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➡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, criticizes Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice for their actions against conservative America. He warns of potential food shortages due to issues with the supply chain and docks, and encourages listeners to stock up on food. Hodges also accuses Garland of protecting the Democratic Party and ignoring illegal campaign contributions. He ends by expressing his dislike for the current state of the DOJ and FBI, and their lack of action regarding assassination attempts on Donald Trump.
➡ The Department of Justice (DOJ) is targeting three individuals in Iran, but it’s seen as a pointless act since they can’t be captured. This move is viewed as a display, possibly to gain favor before an election. Some believe it’s an abuse of power against those seen as political rivals. There’s a hope that if Trump gets elected, he’ll take action against Merrick Garland.


Hello, America. Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show that’s freeing America, one, in slave-minded time. Thank you so much for joining us. Really good to be with you. And I just watched the Merrick Garland press conference, and I had to pick up my feet to get bad stuff off of them. We’re going to talk about how this press conference and Kamala’s visit to the border are related, although I’m going to cover Kamala’s visit a little later. Probably pre and post. But nonetheless, Merrick Garland is nothing but a despicable, self-serving, corrupt public official.

And today he came out and tried to sound like, I’m defending America. Yeah, right. Well, you want to defend America? Listen to me and listen to me carefully. The docks are in trouble. The supply chain is faltering, and the strike from the docks hasn’t even taken effect yet. It would be a really good idea if you stocked up on food. My Patriots supply, great specials, great food, different combinations of food. You’ll never get sick of eating the same thing. It is high in calories, because when you eat storeable food, you’re eating to stay alive over 2,000 calories per day, delivered in containers that are easily transportable.

If you had to bug out, you could take this with you quite easily. Minimal preparation, if any, it’s a great, great product. And we all right now stand the likelihood of needing this to avoid food shortages, because the shortages are surely coming. So nonetheless, what do you got to do? Take advantage of the specials. Act now. Go to That’s Okay, I watched Merrick Garland. Merrick Garland, who would have his thugs kick in the door of school board protesters exercising, civilly exercising their First Amendment rights to redress grievances. That’s quite clear. That’s what he has interfered with.

Well, they kick in the doors of abortion protesters, which again is their First Amendment right. Many of these people are pastors that they’re going after, like somehow this is a national security threat. That’s the Merrick Garland we all know. Weaponized the entire Department of Justice against conservative America, the kind of conservative America that made this country what it is, not the kind he represents that’s trying to tear it down and install a communist utopia. Well, the main thrust of what he did today in his press conference was he said, there are three Iranians that have hacked into President Trump’s campaign.

And they gave sample materials to the Democratic Party, who, by the way, they sat on that for months. That’s called receipt of stolen property. But we know that Democrats never get investigated or persecuted. But nonetheless, he said that we’re going after them. Only American voters will decide an American election. Yeah, you know, while you’re at it, Garland, I did a real good piece yesterday, a lengthy piece on Act Blue. I had supportive information from people like James O’Keefe, public documents. And why don’t you investigate that foreigners investing in the Democratic Party with illegal campaign contributions. Oh, no, no, no, no.

Can’t touch them, can they? Kamala and Biden have both benefited from this tremendously. In fact, Act Blue shenanigans goes back to 2016. You know, we’re going to work on finding out who’s behind Act Blue. But I’ll tell you who I suspect and who we’re going to start with in our investigation. It’s George Soros or his son. I mean, you know, this is where we’re going to go with this. But nonetheless, Garland would have you believe he’s protecting democracy. First of all, democracy is the first cousin of communism. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding who’s for dinner.

We live in a constitutional republic with limitations on government powers, separation of powers, both horizontally and vertically with the different levels of government, federal, state and local. And then you get into the notion that you have civil liberties that the government can’t cross the line on, although this administration and Merrick Garland, as I have pointed out already, cross that line quite frequently when they go and persecute people for their beliefs. And don’t you love to, he said, hate crimes. We’re going after hate crimes. Hey, let me tell you, it’s your right to hate somebody. Listen, I struggle with this.

It’s hard for me not to detest someone like Kamala Harris. It’s really difficult for me not to detest Merrick Garland. But my spiritual beliefs tell me I got to rise above those primal feelings and deal with it more on intellectual level and also at the same time spiritual level. I struggle with that. I think a lot of us struggle with that. But nonetheless, a hate crime is not a crime. If you want to say I hate Jews, I hate Baptists, I hate Catholics, you have the right. I don’t approve of it personally, but I would not advocate for someone to go and arrest you.

