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And that was like the first time that had come in and out of vision. So it was like a sci fi movie. Wow. Yeah, we’ve had a lot of here. Anyway. How are you doing, bro? Very good, very good. Lots of shows trying to get the. This information out here. It’s like drinking from a fire hose. That’s what I say all the time. All the stuff that’s coming out right now. Yeah. Well, as it’s intended to be. I mean, think of, you know, I’ve said it even to your audience a number of times. At some point, people will have to decide to stop complaining about the fact that things are going too fast.
There was so much fussing about that. It’s not going fast enough and nothing’s happening. And I said, well, when it does start happening, no complaining. So now it’s happening, no complaining. Thank God. That’s right. Yeah. I’m loving it because, because we were saying, you know, in the right after the inauguration that he needs to hit the ground and, like, hammer it. And he has been. It’s been amazing. Well, I don’t know. Just. Just think about this. Can you envision anything that was truly missed where they dropped the ball and didn’t go fast enough? So far it’s been three weeks.
Where are you going to throw a stone at anything that’s going on as though they’ve forgotten to do this fast enough or that fast enough. Even within the context of, say, the J6ers or Tina Peters. There’s so much involved and you’re seeing that as these play out, that you can’t really throw stones, even with the legal stuff that’s being challenged here there. Yeah. So we’re moving very, very quickly. It’s not like there’s some, you know, sticks in the mud that aren’t moving fast enough, I guess, is all I’d say. So, yeah, it’s a pleasure to see it happening.
I know they probably spent a lot of time gaming this and getting ready for this moment, and now they’re just, like, really hammering it down. So, I know, think of it, you know, people saying that there’s no plan. There’s no plan, there’s no plan. The plan centered around getting Trump back into power by whatever means afforded itself best. He’s there now. And so the things that have happened over the last three weeks didn’t happen without a plan. And much of it’s been gamed out, not just for the weeks since the election or even the months coming into the election.
Some of these things have been gamed out for years, even preceding Trump’s first time in office, but that were not able to be executed because of the Russia, Russia, Russia stuff, all of the legal quagmire they tried to put him in. So all of that has been allowed to play out. Everybody’s been able to show their hand, and now you have that kind of set aside, and it’s open field. It’s like you broke through all the tackles, and it’s nothing but green in front of you, and you don’t see another shirt coming at you from any angle.
If you can, if you can outrun them, nobody can close on you. Hit the goal. I, I love those days. Yeah, well, you know, I mean, I, and, and, you know, it’s fun to put it, kind of visuals for people, but the reality is that’s a pretty good example. You know, these people are trying to take them down, and they, they just don’t have the stamina. They don’t have the right team anymore. Look at the attacks that have gone on. Like they’re going to go take down Trump now on all these different things. And the people showing up and complaining, Waters, Schumer, you know, name it, Pelosi.
They’re geriatric and they played all their cards. They didn’t allow other people to come in effectively. And so they’ve got a very dated and worn bench, and they’re just not in the same mental zone. And, you know, we’re getting things knocked down very quickly. You know, there’s kind of word running around that they’re going to lay off or fire 15,000 IRS employees this week. Some have said 9,000, 15,000. And they’re working the plans to take back into custody all of the guns, all of the ammunition that was put out to IRS employees. So they’re going to be defanged.
And then what are they looking at inside the irs, all those employees, you know, they had the building that was completely. Nobody been in there since 2021 with sandbags like for defensive purposes all through the interior of the building. Reporters got to go in and see the innards of the IRS building. Nobody’s been there since 2021. And then that same context, Trump comes in and he says that he is going to anybody that’s been working double billing for other employers while they were on the federal payroll, but they went home, they’re going to be in trouble.
They may lose pensions, they may in fact have to repay back salaries. Think of all the times that American citizens have been gone after, say, at the irs. They made it in the context, the IRS employees, the guys going in at the irs. The hunters become the hunted. And then there’s pretty good information. I’ve got it from a couple of sources now that a couple key people at federal agencies are in the process of trying to bug out, leave the US and, you know, they think they’re going to be safe somewhere in Europe or Africa. Give me a break.
Like we don’t have the ability to go find them. Wherever they’re at, I think they have a rough hair day. No matter where they go, you know, the behind the ice wall might not be far enough. Yeah, they’ll definitely be hunted down, I believe. And I’ve said that for a little while. You know, I had Sean Taylor on my show yesterday and we talked about, you know, all. You know, he’s been on top of this for a long time. Oh, let me tell you, Sean. Let me just pause. Bear with me for one second. Sean is one of these guys that when we’re handing out hats and thank yous, he will be one of the heroes of this whole thing.
You know, he put everything on the line. He’s been attacked viciously within his job performance, work focus. But he’s been very careful to stay between the lines within his authorities. And the stuff that he has been following and tracking down is just stunning. Next to next to none. Fantastic on the information. So huge hat tip to Sean. And, you know, this is a team effort. We got people in all sorts of places doing phenomenal work, even the work that you’re doing, getting the word out, having a platform, so many people doing so much incredible stuff. But Sean, he didn’t really, if you get right down to it, have the infrastructure that many others had.
He had to do a lot of what he did with a very ragtag team. And then a lot of it just himself for hundreds and hundreds of hours behind the computer. Yeah. So I I have a lot of respect for guys that they go out and do the impossible, even if it’s just by themselves and they just don’t stop. That’s Sean. And, and we’ll have a lot of accolades for him down the road. That’s awesome. Yeah, he definitely deserves it. To me. I just wanted to pause it. Yeah. So we’re. That’s. Yeah. Great for saying. I’m.
Appreciate it. You’re making a comment. Before I interrupt you, I apologize, Jacob. Yeah, so I going to go. You’re making a comment about the last time that we, that we talked. You talked about all of these new accommodations for people maybe on some island somewhere that’s gonna, you know, lots of people are going to those, those accommodations. Now, that’s one of the things. Not that specifically, but there’s one of the things that Sean and I talked about, and he said specifically that we really need to start to round these people up and hold them accountable before the next midterm election.
What are your thoughts? Oh, yeah. Oh, they’re not going to get anywhere close to the midterms and not be rounded up. This is going to be a tough year for bad guys. Think of how fast Trump has gone so far just to clear out the federal registries and things like that. Look at various laws and by the way, let’s think about this for a second. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I got, I got one thing. Okay. Okay. I gotta give credit where credit is due. So one of the people that listens to your show said a comment to me through channels, and I got the comment, and he says, you know what Trump should do? Well, I get this kind of a comment all day long.
You tell him, do this, do that. But I thought this one was so choice. You know how they put the pictures of the governor and the mayor and everybody on the wall, the president on the wall. And Trump’s, you know, been doing all these swearing ins in front of Reagan’s image there in the, in the White House, in the Oval Office. He’s got Reagan a huge picture there. He swears all these people in there. So, but, but this listener had this idea. He says, you know, what Trump should do for his official picture in all the offices, all the federal agencies across the country.
