Spread the truth



âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, warns about the infiltration of disinformation in alternative media. He believes this disinformation is designed to discourage people from taking action by robbing them of hope. Hodges encourages everyone to use their unique skills to contribute to preserving America and making it a better place. He also plans to provide tools to help people filter out disinformation and misleading content.
âž¡ The text discusses the concept of learned helplessness, where people feel their actions don’t make a difference, and how it’s being used to manipulate society. It suggests that change can occur when about 10% of the population is fully committed to a cause, using the American Revolution as an example. The author believes that America is at a tipping point and suggests that the solution lies in electing the right people who can enact policies to counteract those who seek to control us. The author also warns against disinformation agents who spread fear without offering solutions, and suggests investigating their backgrounds for signs of manipulation.
âž¡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of perseverance and hard work, drawing parallels to coaching sports. They express concern about societal issues, including climate change, depopulation, and the treatment of the elderly and disabled. They also warn about misinformation and the importance of critical thinking, suggesting that people educate themselves on body language to detect dishonesty. They conclude by encouraging listeners to trust their instincts and be proactive in making societal changes.
âž¡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of being independent and not letting others’ opinions hold you back. They share their personal experience of resilience and success, despite others doubting them. They encourage everyone to use their unique talents to fight for their survival and the preservation of their culture. They also warn of potential future difficulties under the current administration.


Hey, everybody. Dave hodges here, host of the common sense show. Happy Friday to everybody. This is the day we all live for. It’s also the day that most people don’t have goals beyond. Obviously you do. You’re a cut above because you’re trying to gain more information about the world you live in and you’re looking for some solutions. But we’re going to try to provide you with an early warning bullshit detector. And I’ve always taken the philosophy that I know there’s disinfo people out there that are purposely misleading the public. And you know, I’ve been talking to some of my colleagues about this.

We have always taken the hands off approach that eventually they’ll out themselves. And we don’t want to divide the movement by identifying the black sheep. And I, you know, the thing is, is we didn’t want to make people discouraged coming into the movement and making them think that we were horribly infiltrated, which we are. And I’ve now taken a different approach. The infiltration is so strong right now into the alternative media with household names that you think you can trust and you can’t. And the early B’s detector I’m going to give you today is to give you some tools on how you can tell if someone’s full of crap.

And I’m being very serious about this. And there’s actually a fifth generation warfare aspect going on with this too. This disinfo is not so much about misleading you in lies, that’s part of it. But the biggest part of the Disinfo is to rob you of your hope so you don’t take action. And people are always saying, Dave, I’ve waken up. Why aren’t more people taking action? I just told you why. It’s part of the Disinfo goals and we’re going to hit it right here. And I praise God that I have a background in psychology and research and I can see through this stuff.

And when I taught sociology, first course I ever taught at college level was sociology. And I used to teach as a subset body language. And you do that long enough, you get really good at it. And I can watch someone for about ten minutes in an interview and I can pretty well tell you you can trust them or you can’t trust them. And they give you all the clues, the cues, I should say. And you know, I’m fortunate with my background. I’ve been doing this now. Broadcasting started with a radio show in 2007 when I was fighting for my property rights so we didn’t lose our home without getting any compensation.

I’ve been doing that since zero three, so 21 years. So I’ve got a pretty good background here in this, but it’s really, I just got done talking to Sarah Westall. And the thing that I really draw on is my knowledge of psychology. And we all have gifts, and I’m saying this now not to brag, but to tell you you have gifts too. God bestows tremendous gifts on everybody. One of the things I heard a psychiatrist say one time, and I really agreed with is doctor David Viscott. He said, the goal of life is to find out what you’re good at.

The purpose of life is to give it back to the world. And I think, in a professional sense, non spiritual, I think that’s very, very good. And this is what I’m trying to do. But you can do it too. All of you have gifts, many of which I could never touch. You have gifts way beyond and above what I could ever do. And I would really like to see more people coming forth with their God given gifts and contribute to our movement to preserve America and to make America a moral place or as moral as possible.

