There is not even a remote possibility I’m wrong unless somebody shuts off the Internet. Well, they’re, they’re actually trying to do some of that too. And they’re, they’re trying to fix the numbers. So what they’re doing is, and this is. People don’t realize, but it’s like a dam that’s broken and water is figuring out how to get through it. There’s still a dam, is still functioning a little bit where they’re shaping everyone into what they want people to see. Just a quick interruption from the show to share with you peptides. Peptides have been known to do amazing things for your health for decades, but they’ve been suppressed and it’s time for that to stop.
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I’m Sarah Westall I have Sam Anthony coming back to the program. He owns YourNews.com and it’s a hyper local news situation and we’re going to talk about that. And we’re also going to talk about what he sees on a daily basis. Because he has all the news funneling through his platform. He’s able to get a really good pulse on what’s going on. And we’re going to talk about what the trends we’re seeing happening. And really what we’re seeing is a shift in, in global power and what that means. And so we’re going to talk about that and then we’re going to talk about different issues from how that affects you and your daily life.
It’s a really engaging. I like this conversation. I like so many of my conversations. I’m so lucky. I have some of the best people that I get to talk to. But before I get into that, I want to remind you that the current economic system is fragile. It is going to reset. If you don’t have any precious metals in your holdings from gold or silver, I really highlight, highly recommend you do this. I know that the dollar is under attack. Whether it comes from our own government that does the reset or the BRICs or the, the global central bankers, the reset is happening and I don’t know, we don’t know what’s going to happen.
Are they going to back it by a bitcoin? Some people are saying that they’re going to prop up bitcoin and that backs everything. Are they going to have a whole new cryptocurrency system? Are they going to back it by gold? It looks like the world central bankers are moving towards having. Well, the bricks have 40% gold backing and people are buying up gold and silver. The wealthiest financial people in the world have been buying this stuff over the last five years at record levels. So they always do what makes sense in the long term. And so if you want to follow where the money’s going to go, you got to hedge your bet against the dollar and do what the wealthiest, most savvy people in the world are doing.
And they’re buying a combination of things from gold and silver to having assets. I’d like to have a little bit of crypto too. You’re hedging your bet against the dollar, but silver is probably the most undervalued asset in the world still. It has climbed, but it is still, I mean, because it’s good for industrial use. It is. And we’re having a boom in tech. And as you know, the Top market cap companies in the world are all tech based except one which is Saudi Arabia ramical. Two years ago they were third market cap, now they’re sixth.
The whole structure of the world economy has change, changed. There’s a global reset. If you want to protect yourself, you need to have real wealth. You need to protect your assets. It is happening. And worst case, let’s say they figure out a way to replace the global financial system, the dollar without impacting you directly. So worst case, your investment, your assets sitting in gold and silver can be transferred and you never lose anything. Best case, the dollar loses its value, it hyperinflates or it inflates and your assets in your silver and gold or whatever you have, that’s an asset.
I recommend having some of that goes up and you preserve your wealth. You can do that with your ira. You can do that with just your the money you have sitting in your bank. I recommend if you have an IRA that’s all cash dollar based that you look at shifting it into different areas of, of of wealth. Now I am not an official financial advisor but I have a ton of business background and I taught at a, at a university in business. Kind of know some things when it comes to this stuff. That doesn’t mean that you can follow me.
You still need to check and do your own due diligence because I am not a financial advisor and I can’t legally give you financial advice but I can tell you what I’m doing and that’s what I’m doing. So who I use is Miles Franklin. You can email them@infoilesfranklin.com you want to email them not just buy offline. Why? Because you get better pricing. You get their special price list for my listeners they will give you better service. You talk to really good people, you’ll learn more the insides and outs. I never get a complaint. It’s way better than going to these online platforms and just buying at retail price.
So email them atinfo miles franklin.com Tell them that Sarah sent you and get that private price list. Okay, let’s get into my conversation with Sam Anthony from YourNews.com hi Sam, welcome back to the program. Sarah, great to be here. Good to see you. I want to talk about the shifting of global power and we’re going to talk about we’re so many issues that we can talk about but I wanted to talk about because you’re YourNews.com and you’re seeing everything thing and it’s like you’re this from the local level to the national level, you’re seeing everything coming through.
And from you have thousands of people putting in news stories around the country. And so you’re seeing, we’re seeing trends, we’re seeing a shift in global power, like the chess play move, you know, the chess pieces are moving around and there are news stories that back that up. And not, not everybody’s people see like news stories, but they won’t understand the bigger big picture. But with seeing all these news stories, you can start putting together the bigger picture. What are you seeing, you know, from Trudeau stepping down to the conflicts with the Panama Canal to, you know, what’s going on in Germany, there’s just so many points pointing to that.
Honestly, Sarah, this all stems from Trump getting elected. And keep in mind, this is just my opinion on my reading, because Trump doesn’t call me and tell me what’s going on, but it’s it. You know, the world is looking at the United States completely different. You know, when Biden was in power, basically any, any person running any country could do anything and get away with it. And they’ve obviously concluded that when Trump’s here, things are going to change. So they’re all making moves across the globe to change, to conform to what he wants because they know, like we talked about, sanctions will be coming.
