A LIVE Discussion With Ghost

Spread the truth



âž¡ The speaker is having a casual conversation with a friend, discussing various topics including their pets, potential interruptions to their show, and a video they watched about Russia’s new missile. They also discuss the missile’s capabilities and the potential threat it poses. The conversation ends with them acknowledging the seriousness of the topic, despite the casual setting.
âž¡ The speaker believes that Russia won’t directly attack U.S. bases in Europe, but might target a NATO member’s facility. They suggest that Russia would aim to minimize loss of life, as seen when they warned the U.S. about a missile launch in advance. The speaker also discusses the potential for non-nuclear warheads and the strategic implications of missile trajectories. They conclude by doubting that Russia or China would initiate a full-scale nuclear exchange with the U.S., referencing the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction.
âž¡ The text discusses the importance of questioning and understanding the systems that bind us, emphasizing the power of self-enlightenment and personal responsibility. It also highlights the potential of digital assets, particularly cryptocurrencies, as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for wealth creation, comparing it to the early days of tech giants like Apple and Amazon. The speaker encourages individuals to invest in these digital assets, citing their own significant financial gains since the election. The text also touches on the changing global financial systems, the role of the US government, and the potential of quantum-based technologies.
âž¡ The text discusses the shift towards digital assets like cryptocurrencies, which are seen as the future of financial systems. This change was initiated during Trump’s administration and is now being developed further. The goal is to replace the current fiat dollar system with an asset-based system, backed by real assets but operating in the digital realm. This new system aims to be more fair and just, allowing countries to maintain their sovereignty while trading globally.
âž¡ This text discusses the current transitional period we’re in, emphasizing the importance of questioning and seeking truth. It mentions the potential dangers and promises of AI, and the need for everyone to participate in societal issues, no matter how small. The text also touches on the concept of punishing small crimes to prevent larger ones, and the decline of personal responsibility and accountability in society. Lastly, it encourages everyone to value all lives equally and to be cautious of the future.
âž¡ The text discusses the idea that people often learn through pain and suffering, and how public humiliation can be an effective punishment. It also touches on the issue of human trafficking, suggesting it’s a significant problem that’s often ignored. The speakers believe that society needs to confront these issues head-on, and that everyone has a responsibility to act with integrity and stand against wrongdoing.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the misuse of media and its impact on society, hinting at hidden truths that need to be revealed. They also mention the unfortunate passing of a friend, Scott Bennett, and suggest foul play. The speaker ends by sharing their upcoming plans for a Constitution class and a special movie night, and wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving.
âž¡ The text discusses concerns about the security of the northern border of the United States, suggesting it’s more vulnerable than the southern border due to its length and lack of patrol. It also mentions the potential for chaos during holiday periods when people’s guard is down. The text also touches on the political climate, hinting at possible power struggles and the potential for global conflict. Lastly, it mentions the need for increased border security resources.
âž¡ The text discusses the challenges and possibilities of crossing the U.S.-Canada border. It mentions the natural barriers like mountains and forests, and the need for survival skills to traverse these areas. The text also discusses the potential use of vehicles for crossing, but highlights the logistical challenges involved. Lastly, it suggests that shipping containers might be the easiest way to infiltrate the U.S., due to the sheer number of containers making it difficult to check each one.
âž¡ The text discusses the challenges of navigating different terrains, especially during winter, and the extensive training special forces undergo to operate in such environments. It also talks about the use of parachuting as an efficient method to infiltrate areas, and the potential threat of hidden weapons in shipping containers. The conversation ends with a discussion about the political leanings of Canadians in rural areas versus cities.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the political climate in Canada and the United States, noting differences in attitudes towards socialism and government. They mention that some Canadians are unhappy with their country’s ties to the British monarchy and the power of the Governor General. The speaker also touches on the influence of Europe on North American politics and the potential for division between Mexico, the United States, and Canada. They express hope for change in the next administration and concern about various forms of trafficking.
âž¡ The text discusses the power dynamics between nations and the influence of a small group that controls global finances. It also explores the impact of socialism and communism on societies, using the division of Germany after World War II as an example. The text further delves into the differences between conservative and liberal mindsets, particularly in terms of personal responsibility and dependency. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and free will in avoiding manipulation and control.
âž¡ The text discusses the importance of personal responsibility and free will. It also touches on the influence of loved ones in our understanding of life. The text criticizes the American educational system, suggesting it has been used for mind control. It also mentions the negative impact of certain vaccines and the need for people to wake up to these realities.
âž¡ The text discusses a group’s attempt to influence American education and history teaching to prevent a return to pre-World War I isolationist attitudes. They sought help from the Rockefeller and Endowment foundations to alter domestic and international education. When prominent historians refused to change their teaching methods, the group decided to create their own historians, leading to the formation of the American Historical Association. The text also touches on the wealth and influence of families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and individuals like Bill Gates and George Soros.
âž¡ The text discusses the appointment of a former Soros employee as Treasury Secretary, questioning the decision and suggesting it might be part of a larger strategy. It also touches on the potential for a controlled economic collapse and the role of digital assets and cryptocurrencies in the future economy. The text suggests that banks will need to earn the right to manage people’s assets and that individuals will have more control over their own finances.


Evening, everybody. It is Monday, November 25th. Hard to believe. Thanksgiving is like, what, three days away? It’s crazy. It’s the 25th of November, 2024, and I have the pleasure of being with Ghost like I do every Monday night. How you doing there, brother? I’m doing fine, Ron. How about you? Very well. Mutual. Yeah, thank you, sir. I appreciate that. And then I have another. I have a. I have a little furry, Furry friend who is leaning. She’s actually nestled between my back and the back of the chair, about the center of my back. So she very well may climb up in a minute, and if she does and you hear like a.

Ow. That’s just claws digging into my back. So just. Just fair warning. So there’s. Guys, there’s a. There. There. There is a remote possibility that I may have to take a bit of time away from the show tonight. And if that is the case, I do have a video to that I want to play that will kind of fill up some of that time, and then I’ll be back. So not sure if that’s going to happen or not, but I just want just. I’m. I’m just planting the seed in the event that it does occur. So that said, there is.

You know, I. I feel like there’s really nothing to talk about because nothing is happening. There’s a whole lot happening, actually. Oh, that was a joke. Yeah, I know, but I had to be serious about it. I’m sorry. That’s okay. Yeah, go ahead, finish your thought. Because, yeah, there’s things. Oh, there’s nothing. Yeah, nothing. Nothing’s going on out there. You know, it’s just. This is. You know, but in all seriousness, there’s. There. There seems to be a lot going on. You know, you actually. Let me. Let me find that. You sent me a video a little bit earlier.

Oh, yeah. It’s like in the first 30 or 40, 45 seconds of it that you’ll see that graphic, for example. But I found it interesting. I don’t necessarily agree with his. Oh, here, I’ll just. Yeah, well, you get all kinds. But I just try to go for the information and. And the guests, you know. Yeah, okay, Great background. But don’t necessarily share his exact views. But anyway, if you want to agree. Yeah, yeah, let’s. Let me play this here. Put this. Okay, here we go. I’m going to go ahead and present the Gremlins. The Kremlin Gremlins.

Yeah, it’s. So, let’s see. Okay, here we go. Detected a intercontinental ballistic missile launch from the Ashcan oblast of Russia. And it just started climbing into the sky. The Russians would truly have to worry about a large retaliatory nuclear strike. It seems that Putin is overestimating the capabilities of his new missile, the Arystnic missile. Soon after Russia launched its new ballistic missile against Ukraine. This is what Russian state TV was showing. Pay attention here. It seems they want to take on the whole European with this new missile that I’m guessing they believe is more powerful than nuclear.

Yeah, let’s go back. Just this new missile it seems they want to take on. This is what Russian state TV was showing. Okay, so let’s pause it there and just talk about that for a second. Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and London. Yep. And they’re saying 20 minutes to Paris on London, 15 minutes to Berlin and 12 minutes to Warsaw. If it was fired from some place in the eastern part of Casputin, whatever that that area is. Is that Kazakhstan? I think that’s actually Russia puts in the. No, isn’t that a. Isn’t that a. I think that’s Russia.

Yeah, Russia, definitely. But I mean, trying to think where it is. Yeah, it’s. Well, there’s one way to find out. There’s so many Krappa stands over there, you lose track. That is 100 true. Okay, so here, let’s share this. Stan is Stan. Okay, so where it is on the map is kind of like right up in. It’s like right in here. Yeah, right in there. There’s almost a dot there where you had it is that. Let’s. I’ve got a Casputen. Here it is. There we go. That is Casputin Yar. So I don’t know if this is some like a military district or what it is, but this.

This is where they are talking about firing it from. So whether or not they fire it, I do not know. I cannot say. But I think it’s very interesting that they’re even talking about that. Well, the guy that it showed first where you had it queued up and it’s right in the beginning is. I think he’s a former seal and he was pointing out that, you know, there’s a lot of misinformation regarding the capabilities of their weapon systems, which I would agree with that. There’s always going to be that. And I would agree with that immediately.

And whether or not these new missiles have the capability they do is debatable. But there have been some test flights that we’ve monitored where they. Yeah, there was. They were loitering in low earth Orbit and would. And that’s not difficult to do. It’s just the idea that they’ve gone ahead and done it. I mean we could do it easily but that they’ve gone ahead and taken what would be basically a direct fire and turned it into a low Earth orbital junk it before it decides to drop its MERVED warhead setup. So I mean who knows. But if they have the, the hypersonic capability.

I don’t know what type of warhead that particular rock missile system employs. I just. It was MERV warhead. Yeah, it’s a merv. And MERV is an acronym MRV which stands for Multiple Reentry Vehicle. So when you have a. It’s a Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle. Merv. Yeah, sorry, no big deal. The, what the Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle is is those are, those are essentially independent warheads. They look like a big old freaking cone and they sit on top of, they sit on top of the missiles. So when you have like on the Trident missiles for the US submarines and I think the British use them as well, I think.

What do they have? Nine, nine MIRVs, depending on the missile system, up to 10. Usually between six and eight. Nine somewhere around there. But they’re. Yeah, like they’re like, you know, the unfilled ice cream cone with a point on one end and they have the ability to. With withstand the heat and rigors of almost a directory entry. And they have the cape. They’re, they, they’re like a bullet where they, they’ll begin rotating with a, with a retro firing rocket and then they have steering capabilities with, with retro firing capability. Like that’s all you can say, I guess.

But theirs are accurate within. There you go. So many miles. I mean so many. That’s, that’s what, hundreds or thousands of meters? Ours are accurate I think within 30 meters. But when you’re talking about what usually goes on those. Yeah, it doesn’t really matter. No, just kind of pepper the area and you measure point. If you’re looking at the screen you should see on the right here. This is a. It’s multiple independently reentry charter revo, which is this right here. So that’s what a MERV is. Look up and this would be a great image for the audience.

There was a great image out there of a Peacekeeper test that I think was done in the Gulf of Alaska many years ago. Look up a Peacekeeper warhead’s incoming photograph. It’s actually a beautiful photograph. I think it’s Peacekeeper. I’m not sure if it’s that or Trident, but I think it’s Peacekeeper. If one of. Let’s see here and look at the images. There should be a high definition image. And you see that path? Is that it? Let me see the one on. Yes, top right. That’s it. So that’s this one right here? No, no, not that one.

The one next to it. I thought you meant of the images listed. Not right here. No, the one with the blue sky. Oh, this. Yeah, hit that one. That’s the pattern that they say, a tight pattern that would come in. Actually, that pattern is probably the, the size of a large city from one end to the other. But let’s see, it’s. Here we go. I think it was a Peacekeeper test of ours in the Gulf of Alaska. I’m not sure. Man, this is a big image. It’s pretty amazing. Yeah, there you go. Of course, they weren’t active warheads.

They were dummies. Yeah, mocks and dummies. So. But you get to see the. It’s simply more efficient to take a given yield. If you have, let’s say 8, 456 kiloton a time, you’ll get about 3.8 megatons worth of blast capability. But spread out over an area. Instead of one episode, you know, one ground zero or one epicenter detonation, which actually is a more efficient and intelligent way to do it because you’re, you’re making sure something’s going to go off, but you’re also making sure that if they all go off, they affect the area in the worst way imaginable.

I know this is wonderful Thanksgiving conversation, but it is what it is. And so. Well, the question, there’s a question here and it says, do you think we are going to see Russia fire on our bases in Europe? And my response to that is you’re asking again, this is my opinion and my opinion alone, I believe no. My opinion alone, I believe no. Also no. They’ll hit nearby, they’ll hit close enough, let’s say, but they’ll hit, say, a NATO member’s country’s facility, which doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be Americans there. It just means there wouldn’t be, you know, a few thousand, I believe, if they do fire a missile like that and there is a detonation, I believe the detonation is going to be done so where you have the least amount of loss of life as possible.

