So what they had to do was they brought in two autopsy guys, Pitzer and Hume. They had never done an autopsy ever for gunshot, ever. So here’s the President in his autopsy. They got two rookies doing it and then they burned their notes when they were done. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide. This revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Leela’s technology not only only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing and elevates ATP production on human cells.
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He, he’s been going, he’s doing a ton of interviews but he wanted to come on the show and we met, we always talk. He’s someone I talk to a lot in the background and he’s getting intel from all over the place on what’s going to be happen with civil unrest. And so we’re going to talk a little bit about that. We’re going to talk about the election rigging that’s going on, but still why it’s important to vote, which sometimes, you know, some people doesn’t feel like it’s even important to vote if all they’re going to do is rig it.
And we’re saying that it is important because the first of all, you need to support, you need to support the local candidates that you believe in who are helping to fight to keep this control grid coming. And if you don’t do that, you’re going to have no one anywhere fighting back. And that’s the worst situation we can get into, period. No matter where you come from, all the people saying it doesn’t matter, I’m telling you it does matter because there are people locally who get it, who are fighting back, who are trying to make it better for you.
And if nobody exists and they’re all bought out and all in, you know, just marching along to orders, we are hosed. So it’s important that you vote. So he’s going to come on and talk about that stuff. And I also want to tell you I had a remote viewing session that not a remote viewing session. I had the remote viewers come on the remote, the future forecasting group. They’re awesome. They’ve gotten to the point where they’re over 90% accurate and they have a whole group of them that do it. And the fact that they have the group makes them even more accurate.
And they’ve really refined their methods. Whether you believe in that stuff or not, it doesn’t matter because they’re over 90% accurate and they are hired by governments and all over the place to help with missing persons. Just, they’re phenomenal. I love these guys. But anyways, they stay after I. This is, that’s an interview I’m going to air this week. So look up for that. But they also stayed after and did some stuff for my Substack subscribers. So you got to watch that as well. That’s going to be coming to look for that. It’s going to be coming later this week.
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The link is below or you can go to sarah westall.com under shop. Okay, let’s get into my really interesting conversation with my friend Dave Hodges. Hi, Dave. Welcome back to the program. Hi, Sarah. Oh, you’re dealing with an amateur. I apologize. You didn’t do anything. It’s great to be, it’s great to. With you, it’s always great. Yeah. Well, we have some, you have a lot of breaking news that you’re going to talk about and it’s kind of all over the place, but you’ve been on the forefront of this, on what’s happening with rigging the election again, what are they doing to try to rig it and why is it important that all of us still get out there involved in this situation? The only thing that they’re not doing to rig the election is hold a gun to my head and say, press this lever, make this check mark.
And they’re doing everything else. The answer to your first question there is. Well, I interviewed Dr. Jerome Corsi, you know, Harvard educated political scientist and I’ve been a huge fan of Jerome’s forever. And he was the second guest I ever had on my radio show talking about, you know, starting at the top with, with a, with an elite think this man’s brilliant. And you know, I think he’s probably. Oh, I shouldn’t say this, but let’s put it this way. He’s very mature, age wise and he’s sharp as attack. I, I just love talking to him. But anyway, he, he’s working with a couple of people and they have really good intel.
And Jerome never goes off on unsubstantiated stuff, never has. And he is contending that about a third of the people listed on voter rolls across the nation are CIA imp done digitally and they don’t exist yet. They’re going to be casting votes. Well, that’s the problem with using computer systems. Right? I mean, that’s my, it’s not that hard of a concept to understand. I mean, it really isn’t. It’s a very simple concept. And for some reason, we still can’t get past securing these computer systems. That’s why most Western countries don’t use them. Yeah, well, well, ours did.
You know, this goes beyond dominion and all the allegations that have been brought forth against them, for sure. This goes right into secretary of state offices, county clerk and recorders, and I’m convinced. And you know, Tina Peters is going to prison for nine years for doing her job and exposing voter fraud. She said she saw voter anomalies, but wasn’t real specific with me because I interviewed her the day before her trial started, and I think she was told, you can talk about this, but you can’t talk about that. Yeah. And what she said to me is, dave, I saw anomalies with the machines that were really bad.
And she said, so I called in an expert. I said, I’m not the expert in that mechanical area. And she said, we looked at it, we found problems. The next thing I know, I’m being charged with crimes for doing my job. It’s incredible. Well, and I, you know, I did a little mini documentary right after Trump, and I was working with 500 mathematician and computer scientists across the country. It’s not rocket science, you know, although the best and the brightest came out and said, it’s not rocket science, guys. But they went to town and they were figuring out all this stuff, and now they’re, I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s frustrating for people like me when it’s so obvious, right, and it’s so simple of a solution to change, and they can, they can easily corrupt this.
And so someone like Titan Peters goes in and sees, like, basic stuff. The anomalies were pretty obvious when you see, like, big jumps, like when the numbers go up and then all of a sudden you see a big jump. That’s, that’s not possible in, in voting. That’s just not how things work. So those are anomalies that statisticians, mathematicians see and go, okay, well, this is obviously flawed, and that’s been happening all over the country. And you guys have uncovered one of the main reasons why. No, not you guys, Jerome. I’m just. Rome is good. He came on my show with JFK and YouTube, took it down.