So. Well, I see it as just Trump’s getting elected. It’s the Trump factor. Well, you know, Canada is a big deal. With Trudeau stepping down, that’s a big deal. And the fact that he did a speech the other day about the economic, you know, people are saying that he wanted to take over Canada and he’s not doing military force to take over Canada. But he is talking about the fact that we’re sending so much money outside to Canada that we don’t need to do. We don’t need to buy their cars, we don’t need to take their energy.
We have enough here. So it’s almost like we’re doing them a favor to do all these things. So, but we also provide them military support. I’m not an advocate of taking over countries, but he has a point from an economic standpoint that why we don’t have an obligation to prop them up. And Trudeau being the sniveling fool, he is only giving us more ammunition to say, we don’t want anything to do with you if you’re going to be this way. So him stepping down, I think is part of that. I’m not going to argue with that at all, Sarah.
I, I, I do Know that from the content creators that we get coming out of Canada, they have nothing good to say about the guy. So, you know, as a matter of fact, something else that I learned, the content creators from Canada, apparently they have different laws than we do in the United States, whereas they could be held liable for publishing their content in Canada. You heard that, right? I know, yeah. So, okay, but here’s the interesting part. Because we’re US Based, they don’t get in any trouble because they’re pushing it offshore. Isn’t that crazy? So that’s their, their way around the, their own, that’s their way around it.
That’s why they’re all, that’s why they, all these foreign people want to go through the United States to do things because their own countries persecute them for it. Yeah, right. Free speech in, in, in Canada does not exist. Also, the media companies are all propped up by the government, all of them. So they’re all. I, I, who’s, who’s your friend that you introduced me to there in Canada? Because he was telling me the story about the, about the amount of money that gets paid to the executives for the media companies. They’re not making any money. Are you talking Christopher James? Yes, yes.
He was telling me. Yeah, he is. He was telling me it’s all government funded. So we give them billions of dollars. They make $10 million a year as the CEO of this media company that nobody’s watching, but it’s just all tax money going to. But okay, well, we get. That’s the same as what’s happening here with our, you know, legacy media. The media CNBC and CNN and all these guys, their business model doesn’t work. They’re getting Anderson Cooper making $20 million and they don’t have enough viewers to support him. And that salary, they’re getting it through Big Pharma.
And that’s why with COVID we saw this huge support. Big Pharma supports Congress too, and there’s other lobbying groups that do as well. But so they’re propping up this dying system because their whole business model doesn’t work because they’ve been feeding them. That’s why we’re seeing a dying. I mean, it’s dying, but they are working. And I know that’s why you’re in your existence and why you’re gonna really take off with local news and everything else you got going on, which we’re gonna talk about, but they’re working hard to reestablish their legitimacy. And you know, they have these tie Ins the university.
If you’re not tied to CNN or NBC or any of these legitimate platforms, you don’t get access to the halls of power. That’s how they do it. Agreed. All of it’s coming to an end, Sarah. It has to. And the reason is Pfizer’s not going to pay any money if they don’t have an audience and their audience is diminishing. And what is the most important thing you have as a journalist? I’ll answer it for you. It’s your credibility. The moment you lie to somebody, nobody’s watching you again. It’s over. Okay, so people have tuned, tuned it out.
You still have people that are watching. But the, the mainstream media is limited in their lifespan simply because the average age, as we talked about, of the cable news viewer is 70 years old and the younger generation is not following up behind. Now you add on the fact that most of America thinks they’re full of it and they’re lying, which means they’ve completely turned their back. Why do you think the Democrats lost the election when they had full power of the legacy media promoting the hell out of their candidate? It’s because nobody cared. They were listening to alternative news.
And you guys collectively dwarf the mainstream media. That’s the most important piece here, right? Well, you’re right. In 2020, when they kicked us all off, just the 15 of us that sued Google, we had more viewership than all the main platforms together. Yeah. Okay, so now, and that’s on their counting their cable numbers and online numbers, but they’re working really hard to change that. And I actually think that they’re buying numbers to make it look like it’s bigger than it is. I don’t buy the numbers that I’m seeing online. You shouldn’t. And don’t forget it. Once you lie to somebody in your business, nobody believes anything you say.
They’ve already seeked out alternative information. That’s why alternative news exists. So they could sit there and try and explain to you how they’re better. I remember the. I think we may have talked about this on the last show and I can’t think of his name, the guy from Axios, that was at one of the journalism places telling you how, how hard it is. And we do the hard work. And Sarah, honestly, anybody could do their job. Anybody, I mean, that I’m in this. Anybody can do their job. I don’t know if anybody can do a job like what I do or what some of these other people do, because it is hard work.
We are we are attacked, we are threatened, our lives are put on the line at times. Right. That’s hard. You have to have a really thick skin. But for what they’re doing, where they don’t even do anything real. Yeah, anybody can do that. They can read. That’s it. So those. Their days are numbered and it’s just a matter of time. I’m telling you right now, I don’t. I mean, they’re going to have to be propped up in the next two years in terms of money. It’s not going to come from the government because Trump’s never going to write him a check.
That ship has sailed. It’s going to. It’s going to have to come from the people who own it. And there’s going to be massive cuts. And over the next five to six years, they’ll probably get rid of 50%, 60% of their staff and then eventually just shut the whole thing down, because it takes a lot of people to pull that off. Whereas with alternative news, with technology, there is today, I can take this phone, put it up on my. Whatever it’s called, I have a teleprompter on an app and I could report the news and then distribute that on Rumble, like you.
