American Memory Hole – How the Court Historians Promote Disinformation w/ Donald Jeffries

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âž¡ The text discusses World War One’s impact on the global economy, particularly the establishment of the dollar as the world reserve currency. It also introduces a product called Nanosoma, which supposedly triggers the body to produce its own vitamin C and regulate other bodily functions. The text then shifts to a discussion about fifth-generation warfare and mind control, with a mention of a series called “Mind Control, Fifth Generation Warfare” available at Brighton University. Lastly, it delves into a conversation about the atrocities of war, focusing on the American Civil War and the scorched earth policy, and introduces a book called “American Memory Hole” by Don Jeffries.
âž¡ The text discusses the author’s perspective on various U.S. presidents, particularly Lincoln, FDR, and Wilson, whom he considers the worst due to their actions and policies. He also discusses the U.S.’s involvement in wars, suggesting that it was often unnecessary and led to global issues. The author criticizes the way history is presented, arguing that it often hides the truth about these leaders and their actions. He also discusses the current state of censorship and control in media, comparing it to the past and expressing concern about its impact on truth and freedom of speech.
âž¡ The text discusses the political shifts in America, highlighting how figures like Roosevelt and Clinton have influenced these changes. It also touches on the evolution of the left and right political ideologies, with the left moving from anti-war and pro-prison reform stances to focusing on identity politics and victimization. The right, on the other hand, has shifted from being anti-big government to adopting neoconservative ideologies. The text also criticizes the inclusion of breakdancing in the Olympics and the perceived bias in gymnastics judging.
âž¡ The text discusses the author’s views on the current political climate, focusing on Kamala Harris and the potential consequences of her gaining power. It also delves into hidden history, the role of the CIA, and the perceived misrepresentation of historical figures like Lincoln and McCarthy. The author criticizes the media’s portrayal of JFK and his family, and expresses concern over the increasing power of the CIA. Lastly, the author criticizes Governor Walls of Minnesota for his extreme legislation.
âž¡ Elon Musk and Trump discussed the potential of nuclear energy and its misconceptions, which was cut out by CNN, causing public resentment towards Trump. The article also mentions the perceived bias in media, the lack of coverage on an assassination attempt on Trump, and the potential impact of Kamala Harris’s rise in politics. The author criticizes the current state of politics and media, suggesting a lack of fairness and truthfulness, and expresses concern about the potential for racial and class conflict.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various political issues, including the perceived anti-white agenda, the influence of Zionists, and the role of politicians like Ilhan Omar and Cory Booker. They also touch on historical events like World War II and the Civil War, expressing skepticism about their portrayal in mainstream narratives. The speaker further discusses the potential for civil unrest if Trump were to return to power, and the growing discontent among the American working class. Lastly, they mention the controversial issue of transgender rights and the growing number of people de-transitioning.
âž¡ The text discusses concerns about the increasing number of people regretting their decision to transition genders, and the perceived lack of support and understanding from society. It also touches on the controversial topic of eugenics, suggesting that some people believe there’s a hidden agenda to reduce population growth. The text further discusses the perceived bias in society towards women and the need for respectful dialogue. Lastly, it mentions various historical events and their impact on society, suggesting that these events were not accidental but part of a larger plan.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the short attention span of Americans, the manipulation of narratives, and the importance of understanding history. They express concern over the lack of discussion about an alleged assassination attempt and the role of the Secret Service. The speaker also mentions their upcoming book, which aims to reveal unreported subtleties of history. They emphasize the need for faith in the face of evil and the ongoing spiritual battle.


Double reason for World War one. They just can’t do it. Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, okay? So we had to do it. Well, I can tell you one, I can tell it’s not for the people. But I can tell you that after World War one, it established a big part towards establishing the dollar as the world reserve currency. And after World War one, the dollar and the british pound were about the same in global circulation. It totally changed the formula. Did you know that our bodies stopped creating its own vitamin C millions of years ago? Unlike most animals on this planet, our body does not create our own vitamin C.

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under shop if you want to first see studies and testimonials that are quite amazing, sign up for their newsletter. You will be amazed again. Use the link below or go to under shop to learn more or to buy. For some customers, save 10%. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have my friend Don Jeffries coming to the program. He has a new book out called American Memory Hole, and he’s going to talk about, we’re going to just go through parts of it. We get sidetracked into all sorts of things. And I keep bringing up fifth generation warfare.

If people can’t see it now, I don’t know. I mean, the mind control fifth generation Warfare series I did was probably the best timing. It was right before just this stuff went on steroids. And so there’s so much you can learn. It’s still up at Brighton. You can buy the whole series at Brighton University. So search for that. And it’s right under mind control and fifth generation warfare. And there’s a ton of extra bonus material as well. And if you get the full package, you also get the a package of EMF devices, you know, that absorb and block doesn’t block, it absorbs and changes EMF so that more harmonizes with your body and it absorbs the bad stuff.

And so it really helps a lot of people can, people who are really sensitive, can feel it right away. If you’re not sensitive, then maybe you can’t feel it. But those that are will and you know who you are. And we all need it. We all, because we’re all being, being bombarded by EMS. But regardless, you can also get the digital package and you can. It’s all a precursor to everything that we’re seeing now. Mind control, fifth generation warfare. It was free. It ran for 14 days for free. On my substack at Sarawesel dot i’m putting out an episode a week for people who are paying members.

I have to pay for the editing. So if you are interested in seeing it, but it’s a much less expensive way to get it. If you’re willing to wait over time and watch it that way you don’t get the bonus material, but at least you get to see the series. It is so relevant to what’s going on right now. So again, at Sarahwestdal dot or go to Brighton University and you can get the whole thing right away, plus all the bonus material. I have a lot of experts that are involved. From military perspective, psychological perspective, historical perspective, political perspective, science perspective, targeted individuals are represented.

It’s just a full spectrum 1360. Look at what it is that we’re dealing with here. It really does give you a primer to what you’re seeing now. And each area could be a whole college degree. And so you’re not going to get everything you need, but you’re going to get a good primer to get you to kind of see what the heck is going on again. Sarahwestall dot Orion University okay, let’s get into this really fantastic conversation I have with my friend Donald Jeffreys. Okay, so you were talking about Bradley Manning. Can you continue? Yeah, yeah.

I mean, if you look at what he exposed and his videos of the our boys, glorious boys, you know, bombing people and laughing about it like it was a video game and playing soccer with decapitated heads and things, the crazy stuff that they were doing, this was all exposed in the. And he was punished for it. But it goes back to what we and I for the first time, I thought it began exclusively under Lincoln, where they refined it to an art, you know, with his troops, the total war strategy and the scorched earth policy. But it actually began in the us mexican war.

And I have some examples in this book of they were doing that stuff already where they were targeting civilians, they were raping, they were stealing. And this thread of theft runs throughout all these wars. And I exposed in crimes and cover ups how Sherman was running an incredible grifting ring. I mean, they made a fortune, stole everything they could from the ladies of the south when the ones they weren’t raped, mother raped them, too, as they marched to the city, because all the boys were fighting. And it was incredible, the theft that went on. But we see this.

