If you’re, if you’re motivated, you know, start to, you know, decide what you’re going to do. If you’re going to build your business, it’s going to build it big. Where you’re going to go with your business and so forth. We keep talk, we’ll, we’ll talk about that. I think that’s very important to have goals and goal setting. I know a lot of you guys have, have, you know, made some goals and you want to accomplish those goals, so keep focused on those and we’re, we’ll continue to work with you on, uh, you know, your, you know, having your achievement, what you want.
Now I think that, you know, we’re, we’re having new products that are coming out over the next several months. Those are going to be phenomenal and helping you build your business. So keeping the foundation, keeping your, keeping your goals, keeping your focus is going to be very crucial for you guys moving forward. So a lot of you guys, maybe you haven’t really gotten a lot of traction, but with a new product, new products coming out, I think that’s going to help you considerably. Jen, do you have anything you want to add before we, we jump in? I’m gonna play that one video you sent me.
We’ll talk a little bit about that. I’m gonna go over the compensation plan in the beginning, show everybody about the Punta meeting and go ahead. I just said awesome to you and, but I have, just so you know, I have the Lifewave compensation plan and the business opportunity that you’re talking about. I’ve got those lined up too. So if you need me as backup for Share Screen, I’ve got it set. And I, I just. Looking at what Connie sent me, just to the thing that we had a big question on, compensation plans. So at the end, if we want to get to that I’ll give the answer.
You want me to let you get into this first, don’t you? The 90 day or would you like me to read what Connie said to. Yeah, go ahead and read what Connie said. Connie wanted everybody to know that the compensation plan, which is located in our back offices under resources, under Lifewave, back office. The simplest way to explain to people who aren’t doing as much in sales yet because they’re starting out, you should be spending 80% of your time in incoming producing activities and charting them. But every time, one leg has 330 BV and the other has 660 BV, which most of you have because you’re linked into Michael, you cycle and then you earn that $50 and the volume is then removed from the BV on those legs because you’ve been paid on it.
So it looks scary, but it’s really not. They’re, they’re keeping very good track of, you know, the business volume. BV is business volume. And she says most everybody has their 660 all the time because of Michael. So to start, you might want to alternate sides putting at least three people under one leg and three people on the other each side. And after you build the structure, you can move placement to the lower volume leg known as your pay leg. And we can work with people on that. But I just wanted Connie, her words to come through tonight to everybody.
And by the way, your management team knew all this. You know, last night they were pulling it out. They’re really prepared. All right, good job, Roxanne. So yeah, Thursday, Thursday nights with Roxanne. You want to talk a little bit about that, Roxanne? Yes. Yes. Hi. Thank you. Michael, welcome back. Thank you. You’re welcome. Yeah, so Thursday evenings at 6:30pm every Thursday, and that’s eastern time, I go over with all of you or whoever shows up is welcome. So I go over the HealthisWealth biz website and I just kind of walk you through the different steps you need to take.
So that way you’re alerted to the weekly team calls. And a few of you on here tonight were there last night. And I thank everybody again for showing up. So we always, I always go through the health as well, show you different videos that you can watch. And again, you don’t have to watch everything in a day or even a week. I mean you have time to take, if you have the time to take out of your schedule, please, you know, do yourself a favor and watch some of those videos because knowledge is power and you all know that, so I’m not saying anything new.
And I appreciate everyone who has shown up to those meetings, and some of you are my regulars, and that’s pretty awesome. So thank you. And. And then we have a Q A afterwards, so it takes me about 35 to 40 minutes maybe to run through everything, and then we have an open discussion after. So Art just posted it for your Zoom meeting. So he posted. Thank you, Arthur. So. Oh, very good. Very good. Yeah. And Jen, for the two. The. The commissions and bonuses. Yes. Can you. Can you post that in the chat? I’m gonna go.
I’m gonna go ahead and share the screen right now. Just walk through that and just. Just talk about it, and then we can. Any questions we have on that, and then we’ll. We’ll go into that video, and then we’ll look over the Punta Mita qualifications. Okay, I just did. Thank you. All right, this one, too. The business opportunity that you’re going to be showing. I’ll post that also. Oh, very good. All right, so here is a lifewave compensation plan. Commissions and bonuses. So it’s going to. Just going to click through some of these real quick, hopefully.
Oops. Well, let’s. Jim. What? You. Why don’t you pull it up? I guess it just doesn’t want to work for me. That’s fun. Okay, so I’m doing the commissions and bonuses first, right? Yeah. Okay. I’m. I’m trying to get mine going too. Maybe there’s. I’m trying. You’re right. It’s there. Why is it not playing? I think I’ve got the same thing you’ve got, Michael. I. I’ll. There it is. Did I share it? Yep. There you go. Perfect. But it’s not moving. It’s just doing the same thing, huh? Yeah, it is. Folks, I apologize. Maybe. And I’m not frozen.
I’m in a man with you. So we’ve got our Internet. Yeah, I played with it earlier. It was working, so I don’t know. Sometimes this happens. Homework for everybody. Goodness. Okay, I’ll stop the share. All right, let me. Let me go back and see if I can pull it up from what you sent me. Just click on it again. All right, now I’m going to share. To share the screen again. Hopefully it’ll work this time. So I’m not going to make it big. So it does. For whatever reason, when you make it big, it doesn’t want to play.
