The repression in this country is off the charts because the country is failing. And their Covid enforcement policies, yes, they’re still doing that, are of such a draconian nature that it’s further alienating larger blocs, people, not just the young people that know that the chinese dream is dead, just like the american dream is dead. And we’re going to be looking at all of that and we’re going to make some comparisons to the United States. It’s happening across the world. It’s just we got the number one, number two economies in the world now going through something very, very similar.
You know who I am. You know what we do here. We’re really glad to be with you. We ask you to share our work far and wide on these digital platforms. And if you don’t, well, then we’re going to get crushed because my people perish for a lack of knowledge. We need millions of feet in the street. And I got a couple more segments we’re going to go through today. It’s just unbelievable. I mean, it’s just stunning how this country has its entire government and non governmental agencies aligned against you. The american, you are the enemy.
And I know some people who are really well aware of basic events, and they know who a lot of the good guys and bad guys are, but they still haven’t grasped the concept that you are singled out for, one, discrimination, two, for some people. They want you gone. We’ll talk about that in another segment. But we’re going to get into the similarities between the fall of the chinese empire and it’s been a rapid rise and fall and what’s going on in America. Hey, we are brought to you by noble gold and noble gold. And I, our CEO, Colin Plume, who I’ve gotten to know very well over the past seven and a half years.
I’ve advertised for them. Colin and I were talking about silver and what’s going on with silver, and he wasn’t aware that I had done this, but I had actually went and purchased silver coins. They had a business deal that went pretty well. And I said, I’m not giving this to the bank, not when they can steal my money from me under Dodd Frank 2010. So I went out and bought silver coins because they’ll be portable, I’ll be able to use them, much like cash. And Colin and I were talking about silver, and he said, dave, do you understand how silver is going to explode? Climate change technology, regardless of Trump gets elected or not, is not going to change.
And silver is the darling mineral. Yeah. Especially like with solar panels and so forth. And I said, yeah, absolutely. That’s why I chose solar or silver. But the bottom line is too gold is great, too gold’s gone up, what, 81% in four years? It’s held its value for 6000. You can’t go wrong with the right precious metals. People are even doing well with palladium and platinum right now, and that should be part of people’s portfolios. But the bottom line is, you want to save your retirement from confiscation, you want to save your bank account from the same fate, then you should look at doing business with noble Gold.
They can take your retirement out of the bank and back it with silver or gold. Your choice. You’ll control it, and it’ll be better back than the nonsense we have with the fiat dollar. That’s going to collapse $36 trillion in debt. In a few years, we won’t even be able to pay the debt. This is why Biden wants to increase your taxes fourfold. And that’s his elimination of the Trump tax rollbacks and implementation of his own are going to be catastrophic in 2025. And you notice something. No one in the media, the mainstream media, is talking about only people like myself and only my colleagues who care about what happens to the people in this country are speaking about this.
It’s going to be cataclysmic. And when you can’t pay your taxes, yeah, I think you know where this is going. You’re gonna lose your car, you’re gonna lose your home. The IR’s will basically seize your bank account. Those days are coming for tens of millions of Americans. It’s gonna be a bloodbath, absolute bloodbath. So, and this kind of blends into the story we’re talking about with comparisons with China and the United States. Chinese economy is almost a near free fall. We’re approaching that level right now. I recommend that you get silver backed Ira, 401K, get it out of the bank, and preserve it for yourself, but also do what I did if I would take a lot of them.
If you have anything in the bank, I take all. But you know what, you need to function day to day and basically no more than two months of expenses in the bank at any one time and go out and buy silver coins for the same reason I did. Now, I’ve been a customer of noble gold for six and a half years. So I can give this warning. Any investment carries an inherent risk in past performance, can’t be construed as future expectations. We agree with saying that they should also say the banks can rob you blind and so can the government.
So listen, it’s up to you. It’s up to you right now. I think America’s fate is going to be decided before November. I think the election is going to be inconsequential. I really do for a lot of reasons. Protect yourself now. Now there’s two ways you can go. I can send you a free information packet. This is the soft way to go. There’s no selling involved. No one’s going to talk to you. All you have to do is go to Dave hodgesgold.com, comma davehodgesgold.com and you can look at the brochure that’s going to come your way and you’ll say, okay, I get what Dave’s talking about, because you’ll get a little more detail.
