavy metals and man-made chemicals. Users have reported benefits like increased energy, mental clarity, and better sleep. The product is affordable and can be purchased online.
âž¡ The text discusses the concept of depopulation and its implementation in various countries, including China’s one-child policy and the impact of such policies on demographics. It also touches on the role of medical procedures, economic conditions, and education in controlling population growth. The text further delves into the idea of ‘transhumanism’, a term coined to replace ‘eugenics’, and its implications. Lastly, it discusses the decrease in men’s reproductive rates due to various factors like technology, food and water contamination, and psychological programming.
âž¡ The speaker criticizes the pharmaceutical industry, claiming it’s run by convicted felons and businesspeople rather than doctors. They argue that the industry is more focused on profit than health, and that doctors are trained to rely on pharmaceutical products rather than exploring other healing methods. They also suggest that the industry is part of a larger, unethical agenda, and question how those involved can justify their actions.
âž¡ The article discusses how the control of information has shifted from 50 major news organizations in the 80s and 90s to just five today, due to consolidation in the telecommunications industry. This makes it easier to control narratives and sell stories. The article also talks about the power of boards of directors in steering the direction of these corporations, even if the CEO disagrees. It further explores the use of blackmail and manipulation to control individuals within these structures, and the belief of some that they are doing what’s best for humanity, even if it involves controversial actions.
âž¡ Charlie Robinson, a writer and podcast host, discusses his career and the influence of David Icke on his work. He promotes his books, available on Amazon and, and his podcast, Macroaggressions, which airs twice a week. He also mentions his unexpected role as host of the world’s largest anarchist conference. Robinson expresses his desire to help people understand complex issues and become part of the solution, and jokes that he’ll only switch to a football podcast when the world’s problems are solved.


And say, this is the direction we’re going. Even if the CEO isn’t on board with it. Most of them are. They wouldn’t be there if they weren’t. But, but even if one of them gets goes rogue, you’ve got the board of directors to keep everything on track. So the corporations are going to get on board with this because their boards are going to tell them to. And the boards are stuffed with the people that are pushing for depopulation. So that’s one covert way of doing it. And they sell it, right? They masquerade it as something different.

For those that don’t know what’s going on, you come out of, you cut, you know, you know about business strategy, right? Sell the benefits, right? This is a. What’s your unique selling proposition? You know, this is, I’ve always said that, like the World economic forums, push is a sales pitch for global communism. It’s like a timeshare presentation. That’s fantastic, right? Until you actually get the timeshare and then you’re trying to sell it, right? This is not what I want. That’s what the World Forum is doing. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide, this revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements, as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan.

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Welcome to business, game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Charlie Robinson joining the program, and he wrote a book called the Octopus of Global Control and looked at all the different aspects of this global world order that they’re trying to do. But we’re going to dive into eugenics and transhumanism and how they rebranded eugenics to be transhumanism. And I give them some hard questions on how all this stuff has come about and what the general pushback on this and how the, if they’re really trying to depopulate. Why are the numbers so small from like Covid or from Planned Parenthood or wars or all of this? Each individual number is small.

But so we look at it from a big picture in the depopulation and what they have planned and generational. And so he’s going to talk about all that, all the questions and the pushback that you get in your family when you bring this stuff up. And because we’re all getting the same thing, we’re all getting this pushback. And so that’s what we’re going to talk about. And how you can address this in your own life and say, hey, this is really happening. And then, you know, hopefully we can become aware of it and making more people aware of it because we have good answers and we can look at this clearly gives us a better battlefield, gives us more power to address this.

That’s the whole goal of this. Because when we look at these hard questions, that’s what we have to do with the, look at the hard questions so that we can address all this. This. And it’s kind of a dark, it’s really a dark subject. So, but we have to look at it. So before we get into this, I want to tell you about the inhale water, the oxygenated water. This stuff is amazing. People are able to take this when they’re exercising, and it ups your oxygen in your blood. It corrects your blood immediately. It makes it much more healthier.

It decoagulates it. And if you’re out of breath and you take it within like 30 seconds, you no longer out of breath. It’s really fascinating. Olympic level athletes, top athletes, are starting to use this and are actually in studies now, and they’re just amazed at the results of this. And if you are an athlete or if you work out and you’re trying to get better or you just, let’s say you’re like me and you play hockey recreationally. You want this just so that you can keep up and, and actually be competitive. There’s so many people out there doing this.

So I want to share this with you, and I would like to get some feedback on how it’s working for you and how amazing it is. The link is below, or you can go to and you can try it yourself. It’s incredible stuff. Again, the link is below or go to and it’s the inhale oxygen water. Okay, let’s get into my really interesting show with Charlie Robinson. Hi, Charlie. Welcome to the program. Hi, thanks for having me. Well, I’m so glad you’re here. You’re one of the researchers that I’ve been watching and I admire how deep you’ve gone and some of the connections you’ve made and helped to inform people on this.

I want to talk about your research on eugenics and transhumanism and that connection and how they essentially rebranded it. I mean, isn’t that what politics are? They try to figure out, they don’t even care what the true reality is. They try to brand it in a marketing standpoint to get something through, no matter how connected it is to what it is that they’re really doing. Yeah, and it goes back to Edward Bernays, father of propaganda, which they’ve, which they rebranded into public relations. So you know, they love that, these words, that they. Well, it’s not propaganda.

