A New Era has arrived and the Mainstream Media is Officially Done w/ Sam Anthony

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➡ There are many freelance journalists due to media downsizing, especially in the United States. Dr. Zelenko, who saved many lives during the pandemic, developed immunity supplements and supported ending child trafficking. Sam Anthony, who runs yournews.com, believes his site will take over mainstream media as it collapses. He discusses the changing media landscape, the importance of local news, and his crowdfunding opportunity.
➡ Traditional media outlets are struggling due to the rise of online platforms and changing consumer habits. Many freelance journalists are losing their jobs as companies cut costs. Despite this, there’s still a demand for news, but the way people consume it has changed. The future of news may lie in independent online platforms, but they face challenges such as censorship and competition from established media companies.
➡ The text discusses the importance of local news and the role of a new platform that allows users to share local stories. The platform, which covers all markets in the United States, allows users to post about anything from Little League games to high school football matches. The platform has grown significantly, with millions of people consuming articles. The text also mentions the potential for the platform to grow further, with the possibility of attracting freelance journalists and other content creators.
➡ The speaker discusses their plans to market to freelance journalists on LinkedIn, expressing frustration with the platform’s restrictions. They also discuss their views on political bias, suggesting that many young people are brainwashed into liberal viewpoints but may grow out of them as they age. The speaker also mentions their zero-tolerance policy for those who refuse to consider facts, and their experiences with being labeled and misunderstood due to their views.
➡ The conversation discusses the changing landscape of media, with a shift from traditional outlets to online platforms. The speakers highlight the importance of critical thinking in discerning truth from misinformation. They also discuss the potential for a platform where citizen journalists can contribute and earn from their work. The platform, YourNews.com, allows users to share news and monetize their contributions based on audience engagement.
➡ The speaker discusses their unique business model, which involves selling ads around user-generated content, similar to Facebook but focused on news. They’re raising funds through an equity crowd fund, allowing anyone to invest as little as $200. This approach bypasses traditional private equity firms, aiming to democratize the news business and make it owned by the people. The speaker believes this model will become the next mainstream media, benefiting investors as it grows.


Sarah, there’s a half a million people on LinkedIn that call themselves freelance journalists. They’re all part of the downsizing of the legacy media. That’s the United states. There’s over 2 million across the globe. Yeah. So they’re the first people to go. And the reason is, you know if you have a radio station you know you’ve got a physical cost to operate the station but the news people, you know if you get rid of three or four people you might be saving over 100,000 a year that they don’t have to spend. So they just put in different programming in that doesn’t cost them anything.

Many of you remember Dr. Zelenko, the courageous doctor who saved countless lives using hydroxychloroquine during the pandemic. Dr. Z not only saved lives in the United States but many countries adopted his protocols and he saved even more lives around the world since those early days. Him and his team at zstack developed an entire line of immunity building supplements from Z detox to Z shield to znight. Now they also have kids Zstack it’s the same as the adult zstack but formulated to protect kids from the onslaught they will see this cold and flu season. What many don’t know about Dr.

Z was his passion to end child trafficking. Before he passed away he partnered with Mission Safe harbor and now a portion of every sale of Kids Z stack is donated to help end child trafficking. Now you can protect your kids while also helping to protect kids everywhere by using the link below or go to sarah wessel.com under shop know you are protecting your entire family while also helping to end child trafficking. Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Sam Anthony coming to the program. I actually have fun with this conversation. He says some things that he’s just really direct about some stuff and said okay it’s pretty interesting but he has the website yournews.com and he is, he believes is going to take over the mainstream media.

And I mean I don’t know if it is or not but he has a really good argument on that and we talk about why or how the mainstream media is just completely collapsing. He’s been in this industry for over two decades. He had hundreds of radio stations that are news organizations feeding his, his site and his, you know his product and organization after organization had repealing away because they kept firing their news directors and their journalists and, and how it’s, it totally collapsed out from underneath them and he’s going to talk about that. And it really is a sea change in where things are moving.

And the state is struggling to maintain control of this main. The mainstream media is a state directed. Okay. And that’s why we’re seeing everybody being kicked off YouTube is because they want to maintain that state control. And YouTube is that. And then they can’t control us everywhere else. And so we’re going to have conversations about that and where it’s going. But he has an equity funding opportunity, a crowdfunding where he’s raising money and he’s going to explain that as well. And so you have an opportunity if you want to get on the ground floor on something like this, I’m involved in it.

It’s an opportunity for you, or you just go there and you learn the news. And it’s local news, too. He’s going to talk about how he’s the only one in the game doing local news. And he’s right. Nobody does local news. And so it’s a whole market that nobody’s even talking about. So it’s really kind of exciting. So I think you’ll really enjoy it. Before I get into that, I want to talk to you about body align and these bands. People are aware that has over 300 frequencies for overall wellness. And I’ve been sharing their sleep patches and I’ve been slamming multiple things that they have the sleep patches because I think a lot of people are having problems sleeping.

