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Uh, this, this will be an ongoing. As my, my weight goes up, we’ll continue to show you guys more of it. So this is the weight that I did today. This was hamstring. So I’m maxing out all the machines in the gym and almost everything. And this is the abduction. Maxed out 250. So the adduction, same thing. 250. Then I moved over to leg extensions, another 250 pound machine. And there it is like extension. Just in case you doubted. All right, what is that? And we also have the leg press. So the leg press. Five years ago I did a bodybuilding contest.
It was the most I ever done. It was over a thousand pound leg press. So I’m well on the way of doing more than that. Five years as five years older. So Life Wave has helped me tremendously in this capacity. So you see that this weight right here, that’s around 700 I think. 745 pounds. So probably my next one in about three days will be about 850. So moving up very quickly, Tracy did a little, she did a little video of me doing that. She, she snuck in there and did a video while I was, I was working out.
I didn’t know she was doing it, but it works out pretty good because we get to see the actual leg press here. So what I was doing before, I wasn’t using my, hadn’t had, I hadn’t used them in a long time. I wasn’t using my leg wraps. So I started getting a little pop in my knee. So I kind of backed off a little bit and I was using eon glutathione and carnosine on my knee, my left knee, that’s the one that got shattered. So I was getting a little popping. So I was like, okay, I want to make sure there’s no problem with that.
I’m not going to, I’m not going to press it too much. So over the Last week or so, probably about 10 days I’ve been, haven’t done any leg press and today I went right back to my max that I did 10 days ago and I felt super strong. So you see my, my leg when I put my hands on my knees is basically shock absorb. Make sure I don’t like over, over extend and it’s basically I’m spotting myself. But as you can see, guys can see there, there’s no, I’m not pushing on that at all. It’s, they’re just there just in case I need it.
So that is, that is one of the things that is I believe is the major benefit of Lifeway. Been able to do more than we’ve ever done in our lives at some K in this case for me. So I’ll keep you guys updated as my weight increases on that leg press and I go to probably an all time high at nearly 65. Like it’s crazy, right? So it’s, it’s, it’s amazing. And we, we know that a lot of Olympic athletes have used life waving extended like I am extended their capabilities and, and reached even new records.
So this is what I’m reaching at an advanced age where most people are basically walking around in canes and walkers. I’m pressing leg press. It’s like going to be over a thousand pounds. It’s crazy, right? All right, Jason, before we get off, Jason, let me, let me get Dr. Annabelle see or shaking her head. Okay. So Dr. Annabelle, if you could give us like a little rundown before we get, get rolling. Thank you. Well my. Hello Michael. Hello everyone. And great job Michael. That’s super impressive. So definitely I won’t ever get there but I know there’s many that will thanks to Life Wave and so will you.
So that’s awesome. So today we are here for, to celebrate. I want to say this is a celebration to celebrate Miracle Monday with Michael Jaco about Life Wave. And this is where we come together to share life changing experiences that we have experienced thanks to the Lifewave technology. So I’m Dr. Annabelle and life Wave Noritz brand partners claim to diagnose, treat or cure. And so I like to say that during my medical career we were never taught, we were never discussed the incredible power that is light therapy and those benefits that we all as light beings can reap from light therapy.
But thanks to David Schmidt and Life Wave, we are now experiencing that power and reaping those benefits. So Life Wave is a technology that is holistic in its approach to our wellness and it Is especially effective when we pair it with a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset. So during this call, you’re going to hear about various technologies that the Life Wave company offers. But we always like to Highlight also the X39, because the X39 is the patch of all patches. It is the wearable light technology that will help us get to where we want to be.
So we all emit light as light beings. And what the patch does is when it comes in contact with our body or within 3 inches of our body, it captures our infrared light or our body heat, and then reflects it back to us like a mirror in a specific wavelength. It was discovered that this specific wavelength can activate a protein called ghk, Copper peptide. And so what this peptide can do is amazing and numerous, and I don’t want to go through the huge list, but most certainly it is in your best interest. If you are not familiar with what GHKCU does, go ahead and research it, look it up, and you will learn what we have learned.
But namely, one of the big things that we like to highlight is that it activates cells called master cells. They are the cells that made us from birth and on. So, I mean, from before birth, actually at conception. So most certainly those master cells begin to wane and wax and don’t work as well. But thanks to these lifewave patches, those master cells come back to help us regenerate and repair the damage that we encounter with living life and being exposed to various toxins in our environment and food. And so we then go back to the balance and we go back to the body and the functionality that God intended us to be.
Some of the benefits you might hear tonight are reduced pain, reduced inflammation, and like Michael said, enhances your sports performance. Your muscle, what is it called? Your muscle power, I guess, for lack of a better term. And of course, you build muscle as well and improve skin appearance, because I would never say that Michael is 60 and even approaching 65. So. So that is also awesome. And I won’t say my age, but I’m not my age either. Lifewave patches are a patented technology created by David Schmidt. They’re non transdermal, which means nothing goes into your body but your own light.
