Spread the truth



âž¡ Ron Partain and Ghost, hosts of the Untold History Channel, discuss important news stories that they believe are being overlooked. They highlight the resignation of the entire board of 23andMe, a DNA testing company, and the adoption of the Pact for the Future by the United Nations, which they suggest could lead to a new global order. They express concern about the public’s focus on celebrity news instead of these significant events.
âž¡ The UN adopted a pact for the future on September 22, which was largely ignored by mainstream media. This pact lays the foundation for a new global order, but there was little public debate about its adoption. The document is available online, but its most important provisions are hidden towards the end of the 56-page document. The UN is trying to stay relevant, and there are concerns about the potential impacts of port strikes and other events on the global order.
âž¡ A man in a critical medical profession was advised to leave his job and relocate due to undisclosed reasons, causing concern as his role is hard to fill. This story, along with reports of suspicious activities like setting fires and potential threats, suggests a tense situation in the country. The text urges people to prepare for possible disruptions by stocking up on essentials and taking measures for self-protection. It also warns of potential violence in certain cities and the need to be vigilant.
âž¡ The speaker criticizes mainstream media and accuses them of not being real news outlets due to their ownership. They also discuss the current state of the country, predicting a rise in the stock market due to increased liquidity, but warn this could lead to a collapse. They urge people to vote to protect the country’s sovereignty and prepare for potential difficulties. The speaker ends by encouraging listeners to stay calm, prepare, and not let fear control them.
âž¡ The speaker expresses strong dissatisfaction with the British government and royalty, accusing them of threatening to arrest Americans for expressing their opinions. He emphasizes the importance of freedom of speech, and warns against crossing the line of threatening Americans. He also discusses the importance of being prepared for any situation, suggesting that preparation can alleviate fear. Lastly, he briefly touches on a recent event in Beirut, suggesting it was not a conventional explosion, but possibly a micro nuclear device.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various issues happening in the United States, including immigrants funded by global organizations, public meetings being abruptly ended, and potential shutdowns of ports. They also mention the fear among people in Congress, and hint at possible arrests or detainments. The speaker encourages the audience to read between the lines of what they’re saying, and promises to keep them updated.


Live, brother. Uh, welcome, everybody, to the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron partain. I’m here today with Ghost, and we, um. This is kind of an emergency broadcast. I’m probably a little bit of hyperbole. Hyperbole there. Um, in the, in the title. Clickbait, if you will. I hate doing that. But no, but no, actually, we are in. Yeah, this is, this is actually, we have some, we have some pretty serious information. I think that, um, you know, Ghost and I have a unique relationship because we bounce ideas off of each other, and we, we, we’re kind of deep thinkers, and it’s, it’s, it’s kind of refreshing to be able to talk to somebody like him and share information without fearing that you’re going to get laughed at and connecting certain dots that maybe others may not see.

And, you know, there’s been a couple of times when I’ve connected to dot, and he’s like, dang, that’s pretty good. How did you. I never didn’t know. I didn’t, I didn’t catch that. So, you know, it’s, it’s nice to have him in my life. So, anyway, well, welcome to the show, man. How you doing? Right back at you. And, yeah, I mean, you know, I think, I think we’re there. I think we were there two weeks ago when it. About two weeks ago, and a little less than two weeks ago when it all began. I’d say about ten days ago.

Well, I think it’s been, I think it’s been building for a while, building bigly for a while. And now we’re starting to see rapidity of things. And, and you were mentioning something about, you know, media events and how, you know, it’s interesting how they throw this up and then certain things happen. So we’re seeing all of this go on at the same time, right? Covering of asses, all kinds of things at once. And I’m going to, I’m going to go ahead and divulge that right now. You know, everybody talks about, everybody was talking about the diddy story.

And while I absolutely believe that everything that diddy did was without question important, you know, to be solved, and he should not be able to skate on anything that he’s done. There were a couple of news stories that I felt were rather significant in the grand scheme, and nobody was talking about them, because, again, when you see a story in the news, you all, one thing you always got to look for is, what are they not talking about? That’s a crucial thing that. No, I think a lot of people fail to grasp that. There’s two stories.

One is that on the, on the 22 September, I think Diddy was arrested, what, on the 18th or 19th? Something like that. Yeah. So on the, on the 22nd, there was a story that came out with the United nations had just adopted the pact for the future, which essentially lays the foundation for a new global order. Right. I’ll put the links to the stories in the, in the description that there was another story that came out the day after the Diddy arrest where the entire board of 23 andme resigned. That’s a, that’s a big deal. You want to touch on that? You want to, you want to? Yeah.

Because something like the mad Diddler being arrested, I mean, so many of us knew of his lifestyle and why the fuck wasn’t he being cuffed and beaten senseless a long time ago? Never figured out. But they always use it to their advantage. They’ve got these idiots in reserve, so when they want to get them, they get them. And they make for great cover stories because people are more geared towards the lives of. Look, again, I will say this. We can live in this world quite well and happily and healthfully without actors. Actresses? Yeah, actor. Women actors aren’t actors, they’re actresses, even musicians.