And my physical cost to doing that is nowhere near what it takes cable news to be able to produce that product. If you’re reading off a teleprompter, if you’re actually doing real journalism, you’re flying to places or you’re working your network of contacts and you’re actually doing serious work it there. It’s a lot of work. Totally different. Totally different. And they abandoned that a long time ago. Yeah. There was too much cost involved in it. They’re losing audience, so they have to sensationalize everything. And then they had to pick a side. And the side was based on the government because that’s where the money’s coming.
So, you know, even though it may not come from the government, it’s coming from Pfizer, who’s in cahoots with the government. So it might as well be government money and cahoots with the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum. And it ties back. Yeah. So just think about it. It’s all coming to an end, Sarah. It is over. There is not even a remote possibility I’m wrong. Unless somebody shuts off the Internet. Well, they’re. They’re actually trying to do some of that, too, and they’re. They’re trying to fix the numbers. So what they’re doing is.
And this is what people don’t realize, but it’s like a dam that’s broken and water is figuring out how to get through it. There’s still a dam is still functioning a little bit. They’re sheeping everyone into what they want people to see. That is still going on. Google is really heavily controlling what people see and what the eyeballs see. If you do a search, the legacy media is still on the top of every search engine. They’re working really hard to control that. The, the fact that people are still not watching when they’re doing every measure like that is pretty incredible.
No, because once you lie to me, it’s over, Sarah. Nobody’s ever going to tune into them again. That’s the whole key here. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to seek out somebody that I can align with that I believe and that’s going to be my go to person. And you could have multiple ones, right? So you, you’ve never worked for a network television station before, but you’ve got your own channel and you’re now broadcasting on your own network, the Sarah Westall network on Rumble and whatever ones you’re on. That’s the, the beauty of the technology today.
30 years ago, none of this stuff existed. Tell 15 years ago, 20 years ago, you couldn’t do this. Today you can. So before, even though you knew the legacy media was lying to you, you couldn’t do anything about it. Today you could go buy, you know, look, I don’t like my Chevy, I’m gonna buy a BMW. There’s options, there’s options. People have options today and that’s what’s screwing the mainstream media. And they don’t, they don’t know what to do now the universities are scrambling because they’re tied into the establishment system and I would like to see that be the next thing that starts to break down.
Now I understand having needing a healthy education system, but the way it’s going, it’s not healthy. It’s a sheeping system system. It used to be that when you went to the university, the getting tenure mean that you have the ability to speak your mind. They’ve shifted it so that, and I did work in the university system for a while. So they’ve shifted it so that fewer and fewer people have the ability to get tenure. So many of the professors that are there are on contract and they’re not full time employees and they don’t give tenure very much.
And so, and they have this huge control structure now the university has become the Establishment and the gatekeeper of knowledge instead of the place where people thrive and flourish and learn new things. Hasn’t there been alternative, alternative schools that have been created because of this? I mean, I remember listening to one. I don’t remember where they were, what it was a conservative Christian school that was created because of this, where it wasn’t an indoctrination, it was just teaching people what they needed to learn at the school in order to do their job. Job. So I get what you’re saying.
Yeah. And it’s not, yeah, there’s Christian universities, but there’s also other ones. You’re seeing it in the, in the, this has been going on for a long time in healthcare where, you know, the, the naturopaths and those people are just working really hard to have alternative ways of thinking about medicine. They’ve been persecuted forever. But I think more of the mainstream now is noticing that these university systems are in bed and entrenched in these establishment systems. It’s become the elite sno job. It’s, it’s almost like we have a caste system based on what we do. We have a caste system on what universities you go to, what degrees you have, and you have access to the money based on this caste system.
We’ve become an elitist, snobbish, snobbish society based on this university entrenched establishment. And that’s the opposite of that is what made us great. And now we’ve become this elitist, English, snobbish situation. We need to tear that, that cultural element down and get back to our roots so that everyone we learning and growing and thriving doesn’t. You can’t grow, you can’t grow fertile ground and fertile fruit in an environment like that. That’s where fertile fruit goes to die. We need to get back to our roots. Yeah, I agree. I agree. And Trump did make a statement about that, about universities.
And his plan, if I’m not mistaken, is to defund a lot of these universities and, you know, let them sink or swim, one or the other. I, I don’t know the exact thing that he was going to do, but he already mentioned that. So he’s actually on top of what you’re talking about. Yeah. And I agree with civilization forming. Right. Our civilization going in a direction that’s pro human and pro family and pro nourishing the soul and the mind depends on us not having environments like this. Agreed. Yeah. You have to have a place where everybody can grow and flourish.
If you don’t, you’re going to turn this into, you know, a communist country. Agreed. This was their plan, okay? So they were doing very well. They were actually executing a plan. And right now it’s taken the American people to be able to vote. They had to get more votes than you could possibly imagine to get rid of these people. They couldn’t even out cheat us or not that we cheated, but they couldn’t even come up with more votes because it would have looked too stupid. Right? Well it did look stupid in 2020. I’m sorry, anybody that could had a brain.