Propaganda is what the Nazis use. That’s terrible. This is public relations. It’s public. Oh, it’s coming from the propaganda department. Yeah, but we put a new sign that said public relations. So it’s public relations. So they’ve been doing this for a while. And to the casual observer who’s not really paying attention to this, they don’t know that the two are connected. The eugenics movement has gone through the same sort of thing. They have had a bad reputation, what with the murder and all over the years with the eugenics society thinning the herd and talking about depopulation.

After you do that long enough, you start to get a bad reputation. And what happens is that someone makes a calculation that they need to rebrand in order to make sure that the general public isn’t as caught up on what they’re doing. And eugenics is no different from that. There was a rebranding that happened in the sixties, which typically wouldn’t really matter all that much until you see what’s going on recently with the Klaus Schwab group and the World Economic Forum talking about their push for a fourth industrial revolution. And you say, oh, that sounds terrible, but what does the fourth industrial revolution mean? And they say, well, that is a blending of man with machine into what we call transhumanism.

And you go, oh, I get it. That’s when a farmer loses his arm in a, in a farming machinery accident. You put a robotic arm on, right? They go, hmm, kind of, right, sort of, you know, maybe we’ll take it a next step. And brain chips or mRNA technology floating through your body and things like that. It’s the blending of man with machine, okay? And so into this thing called transhumanism. And that caused me to kind of look into what transhumanism was, where it came from, and what I found was shocking and alarming. Well, okay, so the prosthetic arms and all these things that could use technology to better humanity is.

Is not the problem. It’s the fact that they’ve co opted that into. Into their movement to further their agenda. And that is what’s scary and what people need to be aware of. But let’s. I’m going to ask you some hard questions here. Why do they want to do the eugenics movement? What is their goal, from what you found? So there’s a theme that we would all agree has been happening for a long time, and that is a push towards a world government. It’s been talked about openly. Those of us that have been talking about a new world order, the normies out there will say, oh, you guys, stop with your terms.

It’s not our term. It’s their term. George HW Bush mentioned the new world order over 200 times in public press conferences during his four years in office, from 89 to 93. So he was talking about it openly. There is a push for a world government in which these people would control. Hold on. I want to just add one thing. The World Economic Forum during COVID at the very, very, very beginning, on the front page of their we forum, had the great reset with COVID in the middle as the bullseye 100 levels deep, saying, we’re resetting the world based on Covid.

They didn’t hide that. No, no. That’s one of the things that you’ll notice about this, is that it’s tempting to say, oh, this is crazy. You guys are a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. Where is the evidence? The evidence is, unfortunately, it’s everywhere and it’s out in the open. You would assume that these people would hide their intentions, but you would be wrong. They put it right on the. On dot. Right. As you said, you can find the big bicycle spokes with all of the connections to. I don’t know about anymore. But, yeah, yeah, they might have taken it down now.

But when you. When you examine this push for world government, the one component that you find as a secondary piece, if you call world government step one, this would be step one a and that is depopulation. Because the way they think about it is this. Forming a world government would be so much easier if it wasn’t for all of these people on the planet. And so they talk openly about their desire to thin the herd. They talk about us as being, you know, they talk about us the way you would talk about a garden. Get in there and prune the hedges and trim the rose bushes and make sure everything.

We get rid of all the riffraff. Yeah. We need to make it look sanitized and correct. And of course, it’s always under the guise of protecting humanity, we’re going to get rid of the undesirables, the weaker of this. But there’s a very bad. But do they say that openly? We are going to get rid of the weaker humans? Oh, yeah. What do they mean by that? What are the weaker humans? So it started. You can see signs of this in Nazi Germany when they started talking about the infirm, the mentally ill, the mentally retarded, the physically handicapped, that they were a strain on the Reich and that they needed to be put into institutions.

Well, they were put in an institution. Institutions in the front door and taken out the back door and stretchers, because they were. It was part of the depopulation agenda to get rid of that thinning of the herd. Now, what’s interesting about that, and everyone uses the Germans in the late thirties and forties, as the case of this is what happens when eugenics and depopulations gets introduced into the mix. But what’s interesting about that was that the German Reich got the legal justification. They were able to legally justify their actions before the german public by using case law.

That was from California in the early 19 hundreds, where California had pushed to push mandatory sterilization and institutionalization of the weakest links inside of California. So this idea that the Nazis invented this is actually wrong. They got it from us, unfortunately. Well, and today we’re seeing. Well, one thing I want to say about back then, parents were actually convinced to bring in their mentally disabled children and people who had issues. They actually did it voluntarily. But today in Canada, the eugenics movement is alive and well. When it comes to euthanasia, people are willingly killing themselves because they’re poor or they’re disabled, but they’re promoting that.

So that’s an example, isn’t it? Medical assistance in dying in 2022, in Canada was responsible for 10,000 people opting into the voluntary euthanasia program that they offered. That figure went to 17,000 the following year. It’s turned into quite a cottage industry now. They’ve made it so that you can’t really exploit it for medical tourism, which is the craziest sort of thing you could think of being, wanting to kill yourself and feeling that you have to go to Canada, you have to be on the canadian healthcare plan in order to qualify for this. So they do have some standards.

Right. But they recently rewrote the criteria for that as well, where it initially said that death had to be imminent. And they rewrote it to say, death needs to be reasonably around the corner. So it’s like broke up with your girlfriend, dumped you, you’ve flunked out of college, feeling bad, you lost your job. Would you be interested in killing yourself? We can set that up right here. So they’ve done this very unusual thing, not only the government, but I saw a case of a corporation inside of Canada. I forget the name of it, but it’s a company that’s like a clothing brand, like the equivalent of a major department store that was running an ad.