We wear them for 12 hours, we remove it, take a 12 hour break, and then we put on a new patch. And we use them daily, because when they are used daily, the benefits are compounded. We hydrate well, because the patches facilitate the flow of energy. And when you’re well hydrated, that energy gets flowing even better. And we always ask for everyone to be patient because everyone is different. And so how soon you’ll feel something is anyone’s guess. And everyone is different. So be patient, patch daily and those benefits will be yours. A few housekeeping rules.
We only use symptoms, no diagnosis names. Tell us how you felt before, what patches you used, and how you feel now. And thank you everyone for joining us. And let’s get the party started. Dr. Annabel. Love it. Thank you very much. That was amazing. Jason looking. Yeah. Hey, man. Yeah, thank you. I’m in the car, so I had a late meeting, so I got caught in traffic. But anyways, yeah, congrats on the success with the weights. That’s pretty awesome. So I have a story to share. So I was in a car accident when I was about 20 and we, this is when I was partying and kind of wild and crazy, but we, we actually hit a telephone pole head on and I threw my left arm up to protect my face from hitting the windshield.
So I cut my elbow up pretty badly. Got a lot of glass in there and they had to pin it all out and, and I never had any problem with it after that. I mean, it healed up and everything was fine. And then about three weeks ago, I started feeling some pain there where that injury had occurred. And I thought, you know, I thought about what Connie had shared about retracing and I thought, well, it’s either that or it’s from doing hang cleans at the gym. You know, that can kind of put, put some stress on the elbows.
So I don’t know what it was. It was one or the other. But anyways, what I did is I stacked two of the X39s on each other and put it right on the spot where the most pain was occurring and took away the pain like within, you know, a minute. Like it was that it went from like a level eight to like a two or a one. And then, you know, so it’s just progressively gotten better after that. Wow, that’s fantastic. And I know you work in the, the medical field. What, what are, what it’s with your sharing and so forth.
How, how is it going with the people you’ve shared with? Well, it’s going really good. You know, it’s, it’s not fast, like when it comes to working with other people. Like a lot of the healthcare practitioners, you know, they’re slow to grasp new concepts a lot of the times, like when it comes to things that are not mainstream. But I actually just left a group, one of one of the Brand partners under me, who’s a really famous integrative health doctor. Like, he’s friends with Dr. McCullough and some of the other nationally famous doctors. Anyways, he invited me to a private network meeting tonight where there were like eight or nine practitioners who are on the same, you know, in the same mindset that we’re in.
And so I was hearing all these solutions for the first time, but I got to present Life Wave and the Patch technology to all the. That just that captive audience. There’s like 10 people there. So, yeah, it’s a big opportunity there. Yeah. And, you know, it’s like, like I had a doctor that I introduced to the patches when we were in Costa Rica. Email me the other day. They’ve been just, you know, ordering like a couple of X39s every month. But then his administrative assistant emailed me the other day and she’s talking about getting some marketing materials for the ICE Wave and the eon, the energy enhancers, to be able to market.
So it’s just out of nowhere. You know, it just takes time and consistency. That’s, that’s a fantastic, you know, share. Thank you. Thank you, Jason. You’re welcome. I appreciate all you’re doing. You’re. You’re always have great insights and I, I love seeing your business grow and hopefully we’ll, we’ll grow you to, you know, senior presidential director and beyond. So I’m looking forward to it. Yeah, it’ll be good seeing you at the top. Very good. Thank you, Shelley. Hi, Michael. Hello, everyone. Congratulations on your success. That’s pretty exciting. Thank you. I have a quick little share. I shared the patches with a family friend about six, six months ago.
He had severe pain and swelling in his hands and wrists. His right thumb was curved and after two months on the patches, he was able to open and use his hands without pain. Swelling was gone and he was able to play his guitar again like he’s never played before, which made me very happy. And I just got a message from him on Saturday and he said that his thumb them is totally restored, so it’s, it’s a blessing. And as I was logging into the call, a dear friend of mine who’s also one of my brand partners, her father, has an issue with memory and speaking.
And I just received a message from her and I had told her brother about the hat protocol, so he just tried it on him today. And this is the message I got. She put, oh, my goodness. Tom left me a message and said he tried the hat on my dad and it’s working. I just tried to call and talk to my dad, and he sounds so much better than the other day. She said, thank you so much. I could cry right now. God bless you and everything you do. So I can’t tell you how heartwarming that is to me.
And Kathy, my friend, is and prime partner is on the call with us right now, so I just wanted to share those two stories. And the other story is actually her other brother. So I’m helping her family. And that is. So that’s such a blessing to me. Yeah, that’s. That’s fantastic. Boschel. You always have really good shares. I, I love, love it when you come on and share. Beautiful. Thank you so much. Thank you. Awesome. All right, thanks a lot. So, I mean, just like, you know, I was saying, you know, you’re going to reach even greater potential.
