Black Pilled vs Learning Reality and Maintaining Perspective AI Reality w/ Johnny Vedmore

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âž¡ Before the World Wide Web, there was Usenet, a platform that allowed intellectuals to communicate openly. However, when the internet was introduced, it brought anonymity, which changed the dynamics of online communication. The article also discusses the importance of protecting your assets in times of financial instability, recommending gold and silver as secure investments. The author suggests using Miles Franklin for these investments due to their competitive prices and excellent service. The article concludes with a discussion on the importance of constitutional law and the need for rules in society.
âž¡ The text discusses the profound impact of the printing press and the internet on society. It highlights how these technologies democratized information, allowing everyday people to read and communicate freely. However, it also raises concerns about the misuse of these technologies for control and censorship, particularly as technology advances. The speaker emphasizes the need for good laws and rules to guide the use of technology and prevent its misuse.
âž¡ The text discusses how technology and large corporations are shaping our future, often in ways that distract and control us. It also mentions a product called the Love Pod, which can turn devices into satellite devices and protect against harmful frequencies. The text suggests that there’s a hidden power structure guiding society, with academics, government, and influential figures playing key roles. It emphasizes the importance of being aware of these influences and not losing ourselves in the distractions of modern life.
âž¡ The text discusses the influence of big businesses, universities, and organizations like the World Economic Forum on society. It suggests that these entities are shaping policies and controlling significant areas of society, including technology and science. The text also warns about the rapid advancement of technology, particularly artificial intelligence, and the potential for misuse by those in power. It emphasizes the need for society to be prepared for these changes.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the potential dangers of technology and how it can be used against us. They express concern about those in control of technology, fearing they may lack empathy and could misuse it. They also touch on the idea of a societal shift, possibly driven by external cosmic energies, and the hope for a more enlightened future. However, they caution that each generation tends to believe they have all the answers, which could lead to repeating past mistakes.
âž¡ The speaker believes that future generations will view our current actions, particularly related to technology, as foolish. However, they remain hopeful, believing that people will eventually desire more empathy and humanity in their lives. The speaker, who is a futurist, journalist, and philosopher, encourages listeners to check out their work on NewSpace, where they publish a variety of long-lasting, valuable content.


This is, this is really interesting distinction. Just before the introduction of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners elite actually announced the creation of the World Wide Web on something called Usenet, which was the, the precursor to the Internet. And it’s a very interesting, this is kind of very interesting story. Usenet was like created about 1982, I think it was first and then Usenet and then they started. Yeah, and then they. But anyways, keep going. It allowed them to communicate. Intellectuals in universities across Americas and institutions to communicate. And they used it. It was just like perfect.

It was like what we do today, we post stuff up to each other, we tag people in. Everybody gets to see a bit of it. They. People send other people emails. The difference between Usenet, which they later had to destroy all the archives of, they had to go through a process of covering up what was said before because they were putting all their plans down in writing under their own names. Everybody who you’d use Net had to have an email address that was designated to them before email and, and communicate with each other. So it meant that everybody knew what everybody else was saying and what people thought.

And when the Internet come along, even though we see it as though we were open, we were open because we became anonymous at the same time and had that option to become anonymous, which was something that wasn’t. I think, I think they realized they had to do that because the, you know, constitute. When we’re talking about constitutional law, how do those things intersect together? When people are saying the wilder stuff online, it can actually bring down rule of law. So in a sense it was designed to be suffocated to an extent from the off. But the beginning of it was kind of like that freedom to see how it expressed out naturally.

And then I think they, they were always planning to clamp down on it. A quick break to remind you that you need to protect your assets. We’re in a period of financial instability. The markets, the entire world is resetting. There is an attack on our dollar. We will be seeing change like we haven’t seen in maybe hundreds of years. The whole geopolitical chessboard is shifting around and you want to protect your assets with gold and silver. The central bankers are accumulating gold and silver like never before. The prices have manipulated and suppressed. It is never more important to secure your assets by getting into gold and silver.

And I use Miles Franklin. Why? Because they are the best in the industry. They give you the best prices and they give you the best service. Many companies out there charge you premiums of over 10%. And they do not give you anywhere near the service that you’re going to get from Miles Franklin. If you tell them Sarah sent you, you email them at tell them that I sent you. Tell them Sarah sent and they will give you a private price list. What you see on the Internet is not what you can get. If you email them and tell them that I sent you and you want access to their private price list because they can’t advertise these prices to the world because it’s their competitive advantage.