Can I ask you, do you think that’s just a symptom of war? Like, when war happens, no matter what it is, whether it’s the American at the beginning of our country, but everywhere. I mean, because you look at foreign wars, you look at just the crap that goes on. And in war, the bad guys take advantage of the chaos. Chaos and just loot and pillage. And it happens everywhere, all through human history. I think. I mean, well, I think that we saw something different with the scorched earth and total war strategy that Lincoln adopt where they officially made that.

Because, for instance, and I publish in this book, I have a directive from Jefferson Davis that instructs. It tells his troops what they’re not to do. They’re not to target civilians, they’re not to steal property or get all the stuff that the union troops are in. So at least the Confederates, where they at least told their troops that. Now, what they did, I don’t know. Certainly a lot more documentation that the northern troops did that. And I think if you go back even to, like, during the revolution, the british troops at that time, they had, you know, they were very proper, and that’s why they were sitting ducks for the minutemen.

I mean, for the minutemen and the guerrilla warfare, because they. They had this, you know, idea that we’re going to march in a line, you know, and if we fall, we fall, you know. Yeah, it’s rich. It was stupid. Yeah. But I don’t think that there’s. I think you never saw anything like we saw under Lincoln. And that just became standard procedure in this book. I show how they did it in the Philippines. They did it in other countries. Well, Japan did it to China. Right. Japan did it to China. Well, they did. I mean, and that’s, you know, my books concentrate because, you know, we know the Nazis obviously have been accused of all kinds of things.

Japanese have been accused. I’m trying to concentrate on the so called good guys to see, well, what do they do? You know? So I don’t know what the bag. Remember? Yeah. And remember, the good guys are telling us what they did, you know, and it doesn’t look like, you know, we’re, you see me says I have no Internet connections. Can you, you can hear see, I can hear you now. Yeah, it’s good right now. Okay, well, now it’s claiming I have no Internet. Okay, well, okay, you’re hearing me. I haven’t. Well, let’s talk about your, we’re talking about some of the scorched earth and other things.

Let’s talk about your book. And I want to go through some of these chapters where people are going to be able to see the other side of the debate and what really occurred, so they can start putting some of this in context, because I think our current day really exposed how much we’ve been manipulated through time. Now, I don’t know if the other side is a good, you know, it’s important to see both sides in order to see context. And history really is nuanced. It’s not just like just one thing. And so let’s talk about your chapter three, which is Woodrow Wilson and the one worlder eugenicist.

I mean, that’s where this whole one world where they started going public with, like, the agenda started going on steroids back then, and that’s when the Fed was created under him. Right. Lots of bad things happen under Wilson. That’s why he’s ranked so high by the court historians, generally the worst presidents. Who ranked the highest? Lincoln, FDR, Wilson. I mean, they’re the worst ones. And there, of course, the top three, typically to them, because the court historians work for the same forces. So these are good to them. But yeah, Wilson and I point out as how governor of New Jersey, he started the first forced sterilization print, the first public new Genesis plan.

And as I point out, the guy he had in charge of it was some guy who wound up being a doctor in one of the nazi camps later, decades later, although he was jewish. So it was, you know, so there are these connections everywhere that you find. What’s a character like that doing in those kinds of places? But Wilson, and certainly he, as I point out in crimes and cover ups, and we go into a little bit here, is that we took such a step with that because we had already, with the mexican american war first.

Really, that was the first time we really went outside the boundaries because we did invade another territory and end up stealing a lot of land, which, that’s why, like, la Raza exist. Now, I don’t like them, but they do have a point. We did steal their land. We did some bad things, as I show in this book in there. So as bad as they are, they have a point. And then we saw what they did. And then the spanish american war in 1898, that’s when we really stepped outside the boundary of the United States. And Teddy Roosevelt was the one really pushing that.

Another highly ranked president, war lover. And just as a complete war lover, eugenicist, like they all are. But when Woodrow Wilson got us involved in the first world War, that’s when we really went global. Because then you went into Europe, a completely different landmass, and we had absolutely no stake there. Even the court historians can’t come up with an ostensible reason for World War one. They just can’t do it. Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated. Okay? So we had to go along with that. I can tell you one, I can tell it’s not for the people. But I can tell you that after World War one, it established a big part towards establishing the dollar as the world reserve currency.

It changed it. And after World War one, the dollar and the british pound were about the same in global circulation. It totally changed the formula. Right? And I have lots of quotes and crimes and cover ups from the great Smedley Butler, who wars the racket. And he talked about all the fortunes that were made in row, how many, and, you know, how the propaganda was first worked with the Doughboys. And people don’t realize the significance of that Uncle Sam character. I mean, he couldn’t have a thera. A character that the founding fathers would have hated more than Uncle Sam.

That was antipathy. Why would you say that? They created. Yeah, why would you say that? That’s a great point. Well, because again, Uncle Sam represents a big, intrusive government. Said, I want you. What do you mean? Your hands off me. You know, this is why we fought the revolution. You might as well have King George saying it, so. But again, people fell for it. You know, Johnny Doughboy and over there, over there, George M. Cohan and all that. And that was the beginning. And of course, World War two was everybody from the Three Stooges to Tarzan to Bugs Bunny, you know, buying bonds and planning victory gardens.

So that’s when they really, really jumped on board. And as you can see, this one, crimes and cover. As I pointed out, all the incredible atrocities we committed, the allies did in world war two bombing. Address the mass rapes. I mean, they raped so many japanese and german women, they had to build special brothels for our soldiers. So they weren’t exactly doing as proud. But then you talk about that and people get upset because their relatives fought in the war and stuff. I’m not saying they did it. I’m just telling you that this was done. I’m sure most of them didn’t, but enough of them did that we shouldn’t be proud of it.

And yeah, the other guys, they might have done things just as bad or worse, but, you know, as you said, we’re dependent on the same court historians and the same journalists that we see lying about everything now. So why? Why? We think they’re going to tell the truth about any bogeyman from Kaiser to Hitler, the biggest demon of them all, to. We know Saddam Hussein didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. Various Iranians, whatever, Osama bin Laden, whatever boogeyman, now Putin, Vladimir Putin, whatever boogeyman’s there. I mean, do we really trust them to tell us the truth? And we know they’re lying about everything.

So that’s what my book tries to point out, is that I don’t know how maybe some of these boogeymen are really bad. I don’t know. I haven’t lived in those countries, but I know what’s going on here and I can see how bad our leaders are. I mean, look what’s going on now with England, with their, their, I mean, they’re, it’s like they’re reading, right, they’re reading 1984 and their speeches were, they finally got the white males up there riled up enough to get out in the streets and say, apparently, because apparently they have Muslims going on to raping sprees constantly and the police aren’t doing anything about it and they want these invaders out.

And instead of doing something about it, the police are allowing it to happen. And now the british authorities, this guy comes out and they’re copying Uncle Sam. They had, I saw they had a video out there saying, we’re coming for you, just like Uncle Sam, we’re coming for you. And they’re threatening people in America. They’re threatening Elon Musk for putting videos up on Twitter showing. But what’s going on? They want to arrest him. Someone said, I think it was Glenn Becker. Someone said that the us government cannot do censorship directly because there’s so much pushback, but the EU can.