And here we have someone that’s played guitar, was having difficulty playing guitar, and now his, his thumbs, his hands are better, and he’s playing better than ever before. How about that? So, amazing results. You. You’ll have some setbacks in life sometimes, and that’s what the, the lightwave technology will do. It’ll restore you to an even greater potential than you’ve ever experienced. And, and that’s that everybody should be jumping on this, going, yeah, give me some of that. Roxanne. Hi, Michael. Hi, everyone. Congratulations on your almost 1, 000 pounds. That’s crazy. Okay, I’m. I have my hand raised for Yolanda.
I’m not sure if she’s still here. Here she is. She has quite an amazing story to share, so go ahead. Yolanda. Hi, Michael. Hi, everyone. And I want to thank Roxanne. She’s been super helpful. So I’m going to start my story off by saying I have a background in EMS. And on July 31, maybe it was July 30, I went to bed with some back pain. And when I woke up in the morning, I felt like I was having the big elephant on my chest. I had the whole textbook symptoms for heart issues. So I told my husband, you know, I think I need to go into the emergency room, because I think I’m having the big event.
So I wanted to take a shower before we left. And he’s all, no way. I. If you fall in the shower, it’ll be crazy. So anyways, we got to the hospital, they ran, like, some tests. You know, they ran like, the whole series of tests for heart issues, and, and everything was coming back okay, which I thought was an interesting situation. So the next thing they did is they did X rays. And when they did the X ray, they found like a nodule on my lung. And they told me that this was probably the reason or the cause of.
Of this, of, you know, the pain that I was having. So they showed me the X ray. They showed me like, this nodule that was on my lung. So they sent me home with medication. And then, you know, we have like, a shortage of medical people in the state I live in. I live in New Mexico. And so it was going to be like, September before I could see a pulmologist. So in the meantime, like right away started taking the, you know, patching up with. With the patches. And when I finally got in to see the pulmologist, before I went in, I had a lung X ray and the lung nodule was gone.
So they showed me, like, while I was at the doctor’s office, they pulled up the X rays and they showed like, the before and the after. But I attribute this to Life Wave. And so it was like, really kind of a. For me, I felt like it was a miracle because I honestly felt like I was having the big event and then just to share something, I’ve been a follower, Michael and Tracy of your guys for a long time on Rumble, and. And then I learned all about Life Wave through the videos that you guys post.
On Miracle Monday. My husband, like, was having problems with his hip. And that’s how we got started with Life Wave, because I went to the website, purchased it to get it for his hip, and. And it helped with his walking. He was walking really terribly. Anyways, it straightened out his hip issue and he was taking like the carine, the glutamine, and the EON and the X39. And that seemed to really like, help his leg. And then in like another event, before my event happened, my dad, who has a sugar problem, he cut his foot really bad in prior.
He had like an injury like where he had to go through a pain clinic to get or like a wound clinic that they do for people that have issues with sugar. Anyways, he ended up, like, I ended up patching his foot when he was really cut. And within a week that all his. His injury was cleared, like, I think it was about a week and a half. Everything on his foot was cleared up and he never had to go to a wound clinic for that. So that’s my Miracle Monday update. Thank you. Wow, Yolanda, that’s. That’s incredible.
Yeah, Great. Cheers. Love it. Thank you so much. Uhhuh. Thank you, Lynn. I Have two shares from that awesome boot camp that we were all at in Orlando. So the first one is the first morning I was waiting for everybody for breakfast, and I was standing by the lobby door, and all of a sudden my left eye, the. The pain and the burning, and it reminded me of the fog, chemical attack here at home in Missouri. And I thought, why would this be happening? But I was by that lobby door and it was a foggy, foggy morning, and I thought, you know, is it happening again? Plus, you guys, we have chemtrails bad here, but Florida, that’s insane with the chemtrails.
And I knew it was going to be hard to make it through the day, but I took a carnosine and I put it right beside my eye, and within 20 minutes, the pain was completely gone. Completely gone. And I was thinking about everyone that’s in LA with the fires, and I’m sure that they’re having a lot of eye irritation too. And I know the energy patches helped that I shared. And so now I just want to share, especially for people there, if you’re having burning, severe burning in the eye, try a carnosine just right beside it.
So. So that’s my first one and then my second one I learned at boot camp. And I’d never heard this before, but people were using Ice Wave before they had pain. So I was hearing about back problems and feet problems from some of the speakers, and they said that they knew it was going to happen from standing so much, and they pre passed with Ice Wave. Well, when I fly, because I’m so active sitting in those plane seats, it’s unnatural for my legs to sit in that position for so many hours and I can’t stretch or move them.
So it never fails. After I fly, my hip flexors for two days. They’ll be really painful and really tight. I can’t stretch it out. And then, then it’ll go away, but it’s pretty bad for a couple days. So this time from boot camp, I thought, I’m pre patching. So before I got on the plane, you know, I did the brown on left, the white on right. And I’m here to tell you I have zero pain today. And I got home last night and normally 100% of the time, it. I would just. It would hurt because of the.