Okay, make sure you send an email to and tell them that Sarah sent you and you want access to that private price list. Okay, let’s get back into the show. Welcome to Business Game Changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Johnny Vedmore coming to the program and I gotta tell you, he is, he gets me thinking. He’s really an amazing thinker. And I told him I’m. You’re a futurist. You are a journalist, but you’re a futurist. And you’ll see when you listen to this why I call him a futurist. And I guess he hasn’t really put that in his mind.

But I think going forward he needs to think of him or people should think of him this way. He is always thinking about the future and what his journalism and he digs deeper than pretty much almost anybody you’re going to meet and then what that means to the future. And so much of diving into what’s happening in the world ends up black pilling you. It makes you feel horrible and you just want to give up. And you know, we talked about before we got into this conversation, sometimes you need to have kind of like a dark red pill.

I mean you. Some of this stuff is traumatic to learn what’s going on. Not going to dive deep into some of that today. We’re going to. It’s going to be more kind of hopeful, the start of the year, kind of a different conversation. But when you’re learning about stuff, you really do sometimes need to get into some of these dark spaces to be able to get past and move to a hopeful spot. But I talked to him about how we need to stay away from black pilling people and know and have more of a hopeful, realistic idea of what the future could be.

And so this was kind of an uplifting conversation with him about all of the stuff he’s studying. But what, how has he synthesized that into what it means for the future? So I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. I, I really, it, it’s really enriching for the soul when you have these conversations with people like this who think so deeply about it. But before we get into that, I want to share with you Masterpiece Detox. I’ve been sharing this far and wide. Why? Because it is a solution to a modern problem that we have, and that is the nanoparticulates that are everywhere.

And this zeolite is very small. They figured out how to make it tiny so it can get in and actually get those nanoparticles out. And it’s been shown in trials that they’re doing that. It’s getting out the aluminum, the graphene oxide, the microplastics, and it’s working. Now there needs to be more studies done and they use a portion of their proceeds to keep doing studies because we need solutions to get these nanoparticles out of our bodies. Our bodies don’t naturally get rid of nanoparticles. Literally pounds of nanoparticles are being found in the soil. I had an organic test on, you know, organic farms.

We showed this in a previous episode and how organic soys literally have pounds of it in the soil. You take a portion of it and there’s pounds. And we’re talking pounds. When these things are nano sized. That’s a lot. And we’re getting it in our air, we’re getting it in our water, and it’s going into our bodies and it’s causing a lot of the issues that we’re seeing. And this is something that you can use that’s gentle and daily. Okay, so you can get it. It’s 52.99 for a two month supply. The link is below or you can go to under shop.

Okay, let’s get into my really fun conversation with Johnny Venmore. Hi, Johnny, welcome to the program. Hello and thank you for having me. I’m really excited about this because we’re going to have a good conversation, whatever we talk about. So I’m looking forward to it. And hello to your audience too. Thanks for, thanks for listening to me. Well, yeah, well, you have, you’ve done a lot of good reports and you’re one of the few that are still doing good journalism and not afraid to speak truth to power. And you’ve, you’ve been speaking even truth to people, you know, in the independent media and all over the place because, you know, we, we have issues everywhere.

But I want to get into this before we dive into other topics. I want to talk about what your beliefs are. We talked about. I, I told you that I’m become more of a constitutionalist now because I used to say that I was a libertarian and then I thought the libertarians kind of went nuts. And then I said, okay, I am. That’s not what I. And I said I just want people to follow the Constitution. And I think it’s a huge umbrella which, especially when the problems are so bad that I think we can all kind of rally around we like the Constitution guys.

It’s all follow around something simple like that. Yeah, I, you know, I love a guy called Graham H. Moore who’s the head of the English Constitutional Party and he looks at, he basically, English constitutional law is a fantastic way for society to run. It’s really good to have rules, rules that were made by people who carefully thought about things at a time when they had the breathing space to come to come up with stuff that is going to be, you know, beyond them. Now the problem is, is that those same people came from, you know, an amazing time.

You can’t, you can’t, you can, you can talk about history like that with people and you can just miss the point completely as well. Like 150 years, 200 years onwards from the printing press and from, from communication being spread round. Much more, more effective forms of communication just started rolling, you know, 150 years on from the Bibles being smuggle cross. Sorry, go on. No, I was going to say they were free in a profound way that we don’t have today, but keep going. Yeah, yeah, they were free. They just, I mean it was a revolutionary time.

Suddenly, for the first time ever, people got to normal, everyday people got to read if they so could, if they had the ability to read. But then other people, apart from just a priest reading in Latin or Greek is reading as well and they’re reading in English and that is a big thing. There’s, you know, that really. And the invention of the printing press change everything. And, and by the time it got to people writing up constitution constitutions, they were putting their ideas down with the idea that, you know, it still connected, I think with the church fundamentally with a God fundamentally.