And all the arts, we can survive without the arts to get through what we’ve got to get through. Yet everyone, they’ve got them still fixated on this cult of celebrity in this country. I would plead with people, please take a reckoning of your own existence and find more worth in yourselves so that less goes to these fools and these morons. Because believe me, I’ve known quite a few in that in all those industries, they are most, with the exception of a few. There’s some great ones out there, no doubt. But it’s fools in morons and self.

You talk about a gaggle of narcissists that humanity could easily live without. It’s in the performing arts. So, yeah, if you’re an artist and in the performing arts or whatever, go ahead all you want. But at least I read books, okay? I don’t read book reports like Hollywood does, right? And I don’t listen to shit music or anybody would call themselves gaga or please. Or this Miley Cyrus, who was, acted like a possessed demonic hooker when her father should have slapped the shit out of her and said, no, you’re going to get it. Some more growing up to do.

But people idolize these people and they flock to it. When you’re, when your lives are about to be taken apart at the seams and you don’t know how to sew. You’re flocking to this shit. Why? They want to keep you away from, like, what you said, the reason they resigned. Correct. The board of 23 andme. Well, what is 23 andme? Been asking everyone for years now. Oh, we’ll tell you where you came from. Surprise, surprise. Here’s your genetics. Yeah, but it’s also a gargantuan pool of genetic material with which how do we fine tune our rna and even DNA affecting substances and plans that we have in the works? And there’s a number of them, ladies and gentlemen, that’ll take your lives apartheid back to even genetic weapons that back in the late seventies and eighties they were working on.

All right, can I tell you something real quick that I think there’s a lot of people who. There’s a lot of people who think that 23 andme is like the only game in town. But there was another one, it was called ancestry.com. and I knew. I knew somebody who literally took his DNA and sent it to both and he got different results back. Don’t doubt it for a minute, because so, so it. In. In my humble opinion, I look at that and it’s like, I don’t believe they’re telling you. They’re basically selling a story that all they’re really interested in is your DNA.

And then they use your DNA and without a name or anything to it, just so they can get cross sections. That’s right. And they send you out information that. That makes you think that you’re from Sweden or Germany or whatever, but they don’t fucking know. No, it’s a guess. Look again. Your daddy’s only your daddy because your mama told you so, right? All right. Yeah, exactly. How do you know who your mommy is? Because your daddy told you so. That’s right. I’m sorry. I got it backwards. Well, it’s still along those lines. But why did they all resign, I wonder? I don’t know.

I put the story in the thing. I read the story here. Back in April. In a memo to employees, co founder and CEO Anna Wojcicki said, I’m surprised and disappointed by the decision of the directors to resign. For the Wall Street Journal, it just said 23 andme reached a $6 billion peak valuation after going public in 2021, but it’s since struggled to find a viable business model. No, but let’s see here. But why? In a letter to Wojcicki, the director cited differing views on the strategic direction for the company going forward and concerns over the CEO’s concentralized voting power.

Back in April, Wojcicki signed a letter of her intention to take 23 and be private. A special committee formed by the company rejected that proposal. Despite the rejection, Wojcicki believed taking 23 andme private is still the best course of action for the company. This is where the board and CEO reached an impasse. Wojcicki controls 49% of 23 andme votes, giving her a degree of control that makes board members chopping the company to potential bidders nearly impossible. So it looks like what she, the primary thing is she wanted to take the company private. And they were like, nah, we want to keep it public.

So. But why would she want to take it private? What are they trying to conceal? That’s. Yeah, that’s a good question. Again, if you’re going to do something private, do it private from the beginning and keep it private no matter how big it gets. Right? Keep it private. Keep the government, keep stockholders out of it. Know, keep it private if you can. So, I mean, we don’t know exactly what that means and what all the inside baseball going on with 23 andme, but if you know what, you know what 23 andme does in terms of collecting DNA and all the other stuff, that’s.

That’s. I mean, that’s a big deal. Then there was the thing. I’ll just read the opening paragraph from the story. The United nations just adopted the pact for the future, which lays the foundation for a global world. While everyone was distracted, the global elite got exactly what they wanted. The UN adopted a pact for the future on September 22. The mainstream media in the western world almost entirely ignored what was happening. Instead, the headlines are just to keep focusing on Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Sadly, the vast majority of the population has never heard about the pact for the future.

So there was very little public debate about whether or nothing we should be adopting that. A document which lays the foundation for a new global order. The text of the pact for the future is available online, but hardly anyone will ever read it. And many of the most important provisions are buried toward the end of the 56 page document. Of course, everyone should take the time to actually read this document. Yeah, it’s an easy read. 56 pages. Nothing, I would imagine. You see, the UN is trying to keep itself relevant. Realize it. Look what Netanyahu did the other day.