Because I’m not able to stand and move. So if that worked, pre patching before pain hits, who’d have thought, yeah, that’s such a great chair. And yeah, I. We heard from a lot of people that Were saying that they, they knew they’re going to be standing during the event a lot, presenting and so forth. So they put the ice wave, you know, underneath their feet and they didn’t have any problems. So it’s kind of like pre, you know. No, no. And you could definitely have that problem because you do. So you, you do, you use the, the product before the patches.
And of course I, I, I love those Carolina girls. They call them the stickers. And so that’s, that’s, I was like, ah, that’s a good term for it. So they put the stickers on and you know, had great results. Unbelievable stories at that boot camp. So uh, yeah, that was a great event. I highly recommend you guys in the future. These life, these Life wave boot camp events are spectacular. And you know I, I spoke a couple times there, had a really good speaking uh, engagement there. Uh, when we do the business building I’ll present one of those uh, one of those videos.
But yeah, it was uh, it was a good time. Uh, great people, uh, great presentation, great information. Uh, so if you can get to those in the future, definitely recommend it. Thank you Dr. Annabelle. Those are some great shares. Thank you Lynn. I’m going to put that in my memory banks and then write it down when I get a chance. Thank you. I’m loving the testimonials tonight. So I have two minis and a testimony about other people and one about myself. So last Monday I was given an opportunity to have a presentation at a senior center and it was fantastic.
And I felt like I was doing my own boot camp because I hatched some individuals before the event even started. So there were people who are open and available and open to the technology and so I followed up with them and so I’m sharing two of them. Both are 84 year old individuals. The lovely lady that I spoke to said after patching she got up from a sitting position without pain and she didn’t have to like stand in that position to then get ready to walk. She was able to get up, no pain and then just walk.
And I was like, wow, that’s incredible. Then she also said that she slept better and longer than she normally does. She has, you know, nighttime awakening and she was able to kind of sleep almost through the entire night without waking up once. So that goes to good quality sleep which is one of the great attributes of x39 which I forgot to mention. I only patch them with 1×39. And so the gentleman, also 84 years old, he said he had some improvement in his Back pain. So of course, that also is a testament to the fact that, yes, it’s ideal for us to clear the pain in one patch, but that doesn’t always happen.
So being patient and consistent is always key. But the fact that he did go down from a level five to a level three, that’s significant in and of itself. So he had less back pain. And he too noted that he was moving more smoothly than he normally did when he was walking. So I was really happy. And of course, both of them did sign up, so that’s super exciting. And then for myself, I had the most intense deep tissue massage I’ve ever had in my entire life. I only do deep tissue massages and this woman was going to town and I was like, how am I going to survive? There are lots of pain points, but she was working through it.
I kind of bit my tongue and held it in, but I was not sore in the least afterwards. I felt like a awesomeness. And then right after I got a facial, I can’t help but look at myself in the mirror because I feel like my skin is glowing. And I am loving this because this is the patch technology. Almost two years in, and my face is the clearest and the most kind of, like, shiny. And, you know, that youthful glow that I used to have is back and I’m loving it. And I keep looking in the mirror, I’m like, is that really me? And we took pictures and I was like, oh, I look fabulous.
So thank you, Life Wave. Outstanding. Yeah, you do look fabulous. I love the wonderful self talk, all the positiveness, and those products do work, and you are glowing. Thank you. No doubt. So your daughter’s going to get a little older, maybe 10, 12 years or so in the future, and you guys are going to be hanging out and they’re regularly thinking you guys are sisters. Oh, absolutely. And SP6 is going to be her best friend because when the lady issues start happening, SP6 all the way for my daughter. Oh, that’s a good point. That’s a good point.
We haven’t really heard from the beginners yet in and you know, how. How that might help them out. So. Yeah, that’s. That’s a great point. I’d like to get some testimonials on that. If someone’s, you know, brave enough to come out and, you know, share that, it’d be good. Yeah, I’ll keep you posted. I still have years to go, but I will keep you posted. That’s right. Well, I. I think some of us out here can probably you know, move in that direction. So anyone out there that may have some young daughters or granddaughters or whatever that are, you know, beginning puberty, maybe you give them the SP6 and see if that helps them out.
That’d be awesome. Annette. There we go. I was having trouble unmuting. Okay, so I’ve got a couple things. Oh, first of all, Dr. Annabelle, you are looking fabulous today. You typically do, but your skin and face look. Yeah, Remo, you look marvelous. Exactly. All right, so a couple things. So last week, my husband was out working in the yard, as he. As he typically does, and he tweaked his knee, his right knee now. And it. He didn’t really do anything, but he barely could walk on it. Come. When he came back into the house at night, and it hadn’t bothered him in, like.
I don’t know. I can’t remember when that knee was an issue. So anyway, so what I. What we ended up by doing is before he went to bed, I put the ice wave and the eon on his knee because it was all swollen and it was not good. And then in the morning, that was all gone, all the swelling was gone. The pain was still there. So what I ended up by doing was putting the eon on the knee. Excuse me. I put the X39 on the knee where the pain was. I put the eon on top of that, the glutathione.