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Okay, let’s get into this really interesting conversation I have with Sam Anthony. Hi, Sam. Welcome to the program. Sarah, I’m so happy to be here. Good to see you. Yeah, nice to see you, too. We’ve had a good conversation. I want to share with listeners. I want you to share with listeners your experience in media, building this media company and how the whole landscape is changing. People don’t realize this. And you’ve been doing this for 23 years and you’re watching a monumental shift in what’s going on and it’s going to impact. It already has. It’s impacting all of our lives.

Can you talk about what it was like at first with your. You have an online platform and you had hundreds of partners in the mainstream media and how that’s changing what it used to be like? Sure. Well, years ago when, when we started this as an idea was me and a couple guys, we believe that the mainstream media, specifically newspapers, not radio and tv, we didn’t even thought about that the newspaper industry was going to eventually collapse because the Internet was going to transform the industry. And if you know anything about online products, nothing local works.

So anything I just think about it. Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, Netflix, they’re all global. Everything is global. Although Facebook has come up with a way to do all those localized marketplace. They’ve started to capture that market over Craigslist. I’ve noticed that. Correct. That’s called scale. So they’re local in every market. Right. So it’s. There’s your difference. So you like Breitbart has no scale. It’s just a website with national news. There’s no scale to it. You can’t find your kids Little league game there. Right. You can’t find the city council meeting in Schaumburg, Illinois on Breitbart because that’s not what they do.

You need scale on the Internet. So that’s that. Is that why you partnered with all the different used partner with radio stations, the news divisions of radio stations across across the country. Can you explain that? Yes. So the whole trick to the game for your audience, your the domain is YourNews.com We’re a platform where we look like the Chicago Tribune but in every city in the United States with the ability to target ads by zip code. So the trick is national news is easy to get. How do you get local news in in every market and how do you do it? Cost effectively.

So years ago we came up, you know how the networks are like Fox, cbs, abc, they have the TV national network, but then there’s a local Fox CBS affiliate across the United States. So we said let’s set up an affiliate network and we went to local broadcast stations that were independent, that had local news departments and we showed them our technology because, you know, when you have a broadcast station, let’s say a radio station, you have signal coverage that could go 25 to, you know, maybe depending on the size of the signal, 50 miles in each direction.

But usually it’s around a 50 mile radius. So they attract a very small piece of the ad pie. And when they tell the people to go to their websites, it’s an extension of their signal. It’s really the same thing. So what our product does, and this is what was attractive to them, is when they tell people to co. Go to your news because they’re the affiliate, it localized them right down to the zip code, so it attracted a completely different customer base. That was the react. That was the reason we went to the affiliate network. So now what was happening is I had over half the United States with all these broadcast stations providing local news and local promotion.

And I thought, wow, this is really brilliant. I mean, you know, we really got to figure it out. Yeah, this is. Oh man, I’m a genius. I’m a genius. So, but then what started happening is we started losing a lot of them. And I keep in mind, I mean, I personally called every one of them I know, the station manager, the owner, whoever it is. And so a lot of them would call me and they would say, look, we’re going to have to drop this service. And so my first question is why we let go of our news director and our news people.

You want to know who the first people to go are that get the X? It’s all the news people, because there’s your cost. So, and so they started deleting and removing the news directors from stations across the entire country, which is a lot of why we’re seeing just this, this hollow, vanilla newscape right now. Sarah, there’s a half a million people on LinkedIn that call themselves freelance journalists. They’re all part of the downsizing of the legacy media. That’s the United states. There’s over 2 million across the globe. Yeah. So they’re the first people to go. And the reason is, you know, if you have a radio station, you know, you’ve got a physical cost to operate the station.

But the news people, you know, if you get rid of three or four people, you might be saving over a hundred thousand a year that they don’t have to spend. So they just put in different programming in that doesn’t cost them anything. Well, you know, when YouTube, because we were, we were in 2020, we had more. There was like 17 of us that sued Google. We had more viewership together then all the mainstream media, the big ones, msnbc, cbs, I mean, all those channels combined, we were bigger. They crushed us. And then they tried to bring in their people and build it back up, but it’s not really working.

No, no. So the whole models change. They don’t know and they don’t get it. They don’t understand it. And this. Oh, they understand it. They have terminal cancer. They have terminal cancer. They’re dead. They don’t understand how to compete in this new market. Space is my point. They don’t have the goods. Yeah, yeah. They can’t. I always tell them, practice these words. Welcome to McDonald’s, man. Take your order because nobody’s going to hire you. It’s over for them. They will never get this space. And why do you think it’s over them? Because they never were authentic.

They were always just taking orders. No, that. That was part of it. But that wouldn’t be the reason why. I mean, remember, there’s still a demand for news, Sarah. No, I know, but why? That’s right. But why couldn’t they jump into the news, like, become something like what I’m doing? I mean, why would the majority of them not be out of business? Because what is the deal? A lot of. Are you talking about the Rachel Madhouse of the world? You talking about the liberal people? They’ll. They’ll eventually morph into something online and go on YouTube, but the networks themselves will be gone.

That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. So they’re gonna have to figure something else out, and they’re gonna have to figure out how to make a living outside of the network, because the networks are not gonna survive. And the reason for that is, as I said before, there’s still a demand for news. It’s just how people consume it has changed. So when you have the average age of people watching MSNBC, CNN, Fox, ABC, and all the radio stations at 70 years old, plus, you know, what’s the average age of. What is. What’s the average age? Somebody lives. All you gotta do is figure out the math.