He should have as his picture the frowning mug shot. Can you imagine? Oh, my God, with the grimace, you know, mind your P’s and Q’s. Stay within the law. No lawfare here. Unlawful. Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine walking into every federal, going to the IRS office there’s Trump’s grimace. You’re an employee. Every day, I’m watching you. Oh, my gosh, that visual, Mentally, I just was like, yes, that’s true. Trump should make that his official portrait. At least till the midterms. Then we can smile after we have all the victories in the midterms, he can put his smiling face in.
I think I should have Jen do a, do an oil painting of Trump’s mug shot. And that could be the official, you know, she could be the artist that puts the official mug shot out there. But anyway, I mean, and you know, even on the, even on the mug shot, I gotta be honest with you, that doesn’t just happen. I guarantee you Trump had to sit in front of the mirror and practice that at least a few different times to get that downright, get just a scowl just right on his face to make sure they’re gonna get a picture.
They’re gonna get one that’s gonna be remembered forever. And he did. I mean, I’m telling you, he pulled it off. They didn’t have to ask him twice. Oh, that one wasn’t good. Let’s take another one. It was probably worse the second and fourth time. Oh, my gosh, I love it. But anyway, I think that if you think about a parting shot, too, is all these federal employees having to leave. The last, the last visual they have in their office building is they’re walking out the door. Trump grimacing. And by the way, did you see, did you see what’s happening? Property around Washington, D.C.
oh, yeah, they’re bailing. They’re bailing. I mean, the listings for houses for sale. And then the problem for them all is with so many being listed all at the same time, the prices. I mean, it’s a buyer’s market, if you want to go buy there. I mean, I don’t know if it makes sense, but it’s a buyer’s market for sure. And I had friends that were moving to D.C. because one of them got appointed to a federal position. So they were kind of hand wringing. Gosh, I mean, it’s so hard to rent. It’s so expensive. And I said, what are you talking about? Crazy? And this is back in November.
They were, they had already been promised a position. And I said, yeah, but when you get ready to move there, don’t even buy anything till, like, March. Just stay at a hotel until March or so. And that’s when prices are really going to start to get pretty good. And so I agree. Oh, my chicken here just showed up. I Gave him a grape earlier. Now he’s not going to go away forever. But anyway, he was on my lap a minute ago and I was like, no, no, no, I don’t need. Wow, one grape, man. They can be.
But it’s like a Democrat chicken. Okay, just pick one grape. Anyway, gosh, I’m, I’m hard on those fortigates, but the house prices plummeting because so many houses on the market and then the ones that aren’t plummeting, the people are like, well, maybe it’ll get better or Trump’s people will show up. Now Trump’s moving agencies all over the country and he’s going to continue to do so. So how, how are they going to get this solved in any convenient short period of time? It’s not going to happen. So it’s going to be a buyer’s market for quite a long time and then those people aren’t going to get the big bucks they were looking for.
So even whatever they get, they better take to it while they can because I think those prices are going to continue down. At a long talk with somebody out of Chicago earlier today and it’s the same thing there. And of course that was heavily favored within the Democrat ranks with the bomb there and all that. And I play, I think those places are absolutely going to get hit the hardest and see prices drop radically. And so I said, you know, I’d hold tight buying your farmland that they want to buy, give this a chance to wash out.
I think you see some of these prices in these heavily favored liberal areas get come down quite a bit. And then the banks issues, we haven’t even gotten to the bank issues. You know, think about this. And this is what I was trying to, people were asking me and I, you know, what do I think? And I’ve talked about this for quite a while with what’s going to happen within the money supply and things like that, within prices and you know, should I have silver and gold and all this other stuff? Okay, let’s just have a, we’re all adults here, so let’s have an adult conversation for a minute or two.
In my lifetime I’ve seen four big property recessions and they were really real estate driven in the banking system for various reasons where you had peak to trough on high value properties that went down like, you know, literally 30 and 40% in the hardest hit properties in 20 is a bare minimum almost uniquely all through the country. So right now you have, you know, like in a region you might have a big employer, aerospace company or computer company or something like that. And they lay off. You know, maybe they have a 50,000 workforce and they lay off 10 or 15,000 employees.
Huge impact in the region. McDonald’s doesn’t sell as much. The people that go out and do concrete work and build houses and roads, they all get hit downhill. With what Trump’s doing with gleaning out all of the, you know, really parasites, the excess, excessive federal positions and contractors and the money flow and USAID as he does that, it’s like drilling holes in the foundation of this federalist camp. All the people and contractors that benefited from just the money flowing crazily, that really was bleeding America out. And so, like a tourniquet, he’s cut off the flow completely.
And, you know, when you apply a tourniquet, you might let a little bit of blood flow. You don’t want to kill the limb necessarily, necessarily, but you have to get something under control because you’re bleeding out. It’s not that the leg is bad, but you’ve got an injury to in there that has to be brought under control. You want to keep the limb alive, but you want to choke off the area where there’s some horrible damage. And while you’re trying to get to it, you got to, you know, save the whole body by. By having a tourniquet to.
To limit that blood flow. That’s really what’s happening. They’ve cut off the blood flow to a lot of these liberal operations, these veiled operations that are bleeding out the body politic enough go in various ways to keep everything alive while they sort through what’s legitimate and what is, you know, false, illegitimate, crazy. And so, you know, it might be that we see 15,000 IRS workers going away this week. Shoot, you got a quarter million. He said he wanted to reduce stuff by half in that particular agency’s case. We’re going to shut them off, shut them down.
Now, there will be plenty as the country resets and gets business going in. You’re still going to need bookkeepers. You’re still going to need people that understand sound finance and bookkeeping like that. Those people will be fine, and the ones that get on the right side of history will be fine. But the ones that were just. They’re part of an agency that’s lawless and unlawful in, in the way that it works through, that’s just going to get shut off and we’ll. And so some of those people will be able to get jobs over helping doing the tariff stuff and other things.
Other ones that were A little happy to be going after other Americans. There won’t be a place for them, we won’t have need of their services. So it’s going to be fun to watch as this plays out. But plenty of other agencies where there’s paring back. Do we need four light bulb changers or do we need one guy with the ladder, you know, you know, the other three holding the guy up and then turning in a circle underneath him to turn the light bulb into place? Literally these silly things within the federal operations are going to get paired back to something more appropriate.
So if you’re in an agency who does really legitimate, valid, important work, maybe you lose 10 or 15 or 20% of your workforce if you’re in an agency that is just enforcing rules about rules about rules to keep the cash flow going. I remember one of the big cities where Starbucks is at, they decided that the Starbucks brewing system, where they have the, you know, heat the water up and then run it through the coffee grounds to make coffee, that, that’s a boiler. And so some people got to the politicians in that city and said, hey, this is the boiler and they’re dangerous, they can blow up.
That’s why we have boiler inspections and the boilermakers union to, you know, help monitor these and make sure that they meet code and everything else. So they were going to institute this, you know, several thousand dollar license and then you had to have your boilers at the coffee shops all around this city inspected. It was going to be a demonstration project in this one city and then they were going to, you know, spread it out to cities all across the country. So they’re going to prove how important this was. It was a, it was a cash cow for cities and they were going to generate hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars of new revenue by inspecting all the boilers at all the little coffee stands in their jurisdiction and be a training model for other jurisdictions to do the same.