And I was very unsure as to what they were trying to sell with this ad. But it was a, it was footage of a lady on the beach, and she’s, and you can hear the voiceover, presumably, of the woman who’s, who’s about to die. And they were selling this like it was a, like it was a, like it was an advertisement for a clothing brand or something. Like it was like lifestyle, but like death style. You know what I mean? Like, to that. I’ll find it. I’ll find it because I watched it and I kept thinking, what are you guys selling yourself? Are you selling clothes? I’m failing to understand the connection to this.

So it’s taking on this. It’s becoming normalized, which is unfortunate. That’s what they’re trying to do. Yeah. And it’s incremental. Right. So first you’re bringing in your mentally harmed child in the early 19 hundreds. Now you flash forward 100 years later, and they’re opening up, you know, centers where you can streamline the process of medical assistance and dying. This is a crazy trend that we’re on. I have talked to some people who are more liberal minded, shall I say, and they’re arguing that they should have a right to suicide. And as a libertarian, I’m like, well, I understand that standpoint, but I also think that we have, as a society, we have a responsibility to know when somebody is mentally ill and that we need to help them just because that’s the right thing to do.

I mean, it’s like right and wrong. Right. We’re kind of, but I mean, I understand the right to suicide, but at the same standpoint. So we, we just can’t institutionalize this. But, you know, the other pushback I get is, Sarah, that’s only a small percentage of the people. So if we’re really talking about culling the population and doing a depopulation eugenics movement in a big way, what does that mean? And how do you, what have you learned that means? Because we’re talking the riff, the edge of the riff rats. Right. We’re in their mind. I don’t think they’re riff raff.

I think they’re mentally ill and we need to help them. But in their mind, those are the edges. Right. But to do something meaningful where you would decrease the population in a meaningful way, with eugenics being the backbone of that, what does that mean? Well, the retail side of it looks like Planned Parenthood. That’s the retail face of eugenics. Planned Parenthood started as the American Eugenics Society. Talk about rebranding. They changed it to Planned Parenthood. You remember the really big Planned Parenthood down on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills? Oh, wait, no, there isn’t one there. No, they don’t put them there.

80% of all planned parenthoods are in socioeconomically deprived regions of the country. They’re in the ghetto. They’re in the hood. Yeah. Because in my state, which has a huge abortion rate, over 40% of the abortions are in the black community. But there are only like 8% of the population. So, I mean, it’s the number one killer in the black community. Forget guns. Abortions is number one. It thins out their population for sure. Yep. Yep. And when you read the writings of Margaret Sanger, who also had a magazine at the same time, shes talking about this. I mean, shes talking about we have to solve the negro problem.

And shes not talking about getting them educated. Shes talking about murdering them. And theres plenty of letters going back and forth with her good friend Ernst Rudinous, who was in charge of the nazi sterilization program, I mean, he learned everything he needed to know about the nazi sterilization program from Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood. So just let that set. And so when people say Planned Parenthood is a place that you can get reproductive services and health for people that are of lower socioeconomic means, yeah, that’s true. But 80% of their revenue comes from abortions. And the rest of their money from their revenue comes from selling body parts, aborted fetal tissues and things like that.

That’s a big money maker for Planned Parenthood. And they’re not above selling body parts of the babies that they’ve aborted. They, in fact, count on it for a source of their revenue. So this is what we need to, we have to desanitize the planned Parenthood marketing campaign that’s been going on for the last 60 years here and remind people that this is the forward facing retail arm of eugenics. And it’s in your neighborhood more than likely. Well, in my neighborhood, big time. But as part of, we have one of the most extreme legislation in the world.

I did a whole conference presentation on extreme legislation. And, and we are arguably the most extreme in the world on this. But while they are promoting death of a fetus or a baby up to the moment of birth, they also eliminated all the resources for poor mothers. So while they’re selling it as women’s rights and women helping women and lifting women up, they cut all the resources for poor women to get help. And they no longer have doctors that can perform the surgeries. So they’ve taken this to the extreme. Are you ready to take control of your health in today’s toxic world? Look no further.

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We talked about Canada, we talked about euthanasia, we talked about Planned Parenthood. How are they planning to take it to the next level? And what, yeah, how is this marketing working? Go ahead. Well, it started. It started back in. The groundwork was laid in 1974, on December 10, when Henry Kissinger wrote National Security Study Memorandum 200, which outlined that the United States policy towards the third world should be, quote, that of depopulation. And then he went on to list 13 countries in which the depopulation project would begin. And in this memorandum, which was classified and never meant to see the light of day, when you read it, you read the words of a serial killer and Henry Kissinger, and you get to the bot, he talks about how they plan to do this and they’re very detailed about it and they understand, I mean, you can say what you want, and I do, about Henry Kissinger.

He wasn’t dumb. He understood foreign policy. So one of the things that he said in this memorandum was that in order to get the third world countries on board, we need to do a couple of things. First of all, we need to compensate them for their involvement in this. Meaning you’re going to have a nice fat bank account in the Cayman Islands and no questions asked. But also we need to install a level of plausible deniability, not just for us, the american government, but also for this, the president of this country that we’re going into, because it’s going to look really bad for him if people figure out that he’s part of a depopulation agenda.