Because keep in mind, when they launched the missile, when they launched that, the, the one missile that they did Launch already. They actually called the United States and told them they were going to do it like 30 minutes in advance. It’s a smart thing to do. I mean the response could have, I mean obviously if it no one had called anyone, we would have been at the highest nuclear alert and everything would have been gearing up and positioning in the ocean and gearing up on land and bombers firing up their engines and taking to the air.

Yeah, all that would have happened very quickly. So it was. Yeah, but I think, you know, I think this is in. The reason they used a European graphic is because it’s more for their enlightenment or effect. Not the people of course we’re talking about, but the, well, let’s use the phrase of the month. Shouldery out of the banking centers. This is what they’re. Because he even stated it again. I’ll say it. He stated it publicly, that he would destroy the quote, city of London, C of L, that one square mile. Now if you clustered all of those warheads with even conventional explosives in that small of an area, 640 acre area you’re talking about, it’s pretty much out of commission for a while.

And what if one or two of the warheads are just, you know, EM pulse weapons? Right. You’re doing even, you’re doing in essence even more damage. Well, and, and, and take this into consideration too. Just because you’ve got the warhead doesn’t necessarily mean that that warhead is nuclear tipped. Right? Right. Because the one he fired was not. And one of them hit their target. They claimed to take have taken out the others. I think there were six until five were taken out. One hit. But I mean, who knows? I think it’s just this is a, we’re looking at a buildup of that Cuban missile crisis moment and how in depth they get with it remains to be seen.

And because in reality we’re 90 miles from Cuba, but in Alaska we’re 56 miles from Russia. So you’re talking about. Well, that trajectory he fired, that graphic shows, shows an east, basically a northeast east, northeast trajectory as compared to an over the pole which would be aimed at us. If they just showed it disappearing over the North Pole then did not show the other side. I would have taken that. Okay, they’re making that graphic for our benefit. But they weren’t, they were making it for Europe’s benefit. And I don’t believe Russia or China for that matter are stupid enough to initiate a all out nuclear exchange with the United States.

I just, I mean, you know, nobody wants, nobody you know, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s mad on a whole different level. And when I say mad, I’m talking about Mutually Assured Destruction. Right. Not like crazy. So for those of you who don’t know that that that was the Mutually Assured Destruction was basically the order of the day. And that’s what kept the United States and the Soviet Union from ultimately, you know, going down that path, doing it and anytime. Yeah. And there were times, you know, depending on who you had in what position, on either side, you had people, you had the Hawks and you had.

Yeah, we can develop this and we can do that. I mean, the Hunt for Red October film and book is based on a real. Not directly. It’s inspired by, let’s say, a real series of events. Absolutely. Of that one. I forget what class they called it in Russia, but that one. Huge. Huge. It was so big. Yeah. Typhoon class. So huge they had hot tubs where the, you know, the sailors could. The submariners could hang out in their time off, you know. Well, you’re not, you’re not wrong. The big sub. Now, my understanding is, is that the event that actually happened was the guy was going to.

I think he. Was he gonna launch and they had to track him down before he launched, or was he. Or was he trying to defect? I don’t remember that. I don’t know. I don’t know about the stories. The film and the book are good, so. Well, it stays there and it’s, it’s, you know, it’s amazing to me how much Tom Clancy really knew for an insurance salesman. Yeah, exactly. My ass. Yeah. I mean. And, you know, he. I think they were testing a new level of publishing, let’s say. Interesting. Have you, have you read any or all of his books? Not all of them.

A few of them. Have you ever. Did you ever read Red Storm Rising? I don’t think so. I don’t think so. That was a. That was a very interesting book. So Red Storm Rising. What. There was. There was a guy in with some Muslims who basically destroyed a. Like a fuel plant. Like a. I don’t know if it was an oil refinery or what. It was like a massive, massive place where they had all these fuel reserves and it was where they processed all the oil for fuel separating, you know, the, the sweet from the cracking.

Exactly. So anyway, they, they destroyed this and the Soviet Union realized that they were going to be out of options in terms of being able to do anything within a certain period of time. So they had no alternative. They were either Going to go. It was either going to go belly up or they were going to go launch a war. And they, the, the hardliners opted to launch the war. And yeah, it was nuclear exchanges book if it didn’t. Yeah, exactly. The one thing that I really loved is they called the Russians. The Russians were talking about the Cross of Death, and later on it came out that the Cross of Death was the A10.

That’s a good name for it because if you’re, if you’re on the nose end of that thing, you might as well be saying your prayers. Yeah, the Flying Cross of Death is what they called it. Just because when it looks, you know, from, from a, from a distance, it just looks like a. Looks like a cross. Yeah, the way its wings are in the center of gravity and everything like that. It kind of does. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, I, I was. I always. So now to this day, I still call it the Flying Cross of Death, but.

But nobody knows what I’m talking about when I say it, so I just call it the A10. But inside I’m saying that’s the Flying Cross of Death. So the Warthog. The Warthog is a fantastic aircraft. Even better now, from what I, what I see. Yeah, yeah, they’re actually amazing. They’re there. I think they’re getting new engines and new wings. So, yeah, it’s a hard cycling on those aircraft taking off and landing. Not that part. That’s just your normal cycling and what’s taken into consideration with like, commercial and freight carriers. But these aircraft really, really put a lot of stress on the airframes.

All, all types of fighters do. I mean, there’s, there’s fighter pilots out there. You can tell you stories of how they, yeah, they took something a little too hard and actually bent the airframe and rented the aircraft spare parts when they landed. You know, making a bank too hard or getting, you know, you’re at low level and you’ve got all kinds of turbulent winds and you’re pulling nine GS and all of a sudden you get bumped and there you go. There’s a bent airframe. And sometimes they, it can be fixed with the replacement of wings or.

But if you bend the fuselage in the, in the wings. No, it’s, it’s spare parts. Well, I told you she was coming. There you go. She out. She decided she’d wanted to come over. She is actually an adorable kitty, man. She really is. Hi, baby. Come here. You want to say hi? But I was looking at a lot of things regarding what Happened with the cables that were the one out of three cables, I think it was between, what was it, Finland and Germany. That was actually done by a Chinese freighter that actually made a circle from what there’s a few ship apps.

You can go out there and look at real time of where ships are they’re heading and then look up details about them. Kind of like a lot of the flight apps that are out there now. And apparently this Chinese freighter made a nice circle right over the. Where the one cable was laid. Probably dragged. You know, it could have been his crude is dragging an anchor. Who knows? But, yeah, it didn’t take him long to do it. And then I think the, the Danish, when they were about to finally make that turn around northern Denmark, they pulled them over and said, no time, we need to talk with you.

We need to inspect because there’s a lot of. Russia and China are working together right now, from what I was able to gather, and I heard things about this before with what they call their dark fleets. So in other words, a freighter will leave a port in the Baltic and before it gets back to its home port or its next destination, even in the middle of the ocean, they’ve got refuelers waiting for them so that they don’t have to pull into multiple ports along the way or one port, depending on how many thousands of miles it’s going.

And, you know, they’ve been doing this for a while. I mean, so what they release the public in Russia and China and what we see and as opposed to what others see, it’s, you know, there’s a complicated game going on right now. And again, I cannot overstress the word complicated. And it’s basically in the end, all right, we have what we’re looking at here we need to pay attention to in our country. But others are doing some interesting and maybe naughty things in the meantime. They’re taking advantage of the. What essentially is a vacuum in power in this country until he’s inaugurated.

And then you hear all of the opinions coming on about whether or not it will happen on time or they’re going to create, you know, like we’ve discussed before, a series of events or event. But I do not think, matter of fact, some things happened in the past week that would make it very difficult for the globalists to get that war, more so than it already was. Get to get the globalist. What? To get the war? Yeah, for the globalists to get their war. To get their war. Okay. It’s been made even more difficult for that to happen.

Now, I would don’t doubt for a minute that Putin and G are watching this and keeping as close tabs as they can on it because ultimately they don’t want that either. Nobody wants it. Nobody with any common sense wants it. Maybe, yeah. Not maybe. It is. It is a fact. They wanted to continue their genuine agenda and to further destabilize whatever can be destabilized. And I don’t think it’s really even begun yet to the point to where the American people are going to have any reaction to it other than, you know, these kinds of shows and people that are truly paying attention.

Well, Thanksgiving is going to come in a few days, maybe after that. That’s when I would make sure we had our shit together here in a number of ways to make sure that they don’t take advantage of any type of lull with holidays. Well, my feeling is that the holidays would be the ideal time for them to actually implement some sort of chaos in the American world, if you will, just because that’s when everybody’s, everybody’s guard is going to be down, you know, there, nobody’s head’s going to be on a swivel. Everybody’s going to be, you know, relaxed trying to get to Thanksgiving Day dinner and except for all the libtards who are going to stay home and be celibate.

So sad you’re celibate. I mean, yeah, that would make, you know, that does make sense. And let’s say from a gaming perspective. Yeah, that makes total sense that something would be attempted or at least brought further along. Maybe not all the way, but enough for people to go, wait a minute, it’s Chris coming up on Christmas. What the hell’s going on here? So it’s no time to relax, especially here at home. I just love that all of the, I love that all these lefties, lefty women who are, you know, shutting down the, the punani. If you want to say it’s like it all it took was for Trump to become president.

For them to stop being hoes isn’t amazing. Yeah, aspirin sales have gone up anyway. However these children want to react to it, let them. I mean, that’s the problem. We have too many adults mask. I mean, too many children masquerading as adults. And they’re amen to that and even 40s with a great deal of them. But I mean, just think of things in 40 years ago and what, what we’re seeing now. It’s, it’s if someone had made a film showing media and the Political. And all this the way it is now. 30, 40 years ago, you would have laughed at it because it would have been a comedy.

It would have been a satire. I think they did. It was called idiocracy. Yeah. And you’d laugh at that and that. That was actually others laughing at you at that time because they were. This was engineered to get to this point with this unenlightened civically a population as we have now. Of course, that was engineered and we didn’t fight it. And it was coming from all the places that people were trained to trust, all the fictions. I just got a message from somebody that we both know. I’m gonna read it verbatim. There is rhetoric, some by Juan, that the stuff will kick off before Christmas.

What is ghost hearing? I’m not hearing that, but it’s. I’m hearing other things that, yeah, very well could. Very well could. And we’re gonna have to watch our northern border as closely as our southern border come a certain time. Well, in my opinion, the northern border is actually at a higher risk than the southern border because the northern border is much longer. It is far less patrolled, and there’s a lot more of it. A lot more of it. And the camera systems in place. By the time anyone gets to that, you know, remote area in Montana or wherever along that border, or Montana, Idaho, or Washington especially, there’s a lot of.

A lot of remote crossings. And by the time they get there, they’re all gone. And this is the problem. Part of the problem. Also, if we’re going to do the southern border, then we need to also put resources on the northern border. It’s just a fact at this point. You know, actually, I’m going to. You know what? I’m going to bring somebody into the conversation here real quick. Let’s see if. Let me see if she responds the. Let’s see here. What are you doing? Calling a friend who has very knowledgeable in these affairs. Actually, I don’t think it’s going to work on that because I need to use a different app.

So stand by here. I’m going to disconnect this, connect a different device, and do it that way. Stand by. Don’t mean to. I’m not. I’m not trying to be coy. All right, let’s see. Hey, baby. How you doing? You know, There you go. Let’s see if she answers. I thought you might be calling me. Touche. You are a very intelligent woman. So this. You, Ghost, you remember Shelley? Yes. How are you? Hey, Ghost. Shelly. Is Shelly is somebody who has very in depth knowledge of protecting the border, at least at the Coast Guard level and Department of Homeland Security.

So I thought you would, you would be a very good person to bring into this particular part of the conversation. So. Excellent. See what I can add. Well, okay, so we’re, you know, everybody knows about the southern border and the border patrol. What is the. How porous is the northern border? Oh, are you kidding me? Well, you guys were just talking about it. It’s first of all from a land standpoint. Right. It. There’s. It’s easy to get over. There’s. There’s no, there’s no barriers. There’s no, there’s no walls. There’s no. Yeah, you, you might, you might have a barbed wire fence, but that’s about it.

Yeah. Yeah. You know, so I mean, it’s just like build the wall. There’s a reason when you create physical barriers. And so of course, it’s not going to be that difficult to do it from the northern border at all. You know, and the thing that’s. See, unlike the thing that’s different, when you go like with the Coast Guard, they have their military and law enforcement, so they can do both actions. The problem is on the. When you go over to a land border, it’s all law enforcement. Right. So how do you. Unless there’s a lake in there.

Right, right. Which, you know, the Great Lakes are all. That’s all Coast Guard territory. But, but you know, the land borders. First of all, there’s certainly not, there’s so not enough, you know, who’s it going to be? Manpower, cb, a custom CBP or a state. Those are the only. It’s not, there’s no. Where’s the law enforcement? Who is it? It’s only going to be CBP or people from states, and it’s not going to be Immigration and Customs who happen to see it. Yeah, yeah. So. Oh, it’s. It’s so easy to come over from Canada, actually. And also because the focus has been on the southern border.