All right, so here it is. Product introduction, bonuses. Each time you personally introduce a new brand partner. Remember this is where we kind of want to focus the brand partners. And it could be just a starter brand partner, but ideally you’re going to get more volume with a brand partner. And usually brand partners are more committed. If you’re trying to build a business, this is the way you want to go to our products. Through an enrollment kit, you begin earning money. The amount paid out for the various enrollment packages is outlined below. So if you sign up someone in the premium, you’re going to get a $405 bonus for the Advanced Package 75 and for the Core 35.
Now, if someone comes in a starter, like, they’re just paying 25, they just want to access to, you know, the, the savings they get as a brand partner. They’re not. They don’t have to have a, a subscription. So it kind of works out for them to just at least come in and, you know, maybe try x39. And this is how we get a moving. I’m gonna try and make this bigger. Hopefully it stays there. Right. So from a start, so they come in as a starter, and then you, you’re gonna get starter to core. If you move them up, upgrade them.
So here it is. Starter upgrades start at a core, you’re going to get a $35 bonus. Starter to advance 75 and starter to premium 405, just like you see up here. Now, if they’re already in one of the, the, the ranks, like if they’re advanced, they come in advance, you’re going to get another bonus when you move them core to advanced $40. This all ends up being the same premium, advanced and core amounts. So quarter premium, 370, and then change rank from advanced or premium, you’re going to get 330. So it ends up being, like I said, the same amount.
So advanced 75 added to 330 gives you 405. Right. So you’re getting pretty much the same amount. So very, very. We, we and our team, we’re constantly trying to get people to move up. As you’re going to see when I show you the, the outline for the Punta Mita qualifications, that really pays off because as you move people up, you get, you get points, you get bonuses, and there’s a lot to this. So it’s not just about making a little bit more money or a lot more money. It’s also about earning these free trips which are, you know, they, they would cost.
Normally cost you thousands of dollars doing these trips, and you get them for free. So here’s the Roman pricing the premium obviously 1750 and then the get the, the bonus points all the way through binary commissions. So this is what our, what we basically work off of. You know, you’re, here’s you, you, you add two and then from those two you add two more each, each leg adds another. Two legs in each of his binary commissions are powerful way to build residual income. The core of Life Waves compensation plan is centered around building a team within a binary model.
So that’s our model and it works exceptionally well. I’ve been on a lot of other network marketing companies. I’ve never seen any one of them work, any of them been in Amway, you name it, I’ve been in a lot of different ones. Nothing has worked that I’ve been in and maybe some of you have been in, some of you, you’ve been successful. But if you’re new to network marketing and you’re coming into this business, you have come into the best. Because the last two years LifeWave has been the number one network marketing company in the world.
This means your earnings are based on a team structure. Team structure. I love teams. With a maximum of two positions directly under each account. One on the left and one on the right. As I was showing you before the diagram here, one of the left, one on the right. So legs, you have two legs. Once you become a binary, once you become binary qualified, your binary commissions are based not only on member enrollments and preferences, purchases under your position, but on customer purchases as well. No matter how far below your position they are. So it adds up over time.
Everybody benefits, you know, building a bigger business, helping other people build a big business and on and on and on. Each purchase by a brand partner and their personally enrolled customers is given a point value PvP which is categorized as that brand partner’s personal volume PV. The PV associated with each brand partner purchase flows upline through the network as business volume or BV business volume. So personal volume and business volume. Binary qualified is defined by the following criteria. Be active with a minimum of 55 PV personal volume every 31 days. In the qualification period, have at least one personally sponsored active brand partner on each leg.
Binary member must have at least 660 BV business volume on the power or strong leg and 330 business volume on the profit. Weak leg, correct volume cycle ratio must be present. So some of this might be over your head. It doesn’t matter, just share like we always say. And as the money comes in you get more excited, you get free trips and so forth. And then eventually you figure it out. If not, if you get stuck on this and you have to understand this, you, you’re, you’re getting, you’re getting stuck. All right, just get out there and share.
And this works, I promise you. This is the way it’s been for me. I didn’t understand this at all and probably don’t perfectly understand it still, but it works phenomenally for me. So. And it works for everyone in my upline and so forth. It’s great. We all work together. We are a team. So that’s it. Every time a brand partner meets these simple three simple qualifications in a commission week, you earn a binary commission worth $50. So your maximum weekly cycle bonus payout is limited by your earned weekly paid as rank regardless of meeting the binary qualifications and cycle ratio.
So refer to weekly maximum paid as rank payout table on the next page for specifics. Now that max payout is, is just a basis, you know, when you consider this model, it doesn’t mean that you can’t earn more because every one of those, all the way up until I’ve, I’m at the top rank, I earned a lot more and that’s because, and sometimes I earn a lot more even from the ratio that’s in the, in the very top rank. So Presidential Director is magnificent, but when you go up higher and higher and higher, you get more and more of this volume and it, it pays out.
Active status. Place an order with a minimum of 55 PV and a rolling 55 day period. Have a monthly subscription order containing product with a minimum of 55 BV. So this is, this is one of the things, you know, I started to notice right away, you should have a monthly subscription just so you don’t get caught flat footed. You forget to order something like that and then you don’t have your, your B, your PV and you miss a qualification. And so you might have a lot of, a lot of, you know, BV that you’re going to make, be making income on.