It looks stupid. It did, it did. But this, this movement here, this last election, did you see the county maps where he, Trump won 87 point something percent of the counties call it nine. I’ve been saying forever it’s 9010. Only so many people can actually be stupid. Okay? You can’t have 50% of the population be a dumb, it would, you wouldn’t survive. Or somebody like me would be making a couple million a year because I would have no competition. Okay? So, so it’s not that way. Most people understand I don’t have enough money to buy this.
Right. I need to, I need to not make this purchase. So it’s, everything is starting to come back to the way it used to be. Thank God you got somebody like Trump in there, it’s going to clean house and he understands what needs to be dismantled. But the Democrats were right on track to turn this into a communist country. So thank God that we’ve been, we’ve been able to do this. I have to tell you, I, I would have never thought that if I’m, I say this all the time. If you and I played poker and I was cheating on every hand, you would never walk out with a nickel, ever.
Okay? And these people are cheaters. They have, they have no common sense to fall back on. They have no good ideas. Everything they do destroys. They’ve been doing it for years. I, I, if somebody said to me this is gonna end where we’re gonna win it and the person in power is going to be able to dismantle everything, I would have said no freaking way. This is going to a revolution. Violent. I, I actually thought that was the only way you could solve it. Because if you believe history repeats itself. How many countries have went into civil war because they were just tired of what their government was doing to them? Right.
I think that was the danger. And maybe that’s why they didn’t cheat this time to the level they could have is because they knew that if they did that it would trigger more serious ramifications. One could only hope. Yeah, I don’t know. I. I don’t know. I don’t know how much more people can take. I keep thinking I’m keeping surprised at how much people are willing to take before they take action. And the more. This is why communism works, is you tame the beast, you tame the wild stallion. We’re harder to tame because we’re free and our constitution and they’ve been working to tame the people.
So I’ve been constantly looking and waiting to see how much more can the people take. How free are we? How free is our mindset? The freedom of our mindset is how much we are willing to take. Because. Go ahead. I know the answer to this. It’s when you’re looking at your children at the table and you don’t have enough food to feed them, that’s when people will have enough. Well, that’s. That happened in the French Revolution. That’s what triggered that. And it was the women, because they’re watching their babies die. When you have nothing to lose, Sarah, it’s over.
You will not win this war. Okay? You won’t. So, you know, but nobody wants that. I mean, that’s not what. We just want to be able to go back to living our lives and not have to worry that the people in power are giving the whole ship away. Okay? That’s the whole thing. And. And so I’m glad that it hasn’t gotten there yet. I would have said there’s no way. These people are given a power. They’ll do anything they can to keep it. And if that means that they have to destroy the whole thing, they’ll do it.
But. But somehow we’re in a position right now where it can be fixed. So knock on. I hope so. Let’s hope that this is. And one of the things I had somebody, a Republican analyst on or strategist, and I said, we, regardless of where you stand, we need to hold that, even Trump to his word. And. And when we start seeing things that we don’t like, we need to raise our voices. Because just like last time, he’s surrounded by people who are not pro United States. We’re not pro human people. So we have to. We have to be hawks.
I agree. I’m telling you, it’s just. It’s just me saying this, but it’s. I would bet my life it’s going to happen. This guy’s firing everybody. Everybody. Okay? There will be nobody that’s part of the administration or any job function Whatsoever. He’ll probably look up who they voted for for. You’re out. You’re out. Well, that’s probably not necessarily good if we got to look for people who are good, but. Yeah, that. Because if we get to the point, or if he gets a point at looking who people voted for versus somebody who’s actually good at their job and.
And trying to be, because then we end up being like them. But I get what you’re saying. No, you need to get rid of all of them. They’re a cancer. Okay? They’re not on your team. They need. You get. You get cancer. Somebody says, we need to cut this out, Sarah, and you go, only cut half of it out. No, that’s not what I mean. I just don’t think you should dig into who people voted for. There’s a reason why it’s private. But, you know, it’s like building lists. It’s like they built lists. Like in Minnesota.
They were building. Where I live, they’re building lists and who are snitching out who. It was horrifying. There were. It was. There was really Nazi type stuff. Yeah. I mean, it was holy. We didn’t. Couldn’t believe how far these guys were going. Right. We don’t want to be that. Trying to be better. If you’re. If you’re going to run a country, you need to. You have an agenda of what you’re pushing and the things you want to get accomplished. You got to make sure the guy sitting in this seat isn’t doing stuff behind you, screw it up for you.
So you have to. Well, you have to change them out. Your employees, your leaders. Every time somebody goes in to take over a company, they fire the management staff and bring in their own team. Yeah, that I agree with. But you don’t look at every employee and analyze who they voted for and get rid of it. I mean, you have to. You don’t put the fear of God into the people, because if you do that, then you become them. I’m just gonna bite my tongue on it. Okay, we can agree to disagree. You ever hear turnabout is fair play? I don’t even know what to say.
Look, I don’t know that you could even look up to see who somebody voted for, but at the end of the day, they just get rid of everybody, and you don’t have to worry about it. Then it’s gone. So. Yeah, but it has to be done. And then let’s see what he could accomplish and what he could pull off. Because remember, a lot of Congress, including Republicans, is. They’re not on his team. So, you know, they’re playing on their own team. That’s right. And. And they’re. That’s what I’m talking about are Pfizer. Their clients are Monsanto.