And then looking on in the future and saying what would the better me decide for the people of the future? And there was a lot more of that in the past. And as time’s gone on, that’s become perverted, it’s become dark. The intellectuals who are in charge have started to see themselves as completely separate from society and able to really test upon us. And as technology increases exponentially, that means every time we go up to the next level, they’ve got more power and more control, and they can’t help but to use it. So we’re now in a state which kind of comes.

I do believe that we need some sort of. We need rules. We need good rule of law. We need the ability to write down laws that don’t make, you know, to just. There’s some, Some laws that we’ve seen come in over the past eight, eight years, nine years especially, have been mad, you know, in different areas of the world that come down to the, you know, the, the gender, ideology and other things. They’re just. It’s madness. You can’t. If you can’t define it in law or constitution, it’s not worth writing down on paper and it’s not worth using as a law.

So I like people working together. I like people working together. I, this is why I, I kind of. Even though I would class myself as a believer in God on a. Probably on a Christian tilt, but without having a religious organization behind it. So I’m very much. Yeah, you’re. That’s kind of where I am. Or I feel that I feel comfortable around people who grew up with Christianity and have those ideals. There’s a comfort to that, and I feel that’s where I belong. But yet I’m more of a. Just believe in it as a universal creator and, and then the principles behind that.

But I wanted to say a couple things. The, the printing press. I’ve done some research and I. I actually taught a little segment on this in class because I used to teach at the University of Minnesota, and I talked about the printing press. And one of the things that I lear the. During that time, the countries that did not embrace the printing press and banned it because there were some. They were afraid of people learning and things. Censorship. Yeah, it was censorship. They just shut it down and said, we don’t want this here. And those countries still economically suffer today because of that.

That’s how big of a deal it was. But, but I also want to say that when the Internet came out, there was a period of about 10 years that we, before it was censored, that we got to experience what that freedom was like. And who gave you that freedom intellectually? Who gave you that freedom? And, and what do you do? What. You know, what, what. What do you want to give to that person? Do you feel positive or negative about that experience? I feel negative that they shut that down because I Think humanity just was like bursting in evolution there when we could freely speak.

And then they sh. They’ve been shutting it down. So, so before this is, this is really interesting distinction. Just before the introduction of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners Lee actually announced the creation of the World Wide Web on something called Usenet, which was the, the precursor to the Internet. And it’s a very interesting, this is kind of very interesting story. Usenet was like created about 1982 I think it was first and then Usenet and then they started. Yeah. And then they. But anyways keep going. It allowed them to communicate. Intellectuals in universities across Americas and institutions to communicate and they used it.

It was just like perfect. It was like what we do today, we post stuff up to each other, we tag people in. Everybody gets to see a bit of it. They. People send other people emails. The difference between Usenet, which they later had to destroy all the archives of, they had to go through a process of covering up what was said before because they were putting all their plans down in writing under their own names. Everybody who you’d use Net had to have an email address that was designated to them before email and, and communicate with each other.

So it meant that everybody knew what everybody else was saying and what people thought. And when the Internet come along, even though we see it as though we were open, we were open because we became anonymous at the same time and had that option to become anonymous, which was something that wasn’t. I think, I think they realized they had to do that because the, the, the, you know, constitute where we’re talking about constitutional law. How do those things intersect together when people are saying the wilder stuff online, it can actually bring down rule of law. So in a sense it was designed to be suffocated to an extent from the off.

But the beginning of it was kind of like that freedom to see how it expressed out naturally. And then I think they, they were always planning to clamp down on it. That’s why a lot of the. The big Corporations had their CEOs installed into their area. Like Jeff Bezos with Amazon and Haley Miner with cnet. They were already going through big hedge funds and it was a plan to take over large sections of the Internet. But that would only happen gradually and once everybody else is on board. Oh, interesting because I think the allowing it to unencumbered to.

For people to use it unencumbered the first generation of us and the what we got to see a glimpse of humanity growing at an exponential speed learning like. I mean I Had people say, I grew up during that period. I was like an infant almost in my understanding. And the Internet, that period of time allowed me to grow up and see the world differently. And now the new set of people who didn’t have that experience, it’s a whole nother ball game. And so they gave us a glimpse of what the world could be if we were unencumbered, which to me is.

Gives me more reason to fight back at this. It’s amazing how technology does this. It doesn’t matter the ring, what technology. You can see it happen as technology improves. Because I was thinking about game machines back, back in the day when I was young, I had lots of things, everything from the Nintendo from, you know, we were really early on adopters of computer games in my household. So we had every single type of console and it was, it was amazing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. With the little. The first joysticks, they were pretty awesome. My dad blamed it for.