Okay, let me ask you a question. In the entire time since Starbucks became a thing and all the other coffee places became a thing, how many times have you heard of a water boiling system at the coffee shop blowing up and hurting anybody, let alone killing them? Never. Okay, so what was going on here? It was purely just a way to get some cash and add, you know, create a whole new division and money flow and everything else? It couldn’t be sillier than that. As, as outrageous as that example is, we have lots of agencies involved in similar stuff.
You know, I could get into it with like the mining and like that but, you know, where we have quite a bit going on in the mining sector, there’s a lot of similar kinds of laws that, you know, they argue in front of somebody that doesn’t know. Oh, yeah, that’s right. We really got to do that. You get in front of somebody that actually knows what’s going on. And some of these rules are like, seriously, seriously as dumb as, as having inspectors for coffee pots. You know, it’s a make work thing. And that’s what, that’s what the Trump dream is, is eliminating and boiling away is.
Is that. And he said, you know, all the way back to the first campaign, he wanted to cut the federal workforce by half. I think he’s going to accomplish it. And the DOE stuff, here’s. Here’s one thing, too. Oh, my. There’s my chicken. He’s still here. I wish I had more grapes for him. Hardy ate them all. Sorry, bro. But on the Doge thing, okay, so a lot of your listeners have heard that Doge is illegal and it’s unconstitutional. And, you know, having a department, you know, for, you know, excellence and getting under control, it’s not legal.
We’re going to win in court. Trump’s going to get his head handed to him on a plate. It’s not going to stand. Okay. You know who put that whole thing together wasn’t Trump. It was Obama. Yeah. All of his team put that whole thing together. All Trump did was rename it. But the actual orders that allow for it to exist, all the stuff that’s going on there, and if somewhere in there a judge decides that the way that the Doge system was created and implemented is illegal and has to stop, you know what else you have to get rid of that’s under the same type of executive order? Department of Energy.
Oh, nice. You have to get rid of the CIA. You have to get rid of the FBI. Oh, my God. Get rid of irs, all of them. So let them go to court and argue that and win. Oh, God. Wow. That’s so horrible. Elon is out. Doge is out. Yeah. And we also wiped it. It’s like having a chess game and somebody comes in and just wipes off all the pieces on the board. You’re not playing fair. Well, it’s the rules. You said it doesn’t. You can’t play. That would be fantastic. Yeah, yeah. There’s no plan.
There’s no plan, by the way. There’s no plan. Yeah. So the banks. So we have, you know, of course, one of the worst banks is JP Morgan Chase. Jamie Dimon, who I think probably they’re gonna be leading him out within handcuffs. What do you think is going to happen with these banks? You kind of mentioned that. Well, here’s the deal. We’re looking, you know, as soon as you get to the irs, think of all the reporting stuff. Now I’ve got some folks that I actually threw some money at their project sometime back and they’re getting ready to file something on.
I don’t want to say exactly, I want to give the give it away too much. But a certain reporting thing that is really unconstitutional without basis, blah, blah, blah. So they’re getting ready to go after that. And I actually think that the banks are going to not do the suit. It’s been for the benefit of IRS and federal reporting agencies and anti terrorism, all sorts of things. But at the end of the day, the ones that will benefit the most would be the banks to not do it before they would maybe enforce this particular rule based on the fact of intimidation.
They’re getting along, going along with federal agencies at this point without any support there. And they have a huge expense. I think the banks become the best buddy in making it. So this particular reporting feature goes away and with it, one other thing that would happen is the games being played with the debanking stuff. You know, when I was with Nigel Farage last summer, one of the things that he wanted to talk about was the whole debanking thing. We were talking about other stuff, but he raised it and talked about it quite a bit. Deep banking of conservative players going on throughout the Commonwealth and other countries besides what’s going on here in the US And I think with this particular lawsuit that we would eliminate the games being played there.
So and for the banks, think of it this way, the big play within the banking community has been the ever increasing because of inflation, which is engineered by creating money, creating debt and constantly having to increase the amount of money present to service the debt. Most of that is tied to real estate. And so you have to have continuously increasing values in real estate. The reality is real estate is like gold or silver. It’s tangible. What’s really changing in value, the money you’re buying it with. There may be some increase because of location and infrastructure and pressure and all that, but if you weren’t adding that in specifically, it was a pretty vent.
It’s the dollars you buy it with that have been changing and an easy comparison that’s been out there for a long time. People use is it with a $20 gold piece in the 1800s, late 1800s, you go into San Francisco and buy the finest suit in San Francisco with a 20 ounce gold piece or $20 gold piece, which is 1 ounce. At that time in the 1800s as, as gold prices have changed and gone up. Imagine today a gold coin, it goes for around 3, 500. Even though gold spot price is down there, 29 something right now.
The gold coins up there, about 3,500 for American Eagle. You could go into San Francisco again today and buy the fine a suit and all these stuff to go with it and it’d be about that much. You know, you got people to go out and spend 25 grand or something. But that’s not what I’m talking about. You know, just a fantastic, tailored, excellent suit. Yeah, it’s about 3, 500 bucks with shoes and any other gear that goes with it. And so what changed in value? Was it the gold that changed in value? Was it even the labor? No, the dollars went down in value.
It takes more of them to buy the same thing. And it’s the same with property for the most part, even with newer technology and stuff like that. You could use the same comparison with cars, Cadillac from the 50s versus now cost in gold, et cetera. And it’ll stay relatively consistent. Then you look at, if you’re a person that’s in the game, you’ve got a leveraged piece of property. So most people there’s somewhere around 20% down on the properties and they’re taking money from a prior transaction and paying it into the current transaction. Sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s less.
You get a government grant, whatever, first time buyer help from the government. But the problem is when you come in and buy that property, if the property’s going up in value and the banks anticipate that the trend is going to continue higher, they’re pretty loose in making those loans because they can go to the Federal Reserve, bundle a whole package together and get a bunch of money at cheaper rates. When the property is going down in value or it’s very steady, stable, it’s not really going up much. The banks watch their P’s and Q’s a lot closer.
And they do this through the appraisers. They’ll have private advisory letters, notes to appraisers. And I’ll tell them that they want them to cool it on these wildly high appraisals. And so there’ll be bank appraisers. There may be other people out there trying to appraise stuff. For instance, other stuff the bank appraisers they’re the ones that really control the game. And they’ll tell them to, you know, ease up, slow down, check the list a little more thoroughly. Look at the roof. If it’s got one shingle out of place, you need a whole new roof. You know, stuff like that.
Because they know they could get stuck with the property. So. And then property prices go down because the banks are tightening up. They’re requiring higher down payments, better details on their job history and their current employer. And they’ll look at the employer, hey, you know, something’s happening in federal jobs. You work at a federal job, we’re not sure we want to loan anything to you and your house because we think there’s a fair likelihood that your job might disappear. So they’re not making loans to those guys easily. The money’s not flowing. When the banks slow down on making the loans, then I’m kind of having fun watching the folks learning how to canoe here.