One of the up. That’s what got me kicked off YouTube. We think they never gave me a reason. Was Jerome. Well, no, not Jerome. I was. It was November 22nd. I did a piece on the CIA they should be following the law and releasing all the JFK files, because that’s the JFK stuff done in 2017. And I woke up the next morning and I was gone. I never had a strike. I wasn’t demonetized. And what we think happened was the CIA tapped YouTube on the shoulder and said, get rid of Dave Hodges. They made the phone call.
I always say that people, I’m like, yeah, I’m good until somebody makes the phone call. It might not even be in the algo, you know, in the algorithm. It’s just we’re like too blacklisted where they don’t. They just make the phone call. They don’t let the engineers and stuff know. They just delete you. Yeah, I hear you. I just, I’m amazed at the level of censorship because to me, I didn’t think that was not a bounds target, okay? Because the CIA is a illegal domestically operating organization against the law and they murder people. They have hit teams.
Their main hit Team House is in Virginia, and that’s been exposed by an ex CIA agent, Bustamante. So these people are horrible people that do these things and everyone that I know talks about it, and yet they pick on me to get rid of me, because I’m talking about Kennedy. You know why they want to get rid of me, and I’m going to tell you why. And it took me a while for this to sink in. Why would they care about an event in 1963 when everyone who perpetrated the event is dead? I can tell you why.
Because the plans in some of the COVID ups they did are elements of COVID ups they use today. And they don’t want it exposed. That’s why they don’t want their strategy exposed. But it’s pretty exposed to most of us. The problem is, in order to keep this under wraps, they’re having to censor and delete so many of us that it’s going against their plan. I mean, it’s making them look really bad. Beyond bad. I mean, people are fighting back because it’s so obvious. In fact, I had any time you hear like, oh, YouTube just took down this video and I think the person is, is a respectable person.
I got to go watch that video. I’m like, oh, what’s in that? And. And most of the time you learn something pretty amazing. Yeah, you’re exactly right. And also too, I had, had Jim Dugino on and he’s. He along with Jerome are two of the most well respected experts on the Kennedy assassination. And so I had Jim on And Jim did a really good job. I didn’t think he said anything that was outrageous at all. And yet, you know, that was part of. Yeah, you know. Yeah, that’s exactly right. Is. It’s not outrageous. It’s just. We’re just covering something like in bygone eras, even 10, 15 years, this wouldn’t have been outrageous.
You’re just covering something, trying to understand the truth and things. And it wouldn’t have been a big deal. Now it’s a big deal. Yeah. Well, I think this. And I can even pin down where I think the CIA got real concerned with what I was doing. I used to work real closely with Jim Mars. We were good friends. He was on my show a ton before he passed. And. And Jim was also a contributor to the JFK movie of 91. Taught the first university class and the assassination at University of Texas. Jim was really good. But I made a couple of original contributions that Jim really liked.
And so we kind of combined and. And here’s what the CIA doesn’t want you to hear. Okay. The CIA and General Curtis LeMay. And he was controlling the Secret Service the day of the assassination. They don’t want you to know this. The shooter on the grassy knoll was Lucien Sarti. Corsican Mafia hitman, foreign. He was given the contract by Gianconi, America Mafia. Okay. To Christian, David Christian, Corsican Mafia, where you went to get assassins. And they did the French heroin connection that Gene Hackman had the movie about that same organization. And the contract went to Sarti.
They were paid by a man named Michelle Nicoli, who’s now in witness protection somewhere in South America. A guy named Steve Revell interviewed Nicole and didn’t show his face. Was off camera, confirmed all the details. And so here’s the deal. The CIA used their Mafia contacts to foreign Mafia contacts to have the. At least the one assassin who fired the fatal headshot against Kennedy. I don’t want you to know that the CIA, like they did in World War II, to protect the docks when they were the OSS fighting against Germany, they used Mafia to enforce dock security.
And they don’t want people to know their hand in glove with the Mafia to do what they want to get done. And I believe that’s the main thing. They objected to me ever talking about that. Makes sense. Yeah. I’m surprised you haven’t interviewed Jimmy Boots or Detective Ross Sign, because he was there that day too, and he talked about arresting one of the shooters. They made him let him go and he told the whole story. I did A six part series with him. And that was. I think, I think he arrested the spotter, Frank Sturges. Yeah, he was, he was a spotter who was helping, directed where FBI undercover agents would go.
You know, when, when the assassination happened, the FBI with their credentials, and they had fake Secret Service credentials as well. They flooded the grassy knoll and across the street and they grabbed all the cameras they could see. One camera survived. And this was, it was Marianne Mormon’s camera. She took a picture at the very second that Kennedy was killed. And they took three years blowing it up. And the FBI didn’t get it because she’s so horrified. She stuck it in her purse and they didn’t see it. 25 years later. She had a friend at Eastman Kodak and this is a great story.