That’s where all the energy gets taken to. Anyway, I’m just gonna. Just, just for giggles here, I’m going to. Let’s see my cat looking up at the screen. Yeah. What are you putting up there? It’s pretty funny. Okay, so this is the Canadian border really from like the mountains right over here. Like, I think Kalispell is up in here someplace. Glacier National Park. And then everything east of that is just all nothing but this land. It’s. There’s. There’s There’s a road there. Wild. There’s a road and I think, yeah, there’s. There’s like a little. Maybe a fence here or something, but it, you know, it doesn’t.

It’s not anything spectacular. Go hunting and cross the border and. Yeah, let’s see here. Let’s. Let’s. Let’s go to here and see if we can’t see the. Okay, so here’s the border station. Right. But you look out there and it’s kind of a blurry picture, but there’s nothing there. There’s no wall, nothing. There are no. Say again. There are no barriers. No. Nothing at all. Cameras, I would imagine, in certain places, cameras and sensors. But I mean. And you got to realize that it goes from right here. I mean, you’ve got. You’ve got the mountains. You have the mountains here, which are kind of.

I don’t want to say that they’re impenetrable, but they’re far less penetrable. Whereas you come over here and it’s just nothing but flatland until you get over here. Until, like, this is kind of marshy land, but still, it’s not completely impenetrable. You got some mountains there. Serious? Where, here? Yeah, you should go left. Let’s see over here. No, no, go. I would go way west of it. Yeah, right here. The Rockies. Yeah. By the time you hit Glacier. Glacier national park area, even before that. Right. Yeah. It’s. From there, it’s all. I mean, this is. This is an extraordinarily long border.

And then. And then you have the Great Lakes as. As a. Sort of a barrier. But, but I mean, let me. Let me ask you this, Shelley. If somebody. If somebody got on a boat here off of Manus, Tulin island, somebody took a boat like they. And then they. They came across, would they. Would they be able to get like. Let’s say it was like a little Zodiac with a team and weapons and stuff. And whatnot. Would. How easy would it be for them to. To get from there, to penetrate the water and get over here on land? How easy would that to be? Well, the thing I’ll have to say is that the focus from a maritime standpoint has been on the outer coastal.

From the seas. Waterways, I don’t think, have been as. As monitored. But the thing is, is you’re much easier to spot on the water. Right. No matter what, Even if it’s like in a Zodiac. Well, they do patrol. I mean, you know, they have the equivalent of patrol aircraft. They have P3s and stuff. So, you know, but I, I don’t. I. The, the thing is, is that, you know, how much is it considered a threat factor? And then that’s where they put their, their assets, you know. But the one thing is when you’re out in the water, you’re obvious.

And it’s not that easy. It’s not that easy to traverse. And I can tell you in the winter, I wouldn’t want to do it. You even hang out in Chicago, man, you can’t. It’s. It’s not an easy, it’s not easy to traverse across the water. It’s. It’s wind. You want to get all that cold. Yeah. And the wind is hell. The wind is hell there. So, I mean, to some extent I would. The natural deterrent off of the northern border is just the environment itself. You know, like Maine, where it’s heavily wooded and like other areas in Washington State where it’s.

In others, where it’s heavily, heavily wooded, you’ve got quite a canopy over you and sometimes a dual canopy. I mean, I think it’d be easy to walk across there. Well, I, well, yep. And what. Land wise. But you know, the thing is, just think about. You basically have to go with. You don’t. Come on. I mean, if you’ve ever like, you have to be a very sophisticated mountaineer to be able, so you have to have a skill set to be able to have good survival skills, good, good navigation skills to come across where you’re not going through a, main, a main artery.

So basically you’d be Rambo. Yeah, just, just even to do that. So that’s why I say the natural environmental barriers, because just think, you know, what you have to do to be able to survive. Well, let me, let me pose this question then, because our southern border is almost just as nasty for a longer period of time throughout the year with the heat and the desert and the lack of water. At least if you’re up there, yeah, you might get cold, but you know, you can. If you can build yourself a shelter and a fire, you know, you could survive.

But the, in the, in the middle of the desert, how many people die of starvation and dehydration or just exposure coming across the southern desert? I guess my question is one, what’s the number of people that are in Canada that want to come here? I don’t know what that’s been like. And then the ability, then the capacity. I mean, you still have to have gear, you still have to have a competency, so you still have to be able to navigate from point A to point B. And it means you can’t be in a vehicle, so you’re, you’re traversing on foot.

It’s not an extremely. I’m going to, I’m going to respectfully disagree there because what if you are in a vehicle, you’re in a four wheel drive vehicle and you have the ability to get down and you know, and go down, you know, if you’re in the northern part of, or the extreme southern part of Canada along the border. I mean, you want to talk about rural. It’s extraordinarily rural and it’s flat and it just goes on forever without heart. I mean, maybe trees, but that’s about it. It’s just, I mean it’s just, it’s just flat, flat land.

And no, there’s no, like you said, there’s no barriers. So yeah, if, if carry the gas, your vehicle has to have the gas. I mean it’s still, there’s still a lot of infrastructure that it, there’s still a lot of logistical challenges, let’s put it that way. So that, that to some extent is going to mitigate the. As far as numbers go now, you know, I would argue that if anybody wants to do bring over a specific weapon with, with great intention, they’re gonna have that, that’s not gonna, they’re gonna have built the means to do it, but they’re not.

There’s so many other ways to do it. Like, let’s put it this way, there’s so many other ways to come in that are so much easier. But I, I don’t see that as being a huge. All right, let me. Okay, so let me ask you, what is the easiest way to get in, into the United States? I would argue. Say again. Containers. Okay. Container. This way it’s. If you want to infiltrate into the United States, shipping containers are the best. It’s the easiest way. If you want to bring stuff in. That’s my opinion. Because there’s the, there’s too many, there’s too many to check.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know, if you’re in a container, you can actually survive in it if you bring the right stuff and, and if you got the pickup and that’s how I would do it. And so that would be my opinion. If, if you, if you’re bringing equipment with you that’s gonna eat. That is good. The question is, are you bringing your threat weapons, whatever with you or are you picking them up on the other side, which is a, you know, all of those are Huge logistical issues, you know, because just a person is not that dangerous.

It’s what they arm themselves with and, and what they have access to. And then it’s also, you know, what’s the command and control of how they’re going to act when they get here. They’re going to be random actors, which is, you know, only if you have something important to cause an issue. So which means you have to have an, no matter what, you have to have an infrastructure at some, some. There has to be supports you to have a major impact. That’s, that’s my opinion. And there’s still some bad actors, wouldn’t you say, Shelly? There’s still some bad actors crossing that northern border as well.

I mean as well as the southern, but not equally. But yeah, they’re, they’re just determined to get here, to get their body here. That I don’t think that’s too difficult. You know, I agree. When it comes to, especially if you have somebody say five miles inland waiting for you. Well, the whole point is you have to have logistical support. And the question is what? You have to have the logistical support and you, and the question is, you know, how. Well really that’s what it is. How do you, how do you overcome the terrain without the network to do it? So that, that’s the biggest thing.

And particularly I would say, you know, it’s going to be way worse during the winter. I mean special forces guys train for years and years to go be able to operate in that kind of environment. They just don’t go and go, oh hey, you know, tomorrow I’m just gonna go work and learn how to be in the desert or you know, whatever. So there’s, I mean I had a, I had a friend who was a seal and he said that he had, he had parachuted into every, every type of terrain known to man. Oh yeah, you’re parachuting.

Yeah, but you’re parachuting. You’re, that’s the difference. Your parish, he’s probably doing a halo, right? He’s probably going. Which is. Right. High altitude. Well, but, but my point is, my point, I’m just reinforcing what you’re saying that they, I mean they have, they, they, they’ll parachute into the, into the snow filled snow, you know, on top of a snow mountaintop and you know, out in the middle of the desert into water, you know, into either ice, you know what, Into a jungle. You name it. Exactly. Yes. They, they, their infill comes from the most efficient methodology and usually is, it is through the air.

Because coming over the terrain is. Why would you infill that way? Because you have to overcome logistically so much and you have to carry so much on your back. And so definitely you do come in through a much. Exactly. Yeah. Well. Yeah, exactly. No, you’re, you’re, you’re right, Shelly. You know, I mean, you’re gonna, they’re gonna infill the. Into the very best way that it reduces the effort required to expend to get to the AO as much as possible. Yeah. And so now it. Like, if I was to do, I would, I would have small aircraft, but it’s.

You. In order to jump out of an aircraft, it’s not that easy, you know, because you have to. So it’s easier to. It depends on what type of aircraft and it depends on what they’re doing. If you’re trying to go through a door of a C17, that’s one thing. If you’re going out at the back of a 130 or, or a 17 with a, you know, after they’ve depressurized, that’s. That’s an entirely different game because, you know, she. You could, you could put a tank through there. Yeah. So. Yeah, my. And, and again, this going into the winter months is going to be much different than when it’s nicer.

So. Well, and, and to that point, you know, the. Let’s see. And to that point we have, you know, there could be. One minute. Ron, go ahead. To that point, you could have a number of different people that are up there in Canada that are more acclimated to that type of climate, you know. Is that Chinese or Russian troops? I don’t know. I don’t think so. But, you know, I mean, at this point in time, I don’t think you can out. You could rule out anything. Well, let’s put it this way. If anything, it’s going to be for a very specific purpose with very specific equipment, with a lot of logistical support.

So that. Because it’s just not going to be random people, you know, it would have to be purposeful. So, you know, you know, have you, you know about club cake, coke, club case stuff? Have you watched the monkey? I mean, it to me, it’s more important to bring stuff like that in, which is. That’s a container. You know, if you really want to do huge damage, you. You bring stuff in like that. You don’t. You mean put it. You mean, you mean a, A container that. That’s on a. That, that it goes onto a train and then it’s oh, you know, and then it just.

It launches off in the middle of nowhere. And. Yeah, so they looked there. I saw Monkey Works did a really interesting segment about the club case. And to me, if you really want to create a shit show, I wouldn’t worry about bringing one or two individuals. I wouldn’t worry about that. I wouldn’t want to bring, you know, something into a container which easily. The club case look like a standard container. You wouldn’t be able to tell what. And then. And then what they turn into is go look at them. They’re pretty interesting. If anybody wants. Well, here, I’ll.

What’s that? They turn into Satan on earth. Yeah. Here, let’s. I’ll share this here. So this is Club K. It’s the. It’s basically. It’s like a. It’s like a missile system. Oh yeah. Says I gotta be logged in. Let’s see. Here we go. This is. They look like a container. So if you fall, like I said, if you follow through, like, you know, if you look at the shipping lanes and the way everything comes in, you know, containers get taken off and then they get put on rail cars, right? And then they get shipped to nation.

So that’s why it’s, you know, you want to. That’s the way to get stuff in is to come in where you want to come in with the natural flow, where the volume is so high that it’s hard. It’s hard to detect. So this is one of the things from about. If you go back to all the survey, the surveillance that’s been done, place like as have they been, is that one of the reasons that the. All these surveillances flights have been happening because they’re tracking logistically the potential of, you know, these, you know, containers because, you know, they come in, they come in through the ports, they put.

Get put on trains and then they get shipped out or put on also on trucks. So. And if you’re just one in hidden among, you know, five legitimate or whatever the number legitimate and then you have the one that’s not. That’s what I. If I want to create havoc in the United States, seriously, that’s what I would do. Are they, Shelley, are they detectable in any way as far as any type of radioactive signature? Be it ever since. That would be. You know, probably you would think that it depends on what it adds on it that.

But then it. But you know, that. That comes down to the surveillance capabilities of aircraft, right. And. And I don’t know. I don’t know what the Detection capabilities are of aircraft necessarily. I don’t, I would imagine some of them could be shielded. You know, certain things about them, but you know, that would, that would be coming down to the detection mechanisms. But I, I do know that all this, this strange thing that’s been happening with all those surveillance flights for freaking almost, I don’t know, like a year, two years now. Yeah, yeah. So they’re, they’re not doing it.

And, and, and they, I, I do know that they also. And the, they have the lidar, they have the, the radar, some of the, the tracking that they do. They, it’s like the, they have capacity to go in and see inside the buildings and infrastructure. So there’s very different, many different reasons why you want that kind of information. And of course that kind of information, it can be used for good or bad. So the question is, what’s the intention. Right. Of that information? You know, because, you know, you understanding your terrain, your domain awareness is critical.