Anyway, as the banks tighten up, the property prices cool down. And then if you actually have a dirge of buyers like what’s happening in Washington D.C. right now, well, they won’t make loans unless you got 40% down. And the people that are trying to sell, they’re not getting equity out of their loans. They might just be breaking even to get out of the house. They might even have to pay to get out of the house because nobody’s buying their houses and they can’t afford to make the mortgage payment because they don’t have a job anymore because Trump’s got them laid off or fired and nobody’s hiring other positions in the federal market for what they got to offer or other employers.
They might even not have their retirement because they got caught double dipping working other jobs while they were at home supposedly working for their federal employer. And they weren’t actually working, they were sandbagging. So with that in mind, as the banks tighten up, the values of the houses go down. Building new houses, when you have an oversupply of houses on the market, who’s building new houses when there’s cheaper houses on the market than you can even build for? That slows down the velocity of money radically. And I’m just telling you, I believe that’s what is about to happen again for the fifth time in my lifetime that I could understand, observe and watch.
And so it’s going to be very tough. And then in that environment, dollars become more dear, but even more so. What the Biden team did was they printed dollars into this situation heavily and a Lot of those dollars are out there still roosting around various places. They’re going to get spent and you’ll see a surge of dollars for a bit of time, and then it’s going to just suddenly appear to dry up a lot. So dollars will be tight. Anything gold and silver will actually be tight for various reasons and see the price go up. People are going to need that money for loans to bridge through, and they’re going to be dangerous loans, by the way.
Think twice, think 10 times. Think like a pawn shop. They won’t loan you, but, you know, 60% of value or something. If it’s really something good. Okay. Even if it’s like gold or silver, they don’t give you the whole Marianne. So you have to be on your game about what’s coming up. There’s going to be a window here where people holding tangibles are going to be fine. If you have property and it’s fully paid for or nearly paid for, probably not the time to sell, you just ride it through and let things stabilize and come out the other side.
As long as it’s, you know, paying its own way and you’re not upside down or something. How long is it going to take for this to get flushed in the system? Well, what Trump’s doing is accelerating this. Instead of slowly bleeding this out over the next couple years, the triage here is to cut the flow off completely and throttle it enough to keep these various limbs alive, to keep federal government, you know, functional alive, but not necessarily running sprints. Okay. While we close off these gaping holes where we’re bleeding out. And I think that’s, you know, so where are the banks? The banks are probably going to tighten up radically, and it’ll be not even because they want to.
They’re going to have extra scrutiny going on inside the banks. Their accountants are going to be explaining themselves a lot more within the banks. Who was getting the loans? What were the criteria for some of these loans? Were others not getting loans because of some kind of redlining within the conservative versus, you know, diversity community? There’s going to be a lot of explaining to do, and that’s going to take probably in the, in the very shortest window, a year to a year and a half to get sorted through and begin to restabilize. I don’t expect things to actually start heading towards some new level of parity until sometime mid-2026 to fall of 2026.
And if you think about it, let’s go into politician mode. The smart politicians, when Reagan did everything he did coming into office. He had hyper inflation in American terms. Interest rates 17 to 22% on properties and things like that. There was a. Almost a collapse because of stuff going on in the energy market from Carter. You know, you got to drive 50 miles an hour, any highway in America. 50 miles an hour. Not 55, 50. Hard for a lot of people to even remember those days. I remember them. And the, you know, asinine nature of that.
That period of time was just. It was just crazy. The cardigan sweater speech by the fireside. We’re all gonna have to put our sweater on, turn down the heat. America’s past, you know. You know, we’re on the. On the downward side of the hill, and. And America is no longer the leader in the world, and. And everybody needs to put on a cardigan sweater. And we’re not gonna use as much energy and drive 50 miles an hour. It’s your patriotic duty. Do you know how painful it was? Yes, I do. High performance muscle. Favorite president in history until Biden.
So now Biden’s the worst president in history. Oh, my God, Biden. Yeah, Biden made Carter good. You know, give me a break. And. And so with that in mind, even there, you know, I’ll tell you one other thing. Just think of this. When Trump comes out, fight, fight, fight. That was not at all. What you got from Carter. You got from Carter. Chicken wing arms, okay? Floppy, no bicep there, right? You know, you see that chicken wing, floppy sweater, right? And, you know, we’re past our peak, and all these other countries are going to take us over, and.
And we’re going to be, you know, in a whole different world, and. And we got to learn how to drive a Pinto. Everybody should have a Pinto. Two Pintos in the garage. And by the way, we don’t even want to see your muscle car. It must be destroyed. Bury it in the backyard. We don’t even want it at the junkyard. Just bury it in the backyard. A few guys did bury them in the barn. They were smart. I keep hoping to find another good barn find. In fact, I’ll tell you what. My 66 Shelby, that’s how I found it.
They had parked it because of the gas wars and put it away. And when I got. Been in a Barn for about 10 years and 35,000 miles on it. Oh, my gosh. Very fun. And I’ve kept that car all the way along, but I started to take it apart to restore it, and then I realized it’s in better shape than most of the Cars that aren’t restored. I put it back together again and just left it the way it was. I thought it was dumb for even starting, but, you know, it’s just that kind of a thing where we’re Trump is coming in.
You’re not rolling over and playing dead. We’re not giving up. We’re going to fight harder. We’re going to come back and make America great again. And then we’re going to go out and help the rest of the world be great. Because remember, you know, I told your audience about the technicians that we have, the engineers who were involved in stealing the 2020 election. They’re now safely ensconced in federal hands, okay? And singing like canaries. Everything that was done over the last, you know, two and a half, three years is being duplicated by federal employees and not in the private realm.
And so those people that were involved at all different levels and around the world, they should be shaking in their boots. They’re not in places where they can easily be wiped out of their families at this point in time. You’re not stopping anything at this point. And the reason I raised that again right this second is when you think about it going back to 2020, 2020, it’s not over yet. Those people are in the pipeline. How long before the first arrests occur? Wow. It. And it won’t be just the FBI showing up. I’ll just tell you this.
Some of the people involved worked for three letter agencies. So the investigations and work are going to be military. And by the way, you mentioned it right off the bat early in the show and asked me about it. Let me, let me tighten things up a bit. You know, at Gitmo during the Trump administration, they did this huge buildup of concrete peering. That’s all out in the bay in front of Gitmo. And that concrete piering, people were wondering, what in the world is that for? Well, it just so happens you do an aerial and then you take all the FEMA ships for both coasts and other parts of the world that we have for disaster relief.
What’s amazing, it’s like a puzzle. You can go, oh, let’s see that one. It fits right here. Look at the size of that piering thing. That one would fit right there. Gosh. And then that other one would fit here and here and here. Oh, my gosh, look. It fills the whole thing out. You got 25,000 beds on those FEMA ships and they can be sunk right there in place. And they can handle a Cat 6 hurricane. So you got A whole bunch of extra bedding that can be brought into Gitmo on a moment’s notice. And I mean, what use is FEMA at this point anyway? All you gotta do is go right over the hill over here and look at what happened to Lahaina.
How much use has FEMA been in Lahaina? How much use has FEMA been in North Carolina? How much has FEMA helped in Southern California? Let’s reuse those assets someplace will actually make a difference. Okay. The ones that aren’t in a jail cell in the FEMA ship, well, they can help service and maintain and work on the FEMA ship at Gitmo. So. And by the way, you know, they doubled. They doubled the area where attorneys are able to go in and review all of the secret documents at Gitmo. They finished that many months ago, anticipating that we’re going to be a whole bunch more attorneys needing space to look at classified documents in a secure area.