And we sure, as you know, people say, well, there’s never been a good nation. Well, it sure as hell was a lot better 20 years ago and 40 and 60 years ago than it is today. I think. I think there’s no disagreement on that. And so I encourage all of you to use your tools in that regard. Anyway, you know who I am. You know, we do here. I ask you to share this work because hopefully we can light a spark on people that can make a difference. And that spark for me was almost losing everything I had worked for and getting involved, representing 300 of my neighbors, that we’re going through the same thing.

That was my spark. But some sparks can be just. I don’t want my kids to live in this wallow of crap. And that motivates me as well, too. So whatever your motivation is, is your motivation, but all of you have gifts. So please share this far and wide with the idea that we can attract other people who have great gifts and they can make a difference in their world. Purpose today is to expose the plan for Disinfo. And I’m going to give you the tools that you need to know to filter out a lot of the nonsense.

We’re brought to you by the magic Dicol products. And I’ve heard they’re turning me into a testimonial. And I’m happy to do it. I’ll tell you why. I never thought I’d be a testimonial on ads that are going to appear. Never thought that. All I know is my friend Scotty Sacks at Salem radio, when I was really, really sick, I was through the pneumonia, but the rsv lung linings were stripped and Scotty said, dave, I’m going to send you the nanosoma spray. And I said, well, how do I apply it? And then the north american manager for magic Dicol called me at the request of Scotty says, dave, this is how I want you to use it.

Well, within a couple of weeks, I was functional. I couldn’t even walk up a flight of stairs, I was so bad. And I was in fairly good shape. When I got sick in a month, I was living a normal life. In two months, I was really making progress in the gym and approaching levels I used to be at. I’ve exceeded where I was at before and that’s why I’m a testimonial. And then, of course, I had the bone on bone knee and the metasomer gel. That’s the only thing I’ve used on it. And I’m doing things that should make the knee blow up.

And it’s not so pretty interesting. And so I’m the testimonial, I guess one of them. But if you go to I want my healthback.com Dave Hodges, you’ll see other testimonials. I’m not up there yet. I’m going to be. I want my healthback.com davehodges be the best version of yourself. All right. We are inundated with this info in ways I’ve never seen. And some of these are household names. And I’m going to leave it to you to apply this criteria to make your own judgment. But I will tell you this, at some point in time, I know some of my colleagues are going to do an outing party.

They’re going to call some people out. We’re at a time now where we can’t play nice. The gloves are off, the fists are flying. We’re fighting not just to preserve our country and the next generation. We’re fighting to survive. I’m warning you, I say this repeatedly, and next week I’m going to make myself get back into that series I was doing to talk about how they’re going to put you in camps and what they’re going to do with you. I’m just going to take it straight from government documents, not Dave Hodges government documents. We’re fighting for our lives, literally and figuratively, and the minor persecution we’re seeing of, like, christians praying at abortion centers.

So they basically get a life and sentence, life in prison sentence. That’s calm compared to what’s coming. That’s very biblical. All right, here’s how Disinfo works. And there’s one broad, sweeping stroke. You go, Dave, they’re so good, and they can prove what they say, and they’re revealing all these bad things. And aren’t they just the next great thing with slice plan? No, no. This info works on 90% really good information. And then they do one of two things. They lead you purposely to the wrong conclusion, so they take you off the track. So any activism you’d engage in won’t be effective.

That’s the secondary method. The main thing that they do is they rob you of your hope. And I’m answering this question right here, Dave. Why aren’t more people active? Because so many people know what’s going on, but no one’s doing anything. Why not? It’s called learned helplessness. Quick psychology lesson. Martin Seligman, psychologist. You’re not going to like this. I own three dogs. Love them to death. Never do something like this to them. But he took. He’d take a dog and he put an electrical grid and administer a shock, and the paws would hurt and it jump off the grid.