So they’re outsourcing to the EU. It makes sense. They’re outsourcing to the EU to censor Twitter, Elon Musk. And then they have leverage saying, you can’t be in our countries because it’s a business. Right? You can’t be in our countries if you don’t censor Donald Trump a presidential candidate in this conversation on Twitter, it’s like, holy crap, they are purposely, I mean, that’s, that’s how they use leverage. But the fact that went public like that is pretty incredible, too. But that’s because Musk put it public. But the, what’s going on is pretty orwellian. And it’s surreal that we’re watching this in real time.

But the Internet age has changed the entire landscape right now. We know this. I mean, because if there had been Internet back then, they would have known a lot of these things. I’m talking about my books because you would have had people, especially before YouTube got censored. You would have had all the videos showing it and talking about what actually happened. But we didn’t have that then, so we were dependent on the court historians. And now, thank goodness, I’m fortunate enough to have a publisher like Skyhorse, which is pretty, they’ve become the biggest publisher for books by authors like me that nobody else will publish, that are controversial.

I mean, they publish Woody Allen and Oliver Stone and Roger Stone, where even big names go to because no other publisher touches. If they’re, if they’re associated with some kind of scandal, nobody else will touch them that has any kind of, you know, power or any kind of standing in the community. So it’s fortunately that exists. And they never censor anything I write. I mean, they’ve never told me, you can’t put that in your book. Considering what I have in my books, that’s pretty amazing, you know, well, that is really fortunate because that’s modern day book burning.

Like, you won’t allow certain people to have any kind of controversial stance on it. And if they do, then Amazon. Amazon won’t publish it. YouTube takes all the videos down. I mean, they’re attempting to create that same censorship, that control structure that was likely in place before the Internet. We just didn’t realize it. Exactly. And you can see, like, in this book I talk about, again, I want to shout out again my researchers, Chris Graze and Peter Seacos, who did a lot of work on this and really found some great stuff. It’s amazing. They find things that I can’t find because it’s not easy to research these things anymore because you can’t use Google anymore.

Most of the search engines, because they block you. They know what you’re trying to find and they won’t let you. So you have to go to Yandex, the russian search engine, and other things like that that are a little bit better. But we talk about FDR who just comes off again. It’s just, he’s right there with Lincoln in terms of just being thoroughly evil. This guy invented cancel culture. And we have lots of examples in the book. Back then, there wasn’t social media, but he was pressuring radio stations and newspapers and magazines scenes. This was before we entered the war, because he wanted to be in the war for that whole decade.

And he was doing everything he could and including to sabotaging the fleet at Pearl harbor, which we now know he did as well, the evidence shows. But he was getting people fired that were criticizing his administration. And he said, hey, dont hire this guy. And he did it to tons of, mostly liberals because you had classical liberals back there, the HL Menckens of the world, that were like, I am really, im a classical liberal. And the whole America first movement was built around classical liberals who they knew millions of people died for no reason at all in World War one.

They saw another world war coming that made no sense at all and had nothing to do with us. So that’s why Trump was really demonized, especially when he chose to call it America first. You notice he stopped doing that. Now it’s MAGa, make America great again. That’s more acceptable to them. But America first brought up, conjured up memories of that. And so they just call them nazis and stuff, which is ridiculous. These were left wing people who mostly had their lives ruined by the Roosevelt administration because they didn’t want to give us an award. So Roosevelt just made the calls.

And even then, almost all the publishers were state controlled and most of the big ones, so he could get the New York Times a place like, hey, don’t publish anything by this guy anymore. Get the nation and Time magazine and all that, hey, don’t publish this guy anymore. If the guy had a radio show, hey, stop broadcasting him. So we saw it then. And so people can, I think they’ll be amazed at that because this is a guy who we’re told is a great liberal, and he’s also was a real racist, unlike most of these people.

I mean, Roosevelt left a lot of race as much as you see somebody like Joe Biden that has really come out with some real racist remarks that Donald Trump would never be caught saying. But so a lot of times they let their guard down and they say, I guess what they really believe or something, but they don’t get in trouble for it because they’re in, yeah, they’re in the acceptable side, but don’t you think it’s kind of, they’ve recast, who is really, like, you’re saying a classical liberal now is really a far right nut job. I mean, they really worked hard.

The health freedom movement, that was always kind of a left movement. And. But, but it was kind of a right movement in the sense that because I asked somebody on the health freedom, I’m like, well, that’s kind of a left. People on that are kind of in the left. She was. Yeah, but the problem is that the Republic were always about smaller government so you could get farther with them, even though the people who were about health freedom were really more on the left. So everything has been so weird. And what they’ve done is they’ve. They’ve dumbed it down so much that the only thing that differentiates people is these, like, surface social issues.

Like it’s all about transgender or abortion or religion, like, all the social stuff, but anything that has to do with geopolitics and freedom and all this other stuff or all that. So the left right is just based on the surface social stuff. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body. We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place, and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream.

And I like masterpiece. That’s the company I endorse. Why? Because they’re the only company out there that’s actually doing trials to prove to you that their product works. It removes graphene oxide. It removes aluminum. It removes microplastics and all sorts of. Of toxins. You can try yours today as well by going under shop or with the link below. Yeah, you’re right. And then the left of the health food, the health food movement really started with the hippies, basically, long before that. GloRia SwANSON, when she was some of the Hollywood people, way back when we’re doing that.

But the right took it over eventually because the left drifted away from that. And you had far right wing people that were. The FDA raided so many of their stores going back to the day, and, you know, spotlight, the old newspaper that’s now the American Free Press that I write for after the anti Defamation league drove it into bankruptcy years ago because they were telling the truth about Israel when it wasn’t popular to do that. But they used to, you know, they were the first ones I know of that sold all the supplements that everybody does now.

And it’s only, I don’t know of any left wing outlets that sell them. If they’re all right wing people, every pretty much right wing show, you know, the commercials are going, that’s what they’re going to be for. So, but it’s crazy because it wasn’t like that. But keep going. No, no, it wasn’t and it wasn’t. But you’re right, the left right thing, the lines have become blurred. And you know, when I was a teenager, I was a card carry member of the ACLU. You know, I was as far left as you could get. Obviously, I was against all war because the left used to be against war.

Now they’re for every war. I was for prison reform, against capital punishment and redistribution of the law, all the classical leftist issues. But that obviously changed dramatically and changed mostly with Bill Clinton. I don’t talk about that in the book. But Clinton, when he came into office, Reagan changed the right. Reagan changed the right from mostly anti big government to a neocon type of stuff where you’re betrothed to Israel and devoted to Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand, who is this philosopher that so many people on the right love now the greed is good philosophy. It changed him.

And Clinton changed the left from those kinds of issues to feel your pain, you know, identity politics, he’s the first one that practiced that. And that’s all the left does now. It’s all victimization. That’s all they do. Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s all. Who does that attract, though, when all you’re doing is I feel you’re pain. You’re not attracting the strong, you’re attracting the weak. And unfortunately, and I feel that, feel the pain too, of people. And so then that frustrates those people who are on, who are like, I feel their pain too, but I just not going to make that my entire, there’s other issue, I mean, you have pain because of these issues that you’re ignoring.