But you know, from an invasive standpoint or from a protection standpoint point, you know. Absolutely. So, but they’ve been trying that. It’s like they’re, but the thing about these survey flights is they’ve been doing, they’ve been going over the same areas over and over again. So it wasn’t just a mapping of the terrain. They’re looking for something usually so, you know, which is a change in, in status. So once you know the terrain and what the infrastructure is there. Because of course, mapping the US infrastructure is critical. Right. Because of the, you know, the critical nodes is to understand from a track either either from a TCK vector or from a protection vector, you have to know that information.

So anyway, I have a, another friend who’s listening and he just, he just texted me and he said that I’ve been around Canadians up in the Pacific Northwest and they are not fans of the conservative culture in the United States. And I said, you mean like in Vancouver type thing? And he’s basically, yeah. Is it like there’s only. I don’t know how many, I don’t know what the population of Canada is, but it can’t be very much. Oh, oh, dude, I can. 45 million. Yeah, so like 40, 40, 40 to 45 million. And you know, good.

The good portion of them are probably are in the cities, but you get out into the rural areas and most of those people are, you know, they’re, they’re, they’re hardcore conservatives. They, some of those people actually make conservatives in the United States look, look liberal. My little girl games one of the excuse. I’m sorry, Shelly, just for one second. It’s a simple point. My little girl plays her video games and you know, we monitor all that closely, but she has a couple of friends and one of them’s in Canada. And her parents were so grateful that Trump was elected because they said they’re hoping he can help them also.

And from what I. Let’s just say there’s been the Trudeau’s regime is for the time being solid, protected and safe. And it’s not simply from in country. It’s both east and west. It’s as far as I know with that but you know, to make that, that point of sending. Well, as I understand. So like, like if Alberta is much more like when you get in, it’s kind of similar to the United States. Like the Alberta region is much more like the United States. It’s, it’s their ranchers, oil people. They’re very self sufficient. They’re like f. The government and.

But when you get into like the, you know, the Quebec and Toronto, they’re just our coastal stuff. So I live here, living here in Mexico, we, I get. Majority of the people that come down are Canadians and they’re. It’s fascinating because first of all, talk about some frickin brainwashed. Some of them are extremely freaking brainwashed socialists. I have, I had this guy that he was such a Trump hater. I’m like, why do you care? You’re. You’re Canadian. What do you even. Hypocrite. It’s like. And, but they are extremely, they are, their, their mindset in general is much more socialistic.

Much more socialistic. They’ve been Castro aided another dad joke. You know, and, and I know some Canadians here. I like some, some of my neighbors, they like, they moved here because they’re like we’re getting the hell out. But that’s very. They’re like everybody’s insane, you know, and, but that’s as far as most Canadians I know that’s, that’s kind of rare that they have that level of independence. And I think that, I think the whole Trudeau thing is a show. I mean, I think it’s, I think his whole thing is to wake people up because it’s so stupid.

You know, it’s like they’re going through the same stupidity that we went through. But they were so much more brainwashed mo. So much more socialized. You know, when people still think the crown, you know, I mean, there’s so much more tied to the British to. Yeah, yeah. I mean Those. Yeah, the, the. Well, didn’t. Didn’t he have to. They still have a Governor General and all of that. I know a lot of Canadians who want out from under that. Maybe it’s just the people I know. But. Well, didn’t I. I thought I saw a thing where Trudeau, when he took his, like when he swore in or whatever, that he also swore to the Queen of England, like their sovereign or something like that, that he would obey the Queen.

And. Yeah, they have the governor, if you really want to get into the law of it, the Governor General of Canada, just like the, those seven states with King’s Bench, Supreme Court, dual jurisdictions, the Governor General of Canada is in reality, when you get to a certain layer and everybody likes to point to the White House said it’s the most powerful man in the free world. No, it isn’t. It isn’t. And I would. I’m very careful what I say on these things, because I understand they’re getting kind of pissed about it. Right. For a while and.

Well, I don’t give a damn. I’m, I’m American and I’ll speak my mind. But the Governor General of Canada is Governor General of North America. We’re talking about basically Panama on up. And that leads into a very interesting realm of, of laws and let’s say, activity, legal activity that most, you know, if you’re a physician and you specialize in oncology, I can’t blame you if you were never exposed to more holistic means or more basic means that do work. And you’re going with what you were taught and what you were, what you were shown. And a lot of they’ve done a very good job at concealing themselves in the background.

And this is where, you know, why do we have seven states that, Whose supreme courts double as a King’s Bench jurisdiction? Why? A month prior to, to the 20 election, there was a lawsuit filed regarding Pennsylvania, but the opening statements, and it was filed on behalf of the Trump administration, and it was a proper and valid lawsuit, but they were addressing them not in Supreme Court. Pennsylvania and their king’s jurisdiction. And then we can. I could get Lord Gordon Michael, it’s Douglas, but a number of other people who can come on and speak about these things.

What we’re looking at is all of the stuff that’s happening, whether it’s from. And a lot of it is from an engineering, social engineering, psyop aspect is coming from that layer, wanting to preserve its existence. And I make the simple case that they are vestigial at One time there was a purpose that they served, that royalty had a very stabilizing effect on a Europe that was growing out of the Dark Age. Middle Ages were Dark Ages. And the fact that we’re, we are so in truth controlled still by that sovereign supra national layer that is based primarily out of Europe.

I know that a lot of these countries resent that Russia resents that they wouldn’t have had a revolution or what was attempted in 1905. As Ron, you and I were discussing yesterday, I believe, earlier today, I don’t remember that very aspect. We can look back now and we can, we can apply with evidence the activities of that layer and how basically the. There was a, There was a power struggle between those who were granted or took because they could, because they have manipulated events in such a way that they could take possession of printing the currency for a given nation and the prize was always North America.

There’s writings that go back into the 16 and 1700s that reflect the thinking of, let’s say, the royal class in Europe, especially in Great Britain, where they could not, they felt, no matter what happened, they could never allow this entire continent of North America to flourish or to get along. Right now we have, there are wedges being placed that have yet to yield, or let’s say seeds being planted that have yet to yield fruit to divide Mexico and the United States and even Canada with the interests of the United States. And again, it’s coming out of the same place, the same, let’s say, and I’ll call them what I, what I choose to call them, and that is fictions of authority.

And they. I can give you one simple case in point and you take all that goes with it. But the fact that we have so many legislators in D.C. that are bar members and have multiple passports, I guarantee you they didn’t have those multiple passports, Most of them, 90% of them, before they ever were elected to office. And this is a, this is a, this is why they had to, and they did a few years, not only a couple of years ago, vote themselves sovereign immunity, just like they gave themselves such a wonderful retirement package. If you serve two terms, you’re going to get that full nut, minus your staff and your perks.

And these in certain ways they had to do it if they were going to continue with a globalist agenda. Ways it was easy to get them to do it, but all of it is completely unconstitutional, completely antithetical to American thinking. And I always use the term American. United States and America are two different things. And I think people have come to a level of understanding regarding what’s going on in this world, that now they, they are ready to take that next step. Because I think we’re going to see actions against the very things I’m speaking about in this next administration.

That’s why they went to the extremes they did in July. And we can’t forget July 13th. We can’t forget that because this is, this is an expression. It’s not a lone gunman or all that nonsense, that it’s easy to set up a patsy and then keep it compartmentalized and keep it out of any one agency, but among many. And this is what happened in July. And I am waiting for the day that in addition to other activities that are still ongoing and doing more than they ever have before, before, and I’m referring to the trafficking issue, which covers everything from organs to humans to drugs to information to anything that is being trafficked to hurt this nation.

It’s never been, I don’t think at the pitch it is now. And we have to go. We have to be able to understand the basics of all of this so that people can look at the source and the sources, mind you, and say no more. That is part of my thinking. And why Putin showed that graphic on state TV of that, that merged warhead going on an east west trajectory and hitting those cities, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, London. That was. There’s a lot to be said when they’re making that point. So in certain ways, we still, we still, and I will say it out loud, we still share a common enemy, even with nations that traditionally we’ve been pitted against.

Why were we pitted against them to begin with? It was the very same layer and class that I’m pointing towards, those who print the money, those who have maintained their aspects of power not just over one nation or Europe in general, but globally. And that saying the sun never sets on the British Empire, well, it’s still true. This isn’t the British people by any stretch, nor is it anyone in the UK or in the Commonwealth. It is a very small group. And certain aspects can be even limited to geographical, small areas that have sovereign immunity. So we’ve, we’ve got to really, I think people’s thinking on what we’re coming into in this next four years has got to be expanded even further so that once that old decrepit man behind the curtain is exposed, we’ll find out it was a vestigial aspect of the human society as of a, as a whole.

And you’ll see why the Chinese I think are playing a game where they’re out playing. The ones that believe they are using them as a minion, they’re not gonna, they didn’t forget. They have a long memory and they don’t forget. And they haven’t forgotten everything from the Opium wars to the Boxer Rebellion, on and on and on. But the same thing that rendered entire large populations going to the route of socialism and communism that still affect, say the thinking north of the border, it’s still the same apparatus in place. Yes, it is later generations within that apparatus.

And yes, it’s morphed and adjusted and changed and learned how to conceal itself. Even I would argue that it’s, that it’s even more rain. I would argue that it’s even more ingrained that you can’t, it’s, it’s, you can’t get it out of them. You, you can’t get that mentality out of those people because that is what they have. I mean that, that’s all they’ve known. Yeah, very, very similar to, you know, when, when Germany was divided on that ramp. But I just wanted to make that distinction when we’re talking about north of the border and it even applies south of the border.

No, you’re right. And, but, but I was going to say it’s, you know, a good example would be look at Germany. When Germany was divided after World War II, you had the eastern section. And you know, most people think that it was just East Germany and West Germany, but Germany was actually divided into four sections. One section for the Russians, one section for the Americans, one section for the British, and one section for the French. Well, West Germany became everything that was owned, everything that was occupied by France, England and the United States. And that’s why Berlin also was divided into four segments.

And the Berlin Wall walled off the Russian section. Okay, so, but the point is that when the wall came down in 1990, all the people in West Germany, when all the people from East Germany started coming in, they, they got to the point where they became almost resentful of the, of the people from, from, from the east. Because I mean, they basically grew up in a communist system that didn’t require them to do anything. So I mean, what’s that other than go to work and keep your mouth shut? Well, yeah, but, but for them, it, you know, there was no reward for productivity.

So their level of efficiency was dog shit. They didn’t do anything. So. And I remember a long time ago, and I’m making a point with this. I remember a long time ago Listening to Rush Limbaugh and he was talking about how there was, I guess Harvard had done a study about people that were, that were, you know, you know, like from an environmentally friendly perspective and you know, like people who, they were talking about like separating trash for, you know, you’re putting your recyclables in one container, you’re trashing another and all this other stuff. Well, they found that more conservatives were, were in, were abided by those and separated their trash than liberals.

And the reason being is that liberals have this janitorial mentality that somebody’s going to come behind them and clean it up, whereas conservatives take it, take the approach of its individual responsibility and they do it themselves. And you know, another great. Basically the fundamental difference between noble and ignoble thinking or between those you can con into socialism and those who can’t. Socialism is dependency. Yeah. There’s another perfect example of this. You remember when Obama was inaugurated in 2009 and the mall, the mall was freaking destroyed. Well, when I guess the Tea Party had some big event in, in D.C.

and my mom even went back for it and the, I guess it was the Park Service or whoever’s in control. And Shelley, you may even been in D.C. at this time, I don’t know. But the, the point of the matter is, is that the, the Tea Party left the mall in such great shape that the, like the Park Service didn’t even need to go pick anything up because it had all been picked up by the, by the people that had, that had gone to D.C. they picked up their own trash. And same thing. Same with drop it to begin.

Or even if they did drop it, they picked up after themselves. Same thing with the Occupy Wall street movement. I mean that place was an absolute fucking disaster because the vast majority of those, the people, the mindset of those people is that somebody is going to do it for them. They don’t have to take responsibility and do it themselves. And that is the, that is essentially, if I could come, if I had to narrow it down to only one thing that would differentiate the right from the left, it would be people. People on the right are much more into doing it themselves, whereas people on the left need want somebody to do it for them or expect or, or very well said expect somebody to do it for them.

And that’s such a dangerous mindset. I’m sorry, go ahead. Yeah. Oh, that’s, that’s how people are easily controlled when they are one a victim. Which means that their external things, it’s the external externalities that are Going to take care of them and they don’t own, they don’t own their responsibility. So it’s easy to, you know, to mind control those kind of people because they are not exerting what I would call free will. And free will comes from with responsibility. Free will means you are in ownership of your intentions and you’re easily controlled. You know, well, it’s because you’re looking for something outside of you to, to solve your problems and so that the responsibility of self determination, they choose not to walk that path.

Exactly. So you’re absolved of any, you know, anything and those. And that’s why it’s easy to con. And this is why you want to create a, a society of victims versus a society of people who are, who are competent human beings who are not going to be victimized because they’re gonna, they’re gonna question, they’re gonna stand up and they’re gonna say F you because I’m not going to be controlled and I’m gonna own my free will. And that’s the definition of responsibility. So. And this is, but this is where the mind control has been happening, you know, since it’s become the.