And. Yeah, that was the sequence. And then about a half an hour later, because the pain was still there, I put another X39 and that did it about 10 to 15 minutes later. After that, all the pain was gone. He was able to walk. And then I put the X39 on day three at the same point, just to make sure, because the pain was very, very deep in the knee at that point. But he didn’t have to use his knee brace. Nothing. The first night was the key into getting the swelling down. The second day with the stacking of the patches, and then the third day, just the X39.
So that was one of the. That’s one of my shares. And a second one is last week I mentioned about putting the. What do you call the energy enhancers and then the glutathione for his coughing that he had. So he was talking to his friend today about that. And he’s. He’s got a terrible cough. And so I ended up by. He’s interested in getting them. So I ended up by sending some up to him today. And if they actually help him, he’s going to sign on and his wife also talked about pain that she has in her hip.
So if they these things work for him. For his Cobalt, she’s also going to get, I’ll send her some x39s for her hip to see what she can do about that as well as the Ice Wave, because they’re up in New Hampshire there and, and then they mentioned something about signing up. So we’ll see what happens with that. But that was a good thing. So my husband was sharing with him what he had done that’s working for him. And he was more than open to sends them up to me. So those are my shares today. Thank you.
Yeah, thank you. That was amazing. And just give you guys a little bit of insight. You can, you can go to my website, michael, kjco.com and hit. And you go to Life Wave. Discover Life Wave. And we learned that these three patches, the Y age patches, are basically going to re, re reduce your age, right? And that’s, that’s why we want to be using those. And like, I, I, I shared with my knee having little clicky, clacky stuff going on. There’s no pain, but it was clicking, so I didn’t want to push it. I use the eon glutathione and carnosine.
And you can click on these if you want to learn a bit more. Like, for carnosine, you know, it gives a. They call it the longevity patch. Proof circulation, focus, alertness, cognitive function, healthy motivation, flexibility, balance. And so all, all of the patches basically are explained in a little bit more detail if you want to go there. It’s, you know, available to you if you want a little bit more information on the patches. Because we, we share a lot of these. Some of you are newbies and we share a lot of this information. We talk about patches and they’re like, what, what patch was that? Carnosine? Just, just, you can do it while we do the show.
You can pull up that and just kind of like, you know, follow along. Oh, that patch does that. I think I might want to try that one. That, that might help me out. So that’s, that’s available to you. So check those out. Let’s. And Annette, fabulous shares. Thank you so much. We love to hear, you know, you guys, you know, you have your partners or your friends and family and so forth. Uh, you can come in, not just share about yourself, but, you know, your, your family and friends as well. So we love to hear that as well.
So thank you. Darlene. Hey, Michael, thanks for taking my call. I’M in the car, so that’s why I’m not. I don’t have a bright light. I’m not driving. My husband is, so. But I wanted to share, basically. I tried something that I heard Saturday, and that was use the inner energy enhancers below the ankles or in the ankle area if you have trouble with, because that’s where the lymphatic system. And sometimes when you travel a lot, you will have a swelling of the, of your feet. So I tried that yesterday as we made our trip back home, and I did not wear compression socks, and I had no trouble with my feet at all.
So I’ve got them on now as we’re traveling to South Carolina. And so it was very impressive. So I wanted to just share that something new that I tried. Oh, that’s great, Darlene. And, and thanks to your husband for driving so, so smoothly. I, I, there’s no, no bumps or anything. Wow. Good job. Good driver. Thanks, Carla. I just wanted to say that I, I’m gonna ditto what you said about the knees that my husband started using y agent on his knees. You know, I always laugh that he’s totally patched up all the time, but he did that system, and then he uses the ice wave every, you know, just rotates them.
And he is saying that he has no pain in his knees anymore, and that’s been an ongoing complaint for years. So I just wanted to reiterate what you had said about that, because it does work. That trio. Very good. And we’re probably going to see that trio is helpful for if you want to do 1100 plus pounds, you know, leg press. Exactly. Congrats. Yeah. Thank you. So, yeah, it’s like, it’s fun, you know, being able to, you know, do new things that you’ve never done before. And, you know, age has no difference because we’re reversing the aging process with the, the patch systems.
Very good. Thanks, Carla. Jen, did you have anything tonight? Some other people that were. That we’re going to share. I think I saw you left some notes. Can’t hear you. Oh, you just muted yourself. But I don’t know what’s with maybe your microphone. No, your. Something’s wrong with your Mac and front, I guess. Okay. All right. We just heard you just turn up. I don’t know. Can you hear me now? Yeah, we got you now. There you go. Oh, my gosh, Michael. I have no idea why that happened, but who knows how good Sally’s on from New Zealand.
Okay, I’ll make it quick. So we have some really good stories. But the, but the people wanted to do it next week. So I, you know, there’s a lot of different things that people want to share. And I was thinking I’d love to hear from people the long term stories. And one of mine is that my inner ear was totally changed and I don’t get seasick anymore. I mean, it stopped. And my knees that I worked on with the meniscus, I was supposed to have a knee replacement and I spent a year and a half patching like all the people did.