Well, okay, is that blow Joe Smo, gang member, head of a gang that’s going to be at Gitmo that’s got a bunch of classified stuff there, maybe a little teeny bit. No, the people that are going to be there explaining themselves are going to be far more senior with a lot more access this to stuff, you know. So of course, Joe Biden, he had his security clearance cut off. Well, he cut it off to Trump. So all these other players, the 51 intelligence officers who said that, you know, Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian disinformation plot.
And so Trump couldn’t talk about it at the debates when he was debating Biden. Oh. And now it turns out actually it wasn’t a Russian disinformation plot. And everybody signing the letter already knew that it was purely political. Well, they’d all had their security clearances cut. How many of them might be in somebody’s target to be explaining their attorney? You got to find this document and look at this one in the classified documents. And I told them that they shouldn’t be doing this. It’s going to be epic. In fact, you know, my. My chief of staff was actually.
Has been on investigative and prosecutorial tribunals at Gitmo. Served there for a year and a half. Decorated Marine pilot and a great guy. He has his own show over at ppn, Patriot Party News every night. Matt Meck and Warren, who is one of the owners of the station there. And they’re just doing some killer work over there. Oh, my gosh. They’re just nailing it. So. But Anyway, so what are your other questions? I don’t want to, I don’t want to be crazy. What are the questions you got, bro? Well, you know, I guess we’re getting close to these arrests, but when do you think we’re moving into that? I know we’re disclosing at this point and probably phase two will be arrest.
What’s, what’s further out after. Whenever you’re doing these types of cases, you’ll go out and pick up peripheral people who are not your primary target and give them a chance to sing like a canary and try to lessen the damage to themselves or family members. And we’ve actually had a few of those arrests already and there’s been disclosures and people coming in as whistleblowers. Did you see this latest thing about Comey over at the FBI with the whistleblower? No. Okay, so back in 2015, before Crossfire Hurricane and all the stuff like Trump was a Russian agent and this is really important stuff.
Slow down. Let’s think about this for a second, Comey. Now you’ve got, you’ve got about a half a dozen different ways that if you have an investigation that’s ultra hyper sensitive, especially if it’s political or, or certain things, like you’ve got an inside source who’s betting Putin or something and taking payoffs or giving payoffs to Putin, you know, something like that, who’s, you know, having sex with the Chinese, you know, prime minister or president or whatever, you can hide an investigation like that in about a half a dozen different ways that nobody gets to see it except for say, you or the president or somebody else.
So it turns out we have a whistleblower and the whistleblower was in the room and was privy to all the workup and communications concerning Comey as director of FBI, detailing not, not an informant, not a contractor, but two FBI special agents actually on the payroll at the FBI, directing them to go try and infiltrate the camp as honey pots. And Comey personally was directing them and they were off the books, not even in any of the half dozen legitimate ways that you record all the information, the input, etc, because if you ever have to have an investigation or if you have to testify in court and things like that, we got to have this information available to you in legitimate ways that show that it was recorded, timely in the proper records and justified, verified, etc.
In this particular case. And normally to initiate something like this, it has to be done based on some real information that gives a premise for a legitimate investigation at this Level. And by the way, there’s people at a number of three letter agencies who are legitimately tasked to go out and try to entice people for sex within these agencies. Okay, and I’ll touch on that in a second over to Playboy, if you remind me. But in this particular case, yeah, they were sent into the Trump camp to try to be honeypots, these two FBI. Wow. And this is before Crossfire Hurricane to get intelligence inside the Trump camp, obviously to try to have the basis for this Russia, Russia, Russia thing.
One of them actually got to Papadopoulos and tried to bait Papadopoulos as a honey pot. Now, you know, you know Papadopoulos crap. He’s got one of the most beautiful wives in the world, Italian gal. They tried to say that his wife was Russia, was a Russian agent. So full of. And so then Papadopoulos got attacked in the same thing by one of these two FBI officers. And person has come forward now in the last several days as a whistleblower and informed investigators in one of the federal agencies about this and given them detailed information about the person, locations, the operations, etc.
And Comey was the only one that she personally was in the room and directed this. Now, for Comey to do this, he almost certainly had agreement by Obama and knowledge by Obama of what was going on here. So imagine official honey potting, applying sex by an FBI agent to get information into the Trump campaign. What do you think the impact is going to be as that comes out for Comey and others? If you’re. Call me. Are you. Are you getting your go bag ready and are you picking locations, trying to find out if you can, you know, you.
Do you try to get out on the plane or you go on the water? Do you go under the water? Do you go out in somebody’s suitcase? You know, they got a big enough suitcase. Maybe you have to go on a diet for a couple weeks. God, like, the man’s a giant. Well, you know, do you go get down behind. I gotta get behind the ice wall as fast as it can. It’s really cold out here, but I’m going to do it. I can do it. I can do it. Is there a tunnel? I got to get out of here.
You can run, but you can’t hide. Especially that guy. Yeah, well, you know, he didn’t. He didn’t know that that juice he drank the other day had a little bit of radioactive isotopes in it, which attracted my satellite. Yeah, yeah, we’re gonna be able to. Yeah, yeah, look, he’s doing Almost six miles an hour on the ground. He should be in the Olympics, I’m telling you. Look at that guy go. So there’s a, you know, Russian side of that. They have another. I don’t know if it’s real or not. It’s called Red Sparrow. Jason Matthews, who was.
Yeah, yeah. A guy wrote that he had these abilities. He could see colors on people and he could tell if they’re lying. They didn’t even bring that out in the movie. But the book is. The book series is magnificent. I was. I was gonna, like, you know, because I wrote the Intuitive Warrior and I was working. The CA. People were trying to hook us up. But I. I was kind of like on my way out of the CIA at the time, so I was like, yeah, I better not get him involved. But there is. There’s some very interesting things.
And I know, like, you. You did James Gilliland. So you’re. And I’ve heard you over the years, you’ve, like, touched on some of these subjects. You’re extremely knowledgeable. You’re. You’re. Your breadth. The stuff that you know is just like incredible wine. Well, you know, I. We’re talking to a lot of different audiences. In fact, I think the Gilland interview was important. I had a couple people even in comments that were out there. Oh, that’s it. Juan’s lost it now. He’s. He’s gone completely over the edge. Whatever, you know, and. And I had friends who were like, no, no, you can’t do that.
You can’t do that. He talks about aliens, you know. Well, Enoch talks about aliens. Christ quoted from Enoch. So, you know, by the way, the devil himself was an alien. He wasn’t, you know, he certain wasn’t of Adam’s line, so we got extra, you know, somebody somewhere out here. I think that was actually a very fun interview. And Gilland is a serious guy. You know, let me say this comparison for the Christians out there. And I’m. I’m a Christian and I believe, you know, we’re saved by the blood of Christ, that we have the ability to reconcile with our creator, our Father, God and heaven.