I would. Going back to what Ron and I’ve talked about. It’s like when you became a US citizen, you became award of the state. And since then it’s all these little windy ways that they did it through certain acts and certain, and wars and all of this and, and you know, the governments trust the government, they’re going to take care of you and all this kind of stuff and you, and you are now owned. Owned. And that was, that was zero, zero intention of what this country was founded on. Zero. Absolutely. It was all in, it was all different.

And you know, I personally believe it’s going to get really hard to get people back to personal responsibility. And Ron and I talked about this. It’s like it, it, it, it doesn’t, I’m sorry. It is going to take getting your ass kicked and you have to decide whether you, your, your ass needs to get kicked. And, and you’ve got to figure out whether you’re going to survive or not. And if you don’t, well, that’s your choice. You’re absolutely right. I think and what we’re seeing is actually in certain levels you’re seeing an international agreement to put populations through the boot camp of adulthood and accepting responsibility for the self.

You know, I, no one out there, you can, you can. Victimhood is a choice again how you choose to continue to respond to something all of us could have been a victim of a, of a holdup or mugging or white collar crime or, you know, a heinous crime. But in the end, it’s how we choose to carry that forward. I’m not carrying anything forward. Anything, anyone, anything anyone has ever done to me, I’m not blaming them. Because in the end, my eyes wake up in the morning, they’re in my head and on my body. I’m still responsible for what the hell I think, say and do down to the last syllable.

Your wife doesn’t have a say in that. Okay. That’s a different story. That’s all right. I couldn’t resist. We’re perfectly, equally and perfectly yoked. And I thank God for that every day. Yeah, I, I couldn’t resist that. I know. But anyway, I mean, just because. Go ahead. I’m sorry. Well, we, I mean, just, just because you’re, you know, also the, the free will means that you have to understand that you learn lessons and somebody who loves you dearly can, can help you understand the things that you need to know better. So this is, this is where good, good mates, good ones will help you see the things that you don’t see.

And that’s, that’s the amazing thing. And, and the beauty of, of the difference between masculinity and femininity. And look what a show they have poured on many populations in the last four years especially. But they’ve been ginning up to this point for a long time. And who’s they again? I already outlined who they are. We’re just not saying names of certain bloodlines and certain dynasties. I think most people can eventually figure that out for themselves. And there’ll be time when it will be safer to say that. I hate to say that, but I’m also not blind to the realities of this world where I know they’ll take people out, they already have, who were hovering over the target, hovering over the target and pointing the finger and saying, there’s a problem right down there.

And the rest of the bomber group comes in and drops their load. Well, I’m into that. Hey, you guys continue. I need to take, I need to take like a 30 second break. I’ll be right back. You have to urinate. Just say it, Ron. No, I don’t have to urinate. I’m just kidding. But that’s what I, I just, it, it’s, it’s disheartening to see how many, Shelley, I mean, and I want to hear your thoughts on this. How many just haven’t even allowed haven’t even developed their thinking to the point where they can look at the other at opposing viewpoints.

Because I think what most what we term leftists far left and even liberals that are far far left, how much they really do have in common with those they label are quick. I don’t sit around going oh that’s a no. It’s either smart thinking or off thinking or could use a little help or just plain stuck on stupid. And yeah. With the attack on the American educational system in the last 40 years especially you know their white own white papers and speeches and gatherings that have been memorialized on paper as far back, way back before the 50s.

But let’s say 50s and 60s will go from there on reflect exactly what has transpired. And Department of Education. I don’t even think I could term it that again when you’re looking at a lot of these things reverse the name or reverse like the Patriot act. Last thing a real patriot would have ever been on board with. I don’t care what the situation is. Well the Department of Education, the Department of Institutionalization, it’s been, it’s been used as a system to you know it’s a mind control system. And one of the things Ron and I have talked about about that I think we’re very lucky to be the age that we are because we were like.

I got, I got into physics in sixth grade. Sixth grade. I got taught physics. Do they at all anymore at all in high school? No, I don’t, I don’t know. You know and I had a chemist. I was learning biology and chemistry in seventh and eighth grade. That’s because I you know we were in also that I was Pre Major Pre 86. Right. Where the vaccine. So I only had a few vaccines that had been legitimized, you know in my body. So the people who are in there, you know between their I mean I would say 50s and above caught the timeframe where the institutionalization hadn’t been reached so far down into the.

Into the medical systems, into the food systems, into the educational systems. So we, we were not inculcated. And it was. And it wasn’t until the 80s where it really started. Yeah that the 80s. I would say it kind of coincides with the medic when the medical system, the vaccines and all of that and then the, and then the food systems and then the educational systems got all much more hijacked in the 80s and then it just started to the inflection point was I think really at that point because then the Systems got all the institutionalization got systematized into these organizations and then it accelerated.

And this is why I really feel sorry for the people that got stuck in that system. But that doesn’t mean that it’s like you have to forgive them for not knowing. However, at the end of the day, I’m sorry, you got to pull it out your ass and find this thing called free will or else you will not survive. You won’t. You won’t. So your epiphany needs. At some point and I don’t know what. You know, I really thought this, that the vaccine stuff would. I know people that still freaking. They’ve had cancers and had people dying.

They still don’t. Don’t put that. Connect it. Still don’t connect it. It’s like, I don’t know if they. So. Well, they’re never going to connect it. I know there’s a. There’s a lot. Humans are lost. Certain people, yeah, they are. They are never, ever, ever going to connect it. You know, you guys are talking about the Department Education and you know, I wanted to play something and I had kind of had this queued up. I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to play about five minutes of this just. And then we can talk about it afterwards because it falls right in line with what you’re talking about.

Shelley, here, hold on one second here by the winners. Let’s see. Let me get to the point where it needs to be about the. Here we go. Well, the answer again should be obvious, especially to people who have seen how and why Big oil conquered the world. But to spell it out a little, we did of course also see in that How Big Oil Conquered the World report how Rockefeller and Carnegie teamed up to produce something called the Flexner Report, which was a report that went on to standardize the medical education system as we know it today, which itself cemented into place the allopathic big pharma system that we still associate with that idea of medicine.

That is what medicine is. It is the allopathic big pharma system which, oh, by the way, relies on big oil for a lot of the pharmaceuticals that it pimps on people. So that is a very specific example of how this functions in the World War I case. We have another very specific example of how this functions. And this comes to us from someone who will be familiar to my long term listeners, Norman Dodd, the head researcher for the RIIS Committee, a congressional committee formed in the 1950s to examine the doings of the tax exempt foundations like the Rockefellers and the Carnegies and the Ford foundation and the other major tax exempt foundations that were operating at that time.

Now that committee, as again my longtime listeners will know, came to a number of startling conclusions. But one that was, I think, of particular relevance to our topic here today was contained in that normandot introduction which I’m assuming most of you have seen by now. The link will be in the show notes, in case you haven’t. But let’s listen to a segment where the thread is connected directly from World War I and the use of war in shaping and molding public perception and opinion and how that ties into the story of the creation of the institutions that now gatekeep the historical record.

We are now at the year 1908, which was the year that the Carnegie began operations. And in that year the trustees meeting for the first time raised a specific question which they discuss throughout the balance of the year in a very learned fashion. And the question is, is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people? And they conclude that no more effective means than war to that end is known to humanity. So then in 1909 they raised the second question and discuss it, namely, how do we involve the United States in a war? Well, I doubt at that time if there was any subject more removed from the thinking of most of the people of this country than its involvement in a war.

There were intermittent shows in the Balkans, but I doubt very much if many people even knew where the Balkans were. Then finally they answer that question as we must control the State Department. And then that very naturally raises the question of how do we do that? They answer it by saying we must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country. And finally they resolve to aim at that as an objective. Then time passes and we are eventually in a war which would have been World War I. And at that time they record on their minutes a shocking report in which they dispatched to President Wilson a telegram cautioning him to see that the war does not end too quickly.

And finally, of course, we are the war is over. At that time their interest shifts over to preventing what they call a reversion of life in the United States to what it was prior to 1914, when World War I broke out. And they arrived at that point, they come to the conclusion that to prevent a reference version, we must control education in the United States. And they realized that that’s a pretty big task. So to them it is too big for them alone. So they approach the Rockefeller foundation with the suggestion that that portion of education which could be considered domestic be handled by the Rockefeller foundation, and that portion, which is international, should be handled by the Endowment.

And they then decide that the key to the success of these two operations lay in an alteration of the teaching of American history. So they approach for of the then most prominent teachers of American history in the country, people like Charles and Mary Bird, and their suggestion to them is, will they alter the manner in which they present this subject? And they get turned down flat. So they then decide that it is necessary for them to do as they say, build our own stable of historians. Then they approach the Guggenheim foundation, which specializes in fellowships, and say, when we find young men in the process of studying for doctorates in the field of American history, and we feel that they are the right caliber, will you grant them fellowships on our say so.

And the answer is yes. So under that condition, eventually they assembled 20 and they take this 20 potential teachers of American history to London, and there they’re briefed into what is expected of them when, as and if they secure appointments in keeping with the doctorates they will have earned. That group of 20 historians ultimately becomes the nucleus of the American Historical Association. So there is, that is. That’s kind of what I wanted to play that. It just talks about how they wanted to control education going back in, as far as the, you know, the 1920s. They needed to have they.

And, and what he was talking about in terms of reversion prior to World War I. You guys can hear me? Okay. Yes, testing. Yes. Okay. Making sure. So there’s a question there I want to address after you’re done. Okay, please. Yeah, no, no worries. So. So what, what, what they figured out they had to do was they. If, if the, if the presenters of history at that time wouldn’t do it, wouldn’t present history, to cultivate the mindset in. To be more globalist than. Because the mindset of the Americans was to be very isolationist. And what he talked about was when he talked about reversion, he did not want, or they did not want a reversion of mindset of the American public to go back to being isolationist.

They wanted the American people to be much more worldly and, you know, be global citizens as opposed to, you know, isolationist. So anyway, that’s. And, and I mean, that was 100 years ago. So imagine all of what they have accomplished now and where they’ve been in 100 years. And what’s your, what’s your, what’s your question? Well, there’s someone called the real special Ed. I’m sure Ed or Edwina is very special, but the statement is, I also don’t understand this. We hear names like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Gates, Schwab or Schaub, Soros. Where did these people get their money? Anyone follow my.

Yes, these money lines have been well documented and followed. And I’m sorry if at times Ron show takes the, the, the tone of assuming that that’s even understood with a lot of the audience. Well, let’s start with Rothschild. To sum it up. Battle of Waterloo. Okay, we can go into that, Ron, in a minute. Rockefeller, discovery of oil in the continental United States. Gates a father, Bill Gates’s father, who was on and excuse me, Shelley for a lady, and you are a lady being present. But Gates’s father, who was on his knees for the Rockefeller family.

Bill Gates simply inherited the next mission, which was let’s take this Xerox technology of Windows or functions within functions, and let’s apply it to your disk, operating System and the PC because back in the 50s it was already being theorized. Licklider and a few other names come to mind of who wrote white papers on the integration of human beings and computers and how keyboards were just the beginning. Soros. Well, the history is there for you to look up on how he was taken basically as a Jewish orphan under the wings of. I believe it was Roman Catholic individual.

And he was shown how to make money in the middle of wartime, I believe at a very young age in World War II. All of the, all of this is out there for, for your taking all of this information. Each one of those names we could do a series of shows on. Not that they’re that wonderful of people or anything other than their. They have shown that they are ruthless. It’s not about money at that level. No, because control the one thing. What’s his name, the billionaire. Now who’s part of the. With the Doge Department of Government.

Efficiency. Efficiency. Elon Musk. All right. Elon Musk, for example, is not the richest man in the world by any stretch. No, these other names you’re mentioning have influence over quadrillions, centillions. It’s not about money with them. It is about hegemonic control over the perception of humanity. And controlling the money supply was simply one of the steps in the means to that end. And that happened a long time ago in Europe. And we don’t have money that is value. We have money that is debt from the moment it’s printed. And that’s a concept I would I would urge you to all to look up who don’t comprehend exactly what I’m saying.

We don’t have, we have what is fiat. Yeah. The Federal Reserve note which is, which is what’s printed on every dollar bill or every bill that you have in your bill fold if you’re in the United States. If you look at it, it says Federal Reserve note. And what that is, is that is that note is a note of debt because it is, it’s a very good, very good statement on this individual’s part to show where, where thinking is. So continue with that. Ron. I’m sorry. No, no, you’re good. Well, I mean if you want to go back to the Rockefellers, what, what the Rockefeller did specifically is the rock Rockefeller had.