Look what he said, what he’s, now, I’ve got to applaud him and agree with him on that. Go ahead. I don’t know what did he say? Oh, he called, he basically called them a worthless, worthless body and useless to the, to the globe as a whole. And they are, you know, people look into their history, you’ll see what families were behind it. You’ll see that it’s private. All of its subsidiaries being the IMF, World bank, who private, you can find out where they’re. Federal reserve is, well, a separate entity, but same, same owners. Same owners right here and across the pond.

Again, another useless, vestigial aspect of our existence and why we are going through this period of suffering. And we’ll go through a very nasty period. It’s, it’s, it’s already here. It’s just going to get worse by the day, um, with more and more and more events that are either engineered or taken advantage of in case we’re in the season, if this happens, meaning a hurricane, they’ve already got it penciled out. What they’re going to take advantage of, what they’re going to do, such as with the, the, the shipping and the port strikes and all that, that nonsense.

Well, let’s talk about that real quick because I know that’s, that’s another big deal. And guys, we’re trying to keep this short. Ghost actually has back to the un. I love to bash those. Okay. Yeah, yeah. But we’re trying to keep this really short tonight. I think he has about a half an hour to spare. So we. I want to be. I’m going to honor that time. So if I cut him off, it’s not. I. I’m not trying to cut him off. I’m trying to keep it on point. We can keep it on point. Yeah. All right, so the port strike, I think, is going to be significant because of what it does.

If I understand it correctly, the port of LA is the. I think the port of LA, the only two ports that aren’t going to be impacted by this is the port of Los Angeles and the port up in, like, up Seattle. I think all the other ports are going to be impacted by this. And if this happens, it’s going to really severely impact the southern part of the southeastern part of the United States, which is what they want to hurt because it’s the most difficult nut to crack out of all the regions of this country, because you have out of this, out of all the people in active duty, which is, I think, under 2 million at this point, 700,000 of them are based out of or from the southeast.

The two states that have always had highest per capita enlistments during any war that you can practically point to in history, other than going back to the civil war, obviously, are Mississippi and Alabama, highest per capita for those who joined and go active duty. Now, why is that? Because you still have a tradition of what America is in the South. I very, very strong and respectful position on this country and what it means. And I I would say that also applies to Texas these days and New York, even because of what happened with the towers. And, you know, even though our people blew up the towers, we had to go chase a boogeyman.

That actually didn’t do it. But, you know, that it happened and that everyone ran to, you know, basically those who could and felt the need to, you know, did go into uniform and some law. Many lost their lives or destroyed their lives in one form or another. Well, I would say. I’d like to piggyback on that. And I would say that these. California, too, has a lot of people that. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, it’s a sense of patriotism and duty, and the, you know, I would argue that the south has that spades more than any part of the country, because this.

And really, it’s kind of unjust, if you think about it. The south has been the redheaded stepchild of the country since its inception. They were always looked down upon, frowned upon by the elite in the north. And if anybody really, truly has an idea of what life was like in the southe, uh, you know, pre, I. I don’t even like to call it civil war. I like to call it the war of northern aggression. Northern aggression. If anybody really truly had an understanding of what life was like, uh, in, in the south, pre war of northern aggression, you would not.

What. What you’re told about that, about that period is based on what you believe is mostly, uh, derived from Hollywood. It’s not what, it’s not what it was. The south actually was. Was not nearly as racist as people thought, as people are taught today. In fact, I would argue that the racist tendencies in the country were exuded more from those in the north than they were in the south. I look at the south as, like, the. Even back then is like the blue collar, where the, the blue collar mentality, where you. Where you work with a whole bunch of people, regardless of the skin color, and you all get along, whereas the north was much more like, like Beverly Hills.

Like, you know what? Hey, you know, we’re all, we’re all fine and good with you, you know, being a doctor, a, you know, even a black guy being a doctor. But we don’t want you living in our neighborhood. Don’t move here. Right. They were all, they were all big on the, on the abolition front because it was a cause that they. Oh, it was noble cause, and it made, it was virtue signaling. I mean, virtue signaling has been around for. It’s not anything new. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, it made them look good, but they didn’t, you know, the code for life in the north, when they said that they didn’t want slavery, it wasn’t because they weren’t abolitionists.

It’s because they didn’t want black people living in the northeast. Yeah, that’s exactly the. If you. When you read that, that’s what you have to understand. So the people in the south have lived in harmony with people, with, with color people, forever. And that’s not saying that there weren’t atrocities with, with slavery, but, I mean, the atrocities in the United States were nothing compared to what it was in the other. And the rest of the world. Yeah. And, I mean, we can go. That’s a, that’s a, that’s a series of four hour. Yeah, exactly. But, yeah, but this, I say that to say, look, it seems like the southeast has taken a few hard hits.