They don’t work for the American people. They work for the people who paid them. Them. That’s right. Who they work for. And so. And they’re also not even necessarily citizens of the United States that we have a problem with dual citizenship as well. Get rid of them. Yeah, that’s going to be a challenge. But, yes, Trump has a way of making somebody look stupid. And he could easily, if somebody’s not voting with him on something, could just get on TV or on the Internet and say, here’s the problems. It’s these people. Here’s the reason why, because they’re getting money from him.
Do not vote these people in. And then you got Elon Musk, who’s going to fund all the campaigns for the people who are going up against these people, and he’s going to bury them. Well, I don’t know. But see, this is where me and you disagree. You think Elon Musk is the savior, and I think Elon Musk is somebody to be really wary of. I think you can be aligned with. You can be aligned with them as a tool because he’s a business. And he and you can mutually use each other because he’s a business guy, but you cannot depend on him to be pro anything other than pro.
Elon Musk. Okay, we’re gonna find out. We are gonna find out. We’re gonna find out. I hope he proves me wrong. Prove me wrong, Musk. Stop censoring me. When you’re worth the amount of money he is. How much does it really cost to get on a local campaign of somebody running for congressional office in a district? How much? A couple million. I mean, he’s making that in interest an hour. Well, yeah, but I don’t, I don’t, I don’t like that. I like this decentralized, decentralized finance. I like decentralized politics. I like things to be, you know, communism is, is centralized.
Freedom is as decentralized as we can possibly make it, which is what your service is, and we can talk about that decentralized things as much as possible. Somebody like Elon Musk coming in with the hand of God, with all the money he has is centralized. It’s. It’s fascism. It’s the same. It’s the opposite coin. It’s a central Very close to communism because you have a ton of power. It’s not a decentralized political movement. That’s what I like to see. But I saw, to me, it triggers me immediately going, okay, if you’re doing good stuff, then maybe we’ll see.
That’s where I’m at. I. Sarah, I do agree with you that you need to decentralize it. However, if you want a clean house, you have to use some nasty detergents. In order to get the house in order, you need to, you need to bring people in who work for the people, not for Monsanto, Pfizer. That’s right. And so how do you get rid of them? You have to bring a bully in. Right? If somebody’s picking on you in school and you hire a bully, are you gonna hire some little, little, you know, pencil neck geek? Are you gonna hire the big guy who everybody’s scared of? And, and sometimes the pencil neck geek is actually more powerful than the big bully guy when he’s 40.
Okay, but yes, no, I agree in principle, I agree with all that stuff. But you agree with me because your whole life is based on that. Your whole actions are based on that. So you’re talking what I’m saying, so I can’t say. I mean, you’re arguing this, but you’re doing the decentralized model. So you are the living proof of what I’m talking about here, that decentralized power, because your news service, which I think is the future of news, we need to recapture local. We’ve been with the mainstream media dominating every TV set and everything. Everybody’s been so focused on global or national, and if we really want to get back to having freedom, we need to be more locally based.
And I think it’s the natural place for people and it’s what you’re doing. Talk about your service. Because I think, like I said, I think it’s, it’s one of the solutions for regaining freedom in this country. It’s, it’s definitely a massive part. Okay, so the reason we’re in the mess we’re in today, Sarah, is because of the media. Let’s, let’s make no mistake about it. The media is actually the problem. If they’d been telling the truth for the last eight years, all the stuff we saw would have never happened. I mean, the whole Hunter Biden laptop, you remember that thing that didn’t exist that the media told you was a Russian hoax that Joe Biden said didn’t exist, and then he said he never pardoned his kid and now he pardoned his kid for it.
If that doesn’t aggravate you, you. Well, yeah, I had Ziegler on who was the one that was putting out the book. He sent it out to all the congress members. He was exposing this and there was in a lawsuit. Everything he said was true. Yeah, it was. What the mainstream media was saying is that this laptop is all fake. It’s Russian disinformation. They were saying that forever. Right? Why, why were they, why were they covering it up? Well, it’s because it didn’t. Didn’t go well with their candidate, so they had to hide it. That is wrong on every level.
Every single American knows that. I don’t care if you’re a conservative or a Democrat. It doesn’t matter. Everybody knows that’s not right. The way they spun it though, Biden spun it like his poor kid was just a drug addict and he filled out a form Wrong. Trying to get a gun. That’s how they spun it. And so we’re bullies because we’re, we’re picking on somebody who’s unfortunately got caught up in having a drug habit. And everybody makes mistakes on filling out forms. That’s how they spun it. It’s total bs. What about the Russian laptop? Or the laptop? What about the Kuid pro quo? What about paying for access? What about sitting on the Burisma board in Ukraine? What about the whistleblower I had which was a top financial executive at Burisma who.
They found out who she was, they went in, sodomize her, left her for dead. Mercenaries in Russia had to go get her out and bring her into a hospital to save her life. She had two kids. Because they didn’t want the information coming out of who was sitting on that board and how they were funneling money in to bribe the politicians. What about that information that hasn’t come out? Unbelievable. I never heard of that one. Yeah, that was what I got involved in. And I’m telling you that’s probably one of the reasons I’m censored. But, but that information needs to get out and it won’t because they’re doing everything they can to suppress it.