For making the TV turn green and so wouldn’t let us play it on the TV any. But, but, you know, we had all of these things and you had to learn how to use your fingers like this. You had to go, go. Like some games were so difficult that you would spend maybe a week trying to get past one tiny little bit on one level every day, just going, just trying to jump that gap. Everybody knows Mario was one of those ones. And, and, and the new, new generation of games that most people are playing are just tap a screen, tapascreen, training, training, tapascreen.

They teach you. They change the technology from the first adopters or the first technology that comes out. It shows you the breadth of it and then they work out. Well, that doesn’t help us control people. So how can we change this technology so we can control people? Well, that’s what people at the top kind of automatically do. Wow. I didn’t think about it that way because all the games that are on your phone are more simple like that, but you can still play, like the Zelda game and stuff. They’re very in depth and. Oh, yeah, most definitely they’ll draw you in.

And you’ll get used to tapping on that phone because tapping on your phone is going to be most of what they envision your future to be like. People are kind of like, playing through. It seems hard for people to envision without a movie being made or a great piece of work. Some sort of like, masterpiece like 1984 or Brave New World is hard to envision what the future will look like. And every generation thinks it knows and it kind of makes the conclusions based on the technologies of its time. And then it comes up with something like 1984, you know, darkness.

But that’s in actual fact we got the, we got the same thing happening, the same effects, 1984, but we got bright lights, we got fantastic colors. Technology brings distraction, brings a heightened, organized distraction that will go on as long as it needs to, to keep you in a bubble that they see safe. And they’re going to use technology for that in the future. They’re going to try and do that. When people think about where we are now, or you know, BlackRock and Vanguard and State street, they own all of the big companies, etc. Etc. Really the most probably accurate vision for what the future looks like currently would probably be the Alien franchise where you’ve got the company, you’ve got the corpor that just runs everything.

They just, they just don’t end everything. It’s no longer like usually you work here and do this and you work here and do that and you get transferred around the the universe by the company. And that’s kind of where we’re going. That is kind of where we’re at. I don’t know if off world living and Aliens is going to be like along those lines, I wouldn’t be surprised. But, but at the end of the day we are being like we’ve been taken over by an something else on top. Something else that’s above politics, above philosophy, can, can captivate us with light and distraction and all of these things are part of the same entity.

I think people don’t really realize that spiritually if you give away your mind, give away the direction you’re going for lust for the lust of lights, then you’re going to get lost along the way. And I think everybody’s on the path of getting lost right now because there needs to be some, something big needs to happen, like something’s to spiritually change the direction of humanity. Just pausing really quick to share this with you. This is the Love Pod. It’s an amazing new product that’s available. It turns up to nine devices into satellite devices, but not just in like a satellite phone where it only does text and calling and maybe does text mostly just calling.

This is a full blown Internet device where you can do web surf video and everything. But what makes it so remarkable isn’t just if the grid goes down and turns all your devices into satellite devices. It also takes the frequency and turns it into a frequency that’s harmonizes with your body. What does that mean EMFs are everywhere and we’re in this toxic soup of danger. It’s pollution, it destroys or it hurts you at a cellular level. This changes that and makes the EMF harmonize with your body. So it’s frequencies that are not doing that that works well with your body, but it does even more.

It’s also a VPN so all of your data is secure and nobody can access it. And the more people that use it, the faster it is because it works on a distributed mesh network. I know that sounds complicated but it’s not that bad. The more of these that are out there, the faster it gets. It’s only 200 plus a data package so you can have peace of mind knowing that all your devices will work even in a grid down situation. And it’s private and it doesn’t hurt your body. So check it out. Makes a perfect Christmas gift.

Well, let me ask you because I would say that 99.9 of the people in universities and people working in jobs, they aren’t, they don’t not part of any plan. They’re just sub unconsciously maybe we’re not aware they’re just going plugging away trying to move things forward. But you believe that there’s a hidden hand from what I’m hearing that is manipulating people and guiding people in a more and I don’t think it’s all that gentle anymore, but in a gentle way. And people just don’t realize that even though they’re working a hundred percent coming up with their own ideas, there’s still, there’s a structure that was put around them that they are being put into kind of, if that makes sense.

Yeah, well I, I see the pyramid of power as being flat on the top and being quite lengthy and there’s a lot of people at the top of that like in that ballroom of power dancing around, all taking bits of the best pies. It’s not just one controlling entity at the top, it’s not just one is a selection for that, that group to stay upright. There’s a selection of groups below that are made up and give those people meaning and direction while they direct us and can move us in a certain way. And listen, I am an.