Obviously, the storms weren’t. That’s normal. And, you know, that part of the Carolinas that got hit the way it did, that’s not normal. That’s, I don’t know how many hundred years storm that would be classified as. But, you know, since Katrina, we’ve just seen a rise in the intensity, and this isn’t global warming or climate change. Again, if you read the science and understand the science and not the propaganda, you’ll get that there’s some other things going on here. And, you know, we’re used to those kinds of storms in this area of the country. It’s something you just live with and you bounce back from.

Did it seven times before I finally said, you know, I’m not living on the friggin water anymore. I’m tired of this. Katrina was enough. And, but you look at what just happened, and the rail lines, it damaged, and now the port strikes. The good thing about the south is you can get fresh food and vegetables more, more for longer period out of the year, and, you know, farm fresh eggs, chicken, beef, lamb, whatever you, whatever you want, you can get it here much easier than you can in a lot of places in the country. It’s just the, the blessings of the way the land is here and the weather in general.

But, you know, here’s the place that’s forecasted to take the least hit in the country east of the Mississippi and south of I 40 and looks like, yeah, right as we’re going into the shitstorm, things get a little rough down here. That doesn’t surprise me. That doesn’t surprise me at all. And it’s kind of something that was actually looked at to see what are the odds of x, y, and z? Probability of x, y, and z. And they’ve met some of it. It’s met some of those probabilities, and it’s not a good thing, but it’s not a good thing for the entire country, not just here and not just the eastern seaboard.

Um, you know, because, uh, the southeast is a well kept secret, and I’d like it to stay that way. You know, otherwise, people would be flocking from all over the country. I can give you something from your neck of the woods that reaches into my neck of the woods. Yeah. A friend’s brother. A friend called me today and told me about his brother, who is, let’s say his job is in the medical profession and one of the critical ones, but yet in the metropolitan area that you’re not too far from, he told this man, basically, it’s time to go.

It’s time to get out. Meaning this man is over him, runs the department, probably has family, and his roots are all there. This individual doesn’t have any roots or family there to speak of and wanted to come back east. And he came to him the other day and said, with all that, all the briefings we’re getting and all the information we’re getting, it’s time. You need to go if you’re going to go. So he left, packed his truck up, drove 39 hours straight to his brother’s place. And, you know, there’s the rest of it. And that’s about as much detail as I’m going into.

But the crux of this little story being that the job he has is not one you replace someone that easily. Matter of fact, they’re finding it hard to find people to do those jobs. Now. It’s in the medical profession. Well, the medical profession has been severely impaired by the forced vaccinations of a lot of the people. If he’s not too far from me, which I’m being coy deliberately, I do. I heard this earlier. The. Essentially what was happened. Essentially what happened is the supervisor of this individual said, you know what? Look, if you’re going to go, go now, because you may not get.

You may not get an opportunity to get out. So what I don’t know. And I don’t believe ghost knows the content of the conversation. All we know is, is whatever the content of that conversation was, it was sufficient enough to scale, scare him into abruptly resigning his position and getting a rental and stow it. Getting a rental truck, loading the truck up and driving 39 miles consecutive, you know, without sleep or maybe just cat naps alongside of the road to get back to wherever he was and some. Somewhere on the. In the eastern part of the United States.

So to me, that is, knowing what I know, that’s not something that you can just, oh, just casually ignore. It’s anecdotal, but it’s human intelligence and it’s firsthand and it’s real. So. And then you have people in Oregon that have been caught setting fires, people in southern California caught setting fires. Again, one of them that was caught was pakistani. I don’t say that to say anything negative about Pakistanis. I say that to say, yes, all of these foreigners that do not have this country’s best intentions, that were allowed to cross the border at will by this SES group in DC that calls themselves the Biden administration, while this airbrained, vacuous twit or cunt, for lack of a better term, runs around the country, you know, saying nothing and the propaganda machine is all behind her while they’re putting out things like the diddler to cover up other stories such as the UN, 23 me.

But the UN in particular. See, the UN wants to keep its ass at a low profile. It knows its days are over. It knows what Americans will do to UN personnel if they are ever placed on this, on our territory, of which, gee, I think I already told people they have been, and they’ve been put up in hotels as observers for. Observers for what? They’re forward observers. There’s a difference. Observer is there to take a look at the grand scheme, little and the big, every, the micro, the macro. But your forward observers are there to look at where the weaknesses are.

Where can we exploit this? In the enemy, us being the United States being the enemy. And they’ve been. They’ve been hunting them down, detaining some, extraditing some, telling them don’t come back or you’re going to wind up in the hole that your friend wound up in. And here we are. I mean, what else? How else do you spell it out to people without saying things you shouldn’t say because you’re going to jeopardize what others are doing. No, I’m not going to do that, but I am going to say up to what I can to say that, yeah, we’re under surveillance.

We have too many rotten eggs in this country again, that are ready to kill, maim, do. Damn. Look at what they’ve done. Well, Chicago, we talked about that months ago now, finally made the news until. It didn’t make news, until Colorado made the news. And when Colorado made the news, then all of a sudden, Chicago did. Well, they had to at that point because it was gaining steam. And, you know, look at what we’re facing. And if people don’t realize that, it’s time to stock up. And if you’re not armed and you’re not hearing like the young FBI gent who testified in front of Congress, saying, on a natural level, you need to arm yourselves.