And then he’d put a fence around the grid where the dog couldn’t escape and start shocking it. And the dog would go crazy trying to escape, jump over, try to push its way through, and it didn’t do anything. And eventually the dog would just passively lay down after a while because had been conditioned that its actions didn’t make any difference. And in phase two, they would continue to shock and show the dog had given up. And then they took away the barrier. Then we’re back to phase one where they could jump right off the grid, but most dogs wouldn’t.

So, wow, they’re getting shocked, they’re getting hurt, but they won’t jump off the grid when they can see it’s open. This is what’s happening to us today as a country. We’re being conditioned. Government’s too big. It’s been this way too long. This is the way they already are. They’re all assholes. They’re all this. They’re all that. The bottom line is they’ve conditioned most people that their actions don’t make a difference. Now, this is learned helplessness, and this is the main purpose of disinformation agents. Okay, now let me step aside. There’s an antidote here. So, you know, I’m not disinfo, because I’m giving you a solution.

I know how change happens to. I did my dissertation on resilience. What factors are attributed to people who survive negative circumstances above and beyond the laws of average to be successful? And I know this like the back of my hand, but I will tell you something that even goes further than this. Okay? How does change happen on a cultural basis? And there’s a group called Snark. S n a r c. That’s the acronym. You can find them this way on the net. I can’t remember what snark stands for. It’s been too many years. But going back to about 2010, they started the study, traits and fads and so forth, and they wanted to.

They asked the question, one of the research studies, when does a fad become an obsession leading to social change? And they found that when you get about 10% of the population that’s fully committed and engaged, that’s your number. That’s your tipping point. It’s not 50%, it’s 10%. And if you look at the revolution, I think it’s a classic example, only 3% of the country fought in the revolution, but it had more than a 10% approval rating. It’s probably between 40 and 50%. A lot of people wanted to stay under Britain. Many of them moved to the south because they were happy with the way things were.

But what they found was there was enough people that wanted change, and some of them were from the higher, upper elite merchant class, which helped. But this is what prompted the change, because they reached a tipping point and things went the other way. America is at a tipping point right now, we truly are. But we’re fighting against learned helplessness. So we know that we need to follow Donald J. Trump, okay? As imperfect as you may think he is, but he’s offering you the only alternative. Back to prosperity, okay? Protection of your rights. For the most part, government is the enemy of all people’s rights.

Some are just worse than others. And we know he’s the key. That’s your tipping point. The tipping point has been reached, but the other side continues to work on you with this info. We have people out there right now that have done what I’ve done. Blackrock. Blackrock. Blackrock. Blackrock. They’re so evil. They’re so bad. You know what? In not one of their presentations do they ever give you a solution. Here’s the answer. If we get the right people elected this fall, and I know it’s a long shot, with voter fraud, that if we get the right people elected this fall, we can start making some real changes.

We really can. We can really enact policies that handicap those who’ve tried to enslave us. Let me give you an example. Here’s a solution for Blackrock. Once we have control of the Department of Justice, you investigate them for violation of the Clayton Antitrust act, the Sherman Antitrust act, and other antitrust acts in the modern era. And you make them break up just like the baby bells did. Remember back in the seventies, right at one big telephone company, and they were made to break up. You can do the same thing with Blackrock. You can declare them to be and you make them break up.

That’s your solution right there. Anything short of that allows Blackrock to continue their abuse upon humanity. So you can tell I’m not disinfo, I’m giving you a solution. But there are some people, one person in particular, that when they talk about Blackrock, they never tell you a damn thing to do. That’s your first clue right there. Okay. Sometimes there’s not an immediate solution. We’ve got to do problem identification. But at some point in time, in that line of revelation, you need to start talking about some things you can begin to do. And when you don’t see that from somebody, you’re either dealing with someone that just wants clickbait and they want ratings because they’re fear mongering, or they’re too stupid to think of a solution.