So what we’ll do is we’ll have third party cutouts, Ngo’s that will be specifically tasked with doing this. We’ll set them up. They will be the ones that will go into the countries, not us, the american empire. But instead we’ll have USAID, United States Agency for International Development, and the National Endowment for Democracy. We’ll send them in there to depopulate. And if they get busted, we’ll just say, it’s just them. You know, it’s not us. It’s certainly not the CIA’s, you know, doing this. It’s just the CIA’s sister corporations doing this. So. Or it’s Bill Gates and his, his infertility program.

He’s a bag. Yeah. So. So in 74, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation didn’t exist, but the World Health Organization did and USAID did. And those were the groups that were tasked with, with putting this into place. Now, as things have, have evolved over the years, I would suggest that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation would be another one of these ngo’s that would be sent into third world countries in order to covertly depopulate. And I would be correct in this assessment because they have been busted giving out vaccines for polio inside of India that gave 496,000 children polio and killed thousands more until the indian government finally threw them out.

Well, there’s also an african country, and I can’t remember the name of it, where they were caught doing infertility. Yeah, and the cat. Actually, the Catholic Church, the priests came and they did their own research. They kicked them out of there, too, because they realized they were giving infertility to thousands of women. In 2014, the World Health Organization was busted in Kenya for putting sterilants in the tetanus vaccines. They put an antigen in there that would cause every woman to be sterilized. They got busted, they denied it. They got pressed even further. They finally admitted it, and then eventually they finally admitted it that they had been doing it for over a decade.

Jeez, it’s incredible. And it wasn’t limited to Kenya. Go ahead. It’s a real thing that is happening. When these groups get busted, they just throw their hands up and say, we wasn’t us, it was this other group. Direct all your anger towards this group, not us, the kenyan government. Even though the kenyan government is acting surprised, like they didn’t know what was going on. Of course they knew what was going on. That’s how Kissinger set it up, was that the head of the government would know exactly what was going on. That’s the reason why it was allowed to exist now.

If ever somebody got caught, it was going to be, oh, my God, I can’t believe that these people were in here doing this horrible thing. We got to throw them out as soon as possible. You guys were great. That’s how it works. Scratching the back, behind the scenes. Kissinger is so bad. And you’re right. I think there’s good people that leak this stuff because they just are like, I can’t have a serial killer in my mists and they leak it. But Kissinger said that military men and the people who are all into the soldiers in the war and stuff, military men are dumb animals to be used for our agenda.

He said that. So people need to question war and thinking that’s such a noble defeat when the people that are using you are consider you as dumb animals. But let’s look a little bit at this depopulation agenda that these guys have put in place. Now, when it comes to United States and things, we’re seeing the abortion clinics, we’re seeing war, but more war is happening. Ukraine, Gaza, and we’re seeing people being completely wiped out right now. But it’s still a smaller percentage. Right. It’s not to that depopulation level. I had somebody push back against me with COVID and saying, sarah.

Yeah, let’s say 18 million people die with that Covid operation. That’s still not in the culling depopulation to the level that you’re talking about. So what else are we looking at here? Yeah, so it’s not one thing. That’s the first sort of hang up that I had that everyone else, I think, sort of has. When they look at depopulate, you assume it’s going to be one massive event. If it’s one massive event, then it’s pretty obvious to find. The truth is that it’s a variety. It’s a horny copia of depopulation components that are all put together.

And when they’re put together, they don’t. In and of themselves, they don’t seem like it’s enough to say this is part of a depopulation. 18 million people is a lot of people, but not when you’re talking about seven or 8 billion people. It’s not enough to do that. And wars are really good at thinning out the herd, but you can only kill 50 million people in a war. There’s still plenty of others to go around in a world war. Right? Because Gaza we’re talking almost 200,000 people. Ukraine we’re talking maybe 600. I don’t know exactly 100,000 where it’s at right now.

But that’s still pretty limited at this point. They have to get to a world war and then we can talk 50, maybe 100 million if we’re lucky. If they’re lucky. That’s a horrible way to say it. But yes, we’ve gone about it a couple of different ways. The first is there’s one part that’s the overt killing of people that are already on this planet. That’s one side of it. But then there’s the second part, which is the pulling the human weeds, as Margaret Sanger would describe them, pulling the human weeds out by the roots, which is, let’s take this down and make sure that future generations don’t reproduce.

So that’s when you start to have campaign, whether it’s reproductive rights campaigns going on in Africa, whether you have the COVID or maybe even overt sterilization programs happening there. Birth control is being introduced. The. In Africa and the lesser developed countries, they’re trying to get those birth rates down from like eight where they are in South Sudan, down to five and a half where they. Where it is now. And they’ve done that over the course of 30 years. So some of this is a long term approach. You’re not going to see the results happening right away.

But they’ve decided that one of the things that they need, it’s a two pronged approach. Get rid of the people that are currently here and make sure that more people aren’t born right. So there’s a lot of that going on. Less than the replacement. Like in the United States, we’re at like a 1.8, so we’re below replacement. Right. 2.1 as replacements. And you’ve got a lot of the third world countries that are way above that. We watched this. Well, here’s. Here’s a prime example of a eugenics policy that went into place with the enthusiastic support of the mainstream media.

And that is the China’s one child policy, that’s eugenics. That’s a soft depopulation when you force the population to not have kids. What happened with China’s growth rate or birth rate? It was at 1.6, then it went down to five, then it went down to four, then it went down to three. Now it’s 1.5 replacement. They’ve rolled that back now because it’s causing so many social problems, big problems. They have a demographic nightmare that is facing them. A lot of countries do. Japan is a demographic nightmare with too many older people. A good thing for Japan is that their older people live longer, so at least they’ll still be alive, as opposed to old people in, say, Africa that top out at about 54 years old.