And it’s not just Democrats that are suppressing that. It is state level departments, it is CIA, it is Republicans, it is all the people who are in the dole part of that money laundering BS that they’re part of where half the or probably a whole generation of people in Ukraine have been killed fighting for these a hole. Okay, yeah, I made my piece on that. And I probably haven’t made my piece. I’ll say it. Keep saying it. I don’t want you mad at me. That’s all I gotta say. Well, no, but that’s a big deal. It is a huge deal.
Come on. Are we really this ugly of people? No. I don’t want my tax money going to stuff like that. I don’t want my tax money going to fund your money laundering so that you can go buy your yacht and have prostitutes and traffic children. I don’t. That’s not okay. Sarah, they control everything. They controlled the. The FBI, they controlled the Justice Department, they controlled the CIA. All of them got paid off. So this is why all these crimes that were committed, nobody ever went to jail. And then they had the media backing them up. That’s exactly right.
I mean, it’s exactly correct. So how do you beat this thing? Well, first of all, I think the FBI, they just need to get rid of it. CIA, bye bye, Gone. They need to get rid of everything. There’s no need for. There’s none. Zero, zip. I have plenty of friends of mine that are cops. I asked them, does the FBI do anything better than you or are they something that really is needed? All of them have said no, not at all. We don’t need them at all. There’s no reason to have. They get in our way.
Really? Yeah. That’s all they do. When it’s some kind of thing that the powerful wants covered, they swoop in and control it so the local cops can’t do their job job. So if you. Not all the time bad people are. I don’t think so. Here’s the beauty. If you get rid of the F.B.I. now, it’s all local law enforcement. You can’t control 20,000 municipalities. You can’t. They’re going to do their own thing. It’s all independent. Listen, the best thing that ever happened to the government is the. You know, when the Internet didn’t really exist and six people controlled the legacy media.
Now all they had to do was control six people. Back in the 80s. They had to control 450. 450 fifty. That’s why we were freer back then. Of course. Okay, but all they did was gobble up all the. I’m talking about, you know, the big. The big companies gobbled up all the independence and they created a massive superpower. And so now it’s easy to control six people. Who are these six billionaires? Well, they’re people that want more power, they want more money, they want more everything. So what do we have to do to do it? Well, here’s what, here’s the narrative.
Here’s what you’re going to have to say. And they made it happen. Why? Because they wanted more power and they didn’t want to go up against the machine, the government. So all that is shifting, Sarah. It’s over. It is over. Well, that. That’s civilization changing and it’s rescaining freedom. But they have to embrace things like your platform. Talk about what yours is, because yours is hyperlocal. It’s bringing people back to what we need. You know, you have people like General Flynn or people like him talking local, local, local, local. I’ve been talking local. Everybody talks local.
You need to, if you really want freedom, then you need to get involved locally. I mean, you have a lot of power. Donald Trump, Trump was always, you know, he put the, the abortion stuff back to the state. People realize how powerful the states are, but so are the cities. We just got to take all that back. The reason they aren’t as powerful as people as they should be is because the funding mechanisms, they’ve controlled the funding mechanisms all the way from the top, and they’ve controlled the news all the way from the top. But you being able to control the news at the local level, the people themselves being able to control the news at the local level can start taking this back.
So talk about what this is. Currently we are in. We’re in centralized news with the mainstream media, right? So what our platform is, is a hyper local news platform. So currently we’re operating in every city in the United States. So when you log in, the domain is YourNews.com. your provider will tell us where you live. Some people have a vpn. They block it. You put in your zip code, it takes you to your city. So just imagine you’re looking at the local newspaper. The difference between me and them is we’re in every city in the United States.
We have massive scale. We are a news content distribution platform. So I could serve content to a city, county, market, state, regional, or national. It’s all based on the relevance. Remember this, like you said, General Flynn, all about local. Everything is local, right? Every single news story on planet Earth happened locally somewhere. Okay. It’s just how it works. Okay. And so you know, the news reports what’s relevant to you, and then some stuff makes national news. But make no mistake about it, you know, the, the bank robbery in Miami, if it made national news, still was in Miami, it was Miami news.
And then the media decides what’s going to be national, what they want to pick, and it’s based on the headlines that are out for that day. So what we are as a platform, ultimately, at the end of the day, we’re an aggregator like all news outlets. So what we’re doing is bringing all the country’s information under one umbrella and creating one uniform media. That’s a big deal. The second component to what we do is we all know the layoffs that are happening at the legacy media. If you have LinkedIn Navigator, type in freelance journalists. For the United States, there’s literally almost a half a million people that are calling themselves freelance.
And for those that don’t know what that is, that means I don’t have a job. That means that they’re looking for work to try and make money. My personal opinion is the people that are freelancing were really part of the problem. Okay, so you work for a newspaper. They told you what to write. If you didn’t want to participate, you still had to. There are some stories they wouldn’t run, so they told you what to go out and get. What our product does is it completely decentralizes and democratizes the news business. But what I want to share with you is who I’m working on.
I’ve decided not to go after the freelance journalists, but I’m focused on the student journalists, which there’s 170,000 plus student journalists. And here’s the reason why. Years ago, I used to think, why would somebody be in the, you know, go to school for journalism? Where the hell are they going to get a job? Nobody’s hiring, Sarah. They’re laying everybody off. That’s why there’s 500,000 people that are looking for work. Okay? And so then I started thinking. I said, you know, there’s still a demand for news. It’s just how people consume it that’s changed. And no matter where you live, people remember, you know, they woke up in the morning and they went outside and you’re on the porch and they grabbed the paper and it was always the same writers and somebody covered the school board board meeting or any kind of politics and sports and business.