You need to get three to four months worth of food. You need to, you know, make sure you have what you need to survive. And. Yeah. And don’t wait to do it. Don’t, don’t sit there planning it. Get busy now. I mean, can I, can I just. Reality. Yeah, can I, can I, can I touch upon that? Because, guys, I, this, again, this isn’t hyperbolic at all. You know, go out and go get things that you need. Now, if you’ve got food, if you need to get food for your pets, get it. If you need to get food for you, get it.

If you need toilet paper, get it. If you need water and things that you need, just some basic necessities, even if you just had a, you know, if it’s too expensive, get yourself a couple of weeks worth to cross the board, if. And then, once you have that, then build on it. Because we don’t know how long things are going to be bad. And who knows? But get yourself, start small. Get something. Get what? Get what you can while you can. Um, because if, if the port thing on the east coast, it may come out to, they may resolve it in, in a, in a week’s time.

And then, you know, and it’s just a little hiccup that they have to overcome. We don’t know that it could go on for six months. We don’t know. So, uh, you do the things that you can do. Get yourself some food. Get yourself some, uh, just some supplies that you need. And specifically, uh, you know, uh, things to protect yourself. Absolutely. You know, my intuition tells me that the enemy is going to use that situation and drag it out as long as they can, as long as I agree to. So that’s four, six, eight weeks. They’ll do it.

But in that time is when we’re going to see, um. I think we’re going to see violence kicking off in the various flashpoint cities far sooner than later. I agree, and I’m just looking into looking at it from an 80,000 foot view. To me, the pieces fit together. I’m never going to say with absolute certainty that this is coming, but I am of the opinion that we are as close as we’ve ever been. I don’t know. It’s just something that I feel in my bones. Unless it’s on the radar screen. I mean, not figuratively, but literally.

Unless it’s on the radar screen headed your way, that’s 100%, right. Anything less is a probability, but I would give the probability 85% to 95%. We’re going to see that they’re going to cut loose. They’re going to give the insurgents that have been positioned throughout this country, they’re going to give them their gold code, their go ahead, sooner than later, and there is only one way to deal with them. You don’t, you don’t, you don’t negotiate with a gang for, out of Venezuela who were maybe two, three months ago, hardened criminals in prison, probably for the rest of their lives that were simply thrown on a plane or, you know, took the overland route through the southern border.

They wouldn’t be here. They’re not here for you. You can’t negotiate with them. You can’t look at them as you look at your fellow americana. They are not the same animal. You have to kill them. That’s what you’re going to have to do. And the gangs in Chicago whose families and themselves have been displaced, not that their lifestyle is anything to rave about, but I’ll tell you what, you can’t blame them, but it’s a perfect, it’s a perfect tinderbox to light that fire for another Chicago fire. Yeah, it’s, it’s. Well, it’s a perfect country. Yeah. I’m using Chicago as an example, I was going to say, to represent many locations across the country.

And obviously, mainstream media is not going to even lead in this direction. You may see it here or there with a few people who have the clout to get away with it. Let’s say Greg Gutfeld, you could say a little more on this issue, but he says enough, you know, as much as he can. You know, I guess they tried, you know, the little Murdoch twins, the little silver spoon up their ass boys tried to make that point by firing Tucker, and they thought, oh, that’ll get everybody in line. Well, you know, what? We all know what kind of operation you’re running.

MSNBC, CNN, all the rest of them, they don’t even rate. You guys at least rate a little. But you’re still in the same club. As long as these Murdoch twin tools own it, it will never, never be a real news outlet. So you gotta pick and choose, and you gotta find little ones. Pawn vanity. Come on, give me a break, Murdoch. That guy will excuse my language, ladies and gentlemen. He’ll suck the dick of the republican party no matter what. And he’s already outed himself with that last minute golfing thing the other day. No, you didn’t want to be on the golf course if bullets were going to be flying, you fucking pussy.

All right, my humble opinion, of course. Gotta, gotta phrase it with that. Just my opinion. You didn’t want to be out because it wasn’t a breakfast time decision. And even if it was, you gave yourself away. There’s the deadness in his eyes that you can see. Now, I’m not meaning to pick on him. I’m using him as an example, you know, while Laura Ingraham, you know, does her, her wonderful dance around all these subjects because she’s the quintessential debate queen. But when it gets down to reality and what’s really going to happen, she will never touch it in a million years.

Nope. And then none of them will. Tucker was getting too close, so they canned him. And they thought they would send an example through, and they pretty much did. But with comedy, you can go a little further. And at least there’s that one thing that they have that’s keeping that network afloat while the others are on life support through outside funding sources. And we know they are. And there’s, let’s put it this way, you know, ladies and gentlemen, the jig is up. It’s up. They’re fucking terrified. The elite are terrified. And, you know, as we. I mean, this next five to six weeks is going to be absolutely insane.