And if you don’t meet that PV every 31 day period, you’re not going to get it. So at least have that subscription maybe just you know, for 55 PV. And then you know, during the, during the, you know, time period, the month of your cycle, maybe buy something else if that’s what you want. And that’s what I do. I’m constantly buying more and more product and then, you know, sharing the product and on and on. So as long as you maintain your active status, your uncycled and unconsumed volume will continue to accrue as banked volume. However, any volume that is older, older than 52 weeks will be consumed weekly on a rolling basis.
Older volume. So I go first. So a lot of you guys benefit from my massive business volume. You have a lot, some of you have like tremendous business volume stacked up which will start to accrue to you as you build your businesses out. And I’ve heard this from a lot of people. I, I hear this from people that are not even in my line, they’re somebody else’s line. They get a lot of this volume. So it’s, it’s very, it’s very profitable. Cyclable volume ratio. I’m not going to go too, too deep into this gets a little wordy.
So imagine you’re paid as rank as director. The max you can cycle each week is 50 times or 2500. But again like I said, you can earn business volume in other ways. You can get, you know, bonuses and lots of other things will come your way as you continue to build your business and build it out. Volume maturity rule. Any uncycled volume due to unbalanced cycle ratio that isn’t consumed can be utilized on the next commission cycle. So older volume is cycled and paid before newer volume. And here’s some of the the payouts like we talked about.
Binary qualified brand partner $100. Nice. Once you make manager, upwards of 1500. Now some might be saying I don’t earn that. Well as you build your business you will earn that and very con, very conceivably more. But by the time you, you’re earning that much as a manager, you’re probably moving up to a director. And as you’re earning the top amount for director you’re probably about ready if not before that, moving up to senior director and then and bey all the way to senior presidential director. So each one of these I was earning far more than the maximum commission.
Now as senior presidential director when we have like that, that big sale, I get pretty close to that. So I still have work to do and we’re, we’re still building out our business but I know there are people that I know that have a lot more than that every week and you can’t have a lot more. But building your business, being consistent, sharing all it is is just sharing share the information about the product and I, I help people from, you know, other business lines as well. I was just in Arizona, you know, speaking at an event and there were lots of people that I spoke with that no connection whatsoever.
But what I love Is, you know, helping people. You know, even in other businesses, you know, going out and seeing and going to these events, my face gets out there. I get to. I get to see how other people are presenting information. So I don’t really have a problem. You know, I want to, like, build my business, but I’m sharing with everybody. People come up to me and ask. I’m sharing information. They could be with another team. It does not matter to me. I’m a very giving, very open, very sharing person. And that’s one of the reasons why I build a big business.
So that’s what I recommend with all of you. You know, just be. Just share. Just be loving, be share. And that’s, that’s what our. That’s what our group is like. We just, we just love to share and we love people to have, you know, results. And then we have. We have results from that. You know, we get. We get these bonuses and so forth. You know, it’s. It’s. It’s fabulous. So those. Any questions on any of that, Michael? I’d like to add that. Yes, ma’am. Connie asking us to ask, saying it’d be good for them to have three active people on each side.
That’s because someone always drops out. And so quite often you have a manager that’s not even a manager or a director that’s not a director because someone drops out. So that’s a good plan to have one extra on each leg or more, of course, but just saying. Okay, Susan’s got her hand up. I’ll quiet now. Yeah, and that’s. That’s a good point. You want to have not just one or two, you know, core on each leg. You want to have like a hundred if you can, you know, so we keep building, keep sharing. It’s going to build, and then some of those people are going to be excited.
They’ll build their business. It takes time. You know, you’re gonna. You’re gonna run into people over time. Some people are gonna be like, super excited. I’m gonna build a huge business. And they don’t do anything. It’s, it’s. And you let. You give them a lot of. A lot of. A lot of your time. It is what it is. You’re constantly learning. Don’t. Don’t get discouraged by that because you’re learning. I learned from those people that don’t do anything. And some people just take the information or take their product or buy the product and they sit on it for a while, and then they decide it’s time for them and then they, they go big.
All right, so just keep sharing. Don’t get discouraged. Like I said, this coming, this coming year is going to be unquestionably phenomenal for everyone that’s active in this business, building a business or has a foundation so far. Suzanne, hello. Great, thank you. Great information. So a question for myself personally. Don’t have anybody listed under me yet, working on that. I signed up myself as a brand partner and I understand the, the purchases, the monthly purch with the PV points to keep viable. So my question is I back six months ago, right. So January is the six month mark.
I bought the maintenance package and I understood that that took care of that for the six months. So now that’s winding up with January. I also during our holiday sale maxed it out. I bought you know, like everything and melted the card so, but happy to have done so. So where do I stand now? Do I, do I next month do I make another purchase to keep the PV points or is this max purchase that I made here for the holiday is like that spread out or like where does that all fit in? No, you have, you have to continue to do, you know, the 55 PV every month.
Okay. Okay, good. So the extra stuff is, you’re going to find it’s, it’s good to have that extra stuff because you’re like, for me, I’m like, I’ll get sidetracked and I’ll, I’ll be like, oh, I’ve only got one of these left. And I, I buy because you buy the discount when you buy it and. Right. And if you’re on the subscription with the, the X49 X39, you’re saving on the scription and then you save another $10 with a subscription. So there’s lots of ways to save. I think we had one, one doctor that came in, she came in just as a 25 brand partner and she bought like the, there.