He spent three years colorizing it, enlarging it, because all you had was a black little speck like this in the background. Blew it up. It’s Lucy on Sarti, wearing a Dallas police uniform. And you see the muzzle flash. A guy named Gordon Arnold, who was a military man on leave from Alaska, had a 16 millimeter camera and was filming and he encountered Sarti and Sarti kicked him and said, give me the film. And no one ever believed Gordon Arnold until he appeared in the Marianne Mormon photo. And he’s like this with the camera. He’s got his service cap on and he’s right where he said he was.
And see, this is how this stuff all came together. And I can tell you this was a CIA hit with some Pentagon assistance. General Curtis LeMay was part of it. And he controlled the Secret Service compromises of that day. And also the national guard Regiment, the 113th out of San Antonio, was supposed to be on the grassy knoll to provide security because Dallas was considered to be a hostile city and they were going to put extra security there. Adlai Stevenson got chased down the street two weeks earlier for their civil rights legislation. And so what did Curtis LeMay do? He canceled the 113th.
And this guy named Captain Medina has told this story up until the time he died. So we know who did it. And I guess if you talk about it today, 60 years later, the CIA is going to get you off social media. Yeah, they’re protecting their own reputation is what they’re doing right now. And you know, I’ve had someone tell me that, you know, it’s an internal job like this because of who it can’t be like. Who would have the power to fix the facts in the hospital? Who would have the power to change out the autopsy report.
Who would have the power, all the things they did to cover it up tells you who it can’t be. And then it narrows it down to, well, that’s an inside job and it’s likely the CIA. Well, the CIA ran the autopsy. See, Kennedy was shot with a hollow point and a hollow point explodes. And that’s why the back of his head was gone. And the Warren Commission never interviewed the Dallas trauma doctors like McClellan never interviewed them because what they would have said was huge gaping hole out the back, right side. Oh, that means a frontal shot.
And it also means an explodable bullet. So what they had to do was they brought in two autopsy guys, Pitzer and Hume. They had never done an autopsy ever for gunshot, ever. So here’s the President in his autopsy. They got two rookies doing it and then they burned their notes when they were done. And then it’s interesting because you can cover up the photos, but, but listen to this. They lost the freaking brain. Because, because you know what? Oswald’s gun would not have shot a frangible exploding bullet. And, and that would have destroyed the narrative right there.
So they had to cover that part of it up. And this is how they did it. Well, it’s, it sounds comical when you say it. It’s that ridiculous. But that’s why, you know, it was, it had to be somebody inside because only somebody inside would have access to do this. Well, yeah, the, the CIA was actually bar General LeMay was at the autopsy. In fact, it’s interesting, Jerome and I got into this yesterday, even though we were talking about voter fraud mostly. He actually, we brought this up about lemay. I asked him a question because it came up, by the way.
And I told him this is how I got canceled on YouTube. And he said, well, lame was at the autopsy smoking cigar and telling people, okay, move on, it’s time now. You’ve looked at enough of that. Go on, let’s go, let’s go. Yeah, no, it’s not that big of a deal. Let’s go. Come on, hurry. It was just, it was absolutely insane. And this guy was taking pictures. His name was Lieutenant Pitzer. He was taking pictures of the whole thing and they confiscated his pictures. And he was getting ready to retire in 1964 and he told people he was stupid.
He says, I’m going to be on the Tonight Show. I’m going to blow the lid off the Kennedy assassination. It was a huge cover up in the autopsy. He committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with his right hand, and he was left handed and his ring finger was horribly mangled. They had to actually solder it off his hand before the show. Right before the show. Yep. He shouldn’t have said a thing. Well, okay. Well, let’s get back to. Let’s go to the voter. Hey, let me break some. Let me break some news that’s coming out this morning related to Jerome Corsi’s revelation.
In Michigan, there are 8,500,000 people eligible to vote. There are 500,000 people registered to vote, more than the eligible number of people that can cast a vote in Michigan. So in other words, they already have 500,000 cheat votes before they ever start. Yeah. And that’s what we were seeing with some of the voter rolls in 2020. So they’re repeating a lot of those same strategies that haven’t been cleaned up. Why is it important to vote when it, like they’re just going to rig it anyways? I think it’s for us to talk about that. Like, I’m glad you asked that, because right now I don’t want to leave people the impression that your vote does not matter.
Listen to me, I’ve got two sources, and I can’t tell you who they work for, where they’re from, but they know. They have algorithms and they don’t know each other. They talk to me because of my work in 2021 on the 2020 election, and they don’t like what’s happening. But there are algorithms that look at various deals and they do this technique called multiple regression anal. They translate it into numbers of votes and they can. They can identify a block, a city, a county. They can isolate it that way as well, too. Let me tell you what both of them say, because they match exactly what the famed economist Martin Armstrong has said on his website.
Kamala Harris’s approval rating is between 8 and 12%. These polls are all fake. And Sarah, let me just very quickly tell you how I know they’re fake. When I taught graduate students how to do research for their dissertation, one of the things we teach was, if you’re going to use a polling mechanism somehow, here’s what you have to do. You have to have the proper demographics that’s representative of what you say you’re measuring. So age, race, income, that kind of thing. Okay. Likelihood to vote. So were they Democrat, Republican, Independent? And I said, you have to have a representative population.