In layman’s terms, I recommend you call them. And you don’t get a call agent. You get an expert when you call in and someone who’s not going to push you to do anything, they’ll just give you all the facts and let you decide. And you can get a hold of them by calling 877-646-5347 877-646-5347 we at the common sense show, we pride ourselves on trying to give you solutions as we identify problems that are coming along. This is one of your solutions, people. You know, I get offers every single day to sell products and I reject 99% of them.
Reason why is if I don’t see where my audience can actually benefit and save money, make money, avoid a catastrophe, I don’t touch it. It has to benefit my audience. That’s the only advertising that we accept, and it’s for good reason. We are in a war and I want to help arm and equip the people to fight this war with necessary survival tools. Notice I didn’t say guns, I didn’t say kill anybody. But I’m saying coming through the collapse whole and as intact as possible so you can fight off what’s going on and you can remain independent of the system.
And I got to tell you, we have a story coming up in a later segment that when I tell you this, you’re going to be so infuriated, you’re going to say, get me the hell out of this system. And we’re going to tell you how to do that as well, too. All right. So 877-646-5347 and the stuff I’m going to tell you here, I just gave you the antidote, or one of the antidotes, do not trust your bank. They are not your friend. In fact, let me digress for a second. A couple of friends of mine in Colorado have told me, Dave, I went and asked bankers, prominent bankers.
Is what Dave Hodges saying true about Dodd Frank 2010 that can seize your money and you’re an unsecured creditor? Well, I really can’t talk about that. They’ve confirmed it. They’ve confirmed it. Before we get into our story, to a sidebar note, I absolutely love Tina Peters, county clerk and recorder. Mesa county heard the interview we did with her last week. All she did was look at what she thought were malfunctioning voting machines. That’s her job as the county clerk and recorder. And she found extreme irregularities, in other words, cheating in elections sponsored by Jenna Griswold, the secretary estate of Colorado.
And she said, well, I’m going to look into this. And they’re trying to put her in prison for the rest of her life. And it looks like she’s going there because she’s got a corrupt judge. Judge Barrett is as corrupt as the day is long. The local media poisoned the jury pool with over 700 stories above the fold in the grand junction Sentinel in a direct attempt to put her in prison. And not only that, they made a mockery. They said if you could be on the jury pool, which could have been anybody but a child, you shouldn’t read these stories.
Worries. Sorry, folks. Tina’s headed to prison. The only thing that’s going to save Tina, in my humble opinion, is a supernatural intervention from the Lord. Please pray for Tina. Please pray for. She was doing the work that we complain about, fighting against corruption, exposing it. She’s wearing an ankle bracelet like a 69 year old woman is going to run. Unbelievable. She’s also a gold star mom. She lost her boy, was a Navy Seal. Her husband died under very mysterious circumstances. That’s how corrupt Colorado is. I recommend if you didn’t hear that interview, you go back and listen, you’ll hear how dynamic she is.
So I’m asking for prayers for Tina, please. This court case is going to be over, supposedly on the 12 August, and it’s a shit show. Tina worked with all these people that knew what was going on. The judge would not let her communicate with them. They can’t build a witness list from this. They’re totally denying her the ability to protect herself and present her own case. And then she can’t bring in the anomalies that she found with the cheating. And she found them. She can’t admit that into evidence. It’s totally a rigged trial. It’s the same bull crap that we see with going on with President Trump.
So again, when you say your prayers, please keep Tina Peters in your prayers. And I’m so distressed by what’s going on, but I’m hopeful that the Lord will bestow his blessings upon Tina and get her out of this mess. An ankle bracelet on a 69 year old woman. Does that show you what creeps run Mesa county in Colorado? Okay, we want to talk about in this segment, the summit of the future. And I, you know, I’m stunned. I have sent this out to some of my friends in the media and I’ve basically been ignored. A couple haven’t.
And I just said they’re voting on world government in less than seven weeks. Well, does it say world government day? No, what it says is we’re going to vote on international taxes. Oh, international taxes. That’s a huge step towards world government, wouldn’t you agree? They’re voting on all the sustainable developmental goals, what you can and can’t do in your nation’s economy and what the people are allowed to own and not own, operate. Not operate. They’re voting on that. And it carries the force of a treaty. And you go with the Senate would have to approve it.