God put on flesh like we put on a coat or jacket and then came and walked amongst us and then took the penalty of sin on himself. Christ, God and man in our place. And we just have to accept that and ask for forgiveness via that. And it’s a gift to us. We can’t buy it. There’s no amount of money. You don’t have anything. You’ll never have Enough to pay the penalty of sin and then be reconciled with God. So only God could do it himself. Listens enough. He chose to do that in the personage of Christ himself.
So. Oh, here these guys are. They’re about to crash into each other. Did you see that? That was pretty good. Oh, wow. So anyway, they had. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Pull it back. They were about to crash into each other. These are pretty expensive canoes, by the way. They’re not. They’re not really. You got enough momentum, a wave carries you, you can kill somebody. Amazing athletes to do that. Yeah, yeah. So just one. One last thing, you know, on that line. Nino was trying to call me there. Oh, really? He’s. He’s jealous. But, yeah, I tell you something.
Yeah. I think that was a fun and an important interview because it. If you were to be. To get the chance as a Christian, let’s say, to talk with Edgar Casey. Wow. Edgar Casey was a Christian, but a lot of the stuff that he did, it defies a lot of the conversations we would have within the Christian community. Yeah. And he actually was counseled by Billy Sunday. What. What the context of the story is, is. Is Casey was probably a sub 100 IQ person, literally. And at one point, and. And he was a churchgoer, raised in that all his life.
You know, parents, pastor. Dad was a pastor, I believe, et cetera. He fell off of a fence post and hit his head. And so whatever he was beforehand, he was even less afterwards. And at a certain point, he had an angelic encounter, and he. He was trying to do good. He was trying to do his studies and things like that, and he couldn’t remember stuff. He was just horrible. And so he was counseled to put the books that he had to, you know, be tested on like that under his pillow and then go to sleep. And the next morning when he woke up, he could go anywhere in the book.
Somebody could open up the book to page 321 and can you tell me what’s on 321? He could. He could quote it verbatim, even in legal text, medical text, scientific text, complicated stuff, and he could quote it to him verbatim from memory. It was. It was completely bizarre stuff. And then he’d do these readings and on people, and one of the more memorable ones for me was in this reading, he said that the person needed coal oil and of a certain type. Well, these people went and looked everywhere for coal oil, and they couldn’t find any such thing of this particular medical grade coal oil that he recommended.
So In a subsequent reading, they asked him, you know, we can’t find this. Is there a place where we can find it? So he gives the name of an obscure pharmacy, you know, some states away, and they’ll have to move such and so out of the way. And it’s in a bottle at the back of the shelf. You know, look, if there’s one bottle of this coal they wanted and it’s on this back shelf and the people get it for their treatment, it’s just like, wow, that is, that is crazy. That’s insane. But you know, when you think of prophets in the scriptures and people that have had some kind of a touch from God, a word from God above, are many of those any less miraculous or inexplicable? No, we see it all the time.
How could Daniel say some of the things he said, you know, 2500 plus years ago, about this age right now. And he says an angel walked across time like we walk across the street. And the angel told him he had just come from these end of the age events. He had been an eyewitness. So he came as an eye witness across time and he engaged an angel over Persia that fought him. Well, Persia didn’t exist yet when Daniel was praying there in, in Babylon for, you know, God to tell him what would happen to his people.
And then another angel came and relieved him and he came to Daniel with the information about exactly what was going to happen at the end of the age. How crazy is that? If I told you something like that today, you’d put me in the kooks and nuts category. But here it’s part of the scripture that lots of Christians have. So I think I look over at what Gilland is talking about and doing, and I think that was an important conversation and worthwhile. Don’t be as dismissive maybe as you would be right off the bat. He’s doing serious work and it’s.
Some of it’s a pretty serious conversation. It stretches your mind. You don’t have to drink all the Kool Aid, but you might sip from it a little bit and think about it. Absolutely. Yeah. We talk about angels. You know, I had the Archangel Michael experience and you know, Jacob wrestled with an angel all night long and Moses part of the Red Sea. So come on, there’s, there’s capabilities that we’re capable of too. So it’s just incredible. So everybody wants to know what’s coming. Juan, give us, give us a little feed. So give us a little teaser, the last thing you share with us.
Okay, well, by the way. Oh, so there’s. There’s like 10 rooms or 10 slots left for the people that want to be there with me in Vegas. The seventh, eighth, ninth. And we have some gold slots there, but that’s going to be real fun. You can find that see about it over on the jennifermack.com on her site. And then there’s Silvers. The following weekend on the 15th and 16th, Jen’s doing an unveil on some art. We were going to have both Silvers and Golds present on the same weekend. Somebody came in and kicked me out of my upper floor rooms at the Trump, and I had to move down a couple floors and heightened security, and so I can’t have people present.
So the Golds, there’s a few of them there. And then the Silvers are. The following weekend, we’ll have some fun. But, and, and let’s see. Can I say. Can I say it now? Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah, I think I can. There’s a. There’s going to be a really cool UFC fight. You know, Trump’s friend, Dana White, if you’re just somewhere in the Southwest region, you want to go to something cool, see if there’s still any tickets you can get. I think there’s a fair amount still for the Dana White UFC fight. It’s number 313 in Las Vegas at the T Mobile Arena.
It’s the Paria Andanez or something fight. You know, some name I can’t pronounce and, but 313. And there’s rumors of some of the folks that are going to be in attendance, and then there’s some stuff that is actually being worked on. If it gets pulled off, oh, my gosh, it’ll be epic. And so you might have some fun. And if you, if any of the listeners out there have a megadore jacket or something like that, there’s about 150 of us already. They’ll be wearing our megadore jackets there. It’ll be. It’ll be very fun. You might be like Jerry Foley and get it signed.
Oh, nice. Could be a blast. But anyway, just food for thought. I’ve got people down there, Southern California, Las Vegas, Arizona. You want to see? Yep. Saturday, March 8, and Nino is coming over. He and I are taking a crew, and we’re going over to the fights ourselves. We’ll be there, and it’ll be pretty epic, and so we’re looking forward to that. It’s gonna be a lot of fun, and. And we’ll be roaming the stands a Little bit. So I’m letting the cat out of the bag. My wife is like, oh my gosh, you know, we’ll get mobbed.
But anyway, it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be so much fun. And you know, the best part of a Trump rally is just hanging out with other like minded people. I think this, the UFC fights kind of in the same zone. You just get to hang out with some fun people and, and within the Trump crowd, you know, I’ve been talking with folks that I, they have never been to something like this, a fight or something like that, but they want to go this time. There’s something unique about it and it goes into the spirit of people like, we’re going back to Carter a few minutes ago, where I was going to go.
There’s a gumption, a something in the innards of the American people and audiences like yours and similar, where they sense, you know, it’s blood in the water, the other guys are on their heels and the speed going into the rabbit punches against these people that have kept us down and been kicking us down and holding us down for so long, and now they’re on their heels. Do you come at them at the, you know, Jimmy Carter raid and well, we just got to go 50, everybody’s gotta go 50 now, you know, so we’re gonna get up, we’re gonna be swinging fast and hard to regain control of the helm of the ship.