Well, you go, duh. Yeah, that’s. That’s polling 101. Okay. When you go look at these mainstream media Polls, and hear me clearly, people, they all say plus or minus three points and they think that somehow gives them an error of professionalism. It does not. And when they have bothered to list what their demographics are, okay, they’re usually skewed. So let’s say you’re in a 50, 50 district Republican, Democrat. You might see a 60, 40 split on the survey. So they load it up to the side where they want to get the result, but most of the time they don’t even list it.
And hear me, those of you who’ve been to college know this. If you turn in a research paper with no citations, you’re getting an F. Well, these polls are like that. Most of them have no real meaningful citations that tell you enough that you can validate their work. Like, if you do research, let’s say, on a psychological phenomena, you’ll get something at the end of the study called level of significance. And it says P equals less than 0.05. And that means we’ve run this study enough in different locations using the same strategies that there’s less than a 5% chance our results are due to luck.
They don’t do any of that in the mainstream media polls. So let’s go back to. Let me, let me go back to these guys for a second. Yeah. I’ve got two sources that know these algorithms. They’ve explained to me how they work, and they said this is how accurate we were. Okay. In past elections. And they’re saying the same thing as Martin Armstrong. So let’s talk about cheating. If you’re at a 10% approval rating, okay, you now have to cheat by 40.1% to get a plurality. And I’m using round numbers because I know there’s third party candidates.
And I’m going to leave that out to keep this simple. So you’ve got 40.1% in the cheat factor. In Michigan, they got a cheat factor right now of about 33%. They have to find about 8% more votes than they’re getting. But the problem they’re having are the Democrats are registering in much greater numbers than the Democrats. So that pushes that number to a higher level. What do you mean the Democrats are registering? No, you said the Democrats are registering higher than the Democrats. I mean, the Republicans are registering more than the Democrats. I misspoke on that.
Okay, so they got another problem. As the Republican voter rolls grow, they have to make up that number as well. And there’s a lot of Democrats they’re finding that aren’t voting early. Their numbers are down across the country, which means they don’t want to vote for Trump, but they don’t want to vote for Kamala, so they’re just not going to vote. And so they have the indifference factor. And it’s really. Right now, I don’t have a way to measure it. And I actually asked my predictors, I asked them, I said, how do you account for these two variables? And they said, dave, it’s a crapshoot.
We can only guesstimate best based on 2020 early registration versus 2024 early registration. But they said that’s an unproven figure because it’s brand new and we haven’t been able to test it through the years. And I said, what do you estimate it is? And they said, if the election was held today, we estimate that Kamala would have to steal at least 45 to 50% of the vote. Wow. You know, I had Bill Walton on, who is the chairman of cpac, interesting enough. And. But he brought up a fact that the poll. There’s one poll that shows Trump leading.
And because the problem with the polls, too, like, you just listed a bunch of problems, but the problem with the polls, too, is that people won’t tell you. Like, in my area, you will see no signs for Trump. People are afraid to say openly that they support Trump because they’ll be vandalized. It means they’re afraid. Yeah, I hear you. I hear you. And. And so people are not answering polls. They’re just not right. Because it’s a very tense environment, which I want to talk about after this. And he said there is one poll, though, where they have Trump way ahead.
And the poll asked, who will your neighbor vote for? Not who you’ll vote for, but who’s your neighbor voting for? And in that poll, Trump came out about the numbers you’re talking about. Yeah. Isn’t that interesting? It’s because they didn’t have to admit who they were voting for. My wife and I had date night last night. So we went to. As far as on John show, we went to a local restaurant, and there’s an outdoor area and stuff. And they have a Trump store. They didn’t have a Kamala store. They had a Trump store. In Arizona, 90% of your signs are for Trump.
You’re in a different environment. They’re saying there’s only a 3% difference in the polls with Trump up. It’s ridiculous. It’s a. Well, I think. I think. I think the signs. Because we’re in such a tense environment, you’re either you either see all Trump signs or you see all Kamala signs. You don’t see both. It’s very unhealthy to not see both. Right? I mean, that’s not a healthy situation. But whatever signs you see, the majority of is what represents the, the feel of the area. Like I’m in a communist state. I’m in walls territory. Right. It’s not great over here.
How could any vote for that moron? You’d have to be insane and stupid. In fact, you know, John B. Wallace asked me a question last night and he said to me, he said, dave, how do you explain how anyone could support Kamala? And I said, well, I said there’s different levels. At the upper level echelon in this country, there are people who are part of the deep state, like Bill Barr is part of the deep state. Merrick Garland is the visit one of the visible parts of the deep state. And I said, they get enormously rewarded and they have lots of power.
And I said they’re tied into the wef, the UN and so forth that want to subjugate America to become a globalist planet. I said the second level are the fame and fortune guys. These would be the Nancy Pelosi. They get rewarded with something that should never happen, insider trading. So they get, they get all kinds of perks that no one else gets and they’re bribed to compromise their position. And then there’s the Diddy and Epstein crowd. They’ve gotten elected and now we got you because you went to a Diddy party and we got your picture. And so now we’re going to blackmail you.