And I, I don’t have to have my knee replaced. So these are two things that were long term. You know, that the stem cells totally changed. And I’ve gotten Michael requests for some really serious illnesses that children are born with that I’m going to do some research and, and share with the people that wrote to me. I’m not going to say it yet, but I, I know this stuff works and I know it takes time, but, you know, I don’t know what I have. Also, I had a teenage grandson wearing it to survive lacrosse, you know, and he still does, he still wears it all the time.
So as Michael started out tonight with sports and lifting and stuff like that. It works. It helps. Could you patch for the pain at all, Michael? Do you feel any pain when you lift too much weight? No, I don’t have any pain. And before it would be, you know, it’d be pretty sore. But since I, since I’ve been doing it, there’s no pain, there’s no soreness. That’s why I’m thinking I’m gonna hit. I’m probably gonna hit some new records. Records. What’s the record you’re at now? Normally I have like, it’s around 1100,000 is what I’ve done in the past.
I think I got 11. 1100. I’m just going to say 1100, but I think I could do even more. So we’ll see. I’m not going to press it and blow up my knees or whatever. But no, there’s, there’s no, there’s no issue right now with what I, I could have easily gone heavier today, but I just want to like, you know, go back to that one level and then, you know, slowly add some more. So, yeah, I’m like, I’m like, normally it takes me a long time to advance up to these types of, these weights and I just like, let’s just see what I got.
And it’s like bam, bam, bam, bam. It’s like, whoa, that’s why I wasn’t wrapping my knees. I was like. I was moving so fast. I was like, I should be wrapping my knees. And then I got the little popping and I was like, okay, hello, the knees. Sorry. As you guys saw, I wrapped them today. I was thinking I was going to go nine plates, but I’m like, okay, eight plates is what I did last time. Let’s not push it. And then I’ll probably start because I. That was the end of my workout with the legs.
So I’m basically exhausting my legs going into my heaviest lift. So imagine I go in fresh next time. It’s going to be. It should be pretty. Pretty substantial, more weight. So that’s good. Well, I’m sorry that people missed the first 10 minutes, but you can all watch it on Rumble because it’s pretty. Michael will put the recording out because some people had to come in later than that. So, yeah, they’ll see it on Rumble. Very good. Very good, Sally. All right, Sally from New Zealand. Hi. Hi, Michael. Thank you. And thank you. Thanks for being so inspiring.
Well, you always inspire us and everyone, you know is inspiring. So I got. I got to, like, do something. Well, you’re doing it. It’s been an interesting week down here in New Zealand. We’ve been on X39 and others for about eight months. We’re in our eighth month, and we’re just in our first month for X49. And my partner Nick and I have been going down to the beach, which is just near us, and I’ve started swimming. And he is walking along in the water, just sort of, you know, ankle deep. But it’s shifting sand and it’s really working his legs, which he has issues with, with a broken femur.
Well, a hip replacement that isn’t sitting well in the femur. And when we first started doing this, I couldn’t leave his side because he’d be quite wobbly and he’d need some help. But now he’s doing so much better that I can actually swim and he can walk. So it’s lovely to be doing this together and feeling as though we’re making progress. So that’s all good. And when he’s sitting in his chair, he’s kind of enjoying the fact that he’s got some muscle definition happening in his legs and he’s, you know, that’s a great. A great leap forward from where he’s been because he was quite wasted.
The years go by quickly. But that was 23. And the other interesting thing this week is I was out at my gate, front gate, and my neighbour walked by and she came over to say hello. And I honestly thought she’d perhaps been down the village and had a few drinks because she was slurring a bit and she said, oh, no. Just before Christmas, I got diagnosed with. I’m not allowed to say what, but a very severe neurological thing, which is quite horrible. And so we talked about that and I did manage to get a couple of patches on her in the next few days.
But, you know, people in their consciousness, you have to be aware of where they’re at. She was telling me that she was putting some effort into planning for what’s it called, or euthanasia, basically. And so I would get excited, you know, I’d love to help her. And let’s put some effort in because I have some special skills neurologically too. And so my heart is keen to help her, but I don’t know whether she wants to be helped because her mind is perhaps going elsewhere. So, you know, these patches, they’re sometimes a bit hard to share because people aren’t really ready to reclaim their power.
And she said, or her doctor said, she’s only got a year, you know, max to live. And I think that’s, you know, we all think that’s pretty terrible to be told that, because there’s always things that you can do. And Nick, my partner, and I are both testimony to that, that we’ve been through some things. So I just love, anyway, that lifewave is really about helping people reclaim their power and to move forward in a direction that really the medical model won’t let you know, mostly that it’s available. Very nice. Very nice. Yeah. And it’s like, you know, in.