Well, yeah, Pacers. But yeah, we’re getting into that sovereign layer I was speaking of. The reason I don’t sit here and rattle off names in that layer, present day locations in Europe and around the world is I like living. Yeah, there’s, there’ll be a time and place for that. Well, you know, but, but getting to the point of, getting to the point of how the Rockefellers made all their money was the Rockefeller, Rockefeller in whatever it was at the battle of Battle of Waterloo he start. He caused a major sell off of stocks because what he did he had, he had carrier pigeons and these carrier pigeons were carrying notes to him from people on, from his representatives on the ground in the battle.

And they, he knew that the, that the Russians had defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. Well what he did Childs, it’s Rothschild. Rothschilds. Forgive me, I meant Rothschilds. Yeah. So the rod. So he, so the Rothschild knew and it was, I think it was, wasn’t it Nathan that knew that the battle was a losing proposition for the enemy, but they were opposite direction to crash the markets in London right where they could. Then he, he bought, he bought everything. All the prices crashed and when all the prices crashed he took all of the money that he had and he bought everything.

And then, then the real news came in and when the news got there that the battle had actually been lost and not won, then all the, all the prices just soared. And so this guy, so, so Rothschild he, it was almost like shorting the market. He bought a bunch of stuff at just rock bottom prices and then it all exploded. I think virtually a 72 hour period. Yeah, within a 72 hour period. I believe what he did was he, he multiplied his wealth by a factor of what was like 2, 2 or 300. It was to the point to where he owned more pound sterling notes than anyone, including the royalty.

Right in the Commonwealth. Yeah, that family. That branch of the family. Go ahead, Shirley. I’m sorry. So I have something I want to say I want to talk about. Okay. Soros did the same thing. Yep. Right with. And so that’s how he made his money. So bringing this back to modern day. What the f. This. You know Bassent, the guy that’s got tagged as Treasury Secretary. Do you. Did you guys know who that guy is? No, I don’t have a background. No. Okay, guess who he was the chief head finance manager for guess who? Goldman Sachs, J.P.

morgan. Soros. Soros. That’s right. That’s right. I’m trying to figure out. I’m trying to figure out why the hell this guy got put as Treasury. There’s so many other people that are so much more qualified that it’s like that. That should have been Shelton, Judy Shelton. You know, somebody like that who has been a big Trump, you know, who’s like once pushing back to go to the gold standard. So why, why the hell is this guy that is being chosen as a part of now I have theories about it, but I’m wondering what you guys might think about.

Why would you choose somebody that is well known to be a Soros supporter and has worked as for and been his like chief investment officer through. Through the Thesaurus dynasty. What do you guys think about that particular choice for the head of the Treasury Department? Just so I’m just curious, you want to go first, what you think? I’ll give what comes at the top of my mind. Remember the Nuremberg trials and remember that especially in Japan, but neither in Germany to a great degree did we go after everyone. We took Reinhard Galen, who was not only a general in the Schustaffel or ss, but he was a general in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

And he considered that in his own private writings to be a higher calling than his rank of general in the ss. He was one of the. And he played a number of people here like a fiddle. If you really look at the history in the creation of CIA and a number of other things, but that primarily I’m looking at it is that the opposition knows that the one who has the bigger stick or the most lethal weapon and is willing to use it. I’m not referring to traditional Cold War, I’m talking about current day and is willing to use it.

Well, you either do one of two things. You sit down and you have an accepted representative between the two. This is just my Opinion or you’re still playing a multi layered game that in the end these types of appointments will show themselves for what they are. That’s a simple way of looking at it, but believe me, that gets to a very complex game. So yeah, all eyes are on all of those picks and who is, let’s say who is endorsing and opposing and why. And we’re still seeing a gaming out on a daily basis of everything.

So I’m leaving. So are you. Like a stick. You’re saying it’s a sting operation? I’m saying it’s a long game. Well, a combination of both. A long game could just be to get a desired outcome you wish without the enemy ever knowing it. But I think everything is too much on the table at certain levels right now. It’s too much on the table. It’s wide open. And if we’re going to have a transition, even the enemy wishes to survive. Look at the end of World War II, how many people that Hitler claimed betrayed him until he named the admiralty high admiral of their navy during its successor and the one who could negotiate a peace.

Well, it was non negotiable. We were going to dictate the terms 100% no matter what. And you had both Himmler and you had in some degree Bormann and you had that narcissistic slob what was named Guring, head of the Luftwaffe, all of them vying to get to. And Hess had come to his senses long before that. But what did both sides label him? Crazy because he flew over in a state I think in Scotland, crashes, playing, parachuted out and said, look, I see where this is going, we need to talk about this. So I think some of these appointments and it’s even known to the opposition are calculated.

It’s like Fauci. It’s like Fauci, you know, he, you know, everybody says, well why did he put Fauci in charge of that? He put him out there so that he, his, his face would be the face of it. He’d be out, he’d be right out in front and so careful that there isn’t, there isn’t layers above that are going to try to prevail still. What is about to transpire? I mean, what, what are we looking at? We’re looking at a controlled demolition of the economy, ultimately. That’s correct. Of the economy. Okay, so if we’re looking be the boogeyman, that right can be blamed or brought into the, let’s say the standoff, that is not even a real standoff but serves as optics for the population to understand or better accept a greater transition which is going to be economic.

It’s at the root of everything commerce. When you look at what is coming with this financial system collapse, it would be very easy to put somebody like that at the face of it and then them kind of get some of the blame. I tend to believe that Trump set these things in motion in 2020 when he accelerated the money printing post Covid because the, the I think it was the M2 money supply went up by a factor of five. He put know how this game works? You can do that. Yeah. You put so much money liquidity out there.

And basically what he was doing is he was utilizing the Federal Reserve against the Federal Reserve by instead of giving the money to the government, giving it out to the people. That’s one aspect. Yeah. And that was a. And, and, and what it did was it accelerated the demise of the dollar as the dollar in the form of the Federal Reserve note. Because there’s two types of. There’s, you know, we had a dollar before the dollar before the Federal Reserve note was not the Federal Reserve note. It was actually. It was real money. Now we don’t have real money.

We have currency and we’re going to have real money again. And there’s some comments going, you know, who are the real powers behind the world control. I’m sorry but I’m not going to say outright names at this point. There’s many people out there who could. But they’re known. It’s not that they’re not known. They’re very known quantities. Zog. You’ll find them in ZOG in Lombardi region in Italy, some in Sicily. You’ll find them in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Berlin, City of London as well as London, but City of London D.C. other locations around the world that are indeed incorporated private principalities as well as you’ll find many unincorporated private principalities.

What they, what this system didn’t want you to know, for example, is that you can do that with your own property. Well, I’ll just leave it at that for now. That’s a whole different. Well, no, that you’re. Okay, so I’m going to touch upon that but I’m going to bring it into the future. And that is, that’s, you know, with the digital assets in crypto, if you understand, if you understand anything about the. I hate using the term crypto because it’s. But, but for the, for the sake of discussion, that’s the term that I’m going to use because that’s what everybody understands.

But crypto, you are your own bank, you hold your assets, you can store them on an exchange, which is basically, it’s almost like a bank, you can store them there, but if you store them there and the exchange goes belly up. We had one of those happen not too long ago with ftx. Well, when FTX went up, all of the people who had money on FTX lost it, so. But all of the people who have their, their crypto on a wallet or a cold storage device, one that’s not even connected to the Internet, where you can hold onto those assets, you are, you know, nobody can take that.

That’s what you call self custody. And we are, I believe that we are going into a world where banks are still going to have a role to play, but the banks are going to have to earn the right to custody your assets. You may not want to. Primarily industrial leaning and let’s say entrepreneurial or larger concerns into the larger industries. That’s where banks will come in. It’s the little group of investors that, you know, you can go to if you have something presented that’s worthwhile. In a sense, I see it being something in between the investment firm, the investment banker and the everyday banker.

That’ll be their role. We can’t allow it to become loan sharks. And I, you know. No, I see. Special Ed came up with another one, another good point. Government, corporations and such. No, people have to understand those concepts and what the concept of corporeal core and corporation mean at their inception. The epistemological root of why these words exist and what they apply to how they are applied in law versus how they are used in everyday speech. In order to get the things, the details further, people have to comprehend that among many, many, many other things. In other words, you’re, you’re, you’re seeing the chains which bind you for the first time and you’re seeing exactly where they’re connected.

And can I pull that bolt out of that wall? Well, Christ said the true self. People often refer to him saying as the true self set you free. Free. No, the truth shall make you free. Trans. Once you’re, once your thinking is transformed, you realize those chains only existed because you complied and you allowed them to exist. Why? It’s not your fault you weren’t educated to ask why. Enough. The Socratic method is at the very foundation of whether it’s intel work, whether it’s business, whether it’s even interpersonal relationships. Why? If you stop asking why at a certain point and rest upon an ideology or anything.

An ideology is self limiting by its nature. Dogma is self limiting by its nature. If when we get to the point where the majority of the audience is saying yeah, I understand that, I understand this, I understand the concept of the corporation, well, again, it comes down to nothing can really force you to do anything that either doesn’t A prompt you or tempt you or B stick a gun to your head. Those are the only ways you’re going to other than again being basing your existence on, on self responsibility. So I, I would love to be able to answer a lot of these questions in depth, but they’re great statements and questions and in and of themselves would require other minds and a complete two to four hour block of time just to really get into the meat of it, let alone the entire history of it.

So, so this is how far down. Not the rabbit hole most minds are on this planet, but the hole most minds have been led to believe. That’s fresh water, drink that. Well, wait a minute, that stinks. And I’m watching people retch and die over here and further over as they walk away. I’m watching them drop dead. I’m not drinking that. I’m not buying what you’re selling. And they were very careful throughout the centuries to make it more of a process of consciousness consent than they ever were. A process of enlightenment. Enlightenment. They would hoard Europe. You’re on your own on that one.

But self enlightenment is why we’re here. If you want, if you ask me, why did, why are we given life and this time and these, these pressing issues and actual life and death, it is for enlightenment. And that means raising to a higher level of perception and consciousness. And this is the last thing anyone who has a hold on you and you make their life a pleasure yacht cruise while yours is plowing a field or working in a mine. That’s the last thing they want you asking. Let me answer. Anti Hero has asked me a couple of times here about what if you don’t have crypto in your paycheck to paycheck.

Well, you can. You know what? I would, I couldn’t. It’s not financial advice. But I, I will just tell you do whatever you can to tighten your belt. Sell some things that you don’t need. Do whatever you can to scrounge any money that you could find and get yourself into some, into some of these digital assets. Exposure to. On liquidity. Yeah, non liquidity. I will tell you that since Trump was elected, since, since the election, I’m not going to give out a figure, but I’ll just say this. Since the election, my crypto portfolio has gone up almost 150%.

And, and it’s like right now it’s like 1995 and you have the ability to buy Apple and Amazon stock, Microsoft stock. That’s what you’re looking at right now. This isn’t a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is like a once in a species opportunity because it’s very rare that you have the. I often. Not that I think that it’s accurate, but I love the scene in episode two of John Adams when John Adams is standing there in front of the second Continental Congress and he says, gentlemen, we are in the very midst of revolution. How often do members of the human race get the opportunity to choose a system of government for them and their children? Now, we don’t necessarily have the ability to choose a system of government because.

But we, but we do have the ability to participate and invest in the future financial system by way of the assets that are going to be used in it. And that is what the crypto slash digital asset market is. I’m a huge believer in gold and silver. Don’t get it twisted. I have a lot of it. But in terms of. But, but I have a good. But I will tell you this. The portion of money that I have in crypto has outperformed my silver and gold holdings by probably a factor of fifty to a hundred. So, you know, I mean, I think it’s absolutely necessary to hold on to some precious metals.

But precious metals are not going. Metals are wealth preservation and the digital asset market is wealth creation because you’re speculative, they’re speculative assets. So I’ll just. And you don’t need much. See a change that. And you don’t need much. I, I tell, I tell this story and I’ll, I’ll, I’ll end with this. I’ve told this story before, and for those of you who’ve heard from me in the past, I apologize. But back in 2010, I was going to buy $100 worth of Bitcoin, all right? That would have netted me about 10,000 because it was about a penny at the time.

Well, today bitcoin is like at what, 96 or $98,000. So that 10,000 bitcoin today would be worth almost a billion dollars. 900 and some odd thousand dollars or $900 million plus. So isn’t. You don’t need a lot. And that’s just in 15 years, because I was going to do that in 2010. So a lot of it’s been at first a huge DARPA experiment. It is, it’s true. But the, but, but the digital asset market is here to stay. And Rosie Rios is the person who is, she’s actually on the board at Ripple and she made a statement.

She actually left the treasury to go work with Ripple because that was the quote, unquote, future of money. And she made the statement that the train has left the station. Now, when she said the train has left the station, she wasn’t, I don’t believe she was necessarily suggesting that XRP was the one. She was talking about the entire crypto space, that the entire crypto space is the future. That train has left the station and it will never come back. That is the future of money. The system that we have to transact with in monetary terms from country to country.