You okay? And then there are those who wait in line. They kind of know what’s going on and they’re just waiting for their opportunity to get a piece of the pie. See, we have one big mafia in this country and it’s run like a multi level organization. You like Amway and that’s really how it works. Well, I would say that this election is different because of the Internet and more exposure. So we’re kind of learning along the way, but I’m going to push back a little bit on that. There’s whole groups of normies, which I think what you see, all groups of what normies like people who do not see what you’re saying.
They’re not connected to politics, they’re not connected. They don’t understand the big picture stuff. They’re very basically, you know, basic things are what motivate them. Okay, you don’t have to push back on me because I agree with you. Yeah, well, you’re too. You’re smart, okay? You’re super smart. So you’re in another category. So I think that perfectly explains the people who are, like, paying attention, but the 80% of people who aren’t paying attention or even just, you know, they’re busy working jobs or whatever, they’re motivated by some basic factors. And so you ask, how would anybody possibly vote for Walls? I watched the thing play out in our state, how he won, okay.
Although I think there was some cheating involved because there’s too many anomalies. But I do think he got more votes than he should have. And what they did, and they’re doing the same playbook now. This is Kamala’s playbook. That’s why she met people in our. Beyonce in Texas. It’s the women’s. It’s women’s reproductive rights. And I talked to Bill Walton about this, and I said, what’s going on? And you guys aren’t going to want to hear this, but it’s true. Women have been discriminated against in the past, right? And people, when groups have been, okay, I don’t think it’s the number one issue.
I don’t talk about it hardly ever, but it’s a real issue. And then what they’re going to do and I also think die is the Is. Is exactly the wrong thing to solve it, because all I care about in my personal life is merit, right? If we. If we could get past the bias and get to merit, then we would solve so many issues, right? All those issues. But we don’t. We have bias. We have people from other countries who really are biased. So those are a legitimate thing. And then what happens is the Democrat Party use weapons, weaponizes their.
Their anger, if you will, their grievances, which a lot of them are real. And then. But they magnify it and weaponize it and then turn it into this abortion thing ends up being your right to freedom, your right to stick it to the man. And it represents freedom to you. It represents equality to you. And it’s a false representation because it’s. I mean, it’s B.S. it’s so bad, but that’s what they’re using it to do. And in the minds of these people, I know it is, but I’ve seen it work here. And so in the minds of these people, that represents the essence of having equal rights to them when the laws are already equal.
It’s a cultural bias that we still need to work through. And a lot of it has gone through. But a lot of women have personally experienced this, especially the younger ones. It’s better, but the older one and the younger ones are getting the opposite. The men are now getting treated. But a lot of people my age have experienced a certain amount. And you have to get tougher and realize that there’s bigger issues. Right. But that’s what they’re weaponizing against. That’s why in, like in my state, where you can have abortion until the end, if you tell the Democrats this is the reality, you can abort your baby up until the last minute, they don’t even believe that’s true.
They, they’re so ignorant to what the true laws are that they, they think I’m lying to them. And then I explain it and, and they’re against it. And then once they realize their party is for it, then they’re for it. It’s like it has not. It’s like this irrational thing. And so I think they’re tapping into. You as a psychologist would know, they’re tapping into that. It’s both bs. Well, there’s different, there’s different sides of the propaganda. But here’s the question I ask women. They want to get in my face, you know, sometimes literally. And I ask them, I’ll say, okay, what event are you affected by the most? The baby that you’ll abort are the number of times you go to the grocery store and pay double than what you did four years ago.
And that usually stops them in their tracks. Well, most women, I said, you buy bread every week. Do you have an abortion every week? Which has the greater impact on your life? And then the other thing I hit them with is this. And I tell them, I said, you’re ignorant. You are ignorant. Because that’s true. When Roe v. Wade was struck down, first of all, they followed the wishes of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the most consummate liberal that’s ever been on the Supreme Court. And she said, this is not a federal issue. That’s a quote from her.
And Donald Trump was not in office when Roe v. Wade was delegated to the states. And then they tell this lie. And the GOP is letting Donald Trump down because they should be suing the Democratic Party for defamation. He’s going to have an abortion ban. He couldn’t do it if he wanted to. Yeah, it’s. The Supreme Court has ruled he’d be acting unconstitutionally. But that’s exactly what happened in Minnesota. It was a supreme. In Minnesota, it’s a Supreme Court. Right. It wasn’t even on the ballot. And that’s how the walls won. And so my point is, and I got to tell you, most women are not for allowing an abortion to the last minute.
Most women, 70, some 80% of the women are okay up to three months. That’s where the war, that’s where the public’s at. The point is they don’t know. They’re normies. This is what I’m saying. They don’t even know what the legislation is. And so they’re, they’re taking advantage of their ignorance and it’s all about emotion and they’re playing them. And that’s what’s happening. Sarah, they can’t run on anything other than abortion because they’ve so screwed up the country. I agree 100%. I was, I was beside myself in this state, but they flipping did it here. And they’re using the same playbook.
Well, okay, here’s, here’s the fact that the Democrats deny and Donald Trump’s people have proven it. Legislation that Walt signed said that if a baby survives the late term abortion, like partial birth abortion, and they’re born, you do not have to render medical care. In other words, you can let them die. Yeah. It’s the most extreme legislation in the country. So here’s the question I ask people in the world, actually. They’ll do that to a live human being. By any definition, it’s a live human being. What won’t they do to you to get their way? Well, here’s the deal.