So there’s a demographic component where they’re trying to keep that birth rate as low as possible, while at the same time doing all of the other things, which is depopulating through medical procedures, through heavy doses of vaccines, have, through big pharma dependency, things like that. Depopulation through economic slavery, keep making it so that people don’t thrive, making it so that the education system is watered down, so that people can. So every single component, that’s the part that makes it starts to get really diabolical. They’ve hit everywhere. They’ve gone from every different direction to try and make you less than.

They’ve tried to poison your air, they’ve tried to poison your water supply. Obviously, they’re poisoning our foods. We have covert vaccines everywhere. They’re spraying God knows what in the atmosphere, barium aluminum, and these things. And so it’s, first part of it is incremental. Some of it is a little bit quicker, but a lot of it is incremental. They’ll shave some of the lifespan off of people. They loved Covid because it gave it an opportunity to thin out the herd at the top of the age demographics. All those people that they’re going to have to pay Social Security to in the future, I mean, it’d be better if they just weren’t living anymore, right? So this Ponzi scheme could continue.

So the way they view humanity is very much like it pays to read animal farm, you know what I mean? These are the animals. Some animal, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. And you start to see the way these people treat other human beings. And they’ve plotted them in a scale in their mind of some people deserve a fantastic education, some people do not. Some people deserve to eat real food, some people deserve to eat the bugs. And so there’s like a caste system in their mind of where we fit. And unfortunately, the vast majority of us are in this group that they consider to be replaceable, useless eaters, as Henry Kissinger describes.

They hate our guts. I think that the general public doesn’t really understand what the ruling class thinks of us. They despise us. And they are certain that this ruling would be so much easier if it wasn’t for all these damn people everywhere. Well, did they despise us because we despise them? I mean, well, we have plenty of reasons to hate them for what they’ve done to us. I’m not really sure why they hate us. They just think that we’re less than they have. I mean, part of it is racism. There is racism in terms of the colors that people look.

But there’s also scientific racism, too. And one of the things that we’ve learned is this isn’t even new. This has been going on since the Cecil Rhodes and the roundtable started this out of the British Empire in the late 18 hundreds, early 19 hundreds. And they had a whole plan. They said, we’ve been around the world colonizing it with Britain. And what we’ve seen is that there are a lot of people that are useless, that are not going to serve our purposes, and we’ve got to get rid of them. And so it came out of that colonizing mindset of the British, and they thought, well, how could we do this in a way that didn’t involve guns? Because it’s.

I mean, what, couldn’t we just depopulate, get rid of them other ways? Couldn’t we essentially throw them smallpox infected blankets, you know, like they did with the Indians. Right. How can we do this to these different races? And so the British were really behind it, and they were the driving force with this. And that gets us into the british eugenics society. And who was behind that? Because the group that was running, that was a last name that most people would recognize, and that’s Huxley. And you think, oh, Aldous Huxley, the guy that wrote brave new world? No, his brother Julian Huxley, Sir Julian Huxley was the head of the British Eugenics Society.

And in the sixties, the British Eugenics society was facing a branding dilemma. See, the word had gotten out around the world that eugenics equaled depopulation and mass murder. And having the head of the British Eugenics society go around and give speeches sounded really bad. So he decided, we’re going to change this terminal, we’re going to rebrand. And he said that the word that we’re going to use from this point forward, we’re not going to use eugenics because it’s messy. Instead, we’re going to use a new word that I developed. It’s called transhumanism. When people hear Klaus Schwab talk about the fourth industrial revolution, and that this fourth industrial revolution is beyond the steam.

It’s beyond petroleum, it’s beyond silicon chips. Those are the first three industrial revolutions. We’re in a new industrial revolution. Man with machine, into transhumanism. And then you look at what transhumanism means. It means eugenics. That’s just so crazy, because like I said at the very beginning, there’s so many positives, and they’re going to use it to their benefit. It’s like something, you know, it’s like Planned Parenthood. The poor women going in and getting reproductive services is really great for women, but that’s just their front, right? It’s always a front. Now, I want to ask you, I have a couple more questions on this.

The men’s sperm count is really decreased, and then with this Covid thing, like, this is about the generations thing. And then with COVID women’s reproductive abilities are looking like it’s been really altered. So where are we at with that? I mean, how are they? First of all, I want you to comment on that. And then I have another question following up. Men’s reproductive rates have been dropping for a while. There’s a variety of reasons for that. We keep our cell phones in our front pockets, which isn’t the best idea. I’m guilty of that. There are plenty of undesirable items in the water and the food supplies we’ve talked about.

I mean, people recently talked about microplastics and where they wind up, and it’s not great for men. There’s been a constant push. A lot of this stuff is invisible. So you get lulled into this false sense of security. I can’t see the 5g radiation, so therefore it doesn’t exist. Or I can’t see the microplastics in my food, or I can’t taste the fluoride in my water, but it exists, so it’s there. It’s just small and indetectable by the vast majority of people. And over the years, whether it’s through non visible radio waves that have been doing this, whether it’s through the poisons that have been put in the food, whether it’s through psychological programming, through television, which is, oh, you know, you don’t need to have a family that’s all outdated and just, you know, play video games and stay home and watch porn and do all that stuff.