I mean, there’s only a limited amount of time the rest of the people. It doesn’t matter if you’re a conservative or you’re a liberal. They’re consuming their information on demand. They are. It’s totally. And they expect more too. Right. They expect it to be more authentic. And they’re starting to be able to re. Be able to smell the bs. Yeah. Plus people gravitate to people they like, the people they trust. You have an audience of people that trust you. Right. And those people find you somehow on Rumble. It’s up to you to market yourself or wherever it.

Wherever. Whatever your content displays at. But it’s you. It’s up to you to market and build Your own brand so you can earn more money, make a better living. Well, but let’s talk about the radio network, the news, and you. You were getting call after call where you were just losing your sources. Yes, I was getting calls after calls and I was talking to them and most of them didn’t really come clean. They just said we had to let the news guy. But a few of them actually told me, you better change your model because we won’t be here in the next five to 10 years.

We’re going out of business. The whole. The whole broadcast radio on the dial, like when you’re driving. And I said, really? And the guy goes, yeah. He goes, do you listen to radio in your car? I went, no. He goes, well, neither would I if I didn’t know three stations. That’s what he told me. So, yeah, it’s. It’s just because, look, I’m going to be 60. I have a friend of mine at 62, we go play golf every weekend. Every time he picks me up, Sarah, he’s got his phone plugged into his car and he’s listening to stuff on demand.

Yeah, I think people are doing that. I still think there are people who listen to the radio, but it’s really shifting. And what is the average age demographics? You know, because we. There’s still that. Those people watching Fox News and doing it, but it’s really just older people. My kids, they’ve never tuned into it. Kids in their 20s. All you gotta do is look at the bulk of the ads. Sarah, what are the ads? Pharmaceutical. Yep. That’s their audience. The 8. The elderly is really what it is because I don’t know anyone and even the elderly are shifting, but really anybody my age is probably the cutoff point.

This is the gray area. My age and everyone younger, they just don’t watch it at all. I know. That’s what I’m saying. We’re witnessing the biggest paradigm in our history. This is like going from the telephone telegraph to the telephone. Okay. It really is. It’s when movies first came into the theaters, you know, those kinds of. When television first appeared. Yeah, that. That’s exactly what this is. It’s a paradigm going from traditional mainstream to online. This is why I said to you, you guys are going to be the next mainstream media. You guys will. You’re already.

Your reach is bigger than all the mainstream media combined. Yeah, I. You might be right. I know that some of the individual shows of. Of some other. The YouTube won’t let me on there and they try to prop People up. But I know even the reach that I have is bigger than individual media people from these big, you know, channel platforms. And so it is, it is very noticeable. Too bad YouTube wouldn’t let me on. Or Spotify. You know, they have to try to really work hard to keep us down. They’re still working really hard to keep us down.

Isn’t that crazy? So much for free speech. Yeah, well, I think it’s, I don’t think it’s not. I don’t think it’s just free speech. I think it’s them trying to save this market. Like they’re trying to hold on to some market and they’re, they’re playing games behind the scenes. It’s a combination of all sorts of stuff. The free, the free speech because they can’t. Their agendas. The big pharma. Right, because we’re not pro big pharma. Most of us, we’re like, we’re pro healing whatever. You get to the source of the problem. That’s not really big pharma.

We’re not for endless wars. The most of the people who are moving into this. We’re not for this big globalist, one world tyranny that they’re trying to put in place. And so, you know, and you look at something like YouTube, they’re having all these partnerships with the World Economic Forum and the big global organizations. That’s who YouTube and Google are partnering with. That’s why we’re seeing all that stuff, I think, and to protect the market. Right, because they already had, they had control of all of it and they don’t. They’re losing that control. Well, I don’t think Google and YouTube are losing any control.

I mean, look at the market cap. It’s $2 trillion. Okay, so no, they’re too, they’re losing control of the information space. I’m not saying Google and YouTube are necessarily losing their market, but they are in a sense because they have to keep kicking everybody off. And every time they kick people off, people will go elsewhere and that doesn’t go unnoticed. And so I’m just. You can’t operate like that forever and lose your business, lose that aspect of your business. So then what’s on there is just a certain segment and everybody knows they have to go elsewhere for the news like platform like yours or a platform like Rumble or Twitter X.

I mean, they know they can’t get it on YouTube anymore. If you’re a conservative and you’re looking for information on YouTube that you would like, you’re not going to find it. So it’s the conservatives that are leaving. But you know, don’t forget, they’re very broad. They have people do golf shows, cooking shows, football shows. I mean, so, you know, it’s mass appeal. And then, you know, their scale is global. So, you know, you got people in every country consuming information on that platform. But yeah, I mean, people know that they censor information. And you know, even the liberals know that the vaccines are not good.