And this is where I put guys spoken from the Capitol on this in Minnesota. It is once, once the baby’s born, it’s a US citizen, and now that’s murder. Yeah. They can’t just legislate that. If you take it to the Supreme Court, I think that would be struck down immediately. I mean, this is just, we’re just in this limbo land where these things haven’t been addressed yet. But there is no way that can be of an action that somebody can do. Well, let me tell you, I said this on John Wall show last night. There’s three phases we’re going to be going through here.
If she gets in. Okay? One is it will be the consolidation of power. We’ve already gone through a Bolshevik communist coup d’etat. They run our government, okay. They’re getting resistance. There’s a chance to start turning this back. With the right leadership, the number two thing they’ll do is consolidate power. And this is what communists do. It’s in every history book, people. And so when you consolidate Power. That means you have to conduct purges and that’s why communism equals body bags. But in between that phase and where we are now is the censorship and the gun confiscation.
They have to take the guns away so you can’t resist. And they have to shut you up so you can’t organize. In fact, let me just mention this very quickly. University of Hawaii democide project, okay? It’s a multi decade study. And they started out with one question. What kills more people, government or wars? World wars. And they studied the 20th century and they said clearly it’s government. Here’s what they found. They found that in the 16 genocides of the 20th century, every one of them was preceded with censorship and gun confiscation. That’s right. That’s right. And what do you think? Because everyone I’ve been asking, although you have some facts behind this, and so I want to ask you.
But everyone I’ve been asking are very concerned about the likelihood of a civil unrest after this election. Okay. Especially if Trump wins. We’ve saved the bombshell here for last. I think Mike Adams, myself, Paul Preston and Doug has a different location, but basically the same kind of activities. There’s a reason why the Border Patrol, who are now retired and active, 100,000, 200,000 terrorists in our country. We don’t know the exact amount because of the gotaway factor. And the fact is that some of these people just cross the border on their own, but that’s the estimate Border Patrol will give you.
I have been at events with these people like JJ Carell, like Gil Maza. I’ve been at events like Take our Borders back in San Diego back in June. And they all say the same thing. They are here and they’re going to act against us. Well, I got intel now that’s very specific and I’ve confirmed this through some law enforcement in Arizona. One person, I’m not going to be specific, is moving their family to his parents location because he’s so sure it’s going to happen. We have groups that have now mobilized. They’re waiting for the go signal, IEDs, RPGs, suicide drones to take out infrastructure like, you know, water transmission, also the electrical grid, and then mass murder at whatever location they choose in a public venue, whether it’s a movie theater, a political gathering, whatever it would be.
Okay? They’re, they’re the assassination teams and some of them are suicide people that’ll have suicide vests. My intel was very specific and it’s confirmed in multiple sources. Mike Adams to His credit had the same thing and people put together my publication, his tweet and all of a sudden Mike and I are talking. We did a. I did an interview on Breitbart with Mike a couple of days ago. Okay folks, this is coming and it’s not Arizona’s ground zero. And also Doug Thornton x dhs, my broadcast partner in the Doug and Dave intel report. He has obviously contacts in DHS.
They’re preparing for a 911 attack on Washington D.C. and this is just a fact. And Doug is now to tactical training. We’re going to do a show on this when he comes back. But let me just go tear to the nitty gritty. When’s this going to happen? I have to say I don’t know. But I think there’s two possibilities. One, when they determine their level of cheating, which is phenomenal, can’t Overcome Kamala Harris’s 10% approval rating, they will enact that to stop the election. They’ll declare martial law under the Kigali principles and agreements with the UN they’ll bring in military.
That’s why I think the Chinese are coming in at 10,000 per month. They’ll put the blue helmets on and become the occupation force. That’s the first scenario. The second scenario is they think there’s a good chance they can win. So let’s let the election go on with some manipulation and cheating. But if we don’t get the results we want, we’ll do post election terrorism to prevent the transfer of power. And once they put us in martial law and there are foreign entities involved, you’ll never get your country back. Well, that’s what Naomi Wolf is saying too.
She’s. But she has contacts in the Democrat party and she’s saying it from her contacts through, you know, her chain. I know that you have followed remote viewing and I had the remote viewers on. It’s going to air after the show and actually this segment is going to air in my substack. But we talked about civil war in this country. Did you know? Did you know? I’m a trained remote viewer. I did. That’s why I brought. I was trained by Major Ed Dames. Yeah. And I’m thinking about, I’m thinking about taking a class just because I want to understand it more and see what this is all about.
But if you’re good, it’s kind of like you have a natural ability. You don’t. Has nothing to do with psychic ability. It trained on how to get your brain frequencies into the fifth dimension. That’s A technical aspect is very young in. But I would say that probably about 10% of the population can do it. Well, about 50% of the population can do it somewhat. Well, these guys have perfected it and they’ve gotten to the point where about 90 some percent of their stuff is accurate. Now what are they saying? Terms of results, what are they? And, and yeah, and it’s going to air on my subset for subscribers because we didn’t, we, they were, we just, it was some bonus material we did.