All of these things, you know, one of them independent of the rest. It’s just part of the equation. But you get this layering effect where there’s. There’s a dozen things that are responsible for it. So, yeah, I cleaned up the. You know, I don’t keep my pocket, my cell phone in my pocket, and I don’t drink fluoridated water, but what can I do about the 5g radiation? You know what I mean? So everybody gets hit at some levels. The vaccine. I know that this is the follow up question, is the vaccine. The vaccines? Look, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an antigen in the COVID vaccines as well.

Much like in the way that the tetanus vaccine was poisoned in Kenya and beyond. I don’t have any evidence for that. I’m just saying that the be the equivalent of that. It might not be the same antigen, but they won’t miss an opportunity. Well, Naomi Wolf, yeah, she’s been doing great work on showing how it’s just nailing women’s productive reproductive abilities. Well, it’s not surprising, unfortunately. And a lot of us have been screaming about this. I think those of us. My first book, the Octopus of Global Control, came out in 2017. So in 2017 or 2016, when I was writing it, I had to deal with the pharmaceutical industry there so I understood who they were.

I know that they’re all convicted felons. Every major pharmaceutical company has been convicted of felonies in court. They paid billions of dollars in fines. They’re quite literally a cartel, a criminal cartel run by a convicted felon. So they’re literally convicted, literally convicted felons, every single one of them. And on top of that, the only doctors that are running these major pharmaceutical companies, I only found one person who was a CEO, who was a doctor, and he was a doctor of English, so it didn’t even count. They’ve been replaced by MBAs. Right. Take the, take the doctors out and bring the MBAs in so that they can, they can run the business side of this because that’s what it is.

It’s the business of sickness. Right. And you don’t have money. Yeah, I’m going to defend that a little bit because doctors don’t have the skill to run corporations and things. And there’s a huge, there’s a huge amount of, of ways, you know, they lack that education, but that doesn’t mean they need to be unethical. I would run stuff. Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. I just want somebody that has an ethical component, like an ethical skin in the game to be in charge of this. And, you know, somebody like stuff on Stefan Bancel or the guys that are running Pfizer or Merck or whoever.

However, these people go to the Bilderberg conference every year, they get told what to do. They’re put in these positions in order to fulfill this continuing agenda. And again, I think that people say, well, maybe the big pharma industry is a little dirty, but not too bad. It’s like the pharmaceutical industry was created by the Rockefeller family. So take that for what you will. I mean, there’s plenty of evidence to show that the pharmaceutical industry was created as an arm of depopulation. Know any? Yeah, I don’t know anybody who has seriously looked at big pharma and have come out in who has been part of it and who are seriously, you know, looking at it from a bigger picture standpoint, who come out without the conclusion that it’s seriously flawed and that there’s, yeah, that we have some major human issues, but, okay, good doctors.

There’s good doctors trapped in that system, too. Not all, you know, not all. There’s obviously some bad ones. I think there’s a lot of doctors that got into this. It got into medicine for the right reasons. They wanted to help people. They go through medical school, they get all this debt they go through. They’re taught a very specific way of looking at healing, which is it has to do with the pharmaceutical, petroleum based pharmaceutical products as really the only method. And they totally dismiss naturopaths and anything that comes organically. So you’re a doctor. I mean, I almost don’t blame the doctors fully for this, because they go through a system of indoctrination.

They’re told that they have to answer this way on the test in order to pass. They pass. They get into medical school, same thing set up by the Flexner report, financed by the Rockefeller family. So they’ve created a system. And then when you come out of that, you got to get the stamp of approval from. From these medical schools to then get into the medical industry. And if you’re able to do that, you’re able to do that because you have proven to them that you believe a certain, certain way of dealing with things. And so the doctors come out of that and they’re brainwashed, and people think, oh, well, my doctor’s going to know all about vaccines.

Your doctor sat through 30 minutes of vaccines back when they were in medical school 40 years ago. I assure you they know nothing. But the other thing is that the training is more of a technical technician style training. So there are good doctors, but they rise above that and they become true scientists and understand the science and then forge the field forward. But the majority of them are just technicians learning, memorizing, and regurgitating. That’s not. That shouldn’t be a doctor level degree, but that’s what we’ve dumbed that whole profession down to. No, I would like. I would like for my doctor to be really good at problem solving.

That’s right. I’d like for him to be as flexible. I would like him to go, all right, well, let’s come at this from four different angles. Instead of, let me see what the book says to prescribe you as a pill, that’s a technician versus an expert. And we have somehow dumbed down the whole profession. Now, there’s a lot of doctors who we’re seeing that are pushing back and frustrated. And those frustrated doctors are the ones who have taken it seriously and become more of an expert. Right. And so those are the people we’re seeing. And they might all disagree with each other, but that’s good, that’s healthy for those people to rise up.

But the glorified technicians, which are, like, 80% of them, what’s saddling? I mean, it’s just a problem. Okay, so I have another question for you. How do these elites who are part of this, and I have a couple more questions that are hard questions, but how do they. Why do they believe, and how do they believe that they can get away? They have to live in this world, too. They have to be. They’re subjected to this. How are they protecting themselves? I mean, how can they mentally project this onto the world and then think they’re protected? What’s, what’s going on there they are.

You. It’s, it’s very. It’s hard for us, as normal, decent, rational, loving people, to truly understand their mindset, because it’s very different from where we come from. The truth is, their arrogance and their narcissism leads them to believe that they are doing us a favor by clearing out the debris. They actually, in their writings, they talk about how hard it is for them to do it, but they do it in order to take humanity forward. Now, in their minds, they’re doing the right thing. That’s the thing. They don’t see themselves. They don’t see themselves as being the enemy.