At least some of them do. Right. Especially the ones that you know that it affected the most. Right. You know that where their family member died from it or something. So they understand it may take them a little longer to come around. But at the end of the day, you know, what you guys do is going to be extremely important to most of this country. What does that mean and what does that mean? Because being censored and oppressed in the position like I am, what does that mean? How do we, how do we get past that? And would you think, did you see the majority of the people moving towards an platform like yours or away from for new? See, this is what I’ve heard is for news and information, they’re going to move away from the censorship regimes and they’re going to be forced to open up their platforms or just lose that part of the market.

So people will go to YouTube for cooking and cat videos and other things, but if they want real news, they will not be going there anymore. EMFs or electromagnetic fields from wi fi and your devices can impact your health, potentially causing headaches, fatigue and anxiety. If you do not take measures to protect yourself, even more serious conditions like cancer can develop over time. But you can protect yourself from these dangers with EMF protection devices from my friends at Fix the World Morocco. Using cutting edge research materials, their products like the sleeping pod and foam card absorbs and also changes these harmful fields into frequencies that will harmonize with your body.

People who suffer daily often state that they can feel an immediate relief from the ongoing EMS bombarding their body. You can learn more or buy yours today with the link below or@SarahWestAll.com under Shop. Yeah, ever. Okay, so you’re correct. They will not be going there anymore. In the game, in the space we’re in and what we’re trying to accomplish. You know, there I always say, which I probably haven’t said to you, there’s two ways to win this thing. One is going to be through a civil war, which nobody wants. The second way is going to be through information.

Okay? And so this is the reason YouTube kicked you and everybody else off because they wanted to control the narrative. Right. It’s like state controlled narrative is what it is. It actually comes directly from the governments. That’s right. And so. And the advertisers. So this is why what I do is extremely important. Because the local newspaper has always been the backbone of a free society, sir. I mean, without it, we’re all screwed. Right. And by the way, you heard General Flynn say it all the time. You know, everything starts local. Local impact. You heard him say it? Yeah.

Everything is local somewhere. What were you going to say? Well, I was going to say it’s the fourth column. Right. I mean it’s the, it’s part of what makes a free society work. Yeah. Is it the whole key? Yeah. You want to control mainstream media. And since the, the legacy media, which is currently the mainstream has got cancer and they’re not going to survive, what’s going to replace it? Whatever is going to replace. And I know what’s going to replace it, trust me, I know that’s what you want to own. Well, you have, your site focuses on local, which is pretty interesting because nobody does.

It’s a whole market. So you’re a globe. Well, Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace has started to dominate in those kind of areas. You’re taking that kind of model and making it with news. Yeah. So we do local News. There are 20, roughly 20,000 cities in the United States. And then in terms of television DMAs, I believe there’s 210 or 211, something like that. So New York’s number one, LA’s number two, Chicago’s number three, those television DMAs. So we do local news in every market in the United States. And that’s the key because some of those local news stories make national news.

Right. Well, and you and the people are just posting. Is there opinions that go with it or is it, is it just posts from citizens that are there? My, you know, our little league game and, and stuff that you wouldn’t. High school football team or whatever. I got stories from Halloween, people trick or treating. Oh, you got even back to the basics. We went to our street, 97 80, you know, Clinton Boulevard. The little kids are really packed on. Yeah, I mean, but that’s news to somebody, right? It’s like somebody’s, I guess somebody’s literally gave his news to somebody.

That’s why, you know, from the content, what we are is a news content distribution platform. So news is either a city, a county, a market, state, regional or national. So somebody’s Little league game is sports news for a city. Boca Raton. The high school game. Still sports news. It distributes broader the market. And then obviously the Monday night Football game, still sports, distributes national. That’s what I do. Depends on what the market is. So you can have a face painting event at the elementary school and that would be in that area and then you would have, I mean I’m just coming up with stuff.

Sure. Sounds great. Broader. Yeah, whatever. Yeah. Bobbing for apples, you know. And then you, you, you get broader as you go and then you get to the college football game and that might actually be national. Once you get the college. Yes. All colleges national. Yeah, yeah. So very interesting. And, and how many people? Because I know when I was, you know, I come from the Internet, telecom and then Internet building, that thing and I met with people years ago that were trying to do this, what you’re doing now. And it was all these new small newspapers were trying to do this.

And you did it, you figured it out and they knew this was going to be a market and it was just hard. The timing probably is more right now. The timing wasn’t right 25 years ago. The timing is right now. And so how many people do you have that are engaging last from, from a content perspective, I’ve got maybe 5,000 contributors, but only about 350 to 400 are monetized. Okay. So it’s like a very small portion because remember we have PR firms and nonprofits, people with opinions. So the, the way the media business works and you know this, people that have news will send a press release to the media.

If you’re a nonprofit, you’re having a bake sale at a church or something. So if somebody sends a press release, right? Well, news organizations are aggregators. So we’re aggregators of the same content. We just have the ability to publish it all because there’s no cost. And we can organize it by subject and geography, meaning I could make something appear in one city. Right. That’s all it’s relevant to. So because of our scale, people create an account and they post just like you would on Craigslist or on, you know, Facebook Marketplace. The content comes in as pending review and then once it gets approved, they get email notification with a direct link to their story.