When you buy 20×39, you save on that. So I think that’s what she did instead of going for, you know, you know, the, the top, the top tier. Right. I like the X3949 together. Personally, I like that, that, that works for me especially when if I work out, usually five days a week, I’m working out. So I find that I really benefit from that. So. But that’s good, that answers my question and then I’ll start exploring more purchases. Yeah, very good. And as, as you learn the product yourself, as you’re learning, you’re learning the product and you’re getting very comfortable with the product.
You’re coming to all these meetings. You know, you’re always listening, you’re always engaged. So at some point, this is probably going to really, if you want, it’s going to expand very rapidly for you. You’re just going to hit. You’re just going to hit your groove and you’re going to. You’re going to start to move and then you’ll move as. As far and as fast as you want. Right. I consider this, this my. My learning phase. It’s just like when I did massage. I. I understand it that way. Just, you know, like, I need that buildup time to understand it myself.
And then, you know, it’ll come. I know it will happen. So great, great attitude. I love that. Yeah, I’m good with that. Thank you. Thank you, Sally. Thanks, Michael. Am I on? Yes, you’re on. Well, I’m very much a beginner, but I’m really enjoying learning each week and I’ve gone on to the subscription each week to keep my points up because it was certainly a disappointment to see some points accrue and then disappear. So that’s a good learning curve. We’re happy that it’s just been announced for this part of the world that X49 will soon be available next week.
So that’s exciting. We’ll be. I mentioned that to my partner and he said he wanted some of those, so we’ll be ordering those. X49. I saw your partner was with you for briefly on Monday. It’s Handsome man. Good job. Thank you. He got really sore with his leg because we didn’t have the seats set up properly. So that’s why he left. We’ll try and get the seating organized for the next time. Nice. Very good. So I’ve had one sign up under me and that was just quite an organic process with someone who said, hey, what are you doing? We want some.
And then after a few months, the husband decided that he wasn’t feeling anything and. But the wife has continued to use. And they sort of inadvertently last week had a. I would call it their first patch party and they had some sort of energetically sensitive people there who could discern differences again between the different patches. So that has reignited their interest and I’m ever hopeful that something will grow. Ah, that’s fantastic, Sally. And I’m very slow, but I’m still hopeful that you’re going to build a big basis down there so we can come down and visit you, so.
Oh, well, me too, Michael. So Some, some seeds are slow to sprout. Yeah. Yeah, that’s good. I’m patient. I’m a patient man. Yeah, we’re, we’re here to help you any way we can. So it’s glad to see that you’re getting a little traction there. Just keep at it. If, if you probably heard Frederick talk about how, uh, in the beginning stages, uh, Terry was getting really good results. And he was like, ah. And she kept getting better and better results. And he was like, we’ll go back. And so he. And then he had phenomenal results. So, like, we tell everyone, you know, stay on the patch, the X39.
You know, wear it at least a month for every year or for every 10 years you’ve been around. So it’s a simple thing. It’s a simple math. But, you know, some people aren’t going to, you know, stay with it. And that’s, that’s just the thing. And then they’ll, like, they’ll see their, their partner or someone else getting really good results. And like, I’m gonna try that again. So it’s, it’s a, it’s a little time thing. So no worries. That’s great. Thank you. Thanks, Allie. Jen, I just wanted to say to Sally and everybody, when people say to me they don’t feel anything, I ask them, have you ever felt your stem cells? And they go, no.
Well, and I asked them, do you think these patches are like aspirin? Well, I guess not. And I said, because it’s so totally different. And then I tell them the long term stories as Michael just did, and we’ve got hundreds of those and I’ve got my own. So, you know, I asked them to really think about that. Do they feel their stem cells? And Barbara Lippincott’s the one that got me. She asked me. That’s what she usually does. So they can’t. They then, then they have to look at it differently. Does that help at all? Yeah, that’s good.
That’s good. It’s like, do you feel your nails grow, your hair grow or. If I had. Oh, I do have some hair. So I have like body hair. So I don’t feel it growing, but it is growing. It is, it is active. And that’s what, that’s what the X39 patch is. It’s active, definitely doing its job. So I, it just takes time. For some people, for, for others, we notice it right away. So now I’m going, what I’m going to do is play this one video. It’s about 25 minutes long, uh, with Peggy, uh, Silfon. I did a, uh, I did a down in Naples, Florida.
She had an event. I went down there and spoke at her. She is amazing person. She’s always in the Sunday night show or normally she’s in the Sunday night show with Connie. So we’re going to listen to her a little bit. She, I, I’ve listened to this. It’s really, really good. You guys are going to like this. It’s a good educational video. She did an exceptional job. So stand by, make sure the screen. So very, very exciting opportunity for health, but also for entrepreneurship. So let me go ahead and start the PowerPoint and welcome you to an opportunity in a global life technology company.
So this is the place to discover an opportunity where you can experience, grow, earn and contribute to health breakthroughs. So here’s the agenda. We’re going to cover everything in 30 minutes. So it’s going to be content, rich. We’re going to cover the breakthrough technology, explain what it is, why you want to know about it and why you want to be using it, who we are. And then we’re going to really dive into the entrepreneurial opportunity which is just off the charts. We’ll then talk about your potential with our live younger team. And you will get to meet one of our newest directors, team leader, who is just extraordinary and I’m very excited that she’s able to be with us tonight.