And, but they, they did this whole masking thing because they, they tried to protect their own psyche a little bit when it gets too violent. And they explain what masking is. But the. Regardless, all the remote viewers saw civil unrest. Nobody saw the opposite. And one actually went through the mask and saw the civil unrest. It’s hard to explain. They masked it as like the sunrise or whatever, but they all saw the same thing. And they’re saying something’s gonna, I mean, but we all feel it, right? We know there’s this tension. Like I was talking about the signs.
You can only put wall signs and Harris signs here. You can only do Trump signs in Arizona. There is a tension that we’re feeling here. Well, you know the thing I, there’s psychological research from Princeton done by engineers. It’s a long story how that happened, but it’s a multi decade study. It’s now no longer in evidence. It’s called the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research. And I’ll cut right to the chase. 30 years of research. They were able to demonstrate that people in mass across the planet get feelings of foreboding and their bodies reflect it through autonomic nervous system response and the biggest spikes.
They used to have listening stations around the planet where they’d measure people’s automatic nervous systems, you know, like for heart rate, respiration and so forth. And the biggest two spikes they ever had collectively across the planet, number two was the Malaysia tsunami. It killed a quarter million people in 2004 and number one was 9 11. People can sense danger when it’s coming. And what I’m hearing from people like you and me, people that do our work, we all seem to have this feeling of foreboding. And I’m telling you there’s a scientific basis for this feeling and we should be paying attention to it.
The Democrats will not leave office peacefully. I believe if they try the election and they fail, we’ll have mass terrorism. If we get through that, then I can tell you I know this for a fact. Eric Holder is taking the point on $265 million slush fund gathered illegally through ActBlue Foreign Investments. And that’s going to be used to launch over 100 lawsuits to stop the transition of power. They will never stop. And the terrorism will continue. We’ll be like Belfast, Ireland, in the 70s. It’ll never stop. We will have to have a civil war to stop it.
Or as I like to possibly hope for divine intervention from the Lord. And those are your two outcomes. What do you think about the Israeli attack on Iran? Do you think that’s timed perfectly? Is that one of the October surprises? Well, Putin backed down. And here’s a backstory that people don’t know, and I am correct, because I know people who know this as well as I do. And I’m not the only one saying this, Sarah. When the attack came, we put nuclear bombers in the air and we told Putin, don’t go there, and we threatened him.
He backed down. Well, I know we have bombers in the air. I saw and I posted it on my substack that we. Those were nuclear bombers, and they didn’t change the defcon because of the inflammatory nature. Can you imagine how this would affect this election if people really understood this? Every American said we came this close to going to nuclear war with Russia under this administration, so they want to cover this up. And I’ll tell you, there are some people that will know. I know the worst thing I could do is be quiet on it, because that’s how you get silenced.
That’s right. That is how you get silenced. So I think a war with Israel against Iran actually helps Trump more than it helps Kamala, but we’ll see how this goes. Very interesting side thing on our back. Let me say this about Putin real quick. Okay. Putin did back down yesterday and the day before, too. But I think he’s also waiting on the election because he feels he can probably work with Trump. And I think that’s one of the reasons why he stood down. There’s one other thing I want to bring. I think that’s probably more true.
Yeah. I want to bring this up because I’m going to talk about this today on my show, the Washington Post, the most liberal of newspapers in the country. Them in the New York Times, you know, they’re not even fit to house break your puppy on. That’s how liars they are. But Jeff Bezos, who owns them and by the way, did a $600 million deal with the CIA. Jeff Bezos refused to let his Washington Post editors endorse Kamala Harris, you know why I think that is? I have a theory because I read that too last night. I think it’s because they’re playing both sides, just like bankers play both sides of a war.
I think there’s. That’s what I think is happening, is there when. Oh, wait a minute here. I gotta play both sides. I think what you’re saying is has 50% probability and I think here’s the other 50%, Sarah, and both of them might be true. In this private line deal that’s coming out, new communications with Chris Kitsy and I’m part of it. Private line has elon Musk and AT&T. What, you mean they’re going to take people out of the Internet and give you the same features? Yes. Why? Well, why would Jeff Bezos, with all of his interests, business interests, he’s so wealthy, so interconnected in the economy.
I think I know why. I think there’s an element of rebellion there as well. And what I know, corporations are beginning to say in their boardrooms, we got to do the woke or we won’t get the loans. And when they go to CBDC and most of the businesses have failed, we want to be in position that will allow blackrock to save us. And I think Jeff Bezos has given BlackRock the big middle finger and say you’re not the only big guy on the block. Screw you. I’m not endorsing your candidate who will socialize my business. Big middle finger to you.
I think that’s also a factor because I know, look at Elon Musk went from being part of the establishment to Trump’s biggest supporter. Now it’s the same thing. Sarah. Yeah. I’m not so sure if he’s not just playing both sides either, but I think that of course they are. They’re going to follow the money they’re going to do and DEI isn’t good for business and they’re realizing that. And also with this private network, all networks are private. It’s just whether they register it. They become public when they register it with Google and they manage the domain name server.