And you got to know who those people were. Well, those people are not going to be part of the next mainstream media. They just won’t. I mean, you know, when, when Bell created the telephone, he went to the Telegraph people and said, look what I got. This is better than what you have. You guys could be part of this. And they laughed him out of the room. They said, nobody’s ever Going to use a phone in their house. They’re all going to come from out of town to in town to send a telegraph. Well, how did that work out? And by the way, none of those people worked for the phone company.
He had to go out and franchise it. We’re not franchising it, but you know, that’s how the, that’s how the business worked. He went to those people. So what we’re doing is we’re bringing on news reporters, but we’ve decided to focus on the student journalists, which, by the way, some of these kids are really good. Well, they haven’t been biased yet. Well, okay, but that’s why I’m doing it, because they were not part of the problem. And I’m going to use the word molded even though it’s a bad word. We can work with them and bring people to do training.
I don’t care what your political opinion is. It’s irrelevant to me. But I do know if you’re writing a political story, keep your damn opinion out of it. People need to know the facts and then the cream is going to rise to the top. So I feel like we could take these students, these 170,000 students on LinkedIn, we can bring them on our platform and now they could, they could become the next news reporters in your local community. They’re the ones that are going to be going to the city council meeting because you don’t have time, or the school board meeting because you can’t get there because you got to pick up your kids and take them to soccer practice.
They’re going to be the ones that are there reporting the news for you. And honestly, Sarah, I had a complete shift. I think that these students are in the driver’s seat because what we do will ultimately become the next mainstream media. The next mainstream media. Let me just finish. This will be a hyperlocal news platform right in every city in the United States. It’ll have a social component where the public can interact and post their own news views, opinions and classifieds and basically sharing the narrative locally. It’ll have a monetization model like YouTube and Rumble where they can share in the ad revenue.
I’m talking about the content creators that do this for a living. And a self service ad platform where Joe’s Pizza could buy an ad and target it right down to one zip code and everywhere in between. That’s where it’s all going. Well, I think every high school should have like a little journalism thing for all the sports in their school. And they publish it there and all the people in the community can go read what the students are saying and see what the local team did today. I mean, it’s such a great, they could do that.
Every high school could get involved, every single university could get involved and you could have your own journalism department posting everything that’s happening with your, with your sports teams or, and with your organizations and things. And then the cities can get involved with, you know, the, there can be journalism journalists that, like you said, that go in and analyze what’s going on in the city councils and what’s going on in the police department, you know, all those things. So it’s, it, it’s really good. It nurtures the local community. If, if they just have to embrace it, we have solutions.
They just need to start embracing some of these things. It’s, it’s already happening, by the way. So how do people get involved and how do they. There’s also an investment opportunity. You, you’re looking to raise money, but you’re also hiring student journalists. You have so many opportunities from all directions. So talk about some of this, Sarah. We picked up 110 news reporters last month. Now I’ve been just spending a little bit of money on LinkedIn and there’s an application they could fill out. So we talk about it and then you give them the application or the link to the application.
And we picked up. So when legacy media is laying people off, we picked up over 100 people last month. This year my goal is to get to 5 or 6,000. I want to pick up 5 or 6,000 new, which is about 500, 4 or 500amonth, every month. So I’m going to start really laying into it shortly. So that is going to, you know, our product, the way we get our traffic is from our user base. So the user posts a story and then once it gets approved, they share it on their social media pages and then their followers come to me to consume that content.
So there’s multiple ways people can participate. Number one, you could just be a reader. You know, we have a, we have a product that puts out thousands of news stories every single day. Okay. And a lot of them are local, but we have all the same, the national news that you’re going to want to read, especially people listening to your, your show. This is the type of stuff they’re looking for. So you could be a reader. If you have aspirations of being a news reporter. Okay. You can, if you go to YourNews.com and scroll down to the bottom of the page, there’s something that says be a citizen journalist.
There’s a short video you could listen to. If you like what you hear, you want to participate, you now could become a local news reporter in your community. You fill out the application and that means if you want to be, if you want to be an entertainment reporter and cover local entertainment stuff, if you want to do sports, like high school sports, things of that nature, you can do that. If you want to do, if you want to do video, audio, it doesn’t really matter. We encompass everything because we have the capabilities of doing video and audio, like with what you do, right? So it’s, it’s everything combined and there’s categories for everything.
If you like to write about home and garden, we have a home and garden section. Travel, we have a travel section. If you want to be politics in your area or if you just want to have a voice and you just want to be able to put your opinion out, you can just click the Submit news button at the top of the page, create an account, and we give you a voice. So we’re truly putting the power of the press back in the hands of the people where it belongs. If you, if you own a business, you can buy ads from us.
A portion of those ads go to the content creators based on where the ads are seen. And we can drill down to one zip code so we could target one zip code in any city in the United States. States. The last piece which is the most important is, you know, we’re doing something called a capital raise. It’s a, it’s called a private placement. And typically when you’re doing a private placement, you can only sell to accredited investors, which means they have to have a specific net worth and a specific income. And that represents really 1% of the population.