They’re not worth following. Or more than likely they’re serving an agenda and making you think, yeah, there’s problems here, but there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. Okay? So that’s one thing. The other thing that you see with these people who are disinfo is they typically have a family background, like father, like son, like mother, like daughter. And usually you see them being involved in clandestine stuff in the previous generation. I’m an example. Okay, just briefly, I was explaining this to Sarah Westall this morning a little bit. My background. I got recruited pretty heavily to the naval academy.

Hey, you play basketball and football. And my dad had a cow because he lived a life. In fact, he was. He worked on rewiring the combat information center on the carrier Roosevelt to accept the first nuclear weapons. His commanding officer and admiral was his best friend. His son was my age. We grew up on military bases together. We’re best friends today. And he’s a good source of information. I won’t be more detailed than that, but nonetheless, the son of that admiral was recruited. I was recruited. My dad stepped in and stopped it. And I said, dad, why don’t you want me to do this? He goes, because look at the life I’ve had to live.

I’m gone for extended periods of time. He said, most women wouldn’t put up with this. I didn’t see you between the time you were two and three because of what I was doing. He goes, I don’t want you to have that kind of life. You’re too social. And so he stepped in and stopped it, my friend, his dad didn’t want him to do it either, but he left it up to him and he went ahead and went down that path. And he’s told me many times he wished he hadn’t done this. He said, I think I could have had a different life.

But they typically will take do multigenerational intelligence families. It’s classic. It’s classic. And I was even approached well after the time that I was out of college to do some work. And that’s all I’m going to say because I don’t need the knock on my door at night. And like I said, it’s not a life that you want to live, but it’s multi generational. And what I’m telling if you wonder if someone is Disinfo, start to gather information about their mom and their dad, and there’s a good chance if you, if they are disinfo, they have a history that comes out of their family.

And this has been true since 1947. And you go, what’s special about 1947? The creation of the NSA, the Air Force and the CIA, three of the worst organizations in the United States in terms of liberty. Okay? Next thing, many times these people, when they are participating in the alt media, trace their background, okay? They may be appearing on all the big time conservative shows out there. And they’re showing up on these shows and, oh, gee, this is one of the most important interviews I’ve ever done. Revelations about things like Blackrock, like I mentioned. Okay? Again, you don’t even get no solution if they’re disinfo.

But if you go back and you look at their humble beginnings, they generally are groomed how to be liberal in the beginning, and they were associated with liberal organizations. Some of them are journalistic in nature. And so that’s their training period for having the philosophy. And then there’s the apprenticeship. And the apprenticeship basically tells them how to appear to be conservative when you’re liberal for this purpose of disinformation, this is classic people. And I’m telling you, I’m telling you someone, I can recognize this, I can smell b’s from a mile away. I can tell you we have a number of people that fit this profile in the alternative media.

And I’ve gone from hands off and let them be who they are to they’re doing damage. And right now in America we need all hands on deck. We need as many people marching in the street as possible. As I say, we need millions of people in the street to take our country back. And right now we’re being programmed into learned helplessness. And this is what I’m trying to fight against and I’m no longer going to let Disinfo people continue to do their damage. In America we can make a difference. It’s like the acorn on a tree.

And also too, there’s tipping point. You don’t know when something you say to somebody leads to a chain of events that can cause a significant change in something. You don’t know that we just keep fighting and fighting and fighting. And really it’s an element of good coaching. What I’m telling you, back in the days, early days, when I used to coach basketball and football, both sports were the same in one thing. If you can get your athletes to play hard all the time, okay, in every sequence, over and over and over, eventually you start having breakthroughs and good things happen.