The, the ship of state has been taken over by pirates, through falsehoods, through election fraud. And anybody that wants to go against me on that issue, just stay tuned, Watch what happens over the next several months. 20, 20, it’s not over yet. It’s going to be good, so it’s going to be good. And, and what’s the timing? The timing. It’s a little bit mercurial, but look at the speed at which things have happened thus far. However, when you’re in a winning position, there’s moments where you got. It’s like taking the 30 second timeout. It’s not two minutes, it’s a 30 second timeout.
Okay, everybody on board with the play. You know what you have to do. No screw ups. So and so’s weak over there. He’s not showing the ability to run on these passes, whatever, it’s a quick update and out and go. In this situation, take these people that have essentially decided to change teams for their own protection, for their family’s protection, and they’re given all this information, they may have given it to people who were not operating in an official capacity, even recorded. It’s all useful. But what happens when you have a case in that condition and you bring it to the feds? They want their own investigators to revisit every single fact.
You may have given them a roadmap. They cross the T’s, dot the I’s, verify stuff in ways that you don’t have access to to verify and get the details right. Run it by prosecutors, other legal experts, experts for verification, See if there’s other documentation available that further substantiates whatever conclusions you’ve come to. And then they present. And that’s the mode we’re in right now that it’s slowing down to verify, verify and get the terminology, ask the right question. Now that we know what all the various players have, that’s a very healthy approach, appropriate thing. So while we’re running in some modes to drill holes in the foundation of these various places, in other modes, we’re being very careful to cross the T’s, dot the I’s before actual arrests are made.
And is there in the course of this, just like this, the whistleblower came out on the comey thing. Nobody had knowledge of that in any official location that I’m aware of up until. Until. And. And I was aware that this had been floated for quite a while. But there was no eyewitness willing to say something in an official location for fear of themselves being taken off the map permanently. Family members, okay, so in light of this moment in history, they felt strong enough, safe enough to come forward and. And say what day and be able to testify about it.
With that in mind, there may yet be a number of other people at other locations that have information that they need to be given the space of time to get their information to the right committee and be heard. So think of it this way. You know, in. In football, in the modern way that we run football games, when a play happens, you have guys up in the boxes overlooking the stadium and they’re printing off pictures, and they’re looking at the play and looking at what different players did. And they’re talking to their coach connection on the field down below saying, we just saw this.
This seems to be happening. Here’s a picture of this or this. Show it to the player. Let them know what’s going on. They’re communicating very rapidly. You don’t see it watching the game, but there’s a lot of communications going on behind the scenes. In this case, as more and more information is flashing to the people involved, they might be scheduling a play. One or two plays out as options based on observations of how a player is playing. It might not happen until the next quarter, but they see that player on the field in a particular spot and they want, and you want your player to be ready for that option.
When you see him do this, go this way, you know he’s the weak one on the other side, right? The second, whatever. In that kind of context, other whistleblowers are coming forward. Does that change anything about where we were going to put the emphasis? For example, first arrests. If Comey was running a honeypot operation as this whistleblower says, and they’re able to substantiate that at some level, and if he’s thinking about running, do they pick him up first or in that zone, bring him in for questioning first? Is it an arrest or is it just, hey, we like you come by the office and we’re sending a car over for you right now.
And by the way, they are going to cuff you as they bring you in for our own safety, you know, is that what’s going to happen? Is it just call me. How many other people maybe have direct knowledge of that, that now come forward? Because this whistleblowers come forward and say, well, I also had this happen or I was also level or I was also under direction in this way. Even the FBI agents or officers that did the honey potting, were they aware that what they were doing was a violation of federal law or FBI employment features, on what basis was that waived? Maybe you bring them in and do a interview of them, what do you have to say? And they lawyer up or whatever.
Certainly Papadopoulos has a viewpoint and has said his side of it. In fact, there was a. One of the tabloids was going to post the picture of this one FBI officer and the FBI lied to that publication and said that this was a informant and if they published her picture, the informant would get killed. It was false information. They were trying to protect an FBI officer who’d been involved in this honeypot thing against Papadopoulos. But what’s interesting there, they lateraled that agent to the CIA. She’s now working for CIA. So what else has she been involved in that might be nefarious because she’s willing to take one for the team, right? What else has she been up to or down to? So those are important features.
So we’re really looking at a maturation of information which is then going to lead to arrests. And by the way, across the country there’s now in the federal system. Last count that I was aware of about 800,000 sealed federal indictments that have not been acted on. Not 8,000, 80,000, 800,000 each. One of those could have up to 100 named people or 99 named people on the indictment. They probably don’t. They have a handful on each. And then many of those indictments, even a large number could have the same people in multiple different environments or indictments. So what’s the real number? You know, I think it’s not outrageous to say at a minimum, there’s probably 2 million and maybe as many as 5 or even 10 million people.
It could include people that came in the country, immigrants and things like that that are named in those indictments. Those will be intermediate indictments, arrests and things like that. Many of them are probably the gang chieftains that have already been arrested and already been taken to Gitmo, a number of them. Many flights have already taken place to Gitmo, taking some of the heads of these foreign gangs to Gitmo, and they’ll be on a long vacation in a sunny aisle. They’re already there. I mean, we have the pictures of the guys being flown down there, so people wonder when’s the arrest going to happen, etc.
They’ve already started. But as they give their version of information, it’ll go up, up, up, up, higher and higher. And those people giving that information will be doing so to maybe get a window with a view at Gitmo as opposed to an inner room and that, you know, I’m getting the upper bunk and that’s the kind of stuff. So, yes, the rest have already started, but they’re not the ones with these key players. But again, something like what just happened with Comey with this information coming out with testimony, do you think that’s just going to go away? In a prior administration? Yes.
This administration, with the people coming in right now, you’re in dreamland if you think that’s. After all the trouble that’s been gone to. To get this thing going, to make this all happen, you’re hallucinating if you think that they’re not going to take this to the moon. And it’s not retribution, it’s not revenge, it’s justice. Justice will be served in this administration. And that’s. That’s the whole point of it. And then those people that are saying that these are. It’s going to be the same as ever, and Trump’s not going to do this and that and he’s part of this scam and all that.
Well, let’s revisit this in a year and you tell me if that’s still. Oh yeah, holds any water. Right. That’s Trump is here for the long run and the people that he’s pushing in here, it’s, it’s a long term thing that he’s got in mind here. Yeah, I’ve never seen anything like it. And you know, I think, I think he’s doing a great job. It’s moving along very quickly. I, I never would have comprehended it would happen this quickly. I mean we, we all talked about this, but it is just stunning how quick everything’s going down.
Well, within the Democrat, they believed that the place to hold the line they were going to fight on Trump coming in at all on a number of issues. They just didn’t have enough support to fight the whole J6 thing. And they’d been plotting and planning for that for four years. It just never materialized for them the way they had hoped and intended. The blocking Trump on Inauguration Day just didn’t happen the way that they’d hoped and intended. And there was actually something fairly major that was blocked there. And so somewhere down the road, I hope that that will become more public.
And then when he came in, what was expected in their game plan, they had mapped it out. Trump would fly first have to fight to get his people into these various appointments and they were going to fight him tooth and nail. Well, what they never expected was Trump to come in as viciously and thoroughly as he has against these federal agencies drilling holes in their operations. Never saw the Elon thing with Doge and the experts coming in and shutting things down for cause. The one that they least expected, that they never saw coming this early is what’s going on at usaid, which is this slush fund that’s completely insane.