So I will start with just talking about the breakthrough technology which truly is redefining health and aging. And what is it? It is a revolutionary wearable light technology that upregulates cells to a younger, healthier state. It is called X39. It is science backed. So yes, we have patents, yes, we have clinical trials, yes, we have field results. And it is truly turning back the biological clock. It’s the fountain of youth that we’ve all been searching for since ancient days. It is changing the trajectory of the aging process in a really extraordinary way. So I want to introduce you to the technology through this two minute video which explains it so much better than I can.
So here we go. An empowered life has no expiration date. We’re all created to do incredible things. They conquer summits, catch big waves, live our potentials. As time goes on, our bodies begin to show signs that things just aren’t as they used to be. Our energy levels decline, sleep patterns shift and recovery slows. But our bodies are masterpieces of design, holding the potential to bounce back better than ever. With X39, we achieved something remarkable in the field of wellness and regenerative science that others could not. By utilizing lifewave’s unique patented technology, X39 uses light to elevate GHKCU, a copper peptide known to support overall health and wellness.
Unlike traditional light therapy, which requires external light sources, x39 uses the body’s own infrared light to naturally increase vitality, Enhancing the body’s flow of natural energy for improvements in strength, stamina, performance, and overall health and well being with the simplicity of an affordable, non invasive, non transdermal patent. As we age, levels of these life enhancing elements, which are associated with wellness and longevity, begin to decline. LifeWave invested 10 years into stem cell research which resulted in over 70 patents. X39 was born to bring to the public a product that can support wellness in an entirely new way, Supporting the production of younger, healthier cells with wearable light technology.
Becoming a powerhouse is easier than you think. Harness your body’s natural potential to maintain youthful energy and vitality because life comes at you fast, but it doesn’t have to pass you by. Live long, live well, live young. Feed the light with Life Wave x39. As you can see, what we are talking about is a quarter size wearable patch. And there is extraordinary power in this patch. So it is based on the science of photobiomodulation, which is a big word, but basically the patch contains very specific combinations of organic materials and nanocrystals. When it’s put on or near the body, within three inches of the body, the body actually activates the patch by the infrared body heat.
So the body’s our battery for actually activating this patch, which is just brilliant. The patch emits very specific wavelengths of light which stimulate targeted and beneficial biochemical responses in the body. It works a lot like the sun. When sunlight touches your skin, There’s a biochemical reaction and vitamin D is created. So these work similarly, but are activated just by your own body light, the heat that comes off your body, and that’s the basis of phototherapy, and that’s what these patches are. So a lot of doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, physical therapists, dentists, are using this technology. And there was recently a panel of physicians speaking about it.
And I just wanted to share this quote from Dr. Peck, an anesthesiologist, and he says as a physician and has had his license for over 40 years, he claims the light technology x39 patch is, quote, the biggest breakthrough he’s seen in medicine in his lifetime. The biggest breakthrough. Now you don’t have to be a healthcare practitioner or a doctor. We have many people from many different types of professions, businesses, people who didn’t even graduate high school who have jumped in because of what this technology is doing to change lives healthfully and also creating wealth for people.
So who are we? Let me start with David Schmidt because none of us would be here without David. He is a brilliant scientist, the inventor, the founder of this company, and he has been involved in anti aging regenerative science research for decades. In the year 2000 he was actually contracted by the US government to create something for the Navy Seals to help them retain energy levels through major tasks that were 72 plus hours, needing great battle ready strength and stamina and performance. But the government didn’t want the Navy SEALs relying on drugs, stimulants. So the, the Germans, the Nazis In World War II, they, they use meth.
When they did their, you know, blitzkrieg, their, their troops would be up for like several days and then the Ukrainian soldiers are actually using meth as well. So Navy SEALs, we never, I never used any product like that. So it was nice to have David Schmidt come in and for a brief, unfortunately brief period of time gave us technology that we’re able to use. Unfortunately, when President Obama came in, he did away with it because it wasn’t FDA approved. So but we have access to this technology and this is the foundation and this is where you know, I came in.
I started using this, I heard about it long before and it’s, it’s phenomenal, very, very amazing technology. Now I’ve been to, had the privilege and great fortune to be to David’s laboratory. And there’s significant Tesla technology about all I can say, right, that patch that you’re wearing has Tesla technology in it, caffeine, things like that. So that was the very first application of phototherapy on this energy enhancer patch. That was the initial introduction all those years ago. So David has truly been a pioneer for more than 20 years now in wellness technologies. So this is very forward thinking technology and I’m very grateful that we have the future.
Right now it is available to us and it started in 2010 with manufacturing, international distribution, ID customers, IT rather and global customer service all began in Ireland. In last year 2024, a brand new global headquarters opened in Draper, Utah and I haven’t been there yet myself. There’s the building, but I’m told it’s like walking onto a starship. It is so cutting edge technologically sophisticated that it’s really an exciting place to be able to visit and to know that that’s the corporate headquarters. We now have distribution to over 80 countries, 16 global distribution centers and no one has what we have.
This technology doesn’t exist anywhere else. So we are part of the Live Younger team. We see ourselves as compassionate, heart centered, we really care about others and we’re from all over the world and we’ve come together to really make a difference. So let me turn to the business opportunity and the entrepreneur way. This is a unique business model. It’s very flexible. You can work anytime from anywhere. You can do it part time, you can do it full time. You can fit it into your lifestyle or change your lifestyle to fit this extraordinary opportunity. There’s no inventory, no shipping hassles, the company handles all the logistics as well as having a great customer service.