So they’re saying, no, we’re not going to put our stuff on the domain name server. We’re just going to create networks that are not part of that. I think that’s a solution. I agree. That’s a really good point. But I’ll cover it in a phrase too. Okay, Bud Light, for all you do, this tranny beer is for you. Yeah. People push back. They went too far. They went way too far. And Average people are like, okay, I’m just, this is not right. When they had what Dylan Mavolni or whatever up there would buy, they would just, they just took it too far.
And everybody was like, okay. No, I hate to say it this way because it’s very adolescent of me, but I looked at Mulvaney and I just said if I looked and acted that way, I’d try to become a woman too. Well, okay, okay, I know you guys are all taking this where the Will Real Men thing, and I think that’s gonna backfire. Being honest, because we. How’s that gonna backfire? Because I, I, here’s the deal. I think we’re. Because it’s gone so far that you have people like Andrew Tate being propped up. Who, if you watch my expose on Andrew Tate, he’s like, rise the patriarch.
Patriarchy needs to come back. Rise of the patriot and protect your mother and daughter, because they’re going to be working for me. He’s a fricking porn. Whatever. He has over 40 million followers and the right is propping him up. They’re doing operations like that to make the right look bad. The point is a strong man is important and we need to value men. We need to value women too. It’s not about one or the other. It’s about both. And it always has. The people are stupid. I’m sorry. People are stupid. Always has to go too far on one side or the other.
And we just. Let me tell you something, okay? I haven’t been in a fight since. I can’t remember, probably going back to 15 years old, but, you know, I was a third degree black belt. I did some competition and I was reasonably successful. Okay. I didn’t walk down the street like, I’m a badass and don’t look at me twice because I’m going to take you out. I would, I, I tried to avoid confrontation. And when you get to a level of training like I did, most of the people at that level don’t abuse their ability. They use their ability to diffuse things and that’s the last resort and the worst thing you want to do.
I was told, I was told this in my training, okay? I was told, you know, you ever assault someone, it better be clear, self defense. And you tried to retreat and they wouldn’t let you because with your background, you’ll be found guilty by a jury of your peers. I got told that in my training. Yeah, and I agree, I agree with that. You know, men who are bad, that can defend themselves, whether they’re a marksman or whether they’re a martial artist or whatever they are, okay? They don’t walk around for most of them. Whereas I’m bad and I’m tough.
Those are the ones I’d like to meet in a fight. Those are the morons I know, but those are the ones. That’s why I love to interview, like, the Navy SEALs, like Don Man. Oh, I just love interviewing some of these top Navy SEALs who exemplify what you’re saying right now. They’re badasses, but they know they’ve been there. They’re like, I don’t want to be there unless I have to be. And when I have to be, I am. And that’s the difference. And that’s what you’re saying. And that’s what I’m saying is you aren’t just walking around like a bat.
That’s stupid. But when you have to be, where the hell are you? And that’s what you’re saying. And that’s what I’m trying to say, too. The main place where I work out, there’s a heavy bag in the basement, okay. And some other stuff there, but there’s a heavy bag. And I like the cardio. I don’t go in there because I’m practicing aggression. It’s the cardio. I like to try to do a minute of just solid punching because it’s great cardio. It’s high interval intensity training. There are a couple guys that go in there that are in their 20s and 30s and they are really good at what they do.
One of them is an MMA fighter. And, you know, and I talk to these guys and they go, man, they go, Usually don’t see your guys your age. Thanks for that. You don’t see guys your age in here doing what you’re doing. And. And we were talking about Techniques Week, and I said something to him. I said, I said, look, I’m not quite as fast as I was. And I said, I’m certainly not as strong, but I still know how to rip your Adam’s apple out and gouge your eyes out. And they looked at me with the.
I know what you’re talking about, but see, we don’t wear it on our shoulder. Andrew Tate wears it on his shoulder like I’m the baddest guy in the neighborhood. No, he’s an idiot. Or he’s an idiot, yes. But what I’m saying, a real man says, says, I’m not putting up with your BS anymore. Government. I’m standing up to you. You know, if you come here, I’m going to fight you and I’ll organize against you if we have to. You see, that’s not insurrection. That’s defending your constitution. That’s right. That’s right. And it’s also biblical. So what? I’m telling people right now, men be men, okay? You don’t have to roll up your sleeve, pretend you’re bad.
Just draw a line in the sand. When they steal this election, if they’re successful in doing it, I’m not following any unconstitutional non biblical law that they pass. That’s my position. It’s the same thing as women protecting their children. They just drop the fear and say, I’m protecting my kids. It’s. That’s what we’re looking for in the man, right? And it’s the human trafficking and your whole country, you have to be strong. So I appreciate, I think this is a great conversation. I always love talking to you, Dave. You’re. You’re awesome. Where can people follow you? Well, don’t follow me home because I can still fight.
Okay, in all seriousness, we put everything we do@the commonsensehow.com Our interviews, our articles and so forth. And we send out a newsletter you should sign up for. You can go to the commonsensehow.com newsletter or you just go to the website and it’s in the upper right hand corner and that’ll get you access to everything we do. And then I get to come on great shows like this. Thank you, Dave. You’re awesome. Thanks. Thanks, Sarah. Take care.