They see themselves as doing the hard. Making the hard decisions that you and I are too afraid or too weak or too stupid to make, and that they are willing to go out there and say, in order to benefit this entire world, we’re going to take the tough steps of removing half of you people from this planet. We do it begrudgingly, but it’s the right thing for the planet. Please give us your sympathy. Well, and I would say crazy for the right thing for the planet, we start weeding them out. But I agree. And, and they have to.

They can. Now they can sit and stew on that. Of weeding them out is the benefit for the planet. But. Okay, so the next thing is how this is the big pushback that you’re going to get from people, too. And because I see your, I see all this stuff happening. It’s just like an assault from all angles. But a person that can’t see this or is having a hard time wrapping their head around it goes, how can this agenda be implemented from all these different angles and there be this many people in on it? Yeah, that’s the question we all get all the time.

It’s the question we all get. You get it on the moon landing, you get it on this. If everyone was involved in it, someone would talk. They’d have to know. It’s a logical way of thinking about this, and that’s for sure. I think the first question most people ask because they assume that there’s a big company meeting and everyone’s told what the plan is. That is not the case. This is structured in a pyramid shape, the way most things are, which is the vast majority of people down at the bottom, unaware of what’s going on. And a few people at the very top that make the decisions saying, this is the direction that we’re going.

They do get together. There is some centralization of communication and thought, and that happens at meetings like, like the United nations and the Bilderberg and World Economic Forum. World Economic Forum, Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute for International affairs. They have these groups in, they have these groups together. They meet from time to time. Some of them are more public than others. And part of what they’re doing is they’re organizing and getting the plan in place so you don’t have to, I’ll put it like this. This is an example of how it’s easy to control information.

Back when in the eighties and early nineties, we had 50 major news organizations. When Bill Clinton deregulated the telecommunications industry, you started to find consolidation and clicking up of these groups into bigger behemoth companies, but fewer of them. Now we’ve got five. We don’t have 50, we have five. When you have 50 different news companies and you’re trying to sell a nonsense story, you have to have control of 50 people. When you’re trying to sell it now you just have to have control of five. And all five of those people are at the Bilderberg meeting. So they’re there already.

You have access to them. They’re at World Economic Forum, they’re at Dave, they’re in Aspen. They’re doing all the things. They’re at the places where you would need to communicate with them. It just becomes top down on top of that. Let’s not forget about the interlocking boards of directors that basically control all of these corporations. So if you get enough people on the board that think a certain way and that have an understanding of where the agenda is, the board of directors can drive the ship and say, this is the direction we’re going. Even if the CEO isn’t on board with it.

Most of them are. They wouldn’t be there if they weren’t. But even if one of them gets goes rogue, you’ve got the board of directors to keep everything on track. So the corporations are going to get on board with this because their boards are going to tell them to. And the boards are stuffed with the people that are pushing for depopulation. So that’s one covert way of doing it. And they sell it. Right. They masquerade it as something different for those that don’t know what’s going on, you know about business strategy, right? Sell the benefits. Right.

This is what’s your unique selling proposition. I’ve always said that the World Economic Forum’s push is a sales pitch for global communism. It’s like a timeshare presentation. That’s fantastic, right? You actually get the timeshare and then you’re trying to sell it. Right? This is not what I want. That’s what the World Forum is doing, so. Okay, so go ahead. No, you go. No, I was going to say, I had a guy on my show about five years ago. I got to dig that up because it’s some of the shows that got deleted off YouTube, where they analyzed the people that were running, who had control of this was the United States and the world, the biggest companies in the world.

And they narrowed it down to about 250 people that were on all these boards controlling everything. And then beyond that, there’s even a smaller group of the families that are hidden behind trusts, and that’s where we really want to get to. But only 250 people. The assumption, and I think we all make it, is that this would require a huge number of people to be involved. And the truth is, if you’ve got the right people in critical decision making spots, you can control a lot of people that way. And let’s also also, let’s also not underestimate the component of blackmail in this.

If you ever get somebody that maybe was on board with this program but has had a come to Jesus moment and decided, I don’t want anything to do with this, this is crazy. You can always make them do what you need them to do. Jeffrey Epstein didn’t invent sexual blackmail. There’s plenty of types of it happening right now. There’s all sorts of, there’s all sorts of ways to get people compromised and under your thumb. So that is a component of it as well, I would say it’s actually kind of a smaller component. A lot of these people, if you don’t get them thinking that they’re on board with the program for diabolical reasons, you can sometimes get them on the program thinking that they’re doing what’s right.

Like, you can get a lot of people that ideologically believe thinning the herd is what’s best. Nature does it. You know, the weak couple that break off from the herd, they get eaten. You know, that’s how it works. We’re just doing, we’re just accelerating nature. So they have this sort of God complex, and they can convince themselves that theyre coming from a place of goodness. And if you can do that, then youre not the bad guy, right? They think that theyre not the bad guy. So they dont have to hide. It doesnt have to be some hidden plan.

Its, Im doing this out in the public because I think its whats best for humanity. So its definitely there. And ill tell you one thing, once you start looking for it, once you even kind of of understand that this is a thing, that eugenics is real and it’s a thing, it will start to pop up everywhere. You will find examples of this. It’s only hidden to the extent that people choose to not go searching for it. But it’s there. It’s a part of our daily life. And it’s wild. Once you put the glasses on, you can see it everywhere.