You know, they cut the rates at the, they cut the interest rates. And, you know, I personally, I think that there, we’re going to see a, you know, I think we’re going to see a rise in the stock market big time with the extra liquidity because they’re pumping it in, they’re pumping more liquidity into the market. And that’s the last thing that happens before it collapses. Now, I was talking to a friend and he’s like, yeah, that, that is probably going to happen. But at the same time, if, you know, if patriots are in control. And I’m one to tend to believe that they’re in a lot more control than people want to give credit for.

I think the blinding the people who are black pilled, I have a difficult time believing that everything is going to go to shit for ten years. I just, I don’t think that’s going to be the case. You know, and again, Trump isn’t our savior. Trump is a leader and he’s the leader that we need at this moment in time because he’s going to organize things and, you know, keep everybody in good spirits while we come back up and come back from this in a relatively quick way. I think, and when I say quick, I’m not talking about it’s going to take two weeks, I think it’s going to take six to six months to a year before we really start to see some significant improvement.

It’s going to be really dirty. And I also believe that it’s, for a period of time, it’s going to look and appear as though we’re losing. And you have to be ready for that. You have to be ready mentally for that. So that’s just an optic because the one thing that young FBI agent who I’ve got all the respect in the world for, the first thing he said before buy weapons, before exercise your two a rights, I think as he phrased it, or roughly close to that, was vote. We have to vote. If you’re black pilled and you’re saying, well, my vote doesn’t matter.

Well, gee, you just grew up to the point of where a lot of people were at when they were 18 years old and figured that out, right? Finally figured that out. But the key behind your vote is it makes the electronic cheat and the, the, you know, the dumping of, of the, the redundant ballots a lot more difficult. A lot more difficult. You want to make it as difficult as you can for all of those foreign and domestic sons of bitches that are trying to usurp this country’s sovereignty, correct. They usurp our sovereignty. You become basically a marxist slave and you get, never get to speak your mind again.

And that’s where we’re headed in this country. If you don’t get up, get out and vote and you know who to vote for and you know why. And you know that he said that before everything else, which was very salient, very brilliant way to stack his, his things to tell people to do in the natural order for their own self preservation. If you give a damn about your families, your businesses, your relatives, your loved ones, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers. Get your happy asses out and vote. You know who to vote for and you know why at this point.

And if you don’t, you need to suffer through the, this next phase, which is going to bring a lot of fear and suffering. And unfortunately for those who know, yes, it’ll be a difficult time for you also. But it’s nothing you cannot easily live through. It’s nothing you can. As long as you’re ready. As long as you’re ready. Right. As long as you’re ready and prepared. And you know, and ready is not just physically ready, it’s the mind. It’s mentally prepared. Right. So, right. Excellent point. Yeah. So anyway, I want to be, I want to be respectful to ghost time.

He wanted to keep it at a half hour, and we’re coming on 40 minutes. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna give you the mic. And, you know, if there’s any final words you want to pass along to people, um, before we end it, let me know, or, you know, go ahead. The floor is yours. I guess the most important thing I would say right now is take a deep breath. Don’t panic. Do not let fear enter your equation. If you feel that urge to fear, know that that’s your, your, your higher sense is telling you. What else can I asking you, what else can you do to prepare? What else can you do? How do I need to talk to my wife and children? Or if you, God bless you.

Hopefully your wife and husband and wives are in line with this. I’ve seen too many divorces and family breakups over all of this that we’re talking about. If it weren’t important, my God, would families be breaking up over the differences in philosophy and what’s happening versus what is being purported? What the propagandists would have you believe? Of course not. Of course not. When’s the last time you saw that? Never. Never. Yeah. They want you divided. That’s the whole point. They want you divided. They want, they want us apart. They don’t want us. And, you know, I hate saying they because that’s so cliche.

Yeah, but, you know, the globalist agenda, the owners, because they’re not elite. They’re, believe me, I’ve been in the company of these people. There’s nothing elite about them. They’re not even brilliant on standard. They were born in, most of them were born into it. And those that weren’t were the, the ones who were brilliant in a certain way, but not smart enough to see how easily and badly. They were being played, and they were gifted with billions as a result. So they were. They were. They were literally born into this. You know, my mother loves to watch Downton Abbey and it just.

I can’t. You know, I get it. I get it. But I just. I cannot stand anything. British aristocracy. When I see it, it makes me cringe. I fuck the british aristocracy, like, with their bullshit in trying. I gotta say this. You just opened up a can of worms that I want to open up a can of. Fuck you on to them. Right? Fuck you, England. I. I know I can’t, Charles. Go fuck yourself, all right? Go fuck every ghost that ever preceded your sorry fucking ass. It’s why your mother never made you king, right? She lived it out into her nineties until the end.