I am. I. I would just very much describe myself as a normal everyday person. I go around the streets and I talk with people. I sit in pubs and cafes and I have long conversations with people. And it isn’t long before people realize that oh, this guy has got knowledge that isn’t given to me, isn’t given to me by TV isn’t given to me by whether, whether they can believe it or not. They’re the majority of people are well trained, they’re well trained to only look at certain sources, only accept certain narratives. And it’s not only like the this, the society is doing it by using your own innate emotional responses to your own traumas and your own experiences through life.

So they’re pulling your strings when they need to to make you disgusted to certain people, make you despise certain people, make you love certain, make you vote certain people, you know, they’re constantly manipulating you. We know it’s happening. And once I talk to people and once they realize they can trust me and I’m not going to turn around and like, you know, say something awful to them or make them look like a fool, then they start to ask questions. Most people want to know more, they do want to know more. But you find there’s a resistance is a wall.

Every single person has a wall to what they will accept in and that’s right, you know, you need to build your wall. But the wall is by other entities, by what we see as the mainstream media now and is currently morphing into what I call the neo mainstream media. So I see the Joe Rogans etc of the world as being carefully apart for carefully constructed sort of new mainstream media that’s fit for the Internet age where the old media was obviously suited to the days of TV programming. And that’s changing now. So I think that’s all we’re seeing.

The older generation are slowly merging into the new generation and there’s a, there’s a new control structure but at the end of the day they’ve got it sorted. They know it. I, I There’s a brilliant article from a lady called Alice Ricks and I quote this on a fair few occasions. Is the owl beaming in the. And the intellectual. I can’t remember what is what the actual title of the article is. It’s from the San Francisco examiner in 189096 and she’s describing bohemian growth. She’s doing an article about bohemian growth and she gives them free characters, you know, because that’s what they give themselves.

They, the establishment realizes their place. They realize there’s the academics and the intellectuals, there’s the government man and there’s a Bohemians, you know, these, these are three different groups. They don’t understand each other. They’re unable to cross their own cultural like little bugs bubbles completely. So they don’t understand but they all have different influence within society and really what the, the way it works is. The academic thinks about how society is going to be, tells the government man how it should be and the government man implements it by going to the bohemians and saying convince the people to vote for it.

So it’s that simple. It’s for people to understand. They try and work out, oh look, there’s this big world, it’s so hard out what people’s politics are. You don’t know when they’re lying to you. Academics tell the government what to do. When the government convince actors and musicians and all sorts of people to convince you because that’s the best way to psychologically manipulate you is through culture, it’s through media, it’s through the things that cause you emotional love. You don’t feel emotionally lovely about going to school. You don’t feel emotionally lovely. Most people don’t anyways some people do emotional about your government, think they’re the best thing in the world.

You feel emotion about what makes you feel love. And so they know that and for years they’ve co opted. So a lot of people don’t see how society is made, society is made by us all influencing naturally within these groups. We come up naturally in these groups and there’s different like sections of these groups and different parts are into charge and the academic always rationalize down to the nth degree to the moment where they’re like they are going to make you do what they want because they don’t have to do it themselves. They get their henchmen, the government to implement it and the government goes.

And we’ve seen this, we saw this during the pandemic. So that’s what we saw, the same thing. We saw the scientific community, the intellectual, the mainstream, all terrible. The government, how they’re going to run society. And bohemians come out onto the street, onto your screens. Stephen Colbert dancing around to try and convince you of something. Because that’s the same old routine over and over and over and over again. And once you tell people that they go oh yeah, that’s it’s obvious, it’s right in front of me. But we over complicate everything type of thing. Well, I think there’s a relationship like the World Economic Forum with the big business and, and universities that there’s a symbiotic relationship.

So I’m assuming you’re placing big business in with universities because they’re very connected. Almost. Almost. I’ve done so much work on the World Economic Forum. I was the one who discovered Klaus Schwab’s father was Eugene Schwab and he worked on the Nazi atomic bomb program. And that basically Schwab ended up getting taught by Kissinger Gal Brief and Herman KAHN, the real Dr. Strangelove, out of Harvard and then went back and created the World Economic Forum. And really the World Economic Forum is a perfect example of where different cultures need to synthesize. The Edge foundation was kind of the same which Jeffrey Epstein and John Brockman were running and funding it through the 90s and the noughties and still runs today.

But they have to. All of these organizations are about bridging the gap that needs to synthesize. They. The World Economic Forum is like that gap in between the academic, the institutes, academia and the government. It creates the policy that the government is going to put in. So it’s a function of the. That relationship and allows for them to say, okay, we’ll create the policies in these separated policy institutes so it doesn’t come back to our academic centers which like Harvard. I mean Harvard is riddled with program after program for decades, at least till since the mid-1800s.