So what the hell? And it’s, and I don’t, I don’t, I don’t know that there’s ever a culmination to it because we just saw in the Olympics, I mean, the crazy stuff they went, but it was exemplified by, they had a girl from Australia who just, that’s satanic. Said she was, said she was a break dancer. Now why they had break dancing in the Olympics, I don’t know anyhow. But they put her, she’s her PhD by the way in breakdancing. Yeah, I did a check. She did. She does. I checked. If you check it out, it was embarrassing that they let her even on there and she wasn’t embarrassed.

I mean, look, she has a PhD in break dancing in there. And then I just looked up some stuff. I should play that clip here because it’s just like, if people haven’t seen it, my God. And I, you know, I looked up some articles and the left articles show her kind of a good picture of her. They caught her in the right thing, making him look kind of like a badass. And then they talk about it in a positive way. And I’m like, this is so stupid. It’s kind of like the, did you see the people from Sweden that jump around on a horse? Like a fake horse, kind of like from mighty python and it’s like a real.

No, they were in the Olympics. They weren’t the Olympics, but they have a real sport doing it. But keep going. Oh, they might as well. Yeah, the fake, I mean, and then you had the, all, the all black podium for the gymnastics where they cheated two romanian girls and they, they did finally have to give the romanian girls the medal. That’s, you know, so, hey, I want to say one thing, though, break dancing. Before we go on, I want to say break dancing could be really cool I, if they actually took it seriously, because that is, could, takes a lot of skill.

I just, yeah, I just did. Just, I just don’t think of it as an olympic sport. I mean, it’s a skill, I guess. Well, the way they did it, the way she was doing it. Yeah. Really? That was just, again, that was just that, again, that was just a, that was an example of how nutty things have become. And it’s just going to get worse if Kamala Harris gets in there. I just wrote an article about her and this guy waltz, who is just, again. And that’s why my books are about hidden history, important, because you can see how we got to this point.

It didn’t happen accidentally, so it happened incrementally. Now it’s in warp speed. It’s going crazy. They used gradualism for a long time, but the frog has been boiled for a long time. You know, so they’re, they’re just, it’s all coming out. Connections unstable again. But, yeah, so it’s, it’s fifth generation warfare and chaos. Yeah, it is. And so you look at, when you’re not told the truth about anything. That’s why when I, I hear even lots of conservatives, when they talk about Lincoln. They don’t know the truth about Lincoln. So you’re. You got to understand, when he’s the secular saint of your country and you’re part.

You’re bragging about Lincoln. Well, no. He was the first big government president. He was the first imperial president. He started all these precedents that you supposedly hate. They go back to Lincoln before him. Nobody did that. And the same thing with the Democrats. The Democrats. Well, today’s Democrats, they have a reason to love Wilson and to love FDR because he did start the kind. And you see why they hate JFK. He’s the only one they don’t like. He’s the only one that gets negative press. And I can. Yeah, because he was different. And I said, and it goes to his father.

I’m becoming Joseph P. Kennedy’s senior only defender, I think. But I’m trying to wake people up to the fact that this guy, just like the myths about the foreign boogeyman, he was. There’s no evidence he was a bootlegger. He had no connection to the mafia. His son is the first president ever to go after the mafia. All this stuff is fantasy. It all comes from CIA and mafia sources. And yet everyone believes JFK was not. He could not possibly have been so sick. He wasn’t qualified to be president, although FDR somehow was, when they lied about him not being able to walk.

But that’s cool. We don’t talk about that. But JFK had Addison’s disease, and he looked pretty healthy to me. And you’re claiming he had sex than any man in the history of the world. So how was he doing that when he was almost dead? Plus, he was running the country, so. It’s so stupid. Yeah. They tell so many. Yeah, it’s so. They’re trying constantly to smear him and smear that because the Kennedys killed enough of them. I think we got to know that. And I argue with some of my supporters all the time. We still hate the Kennedys.

And I said, look, I’m telling you, we got to have. There are some good guys here. That goes back to the old man. And I learned this from RFK junior, who, in his book Family Values, which is a good book I never knew about, there was a presidential commission in the 1950s looking into CIA abuse, and Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. Was the most outspoken member of that commission. And he was saying at the time, we need to scale back the CIA’s power. Nobody knows that. Nobody knows. I didn’t know it. No. Why? They hated these. Yeah.

So many good things. Well, why they hate them. Well, one of the chapters that you talk about is a relook at McCarthy and how. I’ve been thinking about that, too. He was vilified because of the whole communist infiltration. He was vilifying all these. Look what we are dealing with now. So what did you learn about McCarthy that maybe wasn’t quite what we think it is? Well, it’s like anybody else. The ones telling you who are talking about characterizing a historical figure are doing it as dishonestly as they always do. They’re the same people that say Lincoln was a secular saint.

So McCarthy, he was the only one who walked the walk in terms of the Cold War. They were talking about. There were commies everywhere. And he said, well, I think there’s some in the government. And that’s what he after. He was not associated with Hollywood blacklisting at all. That was the House un American Activities Committee under J. Parnell Thomas. Do you hear anybody talk about Jay Tarnell Thomas? Nobody knows who he is. That was the committee that brought the Hollywood ten before them and tried to blacklist people and ruin careers. McCarthy had nothing to do with that.

He was going after the army mostly. And as I point out in this book, he apparently was the first well known conspiracy theorist about Pearl harbor. He said, fDR know in advance of. So this. He was. Plus, again, he was close friends with Joseph P. Kennedy, a senior. They were good buddies. He was a godfather to a Kathleen Kennedy, RFK’s oldest child. Although they’ve tried to claim that’s not true now. It is true. It’s been in tons of books. He dated several Kennedy sisters. He was good friends with James Forrestal, who they pushed Truman, secretary of defense, who was the first critic of Israel, who they pushed out of a window at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

And McCarthy, he said they murdered him. And then he went into Bethesda Naval Hospital himself with a knee injury at 48 years old. Died two days later, no autopsy ever done. And instantly they started condemning. Always an alcoholic. He died of drinking and all this crazy stuff. So he’s been treated terribly unfairly by history. And so this is an attempt just to try to show that. And he was a genuine war hero. It wasn’t FDR or anybody like that. These war lovers or Lindsey Graham today, all these chicken hawks that never fought in a war but one, send everybody else to war and not their own.

You know, he was a tail gunner. His nickname was Tail Gunner Joe. Well, walls. He was Tailgunner Joe. So he’s like, yeah, just like walls. He didn’t go to war and he acts like he went to war. I think that’s why it’s really making people walls. Is that my governor? Right. And so I gotta tell you, people don’t know. I talked about this last year. I went and I spoke at conferences. I did shows. I was all over the place talking about the extreme legislation that was going on here in Minnesota. Minnesota. And one of the things they did, you know, a lot of things are coming out about walls.

But what’s not coming out about walls, and I think it’s on purpose, is that in Minnesota there was this, they were strike changing the definition of sexual orientation and getting rid of child adult attraction to children. That was always an exception that was never accepted. Right. And they were going to remove that language out of the legislation. And bolsa, everybody got mad. Republicans, Democrats, everybody. It was this huge thing that we don’t want it removed because people don’t want that. Nobody wants that. Who has a brain, right, other than crazies or pedophiles. And so they pulled it back, and then in the color of night at midnight, they put it back in, passed it with no media.