And sometimes this goes above and beyond the talent level. This is what we need to get our people to start doing. We push and push and push and push until we have a breakthrough. The alternative is to remain submissive in a state of learned helplessness. And they have said it. And I put this piece out a few weeks ago. I went through un people connected to climate change and eco division and all that, and they all were saying the same thing. Depopulation, depopulation, 90%, 95%. This is. We’ll nudge them into it by any means necessary. We heard a variety of approaches, but the theme is the same with the United nations that’s dominating this administration.

Sustainable developmental goals are all about wiping out 90% of the planet. And I’m going to give you a concrete way to look at this. I’ve researched 15 minutes cities forwards and backwards. You know what’s interesting about that? If I want to open a business, I got to show I’m handicapped, elderly, compliant, all these other things and it’s going to cost me money. I’ve got to make a stall for the bathroom dedicated to that. I’ve got to have elevators and a high rise I’ve got to have ramps for wheelchairs. I’ve got, you know, I have to have all these accessible items, and it really drives up the cost of business.

But I think it’s a good thing to do. We want people to have access in our society. And you judge equality of the society by how you treat its weakest members. And I firmly believe that, which is, if you wonder, am I against abortion because of religious reasons? Absolutely. But even if I was non spiritual, I didn’t believe in God at all. I would still feel that way because weakest members. So here’s the thing about 15 minutes, cities. Of all the things I’ve scoured through, I’ve no meat, no dairy, three articles of clothing a year. Five years.

Every five years, you can travel 500 miles maximum in a plane. You won’t drive a car, can’t use fossil fuels. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay, all right. Nothing in there is about handicapped, elderly. I actually talked to a guy who thought this was a good idea. 15 minutes, cities, everything he needs in 15 minutes. Yeah. Excuse me if I’m 85 years old. I’m on a walker. You may as well have it 15 miles away from me because I can’t get there. They’re going to do away with the elderly. They’re Fabian socialist Herbert Spencer, 19th century, one of the five pillars of modern sociology.

And Fabian socialism is based on a premise. If you don’t put more into society, to quote its founder, Herbert Spencer, then you need to be done away with people. You’re fighting for your lives. And I say this a lot because I’m hoping for confirmation bias to creep in. The more you hear a lie, the more you believe it is also true. The more you hear the truth, the more you come to understand it. And I’m telling you the truth. Our lives are in serious jeopardy. The lives of your children are in serious jeopardy. If you want your children to live out their lifespan, you need to hear what I’m saying, and you need to realize these people mean you harm.

And they’re using their little minions to enforce their policies. Okay, now training liberal think tanks. And then you start appearing on conservative shows. So you look at. They start out being a liberal writer. Gee, they must have seen the light, because now they’re on this show and that show. Yeah, no, it’s called, they were groomed and they’re ready to enact the Disinfo, and they’re using conservative platforms. Some of them are complicit, some of them are just being used. And they don’t know it. Okay, so that’s one giveaway. Okay, now, I 90% of what they give you is designed to be true and revelatory.

In other words, gee, this is really good stuff. Wow, I didn’t know this. And they’re proving it. And then they lead you down the path. Well, there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. So the 10% makes you lose hope. And then there’s another test that I’ve learned to apply. When you’re talking controversial things and you’re taking on the establishment like Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, and you’re taking them on, and you’re getting millions of views on social platforms, social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, you might get away with it once in a while or a short while, but when these people persist for years, they’re disinfo.

And especially if you look into their work, their solutions are non existent. Or like paper mache, this is another way that you can tell. Now, once you begin to apply these principles to analyze whether you can trust someone or nothing, you’ll start to develop a 6th sense. Now I have a little advantage because when I first started teaching sociology, it was the first college course I taught. I taught a body language unit. And you do that long enough, you get hypersensitive. This is why I can look at an interview and I can call B’s on easily pretty quickly, if that’s what it is.