And what everybody does is they share it out on social media. Not because they like me, it’s self serving. Here’s a perfect example. If somebody posts their kids Little league game, Sarah, I bet you a billion dollars Grandma and grandpa see that story. It’s going on Facebook. Right. Is it? That’s how it works. So that piece of content may get 20 people, but the high school football game might get 2,000. Yeah, it just grows a little bit. Yeah, yeah. So it’s fantastic. How many people do you have now that. So you don’t know millions of people now? Oh, no.

Well, last year we had total 5.4 million people consume just under 104 million in articles. Okay. Yeah. So it’s growing. Oh, yeah, yeah. It’s very simple to amp it up. If I brought on. This is just a guesstimate, but it’s pretty close. You have people like some content creators have huge social media followings, you know, and I’ll use one like Jane Ruby. She’s got over a hundred thousand followers on Telegram. So when she submits her content to me immediately, it gets shared to Telegram and you could just watch this thing light up like a Christmas tree.

Right. Because she’s got such a massive following. But then you could have somebody else that might only have 10 or 15 people read their story. So the average per piece of content is more than a hundred, but if you just keep it at 100. If I had 10,000 content creators and the average person read 100. 100. I’m sorry, had their article read by 100 people. You’re looking at a million people reading a day. And that you haven’t even begun. Remember, there’s 20,000 cities. 20,000. So with all the categories, we have Travel, lifestyle, home and garden, arts, entertainment, food and wine.

The list goes on. Business, politics. You’re talking about on a small level, five people of city. You’re talking 100,000 news reporters. So how has the response been from freelance journalists? Have they been reaching out to you, wanting to engage this way, or is. I mean, what are you seeing with the entire landscape? And have you seen hostility from any of the other big platforms? Well, I’ve seen no hostility, but if I did, I wouldn’t pay attention to it anyway. Would it really matter? That’s. That’s fair. Are you seeing journalists coming, wanting to post things? I mean, what are you seeing with all these freelance journalists that don’t have a.

They don’t have a job. They don’t have a job. So here’s. Well, there’s almost a half a million on LinkedIn. So in the very near future, like starting next month, I’m going to start marketing to some of them, you know, with a. You know, here’s what we do, here’s how it works. If you’re Interested? Fill out the application. If you get approved, you’re now monetized and you’ll get instructions on how to utilize it. Sarah, I don’t think these people are going to be. I think you’ll keep some of them, but for the most part, I don’t think they’re going to be able to transition into the new world.

The new world is going to be all new people. It’s going to be we the people, those people. It’ll be different. Yeah. Oh, completely. LinkedIn. I’m not happy with LinkedIn. LinkedIn won’t even let me read people’s profiles. They kicked me off and I’m like, why’d you kick me off? I mean, what am I doing wrong? I posted an article and they said it was disinformation. No. And I showed them the sources from. It was on what the FDA did. FDA did. And then they, they, they reversed that because they realized it was true. And then they flagged all my, A bunch of my stuff saying I sell illegal or unregulated goods.

And I’m like, I’m like, I don’t. I just advertise. And I’ve been advertising for 15 years on over 50. You’re the first and only platform that’s ever accused me of this. And I sell people. I advertise for people who have legit businesses who are operating legally. Like, can you please tell me what I am? And they won’t let me on there. And that’s actually, that’s very frustrating for me because they have a monopoly over professional profiles and people. So there’s times I need to go in, I’m like, I actually need access to it because it’s a monopoly in the professional world to be able to access profiles and to see what people are doing, but I can’t.

So I can’t do my job. And they won’t tell me why. So I don’t know. Well, how do you think that stuff’s going to get solved? Well, you know, they’re all liberals, right? So I post nothing. I, they, I don’t say a word. Somebody says something to me, mean, and believe me, I’ve had, you know, journalists say nasty things. I say nothing. This way, they have no reason. They can say anything they want anything. They can say anything. But because I don’t align with their politics, I like, I, they just, I don’t say anything bad necessarily.

I get kicked off, but they can say anything. Sarah, there are PR firms, I believe there’s 5 million of them in the United States. That are on LinkedIn, I think nonprofits, there’s 11 or 12 million. The journalists are half a million. So very soon, I’m going to start marketing to these people, okay? And that’s it. I’m just going to use them for everything they got, including business shift. Maybe they’ll wake up and go, well, wait, maybe our brainwashing wasn’t good for us or for society, and we need to start learning some more. You want my answer to that? Some things out? Yeah.

Sarah, Liberalism is a disease. It can’t be cured. That’s all I’m going to say. Can’t be cured. So it’s like cancer. Do you cut out half of it or all of it? Well, they, you know, I don’t think they’re all bad people. I think they’ve just been. I was a. I don’t know. I mean, I was liberal as a college kid. I mean, all of us kind of are more liberal back then. And I don’t know if I was ever like they are today. I mean, when I look at what I was back then, I don’t even think I was close to some of the stuff that they’re doing today.

But in my time, I was right. And you kind of grow out of it. You learn, you change. But because you think that the problem is when you’re young, you think that caring about others means you’re a liberal, caring about just society in general. You brainwashed to think that if you care, you’re a liberal. That’s just. That is not true. Right? That’s really not true. And if you’re. If you’re racist, you’re conservative. No, no, no, that’s not true. All of those stereotypes are not true. But when you’re young, you think it is. And then you grow up and realize, wait a minute, I don’t want these taxes and these issues and all these things.