And now that’s the law here in Minnesota. That’s walls. Well, he’s just, what I know of his record, he’s about as bad as it gets. I mean, and I don’t, I don’t even know it. Look, there’s, there’s a story, I’ve seen the headlines from some paper about him and the horse semen. I, you know, they’re trying to claim that’s true. I saw that. Yep. Yeah. 1995. I mean, you know, I, there, what is the innocent explanation for ending up with enough horse semen in your stomach that you have to have it pumped out? I mean, there, well, no matter what, that is beyond, well, it shows you he’s just kind of a weirdo.

But that’s like nothing compared to, you know, because they’re trying to put all this stuff to smear his character, which I don’t really care about because he’s so bad. His legislation is so bad. If people hadn’t just realized how extreme this person is, they would not be putting them, I mean, this is the, he makes Donald Trump look like an angel. And maybe that’s by design. I don’t know. Let’s, look, let’s, let’s bring in the worst person in the country. It’s like, you gotta. But you haven’t, I tell people that, and again, this is what Trump, when Trump ran, you know, I believe Trump’s an actor.

I call it the Trumpet sign project. But whatever it is, it has divided the country. And there are people think there, I don’t know how many millions of people hate him so irrationally that there’s nothing he could do. Nothing. They hate him. They want him dead. Yeah, I know. 30 some percent, 30, 30 some percent of Democrats in a poll publicly said they were sorry that he didn’t get assassinated. 71% of progressives. That’s the, that’s the, that’s the propaganda, though, because with the Elon, I don’t want to cut you off. I want you, but with the Elon Musk Trump thing, CNN cut out.

Musk was talking about how radiate, how nuclear energy is actually better than what people think and it’s getting a bad rap. And they were talking about rebranding. He’s like, and Trump’s like, yeah, there’s certain areas you can’t go for, on for 2000 years. He goes, well, that’s not actually true. And he said that he went to Fukushima, ate from the fruits and, and showed it and did a video live. And then he, and then he talked about Hiroshima and Nakasaki and how those cities are now full cities again and they didn’t have to wait 2000 years.

So that he was saying that’s not really true about this stuff. So they, CNN cut out just that segment of him saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki wasn’t that bad and that they are now full cities again. And then, and then they, so that whole context about him just talking about how nuclear energy was and then CNN was propagating that. So they are doing stuff like that, which makes people absolutely hate Trump. That’s the division that they’re creating. Yep. I’m not defending Trump, but that’s how they’re doing it. From a mind warf generation warfare thing.

Whatever Trump is, it’s so obvious if you watch the, and again, whatever JD Vance is, I mean, he’s got some, some kind of crazy stuff in his background, too. But he sounds good when he talks. Now, he does appear to be wearing eyeliner, and I think you should be asked about that. I don’t know why you would be wearing eyeliner, but it looks that way to me. But he says great stuff typically. And, but if you watch some of these interviews I watched, I mean, it’s amazing. They don’t even, there’s no pretense that they’re trying to be fair.

I mean, they’re on the attack, it’s so obvious they might as well just be working with the Democratic National Committee. So when they talk about the uniparty, we’ve definitely become a uniparty now. And I used to talk about Tweedledum and Tweedledee after my hero Huey long, but they’ve kind of merged now into. So you have the MAgA people who are not allowed really to play at all? All. Even the ones that I don’t think are that. I mean, I have suspicions about a lot of the MAgA people. I don’t know how good they are. But whatever they say, if they say anything at all that doesn’t go along with the playground, then they’re demonized and they’re called names and they’re not their Persona non grata.

And as I’ve said to people for a long time, it’s important what happens after Trump. And we’ll be interested to see the election, but they appear to now be. In the end, you’re seeing, I could not have written any of these books if we had historians and journalists, journalists that weren’t co opted and working for the deep state, because if they were telling the truth, what would I write about? I mean, what I’m doing is I’m exposing the lies that they promoted. And you’re seeing it now. I can continue to write about current events the same way because it’s nothing but a lie.

Look at, I mean, Trump’s assassination is one day and one month and one day old. That’s all. Seems like it happened last year. Nobody talks about it. It’s like it didn’t happen. Nobody talks about it at all. It’s never mentioned. And as I said, I had people texting me saying, well, so what do you think of the fake Trump assassination attempt? And these are the people that wanted to throw people like me in prison for questioning the school shooting, saying anything’s fake, but they finally found something they think is fake, so they don’t even acknowledge that he was shot at.

They pretend it doesn’t happen, and now they forgot it will never be. Well, they’re burying it because it’s does it makes Trump look good, so they’re bearing it. And so that’s what’s happening. The mainstream Google’s burying it, Facebook’s burying, everybody’s burying it because it makes them look good. It’s so weird. It’s. It is fifth generation warfare, but you got to zoom out and see it and just realize this is one big game. Yeah, he should have gotten. He should have gotten a bump, a big bump from it. Sympathy. And it looked like maybe he was at first, but then Biden suddenly withdraws, doesn’t even talk to the people, and he disappears.

And then this Harris is, now they’re gutting every entertainer out. And you wonder why they didn’t do that for Biden and Hillary. Why didn’t they just bring those entertainers to draw crowds before? Because they couldn’t draw room, any of these people. But suddenly Harrison had these incredible, to see the entertainers, and she’s a rock star. She’s not talking anybody. And she’s, you know, she’s, she may be the dumbest public official I’ve ever heard. She, I mean, she is so stupid. It’s because, it’s so weird because there’s a lot of smart women, right? We don’t need dumb women being out in public.

But she really is dumb. I mean, the way, and I don’t know. And I asked, you know, I have a friend of mine who’s a psychologist. I’m like, I listen to some of her old stuff and she wasn’t that dumb. And he said, you know, it’s almost as if she’s intimidated. And so she’s, she doesn’t, you know, like when you’re nervous and you, you’re intimidated, you come across as being dumb. It’s almost like that’s what’s going on with her because some of her old stuff, she doesn’t look that dumb. Yeah, well, that’s, that’s a lot of them that we talk about.

George W. Bush sounded a lot more articulate when he was the governor of Texas and when he became president. So I don’t know if this is a game they play where they want them to, where they’re just, they’re doing this for the entertainment of the people or whatever. They want you to know that you’ve got the dumbest people in charge or something. But it’s, once she gets in, then they will. I mean, and again, you know, I talk about the great replacement and everybody’s talking about that now. And this is such an anti white movement. And if she gets in there, you know, I can’t imagine how, how much farther they’ll have go because it’s just, it’s, you’re saying again in England, where you finally, in Ireland, even more so.

Those are my people over there. Yeah. And they’re not messing around. They said as soon as they started trying to send them in, they’re out in the streets and they’re not messing with Ireland, too. Much because they know they’re playing for real England. I’m shocked that the, you know, that the English did go out there and do that. But that shows how bad the situation must be because we haven’t done that here. And I don’t know what it would take. I think you’d have to have your daughters being raped at every school, maybe constantly by transgenders or something.

Maybe that might do it. I don’t know. But somebody pushed them to that brink. But look at the reaction, just like we saw when the canadian truckers went out. What was reaction to Justin Trudeau? Heavy handed. Look at what the English are doing now. They want to arrest everybody. They want to arrest anybody that’s showing video of it. I mean, it’s just like 1984. It is. And they’re using it to ignore hatred because we don’t want to ignite a class war. We don’t want to ignite a war against people of color. You know, my husband’s from Mexico.