Even today. I mean, they’re, they’re healers. Imagine you, you’re a healer by you know, putting. Giving these patches out, just like Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a team in the past, you know, doing healing, you and your partner, you know, handing out patches, helping other people get to kind of be like that. You know, it’s very, very, very amazing. So the, the 39 has GHK, fountain of youth. Of course, it has lots of stuff that. It’s basically called our Mother patch. And the X49 is the AHK peptides, which is the, the sister patch. So we have the mother and the sister.
When you use those together, you’re going to increase, you know, the cardiovascular, the bone structure and the muscular structure. And that’s what I’m benefiting from, you know, with these increased, uh, weights, uh, you know, Movements that I’m doing. So right now. So, uh, lots of. Lots of people are. Can, uh, have healing in a lot of different areas, uh, because of these two patches are basically coming in and activating cells. We can’t talk about which cells, but we know there’s a certain cell in your body that starts to deteriorate over time. And with these. The light wave technology, they’re activated, and your body does all the work.
Your. Your body’s basically stimulated to regenerate itself. It’s. There’s. There’s nothing. There is nothing else like it out there right now. So. Phenomenal. Carla. Well, I’m gonna re. I second chair. I forgot to say it. And Roxanne reminded me. My husband. I think I’ve shared before that my husband is very. Actually hard of hearing, but. And completely deaf in one ear, and he was losing his hearing in the other ear, down to almost 10%. However, he’s gone on x39 and the glutathione and x49. And I was making soup, and you know how the top rattles, and he is like, what is that noise? And I’m like, well, there’s nothing going on in the house, except the only thing is the pan is rattling.
And he goes, I can hear that. He hasn’t been able to hear that since 1995. We were in the car the other day, and he was like, that song is. I think it was Leonard Skynyrd and he named it. And I was like, you can hear that? And he was like, yes, I. I can hear it. And so I. The only thing that we can attribute is him using the patches because he’s been deaf since 1995. 1995 is. So I wanted to share that because it’s. It. It works. Wow, that’s good, Carla. That’s beautiful. How about that? Keep using it.
We’ll see if it gets better. May not. Yeah, you’re gonna find out. You’re gonna get, like, cosmic hearing. Like, my wife Tracy, she’s got cosmic hearing now. She’s always super. Superwoman hearing, and now she’s, like, hearing stuff being talked about across. Across the whole country. It’s. It’s. It’s pretty incredible. So amazing. But if, you know, you can. You can direct it. You’re trying to tap in. I can direct it. Whatever way. Right? Yeah, that’s it. Or turn it off. Turn it on. Turn it off. Thank you, Jen. Okay, I’m back. Can you hear me? Yes. I raised my hand for Angie de la Garza is what I see.
Angie, so are you there? Can you start? Oh, there you are. I see you sort of on my picture, so. Oh, you gotta. Yeah, you’ve gotta unmute. Boy, she’s been waiting. And she did try to raise her hand. So, Angie, just keep work hard on that unmuting. Okay, you all, thank you again. I’m. I’m. I want to know. My pastor’s granddaughter came up with some heart issues, possibly some. Oh, what do you call it when they come out? Like this mongoloid type stuff. Okay. And she’s a baby baby, and the doctors want to operate on her heart, and the parents and the pastors are like, we really don’t want it.
We really don’t want it. So what. What patches can I offer them? All right, we have. We do have a pediatrician here, so we’ll. We’ll skip. Dr. Annabelle, jump in on that one. Thanks. Dr. Annabelle. Not a problem. So that is a really good question. And so it’s. I’m going to give you multiple answers in the sense that, you know, the disclaimer is LifeWave never tested the technology on children, so they don’t necessarily make recommendations for it or against it, so they can’t say what they didn’t test. That being said, I have safely used the technology on my daughter, who was four years old at the time when I first started using it, and I continue to use it today.
So now I’m assuming by baby baby, you mean, like she’s just born recently. Months old. Yes, months old. And so, you know, that would be with, of course, the consent of the parents and the careful watching. You know, it’s tough to have these discussions with a doctor because many doctors, as Jason said, are not always open to that technology. And then we’ve heard, and I can say, because I’ve also heard anything generates her hand to say it is that, you know, David Schmidt himself mentioned a child in utero benefiting from the technology when the mother patched herself and they were diagnosed with that same, you know, condition of that trisomy 21 sort of scenario that the.
The multiple chromosomes. So, you know, in terms of recommendations, my first thought would be to do the X39. But again, that is something that the parents would want to do. And with careful watch, we can say that it’s going to cure her heart condition, though. So you always have to defer to the doctors, especially when it comes to her heart condition. But it will aid in her recovery from the surgery if we start it surgery. So that would be my take on it as a Mom. As a pediatrician and as a lover of the technology that is life wave.
Wonderful. Thank you. Thank you so much. Dr. Annabelle. That was amazing. Thank you. Thank you, Jen. Okay, I’m raising my hand for Tom Althouse. Annabelle, great job. Hey, guys. Yeah. So great to be here. Hi. Hey. You guys are great. I’m here. Okay. Yeah. I wanted to share that. Of course, what I’m doing is doing these interviews and things. And Michael, you did a great job and thanks for volunteering to do that one thing too. But I’m finding that in the targeted community, there seems to be a lot of hope with this product and advancement because.