Sarah so most, when you raise capital via private placements, the people who want to participate in these are the private equity firms and the institution players because they have the money and, and they’re looking for good investments. I’ve decided we’re not going to take private capital from institutions. And the reason is, I mean, look, the reason we’re in the mess we’re in today is because there’s six companies that own the legacy media, right? And, and two hedge funds that control them. I mean, look at Public Square, which went public. I don’t know if I told you this, you could look it up yourself.
They did what’s called the spac, which is a special purpose acquisition company, and they went public and that money was raised by brokerage firms. And 38 of the company is owned by Vanguard 30. Almost 40. Almost 40%. Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. Well, Sarah, they have all the money, okay? That’s right. So, you know, they can’t go to Bob Smith and say, hey, you want to put 200 bucks in here? Okay? Because they’d be on the phone for 20 years doing Internet. But just like Angel Studios. Everybody’s familiar with Angel Studios. They produce movies, but they don’t do it the traditional route.
They do it through equity crowdfunding. And so what I decided to do was, you know, this. This is a movement. And if we’re truly going to be a news organization, that’s by the people, for the people, we’re actually really going to put the power back in the hands of the people where it belongs to me. Sarah, the people should own the property, product. Agreed. Yeah, that. That’s how it needs to work. So how can you invest $2,000? I mean, you can invest 200 bucks. It doesn’t matter. 200, 2,000, 20,000, 200,000. It doesn’t matter. We’re doing an equity crowdfund where 100% of the population can participate.
So what do they get? Stock then? Oh, yeah, this is. You’re buying stock. So it’s a movement. What we’re doing is a movement. We’re remember, we control the House, the Senate, and we control the White House. The next thing we need to do is we need to make sure we control the next mainstream media. Because if the mainstream media is not going to survive, what’s going to replace it? It will be exactly what I do. And by the way, Sarah, we’re the only players. There’s nobody else. This could be a monopoly. So this is where I want the people to own the product.
Well, that’s the important thing. Because if it’s a monopoly, you want the people to have the monopoly. That. And that’s what you mean by that. The people can own this, and it can be hyperlocal. It’s. It’ll bring the freedom down to the local levels. I’d like to see. Like I said, I’d like to see every high school journalism group involved, just like they used to have all those, you know. Well, they probably still do all the. The what, Yearbook groups. Well, you have a journalism department in your high school learning about this stuff. And same with the universities.
It’s such a great opportunity for those kids to learn how to be this. Like you said, you’re going after all the journalism students. This is where it’s at get them realizing that they’re part of the future. But they. They need to actively engage, and we just need to support this in the effort and get them thinking different about what it means to be free. So I’m. I’m so excited for you, for everybody, because the future is bright if we decide it to be right? We got to embrace these solutions. Yeah, no, it’s definitely bright. You know, the.
The equity crowdfund we’re doing, I think is the way to go, because I want to disperse this into the hands of the people. As I say, I’d rather have 5,000 people put in a thousand dollars than one guy give me 5 million. Because I’m actually beholden to those people, which I know plenty of those people. I was in that business, you know, capital raising with private equity firms. I have a couple friends that own them. So it’s. It’s really just making sure the public owns this product, not Sam. Okay. And that we bring this. We build the largest news organization in the world, which, by the way, is not even hard to do.
And what you’re talking about with the students, even in high schools, the answer to that is every single one of them will participate. This is just a marketing effort. That’s all it is. It’s just marketing to let them know you exist. You know, many. You know, how many people out there like on. On LinkedIn, I’m spending a small amount of money. They bring me three or four people a day. Probably three and a half is what it comes out to. That’s why I had 110 last month. Because, you know, I’m spending a small budget this month.
I’m going to amp it up and start bringing them on. Then it creates a whole new set of problems. So the. The capital we’re raising is not so I can try and figure out what we’re doing. It’s to take it to another level. That’s what it’s for. It’s the scale and build big. So we have the link yournews.com people can go see it. They can sign up. They can also invest. We’ll have the link below so that people can invest. And you call every single person that. That get. Wants to get involved, which I think is pretty admirable.
I mean, there might be a point where you won’t be able to, but go ahead. I come from the Midwest, so my father has always said to me, somebody gives you money, call me. You thank them. Right? So as long as I. And you do. I do guarantee that that’s what happens, Every one of them. But you can only. Like, if I had 5,000 people make an investment today. Good luck with that. I’m gonna have to do it a different way. Yeah, that’s what I mean. You won’t be able to do that. I mean, there’s a point where you won’t be able to, but I’ve seen you do it every single time so far.
But as you get busier, it’s just not possible. But I just really appreciate this. Thank you so much. Sam. I’m going to have you on, on a regular basis. We’re going to go over because you’re seeing. In your position, you’re able to see everything come through. And so we’re going to constantly talk about where. What. What the feel of the country’s at based on what you’re seeing coming through. So thank you so much for everything that you’re doing and. And having a dedication to freedom itself, because, I mean, and. And taking back our soul. I mean, that’s essentially what we need to do.
I. I couldn’t agree with you more. Sarah thanks you for having me on. I always love being on your show. I think you’re. I think you’re excellent at this, and we needed to have a lot more of you. Thank you so much. Sa.