You know, he’s a us citizen, but he’s, my kids are half mexican. I don’t want to see a class war or a war against people of different nationalities and stuff that. What the hell? But they’re inciting that. Yeah, no, there are. And that’s, again, this is, and it’s. You can’t. I’ve talked about this culturally for a long time. I was talking about this back in the 1980s. Nobody was. But I would say you can’t have a situation. And this was before we really had the millions more immigrants from all over that we have now. We’re just starting kind of.

I said, you can’t have a situation when they put, when they started black History Month and all that stuff. And I said, you know, you can’t have a situation where you have one group, especially that is being told their entire life is centered around their race. And that’s the most important thing. It’s all that matters. Be proud. You’re beautiful and all that stuff. And you have another race. The majority, still the majority of the whites who were told, you can’t even talk about race. The only way you even say you’re white or talk about white people is to apologize for something or say how bad they are.

I mean, how that’s, that’s going to explode. You can’t have the situation where you’re saying one group has to be irrationally proud of their race and another group has to feel irrational guilt about it and can’t talk about it. And that’s where we are now. Yeah. It’s ridiculous. It shouldn’t be that guilt. Yeah, well, I have. That’s why you’re saying what’s happening. No, what you’re saying what’s happening with Israel. Because they promoted this anti white agenda for so long, all those non white students and self hating white students side with the Palestinians. Now, they didn’t used to, but they’re doing it exclusively because they see Israel as the white aggressor, the colonialists.

And they see the Palestinians are non white, so they naturally have to side with them. But they realize how the controls. Yeah, they exactly did. Because the Zionists still know what to do because they can’t go against the non whites. But they’re starting to. They defeated that Cory. What’s her name? Cory Booker. Whatever. Cory Booker. Corey something. Corey Bush, who, you know who hates is her and the guy that set off the alarm. Bowman. But both of them got defeated in the primaries. Now both of them hate whitey. As much as anybody can despise white people.

They’re so obviously racist, but they’re also very critical of Israel. And they were talking about the Palestinians. So you know what? The zionist power came in and they said, okay, you’re not too big. They’re going after Ilhan Omar, too. It might happen to her, too. No, she won her primary yesterday. I don’t. Oh, did she? Okay. Okay. She won a primary. Okay. That’s my area. Somali sex. Somalis. Yeah. Yeah. So there’s lots of Somalis there to vote for. But. So it didn’t work on her. But. But. So you can see her as creators. You said they create, but they need her because they raise a lot of money from people like her.

The opposition does. Oh, yeah. So anyways, keep going. Yeah, she’s. She’s a perfect. She’s a. You’re right. She’s a. So I. So I don’t. I don’t know. I don’t make any more predictions of politics. I don’t know what’s going to happen. But all I know is that we got to this position. It’s, again, if you read the book and see along the way how you were lied to about everything, you know, the civil war wasn’t a good war. World War two wasn’t a good war. There’s no such thing as Benjamin Franklin. There’s no such thing as a good war or bad piece.

And there isn’t. There never is. Jeannette Rankin, the greatest woman, the greatest woman in american history who nobody knows. And she was a big feminist, but she also hated war. And she was the only member of Congress that wouldn’t vote to declare war on World War two. She had to be escorted off the premises by police. Police. People wanted to lynch her and her political career was over. She lived out her life in exile and nobody remembers her except for people like me. But she said, you can’t win a war. More than anywhere, you can win an earthquake.

War is a stupid way of resolving problems, and it is, but it’s a way of making money. Leslie Butler said, war is about opportunities, profit. That’s what it was. And they established the dollar as a new world, world’s currency. And there was, as David Webb said, it was the first step of the great taking. They took on a lot more assets and their wealth went up astronomically after World War two. Absolutely. So when we look at, we talk about the situation today, it’s where, it’s not surprising to me because I envisioned this kind of thing, but it’s when I used to.

I was talking about this again in the seventies and eighties as a young kid, and nobody else was. And they all thought I was nuts. And you had the Internet. Nobody else was awake. Well, I guess I am, yeah. But, and certainly, no, there were no females. I mean, every time I went on a date or something, I even had to hide my interest in the JFK assassination for a while because even that was controversial. But I could never, like, talk about how all this stuff, because now you’ve got tons of women that are awake too.

So I never thought I’d see that. But there are millions of people, and I don’t know how this, what this is going to culminate in, because you have millions of people, all the people that support Trump, I think they’re misguided still to still trust in him. But there’s 70, 80 million people at least that are awake, to varying degrees, to this corruption. But here’s the deal. What are your options? We have walls on the other side. Walls and Kamala. That’s what I said. They make Trump look like a frickin ain’t angel. Because I know, I like, oh, my God.

When they put him on the ticket, I said, holy crap, this guy is so bad. I didn’t rush you in Minnesota. I thought you were Wisconsin. Well, that, so you definitely know him. But it’s so we can’t, those 70, 80 million people, you can’t put that genie back in the bottle. And what happens after Trump? Trump represents to them, the opposition. So whatever happens, it looks. I thought they were going to put him back in and just have everything collapse because it would, if he gets back in, the country is going to burn. I mean, the other side is going to go nuts.

It’s going to make the summer of 2020 look like a picnic because, because they’re the most easily brainwashed group. They were the ones brainwashed with COVID They’re the ones that they can manipulate and brainwash. So they’re going to manipulate and brainwash them to burn down this country. That might be the plan. I don’t know. Yeah, I think that’s the, that would be the only reason for them to put Trump back in is if they want to bring it all down. And it looks like maybe they do because they put it. But on the other hand, they put Harrison.

I just, I don’t think those 70, look what happened January 6. You know, I’ve had a lot of those people on my show. I had Ashley Babbitt’s mother on my show a couple times. And, you know, there’s, what they’re going through is unbelievable and nobody cares. I know it’s total political prisoners there. It’s total tyranny. But that’s what our country is right now. Yeah. Yeah. And people, and so people have, the people that are awake, they know that. And they, you know, I don’t want to get a 25 year sentence for going to, just going to Washington, DC to protest.

I mean, everybody. So. And you’re not sure that’s what, that’s what would hold me back. I’m not going to go unless there would have to be more than a million there for me to even consider it because you have to really need millions. But I just don’t see them doing it, especially now because they, we saw what happened to the truckers common. You see what’s happened in England. They, while your boy walls and all the other people, they let the police station burn down and they did nothing at all during the summer 2020. Didn’t even try to stop it particularly.

They did do something. You know, they did do something. They encouraged it from behind the scenes. Exactly. So, I mean, but they did nothing when the statues being torn down. And I don’t know, I think the reaction would be incredible if we saw something like an England. And really, the action, the reaction here should be way worse than it is in England because white people in America have been screwed over for a lot longer. The average white person, again, you know, white people still in charge, but the average white working class, it is, it’s gotten really bad.

It’s really bad. But keep going? Well, I think the difference, I think the difference is the Muslims. We don’t see the muslim presence, at least that I know of, to where I know in Ireland. And again, I don’t know. Yeah, well, yeah, they do. But I’m saying here in America, I haven’t seen that. So I don’t know. And again, it’s coming from another country. Are they really raping as much as they say they are? I mean, it’s hard to believe, but if they are, I don’t know how any citizenry can put up with that, especially if they’re going after kids.