When Russia did all their stuff, I mean, Russia was part of the G8. And then all of a sudden they did something. And then all of a sudden then we said, okay, well, Russia’s no longer part of it and we’re going to put sanctions on them. Well, what did sanctions mean? Sanctions meant that, you know, the United States is in control of the SWIFT system. And they pulled them, they pulled, they no longer allowed Russia to transact on swift. So now Russia can’t send money internationally because that’s. Well, they can now, but, but doing. But the, but the point of the matter is, is that they couldn’t, you, they couldn’t utilize the Swift system.

And that was, and that is how the United States has, has kept everybody in, in line. Well, Swift has been primarily European. Go ahead. I mean, go ahead, Shelley, if you have something. I just, I have, I just have some insight, some into what that this whole concept of changing the financial systems within the United States and globally. But I can tell you specifically in within the United States, because my background is studying policy and what goes on in the government. There have been several things that have been done within the US Government as far as legislation, and some of the actions that Trump took that indicate that this whole use of the digital assets has been in the works for quite a while.

And even I have, I know, I hate this term, the people hate this term, the qfs. But I found evidence of, actually on the treasury website where it’s been referenced as to a great reset. And I can provide that information. However, I want to just say that there has been legislation that was put in place that. Two things. One was the Quantum Initiative act, which is about looking at Quantum based technologies and how to use them. And if you look in to what quantum based technologies are, it’s about basically, I hate that term, but it’s like just the ability to do computing at a very high rate.

Okay. Just think of it as like a huge machine that can actually deal with a lot of information. Let’s just look at it that way more better than anything that we have on the Internet right now. And then the other thing that is, that is in the, is that there was legislation about a new financial system for the 21st century and that that was, this was all done within Trump’s terms. And basically what the first legislation approved was this looking into how digital assets, financial assets can be utilized domestically and globally and how to utilize them into the future.

And so the whole thing with this crypto stuff is that it is the early stages of these emerging systems that have now been codified by some of the federal, the work that has been done in the government to build the capabilities to now create the new systems to replace the fiat, fiat dollar and the Federal Reserve note and go to an asset based system. Even if you have gold and silver backing it, you still have to be able to do transactions and you can’t trade in gold and silver, you know, back and forth. And the whole point is in the digital space is to be able to have your ability to do transactions and also investments where you can deal in the digital realm, where transactions occur, but you still have asset assets backing it.

And so a lot of the crypto technologies are going to be supporting these systems and that’s why it’s such a great investment right now, because so few people understand it. It is the, the inflection point is you are, if you do learn about it and trust me, you can go on YouTube and just, just take a couple days or you know, just go Google stuff, figure it out. That’s the hard way. But you can and if you do look into it, it will begin to make a lot of sense. But what I’m saying is the systems are starting to be built and the whole movement towards it, the infrastructure has been laid.

So this isn’t just some, it’s going to tie in with the bricks, is also going to time. We’re going to be a multipolar, multi currency asset based on a global basis so that it leaves sovereignty back to the countries to have their own assets, but in a way that they can trade with the rest of the world in a much more just and fair system. So I’m going to get off my off my soapbox. But. But the information is there. If you want to delve into it. There’s. It’s been built. So I guess my message is like, this isn’t just a whack, wacky, weird, whatever cryptos I don’t believe in.

It’s a digital. If you understand the foundations for it and what’s been done, it now makes sense to me. Yes. Why this is happening now. Yeah. And it couldn’t. It couldn’t. You know, the. The Trump administration waited. Administration, the campaign waited for a very long time after, you know, to bring in this concept. I mean, very, very late in the game. And I thought it. I think it was just because it was too bizarre for anybody to understand. It was. It was in the summer. It was like. It was like July, August, time frame when he started talking about crypto.

He had a guy. He had some people at the. At the bitcoin conference down in Miami. And then. Yeah, and then he went to go speak at the Libertarian National Convention, and that was when. That was when it, like, the lid came off. Because he talked about how he was going to. He was gonna fire Gary Gensler and how he was gonna make the United States the crypto capital of the world, and he was gonna, you know, he was gonna pardon Ross Ulbricht. And of course, if you’re. If you know any who Ross Ulbricht is in the libertarian community, he’s, you know, he’s looked at as a.

I don’t want to say he’s looked at as a God, but he’s looked at as a. As certainly a very influential person. Don’t necessarily agree with everything that he did. But, you know, for those of you who don’t know who Ross Ulbricht is, he started the Silk Road, and the Silk Road was a. Was a website that you could go into the dark web and use Bitcoin and you could buy any sort of drug that you wanted and it would be shipped to you or kill people. Well, no, you don’t order him. No, that was. That was.

That was his doing. That wasn’t him. Yeah, that wasn’t him. Okay. Yeah, it was out there for sure. Yeah. More open than people would think. Yeah, absolutely. But the, you know, But. But crypto and. And blockchain technology is absolutely the way of the future because, you know, everybody says, oh, well, that’s just digital money. What are you. Okay, when you go to the grocery store and you pull out your debit card and you pay for your. What do you. What are you using? Yeah, it’s digital money. So I mean we’ve been using digital money for the last 30 years.

Yeah, yeah. It’s the difference is the principle. The, as Ron was saying is the custodial people don’t understand today when you put your money, first of all it’s fiat, which is, it’s a debt based system. So it’s not worth anything and it’s generated by an organization that is not part of the government. And that when you put your money in a bank, it doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to the bank. Okay? Not money. But if you put your Federal Reserve note digital deposit in a bank that if the bank goes bankrupt they will take that money from you because it’s called a bail in.

And so people have no idea about the financial systems and it’s been a long road to get to this pardon the French fuckery and people have no idea how we got here. Are you trying to get me to do it? And you’re trying to get me to do it? I am. It’s a long and winding road to the ship fuckery. But, but it’s, and it’s, and the thing is for me the financial unwinding is like if, if we don’t see that, if we don’t see that unwinding and then this is for naught because that is where the money changers.

That, that is where, that is where our enslavement occurred. And it started happening going back to the Rothschilds. If this, this whole thing goes back a very, very long time and now you’re starting to see that the foundations are getting built to get out there. So you know this whole concept of Gesara, Nesara, whatever, whatever. It’s an idea, it’s an idea that says you no longer are controlled by a up financial system that creates slavery and the, whatever systems that need to get, that are, need to get built to do that. The infrastructure starting to happen now and this is why the whole, the whole crypto and the goal, the asset base that’s much greater in the language, that’s an awareness of and consciousness of human beings.

Right now there’s, that’s which is really good. But people don’t understand why what was wrong. So they don’t understand why this makes sense. So anyway, I’m going to get off my soapbox. But that’s the whole, the whole point is understand what’s wrong. Then you can understand why a solution and what that solution should look like. That’s my point. And there’s good, there’s Good stuff. Very well. And someone said something about how long are the Chinese going to hold us accountable for the Opium Wars? Sure seems so. But then of course if you’re. If someone who declare who looks at you as an adversary wants to wreak revenge and they found a wonderful pipeline by financing and controlling five of the major cartels on this planet, they’re not going to stop until.

Stopped. That’s just eastern human nature. And I’m not, I’m not saying, I’m just saying this cultural differences. No, they’re still getting their payback, is it right? No. Why? Because they CCP and Ministry of State Security, which is their self explanatory. They’re not going to stop until we stop them, until we say no more. But we had an interim. I wouldn’t even call it administration, I just call it an interim. Let’s say the heartbeat was in afib for the last three and a half, four years. And I don’t think a lot of these things were allowed to continue to necessarily.

Yes, a tremendous amount of profit is made on both sides of that ocean. But again we’re seeing revenge against the western oligarch system. And unfortunately as the people of these various nations, we wind up paying the price, we pay that, we pay the tab, we pay the fare, as we have through the fiat banking system, as we have through let’s say the systematic and intentional corruption down to the county and local level throughout this country from a nation who had been given carte blanche to have our worst interest as their best interest. But there’s also another player in that and that is the original creator of this horrible mess and that is the Commonwealth.

But the Commonwealth will justify itself as saying, well, the crowds of people, etc. Etc. It’s all nonsense. It’s all again like the appendix. I can live without it. If it’s flaring up, take it out. This is what we’re dealing with now, except which it’s being tried this transitional period and that’s exactly what we’re in. There’s in certain ways that I, I foresee the accentuation of the showing aspect rather than telling because telling didn’t work 20 years prior to that. So now we’re seeing this showing aspect to where it inflames left, right, systemic thinking. It inflames all kinds of things that are again years and decades behind, behind where we really are when we’re talking about a like you mentioned, Shelly, qfx, qfs, Imagine and systems that are able to actually look into the future and game Out a million probabilities of a future and which ones are most probable.

We have to keep a close eye on all of this as it rolls out because again, the science and the application are decades ahead of where we are with crypto right now. It’s like fema. Are they really there to help the people in North Carolina or all these past tragedies? Three quarters of their mission was trauma, psychological evaluation. They can hide behind FEMA all they want, but that’s what they were doing. They asked more questions. Having gone through a couple of of these, let’s say natural events and having to have dealt with them. I wanted nothing to do with them other than to get on with my life.

But they wanted to know more about me. My own parents knew and that was, that was the experience of many. And look at what, what’s happening now in North Carolina. People living in tents this many months after the fact, weeks into months now, and they’re having sub freezing weather coming through. What more do you want? All right, and you’ve got again, apply the Socratic method to all of this. All of which discussing all that we’re positing, all that we’re stating, all that we’re theorizing. Apply Socratic method to your thinking, which means you never stop asking why until you really get to the root of the issue.

And then oftentimes, which what I would suggest doing is inverting what you think you found and quite often you’ll find that makes sense. Where it all ends, I have no idea. I do know that if matters continue on the path that they currently are, I do believe it will be a better and brighter future. But we’re not through the worst of it yet. I think that would be naive for anybody to even assume that or think that. Again, constantly ask why or who and why who often is not so important. Whether I mentioned the Medici family de Medici or any number of others, they already know what the future holds for them.

And it’s the world moving. It’s the entire world actually, when you get down to moving in a particular set of directions, that money and the application of money in its current form will not support, will not affect support nor allow to be gone in certain directions. We’re now in a huge transitional period where if we as Americans don’t ask why at every turn and seek the truth with that why, we’re going to find ourselves either in a very bad spot or what I think will be eventually a very good spot. How many years? I don’t know.

No one knows. Even the gaming Systems at work 24,7 in many countries don’t know because there’s an, there’s an aspect to all of this in human thinking that takes out the, the more esoteric aspects of our existence cannot, cannot include them in the equation. AI can never know what it is to be human, no matter how advanced it gets, no matter how infinite the ner, the, the, let’s say, neuromodeling it does with it, with itself, let alone its interaction with human beings. We’ve got to be again, very careful with a lot that we’re, we’re toying with now because I do agree with a lot, lot of other minds out there that this, that AI is probably the by far the most dangerous thing we’ve ever had to confront, as well as the most promising.

But we thought that of the atom once, didn’t we? And the policy of, of MAD got us through it. In reality, whether we like to admit it or not, the idea that your neighbor is sitting there saying, you know, I can burn you out, and you’re saying, yeah, I can burn you out just as easy. How about we don’t do that? And I think this is also a growing up time for the entire planet, regardless of what nation, what level the they’re on, whether they’re, and I’ll say it, hole status or advanced. And we need to keep mining our own store.

And I, I. The whole, whole, the greatest thing to come out of the last 25 years has been people’s minds taking them out of the everyday programming and engineering that they grew up in, their ancestors grew up in and looking at it and saying, wait a minute, you know, every life is equally valued in the eyes of creation. There is no getting around that equation, period. So all of these dynasties that have made their marks in the past, well you had your time, things are moving on. But it’s incumbent upon everyone in this country to learn what it is to take part.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s, you know, hey, wait a minute, that sewer is leaking. Let me call it in. Or far greater in let’s say application, because all of it in a sense is, is equally important. It’s like broken windows policing. Broken windows policing. You never heard that? No, I haven’t actually. Okay, so yeah, Bongino talks about this. Basically, if you, if you just ignore that people are breaking windows, you know, then ultimately they’re going to graduate from breaking windows into doing other things. And so the whole thought there is that what you do is you punish people for the Small crimes so that they recognize that there is a repercussion for activity.

Now if they, if you, if you put a harsh punishment on doing something that’s small and you increase that punishment for things that are, you know, you know, incrementally worse, people will avoid doing it. So. And that, that was kind of the, that was one of the things that Giuliani implemented in New York when he came into being the mayor, because New York was just basically a sewer and it was just, it was, it was crime ridden. Yeah. And the police had their hands tied, just almost like it is today. And he cleaned up the city and I, and, and make no mistake, I’m not, I, I’m not suggesting that Giuliani was the savior and that everything that he did was, you know, that his, his don’t stink.