What was she, 100? Yeah. Yeah. She wouldn’t give it to you then, you sorry sack of shit. And what you’ve done to your sons, the mother of those sons. And now you’re. You’re putting. You’re pitting. You’re part of it, too. But you can throw all the mis in there and all the other bullshit that Britain has to offer. You’re telling us over here you’re going to arrest us Americans? What are you not telling the Americans that? I can tell them in the next broadcast, and I will. You sexist shit. Don’t you dare threaten. I don’t know Elon Musk.

I don’t know him from Adam. But don’t you make. Don’t you dare threaten to arrest him for something you don’t like. Fuck you. The revolutionary war is about to end in the next year to two years, and you’re going to be the sorry sad sack shit losers. I feel bad for the british people. I feel bad for all the scumbags they allowed in that country that are now knifing people indiscriminately and at will. All of these Muslims that they brought in there that want to maintain their. Their walk. And the british people, I know the british people are too good, too smart, too gutsy, too strong.

Look, soccer thugs, man. Take it where it needs to be taken. Over there. If you can do it. You know, that’s. That’s just my humble opinion, of course. But don’t you dare sit the fuck over there and say that you’re going to arrest Americans who say things you don’t like. Because I’ll sit here every day and make it a point to say shit that will tear you down, because I know how your fucking system works. From your goddamn house of lords. Above, left, right and below through Westminster. All of it. You don’t want people knowing how that works, do you? I think that would be an excellent.

An excellent show to talk about all, well, being a Lord friend of mine out of Australia. They need to come on and do a good four hour. Yeah, that would be another four hour thing. Yeah. Because, you know, if anybody can’t stand those sons of bitches again, not the British. People love you, okay? Love you. Love the Welsh, the Scots, the Irish, all of you. But the royalty and your sad sack of shit government and your square mile of London, we have no more regard for that than we do what exists in DC right now. So don’t think you’re going to be able to threaten Americans because of them voicing their absolute aspect of existence.

God given, not government given. Government protected, but not government given by any stretch. Don’t you dare think you’re gonna threaten a yank with your shit. Try it, fuckers. Did I ever tell you that? My. That I’m down. Down. Let’s see here. How do I say this? I’m descendant from William Wallace’s brotherhood. My grandmother’s. My grandmother’s maiden name was Wallace. And I have a book that talks about the lineage and my great great great, however many generations removed. Grandfather was William Wallace’s brother. So that’s the blood that’s coursing through my veins. Yeah. I have no love for the British Empire.

The blood that’s coursing is everything. But. But it’s everything. That. No, that. That. And I didn’t mean to go this long, but that shit has boiled my blood. Who the fuck do you think you are? Who in the fuck do you think you are? House of Lords? House of Commons? Get your shit together. You’re as cowardly and as useless as our House of Representatives here. Get your shit together. But don’t dare threaten to sanction or arrest Americans for exercising their absolute aspect of life, of living a being. Don’t you ever cross that line again. People don’t realize in this world what differentiates most Americans from most people in this world.

It’s that snake. Don’t fucking tread on me. The last fucking thing you want is a pissed off American who just wanted to be left alone and live his or her life. You know, don’t push that line. It’s so true that. It’s so true. It’s so true. And I’m. Again, I’m not trying to cut you off the. It’s true what you’re talking about. Americans. You know, I use my story as an example. You know, I grew up and I, you know, I was taught to be patriotic. I thought, you know, being a good Republican and conservative and, you know, that I was doing everything the right way until I discovered that I was lied to.

And when I would discover that I was lied to, what it did, first of all, I was scared. And then I got pissed. Once, once the. Once the fear, you know, once that two weeks of animosity kind of, you know, subsided, then I became angry. And that was when I started reading and started devouring information. And really what it’s done is it’s taught me to have a sense of calm about what’s. And learning from those who came before. Right, exactly. And, you know, if the one thing that if I can impart on anybody is don’t be scared, be prepared.

When you’re prepared, you’re not scared. And the best thing you can do is be as prepared as you can be. And just know that you’re never going to be 100% prepared for everything that’s not achievable. So don’t, don’t reach for the stars, you know, reach for goals that are going to be achievable on the, on the low end. And from that, then, then, you know, take a step. Make it, make it, you know, baby steps. Do the things that you can do to be prepared as best you can be. And that starts with food, water and protection.

And as we’re coming into the winter months and into the late fall, early winter, you know, make sure that you have. If you’re in an area that’s going to get cold, make sure that you can, you know, provide heat. You know, trust me, if a simple wood burning stove, very simple, can, can warm a room or a house very efficiently. So with that, guys, unless you have anything, one more thing, and don’t, don’t try to flip it with the Assange thing, because that wasn’t the american people wanting Julian Assange’s hide. That was. They’re globalists in the american government.