There are multiple income streams, residuals, bonuses, team building, rewards, incentive trips that are phenomenal beyond first class. And there’s a chance to really build a legacy income. So for the individual looking at this out there, the personal growth is bar none because you not only get to experience this phenomenal life changing product, but you get training and mentorship as part of the package. So it really helps you grow. And starting this new year, this is a time to really jump in and make a commitment. It is a great plan. In this gig economy. We are living in very uncertain times and this future for this company is very certain and growing.
As I will show you in a moment, we have patented exclusive products. Again, no competition. It’s a simple duplicatable success system which we share with you, we give you everything you need. You get free website, the training, the support and a very low cost of entry. So there’s an extraordinary satisfaction when you are involved in this company and with the Live Younger team of truly being rewarded for making a huge difference in other people’s lives, in their health, their well being and in your health and financial well being. So why is the timing perfect right now? The health and wellness industry globally is booming.
It’s a $6.3 trillion industry right now. And by 2028, according to the Global Wellness Institute, it’s going to be a $9 trillion industry. So why is it growing so exponentially? Much of it is the post pandemic focus where people really are concerned about their health, concerned about their personal well being, concerned about longevity. So this opportunity is ground floor, the growth is exponential. So on the right side you can see a chart which begins in the Little Red in 2019 and you can fast forward to this past year, 2024 and you can see just from month to month, every month eclipsed the month before and there is just no end in sight.
It’s constantly increasing. And if you can see this chart, the growth Is has been 3,000% over the last six years. Starting in 2019, it was just a huge upward growth. And 2019 is when the X39 stem cell activating patch was first introduced. The company is now 600 plus million dollars. And the projection by corporate is that by the end of 2026, by the end of next year it has the potential to be a $4 billion a year company. And there are new technologies that will be introduced, some even this year that will be absolutely compatible with the foundational x39 product.
So again, it’s a very exciting time to jump into this opportunity. We have been recognized by Direct Selling News as number one in momentum globally in in the world. So why? Because of David Schmidt, his innovation, his commitment to research and development, his commitment to humanitarian efforts. Because he truly wants to make a difference in people’s lives and empower people to be absolutely the best they can be in every way. So it’s really the time to engage, really the time to join the live younger team. Again, we see ourselves as vibrant, collaborative of like minded leaders and we’re a community.
And again in this time, throughout the world, community, belonging, doing something worthwhile, being on purpose and intentional is more important than ever. So we really offer a very positive culture with ongoing support, tools and training. You are not obliged to do anything, but you can do everything. And whenever you need or want support, we are all there to help you. And there are amazing tools available to help as well, which I’ll highlight in a moment. So when you partner with us, you truly unlock your potential. You grow your own business and you do it at your own pace as it resonates and works for you.
So how do you get started? Right, Bottom line, simple steps to take the first option to become a brand partner. And so the first thing to do is to connect with the person who invited you here tonight and ask for their guidance. Because what you’re going to want to do is begin by choosing an enrollment option which will all be wholesale pricing on the X39 patch. So you want to be able to start using sharing and earning immediately. So a lot of franchise opportunities to get involved in your own business, they might be $50,000, $35,000. Let me show you what it would take for you to start your own business.
Here’s what I recommend. If you just kind of want to dip your toe for $295, you would get actually three months of the x39 patch. You want to wear one every day up to 12 hours, take it off for $12. So you. 12 hours. So you would get three sleeves, which is three months worth. Each sleeve has 30 patches. Now if you really want to jump into the business, what we recommend is going premium. Seventeen hundred and fifty dollars is, is still an extraordinarily low entry point to have this major corporate backing as well as the full backing of the Live Younger team.
So let me show you some of the things you get. You start just even at 295 with wholesale pricing and there’s no ongoing obligation. If you just want to use it for yourself and your family, no problem. There’s no pushing, no pressure. It’s what you wish. We just want to support whatever outcomes you want. But you do have an extraordinarily massive opportunity to develop a revenue stream by sharing this technology with others. You would get your own website right out of the gate as soon as you enrolled. You have a website, it would have your name and contact information.
It has. Oops, sorry. It also has a fantastic. Built into our whole program is a phone app called Intouch which you can use to share information and videos with others very easily. I play tennis very often I’ll be on the tennis court and someone’s interested in more information and I might just take out my phone, send them that two minute video that I just shared with you and then what’s really remarkable is I will know when they’ve watched it, how much of that video they’ve watched. So I can see how interested they truly are. So it’s a fantastic additional support that you have right out of the gate.
Then of course you have the potential to earn weekly commissions and there’s commission tracking. Again, the training with our Live Younger team, we have an amazing websites that offer training, we have much live training, interactive training, again just supporting you for whatever you wish to accomplish. And being on the ground floor of a fast growing technology company in the times that we’re living in right now is just amazing. So we want to encourage you to join us today. Unlock the entrepreneur way. We feel that and we know we’re empowering individuals to truly achieve optimum health through these patented non invasive.