How does. Why is that. Why is being. Why are you calling all these people racist when all they are. They just care about taxes and they’re talking about more freedom and smaller government. How does that have anything to do with this? And so you start growing up, right? You start figuring things out. But. So I don’t think what I’m. That’s a huge roundabout way of saying they’re not all bad people and that they just. They’re brainwashed. They may be brainwashed, but when facts don’t matter, you, you know, you have a hard time dealing with people. So I have a zero tolerance rule.

I mean, how do you even get a Conversation when they don’t want to hear the facts. I mean, and when you show it to them, they don’t even want to believe it. So I have. That’s different than the young people, though. The young people are just not there mentally yet versus the older people her whole life. And they just don’t care about facts. Maybe, maybe I just, you know, I’ve reached the point where I tried to sway people over, and now I have a zero tolerance on all of it. So when I say zero, I mean zero.

Okay, so I get it. Okay. You have no idea. So when somebody calls me a racist, I said, yes, I am. Next question. If that’s what you want to believe, facts don’t matter. Sure. Okay. What else you got? I’m a lesbian, too. Well, I can understand, I mean, in my role, you know, in getting beat up a lot, I mean, you can see I can get pretty cynical, but. So the fact that I’ve remained non cynical in that way is probably pretty good, but. Because I get beat up pretty bad in this role. But I do believe, especially the young people, they’ve been brainwashed to believe a certain way.

And as they learn, you grow. You grow out of it, if you will. You learn and you realize, wait a minute, this is not. This what? This is all bs. I think that’s a natural progression. But like I said when I was young, being liberal is probably conservative today. I mean, things have gotten way wonky. Well, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Okay, so you do have the younger generation that has to grow up and learn, but then you have the older generation who doesn’t have access to the Internet. Maybe they don’t even know about you or Rumble, which is the people right on the other side of this wall, okay, who are in their 80s who listen to Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, CNN.

And so they’re only as good as the information they have. So they think Trump is a Russian asset. They think he’s a pig. He’s disgusting. You know, and I, you know, I just say to him all the time, yes, he is. Isn’t it awesome? I don’t even know what to say. Well, I know the deer in the headlights during COVID was very difficult for me because I was on the front lines of. And so many things before COVID I was on front lines of. It was worse when I was trying to expose human trafficking and they thought, you should have seen the emails I got about how much of a nut bag I was.

And now it’s commonplace and other people are exposing it. I Don’t have to thank God. I mean, I’ll just do my part, but it’s too hard to be in that space for too long. But, you know, I mean, it was thing after thing after thing that you were getting killed on. And now it’s changing. The people are realizing, wait a minute, you were telling the truth on all this stuff. And it’s so refreshing. I can’t tell you how refreshing that is. But there’s still. I noticed what’s creeping into this space, though, are people are afraid to take that risk.

They’re really good with psyops. So anybody who’s telling the truth on something, they’ll go and use that truth and then make it really wacky and out there so that the people telling the truth get associated with the whack jobs. They’re working hard to screw up things. Yeah, well, look at the view, okay? They, they got what a. Rid of different. That’s the main thing. They’re just trying to brainwash their audience. And when they brought on Rona McDaniel and then she came up and rebutted something, they went. And people went, well, that makes sense. Well, yeah, but I’m talking, I’m talking the, the information on the Internet, because that’s, that’s like hardcore state propaganda, right? But the people that are in that are starting to move towards the Internet.

What they’re doing is when you have journalists telling the truth, what they’ll do is they’ll take that truth, create more stories around it that are just goofball off the wall stuff, and then they try to associate you with that. So they, they, they’re undermining the truth in other ways is what they’re doing right now. And so us people out there need to get more sophisticated. Sophisticated at recognizing that. It’s hard. I think people recognize it. I mean, you have a group of followers that follow you. They know what’s truth and what. They know where your heart is.

What. Yeah, they do. And so, you know what I’m saying, I’m just trying to help people walk through the critical thinking that needs to happen and that maybe my listeners probably are way far ahead, but their kids and their family members aren’t. And so how do you communicate with. And you say you have zero tolerance, but I mean, we still have to live with these people. I mean, it’s like, I, I don’t want, I still want to have family members. I have, I love them. You know, I don’t want to disown my family because they watch Rachel.

Rachel Maddow. Although nobody in my family does. But you know my point. Yeah. I see it a little differently than you. How do you see it? I would disown everybody. Okay. Really? Oh, yeah. I could care less. It’s. Yeah. Okay. You’re, you’re, you’re stronger in that way. Or I’m. I don’t know. I, I just, I love my family too much. So I’m not going to. Or in people too much where I’m going to say, okay, we just got to figure out how to expose. Get you past this brainwashing part. Because if we don’t, we will have civil war and it will be ugly.

I don’t think it will. I mean, I think it would be pretty instant. I don’t think it would take long with the proper civil war. I mean, you really need military people in with surgical strikes, and it’ll be over in literally minutes. But that being said, we’re not condoning. Okay, I’m telling you, if, if you’re going to do a real civil war, not me and you running around with guns, okay, this has to be. It has to be people who are militia, who are organized. Solve the problem of the mindset issue. I mean, that takes out sources of power, but it doesn’t take out.

