It promotes the manufacture of pluripotent stem cells. Additionally, it’s good for cuts and wrinkles and burns. Metasomer Gel. Go to slash Dave Hodges. One more time. slash Dave Hodges. An EPA official has come out and they have said that the Biden administration is funneling billions of taxpayer dollars to climate organizations as a hedge against the incoming. This is ridiculous. And it was Brent Efron who was recorded by Project Veritas bragging about sending tens of billions of dollars in grants to climate nonprofits as an insurance policy against Trump’s promises to rein in government spending.
If you don’t believe that this administration the Democratic party, the deep state, the left who represent the globalist. If you don’t believe they’re trying to destroy your country, your lifestyle, rip apart your financial profile, you’re not paying attention. This is absolutely amazing as on tape this guy is seen laughing as he says this is a frantic effort to get as much money as possible into climate related allies. It’s like throwing the gold bars off the Titanic was his course. Quote, this is absolutely amazing. And the thing is with these climate scam organizations, they’re not scientific.
They don’t have the experimental method. They don’t use science to measure it. Their weather patterns that they could for comparison this 10 years versus those 500 years. This one storm versus all of history. And this one storm is bad. So therefore it’s climate change. It’s climate change burning down LA with do weapons. Yeah. Directed energy weapons. Isn’t it interesting? Climate change seems to have a life all on its own. It can control bad things happening to humanity. We just need to feed it money. You should be pissed off as hell. Donald Trump needs to go after these people for malfeasance.
We’ll see you back here next time. Make sure you sign up for the common sense show dot com newsletter. So all you do is go to my website, the common sense show dot com. Click on the upper link right hand corner. Put in your email and you’ll get one stop shopping. With daily emails for everything we do in the 24 hour period prior. [tr:trw].