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➡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, warns that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are planning to negatively impact the elderly and homeowners. He suggests they will ration healthcare and aim to reduce the number of homeowners. Hodges also discusses his personal health journey and promotes a health product. He ends by predicting that the rising global unrest will soon reach America.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show Freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. Please share our work. We need to wake up a lot of people, or at minimum, I think people are largely awake. We need to move them to action, and we’re running out of time. So thank you for helping. We’re going to talk about, depending on your age bracket, if you’re early adult, middle age, you really need to hear this. If you’re elderly, no insult intended, I’m there with you, but if you’re elderly, you absolutely need to unify on this point.

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have declared war on the elderly, but it’s going to affect all of you. They don’t want you. In the 15-minute cities, they don’t want to have one provision for the elderly or the handicapped, because I think they’re going to get rid of you. They’re Fabian socialists. There’s no intention to keep you around. They’re going to ration healthcare. Kamala’s already talked about that. So now we’re going to take a look at what they’re going to do to basically rid the country of as many homeowners as possible. There’s a secondary benefit there for this.

We’re going to tell you all about it after I tell you that we are brought to you by forward slash Dave Hodges, the magic die call products, in particular the Nana Soma spray. Maintenance dose gives you the factors that you need to build up that immune system to fight off stuff and sometimes reverse things. Now they don’t cure anything, but I’ve told you my experience with what I had with RSV, drip lung linings. I quit the steroids. I quit the antibiotics. That stuff wasn’t working. It wasn’t even meant for that.

It was meant for the pneumonia that I had. But once I got out of the pneumonia stage, I still was faced with this looming permanent damage is what the diagnosis was. And I reversed it. And today I’m healthier than I’ve been in 25 years. You can have that same piece of mind be the best version of yourself. Go to forward slash Dave Hodges. forward slash Dave Hodges. People have had enough. Our last segment, we talked about how people are rising up across the planet and doing so in increasingly violent means.

And I said, this is going to come to America. It’s going to come to America. We’re on the edge. Can you imagine if Donald Trump had been killed? Yeah, we’d be having different discussions right now. In fact, actually, with martial law that have been imposed, I don’t think we’d be having any discussions right now. But we are looking at a situation here that you people who are young, your early adult, 21 to 35, your middle age, 35 to 60. Guess what’s going to happen to you people? Not only is your economic future screwed, but you’re going to get an additional burden.

Mom and or dad are coming to live with you. People retire on fixed income. Most people do not have a lot of retirement outside what they’re going to get from the government. Now, what’s interesting is when they earned the money that was taken out of their taxes, they got taxed and then the money was automatically deducted as a tax to go into Social Security. So they’ve already paid double taxation on this. But under Harris and the Biden plan, and Harris is inheriting this, they are going to allow the Trump tax breaks to expire, and they’re putting new taxes on.

They’re going to increase Social Security tax. I like how Biden says holding inhalers down to whatever the amount says he was. Okay, fine. And so don’t look over here. Look over here while that right hook is coming to knock you out. And the taxes on fixed income people can’t be made up. The only thing to do is to go become a Walmart greeter. And that might not even offset the deficit, because inflation is a hell of a lot higher than what they say it is. And how do I know that? Well, because they don’t count the price of gas or the price of food like you don’t have to eat or drive to work.

This is crazy. And it’s deceptive and it’s lying. So what we’re talking about right now is this. When your parents can’t make ends meet, you’re going to have one or two more roommates. Maybe it’s time to get into this fight because these people already paid double taxation on Social Security. And they’re illegitimately borrowing it and lessening the value. People, it’s time to stand up. I could talk about a thousand issues they’re doing to us because it’s a republic form of democracy with capitalism versus absolute satanic Bolshevik communism. And this is why I have so much material to choose from because they’re attacking us on every front.

Everything that’s good, decent, and honest is under attack for these people because they’re malevolent. They’re evil. They want total control over you. They want to decide who lives and who dies. They want the resources for themselves and they want you to have squat. And the sooner you realize that they don’t care if you live or die and some of them want you to die, maybe it’ll be time to stand up and do something. [tr:trw].



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