It doesn’t help your loved ones because they’re not targets of the militia. They’re not targets of this. It doesn’t help them grow and see things differently so that we can work together towards a unified, better environment. Do you have a plan for that? Do you have a plan for that, Sarah? No, I don’t. I have ideas. I’ve been talking. That’s why we’re talking. You have to. It’s. It’s hard. I didn’t know I was here to fix America. But, you know, of course you are. If you have. Okay, this is a funny conversation. I’m having fun. Okay, so if you have the largest media company for local and more, and you are going that way, you will be in a position where you can do a lot of things.

Absolutely. I mean, remember, we’re a platform, so we don’t fact check anything. But as I explain to people, because, you know, people ask me that all the time, the Internet is the ultimate fact checker because it’s the people who really know the marketplace, and they’ll let you know if somebody’s lying to them. And you, better than anyone would know, you know what. What is the only thing you have, right? It’s your integrity. If you were lying to your audience, how Fast. Would you lose them? Yeah. Percent Anybody who’s a real journalist is never going to lie.

It’s not going to happen. But you will. They all make mistakes but you got to tell people that’s it. And, and, and then understand people are human. And I get caught sometimes I get caught like people I really respect, they’ll some me, send me something and then I assume is correct and I’m like oh God. And that happens like and then I’ll learn my lesson and then I’ll vet for a long time and then I kind of. People have been doing good stuff for months and months and then they’ll do it again and then I get caught again.

So it’s like dang it. But you know, we’re all human. We’re all human. Listen, I’m, I’m here to fill a void and what we want to do is ultimately replace the legacy media. And I don’t mean we’re going to put them out of business. That’s going to happen whether I’m around or not. And it’s not because they’re lying. It’s just, you know, the, the way people consume information is changing. So eventually all the people that get the mainstream media will not be around. And what’s left? Everybody’s going to be online consuming all their information. So you need a platform.

But the, for some reason the liberals have always controlled the mainstream media. So in this case what I do will ultimately become the next mainstream media. It will be a platform where millions of people can contribute and have a voice. It’ll have a monetization model for news reporters all over the United States where they can post their own news views, opinions and classifieds, share it on social media and get a percentage of the ad revenue in a self service ad platform where people could buy their own ads and target the ad around the content that’s relevant to their product.

So then the, remember I was telling you earlier, 96% of the journalists and mainstream media vote Democrat. They’re liberals. That was a study that came. What’s that? Yeah, I said that’s changing. But yes. Yeah. So as the legacy media is gone, the only option people are going to have is nobody’s hiring is going to be to work for a platform that has monetization and that’s what we do. Or be individual. You’ll be an in, you’ll be a individual contributor, you’ll be a citizens journalist and you’ll be paid through the work that you contribute. And it’s all based just like on YouTube.

On how the audience views your work, if they like it, you know, so the marketplace actually decides, not me. Yep. So you have to hustle and work your butt off. So. Okay, well, where do people, where do people. Who cares? I like working hard. I think that’s good for people. Yeah. As long as there’s a means to earn a living. I, I think I don’t. If people work hard, they all deserve to make. Unless they’re not good at it and they need to find another thing to do. But there should be something for everybody who wants to work hard to make a living.

It. Where do people find this and how do they sign up? And you know, if you want to contribute and tell everybody. So Our domain is YourNews.com when you log in, your provider tells us where you live. You’ll see your city name across the top. If it’s, if it’s not accurate, you click, change your location, put in your zip code. It’ll take. Take you right to your city. So our website is going to look like a news website, but we’re in every city in the United States. If you have news you want to share with the community, you know, let’s say your church is having a bake sale.

There’s a button at the top of the page that says submit your news. You just create an account like you would with Craigslist. Then you submit the content and once approved, it’ll get, you’ll get email notification with a direct link. Now there’s a difference between PR firms and non profits and people with opinions to monetize news reporters. So if you would like to be what we call a citizen journalist, you go to the bottom of the page and there’s a link down there that says be a citizen journalist. And you fill out an application that comes to us.

Somebody reviews it. We’d like to see your, your social media pages because, you know, this way we get a look to see who somebody is and you know, if they’re nuts or not. And then if you get approved, you will get an email with instructions on how to use your dashboard. It’s pretty simple stuff and you know, we have hundreds of them. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. This was really great. And I know you’re really connected because you connected me with some people. So thank you. And I hope you’re successful. I hope this really takes off because it will at some point.

This should take a platform like this will be the next thing. I think you’re right. Just like Facebook, Marketplace, like Craigslist. That is a proven model that works. And this is what this is. Yeah. There’s nothing I do different than everybody else. I mean, Facebook has a monetization model, Rumble has a monetization model. YouTube X has a monetization model. Just nobody does it around news and localizes it. That’s right. Well, Facebook Marketplace does, and Craigslist do. Right, but marketplaces, classifieds, that’s what I mean. It’s a, it’s not news. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s. But it’s. The model is the same, you know, from a structure.