That’s not what I’m saying. Pragmatic. That’s right. Right. You know, Warner Von Braun once said, pragmatism rests upon the efforts of dreamers. Well, I’m sure Giuliani dreamt of a better New York and then he got down to the everyday rolling up his sleeves and okay, who do I have to deal with and how do I have to deal. Deal with them? And this is after his taking down the last of the, you know, street side mafia. None of that. The point, and I, the point I was trying to make there is, I was just trying to draw, I was just trying to draw a congruent, A congruent line to what you’re talking about, that everybody needs to be involved here and we need to be involved at a fundamental level doing small things and you know.

Yeah, there was a time when the worst thing you could hear when you got home was Mrs. So and so called me. We need to have a talk. Right. You know, when you were 5, 6, 7 years old, actually, in a time when you can play in the streets in certain areas of the most areas of this country and do not have to worry about being abducted by some freak or some sociological deviant that this entire move towards a brave new world has created among us and enhanced and brought out. There’s no doubt about it. I mean, criminality has been given a pass.

Absolutely. How many years? Sorry, Criminality doesn’t matter why or what you were feeling or what you thought when you murdered someone. By God, you murdered someone. Don’t even try to justify it. If the evidence is there and the witnesses are there, murder should be. What is. Well, what this, what was the title? Murder Most or that statement? Murder Most Foul. I believe of, was it Shakespeare or something? I can’t remember. But what happened to us where we began to give gradients to criminality on a future show. I’ll tell you how old I was the first time I got technically detained by the police.

You’ll love it. It’s a great story. Well, I haven’t had. I haven’t been pulled over in over 30 years. And the, and the last Parker ticket I had was over two and a half decades ago. It wasn’t even my. It wasn’t even me who did it. Actually, I was too drunk to be driving, so someone else parked my car. That’s a different time. And fun stories too. But you know, you were drunk. Me? Oh, never. Yeah, come on, Ron. And you know, I guess the point I’m trying to make is in certain ways, certain philosophies that are.

You have to be shown, not told. Unfortunately. It’s just the way human being, all of us have been tempered in our own lives, let alone as a society and let alone as one society among many on this planet. We unfortunately have always been programmed to learn through pain and fear and loss and suffering when real growth should be the actual thing that people seek every day and try. There’s. I don’t mean to interrupt you here lives. I mean, I know I’m getting far ahead of the curve on a lot of it, but this is where it needs to be.

There’s something here that I think is very, very apropos for where we are today. And I think what is coming. The user. Sweet Kikrun says when I stole baseball cards from the grocery store store to get the gum, just to get the stick of gum that was in it. Oh boy, my mom was pissed. She walked my 4 year old but back into that store to apologize in front of everyone. Now the crucial thing there is that, okay, if, if, if this person had to go back and apologize to the, to the manager, that’s one thing.

But if you have to apologize in front of everybody, that is almost more, that’s more of a punishment because you’re, you’re having to acknowledge wrongful doing in front of everybody. And you know, I would love. I was talking to a good friend of mine, the. Not too long ago and he was talking about bringing back the stocks. You know, where they, you, you put your, you, you have your head in there and your hands in the town square and you can’t move and everybody that walks by sees you in the stocks and you know, they can throw tomatoes at you or whatever, you know, and you just have somebody, you have somebody there just monitoring it so that those people don’t get hurt.

But, you know, I mean, that is punishment. Nobody wants to be humiliated in the public sphere. And what is about to transpire in this country and all over the world for that matter, is that we are going to see an inordinate amount of people, people that are going to be punished in a very public way for things that are extraordinarily diabolical and they need to be. It’s the only way to deal with it. And to make the point, humiliation works absolutely and properly. It works for the right reasons. And yeah, there’s a lot of people walking around and living in extreme comfort at the cost of many other lives.

And this has to end. There’s only one way to end it, and that is to end it and stand up and say, yeah, we, we ended this. And whether it be the entire country or many nations together, we’re, we’re done with this, we’re finished with it. Human trafficking is going to be that issue, that watershed issue, because everybody keeps trying to sweep it under. Everybody tries to keep sweeping that under the rug. No. Well, there’s more horrible things going on now than ever. In no time in history has it been worse. We’re just as bad on this planet as it has ever been, except now it’s on an industrial scale because we have an industrial size population.

Not that we. Not that 7 billion is too many. No, I’m not saying that at all. Would you, let me ask you this. Would you say that proportionally speaking, that it’s about the same as it’s always been? I think in many ways it is better. But as far as, as bad as the worst gets, it’s. It’s the same as it’s always been. Well, and I get that, and I’m not trying to diminish it, not by any stretch of the imagination, but what I’m saying is, you know, when, when the world population was under, you know, was under 100 million, you know, percentage wise, you, you had that going on.

But now that the world population is over 8 billion billion, almost 9 billion, if not closer to 10 billion, well, it just stands to reason that if you have more people, you’re going to have more trafficking. So what? I, I guess more Hitlers alive now than you ever had at one time. I’m interested to hear what Shelley has to say about this. Absolutely. Shelley. About the. It’s hard to say about the percentage or whatever, the relativity of it, but I think it actually I think it happens on a couple of different layers. I think you go into.

There’s slavery that’s been happening of which we’re all participating in and we don’t know, we’re not aware of it, but we are. I mean we’re humans being harvested. I’m going to say above ground and then there’s what’s happening below and there’s. First of all, there’s no way we can know the extent of that. There’s no way we know how far that goes. It’s. I’m sure it’s way worse. Way worse than. First of all, let’s put it this way. I think it’s become an industrial process. I agree. If you go to the dark chrome side, which I don’t even want to address here too much because people will get too whacked out about that.

But body parts, the use of abortion clinics, using fetuses to feed it, it’s industrialized now. And yes, soil and green. I think, I personally think, in general, I think it’s worse now. It’s just in different flavors and it’s. And the scale of the different levels are more magnified just because the amount of humanity that’s on this earth, I don’t think, I don’t think people like us really, truly have an understanding of the barbaric capabilities of their fellow man. I wouldn’t even call it fellow man. I would call. There’s I’m no fellow to those demons among us.

But yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, there’s, you know what it is good people don’t think that these level of nefarious stuff exists. They can’t even imagine it. And that’s how it’s been able to operate because people who think that live in this level of some, some just. I think there’s two. Some people who choose not to know and then there’s people who don’t know. Yes. And, and so, and I know that people. There are people that don’t want to know like that if you tell them, hey, this goes on, it’s like, well, I mean, I’ve had people that you try and introduce this stuff to and they’re like, well, it doesn’t affect people kind of get to this point where I don’t want to know because I’d have to do something about it or it doesn’t affect me directly.

That’s. Which. That’s kind of bothersome. Yes. You know, from. It’s like. And you know, and it gets back to kind of what you’re talking about. About the, you know, the broken glass, you know, broken windows thing is like, you know what if I see somebody being an asshole, I’m gonna freaking call them out. I’m, I’m not gonna let them get away with it. It’s not gonna turn around and look away, you know, But I, it’s like, you know, I, I do my recycled and I don’t care if anybody else does it. I don’t care because that’s the way I want to live.

And it’s like I’m going to live with integrity and know what I do. And people, people will make excuses. Oh, it doesn’t direct me affect or I would or if I know about it, I have to do something. Well, then you’re a participant. You’re part of the problem. Yeah, yeah. I absolutely agree with both of you on that. And let me just say that it is. We are now at the 2 hour and 58 minute mark. So I think it’s time. I’m getting a little tired and I know, I know Ghost is in a later time zone than I am.

So Ghost and I are probably, I’m probably even an hour ahead of him. Well, I don’t, I don’t know. But I’m not going to say where either of you are in terms of time zones. I know. So. Yeah, well, you’re, you’re behind us. We know that. Well, everybody, everybody knows I’m in the Pacific time zone. I don’t hide that. But I’m in the Martian time zone. I. Listen, you guys can talk all the you want. I don’t care. I love the West Coast. I don’t like the politics on the West Coast. I love the West. I, I lived, I lived in Northern California for almost 20 years.

I loved it, loved it until I had to escape. Yeah, I, I don’t, I don’t. That state has been going down such a horrible trajectory. It’s a beautiful state. Listen, listen, listen. You cannot make America great again without California. And I think, I think most Californians know that and are down with that. I think it’s just the, you know, the engineered minorities voice. As I’ve said in the past, who gives a damn what an actor thinks or an actress ultimately, other than if you’re going to open your mouth and tell the truth about your industry again.

It’s, it’s been a vital and protected and manipulated aspect of the propaganda machine since they realized what radio and silent film effect had on the masses. It has been an ongoing perfection and application of the use of that not Everything by far, but to a great degree, far greater degree than anyone would want to admit or that we would like to historically admit. Those industries have been utilized against the very patronage that supports them. And it’s time that that stops also. And amen it. Yeah, there’s a lot of things going on to do that and I just would hope a lot more would be made public at the right time, in the right place, the right time.

And that time, I think is coming very rapidly upon us. And when that door of human abuse and trafficking has been opened and shown beyond a shadow of a doubt, we’re gonna. That that’s, that’s the, that’s the turning point in all of this as far as from a sociological perspective, looking at the issues we can. Money. That’s child’s play compared to what is being done. Like you said, Shelly, below ground and above. Amen. That needs to come to the forefront as soon as rationally applicable for the best effect so that everyone can see. And I guarantee you humanity will recoil and it will be not no, but hell no.

And not hell no, but hell no and yes, we’re going to do hell happen no. Yeah. And do away with the offenders. And it begins, unfortunately it begin. Begins there. And 25 years ago, I remember a friend and I talking about it and I, I said to him, when we can finally show that humanity eats its own, we might have a chance of turning this around. Yeah, that time is, is rapidly approaching and it wasn’t easy to get to. That’s what people need to understand if they’re eight years in into this or 12 years into this.

You’re just new to these understandings. And I’m not diminishing anything that’s going on in your mind or your spirit whatsoever, but I am saying that no, there have again, Scott Bennett passed away last week. Week. The week before, rather. And what did a lot of us say who knew him? The same damn thing, I guarantee you. And I’m going to say this on open air, it was weaponized. He was too much of a bull in a china shop like Robert Steele was and others. And it’s amazing that out of the five or six people who’ve died since last December, one was by blunt force assassination that I know personally and were a part of my life, let alone we did things together, worked together.

The others, three out of the five were pancreatic and liver cancer. Imagine that. The weaponized one. And all of this has to come out into the. Into the greatest disinfectant, the light of truth. The light of day. Sunshine. Truth. Yeah. We can’t run from it more. No, we cannot. All right, lady and gentlemen, it is. We’re about four, almost five out, five minutes over the three hour mark. So I’m sorry about that. Oh, you’re good, man. All good. No Remington, no Remington. But I have Minka here and she is sitting on my shoulder and just. She is a sweetie.

Yep, she is. She’s, she’s, she’s adorable. So on that note, guys, listen, I will be back tomorrow with, with Doug for the, for the Constitution class. We’re actually not going to talk about the Constitution tomorrow. We’re going to talk about, we’re going to actually analyze word for word. There’s a gentleman who put out a video about how to get rid of all of the reasons to get rid of the electoral college. And we’re going to break that down. And then in the evening with Mike, I’m not going to tell you what that show is going to be about, but it’s going to be really good.

So. And then on Wednesday night, what time? So the constitution class is 3:30. So it’d be 6:30 Eastern. And then, and then Tuesday with Mike will be at 8pm Eastern. So okay, that is that. And then on Friday or excuse me, on third on Wednesday night, I’m gonna kind of do a special, kind of like a watch party type thing because it’s, it’s, it’s Thanksgiving eve and I’m actually considering playing the movie JFK since, since we played that movie last time. I’m probably going to play the movie, the director’s cut of jfk. So that’s kind of what I’m thinking with, with Kevin Costner.

I think that’s, that’s a really good movie. It came out in 1991. So that’s, that’s kind of what my thoughts are for, for Wednesday night. And then. So if I see you guys, great. If I don’t, y’all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of your family members that decide to show up. And if they’re lefties, don’t rub it in their face. Don’t rub it in their face too much. But if they start talking crap, then, you know, not only rub their face in it, but like, you know, stomp on their head and you know, put them in the, put them in a puddle of it and stomp on their head.

Just give them an extra serving of pumpkin or sweet potato pie. That’s all. Here you go, sweetie. Eat that. Exactly. All right, guys. Thank you everybody for tuning in tonight. This was a lot of fun. Appreciate. Appreciate your time, Ghost and Shelly, thanks for coming in and giving us your time. Shelly was. There was no. There was no plan to bring Shelly. And that was just me. Just. That was just. Yeah. Yeah, right. It was fun, guys. Absolutely. This toxic masculinity that you and I have. And she turned into something better. Exactly. I like playing with the boys, I have to tell you.

I know you do. Most girl. Well, most girls in their right mind do, anyway. All right, everybody, have a great night, and we will see you all manana.



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