Remember, nothing’s going into your body except a signal. It’s a very effective technology changing the aging process. And by sharing this breakthrough with others, it helps you achieve financial freedom. What more could you want? It’s amazing. So again, reach out to the person who invited you to this opportunity, ask them questions. And now I am very excited to share with you our newest director, Sherry Dugan. Sherry is a leadership consultant. She coaches executive teams. She’s been in education for 26 years. Started as a teacher, became a principal, assistant superintendent. She has a doctorate in educational leadership.
She’s based in Arizona. Most impressive to me is the growth that she’s experienced with this company. She only started in November of this past year. In less than six days, she became the first ranked manager, and within just three weeks, she became director. So I’d like you to join me in welcoming Sherry. I see. So appreciate you taking the time to be with us tonight, Sherry. And if you’ll unmute, I have a couple of questions for you. Awesome. Welcome, everyone. Thank you for having me tonight, Peggy. And I just love every bit of your presentation. It’s so spot on.
I’m like, yes, yes, yes. Well, you’ve been living the dream already in such a short time. So I. I want to ask you, how has being involved in this opportunity in such a quick sequence of weeks, not months, really changed your life and impacted your life? Right? So that’s a great question. So as soon as I learned about the research, the technology, the product, I was asking like, okay, where is this and how can I get this right? It gives me so much hope and inspiration in people being able to feel better. And then, really, for me, I’m not a medical doctor, right? I’m not in the medical profession, but I get to go out there and I get to help people feel better, too.
So what happened for me was the first time that basically the first person that I talked to about this, just talking about how hopeful and inspired I was, said, hey, wait, how do I get that? So that’s how it started to spread for me. But I wanted to say as an educator, because people wonder, what’s the connection here? But as an educator, I’ve always had a deep passion of developing people. So from all the little people to the older people to the staff members that work with all the little people. And so that’s just a part of who I’ve always been.
There are so many people out there that care about helping people, developing people, just whatever they have to give to the world. And so to add this layer of, like, wait a minute, I can help people feel better, to me, it just really doesn’t get any better than that. So I also see for people who are wanting to do this as a. Like, as a career or have it take over like, you can have so much freedom and be able to have such fulfillment. Because I already look at the circle around me of people who I’ve shared it with, and I’ve already had other people sharing it, you know, then they’re turning around and sharing it, and I can feel the difference.
As when people feel better, they’re happier, they can just do better, and they can kind of, not kind of. They get more in alignment with the purpose of why they’re here on this world, what they have to give to all of us. So it’s like the first level and the first layer of things. Like, if people can feel better, they can do better. And I’m. It’s so inspiring, and you are inspiring, and it is intoxicating. When you share this with others and you see the results they get, it just makes you feel absolutely amazing. And then the fact that, you know, you’re building a business at the same time, the combination is.
Is just unmatched to me. I mean, I’ve just never seen for myself anything like this. And I’ve been an entrepreneur and had many businesses. I want to ask you one more question. What one piece of advice would you give to someone who’s with us tonight or listening to the recording, who’s considering becoming part of the live younger team? What advice would you offer? Yep, I’m gonna. I’m gonna give two, because one in each direction. If you’re wanting to use the product, take a risk on yourself. If it seems like, I’m not really sure, take a risk.
Spend the money. I know I said, oh, I spend more than that on Starbucks or coffee or just things that probably aren’t very good for me. So it was instantly worth it for me and my family to be able to become a user of this. And then also, if you are interested, the business, which can happen by default. That’s what started happening with me. Right? Jump in, learn. There’s zooms. The people are phenomenal. You have the best support. There are opportunities where you can come together on Sunday nights for our zooms, there are health practitioners that come in and answer the questions.
You don’t have to be the expert. You. There are so many people that want to help develop you and develop leaders, and so jump in, do it, take a risk on yourself, and you’ll be so happy that you did, because the people are phenomenal. Thank you, Sherry. That is also so beautifully said. And that is such an important point, because there is such an existing framework that you can just jump into. You don’t have to know anything. Just try the product and just get exposed to all of these different programs and zooms and ask. Ask the questions and you’ll get the answers because there are so many experts.
Thank you, Sherry. That was awesome. I just want to share one more tidbit with you. And this comes from Albert Schweitzer, and it’s just something he said that resonated with me. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. So, as you heard from Sherry, you know, when you’re passionate about what you’re doing, you don’t feel like you’re ever working a day in your life. And to me, that’s what our live younger community provides, and our products are, bar none. So please, any questions you have, get back to the person who invited you.
We very much want to answer them and want to support you. I do want to thank Connie Lucas for providing this platform and for being in the background helping out. Please, everyone, come join the entrepreneur way. Come be part of us. You will not regret it for a moment. It will change your life. Thank you all for being here tonight. All right, so I think that you guys can see that this would be a very good tool to use if you’re brand new. I. I would use it myself. You know, right now, it’s in it. Somebody that, you know, was kind of questioning.
I think it’s phenomenal. You could even do a zoom with someone and show that just like I showed you guys, you know, so it would. It would work in multiple ways. So I think that was. That was fantastic. Now, I. That was Connie’s shares. Connie’s cousin. And I met her when I was in Arizona. She, for the first time, was up front, in front of everybody, introducing. She did a fabulous job. So I got to meet her son. Her son is part of her business. Her son had phenomenal results. He’s. He’s a young man and his.