One of the biggest features, and we’re waiting for further documentation to verify it, but is the assertion that $4.4 billion of US USAID money was given to two groups in Nevada for an education bond fund and a water bond fund that were for weather control and for cloud seeding. Well, we saw that prior to the LA fires, silver oxide was being sprayed along the west side of the Area 51 test and then it was being pushed using different types of weather control equipment. A very, very, very complex stuff that was pushing that silver oxide a westward unreasonable Santa Ana type wind, high velocity, totally out of season.
It was a cold wind. Not only that is a hot wind, this was a cold wind which is defies some of the laws of physics in a normal sense. So using Scalar waves and other types of waves together to push that material west and then to take it out of suspension, the atmosphere and drop it on the ground with pretty, pretty good precision out across the LA Northern LA basin. Well, the silver oxide sucks the water out of plant life and so it literally dries them out, makes it better for fires. And we saw it in like a sheen, multicolored, kind of a oily sheen on some swimming pools and like that.
And people got samples. So the reality is if USAID is putting money into a fund like that, that’s then going for weather control. How lawful is that on many, many levels. And it wasn’t really about weather control or was somebody inside that system in on what they wanted to do to increase the magnitude, the impact of these fires there in la? Because silver, if you’re using a microwave type weapon, which it’s a microwave, some of them have laser containment in essentially a laser tube. But when the silver gets on stuff, if you’re using a microwave type weapon, it causes it to heat up super hot and to dissipate energy into whatever’s next to it.
So you want to keep, catch a building on fire, other stuff, it’s like a, it’s like a fuse, it’s like debt cord to something else that you want to, you know, heat up or melt right next to it. So that’s why he had these explosive responses in a lot of these places. And then you had people on the ground that were lighting fires, but that was cover for what was really being done with these military grade weapons. And by the way, we’re putting together right now a 12 hour special that we’re going to ask everybody to live stream like we did with the Tina thing for Tina Peters.
And so you were part of that. We’re going to do one on Maui, Southern California and these uranium mining areas around the world, multiple countries, Australia, Canada, parts of Africa. We’ll have experts from all over the place. That’ll be March 22nd and I’d love to have you join us on that just like we did on the Tina Peters things. And, and then by the way, also just because you’re in on that, there’s a lot of activity on Tina’s situation and even just before I came on air today. So we’re hopeful that we’ll see significant progress very shortly on that.
And if she gets free in time, I’ll have her there at my event, March 7, 8, 9 as a default, it’d be the 15th, 16th the following week and, or both. But we’re hopeful that we’re going to have her free. And then there’s something that we’re working on tied to the UFC thing that we pull it off, we’ll make. It’ll be very fun. So wear your megadores and, gosh, I don’t know what else to tell you. I. I don’t want to bore your people with too many things out there and then they can’t remember anyway, so.
Fantastic. Sure. Right there. I mean, we, we want to see these guys held accountable for all the directed energy weapon use. The hurricanes have been, you know, sending out our ways. God, so much, so many people need to be arrested. Wow. These are weapons of war. And when you think about it, these military weapons of war, these aren’t policing weapons. This isn’t a James Bond film with Diamonds Are Forever and they get a laser up there and they zap, you know, a little military base or something like that, and it’s some private enterprise. These are weapons of war.
And this is nation, state, state level stuff, even if it’s hijacked by the pirates within our own ship of state. At the end of the day, you can’t go to a governor and expect to understand how these weapons are used or who’s deploying them, because even a governor doesn’t have access to the military platforms and tools that the commander in chief does. And so the reality is, we’ll be asking that President Trump initiate, by whatever mechanism is appropriate, federal investigations and military investigations with access to the military tools to ascertain origins and authorship behind these attacks.
Wow. These various places, they clearly were not done in the way that was portrayed to us with just, you know, weather issues and like that. Nobody has authority to run aircraft over the western side of Area 51, our most secure base on the continental US that has to be authorized at extremely high levels. And it wasn’t just a rogue general to do this spring. It would require executive authority to do what was done there. And so who authorized it and when? And remember, you know, Speaker Johnson over at the House said that he met with Biden several times.
Every time he met with Biden, director of CIA was in the room and didn’t leave. So who’s. What, who’s really running these things? What’s really going on here with the puppeteering? And by the way, if that’s the case, who’s at the top of the list if Comey’s doing this spy operations with honeypots over the world? Remember, Papadopoulos was honey potted outside the U.S. is CIA involved in that? What was their involvement? What did they know and when did they know it? And they took this person on their payroll when things went sideways. There’s a lot of explaining to do here.
Yeah. And, you know, trials would be nice. Sooner the better, but, you know, it’s not like, you know, during Roman times with sula, where they had prescription. We’re not going to do that. But sometimes you, like, wish, but. Well, we won’t nail them to any crosses. They’ll get accommodations. They’ll get three meals a day. You know, it’ll be white bread for breakfast, white bread with a little dab of peanut butter and jelly for lunch, and white bread for dinner with water. Okay. And, you know, be with. Oh, there’s Nemo. I gotta get to Nino here pretty quick.
He’s whining. I haven’t got. I’ll let you go then. But, yeah, that was a lot more than I got when I work here, so that’s. Yeah, go ahead. If they get that much, that’s great. So white bread ever, three times a day. Yeah. Good. They’re lucky. Yeah. Well, by the way, they’re giving. That’s what they’re giving Tina. Here’s Tina, a cancer survivor, and everything on the menu. They want to give her, you know, meat with, like, red dye number nine and 27. And, you know, 77, you know, they want to kill her for sure. One fresh apple a day.
That’s a little mealy, you know, it’s from, like, three years ago. They got it on the extra sale sale bin shelf. It’s horrendous. She’s potentially a witness in federal prosecutions to come. She need. She needs to be protected as a federal witness for prosecutions to come related to the vote fraud in Colorado, which she exposed, by the way, in the machine system. So we need her free and safe so she’s available for that testimony. They’re trying to kill her in prison. Sooner we get her out, the better. And. And I appreciate that you helped out. Live streaming there, too.
Yeah, definitely. All right, Juan. Well, thanks a lot. And the jennifermack.com guys go over there and get. Get some good shopping in. It’s good, good products over there. I got a lot of them myself. So we’ll see you guys next time. Thanks. Well, your wife got the watch, the water one, right? Oh, she loves that. Yeah, that’s a good one. Isn’t that beautiful? Yeah. Stunning. Yeah, Very good. Thank you. All right, bro. I appreciate you guys tremendously, and I think I’ll be in I’ll be in Florida at Mar a Lago. I was invited to come join the Catholics for Catholics event.
And I think I’m bringing Father Bahana with me, a close friend. And, you know, I’m not Catholic, but I have a lot of Catholic friends out there like that that are going to be speaking there. It’s going to be a great event. But I’ll be in Florida in that window around the 19th and of March. And if you’re around, maybe we break bread. Yeah, that sounds great. Yeah. Love it. So. All right, sir, thank you very much. All right. Enjoy that weather. All right. Thanks, bro. Talk soon. Okay.