And if they did that here in America, maybe there’d be difference. I don’t know. But we haven’t seen any blowback with the transgender stuff near me in Loudoun county. That was where, that was the epicenter of the school board protests. And it doesn’t look like they’ve had much of an overturn in those school boards. Well, I think that’s a time bomb because there’s a group on Reddit. I think it’s on Reddit. Maybe it’s somewhere else. But I thought it was Reddit where there’s 54,000 people who went through, who are part of this group, who are de transitioning, and it keeps growing.

And it turned into a 54,000 group within two years. So there’s this huge growing group of people they’ve conned into doing it, who didn’t. They used to put people through. There’s legitimate people who, I don’t know how you want to word it, but are happy with the transition. Okay. But it’s a small percentage. And they used to put them through this really strict multi year process to make sure they were mentally the right thing for them. Right now. They don’t do any of that. And so now there’s these huge growing group of people who were put on puberty blockers who, they screwed up their bodies, and now they’re, they are in these detransitioning groups.

I think that’s a canary in the coal mine. It’s going to explode. I hope so, because again, my kids aren’t young now, and I don’t, I would, I would be on a, you know, a viral video every day if those, I would be one of the people being tased at a school board meeting. But I, you know, I don’t know how parents, parents are allowing this, but they are, and I would hope it reaches a critical mass at some point. But, you know, we saw in the Loudoun county, there was a father there whose daughter was raped in the bathroom by a guy who obviously wasn’t a girl because he had something to rape her with and he was pretending to be a girl.

And he. And they did nothing to him. They transferred to another school like it was a priest, you know, doing an altar boy. They transferred another parish and he naturally was upset about it. So what did they do? They sick? They sic the police on him. They arrested him. And they happened because the other parents sat there and did nothing. Yeah. And that’s what I keep trying. I try to tell people, look, if you’re at any of these places and somebody speaks up, if you all have even 20 of you, stand up together and say, yeah, right on.

And all that stuff, the cop’s not going to try to come after 20 of you. Yeah, but they’re gaslighting. He may finally get up. Well, I’m sorry about this, but they’re gaslighting these parents and they’re gaslighting these people, saying that 99% of the people that do the transition are happy with it. They’re lying. They’re putting out these case studies. We know it’s not true. And I tried to, there was a person I know who’s pretty close to my family, who is really brainwashed on that way in the middle of a university environment, really believes everything that he’s hearing.

And so he said, well, send me some stuff that’s contrary to it. So I send them 54,000 person group or de transitioning. I sent them like a hundred different studies and I showed them that the varying from the transgender showed them that when they put people through this really strict filter, then the 99% is an accurate number. But when you don’t, it goes up to about 80% of the people regret it in the studies. Right. It varies. And he was like, I don’t want to see it because I’m listening to all this stuff from this group that I trust.

So I’m not going to bother with your stuff because I don’t. I think your stuff is biased. And I’m like, okay, well, I’m done. I did the best I can. Stuff isn’t biased. That’s the brainwashing that you can’t get past these people because they become almost cult like. Only it’s a religion. Like when you try to go to a somebody who really worships a certain thing, they can’t hear anything different from what their religion says. Right? That’s what this has become. And this, it goes back full circle, too. I talked about Woodrow Wilson as the governor of New Jersey, starting the first eugenicist sterilization program.

This is just the last, final step that the eugenicists want, because what they’re doing, every kid that transitions assures that not going to be able to procreate and what they’ve done, and that’s what they want. And the same thing with the vaccine. The reason the warp vaccine has killed so many people has messed with the reproductive organs of women especially. So it’s made them infertile. So all of this is towards the same goal. If you can make little boys, girls, little girls, boys, no matter how many Hollywood celebrities tell you not going to have babies, that’s what they want.

They want to stop reproduction. This is what eugenicists want. They want lots fewer people. And this is what they wanted from the beginning. And when you try to inform the people that they’re really attacking you, this is really an attack on you. And I’m just trying to. It’s actually like, we’re trying to help you, you know, trying to help you see what. How you’re being manipulated and attacked. It’s an attack on you. They won’t have anything to do with it. It’s really. No, it isn’t. It’s amazing with people. And again, I, you know, you’re a woman.

You’re wonderful. But a lot of this is because the women especially, have bought into it, especially white women. And I wrote about that. My last substance got a lot of attention where I called women of mass destruction. And I think, you know, without. Well, I know a lot of men that buy into it. A lot of male gay men buy into this, or men. Well, they do, but I think that if you look at what they. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but they claim that if you look at just male voting, that every state in the union will be red.

Now, I don’t know if that can possibly be true, but that’s what I hear. I don’t know. So that tells you what the voting patterns are of men versus women. Yeah, but that tells you that there is. Cause when I talk to women, they’re like, we don’t like this transgender stuff either, but we don’t like being attacked. Okay, so that tells you that there’s an attack on women. There’s this. Not just an attack. There’s a male against men, against women, which is so destructive. And the women are like, I don’t want to be. That’s why Naomi Wolf and others are saying, don’t attack Kamala.

For being a woman, attack her on other things. Attack her. But don’t be careful on how you attack her because women are tired of being talk down to talk to like we’re stupid. We’ve been treated like we’re stupid our whole life. And there’s study after study after study showing how we are treated just. We’re inherently assumed to be stupid until we’re proven otherwise, whereas the opposite is true. You know, men are assumed to be smart until they’re proven to be stupid. And it’s just, that’s the, that’s what it is. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.

And so women have hate that. And so when they hear it, they trigger. And so they, the lower information people are migrating to the Democrat party because they feel like they’re heard and they’re accepted. If we can stop that attack against women, then the lower information women who are migrating there because they’re not attacked anymore, stop attacking them and they will accept the other side. That’s Naomi Wolf’s message is stop attacking women. Let’s stop it. Yeah. I didn’t know that. Yeah, hold on a second. I’m sorry, my interview early. Sorry. My wife was wondering. That’s okay.

I told her she look like. But I figured you could edit that out. But, yeah, I didn’t know Naomi, and Naomi’s gone through such a transformation. It’s unbelievable because she’s, you know, she’s got a libertarian husband. So I think, think that’s what had a huge influence on her. So she’s moved to the right. But, yeah, I think that if you, if you look at where we are today, again, it didn’t, this didn’t happen accidentally. And you go back to all the, all the events I covered, and I call them crossing lines in the sand. And I go into it again in this book.

We go to Oklahoma City again, 911, JFK, JFK junior, all those familiar things. And again, he’s just look at, you can see how ridiculous all those official stories are. And yet the people bought it or allowed themselves to be. You’re saying it was something like the Trump assassination attempt, which is just here. You had, whatever happened. I mean, the left claims it didn’t happen. It was fake, whatever. How are you looking at. The Secret Service completely stood down. It did nothing. When a guy was walking around with a rifle and everybody, witnesses were trying to tell them that that obviously should be the object of a huge investigation in Congress.