They were the only ones that wanted him, because anybody in the intelligence apparatus who thought that he had done a disservice, well, you’re a fucking Brennan, and as far. And you’re a Brennan type. And I think the name Brennan will become synonymous with bad intel the way Benedict Arnold was. I was just gonna say Benedict Arnold. Yeah. Was with sticking to one side. Okay. One day, that’ll be a name. You’ll be. You’ll be a Brennan. Okay? So, no, the american people did not want to see, Assange handled that way, the majority of them, the intelligent ones, who knew what was going on anyway.

Snowden. No, I don’t give a. About him. He made his bed, let him lay in it. He got stuck in between agencies and played a stupid fucking game. Yeah. And no, I don’t agree with a lot of what he did because it was just. Maybe it was morally right, but it wasn’t morally called for necessarily. But you had one agency going after another. And that infighting, nothing to do with, just watched it from afar and went, how fucked up can shit get? Well, it’s going to get worse, but I’ll leave it at that. I needed to make that last distinction.

Sure. And, you know, one thing that we didn’t really touch upon is when we were talking about doing this, I think it was a week ago when you and I were on the phone and we were sharing the video clips of that thing that happened over in Beirut. And. Do you want to touch on that for a second? Well, I just think it was a device. It wasn’t a Moabite number one, right. It wasn’t a conventional explosive. Number two, it was probably a micro nuke clean. And the only kind of thing that go up that rapidly and produce that powerful of a dynamic overpressure wave that you see going 1015, 20,000ft above that rapidly and then towards the camera.

Right. I have no idea what they use, but it wasn’t a typical fare and it wasn’t an aerosol based weapon either. But, yeah, there’s not a, you know, on that whole, the whole, I’m not even going to comment on the Middle east. That’s a different show. But. Well, kind of where I was going to. Kind of where I was going to take that is I was going to bring, you know, we may very well see something like that happen on us soil. I mean, you know, you take into consideration, you can’t rule it out. Congress is talking about, you know, this mass casualty event.

I mean, there’s, there is so much going on right now. You know, in fact, give me, humor me for a second, because I actually wrote, I was, I was writing something to a friend and I said, this is what I said. I said, the signs are everywhere. Immigrants funded by global philanthropic organizations, which are really acting against the best interest of the United States while making everybody believe that they’re doing good. Haitians eating cats and dogs doing voodoo rituals. Town council’s not listening to their constituents. They’ve shut down dissenting voices by abruptly ending public meetings. Diddy’s arrested, facing sex charges, being linked with time folks in big time, with folks in entertainment and politics.

People are terrified thinking that he’s going to sing the very same day. An interesting story never mentioned anywhere in the media about multiple executives of 23 andme resigning, the New York City mayor being indicted for bribery and corruption and several other crimes. Yeah. All the ports in the United States outside of California and Washington are about to be shut down. Uh, you know, I mean it’s, it’s, I could go on here. The point, let me, let me drop one on, let me drop on you and all the, all of the, let’s say what. Doesn’t matter what party they are.

Do you understand? Hear me, audience. Doesn’t matter what party they are. All of the governors being put on a short leash who weren’t on the right side of the team. All of the sheriffs across the country, same thing. Which there weren’t that many compared to the 3000 counties plus. Because not all counties have a sheriff system. They should. It’s unconstitutional if you don’t. But yeah, all of these things that are going on in the background that people are not aware of, and I can tell you this, people in those two houses of Congress, a lot of them are scared.

You know, let’s see. Let’s just say there’s been words exchanged back and forth between several of them in the past week, week and a half. And they’re all afraid, but they shouldn’t be because not all of them are guilty. Not all of them have been bought off now that all of them are compromised. And again, like we discussed, like when you and I first talked about that and then we got to pretty much wind it down. But we’ve got about four calls to return, as I, that I know of right now. But the, I said replace casualty with arrest or detainment.

Conditional detainment or arrest, either one doesn’t matter. It means you’re, you’re out of circulation for a while. That’s where it, I believe it really is going. That’s what all the probabilities say. And that’s what all, that’s what other things say. So read between the lines. When I say that’s the probability and that’s what other things say, read between that. This is what it means when we’re talking. A lot of times I may rattle things off, but I’m asking you to read deeply in between the sentences. Right. And so, I mean, here we are. Right. Well, listen, I don’t want to take any more of your time.

I appreciate you. I actually had a different show planned for tonight. We spoke earlier, and we’re like, hey, let’s do this instead, because it was, it was that important. So. But anyway, I want to let ghost go because, like I said, he’s. He’s a. He’s a man with a lot of stuff going on in his. In his world right now, so. And he needs sleep. I’m going to let him go. Thank you, everybody, for tuning in tonight, and thank you, ghost, for your time. I appreciate it. I will see you guys tomorrow. And if there’s any, anything comes up, that’s where we have to kind of do some emergency broadcasts.

I definitely will definitely do that. So we’ll keep you guys up to date as much as we can with the information that we have and the analysis that we provide. So. And again, these are our opinions, these are, you know, and our analysis based on things that are in our domain to see. So appreciate everybody tuning in tonight, and thank you again, ghost. We’ll see you guys. Thank you. God bless you and everyone. Bye.



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