You’ve got Harvard running big programs that are there to influence world events, world politics, the big trending issues of the time time everything from nuclear theory and mutually assured destruction and perpetual limited warfare all the way up to Les Wexner running institutes and stuff. You know, it’s, it’s a. But I do think, but I do think big business because I, you know, I’ve been in that where they have these labs that are farther along than, you know, like Bell Labs were notoriously farther along than they were at the universities. And so I think, think that’s where this, this, the, the relationship the, the synthetic biology and the stuff we’re seeing with neuroscience, that’s all happening in the labs at big business and universities and darpa.

You know what I mean? It’s. There’s this connection and then that. So big businesses in there too? Yeah, most definitely. And I think, I think it’s the, the simplified idea is that, that there’s whole areas of society that are controlled by really free entities and big business is pushed around there kind of like bridges on social, economic really. And so it probably could be like put in the area of academia in that sense because it’s about creation of something and, and there’s so many better. Hold on a second. It’s almost better to have it there in your structure.

This is very interesting I to have you do this and segment it out because it’s a very. Systems. I’m A systems engineer. So it’s a very systems engineer way to think about stuff. So I like this a lot. But it’s very beneficial to think of it as big business with acade academia because I, I really think we’ve moved in that it takes the heat off academia in a lot of ways because you can blame big business for it when it’s really not. Because big business gets kicked around a lot more than people realize. Yeah, there’s I, I.

The last article I, I produced was one about Elon Musk and Jeffrey Epstein. Included a few other other things in there, but it was about, it was looking at the Edge foundation which ran elite courses for the biggest in society. You know, everybody involved, only the top guys were involved, top CEOs of top companies, usually tech and science companies because it was a science organization. And there’s something that came up in the last article was talking about C.P. snow, 1969, a book, 1959, a book called the Two Cultures which talked about how people of the formal sciences don’t understand people of social science and social science science don’t understand the connections.

And the third culture was the idea of merging those cultures together and synthesizing them so that, you know, the, the social sciences could understand the second law of thermal dynamics and the formal sciences can understand the works of Shakespeare. But unfortunately that’s not the way reality is. You know, that’s not how it works. But there’s this constant evidence of this, these synthesis between two areas. And as that happens they become the same thing. And I think what we’re seeing currently is big business turn into both academia and government. You know, they’re taking over the, the shop.

You could say, yeah, there’s emerging, I think we saw emerging during COVID And I think that’s what we’re seeing with neuroscience. We’re seeing with the, I call it them, you know, the fifth generation warfare mind control arena. You know, DARPA’s N3 project. All this stuff is just kind of all merging. Yeah, the world is changing rapidly. Technology people just aren’t not prepared for it at all. If technology advances exponentially, we’re in trouble because it’s pretty good right now. And that means that three generations on from pretty good right now is going to be unthinkable. And that’s what the government is already in control of.

That’s what big business is already in control of. They’re thinking how can we use these many tools to, to manipulate society in other different ways. This is as well. Herman Khan during 1960 I come up in the second of the Schwab series was Herman Kahn predicting through the Hudson Institute all of the big technological advancements that they would be, be in the next what they saw up until the year 2000. But it was actually beyond that because we haven’t reached most of them yet, but we’re ticking them off one at a time. They already know the direction technology heads.

They already know it exponentially. They know that it’s moving so fast right now that society is going to be changed in a way that none of us are ready for. And Herman Khan warned himself in that that we might not actually be, we might not have the tools to survive such an adaptation because we’re likely to do very stupid things. And that’s partially what I think we’re seeing with during COVID as well. Is this eruption of new science coming in? New maybe Nu. Well you know, and Mas William Mackis, who’s just Dr. William, he’s one of the top cancer scientists.

He came out and just said MRNA is a failed technology, but they’re pushing it through anyways. One of the things that, that I gotta say is you’re, you’re more of a futurist. I don’t know if you define yourself that way, but clearly you look at research, you’re a journalist, but you take that and you’re more of a futurist than I. Would you categorize yourself like that? I, I, I, I, I, I haven’t ever categorized myself like that, but I agree completely. I see us, but that’s because I see. My opinion is we’re propelled for, forward uncontrollably by other people.

And as I’m watching how it’s propelling, we’re all going to be in the future soon. We’re all going to be, we’re seeing it change around us. The, the, the there’s, there’s, there’s this idea we would, people seem to think there’s this idea that AI is going and this is the biggest technological change of our time. Beyond a doubt. There’s a really big, potentially definitely events coming in the future with technological advancements. But AI is pretty, is pretty significant. And we’re currently in artificial narrow intelligence. Probably going to get into artificial general intelligence where it does things much better and much quicker than human could ever be.