Really? Well, you know, the World Health Organization pandemic treaty that almost came in in May? Did you know that it had the force of law if it passed, it was a treaty. And no, Biden didn’t take it through the Senate. He called it an agreement. It was a treaty and they called it a treaty and the rest of the nations called it a treaty. Treaty carries the force of law. People, we are less than seven weeks away from losing our sovereignty. But it’s more than that. It reinforces what I’m going to tell you. It’s the death blow to american hope.
The american dream is dead. Your kids growing up right now have no expectation of being homeowners. They have no expectation of representative government. There are no free and fair elections. And it’s funny, I tell you, you know, every time I read something about Carrie Lake today, Carrie Lake has dozens of people who are Republicans who are going against her and supporting the radical. My words. Ruben Gallegos, he’s so radical. Totally open border nutcase. Well, anyway, they acted like it’s the end of Kerry Lake. Dozens, dozens of people aren’t going to move a Senate race. Secondly, Arizona’s republican party is totally compromised.
Not every person in it. I’m friends with some people that are Republicans and that are good Americans, but the leadership, for the most part, is as corrupt as the day is long. In fact, let me remind you, in that particular case, Kerry was running for governor, and 56% of the voting machines in the largest county of four and a half million people went down on opening only in republican dominant districts. But the Democrats got left alone. Yet all these articles say totally baseless claims. Well, let’s just assume it was just sheer negligence. There should have been a redo.
Why wasn’t there a redo? Why? Because people didn’t get to vote properly. They could have gone to another center. Well, they didn’t in large numbers because they didn’t have the 3 hours to stand in line. And many people have said that in public comment in various legislative bodies, such as the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. And so they say totally baseless claims of election fraud. I guess your machines don’t have to work for Republicans. And GOP people took out pacts against Kerry Lake and other America first candidates. Okay, so this is the deception you’re getting. Media deception with elections.
There are no free and fair elections. Your kids can’t expect that. You can’t expect that this election in November is totally rigged. They’re going to have tens of millions of illegals voting in this election. Well, Arizona passed it. You must have a proof of citizenship before you vote. And then the 9th circuit came along, so. No, you don’t. We’re just fine with illegals. Voting illegal is telling Americans who’s going to run their country. See, I wondered why there wasn’t cheating in the primary elections and there really wasn’t. Across the country, they were run pretty much on the up and up because they know they don’t have to.
They don’t care who won or lost in the primary because they can decide who’s going to win the general by simply filling out ballots that have illegal aliens names on it. That’s all they have to do. We’re finished as a country. It’s going to take a supernatural intervention to change things. So I’m setting the stage. Mentality. We’re just like China. The chinese dream is dead for their young people, and they have quit. The phrase was bailong the rot. They think that life is the rot. They want nothing to do with the chinese government. They hate it.
They want nothing to do with their economy. They’re not willing to play this game of high competition to get just a few good jobs. They’ll just work at crap just to get by. And then, of course, marriage is on the out in China. Where have we heard that it’s going on right here? Our young people aren’t getting married. They don’t even date. They might go out in groups, and they might have casual sex, but they aren’t dating the way that you and I dated when we were young. America’s finished, people. We have let this country run into the ground.
And now I’m starting to see the old bullshit come up. Intelligence agencies say the Russians are interfering in the election. Well, how about the illegals interfering in the election? America’s history. We have no more voice in our government right now than the chinese citizens do. The leaders are elected by fake elections. And that’s exactly what’s happening here. And your kids future is screwed because our generation, the baby boomer, we did nothing. We did nothing. And now many of us are going to be dependent upon our kids supporting us. Oh, that’s right. Your kids are going to have to support you.
You baby boomers. Apathetic people who let your country get stolen. And we’ve had ample evidence for years. People say, well, Dave, where did you wake up? Okay, I was a dummy for a while. 1980. Patrick Wood’s book, 1980. Trilaterals over Washington. I knew we were screwed. My dad told me in 19, 84, 85. All the things going on that he knew about now, he knew it from the inside, at high level. He also told me, live your life. He didn’t see the collapse in the way that it is now because it was too early. And he died in 85.
And I moved forward with this. And it wasn’t until McCain tried to steal my property and that of 300 of my neighbors without compensation for his international highway system called the Kanamex. It was then when I got involved, that was 2003. Had my first radio show in 2007. So I can’t claim, hey, I was at the ready. All hands on deck. There is Dave Hodges leading the way. No, there were a lot of people that beat me to the punch. And I had a number of these people who would interview me on my situation, like Paul Preston, and they suggested to me, Dave, the movement could use you.