Can you hear me okay? Yep. Okay, good. Because Jen, I called Jen right away. I didn’t know where to go. It’s like people are trying to figure out what to do about the ear thing. Like there’s this high pitched ear sound that is happening to a lot of targeted individuals. It’s real and it’s just like that Cuban embassy thing. The Cuban embassy thing. And I had it hit so bad the other day right before a major interview. And that seems when it happens. And it was just like going off, going off. And I was in incredible pain.
My ear was leaking fluid. It was like reacting from that sonic sound. And so I called Jen. She’s like, put this on it, put that on it. And it really did take care of that right away. And so many people ask me, what do we do about this? You know, because this seems to be a universal thing now where a lot of people are talking about this debilitating frequency that’s just like off the charts. I actually went to a real quick and ear doctor, Dr. Roth, and he actually graphed it out for me. So he actually brought his wife in to meet me.
He’s like this guy read the Matrix, oh my God. And she’s like, this is really happening. His partner and him said, this is man made. This sonic thing is man made. This graph shows that where it just drops off, you shouldn’t be able to hear. But the patch is actually countering it. So there’s a whole new frontier here of people that might be able to be helped through this particular advancement. Thanks. Yeah, that’s really good, Thomas. And so I. I’ve had that experience myself. There was one day I’ve had that actually happen quite a bit. I had it happen when I was on the Pacific Crest Trail one time where my heart seized up when they were like hitting me from a hilo.
And they did that several times. But I was able to resist It. But they’ve done it, uh, several times, uh, you know, at my house, different houses, different places, in my car, all kind of crazy stuff. One the, the best thing that I found is the X39 X49, which basically creates a Faraday cage for your body. And this is good for. Is some of you guys. Well, I’m not being attacked by direct energy weapons, but you kind of are from the cell towers, so there’s a lot of energy that comes off those, and especially if you live close to those.
So the X39 X49 creates a Faraday cage. I get hit just the other day, and I’m like, what happened? What’s going on? And I forgot to put my x39 x49 patches on. And, and then once I put them on, I, I got relief and I didn’t have any problems later. Usually when I get hit by direct energy weapons, I am just knocked out for, like, days. And, you know, I put those on, I’m like, oh, okay. Well, the, the symptoms are gone, and I don’t feel bad anymore, but we’ll see what happens tomorrow. Next day I got up, went and worked out.
So, yeah, there’s a lot of anomalies out there that the patches work on that we’re. We’re discovering over time. And some of them are. Are, you know, some. Some of you don’t get hit with this stuff. Those of us that are doing some of this stuff and some of. Some people that share. We’ve had doctors, had Dr. Artists on. I talked to Dr. Artists, and he talked about. And just out of. Just intuitively, we’re having dinner together, and he spoke an event. I spoke there, and we’re just kind of like, just ended up sitting. Sitting with each other.
And I was like, have you ever been hit by Director and his wife? Because he’s like, sharing crazy stuff about, you know, the, the vaccination and all that. I’m like, surely you’ve been targeted. And he’s like, oh, yeah, I’ve been like, a couple times. And we. We basically were sharing information. Yeah, this. That happened to me. Yeah, that’s the way it is. But he basically would ground himself. So I think that’s another thing that the patches do. They’re helping to ground you. And so, who knows, the banquet of anomalies and, you know, problems that, you know, we’re exposed to that we don’t quite understand yet, that these patches are basically helping to overcome.
Because a lot of people say they put their patches on. They don’t have Well, I don’t really. You know, I’m not experiencing anything. But who knows? Maybe internally, some serious complications that they’ve undergone are. Are reversing, but they’re not aware of it. And maybe some other. Some of these other events that we’re talking about, maybe they’re subjected to, who knows? And they’re not getting hit either. So. Tom, that was a. That was a great chair. A little bit out there for a lot of people, but that gives you guys some insight to how beneficial on a.
On a very, very large scale these patches are. Michael, I wouldn’t be surprised if those are responsible. Start buying the patches to protect themselves from their own thing. So, yeah, I know they’re like, these guys are being protected, and so we. They must be good. We gotta try them. No, no. We have a surprise for them, and I have a story about that. These will never heal anyone that’s evil, but they can change their mind and come to the other side. Yeah, I’d like that. Then they can, because it is a life, and it was made.
It was given to, you know, us through one of God’s messengers, Dave Smith. And so it is bringing light. So who knows? Maybe some of these. These baddies out there, they start patching up and they turn good. That would be great, right? That would be the joke on them. Yep. All right, guys, we’re. We’re right here at the end, so we’re gonna. We’re gonna wrap it up right here. Lots of love to you guys. You want to unmute and say good night? Lots of love to you guys. We love you guys. And we’ll see you guys next time.
All right? Good night, guys. Good night, everybody, Everybody. Thanks, everyone. Good night, everyone. Thank you, guys. Great. Cheers.