Now, if you say I’m going to kill Jews, Baptists, and Catholics, well, that’s a problem. That is a crime. And if you act on that, if you deprive them of housing or the right to vote, then that is a problem. Then that’s actionable. But simply to say, I don’t think Israel should exist as a nation as much as I despise Hamas. I won’t want to have to rise above that too. But as much as I despise Hamas, you cannot support terrorism and be a supporter of this constitution. But they have the right, if they’re here and allowed to be here, they have the right to say we hate Jews.

They don’t have the right to say we’re going to exterminate them and have an actionable plan. So I wanted to make that clear. So Merrick Garland is now going down the road of also, and he said this quite clearly in his press conference, we’re going to go after hate crimes. Well, I’ll tell you what I hate, Merrick Garland. I hate what the DOJ has become. I think I can do that because I’m not singling out a person. And I’m talking about my spiritual beliefs. I don’t give a damn about how you misinterpret the law. But the DOJ has become a despicable organization.

The FBI recruits really good people. They pervert some of them to get them to retirement. Okay, let’s clear away the mess. Let’s talk about what Merrick Garland is really up to. The FBI has stood down and stonewalled congressional investigations into the two attempted assassinations of Donald Trump. That means they want it to happen. I mean, either you’re really embarrassed and you want to try to figure out what happens. So it doesn’t happen again. And you’d cooperate with Congress. You tell the American people exactly what happened if you have nothing to hide. And then you’d say, we’re going to take definitive steps.

We can’t tell you everything we’re going to do. And I understand that. But they’re not doing that. They’re blocking information from getting to Congress. That’s absolutely incredible, isn’t it? Okay, so they are participants, okay, by neglect of the assassination attempts on Donald Trump. That’s a fact. That’s a legal fact. When you stonewall the legislative branch, they pass our laws and they’re not allowed to have the information about the attempted assassination of the primary presidential candidate and also a past president. No, no, they don’t get to do that. And so this press conference was about recreating that image.

They want to present an image like we’re defending America. We’re defending the right to vote. We won’t allow foreigners in. Well, okay. Act blue, baby. Act blue. This is ridiculous. This is absolutely ridiculous. You know, it’s one thing in his press conference that Garland stayed away from was Air Academy’s. Wow. The biggest city in America just indicted its chief executive, or I should say the DOJ did, and he doesn’t say a word about it the day after. Hmm. I can tell you why. They’ve been told by legal scholars across the country, including people like Alan Dershowitz, you don’t have a case.

And I don’t like Eric Adams. Do I think he’s dirty? Well, he’s a Democrat. Do I think that they have the dirt on him because he dared to go against immigration? No, I don’t think they have anything on him really. He accepted upgrades on an airplane. That’s hardly bribery. That is such a stretch. That really is. Oh, you notice that girl. You must want to have an affair with her. I mean, it’s that ridiculous. It’s that ridiculous. Merrick Garland’s trying to present a sanitized version now of the DOJ. We’re not weaponized. We’re as pure as the driven snow.

Look at we’re defending Donald Trump’s campaign. Yeah. Five months after they had the information and the Democrats held on to it and didn’t supposedly release it, which it’s kind of funny. Garland’s blaming the Democrats for hanging on to it by default and the Democrats aren’t commenting. And I agree with this and I’ll close with this statement. Donald Trump nailed it. If I was president, my political opponent was being threatened by a foreign foreign power. I would call the leader of that country and said, if you touch this person, I will leave your cities in ruin. It’s exactly what should happen here.

But what’s not happening? What’s not happening here is Biden and Harris wanted to happen because they keep facilitating Iran. The DOJ is going after three people who are in Iran and they have no chance to snatch them. This was totally a meaningless indictment. It was all for show. And here’s the deal. It’s not a major one. It’s not a major one. It’s the weaponization of federal agencies against American people that they consider to be political opponents. And now they say, look, we’re defending Trump. It’s damage control of people before an election. That’s all this was. And I hope when Donald Trump is elected and sits in the White House, I hope he puts Merrick Garland in Gitmo because that’s where he belongs.




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