You know what I mean? For certain. Well, and I would argue that blackmail is one. I mean, I think blackmail is a currency that powerful. But what I say is that, that it’s not even just, it is for every person they have in this structure, they have a control system form. Every single person goes through this control structure. If they can do it through your mental constructs, then it’s fine. But a black male is always on the table as their control structure, and they use the least hard thing first. So they want to use your human construct against you first because they want you to sell it like you really believe it.

Right. But if you start falling out, they move lower and lower and lower. The children. Blackmail is one of the last resorts. That’s not their first. They go to the easiest. But every single person in that structure has a control, has a control profile, a control file of some sort. Yeah. And blackmail is the last thing they use. And within that profile, they know what floats your boat. Are you somebody that just wants to be famous and make a lot of money in politics and be the voice? We can make that happen. Are you somebody that’s a closeted homosexual? We can make that happen to.

Oh, you somebody that likes kids? We can make that. Are you like gold boys? You like kids because you really have the blackmail on you. Yeah, that, because that’s the sort of blackmail that never expires, right? Yeah, exactly. One thing if you’re cheating on your wife, but you can always get a divorce. It’s one thing if you’re a closeted homosexual, but you could always come out of the closet. It’s not even really. Yeah, but if you, if they’ve got the goods on you with children, then they’ve got you forever, Lindsey Graham. And so I’m just saying that they can make you dance whenever they need you to dance.

But, but like you said, rightly, it’s easier if the person goes along with it. So before we go down that path, let’s. Let’s try and. Let’s do the. Let’s give you the carrot before we give you the stick. Right? Let’s try that. Well, and people want fame, they want power, they want money, and so they look for those type of people, too. Right? That’s the. Every. Almost everybody wants that it looks like. So they use that as a carrot, and it just keeps going on and on and on. But this has been fantastic. You have a book that called.

What is it called? The octopus of. Go ahead. I have the octopus. Hold it up. The octopus of global control just came out with the audiobook. I’m a little late. The book came out in 2017. I just did the audiobook now. So I wrote that in 2017. In 2020, I did a book with Jeff Berwick from the Dollar vigilante called the controlled demolition of the american empire that became a bestseller on election day 2020, which is so appropriate. Wow, that’s incredible. And then you also are doing a documentary series on your original book with David Icke’s company, right? Well, no, I’m working on it on my own.

On a documentary series for the Octopus book? Yeah, I’m in the early stages of doing that. David’s been fantastic to me over the years. I asked him if he’d like to be in it, and he said, sure, I’ll be part of your ad. But I had a sort of out of body experience earlier this year in Mexico at Anarchopulco, the largest anarchist conference in the world, in Acapulco, Mexico. For the 10th anniversary of it. I’m the host and emcee of that event. And I got to interview David Ice. He wasn’t there live. I had to do it remotely, but in front of a live audience at an archipelago, day one, first interview, I’m on the stage with a microphone.

David’s behind me on a ten foot or a 20 foot screen. The giant David icke from. From the Isle of Wight. And I did an interview with him from the stage and took questions from the audience. And it was a real treat for me because I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing if it wasn’t for the work of David Icke. So he’s been important in my. In my career, and I consider him a friend. He’s a cool. He’s a cool guy. And so, yeah, I’d love for him to be involved in anything I do, frankly. Well, excellent.

That is so great. Now where can they get the copy of your book and see your work? Macroaggressions IO is my website. From that, that’ll take you to any place you need for the books. But Amazon is a good place to find it. you can find it online there. Just search Charlie Robinson. I’ll come up with three books. Final one is hypocrisy surviving in a world of cultural double standards. We put that one out in 2021. That’s been fantastic. So the books are there. Macro aggressions. The podcast goes out twice a week. On Wednesdays, it’s a monologue where I pick a topic and drill down on that.

On Sundays, it’s an interview. And this week I have William Ramsey. We talk about the pilgrim society and the anglo american establishment. So we’re sort of talking about the precursor to depopulation way back then. And it’s been, what a treat. I started off writing books. I was doing interviews to promote the book. It turned into a podcast I could have never pictured. The next thing you know, I’m hosting the largest anarchist conference in the world. I didn’t have this in my business plan, I assure you. That’s awesome. Well, good for you. Well, yeah, just, holy cow, I never thought I’d be doing this.

It’s just what you do and then you don’t, you don’t go back because you feel like you have to. But thank you so much for joining the program. I really appreciate, appreciate it. Thank you for having me. I wish next time we’ll talk about unicorns and rainbows and something a little bit happier than population. But, but until, but until then, this is, this is sort of a priority. So we have to, we have to focus on it because it’s real and not dwell on it, of course, because we don’t want it to ruin our lives, but just be aware of it to the extent that you have to, and then plan accordingly.

Solutions, I mean, we come up with solutions, become aware of it, and then provide solutions. A lot of people just need to be aware that they’re promoting things that are so anti human, they just don’t know that they’re part of the problem and they need to become part of the solution. I agree. We’re all part of it. We’re here. What are you going to choose to do with your time? You’re going to do good things or bad things? I’m going to do good things to the extent that I can. I’m going to try and help people understand this information as best as I can because I feel it’s my duty.

I’ve always kind of joked that all I really want to do is a football podcast. When you see me putting out a football podcast, you’ll know that many of the problems of the world have been solved and we’re all good and everything’s fine. So I use that. That’s my finish line out there is that one day we’ll get to a point where I can put all this behind and just talk about boring stuff like football. Yeah. It would be so much better, right? I hope so. Okay, well, yeah. Thank you so much and have a wonderful full day.

Thanks, Sarah.



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