His early twenties, just that fresh out of college. He’s got a sales job. It does really good in sales. So we’re perfect, right? And so he had phenomenal results. He got really super lean very quickly. And you. I saw the pictures of them. I’m like, dang. So I. I was fortunate. I got to. We. We had, uh, lunch together, and I got to sit with him and, uh, he and his buddy that he got into business, so I got to talk to them for a little bit. So very inspirational, very inspired young, young men. So, you know, that’s the thing we want for the future.
You know, those types of people that are getting involved and at an early age like that, pretty phenomenal. So now Connie’s cousin basically had watched her for years and uh, Connie never like talked about or anything. And then finally her, her cousin’s like, what are you doing? So that’s, that’s why you just stay on it. You know, eventually people are going to notice or maybe you’re talking about it. And then, you know, eventually they come. Excuse me, come to you and say, I’m ready to get involved. So just stay active, share the product. People are going to see you’re, you’re going on, you know, like Connie, she’s going on trips and everybody’s like, I want to be able to do that too.
So here it is, Banshee. Like boom, boom, boom. Very quickly moving up. So that’s, that’s one of the, the, the phenomenal things we have with Life Wave. The other things that we have are like the, the free trips, which are great bonuses. Uh, let me share with you guys real quick, uh, before we sign out of here, uh, the Life Wave Spring Regional. Uh, we’ve talked about this already. Uh, you can find this on uh, the, the trip or you can go the trips or you can go into, just put it into your search Life Wave Punta Mita and it will, it will pull it up.
So here’s the qualifications for the trip. We’re still in the period of qualification. It’s from. It started in the 21st of October last year and it goes to the 23rd of February. So you still have time for this Punta Mita in Mexico. And like I said, these trips are phenomenal. Air travel, accommodations, trans airport transfers, meals, incidental charges. It’s, it’s fantastic. So all there’s activities that happen on these or you can just hang out by the pool and you know, have some great meals and you know, hang out with your team. It’s all, it’s all really fun.
So here’s a qualification for the trip like we talked about. Started a premium, you get eight points. And then on down the line, personally sponsored PC rank advancement to manager people in your team. So you’re getting all these points. Anyone that goes all the way to senior director, 50 points are. You also get points if you maintain your, your status. So moving, moving people up, moving people into different positions makes a incredible impact. So for this one, let me go back, it says all brand partners who earn 100 points. So you see all the, the points, how you earn these points.
Anyone that Earns a hundred points, gets. They earn a trip for two and one flight reimbursement. And if you get another 40 points, you get, you know, two people and two flights. So the flights are basically. You get a $450 reimbursement for each person and you book your own flights. So it’s really, really nice. Let me share one more that I have for you guys. So basically, Jen shared this with me. So my points are, you know, just accumulating very quickly. So total points is 203. So qualify for it. So the enrolled brand partners. So as.
As we. We’re telling you guys, this is where you want to go. The brand partners. If you can get people into brand partners, you’re going to get the most points. And then moving people into higher ranks, you get preferred customers or retail customers. You know, check in with them, see if. See if you can move them up to brand partners. That’s what we’ve been doing. Jan and Roxanne have been doing an awesome job of that. Constantly, you know, touching base with people and trying to move them up. So this is personally sponsored upgrades, people that have moved up like we talked about, and then rank maintenance points.
So I maintain my rank and I got 20 points for that. So lots of different ways that you guys can earn points for these trips. I’ve been on since I’ve been in the business. I’ve been on every one of them. It’s pretty much haven’t made the elite yet, but someday I’m pushing for that. We’ll. We’ll see. It’ll. It’ll come. I’m patient. I’m patient like Sally. Uh, we’ll get there. Just like, I’m gonna fly down to, you know, down where she’s living. Uh, maybe Australia too. Uh, and then jump over and, uh. So, uh, I know news.
Kiwis are like, don’t go see the Aussies, come see us. Little rivalry there. So it’s pretty fun. When I was in the special Forces, they were. They’re always kind of rival. It was fun, but they’re always rivaling each other. So both. I’ve never been. I’ve been to Australia. Fabulous country. But if you’ve seen Lord of the Rings. Is that right, Sally? Is it like Lord of the Rings? Yeah, look at that. Oh, shaking her head. Yeah, I gotta. I gotta be there. All right, so dream. I’m dreaming. Sally’s dreaming. Keep your dreams. We’ll move forward together as a team.
Jen, you have anything to wrap it up with? You’re muted. I was trying to unmute my picture rather than. Oh, Michael, I guess I’ve been on too long. I’m going with you to New Zealand. I’ve been wanting to go there since I was 17 and my boyfriend moved there. Oh, wow. So there you go. He’s back in the States. But anyway, I love New Zealand, and I haven’t been. And they did film the. The movie there, so it was good. Yeah, I. I love the show, and I wanted to say I think that we could take Peggy’s thing and just share it with anybody new.
And it’s all there. It’s all there. So, you know, and so whatever your choice is, it’s there. I just look at all these faces saying, hi. All right, perfect. We had a good turnout tonight, guys, you know, and sorry missed you guys last week. But you guys keep. Keep coming in, keep building this team. I love it. Love you guys. And if you guys want to mute, unmute and, uh, say good night. Good night. Good night, everybody, for showing up. Good night. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, guys. Have a great everyone. Dr. Good night. Bye, everybody.
Bye. Bye. Hey, it’s so good to see everybody. Hey, beautiful.