It won’t be. They had one hearing where they blasted the woman, and they got her to resign and she wasn’t there. I don’t, I don’t think that they, not that she’s any good. I mean, she goes back to the, back to Cheney in 911 and everything Cheadle does. She also tried to cover up the, destroy the bag of cocaine in the White House. So she’s not like she’s a great person at all. But the people that were there, the agents didn’t do their job. They should have been grilled, the cops that were there, and they should have the witnesses there saying, well, yeah, we tried to tell these guys and, yeah, everybody could see the guy was, had a gun and was carrying a ladder, apparently, and was scaling a building.

I mean, that’s, there’s, that’s not incompetence. That’s ridiculous. I don’t know what it is. But he, yes, it’s so obvious. But again, it’s already been, Americans have such a short attention span because right after that happened, they hit him with Biden suddenly deciding to not run. And then the Kamala Harris furor where she’s suddenly being built into a rock star or whatever, all this is coming at them fast and furious, and they’ve already forgotten. Nobody’s talking about the assassination attempt. Nobody is. And to me, his campaign should use the Iwo Jima photo. I mean, he should have gotten a lot of mileage out of that.

He hasn’t. And I think it’s so sad to see how short our memories are. We can’t even remember something a month ago and say, well, we need to at least know what was really happening there. Why did the secret Service, or did any of them, or they, why are they still there? I mean, are they still guarding him? Cheadle stepped down. The next one did. And it, the information coming is insane. But I think that we’re in a fifth generation. I keep saying this is mind control, fifth gen. And getting back to the I don’t like to talk about the men and women thing that much because I know it’s purposely creating a divide.

Why can’t we all flourish, for God’s sake? That’s what we really want to be. And I know that’s your heart. That’s why I tell people on subsect to follow you, even though sometimes you read your stuff, you’re like your anti, but you’re not. I know your heart is not there. And so I think we just got to stop allowing them to divide and create, turn us into a bunch of idiots. And it’s the same thing. It’s the same thing with the secrets. It’s everything that’s going on. Your book is a must read. It absolutely is, because it’s showing people the subtleties of history that they aren’t reporting.

Where can people get your book? Well, it won’t be like masking the truth. I don’t think Amazon’s going to Barnes and noble disappear. So you can get it any, all the good places. Skyworth is publishing it. It’ll be officially published the 27th, but you can get it for pre sale. And they’re telling me, you know, the publishing industry has changed since my last book. Everybody’s cutting costs, so, you know, we’re getting lower advances and all that. Uh, they, uh, you know, it might not have an audio version. Everybody asked me about an audio version. I said, apparently they’re basing that on pre sale.

So if you want an audio version, uh, you know, buy. Buy it, pre order it, because that’s apparently what they’re basing of. Yeah, you can find it wherever books are sold nowadays and online. Hopefully, eventually it’ll be in Barnes and noble bookstores, I think. But I guess they’re still doing that. But that’s like the last really brick and mortar store that is everywhere that’s standing. But, yeah, it’s, it’s so it’s, you know, I’ll be doing lots of interviews with it, and it’s, you know, trying to get people to remain, you know, because those are condemned. Forget history, are condemned to repeat it, like Santayana said, and history is written by the victors.

I remind people that all the time. So just keep that in mind when you’re reading about anything, and you should be able to see it in real time, because if you look at, again, something like the 2016 election of WikiLeaks, look how that transformed before your eyes. How they rewrote that. How the victors, even though they didn’t win the election, because I think they didn’t win the election, because, again, I think the plan was for Trump to get in because they could have stopped that. But they rewrote the narrative, and they used the whole Russia, Russia, Russia thing to go after him the entire four years, when we know WikiLeaks, in fact, was demonstrating that Bernie Sanders should have gotten the democratic nomination and the DNC robbed him of it for Hillary, that should have been the story.

It wasn’t. They transformed that into Russia, Russia, Russia. And you see it even now. They’re just, they’re rewriting. They’re rewriting the narrative. I don’t, I don’t know what the narrative of the Trump assassination attempt will be. It’s almost like officially they’re saying it didn’t happen, you know, and because they’re really just ignoring it. And, you know, I wrote, when I wrote about it first, they had a guy named Saltz, I think his name was, and I have this picture, when I wrote about it on Sunday, say this was the guy they identified as a shooter. He looked apart, unlike the guy crooks, you know, who looked like a little kid.

They use his 8th grade photo. He looked a little like Adam Lonzo, but this guy looked like it was a member of Antifa and said, we’re coming, or the dangers, trouble’s coming, or something ominous went down the memory hole. Nobody knows what happened to that guy. If I’m a reporter, I’m going to try to track him down. I say, hey, why were you? But nobody does that. It’s already. And that’s why Trump is so useful to them, because he is despised by so many millions and especially everybody that has power. Almost everybody with power hates him.

So they, but that’s a good thing, though. But if everybody with power hates them, you’re like, hmm, why do the powerful. Well, yeah, he’s got the right enemy. That’s always been the best thing about him. He has the right enemies. That’s always been the best thing about him. So I don’t know what happened there, but they should, at the very least, they should try to figure out what this, what was the Secret Service doing? Why did they obviously stand down? But again, you see, nobody’s even talking about they get lost in the next. And Americans have short memories there.

I mean, it’s a month old. Well, but I think, ask the average American on the street, you know, that is crazy. Yeah. But I also think they’re standing down on other issues like Covid and Israel and Ukraine. I mean, just so many issues that our congress are standing down on that and the media is playing up that it, it’s very orwellian. It’s almost, it’s pretty scary that they’re that in common. I do know that behind the scenes there’s a lot of conversations going on, but publicly it’s as if they’re in unison supporting evil. I mean, that’s what it looks like, right? Yeah, I don’t think there’s any.

And that’s why I tell people this is a spiritual battle. And, you know, I have faith and I think we have to have faith. I think that the only explanation for people being as evil as they are. And as I say many times, that if this was just a random occurrence. And one of my favorite expressions saying was by James Forsall, Joe McCarthy and Joseph P. Kennedy’s best good friend who was pushed out of a window at Bethesda hospital, chairman, secretary of defense. He told McCarthy one time, he said, you know, mcCarthy, if this wasn’t a giant conspiracy, once in a while, they’d make a mistake in our favorite.

And that’s why I look at once in a while, something good would happen. They never do. Yeah, it is great, because we’re told, look at all the memes. You see where they have a little dot in the universe, and they go, you are here to try to make you feel so insignificant. Oh, you’re a tiny little dot in this endless. You’re nothing. Everything’s random. You have no purpose. You’re just a random set of genes. Who cares? You have no purpose. There’s no. God didn’t have a plan from you. You weren’t created by a creator. You know, you came out of the sea at some point, and then you.

You evolved from monkeys, which still somehow also stayed monkeys. But, you know, it’s, you know, this is. This is what the craziness we’re supposed to believe, and yet they’ll demean the imaginary, you know, giant in the sky, your imaginary guy in the sky with magic man in the sky. So we’re the people that run things are absolutely sworn to evil. That’s the only explanation where they could be this bad, have no conscience, and do the things they do for as long as they’ve been doing it. And my book will show you this. Whether they literally sign their soul over to Satan, I don’t know.

But I know that we have to be on the other side because that’s their only hope. Our only hope is God and faith, because we have to be with the good. Because this is a battle between good and evil. It’s a spiritual battle. I think so, too. Well, thank you so much. It’s always a pleasure to have you on the program. I always enjoy it. Sarah, anytime you want me.



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