Yeah, it’s. But yes, it’s just. That’s your scale. Right. So that’s what they have is the ability to target ads to one zip code and everywhere in between. So closest model to me, Sarah’s Facebook. And not because we’re in the same business. They sell ads around user generated content and so do we. And they could do it to one zip code and everywhere in between, and so do we. Just different content. I do not publish what your kids, what you had for, for dinner last night or your kids baby pictures, that kind of stuff. We do news, but news could be your kids Little League game, you know.

That’s right now, by the way, can, can I mention the equity crowd fund we’re doing? Yes, I mentioned that. Yeah. So normally products like mine get funded by Silicon Valley, you know, so like ebay, Amazon, you know, Facebook, none of them would exist if they weren’t funded through Silicon Valley and they were funded with hundreds of millions. I think Facebook raised a billion. So we decided rather than go the traditional route with private equity. And if you, when you, if, if you know anything about raising capital with a private placement, you can only sell to accredited investors, which basically rules out 99%.

And Sarah, I do have to ask you a question. Have you ever got a call from Silicon Valley saying, look, we’re taking this company public in a year. It’s called Facebook, it’s a dollar a share, which. How many shares would you like to buy? No, it’s because it went to all their friends. Okay. The high net worth and the private equity firms. So you get into it after they’re all selling it when it goes public. What we decided to do because of our reach and all the podcasts that are on the Patriots are the ones that need to own this.

If you were a news organization, that’s by the people, for the people. The people should own the product. So we’re doing an equity crowd fund. And the way that works is anybody can participate and they can spend as little as $200 and anywhere in between to buy stock in the company. So we’re bypassing the traditional route of the private equity firms. And the reason I’m doing that is because I looked around and I said, there’s six companies that own the mainstream media. That’s why we’re in. The problem we’re in. That’s why you see Sinclair broadcasting with 30 TVs all saying the same thing at the same time.

Okay. You know, it comes from one place, Right. Somebody wrote that and sent it out to the markets. And they’re just reading off the teleprompter. Well. And they. Because they don’t have news divisions, they’re getting their news from the feed. From the feed. Right. This, what we do completely decentralizes and democratizes the news business. But, you know, it to me, our product shouldn’t be owned by institutional players. It should be owned by we the people. So that’s why I’m doing it this way. It’s a little different. I actually like it. Now that I figured this whole thing out, I could raise $100 billion, no problem.

Getting ready to do it, by the way. So we’re doing a 5 million, followed up by a 75. That’s what we’re doing. And if anybody’s interested, I did send you the link. I don’t know if you’re gonna put it down. We’re using for sure. It’ll be a platform called Issuance Express. And, you know, there’s a link. You go for us. But it’s owned by North Capital Partners, so it’s a brokerage firm. So, you know, we had to go. Took me seven months to put this whole thing together, you know, with lawyers and they do background checks, audits, the whole nine yards.

So this would be like if I went to Morgan Stanley and did this. But the fun part is the people can actually buy the product. It’s not. And I have. I was in that business for years. I mean, I have a Rolodex of private equity firms and people that I personally know that I play golf with. Yeah. One of them is private. That. That’s your original business. No. Yeah, yeah. Money raising is what. But this is way better. Okay? This is way better. I mean, because now I’m not stuck at the 1%. I have a hundred percent.

Everybody feels better, too, doesn’t it? I actually get older. It feels better because you’re doing. I’m glad you said that, Sarah. Yeah, it. Yeah. Because what I envision is millions of people like you that Own this company, and we will build this, Build this brand and bring it out. And what this will end up becoming is the next mainstream media. But the bigger I get, the more money you make. Because it attracts more ad revenue. Right. Which means you guys start making more money off of this. So it’s not an overnight thing, but it will happen.

You know, what I do is inevitable. No question. Just keep doing it. Yeah. Well, thank you so much, Sam, for joining the program. I really appreciate. This was a fun conversation. Sarah, I don’t really want to leave. I think we should keep talking. I had fun, so. Okay. Well, thank you so much. Hopefully people will check it out, because I, I know this is coming, like I said, and I, I just know there are people all trying to do it. And you, you’re in the right place at the right time, and this is what the market needs.

So. Yeah, it’s. I always tell people it’s not even hard anymore. The fish are jumping in the boat. People like you need a, need a fishing pole. No, I just jump in. I mean, I must have picked up 10 news reporters this week from nothing. No marketing, no nothing. Yeah, People are finding out about it. Yeah. Well, thank you, Sam. Really appreciate it. Thank you, Sarah, so much for having me on. I love that. I, I, I’d like to do this again sometime. Whenever you have availability. If you want to just talk news and local news and national news and things going on.

Yeah, I mean, that’s what I do. We have to have you back. Okay. Awesome. Thank you, Sarah. One of the most consequential lies of history is that Karl Marx put forth an economic theory or doctrine. He did not. He put forth a totalitarian religion. This was a rape of the body of Christ. He said the ultimate objective was to destroy Christianity. Those were his words. And Khrushchev bragged about it. We’ll take America without firing a shot. Hi. I’m here to impoverish, enslave, and murder you. They were actual communists. The result, you can see, we have to say wolf.

There are ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing all over the place. It.



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