And we can’t even think about how, what that means. But I don’t think AI ever takes over and takes control and becomes its own security. I don’t think any of that. You know, it can’t do the creation, none of that on its way. But there comes a point where you have to understand that AI is going to be controlled by men who like even Schmidt and Kissinger wrote about will, will tell you that AI has said this and you won’t understand it, but you’re told you should do that because that’s what AI is telling you. And AI will still be a extremely significant tool that’s in control or being controlled by a very small group of nasty human beings who don’t care about other human beings.

So we’ve got to realize every single time all of these technologies, technologies are going to be used against us rather than for us. And there’s. I don’t know how, I don’t understand how we take control of that. But if we did, I wouldn’t be a futurist. If we did, I’d be a less, less, less try and work out what those advances look like in the future before we even get there. You know, let’s be a lot, tread a lot more carefully. I would be at best a cautionary futurist. I would say it’s not a good idea to test everything.

But I would for that reason. I would never be in that position to have that sort of say or sway the people who want to use the technology, who want to push the buttons. And most get to the point where they push the buttons the most. That’s as simple as it is. People who love technology, drawn to technology, understand technology, will end up at the top of the pile of technology. And they are usually a little bit more likely to be bereft of a soul. It seems that they don’t care about fellow man, that they will happily come down to the point where they will experiment on other human beings.

And that’s, that’s, that’s humanity. So I, I’m a futurist in the sense that I can’t. It has to come. It’s. It would be in. Propelled forward without our ability to stop it. And where it ends. Well, it all depends on your spiritual belief and what you believe is to come on down the line. Because listen, I, I would love there to be some, someone to come to this realm who is Jesus like and tell us all, stop what you’re doing and, and change our direction. That might be the only way. I see. And I, I’ve always said that I don’t believe it’s literally translated that way.

Maybe there will be a Jesus person that comes down and is so overwhelmingly brilliant and charismatic and capable of communicating to us that we all are mesmerizing, memorized and we can change the devil to me. Yeah, well, I see it as, I don’t see it literally. I see it as a metaphor for Jesus, the consciousness, all Jesus in all of us. The rising of being better people, becoming more aware, having more humanity. Oh my Lord. And then that love it. That’s what it means. In my interpretation, that’s what it means because it doesn’t make sense to me me that a single entity could ever do anything, you know, that could move humanity.

Humanity can move humanity if we all grow. But I want to ask you, that’s just my opinion. So listeners, if you have different opinion, I mean that’s the whole point. We all have different opinions here and we’re experimenting or exploring and trying to grow and be better. What do you think is going to happen? You, you talk about adaptation. What do you think is going to happen to a huge portion of the population that just aren’t equipped to handle and embrace as society moves forward. And we saw all these people who still believe that getting the jab is the right thing to do.

You know, they just couldn’t. They need the authority to tell them what to do. They don’t understand technology. I mean where. What’s going to happen? Well, there’s, there’s one really important, and I come across it in a lot of my research is that this, they’ve taken the use of logic, teaching the use of logic outside out of curriculums. They’ve proactively done it since the 60s, 70s, 80s. It’s really important for them to leave us susceptible to logical fallacies that, that we will continue to do really stupid things. But I do have that kind of hope that as the technology increases and as we get to use it in loads of different ways, they start to lose control of things.

And that, that, that the loss of control, the chaos, ah, that might be the moment where we could make some real change. But they’ve already seen a mile off. They already kind of know that. I think when you talking about fifth generation warfare earlier, that’s why fifth generation warfare, fifth generation warfare is the plug, you know, you pull, yeah you, you throw the baby out with a bath water really quickly because you can’t control people anymore. The only reason you need to get to the point of fifth generation warfare is information is accessible by anybody. And suddenly AI is up to a level where it starts telling us what really happened in certain massive events in our history and everybody’s illusions are shattered.

There’s a point where technology allows us the ability to see something really spectacular. Now that is the optimistic view because at the moment what they’re doing is planning to continue. People keeping people in with a blindfold on, with earplugs in telling them what the government line is going to line up outside a medical facility for something to be put in their. All of that is going to continue onwards until people realize that they are being constantly nudged through social media posts and manipulative forms of propaganda really that were just being synthesized you could say from like Leninist propaganda, from when a destruction of an ideology happens by another ideology, they take the worst parts that were most effective and incorporate it into their own systems.