How do you learn how to do that? The nice thing is, is YouTube gives you the skills. Just watch a few videos on body language and you’ll start to develop an inner sense. And also, too, the more that you work with this material, the more you’ll develop an inner sense where this doesn’t feel right. Now, if also you’re a Christian, the Holy Spirit’s going to speak to you too. So all these things can combine and. Yeah, if you wonder why some people write to me, why don’t you have this person on your show? They said some really good things, Dave, because I’ve already xed them out because I know what they are and they’re dangerous because they’re holding us back from being proactive and making changes that we need to make in our society.

That’s a fact. This is fifth generation warfare, manipulating the psychology of a person to basically render them powerless. And, you know, even our tv shows are molded this way. I noticed this even before I became active in this field back in my earlier days. I started teaching psychology in the eighties, but in the nineties, I started to notice that a lot of the sitcoms on tv were about people kind of down on their luck. Good people had a little bit of talent and they’re moving forward and they’re on the verge of success and then the rug gets pulled out from underneath the boat.

Those repetitive scripts, and that’s a common theme on tv broadcasting, but those repetitive scripts are designed to condition their viewing audience that you can’t be successful, you can’t do those things. And your family does a little that too. Oh no. No one in our family could ever do that. The one thing I’m going to tell you is all of you are capable of developing an inner, inner warning system. In your early warning system about B’s, you’ll get a B’s detector and you need to learn to trust it. And when you’re watching someone go, that doesn’t feel right and it doesn’t mean you can’t have a disagreement with a good source.

You know, Doug and I are best friends, okay? And we don’t agree on everything. You’ve heard that on the air. The thing is, is we have such a respect for each other. My view, his view, my view, his view, his counter, my counter. And then people get to see both sides of an issue and nothing has changed after the phone call. It’s okay to disagree with someone that you trust. Tell me how you stay married if you don’t. But the reality is this, ladies and gentlemen, trust your inner sense of. But I would really recommend too, you do a little mini self education course on body language.

There are some surefire signs that you can tell when people are lying. In fact, maybe I’ll do a hiding in plain sight analysis. You know, our sub show, we call it hips for short. Maybe I’ll do some things on body language with that, but I think you ought to conduct your own master class on this because some of the disinfo agents that are out there that are prominent, the giveaways on their body language, yell at me. They’re so dishonest that I can’t stand to watch them more than a few minutes. And I literally have to almost time myself down to watch their nonsense.

And they’re almost all CIA oriented. Anyway, I hope that I’ve stimulated some thinking in you, but I’m going to finish with this couple things I’ve learned about success in life. And I found this out particularly when I was doing research on people who were successful when they weren’t supposed to be. In other words, they were resilient. Number one is you have to be independent of the good opinion of other people. And some people just don’t want you to get hurt. Your family will try to hold your back and I don’t do that. You can’t do that.

Okay, that’s fine. That’s fine. When I got into this business, I had people tell me, Dave, that’s not who you are. You’re an educator and you’re a coach. This is not who you are. And I said, well, I’ve got to try to wake people up. When I was fighting my property rights battle, I found all these other issues that are coming at us that are really bad for our future. You couldn’t do this? No. Okay, well, I think I’ve done a fairly good job to the years. I mean, I have a reputation. I have a decent following.

So independent of the good opinion of other people. I had a family member called what I was doing a hobby. Okay. I smile at that now. Occasionally I like to remind them of what they said, but you can do, you don’t have to be a broadcaster, but you can do what I’m doing and have a profound impact. Because again, I’ll end. I’ll end where I started. All of you are ordained with tremendous gifts in some areas, areas I would be envious of. I wish I could do that. And you can apply those gifts to fighting for your survival.

And we need to center our efforts in fighting for the survival of our culture because that will help you individually survive. And this is where we’re at. Mark my words, if this administration stays intact into next year, you won’t believe the terror that’s coming our way. That’s it for the common sense show. God bless all of you. Thank you for joining us. Don’t forget to check us out at thecommonsenseshow Tv for the very best in investigative reporting. We’ll see you over there.



Spread the truth

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