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➡ In this episode of The Common Sense Show, the host, Dave Hodges, discusses recent political developments. He mentions that Kamala Harris has chosen Tim Walz as her running mate, which he believes is a positive move for America, not because of Walz’s qualities, but because it doesn’t significantly impact the election. He also warns about potential civil disorder and economic collapse, urging listeners to prepare by stocking up on essentials. Lastly, he criticizes the current state of the Harris campaign, describing it as overly controlled and secretive.


Oh, breaking news here on The Common Sense Show. And I’m Dave Hodges. Good to be with you. I’m the host. And we’re the show freeing America one enslaved mind at a time. And we do have breaking news. And we hope that you’ll share this far and wide. But Kamala has done a big solid for the United States. No, you don’t need to rewind this to make sure I said that. Kamala Harris just did a huge job. Huge favor to the normal sane citizens of the United States. We’ll explain all that after our first break. We’re brought to you by My Patriot Supply.

We are dangerously close to slipping into extreme civil disorder. Our economy is falling apart in many, many different ways. It’s layered, but it is falling apart. And we have 100,000 to 200,000 terrorists here. What could go wrong? We could be in dire trouble. Are you ready for this? Are you ready for the supply chain to be interrupted, maybe for long periods of time? Well, then you need to look at your stockpiles and ask yourself this question. Do I have enough of food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine, tools? Do you have enough of that? Well, if you don’t, let me suggest you start with the food.

We have at My Patriot Supply a great special on the three month supply. Three month. Now I think two years is ideal, but three months for every member of your family will get you a head start over everybody else. So let me suggest to you that you take a look at My Patriot Supply restaurant quality food, 25 year shelf life. It tastes great. It’s time. This is the time we live in. Don’t sell your family short. Go to that’s Kamala Harris. I never thought I would say these words. She just did a really good thing for America.

Do you have any idea what I’m talking about? It’d be kind of fun to be in a live stream right now and see what people would say. Kamala Harris just appointed Tim Walz to be her running mate. In this year’s election. Donald Trump is doing backflips at Mar-a-Lago. They’re having a party like it’s 1999. They can’t believe their good fortune in choosing Tim Walz. I’m going to go through the litany of reasons why this is great for America. Oh, not because Tim Walz is great. In fact, quite the contrary. He’s a moral reprobate. He’s a treasonous American.

And would it surprise me if he was satanic too? No, because he acts like one. So you’re saying, well, why is this a good thing? Well, let me lay it out for you. Let’s just start with the hardcore political. A running mate had to have come, in my opinion, from a swing state. And this is where I think Donald Trump should have gone to a swing state that was in question to choose a running mate. That aside, Minnesota is going to vote blue yesterday, today, tomorrow, and 100 years from now. There are some really insane people, not all of them.

Sarah Westall lives in Minnesota. She’s a good friend of mine. She’s a great American. But there are so many Americans that living in Minnesota that have their minds twisted by their public school system growing up. They’re extremely prejudiced media and politicians like Tim Walz, the present governor now, vice presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. And you’re thinking, Dave, what are you point, what point are you making here? Well, the point I’m making is he doesn’t move the needle with boats. Minnesota is inconsequential to this election. We already know where they lie. So she gained nothing politically.

But in terms of his stance, she needed a more moderate Democrat than she is. You know, right now, the Obama strategy with David Plouffe, his former campaign manager, it’s effectively taking over the Harris campaign. They’re keeping her on ice. They’re not letting her answer reporters questions. They’re not letting her have press conferences. Now, they may change that a little bit, but not very much. She’s going to campaign from the basement like Joe, because they need to hide her. She’s a walking, talking verbal imbecile that can’t carry a train of thought more than about five seconds, unless she’s quoting mousy tongue, which she’s been doing.

She is a liability. Now, the one thing about Walz, he’s articulate, and he’s got the suave presentation of a slick used car salesman. And he’ll tell you, yeah, listen, we need to be concerned about the integrity of our elections. He probably won’t get caught saying we should have illegals vote. And they’re putting illegals on their police forces in Minnesota now. This man is at least as far left as Kamala, but he’s smart enough not to articulate it. But how are they going to promote a vice president and have him overshadow Kamala, who can’t carry the torch? You say, well, Dave, she has momentum.

She’s raising all this money. First of all, the money is illegal for Mac blue. We’ve already established that. And there’s been lots of documentary on that. Okay, so that’s false bravado. We’ve shown how they’ve greatly inflated the crowd sizes that Kamala has. If she is really attracting the people, they wouldn’t need to do that. Donald Trump doesn’t have to do that. So her campaign is really on life support generated by media hysteria that will wear off. And at the end of the day, you’re still gonna be paying too much for this. Too much for that. You’re staring down the barrel of tax increases that you’re going to hear a lot about from the GOP on their mainstream media advertising.

Kamala is in trouble. And this steam is going to roll. I’m telling you, she’s going to run out of momentum in about the first week in October, if she makes it that long. And that’s a kind estimate. If the election was 30 days out, and with all the cheating they’ll do, they might have a chance. So why are they bringing this clown out? It doesn’t make any sense. Unless Kamala is not going to be the candidate, and he can carry the liberal ball. But wait a minute, they can’t change again. That’d be catastrophic. Unless… Okay, so let’s leave it right here.

Terrible vice presidential pick. Great for America. Great for Trump. Great for the future of America, because he will help seal her fate. Unless, unless Kamala ain’t around. Now, I hope this isn’t true. You’ve heard me say this. I couldn’t stand Obama, but I prayed for his safety. I can’t stand Biden, but I prayed for his health condition. Okay, I’m going to have to sit down and have a come to Jesus moment, literally and figuratively. And I’m going to have to pray for Kamala. Because I think Kamala might slip on a banana peel. And then MAGA will get the credit for the banana peel.

And now you have a sympathy candidate, Lyndon Johnson, a total slug, a total criminal, replaced a good man in John Kennedy. And the sympathy vote carried him through to defeat Barry Goldwater. And Barry Goldwater was a loyal American. He called out what was what? But he lost because of the sympathy vote. And as a result of getting Lyndon Johnson, 60,000 Americans died in Vietnam that didn’t have to. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the only way I think the Democrats can win. I hope nothing happens to Kamala. I don’t want to win elections this way. That’s not who I am.

I am to consider other options. Right now I’m staying in the mainstream and saying, I’m concerned for her safety. They can’t win with her. And what they just did was get an articulate version of Kamala Harris. He won’t be the cackling word salad hen that she is. And he can make people think he’s more to the center than Kamala ever will. She doesn’t have a filter that’s come through very clearly. This man does. He’s a calculating liar. And he can BS an audience and think, you know, he’s kind of a Kennedy Democrat, kind of a lot of common sense here.

And gee, maybe we will control the border under him. He’ll start saying things like, yeah, we need to make improvements on the border. And maybe we should change some personnel to make that happen. I could see him making a statement like that. Yes, we need to think about some tax increases after the first of the year tax decreases after the first of the year. No, we shouldn’t rush into World War Three. But then as soon as the elections over, they’ll make the plans to do all those things. This is why waltz is the vice presidential candidate.

And I think Kamala needs to double up on her security, start walking around in tennis shoes so she doesn’t slip on a democratic false flag banana peel. I think she’s in a lot of danger because she can’t win. That’s it for the common sense show. We’ll see you back here next time. Don’t forget to check us out at the commonsense show TV solutions offered for problems that are difficult to handle, often with expert guests. The getting five star ratings on the world’s major platforms. We’ll see you over there. [tr:trw].



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