So I kind of tiptoed in. And then in 2012, it became too unbearable with Obama. And I said, I’m in. I’m in. We got to stop this crap right now. So I’m not claiming I’m better than the people out there right now that are apathetic, but right now, it would take a total idiot not to recognize where we’re at and how much trouble we’re in. Purges are coming after this election. Read my lips. Purges are coming. The historical precedent set. You know, my two undergraduate majors were history and sociology. And they both combine to give you a picture what’s happened in past societies.
We’re there now. We’re seeing the beginning of it now. When you can put a 69 year old woman in prison for doing her job and not breaking any laws and then making up laws that you say she broke. That’s how bad it is. When you take Peter Navarro, who had privileged relationship with President Trump. So he said, I won’t testify, j six. I could lose my law license for violation of confidentiality, and he went to prison because that. But Hunter Biden can give Congress the big middle finger and nothing happens to him. This is the beginning, people, of the purge, and it has its momentum.
And again, I’ve said this, and it doesn’t sink in. Please lean forward and listen carefully. Joe Biden, September 1, 2022, declared, you, if you’re a constitutional loving american, you don’t have to even support Trump. But if you’re anything related to the MAGA characteristics, I love America. America first, american exceptionalism. If you believe any of those things, you are a domestic terrorist. And under the NDAA laws, they can snatch you off the street without any due process. You can look that up. National Defense Authorization act, started in 2011, renewed each year. This is your congress at work.
They don’t care about your rights. It’s totally unconstitutional, totally illegal. Because you disagree with the ruling party doesn’t make you a terrorist, but they call you a terrorist. Listen to me. The purge is coming, and the purge is starting in China right now, as these young people and growing into middle age now because they’re pissed off, too, because of COVID policies, these people are now protesting and they’re being slaughtered and they’re being sent to jail. You are not being told about this, but it’s going on. That’s a fact. And they’re just ahead of us, but there’s no difference here.
I look at, like, the summit of the future. Okay. The Chinese have to do exactly as the government says. We’re getting that model here with social credit and social credit, that will end up in a purge, not just take your resources from you in CBDC, but take you away from society. And the other problem the Chinese have that I identified is they have a large elderly population and they don’t have enough workers behind them to push them through. And Chinese are a failing economy. We have the same thing here, too. Our generation with the baby boom generation is too numerous to sustain Social Security, and Social Security can’t sustain the people in these high inflationary times anyway, with people on fixed incomes.
I mean, there’s a double whammy going on with the elderly right now. That’s what I’m telling you people right now. The idea of single family households, that’s going to come to an end pretty quickly, and I mean dramatically. And I’m talking about in the next year, we’re going to start to see a huge increase in multifamily generational homes. And it’s what’s happening in China. It’s what’s going to happen here. In fact, I’d argue that it’s already underway. We’re right on the edge of an economic collapse in the real estate market. It’s already happened commercially. You know, go to a California city, go to downtown San Francisco, fisherman’s wharf, all the places I love to go to 35 years ago with my wife, they’re Pilash.
You know what? Now downtown Santa Monica used to be the place to be. It’s like a desert island now. It’s. And it’s all these commercial properties available. This is insane to what’s happening. And the Chinese and how even have a prohibition against higher education because they don’t want too many overqualified people for the little increasingly shitty level of jobs that they have. So they have outlawed tutoring. Yes, the chinese outlaw tutoring. Well, right now, college costs are going up eight times faster than the cost of living. And it’s allowed to happen because. And you say, well, Dave Biden’s getting rid of the student loan debt.
That’s temporary. They only initiated that because they want votes from that age. People, as soon as the election’s over, so is the student loan forgiveness. Trust me, it will not be around. And education is way too expensive for people right now with increasingly crappier jobs, with less opportunity. This is what your kids have. And also, too, with the sustainable developmental goals that are going to be voted on on September 22 and September 23. Eventually you’re going to be responsible for climate net zero mitigation of your home. Estimated cost $50,000 per average home. Average home. Do you have 50,000 laying around you can just throw at this? I don’t think so.
I don’t think so. Now what some people will do, and I think I’m right on this prediction, you’re going to have three or four families move into a 1600 square foot home with four bedrooms and two bathrooms just so they can make the mitigation costs and you’ll have shared ownership. Meanwhile, Blackrock, State street and Vanguard will own 60% of all homes within the next two years. They’re already well over 40% right now. They’re the ones that send you the emails. Hey Bob, do you still have your property available? And it’s your address. And they’re paying 25% over market.