And that’s what we’ve seen over time. So I think there’s a point where propaganda right now is. It’s just so off the hook. People are being told what to do. They, they fall in line. We’ve seen it. That is going to change eventually. Fifth generation warfare means that has to change because it’s like the point where you like flood the zone with information so that no one knows what to believe anymore. In amongst that is the information is the thing that allows us to understand. The next thing allows us to explain logically to other people. And so all of that information can swill around.

But as long as there’s people who can put them together into constructive sentences and tell it to other people, there will be change. There will be a change. The establishment is always fighting against the tide. And the top members of these establishments, whenever society collapses, they disappear off for a little bit and come back after reformed and then take over again. This is why they remain in control, but they don’t actually remain in control. There’s one moment where there’s chaos or this revolution or something else and they have to just go away for a little bit and then come back and influence in the same old standard with something will change in the future.

I have real hope for that. But that will come with some form of something that I can’t understand the dynamic of technologically speaking or just, just existing, that it doesn’t exist right now. It has to be, there has to be something. What? Think about some of the ideas that we’re in a 20,000 or 26,000 year cycle and the energies coming in from the universe is becoming more clear and that’s affecting us. So that that’s, you know, it’s agitating us, it’s affecting us and that we actually evolve with those energies. It’s like a 20 we go up and then we go down and that’s the collapse of society.

And we’re actually coming out of the. This is what theories are the lowest part of evolution. We’re moving into a more evolved state because the energies. There’s a science behind it supposedly. And it makes sense to me from the science that the energies are allowed to come through because we’re coming through a lens, a less dense area of the universe or so you know, as the solar system goes around, it’s less dense and so more of these frequencies. Frequencies and light can get through. What do you think of that as. I think that’s very hopeful explanation.

But what do you think of that? I think everything is on cycles. Everything is on cycles. Whether we like it or not. We’re trapped within a thousand cycles, all going all the way around the universe, galaxy, solar system. Just the energy. Just when you get down to a quantum level, everything flips on its head and makes no sense. It’s clear that there are things we do not know. A lot of things. And all of the problem in the past, every single problem in every single moment of history is people believing they know what is actually happening and everything.

They know everything now. Oh, we know everything now. Yeah. Nowhere near knowing everything. So I can’t like the, the idea that we are affecting, affected by external factors. I’m all down with that because I don’t understand a lot of what’s going on. It doesn’t make sense to me. And that can be also a crutch as well to the fact that if we don’t understand something, we, we will lean on, on what we know to try and explain it when it won’t actually explain it. So I, I don’t. Why I know is, is that the, the next generation will think they’ve done it right this time and everything’s fine now and then we were idiots, right? Yeah.

Well, they’re better than us. I hope they are better. Yeah. I. People will be shaking it to the head in 100 years time. I mean, can you imagine those people? And they’ll be doing exactly the same thing at the same time. Well, in their own stupid way, but they’ll be pointing at some of the dumb things we did in this, this time that, you know, how are you poisoning yourself and all these other stuff. Most of it will be due to technology. They will be noticing that. Oh, you didn’t know something. So you. Stupid things. Yeah.

And to them it would just be so obvious and we just didn’t know. Yeah, yeah. Like that’s a good thing though. Yeah, I like It, I, I, I have hope, I have hope for the future because of the fact that people, the people are still, there’s still humans in the world. We’re going for a period of time now where people who are maybe less empathic and more narcissistic rise to the top mainly because of the way technology is and that it suits for that time. But these are all in cycles. These all happen in cycles. People get bored of that eventually and other people want something different eventually and, and they want soul, they want life, they want, they want that eventually.

They want humans being humans. That’s what my hope is. Yeah, I think so. You are so smart. You are a futurist. You think differently. I think there’s a place for you definitely having a big voice of people with the way you just think differently. And you’re like a philosopher, futurist. But you’re a journalist too. So thank you so much for coming on the program. I have to have you on on a regular basis just to kind of analyze where we’re at. I really enjoyed this conversation. Where can people find more of you and follow you? You’re very kind and make me, make me go all blushy.

I as you can see up here. Sign up here. News paste on most platforms. You can find me on Johnny Ved more most places as well. And I, I put, I put out such a large amount of, of content, a range of content. I try to make it so a lot of my content doesn’t like isn’t useless after a week or two or a month or etc, you’ll still gain something from it five years down the line. So come read some articles. My long form articles and my babies. That’s the things I really love to create and they are very long form, really well sourced.

I try and do read throughs of them all as well. So Please come to NewSpace and enjoy and thank you for having me on. It’s been really nice. This has been a wonderful conversation. Thank you so much for joining me. I really appreciate it. Excellent Sa.



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