That causes the inflationary spiral that makes home ownership out of reach, along with the high interest rates of 8%. That pretty well has killed your kid’s future in buying homes. The Chinese are going through the same thing. They’re going through the same thing. And the Chinese tried to implement their version of 15 minutes cities and it’s collapsing their economy. They built all these mega cities called ghost cities, no one lived in them, built these huge high rises and they said, well, we’ll basically kidnap the farming class in western China, bring them in, make them work on the assembly line and Goldman Sachs, Hank Paulson, these people, they convinced the chinese government this will stimulate your economy, your economic production.
You can’t make enough stuff now because the world wants to buy from you and it’s cheap products. Well, it didn’t work. It didn’t work. And this is one of the reasons that the chinese economic fortunes are going down for us. The parallel won’t be that it won’t be the go cities. The parallel will be sustainable developmental goals and climate mitigation for you to hang on to your home. They’re taking your home from you in the near future. Well, my home’s paid off. Doesn’t matter. And insurance is going up really fast. Well, you can self insure, okay, hope you don’t have a catastrophe.
But you also have a problem with greatly escalating property taxes done by county organizations that are largely controlled by open society. And George Soros, he puts the Das in, he puts the county clerk and recorders in, except for Tina Peters. And they basically go about destroying the county, turning it into a communist poop hole. This is how we’re being destroyed. We’re being destroyed from within, and our kids are disaffected. They want nothing to do with this. They want nothing to do with this. And our government’s becoming increasingly autocratic. Our government is dangerous. I’ll just take the case of Sharona Bishop.
I’ve done two interviews with Sharona. We’ve had some private conversation. And Sharona was living in rifle, Colorado. It’s a mountain community about an hour outside of Denver. And she was going to school board meetings, saying, I don’t want CRT taught to my kids. And just so happened that Merrick Garland, the attorney general of the United States, his family was making money on CRT. I won’t go into the details, but big money on CRT. And so he had his goon squad go to Sharona’s house, kick the door in, point guns at their heads, manhandle their teenage daughter on the steps, and.
Yeah, well, Sharona is someone who I admire because she didn’t stay a victim. She now has a show called America’s moms, and it’s playing in many, many places now. She was in the Dinesh D’Souza police state movie. So Sharon has really stepped up. But this is how they’re acting now. I fear this government. How about the SWAT team raid to an innocent man’s home in the middle of the night, and he thought it was burglars crashing in, and they had no basis to be there for any reason. They said, alleged gun violation, which ended up being bogus.
And they shot and killed him in front of his wife, even said at hearings. And some of the senators got talking points for their reelection campaigns, but nothing happened. Those people who did that rage should be in prison for murder, but they’re not. Folks, do you understand what I’m telling you? Live under this is our government’s an organized mafia with all the money laundering. And this is something I’ve been exposing. But worse than that, we have Gestapo KGB tactics going on right now towards american people they don’t like, and they try to put their political enemies in prison.
And when that doesn’t work, then they shoot them in Pennsylvania. This is where you live. You live in this environment, and it’s time to face reality. I’m looking here at my notes on the Chinese. They talk about the COVID lockdowns in China, wrecking the country, starving their citizens to death by locking them in, and they can’t get out. They scream out the windows, I need food. We’re starving here. It’s like a science fiction horror movie. And this is still going on. This isn’t 2020. This is 2024. They get one case of COVID and Xi Jinping goes nuts and he’ll shut down the city at 25 million people.
He’ll lock him down for one case. Well, it won’t be that that comes and gets us. Might be with Ebola, but right now I don’t think it’s going to be that. It’s going to be when the World Health Organizations brought in as world government from what’s happening at the summit of the future at the United nations, they’re going to declare a health emergency for climate change, and you’ll be living the same life that they’re living in China, different causation, same effect. And meanwhile, we just continue to take it. I have a story coming up in the next segment that’s going to talk about how the corporations, not just the government, the major corporations are lined up against you.
They are your enemy. And you go, Dave, that’s kind of extreme. Well, come back for the next segment and you’ll be walking away pissed off, saying, what do we got to do? Well, we got a solution for that, too. We’ll see you back here next time. God bless everybody. Bye.